a new interdisciplinary quest for the theory of liquid water

The New Interdisciplinary Quest for the Theory of Liquid Water Kendra Krueger March 4 th 2011 Bioelectromagnetics Mid-Term Paper Professor: Frank Barnes University of Colorado at Boulder 1

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The function and behavior of biomolecules or ions cannot be studied as lone acting particles, but must be combined with the water structures that naturally form around them. These water clouds are formed by water molecules coordinating to hydrophilic surfaces of macromolecules, or charged ions. These water structures can grow to several hundred microns in size. The properties of these water structures and their electromagnetic behaviors are just beginning to emerge in scientific literature. This paper will review recent theories and observations pertaining to the electromagnetic behavior of biologically associated water structures.


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The New Interdisciplinary Quest for the Theory of Liquid Water

Kendra Krueger

March 4th 2011

Bioelectromagnetics Mid-Term Paper

Professor: Frank Barnes

University of Colorado at Boulder



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The function and behavior of biomolecules or ions cannot be studied as lone acting

particles, but must be combined with the water structures that naturally form around them.

These water clouds are formed by water molecules coordinating to hydrophilic surfaces of

macromolecules, or charged ions. These water structures can grow to several hundred microns

in size. The properties of these water structures and their electromagnetic behaviors are just

beginning to emerge in scientific literature. This paper will review recent theories and

observations pertaining to the electromagnetic behavior of biologically associated water


The Dynamics of Water

Water has come to be seen as a much more mysterious substance than previously

thought. The major constituent of all organisms, it holds many undiscovered secrets unto the

mechanisms of living function. One feature of water which allows it to integrate into living

systems is its ability to bind with biological molecules and ions. This is a product of its dipole

nature, an unequal charge distribution which attracts anions (negative ions) to the hydrogen

atoms and cations (positive ions) to the oxygen atoms. The same goes for larger macromolecules

such as proteins which have partially hydrophilic surfaces and attract charges (1). This attraction

allows for layers of water molecules to form shells around molecular solutes which have been

observed to be up to several hundreds of microns thick (2). At this larger scale, the ion, protein

or molecular solute is then seen as an aqueous microstructure which will interact with the

unbound water surrounding it.

These water layers have been termed the Exclusion Zone (EZ), which refers to the

regions which do not contain solutes and consist of bound water molecules (2). The EZ water

has a number of properties which differ from unbound water such as higher viscosity, fluorescent


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responses at 2700 , and electron-donor properties. These donor properties lead to a high

concentration of quasi-free electrons at high molecular concentrations.

The electromagnetic behavior of bound water structures was originally believed to be

primarily electrostatic; however in the past decade quantum electrodynamics has suggested a

different mechanism (3). At high densities, the water molecules have a certain probability and

lifetime of bonding with each other in H-bonds. This phenomenon creates a flexible ‘gel-like’

phase where the molecules form a coherent organization or structure. A number of observed

phenomena support this theory such as sonoluminescence; the emission of light from water that

is stimulated by sound waves, and the large dielectric constant of water which suggest

collections of molecules are responding to external fields. This framework has lead to the

development of a quantum electrodynamic (QED) model in which the electrons in each molecule

are excited from their initial ground state into a coupled coherent ground state, thus inducing

strong intermolecular coherence domains (CD).

These CD exhibit a number of different properties, most significantly an ability to trap

and grow internal electric fields. The theory (4) suggests that a critical density is reached when

the space enclosed by the molecules is on the order of the resonant wavelength, or the quantum

volume (Eq 1).

Here the resonant wavelength corresponds to the energy spacing between the ground and

excited state of the CD which is 12eV for liquid water. When this occurs, the probability of an

absorbed photon being re-emitted becomes so low that an electromagnetic (EM) field builds up

within the structure and becomes trapped. These coherent states then tend to resonant between

the ground and excited state which curiously lies just below the ionization level. When these


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fields become trapped, the impurity molecules that may lie within are not in resonance and are

therefore ejected from the water structure. This has been observed in the case of atmospheric

gases that may be present within water solutions; the gas particles are forced out of the CD

network and microbubbles are released. All of these concepts have lead some scientists to

believe that the basis for biological interactions and living matter with EM fields may be entirely

due to the coherent structure of water molecules.

The Dilution Solution

Studies on dilutions of biochemical solutions have recently come under a significant

amount of public scrutiny due to their possible connections with homeopathic medicine.

However the theories that have developed consequently have a lot of connections to the science

and behavior of water. Jacques Benveniste was the first to make claims of highly diluted

solutions which had the same effects as non diluted solutions of antibodies. This publication in

Nature quickly caused uproar within the scientific community, and no further research was

published in major journals. Benveniste did however patent a device which allowed for the

measurement of electromagnetic signals produced by the diluted solutions (5). This later

allowed for connections to be made with diluted bio associated water (bio-water) and coherence


A (Repeatable) Signal

Jean-Luc Montagnier has now followed in Benveniste’s footsteps and is now actively

pursuing studies of bio-water phenomena. Montagnier at first discovered this phenomenon

completely by accident. His studies were previously involved with filtrating solutions containing

pathogenic microorganisms. During the course of his work, the microorganisms seemed to


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reappear and were able to infect human cells after numerous filtrations and dilutions, just as in

Benveniste’s studies. Further investigation into what may have been the cause led Montagnier to

Benveniste’s work and methods.

Montagnier’s group then repeated their original studies and used Benveniste’s

electromagnetic measuring system to analyze their samples. The experiments (6) tested

solutions of Mycoplasma pirum and E. coli. M. pirum organisms have a size of 300nm and E.

coli that of 500nm. The solutions were filtered with filters of either 100nm or 20nm porosity.

These filtrates produced ‘apparently sterile fluid’ after filtration which was verified with

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and nested PCR. However, the solutions were able to infect

human lymphocytes after 2-3 weeks of incubation. The filtrates were then divided and subjected

to graded dilutions. The dilutions ranged from 10-1 to 10-13.

The electromagnetic signals were then measured by placing the samples within an

induction coil connected to an amplifier and a computer. A control sample of pure water was

placed inside the coil and a noise level was recorded. When the system was placed in a mu-

metal box, this noise was reduced. Interestingly, when the samples were also measured in this

box the signals were not detectable, suggesting the ambient electromagnetic field may be

responsible for excitation.


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Figure 1: Noise and Signal example from Montagnier et al 2009

M. Pirum samples showed signals in dilutions of 10-7 to 10-12 for both groups of filtrates.

E. coli however, showed signals in dilutions of 10-8 to 10-12, but only for the 100 nm filtrate

group. It was speculated that the E. coli induced structures were larger than 20nm, but smaller

than 100nm.


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But where do the coherence domains of water come into this? As the samples are diluted

further and further, the concentration of microorganism becomes infinitesimally small. A more

in depth study was completed by Montagnier’s group (7). After filtration and testing, samples

were subjected to Dnase, protease, and detergents which in combination break up the cell and

then the DNA inside. These treated samples were still able to produce signals, even after the

biological material originally dissolved in the solution had been destroyed. So what is the cause

of these signals? Montagnier theorizes that coherent domains are at the root of signal production

(7). The biomolecules play two roles, either as an aggregate which collects water molecules, or a

‘guest’ molecule which is attracted to an already formed and oscillating CD. In either case, the

molecular density has reached the critical point to form a CD, and thus so begins to trap an EM

field within its bounds. This field is thought to be induced by ambient EM fluctuations, either

that of the human nervous system within a body, or the fields produced by the Earth’s

environment, otherwise known as Shuman resonant modes. The observed signals can be

produced as the guest ions begin to orbit at a frequency similar to their cyclotron resonance, this

in turn produces oscillations of the quasi-free electrons in the CD. This resonance is thought to

be the cause of the observed EM signals.


Material science has now entered the picture to critically analyze the structure of water

and its properties. These scientists have argued that the chemist’s picture of structure is centered

on the micro molecular properties, where as the materialist sees the macro organization of these

molecules on a bulk scale. Significant uncertainty exists on the structure of not just water, but all

liquids in general due to the lack of imaging and characterization tools to assess these structures

that may be constantly rearranging and forming. The model currently being developed by


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material scientists is that of different phases which exist harmoniously at constant temperature

and pressure (8). Furthermore, the work completed by Benveniste and Montagnier suggest the

properties of biomolecules are somehow transferred to the water. An analogous concept in

material science is that of epitaxy of crystal structures. In epitaxial growth a seed crystal is used

to form a new crystal with the same structural information. This provides a concept for how

water structures may form their arrangements from information about original ‘seed’

biomolecule. What a lot of these arguments come down to is the irrelevance of seed

concentration. That a solution with low concentration of seed molecules can in theory be just as

reactive as one with a higher concentration. This would be due to the fact that water molecules

are in effect becoming clones of the seed molecule and multiplying to form coherence domains.

There continues to be a gap of understanding between the material science, biochemistry,

and electrodynamics aspects of these phenomena. However, interdisciplinary endeavors are

attempting to bridge it. Quantum electrodynamics has developed the theory of coherence

domains based on high densities of dipole interactions, interacting with vacuum fluctuations (3).

Biochemistry has always known the importance of water, and is now discovering new anomalies

which require greater investigation. Material science has now offered to convey it’s perspectives

on water structure and information transfer. The combination these spheres of knowledge have

produced a new interdisciplinary field of investigation, and in result have the potential to

revolutionize our view of water’s role in living systems.

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