a new storm ch 2 exodus

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  • 8/13/2019 A New Storm Ch 2 Exodus.


    A New Storm

    Chapter 2: Exodus.

    Captain Schiller gathers his remaining troops and villagers, around 60 souls in all, Father Dietrich and Granny Moescher are

    the last to join, they carry few belongings but Giancarlo notices the intricate wooden box carried by Father Dietrich,

    immediately he begins to evaluate its worth, especially the gold filigree. He catches Granny staring at him, there is something

    not right about the old woman, something in the eyes.

    Bagram checks his handgun again, still fussing over the earlier misfire, Meridan gathers the children to Granny, while CaptainSchiller musters the throng to start the long trek to Middenhiem. The going is hard, the villagers constantly complain about

    leaving their village, father Dietrich mingles with the refugees attempting to rally their flagging spirits. As Bagram, Meridan

    and Giancarlo escort them hopefully to safety, they listen to the tales the villagers tell.

    Word has it that Captain Schiller was once in command of a mercenary company that was wiped out by an Orc war band in

    the foothills of the Worlds Edge Mountains, Confides a villager, with all authority of a learned historian.

    Father Dietrich wasnt always a simple village priest, he was once a vampire hunter, but retired to be a village priest after a

    particular horrific encounter, his soul was saved by a holy relic of Sigmar that he now carries.

    Granny Moescher seems to have been around forever, My grandmother remembered her from when she was a girl, she said

    Granny Moescher was an old woman even then.

    For three days they march westward toward Middenhiem with fortunes luck on their side as they encounter no problems, on

    the evening of the fourth night however, the alarm is raised, granny is missing. One of the children informs Captain Schiller

    that Granny went to pick herbs, she points toward a particularly thick corpse of trees.

    Bagram, Carlo and Meridan head toward the trees to search for Granny, Carlo constantly moaning about baby-sitting mad old


    As they weave their way through the trees, they come upon a small clearing, there on the ground sits Granny accompanied by

    four cloaked figures, Bagram growls and begins to raise his handgun, just as three elven rangers step out of the shadows;

    bows nocked and drawn.Va! A Pusta man caral (Stop! Dont do what youre thinking of) hisses one of the elves.

    Did he just call me Carol? whispers Bagram, out of the corner of his mouth.

    Tangado a chadad! (Prepare to fire if they move) commands the ranger.

    Ava Quete! (Be silent) snaps granny at the Elf. Lower your weapon please Master Bagram she calls to the dwarf, These

    are friends of mine, she indicates to the sitting Elves,This is Ferrin she motions a young Elf to stand up.

    Ferrin stands and bows Mae g'ovannen! (Well met)

    Well bugger me with a badgerits a pointy ear! Granny why you cavorting with the pointy ears? expresses Bagram.

    THEY ARE FRIENDS AND YOU WILL MINDYOUR MANNERS MASTER BAGRAM! chastises Granny to the suitably embarrassed

    dwarf. Young Ferrin will be joining us, is that acceptable with you master dwarf?

    Oh aye granny, thats great news that is mutters Bagram with just a hint of sarcasm. Grannys eyes narrow as she fixes the

    dwarf with a steely glare, she speaks quietly to the Elves and they all go their separate ways, Ferrin falls in behind granny.

    As the group returns to the caravan, Bagram announces Guess whos coming to dinner, somebody make asalad for the tree-

    hugger, his remark is met by a swift clip from both Meridan and Granny Bagram! hisses Meridan.

    Bagram marches off muttering somebody find me a grobi, I need to kick something.

    The next morning the caravan of refugees continues its trek toward Middenhiem, Ferrin has gone ahead to act as scout for the

    caravan. It is late afternoon when Ferrin appears on the path ahead, indicating a sense of alarm and warning.

    Captain Schiller summons Bagram, Carlo and Meridan to accompany him, they catch up with Ferrin only to discover an

    overturned coach, where several bodies have spilled out. The coach had been peppered with short black fletched arrows.

    Grobi spits Bagram, Log trap, definitely Grobi indicates the Dwarf, pointing to the large sharpened tree, Everybody be

    careful, Grobi are cunning little buggers, there might be a few more booby traps informs Bagram.

    After a careful search, Bagram announces the area safe, Captain Schiller summons a couple of strong villagers to help move

    the coach, Father Dietrich and Granny come forward to give a benediction to the slain travellers as some of the villagers dig

    simple shallow graves.

  • 8/13/2019 A New Storm Ch 2 Exodus.


    The peace of the benediction is shattered by an ear-splitting Caw, caw as a large raven lands on a tree stump at the edge of

    the track-way, Ferrin spins around his Elf-bow at the ready, he eyes the bird and mutters something unintelligible under his

    breath, granny staggers, startled at the birds arrival.

    NO!! not now, you cant take him, he much to do yet, its not right Cries Granny. Father Dietrich pats her hand gently and

    kisses her forehead.

    Sorry Anna, we both knew this day was coming, I am ready I suppose, I hope it will be quick says Father Dietrich softly,

    then he walks over to where the bird is perched.

    Bagram looks up with puzzlement at the conversation, whoa, Father, We havent cleared that area, but his warning is either

    too late or ignored, as Father Dietrich nears the tree stump, he trips on a tangle root and tumbles in to an unseen grass

    covered ditch which has been lined with sharpened branch spears. Father Dietrich is impaled on two of the spears, his shriek

    of pain gurgles away as his lungs fill with blood.

    DIETRICH!...NO..OH PLEASE NO.. Granny moves to the edge of the ditch, looking as if she is about to jump in after the

    priest, but Bagram grabs her round the waist, No lass, dont do that

    Ill do it whispers Meridan, then she slides down the ditch, kicking away the remaining spears, Hold fast Father she cries,

    as tears fill her eyes and the words almost stick in her throat, as she looks at the bloodied, dying priest, he looks older than

    before, his face seems more wrinkled, his hair greyer and thinner. He smiles through bloodied lips, Dont cry child, my time

    has come, yours is beginning, but before I go, I ask you for one favour, take this box and swear to me on all you hold dear

    and true, that you will deliver it to the city of the white wolf, to the temple of Sigmar in Middenhiem, give it to Father Morten,

    tell him it is time it came home. He pushes the box in to her hands, then grasp her hand. Farewell child, may Sigmar guide

    and protect you. With that he wheezes his final breath and slips into Morrs slumber. Meridan begins to weep.

    Bagram clambers down and tries to comfort her by offering her a drink from his hip flask, Mind now, thats no mannling

    sherry, thats proper Ironhide rot-gut, finest gorog in all the worlds edge mountains and it puts a fine shine on armour too.

    Meridan takes a long swallow and hands back the flask, Ye ok lassy? Are ye not feeling woozy? Well Ill shave Grungis beard

    if that isnt the first mannlinger womanling ever to drink Ironhide and stay vertical, good on ya lassy.

    She takes the box and clambers back up the ditch, Bagram looks on in admirat ion, If she had a beard shed make a fine

    dwarf, he laughs and takes a swig, then he palms the priests eyes closed and fishes out two coins from his purse and places

    them on the priests eyes Grom-bin-uzkul (brave in death, a dwarven celebration for onewho dies a noble death).

    After Bagram has laid out the priest, he climbs out of the ditch and organises a burial detail, Meridan looks at the box, it looks

    old but the workmanship is excellent, inlaid with gold filigree, her mind snaps back as Carlo peers over her shoulder. Worth a

    shilling or three is that he snorts. Meridan fixes him with a steely glower, Carlo backs away then turns back to the caravan.

    Granny appears at Meridans side, He has entrusted you with his most treasured possessions, long did he carry this, it was his

    ward, his protection from the accursed, we will deliver it together, and finally it will rest at home.

    Meridan stared at the box with just a little curiosity as to what lay within, Granny saw her looking and smiled, Soon child,

    soon shall you know the story and the contents of this box, but first we must reach the city of the white wolf, for that is where

    it began, all those years ago.

    The caravan paid its last respects to Father Dietrich, then set off on the last leg of the journey to Middenhiem