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    A Re-Visit of The Sumerian Name "BILGAMESH"

    (A New Understanding of the Name so-called "GILGAMESH")


    By Polat Kaya

    (Copyright Polat Kaya, 2005)


    In this study, it is not my purpose to retell the epic story of BILGAMESH ("GILGAMESH") but rather to give thereader a totally new insight of the name "BILGAMESH" ("GILGAMESH") together with some other names that

    appear in the epic story. It must be noted that the name BILGAMESH (GILGAMESH) and all the other names

    used in this most ancient epic story are character names (yazi adlari) arranged in riddles which have served as a

    model for most other mythological and Biblical names. Although the name BILGAMESH (or GILGAMESH) is not

    known as Turkish, the amazing thing is that both of these names are Turkish and are from Turkish. In the epicstory, the identities of the characters have been described in a way that explain the meaning of the character

    names in Turkish. For that reason I will give some background information from the epic story of BILGAMESH

    itself and also from other sources. But before that, let us learn about the word BILGEMISH (BILGAMESH) in


    The Turkish verb "BILMEK", meaning "to know", is the root word for the Turkish word BILGEMISh (BILGAMESH).

    The stem of this word is "BIL" meaning "know". In order to 'know' and to have 'knowledge', one has to "learn" all

    sorts of things and concepts from the time of birth onwards. The more one learns, the more one "knows", and in

    turn, the more one "knows" the more one wants to "learn" about other things.

    From "BIL" comes the Turkish word "BILGI" meaning "knowledge; learning; science; information; wisdom; archaicdiviner, seer". Similarly, "BILGIN" meaning "scholar, scientist". "BILGE" means "learned". For example, "BILGE

    KISI" means "learned man". The modern Turkish term "BILGEMISH" means "one who has become learned", "onewho has become full of knowledge", "one who has become wise and acquired wisdom". Thus, "BILGEMISH" is an

    adjective that can be used to describe a learned, knowledgable and wise person. The hero of the Sumerian epic

    story "BILGAMESH" or its altered version of "GILGAMESH" was such a person, thus making the Turkish

    "BILGEMISH" as old as the Sumerian "BILGAMESH" - and even earlier. In order to utilize a word such as

    "BILGAMESH" in an epic story, that word and the concept that it represents must have been known far earlier thanthe time that it was used in the epic story. The story of BILGAMESH (GILGAMESH) must have been composed

    and written at least 6,000 years ago. Most likely it is much older than that.

    This we see in the PROLOGUE of the epic story of Gilgamesh (Bilgamesh). We are given the following by N. K.

    Sandars: [1]

    "O GILGAMESH, lord of Kullab, great is thy praise. This was the man to whom all things were known; this was the

    king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he saw mysteries and knew secret things, he brought us a

    tale of the days before the flood. He went on a long journey, was weary, worn-out with labour, and returning

    engraved on a stone the whole story."

    Thus started the PROLOGUE of the Sumerian epic story of Bilgamesh ("Gilgamesh"), and continued:

    "When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body. Shamash the glorious sun endowed him with

    beauty, Adad the god of storm endowed with courage, the great gods made his beauty perfect, surpassing all

    others. Two thirds they made him god and one third man."

    The introduction of Bilgamesh continues as follows:



    "In URUK he built walls, a great rampart, and the temple of blessed Enanna for the god of the firmament Anu, and

    for Ishtar the goddess of love. Look at it still today: the outer wall where the cornice runs, it shines with the

    brilliance of copper; and the inner wall, it has no equal. Touch the threshold, it is ancient. Approach Enanna the

    dwelling of Ishtar, our lady of love and war, the like of which no later-day king, no man alive can equal. Climb upon

    the wall of Uruk; walk along it, I say; regard the foundation terrace and examine the masonry: is it not burnt brick

    and good? The seven sages laid the foundations."

    >From Sumerian sources, N. K. Sandar writes about ANU of the Sumerian pantheon: [2]

    "ANU: Sumerian AN; Father of Gods, and god of firmament, the 'great above'. In the Sumerian cosmogony there

    was, first of all, the primeval sea, from which was born the cosmic mountain consisting of heaven, 'AN'. And earth,

    'KI'; they were separated by Enlil, then AN carried off the heavens, and Enlil the earth. Anu later retreated more

    and more into the background; he had an important temple in Uruk."

    N. K. Sandars, referring to the King Assurbanipal, the King of Assyrian empire [3] writes:"He tells us that he sent

    out his servants to search the archives of the ancient seats of learning in Babylon, Uruk and Nippur, and to copy

    and translate into the contemporary Akkadian Semitic those texts which were in the older Sumerian language ofMasopotamia. Among these texts, written down according to the original and collated in the palace of

    Assurbanipal, King of the World, King of Assyria, was the poem which we call the Epic of Gilgamesh.

    Not long after the completion of this task of collation the epic was virtually lost and the heros name forgotten, or

    disguised and garbled out of recognition."

    Indeed the heros real name"BILGAMESH"was forgotten because it was disguised and garbled into the

    alienated name of"GILGAMESH"which has come to present times. Even the name "GILGAMESH", however, is

    from Turkish word AGILGAMESH meaning "has become learned", "has become full of knowledge", "has becomewise and acquired wisdom". The root of the word is the Turkish "AKIL" (AGIL) meaning "reason, intelligence;

    wisdom; mind; comprehension; memory; idea, opinion; maturity". The name GILGAMESH is obtained when thefront vowel "A" is dropped from AGILGAMESH. Evidently, that is what they have done in altering this Turko-

    Sumerian name into so-called "Semitic" name.

    Clearly alteration of the name was intentional and was with the intent to obliterate the Turanian culture that it

    belonged to. Changing Turkic names into unrecognizable non-Turkic forms instantly transfers the name and the

    culture that it represents to the side that the second name belongs to. This is a usurping trick that has been

    widely used by the ancient Semites and the other wandering groups.

    N. K. Sandars further writes: [4]

    "The Sumerians were the first literate inhabitants of Mesopotamia, and theirs is the language of the oldest tabletsfrom Nippur which relate to Gilgamesh. They had already irrigated the country and filled it with their cities, before it

    was conquered by Semitic tribes in the course of the third millennium. They were themselves probably conquerors

    from the north and east, who arrived during the fourth millennium. The influence of this gifted people, shown in

    laws, language, and ideas, persisted long after they had been conquered by their Semite neighbours."

    N. K. Sandars writes again: [5]

    "Because of their wealth the cities were great prizes, tempting to the wild Semitic tribes of Arabia, and to the

    warlike people of Elam to the east, and to the Persian highlands. Not long after the fall of Uruk, when the Semites

    had established themselves at Agade in the north, Sargon, their king, claimed that he had a standing army of

    5,400 soldiers. Among the chief of his exploits was the destruction of the walls of Uruk. These had been a by-

    word. Men said Uruk of the strong walls, and Gilgamesh was traditionally the great builder".



    All these indicate that the Sumerians were great builders of cities and monuments which caused the jealousy ofmany hostile wanderer tribes who attacked, invaded and destroyed their cities at the opportune times.

    N. K. Sandars also writes: [6]"The cities of Mesopotamia shared a common pantheon, but the gods were not

    worshipped everywhere under the same names. The Semites when they invaded Mesopotamia inherited most of

    the Sumerian gods, but they altered their names, their mutual relations, and many of their attributions."

    Although Sandars writes above saying that the invading Semites "inherited" the Sumerian Gods and then

    performed alterations on their names, attributes and relations, it was not an inheritance. The problem with this

    wording is that invaders do not "inherit" what they just took over. The fact is that they "loot" or they steal but they

    do not inherit! The invaded Sumerians did not hand over their civilization on a gold platter to the invading Semites

    as a father would hand over his estate to his son which is inheritance. Therefore using the term "inherited" inthe above statement is an incorrect and laundered term. The meaning of the above statement is that the invading

    Semites did not have a "God" concept of their own as elaborate as that of the Sumerians. Semites were the

    wandering gypsies and the "wind" (Tr. YEL/EL) believers. That is why they had the name "SEMITE" which is a

    word made up of SEM + ITE which is from Turkish "ESME + ITI (IDI)" or "ESMETI" meaning "it is blowing", "it iswind".

    The name is claimed to be from the name "SAM" which itself is the anagrammatized form of the Turkish word

    ESME meaning "wind". Thus they took everything from the Turko-Sumerians and altered their names, hence an

    already established Turanian Turko-Sumerian civilization was underhandedly transferred from Tur/Turk Sumeriansto the wandering "Semites". By use of a similar trick they also changed the Sumerian language, which was akin to

    the Eastern Anatolian and Azerbaijan dialect of Turkish, to make a language for themselves called "Akkadian".

    Among all the name alterations, the Turanian name "BILGAMESH" was also altered into "GILGAMESH" and ever

    since, it is known and designated by this so-called "Semitic" name. In other words, even the Turkish name"BILGAMESH" was stolen and distanced from Tur/Turk peoples by way of altering the name into "GILGAMESH"

    and thereafter always referring to the Sumerian story with this altered name.


    Joseph Campbell, in an internet article entitled "Goddess of Universe" writes the following [From URL:


    %20Universe.htm] :

    "Throughout those very greatly troubled times the land of Sumer had been open to both peaceful settlement and

    violent invasions by Semitic hordes from the Syro-Arabian desert, until finally, ca. 2350 B.C., the mighty usurper,

    Sargon I of Akkad, carved out for himself with great violence and destruction -- of which his monuments proudly

    boast -- an empire that extended from the Taurus ranges to the Persian Gulf, which "began," as Samuel Noah

    Kramer has remarked, "the Semitization of Sumer that finally brought about the end of the Sumerian people, at

    least as an identifiable political and ethnic entity. . . . His influence made itself felt in one way or another from

    Egypt to India."(8)

    The mutilated Flood text of ca. 2000 B.C. is from the ruins of Nippur, which Sargon's grandson, Naram-Sin,

    sacked and desecrated ca. 2230 B.C. The Sargonids themselves were then over-powered, ca. 2150 B.C., by a

    mountain people from the Zagros range, the Guti, who overran the empire and maintained control in Mesopotamia

    until ca. 2050 B.C., when Utuhegel of Erech, a Sumerian, overthrew their king Tirigan and, having caused him to

    be blinded and brought before his throne, "set his foot upon his neck."(9)"

    This citing from Joseph Campbell also verifies how the Sumerian civilization was Semitized and usurped.

    Incidentally, the term "USURP" itself is a usurped and restructured word from the Turkish word "AShURUP"

    (AShIRIP) meaning "he stole". Thus the word "usurper" means "thief". In this alteration the Turkish sound "Sh"

    has been changed to letter "S" and while letter "A" has been dropped the remaining wovels have been changed.

    It is now also known that the Semites replaced the name TUR with the name "MAR" in Sumerian texts. [7] In the



    name "NARAM-SIN", when MAR in NARAM is replaced by the word TUR, we get the name "NA-RUT-SIN" whichwhen rearranged as "TURANSIN" it becomes the Turkish expression "TURANSIN" meaning "You are TURAN".

    This again explains how the Semitic king Sargon and his grand son NARAM-SIN robbed the ancient TURAN

    name and its civilization. In doing that they also obliterated that ancient civilization. Ever since that deceitful

    takeover of the ancient Turko-Sumerian civilization, the whole world has been conned with endless lies anddeceptions by the same group. Hence in that regard, the above citing by Joseph Campbel is an eye opener.


    About the name "LUGULBANDA"

    LUGULBANDA:is described as: [8]"Third king of the post-diluvian dynasty of URUK, a god and shepherd, and

    hero of a cycle of Sumerian poems; protector of Gilgamesh."

    If LUGULBANDA was the 3rd king of Uruk after the flood, GILGAMESH the fifth king of Uruk after the flood, how

    then could LUGULBANDA be a protector of Gilgamesh? The answer to this question forces us to think that bothGilgamesh and Lugulbanda are personifications of concepts in the story and have nothing to do with real people.

    The concept of "personification" is to make an imaginary personality out of a concept used in a story and make

    him speak and act as if he/she was a real person. In other words, it is a character name, in Turkish "yazi adi"

    (name in writing), "sz insani" (man in words), "sz agasi" (lord in words). Thus, the name "BILGAMESH" is a "sz

    agasi" (the personification) of "KNOWLEDGE" (BILGI) in the epic story of BILGAMESH (AGILGAMESH or


    Similarly, the name LUGULBANDA is a personification of several related concepts of which the hidden aspects

    need to be explored. The name LUGULBANDA can be re-arranged in a number of ways where we find Turkish

    words that are relevant to the epic story of Bilgamesh. For example:

    1. LUGULBANDA, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "BULGULANDA", is a form of the Turkish word

    "BILGILENDI" meaning "it gained knowledge". Thus the epic character name LUGULBANDA is related to

    "knowledge" and is again a personification of a concept. BULGULANDA also is the Turkish word "BULGULANDI"

    meaning "made discoveries"; additionally,

    2. LUGULBANDA, when rearranged letter-by-letter "ULUG-BALAND", is the Turkish expression "ULUG-BILENDI"

    (OK BILENDI) meaning "he who knew much", and also "ULUG BULANDI" meaning "He who is great discoverer"

    which is again related to "knowledge"; ... furthermore,

    3. LUGULBANDA, when rearranged letter-by-letter as "BULGU ALAND", is a form of the Turkish expression

    "BILGI ALANDI" meaning "he who receives knowledge" or "He who collects knowledge" or "he who bought

    knowledge". In other words, those who learn and/or keep knowledge are also the protectors of knowledge and/or

    the administrators (shepherds) of knowledge. Hence the epic character named LUGULBANDA is a

    personification of "learned people" and/or the concept of "library" (Turkish "bitiklik" or "kitablik"). But most

    importantly, LUGULBANDA is the personification of "mans head" ("mans mind"). Mans head protects what is

    inside, i.e., the knowledge, and man's head is metaphorically the original "library" that each person carries with

    him/her everywhere and uses it as needed.

    The ancient Turko-Sumerian epic story named "Bilgamesh" ("Gilgamesh") is probably the most ancient TuranianTur/Turk epic story in the world and it was usurped (stolen) by the Semitic priests of Babylon from the Tur/Turk





    [1] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 59.

    [2] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 119.

    [3] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 8.

    [4] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 14.

    [5] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 15.

    [6] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 23.

    [7] C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading Book", Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 49, footnote III.1

    "TUR is read "MAR" in the name of this god".

    [8] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 122.

    Best wishes to all,

    Polat Kaya


    (End of Part-1, will continue in Part- 2)

    Bilgamesh Part-2 continued from Bilgamesh Part-1 at URL:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Polat_Kaya/message/318

    A Re-Visit of The Sumerian Name "BILGAMESH"

    (A New Understanding of the Name so-called "GILGAMESH")


    By Polat Kaya

    (Copyright Polat Kaya, 2005)

    About the name "BILGAMESH":

    N. K. Sandars gives the following about GILGAMESH (BILGAMESH):

    [9]"The hero of the Epic; son of the goddess NINSUN and of a priest of

    Kullab, fifth king of Uruk after the flood, famous as a great builder and as

    a judge of the dead".

    This Sumerian epic story has always been presented to the world by the

    name"GILGAMESH", however, it is actually written in the form



    "BILGAMESH"in Sumerian texts as reported by C. J. Gadd [10], John

    L. Hayes [11] and many others. The name "BILGAMESH" is a pure

    Turkish word, the root of which is the Turkish word"BIL"from Turkish

    verb "bilmek" meaning "to know". C. J. Gadd equates the root "GILGA"

    of "GILGAMESH" with "BILGA" which is the Turkish word"BILGI,

    BILGE, BILGA"meaning"knowledge".Actually, GILGA itself is a

    restructured form of Turkish "AGILGA" which is essentially the same as

    Turkish BILGE. Turkish AGIL (AKIL) means "wisdom, intelligence,

    reason, mind, comprehension," and many similar concepts related to the

    mind. The suffix "-GE, -GA" is a Turkish suffix.

    In the epic story of BILGAMESH, this name is a "character name" of the

    story personifying "knowledge". That is why its name is "BILGAMESH"

    meaning "he who has acquired knowledge". But to acquire knowledgeone has to look for it, search for it and research and study subject

    matter. It just does not happen by itself. Evidently, one Sumerian king

    also took the name "BILGAMESH" as his title. In the Sumerian texts,

    Bilgamesh is called by the name "God Bilgamesh", i.e., Sumerian"Dingir Bilgamesh", Turkish "Tengir Bilgamesh". Knowledge is a "godly"attribute and lives in mans head. The concept of God being wise and

    having infinite wisdom comes from this ancient Turco-Sumerian source.

    Thus from the given information, it becomes clear that the name"BILGAMESH" is a personification of "knowledge" (Turkish

    "BILGI")rather than the name of a "real" king person in the story.

    Obviously the importance of knowledge ("BILGI") was known to the

    ancient Turanian Tur/Turk peoples far earlier than the epic story"BILGAMESH" was written. It is only after such a conscientious

    appreciation of the importance of "knowledge" that one can write a story

    such as "BILGAMESH" (that is, "GILGAMESH" or more correctly


    Since "BILGAMESH" is a personification of "KNOWLEDGE", here I want

    to introduce the real make up of the English term "KNOWLEDGE". As I

    have pointed out in many of my writings, the letter W is a bogus letter

    having many identities used to disguise usurped Turkish expressions. Wis a letter having the fluid identity of UU, VV, YY and any two letter

    combinations of U, V, and Y. In this case it stands for the combination

    VY. Substituting this in the word "KNOWLEDGE" makes it

    "KNOVYLEDGE" and when this is rearranged as "KON-VYLGEDE", it

    becomes the restructured and disguised form of Turkish expression

    "KUN BILGIDI" meaning "sun is knowledge"which is indeed afactual statement since without the sun, there is no knowledge possible.Additionally if the word "knowledge" is rearranged as "VYLGE-KONDE",

    it is the restructured form of Turkish expression"BILGI GND"

    meaning "knowledge is sun" or "knowledge is light".It is a known

    fact that knowledge enlightens the mind. Thus these Turkish

    expressions relate sun and sunlight to wisdom, and similarly wisdom tosun and sunlight. This once again shows that Turkish language is indeed

    the SUN Language. We will see this relation again later on in another


    The Latin word for "knowledge" is given as"SCIENTIA".When it is

    rearranged as "CINESTI-A", it is also found to be Turkish expression"KINESTI O" (GNESTI O) meaning "It is the Sun"which relates



    "science" to sun and sunlight. Conceptually this again verifies the abovedefinition of "knowledge" in Turkish that relates "knowledge" to the sun

    and sunlight

    The Sumerian name BILGAMESH is also the title of a Sumerian king.Parallel to that, there is the Turkish name "BILGE-KAGAN" as the title of

    a Turkish Hakan in Turkish history. Thus in both cases, the Turkish word

    "BILGE" has been used as an exalting title by these Turanian men.

    Another much later Turkish epic book using BILGI in its title is theTurkish "KUTADGU BILIG" by famed Yusuf Has Hacip [12]. In this title

    the word "BILGI" appears in the form of "BILIG" meaning the same.

    Ancient Turanians believing in the importance of "knowledge" (BILGI)have immortalized it most elegantly in the name of the epic story

    "BILGAMESH" which is the oldest story known to man. In the Sumerian

    tablets carrying the "Bilgamesh" (Gilgamesh) story, the character

    Bilgamesh is described as follows as written by Will Durant in his book:[13]

    "Two thirds of him is god,

    One third of him is man,

    Theres none can match the form of his body ..

    All things he saw, even to the ends of the earth,

    He underwent all, learned to know all;

    He peered through all secrets,

    Through wisdoms mantle that veileth all.

    What has hidden he saw,

    What was covered he unlid;

    Of times before the storm flood he brought report.

    He went on a long way,

    Giving himself toil and distress;

    Wrote then on a stone tablet the whole of his labour."

    "Fathers complain to Ishtar that he leads their sons out to exausting toil

    "building the walls through the day, through the night"; and husbands

    complain that "he leaves not wife to her master, not a single virgin to her

    mother." Ishtar begs Gilgameshs mother, ARURU, to create another son

    equal to Gilgamesh (BILGAMESH) and able to keep him busy in conflict,

    so that husbands of Uruk may have peace. Aruru kneads a bit of clay,

    spits upon it, and moulds from it the satyr Engidu, a man with thestrength of a boar, the mane of a lion, and the speed of a bird. Engidu

    does not care for the society of men, but turns and lives with the

    animals; "he browses with the gazelles, he sports with the creatures of

    the water, he quenches his thirst with the beasts of the field." A hunter

    tries to capture him with nets and traps, but fails; and going to

    Gilgamesh (Bilgamesh), the hunter begs for the loan of a priestess who

    may snare Engidu with love. "Go, my hunter," says Gilgamesh, "take a

    priestess; when the beasts come to the watering-place let her display

    her beauty; he will see her, and his beasts that troop around him will be


    In the above Sumerian description of the so-called "GILGAMESH"



    (BILGAMESH), the concept of "KNOWLEDGE" (Turkish: bilgi, bilme, us,akil, bilgemish, akil olmush, akillanmish, agilgamish) is described in full

    detail. This description once again clearly shows that the name

    BILGAMESH is the personification of Turkish "BILGI, BILGE, BILGA"

    meaning "knowledge".

    In the above description, when the Sumerian text says:"Two thirds of

    him is god, / One third of him is man,"a reference is made to the

    personification of "knowledge". Knowledge lives in the godly-creator

    "mind" in the human head (Turkish "bash", "tepe", "kafa") which islocated on the top of the human body. The human "mind" is something

    that one cannot touch or hold in his hand as one can touch and hold any

    physical object. Thus this "invisible" yet all potent entity is a "godly"

    entity which is why the personification of "bilgi" (knowledge), i.e.,Bilgamesh (Gilgamesh) is two-thirds god and one-third "man". It is

    partly "man" because it (bilgi) lives in the human head.

    The saying"This was the man to whom all things were known; this wasthe king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he saw

    mysteries and knew secret things, he brought us a tale of the days

    before the flood"describes BILGAMESH (AGILGAMESH or

    GILGAMESH) as a person of knowledge who has matured in wisdom.

    That imaginary person is the accumulated human "KNOWLEDGE"which is expressed by the Turkish name and adjective "BILGAMESH".

    All things were and are known to collective human "knowledge" but not

    to "any one particular man". Hence BILGAMESH representing

    accumulated "knowledge" (bilgi) is a metaphorical "king" to whom eventhe mightiest of real human mortal kings bent over in respect and

    salutation. The names of countries of the world are known to common

    "knowledge" (bilgi) in spite of the fact that we have lots of living "kings"

    even at present times who do not know the names of many countries.Of course it was the collective human "knowledge (bilgi) that was wise,

    and saw mysteries and knew secret things at all ages rather than any

    real king called "Bilgamesh" or "Gilgamesh" of the Sumerian city of


    The saying:"Theres none can match the form of his body .."also

    applies because "knowledge" itself does not have a describable "body"

    form, however, knowledge displays itself in many fantastic forms that it

    builds, creates, writes, imagines and puts into the visible world asconcrete objects, etc. It is a shapeless abstract concept that can exhibit

    itself in many ways. Just like the creator Sky-Father-God (Gk Ata

    Tanri), knowledge is not "visible" but it exhibits itself in many different

    ways and forms. "Knowledge" (BILGI) is represented on our earth with

    all the things that man has created throughout its civilization. Theancient monuments such as pyramids, ziggurats, stone artifacts such

    as Stonehenge, tombs, etc. are the visible remnants of the ancient

    "knowledge". When we look at these ancient monuments, we are

    looking at the "knowledge" that imagined and built them. Although theseproducts built by knowledge have endless shapes and forms, knowledge

    itself does not have a defineable form.

    The saying:"All things he saw, even to the ends of the earth, / He



    underwent all, learned to know all"is indeed referring to the realm oflearning and acquiring knowledge. Man does that in order to learn what

    he has to do for his survival. "Seeing is learning" (Tr. "grme

    grenmedir"). It is curious to note that Turkish word "grme" meaning

    "seeing" is also embedded in Turkish "grenme" meaning "learning".Similarly Turkish "grnme" meaning "being seen" is very much a form

    of Turkish "grenme" meaning "knowing". Thus all these give the

    impression that these Turkish words are not random creations by men,

    but rather are special creations and are very related to each other. We

    must also note here that "seeing, being seen and learning" is possibleonly with the enlighting rays of the sun. Without the sun, "seeing" or

    "being seen" is not possible - and similarly "learning" is not possible


    When the story says:"He peered through all secrets, / Through

    wisdoms mantle that veileth all. / What has hidden he saw, / What was

    covered he unlid,"it is a description of the way that man acquires

    "knowledge". Man, using his existing knowledge, investigates all things,analyzes and experiments with them and unveils the secrets of nature

    that have not been known before. This is the way of building up


    When the epic story says that:"Fathers complain to Ishtar that he leads

    their sons out to exausting toil "building the walls through the day,

    through the night"; and husbands complain that "he leaves not wife to

    her master, not a single virgin to her mother",this rather allegorical

    statement has been taken wrongly in a negative meaning by scholars

    who try to give an evil meaning to it.

    Actually, it has a totally different connotation: since BILGAMESH is apersonification of "knowledge" and thus "learning", learning in the form

    of schooling takes the sons and daughters away from fathers and

    mothers. Similarly husbands and even wives, if they are teachers in

    addition to being mothers, are taken away from each other. Learningtakes one away from the loved ones because while learning, one cannot

    be with mothers and fathers. Additionally, when the learned ones start

    building walls, roads, canals for irrigation, castles, etc. they are also kept

    away from the home.

    Of course BILGAMESH built all kinds of walls, bridges, canals, buildings,

    ramparts, fields, etc. in the Sumerian city of URUK all of which are doneby "KNOWLEDGE" (BILGI). A king only pays the wages of the people

    who make these things. But whoever does these things, he/she uses

    "knowledge" to do the work, hence, "it is the "knowledge" that does itall. Therefore "KNOWLEDGE" (BILGI) is the "king". Similarly, he/she

    who has become "BILGAMESH" is also the "king" or the "queen" with

    respect to those who are not as enlightened with knowledge and


    Finally, when the Sumerian text says:"Of times before the stormflood he

    brought report. / He went on a long way, / Giving himself toil and

    distress; / Wrote then on a stone tablet the whole of his labour",it

    explains how man and his memory go through all kinds of pain in writing

    down on stone, clay tablets or paper to preserve what he has discovered



    and learned and his predictions. The Turanian Sumerians probably knewabout an ancient flood or expected the occurance of a "major flood"

    event and talked about it before it happened just like scientists are

    talking about the warming of the worlds climate today. That would be the

    prediction of an oncoming event by one or more "BILGAMESH" (i.e.,knowledgeable) people.

    The original Sumerian form of the name BILGAMESH [14], [Hayes], has

    been intentionally altered to "GILGAMESH" so that it is recognizable as

    Semitic and not Turkish. The name "GILGAMISH" is a name which isdistorted and disguised from the Turkish source expression

    "AGILGAMESH" (akillanmis, uslanmis, bilgilenmis") meaning "He who

    has acquired knowledge". In fact the word "AGILGAMESH" is also

    Turkish but the Semitic cabalists dropped the vowel "A" in front of theword leaving "GILGAMISH", thus alienating it from Turkish.

    With this understanding about the name of the prime character of the

    epic story "BILGAMESH" (GILGAMESH), the reason why it was calledby the Turkish name of "BILGAMESH" becomes unquestionably clear.

    Here I want to cite the following - which is also relevant to the

    BILGAMESH story from N. K. Sandars: [15]

    "The only remaining god to play an important part in the poem EA

    (Sumerian Enki), god of wisdom, whose particular element was the

    sweet waters bringing life to the land, and whose house was at ERIDU,

    which was than on the persian Gulf. He appears as a benign being, a

    peace-maker, but not always a reliable friend, for, like so many

    exponents of primitive wisdom, he enjoyed tricks and subterfuges and

    on occasion was not devoid of malice. But here he acts as a great "lord

    of wisdom who lives in the deep. His origins are obscure, but he is

    sometimes called the son of ANU, "Begotten in his own image . . . . of

    broad understanding and mighty strength." He was also in a particular

    degree the creator and benefactor of mankind."

    In this writing, human wisdom is being described but in a rather vague

    manner. The description brings into the picture the "sweet waters" to

    further camouflage that he is talking about wisdom. This confirms myinsight that the Sumerian EN-ZU (En-SU) meaning "Lord Water" was

    also the reprsentation of "Lord Wisdom" (wisdom god) in the form of

    "EN-US" (Turkish "HAN US") meaning "Lord wisdom" or "god ofwisdom". Thus in the Sumerian texts, EN-ZU (En-SU) also can be read

    as "EN-UZ" (EN-US) meaning "Lord Wisdom", that is "HAN-US" or"HAN OGUZ" in Turkish which is also the name of the Sky-God. Thus

    this Turkish expression, while representing the Sky-God in one hand, is

    also representing "mans mind and wisdom" in the other. That is why

    ANU (HAN O) created "mans mind and wisdom" in his own image."The source for all of these creational and theological concepts are in

    Turkish and belong to the civilization of the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk


    In the Sumerian texts EA (Sumerian EN-KI) is read as the "God of sweet

    waters, also of wisdom". EA, when read as "EYA" or "AYA", is theTurkish word "AYA" meaning "white light". But "white light" is also the



    symbol of "physical and mental enlightenment" which is done by sunlightand knowledge. So, EA or EYA (AYA) is also Turkish in origin. It is said

    that his house was in ERIDU - a Sumerian city. But in actuality, the

    name ERIDU is the Turkish word "YERIDU" (YER IDU) meaning "it is

    the earth". The underground "sweet waters" (tatli sular) live deep downin the Earth, while the "knowledge and wisdom", that is, Turkish "US"

    also live deep down in the "mind" of man, i.e., the "brain". His ancestry

    being uncertain implies that no one knows who created the original

    seeds of "knowledge and wisdom". However it can be said with

    confidence that its original name was in Turkish language, i.e., "BILGI"before it was obliterated by the Akkadian Semites of Babylon and

    Aryans (Arayans).


    About the name "ARURU":

    It is said that GILGAMESHs (BILGAMESH) godmother (goddess of

    creation) was namedARURU.She was the"a goddess of cration, she

    created ENKIDU from clay in the image of ANU".[16] This is most

    enlightening because this fictional name (personification) is also from

    Turkish. It is the Turkish expression"ARAR-O" (ARUR U) meaning

    "he/she searches" or "it is searching" or by modern saying "it is

    research" which is metaphorically the "godmother" or"grandmother" of knowledge and learning.Indeed searching for

    knowledge involves the Turkish words "arama" (searching), "arastirma"

    (research), "sorusturma" (inquiry), "konusturma" (asking questions and

    getting answers, investigation), "gzetleme" (observation), "grme"(seeing), "isitme" (hearing), "tadma" (tasting), "dokunma" (touching),

    "koklama" (smelling), "dsnme" (thinking), "konusma" (speaking),

    "yazma" (writing) and "isleme" (embellishment). Thus the ancient

    Sumerian name"ARURU"(i.e., Turkish "ARAR O"), as the name of the

    godmother / grandmother of BILGAMESH, also gives up its secret

    identity in Turkish, once again indicating that the whole epic originally

    was written in Turkish.


    About the name NINSUN:

    NINSUN:"The mother of Gilgamesh, a minor goddess whose house

    was in URUK; she was noted for wisdom, and was the wife of


    The Sumerian name NINSUN in one meaning is the Turkish word

    "NINESUN" meaning "you are grandmother". Grandmothers are even

    closer to young men (grandchildren) than the mothers are. My

    grandmothers were like that. These "wise" old ladies are the source ofwisdom in many respects in teaching their grandchildren. Additionally

    the name NINSUN, as a character name (Tr. yazi-adi), is therestructured Turkish expression "US-NINEN" meaning "your wise



    grandmother" or "your (divine) grandmother for wisdom". NINSUN(NINESUN) is also referred to as "divine mother" of GILGAMESH. [18]

    Gilgamesh always asks for her advice regarding his dreams and his


    Since Bilgamesh is the personification of "knowledge", his mother must

    also be related to him in this context. ThusNINSUN is the

    personification of Turkish "US" meaning "mans wisdom"

    (intelligence, mental powers, mind) personified as "mother" or

    "grandmother". This is also seen from the Turkish words "NINESUN"

    and "US-NINEN" corresponding to the name "NINSUN". Like

    "knowledge", "Ninsun" (US-Ninen or simply "US") also lives in Uruk, thatis, the "city" of the human head.



    [9] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 122.

    [10] C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading Book", Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 63, note. No. 32, p. 69,

    Line 32.

    [11] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 129.

    [12] YUSUF HAS HACIP, "KUTADGU BILIG" (eviri: Reshid Rahmeti Arat) , Trk Tarih kurumu Basimevi,

    Ankara, 1974.

    [13] Will Durant, "Story of Civilization: Part I "OUR ORIENTAL HERITAGE", Simon and Schuster, new york,

    1954, p. 251.

    [14] C. J. Gadd, "A Sumerian Reading Book", Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1924, p. 63, note. No. 32, p. 69,

    Line 32.

    [15] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 26 also p. 120.

    [16] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 60, 120.

    [17] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 123.

    [18] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 15.

    Best wishes to all,

    Polat Kaya


    (End of Part-2, will continue in Part-3)

    (continued from Bilgamesh Part-1 and Part-2 at URLs:





    A Re-Visit of The Sumerian Name "BILGAMESH"

    (A New Understanding of the Name so-called "GILGAMESH")


    By Polat Kaya

    (Copyright Polat Kaya, 2005)

    Bilgamesh Part-3:

    Goddess "ISHTAR" Sumerian "INANNA"

    Referring to achievents of Bilgamesh (Gilgamesh), it is said: [19]

    "In URUK he built walls, a great rampart, and the temple of blessed

    Eannafor the god of the firmament Anu, and for Ishtar the goddess of

    love. Look at it still today: the outer wall where the cornice runs, it shines

    with the brilliance of copper; and the inner wall, it has no equal. Touch

    the threshold, it is ancient. ApproachEannathe dwelling of Ishtar, our

    lady of love and war, the like of which no later-day king, no man alive

    can equal. Climb upon the wall of Uruk; walk along it, I say; regard the

    foundation terrace and examine the masonry: is it not burnt brick and

    good? The seven sages laid the foundations. The seven sages laid the


    {Correction: I also referred to this citing in Bilgamesh Part-1 where theword EANNA was, by mistake, shown as ENANNA in two places. It

    should have been EANNA. Hence this correction note.}

    About the name "ISHTAR":

    "Ishtar (Sumerian Inanna) was worshipped in the great temple in Uruk,

    together with Anu. She is the queen of heaven, and as goddess of love

    and of war an equivocal character.; an awful and lovely goddess like


    The name "ISHTAR" was the Semitized form for the goddess of lovewhile the Sumerian version is given as INANNA. Ishtars Greek version

    was the goddess "APHRODITE". All of these names are different

    versions in Turkish of the words describing "wife", "mother" and

    "woman". This so-called "Semitic" goddess name ISHTAR has twoaspects to her name. In one, she is Turkish word "ESHTIR" (ESHTUR)

    meaning "she is wife", "she is mate"; additionally the name ISHTAR is

    the Turkish name "ISHITAR" (ISHITIR) meaning "it lights", "it is light",

    and additionally "it is enlightenment". Thus in the first meaning,

    "ESHTIR", goddess "ISHTAR" personifies "wife", "mother" and "woman"who is the "goddess of love" and also the other half of man. In this

    representation, she is also the cause of all sorts of fights among men

    who cannot tolerate her to go astray to another man. In this context she

    is also a personification of "fighting".



    In the second meaning, that is, Turkish ISHITAR (ISHITIR), the name

    Ishtar personifies the "sun" which lights and also "enlightens." Similarly

    "mother" also "hears" (Tr. "ISHITIR" meaning "hears") her children, and

    teaches and enlightens them. Mans enlightenment is achieved bylearning and gaining knowledge and wisdom.

    The light of the Sun is an inseparable part of the Sun, that is, the Sun

    and its light are always together (i.e., mates). Similarly, "mental powers

    of man", that is, his/her enlightenment also stays with him/her. Becausethey are "mates".

    A third meaning of ISHTAR is Turkish ISITIR meaning "She warms",

    "she heats," and additionally "it is heat", "it is warmth". In this case againthe Sun and the Suns heat and heating have been personified as a

    female person. But "LOVE" of woman also excites and gives warmth like

    a flame. Hence she is the personification of "love and warmth" as

    expected of mothers and wives. In fact The English term "LOVE" isnothing but the rearranged and disguised form of Turkish word "ALAV(ALEV)" meaning "flame, heat, fire". "LOVE" is "ALEV"! Those who fall

    in love are mataphorically "on fire" for the one they are in love with.

    Thus the name ISHTAR was not a "Semitic" name in origin as theywould like us to believe, but rather a term which combined a number of

    ancient Turkish words into one restructured word which has been

    portrayed as Semitic. Evidently the ancient Babylonians and their

    followers have done a very effective language transformation job and

    conned all of us all this time.


    About the name "INANNA":

    When the Sumerian name INANNA (i.e., Ishtar) is separated as "AN-ANNI", it is the Turkish expression "AN ANNE" (GK ANNE) meaning

    "Sky Mother". In other words, in one meaning "she is the queen of

    heaven" as Ishtar was described to be. Her personifying the "Sky-

    Mother" deifies her and makes her a "goddess". Both the Sky and the

    Sun can metaphorically be regarded as "Sky-Mother" because they are

    the ones who provide space and life for all living beings on earth andmost likely in other billions of "earth-like" places in the sky.

    In the second meaning it is the Turkish expression "HAN ANNA" (Han

    Anne, Han Ana) meaning "Lord Mother". Thus even Sumerian INANNAis Turkish and is a personification of the "mother", "wife" and "woman"

    concept. While "mother" is mother to her children, she is also the wife to

    the childrens father.

    In this personification she is regarded as "goddess" by calling her by the

    adjective "HAN" meaning "lord". It is also important to note that in

    Turkish, "woman" is also called "HANIM" (HANUM) meaning "lady" or"my Lady" but additionally it means "I am lord". The mother, the lady of

    the home is indeed the lord of the home. In one more meaning in



    Turkish, the word "HANUM" (HANIM) also means "my palace, my home"where "woman" has the utmost importance. This also indicates the value

    given to women in Turkish society since very ancient times.

    Sumerian AN or EN are versions of Turkish "HAN" - meaning "lord" andalso meaning "palace". The Sumerian "ANNA" or "ANNI" as presented

    in the name INANNA is nothing but the Turkish "ANNA, ANNE, ANNI,

    ANA" all meaning "mother" and they have all been used in the Turkish

    language up to present times. Additionally, Sumerian word "AMA"

    meaning "mother" is a shifted form of Turkish "ANA" meaning "mother".Evidently, the readers of the Sumerian texts presented the word "ANA"

    in the form "AMA" in order to distance Sumerian from Turkish.


    About the name "EANNA":

    Bilgamesh had built in URUK "the temple of EANNA for the god of the

    firmament Anu, and for Ishtar the goddess of love". The Sumerian word

    EANNA is a composite word which is made up of "E + ANNA" where

    Sumerian word "E" means "house" and/or "temple". ANNA is a name.The Sumemerian "E" is a form of Turkish "EV" meaning "house". When

    we say "TANRI EVI" in Turkish it means a "temple of God". It is most

    likely that the readers of the Sumerian texts dropped the letter V from

    "EV" and came up with Sumerian E meaning house. It is admitted thatfrequently, the final consonant is dropped in Sumerian words.

    In this regard John L. Hayes writes the following: [21]

    "One of the thorniest questions in Sumerian involves the status of word-

    final and syllable-final consonants. According to most Sumerologists,

    certain consonants, when in word-final position, were not pronounced."

    The consonant in the word "EV" must have been one such dropped

    consonant in Sumerian texts. If the original Sumerian word for "house"

    was "EV", then dropping the final consonant "V" from it would certainlyalienate Sumerian from Turkish. The purpose of this was most likely

    intended to distance Sumerian from Turkish.

    John L. Hayes also writes the following: [22]

    "Many Sumerologists believe that Sumerian had a phoneme usually

    symbolized by /dr/; its exact phonetic significance is unsure. Its

    existence has been proven in only a few cases. Because of the

    difficulties of proving its existence in specific words, it is usually not

    indicated in transcription; instead, in the standard sign-lists and in most

    transcriptions it is reflected as d."

    The so-called phoneme "dr" in this citing from John L. Hayes is nothingbut the Turkish suffix "-dir, -dIr, -dur, -dr, -tir, -tIr, -tur, -tr" which comes

    at the end of all definitions in Turkish. Once this suffix is dropped off

    from Turkish words and phrases, Turkish loses its most important



    characteristic. Evidently the Babylonian Semites, in restructuring anddestroying the ancient Turkish language, removed its most important

    feature from Turko-Sumerian. Hence the presented Sumerian became a

    "unique" language not resembling Turkish. This deliberate confusion of

    ancient Turkish was designed to obliterate Turkish and the worldwidecivilization that it represented. This confusion also opened the door for

    the usurpation of the ancient Turko-Sumerian civilization into the so-

    called "Semitic" civilization. No wonder Babylonians and Sumerologists

    removed the godname "TUR" from Sumerian texts and replaced it with

    the word "MAR" without any justification. Genesis 11-1 states thisintentional evil act by saying:

    Genesis 11-1:"Now all the earth continued to be of one language and of

    one set of words".

    Genesis 11-6 and 7:"After that Jehowa said: "look! They are onepeople and there is one language for them all, and this is what they start

    to do. Why, now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do thatwill be unattainable for them. Come now! Let us go down and there

    confuse their language that they may not listen to one another's


    So the so-called Babylonia and its overly numerous magician priestshad the evil idea of destroying that ancient Turkish language which the

    world spoke, and in order to achieve that ambition, they concocted all

    kinds of language alterations which made Turkish into many so-called

    "Semitic" and "Indo-European" languages which never existed before. Inthe meantime they described Sumerian which was nothing but ancient

    Turkish as a "dead and isolated language that had no living or dead

    language like it". This is how Babylonian-based science was made to


    Since the temple EANNA was built for the universal creator sky God

    ANU, (Turkish "HAN-O"), it was therefore a temple for the Sky-Father-

    God (Tr. "GK ATA TANRI"). In other words, a HOUSE OF GOD.

    Additionally, the Sumerian word ANNA is the Turkish word "ANNA,ANNE, ANA" meaning "mother". Above I noted that both the names

    ISHTAR and INANNA meant "mother", "wife" and "woman". Thus the

    Sumerian EANNA (E-ANNA) means "The Temple of Mother" or "The

    Temple for Mother" where "mother is personified by the names ISHTAR

    and INANNA who were the heavenly Mother or the Sky Mother. In thisconcept, the universal creator God is both "mother" and "father" which

    brings in the "duality" aspect of the creator God. Both "father" and

    "mother" are creators and hence are "god-like" and "goddess-like". It is

    useful to recall here that the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk peoples were

    also "ancestor" worshipping peoples. That is why they erectedmonumental tomb stones for their ancestors.

    Furthermore, since ISHTAR represented the Sun, Sunlight, and the Fire

    of Sky, and INANNA represented the "AN ANNA" the Sky-Mother", thetemple E-ANNA was also the temple for sun, sunlight, sky and the sky-

    mother. Thus E-ANNA was a general temple for the ancient Turanian

    Sky-God concept that included all of these sub concepts. Hence we seethat even the temple name EANNA (E-ANNA) was Turkish in origin for



    an ancient Turanian religious concept.

    Here it is useful to remember the Anatolian (Phrygian)Goddess so-

    called "CYBELE", also called "The Great Mother", that is the goddess of

    nature. She was also identified with Greek Rhea.[23] The name

    CYBELE seems to have been made up from the Turkish word "BILICI"

    meaning "one who knows". This is verified by the name "SIBYL" whichis defined as: [24]

    "SIBYL. 1. In ancient Greece and Rome, any of several women who

    prophesied under supposed inspiration of some deity, chiefly of Apollo,

    and delivered their oracles in a frenzied state. 2. A fortune-teller;


    These women were given "SOMA" juice or so-called "crazy-honey", in

    Turkish "deli-bal", before they were to deliver their "inspired" foretelling of

    the future. But "foretelling" in Turkish is "BILICILIK, FALCILIK". Hence

    the name "SIBYL", like the name CYBELE" is made up from Turkishword "BILICI" (> "BILISY") meaning "one who knows", or with F to B

    transformation, SIBYL is from "FALCI" meaning "fortune teller".

    Evidently this was a good source of money making in ancient Greece

    and Rome. Foretelling has been known to be a trademark of the



    About the name "APHRODITE":

    The supposedly Greek name APHRODITE is another stolen name fromTurkish. This Greek name APHRODITE is actually made up of two

    Turkish words, namely, "AFROD (AVRAT) + ITI" together meaning "she

    is wife", "she is woman". Turkish "AVRAT" means "wife, woman,

    mother". Aphrodite as "goddess of love" is nothing but a personification

    of wife and woman.

    A second Turkish meaning of APHRODITE becomes clear when the

    word is rearranged letter-by-letter as "PHR-OD-ITE-A" is the Turkish

    expression "BIR OD IDI O" meaning "one-fire she was". This refers both

    to the fieryness of the woman and also the Sun. In ancient Turkish

    culture the "sun" was also personified as a beautiful woman.

    In view of all this, it is clear that all of these very ancient Turkish-origin

    words are at least 6,000 years old in the form INANNA, 4,000-plus yearsold in the form "ISHTAR" and probably 3,000-plus years old in the form

    of "APHRODITE".

    Hence the so-called Akkadian or Semitic name ISHTAR, Greek

    APHRODITE and Sumerian INANNA are all ancient names made upusing Turkish language as the source. Since there is no reference made

    to Turkish as the source, this is an indication that an act of stealing and

    obliteration of the ancient Turkish civilization has taken place.




    About the name "SHAMASH" Sumerian "UTU"

    N. K. Sandars writes: [25]

    "When the gods created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body.

    Shamash the glorious sun endowed him with beauty, Adad the god of

    storm endowed him with courage, the great gods made his beauty

    perfect, surpassing all others. Two thirds they made him god and one

    third man."

    The name SHAMASH is supposedly the "Akkadian" name for Sun-God,that is, replacing Sumerian "UTU". First of all Sumerian UTU meaning

    "Sun God" and Turkish "OTO" (ODO (OD-O)) meaning "It is Fire", and

    Turkish "ATA" meaning "father" are one and the same because the Sun

    is a creator and Father is a creator. It must be remembered that God isalways referred to as "Father" (Ata or Apa). Thus Sumerian name UTU,

    the name for Sun-God, is a Turkish word. The ancient Turkish words"UT" (OD meaning fire"), "UT" meaning "time", UT (OKUZ) meaning

    "Bull" and "UT" (T) meaning "to sing" and/or "to speak" are all

    linguistically as well as theologically related to each other. The TurkishOGUZ and AGUZ concept is embedded in them.

    The so-called Semitic name SHAMASH is also a disguised Turkish word

    describing the sun. SHAMASH in the form "ISHAMASH" is the Turkishword "ISHAMASH" (ISHIMISH) meaning "it is burning brilliantly", "it is

    giving off brilliant light", "it is glowing" which is, of course, the "SUN".

    Thus the source of the name SHAMASH is the Turkish verb "ISHIMAK"

    meaning "to radiate light". Similarly, when the "heating" element inside a

    light bulb heats to white hot state, it becomes "ISHIMISH" meaning "it isradiating light and heat". The SUN is exactly that, that is, a giant fire

    radiating brilliant light and "heat".

    Presently the Arabic word "SHAMS" for the Sun is nothing but thealtered and disguised Turkish word "ISHIMISH". Thus the source for

    these so-called "Semitic" words for the ancient Turanian Sun-God is in

    fact the Turkish language contrary to all the denying and disguising

    verbosity that have been used. Thus even if millions of people are taught

    that the word SHAMASH or SHAMS is "Semitic", it will not change thefact that the source of these words is Turkish. A falsehood is still a

    falsehood irrespective of whether it is believed as "truth" by one personor millions of people. A large number of believers does not make a

    "falsehood" a "fact".


    The name ENGIDU (ENKIDU):

    The name ENGIDU (ENKIU) represents a young man in the Sumerianepic story of Bilgamesh. The following is a description of him as written

    by N. K. Sandars in his book. He writes: [26]



    "So the goddess (Aruru) conceived an image of her mind, and it was of

    the stuff of Anu of the firmament. She dipped her hands in water and

    pinched off clay, she let it fall in the wilderness, and noble ENKIDU was

    created. There was virtue in him of the god of war, of Ninurta himself.

    His body was rough, he had long hair like a womans; it waved like the

    hair of Nisaba, the goddess of corn. His body was covered with matted

    hair like Samuqans, the god of cattle. He was innocent of mankind; he

    knew nothing of the cultivated land.

    Enkidu ate grass in the hills with the gazelle and jostled with wild beasts

    at the water-holes; he had joy of the water with the herds of wild game."

    Similarly Will Durant writes: [27]

    "Aruru kneads a bit of clay, spits upon it, and moulds from it the satyr

    Engidu, a man with the strength of a boar, the mane of a lion, and the

    speed of a bird. Engidu does not care for the society of men, but turns

    and lives with the animals".

    These descriptions of ENGIDU (ENKIDU) actually represent the youngpeasant boys of the village. At a young age village boys were asked to

    attend lambs and goats in the nearby fields, and later on as they grew

    older they would work in all kinds of hard work that village life required of

    them. By the time they were teenagers, they were well developed andpowerful. They would tend herds of sheep, cattle and horses, and thus

    become extremely familiar with them. Young boys in the village were

    called by the Turkish name "GEDE" (GIDE, GEDA, OLA, OGLAN,

    OCUK). Hence the name ENGIDU personifies a young man of the

    village. This we will see below when we analyse the name ENGIDU.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary defines the term

    "satyr" as: [28]"In Greek mythology, a woodland deity in human form,

    having pointed ears, pug nose, short tail and budding horns, and of

    wanton nature."The mythological Satyr is an imaginary being combining

    man and goat features.

    Interestingly, the Turkish word "OGLAK" maning "kid" or "young goat" is

    similar to the word "OGLAN" meaning "boy". Additionally in Turkish, the

    word "GIDIK", or in short "GIDI", also means "kid", that is, the "baby

    goat". These similarities in the Turkish names for "young boy" and

    "young goat" could have been the reason for the ancient Greeks tocome up with the mythologic name "Satyr" as defined above which is

    really a putdown expression against the ancient Turanians.

    It is important to note here that the English term "KID", meaning both"baby goat" and "child", has the features of these Turkish words, that is,

    "GIDIK" (GIDI) meaning "baby goat" and "GEDE" meaning "young

    boy". Hence this English term too has been usurped from Turkish and


    With this backgrond information let us now turn to the name ENGIDU


    The so-called Sumerian name "ENGIDU is made from two parts.



    Namely: "EN + GIDU" which are respectively Turkish "HAN" meaning"lord" and "GEDE" (GIDE, GEDA) meaning "boy". Thus the name

    ENGIDU means "Lord Boy". Parallel to this expression there is the


    meaning "one is a lord in his/her youth". Thus Sumerian ENGIDU is aform of the Turkish expression "HAN GEDE" meaning "Lord Boy".

    Linguists should be able to see how this Turkish expression "HAN

    GEDE" can be reduced to Sumerian "ENGIDU".

    In the epic story of Bilgamesh ("Gilgamesh") ENGIDU (ENKIDU)becomes the closest friend of Bilgamesh which is a true statement

    because "man" and his "knowledge" are always together and are

    "closests of friends". Additionally while man, as represented by

    "ENGIDU", is "mortal" and eventually dies away, his knowledge ispassed on to others. Hence it is in a way "immortal" and stays with the

    rest of the living men almost forever. This "immortallity" of knowledge

    gives a divine quality to itself.

    Thus from all of this it is clear that the Sumerian name ENGIDU(ENKIDU) is also a Turkish based name used as a character name in

    the Sumerian "BILGAMESH" epic story. Evidently the name

    "GILGAMESH" was an altered and disguised form of the Turkish

    expression "BILGAMESH" or "AGILGAMESH". These two words can bechanged into "GILGAMESH" by replacing the letter "B" with "G" in the

    first case, or by dropping front vowel "A" in the second one.

    The story names discussed in this paper were words that belonged to

    ancient Turkish contrary to all kinds of deceitful verbosity trying to makethe epic story of BILGAMESH a "Babylonian Semitic story" under the

    altered name of GILGAMESH. These names are extremely important

    evidences indicating that the ancient Turanian civilization developed in

    Sumeria was stolen, abducted, altered, confused, rearranged and thenattributed to all kinds of wanderer people except the "Tur/Turk" peoples

    themselves. These ancient wanderers perpetrated a huge crime against

    the ancient Turanian Tur/Turk peoples by obliterating their flourishing

    civilization and redefining its creations and advances under altered

    names that were then assigned to themselves.


    [19] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 59.

    [20] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 26.

    [21] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 21.

    [22] John L. Hayes, "A Manual Of Sumerian Grammar and Texts", Undena publications, Malibu, 1990, p. 20.

    [23] Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary, 1963, p. 320.

    [24] Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary, 1963, p. 1166.

    [25] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 59.

    [26] N. K. Sandars, "THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH", Penguin Books, 1964, Glossary of Names, p. 60-61.

    [27] Will Durant, "Story of Civilization: Part I "OUR ORIENTAL HERITAGE", Simon and Schuster, new york,

    1954, p. 251.[28] Encyclopaedia Britannica World Language Dictionary, 1963, p. 1119.



    Best wishes to all,

    Polat Kaya


    (End of Part-3)