a note from mother susan - wordpress.com

The Shepherd’s Crook The Church of the Good Shepherd Pitman, NJ The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector May 2019 “We Love Our Church” A Note from Mother Susan As I sit here watching some serious rain fall outside my office window, I cannot help but think with pleasure of those of you who occasionally ask me to pray for rain. Rest assured, I always do it! I take prayer seriously. And I especially take your prayer requests seriously. Prayer is powerful. I’m talking about all kinds of prayer — the prayer just before a test, the prayer in bad traffic, prayer at the bedside of an ill person, prayer over one who is near death, prayer with a family in pain, prayer with a family who is joyously grateful, prayer with a person who is at a crossroads in life. I try to avoid expectations of prayer. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen is up to God. But I do have hope in prayer. Most important, I have faith in prayer. Sometimes I think we are praying and we don’t even know it. Whatever we are thinking about becomes a message to God or a dialogue with God. God knows our innermost thoughts and desires. God also knows how to respond to us. Consider the times when you have wondered if God was paying attention to you. Were you paying attention to God? We cannot know if God has answered our prayer if we haven’t been listening! With our whole selves! God spoke to Elijah in a “still small voice.” Are we prepared to listen for the “still small voice” of God? Or do we crave something more authoritarian, more emphatic, more definite - just bigger? Can we trust that God is speaking to us with love? Can we trust that God’s love will always underlie God’s communication with us? Do we expect to understand God all the time? Can we live with ambiguity and confusion as God works in us, for us, with us? What is the extent of our trust? Are faith and trust also a matter of practice? The more we practice our faith and our ability to trust in God, do we get better at it? I think we do. It’s a curious process of letting go and hanging on at the same time. Maybe it’s a matter of allowing God to hang on to us! Prayer can be a dialogue. Prayer can be an argument. Prayer can be a wrestling match. (Think of Jacob!) Prayer can be a dance. In theater we are taught to “trust the process.” That can mean the process of rehearsal, the process of building/creating a character, the process of collaboration with others towards a common goal. Can we think of prayer as a process with God? Can we trust in that process? I found this quote from Martin Luther, “Pray and let God worry”! Blessings, Mother Susan+

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The Shepherd’s Crook The Church of the Good Shepherd

Pitman, NJ The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector May 2019

“We Love Our Church”

A Note from Mother Susan

As I sit here watching some serious rain fall outside my office window, I cannot help but think with

pleasure of those of you who occasionally ask me to pray for rain. Rest assured, I always do it! I take prayer

seriously. And I especially take your prayer requests seriously.

Prayer is powerful. I’m talking about all kinds of prayer — the prayer just before a test, the prayer in bad

traffic, prayer at the bedside of an ill person, prayer over one who is near death, prayer with a family in

pain, prayer with a family who is joyously grateful, prayer with a person who is at a crossroads in life. I try

to avoid expectations of prayer. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen is up to God. But I do have hope in

prayer. Most important, I have faith in prayer.

Sometimes I think we are praying and we don’t even know it. Whatever we are thinking about becomes

a message to God or a dialogue with God. God knows our innermost thoughts and desires. God also knows

how to respond to us. Consider the times when you have wondered if God was paying attention to you.

Were you paying attention to God? We cannot know if God has answered our prayer if we haven’t been

listening! With our whole selves!

God spoke to Elijah in a “still small voice.” Are we prepared to listen for the “still small voice” of God?

Or do we crave something more authoritarian, more emphatic, more definite - just bigger? Can we trust that

God is speaking to us with love? Can we trust that God’s love will always underlie God’s communication

with us?

Do we expect to understand God all the time? Can we live with ambiguity and confusion as God works

in us, for us, with us?

What is the extent of our trust? Are faith and trust also a matter of practice? The more we practice our

faith and our ability to trust in God, do we get better at it? I think we do. It’s a curious process of letting go

and hanging on at the same time. Maybe it’s a matter of allowing God to hang on to us!

Prayer can be a dialogue.

Prayer can be an argument.

Prayer can be a wrestling match. (Think of Jacob!)

Prayer can be a dance.

In theater we are taught to “trust the process.” That can mean the process of rehearsal, the process of

building/creating a character, the process of collaboration with others towards a common goal. Can we think

of prayer as a process with God? Can we trust in that process?

I found this quote from Martin Luther, “Pray and let God worry”!

Blessings, Mother Susan+

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In a culture that minimizes commitment and maximizes

self-indulgence, I have learned the precious gift of church

attendance or, more specifically, the church gathered. I

do not see church attendance as a burden or legalistic

commitment. I view it as joy—a place where I can give

and serve, a place where I can focus more on others

rather than myself.

I could name many, but here are ten reasons I attend


1. I attend church to serve others. There is so much

greater joy in serving than seeking to be served. I have

many opportunities to serve when the church is gathered.

Those opportunities are my gifts from God.

2. I attend church to encourage others. We live in a

world of incredible digital communication. But there is still

something irreplaceable about gathering together. When I

encounter someone in person at church, I have an

opportunity to encourage him or her in person as well.

3. I attend church to encourage my priest. I doubt

many of us know how much our priest serves us and

loves us seven days a week. The least I can do for my

priest is to be there in person when we gather as a

church. I know it encourages my priest, and I want our

priest to have that gift of encouragement every week.

4. I attend church to state my priorities. If I am able to

go to work, to go to school, to go on vacation, or to watch

or be involved in a sport, I can attend church. I desire to

have a “no excuse” clause in my life for attending church.

5. I attend church to participate in worship. There is

something special and Spirit-filled about worshipping

together with other Christians. It is both an opportunity

and gift I do not take lightly.

6. I attend church even if it doesn’t meet all my

needs. If I say, “I am not getting fed spiritually,” it likely

means I am not hungry spiritually. If my church does

some things a bit differently than my preferences, I

realize I am there, not as a consumer, but as a giver and

one who has been called to put others’ needs before my

own. No church is perfect. No worship style is perfect. No

priest is perfect. And neither am I.

7. I attend church with frequency, not on occasion. It

is my prayer to be in my church every Sunday. When I

am out of town, I can find another church to attend. I pray

I will never say, “I need a break from church.” I certainly

don’t want God to take a break from me.

8. I attend church to set an example for my

family. Couples have healthier marriages when they

attend church. Children grow up with countless benefits

because their parents took them to church. I need to

show the importance and priority of church attendance to

those I love.

9. I attend church because the Bible tells me to do

so. Two-thirds of the New Testament is about churches,

specifically gathered churches. The words of the writer of

Hebrews in 10:24-25 are powerful: “And let us watch out

for one another to provoke love and good works, not

neglecting to gather together as some are in the habit

of doing, but encouraging each other, and more as you

see the day approaching.”

10. I attend church because I love my church. I love

my church. I love my priest. I love the members of my

church. I love the community my church serves. If I love

someone, I will be there for them. I truly love my church.

I placed this in the Crook because Spring is great time to

go through some self-examination of why you and I need

to be in church. It also helps us to be able to explain to

family, friends and neighbors why going to church is at

the top of our priority list. So, I thought with all the

vacations coming up, it never hurts to be reminded why

our worshiping together is important.

Deacon Carl

This article was originally published at ThomRainer.com on March 18, 2019. Thom S. Rainer serves as president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources. Among his greatest joys are his family: his wife Nellie Jo; three sons, Sam, Art, and Jess; and ten grandchildren. Dr. Rainer can be found on Twitter @ThomRainer and at facebook.com/Thom.S.Rainer.

After you read this, let me know what would you add to Tom’s list?

One note, I did take the liberty to change Tom’s references to the “pastor” to “priest”.)

Please Be Considerate of Our Neighbors!

We are so glad you're here! But when you park near the

church, please be considerate of our neighbors and make

sure you have fully cleared their driveways. Thank you!

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These are some of their names and numbers, if you have any questions.

Rector – The Rev. Susan Osborne-Mott – 732-759-4358 Deacon - The Rev. Carl Dunn – 609-868-7102 Senior Warden – Len Clark – 856/582-1113 Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis – 856/357-3938 Treasurer - Lee Braidwood - 856/228-0737 Asst. Treasurer - George Funk - 856/232-0941

Brotherhood of St. Andrew - Wayne Szalma – 856/469-3028 Women at the Well - Diane Wall - 856/374-9081 Altar Guild - Shelly Harris - 856/589-8160 Youth Group - Chelsea Richmond – 856-723-4123


Endowment Planning – Frank Jackson Personnel – Georgeanne Moore Youth Group & Activities – Lauren Kaltwasser Sunday School – Beth Portocalis Outreach Ministries – Gail Morton Newcomers/Greeters – Georgeanne Moore Internal Ministries – Steve Mackay Columbarium – Diane Wall Choir – Jim Wynkoop Women at the Well - Diane Wall Brotherhood of St. Andrew – Jim Wynkoop Adult Christian Education – Aimee Burgin Website & Social Media – Jim Wynkoop Green Team – Lauren Kaltwasser Stewardship Committee – Len Clark – Chair, Gail Morton (20190, Steve Mackay (2020), Diane Wall (2021)

Senior Warden – Len Clark Junior Warden – Beth Portocalis Treasurer – Lee Braidwood Clerk of the Vestry – Chuck Lezenby Assistant Clerk of the Vestry – Mel Caron

Shawl/Caring Hands Ministry

Every so often we get a request for a Prayer Shawl to be given to someone in need. Sometimes it is during an illness, sometimes during grieving periods after the loss of a loved one. The Shawls are crocheted or knitted by the women in this ministry. Every other Tuesday morning you will find our Caring Hands Group knitting/crocheting the shawls in our Conference room. They are made with prayer for those who will receive them. I can’t begin to tell you of the peace and comfort these shawls have brought to so many people. They need not be members of our parish. Need is spread everywhere. If you know of a need, just ask Pat Braidwood


May 19 I’LL BE YOUR BLUE SKY by Marisa de los Santos

Jun 16 TO THE MOON AND BACK by Karen Kingsbury

The Page Turners meet once a month, immediately following the 10am Holy Eucharist, in the Conference Room.

Our Women's Retreat

Our Women's Retreat will be held May 19th to May 21st at the St. Raphael Center in Haverford. A sign-up sheet is posted in the parish hall. The cost is $225, due by May 1st. Payment can be made in installments. Please indicate retreat in the memo of check. Payment can also be made by credit/debit card (please contact Jenn Harrington for this option) Anyone that is interested in helping with the retreat can attend our planning meetings on April 1st and May 6th.


Please take a few moments during coffee hour to have a glance at the glass case in the parish hall. It contains a few mementos from the past on our church and our fellow church family members! It is a great way to learn about our combined family history as a church! If you have anything that you wish to share, please let me know. The exhibit lasts for about 4 months and then your items are returned to you in good condition.

Thanks so much! Ellie Dunn


Let’s get in the habit of taking pictures of everything around here! Pictures of Sunday School, meetings, even of events at services if you can be surreptitious! Please identify who is in each photo and what the event is. Thank you!

Maryanne has received some great pics from people keep ‘em coming!

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Prayers for Parish Families For May

Haynes families, Hiatt family, Higgins family

and Hills family

From the Parish Register


April 28, 2019

Hannah Susan Kauffman

Infant daughter of John & Jessica Kauffman

“Sealed by the Holy Spirit and marked as Christ’s own, forever.” BCP p. 308


Each Sunday during Communion time, our team of Pray-ers offer prayers with our parishioners. We have now expanded this meaningful ministry to our Saturday evening Holy Eucharist at 5:30pm. After you receive Holy Communion, if you want/need additional prayers, there will be a team of Pray-ers in the front of the Church who are willing to pray with you. These prayers can be offered in joy for a Blessing you have received, or can be to help ease a burden which lies on your heart. Please take advantage of this wonderful ministry of our parish. All prayers are confidential. Anyone interested in being a Pray-er Minister at the Saturday night or Sunday services please contact Barbara Elliott @ 589-3980 or [email protected]

Contemplative Prayer Time Before Our Worship Services

For those who seek a time for quiet prayer on Saturdays and Sundays, Mother Susan opens the church on Saturdays at 4:30 PM for the 5:30 PM service. We ask that 4:30 PM to 5:15 PM be a quiet prayerful time. Likewise, for Sundays, she will be in the Church at 9 AM for a quiet time from 9 AM to 9:30 AM. We ask that all who come early to church honor these times as times for quiet prayer and contemplation.


Mother Susan is now offering Healing Prayer with anointing and laying on of hands on the first Saturday of every month following the Saturday evening service.


Morning Prayer is on Tuesday & Thursday

mornings at 9AM with Mother Susan in the



Thursday Bible Study will meet on Thursdays in May,

except Thursday, May 9. We continue with our study of

Peter Enns’ book “The Bible Tells Me So…..Why

Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It

Questions? Call Mel Caron, 478-234-3698.


CONTEMPLATIVE GROUP will meet on Wednesday,

May 15, 10 a.m. in the Conference Room. We begin

with 20 minutes of contemplation/meditation,

followed by a teaching and discussion. This month

we will continue using a presentation by Rev.

Barbara Brown-Taylor on “Being Present”.


Saturdays: 4:30 PM – Contemplative Prayer 5:30 PM – Holy Eucharist

Sundays: 9:00 AM – Contemplative Prayer 10:00 AM – Holy Eucharist

Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9 AM Morning Prayer



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Thank You God for Seasonal Changes

By Alice Aultman

It is a part of we humans to exercise control over our living processes. We choose where we live, what we eat, what we wear and where we spend our time. Fortunately only God controls the environmental changes we face every day. We wish for spring to come, the sunshine, and other favored times but when it comes right down to it only God is in control.

Yes, we had an often brown and drippy winter and as time progressed things began to green, almost magically. Seems like suddenly everything turned green and growing. Now we watch as gardens are planted with colorful flowers, lawns are mowed and we can enjoy the out-of-doors. Soon we will complain because of the heat!

In God’s time fall and winter will be upon us and we will start the cycle all over again but all of this will be when God decides it is time and what will happen within season. We can be thankful for what we are receiving. We know that everything we receive is purely by grace and indeed, God is with us.

Thank you God for YOUR seasonal changes and for your care for us.


We have changed our approach for collecting food donations for the Pitman Food Pantry. Each week we will be collecting a different food item. We will announce the upcoming needed food item each week in the trifold. Also we will have a monthly list in the Crook.

Food donations for May are: 5/4 & 5 – Jelly 5/11 & 12 – Canned Fruit 5/18 & 19 – Cereal 5/25 & 26 – Tuna

All donations are greatly appreciated and accepted.

The Pitman Food Pantry is open on even dated Tuesdays each month from 6pm – 7pm.


Thank you for the continued donations of clothing for St. Wilfrid’s clinic in Camden! We have rec’d some wonderful men’s shirts and clothing lately that has already been put to good use! If you have clothing that is in good condition, that you wish to donate, please place the items in manageable size bags and leave them on our front porch. We would be glad to deliver them for you to Camden! Please, NO BOXES, just bags. The clothing also must be season appropriate. For instance, spring clothing for spring, summer for summer, etc. They do not have room to store things and neither do we! They are always in desperate need of men’s shoes!

We live at 223 Highland Terrace in Pitman.

Deacon Carl and Ellie Dunn



TAIZĒ CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE WITH EUCHARIST, Saturday, May 25 at 5:30 p.m. Join us for this time of quiet contemplation, chant and scripture readings, followed by the Holy Eucharist.


The deadline for the June 2019 Crook will be on May 15, 2019. Please e-mail all articles and pictures to [email protected].

Maryanne Charlton Parish Administrator

PASTORAL EMERGENCIES If a Pastoral Emergency should come up for you,

hospitalization, death in the family, please call the

Church Office 856-589-8209 or after office hours

please call Mother Susan at 732-759-4358.

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Peter Larrabee Brian Almondrod Raymond Harris, III Steven Sanders Matt Spangler Lynn Spangler Scott Thomas Glen Tim Dan Hurlbut Zak Bartelt Brian Randazzo Buzz Parish Charlie Hiemeril John A. Lukacs Joe Sheridan Hal Wagner Matt Rebecca Jon S. Lehr Keith Tucker Dave McElwain Hugh Robinson Andrew Olsson Joshua Albright Zachary Guise

Debbie Crystal Snoke Peggy Francis Pvt. Emmett Foreman Pvt. Hannah New Pvt. Benjamin Key Pvt. Alan Kryszak Pvt. Cardre Jackson, Jr. Pvt. James Foster and their families Dorothy Marylou Mitchell Morgan Janice Enstrom Robert Linda Rebecca Sharon Reneé April Ellerbe John & Candace Jemilo Ben Trunzo Harvey Corbett Denise Ladd Barbara Gattinella family Howard Caitlin John Joseph Whaley Anne Lewis Edna Spratt Michael Beard Katherine Lesher Presiding Bishop Curry

Scott McPherson Andrew Ten Eyck Matthew Cushinotto Theresa Cushinotto Mike Grzybowski Ted Mike McHugh Tom Devore Bonnie Weis Kane Lawlor Drew Naphy Rhen Brinkerhoff Brian Opel Jonathan Dickson Matt Michael Marta Marcos Bryan Jensen Allistair Edinger Andrew Kyle Ryan Bubnoski Chris Carson

Church of the Good Shepherd Prayers of the People

Prayers for the Church and Clergy For all Churches in the Diocese of NJ & Ecuador Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop William “Chip” Stokes, Our Bishop The Rev. Susan E. Osborne-Mott, Rector Sister Cass, AF Charles Nakash – Missionary in the Dominican Republic Rev. Carl Dunn, our Deacon

Prayers for the Nation Donald Trump, Our President Phil Murphy, Our Governor

“For all those who serve and protect us at home”

Prayers for the Sick and in Need

Tod Porter Tara Ryan Bubnoski Ashley Aaliyah Seely McFadden family Seely family Art Dilworth Bill Brower George Farley Audrey Andrew Buck Joe DeMarco James Anna Candyce Rich Reiniello Emily Mike Daly Maripat Makalusky Helen & Ken Michelle Siegle Natasha Tuoy Melissa Czechowicz Janie Kraus Dora & Ed Beard & family Debbie Milward Tom Rigg Shelly Harris Ruth Buck Paul Kathy Busser Janet Paraschak Asher Poolke Rosalie Jenkins

Prayers for all Military Personnel

* We pray for our enemies and for those with whom we are at war. *

“Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Sophia Capano Joseph Capano Steelman family Evelyn Recinello Jessica Carter Maryalice Ross Chris Burness Jackie Janet Murphy Andrew Knox Bill Dilworth Maggie

Sherry Bill Southwick Emily Cattafi Mackenzie Long Judy Taylor Yvonne Dolores Concio Rosalie Anna Marie & family Hilda & Carey Myra

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All Tuesdays & Thursdays - 9 AM Morning Prayer

All Thursdays – 9:30 AM Bible Study (except 5/9)

May 1 – 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

May 4 & 5 – EASTER 3 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer

5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Taco Night! Healing Prayer 5:30 PM Taco Night Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer

10 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School Awards – Ice Cream Social to follow 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting

May 8 - 7 PM Property Committee Mtg.

May 11 & 12 – EASTER 4 - Mothers’ Day Saturday, Super Saturday 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 9 AM Mothers’ Day Breakfast 10 AM Holy Eucharist

May 13 – 7 PM Women at the Well – ECW

May 14 – 9:30 AM Caring Hands

May 15 – 10 AM Contemplative Prayer 6:30 – 8 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

May 18 & 19 – EASTER 5 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer

10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Page Turners Women’s Retreat – May 19 - 21

May 25 & 26 – EASTER 6 Saturday, 4:30 PM Open Prayer

5:30 PM Taize Service Sunday, 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:15 AM Children’s Choir Practice

May 27 – MEMORIAL DAY Parish Office Closed

May 28 – 9:30 AM Caring Hands

Super Saturday

May 11th

10 AM—4 PM

At Washington Lake Park


01 – Diane DeLooff

03 – Nicolette Taglienti

04 – Steven Amato

06 – Rachel Budmen

06 – Lorraine Fedullo

06 – Ryan Southwick

07 – Kelly Froio

09 – Alice Sharp

11 – Gavin DiGiacomo

12 – Kacie Miller

12 – Miranda Ross

14 – Karen Greco

15 – Morgan Wall

16 – Theodore Behm

16 – Jennifer Spears

17 – Jeff Snodgrass

19 – Guy Davidson

19 – Gloria Moulthrop

20 – Elizabeth Bunce

20 – Peggy Chimenti

20 – Taylor Leash

21 – Brooklynn Miller

23 – Elizabeth Moore

24 – Michael Cefaratti

26 – Carmella Jensen

27 – Griffin Clark

27 – Judy Coulson

31 – Nancy Davidson

ADULT FORUM is cancelled for

May. We will meet again on June 2.


Hey everyone, if you shop at AmazonSmile they will

donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to Good

Shepherd. Simply go to smile.amazon.com and sign in

with your Amazon account, the one you already have.

When selecting the charitable organization you wish to

support, enter Pitman (only Pitman), then choose Church

of the Good Shepherd from the list. It’s very easy! Next

time you sign in Good Shepherd will automatically be the

beneficiary. Every time you shop, use smile.amazon.com

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The Spirituality of the Twelve Steps - #5

“Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.”

And we thought that Step 4 was asking too much!! Many try to “step over” Step 5. Tell another human being what’s in my heart – what I did to others, what I failed to do, what I think of others or the anger I hold toward others? No way!

Words have power -especially the spoken word. The Hebrew for word is Dabar. The Israelites believed that when a word was spoken it had a life of its own. There was a power behind it and in it. In our culture today we take words lightly – we speak without thought to the power of those words.

When we hold within us the actions we have taken or feelings we hold and do not name them, they can create loneliness within us, when we’re willing to share with another human those secrets we’re hiding within us, we provide an avenue for them to be released and free. Richard Rohr states “As any good therapist will tell you, you cannot heal what you do not acknowledge, and what you do not consciously acknowledge will remain in control of you from within, festering and destroying you and those around you.” (Breathing Under Water, p 39)

When we are brave enough to do this sharing, we often learn that we’re not so different after all. Others have had the same thoughts, made the same mistakes and shared the same struggles that we have. Someone can finally understand me! More importantly when two people share at this depth they are encountering God’s love.

Another gift we gain by taking this huge step is the gift of humility. I’m not talking about being humiliated – but humbled in our recognition that while we are not perfect, we are in the process of becoming a better human being. One that is honest with ourselves, with our God and with each other.

Our church has a means for this – it’s called Confession. Unlike our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters, in the Episcopal Church we say that as far as the sacramental action of confession goes: all may, some should, none must.

Psychologists, psychiatrists or family doctors can also serve to listen. So can a spouse or a good friend. Someone you are willing to be vulnerable to. Vulnerability is a gift, so is self-awareness. The more you practice it, the easier it comes to you. Our community needs this exposure of truth, accountability and acceptance of responsibility.

From Mel Caron



To everyone who helped to make our Easter

observances so wonderful!

Thanks to everyone who cleaned and polished

and hung things up. Thanks to all who cooked

and baked. Thanks to all who cleaned up inside

and outside, raking and sweeping and digging.

Thanks to all who sang and played instruments.

Thanks to all who read and preached. You all

show such love and appreciation for God, your

church and for each other.

Thank You All & BLESSINGS!

Don’t forget to drop your spare change in the SQUIRRELS’ NESTS!

They are in the back of the Church and in the Parish Hall

Altar Flowers and

Sanctuary Candle

If you are interested in requesting Altar Flowers

or the Sanctuary Candle in memory of someone

or in thanksgiving, the forms are in the Parish

Hall, on the back wall, on the Bulletin Board

near the kitchen. Please fill out the appropriate

form with your information for your desired

date, as long as it is available, on the appropriate

chart on the bulletin board. Please put completed

form in Parish Administrator’s mailbox or under

office door.

We do not have flowers during Advent or Lent.

The Sanctuary Candle is available year round.

CUATRO DE MAYO! Saturday, May 4th

at 5:30 PM

Bring your friends! Bring your appetite!


Sign-up Sheet in the Parish Hall

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May 2019








1 7 PM Brotherhood of St. Andrew

2 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Bible Study 6:30 PM Bell Choir 7:15 PM Choir Practice


4 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist 5:30 PM Taco Night Healing Prayer

5 EASTER 3 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist Sunday School Awards – followed by an Ice Cream Social 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Vestry Meeting


7 9 AM Morning Prayer Sumer Lunch Program

8 7 PM Property Committee Meeting

9 9 AM Morning Prayer


11 Super Saturday 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

12 EASTER 4 Mothers’ Day 9 AM Open Prayer 9 AM Mothers’ Day Breakfast 10 AM Holy Eucharist

13 7 PM Women at the Well - ECW

14 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands

15 10 AM Contemplative Prayer

6 – 8:30 PM Good Shepherd Quilters

Crook Info Due

16 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Bible Study


18 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Holy Eucharist

19 EASTER 5 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist 11:30 AM Youth Group 11:30 AM Page Turners Women’s Retreat


21 9 AM Morning Prayer


23 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Bible Study


25 4:30 PM Open Prayer 5:30 PM Taize Service

26 EASTER 6 9 AM Open Prayer 10 AM Holy Eucharist

27 MEMORIAL DAY Parish Office Closed

28 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Caring Hands

Summer Lunch Program


30 9 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Bible Study


Place Fridge Magnet here!

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Church of the Good Shepherd 315 Highland Terrace Pitman, NJ 08071

Telephone – 856-589-8209 E-mail – [email protected]


The Shepherd’s Crook

Pitman, NJ

May 2019

Church of the Good Shepherd