a oo&s - nys historic...

mm tfPWiil •OKI taBBSasessrm ^rtnayiranifi ac ^ -,..:.- vJ^£.SiBk#fai yoan^$tP#k,sSorarl leacn. -inat#ity», '^fi-sa.t care snopM •"•fee.takpninot ; tpieal $tx0£.'milk £do y . . , ^ M ^ t e a ^ as-flis cslif recieujes, SfiMK '; etfeetl c6i;ii;i&eai-^:& GEtfij bdt saili6>?'. WSs &".\ , tries, for-^Cv^teiBa&aftcm bjf.f&e oral .feipeximeM/^steiiGfi^CtOlBe^a, £n>: : foHowirig^rQ : *ea,&?;&? ths-aiblt eflec'' p|rtsijtinsia|t. total flegtiaetiorji ^.ife«- j^tatp^^jij^i^^^'poUfi^i;. «acb> of ; ; ltf«ji"soap^<I ; k:€jcGsene': «^ v add •1Hii:e.6 vs^onso£wsttef:&^^ ' "; '"A;. EA^MES% Wiie^ w^Mipg,, to the , ^imirj( : ' ^k^mim, '•. tells h®$r she. •fc^pg-^&ib'ag&wotHia s w a y from her. :., £ka&V. gheatways.ii^iijoe.eatafaages.: .- Bh&^mp&m^(MiMppm- ftQI^f: (fry fine eaifiij/aH^;-srery* iituo;-^egoeis 'i^'i^e-g6^aflfii^8^tg.ft_^qMai or -iieie'af; tMs'diiat-^ei? firieeatooageg. Also, V?. .pat^sg- ?&?&*£ of/.sawclasfc ,. ajpsftii^fear iaiftt'bn^e^^&^^'tee&or- : ^ieaur:. larger^83*%**/'iC^ksege" the ; ^Qqa^ia&JstiaattS iy&*.- : V •'•; -/'i .'.••-• .: . : ftBdpg£Me,ls. -ose Jpf jffite.^bsii iei- --pprfani-iHatfers on .ttie- fared-.• Gh a : . piece W MfeM^a -lm& ;coiitainlfig ^>tw^ty-Sw. agreS, jSM#^' Prefaced •?:&eg-graas*siiisk^ : Mti^tetii^r'«^rtteie» " growtfe, .-aii,.; # x p e B ^ ^ : ; E 6 a t i ^ ia£&. ;•~;:was[jpejtttredixjx^erto^slB. iii^jiie: ,-;- A»iy^t;aft|iE; r i^5i3^e--$i3%wa8 o smlfzail %eta}gia8-3 atone. 'A Sfew Yojrk; 1kr*aeE rep^r£a that k& fiaf lapd ,.-.' t&ss~0&$tises- ibS^bgsiiel&of "wheat notfai^f, tBe feyge efopa ;^aijg, dpe io "Do-,f <iai*=woa3eK eilstotiaerg bother yoft matin?'" a|ked a citizen, who was ta&feg "with a. #Qjodwsrfi avenue grocer the Q63igr msrolng* ^riciEs;- i t saeiits aalarM for them to waaf'to heat down toe figures. There eomajr que nsw wlio} jitbMbly waate ftuektehea-rles. Here are some .fresh ones-at gfteenients perctuart, anfi *£ei'-"if J', ehaiaia ask' her.GnIy eleven ^he'ii wiat,*efli.fQr fea..*'. --. ^Sayy.try it w, just for a joKe. If sfee^^tisBjprlce "fiatit ae"eiew6n.. V . ^Phe groeer ngreedtattdjpreserifly fhe WQnaatt cam* up, counted the sixteen ho&g&fherries under heir nose,and of. -^.'outse inQtHired; . . . • ''•^a^e yo'u^^hucEleherfles &Is .BaorhHi^'? "•-. : ." •;>- •""Yes'm,'> f'iFi-esh.ories ?." ' ••". «Y;es>m. *»•;.; '' * 'In qiiart' bokes ?' n: "i"Gs*m." -•••-•• .'""Only eleven cents .per box,mad- '-' H Ili"tak« the whole ioy* sue quiet- ly ofe$erved ? as. she : ,-hsnded out a |5 bHl^ and take 'ein pte di^ TafroiflzendJsappearedat fftat mo» ment and thegrbeefi believes that it was aput-up Job between the two-. istoe BacJt-jSFaiitt. : .,-.--'...- ; • .Many •baekTyaE4s;fee aSominaii^n; "y^" Via the ^^^d:nos^-.^^ : finds in ;';':>''..'"t&m^^^^P^^^*'^feseCE0B9' ; ;:-'v^:V«Q^^c^ s t^Hr-^9otSi ;Hem the' :>'7 ". slftpsi.of ^e-Mtchen afe:pQnr.feS'to : ia-i' ; . . . ®eas#thd,odOr?-wM0^ onghfrto.'w^h" '.;" = every :tb§s^1^' persoAptihe niajfa-" \ \''•'•• ••;.". i 'j^$ : j^a@^ r bre€^^'ig^e{,tdhz@iEgk' v.. ;.;" l i d . :if'• a^"'-^6^er-...^'^e'famj^' ;' : ;.- vefeaih 'Js- prObsbl^ •laTnenfe^' 1 aa- a' ' ' •:;"- -*=mya'teiadife. -jSisp^nsatton" .jbf f*bvi- : . ; : ;;:den^ M -batthefeinMer:5?otiid .ssfcyif - • J ' ;i;he weje te v^ttM -baekryard^, th^t , : V" lieatli, w^s<^^ 'soplw W-'& Ivioia- V : ' ?;*V; : fio|i : Gjtny^en|eIa#s.' '^.veiry^trong': ^:.- --; argomeni against ft ^ir^'babk^yard', ~ v V:-Is : the"spirit isf'^^deeeptiM ^Meh-itis^ -."v.- •/ "->. apt tefosjer mffts.:ydringmetiiberg'Qf .. .th&faih3Iy t far, it IS areolpakt'-fleceit '-";"';-_.:-; : - ; "tov,p'tesei^;:V^^K''-^ri4 : ;ajStaeB^': -'.:.:•;,.-.", frontjfcjBrd tQ;i%e:^t4S:.of ;thepassers,. ''' U :'h; : ';.'wttDtf i :ffie'fta^^^l^;fe';^0^fft > f^'i^e. V . : «eea> CihadreniiOuldbetau^Sfef'o.be -V;- : -'. «K*t."=.'bJE*aai^ iontsjciefel ^i'S iifeely fe- \' ; -r,€3MtoSe^feem. V$lte^b^t-pl§h:|s;.t6 .', ;;•' np/; : fitMa';."<jffiB^t;.;0fJMyarf, and- "•• ' •; 5 v j ^^lt&^e:^^^.^!^-'^^.^' -'J-". , 5 ',.i fans,.;. b^tg,"bjoken / dighes^an^" ? te /••''rV-'T-W^'''-'*^ 1 ^^*^ fe bnry-or-barij ; /: 4*-DQ."so* ;aolfow ai^?fMog;to^ be terbflfnj ..--^^a6ost^ Savediafeamade-t^ffionye^- : yi-Vr hptsse.":SEak«>good.walfe,«kit"tett&e. ^^g&unlth^e&S^^^yjring-bf' graes^ : jn*rt wiaedgi Pa%^-.up.Js.trOag supports forObit c!otl»& lia&.\'_". Ms§P fhe.^pce .; ia^epaiEj:iia^\ rilantenrfeant..bushes fc '.pmt"l%'- ^ y|nea abou:^ .ihe-refase' ; ^eeptacfe foig. a'shesjieijit: hoaganfething." wBjeh eaii jbe; .^iui.u^n'ot'a ; irGw.-ef'. ! did barrels to 7 offend &e dye, and giy6: -.- p a t a.. <jloud;pf rashea, eye%. .tjmethe J • yjffiffdbto^.'VJ&^elt ifnle^tphftye.; , Jte : feaelNy^ ft'aIIOti*9 M a g a z i n e lot-AnS'nst.. : ;fThe iLUgust'niipiber ':of•;BALtan's '&ai34ZE!&ris' ready, iseird- will lye read with interest. Theleading illaatratipiis aregooa,aad the sabjefite timely. Then follows the'' intoesMng 1 , .story of 'On. JLiaBd^ad §ea,-'by WHfiaEa HvThfltaiees, 4rt&^e$*f B«"Belte p| AustraliW' and .^A.SiJEVvei's ^ii¥en4t^re3^ , Xoifl «f.M-tar- fist Jiitd, iaf^rDaaiWa,- as it. tells fce$p-tbe %ew4sKff.of^b&-shi^Wasa eiired. c?f an $t-* .tackof iove for a Mesie^n.sKHnatt by shaving- his. head; anid how she .sold the pQor fellow. . I?6ilawlng this are a dezaa. differeijt. 3ttieles,-r3ll good ds- lnesffc.stpries, sketeaesj.poeinsj. amusv log laatterfreeeiptSihb.u^ehpld ajBtfeisj Iqriespohdeneejetc., makmg : one of the hesfc ^ a g a z i a e s in the eoimtry^~EUid the eheapest as: TSraH." liris only 15 eea ts, fbfcsiagle copies:, pr $1.B0. peEytar,posl- paicf. Address^ Thome's & I'albot, S3 ^treat, Boston.. ti'k* ^Hh£m&fcxm Seview for An-' gust- *j; afainsv.ah -.artiele:-by. Justice Jaiaes -Y.CanipbeHPn'-'tee BflbEoaeh- meats of Capital', which will c'omaaan.a the serious" attention : ef. all readers, Eiehard. A.^Proetor treats of 'TfieOxigin of epmets,-' and succeeds in presenting tljaj.diiHcalt subject l a & light so clear uhat-persona.who-haye little oi no ac-« gnaintsince' WKBastrohpniy can follow Ms- argupsertt, "Are- we a; .S"atiph.of. Kaseafe? J ':is th;e ; istarf iteg title; of- an .aa^ -ticlai^'Joh* ^,. fiamfij. whp shows that states, counties afld: municipalities in^be tJjDited states' haye alreadyforni' a^y- jfepadiaied.or defaulted in the pay- aientrof interest PhjanaEapunt of fionds r 4iid other obligations e^u^fctP' tbe sn'ai' .qf:|he nationat;aebfc>^ Edward G. Eoringfihp^sX'Briftinwards. : Oeri'tra> tzation' in the%eent juogrfleht of the' iUnitep; States. Supreme.Gourfc on.- the ifjo^er'-pf.jth'e^^^JFederal^^:QoveigrtQie.n.t:t* : issue. pape^jaPneyjand-in^ ; tliappiraon; ; qf the^rranofuiJ.pf the sanie court renr -dered "i* - the suit- foi? - fee -.Arlington.. ; property. Julian ^Eawth° r he writes of '^he'Ajherican Element in Fiction/ arid th^reJs^a.sy^ppsiurp;'.. on,'PrpMbi- •tior; and Jersuasion/by Ifeill^oW and :'©r»Bio.Ee^is>-'.- ; ' ; -•'"--'"".,•'. .' - " vWIiett a:ni.an; is going down hill everybody isready to giYehrm fe.kiek^ YeSj thitlg-soi Itiftsadtbut natural. Wbyy hiariy a toatt and woman, seek- ihg. .employment, would Bavegof-it if their hair hadn't 'been so thin and ,gray. : One..- bottle of Parker ? a Hair. Balsam & then the. best investment. I t stops'- falling' .hafarHfcPinbtes "new -growth::and restorpsr color. -Clean. tiigh^perfamedi; nota: dye. A.great iteprovement'overahy simlla,r prepa*. ratron,.ahd sold at the low price of 5M-- : •- : -"=."". : v.-;: : :""...-"' " 2fr# •-. I «;" •-. .-•dEtteiifaip jpyiif^.-.:- :h»F fifep.prfl&IaedLtp hettp t p a ;;fu1f -. ed it^ bemme EffPrs and-mpie-eyidentJ - fliM" it #pnldj^>bsl»w : ;atj ; ; average - jcrpp> .ihers^^^ppear^via be- severfl,^ A : e4u3es^fer,"pifei .-Afeny:fi.plds suffesed-", ;"' by-ihe : drPa|h'ojf.IpfcauttoitKepTpots' ';•', of- .tne'.^ass^-MIng;- we^eiied,= an3 •-; - jnstoypf; &fem- kM|ed.pntl*elyf so that' . 'the -/ gr^VriltliQ6|^^ -v.i||^'^-&^'s^aj^h''^'-vj(e%etfiixs£a : ;«; djbt3pee r was^nbt -fisythiefc: at ; the .• ifeitoniasitshpuidheitfsMurea^ . estop*,; When fp.e r ^ass haSf ,p%Siafly : . ^eeoYfeed/frcfni? lait_year?3.|K0Bua:,jne; ', ftoftfeoiM^M&MnS: SM;mxQ.^s.^ : ; M^^g^ywtegfsrwffie^ not;Piiiy ste^jfptf .the growth, but '^Hedffie |op ^ f tfiB'grass in tlip^Seids -.' that were - making «-. xapf^ ^r6%th.; : 'rasomepsraonsbf^ i$^Mt^$0:MTi£*i other /^p36-0fjnn&' fsth ..done, eyptt:: naorp dafioage titan^ ihe^d&er;; |%p? ' : v -: 8&' : &x-iasiwe haye.Jieenv:.;able- tp: Vgafhey : Wprmiafioni ib& emp of hay is. "VeQmjng'itt ye^.figfct^eiseptoh iiigh^ ,ly manntei. iandt, If this;'fe&.sp^then thft fevers ma3t ; TDe ; prepared t o naedt. \:^^^-i^'0sBS&/xa^tms.ias^ ap the; •'idsfieieney* pteis-esfi^^bedone]%sPW|ng:' fo&Mr^r^pJi, iiangartan., bariey»Pats. 1 ,«Bcd iiotn loay. tesowa, if the work be '""""W: ^Sffierpf thesB-.er0ps\ wpuld help^o^'ffiejiay^owwo'hdejr- ;; ioiHy^:'. *;/•.;;: [.-- : .r^spj^ ?'• ";.\;- ^ - ; -", ,-;.. -'•Thctee: wfekee'p sheep should fipw. .a;j^od^breadth pF&ngkZsit : turpps- (M ^j^ke^t%;iagpod"'cb^ thedeseney by.a aeeeridicrop. of grass..: -pn:fiB^.fa«msit will pay to apply to - the', best fields .a' liiafal d'resBsing of '•'"•fioe- y^a'decpajp.036d. manurey or If . th&":.c4S^nothe--obt'aiaedthen' some fommprelai fe:^ ^Stipald beapglfed s^^ppoha's pdsffltble" '•: By^tlfttipfpresJ^ ;v;itdh» ialmpit ie*efy ^itafer can r befoJce .:..wihfer;i;5nake n pt h e\defieianey m.his. • n%y iflPWtand^tK^c'bfe-ahlfe^^a^y" ';•• $& ofiis:a<p^.thipug.hVti(e winfe ih . gooA fenditftipa -^ithorit having tp^ bny;MpP#*S9ligh^ .^s.fe eohsumS: ;»3B.M-theprofits of thp farrrt..; Wh&i- .; .evey M y c l ^ pf-erpjiS-^r'PjShprt,: the; jto^y.shpdldjnbt^;War6 to Sfigif a s y - fein^ wSl^turn^-pp: tptelieyp.Bim l bnt: . itfeshptipatpaepWfe.fiimSelf*fr^^wofk. -*p;.ti^.nftsPniet^fB^tpj supply. thP - Steficienfi^~iB^3*djfe!W^#;' -JPZmtgfth man*'-.:•:.'--•'-"._,.-""; ; ;! V'.''.';' '; : : .9SBB -bEbtfts'itt:iSpaiK iduring i§8|- 'itembersd ^iMtf, Ad;tfie-:'deatM ••^oflft---/-'.''-^-' •'.--;'. --- : V- :.••• -c; . ^ | ® Sho^onp; .-Jndlarisj at;..-their- ; annual festival ^ racenBy, danced?: for- [Wt^&S'dksM lind a%htf, ; wifhput giopr '.•i^ft"-.";'".'-:':' v -->'.' V ^ V ' " ^ - v , ^ . . v ...:'•-.-• -; ftlSEASE ClfSLBP TnxHOtrar MEDICTNI:. A Valitatjle Blsoovery for sni.jjiylngM agaet- lSm to tbo Human System Meotricity aiiU 5tognetlKB£ utilized as never betove for Bead- lag theSlok. ' TTXIS MASKETION Airt>l.I««fE CO.S SlAGi«ETI€ KK^Hfffi'S' Bfil.T t •"" - . -'••'• FoaMESris.'' ... •tXrABBAJTTBD TO .CtFRj!! Or Moaejf Re. VT funded, the following diseases withont medicine;—Pain to t h e Back, Hips, Head nr Limbs,, Nen?ons BeWJity. r,umbagQ t tt^aera) DeWHtr.Blieumatlsia, Pai'alysis, JSetiralsfa, StSiattcft, Diseases, of Hie Kidneys, Spinal Dis- eases, Torpift Liver, Gtmt.Spuains,) EJmtssions, Inapoteiiey,-AStli-ma^ Heart Bisea§e,,l)yspep- sia, Conattpatipij. Erysipelas. Indijfastlon, a e t a t a or JRujitore, Catow*b, F'sXee, Epilepsy, •DiiiBl} Ague, etc. . ;-.--•.-. • WJien «ny .tleDIUfy of tbe SBNEKAT1VB- OKGAJSS-oacmrs. Lost Vitality, LaeK oi afelTB fforeeaiid Vigor, Wasting WeaJsness, ivnaall tfiose Biseases of a pe'rsooal natmw, feo» vrbaiever csinse, the continnous stream of Kasiietism.perpaeating tn-ronKh tlift parts nmstrestoreyie»toa-heo,i,thy action. Sliere is not m istake aBont this «ppllan ee, nno. TSB LADIES:—M you JITS, afffleted X' witKLameBa'oS, Weakness of thesptee, Palling-6"f the Wonib> LeueoMoaea, Ohronio Inffamnintton. and Bieeratibn of the Womb. Incidental Semorrbage-or floodEng, Painful, Suppressed and. jEcregiilar atenstrtiatlon. Bai'- teftnessi-ana Change of Life, this "is the Best Avpllanea.and Curative£genf, known.. $ : m aU forms of Female'Diatoulttesitis uu'~ surpassetl by anything bafore inventPd, both asacni'atiYe agent and a s a source of power and-^tallaation. Price-of either Belt with Magnelie Insojes, 811) s e n t ' b y e x p r e s s 0 , O. B., and esanilnatlon allowed, or by mail on receipt of price., in ordering send nje.wure of waist, and sjze of shoes. Remittances can ba made in currenoy, sent in letter at our risk. - . . TiteSIagnetotf (Jarmerits are adapted to alt ages, are worn over the under efotblhg, (not next to thebody like the many Gatyani&and BlectrJo- Humbugs advertised so extensively). and should be taken off a t night. They hold their EOWKB FOREVER, a n d a r e worn at a l l s e a s o n s .Of t h e y e a r . :-Senfl s'taippfbrthe '^Sew Depaitfee in KEed- ieal treatment Without Medicine," with thousands Qf testimonials. -.. TBEBilAOhNBTION APPMANCS CO., 218StateStTeet,.Cbicago, 111, Kot«.^-Send-oue djjllar in postage stamps or currency .{in letter at our risk), with s'zeof shoe usually -worn, a n d t r y a pair at oar Magnet!©;Insoles, and.ba..convinced of the pOwer-Tet-fdihg In Qui- other Magnetic.-Appli- ances, 'Positively no-eoid feet w'heii-they are worn, or money refunded * IGyi Maauetie Kidney Beltkooid by Morrison- & Moore, Lowville, JT. Y. $fn#fe Mm fnil ^ S - t g ^ .. .era i . isaany [ gsPlOsives diseases and.deiKHJ.'etaeats of the body each '' '.has'a'sep'aratacainijeor: origin, and that each needs».rt}ffireat-mtt!i''!;t of tre:.flimit. In ;>r- tivr *o et!Set. B c^re r ami a tao eui.'* n He.-. tton :inwt <? : mvtofcy tbat -&nv of TIisj <jnait nosfrtiaia J'istctl a^'ou tlie puHIiv elaimica to <mi'sail «>fa mia'tbw "(uiametJ-ftf-i'tv di^>ff.st dtoi^v^.mTir-t-.-prfjnj f;iHia:««, w i n If Wt:-i3o not call tlieia hcraba^s. EcoKOJMlcal "KEaJSitii? O v e r " l i t i a g s . *yyl. .iGslpiO means, and even.pfOp e •well to door wealthy-Cud thatrthe eiioi:i»mn eharges:.efpr3eii's^rlSl'^^•y^ll•''».&^ , .«•;-« <.;!!•>.. blirdett fotbetn Vt>•>• ' < ' .•<• HJ-" ai'.^i-fJa.r- ing-the'OSBlvea, i . ^.- fuat tteM-Bt tos ac-. rauedtotu-i-Hpiat io Jfact thej h»vethx'««n taeir w«m#y away, To overcojne- these evils we offer Wlieeler% ifo. 8ti Sure Bemedtes toahe siefesnd.snilertag» One Kemedy, lor eaqh dis- ease, withbutrorampmentelaimtog thatoiie Many families have a knaelr of -remedy'will cure any other disease aian the ,- . -. . ..,,, ••• -•-,-•• one claimed for it, and as these remedies have making a little g o a great Ways, in stood-the testa of : years without a single .fail- 1 . f . n rtAririP' thftir hnm°cr cmnfovtnhle. •ate, we agree to ivfnnd the money paid In reuuwuig . i n e i r n o i a e g comioriaoie. eveTy instance where a cure is not positively Aw&r, o-priteol CftHino-nnnn «jnrfi a effeeted, .The. remedies are entirely vegela- - wv ~ l uwt »« wttu-Hg upua SRta a B fe&i'tTM-a-*'fo¥rt- .Gt-out, Lameness of lieUmcttltJiU. Joints, sciatica and JTeurSilgia 'are relieved at once, and .positively cured by the use.of %Vlieeler's H.o. 06 Bheumatic Remedy. We say boldly that In the worst ea«es of no matter how long siandihg-, how serious or how painful, wo can ; ... not only give relief: but.positively cure for ail! tacked on fifmly some strong canvas time. Failing to do this we-will positively,. . . „,, " ... '. f, v - refa-d the money paid for the'treatment, and ] in p l a c e Of t h e c a n e , t h e n a d d e d S 6 V - m/autlmf^ufa^l^of tSnl^urlnSS j eral thicknesses of the same s^o cut Z^i^ti^T^i^^T^ft ft0 ^ to <«d quilt, and tacked over -WheWer's No'. 9& P-heumatic Remedy is onlv ! • 50 canto,, obtainable from.druggists or sent Th^:^pmn&, iias jH^ture .• of . : Fca- partloilajcs gee, pur, nesjt ] •-- ; " :anu6uticeiiient, *'• Ai% yotrr Kidneys disordered? i -«'K10Jitiy-,'Woj>fr-brought jnefrom my..erQ,?o,..asife J "weTe, niter 1 irnti bten ci*eu.nj>by labesJ? docfeorsla. : : Jtfet yaxii jaeryes v>ealc? _. '^(IHfyrWorf cuie^'Hief from'iitjrv^os weakness IAft-,ii.Cf,-ir-J-wns, net--espBet'6a,t3-lft-(r."—Mra.M. ItB;. J,aoaa*ini;EU. eAt*ffa»jteta'tovffleveiana 1 :p, -' Have* you" Brigiit's. i)isease?; . "STAney-Wort onred m».w£e&. mf TFnfee-wja 3n»t- Iik». tiiBlk ami then ltea Mood."" - '.,.."•. V'.- ' - Etenk Witton,geftfaogy,Mais,:- : .SufferingfroinDiabetesi? "jaUn^-Worji3tBomi»6sUc«ssfBlreme(lyI.l»ave ever ^e<l,"Oive» alBi^sfe fimnectifttff rislifix.^ 1 _'- -...-.. Dr.'PMa!pC.Bai9U,i?oiiS*<>n r yt. rHav© you Liver Complaint? 1 - ".Kidney-Worfccured rile X)f chronic iiiVer.DIseases aft.erIjjntyea;tc>-(Ue." ^ . , . ' . ..:.'• 8&K£. W»fd,..lato Ool, liSthSiit. Guard, N.X. [iisyour.Back. laine aai,d aching? I: ."ffl&oy^'ort, a bottle), oiired iiie •yilienX'WMBO |.tawe.IHaa taim-'oatot bed? •;:-'•',"'': V - BKvevytsix 5 ' iBidney*' Uise^se^- '•'''Saantty-wort^iiaeiSb-floimdlnJlTeraiid'laaiiers otter-yeaTSS-or'Trosaiwcsatiil.aodWriDg-.- lis" imm, SWa*BXV-^tmaHoag*es,^llH.4i^oTrn>'WestfV«i. '.'• iAre' yoit "Constipated? "Saaiiej'Wocfc^otiseff easy etdcuatlons andefirea. me aIter-15. years-iise-bt ather:medicmes." ".. -. - " . - ' - ' - . . . Helsba-IMrchn^i Bis iafiaBH,^. ;";'::'.; : .:';;HayeyoiaEEaiaHa9- - ',-••" -'-dSdnoyiftrOTS- has d6iio.b-ettar-than anjr other repieay IlicO!er^everUaed"itt my Bfactice-."-• ..'• : ".-.-" .. •_ B R ItrE. C^r£;gogtji-E0rfl,yt. .--••_ A'^O y'on'Brlib^isJ''•'.'..".. •. '*!Ejan«KWS*Jb05 .aonsiiie jhor'efeoda thto. any. 6ffie'^^e»n0ayIIlaT*eYe^•'t<^lI:6n. , '. .. .: .-'>:• -:.-*•'.- Mra.^. ; !E,-ealtowajiElk.Hiirt,Oweont Ar^'yo^'torifientea; wtl* Piles,? *Kaney-Wbr6>er)njj)ien'«tf ci4r?3- ma of 61ee4hiff -piles; Dr.-W." o.iabie*ecoiroHe!)de4 Ifctotae:"- . .0e9,H.Bora{ t Cashier-iI,litaik,MyerateTni ) P».. ^reyoTr Ehe'nrnatisin. rackedr* "Sadney-WdTS'Cnrc'.a mo, after'i w!a«lyeii up to- -die-.Ijypb.yBiC2aB3.aiia I-had EEafforod.pbirfiy yearaV - "-.'••; : • -^iaMagb;iMeoJ^,^Vert.«a%^fi^nB, •'"' •Xtadies« sre y'Ott^sufferihg? -'IBSney-v^ortiCTJrea ma-ol -jieeullar'-trontijes of fleiTeiafl-yeam stanulmr.-KairyfiJejidaiise-.aiid -BEMEO 'it;.';':•"- ; . - g i * i S ImtttgreaiaXrlslerft.Hotte, Vt, If- ycrd ••woulii'.".B^ish^vJ3ise'ase : r-;.;..^ftd gam'-HPaltbjsTske ' ^BNE^»WORT THE BLOOD CLEANSM. JSaasy WoTtb. Sold^:hy"jSbrslskm',•& MoOre At Stone river, when Craft's brigade of Palmer's cgi-vision was pursuing the routed rebels on the 2d of Janua- ry, they came suddenly on a reserve battery thatopeue&'. ph ,them with surprising fury, The men were or- dered to lie down, and dropped in the soft mud of a corn-field. The rebel artillerymen had the range, however, and poured shot and shell into the advance line in a way that tore some unfortunates in pieces and covered nearly every one with mud. In the midst of the terrible fusilade.a shell struck between two men lying flat-on th&ground,so near i heir heads as to stun boa, Dozens o f men, the bravest there, closed their eyes in an- ticipation of the terrible scene that would ..follow the explosion. But one of the soldiers at whose shoulders the smoking''shell faadstruek, digging up a handful of mud, held.it Moffc for a moment While he said eooly, l, Ten to one, boys, she don't bust," and then with a sort of gleeful agility he brought his great Wad of mud down on the shell smoking in the shallow hole, and ''she didn't bust." Wben Sherman was getting ready for his move-on Atlanta,.great quan- tities of ammunition were in the railroad sheds at .Resaeea. One day, in the midst of a thunder-storm that dismantled the camp^the ammuuition building, was struck, by lightning. Eun'dreds.of the bravest soldiers ran blindly away as they saw the boxes of shell thrown about,saw the guards drop-as if shot, and saw smoke issu- ing from the .top of .the great pile of Bat one man, eiear-eyed and eooi-headed, saw that the smpke. v-uma from low in which tho pfcells ft-ere packed, and, climbing to the top, he 5rizvd thefosin.ing;ra^s.%.ami huldiog it op, shouted. ''All right, boys, no Steworks this tilRf." His intrepidity am! at<r f ':- -. saved tb« ,»••»-. ... iMjssibly. many fiVcB. ' HABKREB FBOS Are Now Beady For The SPRING TKALlb, 3SfEW S T Y L E S —IN' ALL GRADES OF-- FUMITCBE. NEW PRICES TM AU C5ass.es of a oo&s OCR BfEW PRICES ARE IOW- Ell TKAiV EVER ISEFOB-E. WE DEFY COMPETITION! bV6, can do'no haria, and will positively cure e v e r y d i s e a s e f o r -ssfihich t h e y a r e p r e s c r i b e d . family recently, I at first supposed th&y had boughtsome newsbairs, but on closer examination found they had be«i cane-spated vtelaut oaes,too valuable to throw away, after the bot- tom:; bad given out. The girls had ix&e by-mall on recai.pt of price. Sen,: ' Stamps ta- SHiering- Wmm. ££&t£&SS- with.apretfy.face,beauti&tl.iigupe. faultless complexion, as well as the sweetest of ten- pers and faultless-mental qnalities grows pre- -iBatttfeiy old, gray and. wrinkled, her form loses-its'perfect eontourj the-.complexion be- comes sallow, the brightness leaves the eye, a feeling of languor takes the place "of the : -once buoyant -spirits, aw- iri'ItaMe nervous .fracfetQUsnesg m a k e s l i f e a bu*rden»things that- once .were trifles worry her till lite becoin.es unbearable. All thl« being cansed b y t h e physical derangements so common to wo- meo, wfatoh the innftte modesty .of feniiutue -na'tuye pi'evehts"tbeto ma:klng. known; and-of whieh'the ighoKince.'of the inediesl profess- ion prevents acure.. Ladyreader.-pause and consider^ 'tis a duty-yoxt-owe-jsourseifv'your fainily^.an.d yojiE God, that you should cure ydurself of these troubles and bisee more feel the glow of perfect health and spirits that'na- ture intendedfor yuo>. Wteeler's No, 86 Pre- scriptions are pleasant and palatable to take, contain nothing of an, InjurJods nature,, and may betaken by allagps- at all times and in all cotiditaons-wltbout pbssibHltyof ill elfficts. and will positively crtreanyof the peculiar diseases to which females are-subject. Fail- ing t6'prcdHee,a perfect cure the Proprietors will-refund the money paid for the. treatment. If you hive-asaUow complexion, constant or Intetmitan-t headaches, backache, restless- nesSjlbss of •appeti-te.-snppBessions ofmoath- ly'fl^Wi or-iriegularrties thereof aeoompaailed by headache's, nervousness, bysierics and similar symptoms, Wheeler's So, 9& Prescrip- .tion.,"B" will posittvety restore you to-health If you have a sensation of heat and throb- bing In the back, .frequent fainting speiia, Leuooirhea or white dlschare©, painful or scalding sensation in urinating, reddish oi" Whits .deposit" in urine., hot and dry skin, Wheeler's No. 96- Prescription "C" will give' immediate and lasting j'ellef. The price of WHeeleJ'S'Kf6i 8S PreFcriptioaa "JB" and "O" are SOcettts eaah, bbtainablefrota druggists or sent' By -man s'eijiii'B from observation post paid on, receipt of price. Postage stamps to- *en. 0 Q+ iivwTt' It' Is, needless to describe -the . a. L a t i n i, symptoms of this nauseous --disease'tha'l'issapplhg thelife aitd strength of- only.- too many- -of the- 1'airest^and bsst of •botb,.sexes; bid. and young, suflariog. trflfce from the p6isd'nQus-'drlppIag.3n the ihroat.the goisorLOUs nasal discharges, the fetid breath i and general weakness,, debility and -languor;, .aside-froin the-aeute-sufferiiigsol this'disease , w.bic'h"il not cheeked can- only end in- Ios* of palate,, hoarseness, -weafeened sight, loss of memory, dwCfness, and prematura aexVbr.il •not checked before It is too.late. Labor, stud-ytuia. research In A-meraca, Europe and Eastern lands\ha.ve resulted in WhSeter's Ko. '9SIUStaii6iae!liof.p.aid Bure Oare for Csitarrn, a remedy which contHins- no- bar-mflii ingredi-, entSi and .that' is'-guarante'ed. td'.enre eviry. case of acute or cbrontc catarrh or'mauey re- funded. 'Wheeler's JTo.,&6 Instant .Relief and. Sure Cure f&je Catarrh wtll cure every case oi catarrh.Jisy fever or asthma, price SU«J ppr paolcage, from, druggists or Bent by m a l l gos>t paid on ree'eipt of gsice. ' -WSeeler's No,-98 ^uro Cure for Kidney anil •Liver.Troubles cures.all weaknefts and sore- ness, of iadneys, inflammation of kidneys or. liver,.price'S1.0(J • .Wheeler's Vegetable-PlTls'are-the onlyrem' e4y ;: tbat enres eonstipatiori, giving natnral •actionof the Bowels without puysicihg,.purg- ing-, griping or pain, Price 25 e'eais, of drug- gists, or by mail. . : Wheeler's Nervine Tonic 'for ments-f aepres- sJon,.lpss--of manhood, languor, weakness oi over taxation; of^the brain is invaluable;prls'e ZScents,.."-•;;...'..'• ,:',. • ,- '.-'--- » Cures la every case-or ,* w i l l refdad mohsy paid,' We place our price for these remedl es atleSsthan.Qne.-twentiethof'tii,eprice,fi&ked by:others for remedies upon.TChieh yon take: all the-chances, and we: specially invite the patronage of the many persons, who have tried 'other-remedies- xyithout.effect or deplet- ed toeii';purses by paying doctor BUls that benefltted^hem,not. * • SOW tO Uut3iH to your druggist and asfeior them. -IFthey have, not goi them, .write at--once "to the proprietors, enclosing theprlca in mon&y or stamps, andluey will besentyou-atoneoby.-ajs-'d!,' poislspaid,. Gor- .•respondencesolteliied* AjkBeSs-pls'toly, ' v L, W H E E L S R A CO.c :.:••,' •.- No.«%¥:.'KHltma,oreS:t., ' loya. - ., -••;' , • ..B-:-\LTt«oni-i.HIJ. • Sold by Morrison & Moo'e, Lowv}lle.'Lewi» Bounty, N , ¥ . . these jfout cotton to hold them in place, A strip of cretonne baving stripes of pretty flowers, was stitched across a pieno of rep,?, and fiirrned the covering. When th is was tacked on, the edge was hidden witn upholster- er's forbid fastened with brass-headed nails. The effect was very satisfacto- ry. After the boys oiled the frames, thoseeb.aira-werereally, prettier tfaAn many expensive ones I know of. An old lounge, previously covered with hab-clofe., W83 treated in' the.same way, with the addition Of a sofa cush- ion nicely embroidered. It is as good as new,' and more attractive than it was previously. The daughters showed me their "new earpeVmade of two others. ' For the center ah old sittiag-rodm ingrain carpet • was washed, colored brown, and the best portions sewed together. The border was formed. from the best parts of a crimson and black bed-room carpet* •The effect is mpre pleasing, to me ai leastjthan a two-dollar-a-yarUtbright- Sowered carpet which another neigh- bor had just laid down. A lie'uertcir. Irin*:.*m - X .jjrefisaedto similar ait-fe \ ty an.1 ri.h pi.rfuTti< s . It %': yfSe!itari"s t<i «;c:iy UairM giliO luatii&l f<.:or a •M f—eStft*^ falling cf the Wit. M Escsiailialbiwit flmver exlxocls la nchnet;. - b , iic3ii;,.| i lasting, Ste wfor like it. Be sore ypa gut 1 LuKLS-1 ^ CologfteVsljfnaturetif Hiacoi $ Co.,N. y v qn5vfry | 1 -S5 Mjl V .cts.E'Blflrusrg'^ls.ahtl dealers In peri\iljn?j. | .Parker's-JECair'.Batsam and'-FlorestoabJ. : Ion Sold by Morrison. & Moore, : .. . . Lqwvlllft, Lewis county, N,,y,. 'O/^T,Ti f!>rt ' li e-* 0r:ltla g class,' Send 10 \J\J:XJAJ-h^ath lot postage, and we will mail you free',, a royal, valuable bos of sam- ple gbddstha't wUlputyoutat-he way of mak- . lag more ntoney in a few dass than>you ever thotjght' possible At any business. Oa'pital not .tieaulvad: We will start yon'. You can- woi'K'all thetlmeorin spare .time oaly. The work is uhhretsaHy- adapted to both sexes, young aud old. Tou cau easily earn, from BO.ceu.ts toS-> every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we' make this uu pMallel^d . offer; tOraU'wno are not.well satisfied wa will •send $1 to pay :for the trouble of 'writing » s > FuU partlcalars, directions, etc.; seatfree. F o r t u n e s WUi- be- m a d e by those who. give th.eirwttole time to the work. Great success absolutely sure. Don't delaj. Slart now. Ad- dresj'sSTljtHpii &Co., PwQsua, Malm* t> IFUT 1 Wot, Hfp N -w.-epir g by, g.i and jLt:-li'0 Ju darebef-ore.yt-u die,Kom«thirig mighty and sublime leavr behind, to eonfjuor i fcline; 360 a week !p your own town. 85-nuiflt free, Ho risk. Everythiwr «<?w. t^tpttal not required. We wilt luKush. yuu everything. JS&aiy are making fori tines. tedleK n i a k e vfl mueli as m.«n,. andijoys :.rid girls make grpnt pay ail'the tims,' wrl*e for- parMeuIars to BU feallett ACo„gwttend, Malt-e.. . "•" "TH3S trSilFTTL, COMPANION." ' How to Secure mid MHcrtit Thtm, ' Rules and advice Jtiim the .«sp«-Sfetice oi eifcht eminent phyuiclans, sud seven •success- ful lousiness men. A treasury of the-most valuable Information. Prlco 60 cents. Mailed postpaid, ori receipt of prloei. Postag&stamps, •\ . TpylorBros„ Pub, t Boclieater,»*.X^'. Facts ana BBm>>rs. The savings banks of 1$QW York State hold oyer #430,000,000. A German Lutheran thePlogical school has been established in Bpch-^ .es'tp^' . '' •'•*"• t h e coinage, of the United States hunts, during J4ay,. was 10^040,000 pieces, valued at i,5,i08.,'0QQ. The total namher of separate •farms, in the United States is 4,000,066and .their aggregate.valae is ^i&,0Q0,000,- 000.." '.'. '•.' " . . ' . -. ' •. .'. ' ';;• ML Clements, a small town inthe : interior of Ohio, makes about 2,500,^ 000 yards, of straw braid annually, valued at. $50,000, . ''.-.•.• ; .Tbebigg{st salt'well in- the world was struck at Warsaw, N. Y,, reeentf ly l H o2§;-feet deep; It.., will.. supply more brine than three ordinary wells. While a 'Wooddteefc, Ulster' county man was driving his horse the ani- mal stumbled'and fell in sueh a way as to break its neck, ..,.-• . ScMet feyei* has prevailed at Alba* ny for ; some time, and on Friday three, of its .victims, .ehildren of Ci, Q. Campbell, w"ere buried from one 'house,. .... :-.---. '"-'.. Mr.'.and Mrs. Sanford, of Plaia- viiie, Conn., celebrated the.6Sdanni- vessary of {heir wedding last week. Tiio "husband iwflOand the wife 81 years, of age.'.' .... The annual production of a41.fe.in iftii- country 'Is'.estiFoated'at-eiTis- (W0,000 p-^t'ons. n'np-hHlf of which is used in the manuiautareof che^a and butter. Some weeks ago a needle' point broke off in the palm of the loft hand of a Green Island woman, and tbe other day was removed from her right thigh. A Hinsdale, Columbia COi, young man has contracted to work seven years for a farmer of that place in, conBideratioii ofobUthuug thelafter'a daughter for a wife at the end of that period. The National Encampment of the Granc! Army of the JRppnblicis to-be held, at Minneapolis July 2&1 and 34th. Every State inthe Union will be represented- and the meeting will be a monster affair. A Kinflly Sj>ii'it. 1 '^Teyer'll speak to him again,nevei!. said the man in the tweed suit as he shut his teeth together, "Oh, Corrie now, he^ your boat friend, " replied the one with the white-plug hat, '- ' "IIo can't bt.- Ho had a parly at hia house and never invited me, " "1'hat pi-ovta hid iriouiiohip beyond question. He, had. invited ho letia than twelvoof your creditors and : he reaiiiied what your position would be, Pdroll Free Press, AQE STd- WANTED FOR THK U VEH OP - B£ AIHB "& XOftAJT B>-c:oI.T!)'.s. \7..Kuos. OutselH all otli'Sis 10 to 1 AtHbeiitie, Impartial, nomnlete, tbe Best and Cheapest, o'JO p a g e s UM- Sells like wi'ldflx'e. 50nerwnt tv Agents Ouwit free. S r t i fi ,1 i? pa, S iv "^ d, i ress , at Once The trartrbra- PubligWuffCOaMarttordiCPiin,- eawlS ALWAYS BUS ST -AT- WATERS & CO., WHY SHOULD WE NOT BE BUSY ^f,^ H%^\ 5-*?,° bIaok dl es' 1 Sllk for 50c ; o, y ?n„ s at S1 i, 31 ;?i" Fanc V Check Snmmei silks SI.2L 0, < ^ rth ,S c * and Colored Gio Grains ll?,'i= Sllra! i H \! fes -,^ "eaullful shades a t SI wo¥kf 6 ?.? pe ; j ^ra BJUeS ' 0 ms ' fOT i a ^ WHY SHOULD WE Nor BE BUSY When we sell good double 'old Cashmeies at 20, &5c ; •iuiglei'old a t 10 a n d 12c, Cotton ore«s goods5, e,S.10c; LaceBuntiu-s lie; all wool BnntiDgs 17c; all wool Debegesloc: NunsVeil- l a jJl 0l -f iali r nels "5? a 1 1 v So1 Cashmofes a 1 r?,. }&?$ c >~- Jer Z ey , C , !otl,s 45 °; Ottomans SOc; ChuddahsToc; double told Lace Buutmes all S? 0 ™^,' wei eG5c; Velvets S1.S0. Velveteens S7 C , 100 pl<=c-s Dre»s G i o d s 12,15,25c: 1000 E e m - n n r t s Gf p e r y a i d w o i t h 20 f o oc We npver had a IreUcr stock cf the flnei qualltiei a t the puces weaieotTsung now. <- WHY SHOULD WE NOT BE BUSY When we sell good Cilmops 3, i and 5c: good Rheeting-,,o2KtlaDd 7c: Good Bleachedfl, 7 and 5c: Gmgh \m«, 0,7.md 10c; Shirtings Saiid ,n °i9?, Uon ^ rirs 'l.l2}<fPnd2rtoj Tickings S, 10 and I2ijc; Fnrmturo f'nlicoSand 10c; ifeauti- »K AI" y YM- B'F. iT ATT-ESTION. .infix r.. HAKEHl-.H, «30..J,.HAiB£BEB. imm IF YOU WANT TO GET THE WORTH. OFYOtt.ttM.OWBY Every time,buy goods of IKEKPONHAND m mmms* And seilat Bottom Pric°s, I have a Complete Stock of ORQOKERY, GLAS3WARE, LAMPS, TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES, TO1JAGC0ES, CIGARS, &0. SUGARS Of ALL KINDS, Goods Given AT> ay with Ba.king Powder. PORK, BT THEBABKEL OB POTJK-D. ' Tall arid examine'ray goods and: pflees Whether you wlsb to buy or riot. Do tt'ot for- get the place, One Door- North of Ab'e'Il'S Hardware Store, . . A F e w o f tlie Many Testimo- nials wlii«fe G. %•.. Vjro&ttmiii lias Keceired. -. - . Having used Vro'onian's King Over Pain, I prrnonnce it sn excellent 6ii.& snperior ar- ticle. TKTJMAN DAVIS, ' ; Fowler, St Lawrence Go., N.-Y. . Having used Vrooiaan's EJng- Over Pain ean recommend it as- a goo3 medicine for pain in the stomach, side and sore throat.and many other ills too uuiriafons to mention, A. O, aEDDLBTONi ... Biacfeiliver f N. Y. ' Baokete Harboi', K, Y., Feb. 23d. IS8J. Having used the. King. Over Palri tuink It one of the best madiclnes in use. Have used it for toothache and neuralgia. It is the best weever saw, J. W. FIELDS and MAGGIE FIELDS, A P P Trr (ii., S#^d:sis^c.ent,s.for pbs- costij box of goods waich will lieljr you to- more, money right away, than anything else in this world. AU of either sex.succeed from first hour.The broad road lo fortune opsns before the workers.absolutely sure. At once address, TKTTE <8C6„ AuguSt'a, Maifrie, <U>iBlao«.Walnut Co.rniee Poles7S&; Crochet -quUts.fiaC. were BOn; FtrierSl,Sl.2o: also Mare- se-Ms up to ^5; Cream Damask all Linen 18e, wa«2->e: SMer and. wider 2.> t o gne; Bleached Damask nil rjinett Sflc, worth Bgc; finer and w i d e r o*!.5c to 81-SO; e q u a l v a i a e % Damask ^.-"^»" *.-^eresij flner a-ndlargerSl to $6: ,„j. >''!'••'f.t'i 1 : I "•-•'•I- i-''; '4""hai .t.-kT^wnls I'jV, |.>:i-ii->-k l»\ve'.v»uifx»al t..MivXii% if«i40, &*,- w « r » ttif: Xm-kiiy S?Pi Pansa'sk hnc; Fine T-.iti;.rt<>1i-,.>P w«'C>-P r >: JlwqtltW Bar .ISO POM Coiusn and l.iucf).Dii3, t ier 7-X-B.P. . WHYSHOtHJ>' WE NOTE'S, Bit>Y When w'e se%b6d;Coi'sets. a't25o;Em-DrouIriea at 50c, worth ton; nice Lace a n d -EmbTOidKles' cheapei- -than any other, boose,. JEscurial Lacea Ohllds Hose and Glove's 5c up; .Ladies i\ 1 H-Tr^? < ? ^^gPSPSSaa FaricyStrlpe-Snl fn* 143 ,? 01 ? 1 '?,'- '^ ak Mousquetafe. 6 but, gloves 50e: Mens Socks. 10,12^ .js 0 , GanzeVestsSO ana.7ac; Jean pj-awers-50e: Fans, Folding and. 3--afian.ese.L2.3 5(H Parasols,.'an immense as- sortment at 15c t o SS; S h a w l s at 50, 7Sc, Si up r° the finest new embroidered hoveltiesiRib- bons. Portmonies, Hand Hags 50, 756 a n d SI np;..Traveliiig.Bags and Trunks. Hoop Skirts,- Paniers35,-i0and50c; spotyeiUng 15c; Toilet gM^*^Bos.S.poolJ.Hk5o; Klutttni'slik & i SS vist?0 ' Pin S-5c; Kttbbercrr'Qttlars 87Mo toSl.50, ... ' • . •.."•:. WHY" SHOULD WE NOT BEBUSY. Shoe'Apartment is a-grand suecess. Ladles Pebble Goat, but.gaiters 81.S5; Kid but, gaiters 81.50; Common Sense kid gaiter's ?2; Ladies fine glove kid top boots. Ouracd kid loxihg 2. c 0 to-3; Frenchkidboots 8.50-to4; everybody talks about our Si kid. Walking shoes $1, they are solid goods no paper counters arid sheep skirt uppers; Ladies slippers75c. to SI u p : a large lot of soft, wMe. low shoes lor elderly persons made for comfort. Ohiids' shoes 30c to 1; Mis.ses Aaiters 1,1.25,.l.SO; boys and mens shoes 1,M W0, 2'up; jlens flbe andcoarse boots. We buy-direct Jidm manufacturer, W S Y SHOULD "WE NOT B3B.BUSY . When w'e sell Tapestry-Brussels oarpet at 756; Ingrnin 25f 1 -""!?; all wool ingrain 65 to 93c, floor oil cloth 80c ftp; mats 75c,Coeoa find Tap- estry;! tea pet 56 .pieces best stone china $1; 1. dinner set S8,50; good fumblers"25o set; good goblets 35» set; glass-Sauce dlshes50c up; glass sets 6 pieces SI: lamp 30K decorated lamps, ar- gand burners with shades SI; booking glasses 20e to SI; stone Ware, plated ware,' khiv'esand: -forks cheaper 1han th« cheapest; fruit j&rs WtaSLSo.perdoz, ' " -. ' WHY SHQULD-WB NOT BE BUSY; - SO'bbls, A.jeofl'pe sugar 7?.fc; goodlDrown suflnr fiT^c; molasses 35 to 50o: splenrijd coffee IKWc p»r pound; 15 a n d 20o roasted coffees. Re. i p e m b e r w e l e a d t b e ttuii-ket on'50B tea; we have also (eaBat ISandtOc-vfeiSc g,xi'dat25aud S5oj t.hey cannot be matched; every one that ties tbem buys -them,' right, aaong, Soap-5c; Babbits-7c; Rice SPi-English eurraiits So: Kals-' ens 10,and W%a Prunes '8c< eattned 1 goods l2 l .-0; starch 6, 8, 10c; good chewing tobacco 4rtp; ; Warnf<>k & Browns No, 1 smoking 25e a ; KProsene 13c; Brboin.s 20c;best Geese Feathers 70 a n d 75e per pound; Gates matches 5e per bos; and hundreds of.other articles "we have not space to enumerate. Remember you will always Arid the largest stock, the-finestgoodte and the lowest prices a t • WATERS*CO, $ ii(ia week at home. UOa SStOontfii free. Pay 'absolutely sure. Norisk. eapital.iio reciuired..Reader.lf you want business a which persons of either sex, young and : old, can make great pay ail.the time thev Work, with absolate certainty, write for particulars, to H. HAiiEOT & Go". Por.tIan.d Maine. aA.sixBUEi:, Real Estate, Insurance and General Business Agency, REAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E OR EXCHANGE. IKSUKAN-CE. I repiesent the following first-class com- panies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON.& GLOBE, GEBMANIA, LANCASHIRE, UNION & CITIZENS, QUEEN, IMPERIAL, CONTINENTAL, LONDON .6 LANCASHIRE, GLEN'S FALLS, PHOENIX, LONDON ASSURANCE, AND TRAVELERS, LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY RAILROAD TICKETS Sold to any part of the WESTERS COUNTRY, STEAMSHIP TlQESrs Sold to and .from i . r FORJSICfN COUNTRIES s cheap as anyoHier line. . . Office m Jourim7A: EfpvMeon Stock, S. A.S1XBURY. Lowvffie,'N. %. -AT— Syivester Friich 9 * THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF SpHity Suitings Of all Kinds, and Grades ever Shown in lewis County, My Store is Just Crammed Fall of Gents' Furnishing; Goods, Hats, Caps, and Ready-Made Clothing, Of every Description Kind and Quality that ean be Found In any City. MY CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is Full to Overflowing With Work, but any Body Wishing CUSTOM Work of any Kind will Find it to Their Advantage to Gall on KOSCOE BLOCK, S. FEITCH, LOWVILLE, N. Y. CARPETS! GABPETS! CARPETS! The Largest and Bloat Beautiful Line of Carpets Ever Seen in Lewis County, will be Found at tbe Store of Successors of ROGERS & FITCH. NEW PATTEENS,HANDSOME COLORS,BEAUTIPUL DESIGNS IN BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUS- SELS & ALLWOOL TWO & THREE PLY INGRAIN At Prices to Meef any and £11 Competition, at .Home or. Abroad. Steam flaaiif WM. : WWYmm, iiJEWlS CO...N. Y. The Subscribers weuld give notke to the people of Lewis Oounty, that they have all the appurtenances aid machinery for the manufacture of. SASH, BLINDS,' DOQSS, . BRACKETS ; •" MOULDGTGS^O., &0„ Andean supply them wlthariytning in their line oji terms to compete with any other Shop. Builders will find the mouldings flnlshed n the best mariner, a n d a t prices that will- Give them from 25 to 50 per cent:, ov« these worked by ha-no. '. , Snwing, 5«|anlqg r MatoXiing, and any other work In oonneotlon with tli business performed i d t h e most cbritplet .satisfaction... • , ' -". "- .- ;.•"-•"' OurshopisBiipplted with the best class oi maebinery, and the most eoninetenl; w'ork- ttien, , ..- • .". Ail kinds of Panel and Clapboard Saw- ing, as well as GifoulariSud Seyol'l'Sawtog •done onsnort notlca; '3.~— " . - ." • ..' . '. Turaedlaud Fluted -Banisters and Newell Posts constantly on hand; an mad« to order, -xnrtiisig of all'Eladst-exedutsdia gboSstylc M. B, i^boBE'i SOBS;:'. -. - j-'ia ,. : './Q .-.-si •I'ieass. .•Wa--^e^fes'Sho#te^&^ihea.& As.any Hdusetn-Tja^n"^nd:;0i^aftfee.^'S^it^em''^.lio^''a*.*UeL";;; •',.- . . : ";'. '.j , '':i''"'Li.-i l 'i'.:^'"^—y-"'*nr*-- ^r^v- "t'.i-u. i 1 ' 1 'i.L.i-^??si:i:"'i'" ••'•'",''.--- '-:•:"-"-"'- We buy |or .Cash sn* Sell/or <3#n-:^an4\Can khd Wyt : 5if|ke E^'fe We will not Only Meet any Competition but will- Chaiengelt.•.'/ #e ; Sat Pour Debts and jfiave our. Cash or pur Sodas,.'-Cash Suyelte Mlffindf iti iHaire no •'..": . . . ..... ... .i.fpT"...: ! ' Their.Interes-t to Give us a Call and we will. Sa*e. Them^Money;. Out, " * ' Stock Will be FonndCOnsptete-to-all .ail^.^ .'...- ''."••- ..." •3aWses-a.Fi'Ut.''Lineof. •:' .:-...• ;. ; . , .•'.:,-: '-:; ;•"•;-• '.". CASiiMEaES, ALL WOOL TASCO'ES ANDTAFTY-LASfE,.. -.„•/• . .> <^. "•"•'•' ' SUITlNGiS.BOlSiM^OjafEiaANll-iMBBlCAN. ::" -- '-: " ": M'A]SUFAC1^JBE,NOv r ELTY. DilESS^OOmDRESS: '• T E I M M I N O S , 3SfOTIONSv. : <3-LOYES'i C 0 B S E t S , I ) 0 . M E S * •-'--'- --UV - : ' ' .' flOS OF ALL KINDSi,:SH AWtffyI, &£M OU&T^IHS . •:' And.Everything pertaining to .».'Fi^ .- ' . .. '-•.•-- ' ; ;-Line-bf t '--- -.:::•.-••.• -• .-. : ^W':::> •'-"•;:;"•:';- ••-- ;Rj GREAT JSARGAIN.&. FITGJj:-J'©OWDY. Farmers, Business Men oi; any one wishing The SpritrjrjSouse Is n6w' open. ' N ew Din- ing room 26xS9, Beautiful grounds and. stw- roundi^gs. Furniture new. Table tbe best. GRAND OPENING, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, Send for circular whb terms. 52 . S..S. S.AINE, Proprietor^. S ALESMEN WANTED^To .sell 'nursery . stock.-, '.putl line of netv and valuable Specialties. Permanent etnployment and good salary to' successful agents. Address giving age and references, The Geo. A. Stone «*nrsery CaJJoehester,-N. Y; ' -IS TO THE' SROHT' WITH A- •M3 iiijarSJ- o-^ OFALL GEALEg AKBI)EgORiPTIOK. v..; CnmiMm^BB - -• AEE TBE BEST T E l T T H E KEW YOBlE: IfABTLEf. AFFORDS EST OUR FtJBKJSHmG- DEPARTMENT WE .IIAYE: A GRAA T D GOOD '..SHOWINGOF. '". ' '' : " ;% Collars, Ties,. ,- ;. "Wt&pp&eSf lirawers, HosieJ?j s AKD THE LARGEST AND FIHEST LISE.OF ' EVES JJit(,>U OilT INTO LEWIS COUNTY OUR 'CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. a more fldurishiiig condition- Bo sure and call before purchasing Was never in elsewhere. Lowville, April 1st, 1884. WJI. LENNOX. To Wot&to Boss- and A Large Stock of Stri Grreen and Sellebore at urei^aris HOEv BUSH & SON'S. juiH's-siiii, .-'fii'ii AlS & C 0 . Rochester, N,Y, POOR SEEDS. Chicago, HI, ' : -^—Should applj-to-^f, ' A large nnmboi of the best Companies.ren- resented. , , I A /X&'M r nQ^a nt e* i f o rT h 8 Lives of. ja.'UFiaiN X pall : -tlie Presidents': of the. U. S. The largest, handsomest,.best SooE^ ever sold for less than twicei'6tu* price; The fastest selling book In America. Immense profits t(> •agents All intelligent neopie want it. Any- one can beebine a -successful agent. Terms free, HAIJCBTT.BOQE Co.< P o r t l a n d J Maine. PEomff totra HOOFS T And the best way to do this i s b y using EEL-LET k mm ••• OOATINQ^.;,.. The Only Reliable Protection for Preservta! ... the-Shlngls Robfs.of . - ' DwellJiif Ifauses, Bariis, ... . eftjrtrclieiS^Ete.,.'- And making them. Fireproof against Sparks, and Ctocters'ifro'm, Chimney'^ and Burning Buildings, '_.' -•.;-. ' • . • •-" Our' Elastic Waterproof €e mit&i far Tla loofs, IS superior to Anything In Usefar Wear and " . .-•-._ 'StoppingoILeaks, ' ..... -. It is-wariauted not- to Crack t>i Scale, as. It Expands, and Contiacte hy Heat.ahd Cold. The proprietors bi'the-Roof Coatihg are ap- plylhg the covering to many, buildings fn and about BoonviUe. ., Whenever Messrs. Eelley Ji Co.. have worked the -coating has given the best of satisfaction. It is composed of Ingredients noted for-their preservative qualities, , -. - - ' .- • P^€^1RTY€TO who havebnlldlugf, covered with tin or shin* gle roofs should cunsult with the proprietors of the Roof Coating, In thejie-xt few weeks operations will be commenced at Lowville, Orders promptly attended to.-- - ' 'Slw.4 don?.tdis.. -.. 58dO p o t m d s el HTLIt 'Tt'PE Tor Bafebtft»]ifetai, for sale a t t h e f ? S ? ' S & © E 0 e < p * . Tfe-action 6fPETTlT'SAMEK[CAN COUGH CORE-i-s -iipoa Hie entire systetri, strmnlatihg' all the various glands to their norma! actlp.n, a gle.w of warsifh s'c-isns .to pass throug'H the cWHed cir. culatiou, the pulse becomes natural nnd. ijegiilar, the skin !ess hut and feverish, and- tlie CSugn less urgent. ' ' ' I'visons having a trouhicsorhe cnuyh which brca'ks their rest it night, n ill find by taking a dnse of PETHT'S AMERICAN CUl'GII CURE up- ongoing tn bed, they virili have a sound unbroken rest. Kur children it ts invaluable. For sale by ail druggists. If taken in time it will cure yon- suntptioii.- ' • " '• PfiTTIT'S AMERICAN COUGH GU^E is the finest made, and is-eq.ual in meritto PETTIT'b EYE. SALVEi which is conceded'the best w use. Our treatise on Consumption free. -Address . • HOWARI> BRQS„J i 'aBnoNia, N. Y. Sold by Horace Bash & Son, Lowville, N , Y DEL1GATMAND FFW.LM; WOMBX* .Those languid, tiresoiiw sensatfonsi <;aus» jug you to feel scarcely able t o b e o n your feet, that eonstant drain that is driving the biuont from your cheeks, that contin- ual strain on your vital forces, render- "tng you. Irritable and fretful, are easily re- moved by use of that. marvelous remedy, PBTTIS'S Btoon .Pusii'risR.. Irregular- ities and opsti-nctions of your system .are relieved at once, while" the special causes of periodical pain -are permanently re- moved. Kone. receive as muck benefit, or are so nrofwndiy gratofuliu recomiaend- ing PETTrr's RLQOP Pt;iunE& as women, CH1L ^$mjfom<*i Yott :wi]l sftre 1Q ip&g eegfc^^ summer far Boots : aiw* $&&&$.• assorfeient to select xreja m 'Qfflx: h& Jbra-d; -^ •[ 4n0v store m %owiiti.^:'"'• Briag.f&e ^ ^ ^ S ^ / a ^ ^ t y p I matter to deal WitHUsV*eare.g"^^ ••' •'•' 'v r\> ;^'r--r;:: ^^;?WES;#. Jottfaalaad Eejublieaa-Mools/^QW^lle, NJ Y*; iwxie$$y f : im j •»-• .* •^-tjfe &. mmcrmMm : -. - M- ;: r-Aac-- Sherwood^s Novelty Farm Harness- at -l : '-..-'^ .E.ma,mine'i#JoriwirrSel'5';£'.';"-. "l-'X^" '"'.' '"- "..' ' ' BestfntateWorid : at, ';,.' w- WHO IS UNfiCQOAIWTES WITM.TBEiCEOOBfliRHy OF THiaCOOHTR*; WKrV .' . BBS ms^*fdSmC;miSmAFi^MAtpXHB : \ - '•; •"';.-' PETTIT'S RI.OOD PtiRIFIER is enn?,l in merit to, JPETTir'S EYE SALVE .which is conceded best in the-WorlJ. FOR SALE B Y ' i - i II i - r " "' r : " !, ' ', Sow by.Horace Basii.& Son, L.pwvUle,;N. Y* .Qm&^iftt^^ Belng-the Great-Centra! fctrfe* afforas.to tmveterei bjt region of It«iinHWted.Jt«6- graphlcal poajtlon, the -.shortest and- best rd.trtaiietvlteen, the S^sti Ijlorthteitari*: Soutlleasl^:a'na tha.West, NortH«[e^tana Southwesti •"-••'- It is iitetctlly and strictly true, that Its connedtions are all of trJVr>rinclpaMin«w of road between the Atlantic and the Pacific. : . . . ' Bylta main line and bratiehes It KeacheaChlcagOj-Jollet. Pe^iraV"Ott»w«»» i,a Sails, Ceneseo* Moime ^ndF Rook Island,: tri Illinois t ; fiaVen|>c>rt;iWttBca«n«i Washington, KeokuK. 'Knostvilie, Oskalobsa,: PaWelii, ties JtetrreSi Ar/est tibarty, IbywaOIty, Atlantic, Avoca, Audubon, Karlart, Ciithrie Center and Council Blufr*, In Iowa; Caiiatiti, Trenton, Cameron and kanaas eity,io Mtssowi;anttfi&wri* worth and Atchison In Kansas, a n d t h e hanareas of cities,- VlHaises amil ttjwn»; (nterniedlate. Trie ' . ••• - •."/•;"• ' !-' - •••I:-. -.- .". a ISLAMD ROUTE," As lt.lsi.famil!ar!y catlap offers to-i'rayejera all. .triesatfvantases and tsomfort* Irtcldetit t o a amooth tracii, aafe bridges, Onion depots a€':a!l -conneetlriij points. Fast Express Trains, composed or COJWIWODIQ'JS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY upHOLSTESED. .ana JSLECSNT OAV COACilES'f :>* fln&,of t r i * MOSftVIACNIlFIOEXT HOJ?TQN RSOLi^INft CHAIR CARS ever bttiltf PULLMAN'* latest designed and Handsomest PAL.AOE SLEEPING PARS,. arid DINING CAR* tbat-are acKnowlodged by press and:people-to.b'&*be FINEST RUN UPON ANY s ROAD IN -THS COUNTRY, a n d I n whlchsuperlor meals areserved to trarelers at the low rate of SEVEnltY-FIVE«EMTS EACH. . ' ••.-*•*.'•"••:.;•'••'/•• -.'••"•.•'-." THREE T^AIMS each way between CHICAGO and the'JttSSOilHl RIVER. . TWO.TRSiNS each way between.CHlOAGO:ahd^ WINNEAPfitlS and ST. PAUL, via the fanious ... -.," ' . .... - . ..... ,.'*-". - v -•.'•<•-.. ••?•>:: ?.-•.:: -• -.—. .•."."" January. I, 1882,a new.rir!.e..wm tip opened, via Seneca and Kankakee, betw—n ' Newport News, i?ichrn6tia, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, and CounoH Bluffs, St..Paul, MihneaporiBandintermqdiaijipoints,. ' '.. .'• .--.-_• ... All Througfi Passerige'rs cartied on Fast Express. Trains. ' ; ,:: ; : . •'.? For mpre detailed-information, see WapsanaFOiaersi vniicfi may be obtained, M ' well as Ticket?, at ail principal Ticket Offices In the United State* and Canada, oto« R. R. CABLE, "... --i*-' ST. JOHN. '^ : : Vlca-Pre«H * Oen»l Manager, cmn ; f'ti*tJt PtWr **%<' 3." •'.-

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Post on 16-Jun-2019




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mm tfPWiil •OKI taBBSasessrm


ac ^ -,..:.- vJ^£.SiBk#fai yoan^$tP#k,sSorarl

leacn. -inat#ity», ' fi-sa.t care snopM •"• fee. takpninot ; t p i e a l $tx0£.'milk £doy

. . , ^ M ^ t e a ^ as-flis cslif recieujes, SfiMK '; etfeetl c6i;ii;i&eai-^:& GEtfij bdt saili6>?'.



, tries, for-^Cv^teiBa&aftcm bjf.f&e

oral .feipeximeM/^steiiGfi^CtOlBe^a, £n>: : foHowirig^rQ:*ea,&?;&? ths-aiblt eflec''

p|rtsijtinsia|t. total flegtiaetiorji ^.ife«-j^tatp^^jij^i^^^'poUfi^i;. «acb> of

;; ltf«ji"soap^<I;k:€jcGsene': «^vadd •1Hii:e.6 v s ^ o n s o £ w s t t e f : & ^ ^

•'"; '"A;. EA^MES% Wiie^ w^Mipg,, to the , ^imirj(:' ^k^mim, '•. tells h®$r she. •fc^pg-^&ib'ag&wotHia sway from her.

:., £ka&V. gheatways.ii^iijoe.eatafaages.: .- Bh&^mp&m^(MiMppm- ftQI^f: (fry

fine eaifiij/aH^;-srery* iituo;-^egoeis • ' i^ ' i^e-g6^aflfii^8^tg.ft_^qMai or -iieie'af; tMs'diiat-^ei? firieeatooageg.

Also, V?. .pat^sg- ?&?&*£ of/.sawclasfc ,. ajpsftii^fear iaiftt'bn^e^^&^^'tee&or-

:^ieaur:. larger^83*%**/'iC^ksege" the ; ^Qqa^ia&JstiaattS iy&*.-: V •'•; -/'i .'.••-•

. : . :ftBdpg£Me,ls. -ose Jpf jffite.^bsii i e i ---pprfani-iHatfers on .ttie- fared-.• Gh a:

. piece W MfeM^a -lm& ;coiitainlfig ^>tw^ty-Sw. agreS, jSM#^' Prefaced •?:&eg-graas*siiisk^:Mti^tetii^r'«^rtteie» " growtfe, .-aii,.; # x p e B ^ ^ : ; E 6 a t i ^ ia£&.

;•~;:was[jpejtttredixjx^erto^slB. iii^jiie: ,-;- A»iy^t ;af t | iE; r i^5i3^e--$i3%wa8 o smlfzail %eta}gia8-3 atone. ' A Sfew

Yojrk; 1kr*aeE rep^r£a that k& fiaf lapd ,.-.'' t&ss~0&$tises- ibS^bgsiiel&of "wheat

notfai^f, tBe feyge efopa ;^aijg, dpe io

"Do-,f <iai*=woa3eK eilstotiaerg bother yoft matin?'" a|ked a citizen, who was ta&feg "with a. #Qjodwsrfi avenue grocer the Q63igr msrolng*

^riciEs;- i t saeiits aalarM for them to waaf'to heat down toe figures. There eomajr que nsw wlio} jitbMbly waate ftuektehea-rles. Here are some .fresh ones-at gfteenients perctuart, anfi *£ei'-"if J', ehaiaia ask' her.GnIy eleven ^he'ii wiat,*efli.fQr fea..*'. --. Sayy.try i t w, just for a joKe. If sfee^^tisBjprlce "fiatit ae"eiew6n.. V .

^Phe groeer ngreedtattdjpreserifly fhe WQnaatt cam* up, counted the sixteen ho&g&fherries under heir nose,and of. - .'outse inQtHired; . . . •

''•^a^e yo'u^^hucEleherfles &Is . B a o r h H i ^ ' ? "•-. :." •;>-

•""Yes'm,'> f'iFi-esh.ories ?." ' ••". «Y;es>m. *»•;.;

'' * ' I n qiiart' bokes ? 'n :

" i " G s * m . " - • • • - • •

.'""Only eleven cents .per box,mad-

'-' HIli"tak« the whole ioy* sue quiet­ly ofe$erved? as. she:,-hsnded out a | 5 bHl^ and take 'ein pte d i ^

TafroiflzendJsappearedat fftat mo» ment and thegrbeefi believes that it was aput-up Job between the two-.

istoe BacJt-jSFaiitt.

:.,-.--'...-; •• .Many •baekTyaE4s;fee aSominaii^n; "y" Via the ^ ^ ^ d : n o s ^ - . ^ ^ : f i n d s in • ; ' ; ' :> ' ' . . ' " t&m^^^^P^^^* '^ feseCE0B9 ' ;

; : - 'v^ :V«Q^^c^ s t^Hr-^9otSi ;Hem the' :>'7 ". slftpsi.of ^e-Mtchen afe:pQnr.feS'to:ia-i'

; . . . ®eas#thd,odOr?-wM0^ onghfrto.'w^h" '.;" = every : t b § s ^ 1 ^ ' persoAptihe niajfa-"

\ \''•'•• ••;.". i'j^$:j^a@^rbre€^^'ig^e{,tdhz@iEgk'

v.. ;.;" l id . :if'• a^" ' - ^6^e r - . . . ^ ' ^e ' f amj^ '

;': ;.- vefeaih 'Js- prObsbl^ •laTnenfe^'1 aa- a' ' ' •:;"- -*=mya'teiadife. -jSisp^nsatton" .jbf • f*bvi-:. •

;:;;:den^M-batthefeinMer:5?otiid .ssfcyif

- • J ' ;i;he weje te v ^ t t M -baekryard^, th^t , : V" lieatli, w^s<^^ 'soplw W-'& Ivioia-V:' ?;*V;:fio|i:Gjtny^en|eIa#s.' '^.veiry^trong': ^:.- --; argomeni against ft ^ir^'babk^yard',

~ v V:-Is:the"spirit isf'^^deeeptiM ^Meh-i t is^ -..."v.- •/ "->. apt tefosjer mffts.:ydringmetiiberg'Qf

.. .th&faih3Iyt far, it IS areolpakt'-fleceit '-";"';-_.:-;:-;"tov,p'tesei^;:V^^K''-^ri4:;ajStaeB^': -'.:.:•;,.-.", frontjfcjBrd tQ;i%e:^t4S:.of ;thepassers,. '''U:'h;:';.'wttDtfi:ffie'fta^^^l^;fe';^0^fft>f^'i^e. V . :«eea> CihadreniiOuldbetau^Sfef'o.be

-V;-:-'. «K*t."=.'bJE*aai iontsjciefel ^i'S iifeely fe-\'; -r,€3MtoSe^feem. V$lte^b^t-pl§h:|s;.t6

.', ;;•' np/;: fitMa';."<jffiB^t;.;0f J M y a r f , and-"••'•;; 5 v j ^ ^ l t & ^ e : ^ ^ ^ . ^ ! ^ - ' ^ ^ . ^ ' -'J-". ,5',.i fans,.;. b^tg,"bjoken / dighes^an^"? te

/ •• ' ' rV- 'T-W^' ' ' - '*^ 1^^*^ fe bnry-or-barij ; /: 4*-DQ."so* ;aolfow ai^?fMog;to^ be terbflfnj

. . - -^^a6ost^ Savediafeamade-t^ffionye^-:

yi-Vr hptsse.":SEak«>good.walfe,«kit"tett&e. ^^g&unlth^e&S^^^yjring-bf ' graes^ : jn*rt wiaedgi Pa% -.up.Js.trOag supports

forObit c!otl»& lia&.\'_". Ms§P fhe.^pce .; ia^epaiEj:iia^\ rilantenrfeant..bushes fc '.pmt"l%'- y|nea abou:^ .ihe-refase'

; eeptacfe foig. a'shes jieijit: hoaganfething." wBjeh eaii jbe; .^iui.u^n'ot 'a ; irGw.-ef'.

! did barrels to7offend &e dye, and giy6: -.- pat a.. <jloud;pf rashea, eye%. .tjmethe J • yjffiffdbto^.'VJ&^elt ifnle^tphftye.; , Jte :feaelNy^

ft'aIIOti*9 M a g a z i n e lot-AnS'nst..

:;fThe iLUgust'niipiber ':of•;BALtan's '&ai34ZE!&ris' ready, iseird- will lye read with interest. Theleading illaatratipiis aregooa,aad the sabjefite timely. Then follows the'' intoesMng1, .story of 'On. JLiaBd^ad §ea,-'by WHfiaEa HvThfltaiees, 4rt&^e$*f B«"Belte p | AustraliW' and . A.SiJEVvei's ^ii¥en4t^re3^, Xoifl «f.M-tar-fist Jiitd, iaf^rDaaiWa,- as it. tells fce$p-tbe %ew4sKff.of b&-shi Wasa eiired. c?f an $t-* .tackof iove for a Mesie^n.sKHnatt by shaving- his. head; anid how she .sold the pQor fellow. . I?6ilawlng this are a dezaa. differeijt. 3ttieles,-r3ll good ds-lnesffc.stpries, sketeaesj.poeinsj. amusv log laatterfreeeiptSihb.u^ehpld ajBtfeisj Iqriespohdeneejetc., makmg: one of the hesfc agaziaes in the • eoimtry^~EUid the eheapest as: TSraH." liris only 15 eea ts, fbfcsiagle copies:, pr $1.B0. peEytar,posl-paicf. Address^ Thome's & I'albot, S3

^treat, Boston..

• ti'k* ^Hh£m&fcxm Seview for An-' gust- *j; afainsv.ah -.artiele:-by. Justice Jaiaes -Y.CanipbeHPn'-'tee BflbEoaeh-meats of Capital', which will c'omaaan.a the serious" attention: ef. all readers, Eiehard. A.^Proetor treats of 'TfieOxigin of epmets,-' and succeeds in presenting tljaj.diiHcalt subject la & light so clear uhat-persona.who-haye little oi no ac-« gnaintsince' WKBastrohpniy can follow Ms- argupsertt, "Are- we a; .S"atiph.of. Kaseafe?J':is th;e;istarf iteg title; of- an .aa - t ic la i^ ' Joh* ^,. fiamfij. whp shows that states, counties afld: municipalities in^be tJjDited states' haye alreadyforni' a^y- jfepadiaied.or defaulted in the pay-aientrof interest PhjanaEapunt of fionds

r4iid other obligations e^u^fctP' tbe sn'ai' .qf:|he nationat;aebfc>^ Edward G. Eoringfihp^sX'Briftinwards. :Oeri'tra> tzation' in the%eent juogrfleht of the' iUnitep; States. Supreme.Gourfc on.- the ifjo^er'-pf.jth'e^^ JFederal :QoveigrtQie.n.t:t* : issue. pape^jaPneyjand-in^;tliappiraon; ;qf the^rranofuiJ.pf the sanie court renr -dered "i* - the suit- foi? - fee -.Arlington.. ; property. Julian ^Eawth°rhe writes of '^he'Ajherican Element in Fiction/ arid th^reJs^a.sy^ppsiurp;'.. on,'PrpMbi-•tior; and Jersuasion/by Ifeill^oW and :'©r»Bio.Ee^is>-'.-;';-•'"--'"".,•'. .' - "

vWIiett a:ni.an; is going down hill everybody isready to giYehrm fe.kiek^ YeSj thitlg-soi It iftsadtbut natural. Wbyy hiariy a toatt and woman, seek-ihg. .employment, would Bavegof-it if their hair hadn't 'been so thin and ,gray. : One..- bottle of Parker?a Hair. Balsam & then the. best investment. I t stops'- falling' .hafarHfcPinbtes "new -growth::and restorpsr color. -Clean. tiigh^perfamedi; nota:dye. A.great iteprovement'overahy simlla,r prepa*. ratron,.ahd sold at the low price of 5M--:•- : -"=."". :v.-;:::""...-"' " 2fr# •-.

I «;" •-.

.-•dEtteiifaip jpyiif^.-.:-

:h»F fifep.prfl&IaedLtp hettp t p a ;;fu1f

-. ed it bemme EffPrs and-mpie-eyidentJ - fliM" it #pnldj^>bsl»w :;atj ;; average -

jcrpp> .ihers^^^ppear^via be- severfl,^ A:e4u3es^fer,"pifei .-Afeny:fi.plds suffesed-", ;"' by-ihe:drPa|h'ojf.IpfcauttoitKepTpots' ';•', of- .tne'.^ass^-MIng;- we^eiied,= an3 •-; - jnstoypf; &fem- kM|ed.pntl*elyf so that' . 'the -/ g r ^ V r i l t l i Q 6 | ^ ^ -v.i||^'^-&^'s^aj^h''^'-vj(e%etfiixs£a : ; « ; djbt3peer was^nbt -fisythiefc: at; t he

.• i fei toniasi tshpuidheitfsMurea^ . estop*,; When fp.er^ass haSf ,p%Siafly:. ^eeoYfeed/frcfni? lait_year?3.|K0Bua:,jne; ', ftoftfeoiM^M&MnS: SM;mxQ.^s.^ :; M ^ ^ g ^ y w t e g f s r w f f i e ^ not;Pii iy ste^jfptf . the growth, but

• '^Hedffie |op ^ f tfiB'grass in tlip^Seids -.' tha t were - making «-. xapf^ ^r6%th.;

: 'rasomepsraonsbf^i$^Mt^$0:MTi£*i other /^p36-0fjnn&' fsth ..done, eyptt:: naorp dafioage titan^ ihe^d&er;; |%p? ' :v

-: • 8&':&x-iasiwe haye.Jieenv:.;able- tp : Vgafhey:Wprmiafioni ib& emp of hay i s . "VeQmjng'itt ye^.figfct^eiseptoh iiigh^ ,ly manntei. iandt, I f this;' fe&.sp^ then thft fevers ma3t;TDe; prepared t o naedt.

\:^^^-i^'0sBS&/xa^tms.ias^ ap the ; •'idsfieieney* pteis-esfi^^bedone]%sPW|ng:'

fo&Mr^r^pJi, iiangartan., bariey»Pats. 1 ,«Bcd iiotn loay. tesowa, if the work be

'""""W: Sffierpf thesB-.er0ps\ wpuld help^o^'ffiejiay^owwo'hdejr-

;; ioiHy^:'. *;/•.;;: [.--:.r^spj^ ?'• ";.\;- ^ - ; -", ,-;.. -'•Thctee: wfekee'p sheep should fipw. .a;j^od^breadth pF&ngkZsit:turpps-(M ^ j ^ k e ^ t % ; i a g p o d " ' c b ^

thedeseney by.a aeeeridicrop. of grass..: -pn:fiB^.fa«msit will pay to apply to

- the', best fields .a' liiafal d'resBsing of '•'"•fioe- y^a'decpajp.036d. manurey or If . th&":.c4S^nothe--obt'aiaedthen' some

fommprelai f e : ^ ^Stipald beapglfed s^^ppoha's pdsffltble"

'•: By^tlfttipfpresJ^ ;v;itdh» ialmpit ie*efy ^itafer canrbefoJce .:..wihfer;i;5nake n p t h e \defieianey m.his. • n%y iflPWtand^tK^c'bfe-ahlfe^^a^y" ';•• $& ofiis:a<p^.thipug.hVti(e w i n f e ih . gooA fenditftipa -^ithorit having tp

bny;MpP#*S9l igh^ .^s.fe eohsumS: ;»3B.M-theprofits of thp farrrt..; Wh&i-

.; .evey M y c l ^ pf-erpjiS-^r'PjShprt,: the; jto^y.shpdldjnbt^;War6 to Sfigif a s y -fein^ wSl^turn^-pp: tptelieyp.Bim lbnt:

. itfeshptipatpaepWfe.fiimSelf*fr^^wofk. -*p;.ti^.nftsPniet^fB^tpj supply. thP • - Steficienfi^~iB^3*djfe!W^#;' -JPZmtgfth man*'-.:•:.'--•'-"._,.-""; ; ; ! V'. ' ' . ' ; ' ';

: : .9SBB -bEbtfts'itt:iSpaiK iduring i§8|-'itembersd ^iMtf, Ad;tf ie- : 'deatM • • ^ o f l f t - - - / - ' . ' ' - ^ - ' • ' . - - ; ' . - - - : V - :.••• - c ;

. ^ | ® Sho^onp; .-Jndlarisj at;..-their-; annual festival ^ racenBy, danced?: for-[Wt^&S'dksM lind a%htf,; wifhput giopr '.•i^ft"-.";'".'-:':'v-->'.' V ^ V ' " ^ - v , ^ . . v ...:'•-.-• -;

ftlSEASE ClfSLBP TnxHOtrar M E D I C T N I : .

A Vali tat j le Blsoovery for sni . j j iylngM a g a e t -lSm to t b o H u m a n S y s t e m Meot r ic i ty aiiU 5tognetlKB£ ut i l ized a s never betove for B e a d -l a g t h e S l o k . '

TTXIS M A S K E T I O N A i r t > l . I « « f E C O . S

SlAGi«ETI€ KK^Hfffi'S' Bf i l .T t •"" - . -'••'• FoaMESris.' ' . . . • t X r A B B A J T T B D TO .CtFRj!! Or Moaejf R e .

V T funded, t h e fol lowing diseases w i t h o n t m e d i c i n e ; — P a i n to t h e Back, Hips , H e a d n r Limbs, , Nen?ons BeWJi ty . r ,umbagQ t tt^aera) D e W H t r . B l i e u m a t l s i a , Pai 'a lys is , JSetiralsfa, StSiattcft, Diseases, of Hie K i d n e y s , S p i n a l Dis­eases, Torpift Liver , Gtmt.Spuains,) EJmtssions, Inapoteiiey,-AStli-ma Heart Bisea§e,,l)yspep-sia, Conat tpa t ip i j . E rys ipe l a s . Indijfast lon, a e t a t a o r JRujitore, Catow*b, F'sXee, Ep i l epsy , •DiiiBl} Ague, etc . . • ; - . - - • . - . • WJien « n y .tleDIUfy of t b e S B N E K A T 1 V B -OKGAJSS-oacmrs. L o s t V i t a l i t y , LaeK o i afelTB fforeeaiid Vigor , W a s t i n g WeaJsness, i v n a a l l tfiose Biseases o f a pe'rsooal n a t m w , f e o » vrbaiever csinse, t h e c o n t i n n o u s s t r e a m of K a s i i e t i s m . p e r p a e a t i n g tn-ronKh tlift p a r t s n m s t r e s t o r e y i e » t o a - h e o , i , t h y ac t ion . S l i e re is not m i s t a k e a B o n t t h i s « p p l l a n ee, n n o . T S B LADIES:—M y o u JITS, afffleted X ' w i t K L a m e B a ' o S , W e a k n e s s of t h e s p t e e ,

Palling-6"f t h e Wonib> LeueoMoaea , Ohronio Inffamnint ton. a n d B i e e r a t i b n of t h e W o m b . I n c i d e n t a l S e m o r r b a g e - o r f loodEng, Pa in fu l , Suppre s sed and. jEcregiilar a t e n s t r t i a t l o n . Bai'-tef tness i -ana Change of Life, t h i s "is t h e Bes t A v p l l a n e a . a n d Cura t ive£genf , k n o w n . .

$:m aU forms of F e m a l e ' D i a t o u l t t e s i t i s uu'~ surpasse t l b y a n y t h i n g bafore i nven tPd , bo th a s a c n i ' a t i Y e a g e n t a n d a s a source of power a n d - ^ t a l l a a t i o n . •

Price-of e i ther Be l t w i t h Magne l i e Inso jes , 811) s e n t ' b y e x p r e s s 0, O. B., a n d e s a n i l n a t l o n a l lowed , o r b y m a i l o n r e c e i p t of price., in o r d e r i n g s e n d nje.wure of wa i s t , a n d sjze of shoes . R e m i t t a n c e s c a n ba m a d e i n cu r renoy , s e n t i n l e t t e r a t o u r r i s k . - . .

T i teSIagne to t f • ( Jarmer i t s a r e a d a p t e d t o a l t ages, a r e w o r n ove r t h e u n d e r efotblhg, (no t n e x t t o t h e b o d y l i k e t h e m a n y G a t y a n i & a n d BlectrJo- H u m b u g s adver t i sed so ex tens ive ly) . a n d s h o u l d be t a k e n off a t n igh t . They hold t h e i r E O W K B F O R E V E R , a n d a r e w o r n a t a l l s easons .Of t h e y e a r . :-Senfl s ' t a ippfbr the ' ^Sew D e p a i t f e e i n KEed-

ieal t r e a t m e n t W i t h o u t Med ic ine , " wi th t h o u s a n d s Qf t e s t i m o n i a l s . -.. TBEBilAOhNBTION A P P M A N C S CO.,

218StateStTeet, .Cbicago, 111, Kot«.^-Send-oue djjllar i n postage s t a m p s or

c u r r e n c y .{in l e t t e r a t o u r r i s k ) , w i t h s ' z e o f shoe u s u a l l y -worn, a n d t r y a pa i r at o a r Magnet!©;Insoles , a n d . b a . . c o n v i n c e d of t h e pOwer-Tet-fdihg In Qui- o the r Magnetic.-Appli­ances , ' Pos i t ive ly no-eoid feet w'heii-they a r e w o r n , o r m o n e y refunded * IGyi

Maaue t i e K i d n e y Be l tkoo id by Morrison- & Moore , Lowvi l l e , JT. Y.

$fn#fe Mm fnil ^ S - t g ^ .. .era i . isaany [ g s P l O s i v e s

diseases and.deiKHJ. 'etaeats of t h e body each '' ' .has'a'sep'aratacainijeor: o r ig in , a n d t h a t each needs».rt}ffireat-mtt!i ' ' ! ; t of t re: . f l imit . In ;>r-tivr *o et!Set. B c ^ r e r a m i a t a o eui.'* n He.-. t t o n : i n w t <?: mvtofcy t b a t -&nv of TIisj <jnait nosfr t iaia J ' is tct l a^'ou tlie puHIiv e l a i m i c a t o <mi'sail «>fa mia ' tbw "(uiametJ-ftf-i'tv di^>ff.st dtoi^v^.mTir-t-.-prfjnj f;iHia:««, w i n If Wt:-i3o no t call t l ieia h c r a b a ^ s .

EcoKOJMlca l "KEaJSitii? O v e r " l i t i a g s .

* y y l . . i G s l p i O m e a n s , and e v e n . p f O p e •well to d o o r weal thy-Cud tha t r the eiioi:i»mn eharges:.efpr3eii's^rlSl'^^•y^ll•''».&^, .«•;-« <.;!!•>.. bl i rdet t f o t b e t n Vt>•>•'< ' .•<• H J - " ai'.^i-fJa.r-ing-the'OSBlvea, i . ^.- fuat c « tteM-Bt tos ac-. rauedtotu-i-Hpiat io Jfact t h e j h » v e t h x ' « « n t a e i r w«m#y a w a y , T o overcojne- these evi ls we offer Wlieeler% ifo . 8ti S u r e Bemed tes t o a h e siefesnd.snilertag» One K e m e d y , lo r eaqh d i s ­ease, w i t h b u t r o r a m p m e n t e l a i m t o g t h a t o i i e M a n y f a m i l i e s h a v e a k n a e l r o f

- r e m e d y ' w i l l c u r e a n y o t h e r d isease a i a n t h e ,- . -. . . . , , , ••• - • - , - • • one c la imed for it, a n d a s t he se remedies have m a k i n g a l i t t l e g o a g r e a t W a y s , i n stood-the tes ta of: y e a r s w i t h o u t a single .fail- 1 . f . n r tAr i r iP ' t h f t i r h n m ° c r cmnfovtnhle. •ate, w e a g r e e t o ivfnnd t h e m o n e y paid In r e u u w u i g . i n e i r n o i a e g c o m i o r i a o i e . eveTy i n s t a n c e w h e r e a c u r e is n o t posi t ively Aw&r, o-priteol C f t H i n o - n n n n «jnrfi a effeeted, .The. r emed ies a r e en t i re ly vegela- - wv~l S « u w t » « w t t u - H g u p u a S R t a a

Bfe&i'tTM-a-*'fo¥rt- .Gt-out, L a m e n e s s of l i e U m c t t l t J i U . J o i n t s , s c i a t i c a a n d

JTeurSilgia ' a r e rel ieved a t once , a n d .positively cured by t h e use.of %Vlieeler's H.o. 06 B h e u m a t i c R e m e d y . W e s a y boldly t h a t In t h e w o r s t ea«es of n o m a t t e r h o w long siandihg-, h o w se r ious o r h o w p a i n f u l , wo can ; . . . not only give relief: but.positively cure for ail! tacked on fifmly some strong canvas t i m e . Fa i l ing to do t h i s w e - w i l l p o s i t i v e l y , . . . „ , , " . . . ' . f , v-r e f a - d t h e m o n e y paid for t h e ' t r e a t m e n t , a n d ] i n p l a c e Of t h e c a n e , t h e n a d d e d S6V-

m/autlmf^ufa^l^of t S n l ^ u r l n S S j eral thicknesses of the same s^o cut Z ^ i ^ t i ^ T ^ i ^ ^ T ^ f t ft0^to <«d quilt, and tacked over -WheWer 's No'. 9& P-heumatic R e m e d y is on lv ! • 50 canto,, ob t a inab le f r o m . d r u g g i s t s o r sen t

Th^:^pmn&, iias jH^ture .• of

.: Fca- partloilajcs gee, pur, nesjt ] •-- ; " :anu6uticeiiient, *'•

Ai% yotrr Kidneys disordered? i -«'K10Jitiy-,'Woj>fr-brought jnefrom my..erQ,?o,..asife J "weTe, niter 1 irnti bten ci*eu.nj>by labesJ? docfeorsla.

•:: Jtfet yaxii jaeryes v>ealc? _. • '^(IHfyrWorf cuie^'Hief from'iitjrv^os weakness IAft-,ii.Cf,-ir-J-wns, net--espBet'6a,t3-lft-(r."—Mra.M. I tB; . J,aoaa*ini;EU. eAt*ffa»jteta'tovffleveiana1:p, -'

Have* you" Brigiit's. i)isease?; . "STAney-Wort onred m».w£e&. mf TFnfee-wja 3n»t-Iik». tiiBlk ami then ltea Mood."" -' . , . . " • . V'.- ' - Etenk Witton,geftfaogy,Mais,•

:-: .SufferingfroinDiabetesi? "jaUn^-Worji3tBomi»6sUc«ssfBlreme(lyI.l»ave

ever ^e<l,"Oive» alBi sfe fimnectifttff rislifix. 1 _'--...-.. Dr.'PMa!pC.Bai9U,i?oiiS*<>nryt. rHav© you Liver Complaint?1

- ".Kidney-Worfccured rile X)f ch ron i c iiiVer.DIseases aft.erIjjntyea;tc>-(Ue." ^ . „ , . ' . „ . . : . ' • 8&K£. W»fd,..lato Ool, liSthSiit. Guard, N . X .

[iisyour.Back. laine aai,d aching? I : ."ffl&oy^'ort, a bottle), oiired iiie •yilienX'WMBO |.tawe.IHaa taim-'oatot bed? •; :- ' • ' ," ' ' : V -

BKvevytsix5' iBidney*' Uise^se^-'•'''Saantty-wort^iiaeiSb-floimdlnJlTeraiid'laaiiers otter-yeaTSS-or'Trosaiwcsatiil.aodWriDg-.- l i s " i m m , SWa*BXV-^tmaHoag*es,^llH.4i^oTrn>'WestfV«i.

'.'• iAre' yo i t "Constipated? "Saaiiej'Wocfc^otiseff easy etdcuatlons andefirea.

me aIter-15. years-iise-bt ather:medicmes." ".. -. - " . - ' - ' - . . . Helsba-IMrchn^i Bis iafiaBH,^.

;";'::'.;:.:';;HayeyoiaEEaiaHa9- - ',-••" -'-dSdnoyiftrOTS- has d6iio.b-ettar-than anjr other

repieay IlicO!er^everUaed"itt my Bfactice-."-• • ..'•: ".-.-" .. •_ B R ItrE. C^r£;gogtji-E0rfl,yt.

.--••_ A ' ^ O y'on'Brlib^isJ''•'.'..".. •. '*!Ejan«KWS*Jb05 .aonsiiie jhor'efeoda thto. any. 6ffie'^^e»n0ayIIlaT*eYe^•'t<^lI:6n.,'. .. .:

.-'>:• -:.-*•'.- Mra.^.;!E,-ealtowajiElk.Hiirt,Oweont

Ar^'yo^'torifientea; w t l * Piles,? *Kaney-Wbr6>er)njj)ien'«tf ci4r?3- ma of 61ee4hiff

-piles; Dr.-W." o.iabie*ecoiroHe!)de4 Ifctotae:"-. .0e9,H.Bora{tCashier-iI,litaik,MyerateTni)P»..

^reyoTr Ehe'nrnatisin. rackedr* "Sadney-WdTS'Cnrc'.a mo, after'i w!a«lyeii up to-

-die-.Ijypb.yBiC2aB3.aiia I-had EEafforod.pbirfiy yearaV -"-.'••; : • -^iaMagb;iMeoJ^,^Vert.«a%^fi^nB,

•'"' •Xtadies« s r e y'Ott^sufferihg? -'IBSney-v^ortiCTJrea ma-ol -jieeullar'-trontijes of

fleiTeiafl-yeam stanulmr.-KairyfiJejidaiise-.aiid -BEMEO ' i t ; . ' ; ' : •"- ;. - g i* iS ImtttgreaiaXrlslerft.Hotte, Vt, If- ycrd ••woulii'.".B^ish^vJ3ise'ase:

r-;.;..^ftd gam'-HPaltbjsTske '

^ B N E ^ » W O R T T H E BLOOD C L E A N S M .

J S a a s y WoTtb . Sold^:hy"jSbrslskm',•& MoOre

At Stone river, when Craft's brigade of Palmer's cgi-vision was pursuing the routed rebels on the 2d of Janua­ry, they came suddenly on a reserve battery thatopeue&'. ph ,them with surprising fury, The men were or­dered to lie down, and dropped in the soft mud of a corn-field. The rebel artillerymen had the range, however, and poured shot and shell into t h e advance line in a way that tore some unfortunates in pieces and covered nearly every one with mud. In the midst of the terrible fusilade.a shell struck between two men lying flat-on th&ground,so near i heir heads as to stun boa , Dozens o f men, the bravest there, closed their eyes in an­ticipation of the terrible scene that would ..follow the explosion. But one of the soldiers at whose shoulders the smoking''shell faadstruek, digging up a handful of mud, held.it Moffc for a moment While he said eooly, l ,Ten to one, boys, she don't bust," and then with a sort of gleeful agility he brought his great Wad of mud down on the shell smoking in the shallow hole, and ''she didn't bust."

Wben Sherman was getting ready for his move-on Atlanta,.great quan­tities of ammunition were in the railroad sheds at .Resaeea. One day, in the midst of a thunder-storm that dismantled the camp^the ammuuition building, was struck, by lightning. Eun'dreds.of the bravest soldiers ran blindly away as they saw the boxes of shell thrown about,saw the guards drop-as if shot, and saw smoke issu­ing from the .top of .the great pile of

Bat one man, eiear-eyed and eooi-headed, saw that the smpke. v-uma from low in which tho pfcells ft-ere packed, and, climbing to the top, he 5rizvd the fosin.ing; ra^s.%. ami huldiog it op, shouted. ''All right, boys, no Steworks this tilRf." His intrepidity am! at<rf':- -. saved tb« ,»••»-. . . . iMjssibly. many

fiVcB. ' •


Are Now Beady For The



— I N ' A L L G R A D E S O F - -


NEW PRICES TM AU C5ass.es of

a oo&s O C R B f E W P R I C E S A R E I O W -

E l l T K A i V E V E R I S E F O B - E .

W E D E F Y C O M P E T I T I O N !

bV6, can d o ' n o h a r i a , a n d w i l l pos i t ive ly c u r e e v e r y d i sease for -ssfihich t h e y a r e p rescr ibed . family recently, I at first supposed

th&y had boughtsome newsbairs, but on closer examination found they had be«i cane-spated vtelaut oaes,too valuable to throw away, after the bot­tom:; bad given out. The girls had

ix&e b y - m a l l on recai.pt of p r i ce . Sen,: '

S t a m p s t a -

SHiering- Wmm. ££&t£&SS-wi th . ap re t fy . f ace ,beau t i&t l . i i gupe . faul t less complex ion , a s well a s t h e sweetes t of ten-p e r s a n d faul t less-menta l qna l i t i e s g rows p re --iBatttfeiy old, g r ay and. w r i n k l e d , her fo rm loses-its 'perfect eontourj the- .complex ion be ­comes sa l low, t h e b r igh tness l eaves t h e eye, a feel ing of l a n g u o r t a k e s t h e p lace "of t h e

:-once b u o y a n t -spirits, aw- ir i ' I taMe n e r v o u s .fracfetQUsnesg m a k e s l i f e a bu*rden»things that-o n c e .were trifles w o r r y h e r t i l l l i te becoin.es u n b e a r a b l e . A l l th l« be ing cansed b y t h e p h y s i c a l d e r a n g e m e n t s so c o m m o n to w o -m e o , wfatoh t h e innft te m o d e s t y .of f en i iu tue -na'tuye pi 'evehts"tbeto ma:klng. k n o w n ; and-of w h i e h ' t h e ighoKince.'of t h e i n e d i e s l profess­i on p r e v e n t s a c u r e . . L a d y r e a d e r . - p a u s e a n d consider^ ' t i s a duty-yoxt-owe-jsourseifv'your fainily^.an.d yojiE God, t h a t y o u s h o u l d cure ydurse l f of these t r o u b l e s a n d bisee m o r e feel t h e g low of perfect hea l th a n d s p i r i t s t ha t ' n a -t u r e i n t e n d e d f o r yuo>. W t e e l e r ' s No, 86 P r e ­sc r ip t i ons a r e p l e a s a n t a n d pa la t ab le to t a k e , c o n t a i n n o t h i n g of an, InjurJods na ture , , a n d m a y b e t a k e n b y a l l a g p s - a t a l l t i m e s a n d in a l l cotidi taons-wltbout pbss ibHl tyof i l l elfficts. a n d w i l l pos i t ive ly c r t r e a n y o f t h e p e c u l i a r d iseases t o wh ich females are-subject . F a i l ­i n g t6 'prcdHee,a perfect c u r e t h e Propr i e to r s wi l l - refund t h e m o n e y p a i d for the . t r e a t m e n t . If y o u h i v e - a s a U o w complex ion , c o n s t a n t or In te tmi tan- t headaches , b a c k a c h e , res t less-nesSj lbss of •appeti-te.-snppBessions o f m o a t h -ly'fl^Wi or- i r iegularr t ies thereof aeoompaailed b y headache's , n e r v o u s n e s s , bys ie r ics and s i m i l a r s y m p t o m s , Whee l e r ' s S o , 9& Presc r ip -. t ion. ,"B" w i l l pos i t tve ty res to re you to-heal th I f y o u h a v e a sensa t ion of h e a t a n d t h r o b ­b i n g I n t h e b a c k , . f requent f a in t ing spei ia , L e u o o i r h e a o r w h i t e dlschare©, pa in fu l o r sca ld ing s ensa t i on i n u r i n a t i n g , r edd i sh oi" Whi t s .deposit" i n urine. , h o t a n d d r y s k i n , W h e e l e r ' s N o . 96- P re sc r ip t i on " C " w i l l g ive ' i m m e d i a t e a n d l a s t ing j'ellef. T h e p r i ce of WHeeleJ'S'Kf6i 8S PreFcr ip t ioaa "JB" a n d " O " a r e SOcettts eaah, bb t a inab l e f ro t a d ruggis t s o r s e n t ' By - m a n s'eijiii'B f rom observa t ion p o s t p a i d on, rece ip t of pr ice . Pos tage s t a m p s to-* e n .

0Q+ iivwTt' I t ' Is, need less t o descr ibe -the . a. L a t i n i , s y m p t o m s of • t h i s n a u s e o u s

- -disease ' tha ' l ' i ssapplhg t h e l i f e a i t d s t r e n g t h of- only.- t oo many- -of the- 1'airest^and bss t of •botb,.sexes; b id . a n d y o u n g , suflariog. trflfce f r o m t h e p6isd'nQus-'drlppIag.3n t h e ihroat.the goisorLOUs n a s a l d ischarges , t h e fet id b rea th

i a n d g e n e r a l weakness , , deb i l i ty a n d -languor;, .aside-froin the-aeute-sufferi i igsol t h i s ' d i s ea se , w.bic'h"il n o t cheeked can- o n l y e n d in- Ios* of pa la te , , hoa r senes s , -weafeened s ight , loss of m e m o r y , dwCfness, a n d p r e m a t u r a aexVbr.il •not c h e c k e d before I t i s t o o . l a t e . Labor , stud-ytuia. r e sea rch In A-meraca, E u r o p e a n d E a s t e r n lands\ha.ve resu l ted i n WhSeter ' s K o .

'9SIUStaii6iae!liof.p.aid Bure Oare for Csitarrn, a r e m e d y w h i c h contHins- no- bar-mflii ingredi - , entSi a n d . that ' is'-guarante'ed. td ' . enre eviry. case of a c u t e o r cb ron t c c a t a r r h o r ' m a u e y r e ­f u n d e d . 'Whee le r ' s JTo.,&6 I n s t a n t .Relief and. S u r e Cure f&je C a t a r r h w t l l cu re e v e r y case oi c a t a r r h . J i s y fever o r a s t h m a , pr ice SU«J ppr paolcage, from, d rugg i s t s o r Bent b y m a l l gos>t p a i d o n ree'eipt of gs ice .

' -WSeeler ' s No,-98 ^ u r o Cure for K i d n e y a n i l •Liver .Troubles c u r e s . a l l weaknefts a n d so re ­ness, of i a d n e y s , i n f l ammat ion of k i d n e y s or . liver,.price'S1.0(J

• .Whee le r ' s Vegetable-PlTls'are-the o n l y r e m ' e 4 y ; : t b a t en res eonst ipat ior i , g iv ing n a t n r a l

• ac t ionof t h e Bowels w i thou t puys ic ihg , .purg­ing-, g r i p ing or p a i n , • P r i c e 25 e'eais, of d rug­gis ts , or b y m a i l . .

: W h e e l e r ' s N e r v i n e T o n i c 'for ments-f aepres -sJon,.lpss--of m a n h o o d , l anguor , w e a k n e s s o i over taxa t ion ; of^the b r a i n is invaluable;pr ls 'e Z S c e n t s , . . " - • ; ; . . . ' . . ' • ,:',. • , - ' .- ' ---

» Cures l a eve ry case-or ,* w i l l refdad m o h s y

pa id , ' W e p l a c e o u r p r i c e for t h e s e r e m e d l es a t leSs than.Qne. - twent ie thof ' t i i , epr ice , f i&ked by :o the r s fo r r emed ies upon.TChieh y o n t a k e : a l l the -chances , a n d we: spec ia l ly i n v i t e t h e p a t r o n a g e of t h e m a n y p e r s o n s , w h o h a v e t r i ed 'other-remedies- xyithout.effect o r dep le t ­ed t o e i i ' ; p u r s e s b y p a y i n g doctor BUls t h a t bene f l t t ed^hem,no t . * •

S O W t O U u t 3 i H t o y o u r d rugg i s t a n d asfeior t h e m . - I F t h e y h a v e , n o t g o i t h e m , .wri te a t - -once "to t h e p rop r i e to r s , enclos ing t h e p r l c a i n mon&y o r s t a m p s , a n d l u e y wil l besentyou-atoneoby.-ajs- 'd! , ' poislspaid,. Gor-.•respondencesolteliied* • AjkBeSs-pls'toly, '

• v L , W H E E L S R A CO.c : . : • • , ' •.- No.«%¥:.'KHltma,oreS:t.,

' loya. - ., -••;' , • ..B-:-\LTt«oni-i.HIJ. • Sold by Morr ison & Moo 'e ,

Lowv}lle . 'Lewi» Bounty , N , ¥ . .

these jfout cotton to hold them in place, A strip of cretonne baving stripes of pretty flowers, was stitched across a pieno of rep,?, and fiirrned the covering. When th is was tacked on,

t h e edge was hidden witn upholster­er's forbid fastened with brass-headed nails. The effect was very satisfacto­ry. After the boys oiled the frames, thoseeb.aira-werereally, prettier tfaAn many expensive ones I know of. An old lounge, previously covered with hab-clofe., W83 treated in' the.same way, with the addition Of a sofa cush­ion nicely embroidered. I t is as good as new,' and more attractive than it was previously. The daughters showed me their "new earpeVmade of two others. ' For the center ah old sittiag-rodm ingrain carpet • was washed, colored brown, and the best portions sewed together. The border was formed. from the best parts of a crimson and black bed-room carpet* •The effect is mpre pleasing, to me ai leastjthan a two-dollar-a-yarUtbright-Sowered carpet which another neigh­bor had just laid down.

A lie'uertcir. I rin*:.* m - X .jjrefisaedto similar ait-fe

\ t y an.1 r i .h pi.rfuTti<s. It %': yfSe!itari"s t<i «;c:iy UairM giliO lua t i i&l f<.:or a

•M f—eStft*^ falling cf the Wit. M

Escsiailialbiwit flmver exlxocls la nchnet;. - b , iic3ii;,.| i lasting, Ste wfor like it. Be sore ypa gut 1 LuKLS-1 ^ CologfteVsljfnaturetif Hiacoi $ Co.,N. y vqn5vfry | 1 -S5 Mjl V .cts.E'Blflrusrg'^ls.ahtl dealers In peri\iljn?j. |

.Parker's-JECair'.Batsam and ' -F lores toab J. : Ion Sold b y Mor r i son . & Moore,

: .. . . Lqwvlllft, L e w i s coun ty , N , , y , .

' O / ^ T , T i f ! > r t ' l i e - * 0 r : l t l a g class, ' S e n d 10 \J\J:XJAJ-h^ath lot postage, and we wil l m a i l y o u free',, a royal , v a l u a b l e b o s of s a m ­p l e gbdds tha ' t w U l p u t y o u t a t - h e w a y of m a k -

. l a g m o r e n t o n e y i n a few d a s s than>you ever thotjght ' possible At a n y bus ines s . Oa'pital n o t .tieaulvad: W e w i l l s t a r t yon'. You can- woi'K'all t h e t l m e o r i n s p a r e . t ime o a l y . T h e w o r k i s uhhretsaHy- a d a p t e d t o b o t h sexes , y o u n g a u d o ld . T o u cau eas i ly earn, f rom BO.ceu.ts toS-> eve ry e v e n i n g . T h a t a l l w h o w a n t work m a y t e s t t h e bus iness , we' m a k e t h i s u u pMalle l^d

. offer ; tOraU'wno a r e no t .we l l satisfied w a wi l l •send $1 t o p a y :for t h e t r o u b l e of ' w r i t i n g »s> F u U p a r t l c a l a r s , d i rec t ions , e tc . ; s e a t f r e e . F o r t u n e s WUi- be- m a d e by those who. g ive th . e i rwt to l e t i m e t o t h e w o r k . G r e a t success abso lu t e ly sure . Don ' t d e l a j . S l a r t n o w . Ad-dresj'sSTljtHpii &Co., P w Q s u a , M a l m *

t > IFUT1 Wot, Hfp N -w.-epir g by, g.i and j L t : - l i ' 0 Ju darebef-ore.yt-u d ie ,Kom«th i r ig m i g h t y a n d s u b l i m e l e a v r behind, t o eonfjuor i fcline; 360 a week !p you r own town . 85-nuiflt free, H o r i s k . E v e r y t h i w r «<?w. t^ tpt ta l no t r e q u i r e d . W e wi l t luKush. y u u e v e r y t h i n g . JS&aiy a r e m a k i n g fori t ines. • tedleK n i a k e vfl m u e l i a s m.«n,. a n d i j o y s :.rid gir ls m a k e grpnt p a y a i l ' t he t i m s , ' wrl*e for- parMeuIars to BU feallett A C o „ g w t t e n d , Malt-e.. .

"•" "TH3S trSilFTTL, C O M P A N I O N . " '

• How to Secure mid MHcrtit Thtm, ' R u l e s a n d adv ice Jti im t h e .«sp«-Sfetice oi

eifcht e m i n e n t phyu ic lans , s u d seven •success­ful lousiness m e n . A t r e a s u r y of the -mos t v a l u a b l e I n f o r m a t i o n . P r l c o 60 c e n t s . Ma i l ed postpaid, ori r e c e i p t of p r loe i . Pos t ag&s tamps ,

•\ . T p y l o r B r o s „ P u b , t B o c l i e a t e r , » * . X ^ ' .

F a c t s a n a BBm>>rs .

The savings banks of 1$QW York State hold oyer #430,000,000.

A German Lutheran thePlogical school has been established in Bpch-^ . e s ' tp^ ' . ' ' • ' • * " •

t h e coinage, of the United States hunts, during J4ay,. was 10^040,000 pieces, valued at i,5,i08.,'0QQ.

The total namher of separate •farms, in the United States is 4,000,066and .their aggregate.valae is i&,0Q0,000,-000.." '.'. '•.' " . . ' . -. ' •. .'. ' ';;•

ML Clements, a small town in the :

interior of Ohio, makes about 2,500,^ 000 yards, of straw braid annually, valued at. $50,000, . ' ' . - . • . •

;.Tbebigg{st salt'well in- the world was struck at Warsaw, N. Y,, reeentf ly lHo2§;-feet deep; It.., will.. supply more brine than three ordinary wells.

While a 'Wooddteefc, Ulster' county man was driving his horse the ani­mal stumbled'and fell in sueh a way as to break its neck, . . , . - • . ScMet feyei* has prevailed at Alba*

ny for ; some time, and on Friday three, of its .victims, .ehildren of Ci, Q. Campbell, w"ere buried from one 'house,. .... : - . - - - . ' " - ' . .

Mr.'.and Mrs. Sanford, of Plaia-viiie, Conn., celebrated the.6Sdanni-vessary of {heir wedding last week. Tiio "husband iwflOand the wife 81 years, of age.' . ' ....

The annual production of a41.fe.in iftii- country 'Is'.estiFoated'at-eiTis-(W0,000 p-^t'ons. n'np-hHlf of which is used in the manuiautareof che^a and butter.

Some weeks ago a needle' point broke off in the palm of the loft hand of a Green Island woman, and tbe other day was removed from her right thigh.

A Hinsdale, Columbia COi, young man has contracted to work seven years for a farmer of that place in, conBideratioii ofobUthuug thelafter'a daughter for a wife at the end of that period.

The National Encampment of the Granc! Army of the JRppnblicis to-be held, at Minneapolis July 2&1 and 34th. Every State in the Union will be represented- and the meeting will be a monster affair.

A K i n f l l y Sj>i i ' i t .

1 '^Teyer'll speak to him again,nevei!. said the man in the tweed suit as he shut his teeth together,

"Oh, Corrie now, h e ^ your boat friend, " replied the one with the white-plug hat, '- '

"IIo can't bt.- Ho had a parly at hia house and never invited me, "

"1'hat pi-ovta hid iriouiiohip beyond question. He, had. invited ho letia than twelvoof your creditors and :he reaiiiied what your position would be, —Pdroll Free Press,

A Q E STd- W A N T E D F O R T H K U V E H OP -

B £ A I H B "& XOftAJT B>-c:oI.T!)'.s. \ 7 . . K u o s . Outse lH all otli'Sis 10 to 1 AtHbeiit ie, Impar t i a l , n o m n l e t e , t b e Best a n d Cheapest , o'JO pages UM- Sel ls l i k e wi'ldflx'e. 5 0 n e r w n t tv Agen t s Ouwit free. S r t i f i , 1 i ? p a , S i v " ^ d , i r e s s , a t Once T h e t ra r t rb ra -PubligWuffCOaMarttordiCPiin,- eawlS


- A T -



^ f , ^ H%^\ 5-*?,° b I a o k d l e s ' 1 S l l k for 50c ; o,y?n„s a t S 1 i ,3 1 ;?i" F a n c V Check S n m m e i s i lks S I . 2 L 0 ,

< ^ r t h , S c * a n d Colored G i o G r a i n s

l l ? , ' i = S l l r a ! i H \ ! f e s - , ^ " eau l l f u l shades a t SI

w o ¥ k f 6 ? . ? p e ; j ^ r a B J U e S ' 0™ms' f O T i a ^

W H Y S H O U L D W E N o r B E B U S Y

W h e n w e sell good doub le 'old Cashme ie s a t 20, &5c ; •iuiglei'old a t 10 and 12c, Cot ton ore«s goods5 , e ,S .10c ; L a c e B u n t i u - s l i e ; a l l wool Bnnt iDgs 17c; a l l wool Debegesloc: N u n s V e i l -lajJl0l-fialirnels "5? a 1 1 v S o 1 Cashmofes a 1 r?, . }&?$c>~-JerZey,C,!otl,s 4 5 ° ; O t t o m a n s SOc; ChuddahsToc; d o u b l e told L a c e B u u t m e s al l S ? 0 ™ ^ , ' w e i e G 5 c ; Velvets S1.S0. Ve lve teens S7C, 100 pl<=c-s Dre»s G i o d s 12,15,25c: 1000 E e m -n n r t s Gf pe r y a i d woi th 20 f o o c W e npver h a d a IreUcr s tock cf t h e flnei qua l l t i e i a t t h e p u c e s w e a i e o t T s u n g n o w . <-

W H Y SHOULD W E NOT B E B U S Y W h e n w e sell good Ci lmops 3, i a n d 5c: good R h e e t i n g - , , o 2 K t l a D d 7c: Good Bleachedfl, 7 a n d 5c: G m g h \m«, 0 , 7 . m d 10c; S h i r t i n g s Sa i id , n ° i 9 ? , U o n ^ r i r s 'l.l2}<fPnd2rtoj T ick ings S, 10 and I2ijc; F n r m t u r o f ' n l i coSand 10c; i feaut i -

»K A I " y YM- B'F. iT A T T - E S T I O N .

.infix r.. HAKEHl-.H, « 3 0 . . J , . H A i B £ B E B .

imm I F YOU W A N T TO GET T H E W O R T H .


E v e r y t i m e , b u y goods of


m mmms* A n d s e i l a t Bot tom Pr i c ° s , I h a v e a

Complete Stock of


TO1JAGC0ES, C I G A R S , &0.

SUGARS Of ALL KINDS, Goods Given AT> a y wi th Ba.king Powder .


' Tall arid e x a m i n e ' r a y goods and: pf lees Whether you w l s b t o b u y o r riot. Do tt'ot for­get t h e place, One Door- N o r t h of Ab'e'Il'S H a r d w a r e S to r e , . .

A F e w o f t l i e M a n y T e s t i m o ­n i a l s wlii«fe G. %•.. Vjro&ttmiii

l ias K e c e i r e d . -. - . H a v i n g used Vro'onian's K i n g Over P a i n ,

I p r r n o n n c e i t s n exce l len t 6ii.& snpe r io r a r ­t ic le . TKTJMAN D A V I S , '

; Fowler , S t L a w r e n c e Go., N.-Y. .

H a v i n g used Vroo iaan ' s EJng- Over P a i n ean r e c o m m e n d i t as- a goo3 m e d i c i n e for p a i n i n t h e s tomach , side a n d sore t h r o a t . a n d m a n y o t h e r i l l s too uuir iafons to men t ion ,

A . O, a E D D L B T O N i . . . B iac fe i l ive r f N. Y.

' Baokete Harboi ' , K , Y., F e b . 23d. IS8J. H a v i n g used the . King. Over Palri t u i n k I t

o n e of t h e b e s t madic lnes i n use. H a v e used i t for t o o t h a c h e a n d n e u r a l g i a . I t is t h e b e s t w e e v e r s a w ,

J . W . F I E L D S a n d M A G G I E F I E L D S ,

A P P T r r ( i i . , S#^d:sis^c.ent,s.for pbs-

cos t i j box of goods wa ich wi l l l ie l j r y o u to-more, m o n e y r i g h t away, t h a n a n y t h i n g else in t h i s wor ld . AU of e i the r sex.succeed from first h o u r . T h e b r o a d road l o for tune o p s n s before t h e workers .abso lu te ly s u r e . A t o n c e add re s s , TKTTE <8C6„ AuguSt'a, Maifrie,

<U>iBlao«.Walnut Co.rniee Poles7S&; Crochet -quUts.fiaC. were BOn; FtrierSl,Sl .2o: a lso Mare-se-Ms u p t o 5 ; Cream D a m a s k a l l L inen 18e, wa«2->e: SMer a n d . wider 2.> t o gne; Bleached D a m a s k ni l rjinett Sflc, wor th Bgc; f iner a n d wide r o*!.5c t o 81-SO; equal v a i a e % D a m a s k ^ . - " ^ » " * . - ^ e r e s i j flner a -nd la rgerS l t o $6: , „ j . >''!'••'f.t'i1: I "•-•'•I- i-' '; ' 4 " " h a i . t .-kT^wnls I ' j V , |.>:i-ii->-k l»\ve' .v»uifx»al t..MivXii% if«i40, &*,- w«r» ttif: Xm-kiiy S?Pi Pansa'sk hnc; Fine T-.iti;.rt<>1i-,.>P w«'C>-Pr>: J l w q t l t W B a r .ISO P O M

Coiusn a n d l.iucf).Dii3,tier 7-X-B.P.

. W H Y S H O t H J > ' W E N O T E ' S , Bit>Y

W h e n w'e se%b6d;Coi 'sets . a't25o;Em-DrouIriea a t 50c, w o r t h ton; n ice Lace a n d -EmbTOidKles' cheapei- -than a n y o the r , boose , . JEscurial Lace a Ohllds H o s e a n d Glove's 5c u p ; .Ladies i \ 1 H - T r ^ ? < ? ^ ^ g P S P S S a a F a r i c y S t r l p e - S n l fn*143,?01?1 '?,'- ' ^ a k Mousquetafe . 6 b u t , gloves 50e: Mens Socks . 1 0 , 1 2 ^ .js0, GanzeVes tsSO ana.7ac; J e a n pj-awers-50e: F a n s , F o l d i n g a n d . 3--afian.ese.L2.3 5(H Paraso ls , . ' an i m m e n s e a s ­s o r t m e n t a t 15c t o SS; S h a w l s a t 50, 7Sc, Si u p r ° t h e finest n e w embro ide red hovel t ies iRib-bons. P o r t m o n i e s , H a n d Hags 50, 756 a n d SI np;..Traveliiig.Bags a n d T r u n k s . Hoop Skir ts , -Pan ie rs35 , - i0and50c ; s p o t y e i U n g 15c; Toi le t g M ^ * ^ B o s . S . p o o l J . H k 5 o ; K l u t t t n i ' s l i k & i S S v i s t ? 0 ' P i n S - 5 c ; Kttbbercrr'Qttlars 87Mo t o S l . 5 0 , . . . ' • . • . . " • : . •

WHY" S H O U L D W E NOT B E B U S Y . S h o e ' A p a r t m e n t is a -g rand suecess. Lad les

Pebb le Goat, bu t .ga i t e r s 81.S5; K i d b u t , ga i t e r s 81.50; C o m m o n Sense k id gaiter's ?2; Ladies fine g love k id t o p boots . Ouracd k i d l o x i h g 2.c0 to-3; F r e n c h k i d b o o t s 8.50-to4; eve rybody t a l k s a b o u t our Si k i d . W a l k i n g s h o e s $1, t h e y a r e solid goods n o paper c o u n t e r s arid sheep skirt u p p e r s ; Lad ies slippers75c. t o SI u p : a large lot of soft, w M e . low shoes l o r e lder ly pe r sons m a d e for comfort . Ohiids ' shoes 30c t o 1; Mis.ses Aaiters 1,1.25,.l.SO; boys a n d m e n s shoes 1,M W0, 2 'up ; j l e n s flbe a n d c o a r s e b o o t s . W e buy-d i r ec t J i d m m a n u f a c t u r e r ,

W S Y S H O U L D "WE NOT B3B.BUSY . W h e n w'e sel l Tapes t ry-Brusse l s oarpet a t 756; I ng rn in 25f1-""!?; a l l wool i n g r a i n 65 t o 93c, floor o i l cloth 80c ftp; m a t s 75c,Coeoa find Tap ­e s t r y ; ! t e a pet 56 .pieces bes t s t o n e c h i n a $1; 1. d i n n e r set S8,50; good fumblers"25o set; good goblets 35» set; glass-Sauce d lshes50c u p ; g l a s s se t s 6 pieces SI: l a m p 30K decora ted l a m p s , a r -g a n d b u r n e r s w i t h shades SI; booking g l a s s e s 20e t o SI; s t o n e Ware, p l a t ed ware, ' kh iv ' e sand : -forks cheaper 1han t h « cheapest ; f ru i t j&rs W t a S L S o . p e r d o z , ' " - .

' W H Y S H Q U L D - W B NOT B E BUSY; -SO'bbls, A.jeofl'pe suga r 7?.fc; goodlDrown suflnr fiT^c; molasses 35 to 50o: splenrijd coffee IKWc p»r p o u n d ; 15 a n d 20o roasted coffees. R e . i p e m b e r w e l e a d t b e ttuii-ket o n ' 5 0 B tea; w e h a v e a lso (eaBat ISandtOc-vfeiSc g ,x i 'da t25aud S5oj t .hey c a n n o t b e m a t c h e d ; eve ry o n e t h a t t i e s t b e m b u y s -them,' right, aaong, Soap-5c; Babbits-7c; Rice SPi-English eu r r a i i t s So: Kals-' e n s 10,and W%a P r u n e s '8c< eattned1 goods l2 l.-0; s t a r ch 6, 8, 10c; good c h e w i n g t obacco 4rtp;; Warnf<>k & B r o w n s N o , 1 s m o k i n g 25e a ; KProsene 13c; Brboin.s 20c;best Geese F e a t h e r s 70 a n d 75e per pound ; Gates m a t c h e s 5e pe r b o s ; a n d h u n d r e d s of .o ther a r t ic les "we h a v e n o t space t o e n u m e r a t e . R e m e m b e r y o u wi l l a l w a y s Arid t h e largest s t ock , the-finestgoodte a n d t h e lowes t pr ices a t •

W A T E R S * C O ,

$ ii(ia week a t h o m e . U O a

SStOontfii free. P a y 'absolu te ly s u r e . N o r i s k . e a p i t a l . i i o

r ec iu i r ed . .Reade r . l f y o u w a n t b u s i n e s s a w h i c h pe r sons of e i ther sex , y o u n g and : old, can m a k e g rea t p a y a i l . the t i m e t h e v Work, w i t h a b s o l a t e cer ta in ty , w r i t e for p a r t i c u l a r s , t o H . H A i i E O T & Go". Por.tIan.d M a i n e .

aA.sixBUEi:, R e a l E s t a t e , I n s u r a n c e a n d

G e n e r a l B u s i n e s s Agency ,


IKSUKAN-CE. I r ep i e sen t t h e fo l lowing first-class com­

pan ie s :


G E B M A N I A , L A N C A S H I R E ,


I M P E R I A L , C O N T I N E N T A L ,

L O N D O N .6 L A N C A S H I R E ,

G L E N ' S F A L L S , P H O E N I X ,




RAILROAD TICKETS Sold t o a n y p a r t of t h e


STEAMSHIP TlQESrs S o l d t o a n d .from i

. r

FORJSICfN COUNTRIES s cheap as a n y o H i e r l i n e . . .

Office m Jourim7A: EfpvMeon Stock, S. A . S 1 X B U R Y . Lowvffie, 'N. %.

- A T —


SpHity Suitings Of all Kinds, and Grades ever Shown in lewis County,

My Store is Just Crammed Fall of

Gents' Furnishing; Goods, Hats, Caps, and

Ready-Made Clothing, Of every Description Kind and Quality that ean be Found In any City.

MY CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Is Full to Overflowing With Work, but any Body Wishing CUSTOM Work

of any Kind will Find it to Their Advantage to Gall on KOSCOE B L O C K , S. FEITCH, LOWVILLE, N. Y .

CARPETS! GABPETS! CARPETS! The Largest and Bloat Beautiful Line of Carpets Ever Seen in Lewis County,

will be Found at tbe Store of

Successors of



At Prices to Meef any and £11 Competition, at .Home or. Abroad.

Steam flaaiif WM. :

WWYmm, iiJEWlS CO...N. Y.

T h e Subscr ibe rs w e u l d g i v e n o t k e to t h e people of L e w i s Oounty, t h a t t h e y h a v e a l l t h e a p p u r t e n a n c e s a i d m a c h i n e r y for t h e m a n u f a c t u r e o f .

S A S H , B L I N D S , ' DOQSS, . B R A C K E T S ; •" M O U L D G T G S ^ O . , & 0 „

A n d e a n s u p p l y t h e m w l t h a r i y t n i n g i n t h e i r l i n e oji t e r m s t o c o m p e t e w i t h a n y o t h e r Shop.

Bu i lde r s wi l l find t h e m o u l d i n g s flnlshed n t h e b e s t m a r i n e r , a n d a t p r i ces t h a t wil l-

Give them from 25 to 50 per cent:,

o v « t h e s e w o r k e d b y ha-no. '.

, S n w i n g , 5 « | a n l q g r M a t o X i i n g ,

a n d a n y o t h e r w o r k I n o o n n e o t l o n w i t h t l i b u s i n e s s p e r f o r m e d i d t h e m o s t cb r i tp l e t .satisfaction... • , ' -". "- .- ;.•"-•"'

O u r s h o p i s B i i p p l t e d w i t h t h e b e s t c l a s s o i m a e b i n e r y , a n d t h e m o s t eon ine ten l ; w 'ork-ttien, , . . - • ." .

A i l k i n d s of P a n e l a n d C l a p b o a r d S a w ­ing , a s w e l l a s Gi fou la r iSud S e y o l ' l ' S a w t o g •done o n s n o r t n o t l c a ; '3.~— " . - ." • ..' .

'. T u r a e d l a u d F l u t e d -Banis te rs a n d N e w e l l Pos t s c o n s t a n t l y o n h a n d ; an m a d « t o o r d e r ,

-xnrt i is ig of a l l ' E l a d s t - e x e d u t s d i a g b o S s t y l c

M. B, i^boBE'i SOBS;:'.

-. - j-'ia



•I'ieass. . •Wa--^e^fes 'Sho#te^&^ihea.&

As.any Hdusetn-Tja^n"^nd:;0i^aftfee.^'S^it^em''^.lio^''a*.*UeL";;; •',.-. . : ";'. '.j ,'':i''"'Li.-il'i'.:^'"^—y-"'*nr*-- ^r^v- "t'.i-u. i1'1 'i.L.i-^??si:i:"'i'" • ••'•'",''.--- '-:•:"-"-"'-

We buy |or .Cash sn* Sell/or <3#n-: an4\Can khd Wyt:5if|ke E^'fe

We will not Only Meet any Competition but will- Chaiengelt.•.'/ # e ; S a t Pour Debts and jfiave our. Cash or pur Sodas,.'-Cash Suyelte Mlffindf iti

iHaire no •'..": . . . . . . . . . . . . i . fpT". . . : ! '

Their.Interes-t to Give us a Call and we will. Sa*e. Them^Money;. Out, " * ' Stock Will be FonndCOnsptete-to-all .ail^.^ • . ' . . . - ' ' ."••- ..." •3aWses-a.Fi'Ut.''Lineof. •:' .:-...• ;.;. , .•'.:,-: '-:; ;•"•;-• '.".

CASiiMEaES, ALL WOOL TASCO'ES ANDTAFTY-LASfE,.. -.„•/• . . > < ^ . "•"•'•' ' SUITlNGiS.BOlSiM^OjafEiaANll - iMBBlCAN. ::" -- '-: " ":

• M'A]SUFAC1^JBE,NOvrELTY. D i l E S S ^ O O m D R E S S : '• TEIMMINOS, 3SfOTIONSv.:<3-LOYES'i C0BSEtS,I)0.MES* •-'--'- --UV -:

•' ' .' f lOS OF ALL KINDSi,:SH A WtffyI, &£M OU&T^IHS . •:' And.Everything pertaining to .». 'Fi^ . - • ' . .. ' - • . • - - ' ; • ; - L i n e - b f t'--- -.:::•.-••.• -• . - . : ^ W ' : : : > • ' - " • ; : ; " • : ' ; - ••--


F a r m e r s , Bus ines s M e n oi; a n y one w i s h i n g

The Spritr jr jSouse Is n6w' open . ' N ew Din ­i n g room 26xS9, Beaut i fu l g r o u n d s and. s tw-round i^gs . F u r n i t u r e new . T a b l e t b e bes t .

G R A N D O P E N I N G , T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 19,

Send for c i rcu la r w h b t e r m s . 52 . S..S. S .AINE, Propr ie tor^ .

SA L E S M E N W A N T E D ^ T o . s e l l ' n u r s e r y . stock.-, ' .putl l i n e of ne tv a n d v a l u a b l e

Special t ies . P e r m a n e n t e t n p l o y m e n t a n d good s a l a r y t o ' successful agen t s . Address g iv ing age and references, T h e Geo . A . S t o n e «*nrsery C a J J o e h e s t e r , - N . Y; '


•M3 i i i jarSJ- o - ^




;% Collars, Ties,. ,-;. "Wt&pp&eSf l i rawers , HosieJ?js



a m o r e fldurishiiig cond i t i on - B o s u r e a n d c a l l b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g W a s n e v e r i n elsewhere.

Lowville, April 1st, 1884. WJI. LENNOX.

To Wot&to Boss- and

A Large Stock of Stri Grreen and Sellebore at urei^aris


juiH's-siiii, .-'fii'ii AlS & C 0 . Rochester, N,Y, POOR SEEDS.

Chicago, HI,

' :-^—Should appl j - to-^f , '

A large n n m b o i of t h e b e s t Companies . ren-r e s e n t e d . , , I

A / X & ' M r n Q ^ a n t e * if o r T h 8 L i v e s of.

j a . ' U F i a i N X p a l l : - t l i e Pres idents ' : of t h e . U. S . T h e la rges t , handsomes t , . be s t SooE^ ever sold for less t h a n twicei'6tu* pr ice ; T h e fastes t se l l ing book I n A m e r i c a . I m m e n s e profi ts t(> •agents All i n t e l l i g e n t neopie w a n t i t . Any­o n e c a n beebine a -successful a g e n t . T e r m s free, H A I J C B T T . B O Q E Co.< P o r t l a n d J M a i n e .

PEomff totra HOOFS T

A n d t h e best w a y t o d o th i s i s b y u s i n g

• EEL-LET k mm

••• O O A T I N Q ^ . ; , . . T h e Only Re l i ab le P ro tec t ion for P rese rv ta !

. . . the-Shlngls Robfs.of . - '

Dwel l J i i f I f a u s e s , B a r i i s , ... .eftjrtrclieiS^Ete.,.'-

A n d m a k i n g t h e m . F i rep roof a g a i n s t Spa rks , a n d Ctocters'ifro'm, Chimney'^ a n d B u r n i n g B u i l d i n g s , '_.' - • . ; - . ' • . • • -"

Our' Elastic Waterproof €e mit&i far Tla loofs,

IS supe r io r t o A n y t h i n g In U s e f a r W e a r a n d " . . - • - . _ ' S t o p p i n g o I L e a k s , ' . . . . . -.

I t i s - w a r i a u t e d no t - t o Crack t>i S c a l e , as. I t E x p a n d s , a n d Con t i ac te hy H e a t . a h d Cold.

T h e p ropr ie to r s b i ' the-Roof Coa t ihg a r e a p -p l y l h g t h e cove r ing t o m a n y , b u i l d i n g s f n a n d a b o u t BoonviUe. ., W h e n e v e r Mess r s . E e l l e y Ji Co.. h a v e w o r k e d t h e -coating h a s g iven t h e bes t of sat isfact ion. I t is composed of I n g r e d i e n t s n o t e d f o r - t h e i r p r e s e r v a t i v e qua l i t i e s , , -. - - ' .- •

P^€^1RTY€TO w h o havebnl ld lugf , covered w i t h t in o r sh in* gle roofs s h o u l d c u n s u l t w i t h t h e p r o p r i e t o r s of t h e R o o f Coa t ing , •

I n the j i e -x t few w e e k s ope ra t ions wi l l b e c o m m e n c e d a t Lowvi l l e , Orders p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d t o . - - - ' 'Slw.4 don?.tdis.. -..

5 8 d O p o t m d s e l HTLIt ' T t ' P E T o r

B a f e b t f t » ] i f e t a i , f o r s a l e a t t h e

f ? S ? ' S & ©E0e<p*.

Tfe-action 6 f P E T T l T ' S A M E K [ C A N C O U G H CORE-i-s -iipoa Hie entire systetri, strmnlatihg' all the various glands to their norma! actlp.n, a gle.w of warsifh s'c-isns .to pass throug'H the cWHed cir. culatiou, the pulse becomes natural nnd. ijegiilar, the skin !ess hut and feverish, and- tlie CSugn less urgent. • ' '

' I'visons having a trouhicsorhe cnuyh which brca 'ks t h e i r res t it n i g h t , n ill find by t a k i n g a dnse of P E T H T ' S AMERICAN CUl 'GII CURE up-ongo ing tn bed, they virili have a sound unbroken rest. Kur children it ts invaluable. For sale by ail druggists. If taken in time it will cure yon-suntptioii.- ' • " '•

Pf iTTIT 'S AMERICAN COUGH G U ^ E is the finest made, and is-eq.ual in meritto P E T T I T ' b EYE. SALVEi which is conceded'the best w use. Our treatise on Consumption free. -Address . •

HOWARI> BRQS„J i 'aBnoNia, N . Y.

Sold by Horace B a s h & Son , Lowvil le , N , Y

DEL1GATMAND FFW.LM; WOMBX* .Those l a n g u i d , t i resoi iw sensa t fons i <;aus» j u g you t o feel s c a r c e l y a b l e t o b e o n y o u r fee t , t h a t e o n s t a n t d r a i n t h a t i s d r i v i n g t h e b iuon t from y o u r c h e e k s , t h a t c o n t i n ­u a l s t r a i n o n y o u r v i t a l forces, r e n d e r -

" tng you. I r r i t a b l e a n d fretful , a r e e a s i l y r e ­m o v e d by u s e of t h a t . m a r v e l o u s r e m e d y , P B T T I S ' S B t o o n .Pus i i ' r i sR. . I r r e g u l a r ­i t i e s a n d ops t i -nc t ions of y o u r s y s t e m .a re r e l i e v e d a t o n c e , while" t h e s p e c i a l c a u s e s of p e r i o d i c a l p a i n -are p e r m a n e n t l y r e -m o v e d . K o n e . r ece ive a s m u c k benefi t , o r a r e so n r o f w n d i y g r a t o f u l i u r e c o m i a e n d -ing P E T T r r ' s R L Q O P P t ; i u n E & a s women,



Yott :wi]l sftre 1Q ip&g eegfc^^ summer far Boots :aiw* $&&&$.•

assorfeient to select xreja m 'Qfflx: h& Jbra-d; -^ •[ 4n0v store m %owiiti.^:'"'• Briag.f&e ^ ^ ^ S ^ / a ^ ^ t y p I matter to deal WitHUsV*eare.g"^^

••' •'•' 'v r \ > ;^'r--r;:: ^ ^ ; ? W E S ; # . J o t t f a a l a a d E e j u b l i e a a - M o o l s / ^ Q W ^ l l e , N J Y*;


f:imj • » - • . *

•^- t j fe

& .

mmcrmMm: -. - M-;: r-Aac--

Sherwood^s Nove l ty F a r m Harness- a t -l:'-..-'^

.E.ma,mine'i#JoriwirrSel'5';£'.';"-. "l- 'X^" •

' " ' . ' '"- "..' ' ' B e s t f n t a t e W o r i d : a t , ' ; , . '


WHO IS UNfiCQOAIWTES WITM.TBEiCEOOBfliRHy OF T H i a C O O H T R * ; WKrV .' . BBS ms^*fdSmC;miSmAFi^MAtpXHB: \ - '•; •"';.-'

P E T T I T ' S RI.OOD P t i R I F I E R is enn?,l in merit to, JPETTi r 'S E Y E S A L V E .which is conceded best in the-WorlJ. F O R S A L E B Y '

i - i II i - r " " ' r : " ! , ' ' ,

Sow by.Horace Basii.& Son, L.pwvUle,;N. Y*

.Qm&^iftt^^ B e l n g - t h e G r e a t - C e n t r a ! fctrfe* a f f o r a s . t o t m v e t e r e i bjt region of I t « i i nHWted . J t «6 -g r a p h l c a l poa j t lon , t h e - . shor tes t and- b e s t rd.trtaiietvlteen, t h e S ^ s t i I j l o r t h t e i t a r i * : Sou t l l eas l^ : a ' na t h a . W e s t , N o r t H « [ e ^ t a n a S o u t h w e s t i • •"-••'-

I t is iitetctlly a n d s t r i c t l y t r u e , t h a t I t s c o n n e d t i o n s a r e al l o f trJVr>rinclpaMin«w of r o a d b e t w e e n t h e A t l a n t i c a n d t h e P a c i f i c . : • . . . '

B y l t a m a i n l i ne a n d b r a t i e h e s I t K e a c h e a C h l c a g O j - J o l l e t . Pe^iraV"Ott»w«»» i , a S a i l s , C e n e s e o * M o i m e ^ndF Rook I s land , : tri I l l inois t ; f iaVen|>c>rt ; iWttBca«n«i W a s h i n g t o n , KeokuK. 'Knostvilie, O s k a l o b s a , : P a W e l i i , t i e s JtetrreSi Ar/est t i b a r t y , IbywaOIty, A t l a n t i c , Avoca , A u d u b o n , Karlar t , C i i t h r i e C e n t e r a n d Counc i l Blufr*, In I o w a ; Cai ia t i t i , T r e n t o n , C a m e r o n a n d k a n a a s e i t y , i o M t s s o w i ; a n t t f i & w r i * w o r t h a n d A t c h i s o n In K a n s a s , a n d t h e h a n a r e a s o f c i t i es , - VlHaises amil ttjwn»; ( n t e r n i e d l a t e . Tr ie ' . • ••• - •."/•;"• ' !-' - •••I:-. -.- .".

a ISLAMD ROUTE," A s l t . ls i . famil!ar!y c a t l a p offers to - i ' r aye je ra all. . t r i e s a t f v a n t a s e s a n d t somfo r t* Irtcldetit t o a a m o o t h t r a c i i , a a f e bridges, Onion d e p o t s a€':a!l - connee t l r i i j p o i n t s . F a s t E x p r e s s T r a i n s , c o m p o s e d o r COJWIWODIQ'JS, WELL VENTILATED, WELL HEATED, FINELY u p H O L S T E S E D . . ana JSLECSNT OAV COACilES'f :>* fln&,of t r i * MOSftVIACNIlFIOEXT HOJ?TQN RSOLi^INft CHAIR CARS e v e r b t t i l t f P U L L M A N ' * l a t e s t d e s i g n e d a n d H a n d s o m e s t PAL.AOE SLEEPING P A R S , . a r i d DINING C A R * t b a t - a r e acKnowlodged by p r e s s a n d : p e o p l e - t o . b ' & * b e F I N E S T RUN U P O N ANY

s ROAD IN -THS COUNTRY, a n d In w h l c h s u p e r l o r m e a l s a r e s e r v e d t o t r a r e l e r s a t t h e low r a t e of S E V E n l t Y - F I V E « E M T S EACH. . ' ••.-*•*.'•"••:.;•'••'/•• -.'••"•.•'-."

THREE T^AIMS e a c h way b e t w e e n CHICAGO a n d t h e ' J t t S S O i l H l RIVER. . T W O . T R S i N S e a c h way between.CHlOAGO:ahd^ W I N N E A P f i t l S a n d S T . P A U L ,

v ia t h e f a n i o u s ... -.," '. .... -. . . . . . ,.'*-". - v - • . ' • < • - . . • ••?•>:: ?.-•.:: -• -.—. .•.".""

J a n u a r y . I , 1 8 8 2 , a new.rir!.e..wm t ip o p e n e d , v ia S e n e c a a n d K a n k a k e e , b e t w — n ' N e w p o r t N e w s , i?ichrn6tia , C i n c i n n a t i , I nd i anapo l i s a n d La F a y e t t e , a n d CounoH Bluffs , S t . . P a u l , M i h n e a p o r i B a n d i n t e r m q d i a i j i p o i n t s , . ' '.. . ' • .--.-_• ...

All Th roug f i P a s s e r i g e ' r s c a r t i e d o n F a s t Express . T r a i n s . ' ; ,:: ;:. •'.? F o r m p r e d e t a i l e d - i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e W a p s a n a F O i a e r s i vniicfi m a y b e o b t a i n e d , M '

well a s T i c k e t ? , a t ail p r inc ipa l T i c k e t Offices In t h e Uni ted S t a t e * a n d C a n a d a , o t o «

R. R. CABLE, "... --i*-' ST. JOHN. ' ^ : : Vlca-Pre«H * Oen»l Manager, cmn;f'ti*tJt PtWr **%<'

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