a p icures e vents when gray came with herb remedies i...

1 r 7 4 1- L n w THE PENSACOLA JOTTRNAL SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 30 1909 A A A 5 Phone 38 P J3TJ and Phone 38 E From eople vents From 2 to 6 pm By BONNIE BURNHAM 30to1Opm I CAN YOU Can you make a rose or lily just k one- Orjcatc11 a beam of the golden sun you count the raindrops as thty fall Or the leaves that flutter from the treetop tails X3an you run like the brook and never tire Can you climb like the vine beyond the eplfe i Can you fly lifee a iird or weave a nest Or make but one feather on a rob ¬ ins breast Can you build a cell like the bee or spin Like the spider a web so fino and thin Can you lift a shadow from off the ground Can you see the wind or measure a sound Can you blow a bubble that will not burst Can you talk with echo and not speak first op my dear little boy you are clev and strong And you are so busy the whole day long Trying as1 hard a little boy can- To do big things like a grownup man Look at me darling I tell you true Thereare some things you never can do 1 Author Unknown THE WNDHAMHAGLER- WEDDING I I Mrs M C Landrum of this city- Is In Mobile where she went to at ¬ tend the wedding of her neice Mitp Marie whose many friends here wll be interested in the foJIo- wling account from the Mobile Reg- ister ¬ The day was full of sunshine and tho night was full of moonbeams all nature In radiant beauty paying homage to the sweet young ibride > Miss Marie Wlndham whose marri- age ¬ to Dr Edward Cleveland Hagler- of Tuscaloosa drew an interesting gathering of relatives and friends to the home of the brides parents M and Mrs Z T Windham North Hamilton street Thursday evening at 7 oclock The pastel shades in which the blue of the skies the green of the trees the delicate pink and brightl yellow were all blended lovely combination in the decorations of the home and the toilets of the bridal part The front parlor the room where the marriage took place was deco lated in green apd white palm ferns and brides roses making a pretty background for the prie dieu draped In old family lace with can- delabra J of cut glass and brass hold- ing ¬ tapers of green and gold The 1 back parlor was in yellow tones yel- low ¬ I crysanthemums goldenrod and roriopsls lending brightness there he reception hall was effective with palms and plumbago while the liv ¬ room was lovely with duchess roses and ferns the lights being cov- ered ¬ with water lily shades Just before the ceremony Mrs Bettie O McCoy one of Novembers brides sang Loves Old Sweet Song and Mrs W L Denham sang Annie Laurie and All For You Mr Frank C Horton playing the wedding march as the bridal party entered Rev H H MeXeill of t ne St Fran rls Street Methodist church perform- ed ¬ the ceremony which made Miss Wlndham the wife or Dr Hagler a practicing physician of Northport Ala wbo is also interested in the drug business there and is in higa standing ln that communty The rIde a petite brunette was lovely in on embroidered robe of lace over white satin the bridal veil was taught with natural orange blos- soms ¬ and she carried a snower bou jjuet of brides roses and lilies of the I valley ti tiiow ra uirf bac42tL overcoat id- neceseary nuisance and the tendency total i t off on warmish days in late autumn am inter is as as it is unwise l treacherous windbits you in the back ans he next xuorningyouhnve lumbaco Hu wall and Davis Paintill- cnd you will bo asionfslieclsio find bo- yflnkFf all soreness is baniha- r 1909- CROP Cluster Raisins Seeded Raisins 4 Fancy Evaporated Apricots t Fancy Evaporated Peaches Prunes Currants Citron Lemon and Orange Peel p Sot Calm CO THE PURE FOOD STORE Agents Nunnallya Candlas Phones 17SM721 1 The maid of honor Miss Louise I Windham sister of the bride wore a dainty lingerie over pink satin and carried brdesmaid roses with stream- ers ¬ of pink Miss Josephine Hagler sister of the groom and one of the trio of sweet bridesmaids was gowned in green satin with overdress of white chiffon and lace and carried waite roses tied with white ribbon Little Miss Mabel Lee Windham the young sister of the bride Wore white embroidered lingerie over pale blue satin and carrid pink rose ¬ buds Miss Alice Prazer another of the sweet bridesmaids wore a lovely lin- gerie ¬ gown over yellow satin and her bouquet was of yellow roses with yellow ribbon Dr Hagler was attended 3> y Mr C P Hausman of TuscaloOsa who was best man to the groom Following the ceremony an infor ¬ mal reception was held Mrs VVind ham the brides mother wearing a white embroidered lingerie and being assisted in receiving by the brid grandmother Mrs L G Stacey ot Birmingham who was gowned In black silk Mrs M C Landrum or Pensacola an aunt oof the bride and Mrs William Crutcher of Athens Ala The front porch was enclosed and the punch bowl placed out there was presided over by Misses Mary Frazer Eugenia Thompson and An- nie ¬ Windham who wore dainty white mull dresses The ices and cakos were served- in yellow water lily cups by Miss Mattie Vaughn Mrs Tames Corley and Miss Stella Windham who wero gowned in soft silk dresses of blue I and white The brides cake contain- ed ¬ the ring with opal setting tho stone with its many lights belonging- to October the month where the skies and leaves change hue as does the opal The brides book was in charge ot Miss Bettie O McCoy and the pres- ents ¬ of cut glass and silver were numerous and beautiful one of the most appreciated being a slIver ser ¬ vice of three pieces from the teach ¬ ers of the West Ward city school where the bride taught for two years The bride and groom left over tne Mobile and Ohio for a trip through the South going til1st to attend the waterways convention in New Or ¬ leans and will be at nome in Xoriu port after November 15 Mrs Hag lers goingaway gown was a diago ¬ nal suit of taupe with garnet velvet trimmings and gloves and hat to match The outoftown guests who cauie for the HaglerWindharn wedding- were Mrs L G Stacey of Birming- ham ¬ Mrs E L Hagler the grooms mother Korthport Mrs M C Lan drum Pensacola Fla Miss Porter Brown Montgomery a1iss Jose- phine ¬ Hagler Tuscaloosa Mr Eu ¬ gene Gonzalez Birmingham Mr C P Hausinan Tuscaloosa Mr arid Mrs William Crutcher Athens Ala Mr R C Gonzalez Birmingham- Ala A LITTLE GIRL ARRIVES- Mr arid Mrs J Conrad Scott are happy over the birth of a fine tea pound girl MR AND MRS BTHOMAS S PARENTS OF A LITTLE GIRL Mr and Mrs B Thomas are the parents of a line little baby girl who arrivcd at their home on Alcamz street on last Sunday The parents are receiving congratulations- FIRST MEETING OF THE NOMADS ON MONDAY- The first meeting of the Xornads will take place at 4 oclock on Mon- day ¬ afternoon Mrs Warren Ander- son ¬ will be hostess at her home en East Gregory street CAPTAIN NORTHUP IN NEW ORLEANS Captain Xorthup left yesterday tor New Orleans where he will attend the Deep Water Ways convention He will also witness the reception to- be tendered President Taft and his party 1 p HAVE SAILED FOR HOME- Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Sr who have been spending some time in Eu- rope ¬ arc now on their way home They were detained for a short time on account of the illness of Mrs Her S MR FRANKLIN FORBES IS ILL IN ATLANTA Air Franklin Forbes who is ill in Atlanta where he is attending school I is not according to report in an especially serious condition Mrs W B Forbes his mother is witu I him S I NEW SOCIAL CLUB TO BE LAUNCHED I A new social club is to be launched in the city on nast Tuesday night when the Jolly club a new organisa ¬ tion will give its first ball at the Knights of Columbus hall All ladies I attending will wear yellow and black and mask The following cards have I been received I You art cordially invited to attend I The Halloween Dance- of i 1 The Pen acola Jolly dub Knights of Columbus Hall Tuesday evening November Second nineteen hundred and nine a I THE SOCIAL CARD CLUB HELD PLEASANT MEETING I WITH MRS A G BROWN I Mrs A G Brown entertained thy i members of the Social Card club at her home on Xorth Sixth avenue yes- terday ¬ I the garie havng been uneasi- ly ¬ pleasant and close Mrs Fl M Pooley a guest of Ibe afternoon sur i i PILESI PILES PILES Williams Indian Pile Ointment wili cure Blind Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors allays Itching at once arts as a poultice sives instant re- lief ¬ Williams Indian Pile Olatmeat is- prepared for Piles and Itching of the oil rate pats Sold bj druggists nail 3e and leo Williams MTc Co Pops t Cleveland O Sold by Hooton Phar MINERAL LADY i WRITES ABOUTT- he Best Tonic She Ever Used in Hsr Family Cardui the Wo ¬ mans Tonic Mineral TexI have a few words to say writes Mrs A T Hale of this place on the merits of Cardui as a tonic- I << have used it in my family and have found it to be just as repre- sented ¬ Itis certainly the best tonic I nave ever used and I hope that my words will lead some suffering lady to try- it If one lady out of the thousands who read this letter of Mrs Halos will try Cardui her letter will not have been written in vain Will you be that lady Remember you will really be trying- no experiment Cardui is a standard part of the stock of every uptodate drug store- It is not a new untried untested laboratory chemical manufactured alkaloid or byproduct of coal tar or t other new industry- It has been in use for half a cen- tury ¬ Time has tested it and proved its real true genuine merit in the light not of a laboratory test tube experi- ment ¬ but of actual experience and factCardui is a proven success It will pay you to test it for your << <> 11 Get it at the nearest drug store X ISVrite to Tjidws Aavtwjry Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooza Tern for Special Instructions and Glnas hook Home Treatment for Women sent in plain wrapper on rr quest A GOOD BARGAINC- hildrens t Kersey Coats regular 500 and 600 values on sale at I 300T- he ReadytoWear Store 911 S Palafox St prised the ladies by serving delicious cake and chocolate The ace prize was won by Mrs Dan Murphy the consolation by Mrs J M Clutter and the booby by Mrs Wm Ferguson I Tho lone hand proved a tie between Mrs J G Yniestra and Mrs Win Walker the latter winning- The next meeting will be with SIrs J M Clutter on Cervantes street TO FILL PULPIT OF FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH SUNDAY The Rev Mr J W Caldwell of St Louis Mo will occupy the pulpit- of the First Universalist church to ¬ morrow at 11 a m and tomorrow night at 730 oclock His morning subject will be Courage and Faith and his evening subject The Tri- umph ¬ of Truth lIe is known to be- a very eminent and eloquent divine and will be heard with much inter ¬ est by Pensacola people MR M DEVNEY AND PARTY ARE AT THE ESCAMBIA HOTEL- Mr M Devney who is superintend- ent ¬ of the St Louis and Henderson division of the L X is in Pensa ¬ cola with his brother and sister the latter being here for their health They will remain during the winter being comfortably located at the Es cambia and all are enthusiastic over Pensacola Pensacola people and the matchless brand of Pensncolas climate I S PARTY LEFT TO ATTEND PENSACOLA BAY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION The Rev Mr 1 W Senterfitt the Rev Mr Rice Mrs Creighton aria Messrs Merritt and AIl brooks laft on the noon train yesterday for Jay via Pollard to attend the meeting of the Pensacola Bay Baptist association to be held there yesterday today and to ¬ morrow PERSONAL MENTION- Mr I and Mrs W B Forriss arriv- ed ¬ home yesterday from their wedding trip I Mr and Mrs Frank Tracey are now comfortably located in the onmQt cottage on West Gadsden Mr Paul Berry of Selma is speml city lug H few days with friends in the I FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHES I Whether from Malarious conditions Colds I or overheating try Hicks CAPUDINX It reduces the fever andrelieves the ach- ing ¬ Its Liiiuid 10 23 and 0 cents at Drug Stores ToDay is Candy Day at the Crystal PharmacyA- BOUT CHURCH WEDDING- SJust as love and marriage is an ever old ever new story so too the matter of etiquette for a church wed ¬ ding seems to be an ever old ever new subject At least I judge so from the many requests that have come n u12 jteli 2ipZ that I write gjj aj f title dealing with the customary so- cial ¬ rules and regulations governing- a wedding held at a church It would seem that no brideolect desires to go to the altar without a full knowl ¬ edge of the etiquette of the occas- ion ¬ and because so many brideselect have taken the trouble to write to me on this score I shall devote the eti- quette ¬ article this week to the more important rules for the formal churn wedding I First as to the ushers who though they do not shine at u wedding so gloriously as do the bride and htr sweet attendants are nevcrthel most important accessories of the church wedding Indeed on their un- derstanding ¬ of the etiquette of the oc- casion ¬ and their ability to observe it to the slightest detail depends much of the brilliant success of the function The ushers practically direct thf ceremonies of a church wedding anti receive their directions from the bride or her mother They are se- lected ¬ troiu the friends of both brid and groom and custom requires that each send the bride a gift in accord- ance ¬ with iris means The sroomo best man is the most intimate friend of his bachelor life and upon hint de- volves ¬ I the matter of ixaving the clcrgyymans fee At a simple wed- ding ¬ where the bride has no mother he also frequently makes all the church arrangements- The ushers dress at a day wedding is generally a black frock oat gray trousers a white tie and white dOe lIe also sometimes wears a white rib- bon ¬ on his lft arm or if not this a large white boutonien Upon the day of the marriage the ushers must be at the church quite twenty minutes before the ceremony in order that the guests that cum early may be as ceremoniously seat- ed ¬ as the last 1 When the ordinary guests Ivogin to I arrive they are all escorted down tn I i center aisle and seated in the j ew3 below the white ribbon which marks I off the seals of the family and more I intimate friends This ribbon bound- ary ¬ I is not obligatory but it makes the seclusion of the family more secure I and adds a pretty touch to the rest of the church decorations It is aloo j the sentimental custom for the bride to supply with her own hands several I yards of this ribbon which is either weighted at the loose end or sowed I with a large loop that slips over the I opposite pew arjjj The names ot such intimate iriends ns are asked to sit with the wedding party art J usually given tbe ushers beforehand so that these friends will not bo em I barrased at being put with the less I important guests Again each ot these favored friends may be provided I with a special card which indicates that they are to be seated inside the ribbon- At smart weddings the usher gives his arm to each lady who enters alone and escorts her in a gracious I manner to the pew But where sev ¬ eral newcomers approach a single usher it is usual for hUll to bow in n polite manner and then precede the party as he takes them to tltir seats of I In seating the relatives and inti ¬ mate friends it is the general rule for ushers to t is often te the rigktliand pews for the grooms party and thc j lefthand ones for that of the bride With the appearance of the brides j mother or the grooms the head ush- er invariably gives the lady his arm I to her seat whether she is accompa ¬ nied by a gentleman or not As the appearance of the mother or moth- ers ¬ indicate the arrival of the bridal party the central aisle is immediately cleared and while the head ushers j or usher go into the vestibule to met the persons important the assistant usher or ushers stand in a way to I prevent any possible intrusion upon i the central aisle j The vestibule doors are then hung I wide and after a few bars of the wed ¬ I ding music have been played the head usher followed by the assis ¬ tants proceeds thn wedding party to I the chancel The bridesmaids following the ush- ers ¬ wear picturesque hats and round skirts and carry set bouquets whos < colors accord with their costumes u they are all in pink the flowers may- be I bridesmaids which small- ish roses arc ¬ and deeply tinted It is not cor- rect ¬ for the bridesmaids or single maid of honor ever to carry white flowers as this is alone the brides I privilege The bride follows her maids lean I ins upon the arm of her father or that of her nearest male relative and following the lead of the best man the groom makes his appearance frOLl the vestry being at the altar to meet the bride before she leaves the door The costume of a bride who has a church wedding of any size is day or night the usual thing of bridal white- a longtrained dress of satin or silk made high in the neck and with rica bodice decorations of lace Her hair is elaborately arranged end she car- ries ¬ her bouquet under the long veil of net lace or tulle which completely corers her face and the best part ot her dress The groom wears for a day wed rUng a black frock cot a doubi breasted pique waistcoat white linen- a white silk or satin tie and gray suede gloves With the night cere- mony ¬ complete evening dress is cus- tomary ¬ the swallowtail coat and trousers of black cloth a lowcut whit waistcoat standing collar tewn tie white dressed kid gloves and paten leather shoes- As bridegrooms are usually bash- ful ¬ enough the only rutea for church behavior as far as the harpy couple- are concerned art for the bride 1pon approaching the altar she must walk with her head modestly lowered and her veil completely cov- ering ¬ her face But after the nuptial blessing the nrst bridesmaid may lift the brides sell and gracefully dis- pose it at the back of her ooiffme with the pin with which the brides- maid j has provided herself In tnis i case the bride returns TO her car riase on her new hucbaads arm with her face uncovered She may fling a ghost of a smile then to somtbody w passiaz to her mother perhaps but somehow nc recognition of any of tie church company is thought bett r form Upon leaving the church nobody enters the carriage of the bride pToom and at the house corasrratulaj tions as the word goes are given en- tirely ¬ to the groom for the bride is I supposed to be conferring the joy and not receiving it JJEL Lh n ywgf r y l phureh it is soe j times customary for the bride anti groom to sign their names in the reg- ister before leaving when the best man serves as first witness and the first bridesmaid as second The bride also sometimes hands a gift of money- to I the clergyman for his poor or else slips it herself into the poor box up- on going out of the door This gnici OTIS thought of others upon the day of days is suppo nl to bring luck anti happiness to a marriage and it is certainly a beautiful custom Poleys Honey ana Tar clears air passages stops the irritation in the throat soothes the inflamed mem- branes ¬ and the most obstinate cough disappears Sore and inflamed lungs- arc healed and strengthened and the cold is expelled from the system Re- fuse ¬ any hut the genuine in the yel- low ¬ package W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121 South Filafox street Miss Herriman has hand ¬ some Beaver Hats See them THE BEAUTY OF THE MAID Now that schools an in full blast again and young girls are once more imbibing indication fatal foe of good looks through lacV of exercise- and sufficient fresh air beautys simpler methods taking care of the complexion should be a subject for every mothers consideration What does a good complexion mean to a girl It means at bottom that all the IUIKtions of the system are in perfect working order and hat in- consequent p of this the particular maiden so equipped is getting a better I chance with life than her loss blessed sisters It minus that the I studies will be easier and the rot ¬ tunate maid will be kept in better temper thau if her face skin harbored the unsightly pimples and sallowness which are so much the portion of school girls It means if the good work is kept up that the tender cuticle of the young face will be without the after signs of youthful blemishes that it will have the right satiny texture and healthful colorings when its owner arrives at the age when the complexion is alt important- Few mothers seem to be aware that with the coming and passing away of every pimple and blackhead a harden ¬ ing or discoloration of the skin is left behind So for a girl to have a good skiu when she is grown up she must take care of it when she is still a girlTo begin at the beginning of things- it is useless to sing the dazzling com- plexion ¬ W1III the operation of nature are left unconsidered No real or lasting beauty can be secured for the skin without attention to the normal needs of the bodygood food the cleansing bath exercise and sleep No hope for any good change may he expected if the intestinal tract kid ¬ neys and skin are hampered in their appointed duties and regularities As to the first upon whose utmost regu- larity ¬ the welfare of every other bod- ily ¬ organ may he said to depend a severe cathartic generally will only bring temporary relief and so make a bad physical state worse So in sfead of dealing out ilo of castor- oil and pills so generously to their young daughters when bad skins and headaches and blackheads hint what is the matter anxious mothers should look mainly to a simple and healthful- diet and other natural means of mas- tering ¬ the trouble- A larger supply of fresh fruit pure drinking water anti simpler viands than those usually eaten will do much to correct this serious trouble And besides seeing that these are supplied and taken the mother should insist that the young daughter take several hours of exercise daily in the open air A good way to make the fruit tempting in to have a howl filled with great juicy oranges redcheeked ap pl > s grapes etc in the girls room- so that she can eat the good things upon waking and so prepare her in ¬ ternal economy for all that is to come The juice oT sweet oranges has a wonderful effect on HIP clearness of 30 Years of Success- The Crystal Pharmacy Offers a Remedy for Catarrh The I Medicine Costs Noth- ing ¬ if It Fails When a medicine effects a success- ful ¬ treatment in a very large majority- of cases and when we offer that medi ¬ cine on our own personal guarantee- that it will cost the user nothing if it does not completely relieve catarrh it is only reasonable that people should believe us or at least nut our I claim to a practical test when we take al the risk These are facts I hich we watif the people to substan- tiate We want them to try Rexa MucuTone a medicine prepared from I a prescription of a physician with I whom catarrh was a specialty anl who has a record of thirty years ot enviable success to his record We receive more good reports vil- Rexal I MucuTone than we do of all other catarrh remedies sold in our store and If more peopk only knew I what a thoroughly dependable remedy I Rexall MucuTone te it would be the only catarrh remedy we would have I any demand for Rexall MucuTone is quickly ab ¬ I sorbed and by its therapeutic ffec i tends to diinlet and cleanse the entire mucous membraneous tract to destroy and remove the parasite which injure tie membraneous lib sues to soothe the irritation and heal thE sorenAM stop the mucous dis- charge ¬ build up strong healthy tissue attd relieve the blood and system of diseased matter Its influence is to- ward ¬ stimulating the macocelis aid lug digesthja and improving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy actirity IB a comparative short time H brings about a noticeab- lgan in weight strength good color and rHng of buoyancy We urge yon to try RetaIl Mucu Tone beginning a treatment today At any time yr > u are not satisfied simply come and tell us and we will quickly return > our money without question or quibble We have Rexall MucuToee in two SbM 30 cents and 100 Remember you can obtain Rexall RwMdies in PsRsaeohi only at our store Tim Kc xal Store Th- eCrta1 Piuuanacj Brest iiuiiiia ICures By Quaker Reported Daily- When Gray Came With the Quaker Herb Remedies He Told the People It Would Not Be Many Days Until He would prove to the People of This City That Qua- ker ¬ Herb Remedies Would Cure Where All Others Had Failed I Xow such is the case and daily he gives you the names and address of reputable people who are cured or greatly benefited after using Quaker remedies a short tutu Here is a case of muscular rheu- matism Air W J Carlisle propriet- or of the well known restaurant at Nos 7G and 7S South Royal tree i Mobile Ala who has suffered for hive years with rheumatism in his shoul- ders ¬ and muscles and across the j chest So severe was the pain at- r times that he could scarcely take a long breath although he had been constantly treated but to no avail lie was advised by friends to go to Braswells drug store and get the Quaker Herb Extract and Oil of Balm lIe did so and eight days later re- ported ¬ to fray he has no pains and feels better than he has in the last five years Now vhieis only one of the great number of nanes Gray has given you through your oaily papers Here is H report more remarkable- than evera case of deafneR for ov1r ten years standing and was caused from catarrhal affection which de stroys w > many different seum of the human system Now when yottreal ¬ ize that this lady Mrs McDonald who resides on the west sidcQ Charles street near Selma street MO i the skin and the brightness of the- y > s and knowing this many famous beauties have made them the chiet article of their diet all their lives Honey is also beneficial while it is claimed that molassesthe good old fashioned thick kindeaten for sup- per ¬ very night with brown or gluten bread will bring a throat and cheek as firm and glistening as marble The water drinking should be done au hour before any food is taken into the stomach and the last thing at night The health rules call for from two to four glasses each time with a quarter of an hour spent slowly sip- ping ¬ it The thing is not difficult to do and after you acquire the habit of your splendid drink you wonder how you could have been so untidy as not to think of washing out your stomach before For the water drink ¬ ing does just this thing and after a month of it every part of the body shows the good results of the inter- nal ¬ scrubbingthere is a lighter head a clearer eye a brisker step more wisdom a better complexion Every girl should be taught too that to sleep in a bedroom improperly ventilated is to do something as un- clean ¬ as it Its unhealthful for surely- it is a repugnant thought that of re breathing the poisonous emanation thrown oft duringsleep by the skin and lungs- If there is only one window in the sleeping room this should be kept open at least several Inches on the coldest night some doctors declare wide openand the door be open to promote draft from a window else- where ¬ The bed need not be in the draft but the good fresh overchang ¬ ing outside air is necessary not only for the health of a girls body and mind but for the roses and lilies of I her cheeks Tell the girl too to I breathe deeply and evenly whenever she can remember it for this loosens- up all the stiffening clockwork within promoting more healthful sleep a bet- ter ¬ digestion and all the many facial and bodily signs of beautys favor MUSCOGEES- pecial to the Journal M uscogee Oct 29 Mrs lame Macgihbon of Pensacola spent sev- eral ¬ days in Muscogee visiting friends Miss Annie Moore Harvey of Pen ¬ sacola spent Wednesday and Thurs- day ¬ in Muscogee reorganizing her music class which was suspended during the summer months MYs Charlie Vaugn returned home Saturday from a two months visit to relatives in Indiana The little son of Mr and Xrs Si- mon ¬ Tompkins has been very ill tor the past week but is now on the road to recovery I I Mrs E G Bonifay and children- are visiting in Roberts I Lyman Xellums was a visitor to I Pensacola Wednesday- Mr and Mrs Alonzo Lang have re- turned ¬ I to their home in Chicago I W C Lott was a visitor to Pen sacola Monday- Mrs Ollie Mullins and little on I are visiting in Pensacola I 06- I G < 4 A SUNDAY OUTING 6 Pleasant Way to Spend Sunday 4- e Morning- It + is not perhaps generally known THE MICROSCOPE- Proves I That Parasites Cause Hair Loss I Ninetent of the diseases of the scalp and hair are caused by para- sitic j gsfrms Tbe importance of this discovery by Professor Units of the Charity Hospital Hamburg Germany can not be overestimated Tx explains I why ordinary hair preparatjoa ever r of the most expensive character fail I to cure dandruff because they do not and they can not kill the dandruff I germ rhe only hair preparation In the world that positively destroys the I dandruff parasites that burrow up scalp into scales called scurf or dan1 draft is Newbros Herpicide In ads dition to its destroying the dandruff germ Herpicide is also a delightful hair dressing Sold by drug ¬ gists Send lOc in stamps for sam- ple ¬ to The Herpicide Co Dstroit Mich One dollar bottles guaranteed W A DAlemberte druggist and apoth > cz5 lZl South Pafafny Si trL bile Ala had not heard n Sound with- her right ear in years and nil at u e the sound of the ticking clock r e ringing of bells the whistling c ae boats Oh what joy it must hji to that soul Imagine how annoying it is t <> to shout at the ton of mr Pi- I order to hold a conversation a t j is all caused by tatarrh Now my dear friends who ai lf- I feruig from rheumatism rat a I any form kidney liver stuma I blood troubles indigestion toiit J I Lion dyspepsia biliousness weal am I down condition nervousness ea1 o day and talk to Gray at Hannah HM drug store It will cost > o U nothing He will tell you what the Quaker IT b Reme tHeos will do tot you Rem i her they are not ciireall but hy will cure al that is rlamed for tuci and expel all wonn germs from the system If you cannot call order by mail Gray will pay all charges on orders of 300 Quaker Herb Extra 100 per bottle t tor f = 5il Oil of Balm for all pain Lik Quaker onii Syrup 2 > c Gray proves what lo says font miss the free show and Gray will give you a short talk on good health at lot next to McHugi Grocery West Garden St all invited 7 p m Gray h at Hannah FIres from P a m to 1 p ni- t > that if very pkasant ttid prothah Sunday iiioiT f can be spent bv taT lug u car rid M Fort Barranrisl- ewving PeiiKacoia 3 9o and upo arrival going to the gyThts slum at tli fort where the soldier lo5 nicct fo a short service Next Sunday morning there iti going to be a special musical program Mhs Ruth Coons will sing a solo and Mrs 4 Lounsberry will play a violin W 11 Hooton is the accompanist Re II W Simpson will preach a rfiori ser- mon ¬ on Service After which there is time to visit 4ihe fort before re- turning at 114 arriving home in plenty of time for dinner which will be helter enjoyed find digested through taking this lovely frcpli air trip Ladies are specially invited to pay the boys a visit anti they are a sured a hearty welcome The return fare is 25 cents and it is money we spunt There is perhaps one objec- tion to this trip that is u you i once you arc liable to repeat it fTrf- ine Sunday just to see the boys turn out and hear some good singing t great many have promised to go 10 morrow Remember the 930 cai DONT FORGETt- o get a box of candy free toda at the Crystal Pharmacy COTTAGE HILL Cottage Hill Oct 29 Judge I c Is spending a tiny or two wb J Brewton of Roberta Rev Mr and wife an Alabama for a few lays Homer Weil who wa threatn with fever is now able to attend tn duties in the rurl route sia- mrhw P of CotUjr IPI will hoMa silver medal oratoru ontet Sunday night Oct 81 a T Mr and Mr W S Ileera who hat been spending several weeks in tit north at various places reume llu afternoon looking fU hardy NEW YORKS LATEST STYLESI- n Millinery just arrived Call arid see them Wilkins Millinery I Parlors Blount Building I Gersons Now Located In I Thiesen Building > pc Ml shWi ui rf n nlin lire of V a- rAluminum j Cooking Ware ALUMINUM FACTS Economy in Fuel- Indestructible Eay to Ke p Clean- tirrgPit and fteautiful No Poi onou Acids Heats Quicker Retains Heat Longest Light in Weht Moderate in Price f M tme of 0 lifKk Alumni i Ft or i ti tin buy ajirt If 1Jnt- ofOIJI U rI i I nir fa i moil I Our I I Jewelry Department jt now liOWillR liif mrt upn itt noell1 in tie market v- i > wek Hat Pins iu Hair white etor and jet- VThitt stone Hot Pins witi emerald topaz amethyst and Prl centre en 10 inch an for 2Sc Otberx t ue Expert jewelry reps tag at mrMierat < price

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Post on 10-Oct-2020




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Page 1: A P ICures E vents When Gray Came With Herb Remedies I ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00339/0252.pdf · trees the delicate pink and brightl yellow were all blended lovely

1 r 7 41-

Ln w


Phone 38 PJ3TJ and Phone 38EFrom eople vents From

2 to 6 pmBy BONNIE BURNHAM 30to1Opm



Can you make a rose or lily justk one-

Orjcatc11 a beam of the golden sunyou count the raindrops as thty

fallOr the leaves that flutter from thetreetop tails

X3an you run like the brook andnever tire

Can you climb like the vine beyondthe eplfe i

Can you fly lifee a iird or weave anest

Or make but one feather on a rob ¬

ins breastCan you build a cell like the bee

or spinLike the spider a web so fino and

thinCan you lift a shadow from off the

groundCan you see the wind or measure a

soundCan you blow a bubble that will not

burstCan you talk with echo and not

speak firstop my dear little boy you are clev

and strongAnd you are so busy the whole day

longTrying as1 hard a little boy can-To do big things like a grownup

manLook at me darling I tell you trueThereare some things you never can

do1 Author Unknown



Mrs M C Landrum of this city-Is In Mobile where she went to at¬

tend the wedding of her neice MitpMarie whose many friendshere wll be interested in the foJIo-

wling account from the Mobile Reg-ister


The day was full of sunshine andtho night was full of moonbeams allnature In radiant beauty payinghomage to the sweet young ibride

> Miss Marie Wlndham whose marri-age


to Dr Edward Cleveland Hagler-of Tuscaloosa drew an interestinggathering of relatives and friends tothe home of the brides parents Mand Mrs Z T Windham NorthHamilton street Thursday eveningat 7 oclock

The pastel shades in which theblue of the skies the green of thetrees the delicate pink and brightlyellow were all blendedlovely combination in the decorationsof the home and the toilets of thebridal part

The front parlor the room wherethe marriage took place was decolated in green apd white palmferns and brides roses making apretty background for the prie dieudraped In old family lace with can-delabraJ of cut glass and brass hold-ing


tapers of green and gold The1 back parlor was in yellow tones yel-

low¬ I

crysanthemums goldenrod androriopsls lending brightness therehe reception hall was effective with

palms and plumbago while the liv¬

room was lovely with duchessroses and ferns the lights being cov-ered


with water lily shadesJust before the ceremony Mrs

Bettie O McCoy one of Novembersbrides sang Loves Old SweetSong and Mrs W L Denham sang

Annie Laurie and All For YouMr Frank C Horton playing thewedding march as the bridal partyentered

Rev H H MeXeill of t ne St Franrls Street Methodist church perform-ed


the ceremony which made MissWlndham the wife or Dr Hagler apracticing physician of NorthportAla wbo is also interested in thedrug business there and is in higastanding ln that communty

The rIde a petite brunette waslovely in on embroidered robe of laceover white satin the bridal veil wastaught with natural orange blos-soms


and she carried a snower boujjuet of brides roses and lilies of theI valley

ti tiiow ra uirf bac42tL overcoat id-neceseary nuisance and the tendency total i

t off on warmish days in late autumn aminter is as as it is unwise ltreacherous windbits you in the back anshe next xuorningyouhnve lumbaco Huwall and Davis Paintill-cnd you will bo asionfslieclsio find bo-yflnkFf all soreness is baniha-r


CROPCluster RaisinsSeeded Raisins

4 Fancy EvaporatedApricots

t Fancy EvaporatedPeaches

PrunesCurrantsCitronLemon and Orange


Sot Calm CO


Agents Nunnallya Candlas

Phones 17SM721


The maid of honor Miss LouiseI Windham sister of the bride wore adainty lingerie over pink satin andcarried brdesmaid roses with stream-ers


of pinkMiss Josephine Hagler sister of

the groom and one of the trio ofsweet bridesmaids was gowned ingreen satin with overdress of whitechiffon and lace and carried waiteroses tied with white ribbon

Little Miss Mabel Lee Windhamthe young sister of the bride Worewhite embroidered lingerie over paleblue satin and carrid pink rose ¬

budsMiss Alice Prazer another of the

sweet bridesmaids wore a lovely lin-


gown over yellow satin and herbouquet was of yellow roses withyellow ribbon

Dr Hagler was attended 3>y Mr C

P Hausman of TuscaloOsa who wasbest man to the groom

Following the ceremony an infor ¬

mal reception was held Mrs VVind

ham the brides mother wearing awhite embroidered lingerie and beingassisted in receiving by the bridgrandmother Mrs L G Stacey otBirmingham who was gowned Inblack silk Mrs M C Landrum orPensacola an aunt oof the bride andMrs William Crutcher of AthensAla The front porch was enclosedand the punch bowl placed out therewas presided over by Misses MaryFrazer Eugenia Thompson and An-


Windham who wore dainty whitemull dresses

The ices and cakos were served-in yellow water lily cups by MissMattie Vaughn Mrs Tames Corleyand Miss Stella Windham who werogowned in soft silk dresses of blue I

and white The brides cake contain-ed


the ring with opal setting thostone with its many lights belonging-to October the month where theskies and leaves change hue asdoes the opal

The brides book was in charge otMiss Bettie O McCoy and the pres-ents


of cut glass and silver werenumerous and beautiful one of themost appreciated being a slIver ser ¬

vice of three pieces from the teach ¬

ers of the West Ward city schoolwhere the bride taught for two years

The bride and groom left over tneMobile and Ohio for a trip throughthe South going til1st to attend thewaterways convention in New Or ¬

leans and will be at nome in Xoriuport after November 15 Mrs Haglers goingaway gown was a diago ¬

nal suit of taupe with garnet velvettrimmings and gloves and hat tomatch

The outoftown guests who cauiefor the HaglerWindharn wedding-were Mrs L G Stacey of Birming-ham


Mrs E L Hagler the groomsmother Korthport Mrs M C Landrum Pensacola Fla Miss PorterBrown Montgomery a1iss Jose-phine


Hagler Tuscaloosa Mr Eu ¬

gene Gonzalez Birmingham Mr CP Hausinan Tuscaloosa Mr aridMrs William Crutcher Athens AlaMr R C Gonzalez Birmingham-Ala


Mr arid Mrs J Conrad Scott arehappy over the birth of a fine teapound girlMR AND MRS BTHOMAS


PARENTS OF A LITTLE GIRLMr and Mrs B Thomas are the

parents of a line little baby girl whoarrivcd at their home on Alcamzstreet on last Sunday The parentsare receiving congratulations-


The first meeting of the Xornadswill take place at 4 oclock on Mon-day


afternoon Mrs Warren Ander-son


will be hostess at her home enEast Gregory streetCAPTAIN NORTHUPIN NEW ORLEANS

Captain Xorthup left yesterday torNew Orleans where he will attendthe Deep Water Ways conventionHe will also witness the reception to-be tendered President Taft and hisparty

1 p


Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Sr whohave been spending some time in Eu-rope


arc now on their way homeThey were detained for a short timeon account of the illness of Mrs Her



Air Franklin Forbes who is ill inAtlanta where he is attending school

I is not according to report in anespecially serious condition MrsW B Forbes his mother is witu I





A new social club is to be launchedin the city on nast Tuesday nightwhen the Jolly club a new organisa ¬

tion will give its first ball at theKnights of Columbus hall All ladies

I attending will wear yellow and blackand mask The following cards have

I been receivedI You art cordially invited to attendI The Halloween Dance-


The Pen acola Jolly dubKnights of Columbus Hall

Tuesday evening November Secondnineteen hundred and nine



I WITH MRS A G BROWN IMrs A G Brown entertained thy

i members of the Social Card club ather home on Xorth Sixth avenue yes-terday


I the garie havng been uneasi-ly


pleasant and close Mrs Fl MPooley a guest of Ibe afternoon sur


i PILESI PILES PILESWilliams Indian Pile Ointment wili

cure Blind Bleeding and Itching PilesIt absorbs the tumors allays Itching atonce arts as a poultice sives instant re-lief


Williams Indian Pile Olatmeat is-prepared for Piles and Itching of the oilrate pats Sold bj druggists nail 3eand leo Williams MTc Co Pops

t Cleveland O Sold by Hooton Phar



he Best Tonic She Ever Used in HsrFamily Cardui the Wo¬

mans Tonic

Mineral TexI have a few wordsto say writes Mrs A T Hale of thisplace on the merits of Cardui as atonic-

I< < have used it in my family andhave found it to be just as repre-sented


Itis certainly the best tonic I naveever used and I hope that my wordswill lead some suffering lady to try-it

If one lady out of the thousandswho read this letter of Mrs Haloswill try Cardui her letter will nothave been written in vain

Will you be that ladyRemember you will really be trying-

no experiment Cardui is a standardpart of the stock of every uptodatedrug store-

It is not a new untried untestedlaboratory chemical manufacturedalkaloid or byproduct of coal tar or t

other new industry-It has been in use for half a cen-


Time has tested it and proved itsreal true genuine merit in the lightnot of a laboratory test tube experi-ment


but of actual experience andfactCardui is a proven success

It will pay you to test it for your<< <> 11

Get it at the nearest drug storeX ISVrite to Tjidws Aavtwjry

Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooza Tern for Special Instructionsand Glnas hook Home Treatment forWomen sent in plain wrapper on rrquest





KerseyCoats regular 500and 600 values onsale at I


he ReadytoWear Store911 S Palafox St

prised the ladies by serving deliciouscake and chocolate The ace prizewas won by Mrs Dan Murphy theconsolation by Mrs J M Clutter andthe booby by Mrs Wm Ferguson

ITho lone hand proved a tie betweenMrs J G Yniestra and Mrs WinWalker the latter winning-

The next meeting will be with SIrsJ M Clutter on Cervantes streetTO FILL PULPIT OF FIRSTUNIVERSALIST CHURCHSUNDAY

The Rev Mr J W Caldwell ofSt Louis Mo will occupy the pulpit-of the First Universalist church to ¬

morrow at 11 a m and tomorrownight at 730 oclock His morningsubject will be Courage and Faithand his evening subject The Tri-umph


of Truth lIe is known to be-a very eminent and eloquent divineand will be heard with much inter ¬

est by Pensacola people


Mr M Devney who is superintend-ent


of the St Louis and Hendersondivision of the L X is in Pensa ¬

cola with his brother and sister thelatter being here for their healthThey will remain during the winterbeing comfortably located at the Escambia and all are enthusiasticover Pensacola Pensacola people andthe matchless brand of Pensncolasclimate




The Rev Mr 1 W Senterfitt theRev Mr Rice Mrs Creighton ariaMessrs Merritt and AIl brooks laft onthe noon train yesterday for Jay viaPollard to attend the meeting of thePensacola Bay Baptist association tobe held there yesterday today and to¬




and Mrs W B Forriss arriv-ed


home yesterday from their weddingtrip I

Mr and Mrs Frank Tracey are nowcomfortably located in the onmQtcottage on West Gadsden

Mr Paul Berry of Selma is speml

citylug H few days with friends in the I


Whether from Malarious conditions Colds I

or overheating try Hicks CAPUDINXIt reduces the fever andrelieves the ach-ing


Its Liiiuid 10 23 and 0 cents atDrug Stores

ToDay is Candy Day atthe Crystal PharmacyA-


SJust as love and marriage is anever old ever new story so too thematter of etiquette for a church wed ¬

ding seems to be an ever old evernew subject At least I judge so fromthe many requests that have come nu12 jteli 2ipZ that I write gjj aj

f title dealing with the customary so-cial


rules and regulations governing-a wedding held at a church It wouldseem that no brideolect desires togo to the altar without a full knowl ¬

edge of the etiquette of the occas-ion


and because so many brideselecthave taken the trouble to write to meon this score I shall devote the eti-quette


article this week to the moreimportant rules for the formal churnwedding


First as to the ushers who thoughthey do not shine at u wedding sogloriously as do the bride and htrsweet attendants are nevcrthelmost important accessories of thechurch wedding Indeed on their un-derstanding


of the etiquette of the oc-casion


and their ability to observeit to the slightest detail dependsmuch of the brilliant success of thefunction

The ushers practically direct thfceremonies of a church wedding antireceive their directions from thebride or her mother They are se-lected


troiu the friends of both bridand groom and custom requires thateach send the bride a gift in accord-ance


with iris means The sroomobest man is the most intimate friendof his bachelor life and upon hint de-volves

¬Ithe matter of ixaving the

clcrgyymans fee At a simple wed-ding


where the bride has no motherhe also frequently makes all thechurch arrangements-

The ushers dress at a day weddingis generally a black frock oat graytrousers a white tie and white dOelIe also sometimes wears a white rib-bon


on his lft arm or if not this alarge white boutonien

Upon the day of the marriage theushers must be at the church quitetwenty minutes before the ceremonyin order that the guests that cumearly may be as ceremoniously seat-ed


as the last1 When the ordinary guests Ivogin toI arrive they are all escorted down tn I

i center aisle and seated in the j ew3below the white ribbon which marks

I off the seals of the family and moreI intimate friends This ribbon bound-ary

¬ I

is not obligatory but it makes theseclusion of the family more secure I

and adds a pretty touch to the restof the church decorations It is aloo j

the sentimental custom for the brideto supply with her own hands several I

yards of this ribbon which is eitherweighted at the loose end or sowed


with a large loop that slips over the I

opposite pew arjjj The names otsuch intimate iriends ns are askedto sit with the wedding party art J

usually given tbe ushers beforehandso that these friends will not bo em I

barrased at being put with the less I

important guests Again each otthese favored friends may be provided I

with a special card which indicatesthat they are to be seated inside theribbon-

At smart weddings the usher giveshis arm to each lady who entersalone and escorts her in a gracious I

manner to the pew But where sev ¬

eral newcomers approach a singleusher it is usual for hUll to bow in npolite manner and then precede theparty as he takes them to tltirseats of I

In seating the relatives and inti ¬

mate friends it is the general rulefor ushers to t is often te the rigktliandpews for the grooms party and thc j

lefthand ones for that of the brideWith the appearance of the brides j

mother or the grooms the head ush-er invariably gives the lady his arm I

to her seat whether she is accompa ¬

nied by a gentleman or not As theappearance of the mother or moth-ers


indicate the arrival of the bridalparty the central aisle is immediatelycleared and while the head ushers j

or usher go into the vestibule to metthe persons important the assistantusher or ushers stand in a way to I

prevent any possible intrusion upon i

the central aisle j

The vestibule doors are then hungI

wide and after a few bars of the wed ¬I

ding music have been played thehead usher followed by the assis ¬

tants proceeds thn wedding party to I

the chancelThe bridesmaids following the ush-


wear picturesque hats and roundskirts and carry set bouquets whos <

colors accord with their costumes uthey are all in pink the flowers may-be


bridesmaids which small-ish

roses arc ¬

and deeply tinted It is not cor-rect


for the bridesmaids or singlemaid of honor ever to carry whiteflowers as this is alone the brides I

privilegeThe bride follows her maids lean

I ins upon the arm of her father orthat of her nearest male relative andfollowing the lead of the best manthe groom makes his appearance frOLlthe vestry being at the altar to meetthe bride before she leaves the door

The costume of a bride who has achurch wedding of any size is day ornight the usual thing of bridal white-

a longtrained dress of satin or silkmade high in the neck and with ricabodice decorations of lace Her hairis elaborately arranged end she car-ries


her bouquet under the long veilof net lace or tulle which completelycorers her face and the best part other dress

The groom wears for a day wedrUng a black frock cot a doubibreasted pique waistcoat white linen-a white silk or satin tie and graysuede gloves With the night cere-mony

¬complete evening dress is cus-


the swallowtail coat andtrousers of black cloth a lowcut whitwaistcoat standing collar tewn tiewhite dressed kid gloves and patenleather shoes-

As bridegrooms are usually bash-ful


enough the only rutea for churchbehavior as far as the harpy couple-are concerned art for the bride

1pon approaching the altar shemust walk with her head modestlylowered and her veil completely cov-


her face But after the nuptialblessing the nrst bridesmaid may liftthe brides sell and gracefully dis-pose it at the back of her ooiffmewith the pin with which the brides-maid


has provided herself In tnis i

case the bride returns TO her carriase on her new hucbaads arm withher face uncovered She may fling aghost of a smile then to somtbody wpassiaz to her mother perhaps butsomehow nc recognition of any of tiechurch company is thought bett rform

Upon leaving the church nobodyenters the carriage of the bridepToom and at the house corasrratulajtions as the word goes are given en-tirely


to the groom for the bride is I

supposed to be conferring the joy andnot receiving it

JJEL Lh n ywgf r y l phureh it is soe j

times customary for the bride antigroom to sign their names in the reg-ister before leaving when the bestman serves as first witness and thefirst bridesmaid as second The bridealso sometimes hands a gift of money-toI the clergyman for his poor or elseslips it herself into the poor box up-on going out of the door This gniciOTIS thought of others upon the day ofdays is suppo nl to bring luck antihappiness to a marriage and it iscertainly a beautiful custom

Poleys Honey ana Tar clears airpassages stops the irritation in thethroat soothes the inflamed mem-branes


and the most obstinate coughdisappears Sore and inflamed lungs-arc healed and strengthened and thecold is expelled from the system Re-


any hut the genuine in the yel-low


packageW A DAlemberte druggist and

apothecary 121 South Filafox street

Miss Herriman has hand¬

some Beaver Hats Seethem

THE BEAUTY OF THE MAIDNow that schools an in full blast

again and young girls are once moreimbibing indication fatal foe ofgood looks through lacV of exercise-and sufficient fresh air beautyssimpler methods taking care of thecomplexion should be a subject forevery mothers consideration

What does a good complexion meanto a girl It means at bottom thatall the IUIKtions of the system are inperfect working order and hat in-

consequent p of this the particularmaiden so equipped is getting a better


chance with life than her lossblessed sisters It minus that the I

studies will be easier and the rot¬

tunate maid will be kept in bettertemper thau if her face skin harboredthe unsightly pimples and sallownesswhich are so much the portion ofschool girls It means if the goodwork is kept up that the tendercuticle of the young face will bewithout the after signs of youthfulblemishes that it will have the rightsatiny texture and healthful coloringswhen its owner arrives at the agewhen the complexion is alt important-

Few mothers seem to be aware thatwith the coming and passing away ofevery pimple and blackhead a harden ¬

ing or discoloration of the skin is leftbehind So for a girl to have a goodskiu when she is grown up she musttake care of it when she is still agirlTo begin at the beginning of things-it is useless to sing the dazzling com-plexion


W1III the operation of natureare left unconsidered No real orlasting beauty can be secured for theskin without attention to the normalneeds of the bodygood food thecleansing bath exercise and sleepNo hope for any good change may heexpected if the intestinal tract kid¬

neys and skin are hampered in theirappointed duties and regularities Asto the first upon whose utmost regu-larity


the welfare of every other bod-ily


organ may he said to depend asevere cathartic generally will onlybring temporary relief and so makea bad physical state worse So insfead of dealing out ilo of castor-oil and pills so generously to theiryoung daughters when bad skins andheadaches and blackheads hint whatis the matter anxious mothers shouldlook mainly to a simple and healthful-diet and other natural means of mas-tering


the trouble-A larger supply of fresh fruit pure

drinking water anti simpler viandsthan those usually eaten will domuch to correct this serious troubleAnd besides seeing that these aresupplied and taken the mother shouldinsist that the young daughter takeseveral hours of exercise daily in theopen air

A good way to make the fruittempting in to have a howl filled withgreat juicy oranges redcheeked appl >s grapes etc in the girls room-so that she can eat the good thingsupon waking and so prepare her in ¬

ternal economy for all that is to comeThe juice oT sweet oranges has a

wonderful effect on HIP clearness of

30 Years of Success-The Crystal Pharmacy Offers

a Remedy for Catarrh TheI Medicine Costs Noth-


if It FailsWhen a medicine effects a success-


treatment in a very large majority-of cases and when we offer that medi ¬

cine on our own personal guarantee-that it will cost the user nothing if itdoes not completely relieve catarrhit is only reasonable that peopleshould believe us or at least nut our

I claim to a practical test when wetake al the risk These are facts

I hich we watif the people to substan-tiate We want them to try RexaMucuTone a medicine prepared from

I a prescription of a physician withI whom catarrh was a specialty anl

who has a record of thirty years otenviable success to his record

We receive more good reports vil-RexalI MucuTone than we do of allother catarrh remedies sold in ourstore and If more peopk only knew

I what a thoroughly dependable remedyI Rexall MucuTone te it would be theonly catarrh remedy we would have

I any demand forRexall MucuTone is quickly ab¬

I sorbed and by its therapeutic ffeci tends to diinlet and cleanse theentire mucous membraneous tract todestroy and remove the parasitewhich injure tie membraneous libsues to soothe the irritation and healthE sorenAM stop the mucous dis-charge


build up strong healthy tissueattd relieve the blood and system ofdiseased matter Its influence is to-


stimulating the macocelis aidlug digesthja and improving nutritionuntil the whole body vibrates withhealthy actirity IB a comparativeshort time H brings about a noticeab-lgan in weight strength good colorand rHng of buoyancy

We urge yon to try RetaIl MucuTone beginning a treatment todayAt any time yr>u are not satisfiedsimply come and tell us and we willquickly return > our money withoutquestion or quibble We have RexallMucuToee in two SbM 30 cents and

100 Remember you can obtainRexall RwMdies in PsRsaeohi only atour store Tim Kc xal Store Th-eCrta1 Piuuanacj Brest iiuiiiia

ICures By Quaker Reported Daily-When Gray Came With the Quaker Herb Remedies He

Told the People It Would Not Be Many Days UntilHe would prove to the People of This City That Qua-ker


Herb Remedies Would Cure Where All OthersHad Failed


Xow such is the case and daily hegives you the names and address ofreputable people who are cured orgreatly benefited after using Quakerremedies a short tutu

Here is a case of muscular rheu-matism Air W J Carlisle propriet-or of the well known restaurant atNos 7G and 7S South Royal tree

i Mobile Ala who has suffered for hiveyears with rheumatism in his shoul-ders


and muscles and across thej chest So severe was the pain at-r times that he could scarcely take a

long breath although he had beenconstantly treated but to no availlie was advised by friends to go toBraswells drug store and get theQuaker Herb Extract and Oil of BalmlIe did so and eight days later re-ported


to fray he has no pains andfeels better than he has in the lastfive years

Now vhieis only one of the greatnumber of nanes Gray has given youthrough your oaily papers

Here is H report more remarkable-than evera case of deafneR for ov1rten years standing and was causedfrom catarrhal affection which destroys w > many different seum of thehuman system Now when yottreal ¬

ize that this lady Mrs McDonaldwho resides on the west sidcQCharles street near Selma street MO


the skin and the brightness of the-y >s and knowing this many famous

beauties have made them the chietarticle of their diet all their livesHoney is also beneficial while it isclaimed that molassesthe good oldfashioned thick kindeaten for sup-per


very night with brown or glutenbread will bring a throat and cheekas firm and glistening as marble

The water drinking should be doneau hour before any food is taken intothe stomach and the last thing atnight

The health rules call for from twoto four glasses each time with aquarter of an hour spent slowly sip-ping


it The thing is not difficult todo and after you acquire the habit ofyour splendid drink you wonder howyou could have been so untidy asnot to think of washing out yourstomach before For the water drink ¬

ing does just this thing and after amonth of it every part of the bodyshows the good results of the inter-nal


scrubbingthere is a lighter heada clearer eye a brisker step morewisdom a better complexion

Every girl should be taught toothat to sleep in a bedroom improperlyventilated is to do something as un-clean


as it Its unhealthful for surely-it is a repugnant thought that of rebreathing the poisonous emanationthrown oft duringsleep by the skinand lungs-

If there is only one window in thesleeping room this should be keptopen at least several Inches on thecoldest night some doctors declarewide openand the door be open topromote draft from a window else-where


The bed need not be in thedraft but the good fresh overchang ¬

ing outside air is necessary not onlyfor the health of a girls body andmind but for the roses and lilies of

I her cheeks Tell the girl too toI breathe deeply and evenly whenevershe can remember it for this loosens-up all the stiffening clockwork withinpromoting more healthful sleep a bet-ter


digestion and all the many facialand bodily signs of beautys favor

MUSCOGEES-pecial to the Journal

M uscogee Oct 29 Mrs lameMacgihbon of Pensacola spent sev-eral


days in Muscogee visitingfriends

Miss Annie Moore Harvey of Pen ¬

sacola spent Wednesday and Thurs-day


in Muscogee reorganizing hermusic class which was suspendedduring the summer months

MYs Charlie Vaugn returnedhome Saturday from a two monthsvisit to relatives in Indiana

The little son of Mr and Xrs Si-


Tompkins has been very ill torthe past week but is now on theroad to recovery I

I Mrs E G Bonifay and children-are visiting in Roberts I

Lyman Xellums was a visitor toI

Pensacola Wednesday-Mr and Mrs Alonzo Lang have re-

turned¬ I

to their home in ChicagoI

W C Lott was a visitor to Pensacola Monday-

Mrs Ollie Mullins and little on I

are visiting in Pensacola I

06-I G <


Pleasant Way to Spend Sunday 4-

e Morning-



is not perhaps generally known



That Parasites Cause HairLoss


Ninetent of the diseases of thescalp and hair are caused by para-sitic


gsfrms Tbe importance of thisdiscovery by Professor Units of theCharity Hospital Hamburg Germanycan not be overestimated Tx explains I

why ordinary hair preparatjoa ever r

of the most expensive character fail I

to cure dandruff because they do notand they can not kill the dandruff I

germ rhe only hair preparation Inthe world that positively destroys the I

dandruff parasites that burrow upscalp into scales called scurf or dan1draft is Newbros Herpicide In adsdition to its destroying the dandruffgerm Herpicide is also a delightfulhair dressing Sold by drug ¬

gists Send lOc in stamps for sam-ple


to The Herpicide Co DstroitMich

One dollar bottles guaranteed WA DAlemberte druggist and apoth >

cz5 lZl South Pafafny SitrL

bile Ala had not heard n Sound with-her right ear in years and nil at u ethe sound of the ticking clock r eringing of bells the whistling c aeboats Oh what joy it must hji tothat soul

Imagine how annoying it is t < >

to shout at the ton of mr Pi-


order to hold a conversation a t jis all caused by tatarrh

Now my dear friends who ai lf-I feruig from rheumatism rat aI any form kidney liver stumaI blood troubles indigestion toiit J I

Lion dyspepsia biliousness weal amI down condition nervousness ea1 oday and talk to Gray at Hannah HMdrug store It will cost >oU nothingHe will tell you what the Quaker IT bRemetHeos will do tot you Rem i

her they are not ciireall but hywill cure al that is rlamed for tuciand expel all wonn germs from thesystem If you cannot call order bymail Gray will pay all charges onorders of 300 Quaker Herb Extra

100 per bottle t tor f = 5il Oil ofBalm for all pain Lik Quaker oniiSyrup 2 > c Gray proves what losays font miss the free show andGray will give you a short talk ongood health at lot next to McHugiGrocery West Garden St all invited7 p m Gray h at Hannah FIresfrom P a m to 1 p ni-


that if very pkasant ttid prothahSunday iiioiT f can be spent bv taTlug u car rid M Fort Barranrisl-ewving PeiiKacoia 3 9o and upoarrival going to the gyThts slum at tlifort where the soldier lo5 nicct foa short service

Next Sunday morning there iti goingto be a special musical program MhsRuth Coons will sing a solo and Mrs 4

Lounsberry will play a violin W 11Hooton is the accompanist Re IIW Simpson will preach a rfiori ser-mon


on Service After which thereis time to visit 4ihe fort before re-turning at 114 arriving home inplenty of time for dinner which willbe helter enjoyed find digestedthrough taking this lovely frcpli airtrip Ladies are specially invited topay the boys a visit anti they are asured a hearty welcome The returnfare is 25 cents and it is money wespunt There is perhaps one objec-tion to this trip that is u you ionce you arc liable to repeat it fTrf-ine Sunday just to see the boys turnout and hear some good singing t

great many have promised to go 10morrow Remember the 930 cai

DONT FORGETt-o get a box of candy free toda atthe Crystal Pharmacy

COTTAGE HILLCottage Hill Oct 29 Judge I c

Is spending a tiny or two wb J

Brewton of RobertaRev Mr and wife an

Alabama for a few laysHomer Weil who wa threatn

with fever is now able to attend tnduties in the rurl route sia-

mrhw P of CotUjr IPIwill hoMa silver medal oratoruontet Sunday night Oct 81 a T

Mr and Mr W S Ileera who hatbeen spending several weeks in titnorth at various places reume lluafternoon looking fUhardy


n Millinery just arrivedCall arid see them

Wilkins Millinery


Blount Building


GersonsNow Located In

I Thiesen Building> pc Ml shWi ui rf n nlin

lire of V a-




ALUMINUM FACTSEconomy in Fuel-IndestructibleEay to Ke p Clean-tirrgPit and fteautifulNo Poi onou AcidsHeats QuickerRetains Heat LongestLight in WehtModerate in Pricef M tme of 0 lifKk Alumni i

Ft or i ti tin buyajirt If 1Jnt-


rI i I nir fa i

moil I



Jewelry Departmentj t now liOWillR liif mrt upnitt noell1 in tie market v-

i > wekHat Pins iuHair white etorand jet-

VThitt stone Hot Pins witiemerald topaz amethyst and Prlcentre en 10 inchanfor 2Sc Otberx tueExpert jewelry repstag at mrMierat < price