a partial history of union hill thodist churoh. · house, matilda chapel sohool. it was then we...

A partial History of Union Hill thodist Churoh. e first want to explain that all records 0 f the ohurch were misplaoed a number of years and we have been unable to find any of them. In the we fail to inolude any Charter member of the ohuroh this will be an oversight. e do know that those listed were all Chart.I' m mbers. E.I. THW HISTORY OF THE In August of 1893 a revival was held under a bush hart r by the one room house, Matilda Chapel Sohool. It was then we organized the ohurch with the following char- ter members Bloodworth,A.R. n It "Susan Rlizabeth " Perry Franklin " Grover Cleveland !raswtll James R• .,. n. n n Mrs. Ophelia Carpenter Mrs. Katie Cooper(MotherJvf George Carpl'n *ir Cooper M83me(now s. Pratt \ood) Wthridge ass Ida Ivey James Furnie (Sallie Belle) iohardCMartha Bloodworth) " Minter Floyd Floyd(Martha Chambers) " Charles Riohard " It William Thamas Torranoe iss Rmmie(now las. James Woodall) Miss E'va(Now ifrs. Garner " Souther irS. artha S. begun haVing regular servioes eaoh first Saturday and Sunday and the ohuroh grew in membership until it was at that time one of the strongest ohurches in any rural seotion. The ohuroh was built at the sight where Chapel was firs t located and the name Union was suggested by • A.R. Bloodworth who contributed four aores of ground for the churoh and cemetery. Everyone in the seotion oontributed toward building the churoh either in money,mat rial or labor and we had our first s rvice in the ohuroh on first unday in J,:arch 1894. ::ra. •• Bloodworth wi th the assistance Df a girl 1'1 nt to the c urch, got on her kne s clean-d th floor and the seats anf; viind::Jws ready for our first s rvice it was a bitt r cold she att nded the servic on and 'iJnl ediately aft r this developed pn umonia and she wos the first to have her fWl ral in the d it as always be n thought that it was scrubbing the floors of the church on a bitter c81d day th t caused her to d v l- op pneumonia.

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Page 1: A partial History of Union Hill thodist Churoh. · house, Matilda Chapel Sohool. It was then we organized the ohurch with the following char ter members. Bloodworth,A.R. n . It "Susan

A partial History of Union Hill ~ thodist Churoh.

e first want to explain that all records 0 f the ohurch were misplaoed a number of years and we have been unable to find any trao~ of them. In the ~ent we fail to inolude any Charter member of the ohuroh this will be an oversight.

e do know that those listed were all Chart.I' m mbers. E.I.


In August of 1893 a revival was held under a bush hart r by the one room soho~l house, Matilda Chapel Sohool. It was then we organized the ohurch with the following char­ter members

Bloodworth,A.R. n It "Susan Rlizabeth " Perry Franklin

" Grover Cleveland !raswtll James R• .,. n. n n Mrs. Ophelia Carpenter Mrs. Katie Cooper(MotherJvf George Carpl'n

*ir Cooper 1~ss M83me(now s. Pratt \ood) Wthridge ass Ida Ivey ~~s. James Furnie (Sallie Belle)

.,~s. iohardCMartha Bloodworth)" Minter Floyd l~s. Floyd(Martha Chambers)" Charles Riohard"

It William Thamas Torranoe iss Rmmie(now las. James Woodall)

Miss E'va(Now ifrs. Garner" Souther irS. artha S.

~e begun haVing regular servioes eaoh first Saturday and Sunday and the ohuroh grew in membership until it was at that time one of the strongest ohurches in any rural seotion.

The ohuroh was built at the sight where ~atilda Chapel was firs t located and the name Union ~ill was suggested by

• A.R. Bloodworth who contributed four aores of ground for the churoh and cemetery.

Everyone in the seotion oontributed toward building the churoh either in money,mat rial or labor and we had our first s rvice in the ohuroh on first unday in J,:arch 1894.

::ra. •• Bloodworth wi th the assistance Df a n~gro girl 1'1 nt to the c urch, got on her kne s clean-d th floor and the seats anf; viind::Jws ready for our first s rvice it was a bitt r cold d~r, she att nded the servic on und~y and

'iJnl ediately aft r this developed pn umonia and di~d, she wos the first to have her fWl ral in the cht~ch ~ d it

as always be n thought that it was scrubbing the floors of the church on a bitter c81d day th t caused her to d v l ­op pneumonia.

Page 2: A partial History of Union Hill thodist Churoh. · house, Matilda Chapel Sohool. It was then we organized the ohurch with the following char ter members. Bloodworth,A.R. n . It "Susan

The pastors of the church would visit all families in the seetion and everyone in th section whcth r l:ethodist or aptist attended our services.

ie united wi th the l:ethodist Episoopal church many ye s befJre the :':rotestant ':ethodist came in w' th them. We do not have the date of this.

:J am not sure when all indebtedness was p aid and the ch~ch was dedicated but I think it was possibly about 1895.

It is still our dream to be able to have a morning hour for services again and that our church may if not build the mem­bership to the original number When the chu rch was completpd to be ab Ie to once again have a strong church.