-4kif4gcollections.mun.ca › pdfs › hgstandard › harborgrace... · lor ~!22,.85; and tha t the...

VOLUME XXVIII New A dvertisements. --.... -- ... --... ......... _ ..... ____ THOMPSON'S . MEDICAL · HALL. ESTABLISH.B:D 1855. \Yll)LBS.- \LE RETAIL. Th .. s ... IIIUI R!;>' ill aJ J ... I to hia l• r ..:n at ul n.rie.l !::!t.lC,k ," fe w o f the nnw. est le• J inl( MeJ ic iuCJI m nJ •I nca, fvllo·.o ·•: ·' u::usL ); ,,, d oc!'''\ U .-rml\11 Sy rup, .0 \\ ' S.oftt Curt'. I' ",,.,· ,. l. in le Li •·er P i ll•, ll.o ll!IO tn of \V , ld Ch rr ry , W y .. ll•'• L iq ni•l E"(tntc t. lla&eline, t: m • e><' \Vor 111 E x ll'rm iu11to r. nf .\l t>.tr, ]> ..... .•,. ='"'I'· P c or'1 Stickft. \\' hi t.(' Etuu uel ( fu t rilli11g t et'l lt,) .. z.uu.· (f••r e 1. ."'10Ul"iu:.; )I .t w•n 'ft F"o n ol y '·'"' .. Fruit .J 1 4tAII\ Ut\ It ry s .\ I "l'· l h·. \\' lll'\,l tt 's l! itl ( 1 f$ Jvhn.on' !l A n01lvnc l.tlllllll'lll l n•liPn costi• 11e 1111 ) l:: nu'a !;;nz-• r (fur " 'Om•) 1 :ua .-.1'II nir l)_ ,. ,., T ncnl' he ro ua l'norh l:'vw•lc r , E .. o'a S..Jt l k-ef, l oon""" \' ,' ine. l.y tna 1 11'8 \' e ;; .. t.a i,J,. d tJ tl• t \_J IIU III U \\' auu :\ ,t! .. n .o J< ,... ,.· Jy dn ( 'dt MI h :'to nff, E lt x tr , IJ , ,, , fla tteDr. W :dL:,., ·, " '"" !: "' UtUc os II ullo wuo ·'M( 'orn l' u •" C..11 u Jo :x tmc t..o r K .-.• l one:'• 1 P nwo l' r a · t llt"\) p & Lyt nnu'a Eeuulsi on .\ _ ,.,., ·, :-..•••·• !' ·" ill 11. Emul,io n ( 'he·• ' r .t Pwt ce\ c: .. .\f c, lawd lJuc;n t r\' ,;, . l' ul .,:tll'r l''•llt.•lH tl . I :\ lhl 'I I IIJPCUI I":\ \\' \ t"'ri h kJI S ''' "II !.! . -\ prn ns .J ., S)o(JII).;U ll• ;t8 ,J ,, Ha l« (fnt dt iltl lf•n l.<.'t' tlo i ng ) Fo•llvw .. ( ', 11 1w> n11 J :-:_ ,."'1' !";r,.,.,J,n" u' ,. Pu• •fPfll J: ,, t,l,..r l'u ' '"2 for FceJ c•-s, l 1r ., , ... .. T ulu u:.: ., \\ t"r'_. il .u r H •\ln , A, Il,•n'• ll •t r lt.-.v ut•r. .\ .loolL'a Tnt '<. , .!•, :'ll t n urt l'ft L lll ll nt' lll E.u t!. "' rt"ltt', Lf nl.,r llt!'lltl'tl \\ · .... , J1 ., ,j ,,..k Hl,lll<l G11 t1·a ,. (\t<f l.i• ·er lltl "" 'I }l & lt. Et..toncc ot A llen'" Lnug J noLo 11'.- Go J P.oi nt, J u,J so ll\ ll ul<l IDk 't trnlt' of l' " ennll l. o J:c nt;es U l ltt;t•r Lozcugea :)..•-o•y a nd 1-'u<JJ J.iml' J11 iCf', C. n1111t l OyAtcoa, ) l,.• ict' &lt'< l Coc:oomut., Food \\'u od ill'5 U..kint: P owder 1 Rel ish, H ti eol S u ory, Dried .. , Uriflll1'1\frutt Vittq;ar in l.tt>Lil, D o ioJ lliat, - P ickatone 'a \VuLing (;a :n tal ] {o da & Cot. Rat Paate, Wax Tap e r11 'l' ootll B ruii iJe&, S !tavihll ll n uhea, Coo aiJe, F. T. Comhe l ti ua n.ellLime J n ice anol Glyoo rlne J o. Vusi P!tot.e P o wder Conceut rv t.t.J 'Lyt, Sct.ntf't! Soo pe M i. u- J Pttin t a- in l ib Tina lfml>e r, B.ath Pipe 11nJ Y e llvw Oe hre,ta lr S tain, J3eU Copnl Van· h- 1 f. ttl. Tina S tain, S lAi n, .Mahog11ny do. P. ()ll(o wOO'i do. - A lAO- A choice of l\RIAR PIPE.S, AAI· t'EKFUMES . II.\ Ill and CLOTH!!'.:; UltUSH&!. g- t'ruc ript ioot carefully co1Dpoaadod &lid with vure dr u p. W. H. THOMPSON. GUARDIAN FIRE & LU'E AssumnceC!m:pa.ny Olf J.ONDON. E3T4BL1SBED 1821. SciiCIIIIJ) CA1'1T.t.L ........ .£2,000,0GO " TOT.u. lJryunD Ft:IIDI ur- , WAJU)I 01' ...... ..... ........ t,7150,00C " Avwt:.t..&.bc oK& UPW,AIDtur 360,000 " I l ClON .OEPTION HARBOR GRACE, NEWFO'f!NDf.AND, BA.TURDA.Y , FEBRUARY 1887. NUJIBER 8 Insurance Notices. .. PHCENIX Fire Assurance. Company. l.Ol!DARO STRE ET .t OUAlliNG C ROSS L' >.NuON. IN 1782. TRUSTE ES .t Joaeph \\ ' or. Ua.rc ndale, t:aq. llri•row Uovill. t:aq. Tlo.s lion. Jawea ll l ::g. .t .lhn Clullon. Jo:a q. Octuiua t:. Coopo . E&Q., l\I .P. (; C!Ofl:e Arthur faller , 'lt:aq. Charlea G oodbar!, F.aq. M. lthodc ltcr.wkina, 1::3q. SirJoho l.ubboc:k, llart.., M.P., F.R.S. t;harlu Thom .. l.uc:u, Eaq. Ch11rlfl l'be Uo n. Y.dwiu l\. Portman. Uudle1 ltobert Smi th, &q WID. J amte Tbnmpeon, t:aq. 11 0 :-1. OIREOTOil : Jt1IIN J. lJLOOioiFIELD, Eaq \\'tLLIAIC C. MACDON.&LD,l Joi •l II. lliCOOSAI.D, f Stcrt lo ri u. '11oe or tbie omce ar e jlllllr• antecd t1 nu on e roua ancl wealll•y l'ro · prietary an lild i too n l o a lar11e i11•eo1ed Captllll ; and Lhe pro 111utitude and hy wo th wl tich c l•i me have alwaye bee n tort . aro ,. ell- kno wn aud ao ku owltrl lled . Til e import;1liC:II or lhe lrautlaCtiooa or :he FI RE OF}i' ICE tn11y he esti mat ed fr om tl•e fact tbl\t ito ""oalJiiobrr.en t- uow o ver O sl!: II USIJII£0 \' ·· " ·" · the p•)' 111 r o1.1 in ul iafac tion of fur have e xc eeded .1-' 0 t. ltn: t N ll L IOSS STEIILI SO lu •uraucua a11• oun l.oaa by Fire and 11re by the l' OI II pAny "I"'" ""'"Y of l'rope rty , ou tl•e 111001 r.. Ja n l7 W. &G lt F::'\IH :f.L, St .Jnm<'s, Ag tku } or Nrtr{uu,.J/o"' GENERAt· FIRE A.N D LfFB. E TA13Li :Sll ED A D. 1 3 7 ll t.: AU :HHEET, FC Capital : £1,000 ,000 St g I oaurcr.ncea l' llo •c t ed o ra a Imoa t I'll kindt or j•rto pc rly in ."eo l'l uulltlloud at IOI\' C:I t po uiblc Aoll. II. J. AL' c;n;·l t:s (' J. n-r . So r.oc n nu, ST .Ju us '!l A9•u .' fur X ror,fnu,..JiaH< I t:. 1:1 TII U lli' SO :-J . S .. b .. i ,tul fur // arbor Cror< QUEEN Insurance c,m:pany CAriTAL--£2,000, 000 !;tcrling. QUEEN I NSU lt ..\ NCE BUlLflNO i Ll V ERPOO L, - A!fD- U f'\EN INSU R..\NCEGU ILDINCJS, 6V GHA CKUII U.ROU t:;'l'.REET, / LONDO N. ANN U AL HE I'ORT floe Re JIOrLa anJ A ceounlJI lw- th., y ea r 11\78, p resented to th o S lut reholcle n "'the Annualll eeting,on Tueaday,2Tth M•y, I R7 9, at wlo i.-h Bernard HAII,F..eq. , pretitll'tl. alo o• ·ucl• in tlot Dividerd and lionua at the rate of 16 per cent . wall d ecl11red , £1,,035 being car ireJ lorwaN.I. · ' l'IRE BRANCFT, Tiaat the Pre miume for 1878, altor d educt ing Rf ioeurancee , amounted t.o being an in .:reaee of £5,391 over th e P re mium Income uf 18 77; and Lbe Loaee to £:!61,661, beins 50.16 per oent. on the Pretulum• ot th e Year. IN THE LIFE DEPARTMKNT. Tbat New Polic iea hnd been i..Ued lor and that the Life funde Ly the additio ns mado to it •• the reauLI ol tbe year'a uperaLiona now «pretenLI 67' .9 per cent. or tbe enti re neL Premium, reoeivOIJ 00 ljVCry policy in (oroe . T iae aorpln1 bal1nce in the Fire Ac- oount wu ahowo lo be £107.1Hl9, oot ol whieh £!0,000 wu approprir .ted to Suepeue leeoonL, Lbat AooounL to .£140,000 making wHir tbe .He- aerve Funif'a.oa Dalleooo oarrild forward, 24,000 . J>ald up . ..... ... ... ... !180,030 t;eaeral Reaer•o l'aad . .... .. .. 170,009 e'ireJ!Ciadforaaeaned rreml u•a UO,OOe Balaeoe earned forward ... ... •• u,osn We AoetiiDalatloa Foad ... ... .. S00, 81& Aoolllir Jo'and .... ,. ... ... ... ll,6S6 Advertisements. 1 -4Kif4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'l"hia powder oe.,er variea. A a-.ar•el or puairy, aad .More e conomical thau the ordin ary kinda. and cannot be eo ld io oompelitioo with the multitud e of low lett, abu rt .. right. alom or po w<l on . Suhl ''"''iN co.u. lto l'.\L UAKil'O PO IYDilR Co. , l OG Wall·l'l. !'; .Y. JauSly S T. JOHN 'S Marble & Freestone W01 ks Ar.EXANDEU SMrTH, PnoPRI£TOR. At.UAliO!R Sacm1 deelrte to thank tboae wlto ban fnored IJIID Ia tbe with their ordors, and would iatlmale at the ame ume be bu faoilillea for performing work in bia line oaeqaallod deapetcb and aealne .. . aod at prie.:• tbat caaoot be com- peletf with. P•rac111 MANTir.L TUM US, t:ORHS, II EARTUS and COf. I NGS, would do well to 01ll oa him. They caa obtai a artiallo, aad , cbute workDllnU.iv at prlcea lower than Ole low· eat elte wbero. CHURCII - WORl\ - Font., Ahara, Tab. let•. lrro.- a trptelalty. Tbe Sabeoriber llnia• .almoat. forty year11 uperionee to thla Coloay ia therefore in a pocition to proYide.ll aterialand 'Wo"tllaa· abip bett to endure lbe aneritiu 01' our cllmAI. 276 Gower Street, St . John'a . Aprilt8 REDUCTION I REDUOTION! --o-- For One · 'Month Onlyt T il E _nr:lfUINE SINGER SEWING JU.CRINES I -Tile time made the Canadian re.Gflo railway from Mont to Vanoounr, ta o.oe of f, OO<hllllte. la t ctlll'I.'"""T'T will .ooo be redoeed to 130 boora. wha le apeclalt may l}lakt the dlataace lo 90 \Vbeu tbe tbort Uae ia cotDp leted ne zt au . tumo, tbroag_b tra.lot will make tbe trip f rom Halifax ' to YIIDCODYer, a diatance or milts, ia 116 L oura. Puaeaa-u will be able w make tbe t rip from Lcmdon to Vaaeoanr io 260 boura or len dAyt.\ Tbe time from Vaocouur to Yotabams by t!.e propoaed Paciftc lloe or tteamera' will l day., from Vaacoaur tu Uoog Koat 17 daya. Tbe time from Halifax to Hoag "ill be 21 daya; and th11 t rip from llalifu: arouad world to Halifax anay be made in 61 daya, thua breaking Julu Verue'e te• c:orll by 19 daya. -Till HUDSON OuRoun-A Winoipeg dupatcb aaya : -Mr. C. S l>rummoud, wbo recently returue<l from Eoglaad, wbit!ler bo load beea in coooectioo with aou'a Bay Railway that before lea,ing Enalaad I.e witne-d tbe laoaeblni ot tile tlrat atearoahip for tb o aow route, tbe 1-'lwl Awg .. ta. Sbo wu built by Milburae and wu lauocbod at Newc:aatle. She carrlu S,()()O \ooa eud mala:ea knota au boor. Sbe ia at eel plated with teat llalag. Accommodation ia pro.,iJI'd fo r 1,000 Heralator tftip Ia the l'ort NtlMJH which will be laoncbed in Man:h and Ia aimilar in nery re•pe el to the ; hgtUta. Beaid ct t heet, two lltamera are tltteJ out lo Newcutle. the Mo. Aaroja/1 1\nd Sir ll u Aond Coo ry. The firat carrau 1,900 10ul a utJ the aeceoal 5.000 tooa. Tbe firat • ny; 'ge will IJII made ia the early part or ,Juno, either u au e ll'perlmeut or to ca rry raila. There are t"'o t houa8od .out Mr. Ur ummo nd aaya tbal anoth er sud larger aec ti on or t be re ad will be built tbla aao nmer. l'ho llltnlbcsr of milea will depond la rgely a pon the a.et lll ll or the in a<l uptin tt the proo iucial t:UAr-aotoe to auit t he reqoore- •neul.l of Ent;!ieh lioauciell . rr lbia guarae > ia made aaliafactory to t la em. • • much. l'robably. a• two horadred mile" will be corn · vlcted before thu f•ll. - 4 -- - TnE Juali'li:'- -lf" flu 11 anoooor e<l In pa pen thal L<.rd Tconyeou baa a ode. wblcb ia lo IJI!aet to mu11e by Sor Arth ur l)utlivlln, in ordet tloat it m•J be aun11" at the lli.,!nr aery ic e io f>t. l ' Au l'a Oat heJral ." Lord dl11n7aG11 hUJCO II>IJ Oitd Ill odo, Mya the IYor/ d, I at iot.u.Ja, 1111 b.:tng well, to write a &burt JlO"m In ho11or of the .J ubi lee. 'l'berc bu beea ao quution o( Sir ArtiJor Sulli nn aellinR anytbiog to m ueic for a aenice at St. !'aula, becanae ia to be ooauch telebration,the Q.:aeeu hniag •lcc id- od that t he aerv ice Ia to b• held in \V e•tmioaler Abbey ou t he aftu. ooon or June &Dd wbatner anthem mar be auor oo tbe occuioa will, of courae, be tbo work or Dr. Trwtlt noderatauda thAt there la to be a meetiua ol the Pri'l)' Co uocil in FtbrWiry, alter the Queer- returoa to \Yiodaor rroaa Uaborae. al wbicb l.be for tbe c:elebratioo of tho jollilee will be diteu•ed . To Voa ncil will ·be aommoood the Priace of \\'alea, the Duke ef Cambridie, the Cabinet, tbe<keat Oft!cet:a or t.be IJ ouae. hold, t be Speakerr.l&d u.-llle, Lord Sydney. &lr. Lori Uart ingloa a11d tbe Arebblabop of Caoterbary. lt ia pro· bablt tbat 10111e geaeral agreement on the aubjec:tbu beea arriYtti a&,aad the Qaeeo bu apprond or t he propoaal. all detai la will bo aettled by a oommittee or tbe Co oo- ci!. Tbe St. S ttp/w'• Rt,jtvJ aaya that t he DatiODal nr · ioingjn OODnOC:tion Wllh tbe jubilee wll , a modJ other t binga, take the form or an illomioatioa or Lendon on /& UIO&t coon aod Ia nab acale . A corree- r. adent tell• aa lbat Ur. A. C'. Macltensie a to write tb e can tata to be by lht Raudel choir or three thouuod .oicu at the Cryat.al palaoo lu J oae. -RU .SIAH Dtsto!ea IM ASIA- A Renter'a talearam from Calcalta, of Wedoeatlay'• date. •J• : -The re_porta lateiJ re#._r!Kiaced in the Engliah pro. from l'oiOb .olne. 9t alarmi O, Baaalao prepa1'11Uqe• for eateihr Afrbaulttan aut epriDi are ' bellcYed Ia lntliaa Ot!lt'tl to be Siuco the deperture of the Afgb&D Boaodary Com· minion there baa botn -.,o Briti•h agen t near eaougb to tbt BaiDO· Afgbao fron - tier to ru miab direct loformatloo to the lodi&D GoYerameol. It It, howenr, k nown to tbe latter that a roroe or !000 Ru•ii'DI bu adnnced from Aekaba d to Cbarojai, on tha Ont, In order to cootlnae the RUI· aiaaa line or oommoolcaUoa from MerYl. In the direction or Bokhara. , Thbr monmeot Ia belieorod to latlloata. aa lntelltloa on Rna· llla'a pert of .Hbla& .Bolrbra, and .o com- plelliiJ btr 111Ultary oommanleallon• to &a111arcnnd. wbCf'll abe 11M already coacoa- tn.led a roroe. Uodw th- ao IDOYtment of Karla• uaope opoo Af. gbu or Peralao lerr\IO'l It eeriouaiJ •p· prebeudad ant •prior, the Indian OoYtrament dote DOl pre tbe atreoatb Raria'a poaition will b ue whea her J&il· way •J.te _ a: betweta8e, ud be ltted. The fO(lY milee (r r-iatme«riteiJ to tile wtet of !!It 0 QniJ portion which doe Boudary wu aoable IO ....... u4 Of aa OPfR CJn- UOD U lh&a pola .. !fl.fltw of the dlatJ\IM\t40D u4 mon-la ot &¥. Kaaaid foroea. aqct tilt raot ol Rania baflu a IP!IItary railway rip& Rf to II'"" It :iot uder· tldmaild bf 111e lndlu Gow..... ,..L Necota .. o.. llaYe 1110t ap to &he '*-"' bleb rloptaed Wtnaa tJit BriU. ..a Kari1a -ta a ... u...-..._, to t il• eo- wW -.UIIed polltbl IMaitJoe .-Iller ,, .. tlte .... , ..... calllllioa. ne ...ar- tl tM JC.aiaa JaMIIJ 1M 11tt1W tile& It. nU clllpoMd to M ..... ,... ......... of lilt bOIIa,dary ... 11 ,.. .. u.r. .......... .... •• p' lfl .................. ll ................ , ..... .. ,.., ,. , .. ' . I llliscellaneous. Ourloeitiea from the 8U1T()pt.l Roc:oro.. -- lh Ua. J t:snc& PtKII.llT, D.C.L. Tit e re are aJ.o to be roo ad Ia l h- boolra will purebNe theee Gowen t' A J!'ntle- aennlcuet of eertiflpaca or mamap p•· mao latta ally - forward aad paid the formed by the Jaauca ia the t.beeaoe ollhe fa rea of &he two ladln, bot lUI n.aeedl tM clersrymaa. to 1!1• to take tbt booquep 'fbe Since writini the foreaoioi ard whieb Marpnt ucbaa,.d wttb him d-nr.G he keepa to thlt day, ud the io- 20lh September, 17M, in wbleh the ur"'· cldeal wu tile btttlalrilltr of a pi urn' •• gata, 'I'homaa Boraelt, Elqr., COliYIC11 au. betwetD thHI. ( Collcllllkd. ) flere appeara the oldeet eoridelico or Iillo to !add we IJne in aoy known judidal pro· ia tbla couo try. lt rel111e1 to Bar · ny'a plaatalioo or co•e, acquired by \Vi liam Ha"dY uoder a Coo•eyauc:e, Jated ia 169!) from tbe then propri"or. l!dwnd II ill. la a aut.equeot Yoluwe a Coove.11D<O or the ume propertJ, traced the aame litle. appeara io tbo reglatry or Deed• io tho earlY part of tbia ce ntury. Tlte owae"bip or fhia plaotatiou ia th ai to be traced back from th .. preeeut time to it.a proprielorabip, prior to 1G99. chael KtaliDi for. bJ h it OWD conre .. loo, admlt.tiog "a Romaa l'riut to celebrate I ban naed Mloard'a Liaimeat for bron· pobllclt mua acoordiog to tbe Chnrcb of ' aod aathma and It bu eoN" me. 1 Rome ia ooe or biallthrooDII beliu11 It the ALLL'f Lt\HSO· be befog prtaeot blmaelf, whaoh &a oonlrary STONE, Lot 6, l' .E.L to law and agairaat &ho puce ol oor So•er· eip Lord tbe Kio11, we therefore thlok pro· WomeaaafferinR from rbtuml'lillllalaonlf1, per to floe him £60 ao•l to demoliab the uae Miuanl'al..inlmeot. Mra. wu aid lllh·rooto where IDIU wu uld. and I not a ble to • •rep her own rooro, bot aller do l ihwite order the u id Miobul Keating thr te application• or the Liuimeot alae to all the poueasiona be hu in tbia hu· od her huabaod IJalf .a mile wi th a pitchfork . bor (Harbo r l\lain) aad to the uid harbor;" an" aneral otber11 wbo coafultd that they were " guilty of the .. me crimea" were fla 1!d,' aod aome or t hem otdered" to born tbeir bo"'" a ad atagoe to the gtoond aod t be aaid harbor ." Thia It a remarhl-ly autbeolicatod io- ataace of a Iillo wb icb had il.l origio prior \o the Act 10 aad 11 Wm., S c., 25; one wbicb ban reeiated tbe lncanlon• or tbo fialuug Admlr.la; aod, aani.,ios t be prohibiti.,e policy Of OYer a ceolury'a dura· tion, uow ntteata to aa early aettlement whicb. if left to ita nat ural growlb, wo uld buo •• ed tLia lalaod from tbo cea of lt.a loag cootiu:.aod S:lppreuioa lUI Colony. ;\ ca rt and aimple form or licenae ia found io lbia b<lok, u fo)lowa :- " Tbia ia th ere· fo re in Ilia Majeaty'a name and by a powrr aod AUth ority to meo ginn by Hugh Uon· foy, Eaqr. Goforner in Cheal io aod over the 1laoJ or Newf o oodlaod. Doo Mr . Tbomu Leary to aell all torla of at reotealor wholoeeall, teel tbia •irno twelf. woorh. tbe 8 of June 1155. "(Si goed), 'J'nOli.U W ,\IID£N, J uatlco." A l"t()()rd or a he ld by. fia hinR Ad- mini apt >etlra ira th ia book . The Admiral (Jobo Whitewood) IWOCiated with IWO Jualice •. or whom tbo lite <ate Tbo mu Warden U. ouo . Their judgmenta. for tho time they ut logelbcr, appou to be e OOII)(b, and dfci& i• e. o th era, 11 tli•onlcrly bo uao, de clared by a Jury to be 1\ public uui t.'\racc, Ia te 1\o " hauled down and dutroyed ;'' two perao na wbo let an · ot lter out of tho atocia aro tbemaelvea put luto the atocka lor the aame period. Tb cro is rdcr.,uce to an i nq ueat bd ld upon tho body of tbe " ll aaon :riao maa ;" but tbo reoauU doea u ot IPJlUr _ , TrinltJ aeema to bne 10 tlie i>O•· ttaai ou or a watch-meud cr, wbo, baoriog aold wat chu left with him for re p:1ir, on pre · te nco th11t IJ o had been pAid fo r hia work, 11 aeizuro o f b\a gootla to tbo full val ue of the watch es and dllmi\II U ia ordertd- tbo goodt 10 remain & Pi zed for • t wei" mo alb aod a day, aod thea to be sold, tbe Jef en tl •11 t dell•erod up the :-at cbu. Ia 17()7. Jobn Ulake aod Samuel llarrie. Eaq ra , boini Jualicea, their uaoci - al o, 'I bo mu \\'arden, iaacc(lted or a aorioua uaault upon a mao 11nd bia wife. h •P· peared , upon ioquiry. that Mr. Ward en bad beeo ao reaideot or Triuiry for forty·t brto ytara , wbiJo tbe I CCU iera bad lJroo ·• io do leot aad lirigiooa peraooa" -that tbere b.U been aome tliapute betweea him a ad tbe complaioanta about a ' IWom' (flah· iug premiaea). Ia • bic:b 10 aettle the he bad gi.,eu up put or bia place to lbem ; bot they cooti aoiXI 10 pro.,oke him " with number! .. proyoc:atloaa" and lte bad atruok the wo tnaa witb a board · edgiag. Tbe judg- ruent, l'her recilior the drcamatancee, pro - ce ed& rbua :- " Notwithataadiog, while we ca!S''IIi\lftd look upoo h ar• act or greu imprudence or Mr . Wardeo, aad locoaalat.. eat with tbe charac ter or bia ollice, wo tbereforo t hink proper to allow l!:e oow- plaioaota £6 •li ·· lamas:e; and fur ther, O..t Mr . \Vuden aball be obliged to ert'C I., al hia aole expenee, a cago for th e punilh· mJD\ Of turbulent, dia0 rderf1 WOmeo ;'' I IJirat probably uo t loat upoo t be female coru· plainaat ' I otaene thaL in Commitllona of the Peece the eame )lf.l.l r. \\'arden ia omilled ; but be to li. gun ia tbe capecity or Fore mAn or J uri u. The reco rda froUJ tbia l illle becomo mod· or pr eciaioo anti legol forml'hiJ u nder the clerkly manage111ent of Mr. Harrie, aod tbe c r J o b a Garre t !.!lake. A burglariooa aabjtc l, CODYiorod or thirty worth, ia a rather blood-eardllng aearnce. Yi& : •• that he • be forLbwlth led to tile whlppior poat aad thereat •tripped froaa the middle up - warda and whipped onlll bit body be bloody." lie wu, for thote timea. proba- bly a locky fellow, for If the nlue of the gooda bad been laid at .W.., the peo,Jty Ol) cooYictloo would bno been death. Similar proceedrnaa are recorded with 1'11· rueoce to Carbooier, wbere " tlte umo crimea'' were the a me tiroe and with rude Jill· tice eeatencee or a like kiad are upon veraon., •looae and bad cbar11ctera," by whom cattle aod abeep bad been atolen and killed at tbe "upper eod" of Harbor Grace . lo t!lil ,.olume I find aootber iaataoce of I be "Admiral of tbo llarbor " (William Conway lhiaheotoo) wl\h Cbarlu flulaad, Elqr ., Ilia MajutJ'a J uatioe of tbe Peace." A boatamuter or William LilJ being COD· 1'icted of " lyi oJC ia hla bo at &Dcbor witb IJit ere• , aeveral boon, wbilat olber boatt arouod t hem were ca.tching flab, and tbat at tbe time t bey did ao they bad In tb o boat, ..... 6oed •• two or bit waau to be appropriated towardt the of building a gaol for town" (llarbor GraeP) . Ja 1762, we fiad I IDin CODYft led d Oliag a fa lao koy In tho nlgbt and felooioualyatel'l· i Dj.! a QUIDtlty of rum, ldjUdJ1ed to" bO Jed to lbo .:allow a with a balt.,r rouod bia aec k, llnd from thence to tbe wbipplog post, tbero to be atript aod receiYe on bia baro back lbirly · oioe lubea. I Hud it to bo hopoaaible within tbelimita or oae artic lo iu a Cbriatmu Number to re · coullt bllf "tbTexliaOidluw•J '-'denle of tbe Surrogate era. aad Ia mncy 1 moat br iug tbe pAper lo a cloae. It 1;001 whb 11ut aaying tbat tbe relijlioua i ut olofllaee of the old liwu ia utterly ropog · oaot to tho aea timcol.l of enry reaao oable, DOl to aaylibe111l , mao Of tlte prt iCDt d ay. Obnodooa to o ur 1'ie wa. ho wcrer, u tbe old -time modea or are, io re- gard to o rd inary crlonn or breach or di a ci- pline in tbe tlaberiee, muob all o• anc o ia to be made for tho ciroumataocu or tho day, for tb o lawluaneaa which pro•ail ed in an noae ttled atate of aociety. and t he oecea- aity wbicb th us aroae or admloiatoriDi prompt !loti apee dy poniahmcn lthro ugb the ool1 rude mUDI which we re anilable for ita iufllctloo, Arter a rewiew of the traa .. ction• ol the obaolete juriadiotioo wbicb I hno dercrib- ed, and of the Mll(ial.rllcy of the dty, lam bound to uy that oa tb e wbole lhey appenr to bue beeo lnftaeaced by the deaire to ad· mioiater nen- b,oded juat ice between lili· gaot.a, aad to IJue eonerally arriud at .ouud coocluaiena; and 1 ob- te"e that in oliapotu arlaiog between the aernola in tlte flabery, their employeraaod merchanla, the 6aborman'a rigbt.a we re al · moat iovariably IO itai ned ill Cto apir it O( lib · e ral and juatice. With regarJ to tbe forma aod methode ol many or the reeorded jodf::tneola, the prre .. iooal lawyer or • would ridicule tho find ina or " verdict for tbc do- re odaot in ao llll :A:h UJOnty wher e lbe aDCf' waa diaco• ereu to be in biJ fuor (in· atead of putting hito to aue for tbe balance do e to him) ; or tbe d..c reeing apeci fl c per· fo rmaoc:e or an according to it.a terra a : or eo me moJ e or compenution other tbao money ; or t hat time aLonld be allol'f · td for payment; or tbe aaJount paid bJ in. atalmenlll ; or that aecurity abould be glfeo : yet there • aa no mo re commoa -uaae and practically juat way o! diapotl ag or each cau., and the o·e ry priociplea whioh go.,. eroed Utoir art ao the and legalized modea of aJmiolaleriag law aad If an to Ute wall th e fading p ic. turn or t be old IIOICI ill Newlou udlsnd tbe jftaeraJ retJer here &ball r, .. l U keen ID lnt eroet ia perual oac tiJeir u l hue bad in t.be iD fr om the daaly lum· ber room or the peat, l ahall be fully re· pcr.id for tlt ll trouble tloia article hu e ott .rce. In I moat uy ll Ia for ua to nojolce aod be Jellld that baiting u the at cpe hut been ill the from early barbllrism to prHeot ci.,tlizatloa, we are now In tbe anti enjnyment ol all Uae ptOjlreaaiYe agenclea of t he peac e ful 11"11 of ruular lift, aad or that perfe ct freedom wblch tbe world hu at laat C<true to reco i&e u the lnalleoahle riJ!hl of the oitl& owrYer there lark Ia .oroe an hap y la the darltller ria or t ho clooany da• . KargveL :roller u a .-tower Girl ' fbi• laland wu, no doubt, a eonorenleot p«COIOrlltrl for peraona rrom the \Vett· of-Enf!landartd &atb - of-Iralaod.•ho deaired 10 leave lhei r Cllnutr1 for the ir couotry'a good; aod 'We find a nry diae,..,... log loatana.. of thioa In tho conft-' oo or one Pope, a DI&O, wbo bad with bia br"· tiler bfok. eo open their father'• ttonk and talteo £M), and wbo, being dlaconnd bf tl:elr alater in t be act, her, cat her tbroat, and threw her body ioto a well. They tbn eel oat for &l•bury. where Uaey eootlnoed a few Jayt. oatil they IJad epeot tltt whole of t he moaeyln dlrlpetloa. Ar. ter tbu one went to London and the otber leh f or Nc wfoaodland, wh ere tbe awfnl crime ao preyed upon bla eooeoleoce that he aqi'Tt1lderod hhuaelf to J uatlro, aod made a Yolontary conr..... ,. The following anecdote or Ahraarct. F\11 - ror aa a/fray or faetion-t'l,tiL, Ia wblcb ler whteh I betieu bu not before btt9 lht lbbabltant• of Trfolty a oc! Sblr Core printed, comea frc m • C'OrTelpOIIdtat In were dJ,,.rtJor tberoteiYit, thtlr \Vorahipt lJoaton. DJI the Cr.'tJc '• l.ouuger :' Otoe .., .. to hn beoo .,,,.,. !tal en t. lo tbe eYeu ng Mlae Yoller with a youni friend phraeeol ogy of the tltDt, tht IICOIIted toolt a aobnrbaa train to aU1nd a 1rnall " rray tlaat t.beJ to a floe wltb oar aid -'at pt.btri,... &at drt-.d wltb Lortl the Klnr by Ule OO!IIIIloa al onaeld be · aa•nal oare, tte .. ltlllnr toaob a 1Diu.d, &lid tfiaroot pat Ul-IYOa .qtifal baaob of llothODN flow era which aevel'llliJ npon tbo meror of our Lord the •ht - worll In her When the con- Kiar ;'' aaa t.be fton are e..-d doctor came loto tl• e11r to oolleot the at frolll twenty to forty elllllinl', faree Ual'ltutl Fuller mddNiy rtnleln'>er Jn 17113, there Ia the eolly of en order ed tbal the pooltetbook wu '" tht ume a poe tilt ...... _ of •• 1-" raaa, •· cora. pll'bt; and l.bere wu nothlnt to do l•tll -11 ailed Ute olcl 10411,'" to keep 111-. uplain Ulall•n to tbe condoc tor. That loolrod 11p or elrtalaod In a 1101re oftlelaJ waa obdurate. bowner ; \be I•· place, till U.e tlat of bit llnill .... l be dlte were both etraa .. n to llitD, aod ufirH. ' dltir ••- ltaekoeytci and l f11n•pal"''ln\ l Je .ala!-\ Yola•el.ltere:are Hwwallaataneee be wo11ld be obllpd to Ita" thtm It the o( •• aen way etatloe. ' &.Lcll .. •• ••qm ...... 11f tilt fNM be-th ller cloak, ... ,.,., rot1 to ol 1M Vlle-AWNhJ Coat, ee ._, a 1rr fMl with qalft·ll\e ttfnltJ alld ... II IlleR ud otller ol'tectt. , ._,: II .,,.. .. Ia tiUa ou wao Dtd you enr tbiak what you would do U you tiJo doh ol Wfltminater '• ira· come? Village Pulor- ' No; but 1 bun often wondered what the d uke Wlo!d do tf be bad mloe.' At a recent banquet ¢•en to a writer of oomodic:a io hoaorof ble &&tea& work, ooe of t he gueata propoted the following tout : 'The autbor·a very ltQOd healtb! May bo li•e to bo u . old u bli jokeal' You aee,' uid ao Eol!liabmaa, wiJo wu baac llioa bia dlnoc:r whh a wooduful •P· petite, to a Scotcbmaa who wu dialn11 cr.t tbe 111me '-ble, I take a areal deal or with my flab.' Ay.' &.ody, 1 aa• a dCAl of flab to your butter.' Jodge: Are yon aware of any mhi· gat iog circatoalaotttln yoar cue ?' Crirul· nal : Yu, your lloaor; t hb It the t.ime I hue beeo arruted for vagn<acy nnll I t boaght perhapa we micb\ get up a littln jubilee.' 'l'berc' e ooe thing, Mr . Salmoa,' uhl Grown whoao t-ill wu growiog larwo. anti wbo therc!ore thought It neeuury to .,., aomethiog complioneolary to th e grocer, yoa alwcr.ya ROOd weight fur t be money.' · repllod tbe grocer, that is no nuoa why yon ahould gin 1011 o g ood wolabt for my money.' Aluwtr ThU. D id you ever k';iow aoy pcraon to be ill w!tboot iuaction ol tbo atomoch, linr or kld1MJ11, or did ,o ...... knaa .• Ja we!l ... boa either wu obtttuctad or rnru:tlft: anti did you O\ 'er know or h ear or aoy ca1o of the kiud t hat Hop Olltera wo nld not cu re'! Aak your ue' ahbor the UIDo quOIIioa.- Tunu. Mr. C. R. Grown, Crown land Agent, SauiL Marie, writea: " Two or or my h ienda anJ myaelf were recommend- ed lo lry Nor1hro1> & Lyml'o'a Eonulalon or Cod Oil and llypopboaphltea of Lime and Soda, iu preferroeo to Coanponurl Sy ru p of llypoph;)lph itea. We prefer you r Emulaion, aad tb inlt It bolter fur the •1•· to tO I bon the Syrup ," &c. R. C. Hrac:o, Tam. l{'I,YI : I hno no medicine on my ahe lna thllL ulla futer or with better aatiafaclloo thao Dr . Tbomu ' Electric 011 , and the ulo ia con1laatly in· e reulog, the pu' year beiug the laraeat I hne erer bad. Ooo or rny cut toocn wu cured o( eat.arrh by t&aioR botUra. Aoolber waa rai1ed oat or bed, when b .. bad been laid op for a lonJ lime -ith a lame bai!k, l)y Ullag two OOtlltL f llan loll or who would oot be it our nigh 1.. Ric:kle'a Anll- Co naumptiu Syrup 1tanda at ll\o be11rl of the IU.t for cr. II diaeaa01 or the throat 11 d lunge. h acta like mtgic iu break tog up a cold. A ooogh 11 aoon eob. daed , tigbtoea• or the chtat Ia relined, urn lite worat cuo ol OO•tnropt loa ia r•lined. while io c:uee i& may be aai•l nuer to fail. It ia 11 medic ine prcpl\r.,•l hom tho acti.,e prindplea or 'firtnu of ae vora.l me•ll · cal herbe, and 0110 be dep .. oded npoa for 11!1 pulmonary COmJ>Iaiula. Mr. John M'i"ood, Violo•i' Ro"'wrilea : • Nurthrop & l.vman '1 Veptabl" D iaconry and Dyapeplic Cnre Ia a epleudic.l tneJioina . My onatomora aay tbey nuer u .. d •ni.thiDll ao liood rt.taHa imtntdliJely fOllow it.a UN. 1 know ita valne rrom penoraal experience. h••lng b•en tronbletJ for 9 or 10 ytan wJU, and alnce it •liKNiion on with- out llurt feollna .o well known to I buc no heait11tiou In ,..._ IL in ""Y - of louli&reeliol", ll e:utbn rra, or truublet aria· log from a dlaonlerr•l a\llu'"ch.' · 1/ lll k• lf'O!/ / 'jlf•.- 1 n the corrplaint pee - nliar to fenwlett t htae Pilla aro 11url•alleol. fhelr nae by the fair au haa beco111e 1n OODatllnt f11r the rtrnnul nf their I'IJmtralll t hat "'"' Ia the hon.,.h.lld ia wltlln11t thl'rn. Amnol[lt 1111 nl"'-11, f roan the do . a.utlo ae"ant to the loetrta, '-"· onr Ia aooordtd to tht'llt renontirar: l'ilb ; tbetr ln•llfO"I hnl •n•l vnriryi na •roperllra reader them Mfe an•l inYallll'ltl• in aiiOAre.t: Ulty m"y be taba lty of all •Jtl for aay diaot'l{l'niMIInn nr the .,.tem, aJ'H'I)lly retrnwlnlf the GRn• anti the aafferer to rohuu beo.nlt. All a farally•ue tlle lue t hry l' r• IIMppr,...clutble tor auba1tJint tho mala.linof 1&11a¥alkl old. What tru Jlwlt will do. n. n111recttient ...l aalt of r;, •• .Oil •hbln a f•• Y""'· od the worltl. h Ia "lrhnnt •lonbt t hallllf rl t an<f bat mt,.tiy ntr dt.en ..erf'd frw t he epeed:r and tlfC'Otflal curl ttf C.lrt, , an•l th.a ltYtrftt I Ante 'I"'''nbl .... ll on 1111 fnilnrly <flf.,..,.tol fotl oteJ,,Ie fn ... U.. QIUIII (>relt!ril'lintoa JrfYI'W ht l'h,raloi.a-., .. It dote lfry nl• • eu.. ""'' 1 .... u •• ar lll In t he 'Y•-· loat '* tile 0"11• lr..rJ !'fmc "" ' thr f"'l- ef rhe ll'otlll•, heale tl•e pam alft.oted ar.d 1 ..... t'"'- 1 11 a p1rel1 A bottle lrept In the ltonae · rcw -. .,.,.,. U.... dtlauee tllllh \htlr appeara.,.. will •"• dOlton'• billa and a 14ni ep,.l ol ...W.. ur- A. tnal w11J 0011wf ... Jfhtof ...... lrta. h II poeidftly .old bJalldctaalall ...... . eral daltft Ia 1111 laW. 16 ... .. arae bow ...

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T h .. s ... h~ti~r IIIUI R!;>'ill aJJ ... I to hia l•r ..:n atu l n.rie.l !::!t.lC,k ," fe w o f the nnw. est le• J inl( P.AU!n~ MeJ ic iuCJI mnJ Sut\~ •I nca, ~~~ fvllo·.o·•:

(; •l"ff'n'~ ·' u::usL J.' l ·••~r , );,,,d oc!'''\ U .-rml\11 Syr u p, .0 \\' .t r o~o·a·'<o S.oftt Curt'. I' ",,.,·,. l.in le Li •·e r P ill•, Wa-L'\ • ·~ ll.o ll!IO tn of \V ,ld C hrrry , W y .. ll•'• Liq ni•l ~J..I t E "(tntc t. lla&eline, ~luthf'r t:m • e><' \Vo r 111 E x ll'rm iu11tor. l.tl'l oi~·~"(tr><tt nf .\lt>.tr, ]> ...... •,. ='"'I'· P c or'1 .'luwin~ Stickft. \\' hi t.(' Etuu uel ( fu t rilli11g tet'llt,) l !~ .. z.uu.· ( f••r e1.."'10Ul"iu:.; tuu·p~,) ) I .t w•n 'ft F"onoly ~Y~'~~ • ;;c:s. ' · '" ' .. Fruit .J no.~·. 1 4tAII\Ut\ ~."' "J ' · It -~I , J.,. , ry s .\ I "l'· l h·. \\' lll'\,ltt 's n~·hitu• l !itl (1 f$

J vhn.on'!l A n01lvnc l.tlllllll'lll T~omar l n•liPn ( f~.r costi• 11e1111) l::nu'a ~J ,.,J ic..to-. 1 !;;nz-• r ( fu r " 'O•m•)

1 :ua.-.1'• II nir l)_,.,., T ncnl'he roua T.,. l~e~r)' l'norh l:'vw•lc r , E .. o'a Fru o ~ S..Jt ~I unny's ~· l ul<l ~la;;n<'Mirt l k-ef, l oon""" \',' ine. ~oatltr"l' & l.y tna

111' 8 \'e;; .. t.ai,J,. Oi,eo, er~

d tJ tl• t \_J•IIU IIIU \\' auu .K~IIv::g', :\ ,t! .. n.o J< , ... ,.·Jy

dn ( 'dt M I h :'to nff, n~rry ·. E lt x tr, IJ , ,, , flatter« Dr. W:dL:,., ·, " '""!:"' UtUcos II ullo wuo· 'M ( 'orn l'u•" PntlllKn'~ C..11 u Jo:x tm c t..o r K .-.• l one:'• 1 p~··ct Pnwo l'r ~ a· t llt"\)p & Lytnnu'a Eeuu lsion .\ _,.,., ·, :-..•••·•!'·" ill 11. Putnt'a ·~ Emul,ion

~ld ( 'he·• ' r P~<."t•H • .t P wtce\ c: .. l~lf·t; .\f c, lawd l Juc;n t r \'

,;,. l'ul .,:tll'r l''•llt.•lH tl. I :\ lhl ' I I IIJPCUI I":\

\\' \ t"'ri h kJI S ' ' ' "II•!.! .-\ pr nns .J., S)o(JII).;U ll•;t8

,J,, Hal« ( fnt dtiltl lf•n l.<.'t'tloing ) Fo•llvw .. ( ', 11 1w>n11J :-:_,."'1' !";r,.,.,J,n" u',. T,~Liuuc Pu • •fPfll J: ,, t,l,..r l'u ' '"2 for FceJc•-s, l 1r ., , ... ,~ .. T ulu u:.:

.,\ \ t"r'_. il .u r \'" 1~nr , Bu~· H •\ln ,A, Il,•n'• ll •tr lt.-.vut•r. Clt~l.i', Trulllil'~ .\ .loolL'a Tnt '<., .!•, :'ll tnurt l'ft L lll ll nt'lll C' oi ~<•tl'• ('"riJolic ~u"l'· Full·· · ·~ E.u t!. " ' rt"ltt', Lf nl.,rllt!'lltl'tl \\· .... , J1 .,,j ,,..k Hl,lll<l G11 t1·a,. K~;-1.-r'~ (\t<f l.i•·er lltl ""' I }l&lt. Et..toncc o t ~pnu-c, A llen'" Lnug n~l~" '" J noLo11'.- Go J P.oint, J u,Jsoll\ ll u l<l IDk 't trnlt' of ~I ~):ttl'>oi.l , l'" ennll l.oJ:cn t;es Pt'JII~Crua iu t. Lozru~ofil, U l ltt;t•r Lozcugea :)..•-o•y a nd ~l ooa u'• 1-'u<JJ J .iml' J11iCf', C.n1111tl OyAtcoa, ) l,.• ict'&lt'<l Coc:oomut., !'lctt ~e·• Food \\'uodill '5 U.. k i nt: P owde r 1

York~ltire R elish, Wun:t>~~t.era!t ireJS..noe H tieol S u ory, Dried ~.g .. , Ur iflll1'1\frutt Vittq;ar in l.tt>Lile«, D o ioJ lliat, - ~ P ickatone'a \VuLing (;a :n tal ]{oda & Cot. Rat Paate , Wax Tape r11 'l'ootll B ruiiiJe&, S !tavihll lln uhea, Drn~~itt): CooaiJe, F. T . Comhe l tiuan.ell'¥ Lime J n ice anol G lyoorlne

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Fire Assurance. Company. l.Ol!DARO STRE ET .t OUAlliNG C ROSS

L '>.NuON.


TRUSTEES .t Dtn&CTOR~ . Joaeph \\' or. Ua.rcndale, t:aq. llri•row Uovill. t:aq. Tlo.s lion. Jawea lll ::g. .t .lhn Clullon. Jo:aq. Octuiua t:. Coopo. E&Q., l\I.P. (;C!Ofl:e Arthur faller, 'lt:aq. Charlea ~. Goodbar!, F.aq. M. lthodc ltcr.wkina, 1::3q. SirJoho l.ubboc:k, llart.., M.P ., F . R.S. t;harlu Thom .. l.uc:u, Eaq. Ch11rlfl M•~tiu.y, ~~ l'be Uon. Y.dwiu l\. Portman. Uudle1 ltobert Smith, &q WID. J amte Tbnmpeon, t:aq.

110 :-1. OIREOTOil : Jt1IIN J . lJLOOioiFIELD, Eaq

\\'tLLIAIC C. MACDON.&LD,l Joi•l Ft~UCtS II. lliCOOSAI.D, f Stcrt lo riu.

'11oe el\fla~mtolt or tbie omce are jlllllr• antecd b~ t1 nuone roua ancl wealll•y l'ro · prietary an lildi toon l o a lar11e i11•eo1ed Captllll ; and Lhe pro111utit ude and liber~~J . hy woth wltich cl•ime have alwaye been tort. aro ,.ell-known aud aokuowltrl lled .

Tile import;1liC:II o r lhe lrautlaCtiooa or :he

Pll<E~IX FIRE OF}i'ICE tn11y he estimated from tl•e fact tbl\t ai o~e ito ""oalJiiobrr.ent- uow over Osl!: II USIJII£0

\' •··" ·" · the p•)'111 r o1.1 in uliafaction o f t..: l~11110 fur l.o~WH:a have e xceeded .1-'0 t. ltn:t N ~~ l l LIOSS STEIILISO

lu• uraucua a11• oun l.oaa by Fire a nd l.t ~:htuiutt 11re etr~cte<l by the l'OIIIpAny "I"'" ""'"Y d~·crlption of l'roperty , ou tl•e 1110 0 1 r .. ~orabla t~rllll .

Jan l7

W . &G lt F::'\IH: f .L, St .Jnm<'s,

Agtku } or Nrtr{uu,.J/o" '

GENERAt· AssuranceCe~pany

FIRE A.N D LfFB. E TA13Li :Sll ED A D. 1 3 7

ll t.: AU IH' io' I C~ :

1 031 '_\.~:--l u ~ :HHEET, Lo~· oo~, F C

Capital : £1,000,000 Stg I oaurcr.ncea l'llo•cted o ra a I moat I'll k indt

or j•rtopcrly in ."eol'luulltllou d at IOI\'C:I t pouiblc rat~•

Aoll. II.

J . AL' c;n;·l t:s (' J.n-r. So r.oc n nu, ST .Juus'!l

A9•u.' fur X ror,fnu,..JiaH<I t:. 1:1 TII Ulli'SO :-J .

S .. b .. i ,tul fur //arbor Cror<

QUEEN Insurance c,m:pany CAriTAL--£2,000, 000 !;tcrling.


- A!fD-


TW~~NTY-~'IRS'f ANN U AL HE I'ORT floe R e JIOrLa anJ A ceounlJI lw- th.,

year 11\78, presented to tho S lut reholcle n "'the Annuallleeting,on Tueaday,2Tth M•y, I R79, at wloi.-h Bernard HAII,F..eq. , pretitll'tl. aloo• ·ucl• in tlot Dividerd and lionua at the rate ~ether of 16 per cent. wall d ecl11red , £1,,035 being car ireJ lorwaN.I . · '

l'IRE BRANCFT, Tiaat the Premiume for 1878, altor

deduct ing Rf ioeurancee, amounted t.o C~IS6,2H, being a n in.:reaee of £5,391 over the P remium Income uf 1877; and Lbe Loaee to £:!61,661, beins 50.16 per oent. on the Pretulum• ot the Year.

IN THE LIFE DEPARTMKNT. • Tbat New Polic iea hnd been i..Ued

lor ~!22,.85; and tha t the Life funde Ly the additions mado to it •• the reauLI ol tbe year'a uperaLiona now «pretenLI 67'.9 per cent. or tbe entire n e L Premium, reoeivOIJ 00 ljVCry policy in (oroe.

T iae aorpln1 bal1nce in the Fire Ac­oount wu ahowo lo be £107.1Hl9, oot ol whieh £!0,000 wu approprir.ted to Suepeue leeoonL, nitin~ Lbat AooounL to .£140,000 ~nd making wHir tbe .He­aerve Funif'a.oa Dalleooo oarrild forward, .£24,000.

FUND~ Cepl~'\l J>ald up ...... ... ... ... !180,030 t;eaeral Reaer•o l'aad . ..... . .. 170,009 e'ireJ!Ciadforaaeaned rremlu•a UO,OOe Balaeoe earned forward ... ... •• u,osn We AoetiiDalatloa Foad ... ... . . S00,81& Aoolllir Jo'and .... , . ... ... ... ll,6S6




-4Kif4G POWDER Absolutely Pure.

'l"hia powder oe.,er variea. A a-.ar•el or puairy, •trent~lh aad wholtaomeo~aa. .More economical thau the ordinary kinda. and cannot be eo ld io oompelitioo with the multitude of low lett, aburt .. right. alom or phoeph~te po w<lon . Suhl ''"''iN co.u. lto l'.\L UAKil'O POIYDilR Co. , lOG Wall·l'l. !'; .Y. JauSly


Marble & Freestone W01 ks Ar.EXANDEU SMrTH, PnoPRI£TOR.

At.UAliO!R Sacm1 deelrte to thank tboae wlto ban fnored IJIID Ia tbe ~tatl with their ordors, and would iatlmale at the ame ume tlta~ be bu faoilillea for performing work in bia line wi~b oaeqaallod deapetcb and aealne ... aod at prie.:• tbat caaoot be com­peletf with. P•rac111 r~nlrin11 MANTir.L PIY.CF.S,MONOir:I~NTS.II!!;AOSTON~ TUM US, t:ORHS, II EARTUS and COf. I NGS, would do well to 01ll oa him. They caa obtai a artiallo, tboro~b aad , cbute workDllnU.iv a t prlcea lower t han Ole low· eat eltewbero.

CHURCII- WORl\- Font., Ahara, Tab. let•. lrro.- a trptelalty.

Tbe Sabeoriber llnia• .almoat. forty year11 uperionee to thla Coloay ia therefore in a pocition to proYide.llaterialand 'Wo"tllaa· abip bett ~leulatod to endure lbe aneritiu 01' our cllmAI.

276 Gower Street, St. John'a. Aprilt8


For One · 'Month Onlyt

T ilE _nr:lfUINE


I -Tile time made the Canadian re.Gflo

railway from Mont to Vanoounr, a~ia-ta o.oe of f , OO<hllllte. la t ~ ctlll'I.'"""T'T will .ooo be redoeed to 130 boora. whale apeclalt may l}lakt the dlataace lo 90 boor~ \Vbeu tbe tbort Uae ia cotDpleted nezt au . tumo, tbroag_b tra.lot will make tbe trip from Halifax ' to YIIDCODYer, a diatance or S,~ milts, ia 116 Loura. Puaeaa-u will be able w make tbe t rip from Lcmdon to Vaaeoanr io 260 boura or len dAyt.\ Tbe time from Vaocouur to Yotabams by t!.e propoaed Paciftc lloe or tteamera' will ~ l ~ day., from Vaacoaur tu Uoog Koat 17 daya. Tbe time from Halifax to Hoag "ill be 21 daya; and th11 trip from llalifu: arouad ~he world to Halifax anay be made in 61 daya, thua breaking Julu Verue'e te• c:orll by 19 daya.

-Till HUDSON OuRoun-A Winoipeg dupatcb aaya : -Mr. C. S l>rummoud, wbo recently returue<l from Eoglaad, wbit!ler bo load beea in coooectioo with \~e ~l&d· aou'a Bay Railway eu~rpriee. ~tatea that before lea,ing Enalaad I.e witne-d tbe laoaeblni ot tile tlrat atearoahip fo r tbo aow route, tbe 1-'lwl Awg .. ta. Sbo wu built by Milburae and wu lauocbod at Newc:aatle. She carrlu S,()()O \ooa eud mala:ea aixt~eo knota au boor. Sbe ia ateel plated with teat llalag. Accommodation ia pro.,iJI'd fo r 1,000 paaaen~rera. Heralator tftip Ia the l'ort NtlMJH which will be laoncbed in Man:h and Ia aimilar in nery re•peel to the ;hgtUta. Beaidct theet, two lltamera are ~h•i tltteJ out lo Newcutle. the Mo. Aaroja/1 1\nd Sir llu Aond Coo ry. The firat carrau 1,900 10ulautJ the aeceoal 5.000 tooa. Tbe firat • ny;'ge will IJII made ia the early part or ,Juno, either u au ell'perlmeut or to carry raila. There are t"'o thoua8od •.out ~waiting ehiptn~nt Mr. Urummond aaya tbal another sud larger aec tion or tbe read will be b uilt tbla aaonmer. l'ho p~iJe llltnlbcsr of milea will depond la rgely apon the a.etlll ll or the Le~:ialarure in a<lupt intt the proo iucial t:UAr-aotoe to auit t he reqoore­•neul.l of Ent;!ieh lioauciell. rr lbia guaraD· e > ia made aaliafactory to t laem. • • much.

l'robably. a• two horadred mile" will be corn· vlcted before thu f•ll. -4 --

- TnE ~ Juali'li:'--lf" flu 11 anoooor e<l In kV~ral papen thal L<.rd Tconyeou baa co111~d a ju t.il~e ode. wblcb ia lo IJI!aet to mu11e by Sor Arthur l)utlivlln, in ordet tloat it m•J be aun11" at the tlllln k~· lli.,!nr ae ry ice io f>t. l ' Aul'a OatheJral." Lord dl11n7aG11 hUJCOII>IJOitd Ill odo, Mya the IYor/d, I at iot.u.Ja, 1111 b.:tng well , to write a &burt JlO"m In ho11or o f the .Jubilee. 'l'berc bu beea ao quution o ( Sir ArtiJor Sullinn aellinR anytbiog to m ueic for a aenice at St. !'aula, becanae Ot~re ia to be ooauch telebration,the Q.:aeeu hniag •lccid­od that the tiJaakaghio~; aervice Ia to b• held in \V e•tmioaler Abbey ou the aftu. ooon or June ~th. &Dd wbatner ap~cial anthem mar be auor oo tbe occuioa will, of courae, be tbo work or Dr. Bricl~ee. Trwtlt noderatauda thAt there la to be a meetiua ol the Pri'l)' Couocil in FtbrWiry, alter the Queer- returoa to \Yiodaor rroaa Uaborae. al wbicb l.be arran~remenla for tbe c:elebratioo of tho jollilee will be diteu•ed. To th~ Voa ncil will ·be aommoood the Priace of \\'alea, the Duke ef Cambridie, the Cabinet, tbe<keat Oft!cet:a or t.be IJ ouae . hold, tbe Speakerr.l&d u.-llle, Lord Sydney. &lr. Gl~ Lori Uartingloa a11d tbe Arebblabop of Caoterbary. lt ia pro· bablt tbat alt~r 10111e geaeral agreement on the aubjec:tbu beea arriYtti a&,aad the Qaeeo bu apprond or t he propoaal. all detaila will bo aettled by a oommittee or tbe Co oo­ci!. Tbe St. S ttp/w'• Rt ,jtvJ aaya that the DatiODal nr· ioingjn OODnOC:tion Wllh tbe jubilee wll , amodJ other t binga, take the form o r an illomioatioa or Lendon on /& UIO&t coon pit~ aod Ia nab acale. A corree-

r.adent tell• aa lbat Ur. A. C'. Macltensie a to write tbe can tata to be produce~ by lht Raudel choir or three thouuod .oicu at the Cryat.al palaoo lu J oae.

-RU.SIAH Dtsto!ea IM A SIA- A Renter'a talearam from Calcalta, of Wedoeatlay'• date. •J• :-The re_porta lateiJ re#._r!Kiaced in the Engliah pro. from l'oiOb .olne. 9t alarmiO, Baaalao prepa1'11Uqe• for eateihr Afrbaulttan aut epriDi are 'bellcYed Ia lntliaa Ot!lt'tl to be ~erllttd. Siuco the deperture o f the Afgb&D Boaodary Com· minion there baa botn -.,o Briti•h agen t near eaougb to tbt BaiDO· Afgbao fron­tier to rumiab direct loformatloo to the lodi&D GoYerameol. It It, howenr, k nown to tbe latter that a roroe or !000 Ru•ii'DI bu adnnced from Aekabad to Cbarojai, on tha Ont, In order to cootlnae the RUI· aiaaa line or oommoolcaUoa from MerYl. In the direction or Bokhara. , Thbr monmeot Ia belieorod to latlloata. aa lntelltloa on Rna· llla'a pert of .Hbla& .Bolrbra, and .o com­plelliiJ btr 111Ultary oommanleallon• to &a111arcnnd. wbCf'll abe 11M already coacoa­tn.led a roroe. Uodw th- ein~ar~~~tan­ao IDOYtment of Karla• uaope opoo Af. gbu or Peralao lerr\IO'l It eeriouaiJ •p· prebeudad ant •prior, ~"'ooab the Indian OoYtrament dote DOl pre tbe atreoatb Raria'a poaition will bue whea her J&il· way •J.te_a: betweta8e, Bolr:h~ ud &marot~ad ~I be ltted. The fO(lY milee ofltQe~D•e\fall (r r-iatme«riteiJ to tile wtet of !!It 0 QniJ portion which doe Boudary ID~~ wu aoable IO ....... u4 ~~~ ~riiJ Of aa OPfR CJn­UOD U lh&a pola .. !fl.fltw of the dlatJ\IM\t40D u4 mon-la ot &¥. Kaaaid foroea. aqct tilt raot ol Rania baflu a IP!IItary railway rip& Rf to II'"" It :iot uder· tldmaild bf 111e lndlu Gow.....,..L Necota .. o.. llaYe 1110t ap to &he '*-"' bleb rloptaed Wtnaa tJit BriU. ..a Kari1a ~,..,. -ta r~~r a ... u...-..._, to til• eo­wW -.UIIed polltbl IMaitJoe .-Iller ,, .. tlte....,..... calllllioa. ne ...ar­~ tl tM JC.aiaa Gow•wo.,llo~e,er, JaMIIJ 1M 11tt1W tile& It. nU clllpoMd to M .....,... ......... of lilt bOIIa,dary ... ~

11 ,.. .. u.r. .......... ~ ~ .... .._......,o,....·w-~ •• p' lfl .................. ~ ll ................ , ..... .. ,.., ,., ..

' . I

llliscellaneous. -----------~----· Ourloeitiea from the 8U1T()pt.l Roc:oro..

--lh Ua. J t:snc& PtKII.llT, D.C.L.

Tit ere are aJ.o to be roo ad Ia lh- boolra will purebNe theee Gowen t' A J!'ntle­aennlcuet of eertiflpaca or mamap p•· mao latta ally - forward aad paid the formed by the Jaauca ia the t.beeaoe ollhe fa rea of &he two ladln, bot lUI n.aeedltM clersrymaa. to 1!1• .rei~ to take tbt booquep 'fbe

Since writini the foreaoioi ard whieb Marpnt ucbaa,.d wttb him d-nr.G • ""~· W:.U~IJl......flll\liiL-.Wt+howner, he keepa to thlt day, ud the io-20lh September, 17M, in wbleh the ur"'· cldeal wu tile btttlalrilltr of a pi urn' •• ~ gata, 'I'homaa Boraelt, Elqr., COliYIC11 au. quaio~ce betwetD thHI.

( Collcllllkd. ) flere appeara the oldeet eoridelico or Iillo

to !add we IJne in aoy known judidal pro· eo!edln~r ia tbla couotry. lt rel111e1 to Bar · ny'a plaatalioo o r co•e, acquired by \Vii· liam Ha"dY uoder a Coo•eyauc:e , Jated ia 169!) from tbe then propri"or. l!dwnd II ill . la a aut.equeot Yoluwe a Coove.11D<O or the ume propertJ, traced tbrou~tb the aame litle. appeara io tbo reglatry or Deed• io tho earlY part of tbia century. Tlte owae"bip or fhia plaotatiou ia thai to be traced back from t h .. preeeut time to it.a proprielorabip, prior to 1G99.

chael KtaliDi for. bJ h it OWD conre .. loo, admlt.tiog "a Romaa l'riut to celebrate I ban naed Mloard'a Liaimeat for bron· pobllclt mua acoordiog to tbe Chnrcb of ~:billa 'aod aathma and It bu eoN" me. 1 Rome ia ooe or biallthrooDII orator11bo~. beliu11 It the ~•t-Mr:... ALLL'f Lt\HSO· be befog prtaeot blmaelf, whaoh &a oonlrary STONE, Lot 6, l'.E .L to law and agairaat &ho puce ol oor So•er· eip Lord tbe Kio11, we therefore thlok pro· WomeaaafferinR from rbtuml'lillllalaonlf1, per to floe him £60 ao•l to demoliab the uae Miuanl'al..inlmeot. Mra. l'rath~n wu aid lllh·rooto where IDIU wu uld. and I not able to • •rep her o wn rooro, bot aller do lihwite order the u id Miobul Keating thrte application• or the Liuimeot alae ebaa~ to ~ell all the poueasiona be hu in tbia hu· od her huabaod IJalf .a mile with a pitchfork. bor (Harbor l\lain) aad to qui~ the uid harbor;" an" aneral otber11 wbo coafultd that they were " guilty of the .. me crimea" were fla1!d,'aod aome or t hem otdered" to born tbeir bo"'" a ad atagoe to the gtoond aod qni~ tbe aaid harbor."

Thia It a remarhl-ly autbeolicatod io­ataace of a Iillo wbicb had il.l origio prior \o the Act 10 aad 11 Wm., S c., 25; one wbicb moa~ ban reeiated tbe lncanlon• or tbo fialuug Admlr.la; aod, aani.,ios t be prohibiti.,e policy Of OYer a ceolury'a dura· tion, uow ntteata to aa early aettlement whicb. if left to ita natural growlb, would buo • •ed tLia lalaod from tbo c:oo~quen cea of lt.a loag cootiu:.aod S:lppreuioa lUI •

Colony. ;\ cart and aimple form or licenae ia found

io lbia b<lok, u fo)lowa :- " Tbia ia there· fore in Ilia Majeaty'a name and by a powrr aod AUtho rity to meo ginn by Hugh Uon· foy, Eaqr. Goforner in Cheal io aod over the 1laoJ or Newfooodlaod. Doo empow ~r Mr. Tbomu Leary to aell all torla of l~ecker at reotealor wholoeeall, teel tbia •irno twelf. woorh. O~ted tbe 8 of June 1155.

"(Sigoed), 'J'nOli.U W ,\IID£N, J uatlco." A l"t()()rd or a Coor~ held by. fiahinR Ad­

mini apt>etlra ira thia book. The Admiral (Jobo Whitewood) beln~: IWOCiated with IWO Jualice•. or whom tbo lite<ate Tbomu Warden U. ouo. Their judgmenta. for tho time they ut logelbcr , a ppou to be f~tir eOOII)(b, and dfci&i•e. Amou~at othera, 11

tl i•on l crly bouao, declared by a Jury to be 1\ public uu it.'\racc, Ia te 1\o " hauled down and dutroyed ;' ' two peraona wbo let an · otlter out of tho atocia aro tbemaelvea put lut o the atocka lor the aame period. Tbcro is rdcr.,uce to an inqueat bdld upon tho body of tbe " llaaon :riao maa ;" but tbo reoauU doea uot IPJlUr_ ,

TrinltJ aeema to bne rtfoice~ 10 tlie i>O•· ttaaiou or a watch-meudcr, wbo, baoriog aold watchu left with h im for rep:1ir, on pre · tenco th11t IJo had oo~ been pAid fo r hia work, 11 aeizuro o f b\a gootla to tbo fu ll value of the watch es and d llmi\IIU ia ordertd-tbo goodt 10 remain &Pi zed for • t wei" moalb aod a day, aod thea to be sold, unl~aa tbe Jefentl •11 t dell•erod up the :-atcbu .

Ia 17()7. Jobn Gl\rrel~ Ulake aod Samuel llarrie. Eaqra , boini Jualicea, their uaoci­alo, 'I bomu \\'arde n, iaacc(lted or a aorioua uaault upon a mao 11nd bia wife. h •P· peared , upon ioquiry. that Mr. Warden bad beeo ao ~•teemed reaideot or Triuiry fo r forty · t brto ytara, wbiJo tbe I CCUiera bad lJroo ·• iodo leot aad lirigiooa peraooa"-that tbere b.U been aome tliapute betweea him a ad tbe complaioanta about a ' IWom' (flah· iug premiaea). Ia • bic:b 10 aettle the mat~r he bad gi.,eu up put or bia place to lbem ; bot they cootiaoiXI 10 pro.,oke him " with number! .. proyoc:atloaa" and lte bad atruok the wotnaa witb a board· edgiag. Tbe judg­ruent, l'her recilior the drcamatancee, pro­ceed& rbua :- " Notwithataadiog, while we ca!S''IIi\lftd look upoo h ar• act or greu imprudence or Mr. Wardeo, aad locoaalat.. eat with tbe character or bia ollice, wo tbereforo think proper to allow l !:e oow­plaioaota £ 6 •li·· lamas:e; and fu rther, O..t Mr. \Vuden aball be obliged to ert'CI., al hia aole expenee, a cago for the punilh· mJD\ Of turbulent, dia0rderf1 WOmeo ;'' I IJirat probably uot loat upoo t be female coru· plainaat '

I otaene thaL in af~r Commitllona of the Peece the eame )lf.l.l r. \\'arden ia omilled ; bu t be continu~• to li.gun ia tbe capecity or Fore mAn or J uriu.

The recorda froUJ tbia l illle becomo mod· ~Ia or preciaioo anti legol forml'hiJ u nder the clerkly manage111ent of Mr. Harrie, aod tbe e~:perieace c r J o b a Garret !.!lake.

A burglariooa aabjtcl, CODYiorod or a~aJ. ln~t thirty aiJillia~ra worth, ia adjud~d a rather blood-eardllng aearnce. Yi& : •• that he • be forLbwlth led to tile whlppior poat aad thereat •tripped froaa the middle up­warda and whipped onlll bit body be bloody." lie wu, for thote tim ea. proba­bly a locky fellow, for If the nlue of th e gooda bad been laid at .W.., the peo,Jty Ol) cooYictloo would bno been death.

Similar proceedrnaa are recorded with 1'11· rueoce to Carbooier, wbere " tlte umo crimea'' were commil~d. Abou~ the a me tiroe and with rude Jill·

tice eeatencee or a like kiad are im~ upon veraon., •looae and bad cbar11ctera," by whom cattle aod abeep bad been atolen and killed at tbe "upper eod" of Harbor Grace .

lo t!lil ,.olume I find aootber iaataoce of I be "Admiral of tbo llarbor" (William Conway lhiaheotoo) aittln~t wl\h Cbarlu flulaad, Elqr., Ilia MajutJ'a J uatioe of tbe Peace."

A boatamuter o r William LilJ being COD· 1'icted of " lyioJC ia hla boa t a~ &Dcbor witb IJit ere• , aeveral boon, wbilat olber boatt arouod them were ca.tching flab, and tbat at tbe time t bey did ao they bad bai~ In tbo boat, ..... 6oed •• two galn~u or bit waau to be appropriated towardt the np~aae of building a gaol for b~ town" (llarbor GraeP) .

Ja 1762, we fiad I IDin CODYft led d Oliag a fa lao koy In tho nlgbt and felooioualyatel'l· iDj.! a QUIDtlty of r um, ldjUdJ1ed to" bO Jed to lbo .:allow a with a balt.,r rouod bia aeck, llnd from thence to tbe wbipplog post, tbero to be atript aod receiYe on bia baro back l birly· oioe lubea.

I Hud it to bo hopoaaible within tbelimita or oae articlo iu a Cbriatmu Number to re · coullt bllf "tbTexliaOidluw•J '-'denle of tbe Surrogate era. aad Ia mncy 1 moat briug tbe pAper lo a cloae.

It 1;001 whb11ut aaying tbat tbe relijlioua iutolofllaee of the old liwu ia utterly ropog· oaot to tho aea timcol.l of enry reaaooable, DOl to aaylibe111l , mao Of tlte prt iCDt day .

Obnodooa to our 1'iewa. howcre r, u tbe old -time modea or puoieltmea~ are, io re­gard to ordinary crlonn or breach or diaci­pline in tbe tlaberiee, muob allo• anco ia to be made for tho ciroumataocu or t ho day, for tbo lawluaneaa which pro•ailed in an noaettled atate of aociety. and the oecea­aity wbicb thus aroae or admloiatoriDi prompt !loti apeedy poniahmcnlthrougb the ool1 rude mUDI which were anilable for ita iufllctloo,

Arter a rewiew of the traa .. ction• o l the obaolete juriadiotioo wbicb I hno derc rib­ed, and of the Mll(ial.rllcy of the dty, lam bound to uy that oa tbe wbole lhey appenr to bue beeo lnftaeaced by the deaire to ad· mioiater nen- b,oded juatice between lili· gaot.a, aad to IJue eonerally arriud at .ouud cooc luaiena; and 1 parlicall:~rly ob­te"e that in oliapotu arlaiog between the aernola in tlte flabery, their employeraaod merchanla, the 6aborman'a r igbt.a were al· moat iovariably I Oitained ill Cto apirit O( lib · eral and uogrud~lng juatice.

With regarJ to t be forma aod methode ol many or the reeorded jodf::tneola, the pro · re .. iooal lawyer o r • ~ul p~riod would ridicule tho find ina or " verdict for tbc do­reodaot in ao llll:A:h UJOnty where lbe ~l· aDCf' waa d iaco• ereu to be in biJ fuor ( in· atead of putting hito to aue for tbe balance doe to him) ; or t be d..creeing apeciflc per· formaoc:e or an a~:reement according t o it.a terra a : or eo me moJ e or compenution other tbao money ; o r that time aLonld be allol'f· td for payment; or tbe aaJount paid bJ in. atalmenlll ; or that aecurity abould be glfeo : yet there • aa no more commoa-uaae and practically juat way o! d iapotlag or each cau., and the o·ery priociplea whioh go.,. eroed Utoir d~ciaiooa art ao• the ~ojtnii.Cd and legalized modea of aJmiolaleriag law aad ~uatice.

If an tornin~r to Ute wall the fading pic. turn or tbe old IIOICI ill Newlouudlsnd tbe jftaeraJ retJer here &ball r, .. l U keen ID lnteroet ia perualoac tiJeir outline~ u l hue bad in retc:uin~t t.beiD from the daaly lum· ber room or the peat, l ahall be fully re· pcr.id for tltll trouble tloia article hu eott .rce.

In ~:ondnalon, I moat uy ll Ia for ua to nojolce aod be Jellld that baiting u the atcpe hut been ill the ~rogy- from early barbllrism to prHeot ci.,tlizatloa, we are now In tbe ~loa anti enjnyment ol all Uae ptOjlreaaiYe agenclea of the peace ful 11"11 of ruular lift, aad or that perfec t ~IJxloua freedom wblch tbe world hu at laat C<true to reco i&e u the lnalleoahle riJ!hl of the oitl& owrYer there mayy~ lark Ia .oroe an hap y la the darltller ~I ria or tho clooany da• .

~~~~~ KargveL :roller u a .-tower Girl

'fbi• laland wu, no d oubt, a eonorenleot rift~.gbttrl p«COIOrlltrl for peraona rrom the \Vett· of-Enf!landartd&atb -of-Iralaod.•ho deaired 10 leave lheir Cllnutr1 for their couotry'a good; aod 'We find a nry diae,..,... log loatana.. of thioa In tho conft-'oo or one Pope, a Uor~et DI&O, wbo bad with bia br"· tiler bfok.eo open their father'• ttonk and talteo £M), and wbo, being dlaconnd bf tl:elr alater in t be act, atrangl~ her, cat her tbroat, and threw her body ioto a well. They tbn eel oat for &l•bury. where Uaey eootlnoed a few Jayt. oatil they IJad epeot tltt whole of the moaeyln dlrlpetloa. Ar. ter tbu one went to London and the otber leh for N c wfoaodland, where tbe awfnl crime ao preyed upon bla eooeoleoce that he aqi'Tt1lderod hhuaelf to J uatlro, aod made a Yolontary conr.....,. • • The following anecdote or Ahraarct. F\11-

ror aa a/fray or faetion-t'l,tiL, Ia wblcb ler whteh I betieu bu not before btt9 lht lbbabltant• of Trfolty a oc! Sblr Core printed, comea frc m • C'OrTelpOIIdtat In were dJ,,.rtJor tberoteiYit, thtlr \Vorahipt lJoaton. DJI the Cr.'tJc'• • l.ouuger :' Otoe .., .. to hn beoo .,,,.,. !talen t. lo tbe eYeu ng Mlae Yoller with a youni friend qt~alat phraeeology of the tltDt, tht IICOIIted toolt a aobnrbaa train to aU1nd a 1rnall " rray tlaat t.beJ to a floe wltb oar aid -'at pt.btri,... &at ~ drt-.d wltb Lortl the Klnr by Ule OO!IIIIloa alonaeld be · aa•nal oare, tte .. ltlllnr toaob ~~~~~ a

1Diu.d, &lid tfiaroot t~J pat Ul-IYOa .qtifal baaob of llothODN flow era which aevel'llliJ npon tbo meror of our Lord the •ht- worll In her oor~~~L When the con­Kiar ;'' aaa t.be fton are e..-d nrio~&~IJ doctor came loto tl•• e11r to oolleot the at frolll twenty to forty elllllinl', faree Ual'ltutl Fuller mddNiy rtnleln'>er

Jn 17113, there Ia the eolly of en order ed tbal the pooltetbook wu '" tht ume a poe tilt ......_ of •• 1-" raaa, •· cora. pll'bt; and l.bere wu nothlnt to do l•tll -11 ailed Ute olcl 10411,'" to keep 111-. uplain Ulall•n to tbe condoctor. That "aei~T loolrod 11p or elrtalaod In a 1101re oftlelaJ waa obdurate. bowner ; \be I•· place, till U.e tlat of bit llnill .... l be dlte were both etraa .. n to llitD, aod ufirH. ' dltir ••- ltaekoeytci and lf11n•pal"''ln\ l

Je .ala!-\ Yola•el.ltere:are Hwwallaataneee be wo11ld be obllpd to Ita" thtm It the .,-~ o( &are...._~--•• aen way etatloe. '&.Lcll .. •• ••qm ••~z.. ...... 11f tilt fNM be-th ller cloak, ... ,.,., rot1 to ol 1M Vlle-AWNhJ Coat, ee ._, a 1rr fMl with qalft·ll\e ttfnltJ alld r~-~ ... II IlleR ud otller ol'tectt. , ._,: • II .,,.. • .. Ia tiUa ou wao

• Dtd you enr tbiak what you would do U you ba~l tiJo doh ol Wfltminater'• ira· come? Village Pulor- ' No; but 1 bun often wondered what the duke Wl•o!d do tf be bad mloe.'

At a recent banquet ¢•en to a writer of oomodic:a io hoaorof ble &&tea& work, ooe of the gueata propoted the following tout : 'The autbor·a very ltQOd healtb! May bo li•e to bo u . old u bli jokeal'

• You aee,' uid ao Eol!liabmaa, wiJo wu baacllioa bia dlnoc:r whh a wooduful •P· petite, to a Scotcbmaa who wu dialn11 cr.t tbe 111me '-ble, • I take a areal deal or batt~r with my flab.' • Ay.' 11n1wer~d &.ody, 1 aa• a dCAl of flab to your butter.'

Jodge: • Are yon aware of any mhi· gatiog circatoalaotttln yoar cue ?' Crirul· nal : • Yu, your lloaor; t hb It the fihi~th t.ime I hue beeo arruted for vagn<acy nnll I t boaght perhapa we micb\ get up a littln jubilee.'

• 'l'berc'e ooe thing, Mr. Salmoa,' uhl Grown whoao t-ill wu growiog larwo. anti wbo therc!ore thought It neeuury to .,., aomethiog complioneolary t o the grocer, • yoa alwcr.ya ~i,.o ROOd weight fur tbe money.' · ~01, repllod tbe grocer, 'bu~ that is no nuoa why yon ahould g in 1011

o good wolabt for my money.'

Aluwtr ThU. D id you ever k';iow aoy pcraon to be ill

w!tboot iuaction ol tbo atomoch, linr or kld1MJ11, or did ,o ...... knaa QDII~...li' .• Ja we!l ... boa either wu obtttuctad or rnru:tlft: anti did you O\'er know or hear or aoy ca1o of the kiud t hat Hop Olltera wonld not cure'! Aak your ue'ahbor the UIDo quOIIioa.­Tunu.

Mr. C. R. Grown, Crown land Agent, SauiL S~e. Marie, writea : " Two or th~o or my h ienda anJ myaelf were recommend­ed lo lry Nor1hro1> & Lyml'o'a Eonulalon or Cod l.i~tr Oil and llypopboaphltea of Lime and Soda, iu preferroeo to Coanponurl Syrup of llypoph;)lphitea. We prefer your Emulaion, aad tbinlt It bolter fur the •1•· totO I bon the Syrup," &c.

R. C. Hrac:o, druggb~ Tam. l{'I,YI : I hno no medicine on my ahelna thllL ulla futer or with better aatiafaclloo thao Dr. Tbomu' E lectric 011, and the ulo ia con1laatly in· e reulog, the pu' year beiug the laraeat I hne erer bad. O oo or rny cut toocn wu cured o( eat.arrh by t&aioR ~br~e botUra. Aoolber waa rai1ed oat or bed, when b .. bad been laid op for a lonJ lime -ith a lame bai!k, l)y Ullag two OOtllt L f llan loll or c•lllom~A, who would oot be wll.bou~ it our nigh 1..

Ric:kle'a Anll- Conaumptiu Syrup 1tanda at ll\o be11rl of the IU.t for cr. II diaeaa01 or the throat 11 d lunge. h acta like mtgic iu break tog up a cold. A ooogh 11 aoon eob. daed, tigbtoea• or the chtat Ia relined, urn lite worat cuo ol OO•tnroptloa ia r•lined. while io ~at c:uee i& may be aai•l nuer to fail. It ia 11 medicine prcpl\r.,•l hom tho acti.,e prindplea or 'firtnu of ae vora.l me•ll · cal herbe, and 0110 be dep .. oded npoa for 11!1 pulmonary COmJ>Iaiula.

Mr. John M'i"ood, Violo•i' Ro"''· wrilea : • Nurthrop & l.vman'1 Veptabl" Diaconry and Dyapeplic Cnre Ia a epleudic.l tneJioina. My onatomora aay tbey nuer u .. d •ni.thiDll ao •ff~ctoal. liood rt.taHa imtntdliJely fOllow it.a UN. 1 know ita valne rrom penoraal experience. h••lng b•en tronbletJ for 9 or 10 ytan wJU, U~(lllla, and alnce utln~t it •liKNiion a~• on with­out llurt dep~in~r feollna .o well known to d1apeptl~. I buc no heait11tiou In ,..._ ~mm~udin~ IL in ""Y - of louli&reeliol", Co~lipalion, lle:utbn rra, or truublet aria· log from a d laonlerr•l a\llu'"ch.' ·

1/lllk•lf'O!/• / 'jlf•.- 1 n the corrplaint pee­nliar to fenwlett t htae Pilla aro 11url•alleol. fhelr nae by the fair au haa beco111e 1n

OODatllnt f11r the rtrnnul nf their I'IJmtralll that "'"' Ia the hon.,.h.lld th~t ia wltlln11t thl'rn. Amnol[lt 1111 nl"'-11, froan the do. a.utlo ae"ant to the loetrta, nral.,r~~~~l '-"· onr Ia aooordtd to tht'llt renontirar: l'ilb ; tbetr ln•llfO"Ihnl •n•l vnriryina l·•roperllra reader them Mfe an•l inYallll'ltl• in aiiOAre.t: Ulty m"y be taba lty fcm\1~ of all •Jtl for aay diaot'l{l'niMIInn nr lrrc~tularltyof the .,.tem, aJ'H'I)lly retrnwlnlf the GRn• anti r~ttorin~r the aafferer to rohuu beo.nlt. All a farally•uetllelue t hry l'r• IIMppr,...clutble tor auba1tJint tho mala.linof 1&11a¥alkl old.

What tru Jlwlt will do. n. n111•recttient ... l aalt of l~Melw'a r;, ••

.Oil ~!frtlJt •hbln a f•• Y""'· haaiUitnnl~h­od the worltl. h Ia "lrhnnt •lonbt t hallllfrlt an<f bat mt,.tiy ntr dt.en .. erf'd frw the epeed:r and tlfC'Otflal curl ttf C.!11~a,..._ C.lrt, , an•l th.a ltYtrftt I Ante 'I"'''nbl.... ll ~a on 1111 fnilnrly <flf.,..,.tol fotloteJ,,Ie fn ... U.. QIUIII (>relt!ril'lintoa JrfYI'W ht l'h,raloi.a-., .. It dote an~ lfry nl• • eu.. ""'' 1 .... u •• llieM~~e arlll In the 'Y•-· loat '* tile 0"11• lr..rJ !'fmc""' thr f"'l- ef rhe ll'otlll•, heale tl•e pam alft.oted ar.d 1 ..... t'"'- 111 a p1rel1 b~ralthy C!.)lldilltor~, A bottle lrept In the ltonae ·rcw -. .,.,.,. U.... dtlauee tllllh \htlr appeara.,.. will •"• dOlton'• • billa and a 14ni ep,.l ol ...W.. ur-A. tnal w11J 0011wf ... Jfht•of ...... lrta. h II poeidftly .old bJalldctaalall ...... . eral daltft Ia 1111 laW. ~ 16 ... .. arae bow ...

Page 2: -4Kif4Gcollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGrace... · lor ~!22,.85; and tha t the Life funde Ly the additions mado to it •• the reauLI ol tbe year'a uperaLiona

Items. -J~pan~~~ae o~njle ~ bno boeo aotro

clocod Into Cahroro~a, .l'boy wtll &IYO a 11aw aod ue.ll•ut -tanety of [ruj~

-Clerk (to o01ployer)-• Wbat aball I mark that ooa• lot of black all II: u? Kn1 ployor- Mark tho eolllog pria. tb~W dola a yt.rd' • Clerk-• lt1n It ouly coot on• doll a yud ' Eauployor- 1 dolo a c:aro whu tL coat lam wlhng olf repnllou of cooL-.drMM(XI" paper '

• -Litllo FloAIO bad kept up a obaftor all

through the meal, and grandua c:o.,ld h&rd ly 1q Iotze 10 a word point ftraL F10ally l!rlladma aaad, • Fluaao you t.alk too mucb I on doo t'bcmr graollwa J•bbtnog ovary mauatu.' • No gn.b ma, tlut yolu kuow JOU VO h .. ed a guod d.:AI !OUI(Cr D 1 buo aod bad tawo to ~at utoft of tho talk Ollt o y ou.

-l'b• Jabal~ or Queen Vactona Will be further coaoaoomo~ted by tbo e reclloo 10 O:dord l)treet, London, of a towor 440 foot higb at tb1> ntremo top fro ul wbacb tOAy bo ueu et:tbt or 111110 cou'oliOA. h w1ll over leok onrf otber auu~turo yo1 bualt In Lou don and 1t la u peoted that tho work ••II bo oommooced aa oaco loo Quccw w~lll.aJ the coroer-atooe..

- Ill£ ( EHSUS OJ ~ UASCII - Tbo J ournal O.Jfo:id pulol .. boa thu de6uuo ruulta o r tbo cenaua of l'rau~, tak en o u liar SO 1886 J'bo tJ>t.al uuanber of tbe luha~uauta 11 ~!! 218 9U:J and ACCOrdUJ~ I<> 1beceoaua of 1881 ·~ w.aa ::17 67:! 048 !be I ncreuo 11 tbero for" ~G ~.) w11cb II fu from bc111g ao large u tho 11rowth of populauou In franco <lonog tbo proc:edaog llvu 10-1ra wbacb was 766 ~60

-Sbentlan wu one .la.t mach annoyed by a fellow member of the !louse of (;ow mona w~o kept cryang out everr few rom utea, Hear boar Uunog tbo tlo~te be took oc:caa•oo to detw:nbo a poht1cal coo t etnponlry that w~tbed to pl"f roguo but had only110a.ao enough to act tool • Where ' exciMorcd bo, wHb great ompbu1a where aball wo flod a more roohab knaro or a more kua.-.. h fool, lalln he? lltar Ma,. ' wu ~outed by the t roublcaowe member Sbendau turned rouod aod th .. uktog bim for the prorupu oformalloo A:>t down amad a general roar of lau11btor

-Ttu: Q U£"-'i S J U81L&E Y£AR AND RE f t:GE JI AIIBOII.S -Airel\dy about atxty poll trona :uo 10 courao of llj!UAturo praJiog t bat tho conetraclloo or 1Dlpro .-ed barbouu to pru .rvc the h•e• o f fieb~rmeo and aallora may bo IOaUj:UM\tod durrog tho Jub1leo ) e&r o' ller ~laji!Jity 1 reagu 1 beao poll uooa wtll ehow aeafarel'l opanaoos aa to tbo oecetally of barboura aod It 11 advta.ble t hat all d111rrct3 bo repreaeoted by theaa peullotos eo tbat thetr abo!ence may not be aoterpretcd 1uto caroleaaoOM to thc1r d~&&d v&Dtago

-Tho cholera "PP"a"' to be maktog raptd progreu rn South \ menc:a but oo t uang elw wu In bo looked fo r an a cooh oent where Mnrtary prcCAuttou• aro un knowu oul3tdu ( hrll "'d tho hlth whach ae tbo propalo(ator of tho dtt~e&40 11 only draru patotl by naturt' I ho aoxtety of tbe I l tl­laol LO prevent tbo rutrotluctroo or the rlreMI d1se!Jto 11110 thcar country to all 101.hca11on of tho t f' rr1hle rAYAs.:el u u1 mak•oa 1n tho Arj:<Dlll e Horut.oltc aod probably 111 th., coun traeo to the north II 11 we ru not lhoL I' South \matca 11 " • cry t hmly popult\loot c.>uotry 11 re ampuMtblo to !1.'1} " h, r11 th dracue wo rid cnri 1\ntl M It •• 11 111ay ltnger fur yeal'l among tl.au hrty "' '" ll<lttlemootll

- I ho F mpcror Wt\8 rc YlCWIOI(" bo ly or 1Dl11otry when h r~ rvc ,..., co •~hi by a drumwcr wllb only ouo ann bu l 10 Ito w&.• oe•e rtbt leA I II II play au~ 1\ here 11 your ldt 1\fOJ? 1.'111 bo At :-.olfenno saru

You ehall ~no a penwaon or 1<1(11 from "'l prtnte purso An I tf I t huuiJ ICI\YO t l o other oo tho roatl ""' , , l bra rc phctl "'I olron pomllnlf to a ro~~tlo of a u om.,.,. of the Le~tiOO of llooour l lotl c roJtS e xclaimed lhe aold or &otl earn~ I awAy by a tr;toeport of cot.llUIIMrn the uow Poraeon&, walla t he remarnlng arm lre w hss aabNl and at ooo YljiOrous blow cut 11

clean off 11tO qut lllOO here I! bow bo dtd 11'

- \,;TIL17.1NG SEA \\ no -An En!llt•b CIICIDIII btu round 1\ WOf of t uroiDI{ LO a c count tbe pract1call) 1llunhablu quaomy of aca-woed that tl e ocean auppllu o r M

leaatu mucb of tl u 01•1 bo doaarod lie bolla 11 With e&rbonot.o of ooda, ~od troata lbo filt.ored aolutbn wath aulpburrc aoatl obwoiDif from 11 to 1h11 maooer a sub a~oca of moNl 'VIootlly than au.rqh or o•eo gunr aro.b1c and thMt can be proRlablo om ployed 10 aulfonlog unou• tell:l1lo lih(ica h 11 alao uad to be u celleotly &tlaptotl 'tor tbe m~lt•og of IJru~ aod for ce rtAin euiJD ary purpcrae1 From tbe eellolar aod ll!>r 011.1 mattora lch after t bo ouracuoo nf t hat maton11l-to wh1ch bo bu l,'lven the aa<De of alguina' -a nry good '}Dahty of wrtllog paper c:an be cheaply madu _

-To Con \~ARTS .A MD Cnn!U.- MAke a oolutioo of common waahiDfr aoda, u atroog u tb~ water will d1100ln Wuh tho warta wnh tb•• eeveral dmOt ~y aud let tbem dry Wlthoul Wiping 0 At'Oid JOtl.jOI( ll oa U.e alun ebewbere Keep tbe aolouon ~I the)' an cored t.11 Ll ma~b bettor tban caUJtiO apphcallOD, IDCb U Dttrat.o or atiYer, nhrro of tcld eto &roo peraooa are milch troubled w1th aoh coma, tbat 11

thooo tbat eomo between thototL lo aueb let me uy each atght on renun1og the aboea and atoc:lt lnga with a oof~ p1ece o f hoeo, o r wcnn lint., • •pe out the tooder eaaa J>ottween the t.ooo. \\'1thout Lh1a pre cnotiOtJ the ,ofteood altln Ia "PI to form a h(~ ,...,. or protorberanee, tbat pr­upoo tbo toedu oenH aud produe .. a ooh corn A con Ll oely a llatt.tued ... rYe aod 6oM who 1101fu from Lb•ao do oot need to bo told bow ~uful tiler are, aod bow tm poruoll~ .. t.o avoid maltiq ooo. 1c al10 YeheYM the oot1LI that form oo tho out.or jn1ot.a to -k tbom a ball boar or 10 "ory da)' lD bo' ~ trat<tr h .a.~theo aud ooft.eoe the .. 10 theJ can bo pved do•o.

-On. Jt!R Fua..-Tb- ROMI.aq, tbe de ntC~pC~Me• or •b- petfOiop10 IOUI'CM baa oalylaa.ly ~n. ba'Vt, ll appeara, r ooe a IOtlf -~ &owardo oolrior Uao problem of lkl" c:b ,.a.lulut product. .. a fael for lo oolDCitiYOO and "".-lpo. A procea bu been cJ._y.,.d by wlaicb Lbf llloot lollam· •able po,_ of orad• portrofeum boln gro 111ond, tM ,..{d10a, wide~ they call aatak~ CiU bo .-d wi~ perf .. , •fetJ JC Ia bolb .._, ... _,of .ulpolatJoca, loaltio, ap _, uua. .,... _,_.s "itb tile -oao& of ooal &k& "o•l• bo reqqjred t.o dntlo" tile __ .,._, .... ,., oo .. hes or reiiiM ......... a ..,.., daaJ Of ODJiltMaDt w.or. Tile larllab trelUICI S.rfloe 1Htl lllie U. .,... dno&i., attoetloo to t.ht ......... .,..., U.at. tbo Admanlty ro­... &It• .. ,.,...~a earned ou 10111e tSUio - a• W ... •lcb, wllb bnt. poor ,a-. C.lrt a.11e ddirH reeuiJ bo acco111plloll., ......... .-100 ll JfrU• OCI'OtiOitl)' lfOtald '* ...._ .. • all •rebut ,_,., boUI ....,, lit .._. .. , ..,... v( fOJ~--. aull ...... ta ........ ,..._IOOU> fpr CllrJO



ijthe ~ta:nbarh -AND-


-SATURDAY, n8KlJARY 19 1887

Tuc Sooond Bouton of tho F tfteenth Ocn~ral Aaaembly of the Nowfoundlanrt Logbtlature wu opened at !:lt J ohn'to at ~wo 6'olock on Thurtday Jut, by ocm­mtwon-Hts Excollonoy tho Governor ba1ng unablo to bo preaent ow•ng t o m tltsposahon rusulhng fro.n an acctdent Tho a~h from tho throno wu there­fore read by thl' H oo E D Shen, Freat dent of tho Counctl , Hts Excellency tho Qo,ernor bavmg oommassJoood him to do 110 There •att a IBrgo atl.endance on tho occuton Much regret wu expreu od at the absouco of Llts Excclloacy, u th11 WIUI b11 tint Ol)IIOrtUDitJ Of 0110010g tho Ounaral Assembly of the Colony

'l'ba OJ161llllg speech, 11 wtll l>o observ­ed, alludes t o oo• oral matten of much 1mpo1 tnnco to lbiJl colony B ut of them 111l thoro 11 none o f more 'ttal cnnot!m t.o tbUt country ancl 1tH peo plo tbl\n 1hll one reforriDl[ to tho lJatt Btll, whtcb, '"3 tho ap<~eCb woll pu13 11, wae genemlly re garded..,. tho 11ole avuall\blo means of re~ ltov10g the tn1do vi tho colony from IL4 e:r.:Utttog depr:l:>!aon Tho tux:ompan) mg announcement mao.lo by HIS li:scollenoy that, " as tho delny vf n whoiB year •htch will cauao ' cry IICrtous loss to the colony, baa be.m prcaurol\blJ occutoood out of constderallon for lmpc rral tntor• ost.s, hiS mm1st.en conte•uplat.O reprcaen· t.attons t o Her l\la;esty 8 Government such u they hope wtll have the elfec' of SOCilriDg that thew bolo wraght of tho bur then abttll not bu bcruo by thaa small com ruumty ,-th•agauttfywg nnnouncorueut of ll1a Exa:cllunc~ wo a&} lA a eagntfi­eant one and wtll bo rece1ved "'tth plca~urable 81\IL,facllon by the people generally lt IS 11 oof cunclttll\ 0 tlrat tbo Logaalature do not tutencl to ben 111l tbc-tJxponso mcurretl In the ntlompt to aecure I lor MaJooty • ~~anct1oo , n or that they trtll rewlllll p&liStVO tn rogarJ to the 1mportant ruau.cr 1 and that they npproctato fu lly 'ho n~ of prompt action tborcanunl It "'u "ttb much plO&IInre, thorofnre, that "o heard that t he addrC$11 10 tcply to tho Speech wu not moved Tbta Wf\.11 becnnse ul tho suspenaton of tho n1las of tho H ouae, to enable tho Government to 11ga1n brtng forward tho Bntt ll11l and to carry It

through w11hou t a moments oela•, and thua hn ~o 1~ 10 renJIDcaa to ecod bomtl by tho fint maal Bo th tho Promte r tllld the Attorney a~ucral we learn, OX plnmed the object souj;tht t o bu uttnmod by tbt.S prOCO<.Iuro :Str A Sh11n too ~poke at tlt'IDll' ll'nr;th m fru o r o f tluK prom1 t •ctton o n tho port of tho Legu l•tttru tmd a lao 111 c xplnnlolttnn of tho tu Len IOWK In rcg&rd to th• U.tlt nail whach bo haul h"d "•~h tho I {mnu Q.,, crnruent 'n thf' occaHIQn vi lu• recen t vt•tt to the Ol.t ( auntrv Str Arnbrctst" we a re tvlcl f~ls fully COII,IrH"I'II hat were the m('MIIre BSKIIl .-,fo rc I to th., I mporral autbortttcll for th 1r "I fl' ""'' It woul<i b.y<>UU ttiJ <JIII'.'!IIOil r l'Cel \ 0 It .<nil thus becomr .. lb" luw or thu couutry

I h1 Btllls now bean~ curhiJa red bv th<' UnuM• wtth clo<e<l door8 It J':l"dN IIH

H~contl rcadrn~ lt,,t m .,ht And "'II 10 all pa ol. .. b tlat) go thrOII!;h l.u d y

Tho I Untou r reaclaf')j u• (1\n 1'"1' L<'hi'•C 11. t 1 ho cur recl) th tt :-; tllbl.rllr) h '" 111 Cot m Pd w addtlll{l.l)n t hat tho u.at u,JI wa ll nv t •g lin be <hllll.lloweJ 101 1~ 111 n ml\tter With "h1oh tho Colon1ul Go• oro anent ha~ fu ll po wer t.o de •I Wlretlwr tbt~ llc thl' f11ct o r no t tt to" matter fo r lllUCh uqotulau \ fl lhftt the G o• ornmcnt bwt decillc.l 1} ntlopt tho coursc whach 1t has and w mo• o forthwith an tho !Lat­ter One t lung 11 cortntu 1t could no t poastbly have dono a wuer nor a more prndoot 11ct, and tho people wtll thank the m fo r tt Tt shows beyond 1111 doubt ~hat tltoy lcet:nly rea ltt.e 11nd IIJll" OCI&te ~he pamful r .. c~ lhllt thiS ... wJ..od • a t•mo of ttnuauul moraon~ 1n the ,.ffllln o f t ho colony Atd why 1 S1mply beetlusc • the elllple mduatnu of tho country

havo lately been att.onded with very un fa'vorable J'llllclta, whach have aenouoly a£1"-ect!d our popullltton, '-reanltft wluch havo boeo pnnc1pslly brough t about Ly 1 the extremn de pr08810o of praceo pro duud by tllJS bowlly .upporu.c.l ~mpeh lion oj (ore~nu• '

Ay, th11te Lhe qut~~~ttoo And tt 11 to endeavor to pttt at leut a p11rttal atop to thlt \lnf&tr co9d1t1oo of tbmgt that oar Oo•crnment anll1 ntdo are ao urgentiJ prearsang t he ruttttor o f the D1ut Ball rho French particularly aro 'IIOIIt nnfaar oomJICI11lOr8 - and we clatm a n ght to pro~t ourw..l•ea. Tbmr 6ahermeo !Aro· IU1t.a1ood by largo bounues, anti thnsl\m they 11llo to unaonell us 10 a ll tho for t'IIC" marketL •rta no won•lcr thoo, afm Ytow of ~bts very one atded arrttngomont, alone, •o ahould, .. the M..-t:Ury well polo •t, "11trongly prolftt agamat tbe acltoo of the Impenal Oo•errunoot tn diaallowmg our Btatt B•ll, and we thall appeal to 'b" Brtttah eonao of ;naw~, re­eaad \be A"'• and reopeolfully bot 6rmly pr- oar clauu to IIX.Of'Oute tbla meuute o{ aelf so•omment..."

Bore, tn order to abo• how doe!Jly our Ccnoepnon Ber peorle feel in rer.rd to tiJo matler of Lhe diallowanoo o( the Bait Btl!, wo may atate tcbat mornonala to both brancbt:e ot lho'UglaJatnre hue been pre~recl, have reoet'fod 11umerooa oti(Tiaturoa at!d were forwarded b1 to­dlly'a matl The momorlal .. u pro.. foun-tly regt11t 1tbat. &be Bill h• boeo ~n •efu.ed tit• .anot~on ot II« Jl&. JlllltY , eameeUr reoqueet \lao im..J~a~ re-orlaetm,nt of a lll~re ••ilerin 1&1 tol'llll Jo t~t or !u& aeiJioG ; cd. augeat that ~e J.etialaia111 malre ado­qua~ prontion COr a&e ~horoaab ooforc:e­-nt.,


Hia Er;celleooy, at wtll ~ feU to be ·dWnoll(tlie.,a•toorop~parilallallanal Tna l'fo-,waowVOoDFIIBDf.-Th: nottood, b .. opeoecl ~he proeeat IM!Uioo hom c1Woooo, ba" oo tile wbol1 bettl • 6nt hat!lliaienoe ua reprd to the earlr o( the LtaialaC.Oro With a programme or ,,odad •lth a fair lltO&IQN of~- '\ operattoltl ;(our Nonregian nnla wa bUIIoed which wlll neod more tbaa naual Tba Mlolnr ludaali'J bu dunD( lfao )'oatd roootvod bare durmg tbo past week.

abowo altlbotaatl.allaaraua of ~nty, ao TL- •Ah food6 h 11 abilu.y to dee\ wtth at wuolr aad welt ri'• lodioat.lon of f~er denlopmeot in uc:~tr e&w o • 11 one m1 ton oom

A abort revenue lndt~tlll a l&ritr lbo Doat fatana pared wtt.h 'hroe mtlhon 6ab at thta timo wb1ch ortll requlro readj1111tmeot., eo that 'l'hoagb tbero .,.. tbue 11ot ao eoUro ab- lut YO&r, aev~n mtlhona for tbo onrroa­ta future tbn ordltlary 1nll0mo of tho eoooo of promlalor fwaroa .. lo \be record r.ondtog pertod of 1886 , three mtlhooa ooloor shall m eet 1ta ordtnary expendt• of oar lod01trlal pqrauJta, their geaeral re .>r tbooo of 188' and 1883, ono and a t-uro. And horo we rnay aay that we aolta wero aocb u to reoder It "'dent half mtlhollJI for tbat of 1882, and aevon

b ._ 1 ,. _._ f •h T ...:t:r> l.llat al.argo proporUou or the population of and a quarter for that of 1881

t w .. an uoua. ..uoaonng o • e tanu tho out.oro and northern cout.a or tba Ia Th f b 111 much to bo depricated, aod ~be last laod bad latlod to IOCure the.IDO&DI or nb o cauae o t e abort cat.eb thta yaar one ought buo been MOtdod had the lletonoo for the oomiDJ wlo&er and tha& to &a nwmg to \be bad'IMl! of &be "'eMber Recoaver OllDOnlr aho•n a modtoum of tbe a~ce or romocltal -~rea. actoro Tb,o proopoot.AI howc,or, wo are wid, prndenco nod force1ght.. and wldoapread detUtotloo wu lont~blo wero pron1111ng I.

Tho quNtton of tho management of Io deriliogaacb meuore&,UlJ Gonromeol The N orwega&o 6!henta laat yORr ~bo l0011l alTtaiiS of tho town of St Jobo'a was gutded by a doa•ro to uold, wberner wore good, \lrJ good-whtch we know

_ _. f II £ d Oi I b •L poOPblo..tbe ov•l• or gratatt.oua rehof, ood to our coat Tho COmf'l'llllon offered All 11, we awmtt, u o t ou LttiO, ut .... o baa cooftoed tho 0~1 upendituro, a• ' Ltmo bas now a~rtved whon somo moa far u praellcablo to wagea for labor oo well by them u by tho Fceollb, wu euro must bo p4IIOOCl wbtoh "til rolto'(e worlto of public utility 'l'be dotatla of tb•a groat, &nd vory damagtng to our abtp the gtncral ro~enuo of thB Colony from o1pood1tDre wlU lo due tlaaQ bo laid bofuro menl.s. Thu catch u£ 'he clrtef Nor tho burthen o l provtdtog, for t.he cap1tal rou from wblcb you ••ll ftod tbat my Go 'I' wegtan cod6•her1-the Lofoden-lut CI'Y a>cwerago lighting cleamng atreate, eromeut baa bad apOQe~l regard to tbe re yoar wu very lllf·ge amounting to 31 anlall othor '•mprovo~ent.a and whtoh oommaodalioUJ of tbe receot"'Jolpt Addroa m•lhno cl)d (l\bout400,000qnlntals),aod Will pl~co (he duty and tho n:.pooatuthty of your Hfouorabulo lfQlu:~l~rl tAbe rlconl· about g,OOO t.ltna h vor, wbach the offioaal

atruct1oo o new nee o ._.. a 11 ou . L I and oxpetlllll on the tach of those who tural that.riciL 1' ID&J tbaa bo bopod that l'tlport atlitoe taro ... o argeat li~ur1111 ev:lr I'CliJdo rn tho ctty, an :I wllo are the cbtof ooo roault of th .. outl'J' will be IDcreuod rcportod from Lhal dt~tncL Tbe othor bono6cmnoo fl"Qm tboso tmprovewent.s attention OD the part or oar people to the pnnctpal Norwegtan oodliaherv-the

Tho Oa:ean Steam SerYICO hu been an cult1vat•oa of tbo 101L la in'l'hlog JOu to Fm.n trlren-wu a contpara!.tYt la1loro mou bu:~ 011 tho Colony q utt.o long enough , coo6rm the aohoo of my Gonrnmeot, taltoo fo r ~wo ~Mon.a-vu: .. , boiatcrous weather

d h to ngo nout uuder tboae ctrcutnaf.aooea I ~Ito the op- and want. of b.tlt.. Tbe catch conaoquent. no ••o opo ace a new arra 1 portuottJ ol uproA•oe tbo bopo t hat tb.&t 1 It we:! 1 9 176 100 --" rn11r..lo whtch wtll meet "II our retlsonnblo action will ool bo regarded u lmplytog Y amo n 10 00 1 • .:uu-wan!JI at less than half the present. coat either a dutr or ao totoolloo on their J»rl fish {I< bout 117,000 qutotala,) a nd Tho Clli\Sta<l Sorvtce, too, I"CqUII'OII some to uodertalte IIDltlar rehef worh 10 fnturll 24,000 bcct.oht.rea hvor Tho total 1111prot "mcnt IJbt mefficten' u many oxoopt ander p~ure or ao equally HfiOtta catches fo r the -pu' five yea• a wor11 iliJnk 1t " 0 behev~ we have had foul' emergency as follows-In 1881, 12f n1ilhona cod fo ld mo;o valuo for tt, 10 uaelltl aervtco !Itt reaourceo of the Colony aro aoable fish, 1882 7 milhoos, 1883 3i mtl

I ·-· · be I lo to bear tiM frequent repelllloa or IUcb a hona 1 " 16 lntlhooa 18Sli I 7. lUll-to t ac gren..,;,. num r o our peep • atraiD aod tL .. only bJ greater proytdenc• ' h d' than '"0 hl\vo ht.d.from tho ltargo •ub:ndy on tb~ part of the people durlog llwca of hon~ In t a other .. tncl3 Ill tbc

1,..ad tho Allan Company comparatavo abundaoco tbat wo cau hope n ot tb, tho cod65hery wu auccOBSfu l thu

llnt, as we 11111d 1n another place, of to eac:apo ¥efJ llfloua calanuhea 10 the oot cnpture IAIIIOUnttng to 9 m1lhon codfiab clue! IIDJIOI tanco to our antorost.s Ill tho dii~Dt futuro. I would tborefONl earn eat rue cod fiahe ry on tho s~ndmoro coast llat~ Btll 10 agnotumtou!ly thao ... n out ly urjte apoo all por10ua of luOueoco 10 the wu ahto lar~r than at any prnvtolls lor datu~ hv the Impertal &u~honttee commuoatr to toouiCI'to tb .. • lrtue t.o tbe 1,.,11od-ab.la tc,e.-en mtlhon cod. l9,000

h b ' d ~ 1 u1moat of tbear ab1ht1 aod by all meaua hectolali'OII h~or and IS GOO be;:tohhea w o overs ow a C.On or carB tor ou r we wtthtn tbolr reach ' f•ro and a de11ro tlt.at wo aball mt\lcu no r()(' For companaoo, bl'ro IS ll l .. t of

llr SJNai:Lr oml Gt •lkmm of IM Uonorabk h tbl d '·t t r tl 1 umtakca obout that wluclr 111 gooJ for us ll >fA bl t n cnpturea 10 a ,. riC •or 10 ut -o• fo r aomobody clso who IS of more I ro:~ ~ In::;: Jon that OWIDit to the five yenra 18 1 4 6 15 000 cc,d I 1 twportrutce than wo are I caaaca already referred to tbe Cu11owa Ito 6 14,000 • I 883, 4 2~ 000 1 188,, G

And hero and now we wt~h t.o say that •enue baa fall eo billow tbo eattmato 1 i9i 000 , 1885 3 5S4,000 Tbo qucth " 0 doprecato Lhe ntt.empt.s of8 omo of our roly apoo fOil to mt\ko auch pro•iaaun u tv was lliiiCirtOr, the weu1hor Ia no and contcmpornnOII to 6x blame on l:!tr Am tbo circumatMcu rondor es pcdton t I he lan onmhll' l,ut tho pr•Cilll cxocoJmgl) l.rO!>o Shea for the fatlurl' o f tlae U.ut ['ubho Accoun~ for tbo put And t he oau lo" -aa n 15ry" hero lut year

h S F d L matea fo r tho eoaua11g yeu ••rl au duo coune fbe follow to"' 15 11n cxtruct of tho cod Ao' to paas, o r on 1m or 1r re or•c .. bo laad beforo yo u o C .. rtor o r S1r \V1111am What.c:w•y for 'I ,._ _ _,_, I II -•t G I fishenes o f any •mportanca t n ?\or"")

., , r rrPrutnl am o>Omu c cr I tJ>~Ln of 1M 1 "~G d 1 •h 1 . I former negot~t1ona wath referonco to baH Lcgulntu~e Cou rcil m oo , an roan • o • a.tncta atanuwg llDd tho French Shore dtfficuiLtoa. llr ~pcoi:Lr n11d Ucnllt~~ttfl of 1M IJonorablc under officaal control

\Vo were, tt socm~ too 11\ngumo when l/ouu1if Aut•nbly Lofoden llaetrac t ~I 000 000 CodRab \\0 oxpectod tho H ome authoraiiM to ac I 1110 t:lad to bo able to anoounco th~t Ftnruarltcu !l 1110 000 cop~ our n.n al the fiAt askang So wtllo dunn~ the ~t aummer " cooventton WI\A :'\ ordlauJ i bOI) t 00 a de a rturo Will It from tho traditional cooclu led betwoun ller MaJeaty au 1 d o I rom"' S :UU 000

p b Goveromco~ or Sparn by wb1ch tbc fa rriT Socutlmoro I 0 dUo 000 I>Olroy o r the Culomnl Offico l at WI' tnequ~htlfl •oro rtmo•od tbat huo Iaube r -- - -1magmo tboso uuhvtduala whom the to aJToctell our Oahery product'< au the 61 700 UUO codfiab (or Colomd properly d~ratgnat.os 1 uoder marltota of that couulry fba colony luu approllrUiatclr about 800 M quant..la.) s t..,.ppo>rll' mua' ba•e gn.s1wl for brea th beou tu•lloJ to t.~ke pArt tn an l uternauonal ISS OOU laectoluru llfH wlu n thaa mno1at1ng "b•" wa\S pro ~thlbtuon of f11h a ual ~iah I rO<Iocw to 6:11100 bectohtrea roo WJnt.erl to tbom nut nou.t l"errDIIAJ! If take placo Ill ll.irccluna In Uta autumn or Fur OOUII\1\rt!\lln ltc ao IH .. lr~t o r l lrr \.,0 llalo 'luck an . l ~~-~\AI~ncn we t ho present ycor 1\ul lho (,nttrnaacot hat~ I fi r I

I u ~··~ ' R • I I I f I w.st YO Y'"". C~"'llrCI \l l IU wh JIC COUll I I I

d 1 t I rut'""'" t ear 1\Ccepllur ~., o 1110 n v tnuon r· 8 tnt ge t our tina rowar -cur 1 t I' l contitloutly hopo that tins cuncurreucc of ta Y

b1ll will pBM mORt lttroly tf wHh fayora!lld rnfln ncea wall tonal to 1hu11111'rove rDUCh 1111 portun11y WO Jltll'lllJSL IU {OtClll!l IUCUt a nti t Xh nstOII or Culi'I•OerCI tl rclo.uun• tt on tiro Colomal Offi..:o between tho 1\augtlom of :svaru anJ thr•

lloctolttrca llectnlttrCI'

W o havo ~tud wo depreCAte blame be­rng n lftcbcd to or mud being thrown at 1ho~c who nol!Ollatod our batt ~• part of the terma for eotJhng tho fr ench Sbo re d O•culltes 'Vo ahouhi re•n••nlwr - lirlt that for yean1 t~e lmperu1l (~o•~rn

"' nt prohtbitt~J ua o r thu V\l'<!fliOr from unrtronmg any lugJAiftll u " I 10h wouhl antcrfora wath thd 1- ronch frct~alc.m to ~:et bc111 on our eoutb W\181 co••• !'> e xt ­we abuuld remember tbaL botlo loranch .. of our l..e~tt•laturo p&Med roaolut1o11a on aever al occ.uaous authon~iug no.,otaadon& on our b oh111f In wlucb tbe r'11ht LO t11ke bt\lt on our aoutb- weet coast wu to be aecureal to t he french aa au eqaut~~leot fo r cor llllo nghu of t he1n1 wbacb they were to concede to ua on thl Frenc h :Shore Aod IMdy It touat bo o wned our people oe\'er saw the YUI 1mpor~nce wh1cb tbaa quea taon o f ba1t •• to ua unnl the paal two yuan We now ruhzo that the hfo ot our tlaber •~a aod tbo procperity ol our trade dopood to a largo meaauNl oo onr be1ng a ble to control tho aupply of bait to our ""ala­our unfair, bouoty fed and boautJ protect ed rrulL

Wo bohc\'O 10 a faar free trade aod when enr our FNlnch aotl Amencao competuora abol .. b bouauoa and roduoe tbo1r duuoo on ou r ftah to that wo can meet t hoat In tbear home aa well u 1o fo reign marlteta (wblob wo bate cootrollod and aupphed oter atoce wo hno bad a fiahery ) then wo aball bo no Dlj;tg&rda 10 wttbboldiD(C from tborv a •bare 10 tho boun1101 wberewtth :-l11ture baa pro¥1ded ua Dut tboo we can uo~ nay wr muat oot rob &oal ata"e our to1l era of tho sea, and bankrupt our trade lYe mull ltat:>e pnrkCiton

Jn CODDcCIIOD wtth tbta aabjoet Ia tho for thor queat•oo- Ou@b& not our Legtalatut, 1n the meantime before oor Batt llrll bo coruee law place ao export duty oa batt? W o ban a abort rovenuo, and tbo abon wouiJ appear to bo u leglumato a mode of raletog taxea u loryrog thom c o tho bread and Ooar cooaamod by oar own pe.)ple We \b1ok t/111 d011rablo In riew of tbo fact that the wbole bait t rado w11h tho l- rench taJ&nd of 1St.. Peter' a Ia pa1d for 10 1upphea wbacb arc roo to to our tooth weaa baya w1tboua pay1ug duliOL Our pooplo wbo l!upply tho F renob cootrabut.o ootfuog towards tbo taxea of tbe colo or

Coluty I hno fatrther to annnnni"' thnt a rro

f'OIIIIOO hM ooeo lila lu hy Ite r \I J •ty o Goverurnent fo r 1ho llllrtrcrP«llon of tl 1<

Cot.,uz "' a ( nnfort'nca: o r <.;o to111al lte preo~ntatrve• wlueh 11 11 tnlou led to I ott o~rly t '>ra yeftr to l .nnclun fo r t he puq """ of conaultauon npou Dt\llc re of 11enoJ11I tn te rest 1nolu ling q ICI11ona re l«1lng w de fe nces liOI~I anti tele11rQplnc "'"""ICe men tv.. 11nll other rmpouaot a rbJ cl.l. I trUit t hat mf (rOYarntnool Wl\1loe Ill a JIO~I lJOn to reepond to tb11 lllYIIAtion ami tl1M tho (;olonrmay llerrvo bouuftt from 1be pro po•ed dllhbe rattooe

I'he partod provaded by the conti1\Ct wtlll theN ewfoundlaod t<A1Iwa1 Uomtlllny for .tht' complet100 of tho hoo to II all a II•J hllfrng terounated In May laat, t he f11t luro of uro Corupan1 to cooatruc1 by far the larger por uoo of the Lroo baa ra•~ed the queallon a• to the h•b•hty of tho coloay to cootaouo pay meot or auba1dy and that quoatroo ,. now tboaabjeot ofllu~alloo betwooo tbo GoYero mrnt aod tho (..;oaopany,

[ he contract w1tb the Allan Companr fo r lbe oceau 10111 ' erfloo boing term1ualJie bf eather party upoo twel•o moothe nohoe tO bo Ill Yeo to ~bo mootb of Jaoaarrto aoyroar m1 Honromuot doom og It lnoxpedtoot LO 0011llooe tho aerTIOII oa the preeoot buta, ban gtno nouca to tbo Compaoy ol the t.ormrnatioo Of tbo CODI.Iaet lo Jaouary or eu~year

1'be occ:a\loo appo&rl lo bo opportune for doalloe at tho a.&Uio hmo watb lbe coaatal ~am aenioo, w1lb a Yiew to 111 oat.abltah­moot oo IW tmpro"odlroo&rog for the foture a ad DIJ GoYeroroeoL 1.1, tboNlfore go1og to ciYo tb .. aab~eot ttl! oaref••l ooutdoratlon

Tbo qaoauoo of the maoagemeot of the local alfa1n1 or tbo towo of SaioL J obo t, fo olad1og tbo impronOMo\ of tta eowerage appeal'll to be now npo for lloal d11pochoo aod I do no I doubt tbat tbo propoula w~ucb may bo m~do to you ••II recearo that 111 tao boo wbiob tho tmport.&oe. of the aabJect deoenea,

1 bad earaoet11 bopod to be able to lllfo1'm )'OQ or Her Ma)OitJI &'f'lclOtll allowaae. and coaflrmatloo of tba bill for tbe preaena tlon or bolt ftebea. wblob waa paaoed aoaoi mouaiJlut -lou by both o( your H ouor able H oaaeo aod wu FeoeraiiJ regudffl u tho aole anllab!J meaaa of retlo\'log tbe trade or tho coloo1 (roLD Ita ox~tt•oe de proaion

Cn<l (>:\ 21)() 000 ht) :ill\ 000 :J:J 4(){) 011.) bO 1110 000 M 8011000

hY<t I :1 11)()0

67 noo 38 000

\ 0111) ~) l l tl u r()

roo r,o 0 I() .. RIM) 31 Oil<) ~~~ (IV()

,)~ "1(1

" 1t lifO\ 1'-'1 tf111~ tlaKt Lite qttft11LIIV ca p t u1ed In I 86 wrts l .. rgcr t httn uf l~t• ye u• "'"I huH on ly l.et'n au ,. ... 110<1 111 l hrec or lour 1 " ' ' 1 ms ' Ottrll 1 hi'' alur lao" e \ er, WIUIIItlt Lhe ~a Ill (' JlllCC8 latt I I n1, loeen \ Ory Jo .., nnd the 1\lllt•unt 11art~ I •unon~r tho lia4uog IIOJ'Uitttlon w •• a c­curdmgly nauc h emallc r tlrau tn t he pro..-tous ycu rA, 1 ho tiHhery on M ur m .. n cotuit o f nu..,.ta nc or to tl n N urt la e rn N orwegum COIL!It, Wfl8 liSt year tt

COOl[llot.c fou lura only AUffi IC il~ fo r ho m,­CflnSliDI)'lrOD bomg caogbt and lhts wn• 11 Ntng to tho ul.annce ol tho lod lo (uAcJ for bour) and tho boutAlro 18 "' R

thl'r Thero were alao llll(go quanllti~S or ~~e:•ls wb1c h pre~ent.od the 6th f1 om ap· p ronch1ng tho ahoro'

Tnsn1 i1 one matter re ferred to In lha Exoellencya Spotcb a~ tbe oponrog of the LegJalature to wb1cb we moat nnt fall to draw tbe att<oottoo of our labounoe pooplo l'bat ts tbe allaatoo made to 1bo emploJ meot oa worka of public ullhty foaud Jut f.all b1 tho GOYt'fnmeot for tboae of tbo popnlat1ou who bad dooo poorly at tbe llahene• aod ban fa1lod to aecuro tho meaoa of nbaiatet.ce for tho e~mlog • Iute r

la ln•tlor yoa to cooftno tho ac11oo of m1 Go•eromeot tak oo under the80 c!rcum­ataocee utdi iTTi Excelleocr (aod wo do a1re to draw parlloulror atteuuoo to wbat followa)- I take tbo opportunity of ex prelllllo" tho hope tbAt tha~ aclloo ••II oot bo regardod u lmpiJIDg e1tber a duty or ao iotootloo oo tbo1r part to codertake attn liar rehef worka so ratare esceptuotler p1eaauro uf aa equally acnoaa emergeocr There aourcet of the oolooy aro uoabl& to bear lbo frequeut repelttloa of aucb a atraro, and 11 ia only by greater proY1deoco oo tho part of t ho people dano(C tunu of comparall \'o abuodaoco tba& we cao hope to e1C11po Yorf aenooa calarmlloa1a tbe ool d11tant futuro I wuold tborrfore e&rooatlr urge apoo all peraooa o f inftuooco 10 tbt eommaohy to lnealcate thw Ylrtae to tbo ubooat o f tbe~r ability aod by all woau Within their reaob

.I l.be ooaatry hu 1f108 for tho ourNnt i~ 1 , Uaey "'!' \be bolt seen for a coo

~,Airable Uma In •"?: ~ment of Jacome bleb ' '*latlon to the woll botnr of •h\~IL~here bean "\D trupro•emeot 1b t.bA,l);pm r quar­ter, wtth t ho atngle eJtoepuoa o( .Exo110, aod In tbat the tleoreue b .. booo only £66,000 Cuatoma ha•o expandod ..£238, 000 , Stampe, £260,(10(), and-the Tel .. gn.ph Service, £35,000 Tb• oot to crouo on tho entire tDCIOme roUbe qu lor ~ld have bOftA faii1Jl,OOO ~00 bot fo( tbo reduot.ioD o( £281,000 ID

•bat arbttrary ttem, " lntenat on ~; vancu " wbtch mar be upeet. by a little delay on tbe part o£ JOme of the numqp ou~ debtors ol tho na&ion. Aa tt II, tho net 1mprovemonl for the throe montha u o~er £721 000, tnd tL IS h1ghly on• couragtng h roprcaent.s more Lhan hi\ If t ho gatul for tho whole mne months, fo r thoy do not exceed £l,258,000 Tho inference,tbe'}'bre, 11 that tho oonJmon of tho couutry mua' be bettor now than tt wat1 earlier In tbe 1•r Trade baa renved, aod w1'b tht' rovtval tho con. aumtng powor' of 'be OOmmowLt bu also OXI)IIIldod " • -

'1'~18 111 ~eoUTIIJing to>-coot(lmplate, and .~ IS much 'to bo n opod tb"t N1!W• loondland ao Car u her trade tnLoresta aro oonoomtd Letoro tko end of tiro trro aent yaar m ay have lC> repor' aamthar equally llllhtstacwry reaults,.. tha a!oto gntng onoa Thongb the outlook to all human aoemmg now luoka d :nlr nnd lowcnng, ye~ who .:,.,n tdl bu' t hat be­foro many monLbs have elaptlcd, the pr0111 ecta mn} constdt raloly bnjthton, and fortune onoo agam Soule on tbu opura­liPII,.. o f the st .. plo tmde of tho col.,ny1 W e lcn&w not what tho futuro m»y haYo 1D HtOI 0 for US.

Ono very st~a6cunt fact u nottcc 1 bv a t lllast one ot tho ll"l'erll q uoted fro ur nl>ove That ts how tiro prepouderahng w1htAry power uf G ertnllDJ latta e ve r sm co tho l'at\nco Pruat~tan Nar tnnuonc erl the n chongcs o f Europe Prmce ll•sm11rck 18 looked to ae tho man mnr~ able tlrnn Any other to decalo tho 181\tlC o t IJC"CO o r war, &nd a very au h.rtall lllll &httdow ~f 1111 mtlueuco hu f•llon Lt(lOD tho &urn of Borhn When tl was known last RJlnng thttt Oe rmnn tinan ct&ae "rro buymg and holdang ftuMutn o~tock tiro conhJ~nco of l<~nglrsh '"' t&Lilra 111 Continental aeounUN was Hllledtl) rt"stored, 1\S tho acuv•LY of the Gerrnnn 8JJCCu l .. tors w"" felt to be billed on "ell 11ruundeJ coufitleoce

[T vl't'mR tl.at no eoon~r lraa one v a1 la•nou~lr untruthful tlandcrouft st~&lo nH IlL Ill n gard to tillS COUntry nnJ (l 0

ple lx><'u " xl'mcd, than nn<llher NJII .II) uA t~ul ftl tio and m•al~adan2, 18 tlolaLe r­atd~ mannfncw·dd and "" d ehben.td ) lo rw,.rdt.J to the ou~aJo prfl&!l, 1,) •ou1e miMCn>a<nl or m t.Sc...,ants Ill our 1111 lbL. lt ta a grl'llt p11y tln.t tho sor u; 111 of dat~o d lnl:\glllg gnrMiy abl!urd tllld un t ruthful sturaus caono• bo dtaco • cred "'I LH •l ral m euch a m anne r 1\11 woull lur c• or dctur th~'m fro" agam cngaj:tn., 1n tho tla~grtccful neftthJU8 pa uctlce 1 hrao I"" trcs IICC'll •o tntlced do tnku n ~~nt.tiiiC dt~hght m da pteeatltmg 111nl 'tla I) •ng tho 1~111 1 ot thr•r nnuvtty or 1tdop " vn und 1111 unolTt~ndmg 1nhalt1t<mta rJ u 111oro al a an.l mralcadmg, 11nJ de ''"'""It! tto thu atone8 whaclt th~•o S£ n t ry can IDYent and ctrculate-, tho netter ttro they to tlretr \'HIRte ll wtc IIlia "til he e\lrlrut from tlte aub;oanoo dexpatcb to the ~cw Y ork 1/ffUld Tlto senders o f 11 descn o to bo soundly honsowhap ped -

;\tiD } o,.A: IV~dn~¥10!1 AjlcnPM -To day a 1/tr o/J pabliaboa a telo11nm froto St John a :\owfouodlaod date<! Sunday at at rng that maoy bua•oua bouaea arc 10 liu"o­cral dafficultrea 11nd thataeommercaal c~11 11 IDOfltablo l'eople to tbo oo rtbern out porte are reported to bo lo a alarYrng con drUou owiog &o t ile oat lay OD tbo l 'laeoo tta ra•lroad for tho parpooa of furoaaluuj; labor to aavo tho people frow a~r"aog 1be detpaJeh goea on to aaythac tbe mas ury 11 depleted and that tho leland preeenta to tho world a mourolul ap•etac:le fho people are the moot maserable J::ulflilb col­oolite to ex .. teoce Uompared wub them tbo lotlabt~D~ of Ireland are cooteotcd aod proaperoae If tbe rt>port Ia no' truo your merchaota goveroment abould loao oo II<De 10 ooutrad1ctlog it.

roaN& that tile Oonr110r ooald ao• bo pre­eao& o"l.o.:.to w.-. •dnad alelttr from atr. Do&~ 811 E&otll...,., prtm. ooo­......,,1.-W. tile 10. of 10 ••oelllo• ao opportonft,y of' ~IDI ,..&lte RtrtOul ao­qaa\otaooe of tb- fat'IIIAra, wbom be (th• Goreroor) bu no& yo' bad the pl-ro or mHtior aod al Uta _. Uaa1 of upro.or bla earoeaUJmpatb)', with wb .. be aodar­itaoda Ia Uia moLln or lba IIIOI&!Dg .. Be­llering the adY&DOOCDen& of acriooharo to bo ol looalonlabla lmportaoco r.o th1 fotore or Ne•fotu~dland, aod uoderttaodlor U.o aoolal plbenog or to-dey, .. lateodod t.o bo thO OOmDliDCCIIIfUL ol a oomblned DOD• political o~ort for uaa• purpoee, Ula E:r.:­ce~aoO)', wh1lo wbbloJ. the bo~& aoec- to ..tbt rnoferDeol; deaired to oxproa.a lbe OplD• 100 that, w1th tbo escepbon of ladlridaal exertion, ootblog will lead more t.o pro. mote tbo object lo flOW, lb110 tbat form of t.IICCiatlOD wbac!J apart altogether from polllaCI, afford• opportanltlea for the 1otor· COmiiiUDICiliOD Of idoaa

1 the dt'V .. IOD of la­

bour eod cool tn exp41r menta, I he r.ompars aon of ospcneocet and tbe pabllo exhabt-11011 or reaol13 "

Ia propoalnlf tho third toaet, • Newfound­land ' coupled whb tho oamo of tho Pro­mter, tho Cbalrmao uad, he tbauked tbe boo Mr Thorburn and tbo rUler 11ootl<~meo for betug preaent oo the occulon llo ro ferrod to tbo lolorut the t>romltr took 1n

aanculturo, as lo•tanoJd io tba paulag of tho Aa• lcoh ilral llill He hd boeu •odao­td t.o go .. far u he did bl-lf booauee of tho eacoof!lgometlt lllt'tD to agncultaro by tbe Go•e romeot. Tbo tout huang been cordaoiiJ drt.Dir -

nos MR. 1 liORBORII, in r eapondlng aald be apprac:Jated highlr tbo lmport.ance of t h1a toast, ao<l tbur•gh It -.u generally re ­apooded to b,r a n:ltt fo of tbe oouotry he f"lt-aa bo b .. tl been tweotr Gwo yura m Newfouodlond-lhat he was thu Dtlll thmg to 'bcrng n nntrH 1 be chaarm an hftd j!ttru hun toa u:uch c redtl for tho lrule he h~d ~co nble to tlo an p rorooltul! agnculture llo h~d ucry '"'pee~ a nd •y•nvatby fo r 11gracultura•~ aull In tbr• bo wa.t only fol lottrng out bla u•lural lolhncll fo r in h111 early doye he h3tl bet n &~oJtucl~tctl with Ius b rother 11nd o•hcr rchttivtt who hr11l lo l lowe.J <~gracnltural pnreutta. U ar eortr rc collecuuus clurw to ua t.laroulll hfc M tboao n ound bun ha1l expenencu I 1111 I lor t ho reNton Ju" meouonotl b., hnd a '"""' lo• a• t fo r "~ raoulturt4ts ouJ took a ::rut 111 t~reat 111 their puraut13 lie """ 111rry wu c11uld not cou~:ruul~ll' our,rl•~, on tl " t iAiu o f t he couu lr) l luo"' • • clot flv h orn o•~ r COin( CtiiiOn C..:o lii>CIIII 111 ., a• t I 10 bu tl o hfc uf t r.ulr b II Ill O M CA•e I hu Ct Ulf ell uou to "b ch "o I"' c 10 cuutcn I •• " " ' farr J he rc '" <ly h.s 1n o ur It'" hns; 8houltl~r to ahoul l. r rn 1111\ln t <ll~nc~ of our n d ts 0 tr tubcrmcn u well ae our far m eu nre ahltl to cope man r Jr m~u watb auy to other p.r1e ol 11tu worl<l 1f tbuy l•a•o auytlung hl;o 1\11 equftl ch~nco I huu~o=h be d ad not Wl!h to trench o n the j:r.>uo I of other gcntloanen who aro tq apc~k of agracu ture hu uu~; lo t J ul lo• \""ri te I to a.~y thst t.ur fu1 '"" pr••~r~nl) drp<od• IMg~ly upon ll!; rtCUll ur~ r r l lll thu t:YJ tltuco ~fore them of •o 1111111 betull .. bto t u nu\illll\10 tl em1el• .. tu comlllft h) lann aug there ' '"' rll bo uo J o abt o f the •gn cul tUr<ll C:ll •btlriiOS of tiro <0 Ill try f he re •• not much lro ub" to ~ ut 131 d here I .:loti can be ha I for u a n~ll au u ITiueh Ifill rt 1'111 thu lobour of tho.lc "ho 1111 11 11 would alw,.ye be " ple' e nc 10 I'"' lo do what " "" Ill lua po"a fM the 11 te ro••G of the IIS:rtcnlturuaa wluch woultl be eorn1 n 1 blo ~trtb t ho 1ntertata of otbera llc kue<~ thl' 11gn Lultn rrsta "oultl nol be uorea~on a ble •ntl would not ,. a-h to place burlheoB u1JJn any ot laer d na of tt • ., cnruauuolly fu r thttr own hcnt fit It wu the ol J~Ct of rnOr t li'ICO IO 1011k0 M IIIIIch IIIOIIOY .. they cnul I 10 t he ahortcat poMtbl• ta rno 11nd a l thoul>h f rmora rn1,bt not become rich ~s fN<t aa ot henl yot bu kue w of no C<llttu~o: 10 <luch th~re wero au rnl\nyruolcpentltnt rueu fl e fnrmcr alway& bM a return for I 11 Ia bnr ftnd 11 1101 rn lhu p011itton of the liahenuau who ohcu louJ lue Y01'11ge wheu t here •• thu dcYrl to j"'Y no I DO flab -:3ught -It ou~h t he fi. 1cnnen thu year Ill\•., beeu

111 alrar~:h tened cuoumatancua the farmcra boll 11 l11irl) ~roocl year l11o hay AnJ potnlu crop "<lll fa1r 1\Dd the pr1ct1 were flOOd llo hoped t ho eoauwg and o ber ye:ua wonltl be 11111 woro remuuc ratlf• In rrtununc tblluka for tbo kurd mnVJcr 10 which be had boe11 referred to hf the cbnir!UI\n anti tbo •"Y 10 whach &he toast had beeo druuk be aatd aooaal gatbeno~:a like lhia do much to rub oil tbo aogula"'lea of pohtiCI\1 aod bu11 oeA fiYalrr and elltct great wood W hen tbor met aoothor year be boped be woolt.l hue tho pleaaore or be log able'W ooograta late tho10 upo' butog lta4 a moel proeper porous year and Ia conolutlon .. !abed Lbem at>• ndaut aucceu.-(Cbtera)

The v1c:e eblllrman a ex\ propoaed tb o foartb toast.-" Oar Trade and Flaberita. coo plod w1tb tbo oame or Str Arnbroao Sh~

l:!IR A\IDROS& Snu, Ia reapoodiUil aaid 1& afforded b1m grellt grata6cat10o to mu~t the farrue,. of St. J ohn L .lb.is lloroe l ndua trrea f ncouragement Soc1tty WM well hm ed If wo are to remedY lho exratiD~t atatu

Tho Su'bjoot of .Agriculturo of tb•o~ra, it I» only b1 tho rx emleJ opera has never before In ,he ht.atory of lhaa troua of IIJlncultural toJualriH tb" reme<ly ""-! d od can bo DltiiiDetl A ~:ru1 gap lla• been matio vo ony "" pecvlo recetv lhe 11111110 111 our reaourcet bf tbo d~ohn11 of tho aeal amount of 1\ttentlon wbtch, we are glad fiahory At l hle eeaaoo tu fonner roars, to 111y, tt hu dunng tho put t welvo or our atreeta would bo vocal w11b the aouoala tngbt.ecn moothL Thte, u our r011den ofaulm~ted urd nury lbero 1111 rul hng oil aro aware, 11 to be attributed, partly to of from &200,000 to S300 0' 0 a yeM 111 tho tb~ depreaod ooooattoo o( tho 11t.nplo 1n aeal fiabery, and to 611 thal gop in our duslraee, but pt~ltctpally to tho large en- trade we hne no quarter opcu wltcb t o ocumgomeot la~ly a1lorded by the Gov fall back •uccpl t ho exhJoaaoo of our agri

h 1.1, therefore, w1lb pro round r"Jret tbat I announce the rooe•pt, a few dar• ago, o f a telogreph1o meaaago fro111 tbe Secretary of

cultural reacurcee 1 nalle c:otn1 ol bo carrr om moot to all mtendmg, bond jid1 agn ed oo aueceaalullr ante .. wo ban employ cultur~st& It 11 great.ly to be hoped, meot for the laborlog popnlahoo And we then, thl\t obr pooplo will not only fully requlro" Yery largo IDCNlue.. We bue ae

R approotato but w11l take the larpt ad nro r.Jepreolioo no w btcauee '1'0 baYo to A IVITAL IN TR.AIJI 1a reported by of •L r b cooteod w1th oafa~r r i\'al..., I tre t-d· of

B h bl h--' vantage ... e tafor~ng Ctt"Oumet.aooc y ., '" ~

ST JoWl&, F&BT 17, 1887 s~to for tbo Coloolea, C!»Dt'Oyloe tbo iotl ~~i<U~t au l/OifQvablt a01tk_,. of matloo of tbo loabUIU' of Uer PdaJeatJ• tu £,gt.~lat1w c-il Gonrumeot to allo• t.ho Ulll for thiS" year,

owaog t.o lbo near apprOACh or the ftalllolf itr SptaJ:u 011d Gtatk!w." of 1M B_,_ -o, aod to tbe fad thal foro lao ~patat

ab/AJ llo'U4 oj A.Jmtdlg baa t.lread7 boeo erpeodtd In ooooebUoo 1 ban mooh pleaaQI'tl In meetro~r roo whb tbo -co'• opontlooa.

apia Ia aellioa, aod am apodall1 elad tbat l'bo pro111taod doepa&ch which Ia to &IYo at a tlroo of noua11altuOmoot, tho alfasra of roru.er oxplauatloo o~ Ule etouoda of thla l.llo Colony •Ill ba,.. tba adnota&e of 7001 doolaloo, bu oo' 7et arrl'ed Bot my co111blood attention mlulatera, loferrinJ from tho abon m--.•

I raerol lltat 1 am unable to o~er you my tbat a al1111lar ~· will bo penoltted t.o -anta14tioaa opon a ooadl tloo or pobllo taka alfoe& after lbo eqmfng -a, will proevoritJ. rortltwith eobmn t.o roo aool.ller ltlll whb

Tho tl~plo loduln.aol the Coloo1 haft the aame objoeu.. lf tbalr Ylo• aboalll dorior l.llo peal )'tar boto atteodtd wllb pro"• oorno&, I traat Ulena l.t roaacra ror YefJ aofortaoalt r-Ita, wbiob bafe •eri- bopl~ tbllt the oolo111 will elijoy patiJ oual)' alfootod Ollt popolalloo. att.proted proel)e~ Ia 1888 8ol .. tho

'I be s.J Filbert ... oniJ partially aac dolly of a wbofo7ear, wblab wUI eaut Yory -'ul.. &Dd &be dlllliolabea prodttoo 10ld a& oorioul- t.o the oolOtlf• hu booo ~rwum ft17low .priaM. abfS -.l0t1td 011\ o oootldtraiioo for

'I'be llomor aod Salmoo l'laborfeo were Imperial laieroota my loba"*u'a -~!:~ alao ucepliooallt aaprod11ciJt1 f'lljlCOMDtalloot t.o Ht~ Ma)ta.,...

At repr'de 1111r mooc hpportaul hidoriry, moot ncb u &hot 'liS>e WUI bilfl' iba1~t ~ coda....rr. lhl retulta ban bat& OCJ11Al· of eileufoa tW (1M w11olo w•flh• ~ lbl It uora,orabk .Uoor tla' ooni!Ofll eouta llarfbao allall ~t bo bor" b~ dill IDlaU of the lal'Uid. h U. boto &D al11101t oomplot.e oompsool&J failatei ~od OD tllo X..,.brador eow tb~ In qoachuloe, I ban to~ wfth rnu­qllaaUIJ of prot.laca 1111 bofD foll7 CIH-Iblrd lode fo 1.111 Allllltbl)', ~~t!"'•ii~ bae, lie low tlwt UI!"CO ~!141boagb fbo ricJao. darlftjl tilt peat J:OOt~ ~- eDtirt!7 fr~ tloo tJaQt oooa.al11ood lo tJ dnu;uotof oar u- fro!" rtaoie~~ 1~1illlo at..W. Slid &hat porte •• beeo probobl)' larc*fyOoln~a.&tc! die *MilD• Of oar pMJ>t-. 'Dot~ bJ thlaood fortune whltb attoncStcl dlellall. tbtir MrON &rlale, a.., oa the *'ole, •n ara~e" oa the &akl ao4 oo til• w..-. • ....... of oriiH. Coeat.a1 n•=he IG'~11taH lito~ 4,tt.,atlll ~ .. ., 1• .. ••111••• .. , ...... JOtar llat boeo lit IMd \J-'lh~ iltnM rest. del <I ..,_.., ..,.., .... oar .,..to., o( ~ JtcKII{~ *#&hi bbuiJ. •eelW. ...,, ..... U.. 1>1"- '*--luppor~ oolh.,.aH6'l of fon'l'plini 1.'" I hl;1 ..-I& tea .. ,.. .... 1o &be O.loef pel

Alflellltusl optnllou, lbonab lD eo... ltal*fle.

ntlJS papen pn Ia ""' at tbo l>og1n- I ,_ 1

tbe colonv ...... matotaaoio~> lt»elf manfully ni t I b. T Lo d ., enpgtog oxt.ellJIIYo y ... we cu llntton ' • ng q .. t moot he n on ,.ona.- auti witb JUdiCIOIII maoageroen' aud tbt tx tng .A.dHrlJNr romarkt ~at "tbo open of the lOti• aod tbua meel the benevolon~ tcotiOD of, ll(flcolture, be bolte•ed we tog of thfl yoar 1887 aboW11 a dUittnct tntonttona ol tbeJr rulen Ul the imt>Or• would aoon eoJ01 a aeuon or proapeMty trn(lro'l'emiUlt in ~be 6uanotal poattlon of t.ot matter ot tb1 oxteneton o£ 1111~ul He refoTTed to eloquent terme to the Hall t.lte oouotry u oomn.rod "ttiJ tba' of tutel purau114 m t.be oldoat colony o£ 1.1111, aod exp{oued tho belief tb&t wbeo

l~ tbe Hutiah Emparo 1 r.nd t.bua (t.o quote nell rreoea1o4 tO'ctb• l~flal Gonrmhot twoho m onth• ago More than a 101lr f..-.,. H i .E II • b t tb tt.w.outd Heei(e th (oy•~·t.. Uo abo w­hack men of bUIInest aaw s•gna o~ a ·---~• .xec ency• •p;ec • e od tho aofaar compouuon Aploai wbJcb revlfal from the ~tapatlon or trade, anti openmg ""0/. the Legialature t.hla wllllk) oar 6aben:eta ban to coato.od from t he at the commonoemont of 1886 bad fatr t!. may W bopod tba~ ono roanlt. oJ the bouuty fed ftthormeo of F1aooe, aod t bo roatane Cor congratulating thomaeh ea outl.ay ID oco.uootwn wtth tbt.a 'llJtlen&ton cbangod condition of thloga a! nee they wero tbac tlae orortt wu ont Mon•r _... wtll bo moroaaotl lltteuuon on tb& part. o~ ~&,llore1t.~ bo...m"lr.et, q( Spain,

Plontifol , tbo boldert of Jt wa~ &tred of our people to the coltinUoo. or tbe ~ aqs1 1-1 .Fortoerlt thor tap­lOlL "Piled ftly lbelr owo marl:e~ tbey now

u( ~f'plDJ h locked up I.D afe io,eot- H iiJ WILla mDoh ' plOU'Clre Wll record tupplJ tb ... p~ Wltb ~,()00 qtla. flab menta at"mlalltnteroa .. and n..-ytblng tiki aubJOinod ot~nac:et of JOmo of aoouallJ• Hi' cooaludtd 'a apiritod aod aeemod to betoken a o.ow era of entet- load tlatoamanllko epeeob by eaylng tbo dlooer pme.. rho. bopea railod by thla ·--~Ill our lnlt pomloWla a,nd. otqere or our of lbo Fanoera' S.C~oo o( tb- HOllll 1o-aft'altl "ere o.o~ flon•er ruli.aed .. OJtiaeu lA ~d t.l tb.plijoc$ qt agi- dutriw Society marked a new ora lo• th rapt~J .. wu ospoO&Id I(.., of oouroe culture m ~ht.a ooootry Oom.IDf lrom bllto'lof .Newfottodlaod, aod oae wbleh be lmpc)qi\Jii" i to •t' "'hU the ocmUl ' 1oob a 10uroo • lhoae do, we feol aore bope wo wollld bo able t.o look baolt to u

ubtt ._ (, b , g t our readers will perlllo lh• 1agra a 111emorablo dar from wblcb t.o data lba •:-c'w ;~hi~ hl:a') ~t;• oer- tt'e remarka mado wftb iD&trta' and oro p..O.perlt.J llnd ladepoadeoct of tba people • 1 mre • Y r e l' aQ&. ' truat aliO "itla pro&t _ ofl11il ooaatrJ-(Oboora.)

boooa 'baa, ::• Jut, --: "''th a 8m At St. Jobo'a oo Jut S.tcuday afiereOoo. 'I'b• llltb tO..&-" _..,lcallura," ooopled OYernmo )loma ao t.peue ~road, WI learn from oar ooatomport.rJ tba Colo. wit., ~be ~e of Sir W. V Whltaw"J, ....

thete ie fiWiry reaton to oope ..tbat lbe "ut, the fa'rmll'a' aoodoo of tba HOCIIIIDdaa oe:r.:& lo order aod •aa clrqat wllb eDtb'DI-~~ of 1888, wtll aet • atill larwor lriea ~elJ, and Uloir aaoote, .a do we to JMUl 1m ro•emen\ thau tbarwblcb wochroa.i "ao ordloafJ dlllotr • preparod in Mr Sta WtU.Ull Wll\nwn, lo tb"!lk~UI• oW Ill tllo ooat•bneemou '011887" Fof¥'• boa& •lJia,lo tho epacioaa dlolor ..... bl.,. for lbo Oortllal Wa.Jlo wll bla

tiU LoodOii GleltdiWI, ,..,, taket a bill oftbe AtlaOUo Uotel Altar tb..t... flaoda DIIM bad bato roooi,td, -.Jcl oar • hop!(lll YMW" of Ule lloaneW llitaa&ioo ._a NeD cloao &lllpla jaatloa to, Joll'll' Stacl tural rtaooroee war1 of aaola aac'JI a \Ira' I• ~~'!• ttau " i& 11 cpoa• •loiaf~ to dr, .FAa, Ybo .-d u abalrawt, wilb G UJ.,. w•ro ftw, II• bol .. ncl, trbo woalcl, ID 8Jul tbal '" ,Ioom ~~ whloh th &ql A1 lftiid•JI, FAit , u alliltao&, oalltd abo tbla r.Deredoa, t.. able to approolale ...._,

,.., botaA u. ba paf CIMUilnt ·d~t- t:trJ1J' .. o:J:I.;,~f. b~<:._!h.~ ftO: ~ • =~~f J-.!.,1110~a:d' ia u:.~ IN. Tie Ia a,.. to, U:.e .,.., CJ~ .-.poelor tile~~ loal6, "81a .!zotlloiiOJ .. , qllllleitill to malatalo tllo ... da. a::-~ Olllt Uae ..a. fDOO~DI &1.• dla GoYaraor," &be Cllalmu •rc•d ~ ll we W bMa l(lltlo otaretlTt&, .. ,...w

Page 3: -4Kif4Gcollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGrace... · lor ~!22,.85; and tha t the Life funde Ly the additions mado to it •• the reauLI ol tbe year'a uperaLiona


GRACE ST.A.NDARD. . ttt __

0 own buo bad na• rtaloot of 6ne la'rl· cultnral IIUida opened np Ud l"ttld7 10t1. HtUement, Hut tbe oouotry had been decried aod tbe exleolioo of tbe 1allway bad been "rnttnted. or tllla lao* " bifl, in bia poueaaion IAdlapotable nltlenoe.' From tlto anm•lt of Spr .. d Eaala reak, laod io abuodAoee mia\t be -.een, wblcb only required bomao d'on to tofU loto em1llog fielda. Tbo l&llle Ia true of Sal­mooier, Gand~ RiYW, ~plolta eod tbe C od roy Valley, wblch contained a •ut &er· ntory awaiting tbe toll of the buabaodmao ~o beeowe a moat prodiX!tiYo country Go to tbo Ulue Book aod you wtll flud india­p utable proof of tb- flloCte. 'l'bele laoda have r..;matocd uodnoloped for &jlft. aod i t would bavo been batter to ban loft them io po•catoo of tho Rod Mao, drheo from t bo foi'Ollt, than to bno pur~oed tuob a dog­to-tho-mange r policJ tn regard to tbom, u bu been a dupted. Why baYo tbue laodl rematned to all ucecltin&ed a tate? If we wtll trave l back wo wtll find tho ao•wor. A poltcy waaeoforocd in early tim01 agaioat t ~11 cou ntry whach wu o no o f tbo worat lln~coo tllo codu toY~ tiiUe:i by a S tar l bM\Iber. A few wetl.-couotry mercluotr "~ut~-d tho co;~otry to uae atmply for Oab. a n~:. a od they kept tt Ia the baokllt onad. llaJ U.o "''"" eae rgotao meoca been tekoa to ~~e ttlo uroo and culuyata tbo Ianda of thu colony II were t.akou IU ttenlt ~100, f.,r aoatance, they woold DOw bo blooauog IC• rdeat . To &cttle or eua to at.ayto Ne w­foundland WU ID OYOf'J WaJ ddCDO,ragcd, end 11 waa a beaaoua e nmo to hnng a wo­man, to reruain io tho country. Now(ound ­!•od wu cousaJc red to l.o u a abap UIOOr­ed on tho baolt:a, from wbach to proeocuto t ho 6 aheraea, or aa a barren rock to anchor N3ll to Newfouoaland bu tb~.~a beoo"" 11nfoatunate country lie referred' to tho n JCcllo rl o f tbo l!aat Otll, and to tbc effo rts t lol\l had beeo formerly mad o to aaat.aiu

hart.- s0 nrm 1 D eeCJ W..rU recelted­tbal It wu t}lou~bl adtlatbl, to re~' h; lbia wu dciM iMl ~1• btf6ro qu'\Je u eatbaelutio tboaab 11ot oucU1 u larao au aodlaoce u tbat of J4.! prooecllag oaahc.. l'be ~ra&Dmo had beeo urefu'IJ arnoa·

- Tile •~mar lAdy Ulotlff' leaY«a fo.r St. J ,obo'a at 7 o'cloo,lt oo &loadaymoroiog.

-Dil 8RIT1Sll AND AMERICAS ~AILS, per S. S. Ntll'fo•,.dland, arrlnd at St. Jobn lut u culog, and wu rcotlYOd hero by t be oYcrlaod rou te tbla morning at 10 o'olocL T ho return mea II will lea.JO bore by Mood•J

New Advertisements. Advertisements.

A. n cn ltua ~I I OCtdtlet tbarty -fiyo yeara ago. l ie tltou~;ht that tbero wu a frN!It laclt c f 1 • trooll••n io Ne wfound laud, owtn~t chaeRJ

, 10 10 ltttlu capo tal, cotDparauorely, beang ann etcJ tn 1\j!n cu lturo lie q uoted Ad am !:'rn11b, to ahow tbat no auveatwu1nt wou ld be

f,•r or )h•IJ u. oro ccrt~an retu r n Not · " a•hstauolonc tho go cat drawb• cka to whtch I ~ ~ewfounollaud fanuc rt had been aub· J • t• ol t loe r coulta were uot u ou1a11dactory Un lookan~t a t the ~neue for 1~ 1 ho: lvnnol Ll •t the y tc ld for tbM ) ~•r hlld been,

II• T - !~1 1 I • n• • • i tt! ·- .~&.;.~~~~ tlO \\ t llt \ r \ 114 k LSY - 4b.! luu •I ~~ ~ ··! Oll ll.tT .. !..••J 1-tu• d •=lk- :l.!Sl !_oil} l t TAT •K"' • U I~t+l l lrf• • • JI 30"-.! '.iiJOU l l"'' l l"lo - .! J (Jttt~ hu "' • lMlc .. _ .. . 1 •.:0 1 00

t Hh• rl,• t ftll lh• ~ l l i& Ltl.,.l ,l ..!ll., VO Ut n Lu-! 1: '"" ' tt>• •• ~ • G\ :-ttb •JO

·n ••. to~rtlotr '"' h the onall: el!j!ll, abet p• lo•H·flc~ I:•"" c•bbnj!u aud uther ""~··tables, '' ... ~ 110 IHCOUSh.l e rl\lt lc a m o uDt ( n ron t"'IU i:C .. u lnJ niAJu a ~t1rr1u~ Appt:'ll to tLc (:•ruh. r1 1 h I Sill a,: th~ru t o ~e tru t! to t lecrn ~rhM AIIOI IO c,e that tl• r ) were prol't•r ly ro •'" "'' '" ' ' I lty far wcrt au tbe le;;talaturo ( th"" o )

'fho! ~a. th to:\llt-" O ur \lanu foe turtn!! ntH! \l tu~r. l JuJUAi ri<O' ~011 pled With l ht• U , l ltf" or l !lr•wtt Atas;:d F -q • M r t.. ... f~Odcd t h \ t h '' ..,:, ••tlcmau, • ho • tt.tal t h :u IH: x t to c ••r h .. l,tu .. an I a.:rtc tJ itu rAl auterto~l' caaue t l. -.: lltr\uHf tt.:t l riU~ lnd u•lriCA l- ruu1 t he ,.. 4r, ,~,. \\,,,. , lmd IU tt!IHh~d t l•o m~t uufac

hl .. t '<~~ ~ ' h ·la ht• t hcen l'd::. ld 1"'hl".l hc f'"(! • o h " I ='- ..:u;\ r f\ n h c t hat. otl•vre would tJ••Hr& lft IU ttf 1,!1\ t l\ \ ._ ,h ly of p r ufiU.1Jit \'mJJIO) tne: h t 10 J. ,._u uuru~ra <J ( o u r JlOp ulauuu l i e t nhlttf l it,,. l.t"_ lttla.t u rc • o u ltl tu fHt"fii\' " ' J , ,, p!l~ .-urh lll t"IU llrt'l u ,. outJ l...: tushl t~u

C()H UIUUit) J:t Clrl MJiy nnd fiH t fllt"fd ) '-" ''

r iC h ~ ' " "' \ \ llh ~ue" lrl(tolathHI hu be· h f' 'ft' t au r l t1Ano1ac tunu6l IO..IUttrl e d wou d ' Ono r-.:aeh 1\ rJ,uanstn u a,c c uot.l 1t1on Autl ~:rM .. I r.••uiiJI fo r t lo~ ~ tneul II:OO<I of .\ e w l" uaullarul, * Onlol f<~llo • l lorou!;b tb., llowc l u olu< l rl~• "'llC>d y ( <.'lo~en)

I n r, pl 1 to ~ to>!\BI to baa b ral tb -J ut" ' II h llY FF<t .. -.sad the A~trocultur.

I\) l ll l t ' rt-"1111 o r th~ cou ntry w e r e \"'l taf I ll

h rt fh! r\ lar~t1 Ultl\IIU r e o r CUCOUraQe· lilt Ill w-. ~& l t'f'lll t r r-d , " ud nn t~~tul l v .llhAIIJ 1•ulr~y It t r. frrr~cl eloquently to the an l t' f"t: llt fu,. ru rcdathr rl anJ I U IU&e lf hl\d I U

-~ < " r .. u nolloud and behevct! the beat -~)' I t ~ could t hu w t hat tn t.,rrPI wu t<> do " I at lr, c-ou ld to lo tlp to d e vd o1•e ott "II" c:" UIIu~l r t IOU t C("Il lf fArtnH\ '-! w e r e r ro lh-c-uCrtl c-ut:r t:c tlcally wo wo uhi have no <:I_ANI ol t ho conuouualy u ckau!t paupe r rc ­locr • l lu • lui•JeCI req uare• lbu attont•on of o ur W• t nnud• , It deruanda the &cltOD aod tho a aoJo ao of tbo lrrpalature There 11 oo cuuut ry In 1bo world 10 wbicb thu aoloreata of tbc f:.rmt ra aro 10 auucb neg lected

T ire bra!tb ,pf the V acc c ha,.aan , Mr Heociell, wu next touted, fo r wlu cb be ro­t o lllcd thankl.

Tbe beAltb of :'llr J 4bn D•re r ~~eerc!a rJ Of thO f~rmera' l eCIIOD, Will alec> d ratfk With d ue honor, 10 reopon~e to whach \ho> ~"1, on betu!! c • lled on. thAl h., d ad nO' <L!llle a~:rte wllb Sar \V. V W b11e wa1 u to t here Leong auylarge q uaoutrof guod l~nd rn tb~ • •c•olly of II arbor Graoo J unction Farm· l og, u puraued by oar pt'Ople along tb ecaboar I of our ltlaud •• labo rwu• wo rk t be aoil 11 t hao a11d ~e~~aty, yaela m)l hulo or uN htnj:' 'I' b~u oot we ll t il It'd a nd manured II ow Jaffereu t wou ld be tho rUJili.j f tbe people eo uld be 1odoceJ to move to liibre luor~J • t>ota, and fo rm colontu uutlc r tbo aa pervw ou o f a paact teal farm~r. whoN> d uty It abo uld be Lo g oado a nd darrel thom OU tho lll k ll&(COIIICUI Of tb~ I:"OUUd 1! 11 conU!oJdNl tftat 1bo only • y ldt ua to ad­nnoo tbe &gn cul turol a a eroota of l' e w­fnW~tnrl, Ia tbe eatabhah eut of farrrlog colom..a o n tb- good t racll of laod wltltio t he J>rnanaula o f AY&loo , •• wdl 11 In more d lltau t localitiea -(Cbeou)

lias LoRDSBil' tbo Cluef J uauoo, S ir F U T Carte r, K.C.M G·. on Satu rday laat etUtined btl 6 th birthday Upoo tbfl J udsce. t.alt:ing their ae.ta on tbo Oe ncb, S ir W alham W hltoway , K.C. M G., 111 ' he eco ­aor member of tbo Bar, rote aod atl&t.otl Ia a few we ll chOMn aoote- tbe pltuo re be felt 10 being the'tmodioua of -nltica4iog to the <Jh1tf altMttOe &II. ("U4 plllolllte wloiela the lojlal"tratorolty felL io orp~og tboir wann and boaf\y COn~Jfttolatiooe apoa hit tbll day altain1og hie G tb birthday. Sar Wilham reftn-ecl to the pleuarable ~oe­t.ioot which lbe Bar esperieoced Ia the ~..-hie, MeWII ud Pfaltuio•t relation• wbich had ao lung- tJia~ betweoo Bla Lordabtp &ad t.jte Uu, wltbaomo for a long­er, with oLbert for rl-r period.

Tbe.cblel Joatioe.w1U1 e'l'ideoce pf atroo1 fee liar al tbla u, be l&ld, oon:pectod aod warm u~oo ef klodly Mot.iment aod reprd lll&olfcetlld to J.lm b7 tbe Bar, bearlily tbrukecl t.lle -~~en ibdl•idully .. d coll.etlnty. Hla Lonlablp am.l,&bt he bad been CIODoeetecl WJtb &U ad..u.Je. tratloo of tbe latr for a periOI! of 6J ,...,., aud ~d t~m of bw JrMkacle to Pro­,.lde oee for btl prNe&t atato ~ baJU. wbloll lau•rlJ lie ... happy 10 .. ,., ... ury pod. lilt Lonltblp ll .. rtliJ tb~ked tbe PAr for U.lu.-,-Joa of fHliac wldeb ~u burlily rtai,_a.d by Ill•.

TIM &rAlltiAID I• n\endiog to the Chief llll&lee , .. ...--~ ODilC'*Uala&Jollrt , .. ,. ...... Ia IHa& "'ciat ..... ....., -IJ•a•t. of •• trhle ol &Ale people ot tbit ooaotrJ, Ylle will .. ad aU iel• .. tiM .Martftl& ......... ua. ~..._ _, w..c. be" ............................... , , .. &Ad &Jideela _. ucliiDppl ... aw.,.


(roa TUI ILUUI()Il OUCI ST.llfO.UO •• • - · r

AUual KeeUJ~a ot the O.tbOuo a.u .. 1 ' TOlen~~ SooletTr •

T CDtpcr!lllct H oil, l 7landay, Feb. 10, 1887 f

1ed,tbaa: · ' • •' ~ ' _ ~OQRUUlE :

1 Ollqcu- bi"'Obolr. ~ ' t 8olo-ilr.: Jd . WOOa'L • I U..dlag-1\n . 0 . Ou:a. 'lioor- Ww ~ WOOIUI. 6 8olo-Wro. IIU.artlt. G Dlalogaa. 7 Solo-llro. Tntoa.

. , · .. c;

:;-~£ Nno. 8ANIC FISUIIT,.wo are glad to aee, Ia ye' beloa p&ld IAoob at&eatloo to by, o!lr owo people We obt6no by tba Cape Ana Adi!Ut~Mr tbat the opw aohCNDet W. F. M of.'o!J, wu a ahort tlmo ago laaoeb­ed a t l5bolburno for M_.. W . ~ A. Urad­abaw of Placentia. '' Sbe It well aed aolld· ly bullt. " Su~ to tho '~a~ I

p~orolog'a t(1lio~ •

By Telegraph.

1a aoeordaaeo • ith the rul• of tbo So· oietf, tbe Aooivoraary Ueneral Moetiog or Ita lbembers wa.a thll d&J COIIYOIIod.

Tbe l'reeideot, Joaepb Ioootl, Eaq., oo I &aklog tho obatr eo oJiratulated lbe l)octety oo tbe reepeotablo attoodaace o f Ita rut ru· bei'L Tbe roll bavac11 been called and oLber IUUII bualotll dllpoaed or, Lbe fol· lowing r eport waa aubmitted :-

8 Plano ,\ Ooa.,-ll ,. 't'a i'M'I .t llr llu.&lOtT. 9 Solo- Utu Oou Wcou

• -A. S ElltOUS ACOIDI KT, on Sua day week lut, befell a daughter of Mr. Jobn Couro~to. of tho •ppor part of tbla Io wa. Tbe younfl wo man, It aooma. was proceed ing to a tank In tbe neighborhood, for a pa ll o f 1nte r, wbeo, aljppiog o u tho le<1, abo Ml belpl~~ly bACk war\1, bor hc11d roceiv1o1: a 'very hea vy blow, lbo etrecta o f whicb WCN aueb u to reode r ber o oco nacloua. Sad to aay ahe hat not yot paaaod cooaciouaoeaa ; t ltct ap pu re to baro au ole into a deep atupor from wbacb at ia impo..,iblo to ro~.~ao her. <.:ooo~•oo of tbo bnun 11 feared

R rroar or nt£ OrFtccr..s or me CAntoLto BI HEVOL&Nr lRISII SoctETT FOR me TI.AR EffOINO Fnnuur 10, 1887. To-day , oo wblob our term of omeo ox·

pi rea, It ta our duty, a ccor d1og to tho Coa­atitotlon, to lay bcforu you a brief atata.: meat of all m•ttera rolatavo to tbo prooeod­loj~t of lhe Society for tbt put year.

In lbe ftrat place, we hue mucb pleuure 10 be101 ablo to coo~ratulato tho SoCiety that ita preeeot coodluon, uotwitbat.aadlog tbe bard Uo1ca, '' u proaperoua 11 could reuonabl.r be u pectcd

The a111oont placed io tbo baoda of tho Comm•Uee of Charity for the reheC of tho poor bu bOlla d11tnbutod Ia accordauco wath yoor rCAIOiutaoo.

Oo tho 17tb Maroh, tho Foaatof lrclaod'• I'at.rou Saiul, tbc l)ocaoly UJOt to tboar room a, and proceeded 111 proce11ion w1\lt full regaha, aocomP.-oied by thotr two Handa (Orau aod Ju-rooalo, Flute aod Orum), to tbo lt. C Catbedral, end Utll'.cd at tho llol! Sac n­ti C<J of tbo Mua, cele brated on St. 1 a track 'e ~tltar b] tbe HeY F. 1) McCartby, Spmtuat Uarrcto r of tue Soca~ ty After Mua tho l)ocaoty, r ofonniur lulino, marched t hrough tho towo to thei r rooma. aod dlabaaded.

T loo l'rouurer'a Accounta, oow aubnntted, aho w tho ftrauca: cood•tloo o f tho :Soelety to be aatlafactory. t.ud l hat atraot coouo any hu beau pracused to keep lho e.spe udaturo wuhan lito> t walleat hmatt

\ \ o CllflrGt to bave to record the d eath of tlareo wo rthy member• wuhan the p:ut J CIH oawely, ~lachael J . F lyou, Wtllillw Q ually , and ,Jftruel Flenamausc

Ot. tbo t Gtb Ap ril tho Soeac ty'e Banda ( llraa. aud Ju ven1lo) wbach wa aro happy to lAY are an flOO•l wo rking order, 118i1ted at tbe lay tn~t of tbo co roer s to nu In tho new <.:athohc t;burob at ltivur llead , Harbor Gnco

I n coacl a aaon &llow 111 to than It ynu moat 11or~r~ly for your o rde rly And rc!apeclable attr a d anco oo all oc:euauua dunug tbo put yoar

( HuapectfuiiJ auhm a:t~d) JO:S~.PU lNNO IT.

l"reiiCinot JOII~ l' K E~~ EU\"


·n,c bu., ne.,. of t ho year be•nR t hua oom pl~ted tho O lfice r11 YDC&Lud I hear tO& Ill, aud C.\pL \Ytl ham ll eu neuy wu called to t he chaar I he el.ctao n of of6eoro l or the < n ou" ' lt yea r then took plac:.., a od ruulted "" fo llows II•• f' f) llrf'arlhy :ip' r i!val n oN rtur J o .. ,.ph l u n•"~U re·~lt"C'tod l"rt.-• .. dmt t'•~ l \\'11\ ll enUOAI)' l ~./'rtiWk'lf J•nH~ t: • ll"u• u l 11 . , , ' J• , hnm•• c . ... rl y f'1~ 1rtd dn do 1 h ruu Rcr• l•P r e· .-IC"C"ted 7 f"t'~-'"""'" fL ,_.e r Scully Aut T rtWMN'r

J t t,n I ' t\t'n nfW11' olrcted ."i~-.Yd ~~~ )S 1 h aa l 0 Ur um · Jr , .C a.JI ,,.,....~1ur1 \V1Ih am r S c uiiJ rr,.mtnot i5tn'Yfnry I t. ahp t vll..l' t r&-oiM"ffl'(l (. 4rt•r C rH'"t ( 4 r r 1ty

9 • • lrl KouoedJ ol..eted CWi""""' l luo<t<J ~•J I • .. f .. ~"' ''"~

l'~~o fri<"'k f •rre tl e lected CJ,~f Jlw 1 \+JI l 'a t r k k Morar hy Aut Jlar•-' •I

Coii!UTTU Of CIIARITT- :\I u .. u f' ht llp l ul l>c rt (t.Antrrnn" ) ltaeh~rd Lahey , J ohu J F lynn .Jamu Walib J ohn Lat. he • :Sto pheu :Sbea.. J nhu Slae ndeo l'in.o tby Kd l) Wtl ham Walth and Ho~ter T horocy

COlUIITTEt Ot fhVILII' AND COUIIESI'OSD­ENCC-\Ieoara C harlu 1.. K~ooeJy, Jr , anll J uhn l#'ltty (of Robert )

u .. s u l tJ )IIIITTH-M~urs .fo1ep h I n­noll, \\ olloom llenneuy. J amea {;allan"'' 11tomu :St rapp. P hah p t;olbcrrl , 1'1\tnd Mora ru y, J obn P. Kennedy aod Machael 0 Uuen Jr

T be O llicera cl~cl took tbear pl~o~•. and 1omo routtne b u11neu bnu•sc bee~ J a1poet d of, a f olo of ~hankt wu accorded t<> C..:opl \\ alham lleuoeuy for bll k1od nou an tak . ang the cha1r and for tho aat~afactory man or r an wbach be cooduoted tbo buaaoeu o f the moecar;,~ The following reaolutlono wore U>en aifOf>ted -

Ruolrcd - Tbat abo tioc:loty bere reoorJo 114 •ytt1pa1b7 wllb lbe rol•t i•M oad frleodoi ol ru•m­'-" dee-ood durialt lle put JMr

RL>o/ffil, - Tb•t tbo f.dftN of lb~ DAalloa Ou oa I>TA!<DAIIJ> IUid lbo l'.dlt<>ro ol olber oo•• ,,.pore who ~ubllob oor repnrto trr•tnlloooly are J ,.ervtog lbo ~~ tbanko u / lloo Suc:lot7

JOSEI'II IJ:r(~O 11', J 'rtlidt .. t

JOHN P KENYEUY. & crtta• y

((0 11 Til l! llo\UDOR OIUCI! 5TASDARD)

_9hriatmu '1'ree at Beart't Oootont

For tho Jut toveral wao tera a Cbr 11tma1 Tree baa bea u held hero bJ t loo wombora o f tho (.;huroh of l..:nglaud Wome n a Au ocaa ­laon for tho purpoN> of rcutOYtng ' " " d~bt tbat 11 no w oo tbo new Cbo rch Tb~ao occuauno aro alw&Ja looked fo r •trllnl to wltb eagornOIA by tho people, a nd eo tt wa. tha\ tho '1 r te of this year wu a Yory n o ting and bralhaat affAir.

10 IWcltolloa-llr. W4JLillotT. 11 ClwruJ-T be C'bulr. 12 Dialogue 18 SoaJr~Wfu 0 Uoon•. 14 Duet.-ltlr• J.una and llr. A:.aa.. 16 Soa~e-llro llor am u . 16 Solu-llfu ll DAttTIAITT. 17 lJia logue


Tbo p rocoedA of tbo four n tghta nmoont· ted to o.-er £ SG.

It may be added tbnt the floc atylc to whloh enrytb a o~: was aoao 11 to bo attn· b utod I? tbe l&bor nod ooer;:y of r<lr &nd Mra. C..:rooo, who worked uottrn:scly T hey wero aaaiated by n fe., lad iu of tho consrc ­gatlon Ia aapplylng tho HoCroabmoot fnb le, a nd by Mr. Ant~e l m· tho preparation o f the moaical port1oo ol t~o pro!!rammo.

It If to be hoped tba~ li ra. C rnno m•y haYO mapy moro opportuoatiet he re. of dtA· playang her ual io briog~n~ fo rwftl'tl \hee~ me.,ua of e nter tainmen t ••hicb tend to en hYon thaa otberw11e dull place, ftad eo ll\rgo· ly a1d ao h~:h teuing tho burdensome d ebt that at pr~cnt resteou the moot magoa ficc ot wrn.den church an Nowfo und ll10d

H eart a Con tcut, Feb 6, ' lo1



Hard 'runes o.t tho WoatwRrd - No F ,.b thoro- T ho Provo.lonco of M co.sloa ,&o

C. ltat~•ad, Feb. , I S.S7 It 11 s tall tbo umo J o ldul talu I bnvo to

toll of no fi•l•, and M n cont c•t•te ncu of 111 aomo •natancu , no foe>J F rom Llltlu Ul\y to Cape J (ay 11 11 \ ho u.ooo cry, thon.:b m f Onto p lncea thoy 11ro mueb wo rao orr thno llthura I IUS at lto80 Ulmucbo a wcuk • go, nnJ dun n~e the fuw tl~yK I wau theN, et~rnc fort) o r nao ro a blu hod1ed J><'"Oill ap phcJ fo r rohef. Fruut tblll plll~o I c 1mc alone: aboro u fa r 115 thas, nr.d 1n ncnrl) all tho u ttle mr ul, tho •a nte Md sagb t o f anun , wo ­weu. suo! ctiiJ•ou IICto: , half clntl ~uJ l>tt t poorly It tl had to bo looked upt~u • ~ o fit b" a:f'nu~ of oouuo uo fooJ nu I DO c :otb· IDI( or bu~ ~cry little o f euher l e>r thu p'>or llsherm~11 ft n•l their tMnlhra W be 11 eacl; n~a.a follo w& upon ~ illd th~tr .:o ntl tllon IS tudce.J r 11aful In IIIOM u f t bc ACIIIC· m~IJUI to t he eaetwnrd u f thiJ, tho peoplu ha•e load the moL'! lea \: o unJ: llnd nlll ,. e re llnckuu do wn bJ them l o Sell l C o><. w11h 1\ po,llt iat ton of t .oo h untlre<1, CY~ry bo use " "" " ho•p•tftl 1\ ttcn I wae t~cru a fe w da) 8 fti(O Some h~ri t hu rueM ies 10111" " " 11pclao 1111•! ollrne we~ onrTc rt njl from col,h W ttlu u 1<11 •lay• MIX "duh~ nnJ c111ld rcu b >ol dtcol I roan one c~uMJ o r noo lber f "d o th el'll oeetu<J lol d y tu full<lw them ~·or 111,, 8.1\k t! uf tf'H U UUI} Ill rhu m:l.tte r u f r hI t wu falllt l i.~l h td au Ar V• rAI l~~&t•n••va lak~u "I' the ar q unrt c tfl 10 til ., o u a I10 111C ~ u nc J." d beds All t l Lt.:, J.hu~o:. 1\Ud otLC" r8 lat\d fi•H)o lllh,

lout tho t.••<· ll••nr to he Uf"'O ~"'" were t•ut ut' Hl t nt! &t• t• r o •m e t o k t!et• o u t l h t• culd , 1\ud there l locy l~y-4tck . coltl Anol b ut h l\11 ft.: d Ut) hr~"l WH~tOU&. r athe r '"" o r nou}.,.,.c• 1u ~oaun C'i\l!Ca, wu the unly fno• l " l1t h "n'• t he JUd t a.o tl t h u ao uu d 'hk~ loa I to W fed I hlo wu not AO 111

nil 01 ~~ •' II the lllftJ•ortty of c.uu , bnl, wtt'• 80 mt h Alf ll• : • n t J:Ct•pu oua I t wa'l tlat.! f"OII

•Ill too '" " har h I fo uu•l 1h~ p~oplu 111 tl"t eettl cou~u• A dA) or two's ft6h lll ll woultl, hu ""c • N "" "'' " l! rel\l d tiT<' renco 1n the t>h ce, bu t lltere tA M yet no &Jlpe&r· aucc of ftiiY ch~n.:e an tho weMhtr whacb would l••"d to liD)' hopo o f A eb&ngo• an tbear nonoluan n I hu teo too bu como au upon " ' lrvm t bo G u lf Some fuw ek aiT• ha' o boo n on t " " t ill' fidh iOJo:· ll r'>unda tl nr tn t: ~he Jl""L fort lltg lol, b u t t boy dtd verJ llltle M IIOIIIIDI;

Local and other Items - IJI!, Tftl/1 ED 1\Y fa fiE was tho l'rt<SI 8

new d welh oll hou1o at 01riln Uall, Dooav1ola Uay, o no na.:b t taco laAt we~lt No p~r­u culara ba, o bren received

1 nr. ELECTtos or memben1 for tho Pllrh ll· ment of Ca nad'fi, recoutly d •IUOivcd , Will

t.ako place oo T attday next. Uoth l"''~•ea ~~eem fair ly ready for the cootut.

- The 110tcrtalomon t pa Yen by tbo llar­t.or G race M anatrol T rOUI' D In tho 't otal Abttlooace llall ou MuodaJ e vening la•t waa •ell patro nlactl. Tho cu tort.alnmoct wu not ao well r ende red u o n Iormor OC· oulona, oYtng no doubt to t he abortnaaa of 1bo time ao whacb tbo p rogramme wu p ro· pMod.

- O DIT.-Scarcely a week patec~ but we haYO to record the pataing ll•ay of aome " o ld famlhar Cace." To-day It tt our melaoeboly Wit to eh ronicht tbe doeeuo of ooe of llra t~ua'e oliltn and mon oatce mod ctti~eoe-the late ltl r George O nAbuo-who lo r a nu mbe r o f yCU~ bold tho tnl por i.A ot poaaLio n of aub-colleeto r of cnatoma for tbat port. Mr. G u&b ne 1 deat b •• roucb a ud de­t or..ecily regretted lt u f11mtly aod lracurJe ba YO our d eep aympMhy

- " C Uiltnslrt £3 flll.l¥ n tc l-i l'R'tOO i fl lt lc.uu,.;·_ Wo p<1bh1th lu tlnr the c•"• · clu I Ill,( JK>rltou o f t laM ~'"') aut~rntan,: , 1t ' '

to &.&y •a lu~bl ~ pApar llftt llcn b1 ll t3 f.,,,,. Abap t ho lion ~lr J <Utlee P auAuut , f) C I. \\' e k uow t la.>t our pooplo wall rral tit~ pap<1r "'"h plenauru ' • well ns auto ·~·t . au I wall re-echo tb~ upuuoo • n ucat ly ex pre •• • rl by tho lo3raed J ud~e. vat. tbnt 'tf au tnruau~t to • oo 11'1\ll t!H fad an~: ptctu res of t he old t uuca au Xowfouudlsna.l tloc j:r ll"r~ l re!l lor hero ahall fed M kue" an ao tcr<· t m peruaao.: tboar outhoea na I h:~1 e b::~ol 111

rcocu tn lC tbom fro m tho t.luaty lumb~r room of tho pa!t, I shall bo fully ropa ul fo r t hu t roublo llna article hr\11 cost rr:o ' " It u for u s to r~Jo•eo a nd be ~lad tha t hd lt o ~ot 1\1 t ho atepsba1'o been aa t he pro~:re~3 l rum eu ly barbMuut to prCIIen t ca Yalu~taon. w e llro now to tbe po~eulon 11nd enJO) mcu t of all t ho p rogrosatYO ag.Jncaea ol t bo p~ncc !u l arta of regular h fc, aa:W ol tbnt porfeet r o ltg aous freedom wblcb t.he wMitl loae IlL last como to rllt:c~uaze M \ ho anahuna blu rt~bt o( t bo ihuzcn, however t here '""Y yot lu r k io aomo uohoppJ brea-" tho d ar k h ug !ptrtt Of tbll SIOumy 1\WU " '9

- W EAn n:n Nun;s - 1 htA wtn tcr utay well be kno wn u tho Ra tny Want.,r .. u h hard a nape of f roat ;u already uot<.•l \\' ~ co~a•dor tbe bMdo&t part"' o • c r 1 reao::1o k ed all auroral •r~b " row n1~bts aud 1-(f<' t auro ral lf' O" ' mcc lu~ uotu "o buo h3d I ODlO culd wen:hcr , b u t 1 noto llo low~r lemperature l'bo aoerolt.l bill puoo<l through mac h Ruc tuatioo

fo addi tion to tla, gigantao 'Fil' T ree lu tbe corner of t ho room, two Fancy Tablea and a !Ufroabmont '!'a ble we re ~~e t up 'l'bo laf11r r of t be Faooy T a blet waa preaadeJ our by tho oleraJmiUI't gooJ •lady, Mra C raoo ; it wu tery wtufnlly d ocon ted, and q u ito rapidly were tho prstty 1binga booght up, and the table emptied : 0Ynr .£8 wore taken by MrL Craae Dlooe. O f the other, tome liU1e glrla bad charge. aod moft ~,ban thlrtJ abilllage worth .... pur­obMed from Lbcm. '.fllo Refreebmonl T a ble looked '"Y teanpting, and at toa: tiaoo wu ftlled aed rollt.d. DorlCJ tbo e•eolog-

- MAliN& E.:U.lll!fAn OIIS..-Jt it our pita· Pot d uty apua to-d•y to I'C'cord tho anoceta wluch baa attooded tbo oautlCAI labora o f &t.utber of the J OUD& tumen bolooglog to thit Hay At the m~otlng o f t ho Mcm ilo Uoard, JUit eoocluded a~ S~ Jolin's, ( OOIII · mabdor R obaoaoo, R .N., obalnoan) a mato't certiOu&e of compete ncy wu &Yard ed to Henry 'faJior, <.:arbooear, tad alao to 1 'bomu Coeoor~, SL. .fobo'a,IUid F'erdloaod hcreeo, Deomark.

Not~.- I ueaday w tt!l rcmar k8bl> lioo anti mode rate. O b54ln ed aun for t poiA, but fo und ll t'ne, tiua 'a di!lo lookeol bcft utafu ll) olaar W ed oetday toor oiniC noted wuHI from aout hward aido' lnld aomo eoo w but not a aoo • atorm I twd thero wat a s;: rcM one between llolyrood a nd the Junction W11l ao111o ono tell lri bo • the •und WM '

'1 "'"' daJ not come i tDl nc.1r G (> m Ou all \V~du e~aiy Jort~jou and Jl31'L of after ­noon wo bad cooa1ae~ffio raio. Cle11rcd ofT better Ia evenlog 1 ·, 1;If,·day ( n tu ra•b .y) very mild, wtth mucb 'Jos;: , ao erotd 2!1 6•J tbt(momotor 40. Q11ii~pnog h~o. Th~ro 11 a contac~ goiojl o o' J!P. \ll'con tbe N.E a a d S .£. wloda. T ho !fa ~l'r bu been frozen Dg&ID b u t thll v tid weatllor Will reduee It All my oxpodeoco of 27 ycau •ho•• o ur bard oat aod meat _poraii$-6al weather ia early par' o l Fel.rollry. 1\ull tben tho harbo r frouu, buL o ot lQ al(jura. Tbut In 11;70 we bad ao winte r uo(lt tho latte r part of February. I a til l adb'9ro ~o tbo opinion that the wioda will abow &more Clt ler o tooLiencJ with loerouod IUiow 'etro ugly l uollned atormy. We opine that tbe wea ther ia Green Bay hu beau iory c:Old. We e.naoa be loog l"ilboot aN.~ atJOW•aiOrlll.


U 11 1L .. I , 1ft tD•t., t iJo \\ 1fo uf 1l r \'.' J l"Ht.,y nf " ,. n

At v ,., mont r, u.a;:t, Uunn 00 tlu:~ !Hh i Di l, tho t"Yitft o · llr f ' lurlc:tl UnJiaJ I uf . d&u.,;tu.:r

btARRIA GI:S .... __.- ... '"- ........... ---..... .- ... _____ ....... A t ill• < bur ·• ., f S~ )hrr tho \'lr~fn Hear l 1

t\u•l ~"~ t 1la t1 .. t:.h lc•t , t 1 the lt..lv ONrt- • t n.n,. J •lm f"l1 1r:, .. , ' l u1 c1na o f llou"1 t CoeloaJt , h 1 l l l\rf A on C 'tltt ..,, tl ~.:·u t • Deht;;b \

On tht~ l ••lh ln-.:. At t he lt.•wau C"tb~dral , S l J 1hu • . h r th'l J,._ ' Ar.-h l rt u.-,n 1-'n r n stal, l h J olou ll• y<r nf l•olltl.lo 1-> lllo• Aoole Dr~••· UuiJ . t f Carlv.tr.ar

A t ('hu. u,l oath" h •t haJil , b \ tlao Re1" J ll. J lira 1-.Llw f k. ll . '4tnl0 Jhll' r 1 t;, (ieorlf'ioa t•,ko

•ta & Ia~ r \ • 1l 11t: f tl1~» J :~h I nat at t he r~llll lenr• of 1hu lu aft· , f~th ~ r, b) tl10 Jt"v T \\' T eruplo. t:laur, L ..,, f...n,ch •J l--£!("r.,:\"nH n ti t PHtrr~ J '1' I" uri ' •il F."(l C~t .dif' tl rr~ nf J J .t r. F urJont;, S t .lnt.u 11 .~.'<'Ooll ,.., .. d 1ho h to t.on J•- t-•u r long , to ... IU . .. M'\Jli I J au,..hcor .;f J I' f r.c.ker I:<J 1 l r.dto-J !--t.teJ C ttuuf, 1St J'Jt'rre

AI :st J oi!U •• "" lloo l3:b "'"' b) tho nov G \ &lnr. l i t J atlt"• )hnrf~J •'I J.ow~tr h iAul CnY& •n l lt .U "!• r "ll ~ 1\ JUU.J' of ear bortt'U t

On , unol•> 1, 11 • • th• II C c·.th. ll'>tl, li t J 1l l111·• · b) tUo \· et1 A~hdaannu • o rri• lal .\J r J " m"'t ll.tlJ t-11, ••f llaat c''> tu ~lu Auolo l.hrtla, ,,, Uri~d~ ~nrth


AI hit rr• l 1-n~"<'. Fuu'~hh ll rfguo. on tho t; lh In••· Omrgo ( on•hue, t: .. ,, ••t. eoll-.. ol II M l'uottonoo og ed ~! ) rn" [!'low I ork aod llC'Iel OII l 'II~I'W pl«~•G COp']

AI !'1 J ulm 1,on tho I ii~ 1nat. ollor a ohort Ill· nM• lhtY \ PD)•N, ou ter o / llr Oiolooo Way, l11nu.,ly ol •hi• J'l•«'. agod 4>lyMNo

A 1 Ohl l'erlln.n, oo tho Clh loot, of rhenro..llc leYor. J obo, aou ol ll r TboJDU llarch, tti:ed U y fiArv.

At SI J oLo't, on tboUih lo1L , at tiM reol~•••• ol hit uoclt tbo rtoa.- J adr,e Little, T bomu n ooo of the late 1't.omao 0 Doaottl, ~, at lbe •P of !:!•1._.,.

At KelhGT•••, altar a~la rfos aad ledlou1 fllaeu, 1Jro ltutb ~UO'Itf, 96 1Urt, fOr1111fly ol tialwou CoYe, l'ort do- • rn o

AIColilutnla,CID the t'Jnd o -roboi',Janft, roUcl ol I he Ia ~a 01pt QutoliR. of IlL J obu 1. Ndd.

AI Old PHIIcou, on tba • lh laaL, Ur.a Ellaa­belb KoYa .... b, fo the BUb 7 .. r of btr •11•·

AI SLJobo •, On Utb fDJL1 11r0 bo.l -lfuleblap, • u ti•• p( Olu~~G•,Sooll•na , ogad ! 3 yoora. De· eute<l wu a aevll•• of tbe late l't.lllp Uun:hfoe, r..,.., mercbdhl, aod bit 1uddoa d1mlao IJI mocb r..;rreUe<l.


New Fog Horn of Gallaiitry, now locatod North of lla ntor't lalaod (lie aux Cb ... eort) at a drat.aoee of about 50 yardt from t be abore, will play, fro m I at or oe:n Ma rch, uory limo fog aod •oow will mafco It nCCCII&f,.

'l'ho aouud will l&St for aix mlao~a wttb nn lut<~r• .ll of oao mioato llotwooo ucb bl:tat. Feb12.


AYER.'S Cherry · Peetoral.·

No otMr.-plala .. anaot..wo.t. tiMIIr attaclraoU..~Uiedtona&Ud 1IUIIII: DODtiO tria..! willa 'bfllat ~IJ ol ........ era. no orcllaarJ eoop w ool4j ...z&IDf porbape 1'10111 a vt11111 IW --'"' -pooan,la ofta bol llao ~olafa&al ·~ .. l'Jal'l <llnllul'l' Pllc2oa.u. .... wen pro.,. f .. ..._, 111 a f«t7 ,_...Ill!" willa l.ll.roU &lid ...... cs-. &lid allolllol I! $&1teoll1 all~ YlU.O.&MI&J. , ,1

A Terrible Coqt1 Cared.

(Under Oonlmct with tho Governm61lt for Conveylltlee or .ll1nila )

WJa 1&77 J toolt: a~~nereookl, wbtela alreetoll my lunp. J ba4 a Wrrible ooqbL.aDd li&IMil 11l4bt anu Dlallt w1thoat ·~ "I- dOt1od ~raTe me up. 1 trlecl A na•a c .... , l'lu>

:?.:·"·'a~hl~0=":'. ~ 1::f1 tllftoe4 l or 'il.o reoon..,. ot my t t:rc,U.. •·~~ conllnaod 1110 01 U.o l'I<C'l'Oa.u. a .,.,........ nont euro wu eJrect.;J. I tm ...,. 1:1 :t'MIIt


rJ~&::;• ~:::_r;,..~":., aatlaald rour JfoaAca P..uaniiOTII.&a., ..

llockiAabam, 't., July~ l6a.

Croap. -A. Hoth~r'a Trfbate.

t 'nou lio\LIFAX

1 U£SDAT, Fe by. tall M uNDAT, F oh1 7t b " •• l~tb .. •• 2 1t t " Marc h lit " Mnrcb 7tb .. " l ~tb 1 :ll et " " 29th I " Apn l 4th " A p ral 12th 18tb

~ fbo N t arj'ouudlumft uuln~o'* from ll11hfu c:ounect wnlo s lcllmort from Laver­pool, J anullrJ 20 th, Fubruar) 3 rd. F~brul\ry l 71b, Alarcb :lrd, Murch l i th :~ud ~:arch 3 lllo.

SHEA & Co., St. J ohu'a, Fob 5 l m A~11t3

Harbor Grace Stove Depot JUST RECEIVED

oud for EIIIO by

C. L. KENNEDY :B.ocboetor Po.rlo r Lrunpa , ueweet d esagu

' " Ur.aekot aud l::xt~osaon I.A:\ll':s

A gcol'ml uaortmoo t of Fnnc;y 11od Htlll, Tablo and Ntght Lampe.

J ust rcce11 cd b) C. L. K EN NEDY.

I.Ato!At l mpro-rcd ComblD&tton Ob.i.mneye Ju• t r~ee1 vod by


Duple x, Argand, aod a largo NJaOrtweot of L&mp B u ruers.

J us t rec(tved by C. J, KENNEDY. ---- ----

Tubulnr Lantern• Po. tent Flour BlOVOI J uat rcceavcd bJ

( ' L. KEKN F. DY. Fancy Drawor Pulla lltld Hnndlee

Just recu1vcd by 0. L KEN~EDY

Englieh no d Americo.n D oor L ocka o f varto us Josu;aa llud q ullh li"'-

J ust r•'CclYcd by C. L. KF.:\ NE DY

F nnoy A hum Door Bcll.a J U8l h!C~II'Ctl by


A choaco a~o&ortmeol o( Toile t and o thor Soap a

J ust recol• ed by • 0 . L. KENN EDY

A monCIUI B rooms, good qual tty and oho:op J nat receiVed bJ

C. L. J(ENNEDY W ater Street, Ba.rbor Grace .

D. M. JOHNSON, M.D.,CJ~. Phy s ician. Burgoon & A ccouche u r

Hct~deoco 11 11d S•Jrgery- curoer llarvey nml Y oeto na Stroe ta l!our<~-8 to 10 11m , 2 to 4 p m , 7 to 9 pm

J au






J..J u m• o 1..o s:; sT.\ RCH.


I_} LASS lllGII 0 0 \\' LS Clod PR F.. U St::ll \ ' £ !J ISt ii:S G LAtiS ::.AL\ .£RS lltlll t:beerel'LATI::S


E~ fERPRISE ::oi iCKEL. P L \ TED ~llOOJ'II IXG lltoX:s

l\ o•20

.;AN - AL1\1ANAC-

YEAR BOOK OF NEWFOUNDtu·n wall bo pubhtbod Iunder Offiotl\l aauctioll early In January, 1887. and tbon m11y be oba atoed at "II Dookatoru O rdera for O u t porta or for Ad Ycruaeonent 8pACO to be o\ddr-od to tbe oorre•vouo inte ~•tor.

f '. C..:. Ul:: l~ I' I": AU, Janl • ~" 1'rto~ur!J

"'1'11101 to lho t Oillll"7 lut winlcr IIIJ JllU• boy. llaree :run old, wu taten lll w11b eruup · It oeeatod at It be would tile f rom llr&IIJ'l: Ia lion. One ol tbe l amlly oag:lll'l<ld I be .,,. ot A , • ..,. .• CUJ:II&Y l'ECTOIUL, a b.4Ue of wblt b • ao alw.,-. ltept Ia U.e r.o-. Tbf• wu lrio.l In am&ll aDd l re<jueat dGaoo, IJit1 to oar dellrbl Ia IIIP thaD hal! a.o boar U.e l!l llo t>alloo\ wu l>naU.Inl...,liJ. '11M dOl). ltr n J.I tbal lho Cn Eatn • P r:c;:roaAt. u d lll' .. l "'1 W.rllqa'• lit• Call JOG WOIIdlr Ill OW' aratllu.Ser SIDOtft!lJ J OOro,

)IJU .t'.JU\4 0 liD~ •• UO '1\"e.t l2Slh St., New Yorlt,"'aylll, ~ "I ban ltKd A v r:a•• CRI<IlltY l'KCToi At.

Ia IUJ tamiiJ IM M•t ral r .. ro, IUid do l>OI b .. lt• W 10 pronounce II o.., moot •troetaal r•m.,.tr tor coqla aDd wl.S. we haYO o•u 111 .. 1 A. J . Ca.\J<L"

Lako C"711al, Mlnn , ) larch 1!1, IW.

"I ontrerod tor <lib I Jtan I rom Droneblllt, and Al14!r lrJIDi many rtrnedl w1Lb no •­c~•. I ..... eurt>d b7 U.e ,.. ot A v n •a Cnc a-a v I' E<TOIUL. J oer:l'U WALDu."

l.lrl!alla , lltu., April o, Jll8l.

" 1 <lUI not uy enough ta praiM or A na•• C ll r: Mit. V f'.ECTOMAL, belteYinf u I d o t.h"' ~r':,t,{·;~,:~,::':b\:.bould loa'\r ~~~,~~ad

l'ai .. IIJio, Tc.a.u, Aprll ~ II'S2. .

:So eJUO ol ..., air ocUon or U.o l.broal or lanp 011111 wbll:b e&Dnol be JTUllJ reiiOYtd br 1be ...., ot A YU'I CtntaaT I'I:C'f'DIUL, and It will NIMJII cv.., when U.o d~ Ia DOl Alrea4y borond tbe CODirol otmO<I.Iduo.

PJUti'AJU:o 01" lt

Dr.J. 9.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Ma~a. Sold by aU Uruall"to.



Water Street, Hr Grace NOW

u tbe hm~ t o buy " chenr aod firat -clua

Organ and Pia'no f nO)I TilE


The lo.rg911t STOOK to cbooao from. Yo u a ro nlwaya eu ro of a fi ra t -clua


PlANOS~ORGANS 0 0 t ho m•lalntcnt rt~o

Old P ltlnos o.n d Org ana t.e.kon in ox­chnngo

LA OONRAD & 00 , G t.'it llAL A OF:ST,

H ti ll'a l tr St, St J olt11 1, OJIJIOI•fe Smatlt'• Groctry ~tore.


(Sgd.) :\!A. YNA ll D HOWMAN, Common Analy•t.

$200.00 Reward 1 \\'a ll bo paad Co r t he detection and eooYic­ta::n o C a ny person atll lnl: o r d ealing ioany bos:us, coalntcrfe lt ori mltat1o o !lo P IJIT· Tt i:S, o•pec:lallyOitte raor propa rationn itll t bo word Ho P o r ll o raao t heir oaaoe orcou t.ected Lhere witb,• ba~ is toteoded t o Inia­l tad a nd Gbeat th e pub lio, or fo r a ny ph!par Rl ton put in auy fur m,prct end tng to bo t ho a:uuo " a II UP fltTrl ll8. T ho !!euoioo baye clnator o f Gnus Uors(no tlcetb i•) p rloh:d on t ho white label, a nd lilt t bt JIUru a a nd but mod aoaoe o o eart h , eapecia lly ror B ict ney., l.h·e r and Nonout Ulaeaau llow11re of all othera and of a ll pro•o:~dod fot~dlaa o r rocelpta o f HOI' OITrtlflS publtal e d I •• papcn ur fo r aale,u tbe1 oro franda .t~d awlncllu. \\' boner d oala iu ALJ but t ho genuine will be protecuted

lJov H rrnii.S Mro. Co, Roebeablr, N.Y. mlS

thi• wu Wedooaday, tbe 2nd Yeby.- a A Gu 1f0 C OSCI RT - Tho Ladiea' !.Iotbo. m,..aifl•o\ceh (ltf.odiJ mac!eaod prueot.' die' C o ncert comeolf to the lletbodla,CoJ. ed by a ladJ friend} aod 10111• ol the more Ieee Hall, SL Jobo~ oo Moo day u oo•olf upeualte artlcloa from the )''anoy 'fable la,c, wbeo k wat/}auior to all lateroated .. ~ "jott~ed." At balf· pat' moo Mr. to 110 ao l111fo an a p,Preciatin au audlioce, 1 'aylor bepa to dltfr1bota the prlaoa from rrore eepeeialJy u t.he proc~'odt arlaiug the Tree 110ld "'""eodoaa n citemeot, 111d from the oatertalemeot were to be dnoted DO\ Will o'eloolnnrs lb., all ( 20Q) h&od· to oba rny. Tbe·blll o f ra l'O WRII of w ore ed our. • • , " , • lblll aaual ucelleoce , antl tho laLiiCjl a a d

Tbe Tree wu a,piD tcploolahed for tho gootlemon &akaog pan a re to bo coograt u· followlag oJibt,.lh cblef aUI'IICtiOir beior a la&ed opc!o I be proltMIOpal IMIIoer in "CU•", wblcb llu rJ•ara preYed a, mdat of. wblch t~ otaoiog 't progr&.ll11J10 wu reuder-

Oo t 'l_o 2 1tb tbo plaoea Neptune wllt be lo conjucctioo '!'lib tbo Moon. A lao plaoot Saturn wtll be io cioojanetlon with tbo Mooo on the <l.tb d:ay of Ma tch. 'l'hla hll · ter il the planet to wblch aban rd utrolo~o~r ... lrna .an eyll lnll uou~. and y,a tt Ia tbt granUelt lu tho So,~r ~11\eln, hiii Y{olfl~avcn moo at a a d t wo I J)ICI!\f!d' ' rln~•· 1 '1lo old p laneL w1ll be In alp Gtollul on the 27~b.­<.om.

On the lllh latl, at Ill J oha'• ,EIIaoboth. aj:."e<l7J '! r•. wlolow of lholale J ob a Lodrow, forruerlr of t.:uvld1. • ----o- --

On lbe lttb lo~t. J olla A" wife olllr r 0 llur- ~Prepare for the Cold Weather by ordering

ftctif'e "mapa'" In former yMI'L A p&lr ed.-TllltU. 1 ol pet~..aee'l Mal-Min boota ud aootller • oalte..,. ditpoeecl of Ia loU.rlae. Getting Ect.crsu. roa 1887.-Umio,ll tbe p reu n ' J.ll!Saeen for lil!Uta Ia tlMM oooaplecl the year, •11 tbe Aroglitll M «lwli&, there Ifill •bole ' anelof, 10 tba& the 'I C&rla~ae be aa ao11n lar aod a tOtal ocllpM of abp •on, tree" wu 1101 ·• wolllld up'' lW ~IJIIIld· aoct a Jlllrtla.t co}lpae of tlle m~oa. 'J be aig ht OD '11lttnda'l. t.oe.l ecflpte ttfll bt• VIIUII OD Aua aal> 19

Mrt. Craae u 61 r. Angel had prepared tbe title of oeotrtlkf fiUII•I« Oftf' ~~ aoutb . a procra••ne for a eo11-'. Thla wu held oro pen of na..ta, rart of C IJiPC .. T.,tary, tiM onL -'•Diot Ia tbe eeboolroom- tha IUid tbe priaeipal leland of Japu. Tile o...,aa ~ "'1 llf11jll,r ptt tiae-ue aao wm riM f:rllatly ~P'or.l ·~ Greeo­ol \Wr Bell Ifill Uao T,....-ud Ia a. aiiDOd wJeh u f 60. AnnoJ.u eolipae on Tuard • y ••mmry to •1 It.,_. • lfllld IDOOMe, aut, J'ebtuur H, wUIIJe Yitlable ~ylo .,.._,. rN~H~lllr tale rtptaldoe 11 -n· the tsootlltnt Paa~llo. A pal'ilal eelll'fO of .. INII tbat llrt. CriUie MtabUebtd lor her- lbe •ooa eo .lOJlllll 8 will we p laoe I rom ae!f illlk. Joba'a, b7 procfadlla 10•e of U.. 7.H to tO p.e , •nd•tbe ~~~a • 111 amob11t ..._. IIIIOQlar •n•na'--18 ..., •w t.o o.~ ot ... lllOO••• .. d~.AD.ctu ac tl.oi~ .


'.rbe ' roduetlou of ia t,ernal reno no Md the taklog off Of rOYOUnO t l.ampe frD!/1 l'M· prletary lltodlctaM, uo du l,t l,u larj~ely beoollued tho cooaoiDors, u wol\ u relit • · lng the bardoo of boaa. nuoufae•urt~ra. ~ly ta tbt au. with Gr«t•'• Ax!J>kl ~ .. d l:Jol,tlw'• a~ s;r., ... ~· ~actloo of tblrt1· ru 01011 rt~r tlo&tt, b been added to locna~~ t bo •lu o f tlaa bottl01 OOD~DIDJ i Jte.e re=ecli-. tboret.y lf\•ln~r ooe-Ohb _,.... •r.e•bOioe Ill ttlo 76 tiOU\ a ,

ebell, d .fof tol(lanot' 8 II C.rt.. ~

x>.uasNoJms. · your BEDDING from ua. l'tr s s Cowie• from tbt; Wootward -R~ Fr. W e have the largest and finest Stock of

l lctolopu, )I n Jtcrlto, Aloon• Ja1>1r t ll t 0 1'11tbl • • •

;::~:~:::~·: BEDDING M 1'r.r:RI:1~1~'0_ · (P~~qion given on l s L Moy) M:il;lE H liD 'l'ba~ 'Fioo, Oomtoxt&bl e

Dwelling- HOUSE, aitutted on V k toris S1root. For partJcu. Iars apply to

lfu. H. MOORE. liarbor G1U111 Feb 1$, 1887 •

Page 4: -4Kif4Gcollections.mun.ca › PDFs › hgstandard › HarborGrace... · lor ~!22,.85; and tha t the Life funde Ly the additions mado to it •• the reauLI ol tbe year'a uperaLiona



Miscellany. __ ._. ........... .._ .. _____ ~-----... The Commo~ Lo~.


Dee,(D Lho 111gb& of •S" prwt. 'l'bere H•od o IDall : -1\ud w\o wu he 1

lllorLal ! howo'u lh,y lot Ito ~t., 'l'ha& IWUI r..e..bled """'·

17nlrnowa lho f'f'jrlon ~r lllo bCrlh, 'l' be L.nclln wllch bt'<ll .. l unt~~<~~n 1

Bu "'""' h'\111 ptori.alood fruut'lbo -nli 1 Thiol ~•Lb oar•l•.,. ..Joue :- ·

Tbol .. y OJ>d !lTlef, ""'' bop• oall r ... r. <\ horoate lri•otophod lu hla br- t 1

Db bli" and woo.-• omllo, a IA!u I Ollllvloa hld .. tbo rNL

!'loa bon~>dln~r pulao. I be lono:ul•l limb, T b10 chanltiult •vlrh'a ri•• ~od loll ;

We Ju..,w IJ ... t lhNo wcro loll l..y him, .to'ur u.- oro full by all

De oon'oi'N-bul hlo pa n.:• ore., • .,, ; l!!ujny...t -but bl1 clellglol• or.. rl.,;J :

Hatl frleadA -lal• fri~n·l• aru now uo woro; Aull loe. - b!o r,_ oro c.l• ,cJ.

llo lo•ed-but wbo1u ho lnv ... l tho r:Taro tl• rh lcwt iu fh' ueicnnaH"iuu!l wmnh:

Oh I aho wut.lr!-buL D<lnj\111 couiJ .aro u .,r t.o..uay lrom Lbo l<>wl...

lie aaw-whotoYor lbou hut O<'(ln; Eltcouuloroll-<lll lhol lruul>loa lb.,.,;

llo ,._,.boloYor lbou IJ ... t l>c•a; l:lr It-what lhou al.all IM>.

'l' ho rolling -onna. rh 1 an~ ni;;hl, tiun, m•~~~o •u • od t~lAr.,tho tfrllftlJ ahd nuio,

U..whlla hi• vortlc>n, h lo a u II Ugh I , 'f u IJiru C"Xf• \ fu vain.

Tho cloud o~d nnberuruo o'er hi1 •1• 1'bat ooce lhelr •h•lle a nd glury lbrow,

u .... loll Ia )"'I.d•r ollool oky No •e.tlgv wheN!. tbey llow.

'l' be a nnolt of lh1 bnr~WJ ,.,..,.., Their rnint oluco I be world boS"c,

Of hiru aft'Onl DO Olbdr lraco T han thlo,-'l'bcr• hvoJ a roan!

- M01t19'J'I'UY.

It is rliffi~ult to ~litve thnt tbe 11otbor of t it it pa&betic a nd Mr ntel • trl\io was a lto tbe llUtbo r of the botnhut and t urj!idi ty which charactrriu Ao 1nuch o f "Chi ldo lluol.t'' ~od tbo " Orlelotal T ol•ll." \\' .,JI lllft.l' :\fr. 1'. T l'alw "'•~ a ll it •· A m&at.:rly e xample of lly ron'a cumrnAnJ o r uron~: tii001!ht11nd

· ciUJ~C Atuouiog io nr1e." T hcru wer~ •uru­ly two Byrona; ouo, "ho wrote fr~>w Lis iuner aclf, witb infinite pat hns, t rulh. and f~elin11; &be ot he r, \\ ho wrolu frOlO b ia \'&n· lty • nd his intellect . wu !J 110 oviJoot otraio­ing •n.J W4uL of reality.

A ad tbon or l "'"'" · u ytoong nil !air ' Ao ou~hl of mvrtoll>lrrh ; And fnrm ,.o ll<'lft and c.t~roa• IW) raro,

·rt.._. ~·fl ratur.1ed ro &.nh r •rlluush eo.rtb rec.hf!d II.J\lau lu httr ~I. .And o'e!.r 1 hi' •pot tbe crowd w.m r tr.-d

In c:arul .... o«tN or mirLlt. 1 ' bere i• AD era "'hir h cvul.t Dill Ln.Yk A OlOalOI..l on tlwa.t g r a Yo IO IYUk.

1 will lkJt u k wbe.re thOIJ 1i•.al low, Nnr ~u upuu lbft •J)(U;

Tbere Oo• er• o r •C't"d• a t " Ill &n.ty J;row, & I l>ebold lbont 110 1 : •

h I• eoou,;h fur m.- !.., l-' ro \ ,, 1 'hll •bat 1 Jo,..,.t •nJ lung rauat Juve,

Lflr.e oommou .... rth Cfttt rc-.t : Tn IU d tbt~rd 11cwda 11u ~'"'"' t. • lttll, ' 'l lo N01biog t l.ol I lov<c.l "" " ull.

l"<t J id I lo• & <hod 10 tbe luL AI luvtmtt1 •• lhou.

Who dhl.c. u vt chan~" t h r ou,.:l1 • 11 llie past , .\ nrl cauat 11(\l • ltr1r now.

The lo'la wiJ("re lJt.'Ath h ... t o t ht• ~tt.d , !'\,•r •Jlflo ~n c11111, nf"r rn• ~to1 . teal,

N o r falt~toh•JUII.l ol l~.:t lf"ow : A nd , whAt ..-f"re ""'&f', t lirtu f'"'lllnfll not t eo CJr \\toue;, vr c~ .. ugu, u r fa uh 1u rue.

1"h~ better d•f'• f)f life w&re nun, 'I' bet Wf'rat ~tt t-o I,1Jt nut.,;

The •un tW.& cb-r.l, l ht1 •tonn 1lul lv'" " r. , t-;tu.! l L•lve-r m .. r . IN- I I'"'"·

' f llw ••IC!ItU~o u f u._.t iirtt• nal•·•• .,~p J f"fU')' ll•tW IOU ll111d1 to "' ~fl 1 ~"" tJl"oJ I ro revfoe.

']'hal alllbo.tf' Ch l\nna h.a\tt ~·•••cJ 'l" ' '" I UUJ)IIl I.JA'ct W•h•U,... J tl&i v Ut;L ivt•t) ol ,..., .. y

Tb• 6nw·tor ir' rir~uN ltloum UDIUAh. l"""· l )lu • • r.u tho e.r'ic!tl prta.) ;

T bou,b by 1\V har1d ut~tUuttl.) •nal~LOtJ. Tbill!l Joa\'t:'• mutt drttp .w.~· :

A oJ yo t t were " ,;rto.ter ~:n,.f T o • at.ch h. wllberin~ot. I.,.( L) l1\d ,

Tluoo '"" It l>luck.,.J to-dov; Riu~ 64rth1y n,\"& Lut Ill 0.11 L.t,.,.,. 'l"o traoo t Lo c.Liango 10 fuu1 frow (u,lf.

I lrnow nnl II [ onu[ol h .. e borna Tu ae- &by bf'• tatlc• f.-hlf";

The utKhl th..t ful!(,..., ... t aucll • morn tll' cJ W Of D a dt'llr"Jief •lt•tle:

TLe Ja7 wiLI.aout a. clmuJ LaJ IJoAUed, Aool 1bou """ lovoly 10 rho t•ol ;

Ezllnguiobed. ool c.locoy"'l; A• •••r• th• t ehoot a lc:ma;c: U1tt •"1 6Woe brlgllleal u lba1 fall I row LI.;IL

A• onco r lrept, II I could """P· M y tan rulghl woll l>e oh,..t.

T o tlllult I • •• • .,.,, u~r ru k~p Ou. ~1~-11 o'rr 1 by bed ;

T .. tr•••, bow foutlly1 t.tli rbr r.cu, I

T u fuld rb" 'u ,.. 1.1u1 orubr..ut , liphold thy dn••vl•~ h .. d ;

Aotl abuw alt,l lo•v. bo••v ... r nio. Nor lboa uor I can 1 ... 1 .~. .. ta.

Yet bftw mud! l- It w•,.. lo ~t~ln, 'l'bou11h thuu hut l• lt mo lrH -...._

T be ln•ollool tloln~te I bot orlll remoin, T h•u l hu• r ftnttn1ber tl1~ ~

T he oil nl t hine ckal ~.u""'l clio 'l' brou•lr dork ohJ dr .. &l Etornlly

.U..·&.urulf •tQtiu 10 ate, .A D<l 1110ro thyl..ori..J lo•o "'' ro T.._o ourbt U<ot-J>I Ito lll'iu11 y ..,


Br Luutsr. t:u .u wu:11 M OULTON._

( (,'ollc/~irkrl.)

VU. That ~iJZht, • hen Glady• Eyre weot early

to ht r 1"00111, • aho fu utJti a leUe r ou lrer table. Sho knew w.,ll euo uj:h lro 111 whom I~ """'e. tboujth alru hll•l un•"r ..,.,,. l11nu VartloJ"• !:aud. wril lua boolori!. llo &4ow.,l, a~ lout, l.l.ra& .ho tu .. w huw 10 put biw~elf oo paper. IJe wu rrtallr eloquent a bo•a hl1 lo""• tbo love of fo~J,r ll l .. ut J liiiU lu Loudou, tho Jo n lba l Irati 111keu uu oo• nreuctb iu d1etre weeka al Ki.iugo11. And

·~!!co he aald: • Wbat did I 111oao ~ do? \\'bat abould

l baw,douto, if IILo bad uot aome 1 0 rtun: J)lljl14dly? Few Juu 1110.\ 'how· I did aot eapec~ bu. l'llo- pbJalciAo lbu aeot - bent MD& bet &u llomburah, aDd I fu. cied elie wu talo e~ooucht for tlrree waeka CD 00161. GU<t lr.uowa what frealt brou11ht ... r be,._ \VIl•' if abo bad UOl oome ? U-lf l do no& lr.uow. l koo,.. 110 t»Oril c.Uo JOL lloe' lihlr. I \lolulc. l ahould laa•• a.ld ~- all-how, ( loYIId f ua, 11111 bowl•w .. boa~td. Or. yeriJ•P' l 1bo.1IJ Ita•• IUIItd••rd, ...a 11on• ll••y iu ~-

• ..._ M w-. I l•aol your ICIOnl of u.e ...... 1 --..11 I•J•tU ~Ye• '1l.le ul(otflihll· Well, IMI !. 100 •Mit lllf bora,w, fvr fOO .. _ .. ,.,, ............... ' •fil w JR'Nw,..-Molc.~ aect lwlol•y hte ,.. .... - - -~~ , ....... if·- .,. .. , Ia .... lllloW wurtd. I lowe roa- rua-

.... .. - ...... ..na.- OliO I ,..,.._ ...... ,....,...er ........... , full

i6 1 .. f loft J OL' ... J.u, r lln'oqlt,. ud lheu


~~~-fer JloWt OLia t M leaat, lhe ui• lie looked capable ofjutt that. Her Iallier 10 hoe-If \11at she Wll CrJiog ' for Robtt• a~~d mother bad oot fit retaroed from a Otia, aod wbo aboald kaow If not lbe? WNtero joumef, aad abe waa ~ go home

SllddeuiJ, hke 10m1 wltoh · io.-oked .,,,. 'lfit~ Auut Mehltable. loo, the faoe ef the aa1rologor -med to x. riae befon~ her, aad to loolt •' bor with b 1bd look which bad Meined to ber the W hen the bell raog tba& .. e oiog, 1 e loolt: of detliuy. Clearly, u 00 tbnt March ftlt bor p11l111 quiclr.eo aa It had o~t beeo

woot to do lo old &lrooa •• Ute oomiog of day ju Uoato!'_. ebo be.anl hilll IAJ': IW~rt Olia. Aaot Uebltablecoutidorably

·too will eroaa tbe aaa. You ro ~ """ meet yoor flllo. y 00 will bold iu your found berMlftoo ti racl by the Yoyago to tit b•Dil a ullp of joy, aod a woman will take It up, a od G ladra wu aloot iu th~ great old from you. Sui!, your fa te will bo io Jonr d~awio~r '7w, w~tb : u ly &be .:~te~kr:; owu lraoc:b. You ~~~ defy ovco t bo •tara I od gene111bl on,• o tboer•=l~t.c:e A. liulo an-if you will.' own o n or rom

lt woe true lh~t eho had croPod the tea. tumn fire ? f f1111fr11Dt bo~ba amoulilered that lhll bad b<:e~ hAppy. and that a woman ao.d aoappod lu the flropla.ce i a laulp wi&b hRd daab~<l her c up of joy from her lips. <Jnmaoo ~bado el4od ou the LAbia. llu~ her fato-how ..... i~ in her OW II haudo ? I~ WAS lnh oo~~r-c~ooco or"·~· ~-m~i:!'~d:; \\"ba~ "' u in h r r powe r to ""Y bu• ~:nod l>Cr ~P•: t at • a rs acellle. o b •t W aa ove r woman moro help lou than ~lr. Otll came cheerfully ID. Sbo went al~e? Sho leaned from tho window. T b.Q__ forward aod ga~e lnm b~r baudt. tl~e uto~:t at.1r1 tboso • cu oomoo people of tho ekiot.' them whb a k •od preaauro, and · e

' • • d t hero go u if bo had oo flartbor uso for looked ~own on. hor. ~'bu mght soeotc ~ b · H Look · aJun1. ,.

0 vi his po~i·

Lh ron With passronalo ealeuce. 1. etD. e a o -.. •I , 11HIII: au.dlleuly. t~IO 1uuslu, ~ wbioh thoy ~::/~i~~ ~~~ J:~~~~~:r: :r~~:.~~~~~t~

wero danc111~ over tn tho C u r· lll\lll p11lsc.J bl b . • 1 t f tbo n 0

aod uut uo-ont loud and clea r. 'l'bo ball wu oot yet " 0 c &btlr 10 ro~. 0

1 d r

I ' 1 •' II 1· r - roaaona y near tuo a y. ov~r. cop " wero e.r aa " · ..... mj\1 • 'V II tll d wbo il he ?' was h ia fi rel J,!le~mcd o ut hr ro aud there , but a aoft d uak e , ! a J'l. . o vcrtlp read tho moo ulea wo r:d The brMLb ha!r ·•m•h.og quea.uon. <' o f roaea atolu u p from tho ~:nrdcn. F~<lut \Vho .1s wh~? nmrmurs aro&o from tho llnoket. as if t l.ingA ' li e 1. I he man who baa ato loni o r, per,: that lovo &Lu nig h t wcro whiapcrin~e Lu· hopa, f" rly wou your beart """Y rom bwed.

t ' Ho loer&.-wbo-wb::.t- what oo earl o ~e1 1er. ?'

A sud rlen lo•u:iufl aoizecl bar ~ 110 <lo"'n you mean . iul4 t ho henrt of lhu n1~h~ to haYu roorn, 'Ouly tlu1t a gar! lhat ~rca for lror pro -01 ahe uid 14 hcrae ll, iu which to bro.r&h o. mlt ed husband, enn u hulo M I tbought S hu took "lftco turf. and t t. re w It o ver he r you ~red fo_r me wbou we parted, ..toea not IleaL! and aped a wilt ly down t he auina ; cboao 14 wnte 14 bhn on poa~l Cl\rd&. 1 ~cro~ tho C ore Gudco, and out 0 0 the koowqu1to .•ell Ur11&you wore g o1og !h~oucb bridge t bal croMn tile s..,Jeoo on tho .,..1 aor~.riEperaenoo that made you uuw1lh~IC to 14 the CMino. She aaw the atana mirrored wrlle 1" 11: You aball .do as you P ~1\t~ io tbe wat er. S he felt &he aoft wiod e.u ooa about tolhng mo. l • til n.evc~ fo rco J OUr bur bot fl'ce. 'l'hco , sud denly, aloe know conlid~noe : oa~y. perhaps, IL Will bo boLtu tbat abo was no t alond. r.1 , 1 0 Varoay, fo r. both of 111 If y~u uudcrs und t.ba~ I. 11m ILooti 00 tbo brid<'e beaido b.,r. qutte capable or 1Je1ust your beet frr~n~.

" • I tluuk I wouiJ 111tllcr tell yon, (;l:ulya Vlll. ll!l icl alowly ; aud lbuu ahu added en~:orly :

• I willed you 14 cowo, ' t.e ssi..t, ' I woe • Yos. 1 au1 aoN 1 wouhl. I lfnul you w dotrrmiu~ to ate yo u oncu mord~ W e lfO kuo w J' aw~y to-morrow. llbdamo la reetle&l. Sbo Aut! then came tbo e ntire ato ry, withou t is t ired of Kiii!Pin~o:eo already. Sho L•Y• t he pre varicatio n o r reaan o, lrorn tbe l.o o<lon ai r do~• ool ~reo with hor dog. 1 ou acuro , 0 ,.1011 of fo lir yea,. o11o to e'cry lillie d e· tno too much ev~u to bate mo. If you hul uf t hoae Wt:<'lr.l al Kisae ngen. A clost loved Ol e, au.J thd not acc. ro rne, d o you wMcher migh t have road in llobtrl Otia'a lr. oow wbat I aho uld .. , y to you ?' faco the whole ciYrtet of tho ato rynpoo bicu.

A andJco impul1o0 cam~ o •er (:Jadys to his jealouoy, b;. paill, bia liua l and couft. tu t bim, 14 li.!ten to him. &o know b iro duo~ triumph . tborou~thly, t hu !leU an<! t hw wont o f him. • 1 am glad. a & leaat, tbat tho ml\n noYor She sniU, iu ton•' 10 aabtle, 10 impuaiooed. kiaacd y.,u,' be Mid yery quietly. whon 1\ll they wil(hl ahuost lunru boeo tho voice o f tho otory haJ b.:eo wi.J. • 1 wo ui.J not havu Lbo oi~b t likeJ bim to bavo Lhlll to r emember. . 'And if [ did not eeorn you. b ut o nly (.iladya looklld a t him in aurpri~·

aeuroed my o"u lolly iu Cllriuu lor you 10 • W haL d o you mol\o 10 do?' aho ul(••l. much , wbat, tben, ... ould yon ,.y ?' • I-oh, 1 wenu to be oa nit:e to you u I •Tt.is-Lha~ l kno w. at hu t, tb&t uotloing cao,aud &ry mylnck wilb yo n awoio aoo&ber

is of a ny r e~~ol cvnacq ueoce to m .. bu~ your year. 1 aw uMd t o &h!\1, you kno w.' Jo,·e, tloaL Lhu tlrou~bt o f pl\rtlng with you • And yo ll aro t uro you will l't!ally wan l i• more bille r &han dci\U>. 1 waul you, you . me a fter all I have lo lrl you?' I l\IU renJy tu ~; : , o up a ll thu re31 of lho • Yea. l 'w n oL likoly 10 chftDI!ll 1\bout wo rld for your Mkc If I thnu11h1 you Wllu&iulf you l>u l11'd ralhdr you love me cared for " '"• l ahunl.l 81\.l': • Le& 101\J amu lleloro we nrn marrred , you kno w.' and her d oll ~o to · urorrow; lot na s o to· (;Joolya d row n ry uenr biw. T here WM

nil(bt. A 1r10iu leucs iu on hour. Four 0 warm glio~ io her eyea. 11 refl .... ,.n fr o•u y~Ma ae •> 1 lo•·cd you 1\ud I lch yoLL ro;ow tile fi r" 11erha~· I t aoomed to Mr. l>li&. I lo ~u ) OU, a~d I will uot lcl\vC you . u nl...a ho we ver, &t,a& abu wu lookiute al lrim M be you reno( wo I " '" yours, aud I will d o bMI never ac~n her look befo re. you r w1ll. lla\'u nlt'rcy upon m~ !' • \\' h~tt,' ahu wt.i•l>rrcrl, • if I woulol r:\ ·

• \' 1!11. 1 wilt lluo ruurcy Ul'"" you,' aho ther 110 1 .,., ~ &ill u~xL ycl\r ? W hM if I ouswereol v., ry 110cctly. • cry lcu•lerly. havu fou ud ou ~ thl\t I lov" ynu no w 'l'

AI t loM loo etrul ch.-tl uu t br~ 'IA:;e r baode, but they failed to lind uer•.

• Y ~8. ' abo t a i• l a gaiu, • I will h"•o merc1 u 1•ou you. I will ~~~·~ you thu alliance ftnd t l\u C.S lAh.t t h A t lllt'NUUtf lll'(') r l h 80 11111Ch tO

you tou r yc:u.K RJ.tO. l will :;:u tu ,t your honor , "'•ell "~ 1t l~t. froen tho w o rld 1 c era. suru. r uu lhftlt ).'l.l to-murru w wit h waJ . a111e anol h~r olo~: ""'' I - - . It l&.llu e, my fnc nol . ouJ I wrll !!" '" · by your leavo 1'111• io 21\0d·l..y ; j;Ov<l ·l>y, Jrlc•du llcu •uu, for alw11ya.'

.\ n .J '"l t h no lurlher -.nrrl sh<! turu~J fro m hHt>au \ · arutty , !\u ri wftl keo, l w1 th un­r.a ltc r i u~ • tep& httck to lh ... l ·ure liard cu. nl&d a.t! f 0'-111 U , rLH1I lit :\ IWHIIl'flt fllO f U WM

Ill luH own roo•ll St.c 11 .\ •l h<·hl her r~t\! in h~r bau~l , a ut! lmd rictthhJ 1\ lllf A •• c fn:dy chv~t;

\fJttl P~.1H~ c vor rc,11\' 1o•t•·l l ~1van YR rii~V. I o r h.,.t it ~~-·t" u lJtll '\ .nuJ~tauuut"r w a. lut•otJt '!

I ( 't)uiJ il1ac- e\·,• r rr~tlly hJu '" car t!'L I fu r t t.i 111 "'*"· wl10 hl'-d left lu. r w1Lhout" wor1l wlu: o 1. ~ W t\1 free; wt.o, wtJeu hound. would h"v~ lteeu reA•Iy toforMko h .. uorauddu lyM lir.:bt-l \" hl!l he had uu,·~ lch ilu r. ru.,dy t o r utu her lrfc ftD<I l.rt o"'" ~ I t -~~nh:J lO her t hnl 10

~~~ bou r the\f"r." uf lhc wo rl•l ''" '" Clrl\ulleJ . If sh~ I c .. ! ~\.er loYc<l huo 1be lo vo wu u olemd no w M tlou wor hJ Ilia~ h~d <. loti i>doro tho flootl. llu t fo r thro lut re \'ulation o f himself 1he uoi~:ht hRvc gnn~ on rcj!rctLing huu- who k lle\f '! No .. • ho W31 .afe e YeD frotn l.i, na~n,ory, eincu 14hO acorned l1im 'ft' \lh the very &C~Jrl1 o ( Aeoru. \\' hft t lernp·

IMion ~ouhl uv~r hrh 'u l> roul(ht lt ob.lrt O&ia 50 lo w? ' I hen" •n•l.Jeu lhou~h& •molu her lik,• n Llnw. Could the e~.r l"d llertell worlby of ltobert Or ia Ajtalu 'f

:Som..rimca uMuru it kioLI, ancl that oi~tl• t abe Willi ldn.J to (;Jadya f'ha aeu t bcr neroi,ful •l~ep, lr~ru of inlcn•e wel\riuus.

aort lho g1rl aruae uaxL moruiu11 rerroahed ar uia&rcn of heradf. W bcu oba we oL • o wn ro r hrr moru i n~r ltA~y water, abe mol ~l adon;~ Y arn&)' in the ball, T hu linD· 1:11rion apok" a miably.

• \V e I(CJ,' alre t!llatl , • iu half oua boor. Sa e. lludl\ hoWl a UdW r1bbon. Sh" it lo he r toi le~ of voyagr., ' An J a careloaa IOUJib abowecl ller bright, •~•hin11 teeth.

· Good· by,' Glally• anawtre.J cheerfully, • [ aw ao Y.ry tc larl to haYo •e~n yon ; ' auJ tbo worda were t rue •~ t ruth i t.Hlf. •

IX. Si'l weeki alter thAL Ann~ Mehltable and

her niec" ,...,ro o n lha Atlnutio, hotr e warol bound. (;JadyA haol alill ~.Arried on by poat· a l Mrda her correcrpondl!nco whb Mr. O tle o f llor to n ; bu1 • l•e ftod tltoughl obon' him •~ry IIIUI!h iu thelkl lu t f~w w~eka. Una ~•ca&iun hau nted he r with a ateru llnd IW· p acalll~ P· r \Aituc...

• S hould aha, ruaut abo tell !Wber t Ol'i.a &bt w~ole tru th ? •

She had l.et~ua 14 feel IOtnething mocb more lik111 lo u fvr !Jim Lh Ju abe had ewer U ·

perio:ue...J befo•u. A& t.bo leut it • a• an eat.em 1t0 ad 111irlo1C Lad ao perf.:c' that i t ' mlgb t euily hue dono d uLy f or loYo ; and aho t b111nlt froru diaplaelog he raelf frorn lbo hai,. illlt 14 wbich hie horoag e h ad ralaed her. S ir• raolvod 14 leave~ ilcr COIII'W to be d e · terta lniiJ.! by lirow ac;d cbaoce , t.booib down nuden >tath all 10phiatrlea abe lt:11ew that abe would oo• u bor bappf ~r at roat on til all • •• to ld. It ,..,.. tb., lint day of Ocl4· bn wbcn •'v' Scythia aniwotl at bar pier, Anol t loe ft rat face (iladya aaw .,. !.bat of Uobert O tla

She took h ia arm 1010ewbll proadlf. She bell•u to &biolt that abe bad ntYe r bor· fo re q uite reali&41d bow Otae· luo&htlf a fL'I· lo w lie wq, With b11 IIIADif btl,bt, bla •t rnn11 , wel~·hit ftiJa~. IIIII fi1Uik aud kiod· ly bl01e <~y .. , • eeuuemaa Ulro•ala aad lbrOIIJCh.

U.at IOUMhow hit -aoer 111111ed a little cool. lie aaw ber IUIJIII' aod Auo& Me· bl~hle'a &brun(fb the cuacow boueo wlt.b •qu•l belpfaln.., 'fbea ta. ptn U.em botb ittw.a we1ting carri•••· and alii tordi&lly ,

• I 'll 1i•• ·rou titae t., ,.... Ulf !oo~ J ,)a up 111111 •••nlua.'

Doya 1Uid Mea.

You l\r o b nyA no w, but yon will aoon be mco. Tlo6u you wi ll hAYu your o wn w11y to uo~k • iu the world. L>o you ouenn to be idlo ftnd fretful. anrl d eceive people l\lld gi• o them a barl opin ion ol Y•lll ., O r rio you intend to lofO lO wo rk, ftn •l l\ct br~vdy and nobly, anrl d o your •luty a ud lo•II Y~ " 111\W~ o .. hiud you wloen J'OII J iu <Y!oich &!Je worlol win lo ve and reape~L ? Talt~ cAr\! ­uo w IS the 1iuoo. Uid ynu C' Y~r uvlrcu A lar11o t reu tb :~t .:ruw crnoke•l. 1111d ,.,_. ftll eyronre ou t hat acco uut '/ l'e1 hAllS i t $IOOd on tb., lawu. ril{lr t In fruut o f tho porch. auol your fa&!oer \O'Ould hov" likco • ory muc~ to o tr~it,:lr l eo il. h wu impoMii>ld &o do 110. A ltuuJreJ horses coul<l uo& b•v~ J r~wu It e rect. And yut think ol tho li•L •· ,.hen tbe l•rgo &reo wu11 tapEug ; a cllilol no i~:hL ll~•o IL ro•i~btenod it theu. llnil i1 would lravd ~;ro wn properly. " " ' ' ev .. ry ou~ wo uld h""c admired 1L Uy t his l rnean boys shou l..t ((row atraif!ht , uol croolu :d . You a r·e y ouug now, u t htS tr~e Yt'A~ uuce; bu~iu in &irnu and you will bu na srrili~:h t tu1

nn '"ro w whe:n you :1re " ruan . If J •Hl wait, it will oo too l"te . T be "''Y to mft lte meu crtct 11ud uoble. ia U> t11k e t huro wh.:n they are boya and allow thom tlut t here I~ no­l loiu~ In t hia world eo noble lUI dolu11 thear tluty. Once more I lAy. re rncrnber thQL you arc boys nuw. you will bo rneo lOOn.

Yon may d n 1100..! or c,·il. If you are I alae and worth leu, you 1\no l oYorybody olae will bu o a hard time of it. You may be aokliera, jt1d11il, alatelluen , preaideo ta W hat yon t ay or do, may d eci<lo tire fato o f milliona or otb~r people. T hue will look 14 yon, and more Lhau all, God will watch yon . and bold you to" at riel aeaouot. tr yo n are IAan. auJ true an•l IIAls•lfiah, lluven will ble u 7ou. aud OYflrJ o nt.wllo kli4 WI y o:1!will lo,·o and reapoct yc u . H you llrO mran and cowardly, aud llliu k of .. o &hiusr but yc u r o wu pleuurt~, lio<1 and mao will be dit!JICII.Iod wi&b you . W bich will you be ? T he beat of all tbingt iA LO be puro aod •lo your d u17.

Rulea for the H ouaehol4 .

Tloe firu tiri ng I hat I fouud beat lo d o wneu I became au actual bo uaolteel•or un rny o wn accou nL, 10 to w.y. wu 14 eelab ll4b 11 ayatorn 11ud a IH: t of rutea growing o ut of tile rcquh:ementl a( tile lrouauh.rtd. M~alt mual bo at auch lloura 4 "'r uota wuet lie io aud the baolt d oon cloaed at each honrt ; CMiai n toa ... tnuat be aal11ued w certain daya-thi• d ay to \Joe waahlo~t J aod t hoae d&J"' to &Ale <r:onta~r. l.llil dlo( w tloe eilver cleiUiinsranti oongouial worlr., aod that lo tho card of hallsaLdr.rl11111. The nut inrper•­ti.-o· oeceuitJ, oeed herdlr '"'• wu t o llud a plac• for e•erJLbi nl( and to toe ,that evnytbin11 wu ID its place; and baviog aati•fiod myMif at laa' witlo a cook wllo nner wutes a particle, wboee apotleee aod or.Je rlf cl0101ta &ril a perpttual pleuuro, who lou• 11 new reolpt, wbc. keept lhe run of &be pro .. iaiona ; aad a bo u emaid wboae 9ride I• i11 darlt c.. roe,. Lad apaelt:l- wlo · <Io wa, bouull:eel'iOit bu ~me, 10 far " 1 am ooncerued, aa much p la7 u It u.aed to be io d.e ul4 budal plaee.

I can hardly sLAte aoylhlo~t elae, uoept &b"t I bavo made It a praotlee to let 107 aernnta do their worlt lu their owo ••1 aa..t at tbeir ben ooeweaience, ODif ':*lair­lor h to be .doat, aad alwaye II'Jinlf to r01p41ot tlre)r ldi01Jael'llllt& Fer I hue found Uta& if uae waotl • bappf b- 001 muu udt'awor 14 prooant happla- Ill ~~ kildteo u 111aeh u aofwbtnt elte: ool -rely beeaaet dllordlr aad oaqalet thare will dletatb &be wllole bo011, bat becaGN tho lon.atlt of "' kltobeo bne the rfabt to thtir l:applnta u4 I& Ia &JM abtolate da&f ~ tbe lbOMO aittrul ~ 1M tU\ UIIJ fll It N far .,,, _, be Ia t.er PD'I'•r to do 10.

•'-1 euttloe _. Ia IIIia •iN Ia llift to ,Mid a bedred fold. lo alae ooaree of 1111

•a-ptfoi .... U... • ,. •• , ••• ..,.., •• -'d.

.U Uhw:lra dtor1 o._ Uie rerrr, tbe ""' •eallltr ll.r tOql whb' q...Weaa, Wtaal did Ko~··IIIUIIW ..... ., Wllatlf"" did DOl r-'11 Ollrl •a<lb abiltU ller after aU;· aad I& - oa!J--... (If •- doa.t .,wta

llllf r-,. ( ........... ntoelftd ..... ! btM '"be a hipereo.plial.a& tllaa there­m•rlt of a ,.reoe •!able• w IDrp Ml'• ri01t with IIIII. who ..td, Ia dale eeDIIIOCioa,

••-·--..... ,.... ..-,r, few be ......... ........... AlldWidl•la

IIUit_...._.IO .., ........... or ~···,._ ... im that ........ .. .., • ., &o......, .. ,. ........ , DOt u ... --.. ~a,.u .. -. "' .. . -"er of OCNne, • I Ilia•• Herd f04 ...U lOOOIIIIIIIDCW,'-Dcrrlel ~ S,.l~-

,. How' to Qu.l\ 111Dolrina.

• Ia rotpoaie tQ aa loClllii'J t(aa E.,lall aow~o~J~par ~ceatly for aome miiiiD,• tO ail!at Ia t.baodoolog amolt:lug, tile follo•l-. wu r!Cilwtd among other anawera t

n, amolt:iag lOwe of .)he atroogoat to . baoco .to oxcea aad 10 briagintt on \bat deadly oaatea 10 well koowo ~ tbe IObool­boy wllb bill 6rat eigar, aa a otipatbr IIUif 1te created eplotl tobacco in tbe miod of tbe taoat iuveterato amolr.er. &pO".ted two o r tlueo thou tobaecn becomllll intolerable, aud tb11 wood it ahuddered ~t iuatead of amoltod. · lf &bo amolr.er ia 10 ua~d to tbt atrone«l lr.ioda of t~coa t hat bo. r:anoot uptot bhol'llf bytbe1r uae, tho addlltoa of a fe w dropa of rum t~ a wee~ will ,do woa · de,. in t ho war of produatpg 'giddloeiC. Tb'- 111ay acoin a lnJicrou• aud unmcaoia~t proceed ing but the curo will be' elfocta&l. [ kuow 1Cf C1'111 tll l!n who bafC heeD •eaned from 14bacco b1 ita w eaa a. aod IIllO nii tberu tho writer. Another recipe waa aa followa: [ bc11 t o 8ugg eet the trial ol ca\umna roo&, procurable 111 auy cbemisL'L Jt baa a ploa­as.o~ aromatic bitter fL<yor, and a amaU piece may be clawed when .t bo c~~viag fer wbscco if •cry atrong. It u quito bRrru-1 ~01. and is, in ad dition, a copital tonic. It euccce<led io rur owu caa01 i i> complolaly curio~ lbo desire for tile eoo&bio11 wecJ.

O irl8 Sh'luld b e Uaoful.

T here ia a larg e c lue of Arnerioane-peo. (llo o f opulcnL-.., 11101 11 o r acquir .. J o r io­heri tcd weahb, who d o oot he~~it11te w in· oulc.'ta Lbe belief a tuong &heir children, •ad elp.,cially t heir daughter1, tba~ ilia DMioas aod ouoeceaaary ror them to learn to d o au ytbiug useful in cooneo1ion with dom1111tlo manual l11bor. h Ia uo uncommon ex pre•· ioo to tiro higher eire!"' o f aoctety fo r ladiu to declaro: • My buabanti' or · my fa &her it rich ; why then abo>oi.J 1 demean myaelf by ruauual labor ?' In auch • aooiely' it ia deeu1od vul l{llr for a lA.JJ to k11o • bow to do a usefu l thing in couoectio n with bouao· keeping. l'arenta lo tbcso 03Aet r oar t loeir d ' ul!htora c ot w IO"ro to d o &he uulul, aud man7 ruolhent whOM h uallandt aro under a hard s t rain .:very •l•r iu tbe you to li ud Lila where withal to keep up ,appeamneet, im ­preas &hei r dnu11hter1 wit h tbe 1dea that l oA· b? r it d eera<l ing, aa d t h:H a houd wbicb ahows any ai~;oa o f m~uual labor will not bo eOU jthL iu marril\j:e t.y a ~eeutlem11o. Wo coor.,.. wo do not kuow bow uuo thll il. II i& i• cnrrec~. tl•<!n, indeed, it ia 1\ lr.ck or mAnhood ; a nJ, if ia oo L truo. it ia " wickrd libel on t ho~ character o f au Awcric.'lu KOD· LlulOon .

<: irla who won't leun wdo useful thinga at homa becAuse their fathora 'are ricb, loae oppor&uoi&illll t o fit Lheu1oel• ee to tueet tho ol:ti!Onciea nnd tho accidcota of hfo. h bas "'"'"J'' boten lho cualotD for tbo l'rincee of Oermany to l~ru Lra·lto. The lluur bon l'rrnc<& of l:'' ranou all acquired trntlce. Soare of them wcro priutera, l>uukbinllero, alo ip· wrighl•,houac-carpontoro. joiuut,'I,And paint· cr• ; thoy d i•l uot fol low tJa.ac YOO.Iiouo, l>u~ t hey u .. dcNIInoLI tloeru. Royal aud v rinctly ladie• in lierrni\UJ' l\Utl F ··a ucc O U •

J o:rtiAnd u<ory funcliou or houaekc"l'i"~ ftno l k uo ,., lou w lo porf•orm 11. Tlwy c~u 110

LO Lho d•iry l\lnl l lololu nnol lo'\udlu rnrlk o r 11 co•• """ 1\ hor.w wi&h dc.:o.,rily ""J 1nLi•· fl\ctiou. 'I11U l'rr nce of \VI\Ic\ r~ a bnok . biu.l<•r. l!:.tch o f hi• hrothuno h~~ " t ra·le. auo his aon1 nr"' uo w l~•ruin lt tm•lcoi1 ac . comlin~: Lo lhuir IAICo'L All 1bu l ~cli fli' of tho l~to~loalr ruy11l huusuhnlollltO IICCOII>(Ii•h e •l iu prAc tic tl rl''''~a-thl·y knr w t.o" ro d u uadn! 1ldn):K <' Yen if they :n o ncYa r ~II · ud tt t>uu to 5J~rform •h.-•u.

T lo" '"'" ' '" ••houoa or 4Untirnent"lily •·hich cncanrAIIoM 11ir ls nul 10 '""" " 1u J v n~dul. p ractiCJol. nn•l ¥1r.,n.:lh<>llin.: li\IJ.or i4 1\ de· lou&t:uuut of Lho uolrl t •L imJ•UIIo~ uf 11 '\lllr" \\'hen l ttc h t\U iuoJin.uion i11 chcuu r •s.! ... · l ia teen It IO ' '" I" i~ ... ui• b CI!'<'Ci•lly fr.tou •lc\ d upio:: their urcnlnl :onrl phy•:c, l fore.-. tr• en•n•nte t h\11flalltl impair runc U•tll t 'vhich H propurly t~in., I, lllll!hl dcvulup th~ .:nuol nnd ~r r~ ... J iu thui r ch11noc1er. Work IJrD · pcrly l•~rlnrrn~•l ;, 11 r~cnpcrotor. 11011 "" """~"""'· of Ul• nllll :\uol ('hys•c.•l f," "'" l(,;o .. lcdMO ld power, i1 a u oxlon• ft, truUo l'u k now hO\V to d o thu uad ul i• AD ftC·

cotu['h•luucut of which ""1 111rl c.'" b.J i'ro:.a.J.

M o: banical RemediO.!I.

At l itis 1enson, coughs, cul ds nnd c'>ul!o•· tiona of "Mious eons aru to be looked for If the blouJ c:~u lit: d raw n 11\YI\Y f rom lh,. p3rta con.:caluol, rdi..t " ill be at uuco or. lorJe.l. A \varru woollt•u 1ha wl p;uned cloauly 11bouL the uec.k Mill eh• aL, cov.,riu ~r the trllll, if pu~ Oil wh1111 tho firs t 1101111d or 1110 cou~:h O~Colfl, will a lrno' t iufl\llibly etop i~ IlL once. S uppleUleot t ho shawl with n wnrm b rick or aoap-atooo 111 t lol) feel , Bnti rrlicf i• lmmerliot11, and o h cn I'Pr · ruRo~ut T wenly f1ve yrarlllJ:O wh111 oil!hll wo apont ft~rhtin11 t h<! croup! ·n,o liule auaerer wonl<l tbro w hia 111018 OUt fro rn UIJ •

d or tho cov~r. nod then 'tho cou~;h t lgbteo­eti Bu& erueloperl io a aba • l tlm ••• irupoaaible, and at Jut ,.., l~aroati thu io cool weather the child tan ahohl•l toke t heir .airiug ahuyo before aunact. a wl a t t.be lnt au~Ueoatiop of a eou~tb pnt o n a abawl. For twonty years IIU>ro bas been on cro np in tbo fft:ully. T hio reo1edy we haro foootl ju~t u elf octile wi&h lldulla u witk phlldr.en.

llo t / OOt · batba aa.l hot baod·batha a re e1cello!nt alteroativoa of &be cirou llllion. Th• hand· b.'ltba act more lmmud iate ly tbao &be fuot -hatha, aut! lhdre it 10114 daoger from aftH e' poaur.o. Tber rue, too, more eMily given. a l aatolrd fi111Ut.:hla ( mi:d) ap· plied to ~ho UINIID i ti~ .. Chi\Dgtr tb tr Clre\11&· liou. t'Ja 1r~el1 wrno11 frorr. .bo t aodJ water aro utrem~ly htlpC11l io waoy c:~ut. (,)r, if ••turat~d • wi'h hot aoda wne.r. t lroy m-., be boated lly putting theru io a ate11mer, 6r by J•laoiog t hem on a p late IDa boL o•eo . Tbta U fcA wrintling them., which i1 difllcah wheo th-., aril ~ol. Groat .roller ll • ocue­timea fo od from driolt: int; free'¥ •ater u Jtot u '-4D be OOU1fortabl1 •••llowed. H dl'l\wa tba blood to tbe atomaeb, o pen• tbe porea ano1 wu bta o u t &he c lol[ged .eow.e,re of tho bt><ly. We l1ave obter,Yel! tbu a patieo~ 1ulferlog from a eoagh 1'1'111 b"n rut.Jro111 it ,Iter a heart,r rpeal. ]'be bloQI! i1 IUIDIIIOn t d to the W;JrJt (\1 tlig . tiqll "pi! the luuga are re11o.ud.

Tb08o who aa f er frOIIJ altepluanoaa .c>r from o ot al eepin~ ao und!J' •ill lind balp from wrapplor &heir faet Wllrrolr lo llaii!UII aod puttJog to tbet:a a warru -petone. Tboao who •au a•• ap lo tbe Dlj(bt to lilt 14 ehildroa o r iuallda aboul..t have a Pllif of ol11b~ lh- IO llip tbtir f .. t into, 10.tl!1tt wll~o ther lla down apia oold feel 1t11111 110t prveiU tiJtlr falll!)f at ouoe to ele~p. Aa a ~t~ral•r .of ,what not to do, ., Jlu the fullo•lllf,

1wbicb oamt andor our o'b­

terntloa lua w a&lr : • A little lriab boy, ••rr .U~:J'oe•moola and . borolog 1'i&b f,.w, ble .o&het ~ put bla .f~et lato oold water, wblcb abe did , &ud In a (ow mluote. iberealter be o. a~ to b..the. Uappilf t01r her. tbe 7e~ d ooa n ot kao'lt' ~ow fatal •aa bar Jtldulreaoe &o her oalf bot.-7HkM.

~ talbUn ebild ae•oro4 ~r aotlrtar by ber ,._rltt 0t1 ..,. Jialtora wbo came to tba iloaea. Oo ooe MOMioD a podelftlll wu ~ ... ..._ 110111 bJ 10111e oal4ckr aa­eldeot wu ·•~ lla&telted on •11 '­Tbe IIMlser oaadO...t tbt oltlld blfortbaod to •1 ..tlalna ah1tt ••• ,...tlarttJ. Ja-Airl• .................... ~. ~ trUJe ........... ._ tile~ .. ...,. ,. • .,~ .. w-. '" tqlcl •• .,. to ., uJt\leJ· al*t Ill'. lllahll .. DOll f • Ja,rt be .... ...... , ..... __ , ..


. lfOW It lbe lime to ba7 il cheap ud GN-clul

Organ. and ·Piano ROlli T11&


The larpat STOOl[ to chooM !rom. Y o u ans alwAJI aore of a 6rat-clua


PIANOS•ORGANS ou the iottalmu& plaa.

Old P iano• aud Orpna &&ken in u:­ohaDp.

L. A. OONRAD & 00., G ESf. llaL AOKN1',

HG !Vater Sl., 81 JoJ.u'6, "l'fHJ'Irk Smill1'1 Groetry Sture.


STEWART MUNN & Co., Shipping a.nd Commission Mer·

ch&nta, 2.2 St. John St-. Montreal

Special alleotioa gina to tbeaa.le of Flal aud ~·iah Oilt.

A lao, to tleo b uyin2 a ad ahippin2 of E"louJ 111ti l' roYiaiooa •nd G~uoral Produce.

Calm addrcu: M u11K'j Alo11trtaL L>cc.SO

10 THOSE WHO f ALUE GOOU SIGIIT The Unan ir.sonR \ ' e rdict of a Ditler im­

iuating Puhlic IS that thfl

SPECTACLES ao iJ and fitted lly

W. H. THOMPSON Medical lla/J, llarbu~ Groce.

are tho best in tho W o rltl. They ne \'e r ,lire the Eye, aut!

mllny ye•n wi~bout ch•ngl\.



F. T aAZA.R.UB1 .lla11u{oclurir g Opl1ci011.

Londo n & S h offie ld.


- W . II. THO lll:'SON,­Mc./ic-of /lu ll. 1/urwr Grfu-c , 1\'fld.

,\ u~tl

NORTHERN Assura,nce C'm pa,ny



CAI'ITAL-£;},000,000 Stg

flll E l' IU;~IIlJ~IS .•• .• . : . .... ... £~0:1,1 00 L.l F l-. clu . .• . . .. . .... .. .. . l fl7, t 00 I :.1 n : tt i'.ST •....•..•..•.. ....•... ... . 110,00(

tH:Al> on· t C: J·:S: l.osoos- 1 Moorgate S tr ee t Aut;uo.:e:s- :l Ki nK S tre\l t .

I riMnrunco ,.lf .. cttLI on Pr<>tll'rt v in :-:.,wf\1\IIIJinnJ at cun en t n .. t•·a u f P ro· mittn1 . PKo~r&c rusKS-F .. r mll of Appl i~Rt inn

l"r l''i ro tl m l L ife 'lnMurnnc<', n u rl ell o tlle r l nlo r·u111tiun cau IJ,, o llt.uineti "' ~~~c o Liico o l

A . 0. H .\ YW.\RD, tiT. Jou :-~'s,

A 9~ut lor .r~•otou~~rl!nnd


(Sgd.) MA VN ARD BOWMAN, Cownum 4naly.e.

.. . ... '·,'New :A.dve~ta .. . ' ,

T 6E SlJBSCRIJ,JERS WOULD ' RESPEQTFULLY CALL . the attention .of -the Merehauta of 'Newfoun~d to their

for U'.e IIWIOCl oC 1886 and 1887. -------o------. .

Now on hand, made up specially lor the Island Fisheries, and with particular regard to their_ r~quirements, ~



oon, a e=~a.d3CAP::L.XN". I .

\V~ RIO prepared to furnish aUf of t ho above 8t:illel of any lengt/1 and depUI, m&do froru tllo

·SHEPARD COLD MEDAL TWINE.,. -, Thi3 T• ine produce~~ the lightul Sew pouiblt, Lo~t!Mlr with U1o great 1trntgfi'

requj,.rl to witlutand rough UMifl'· Tbeee 86in ee 11re mount.etl in a ntna n c r approM11n.f ji.hume"; ure ready for

V.Ui WIU. UoUIDC.E IUillLT, A~D IJO 0000 PJIUI!(Q. '

COD~ TRAPS of any size or s lrlo, m .. tl& to ord.r r at ebor~ uoti~.

STANDARD HERRING NETS. :o\ tf eiU'fl 1-ead1 for immediate d e livery. l<'u r gillin1= 6Hh, t bo Cotton not unquestionabiJ anrpuses any o ther kind, rmd

is lho nw 1l proliu.ble to uu.

SHEET-NETTJNG for Ill» king o r ~rairing Sein011, Tr~<J>S, or Uill NcU!, con bo lllll'f'lied, in AllJ' s i&O LDet.h aut! LWiDt!1 ut OIICO u pon rteeiJ>t Of ortler .

COTTON LINES \Yo cnu fu rnish CoU..ln L ine!, TARRED or \Vun-a of n ~nrcrior qua lity, to

ortlerr. \ Vri to fo r p•iet'fl he fure> o nle ring. \ Ve arn lhu o i.JC6t an•l l•rgc.•L tUIUlllfflctnrel'!l of fish nctt:ng iu the U nilerl

S ln lJI. J t i" o ur e ffort :.o le..•n tho r equiromc uCis o f t he li•hermeu, a nd rrodu~u t lru g001lll hest Adll(' ltd to the ir wnnt~.

\ Vo spin o u r o wn y,..,, nnd ,.,·e lho o nly tnllnufnc tnrol'll o f t iro Slvpnrtl Gold .1/edtd 1'wi•au wh ich lmt f'tuirc.t t!.t /i iy/1~61 " 100rJ -.horever oxloi Lilcd, iucluolin;; tiro London 1ntei'Uation~<l F tshc:itl<l E xhit. i tio n, wlrt.re we n :cei\·cJ tloc o n ly Gul li ~lcd .. l .. w,mk'\1 lor 11npe riority ol T win rsnnd N .. tti"l;·

IJ.:in;:t m . nnfo<clnroul! frum t he I'>IW naate ri .. l, o ur OIIMtomcn~ c.m n :ly o u lho qu111ity ol onr ;;ontiM, a n ti 1,., lllltlllrc u of lutnut pouibU 11ricu.

C .. u Jill onlen~ l•y wire 11t s hvrt nu tico ""J will g ivo tl1c m cn reful M tentio n.

.ES'I' A 13LI S ilED .. . 1842. CAPITA L, $350,000.

Miills n t DoMion, C'unt on a nJ Ilnuoln ut.

AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO •• 43 Oon::mercial Street, BOSTON, Mass, U.S.A.


~ -~D -

Dr, J. 6ordtm Bennett. coNcEPTioN BAY ADYBR'llSER.

18 prbated ad pablllhed IIYOI'J 8.&TUI• . D.U DIOfiiiiiC bf J . p. 'MUII.X at tile

1 Saoclard" OIIOe, Water Btn~et, rear of lde.ra. Qalotla'e ahop, ll&rbor Graot N••loaadluuJ

-ra-TwtatJahWJDp ptruD.._.,..J• Mle balf-reari.J.

Taus roa ADYUITIIIWG-Fintt lllledlo._ for UlrM u ... OlftY!er *11*) 1&>, for ••"1 addltloeal flllt 8cl. l'or eub oo•· tiaaa&ioD oae-UIIrdol Ula lnl olaarp • . ...- ~ ~

crAd..U.....ta r..a,.. .. ..._._or. dale papw •l•o,• •ri• ~ ~ U•ltiDI &he.aaa1Mr ol ...,.._ (4.._ ...... SaJ•ucl•edell ... ,. ......... tbealllno ~l will .. .......__. ••14t..._..la .._&. .. .UW.n