a peace kids_adventure

World Peace Day 21 st September

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World Peace Day Story


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World Peace Day21st September

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A PeaceKids AdventureA PeaceKids Adventure


Story © 1996, 2003 Steve Diamond & Story © 1996, 2003 Steve Diamond & Robert Alan

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Once upon a time there were some kids who had a Dream.

Their Dream was that for just One Day there would be peace on earth.

"Imagine," said Johnny, "if the world tried peace for a day, maybe peace would stay.“

"But there is so much fighting in the world," Maria told him, "in our homes, in our neighbourhoods and between countries.“

"Yes," Amir added, "people don't respect each other or the earth. But maybe if the world tried to get along for One Day, all that might change."

"Do you think it's even possible?" asked Wei-Ling. "Do you think the world could stop fighting, even for just One Day?"

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"Has it ever happened before?" asked Kwanza. "Does anybody even know?"

"I've read a lot of history books," said Maya, "and all of them seem to be about war -- about one country conquering another country, or one group of people hurting another group."

"Yes, and it doesn't seem to matter what the reasons were," added Wei-Ling, who was, like the other children, wise beyond her years.

"Well, what can we do about it?" asked José. "We're just kids. Who will listen to us? The

adults always act like they know everything," Ali said.

"But when was the last time a kid started a war?" Kwanza asked.

"You're right," said Maya, "there's nothing in history about a kid starting a war."

"If that's true," Maria replied, "then maybe kids can get together to bring World Peace! Then people could work together to make life more fair for everyone."

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"But how would we do it?" asked Ali. "Who will listen to us?" "Our mothers and fathers will listen to us," said Wei-Ling.

"And our families, and our relatives," added Maya, who had many brothers and sisters and many more cousins, aunts and uncles.

"And other kids, they'll listen to us," said Amir. "After all, we speak the same language."

"But how will we do all this?" cried Kwanza. "How can we create a day of peace?"

"We'll get on TV," replied Maya, "and we'll announce it on radio." "We'll write a letter to the President," added José. "Maybe we should ask the United Nations," said Johnny. "Then the whole

world would know about our idea of a worldwide day of peace. But what day should it be?"

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"Wait a second, guys," Ali exclaimed. "I think there already is a United Nations Day for peace on earth..."

"You're right, Ali!" Maria laughed. "I remember when we went on a tour of the United Nations, we heard about The International Day of Peace. I think it's in Autumn..."

"September 21!" Ali shouted. "Exactly! They've had the International Day of Peace for years, and lots of wonderful people have done lots of amazing things on that day over the years, but not many people have really even heard about it..."

"What if we get kids all around the world to help make this September 21 the biggest Peace Day ever!" Wei-Ling suggested.

"Let's do it!" everyone declared.

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The kids checked out the International Day of Peace on the Internet and found out that they had been right about it. The General Assembly of the United Nations had passed a Resolution asking the whole world to have a Global Ceasefire and worldwide day of peace in our homes, our communities and between nations on September 21. The kids got to work on their campaign right away.

It started small at first, with the kids talking to some friends at school and in their neighbourhoods.

Then it spread to another school, and then another. More and more people were talking about "The International Day of Peace on September 21," and what they could do to celebrate it and make the Global Ceasefire happen.

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At Maya's school they had an "International Day of Peace, September 21" poster contest. Kwanza's school held an essay contest.

Amir's class started an International Day of Peace Club. They asked their Mayor to declare a Proclamation of Peace for September 21. Then they wrote to their Governor and asked her to declare a Proclamation. Reporters from newspapers, radio and TV came to their school to see the Governor present an official Proclamation for the International Day of Peace.

That inspired the whole school to get involved. They wrote this letter to the leaders of each of the more than 191 nations:

"Dear President," or "Dear Prime Minister," or "Dear King," or "Dear Queen," if that was the case, "We, the children of the world, are tired of all the wars, tired of all the killing and suffering. Please support a Global Ceasefire on the International Day of Peace, and join the world in celebrating September 21 as a day of peace in our homes, our communities and between nations. Thank you and May Peace Prevail On Earth."

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News of the International Day of Peace, September 21 campaign began to spread.

Maria and her older sister, Juanita, had put up a website on the worldwide Internet, and almost immediately, they started getting messages on their computer from all over the world.

They heard from people in Costa Rica, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Holland, England, Australia, and even from countries they'd never heard of, like Kiribati. Their new Internet friends agreed to spread the message of the International Day of Peace on September 21 to all the people they knew.

Then letters and emails started pouring in. They got messages from famous actresses and singers, business leaders and Nobel Prize winners. They all said they would help spread the word about the International Day of Peace and the Global Ceasefire.

They got letters from Presidents and Prime Ministers who promised their nations would honour the Global Ceasefire and celebrate the day in peace.

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These PeaceKids believed in a better world for us all.

They started in their homes, helping make peace in their families, then in their cities and towns, spreading the word from one person to another.

Some people organized peace fair and festivals and assemblies. Others planted peace poles that share the message 'May Peace Prevail On Earth' in many different languages. Some planted peace gardens. Everywhere people cooperated together to build bonds of community and bridges of understanding. The campaign for humanity's first day of peace grew and spread all around the world.

This year, with your help, September 21 will be the biggest Peace Day ever. Every one of us can make a difference!

What creative things can you do to help share the spirit of peace on September 21 ... in your home, your town, or your country?

Remember, Peace is more than the absence of war. It is learning to respect ourselves, each other and the planet we share. And it begins with each of us, ONE DAY at a time....

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May Peace Prevail On EarthMay Peace Prevail On Earth

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http://www.cultureofpeace.com/calendar/peaceday/ngo/resources.htm http://www.cultureofpeace.com/calendar/peaceday/ngo/resources.htm


http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid20791065001?bctid=26174438001 http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid20791065001?bctid=26174438001

http://www.betterworld.net/resources/ http://www.betterworld.net/resources/
