a portrait of the artist as a young man by james joyce chapter 1 presented by: daniel kang, sadie...

A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN BY JAMES JOYCE CHAPTER 1 Presented by: Daniel Kang, Sadie Barner, Hagen Donahue, and Brennan Clark

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Presented by: Daniel Kang, Sadie Barner, Hagen Donahue, and Brennan Clark


Incredibly skilled architect and in-ventor.

Dissatisfied with his clumsy son Icarus.

Accidentally killed his talented nephew, Talus.

Builds a labyrinth for King Minos which he is caged in.

He escapes the cage and builds wings for him and his son to escape, there his son plummets and dies.

Kills King Minos and lives the rest of his life in misery

King Minos

Son of Zeus and Europa. King of the Greek village, Crete. He refused to sacrifice his bull to Pos-

seidon, which triggers a curse on his wife, making her zoophilic (she had sex with animals).

His wife had sex with the bull and the minotaur was born.

He calls upon Daedalus to build a labyrinth to contain the beast, and locks him and his son inside.

When Daedalus escapes, Minos spends the rest of his life trying to find and kill him and his son.

Daedalus scalded him to death by putting boiling water into his bathtub.

Pasiphaë and the minotaur

When Minos wouldn’t give up his best bull, Posseidon cursed his wife, Pasiphaë, with zoophilia. Her erotic animalistic fantasies made her fall madly in love with the bull. She calls upon Daedalus to build her a wooden cow and tricks the bull into having sex with her.

Pasiphaë and the minotaur contd. Pasiphaë had a son

who was a minotaur (half man-half bull)

The monster was fero-cious and his main sense of nourishment was human flesh.

He was caged in the labyrinth built by Daedalus

Killed later by the Athenian hero, The-seus

The Labyrinth

Daedalus built the most complex labyrinth to house the minotaur. It was built like a giant compli-cated puzzle.

The maze was impos-sible for anyone to get out of unless they knew the secret exit. (Which only Daedalus knew)

The wings

When escaping Crete, Daedalus used Talus’ hy-pothesis of human flight, and created two magnifi-cent pairs of wings in which he and Icarus flew.

They were composed of the feathers from several dif-ferent birds held together by thread and wax, and built with the same aerody-namic structure of a bird’s wings.

Icarus’ great fall

Before flying Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too high or the sun would melt the wax in his wings

Icarus, feeling entranced by the exhilarating feel-ing, immediately went es-calating towards the sun.

The wax on his wings melted and he plum-meted into the sea

The body of water he fell into was later called The Icarian Sea

Water Symbolism

“When you wet the bed, first it is warm then it gets cold.” “He shivered as if he had cold slimy water next his skin. That was

mean of Wells to shoulder him into the square ditch” “Once he had washed his hands in the lavatory of the Wicklow

Hotel and his father pulled the stopper up by the chain after and the dirty water went down through the hole in the basin. And when it had all gone down slowly the hole in the basin had made a sound like that: suck. Only louder.

Throughout the entire chapter, water is always re-lated to something fowl, disgusting, slimy and un-comfortable. This makes water seem undesirable. Ironically it is not seen as any sort of refreshment, purity, or cleansing. The water also relates to the story of Icarus and Daedalus, when Icarus plum-mets into the water and dies. There are several parallels to the two story so it is not so farfetched.

Bird Imagery

Pg: 4 “the eagles will come and pull out your eyes” Pg 4: “The evening air was pale and chilly and after every

charge and thud of the footballers the greasy leather orb flew like a heavy bird through the grey light.”

Pg: 18: “a heavy bird flying low through the grey light.”

The bird is used as a threat and to better describe a time when Stephen is scared or nervous. Joyce gives a much darker implication with birds than many other novels using them as freedom, springtime, or inno-cence. The birds are also used to connect him to the mythological story of Daedalus and Icarus where Icarus flies to high and the wax in his wings melt and he falls and dies. There is also (in some interpreta-tions of the story) a recurring vulture that seems to speak to Daedalus before anything bad happens.


The maze is an implied metaphor throughout chapter 1 and the rest of the novel. It is a metaphor for how he lives his life. Not knowing at all what to do, just kind of wandering trying to do the right thing and please the right people. He has temporary periods of relief, but he seems to never fully escape until the end. This is undoubtedly a reference to the complicated maze in the tale of Icarus and Daedalus.

Charles Stewart Parnell- Gladstone & Home Rule

The “uncrowned King of Ireland” Charles Stewart Parnell born on the 27th June 1846, Ire-land. Raised from a wealthy family, he was ed-ucated in Cambridge University, entering the House of Commons as a Member of Parliament in 1875.

Became the President of the Nationalist Party in 1877.

Parnell favored disruptive and ‘strong-arm’ tac-tics to obtain the Home Rule (self-governing within the British Central Gov’t) and to redis-tribute values back to Ireland.

The British Government under the Prime Minis-ter, William Gladstone was incensed by this turn of events and pass the Coercion Bill, mak-ing it illegal for the Irish to rebel against the English.

Two British Officials murdered in Phoenix Park, Dublin 1882 by ‘The Invincibles’

In 1886- Charles Stewart Parnell’s downfall

Charles Stewart Parnell- cont.

Parnell’s legacy continued to spread through many literary works. ex) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.

An influential polarizing figure Burden of Irish Nationality/Initial steps of

developing Stephen’s own political ideas


Tension between Catholics & Protestants

The tension was of course because of con-flicting religious views, but mostly it was a battle for land and social class

In the 1600’s, The English (Protestants) set up plantations in Ireland in declared them-selves the ruling class of the land. They were rude and mean to the Irish people (Catholics) and they were not happy about it. This was the impetus for the Irish to start violent revolutions (many of which failed).

There is still much tension between the two to this date

Terrence Bellew MacManus

A leader of the Young Irelander Rebellion (1848)

They fought for the independence of the Irish nation

Him and other leaders were ar-rested for treason and sentenced to death

The public support for McManus kept him and some of his other leaders from death, but they were transported to Australia.

He escaped Australia and went to live in San Francisco, California in poverty.

Terrence Bellow MacManus

While in court, waiting for his death sentence, Mc-Manus spoke these famous words:

“It was not because I loved England less, but because I loved Ireland more."

“THE ARGUMENT”-CATHOLICS VS. IRISH NATIONALISTSPortrayal of adults as role models, loss of innocence for Stephen

Michael Davitt

- Founded the Land League. This group helped fund or-ganizations such as the IRB, the Irish Parliamentary Party, and the Fenian Brotherhood in America.

- The Land League was also funded to help eradicate Landlordism, and for the protection of tenant housing.

- Founded the Irish Democratic Labor Federation which proposed free education, land settlement, worker housing, reduced working hours, Labor political repre-sentation, and universal suffrage.

- Davitt partnered with Charles Stewart Parnell, and with him they aided in uniting the “revolutionary, con-stitutional, and agrarian elements in Ireland” (Joyce 278) into a weapon that aided in their campaign for Home Rule.

landlordism:The system whereby land (or property) is owned by landlords to whom ten-ants pay a fixed rent (Mariam-Webster p784)


MOTIFS -Good/Bad







Dedicated to creating Independent Irish Republic Named After Fianna Two Main Principles

Independence Revolution

Two Groups Fenian Brotherhood Irish Republican Brotherhood

The Term Fenian today

Lord Leitrim’s coachman

Lord Leitrim was a English landlord. His coachman was loyal to him. Being called Lord Leitrim’s coachman

means that you are subservient to Eng-land and share no patriotism for Ireland.