a publication of traditional catholics of america t fr. e. · 2017-01-02 · a publication of...

A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5 t July 15, 1984 (PART THREE) John Kenneth Weiskittel therefore, can be developed from the laity as well as the clergy. That recognition in itself is a giant step forward." Church's traditions as estimate comes from a man who has openly con- demned St. Pius X for his censure of Modernists. His praise of Paul Canon Law is a true barometer of what the "new ecclesiology" is really about. The Council of Trent, against the Protestant "Reformers," defined priests as distinct from laymen, and Pope Pius valid in 1 How is in the of to administer most of leadership for the future, reiterated the teaching in his encyclical Mediator The does not explicitly refute effect blunts it. In movement-" democrati- zation." circles, the notion of priests elections is held as pro- gressive. and his followers were early propo- nents of "democratization, declaring that priests merely represented the congregation and could, there- fore, be selected by "the people." Much later, the Free- masons would propose a similar, insidious inversion of licit power, leading Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical on Christian reunion, Praeclara, to condemn those who root out the minds of men all respect for authority, whether human or divine." St. Pius X; in Pascendi, devotes an entire section to Modernist errors concerning Church structures. They hold, he writes, that the Church has long been under miscon- """'·m,-,..-, that its authority flows directly to it from God. The partisans of error say this notion is "obsolete," and has been replaced the "truth" that the Church is of and formed by the believers' collective experience of God. No wonder Richard McBrien is with the Conciliar Canon Law; it is so at odds with that stuffy "reactionary," St. Pius X! Now, let's see some other examples of the "new eccle- siology" in action: THE NOVUS ORDO "MASS" In 1978, Christian Order, a semi-traditional magazine published in London, carried an article in which a Dr.

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Page 1: A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Fr. E. · 2017-01-02 · A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5

A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5 t July 15, 1984


John Kenneth Weiskittel

therefore, can be developed from the laity as well as the clergy. That recognition in itself is a giant step forward."

Church's traditions as estimate comes from a man who has openly con­

demned St. Pius X for his censure of Modernists. His praise of Paul Canon Law is a true barometer of what the "new ecclesiology" is really about. The Council of Trent, against the Protestant "Reformers," defined priests as distinct from laymen, and Pope Pius

valid in 1

How is in the


to administer most of leadership for the future,

reiterated the teaching in his encyclical Mediator The does not explicitly refute

effect blunts it.

In movement-" democrati-zation." circles, the notion of priests elections is held as pro-gressive. and his followers were early propo-nents of "democratization, declaring that priests merely represented the congregation and could, there­fore, be selected by "the people." Much later, the Free­masons would propose a similar, insidious inversion of licit power, leading Pope Leo XIII, in his encyclical on Christian reunion, Praeclara, to condemn those who

root out the minds of men all respect for authority, whether human or divine." St. Pius X; in Pascendi, devotes an entire section to Modernist errors concerning Church structures. They hold, he writes, that the Church has long been under miscon­"""'·m,-,..-, that its authority flows directly to it from God. The partisans of error say this notion is "obsolete," and has been replaced the "truth" that the Church is of

and formed by the believers' collective experience of God. No wonder Richard McBrien is

with the Conciliar Canon Law; it is so at odds with that stuffy "reactionary," St. Pius X!

Now, let's see some other examples of the "new eccle­siology" in action:

THE NOVUS ORDO "MASS" In 1978, Christian Order, a semi-traditional magazine published in London, carried an article in which a Dr.

Page 2: A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Fr. E. · 2017-01-02 · A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5

Saventhem asked the late Cardinal Benelli why the tra­ditional Mass was excluded by the New Church while every form of experimentation was accepted: "The answer was startling: 'Sir, all of these reforms go in the same direction, whereas the old Mass repre­sents another ecclesiology'! Dr. Saventhem: 'Mon­

said is an enormity'! Benelli: 'I shall want to have the old Mass have

Catholics can agree with something a says. After all, our traditional Mass "blessed" with the input of six Protestant clergymen. Yet, this liturgical "masterpiece," the "new Mass," is favored by John Paul II in its


So from Catholicism is the of it endorsed by Cardi-

we read: is clear the intends to present the faith as

of Trent. Yet the Catholic con­Hence the true

traditionally-oriented of the that rite is itself an abuse and

FEMINISM is sweeping Conciliar

liturgy." These feminist simula­tions the usual trappings found at gatherings of such enthusiasts: exhortations to mili-tancy, "non-sexist" of Scripture and +h~,,n+~ to of the Church.

added feature at some of these functions is the sub­"Catholic" tape is by

for these

Conciliar author­an acceptable form of

Conciliar ecclesiology). Still, been rhetorical gestures by the "pope" to raise hopes in the predictable quarters.

First, there are frequent denunciations of abortion, artificial birth control and sexual promiscuity, all sacred


cows of feminism. Then, there are the calls for the de­fense of the family, including last fall's full-blown docu-ment, "Charter of the Rights of Family."

Concerning the former subjects, the New Vatican has consistently-consistently-turned its gaze in the other direction regarding "Catholic" politicians who vote public funding for abortions and contracep­tives. The Kennedys, Neills, Moynihans, et al., (also New York's Geraldine Ferraro, mentioned as a Demo­cratic vice-presidential possibility) continue pushing pills and "minor at our youths, while John Paul II yawns.

"Those who hold the reins of government should not forget," wrote encyclical Casti

"that it is the authority ap-laws the of the

not only ... betray them to

or of others, let them re­God is the Judge and Avenger of inno-

cries from earth to " In an interview given to Oddi, prefect of the the Clergy, was ing down on notorious Greeley. He that is better to

in midair, spin i tion" of the document of a

Cardinal Congregation for

II wasn't crack­like Fr. Andrew

the Church thinks it In the case of

have added:

be inspired the Ghost. While physical gym-nasts defy the of gravity, gymnasts defy the law of reason!

continued next page

JULY 15, 1984

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Xiii describes as· opposed to worship as it is that every man is religion or none."






"counseling" The only


takes the next those talks, saying that

or the Bedouin

virtually "' 1r1°r,,,,r1 Buddhists.

as 1m!"\Ql'C>nn<:>I god, but

JULY 15, 1984

Page 4: A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Fr. E. · 2017-01-02 · A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5

others may worship Buddha or engage in black magic (like certain Tibetan Buddhists). A Dictionary of Buddhism notes that for the Buddhist conception of some nebulous force behind nature, "it is doubtless in­correct to use the term 'God,' with its Christian, Jewish and Islamic connotations," for the "Far East philoso­phies are pervaded by the spirit of agnosticism." And Geoffrey Parrinder, in A Dictionary of Non-Christian Religions, states bluntly that Buddhism worships "no supreme deity."

What does John Paul ll's "new ecclesiology" mean for the faithful in their pews? Nothing less than the destruc­tion of the Catholic Faith, conducted under such glow­ing terms as "reform" and "renewal."

A striking example of the process taking place here is found in an article that appears in the May, i 983 issue of the WORD in the HOME, a four-page bulletin pub­lisr,ed by J.S. Paluch Company and circulated to many Conciliar churches around the U.S. for Sunday distribu­tion. "He's Losing My Faith" is written by the well­known New Church columnist, Dolores Curran, and it begins with an anecdote about a woman who tells her pastor that her son is losing the Faith while away at college. '"He doesn't practice any of the things we taught ' she said, her voice breaking. 'He scoffs at the rosary, novenas, statues ... everything! All he talks about now is how we neglected to teach him real Christianity.' She broke into full-fledged sobs. 'He's losing his faith and we know what to do about it.' The priest, of the "reformed-and-renewed" variety, then asked the mother if her son ever attends Mass, if he considers himself a Catholic and if he has "an attachment to Christ." After receiving positive re­sponses, a light comes on inside the head of the already "enlightened" priest. There was a long pause and the pastor said gently: 'Joe isn't losing his faith, Mrs. He's losing your faith. And he has a right to lose your faith. Yours was developed for you. let him find his own faith."'

of this abounds with error. The rosary, novenas, statues other sacramentals have been part of the

for centuries. They would not have survived to our day had the Church not felt that they were real aids to Eternal Life. Further, it is not a matter of parents' faith versus children's faith, of "ours" versus " Parents, most emphatically, do have a right, moreover, an obligation, to see to it that the most precious gift they can give their children-the Roman Catholic Faith-is handed down in completeness. If parents to do their part, you may be certain that they someday answer to God. Here, then, is the


principle of religious liberty in its most vicious form, entering the Catholic home to divide families and to destroy from within.

Now we can see clearly where the "pope's" Conciliar ecclesiology is going. The fervent hope of New Church subversives is the day when all Catholics who recall the Church prior to the Vatican II Revolution will be dead and buried, and when the Catholic Church will be buried as well. In the meantime, the children are being programmed in "newthink" to view true Catholicism as being as out of date as the horse and buggy. How enor­mous, then, is the task for traditional Catholics.


In meetings with President Reagan and with U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican, William Wilson, held earlier this year, John Paul II has expressed his belief that America is a major key in preserving international peace and order. But to which America does he refer? Is it the America that has stood in the past as a bastion against totalitarian regimes, be they Nazi or Commu­nist, or is it the America whose anti-Communism rarely gets beyond the rhetoric stage and which, more often than not, works for accommodation and merger with the militant atheists (including, significantly, the surrender of Poland to the USSR at World War ll's Teheran and Yalta summit talks)?

For an answer, let's go back to 22 October, '1978, to the inauguration of "Pope" John Paul II in Rome. Seated with other dignitaries to the right of the altar and near the papal throne was the representative for the United States, President Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. It would seem that Mr. Brzezinski was a logical choice to go in place of the president since he is of Polish-Catholic descent. There is another chapter from his past, however, that makes his presence at such an event more than a little un­settling. In 1970, Brzezinski penned a work, Between Two Ages, in which he extols the virtues of Marxism, speaks of America's "obsolescence," says the future of America lies in totalitarian-style planning and pro­motes the goal of "world government" (also called "the new world order" and "one-worldism" or, less directly, "the spirit of internationalism" and "the postnational age").

So, what has this to do with the "pope?" Three years after Brzezinski wrote the book, billionaire internation­alist David Rockefeller founded a group of rich and in­fluential individuals from around the world, which he

JULY 15, 1984

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called Trilateral Commission. group's stated aims are so close to those expressed in Between Two Ages-a book had read-that it has, with reason, been nicknamed "The Catechism of the Tri­lateral Commission." Brzezinski was picked to direct the Commission. In the last 11 years, many Tri­lateralists have held or hold positions in our govern­ment; you may have heard of some of them: George Bush, Walter Mondale, John Glenn, Henry Kissinger,

Anderson and Jimmy

The Trilateral Commission has held meetings all around world, from the White House to Peking. The 10th Plenary Meeting of the Commission met in Rome, on April 17-19, 1983, and John Paul II received its members for a special audience. praised the "ethical dimension" of their activity, his blessing to the World Order when he reminded them of their "responsibility for to

their international hand for the

praised agents in the General has (e.g., U Thant



function our planet." enter-ing "societies seek a

for "Where God is absent, departs; and once justice is banished, is the hope for " Only "the party can bring true says St.


Pius; all others labor in vain.


Our conservative and semi-traditional friends are always finding ways of shifting biame from John Paul II to the American hierarchy, say, or to disobedient priests or nuns. Journalists once quipped that the Reagan Administration's ability to deflect scandals makes It a "Teflon-coated Presidency." Similarly, no matter how outrageous the New Vatican behaves, nothing seems to stick.

in their excellent "Brief Resume of the Principal Errors of Conciliar Ecclesiology" (which parallels much covered in this article), Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Castro-Mayer retreat from condemning oc-cupant of the throne while they accuse him "grave error" (and even "heresies," in the resume's cover address him with the filial "Holy Father." Of the distinguished authors of the "Resume" we must respectfully request Gentlemen, carry

to its logical end-for your followers and for the good of Church-and use your positions to un-mask this deceit John II. t

JULY 15, 1984

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to practice

6 JULY 15,

Page 7: A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Fr. E. · 2017-01-02 · A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5

Being A Catlwlic Includes ...


observations were but the fig-ment imagination! That they, and many more same kind, are all too literally true, how-ever, is a terrifying as well-informed

Both our Church and our na­within, a destructive nrr,,r-o,""

its goal.

to realize that there are Catholics in this country

little or that would

l"ITl'70r1<, who are almost ""''''rm,,n to country. As if

has to mean a contempt for all to see your own country

esteemed and re­to a hostility Tr\\Al'!'.>Frl

continued on page 8

Page 8: A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Fr. E. · 2017-01-02 · A publication of Traditional Catholics of America t Editor: Fr. Francis E. Fenton, STL Volume V, No. 5

OUR LADY (303) 636-1575


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OUR LADY OF ROSARY Centennial and Loan 1101 E. Second (303) 884-2526 Mass at 10:00 a.m. Aug. 26

OUR LADY OF FATIMA CHAPEL (303) 348-5454 Mass on 5, Sept. 2

Route , (318) 942-9053 Mass at 11:00 a.m. July 15, July 29, Aug. 19

ROSARY CHAPEL 5820 Viola Road, (507) 282-5163 or 289-8522 Mass at 10:00 a.m. July 29, Aug. 12

GREAT IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY 2020 Second Avenue North (406) 452-8826 Mass at 10:00 a.m. July 22, Aug. 12, 26


OUR ROSARY 231 Parkway (716) 537-9533


QuaHty 154 West South (801) 278-7501 Mass at 11:00 a.m. July 22

ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt+tttttttt+tttttttttttt "Good American" continued from page 7 "Surely, Sons, We must love native land-the family given to us by one more sign, and not important, of a loss on the part modern men."

While truly Roman gravely concerned over the current Church, so many of them do not seem to have a compar­able concern for the survival country or any significant awareness of the extent to which it is today under the control of its enemies. not see that their

sold down the they see that

~¥~~••r•~ their beloved takes over, and that

millions fellow men

by its traitorous freedom they

cease to be if that of

diabolical tyranny? Do they not in a word, that their Catholicism is deficient to the extent that they fail to be informed, active, truly patriotic

F. Fenton


Published by Traditional Catholics

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