a quantum computer operates on qubits

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  • 8/2/2019 A Quantum Computer Operates on Qubits


    A quantum computer operates on qubits, or quantum bits. Conceptually, a

    qubit is simply the quantum analog of a classical bit. The strange rules of quantum

    mechanics, however, endow qubits with some interesting properties that have no

    counterparts in the classical world. Two properties in particular interest us. The

    first is that a qubit can exist not just in one state or another, but in a superposition

    of different states. When we measure a qubit that is in a superposition of states, we

    force the collapse of the wave function and from that point onward the qubit will

    be in only one of the states. Just which state the superposition collapses into

    depends on the amplitudes of the various states in the superposition. In order to

    convey this more clearly, we introduce a standard notation used to represent these


    The state of a single qubit alone can be thought of as a unit vector in a two-

    dimensional vector space with basis {|0, |1}. Here {|0, |1} are orthogonal

    vectors representing quantum states such as spin up and spin down or vertical and

    horizontal polarization. A qubit can be in state |0 orin state |1, but it can also be

    in a superposition x|0+y|1 of the two states. The complex amplitudes x and y

    determine which state we will see if we make a measurement. When an observer

    measures a qubit in this superposition, the probability that the observer will see

    state |0 is |x|2 and the probability of seeing |1 is |y|

    2. Note that because x|0 + y|1

    is a unit vector, the sum |x|2 + |y|2 must be equal to 1.

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    The second quantum-mechanical property that interests us is quantum

    entanglement, which ties qubits inextricably to each other over the course of

    operations. Because qubits can be entangled and interfere with each other,

    the state of a multiple-qubit system cannot be represented generally as a linear

    combination of the state vectors of each qubit the interactions between each pair of

    qubits is as relevant as the state of each qubit itself. The state of the system, then,

    cannot be described in terms of a simple Cartesian product of the individual

    spaces, but rather a tensor product.

    One other property of quantum computers that is notable for its difference

    from classical computation is that all operations are reversible. On one level, this is

    due to the fact that classical computations dissipate heat, and with it information,

    whereas quantum operations dissipate no heat and therefore retain all information

    across each calculation. Since reversible quantum gates exist that permit the full

    complement of familiar logical operations, however, this point need not concern


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    Classical Cryptography

    According to the Auguste Kerckhoffs, the security of entire cryptosystem

    relies on the secrecy of secret key which means the Eve is having the knowledge of

    entire algorithm only the thing he dont know is the key. Depending on the number

    of keys used in the cryptosystem, it is classified into two groups: symmetric and

    asymmetric. Symmetric cryptosystems are the one which uses the single key for

    encryption and decryption process. Thus, in order to use such a cryptosystem the

    Alice and Bob must agree on a single secret key and this key agreement requires an

    expensive secure channel. As it makes no sense to use the unsecure public channel

    for secret key agreement. If one party simply chooses some key and sends it

    encrypted to the other party, then which key should be used to encrypt the other

    key in the first place? This dilemma is known as the key agreement problem, and it

    was long considered unsolvable.

    Diffie and Hellman

    However, Diffie and Hellman found a simple way to avoid this dilemma,

    making use of the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem. Diffie and

    Hellmans secret-key agreement protocol enables Alice and Bob to agree on a joint

    secret key by communicating over a public channel, and even though eve

    intercepts each bit transmitted she is not able to determine the secret key, provided

    that discrete logarithms are hard to compute. The Diffie and Hellman approach for

    secret-key sharing over a public insecure channel is as follows:

    This technique makes use of the apparent difficulty of computing logarithms

    over a finite field GF(q) with a prime number q of elements. Let

    Y = aX mod q,

    Each user generates an independent random number Xi chosen uniformly

    each keeps Xi secret but share

    Yi = aXi mod q

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    and when they require to communicate they calculate the secret key as


    Kij = aXiXj mod q

    Calculation of Y from X is easy, taking at most 2 * log2q multiplications,

    whereas computing X from Y, on the other hand can be much more difficult and,

    for certain carefully chosen values of q, requires on the order of q1/2 operations.

    The security of this technique depends crucially on the difficulty of computing

    logarithms mod q, and if an algorithm whose complexity grew as log2q were to be

    found, our system would be broken. Thus, if logs mod q is easily computed the

    system can be broken.

    A major disadvantage of symmetric ciphers is the sharing of secret key

    between every pairs of user which becomes a hectic process when a

    communication group is very large. In principle, for a group of n users, the total n

    (n + 1) / 2 secret keys are required to be generated. Public-key cryptosystems, also

    called asymmetric cryptosystems, circumvent this key distribution problem as

    follows: Instead of having one key for every pair of parties, only one pair of keys

    per party is needed to communicate securely. Diffie and Hellman proposed the

    principle idea of public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.

    Hardness in RSA

    The first public-key cryptosystem that appeared is the RSA system[2], name

    after its three inventors, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. The

    public cryptosystem are based on so called (trapdoor) one-way functions, functions

    that are easy to compute but hard to invert. Unfortunately, it is a central open

    question whether one-way functions exist.

    To communicate through the public cryptosystem the Alice creates two

    keys, for encryption and decryption. Her encryption key is public, but Alice keeps

    her decryption key as private. Each time Bob wants to communicate with Alice, he

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    looks up her public key and uses it to encrypt his message. Since only Alice knows

    her private key, she alone can decrypt the ciphertext, that is, invert the encryption

    function, which is oneway.

    One more advantage of using a RSA is the authentication; the Alice can

    digitally sign the document using its private key which can be verified using the

    Alice public key.

    RSA works as follows:

    1. Selecting two prime numbers p and q.2. Calculate n = p * q.3. Calculate (n) = (p -1) * (q - 1).4. Select integer function such that gcd((n), e) = 1; 1 < e < (n).5. Calculate d = e-1 mod (n).6. Public key PU = {e, n}7. Private key PR = {d, n}

    The security of the RSA underlies in the complexity of factoring the number

    n. While factoring large numbers is not provably difficult, it is a well-known

    problem that has been worked on for more than three hundred years by many

    famous mathematicians. Fermat, Legendre developed factoring algorithms.

    Factoring n would enable an enemy cryptanalyst to break the RSA. The

    factors of n enable him to compute (n) and thus d. Fortunately, factoring a

    number seems to be much more difficult than determining whether it is prime orcomposite.

    A.Factoring NFactoring n would enable an enemy cryptanalyst to \break" our method. The

    factors of n enable him to compute _(n) and thus d. Fortunately, factoring a

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    number seems to be much more di_cult than determining whether it is prime or


    The fastest factoring algorithm can factor n in approximately

    () (()) ()()

    = ()()(())


    B.Computing (n) without factoring nIf a cryptanalyst could compute (n) then he could break the system by

    computing d as the multiplicative inverse of e modulo (n).

    This approach is no easier than factoring n since it enables the cryptanalyst

    to easily factor n using (n). This approach to factoring n has not turned out to be


    How can n be factored using (n)? First, (p + q) is obtained from n and

    (n) = n - (p + q) + 1. Then (p - q) is the square root of (p + q) 2 - 4n. Finally, q is

    half the difference of (p + q) and (p - q).

    Therefore breaking our system by computing (n) is no easier than

    breaking our system by factoring n.

  • 8/2/2019 A Quantum Computer Operates on Qubits


    Shors Algorithm

    Shors algorithm, proposed by Peter Shor in 1994, is a quantum algorithm used to

    factor an integer and can be applied to cracking RSA. The first efficient algorithm

    to attack the factoring of the product of two large prime numbers, Shor's algorithm

    sparked a great deal of interest among the scientific community in the quantum

    computing field.

    Some properties of quantum computation that will be useful for constructing

    algorithms for quantum machines.

    Fact 1:

    A deterministic computation is performable on a quantum computer if andonly if it is reversible. From results on reversible computation, we can compute

    any polynomial time function f(a) as long as we keep the input, a on the machine.

    To erase a and replace it with f(a) we need in addition that f is ont-to-one and that a

    is computable in polynomial time from f(a); i.e., that both f and f-1 are polynomial-

    time computable.

    Fact 2:

    Any polynomial size unitary matrix can be approximated using a polynomial

    number of elementary unitary transformations and thus can be approximated in

    polynomial time on a quantum computer. Further, this approximation is good

    enough so as to introduce at most a bounded probability of error into results of the


    Discrete Log:

    The discrete log problem is: given a prime p, a generator g of the

    multiplicative group (mod p) and x (mod p), find an r such that gr = x (mod p).

    The algorithm starts with x, g and p on the tape (i.e., in the quantum memory

    of our machine.) Then trying to compute r such that gr = x (mod p). Since it will

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    never delete them, x, g, and p are constants, and it will specify a state of our

    machine by the other contents of the tape.

    The algorithm starts out by choosing numbers a and b (mod p - 1)

    uniformly, so the state of the machine after this step is


    The algorithm next computes gax-b(mod p) reversibly, so it must keep the

    values a and b on the tape. The state of the machine is now

    ( )

    now it will use the unitary transformation Ap-1 to map a -> c and b -> d with

    certain amplitude. As this is the unitary transformation, and since p -1 is smooth it

    can be accomplished in polynomial time on a quantum machine.

    Then it will compute the probability that the computation ends with machine

    in state |c, d, y with y = gk (mod p). This probability is the absolute value of the

    square of the square of the sum over all ways the machine could produce this state,

    or where the sum is over all a, b satisfying arb = k (modp1). This computation

    aries from the fact that computation paths can only interfere when they give the

    same y = garb = gk(mod p).


    The algorithm for factoring is similar to the one for the general case of

    discrete log, only somewhat simpler.

    Instead of giving a quantum computer algorithm to factor n, we will give a

    quantum computer algorithm for finding the order of an element x in the

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    multiplicative group (mod n); that is, the least integer r such that x r = 1(mod n).

    There is a randomized reduction from factoring to the order of an element.

    To factor an odd number n, given a method for computing the order of an

    element, we choose a random x, find the order rx of x, and compute gcd(xrx/2 - 1, n)

    This fails to give a non-trivial divisor of n only if r x is odd or if xrx/2 = -1(mod n).

    Using this criterion, it has been shown that the algorithm finds a factor of n with

    probability at least 1 a/2k, where k is the number of distinct prime factors of n.

    This scheme will work as long as n is not a prime power; however, factoring prime

    powers can be done efficiently with classical method.

    To achieve these results, Shor's algorithm breaks down the factoring

    problem to an order-finding problem because an order finding problem can be

    computed concurrently. Once it is reduced to an order-find problem, the algorithm

    uses quantum Fourier transforms to find the period. The Quantum Fourier

    Transform is the reason for the computational speedup because the problem can be

    broken up and calculated simultaneously. The Big O of Shor's Algorithm for

    factoring an integer N is O((logN)^3) time with a O(log N) space. This is a huge

    accomplishment because on a classical computer there is no algorithm that can

    solve the factoring problem in polynomial time. This is a huge accomplishment

    because on a classical computer there is no algorithm that can solve the factoring

    problem in polynomial time.

    Shor's algorithm has been successfully tested on a quantum computer by

    IBM in 2001, when they factored 15 to find 3 and 5 [3]. The test was a proof of

    concept and the quantum computer used only contained 7 qubits.

  • 8/2/2019 A Quantum Computer Operates on Qubits


    Search Problem in Computer Science

    Even in theoretical computer science, the typical problem can be looked at

    as that of examining a number of different possibilities to see which, if any, of

    them satisfy a given condition. This is analogous to the search problem stated in

    the summary above, except that usually there exists some structure to the problem,

    i.e some sorting does exist on the database. Most interesting problems are

    concerned with the effect of this structure on the speed of the algorithm. For

    example the SAT problem asks whether it is possible to find any combination of n

    binary variables that satisfies a certain set of clauses C, the crucial issue in NP-

    completeness is whether it is possible to solve it in time polynomial in n.

    In this case there areN=2npossible combinations which have to be searched

    for any that satisfy the specified property and the question is whether we can do

    that in a time which is polynomial in O(logN), i.e.O(). Thus if it were possibleto reduce the number of steps to a finite power of, it would yield a polynomial time

    algorithm for NP-complete problems.

    In view of the fundamental nature of the search problem in both theoretical

    and applied computer science, it is natural to ask - how fast can the basic

    identification problem be solved without assuming anything about the structure of

    the problem? It is generally assumed that this limit is since there are Nitems to be

    examined and a classical algorithm will clearly take steps. However, quantum

    mechanical systems can simultaneously be in multiple Schrodinger cat states and

    carry out multiple tasks at the same time. Here is an step algorithm for the search


    Suppose that there exist N = 2n states and each state is labeled by S1, S2, SN. The

    states are represented by n bit binary strings. Let F be a Boolean function of the set

    of these 2n states. Let there be a unique state, say Sn, that satisfies the condition

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    C(Sn) = 1, whereas for all other states S, C(S) = 0 (assume that for any state S, the

    condition C(S) can be evaluated in unit time). The problem is to identify the state



    (i) Initialize the system to the distribution:


    i.e. there is the same amplitude

    to be in each of theNstates. This distribution can be obtained in O (logN) steps,

    (ii) Repeat the following unitary operations O() times:

    (a) Let the system be in any state S:

    In case C(S) = 1, rotate the phase by radians;

    In case C(S) = 0, leave the system unaltered.

    (b) Apply the diffusion transformD which is defined by the matrixD as


    This diffusion transform, D can be implemented as D = WRW, where R the

    rotation matrix & w the Walsh-Hadamard transform Matrix are defined as


    Rij = 0 if i != j;

    Rij = 1 if i = 0; Rij = -1 if i = 0;

    (iii) Sample the resulting state. In case C(Sv) = 1 there is a unique state Sn

    such that the final state is Sn with a probability of at least 0.5.

    C.CRYPTANALYSIS USING GROVERs ALGORITHMPlain text attack can be built using the Grovers algorithm.

  • 8/2/2019 A Quantum Computer Operates on Qubits


    Let E be a block cipher of key and block size n. Suppose that an attacker is

    given an arbitrary pair of a plaintext P and the ciphertext C encrypted by E with a

    certain secret key kj . Applying Grovers algorithm, he can find the secret key. For

    simplicity, we assume that there exists only one key kj such that C = E (P, kj). As a

    matter of fact, there exist several keys satisfying C= E (P, kj) in general.

    1. Prepare a pair (P, C) of a plaintext P and a ciphertext C, that is, C = E (P, kj)for some secretkey kj. Define F by

    { () ()

    2. Initialize the system by making a superposition of all possible keys (ki) withthe same amplitude. Suppose the key length is 64 bit. There exist N = 264

    states representing N keys in the superposition. So we have the


    3. Iterate 2 step, Note that Kj is the solution of the equation F (k) = 1. PossiblyO () steps are needed.We can reduce the computational cost using the detailed information on

    block ciphers. Consider searching a structured database. In a structured database,

    each data can be represented by a binary sequence. To obtain information from a

    structured database $O(log N) steps are needed, where N is the size of database.

    In cryptanalysis of block ciphers, one employs the knowledge of non-

    uniformity of the distribution between plaintexts, secret keys and ciphertexts.

    Differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis [7, 8, 10] are such cryptanalysis.

    Using non-uniformity of distributions, the size of key space can be reduced. If the

    size can be reduced to a tractable size, one can analyze by the brute-force method.

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    In quantum cryptanalysis, we may do the same. First, we reduce the size of

    the searching space by using the (possibly statistical) information on the searching
