a r remedies and - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · if your teeth need a harmless whiten lug wash...

i t g X V i ju J v V T f Vyr i S vr V WASHINGTON i i I II j I CONCERNING HEALTH and BFAUTY- By MRS HLNRY SYML8 HERALD SUNDAY SLY 17f 1810- l l rJ s p 0 r f il f a r > > > > > > IS generally conceded that nature has supplied us with a remedy or- an antidote for every existing evil olarlty Is a law of tho unherse and If there is not known a natural solution of physical trouble It is by many that It Is because we have not discovered It Herbs and plants have been recog nized from ancient times to possess curative and beneficial powers I could name dozens of these friends of health but must content you with a limited variety that I hope will be of to my readers Camomile flowers purchasable at any drug store are wonderful little blossoms In the health and beauty ranks They should be steeped In water until the color Is quite like tea then drain off the liquid and bottle From this about once a week take a sufficient quantity to moisten your brush and to the It brightens light hair by giving a bril liance to the strands has the added advantage of containing no oil let mo add the suggestion that If the camomile tea be drunk tt will a tendency to reduce nIght sweats to muscles the pain will be greatly If your teeth need a harmless whiten lug wash apply quince juice diluted In use t t be- lieved have ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ m PlantaIn Lara Zlsaa ly Cured > much water Besides bleaching t tightens the teeth In the gums Rosemary Is for a few things besides remembrance It is an herb that has ever been recognized as of great merit A decoction of rosemary In water is an excellent headache remedy Bathe the temples with this homemade head ache cure If the eyes ache this same treatment can be given Now suppose that in your walk through the damp woods you have be come poisoned with ivy The remedy lies on your homeward trip Plantain leaves the weed that we uproot from our lawn are the antidote for Ivy poi soning Gather a generous bunch of the oval loaves and with a wooden mallet or a covered hammer pound the green leaves into a pulp Do not allow the juice to escape Make a of the crushed leaves using an openmeshed cheesecloth and upon affected parts I promise a speeay cure I from personal experience of the know ¬ ¬ ¬ efficiency of this cure Do you know that violets are useful besides being beautiful Take one dram weight of the purple flowers and steep In one pint of fresh water Let the de coction stand for several hours This an excellent gargle for hoarseness Re peat the treatment until the hoarseness disappears- In your own kitchen a supply of is aim ¬ ¬ ADVICE ON SOCIAL CUSTOMS I ON FLIRTING DO not know just why summer time and flirting are allied in most young girls minds and I am sorry to say actions but from observations arid from my correspondence It would seem that a talk to my readers were worth attempting I am not to give a lengthy Let it suffice that there Is an underlying principle What I wish to do is to talk about the commonsensible phase of refraining from this prevalent In the parks on the streets and at the and seaside resorts there will always be met the straggling crowd of men have to do but to amuse themselves with chance ac- quaintances to the discredit of the women Yes dear friend It is the woman In the flirtation that loses a cer- tain standing in the the man escap the opprobrium of the ob servers So from that point of view It Is wise to think before you act But in the deeper sense flirting Is harmful to ones character hundreds of years of conventionality a man and a woman must meet through the agency of a third friend You can see how this insures a certain re- spectability and safety to each for the Introducer In a tacit way vouches for each person to the other No thought ful cause a meeting be tween which would result but a beneficial glances toward encourage them They never fully recover from Idea that you took the Initiative In the unconventional ac and in nine cases out of there are little shortcomings in the actions of the gentlemen that be- speak a curtailed man who nuts with you He be a rascal he may be an Imbecile he a person out for innocent amuse- ment but do not know If the little flirting maiden could but hear how these men talk and compare notes she would not take advanced seriously although she might take to her room decide to refrain from the cheapening actions that flirting A of dig- nity and the slightest fall in the esti- mation of a friend are not worth an afternoons jollity Embarrassment In Explaining and where you met Mr Blank la not halt so great as the feeling that It ought to have been different I cannot cite Incidents of positive harm that are cropping out in the papers You know as well as I that these occur You recognize the fact that no matter how sorry or how re pentant one be It cannot undo a SOLUTIONS TO SOCIAL PROBLEMS How to Eat Eggs Mrs Adams How should boiled or fried eggs 1 In a three or four course dinner should you keen the same knife and fork yov used in first course the second couras If one set besides the dessert fork was placed by your and It while the servant the first pate away 3 passing the plate for a second ing the and fork rest on mate or should one hold them JIll amJ mud t 4 vRlAJC- t4fHcg wa etV- ed I ot the Of ot passing the time m t laugh and giggle and cast men In j any way You know absolutely nothing about a may- be DEAR ten onl OUId one tales dis- cussion y El r in- lay ont fen hay L the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ foolish disregard for the conventions of wellbred society If a man wishes to meet you he will exert everything In his power to meet you on grounds of which you nor he need bo ashamed If this be Impossible there Is nothing to be done IMPLY REMEDIes rOJl1 and A Dont flirt with strangers You may to regret it You will never hold same position in own estimation if you do and after all the still small voice is a pretty fair and safe one to heed Yes even the summer vacation our jn i T lives d LuSre7 Camomfe Tee 4 At a bail cupper the rule is for the to see that his woman companion Is properly served Please tell me to go this 5 What is the simplest way for a gentle man ask a lady if she wishes his arm 6 If at a dance a gertleman wishes to take to supper a young who has her nether with her as chaperon with whom he Is not acquainted how should he set out to obtain the permission R G F 1 Boiled eggs are usually broken Into- a glass and eaten a spoon or the shell is chipped at the and the egg eaten directly from It with an spoon Fried eggs are eaten with a 2 When have finished the the utensils used should be placed on the dish from which you have been eat- ing so that the servant out together He will then you with utensils necessary for the next course if they are not already on the tab 3 knife and fork should be placed on the plate when it Is passed for a second 4 Although a gentleman gives assist ance in supplying wants of lady there are maid or men servants- in attendance to see that no guest is However the escort should ask his companion If she has any and then bring to her that she desires 5 If it Is evident that the lady Is In need of assistance it is suftvjsnt to say Will take my arm 6 The should appeal to the hostess for an introduction ladles A Stranger in the Land To FREMDER In reply to let ter which was too to print I wish to say with all have- a splendid knowledge of the English t ou course carryall he h ou gen- tleman fork pref- erence ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ UJ v5 FortedacJfe osern r < pie remedies can be made with plants- or herbs for the foundation It were well to make use of natures offerings at small expense and the results are most emphatically beneficial language considering you are a stranger In this you show of being a linguist the mother of the young woman whom you mention in your letter insists upon being In the room when call should in the language which she understands It be most to Ignore her during the conversation To Win Her Love Dear Mrs Adams- I am In love with a sweet woman but I dont know If she cares for me or not What can I do to win her love In return E W L If you have serious intentions and wish to marry the young woman why dont tell her of love for her and thus find out if for you A Most Improper Phrase Dear Mrs Adams A gentleman friend sends a card to a lady replies and in closinc says With love from all Her husband unacquainted with her friend Are such from her improper MATILDB If the young man to whom her reply was sent is not acquainted with any member of the young family such a phrase was distinctly out of place Duties of a Secretary Dear sire Adams Could you tell me through the what the duties o a pastors I a eohool necessary or any special training Where I A READER Each pastor has different duties for his secretary but the general duties are attend to all correspondence and young ou lour ply columns > probably keep books relating to such money as pastors ing An for a first class clerical position is necessary Why dont you apply to your pastor who if he is not of a secretary may be able to refer you to some one Desires Admirers Dear Mrs Adams We are three young ladies all over 17 years of ape and would like to know how to win the affections of the young men We are acquainted with a great many but they do not seem inclined to favor us We are rather good looking and very jolly What would you us to do the matter THREE ANXIOUS FRIENDS You are all too young to bother your selves with thoughts of men Do not be so anxious to win their affections for my dear maidens when the young men are ready to bestow their affections they not hesitate long before plac ing them where they most desire them to be The Escorts Hat Dear Mrs Adams When accompanying a boy friend to church or any place amusement mould I take his hat or should he hold It Do think It right for a friend who goes with me to always have another girls picture handy He wishes me to other boys PATIENCE Most assuredly let the man hold his own Why should you be burdened The boy probably knows you do not like to other girls pic ture and therefore delights in teasing you Do not show your the next time he displays a photograph of a girl and he soon not be foolish enough to give up your other to cater to his wishes Companionship with frlends ls to ones point of view and life and it would be for a young girl to neglect this In her best Dear Mrs Adams- Is It proper for a girl to allow herself to be kissed by a boy who has escorted her home from some entertainment INQUIRER- It Is quite improper for a to allow a boy to such liberties with her I absolutely disapprove of this practice cannot too strongly urge my to do everything their power to their friends is one of the first things demanded in a compan ionship When a Man Calls Dear Mrs Adams 1 When a young man calls at house for the first it best to devise informal entertainment and serve light re or merely spend the evening In conversing I have met a young man for ho hands and perhaps to do parish visit 1 Is It Proper r him- self hat r show ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ first time and h shows conslJeraWe atten tion and expresses a desire te call la It proper to invite him can I rid myself of a mans mentions who has very good to me but wham I do not care to go I de not wish to make him angry 4 How are steamed clams to be eaten MAROUERITTA When a young man calls on you It Is not necessary to serve refreshments en T t 1 ¬ Yoets 7or ffoarseness or plan any form of entertainment 2 If know nothing of the mans character I do not to Invite him to call If you have heard from your friends that he is a desirable friend then you may extend the invita tion f 3 Refuse to accept any more invita tions from him and do not invite him to any social entertainments 4 The shells of the steamed clams are opened with the fingers and the con tents eaten with a fork Number of Dances Dear Mrs Adams 1 When at a dance how many dances should a girl give to the young man who takes her and how many other men friends 2 We have been with two for nearly a year and entertain them together it be proper for us to serve refresh ments when call 3 May we write a personal LUELLA AND HESTER 1 Three dances are sufficient for a girl to give her escort She will hardly have an opportunity to give her other men more than one dance 2 It would be proper to serve re freshments but unnecessary 3 a stamped Is inclosed In your to me I be glad to give a personal reply Sending a Declination r Dear Adams Please let me know if It would be proper to decline an to a wedding fast with a typewritten note or should it be by hand You know typewriting Is at most universal now W It would be quite a breach of etiquette for to the invitation by sending a typewritten note The type is but for busi ness communications only All personal notes and letters should be in ones own handwriting Who Should Ask Dear Mrs Adams- I havo been going with a young man for year you please tell me whether- it proper for me to ask him when he Is to call again or he say BO DETROIT It would be better for him to ask for an engagement Kind of Stationery Dear Mrs Adams What kind of stationery should a young man use Is it to use colored and what is the correct size Should a young man wear full evening dress for grand having a balcony seat end going alone J H Y White stationery Is always used by the As to the size It Is better to inquire of the firstclass stationer for the correct size There are usually slight changes made each sea- son No matter whether you are alone or companion after six full dress Is usually required for theater OU 1 It no wel1 th d envel- ope with l tf ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ w Irh- tUJlCc fLl teRG Teeth aTurc ANSWERS TO BEAUTY QUERNS I WING to the great amount of mall received and the limited space given this department It is ab solutely impossible to answer letters In the Sunday Issue following their receipt The letters must be answered In turn and this ofttimes requires three or four weeks Alt correspondents who desire an Im answer must inclose a self addressed stamped envelope for a reply This rule must be complied with In regard to personal letters Thin Hair Dear Mrs Symes What ic hair tonic for rather bad ease of dandruff of standing My hair is getting thin and comes out In bunches every time I brush and comb It What la rood for weak digestion and rather frequent constipation First of all I advise you to use castor oil on your scalp to remove the a drops of It every day After massaging brush the will Invigorate the scalp and Increase the of the hair In answer to your second I beg you to see your physician about both of the troubles In treating such cases it is necessary to near the patient so results of the remedies prescribed may be carefully watched To Whiten the Hands Dear Mrs Symes What besides lemon Juice will whiten the hands FRIENDS- A slice of cucumber rubbed over the hands will whiten them Buttermilk too la a very good skin whitener To Reduce the Flesh Mrs Symes Kindly me how to reduce flesh as I am entirely too fleshy for my height Exercise and diet are the two safest methods to employ to reduce flesh How ever violent exercise should not be In- dulged in unless are certain that will stand it and severe diet ing should not be undertaken unless the stomach is able to be treated thus To Reduce the Waist Measure Dear Mrs Symes 1 What can I do to reduce my waist measure 2 What will reduce the calves of my win make me grow taller as I am very small for 4 What will make my hands white 5 What good for a red nose 6 Is auburn Can you me grow and not change the color 7 How day should the teeth be washed 8 How often should the hair be washed F S 1 Deep breathing will to reduce the waist measure The stretching exer- cises too are as waist de Ieters Raise the arms high above the lead then holding knees straight try to touch the floor with the fingertips Stand erect place hands on from waist as as possible to the right then to the left 2 To reduce the calves of your legs use the pomade for which this Is the recipe Iodide of potassium 46 grains Vaseline ounces Lanelln 1 ounces Tincture of benzoin 20 drops Make into a pomade and rub over the fatty parts twice a day 3 All exercises which stretch the muscles of the body will help to Increase your height 4 Lemon juice Is one of the simplest one of the best whiteners for the skin Apply It once a 5 Massage with a good cold cream will improve tho circulation of the blood and make the skin less sensitive thereby reducing the red condition of nose 6 Here is a recipe for a splendid hair tonic which not affect color of your hair It should be massaged the scalp daily If you expect good results Hair Tonic Resorcin 3 drams Tincture cantharldea 1 ounce Oil rieinl 4 drams 011 rosemary 10 drops Bay rum sufficient to rake 8 ounces 7 Tho teeth should be cleaned the last thing before retiring the first thing In morning and after meal 8 need not be washed any oftener than once every four or weeks To Develop the Bust Dear Mrs Kindly inform me how to Increase my without to a lot of troube I am 19 years old and am still very flat TESS1B F- Xsu but measure will be increased O al o a a long caIP hair for ten or fifteen This Dear m ou ler e Is 1 the for tonic which will make It Jon a 1 I dan- druff mnutes WO chat recipe a lima v ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > If you will massage every day with cocoa butter Breathe deeply at all times To Reduce Flesh Mrs Will you tell me how to remove come Z weigh JSi pounds and think that Is too much E S Diet and exercise will soon reduce your weight You should avoid all sweetened food vegetables containing sugar and starch such as peas corn potatoes Eat very if white is very fattening and should not be taken morning take a glass of water to of a lemon has been added If possible walk flue miles briskly every day Practice the exer are constantly appearing in these columns To Remove the Lines Dear Mrs I am only 25 old but very deep lines formed on either of mouth from the nose to the chin When I discovered them I proceeded at continue to grow deeper fol lowed instructions carefully and have worked a time but without results Would you advise me to the wrinkle removers that are advertised or what shall I do ETHEL M C My advice is that have your fate treated by a reliable masseuse your vicinity Remedy for Moles Dear Symes kindly tell me of some for moles I have been suffering from them on my lace and can no cure JANIE J R The only way you can get rid of the moles is to have them removed by electrolysis Be certain however that you to a reliable so that the work may be successfully done Bright Eyes Dear Mrs Symes 1 How can I make eyes 2 How can I cultivate a musical laugh S Is powder injurious to the 4 my bands white and soft JANE 1 It is most Injurious to any drops into the eyes to make them health is good and you do to Injure it your eyes can not having their natural bright- ness If you think your eyes need at tention I advise you to consult an ocu list 2 A laugh which is kept at a low and refined pitch is inclined to be musical do not the mistake of adopt ing an affected laugh 3 If you use the very best kind of powder on your and never taU to wash It from the face before retiring It will do no harm 4 To make the hands soft rub a good cold cream into them every night To whiten the hands lemon juice once a until they become as you desire them to be and use the Juice less often Thick Lips Dear Mrs Symes is the cause of thick lips Is any cure for them and It ao is it to be used A B C Some are naturally thick and for these here no to re duce e Other lips are made thick from the habit of them or from the foolish habit of wetting them In the latter case there is some for a cure Every day apply with a soft cloth a lotion made of a teaspoonful of tannin and eight ounces of water The Use of a Massage Cream Dear Mrs Symes- Is a massage cream detrimental to the face not often should it be used Will It make the face thin Will cocoa butter Increase flesh on the chest How often should It be used L A R A massage cream If properly applied and of best quality nourish Ing to the skin should be used a day It will not make the face thin It is more to make It plump Cocoa butter massaged Into dally wilL build the flesh but you will deep breathing will ex pand the quicker than anything else you might try Excessive Perspiration Dear Mrs Symes Will tell me of some remedy for excessive perspiration of the face Have tried without results A READER Several times throughout the day bathe your ffice In water to which a few drops ot benzoin have been added This will prove cooling and refreshing and will in time check the excessive perspiration f stArch nk eara once to eradicate them massage but tf lra m T What there find hat t ood I our nothing theirs rem les ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬

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Page 1: a r REMEDIes and - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov€¦ · If your teeth need a harmless whiten lug wash apply quince juice diluted In use t t be-lieved have ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ m PlantaIn

i t gX V i ju J v V T f Vyr i S vr V






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IS generally conceded that naturehas supplied us with a remedy or-

an antidote for every existing evilolarlty Is a law of tho unherse

and If there is not known a naturalsolution of physical trouble It is

by many that It Is because wehave not discovered It

Herbs and plants have been recognized from ancient times to possesscurative and beneficial powers I couldname dozens of these friends of healthbut must content you with a limitedvariety that I hope will be of to myreaders

Camomile flowers purchasable atany drug store are wonderful littleblossoms In the health and beautyranks They should be steeped Inwater until the color Is quite like teathen drain off the liquid and bottleFrom this about once a week take asufficient quantity to moisten your brushand to the Itbrightens light hair by giving a brilliance to the strands has theadded advantage of containing no oil

let moadd the suggestion that If the camomiletea be drunk tt will a tendencyto reduce nIght sweats

to muscles the pain willbe greatlyIf your teeth need a harmless whitenlug wash apply quince juice diluted In











mPlantaIn Lara



much water Besides bleaching ttightens the teeth In the gums

Rosemary Is for a few things besidesremembrance It is an herb that hasever been recognized as of great merit

A decoction of rosemary In water isan excellent headache remedy Bathethe temples with this homemade headache cure If the eyes ache this sametreatment can be given

Now suppose that in your walkthrough the damp woods you have become poisoned with ivy The remedylies on your homeward trip Plantainleaves the weed that we uproot fromour lawn are the antidote for Ivy poisoning Gather a generous bunch of theoval loaves and with a wooden malletor a covered hammer pound the greenleaves into a pulp Do not allow thejuice to escape Make a of thecrushed leaves using an openmeshedcheesecloth and uponaffected parts I promise a speeay cureI from personal experience of theknow




efficiency of this cureDo you know that violets are useful

besides being beautiful Take one dramweight of the purple flowers and steepIn one pint of fresh water Let the decoction stand for several hours Thisan excellent gargle for hoarseness Repeat the treatment until the hoarsenessdisappears-

In your own kitchen a supply of






ON FLIRTINGDO not know just why summertime and flirting are allied in mostyoung girls minds and I am sorry

to say actions but from observationsarid from my correspondence It wouldseem that a talk to my readerswere worth attempting

I am not to give a lengthy

Let it suffice that there Is an underlyingprinciple What I wish to do is to talk

about the commonsensiblephase of refraining from this prevalent

In the parks on the streets and at theand seaside resorts there will

always be met the straggling crowd ofmen have to do but toamuse themselves with chance ac-quaintances to the discredit of thewomen Yes dear friend It is thewoman In the flirtation that loses a cer-tain standing in the theman escap the opprobrium of the observers So from that point of viewIt Is wise to think before you act

But in the deeper sense flirting Isharmful to ones characterhundreds of years of conventionalitya man and a woman must meet throughthe agency of a third friend You cansee how this insures a certain re-spectability and safety to each for theIntroducer In a tacit way vouches foreach person to the other No thoughtful cause a meeting between which would result

but a beneficial

glances towardencourage them They never fully

recover from Idea that you took theInitiative In the unconventional ac

and in nine cases out ofthere are little shortcomings in the

actions of the gentlemen that be-speak a curtailed

man who nuts with you He be arascal he may be an Imbecile he

a person out for innocent amuse-ment but do not know

If the little flirting maiden could buthear how these men talk and comparenotes she would not take

advanced seriously althoughshe might take to her roomdecide to refrain from the cheapeningactions that flirting A of dig-nity and the slightest fall in the esti-mation of a friend are not worth anafternoons jollity Embarrassment InExplaining and where youmet Mr Blank la not halt so great asthe feeling that It ought to have beendifferent

I cannot cite Incidents of positiveharm that are cropping out in thepapers You know as well as I thatthese occur You recognize the factthat no matter how sorry or how repentant one be It cannot undo a


How to Eat EggsMrs AdamsHow should boiled or fried eggs

1 In a three or four course dinner shouldyou keen the same knife and fork yov usedin first course the second couras Ifone set besides the dessert fork wasplaced by your and It

while the servant the firstpate away3 passing the plate for a seconding the and fork rest on

mate or should one hold them

JIll amJ

mud t4 vRlAJC-

t4fHcg wa etV-ed


ot the Of

ot passing the time



laugh and giggle and castmen In j any way

You know absolutely nothing about a



onlOUId one


dis-cussion y


















foolish disregard for the conventions ofwellbred society If a man wishes tomeet you he will exert everything Inhis power to meet you on grounds ofwhich you nor he need boashamed If this be Impossible there Isnothing to be done



Dont flirt with strangers You mayto regret it

You will never hold same positionin own estimation if you do andafter all the still small voice is apretty fair and safe one to heed Yeseven the summer vacation


jn i


lives d LuSre7Camomfe Tee4 At a bail cupper the rule is for the

to see that his woman companion Isproperly served Please tell me to go

this5 What is the simplest way for a gentle

man ask a lady if she wishes his arm6 If at a dance a gertleman wishes to

take to supper a young who has hernether with her as chaperon with whomhe Is not acquainted how should he set outto obtain the permission R G F

1 Boiled eggs are usually broken Into-a glass and eaten a spoon or theshell is chipped at the and the eggeaten directly from It with anspoon Fried eggs are eaten with a

2 When have finished thethe utensils used should be placed onthe dish from which you have been eat-ing so that the servantout together He will then youwith utensils necessary for the nextcourse if they are not already on thetab

3 knife and fork should be placedon the plate when it Is passed for asecond

4 Although a gentleman gives assistance in supplying wants of ladythere are maid or men servants-in attendance to see that no guest is

However the escort shouldask his companion If she has any

and then bring to her thatshe desires

5 If it Is evident that the lady Is Inneed of assistance it is suftvjsnt to say

Will take my arm6 The should appeal to the

hostess for an introduction ladles

A Stranger in the LandTo FREMDER In reply to let

ter which was too to print I wishto say with all have-a splendid knowledge of the English


ou course














UJv5FortedacJfe osern r<

pie remedies can be made with plants-or herbs for the foundation It werewell to make use of natures offeringsat small expense and the results aremost emphatically beneficial

language considering you are a strangerIn this you showof being a linguist the mother of theyoung woman whom you mention inyour letter insists upon being In theroom when call shouldin the language which she understandsIt be most to Ignore herduring the conversation

To Win Her LoveDear Mrs Adams-

I am In love with a sweet womanbut I dont know If she cares for me or notWhat can I do to win her love In return

E W LIf you have serious intentions and

wish to marry the young woman whydont tell her of love for herand thus find out if for you

A Most Improper PhraseDear Mrs Adams

A gentleman friend sends a card to alady replies and in closincsays With love from all Her husband

unacquainted with her friend Are suchfrom her improper MATILDB

If the young man to whom her replywas sent is not acquainted with anymember of the young familysuch a phrase was distinctly out ofplace

Duties of a SecretaryDear sire Adams

Could you tell me through thewhat the duties o a pastorsI a eohool necessary orany special training Where I

A READEREach pastor has different duties forhis secretary but the general dutiesare attend to all correspondence and


ou lour




probably keep books relating to suchmoney as pastorsing An for a firstclass clerical position is necessaryWhy dont you apply to your pastorwho if he is not of a secretarymay be able to refer you to some one

Desires AdmirersDear Mrs Adams

We are three young ladies all over 17years of ape and would like to know howto win the affections of the young men Weare acquainted with a great many butthey do not seem inclined to favor us Weare rather good looking and very jollyWhat would you us to do thematter THREE ANXIOUS FRIENDS

You are all too young to bother yourselves with thoughts of men Do not beso anxious to win their affections formy dear maidens when the young menare ready to bestow their affectionsthey not hesitate long before placing them where they most desire themto be

The Escorts HatDear Mrs Adams

When accompanying a boy friend tochurch or any place amusement mouldI take his hat or should he hold It

Do think It right for a friend whogoes with me to always have another girlspicture handy He wishes me toother boys PATIENCEMost assuredly let the man

hold his own Why should you beburdened

The boy probably knows you do notlike to other girls picture and therefore delights in teasingyou Do not show your thenext time he displays a photograph ofa girl and he soon not befoolish enough to give up your otherto cater to his wishesCompanionship with frlends ls

to ones point of view andlife and it would be for a younggirl to neglect this In her best

Dear Mrs Adams-Is It proper for a girl to allow herselfto be kissed by a boy who has escortedher home from some entertainment

INQUIRER-It Is quite improper for a to allowa boy to such liberties with herI absolutely disapprove of this practice

cannot too strongly urge myto do everything their power totheir friends is one ofthe first things demanded in a companionship

When a Man CallsDear Mrs Adams

1 When a young man calls at housefor the first it best to deviseinformal entertainment and serve light reor merely spend the evening Inconversing

I have met a young man for ho

hands and perhaps to do parish visit


Is It Proper












first time and h shows conslJeraWe attention and expresses a desire te call la Itproper to invite him

can I rid myself of a mansmentions who has very good to mebut wham I do not care to go I denot wish to make him angry

4 How are steamed clams to be eatenMAROUERITTA

When a young man calls on you ItIs not necessary to serve refreshments




Yoets 7or ffoarsenessor plan any form of entertainment

2 If know nothing of the manscharacter I do not to Invitehim to call If you have heard fromyour friends that he is a desirablefriend then you may extend the invitation f3 Refuse to accept any more invitations from him and do not invite himto any social entertainments

4 The shells of the steamed clams areopened with the fingers and the contents eaten with a fork

Number of DancesDear Mrs Adams

1 When at a dance how many dancesshould a girl give to the young man whotakes her and how many other menfriends

2 We have been with two fornearly a year and entertain them together

it be proper for us to serve refreshments when call

3 May we write a personalLUELLA AND HESTER

1 Three dances are sufficient for agirl to give her escort She will hardlyhave an opportunity to give her othermen more than one dance

2 It would be proper to serve refreshments but unnecessary

3 a stampedIs inclosed In your to me I

be glad to give a personal reply

Sending a Declination rDear Adams

Please let me know if It would be properto decline an to a weddingfast with a typewritten note or should itbe by hand You know typewriting Is atmost universal now WIt would be quite a breach of etiquette

for to the invitation bysending a typewritten note The type

is but for business communications only All personalnotes and letters should be in ones ownhandwriting

Who Should AskDear Mrs Adams-

I havo been going with a young man foryear you please tell me whether-

it proper for me to ask him when heIs to call again or he say BO

DETROITIt would be better for him to ask for

an engagement

Kind of StationeryDear Mrs Adams

What kind of stationery should a youngman use Is it to use coloredand what is the correct size

Should a young man wear full eveningdress for grand having a balconyseat end going alone J H YWhite stationery Is always used by

the As to the sizeIt Is better to inquire of the firstclassstationer for the correct size There areusually slight changes made each sea-son

No matter whether you are alone orcompanion after six full

dress Is usually required fortheater























fLl teRGTeethaTurc


IWING to the great amount of mall

received and the limited spacegiven this department It is ab

solutely impossible to answer letters Inthe Sunday Issue following their receiptThe letters must be answered In turnand this ofttimes requires three or fourweeks

Alt correspondents who desire an Imanswer must inclose a self

addressed stamped envelope for a replyThis rule must be complied withIn regard to personal letters

Thin HairDear Mrs Symes

What ic hair tonic for ratherbad ease of dandruff of standing Myhair is getting thin and comes out Inbunches every time I brush and comb ItWhat la rood for weak digestion andrather frequent constipation

First of all I advise you to use castoroil on your scalp to remove the

a drops of It every dayAfter massaging brush the

will Invigorate the scalp and Increasethe of the hair

In answer to your second Ibeg you to see your physician aboutboth of the troubles In treating suchcases it is necessary to near thepatient so results of theremedies prescribed may be carefullywatched

To Whiten the HandsDear Mrs Symes

What besides lemon Juice will whiten thehands FRIENDS-A slice of cucumber rubbed over the

hands will whiten them Buttermilktoo la a very good skin whitener

To Reduce the FleshMrs Symes

Kindly me how to reduce fleshas I am entirely too fleshy for my height

Exercise and diet are the two safestmethods to employ to reduce flesh However violent exercise should not be In-dulged in unless are certain that

will stand it and severe dieting should not be undertaken unless thestomach is able to be treated thus

To Reduce the Waist MeasureDear Mrs Symes

1 What can I do to reduce my waistmeasure

2 What will reduce the calves of my

win make me grow taller as Iam very small for

4 What will make my hands white5 What good for a red nose6 Is auburn Can you me

grow and not change the color7 How day should the

teeth be washed8 How often should the hair be washed

F S1 Deep breathing will to reduce

the waist measure The stretching exer-cises too are as waist de

Ieters Raise the arms high above thelead then holding knees straight tryto touch the floor with the fingertipsStand erect place hands onfrom waist as as possible to theright then to the left

2 To reduce the calves of your legsuse the pomade for which this Is therecipeIodide of potassium 46 grainsVaseline ouncesLanelln 1 ouncesTincture of benzoin 20 drops

Make into a pomade and rub over thefatty parts twice a day3 All exercises which stretch the

muscles of the body will help to Increaseyour height

4 Lemon juice Is one of the simplestone of the best whiteners for the

skin Apply It once a5 Massage with a good cold cream

will improve tho circulation of theblood and make the skin less sensitivethereby reducing the red condition of

nose6 Here is a recipe for a splendid hair

tonic which not affect colorof your hair It should be massaged

the scalp daily If you expect goodresults

Hair TonicResorcin 3 dramsTincture cantharldea 1 ounceOil rieinl 4 drams011 rosemary 10 dropsBay rum sufficient to rake 8 ounces

7 Tho teeth should be cleaned thelast thing before retiring the first thingIn morning and after meal

8 need not be washed anyoftener than once every four orweeks

To Develop the BustDear Mrs

Kindly inform me how to Increase mywithout to a lot oftroube I am 19 years old and am stillvery flat TESS1B F-

Xsu but measure will be increased


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If you will massage every day withcocoa butter Breathe deeply at alltimes

To Reduce FleshMrs

Will you tell me how to removecome Z weigh JSi pounds and thinkthat Is too much E SDiet and exercise will soon reduceyour weight You should avoid all

sweetened food vegetablescontaining sugar and starch such aspeas corn potatoes Eat very

if white is veryfattening and should not be taken

morning take a glass of waterto of a lemon has beenadded If possible walk flue milesbriskly every day Practice the exer

are constantly appearing inthese columns

To Remove the LinesDear Mrs

I am only 25 old but very deeplines formed on either ofmouth from the nose to the chinWhen I discovered them I proceeded at

continue to grow deeper followed instructions carefully and haveworked a time but without resultsWould you advise me to thewrinkle removers that are advertised orwhat shall I do ETHEL M CMy advice is that have your fate

treated by a reliable masseuse yourvicinity

Remedy for MolesDear Symes

kindly tell me of somefor moles I have been suffering fromthem on my lace and can no cure

JANIE J RThe only way you can get rid of

the moles is to have them removedby electrolysis Be certain howeverthat you to a reliable sothat the work may be successfullydone

Bright EyesDear Mrs Symes

1 How can I make eyes2 How can I cultivate a musical laughS Is powder injurious to the4 my bands white and soft

JANE1 It is most Injurious to anydrops into the eyes to make them

health is good and youdo to Injure it your eyes cannot having their natural bright-ness If you think your eyes need attention I advise you to consult an oculist

2 A laugh which is kept at a low andrefined pitch is inclined to be musical

do not the mistake of adopting an affected laugh

3 If you use the very best kind ofpowder on your and never taU towash It from the face before retiring Itwill do no harm

4 To make the hands soft rub a goodcold cream into them every night Towhiten the hands lemon juiceonce a until they become as youdesire them to be and use the Juiceless often

Thick LipsDear Mrs Symes

is the cause of thick lips Isany cure for them and It ao is it tobe used A B CSome are naturally thick andfor these here no to re

duce e Other lips are madethick from the habit of themor from the foolish habit of wettingthem In the latter case there issome for a cure Every dayapply with a soft cloth a lotionmade of a teaspoonful of tanninand eight ounces of water

The Use of a Massage CreamDear Mrs Symes-

Is a massage cream detrimental to theface not often should it be usedWill It make the face thin

Will cocoa butter Increase flesh on thechest How often should It be used

L A RA massage cream If properly applied

and of best quality nourishIng to the skin should be used

a day It will not make the facethin It is more to make It plump

Cocoa butter massaged Intodally wilL build the flesh but youwill deep breathing will expand the quicker than anythingelse you might try

Excessive PerspirationDear Mrs Symes

Will tell me of some remedyfor excessive perspiration of the faceHave tried withoutresults A READERSeveral times throughout the day

bathe your ffice In water to which afew drops ot benzoin have been addedThis will prove cooling and refreshingand will in time check the excessiveperspiration





once to eradicate them massage but





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