a review of… andrew oliver and jackie frank apus history mr. hauprich

A review of… Andrew Oliver and Jackie Frank APUS History Mr. Hauprich

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A review of…

Andrew Oliver and Jackie FrankAPUS HistoryMr. Hauprich

Thesis Statement:

Although, as the era of good feelings came to fruition, the way in which persons, living on American soil, acquired and handled capital was reformulated in a very modest fashion, such would be an insult to one’s intelligence to speak of the government and the issues of the common man this category, as political

practices and social tendencies radically shifted during the two decades (1821-1840).

Topic sentence:Ω The actions and competitive nature of those

elected to sit atop of the nation’s governmental structure shattered the feelings of peace in every American’s heart and restored the ballot box to the capitalistic nature mirroring the nation’s soul.

The Spoils SystemA political plot, acted on by the hand of Andrew Johnson in 1828, in which high powered government seats were bartered for campaign support, created issues with the qualifications of those whom now sat at the head of the land, creating the need for a kitchen cabinet containing qualified personnel.

Andrew Johnson

B.U.S. Vs. JacksonIn 1832 Daniel Webster and Henry Clay began to push the renewal charter of the Bank of the United States, a business which Jackson saw as unconstitutional, ending with failure as the commander and chief slammed a loud veto upon the paperwork ending the bank of a number of years.

NullificationA practice of states to ignore laws passed by their federal brothers, a power greatly exercised by John Calhoun as senator of South Carolina, created an issue, of distrust, between the state and the national governments much providing a platform for events to come, on issues of tariffs.


Birth of Whig PartyOut of disgust with the political action, much like his new exercising of the all powerful veto, of sir Andrew Johnson upon the so called throne of his presidency, supported the issues of slavery and stood firm on increasing state’s rights.

Emergence of a two party system

The Era of Good Feelings ended when the Whig party grew up to take a seat at the political table, once again the competition aspect of the American soul was revived, as Whigs and Democrats combated for power.

Topic sentence:Ω During any generational bridge those who live

in this time period will differ from their fore fathers in thought and practice, here, between great American wars, tension could be cut with a saw as neighbor and brother were up at arms.

NationalismThe effect of the years prior, the revolution and second war for independence, conjured

up much pride in the dirt the Americans stood on, however, such outcomes were far from uniform as some saw glory in state others in


Indian Relocation

The Indian population in western, and eastern, America began to hamper the fulfillment of the turner thesis, so by law they were transplanted to new, confined locations.

Trail of TearsThe movement and relocation of Native Americans from their homelands to Indian territory, some tribes could not handle the moving and came down with disease and even death.

Slave RevoltsA never hindering distrust of the northern folk would grow, in southern hearts, as the coloreds in bondage took arms as a way to gain freedom, some lead by northern abolitionists, yielding little result but grew uneasy did the nation as violence was creeping in to life.

Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine is a policy that stated there was no more colonization allowed in the U.S. by Great Britain. Any effort by European countries to colonize land or interfere with the U.S. would be viewed as acts of aggression requiring US intervention

Topic Sentence:Ω True as it was that the change of the period

trended to orbit the social and political fabrics of American life style, in a economic light the era was not stagnate but stirring with new aspects.

Clay’s American SystemThe passing of the Tariff of 1816 was designed to allow the fledgling American manufacturing sector, to compete with the manufacturing of Britain. After WAR of 1812 British factories were overwhelming American ports with inexpensive goods, so the tariff allowed for improvements of principally roads and canals, and finally, a national bank would stabilize the currency and serve as the nexus of a truly national financial system.


Projects from the federal government and privet sources began a gush of new transit routes in the great United States, like trains and canals.

Clinton’s Ditch (The Erie Canal) A massive project in the state of New York, a

extensively great state in the period, began a canal which linked the sea to the great lakes, providing easy rout for goods and, as a result, the inflow of cash did grow. Although, it did cut shipping costs greatly.

Tariffs President A. Johnson was a pro-tariff kind of personality, which erupted much controversy, as the nation required a pit of lost cash and the south refused to pay, these taxes on imported items made it harder for the south to strive and the north, by God did she grow, tension.



When there is no sight of power smoke and no war at hand, as with the decades of 1821-1840, the lives of people still remain turbulent, for here the economic standings of the nation only deviated little, the political and social platforms took a ride on the crazy train as they would never be able to look back do to the mass adjustment.

Works Cited:• http://artfiles.art.com/5/p/LRG/26/2681/9WIUD00Z/ken-graning-eagle-and-us-fla

g.jpg• http://www.nps.gov/liho/historyculture/images/usa1830.jpg• http://www.laits.utexas.edu/txp_media/html/cons/features/index_02/requireme

nts.gif• http://spktruth2power.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/slavery.jpg• http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/article_display.cfm?HHID=633• http://andrewjacksonfacts.com/images/trail_of_tears.jpg• http://www.urban75.org/photos/kent/images/dungeness-railway-10.jpg• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine