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A Salutogenic perspective on resistance training

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A Salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Örebro Studies in Sport Sciences 27


A Salutogenic perspective on resistance training

© Helena Ericson, 2018

Title: A Salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Publisher: Örebro University 2018 www.oru.se/publikationer-avhandlingar

Print: Örebro University, Repro March/2018

ISSN 0000-0000 ISBN 978-91-0000-000-0

Abstract Helena Ericson (2018). A Salutogenic perspective on resistance training. Öre-bro Studies in Sport Sciences 27.

The number of people aged 60 years and over has doubled since 1980 and the World Health Organization predicts that the population of over 60s will reach 2 billion by the year 2050. An ageing population poses both challenges and opportunities for society and for individuals. Whilst these are positive statements, increases in life spans do not directly lead to in-creases in health spans. The naturally occurring ageing process can lead to reductions in functionality and, in order to address this, scholars have argued the benefits of regularly engaging in physical activity, and espe-cially resistance training. Therefore, an important challenge for modern society is to develop strategies that delay the onset of disease, such as in-terventions that include physical activity. This licentiate thesis investigates older women’s physical activity in a resistance training context and how this affects different aspects of their health.

The overall aim of the thesis is to explore healthy and physically active older women’s experiences of what maintains and enhances their health after starting resistance training.

This thesis used a quantitative and a qualitative approach to investigate a group of old adult women. Data collection was structured in question-naires (n=32) with one intervention group and one control group for the paper I, and focus group interviews (n=14) in paper II. Paper I studied the effects of resistance training on physically active and healthy older women. Paper II relates to the women who continued to exercise after the resistance training intervention ended in order to explore their health re-sources. The theoretical framework used in this thesis is a movement to-wards health as explained by salutogenic theory.

This thesis showed that resistance training has positive effects on psy-chological well-being and is important because it not only benefits those who are physically inactive, but also those who are already physically ac-tive and healthy.

From a salutogenic perspective, physical activity provides a meaningful, comprehensible and manageable way for older women to engage in the ongoing process of maintaining health.

Keywords: Health resources, exercise, resistance training, salutogenes, older adult women, healthy aging, hope, negative affect, psychological outcomes. Helena Ericson, School of Health Sciences, Örebro University, SE- 701 82 Örebro, Sweden, [email protected]

Förord Arbetet som presenteras i denna licentiatuppsats har genomförts på Institut-

ionen för hälsovetenskaper vid Örebro universitet. Det har varit en väldigt

lärorik och intressant resa att skriva denna licentiatuppsats, en akademisk

segling, och det finns några personer jag särskilt vill tacka. Först vill jag

rikta ett stort tack till alla deltagare i studien, ni har varit virket i min båt.

Ni inspirerande, glada, härliga kvinnor har lärt mig så mycket och delat

med er av era upplevelser av träning och av livet, tack för det! Utan ert

engagemang och vilja att dela med er har det inte funnits underlag till att

skriva denna uppsats, tack! Tack också alla ni som jobbat i projektet ”Trai-

ning Healthy Women” på något sätt, speciellt Britta! Jag har även haft för-

månen att ha tre väldigt kompetenta handledare vid min sida och till er vill

jag rikta ett varmt tack. Min huvudhandledare Mikael Quennerstedt, tack

för att du delar med dig av din kompetens och erfarenhet inom idrottsve-

tenskap och expertis inom den salutogena teorin. Efter en handledning med

dig, oavsett hur mycket jag haft att göra efter den, så känner jag alltid när

jag lämnat rummet att ”det där gick väl rätt bra”. Den förmågan du har

värdesätter jag högt hos en handledare. Min bihandledare Therése Skoog,

från psykologiämnet, tack för att du delat med dig av din skicklighet inom

såväl vetenskap, akademiskt skrivande som gedigna kunskaper inom det

psykologiska fältet. Min bihandledare Mattias Johansson, tack för att du

delat med dig av kompetens och erfarenhet i vårt gemensamma område id-

rottspsykologi och att du alltid kommer med uppmuntrande kommentarer

då texter har känts omöjliga att få till. Ni tre har varit rodret och stjärnorna

som gjort att jag seglat i rätt riktning. Jag hoppas verkligen att jag får segla

med er mot nya mål i framtiden! Tack också till mina kollegor på idrotts-

vetenskap, i synnerhet mina doktorandkollegor, ni har varit vinden och seg-

let som gett mig skjuts framåt. Era synpunkter och glada hejarop har varit


Tack till min familj! Ni har varit vattnet som hållit mig flytande. Hos er

får jag energi. Ni vet det, jag vet det.

Original Papers

I. Ericson, H., Skoog, T., Johansson, M., & Wåhlin-Larsson, B.

(2017). Resistance training is linked to heightened positive mo-

tivational state and lower negative affect among healthy

women aged 65–70. Journal of women & aging, 1-16. doi:


II. Ericson, H., Quennerstedt, M., Skoog, T., & Johansson, M.

(2018). Health resources, ageing and physical activity: a study

of physically active women aged 69–75 years. Qualitative Re-

search in Sport, Exercise and Health, 10(2), 206-222. doi:


Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 9 Definitions of health and health as a process ........................................... 11

Salutogenesis – Health as a movement ................................................ 16 Health resources.................................................................................. 18 Sense of coherence (SOC) .................................................................... 19

Healthy ageing from a salutogenic point of view..................................... 21 Motives for physical activity and exercise in later life ............................. 22

The need for studies of healthy ageing ................................................ 24 Being an older person .......................................................................... 25

Limitations of the existing literature ....................................................... 27

AIM ........................................................................................................ 29 Specific aims and research questions ....................................................... 29

METHODS ............................................................................................. 31 The study context .................................................................................... 31

Study design ........................................................................................ 31 The participants ...................................................................................... 32 Resistance training intervention .............................................................. 33 Theoretical frameworks .......................................................................... 35 Measurements ......................................................................................... 37

Questionnaires .................................................................................... 37 Sense of Coherence (SOC-13) ............................................................. 37 Short form health survey (SF-12) ........................................................ 38 Trait Hope Scale ................................................................................. 38 Positive (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) Schedule (PANAS)................ 39 Focus group interviews ....................................................................... 40

Analyses .................................................................................................. 41 Quantitative analysis ........................................................................... 41 Qualitative analysis ............................................................................. 42

Ethical considerations ............................................................................. 43

RESULTS ................................................................................................ 46 Paper I. Resistance training is linked to higher motivational state and lower negative affect among healthy women aged 65-70 ........................ 47 Paper II. Health resources, ageing and physical activity: a study of physically active women between 69-75 years ......................................... 48

DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 52 Findings related to the theoretical framework ......................................... 54 Methodological limitations and strengths ................................................ 57 Implications for practice .......................................................................... 59 Future research directions ........................................................................ 59

CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................... 61

SAMMANFATTNING PÅ SVENSKA .................................................... 62

REFERENCES ........................................................................................ 64

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training



The number of people aged 60 years and over has doubled since 1980 and

the World Health Organization predicts that the population of over 60s will

reach 2 billion by the year 2050 (WHO, 2015). This age group is growing

faster than any other age group (Beard et al., 2016; WHO, 2014). Whilst

these are positive statements, increases in life spans do not directly lead to

increases in health spans (Crimmins, 2015). An ageing population poses

both challenges and opportunities for society and for individuals. The nat-

urally occurring ageing process can lead to reductions in functionality and,

in order to address this, scholars have argued the benefits of regularly en-

gaging in physical activity, and especially resistance training (Chodzko-

Zajko et al., 2009; Penedo & Dahn, 2005). Therefore, an important chal-

lenge for modern society is to develop strategies that delay the onset of dis-

ease, such as interventions that include physical activity.

Ageing affects people in different ways and is often characterised by re-

ductions in muscle mass, muscle function (Henwood, Tuckett, Edelstein, &

Bartlett, 2011; Sparling, Howard, Dunstan, & Owen, 2015), cognitive

functions (Bauman, Merom, Bull, Buchner, & Singh, 2016) and social net-

works (Shankar, McMunn, Demakakos, Hamer, & Steptoe, 2017). Socie-

ties that adapt to this changing demographics and invest in healthy ageing

can help older people to live longer and healthier lives, reduce the burden

of disease and disability and improve their quality of life (Bauman et al.,

2016). Healthy ageing can result in a longer working life, reduced

healthcare, more years of health, quality of life and independent living

(Bauman et al., 2016; Crimmins, 2015). Therefore, initiatives that prolong

health, delay disability and disease and offer environments that contribute

to keeping people healthy for longer periods should be prioritised, so that

society can reap the benefits (Crimmins, 2015; WHO, 2009).


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

One important factor in the prevention of age-related, physical and psy-

chosocial diseases and disabilities is the maintenance of an active lifestyle,

which can facilitate independent living and enhance the quality of life for

older people (Henwood et al., 2011; Powell, Paluch, & Blair, 2011; Sun,

Norman, & While, 2013). Older people can gain substantial health benefits

from regular physical activity and prolong their lives (Chodzko-Zajko et al.,

2009). A report from the World Health Organization, WHO (2015) states

that several issues related to health or ill health in older people can be pre-

vented or delayed by engaging in healthy behaviour. The report also states

that physical activity can enhance health and well-being. Thus, increasing

physical activity is one way of meeting the challenge of an ageing population

and prolonging people’s lives.

The benefits of physical activity for older people are many and include

maintaining or improving physical and mental capacities, such as muscle

strength, cognitive functioning, self-esteem and quality of life as well as re-

ducing anxiety and depression (Penedo & Dahn, 2005). Physical activity

can also prevent disease and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, dia-

betes and strokes. It can and improve social outcomes, for example by in-

creasing community involvement and maintaining social networks and in-

tergenerational links (WHO, 2015).

Studies of old people who already are physically active say very little

about the psychological and social outcomes of exercise, especially in a re-

sistance training context. Bauman, Merom, Bull, Buchner and Singh (2016)

and the World Health Organization, WHO (2015) highlight the importance

of making a robust statement that promotes physical activity amongst older

people as a way of ageing healthily. This naturally raises questions about

how to create the best facilities and conditions for such activity. Random-

ised controlled trials have shown that (Pahor et al., 2014; Paterson &

Warburton, 2010) progressive resistance training programmes can enhance

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


health (Liu & Latham, 2009) and increase people’s quality of life and sense

of coherence (Kekäläinen, Kokko, Sipilä, & Walker, 2017). This licentiate

thesis investigates older women’s physical activity in a resistance training

context and how this affects different aspects of their health.

From a salutogenic point of view, the different aspects of health known

as sense of coherence, hope, quality of life and affect are presented in the

following paragraphs, together with details about the research gap. This is

followed by the aim of the study, the results of the two papers included in

the study and a concluding discussion.

Definitions of health and health as a process

As health is a multidimensional concept it is not easy to define what being

healthy means. There will be a wide range of answers to the question of

what is health, depending on who is responding. For example, in 1948 the

World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete

physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease

or infirmity”. Health can thus be an optimal functioning. The WHO defi-

nition stresses that well-being is one factor for health and that good health

is a major resource for social, economic and personal development and an

important dimension of quality of life (WHO, 1986). According to the

WHO, Ottawa Charter (1986):

“Health promotion is the process of enabling people to in-

crease control over, and to improve, their health. To reach a

state of complete physical mental and social wellbeing, an in-

dividual or group must be able to identify and to realize aspi-

rations, to satisfy needs, and to change or cope with the envi-

ronment. Health is, therefore, seen as a resource for everyday

life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical

capacities. Therefore, health promotion is not just the respon-

sibility of the health sector, but goes beyond healthy lifestyles

to wellbeing” (WHO, 1986).

In this definition, health is more than just the absence of disease and/or

disability. Nor is it something that is achieved without thought or effort.

The basic conditions and resources for health are peace, shelter, education,

food, income, a stable ecosystem, sustainable resources, social justice and

equity (WHO, 1986). Health is to be seen as a process, and health promo-

tion is the process of enabling people to have more control over their lives,

feel empowered and improve their health (WHO, 1986). Health is also

about having functional relations and being part of a social context (Halfon,

Larson, Lu, Tullis, & Russ, 2014). In order to reach a state of complete

physical, mental and social well-being, an individual or group must be able

to identify and satisfy their needs and change or cope with the environment

(WHO, 1986). Health is therefore to be seen as a resource for everyday life,

rather than an objective (WMA, 2001).

According to (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987, 1996), it is a mystery that some

people consider themselves to have good health at all. Antonovsky uses the

metaphor of a river and a swimmer to describe health and explain the mys-

tery of health. He describes people as swimmers in the river of life and says

that we must all learn to swim and to stay in the right places in the river to

survive if we are to have the slightest chance of staying healthy. Antonovsky

(1996) presents a salutogenic perspective in the context of health that in

western countries has mostly been characterised by a pathogenic thinking

about health. Briefly, a pathogenic notion of health focuses on disease and

what has become diseased. Here, the focus is on people searching for health-

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


care when they have health issues. Mittelmark, Sagy, et al. (2017) and An-

tonovsky (1987) state the need for both interpretations of health. The path-

ogenic way of treating and preventing disease is an effective way of curing

illness, although when it comes to developing health, the salutogenic per-

spective of what can create or enhance health and strengthen the resources

for well-being still needs to be explored. Antonovsky (1979, 1987) explains

health as people moving on a continuum with ease on the one side and with

dis-ease on the other, and that during their lives people move along this

continuum with more or less health. This is akin to the swimming in the

river metaphor, in that the river is the health continuum.

A number of terms are used in the thesis that need to be introduced and

explained. Beginning with the term health-related quality of life, this usually

refers to the degree to which a person’s life is desirable or undesirable, often

with an emphasis on external components such as environmental factors

and income (Diener, 2006). This can be measured in several different ways,

for example by means of enjoyment and life-satisfaction (Endicott, Nee,

Harrison, & Blumenthal, 1993). In contrast to subjective well-being, which

is based on more subjective experiences, quality of life is often expressed as

more objective and describes the circumstances of a person’s life, rather than

as a reaction to those circumstances (Diener, 2006). However, quality of

life can also include a person’s feelings, perceptions, thoughts and reactions

to the circumstances in which they find themselves (Diener, 2006). In paper

I we study the mental components of quality of life and health (MCS) and

the physical components of quality of life and health (PCS) based on the SF-

12 health-related quality of life survey (Ware, Kosinski, & Keller, 1996).

Health is multifaceted and connects to several connected and, in some

cases, underlying terms. Another term and theory is hope theory (Snyder,

2002), which emerged in positive psychology and is closely related to opti-

mism and self-efficacy (Luthans & Jensen, 2002). Hope is conceptualised


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

around three main components: goal, agency and pathways (Snyder, 2002).

Hope is defined as the process of thinking about a person’s own goals, the

motivation towards those goals (agency) and the ways of achieving them

(pathways) (Snyder, 2000; Snyder et al., 1991). Hope theory was chosen

because it has been validated as a good measure (Luthans & Jensen, 2002)

of people’s motivational states, which are explored in some detail in paper


Feelings are also defined as affects and are measured in in paper I. The

positive and negative aspects of affects are related to a person’s health

(Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). Positive affect denotes pleasant moods

and emotions, such as joy and satisfaction. Positive or pleasant emotions

are part of subjective well-being in that they reflect a person’s reactions to

events and signify that life is proceeding in a desirable way (Diener, 2006).

A number of mood scales can be used to measure people’s mood and feel-

ings. PANAS was chosen for this study due to the validity of the question-

naire (Watson et al., 1988) and because it is a relatively short. In order to

measure people’s positive affect, the PANAS questionnaire uses terms like

energy, pleasure, concentration and engagement. Negative affect are meas-

ured using terms such as anger, contempt, disgust, guilt, fear and nervous-

ness and are seen as a general dimension of subjective distress and unpleas-

able engagement with life. Negative states that can cause ill-being are lone-

liness and helplessness (Diener, 2006). If a person has a low score on nega-

tive affects they are in a state of calmness, peacefulness and serenity

(Howell, Kern, & Lyubomirsky, 2007). Negative affect include moods and

emotions that are unpleasant and represent negative responses and reac-

tions in their lives, health, events and circumstances (Diener, 2006).

Well-being has been studied in many disciplines, such as philosophy, eco-

nomics, psychology, physiology and medicine and is often included in qual-

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


ity of life studies. As this thesis focuses on older women’s health, their sub-

jective well-being and the connection to what is often studied as quality of

life, well-being is considered to be an important determinant of health and

healthy ageing (Ni et al., 2012). Several studies of health and well-being

have been associated with feelings of happiness resulting from feeling

healthy (Diener, Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999). Already in 1969, Branburn

defined happiness as consisting of high positive affect and low negative af-

fect. Diener (2006) defines subjective well-being as all the positive and neg-

ative evaluations that people make in their lives. It includes reflective cog-

nitive evaluations such as life satisfaction and work satisfaction, interest and

engagement and affective reactions to life events, such as joy and sadness.

Thus, subjective well-being is an umbrella term for the different valuations

that people make in their lives, the events that they are involved in, their

bodies and minds and the circumstances in which they live (Diener, 2006).

Well-being and ill-being (Diener, 2006) are subjective, in the sense that they

reflect a person’s experiences and manifestations.

In the last decade a number of studies have been conducted on the rela-

tions between well-being, physical activity, health and ageing (Chida &

Steptoe, 2008; Sadler, Miller, Christensen, & McGue, 2011). In studies of

ageing, the word successful is often used to discuss what good ageing might

consist of. Already in the 1990s, Rowe and Kahn (1997) tried to determine

when ageing could be considered as healthy and successful, the three main

components of which were: low probability of disease and disease-related

disability, high cognitive and physical functional capacity, and active en-

gagement with life. All three terms are relative and relate to each other

(Rowe & Kahn, 1997). Rowe and Kahn also found that successful ageing

was more than an absence of disease, but also more than the maintenance


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

of functional capacities. In their definition, both these components are im-

portant in successful ageing, but it is their combination with active engage-

ment in life that represents the concept of successful ageing most fully.

Concepts like ‘successful’ ageing and healthy ageing have been criticised.

For example, Katz and Calasanti (2014) argue that what can be conceived

of as healthy or successful is mostly related to individual responsibility (i.e.

the swimmer in the river metaphor), while in many cases healthy ageing

depends on a person’s life situation and the conditions or resources they

have access to (i.e. the river in the metaphor). However, as Antonovsky

(1996) argues, sometimes the best way of promoting a person’s health is to

change the river and see health as movement on a continuum of ease and

dis-ease. In this thesis, the resistance training intervention that is conducted

in study I is an example of changing the river and the swimmer. Here, older

women are given an opportunity to change their conditions (the river) and

themselves (the swimmer) and to take part in regular resistance training,

which was a new experience for them all.

Salutogenesis – Health as a movement

The theoretical framework used in this thesis is a movement towards health

as explained by salutogenic theory. The concept of health can be understood

in different ways, and different theories can help with this. However, in the

health promotion field, salutogenesis is often associated with the concepts

that Antonovsky introduces in his book Health, Stress and Coping, pub-

lished in 1979, and developed in many subsequent works (Mittelmark,

Sagy, et al., 2017). According to (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987, 1996), health

can be seen as the process of movement on a continuum. The continuum

has two directions: in one direction there is ill health (what he calls dis-ease)

and in the other there is health (ease) (Lindström & Eriksson, 2005). Mov-

ing in one or the other direction, and having more or less health in life,

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


depends on where ‘we swim in the river’ and where we ought to ‘swim in

the river’. In other words, it depends on our life experiences and our expo-

sure to stress and other factors (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987, 1996). McCuaig

and Quennerstedt (2016) describe this as a useful approach for understand-

ing health and how health is developed through the course of life as a dy-

namic process, rather than exploring health as a normal condition with an

absence of disease, risk or deviant behaviour. This is also in line with the

Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986). The salutogenic approach in health promo-

tion stems from a critique of a dichotomous classification of people as

healthy or diseased, and a focus on disease “… as the departure from the

norm and the normal, as that which has to be explained” (Antonovsky

1996, p. 171). Health is not something that someone has or does not have,

but rather something that is created by a combination of physical, psycho-

logical and social factors, where “… we are all terminal cases. But as long

as there is a breath of life in us, we are all in some measure healthy” (An-

tonovsky 1987, p. 50). In this way, a salutogenic approach provides a val-

uable perspective on the causes of health that complement pathogenic ori-

entations, which often focus on risks and the causes of ill health.

In some ways, life experiences further shape people’s sense of coherence

(SOC) – meaning how people see the world as comprehensible, manageable

and meaningful (this is described in more detail below). Having a strong or

high sense of coherence helps a person to mobilise his or her resources to

cope with stress and manage tension in different life situations (Mittelmark,

Sagy, et al., 2017).

Zooming out again to the health ease/dis-ease continuum, the sense of

coherence is an important factor that affects a person’s movement on the

continuum. In its most general meaning, salutogenesis is a scholarly orien-

tation that studies the origins of health and assets for health, rather than the

origins of disease and risk factors for illness (Mittelmark, Sagy, et al., 2017).


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

But the main questions in salutogenic theory are ‘what makes people healthy

and what are the origins of health?’ Antonovsky’s suggestion of an answer

to the second question is people’s sense of coherence. He regards sense of

coherence as a key concept in the salutogenic model (Mittelmark, Sagy, et

al., 2017). Antonovsky (1996) summarises the salutogenic orientation in a

few sentences by contrasting it with the pathogenic orientation. He first of

all contrasts the dichotomous classification of pathogenesis as being healthy

or not with the salutogenesis concept in the healthy/dis-ease continuum.

Secondly, he contrasts the pathogenesis risk factors for health with the

salutogenic orientation that views success factors as actively promoting

health, i.e. health resources. Thirdly, he contrasts the focus on a particular

disease or disability of a person with the salutogenesis that relates to all

aspects of a person. In the next section, salutogenic theory and health de-

scribed as movement on a continuum are expanded to include the resources

that people have and draw on in their strivings towards health.

Health resources

Health resources are factors that make movement on the health continuum

possible (Lindström & Eriksson, 2005). Antonovsky (1979) uses the term

general resistance resources to explain people’s capacity to make sense of

their life situations. McCuaig and Quennerstedt (2016) instead advocate the

term health resources, which is the term used in this thesis because it says

more about the striving towards health. Antonovsky (1979) describes these

resources as diverse individual and sociocultural factors, whereas Idan,

Eriksson, and Al-Yagon (2017) explain them as the characteristics of a per-

son, group or community that facilitate a person’s ability to cope effectively

with stress and contribute to the development of a sense of coherence.

Antonovsky (1987) also separates people’s resources into generalised and

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


specific resistance resources. Generalised resources can, for example, be so-

cial networks, while specific resistance resources are situation specific and

can be exemplified as remembering the emergency services telephone num-

ber (Mittelmark, Bull, Daniel, & Urke, 2017).

Referring again to the river metaphor, specific resistance resources can

be found in the river and be picked up and used by the swimmer in specific

situations (Mittelmark, Bull, et al., 2017). Both types of resistance resources

aim to avoid and overcoming stress. McCuaig and Quennerstedt (2016)

state that these resources are physical, material, cognitive, emotional, atti-

tudinal, relational and sociocultural, in that they provide meaningful and

coherent life experiences that can help us to deal with stress. In this context,

stress can be related to the demands of daily life.

A health resource is contextual and relative to aspects like gender, social

class and ethnicity and are dependent on the historical and sociocultural

contexts in which we live (Antonovsky, 1979, 1996; McCuaig &

Quennerstedt, 2016). Using the river metaphor, health resources can be

found in the river, in the swimmer or in the relations between them. Similar

concepts are coping and resilience, although Lindström and Eriksson (2005)

include conditions and mechanisms that are more rigid and contextual.

Sense of coherence (SOC)

Another concept that is used in salutogenic theory is sense of coherence

(SOC). Sense of coherence reflects a person’s view of life and capacity to

respond to stressful situations (Eriksson, 2017). According to Antonovsky

(1996), SOC consists of three components: meaningfulness, comprehensi-

bility and manageability and is about how we understand the situations we

find ourselves in and how we use resources to manage and make sense of

events in life. To use Antonovsky’s (1996) words, resources are what help

people to “… see the world as ’making sense’” (p. 15). A health resource is


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

thus a resource that facilitates the development of health. Antonovsky’s

(1987) original definition of SOC is:

“A global orientation that expresses the extent to which one

has a pervasive, enduring though dynamic feeling of confi-

dence that (1) the stimuli from one´s internal and external en-

vironments in the course of living are structured, predictable

and explicable; (2) the resources are available to one to meet

the demands posed by these stimuli; (3) these demands are

challenges, worthy of investment and engagement”. (p. 19)

Antonovsky (1993) further refers to the ability to comprehend the situation

as a whole and the capacity to use the resources that are available as sense

of coherence. As Eriksson (2017) describes it, this capacity is a combination

of people’s abilities to assess and understand the situation they are in and

to find meaning in it.

The three components of SOC can be described as follows. Comprehen-

sibility reflects a capacity to recognise that events in life are relatively un-

derstandable, ordered and structured, rather than inexplicable and random.

Manageability means having access to individual, social and societal re-

sources to tackle the challenges that occur in life. Meaningfulness relates to

being devoted to situations, influencing the course of life and that life makes

sense and is worth investing in (Antonovsky, 1979, 1987).

SOC has been widely studied and scholars often refer to it as ‘the sense

of coherence theory’, rather than as a concept in salutogenic theory

(Eriksson, 2017). When studying people’s sense of coherence, most of the

findings indicate that if they have a high sense of coherence they will have

a better perception of health. For example, a study of anxiety disorders

found that adolescents with a high sense of coherence had lower levels of

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


anxiety than those with a lower sense of coherence (Remes et al., 2017).

However, Antonovsky does not define SOC as a theory. Rather, it was his

answer to the salutogenic question: What are the origins of health? In 1987

he developed a questionnaire to measure SOC in three subscales (meaning-

fulness, manageability and comprehensibility). This questionnaire is de-

scribed in more detail in the method section. However, as the sample studied

in this thesis is older women, the following sections focus on healthy ageing

and physical activity in this particular target group.

Healthy ageing from a salutogenic point of view

Ageing affects people in different ways. On the negative side, the ageing

process can mean a decline in health and the onset of different kinds of

disability. Loneliness (A. Singh & Misra, 2009), physical disability (Janssen,

Baumgartner, Ross, Rosenberg, & Roubenoff, 2004; Janssen, Heymsfield,

& Ross, 2002) and a decline in the cognitive functions can also be experi-

enced (Small et al., 2013). On the positive side, physical activity, and espe-

cially resistance training, can reduce these symptoms in older adults

(Kekäläinen et al., 2017; Small et al., 2013) and could therefore be a way

of meeting the challenge of ageing. In fact, physical exercise has been de-

fined as one of the most robust determinants of healthy ageing (McKee &

Schüz, 2015).

As the area of aging research is huge, it is important to highlight that

this thesis has not studied the ageing process as a phenomenon, but rather

ageing and health in terms of psychosocial aspects and from a salutogenic

point of view in a resistance training context with a sample of older women.

In 2015, The World Health Organization (WHO) released an active ageing

policy framework with a major focus on the promotion of regular physical

activity in later life for the maintenance of health. Active ageing has been

introduced as a process of optimising opportunities for health in order to


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

enhance the quality of life of older people. The word active in in the WHO

policy framework (2015) does not only refer to the benefits of physical ac-

tivity for health, but also participation in social and cultural activities. This

report focuses on the notion of functional abilities, the intrinsic capacity of

the individual, the relevant environmental characteristics and the interac-

tion between the individual and these characteristics (Beard et al., 2016).

This is in line with studying older adults from a salutogenic point of view

in a physical activity context.

Motives for physical activity and exercise in later life

Regular physical activity can bring significant health benefits to people of

all ages and the need for physical activity does not end in later life (Sun,

Norman, & While, 2013; Windle, 2014). Evidence increasingly indicates

that physical activity can extend the years of active independent living, re-

duce disability and improve the quality of life for older people (Sun et al.,

2013). The maintenance of good physical health is therefore an important

starting point in the striving for health (Wiesmann & Hannich, 2014).

Regular physical activity is regarded as one of the most important life-

style factors for the maintenance of health (Windle, 2014). Even though it

has been confirmed that physical activity can bring significant health bene-

fits (Henwood, Tuckett, Edelstein, & Bartlett, 2011; Powell, Paluch, &

Blair, 2011; Sun et al., 2013) for people of all ages, it has to be acknowl-

edged that physical activity levels decrease with age (Buchman et al., 2014).

In the long run, an inactive lifestyle can lead to loneliness and isolation,

which in turn can lead to symptoms of depression (Birch et al., 2016; Conn,

2010; Mammen & Faulkner, 2013).

Taking part in social activities, such as physical activity and resistance

training in a group, can reduce the sense of loneliness in older people and

create meaning (Golden et al., 2009; Kosteli, Williams, & Cumming, 2016;

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


Shankar et al., 2017). Studies have also shown the positive effects of physi-

cal activity on brain function, cognition and well-being (Demakakos,

Hamer, Stamatakis, & Steptoe, 2010; Kennedy, Hardman, Macpherson,

Scholey, & Pipingas, 2017; Leckie, Weinstein, Hodzic, & Erickson, 2012;

McAuley et al., 2008). These indications emphasise the importance of reg-

ular physical activity and that this should be a priority from both a public

health investment- and rehabilitation perspective.

Resistance training, which is also known as strength or weight training,

increases muscle strength and endurance, reduces sarcopenia (loss of muscle

mass in the ageing process), improves bone density, improves the levels of

function necessary for pursuing daily activities and reduces signs and symp-

toms of arthritis, diabetes, obesity and depression (Chodzko-Zajko et al.,

2009; Liu & Latham, 2009). Physical activity has been widely studied and

has been found to have numerous positive health effects and to contribute

to a reduction in the mortality rate (Lee 2012, Hamer 2012). The most

common definition of physical activity is any bodily movement produced

by skeletal muscles that requires the expenditure of energy (Caspersen,

Powell, & Christenson, 1985). According to the American College of Sports

Medicine (ACSM), older people are recommended to participate in 150–

300 minutes of moderate intensity activity every week, of which at least 150

min should be moderate-intensity aerobic activity (Chodzko-Zajko et al.,

2009; Medicine, 2013). Older people should also do balance exercises.

However, many older people find it difficult to achieve this level of ac-

tivity (Sparling, Howard, Dunstan, & Owen, 2015) and the proportion of

older adults meeting the recommendations are low (Keadle, McKinnon,

Graubard, & Troiano, 2016). There is thus a great deal of room for im-

provement. Today, recommendations for older people to engage in strength

training are few and far between. As ageing leads to a reduction in muscle

mass (Edholm, Strandberg, & Kadi, 2017; Peterson, Rhea, Sen, & Gordon,


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

2010; Strandberg et al., 2015), adding resistance training to the recommen-

dations will probably be something for the future. At present, the tendency

is to ‘only’ recommend cardio exercises. More studies in this are therefore


The need for studies of healthy ageing

Given that the life expectancy for both men and women is increasing in

most parts of the world, focused efforts on how to improve or maintain

health in an ageing population are of great importance (Chodzko-Zajko,

Schwingel, et al. 2009, Crimmins 2015).

In order to gain more knowledge about people’s strivings for better

health, we need to study older people who are already physically active and

consider themselves healthy. It is also worth mentioning that several studies

examining the benefits of exercise in older adults have included participants

with low physical activity levels (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009), diseases or

disabilities (Billinger et al., 2014; Heller, Fisher, Marks, & Hsieh, 2014;

James et al., 2014) and signs of frailty (Giné-Garriga, Roqué-Fíguls, Coll-

Planas, Sitjà-Rabert, & Salvà, 2014), although this has not been done from

a salutogenic perspective, as is the case in this thesis.

Further, most of the studies that have been conducted have used quanti-

tative methods, and relatively few have used qualitative approaches to study

experiences of ageing in the context of health and physical activity (Griffin

and Phoenix 2014). Knowledge about how older people can maintain and

even enhance health by being physically active (Liffiton, Horton, Baker, &

Weir, 2012) should therefore be of interest. It is also important to look at

older people’s health-spans and feelings of health and learn from them

about how to stay healthy.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


In Burton et al. (2017) study of older people doing resistance training,

different identify motivators and barriers are identified in relation to re-

sistance training as an older person. The most important motivators appear

to be related to longevity, health status and being able to live their lives

independently (Burton et al. 2017). The identified barriers are lack of will-

power, poor health, family or work obligations and responsibilities and lack

of exercise facilities (Burton et al., 2017). There is thus a need to explore

how to develop and provide exercise environments that lead to the mainte-

nance and enhancement of health for older adults.

Being an older person

The emergence of the ‘third age’ is included in a construction describing the

modern human being’s lifespan in four stages (Laslett, 1987). The first age

is the adolescence, which is characterized by dependence from others adults,

education and becoming an adult. The second age is characterized by work-

ing, independency, social and family responsibility. The third age is the first

part of the senior life characterized by ending work life, hopefully economic

stability that creates security and few limitations in activities due to ill health

or disabilities. The fourth age is where diseases and disabilities sets limits

for living independently. As more and more people are now living beyond

the age of 65 the third age is constantly increasing. Many people of this age

still live active and independent lives compared to 50 years ago (Laslett,

1987). It is now not until the ‘fourth age’ that disability and disease start to

take their toll and limit people’s independence. According to the World

Health Organization, an old adult is defined as someone over 60 years of

age (WHO, 2015). Older people constitute a varied group, with different

and to some extent unequal opportunities for ageing (Randel, German, &

Ewing, 2017; Santoni et al., 2015), such as socioeconomic status, social net-

works and earlier health conditions (Santoni et al., 2015). The levels of


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

physical activity, food habits, smoking and alcohol consumption affect

health (WHO, 2017). The level of autonomy also seems to affect whether

or not people are healthy, i.e. in terms of being physically active and making

our own decisions about different aspects of life (Santoni et al., 2015;

WHO, 2002).

As mentioned earlier, physical activity – and especially resistance training

– seems to have a positive effect on older people in several respects. How-

ever, according to Hardcastle and Taylor (2001), a number of social barri-

ers have been identified when older people, in their case older women, en-

gage in resistance training. These are exemplified as older women saying “I

am too old” or that “physical activity is too risky” and that such barriers

have largely been ignored (Hardcastle & Taylor, 2001). Many older people

say that physical activity staves off the effects of ageing, provides social net-

works and enables people to be fit enough to play with their grandchildren

(Allender, Cowburn, & Foster, 2006). However, the older and physically

active women in their study describe being exposed to social norms such as

staying and looking young, which is not their driving force. Their partici-

pants want to feel and look the best for their age and try to ignore other

comments (Hardcastle & Taylor, 2001). That is also in line with what

Grogan (2016) discusses about body image, how old adult women tend to

care less about body image and being more interested in body function. This

could according to Grogan (2016) be an explanation to why older adult

women are more positive about their bodies than younger women.

The participants in this thesis are in the ‘third age’ lifespan and in many

respects have good prerequisites for staying healthy, such as a good socio-

economic status, autonomy and the stamina to embark on resistance train-

ing at the age of 65-70 years. They also seem take responsibility for their

own health and welcome the opportunity to maintain their health through

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


physical activity. The group is in this sense typical for the third age. How-

ever, they are not representative for the population in general in the ‘third

age’, but none the less important to study.

Limitations of the existing literature

This introduction has presented theories and research relating to an ageing

population and how physical activity could be a determinant for healthy

ageing from a psychosocial perspective, as several scholars have suggested

(de Souto Barreto, 2014; Netz, Wu, Becker, & Tenenbaum, 2005) .

Even though physical activity has been identified as an important factor

for healthy ageing (de Souto Barreto, 2014; Elavsky et al., 2005; Netz et al.,

2005), very few studies have connected this finding to salutogenic theory

and a focus on which resources are important for health. In addition, studies

that only include physically active and healthy older women are rare.

To summarise, several studies have shown that regular physical activity

can in some respects prevent illness and disease (Moore, Durstine, Painter,

& Medicine, 2016; Pedersen & Saltin, 2015). Some have also focused on

the positive effects of physical activity in terms of resources for healthy age-

ing. It is therefore of interest to further explore parameters such as sense of

coherence, hope, quality of life and affects in already healthy and physically

active older women. As Phoenix and Grant (2009) have suggested, in order

to gain a more in-depth understanding of physical activity in older adults,

we also need to ask them about their motives for continuing to be physically

active. Therefore, studying older women from both a quantitative and qual-

itative perspective, as has been done in this thesis, will hopefully contribute

to the existing knowledge about how to maintain or even increase health in

older age. The reason for this approach is twofold. The first is that the study

is part of a larger research project exploring the physiological effects of a

resistance training intervention, see Strandberg et al. (2015). Knowledge


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

about the participants’ quality of life, hope, affects and sense of coherence

are also part of the intervention study. The second reason, drawing on Grif-

fin and Phoenix’s (2014) argument, is that more studies of older women are

needed in order to design the relevant physical activity interventions for this

target group.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training



The overall aim of the thesis is to explore healthy and physically active older

women’s experiences of what maintains and enhances their health after

starting resistance training. This is done by examining the psychological and

social aspects of resistance training from the perspectives of health and well-

being using different parameters. This is first of all approached from a pre-

post perspective relating to an intervention investigating health outcomes

through self-report questionnaires. Secondly, almost five years after the in-

tervention ended, focus group interviews were held with the participants

who continued resistance training twice a week in order to gain an in-depth

understanding of their health resources in their strivings towards health.

The thesis is based on a sample of older physically active and healthy

women. The reason for choosing these particular participants is due to the

shortage of resistance training interventions with healthy and already phys-

ically active older women. Most of the studies that have hitherto been con-

ducted relate to older participants with some kind of disease or disability

(Lin et al., 2013; Murray, Lopez, & Organization, 1996; Rhyner & Watts,

2016). Further, from a salutogenic perspective, more knowledge is needed

about the effects of resistance training in older women.

Specific aims and research questions

Study I (as reflected in paper I)– The aim of this study is to investigate a

sample of physically active, healthy, older women aged between 65-70 in

order to assess their sense of coherence (SOC), health related quality of life

(HRQoL), hope and affect. The study sets out to investigate whether there

is a change in these women’s levels of SOC, HRQoL, hope and the positive

and negative affects before and after taking part in a 24-week resistance

training intervention, compared to a control group.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Study II (as reflected in paper II) – The aim of this study is to explore

older women’s health resources in relation to physical activity, in this case

resistance training, that physically active women between the ages of 69-75

characterise as important for the maintenance of health.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training



The study context

Paper I in this licentiate thesis presents data from a resistance training inter-

vention that was part of a larger project (Training Healthy Women) aiming

to study the effects of resistance training on physically active and healthy

older women using several physiological and health parameters, such as

quality of life and sense of coherence. The resistance training intervention

took place from autumn 2011 until spring 2012 and lasted for 24 weeks.

Paper II relates to the women who continued to exercise after the re-

sistance training intervention ended and who participated in focus group

interviews five years later in order to explore their health resources. The

overall study context uses a salutogenic perspective, as can be seen in both


Study design

In paper I, the resistance training intervention was designed as a random yet

controlled study with one intervention group and one control group. The

intervention group was asked to do resistance training in the gym twice a

week for 24 weeks under supervision. The control group was asked to con-

tinue to live everyday life as they had always done before the study began.

At the end of the intervention the control group participants were invited to

the gym to hear about the results from the resistance training group’s su-

pervised sessions and take part in the same exercises as those shown in the

results. The data presented in paper I was collected before and after the

intervention. Questionnaires were used to measure the effects with a view

to covering the areas of well-being and quality of life from different angles


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

in order to give a broader view of how and whether resistance training af-

fected older women from a psychological and a salutogenic perspective.

In paper II, the focus group interviews included the women who contin-

ued to take part in resistance training after the intervention had ended. In

order to explore the participants’ health resources, an interview guide was

created with questions derived from salutogenic theory and the concept of

sense of coherence (see Appendix 1, Interview guide). As paper II had a

salutogenically guided theory driven approach, the analytical questions

were also formulated using the concept of sense of coherence. The theory

was thus used as a tool to identify a resource as a health resource (McCuaig

& Quennerstedt, 2016).

The participants

In paper I the participants were aged between 65-70 years and in paper II

between 69-75 years. In paper I, the women were recruited through an ad-

vertisement in the local newspaper, the heading of which was, “Women be-

tween 65 and 70 years of age: If you consider yourself healthy, please reply

to this advertisement.” A total of 122 women were screened at baseline. All

the participants were examined by a doctor before embarking on the train-

ing. The women who were healthy and physically active and had no mobil-

ity impairments were included into the intervention, which resulted in a to-

tal of 63 participants in three different groups. Those who were not included

in the intervention did not match the strict inclusion criteria.

Paper I includes data from two of the three intervention groups, namely

the resistance training group and the control group. Each group consisted

of 21 women. Useful questionnaire data is n=14 from the resistance training

group and n=18 from the control group. All the participants (n = 32) in-

cluded in the study took part in various recreational physical activities, such

as walking, Nordic walking, jogging, cycling, swimming and skiing. None

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


of the participants had previously participated in structured resistance train-


The participants who continued to do resistance training twice a week

after the resistance intervention ended were asked to participate in focus

group interviews. In this way the participants referred to in paper II were

the same as those referred to in paper I. The inclusion criteria for participa-

tion are provided below. The participants in papers I and II were all physi-

cally active and healthy women living at home and had no nursing care.

Resistance training intervention

The data that is included in paper I was gathered from a larger research

project called Training Healthy Women, the aim of which was to investigate

various aspects of healthy older women before and after taking part in a

resistance training intervention. The resistance training intervention had

several goals, including physiological aspects in a resistance training context

of ageing in older women and aspects relating to quality of life, sense of

coherence, hope and affects.

Resistance training is currently considered as one of the most prominent

non-pharmacological preventive strategies to delay the decline in muscle

mass and muscle function (Peterson et al., 2010; Peterson, Sen, & Gordon,

2011). Further, as women often have lower levels of muscle mass than men

throughout adulthood (Goodpaster et al., 2006) older women tend to be

more prevalent for sarcopenia than men (Dam et al., 2014). Therefore an

intervention of this type is regarded as suitable for investigating healthy

older women.

Supervised progressive resistance training was performed twice a week in

a gym over the course of 24 weeks. A gym is a place in which different


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

people in different age groups exercise and, in this intervention, every ses-

sion was supervised. The participants performed three sets of exercises with

a 2-minute rest between sets and a 3-minute rest between exercises. The

initial workload corresponded to 50% of the one repetition maximum (1

RM) during the first 2 weeks, where the participants performed 12-15 rep-

etitions per set. A workload of 75-85% of 1 RM (8-12reps/set) was set for

the rest of the intervention. The training load was adjusted throughout the

intervention. The following exercises were performed: squats, leg-extension,

leg-press, seated row and pull-down. Additionally, five minutes of core sta-

bility exercises and seven squat jumps were included in each session. The

training sessions began with a 10-minute warm up and ended with 5

minutes of stretching exercises.

In order to decide each participant’s maximum strength, a 1RM test was

conducted on every machine. A familiarisation session was provided first,

so that proper lifting techniques could be practised. Maximum strength was

estimated using a multiple repetition test procedure. On the second visit to

the gym, the 1RM test was determined after a warm up period. The load

was set at 90-95% of the estimated 1RM and increased by approximately

2.5-5% after each successful lift until failure. A 3-minute rest period was

allowed between consecutive attempts and the 1RM was obtained within

five attempts.

In order to be considered as healthy and included in the intervention

study, the women were examined by a medical doctor and all the criteria

outlined below had to be met. A medical history and electrocardiograms

were assessed by a physician. The exclusion criteria were: 1) living in a nurs-

ing home, 2) self-reported inability to walk, 3) cardiovascular, pulmonary,

metabolic, rheumatologic and psychiatric disease, 4) musculoskeletal prob-

lems, 5) use of medication and 6) unexplained weight loss. To be included

in the study the women had to be aged between 65 and 70 years, have a

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


BMI under 30, a systolic blood pressure under 140 mmHg and a diastolic

blood pressure under 90mmHg. Additionally, the women had to be recrea-

tionally physically active. The women’s physical activity behaviour was as-

sessed by a previously validated questionnaire (EPAQ2) (Wareham et al.,

2002). All participants included in the study participated in various recrea-

tional physical activities, such as walking, Nordic walking, jogging, cycling,

swimming and skiing, but had never before taken part in structured re-

sistance training.

In order to assess the physical activity level of the participants, accelerom-

eters were used for five days at the beginning of the intervention, after 12

weeks and at the end of the intervention after 24 weeks. Accelerometers

count the total number of counts/steps per minute per day in both the ver-

tical and horizontal plane can therefore estimate the average number of

minutes spent on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per day.

Theoretical frameworks

The theoretical framework that is described in the introduction is an overall

perception and the moving towards health is one way of explaining how to

manage to stay healthy. The sample chosen is in line with the salutogenic

perspective for studying healthy older adults. In paper I, several parameters

are included for measuring subjective well-being and health. The hope the-

ory is applied as background to comment on the participants’ hope, defined

as their motivational state. Hope theory is part of positive psychology and

is closely related to optimism and self-efficacy (Luthans & Jensen, 2002).

Hope is theorised around three main components – goal, agency and path-

ways (Snyder, 2002) – and is defined as the process of thinking about one’s

own goals, the motivation towards those goals (agency) and ways of achiev-

ing them (pathways) (Snyder, 2000; Snyder et al., 1991). The positive and

negative aspects of the affects are related to a person’s health (Watson et


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

al., 1988). Positive effect denotes pleasant moods and emotions, such as joy

and satisfaction. Positive or pleasant emotions are part of subjective well-

being, because they reflect a person’s reactions to events and signify that life

is proceeding in a desirable way (Diener, 2006). Later on the positive and

negative affect are framed by their various dimensions. The health-related

quality of life is also measured, as is the sense of coherence. However, it

should be borne in mind that measuring the health related quality of life is

always risky and can lead to results that might not be applicable in other

countries (Tucker, Adams, & Wilson, 2016).

Paper II is explicitly framed within a salutogenic perspective on health (An-

tonovsky 1979, 1987). Also in paper I, the sense of coherence questionnaire

takes a salutogenic approach to health.

A salutogenic approach represents a theoretical framework for mental

health promotion (Wiesmann & Hannich, 2014). Following Antonovsky

(1979, 1996), taking an interest in different origins of health and asking

salutogenic questions about how people stay healthy (Antonovsky 1979),

the focus in paper II is on what Quennerstedt (2008) and McCuaig and

Quennerstedt (2016) call health resources. Health resources are historical

and cultural contingent resources that people draw upon in different ways

to enact their lives. McCuaig and Quennerstedt describe them as “diverse

individual and sociocultural factors, including physical, material, cognitive,

emotional, attitudinal, relational and sociocultural resources that provide

meaningful and coherent life experiences” (2016, p. 3).

In paper II, salutogenic theory is used to identify health resources in re-

lation to the physical activity that a group of physically active women aged

69-75 years interviews characterise in qualitative interviews as important

for the maintenance of health.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training



In paper I, questionnaires were completed by the participants before and

after the resistance training intervention. In paper II, four focus group in-

terviews were held with three or four participants in each group. In paper

II, four focus group interviews were tape recorded, transcribed and analysed

using salutogenic theory as a framework for the entire process.


In paper I, the following four instruments were used to determine each par-

ticipant’s measurements; the first time before the resistance training started

and again at the end of the resistance training intervention.

Sense of Coherence (SOC-13)

The SOC-13 questionnaire is a shorter version of the established SOC-29

questionnaire and is here used to measure sense of coherence (Antonovsky

1987, 1993). This shorter version, with 13 rather than 29 items, was chosen

partly because the participants had several questionnaires to fill in before

and after the intervention and partly because it has a high internal con-

sistency (Cronbach´s alpha = 0.70-0.92) (M. Eriksson & Lindstrom, 2005).

The sense of coherence questionnaire has three components: comprehen-

sibility (a belief that the world makes sense), manageability (confidence in

one’s own resources to cope with internal and external stimuli) and mean-

ingfulness (a feeling that demands are challenges worthy of investment and

engagement). Taken together, these components aim to measure how peo-

ple manage stressful situations and stay well (Eriksson & Lindstrom, 2005).

Meaningfulness can also be seen as a motivational component.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Short form health survey (SF-12)

This questionnaire aims to measure the health related quality of life (Ware,

Kosinski & Keller, 1996). This is also a shorter questionnaire than the es-

tablished SF-36 and was chosen for the same reasons as those indicated

above. A high consistency between SF-12 and SF-36 has been demonstrated

(Ware et al., 1996). The scores for the twelve items are divided into two

scales, the physical component summary score (PCS) and the mental com-

ponent summary score (MCS). PCS includes the following components:

physical functioning, role limitations due to physical health problems, bod-

ily pain and general health. Components that are included in the MCS are

role limitations due to emotional problems, vitality (energy/fatigue), social

functioning and mental health (psychological well-being/distress). The PCS

subscale primarily focuses on general health, mobility, physical problems,

limitations and pain. The MCS subscale focuses on feelings of depression

and anxiety, social functioning, happiness, energy and vitality. A total score

of each of the subscales PCS and MCS range from 0 to 100, the higher score

indicating a higher health related quality of life (Ware et al., 1996). In the

data set presented in paper I, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.83.

Trait Hope Scale

The Trait Hope Scale (Snyder et al., 1991) was used to measure hope before

and after the resistance training intervention. In Snyder’s model, hope is

conceptualised around three main components: goal, agency and pathways

(Snyder, 2002). The concept is defined as the process of thinking about

one’s own goals, along with the motivation to move toward those goals

(agency) and how to achieve them (pathways) (Snyder et al., 1991).

“Agency” refers to a person’s determination to pursue goal-directed behav-

iour, expressed by statements such as “I energetically pursue my goals” and

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


“I meet the goals I set for myself” (Snyder et al., 1991). In contrast, “path-

ways” refer to a person’s ability to meet personal goals, exemplified by

thoughts such as “I can think of many ways to get out of a jam” and “Even

when others get discouraged, I know I can find a way to solve the problem”

(Snyder et al., 1991).

The Trait Hope Scale is a 12-item questionnaire consisting of a four-item

agency subscale (e.g. “I energetically pursue my goals”), a four-item path-

way subscale (e.g. “I can think of many ways to get out of a jam”) and four

distractor items. The response alternatives range from 1 (definitely false) to

8 (definitely true). A total hope score is calculated by adding the scores from

the subscales agency and pathways. The Trait Hope Scale has been found

to be a valid and reliable measure of hope (Snyder et al., 1991), with internal

consistency ranging from Cronbach’s alpha 0.74 to 0.84. The questionnaire

has been translated into Swedish using a structured, back and forward,

translation (Gustafsson, Skoog, Podlog, Lundqvist, & Wagnsson, 2013).

From a different perspective, hope is conceptualised as a cognitive construct

that is described as two-dimensional in nature, with the dual components

of will and ways, involving agency and pathways (Snyder et al., 1991).

Cronbach’s alpha = 0.90 in our data set.

Positive (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) Schedule (PANAS)

This questionnaire consists of 10 items and measures mood and affect (Wat-

son, Clark & Tellegen, 1988). A self-rated high PA is a state of high energy,

full concentration and pleasurable engagement, whereas a low PA is char-

acterised by sadness and fatigue. Negative affect (NA) is a general dimen-

sion of subjective distress and unpleasant engagement that subsumes a va-

riety of aversive mood states, including anger, contempt, disgust, guilt, fear

and nervousness. Low NA is a state of calmness, peacefulness and serenity.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Positive and negative affect are two different constructions and not opposite

ends of the same dimension (Diener, 2003).

Measures of affect were assessed using the Positive and Negative Affect

Schedule (PANAS) (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988), which is a 10-item

mood scale. Participants were asked to rate the extent to which they had

experienced each of the affective content descriptions on a rating scale of 1

(very slightly or not at all) to 5 (extremely) before and after the resistance

training intervention.

A number of mood scales have been developed to measure affect. How-

ever, this scale shows high validity (Watson et al., 1988) and is widely used

(Schmukle, Egloff, & Burns, 2002), with reliability scores of 0.89 for the

PA and 0.85 for the NA scales (Crawford & Henry, 2004). In our data set,

Cronbach’s alpha = 0.70 for the PA scale and 0.60 for the NA scale.

Focus group interviews

Focus group interviews were chosen as a suitable way of studying the par-

ticipants’ health resources. Focus groups often elicit discussion and vigorous

responses from participants (Stewart & Shamdasani, 2014). The main idea

of focus group interviews is to take advantage of group dynamics in an or-

ganised discussion with a group sharing a specific experience or topic

(Krueger & Casey, 2014). The method allows the participants to share, re-

flect and discuss and creates a safe space for discussions about complex top-

ics such as mental health (Hurley, Swann, Vella, Allen, & Okely, 2017).

There is always a potential ‘risk’ when asking participants to discuss things

or share experiences if they do not know each other and care should be

taken to put participants in groups that they will feel comfortable in and

where the climate is conducive to sharing (Hurley, Swann, Allen, Okely, &

Vella, 2017). In paper II, all the participants knew each other well and were

grouped with those they had good social relations with. They also received

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


the topics in advance so that they knew what kind of things would be dis-

cussed. Four focus group interviews were conducted with three or four

women in each group and lasted for between one to two hours.


Quantitative and qualitative data was used in the thesis and was analysed

statistically (non-parametric test) and by means of a theoretically driven

analysis that was regarded as suitable for the specific data in question. For

paper I, the statistical analysis was conducted with the consent of the leader

of the training healthy women project. Regarding paper II’s trustworthiness,

the first step of the analytical process was that all the authors read the tran-

scripts several times on their own and then met together to synthesise the

health resources they had each identified. Quotations were used in the re-

sults section of paper II and were anonymised to ensure that the individual

participants could not be identified (Smith & McGannon, 2017).

Quantitative analysis

The four questionnaires that were completed by the participants in paper I

- sense of coherence, health related quality of life, hope and affect, were

analysed with the non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test using SPSS

version 23.0 for Windows. As a first step in the analysis the participants’

scores were examined for missing values. No-one had more than 5% miss-

ing data in the various items. Two participants had missing item values of

less than 3%, and these values were replaced by mean scores (Pallant,

2013). The data was also checked for outliers. None were found to be out

of range or were excluded as an outlier. This test compared the same groups

on two separate occasions (related samples), in this case the intervention

group and the control group before and after the resistance training inter-


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

vention. This statistical test was chosen because the sample was not nor-

mally distributed and was considered as ‘small’ in an analysing question-

naire context. Non-parametric tests were regarded as the most appropriate

for the data in this sample size (Pallant, 2013). This test investigated

whether the mean ranks of the sample differed on the two occasions.

Qualitative analysis

A salutogenically guided theory driven approach was applied in the analysis

of the focus group transcripts (McCuaig & Quennerstedt, 2016). In order

to explore health resources in paper II, the reading of the transcripts was

guided by the three research questions corresponding to the three SOC com-

ponents. In order to explore the older women’s health resources, all the au-

thors of paper II carefully read the four transcripts, each one separately. The

authors of paper II read the transcripts guided by the three research ques-

tions corresponding to the three components of the SOC theory. These

were: What do older women who participate in regular physical activity

find important and meaningful (meaningfulness)? How do older women

who participate in regular physical activity manage their daily lives (man-

ageability)? How do older women who participate in regular physical activ-

ity comprehend their daily lives (comprehensibility)?

Based on the research questions, analytical questions covering the three

components of SOC were constructed. Meaningfulness was covered using

the following questions: How do the participants describe what is meaning-

ful in their daily lives? How do the participants describe physical activity as

meaningful in their daily lives? How do the participants describe their par-

ticipation in physical activity as a contribution to their daily lives being

more meaningful? The second component, manageability, involved the fol-

lowing questions: How do the participants describe the resources used to

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


manage their daily lives? How do the participants describe their participa-

tion in physical activity as a way of managing their daily lives? The third

and last component, comprehensibility, was covered using the questions:

How do the participants comprehend their daily lives? How do the partici-

pants comprehend physical activity in their daily lives? How do the partici-

pants describe their participation in physical activity as a way of compre-

hending their daily lives?

After a careful reading of the transcripts, the analytical questions of the

three SOC components were used to formulate preliminary health resources

in line with the salutogenic theory of how a health resource could be defined

(McCuaig & Quennerstedt, 2016). Further, during the analytical process,

the authors of paper II discussed their identified preliminary resources with

each other. After this interactive discussion process, the authors of paper II

synthesised all the identified health resources and agreed on distinct and

commonly shared resources. Throughout, the process was guided by the

research questions in order to form descriptions of the health resources from

the transcripts.

Salutogenic theory played a central and critical role throughout the entire

analysis process, i.e. in formulating the research questions, forming the in-

terview guide and formulating the analytical questions in relation to the

health resources identified in the focus group interview transcripts. Most

importantly, though, the theory was used as a tool for identifying a resource

as a health resource (McCuaig & Quennerstedt, 2016). Finally, quotes from

the transcripts were added to further clarify each identified health resource.

Ethical considerations

The research included in this thesis was conducted in accordance with the

Declaration of Helsinki and included fundamental ethical principles of au-

tonomy (participation in the intervention and focus group interviews was


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

voluntary), doing good (information was available in advance), doing no

harm and doing justice (WMA, 2001). As the data in paper I was part of a

larger training healthy women project, the regional Ethical Review Board

in Uppsala, Sweden, approved the research project for the resistance train-

ing intervention (dnr 2011/033). Throughout the entire research process in

this thesis, ethical reflections were made in order to ensure the maintenance

of high ethical standards. This involved thinking through and preparing

every meeting with the participants, collecting the data and discussing pos-

sible scenarios and ways of solving any problems that might arise.

Guided by the Swedish Research Council’s ethical principles of good re-

search practice (2017), the participants in both studies were informed orally

and in writing before giving their written and informed consent. In paper I,

all the participants were assigned a study code to ensure anonymity during

the data collection and analysis processes. The code document and the data

itself are stored in separate places in a locked fireproof room.

Regarding the ethical considerations during the resistance training inter-

vention, all the participants were treated with respect and were familiarised

with the machines and weights in the gym and the exercises before the in-

tervention began. They were also supervised in all the training sessions dur-

ing the resistance training intervention. The participants were able to ask

questions during the training sessions in the gym. Proper lifting techniques

were taught in an effort to create a safe space for the participants.

Concerning the focus groups interviews, each participant was letter-

coded and never mentioned by name in the transcripts or quotes. Again,

before starting the focus group discussions all the participants were in-

formed that they could withdraw from the interview at any time during the

process and had the right to refuse to answer any question in the interview.

Once again, the voluntary nature of participation was emphasised. All the

collected data remained confidential.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


A question that was considered before the focus group discussions began

was: What should be done if important issues of health and wellness are

raised by the participants during the discussions? It was decided that if is-

sues like this arose during a focus group discussion, the moderator would

stop the interview and recording equipment and solve the problem as an

empathetic fellow human and not just as a researcher (Swedish Research

Council, 2017). As it turned out, no such issues were raised during the in-

terviews, although the very act of thinking it through beforehand enabled

the moderator to remain calm and focus on collecting the data.

Private health-related issues were also taken into account when forming

the questions. The participants knew each other well and the women were

consciously placed in focus groups with those they had travelled with from

the same part of town or had a social connection with outside the gym. All

this was done to ensure a safe space if the topic of health felt too private to

discuss. However, as the aim was to explore the women’s health resources,

no sensitive data emerged in the interviews and the participants were very

open minded about sharing their reflections on the research topic.

The control group of participants who were not involved in the 24-week

resistance training intervention were offered supervised resistance training

at the end of the study. They were also invited to a lecture about training

and health.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


The results of the thesis are based on the two papers outlined above and

relate to the psychological aspects of resistance training, i.e. the health and

well-being perspectives of healthy and physically active older women using

different parameters and in-depth discussions about their health resources.

In paper I, the health perspectives are measured as sense of coherence, qual-

ity of life, hope and affects, and in paper II health resources are measured

in terms of the women’s strivings towards health. As the participants were

both healthy and physically active before starting the resistance training in-

tervention, the results were encouraging, with improvements in some pa-

rameters being registered.

When the resistance training intervention ended some of the women con-

tinued to do resistance training twice a week in the same gym. They did this

because they wanted to remain active and enjoyed resistance training. They

therefore formed their own training group and decided which days and

times they would exercise together. The focus group discussions took place

almost five years after the intervention ended. Questions about what had

made these women continue to train on a voluntary basis, why they contin-

ued to exercise in the gym and what had happened during those years were

raised in order to explore the women’s motives for continuing and the kinds

of health resources that were involved. In paper II, the participants were

able to discuss their resources in focus groups. The questions that were

asked can be found in Appendix I at the end of the thesis document. The

themes and questions for these focus groups encompassed the three compo-

nents of the sense of coherence concept and salutogenic theory. Summarised

descriptions of the results of each paper are provided in the following sec-

tions. The complete and detailed results can be found in the respective pa-


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


Paper I. Resistance training is linked to higher motivational state

and lower negative affect among healthy women aged 65-70

The aim of this paper was to investigate a sample of healthy, physically

active women between the ages of 65-70 to assess their levels of sense of

coherence (SOC), health related quality of life (HRQoL), hope and affect

and any changes that had occurred as a result of the 24-week resistance

training intervention. These results were then compared with those of a con-

trol group.

The results revealed no significant changes from occasion 1 to occasion

2 with respect to SOC and HRQoL. For two outcomes, there was a signifi-

cant improvement in certain aspects of the women’s health. For hope, the

women reported a positive variation, with higher levels on occasion 2 than

occasion 1 in the resistance training group. There were also positive varia-

tions with respect to negative affect. The women’s negative affects reduced

significantly on occasion 2 compared to occasion 1. The control group also

lowered their levels of negative affect on occasion 2 compared to occasion

1. The participants lowered their subjective estimated levels of feelings in-

cluded in the negative affects subscale of the PANAS questionnaire, which

was used with both groups. The feelings that were probed in the question-

naire were levels of anger, contempt, disgust, guilt, fear and nervousness. In

sum, the results in paper I showed that starting strenuous resistance training

at 65-70 years of age does not appear to negatively affect women’s psycho-

logical health.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Paper II. Health resources, ageing and physical activity: a study

of physically active women between 69-75 years

The aim of this paper was to explore health resources in relation to physical

activity, especially resistance training, that physically active women between

the ages of 69-75 characterise as important in order to maintain their health.

The paper focuses on the women’s understanding of resistance training,

health and ageing. In order to investigate health resources, paper II draws

on salutogenic theory and the concept of sense of coherence (SOC) (An-

tonovsky, 1979, 1996). During the data collection in-depth discussions

were held about the participants’ health and resources, which in turn pro-

vided the researchers with rich data.

Seven health resources that the women characterised as important for

maintaining their health according to salutogenic theory were identified in

relation to physical activity and especially resistance training. These were:

1. social relations and care, 2. positive energy, 3. self-worth, 4. capability in

and about physical activity, 5. the habit of exercising, 6. identity as an ex-

ercising person and 7. womanhood. A description of the formation of a

sense of coherence to physical activity is provided below.

The first health resource is social relations and care and relates to affilia-

tion, care for oneself and others and the meaning of having social relations.

This health resource has been studied many times and results have shown

that social relations and care are beneficial to a healthy life. This is also the

case in this study. The participants argued that without social support and

personal relations in the training group or outside that context, continuing

to exercise would probably have eventually faded out. The participants thus

regarded being part of a social setting and around people who cared for

each other as a health resource. They also thought that being part of a caring

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


community made everyday life became more meaningful and comprehensi-


The second resource, positive energy, results from doing exercise and can

be extended and explained as experiencing a relaxed body, becoming full of

energy after an exercising session and having feelings of vitality. Some of

the women described this as a ‘refill’ on the mornings they exercised, that it

helped them to cope with the day ahead and relaxed their bodies. Further

benefits when discussing energy were improved sleep at night and more en-

ergy and strength during the day. This resource encompasses positive feel-

ings that generate well-being, both in general and more specifically in and

during exercise.

The third resource, self-worth, is about having confidence and faith in

yourself and the autonomy to make your own decisions. The participants

described a sense of control and increased meaningfulness and comprehen-

sibility in their daily lives and in the exercise context. They also described

feelings of empowerment and autonomy to deal with life in a healthy way.

The fourth resource, capability in and about physical activity, mostly re-

lates to how the participants described learning to be in a gym and master-

ing the exercises, weights and machines and their understanding of and

openness to how exercise benefited the body both physically and mentally.

The participants described the gym as a safe place and felt competent

enough to continue to exercise there in the way they had become used to.

They also felt that having a functional and fit body created a sense of man-

ageability and meaningfulness in their everyday lives. They described it as

an understanding of how to exercise, avoid injury and not be afraid of ach-

ing muscles as a result of the exercise.

The fifth resource, habit of exercising, helped the participants to create a

structure in their everyday lives as pensioners. This is described as a resource


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

that creates regularity and routine in a weekly schedule and making it hap-

pen creates manageability. When meeting twice a week for exercise, the re-

alisation that someone was missing prompted them to contact that person

to ask whether everything was okay. Also, knowing that other people were

waiting and expecting you created regularity and meaningfulness in contin-

uing to attend the training sessions. Having routines and habits generated

structure and meaning. Adding training to the schedule further helped them

to guard against apathy and feeling low and lonely.

The sixth health resource is identity as an exercising person. The partici-

pants identified themselves as exercising persons and had become ambassa-

dors for resistance training for older women. Several of them had recruited

friends and family as members of the gym over the years. They described it

as feeling proud and being confirmed by others as an exercising person. The

exercising had a value for them that they considered meaningful.

The seventh resource is described as womanhood. Aspects of this re-

source are feelings of being and looking like a woman i.e. having the bodily

shape of a woman. The descriptions of how the body changes with age is

central here. After doing resistance training the women described how mus-

cles were toned back to what they had been before the aging process began.

They described their motives for exercising as retaining body shape and

femininity. These aspects were important for both themselves and for how

they appeared to others.

As the participants in paper II had continued to do resistance training twice

a week for almost five years, their participation in focus group discussions

was both important and valuable. Gaining access to these women was a

good opportunity for follow-up studies such as this. Studies that explored

the more in-depth motives for continuing to exercise and got ‘closer’ to the

sample would also be beneficial. To conclude, paper II identified seven

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


health resources that older physically active women regarded as important

for maintaining their health.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


The overall aim of the thesis is to explore healthy and physically active older

women’s experiences of what maintains and enhances their health after

starting resistance training. This is done by examining the psychological and

social aspects of resistance training from the perspectives of health and well-

being using different parameters. In paper I, the psychological aspects are

measured as sense of coherence, health related quality of life, hope, positive

and negative affect. In order to gain an in-depth understanding, in paper II

the participants’ resources in their strivings towards health are explored in

focus groups interviews. Health resources in this context, and according to

salutogenic theory, include seeing the world as manageable, comprehensible

and meaningful. The literature has at least one important limitation, which

is that studies of older people are mostly conducted on those with some

kind of disability, declining health, or sedentary lifestyle (WHO, 2002).

Many older people in the ‘third age’ are healthy and live independent lives

(WHO, 2015). The main conclusion that can be drawn from this thesis is

that starting resistance training after the age of 65 does not appear to neg-

atively impact older women’s physiological health. On the contrary, it seems

to be associated with psychological health benefits. A further conclusion is

that physical activity, and especially resistance training, carried out in a sta-

ble group of peers provides a meaningful, comprehensible and manageable

way for them to engage in the ongoing process of maintaining health.

As Sun, Norman, and While (2013) declare, the global population is age-

ing at a dramatic pace, which brings new challenges and possibilities for

societies to improve, or at least maintain, older people’s health by enhancing

their quality of life.

It has been shown that resistance training can significantly increase mus-

cle strength, hypertrophy and endurance (Charette et al., 1991; Chodzko-

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


Zajko et al., 2009; Kraemer & Ratamess, 2004). Lately, it has become in-

creasingly noticeable that resistance training can have psychological out-

comes (Beard, Officer, & Cassels, 2016). For example, resistance training

has been linked to improvements in depressive symptoms (Kekäläinen et al.,

2017; Ströhle, 2009), positive and negative affect (Arent, Landers, & Etnier,

2000), self-efficacy and quality of life (Kekäläinen et al., 2017; Penedo &

Dahn, 2005).

Discussions about resistance training and well-being are similar to those

about aerobic exercises, which also increase general well-being (Chodzko-

Zajko, Schwingel, & Park, 2009; Kekäläinen et al., 2017; Tod & Lavallee,

2013). It is important to acknowledge the ‘ceiling effect’ mentioned in the

current literature, which is that individuals with higher scores for general

well-being and good cognitive function have little room for improvement

and might experience smaller effects in these categories than individuals

who begin with lower feelings of general well-being and cognitive function

scores (Beard et al., 2016; Tod & Lavallee, 2013).

Older adults are often the focal population in research involving quality

of life, given that age-related declines in physical and mental capacity impact

functionality, life satisfaction and feelings of self-efficacy (Tod & Lavallee,

2013). Many of the studies that have evaluated the effects of resistance

training have been conducted on older people and have mainly studied qual-

ity of life and those who are depressed and have sedentary lifestyles

(Cassilhas et al., 2007; Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009; Kekäläinen et al., 2017;

Kimura et al., 2010; A. Singh & Misra, 2009; Singh, Clements, &

Fiatarone, 1997). These studies have also found that the participants in-

crease their scores in quality of life and that the resistance training has ef-

fects on sedentary participants and those not suffering from depression (Tod

& Lavallee, 2013). The literature on the effects of resistance training on

health is somewhat superficial and a platform is needed for the creation of


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

guidelines and practical applications that are suitable for a wider population

than those with declining- or ill health and have a sedentary lifestyle.

In an attempt to bridge the research gap, the thesis studies participants

who are healthy and physically active. The results from paper I also support

the hypothesis that, for this sample, resistance training lowers the partici-

pants’ negative affect and increases the ratings of hope, defined as motiva-

tional state. In relation to the ‘ceiling effect discussion’, the scores point in

the right direction. Finding the right balance between recommending re-

sistance training to already healthy and physically active older individuals

can be difficult and more studies on the subject are needed.

Findings related to the theoretical framework

A study by Wiesmann and Hannich (2008) states that a strong sense of co-

herence helps to mobilise an individual’s own resources, which also has a

positive influence on mental health. Antonovsky (1979, 1996) highlights

that people have greater possibilities to “have health” if they see the world

as meaningful, manageable and comprehensible. Drawing parallels with

other theories, such as social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1989), the im-

portance of beliefs and control are external and confidence in one’s own

ability internal. This theory emphasises self-efficacy (Bandura, 1989, 1997)

and self-confidence and shows the benefits of health resources like self-

worth and the capability in and about physical activity. These resources can

also be in parallel with the concept of empowerment, which is defined as

the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in control-

ling one’s own life (WHO, 1998).

Another result is the participants’ raised levels of hope after the resistance

training. This may say something about the increased motivational state de-

fined as hope (Snyder, 2002; Snyder et al., 1991). In some studies, hope is

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


equated with a sense of optimism. Individuals with a positive mind-set are

optimistic and tackle difficulties or setbacks in life in a constructive way by

focusing on solutions rather than problems (Seligman, 2011; Snyder, 2002).

Hope involves having the belief that you can achieve your goals (connected

to the agency of hope theory) and develop strategies to do this (connected

to pathways in hope theory).

An example of this motivational state is making an active choice to apply

for the resistance training intervention, which then leads to an enhancement

of life by exercising at a gym twice a week with other likeminded women.

Social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1989, 1997) and hope theory (Snyder,

2002; Snyder et al., 1991) are related, in that they look at individuals’ abil-

ities to ‘succeed’ and be healthy. It is also important to highlight that not

every older person is capable of or motivated enough to respond to an ad-

vertisement like this in a newspaper.

Burton et al. (2017) review discusses the barriers and motivators for older

adults participating in resistance training. They identify 92 motivators and

24 barriers. Most of the motivators are similar to our explored health re-

sources outlined in paper II. For example, one of the motivator in Burton et

al. (2017) is that resistance training leads to the prevention of disability,

which is in line with capability in and about physical activity in our findings.

Further, the motivator of feeling more alert and concentrated is in line with

our finding of positive energy. Finally, building muscle tone is in line with

what we describe as womanhood. The barriers in resistance training that

Burton et al. (2017) identify are that older people believe that resistance

training will make them too muscular or could result in a heart attack,

stroke or even death, especially in women. This is in line with Hardcastle

and Taylor (2001), who identify the barrier that resistance training is too

risky for older people. Some similarities with Burton et al. (2017) are also

identified in Dionigi (2007) results on exercise intervention. These findings


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

show physical changes and psychosocial changes. Body sensations, im-

proved physical functioning, a good feeling, knowing how to do things,

sense of accomplishment and control, the social atmosphere and intergen-

erational interactions are findings from Dionigi (2007) study. Several of

these barriers are also expressed by our participants. Dionigi (2007) exercise

intervention ‘only’ lasted for 12 weeks and it is positive that so many themes

could be identified after such a short period of time. Compared to the results

in paper II, it is notable that the experienced positive effects of resistance

training are similar after five years and, in a way, are even more enhanced

in that the participants have also developed friendships.

Earlier studies have shown that women tend to judge themselves as inex-

perienced or insufficiently informed about resistance training (Dionigi,

2007; Hardcastle & Taylor, 2001; Terre, 2010). Efforts to boost their

knowledge and self-efficacy may be an important part of resistance training

interventions for women, especially when discussing recommendations and

interpretations for older people.

Despite the promotion of resistance training for older people, many have

never had the opportunity to try it and are therefore unaware of the possible

benefits to their lives. They are also unsure about using the exercise ma-

chines and weights (Dionigi, 2007). Fitness leaders cannot expect older peo-

ple to walk into a gym and know what to do without any introduction or

initial training. In order to reduce any anxiety and uncertainty that older

people might have about resistance training, it is important to educate them

in the correct training techniques and use of the machines. They should also

be told about the potential physical and mental benefits of this type of ex-

ercise. Guiding, giving feedback and encouragement are three components

Dionigi (2007) concludes are important when older people embark on a

resistance training programme. Furthermore, providing opportunities for

social interaction has additional effects for people who are retired. These

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


components are in line with our results in paper II, in terms of the guidance

and feedback the participants receive during the supervised sessions in the

gym and the encouragement they give each other. Our participants also en-

joy the social interaction that is afforded by the training and regard it as an

important factor for continuing. If older people feel welcome, comfortable

and are not patronised they will enjoy the gym atmosphere and be more

likely to undertake or maintain resistance training (Dionigi, 2007). This

could be especially important for exercise adherence. Grogan (2016) states

that people over 60 years of age tend to care less about body image and

more about function and health, which could also be a reason why older

women are more positive.

Another important aspect in the gym is the advantage of having a ‘train-

ing buddy’ who can help to support and motivate even when the training

feels like hard work (Burton et al., 2017; Dionigi & Cannon, 2009). Provid-

ing opportunities for older people to try resistance training and having it as

an ongoing activity is an ongoing challenge. Here, exercising with a group

of peers can help people to stick to the regime.

Methodological limitations and strengths

According to salutogenic theory, sense of coherence is not as stable as

(Antonovsky, 1979) it was first assumed. The older the sample is, the higher

the SOC score becomes (Eriksson & Lindstrom, 2005). McCuaig and

Quennerstedt (2016) highlight that salutogenic theory can be applied at dif-

ferent levels. The first level is health in terms of the river-metaphor as an

overall understanding of how to stay healthy, keep your position in the river

and not drown. The second level is sense of coherence and people’s health

resources. Antonovsky’s (1987) attempts to measure people’s sense of co-

herence in questionnaires has been criticised. In his search for the mystery

of health, Antonovsky (1987) tries to measure health with a number, but is


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

that even possible? Another criticism that is discussed in the Handbook of

Salutogenesis (2017) is that Antonovsky argues that sense of coherence is

relatively stable after the age of 30, although other studies show that this

develops over the entire life cycle and often increases with age (Mittelmark,

Sagy, et al., 2017). This is also in line with our findings in paper I when

measuring sense of coherence on two occasions.

The main limitation with paper I is the small sample size and the resulting

low statistical power. A dream scenario is always to involve more partici-

pants in intervention studies, but reality sometimes gets in the way. The

limitations in paper II are the focus group compositions and matching the

participants so that everyone feels comfortable in the discussions. . A further

limitations in paper II is the assumption that a moderator’s will be able to

lead the discussions, focus on the interview questions and at the same time

maintain a pleasant atmosphere.

The main strength with paper I is the sample selection of older, healthy

and physically active women at the start of the intervention. The possibility

of collecting data on different health dimensions on a sample of ‘healthy’

individuals is helpful, in that very few studies have been conducted on this

population and the knowledge that is gained is therefore valuable. Another

strength is the social interaction the participants enjoy twice a week in the

gym and the resulting social value of being able to continue to exercise with

the same group when the intervention ends. Interactions between people in

training situations can raise their quality of life (Ramirez-Campillo et al.,


The strengths in paper II are that we conducted a theoretically driven

analysis of older women’s health resources by asking why they continue to

engage in resistance training. Windle (2014) points out that this type of re-

search is missing from the research field of qualitative studies. Having good

supportive staff and peers in the gym, as is the case in papers I and II, seems

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


to be in line with Burton et al. (2017) conclusions of motivators for re-

sistance training.

The combination of a quantitative method and a qualitative method with

the same participants to answer the questions what is health and how it be

understood can also be regarded as a strength.

Implications for practice

In terms of the practical implications of the study, health and fitness profes-

sionals need to have relevant and useful knowledge of the elements that

encourage participants to exercise and to continue exercising over time. This

could involve ensuring that the participants’ experiences are positive at sev-

eral levels, because that would help people to persevere (Egli, Bland,

Melton, & Czech, 2011). Also, the social interaction of exercising with a

group of peers seems to be meaningful (Antonovsky, 1987), and people be-

come motivated when they feel competent, autonomous and are connected

socially or feel that they belong (see e.g. Deci & Ryan, 1980, 2010). These

aspects are important when supervising, reducing the barriers and building

confidence, in that they are likely to encourage people to continue to exer-

cise over time. Also, creating an identity as an exercising older woman can

result in the continuation of exercise as an investment in healthy ageing

(Grogan, 2016).

Future research directions

One of the priorities for future research in this field, which Dogra et al.

(2017) claim is important for health outcomes, is the need to develop strat-

egies for increasing such interventions and reducing the time spent sitting

down. There is also a need for interventions that encourage older people to

regularly engage in physical activity (Keadle et al., 2016). More evidence of

physical activity amongst older people is needed for the formation of public


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

health strategies that extend the health and quality of life of people in old

age (Sun et al., 2013).

Future salutogenic research should focus on the role of other psycholog-

ical resources, such as social support, optimism, psychological control and

goal pursuit (Wiesmann & Hannich, 2014) and also include more theory-

driven approaches to behaviour change (Windle, 2014) and the promotion

of health in older people.

In the sport and exercise psychology field, very little research has been

conducted on older participants who are already healthy and physically ac-

tive (Tod & Lavallee, 2013). Further work is accordingly needed to achieve

a more complete picture and understanding of the continuum of staying

healthy as an older person. A salutogenic approach could usefully be used

in this respect. Public health initiatives and strategies are also needed that

encourage and promote long-term health, especially with regard to func-

tional status, mental health status and personal well-being (Giglio,

Rodriguez-Blazquez, de Pedro-Cuesta, & Forjaz, 2015).

Older adults should also be supported by the facilitation of life experi-

ences that strengthen and support their manageability, comprehensibility

and meaningfulness (Wiesmann & Hannich, 2014). If resistance training

interventions can support longevity and independence and reduce the risk

of falls, disability, depression or other negative emotions, then society

should invest in this area. Every day of independence and the delay of dis-

ease and disability is important for individuals and their families and, in the

long-term, also for society. A future that gives older people the freedom to

live lives that previous generations might never have imagined (Beard et al.,

2016) is worth striving for. To return to the swimmer in the river metaphor,

earlier described in salutogenic theory, and the striving towards health, the

swimmer can create the river that he or she swims in during life and try to

make the best of it.

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training



• Starting resistance training at the age of 65-70 does not appear to

negatively affect the psychological health of women in this age

range. In fact, the results indicate the reverse.

• Resistance training is linked to a heightened, positive motivational

state defined as hope and lower negative affects amongst healthy

and physically active women aged 65-70 years.

• Resistance training has positive effects on psychological well-being

and is important because it not only benefits those who are phys-

ically inactive, but also those who are already physically active and


• Social relations and care, positive energy, self-worth, capability in

and about physical activity, the habit of exercising, identity as an

exercising person and womanhood are health resources that a

group of healthy, physically active women between the ages of 69-

74 years describe as important in their striving towards health in

relation to physical activity and resistance training.

• From a salutogenic perspective, physical activity carried out in a

stable group of peers provides a meaningful, comprehensible and

manageable way for older women to engage in the ongoing pro-

cess of maintaining health.


HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training

Sammanfattning på svenska

Vi blir fler och äldre. Det är en utmaning såväl för samhället som för indi-

viden själv då längre liv inte självklart är förknippat med ett hälsosamt

längre liv. Åldrandet påverkar oss på olika sätt. I den naturliga åldrande-

processen är det förekommande med försämringar i kognitiva funktioner

såväl som såväl som försämringar i fysiologiska funktioner men också en

påverkan på de sociala nätverken kan ses. Samhället kan förebygga och in-

vestera i ett hälsosamt åldrande genom att satsa på insatser som kan ge fler

år av självständighet och ökad livskvalitet. Detta kan t.ex. göras genom fy-

sisk aktivitet i olika typer av interventioner för äldre. Fysik aktivitet har

visat sig har positiv inverkan på såväl fysiologiska, psykologiska som soci-

ala aspekter hos en åldrande befolkning.

Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen var att utforska friska och fysiskt

aktiva kvinnors hälsa och välmående utifrån olika perspektiv. Dels genom

enkäter som skattar subjektivs välmående som livskvalitet, känsla av sam-

manhang, hoppfullhet samt positiva och negativa känslor. Men också en

uppföljande studie hos individer som fortsatt att styrketräna efter att en in-

tervention var avslutad, detta genom fokusgruppsintervjuer. Denna uppsats

tar ett salutogent perspektiv på hälsa.

Syftet med studie I var att undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i

parametrarna känsla av sammanhang, livskvalitet, hoppfullhet samt posi-

tiva och negativa känslor före och efter en styrketräningsintervention som

varade i 24 veckor jämfört med en kontrollgrupp.

Syftet med studie II var att utforska vilka hälsoresurser friska äldre kvin-

nor angav som betydelsefulla för dem för att bibehålla hälsa genom att

träna, då specifikt styrketräning.

Enkäter av dessa fyra parametrarna skattades av deltagarna (n=32) före

och efter en styrketräningsintervention på 24 veckor. Deltagarna tränade

HELENA ERICSON A salutogenic perspective on resistance training


två gånger i veckan ett ansträngande pass på ett gym. Passet varade i 60

minuter per gång. I studie II så intervjuades de deltagarna (n=14) som fort-

satt att träna regelbundet efter att styrketräningsinterventionen var avslutad

i fokusgrupper. Fokusgrupperna bestod av tre till fyra deltagare som under

nästan fem års tid två gånger i veckan tränat tillsammans. Fyra fokusgrupps

intervjuer genomfördes. Frågor om varför de fortsatt att träna samt hur de

kan beskriva träningen som meningsfull, hanterbar och begriplig i deras

vardagliga liv ställdes. Alla frågor var formulerade utifrån ett salutogent

perspektiv på hälsa.

Sammanfattningsvis visar resultat av studie I visar att starta styrketräning

vid 65-70 års ålder inte verkar påverka deltagarna negativt, tvärtom. Del-

tagarna i styrketräningsgruppen hade höjt sina nivåer av hoppfullhet och

sänkt sina negativa känslor enligt före och eftermätningen. Det sammanfat-

tande resultatet av studie II var sju stycken hälsoresurser som identifierades.

Dessa var sociala relationer och omsorg, positiv energi, självvärde, kun-

skaper i och om träning, vanan av att träna, identitet som en tränande per-

son och kvinnlighet. Utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv verkar fysisk aktivitet

i form av styrketräning i en grupp deltagare som känner varandra väl bidra

till en meningsfull, begriplig och hanterbar process i deras strävan mot att

bibehålla hälsa.

Licentiatuppsatsen erbjuder därmed en djupare kunskap och förståelse

för friska äldre kvinnors strävan mot hälsa utifrån ett salutogent perspektiv

i en träningskontext.


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