a sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases...

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Jess Fontecha, Ramn Hervs and Jos BravoUniversity of Castilla-La ManchaEscuela Superior de Informtica de Ciudad RealCiudad Real, SpainMAmI Research Lab

Puerto Varas, Chile, Dec. 1-4, 2015A sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

I am going to present our ongoing work as a (leer titulo)1

2GoalDevelopment of a modular framework based on health aspects for monitoring multiple diseases by using smartphones and smart devices.Monitoring and treatment of a diseasePrimary aspectsCommon to most diseasesDirectly related to the diseaseVital signs, physical activity, clinical profile, education, relatives, diet.Complementary aspectsDepending on the diseaseImprove the monitoringEnvironment, social relationships, emotions, stress, incomes,Patient side (Self-control) & Doctor side (remote monitoring)New mobile technologies, communication networks, new devicesNew possibilities and opportunitiesMonitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

The main objetive of this proposal is (leer).

In this case, we identify 2 groups of aspects: primary and complementary. The primary aspects (leer), and the complementary aspects (leer).

We will try to achive the self-control of the patient and the remote monitoring by the doctor. Fortunately, new technologies (leer) give us new possibilities in this sense.2

3Monitoring cycle

Vital signs monitoring

InteractionPrimary aspects

Complementary aspectsInformation flowClinical treatmentSelf-monitoringPatient profilePhysicianPatientSmart devices & sensorsSmartphoneDietEducationRelativesExerciseMonitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

This is de monitoring cycle deployed by the framework, with the flows between elements.

The idea is that Smart devices and sensors collect information from vital signs, physical activities and more. These are saved by the framework to be considered with other aspects like diet, education about the disease, clinical profile, etc. Also, complementary aspects could be taken into account.

This information is used by the framework to carry out a continuous assessment. The smartphone provides a self-monitoring to the patient. And the physician controls the disease in a remote way supported by the framework results.3

4Levels of monitoringAspects coverage+-Self-care+-Level 1 Basic aspects monitoringLevel 3 Complete monitoringLevel 2 Usual aspects monitoringAdapted to the patientDifferent action levelsConsidered aspectsVariablesLevel of supervisionTemporary or permanentSome examples

AspectsDevices & sensorsMonitoring level

Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

Besides, we can consider 3 levels of monitoring, depending on the importance or seriousness of the disease. These levels (leer).

Here we can see 3 examples taking into account these levels (for example to monitor a diabetic patient):In the first case, the patient requires a minimum control, for that the monitoring of certain vital sign and physical activity is enoughIn the second case, the glucose level monitoring and the diet aspect is taken into account to carry out a moderate monitoringFinally, in the third case, an intensive monitoring could require the control of more aspects, get data from other smart devices and a comprehensive supervision by the doctor. 4

5Monitoring behavior (trends and objectives)Main goal of the framework!It depends on the diseaseObjectives proposed by doctorsTrends calculated by the system (prevention!)DiabetesTrendsObjectivesGlucose trendGlucose levelPhysical exerciseCarbohydrate intakeHypertensionTrendsObjectivesBlood pressure trendBlood pressure levelPhysical activityDietDiabetes behaviorHypertension behaviorExamples

Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

The main aim of the framework is to study the behavior, specifically trends and objectives (defined previously) of the disease, to keep the disease under control.

Trends and objectives depend on the disease, the objectives are proposed by physicians and the trends are calculated by the system by means of artificial intelligent techniques. This is also useful for prevention.

Here we can see 2 examples of diseases, and each disease has particular trend to be studied and objectives. In case of diabetes, these are (leer). In case of hypertension (leer). These define the behavior of the disease.5

6Framework overview. Study casesA generic framework to deal with specific disesases

Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

This is the overview of the framework. Here, we can identify all the considered blocks. In this case, is shown the view to monitor any kind of disease.

We have the blocks for primary aspects, and also examples of domain of complementary aspects. Also, we can see a group of sensors which send the information to the mobile phone.

Thanks to the health aspects, we can carry out the study of the disease behaviour and the achievement of the objectives.

The collected data corresponding to each block, for example in the primary aspects, corresponds to modules of the framework or simply external applications which communicates with the appropriate parts for data gathering from sensors, smart devices or clinical sources.6


Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

This framework could focus on specific diseases such as Diabetes. In this case, we need a subset of sensors like glucose monitoring device, an activity bracelet, etc.

In the same way, the blocks consider specific aspects of the disease. The blocks in green corresponds to the modules which gather data from glucose level and physical activity. In case of objectives, it would be interesting to study the glucose trend over time. 7


Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

This is another example of the framework elements to monitor, in this case, hypertension. The smart devices connected to the smartphone could be activity bracelets and blood pressure device. Primary blocks are similar, although in this case we need to monitor for example, blood pressure level and physical activity.

The framework provides us mechanisms to know the blood pressure behavior and an example of objective would be the prediction of heart stroke or other cardiovascular diseases. 8


Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

This other example refers to obesity. It is quite similar, but the measures to monitor are different and also the objectives like the study of weight trends. In this case, we can have a smart scale which communicates directly with the smartphone and obviously, the content of the health aspects.

With this, I would like to mention the versatility of the proposed framework.9

10ConclusionsProposal of health aspect-based framework for smart monitoringMonitoring of chronic and non-chronic diseasesInteraction with sensors & smart devicesReducing human interactionPromoting patient self-control and remote supervision

Future workDevelopment of software pieces covering each health aspectDeal with gathering of data from smart devices through open APIApplication to specific domain (Diabetes)EndocrineDietEducationPhysical activityGlucose level

Monitoring behaviorMonitoring levelsMonitoring cycleIntroductionA sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Framework overviewConclusions

In this work, we have presented a proposal (leer).

The work to be completed includes the development (leer)

.(leer) where we will start with diabetes.10

Jess Fontecha, Ramn Hervs and Jos BravoUniversity of Castilla-La ManchaEscuela Superior de Informtica de Ciudad RealCiudad Real, SpainMAmI Research Lab

Puerto Varas, Chile, Dec. 1-4, 2015A sensorized and health aspect-based framework to improve the continuous monitoring on diseases using smartphones and smart devices

Thank you for your attention

Thats all. Thank you for your attention.11