a service of christian worship - clover...

Voluntary Blessed Assurance Gerald Near Call to Worship Ecclesiastes 3: 1-5 For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; 3 a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; 4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; 5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; Hymn 519 Lift Every Voice and Sing LIFT EVERY VOICE Dedication of Vacation Bible School Staff 10:55 Passing the Peace of Christ Psalm 9 744 Psalter with response Alleluia Hymn 486 Scripture Lesson Mark 4:35-41 Alleluia Hymn 486 Sermon The Times, They Are a Changin’ Reverend Annie Fritschner Affirmation of Faith Page 881 Gloria Patri Hymn 70 Hymn 377 It Is Well with My Soul VILLE DU HAVRE Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Lord’s Tithes and Our Offering Offertory It Is Well with My Soul Charles Callahan Presentation of the Offering and the Doxology Hymn 95 Hymn 512 Stand By Me STAND BY MY Sending Forth Voluntary Tuba Tune in D Major C. S. Lang Please stand as you are able FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH A Service of Christian Worship 4th Sunday after Pentecost ~ June 21, 2015 ~ 8:30 and 10:55 AM

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Page 1: A Service of Christian Worship - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchofhendersovilleinc... · Father’s Day ~ 2015 In Honor of Given By In Honor of Given By

Voluntary Blessed Assurance Gerald Near

Call to Worship Ecclesiastes 3: 1-5

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: 2 a time to be born, and a time to die;

a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;

3 a time to kill, and a time to heal;

a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4 a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5 a time to throw away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

Hymn 519 Lift Every Voice and Sing LIFT EVERY VOICE

Dedication of Vacation Bible School Staff 10:55

Passing the Peace of Christ Psalm 9 744 Psalter with response

Alleluia Hymn 486

Scripture Lesson Mark 4:35-41

Alleluia Hymn 486

Sermon The Times, They Are a Changin’ Reverend Annie Fritschner

Affirmation of Faith Page 881 Gloria Patri Hymn 70

Hymn 377 It Is Well with My Soul VILLE DU HAVRE

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

Lord’s Tithes and Our Offering

Offertory It Is Well with My Soul Charles Callahan

Presentation of the Offering and the Doxology Hymn 95

Hymn 512 Stand By Me STAND BY MY

Sending Forth

Voluntary Tuba Tune in D Major C. S. Lang

Please stand as you are able


A Service of Christian Worship 4th Sunday after Pentecost ~ June 21, 2015 ~ 8:30 and 10:55 AM

Page 2: A Service of Christian Worship - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstunitedmethodistchofhendersovilleinc... · Father’s Day ~ 2015 In Honor of Given By In Honor of Given By

Father’s Day ~ 2015

In Honor of Given By In Honor of Given By

Tim Banker Joyce Banker John Mitchell Alice Mitchell

Joseph D. Bardon Barbara Miller John Munson Trish & Jim Hendershot

Kenneth A. Barren, Jr. Barbara Moerk Louis Olivier, Jr. Sharon Olivier

Patrick Clark Trish & Jim Hendershot Louis Olivier, Jr. Grey, Lauren, Emme & Bennett Tilden

Loris Drake Wendy & Families Paul O'Neill Ryan O'Neill

Jack Dublynn Sandy Dublynn Zeb Palmer Lou & Ben Palmer

John Duncan John & Madeleine Duncan Papa Luke Warner

Trade Elkins Braden & Zach Elkins Ken Perkins Glenn & Julia

Marvin Falis Donna, Lou & Ben Palmer Noland Ramsey Ross Family

Gary Faulkner Jean, Beth, Grant & River Frank J. Reed Karol Reed

Eben Franz Dottie Franz David Reeves His family

Father God Robin Corbin Morgan Reynolds Evelyn Reynolds

Alfred Burton Gough Peter, Susie & Trina Dr. George L. Richards Jan & Pete Richards

Alfred Burton Gough Meg, Ella, Alix, Libby, Zach, Andrew & Eric

Pete Richards Jan, Justin & Jordan Richards

Martin R. Greedy Tessa & Carle Greedy John Marion Ross Ross Family

Jim Hendershot Trish & Jim Hendershot David Schnitzer Colleen, Wyatt, Adam & Peter

Steve Hendershot Trish & Jim Hendershot Otto Sharp Christy, Evan, Hunter & Eric Sharp

Jim Hendrix Jane Hendrix Gerard Sherlock Sharon & Louis Olivier

Michael S. Henley Dina, Abbey & Wesley Allen Ken "Pop" Shipman Amy, Braden & Zach Elkins

Justin Herdman Denny & Kathaleen McWilliams Myron Steppe Logan and Ashlie

Jay Hetrick Sharon Hetrick Mark Sullivant Jodi & Mackenzie Sullivant

Jay Hetrick Haley, Chol, Lisa & Marc J. Eric Syphard Barbara Miller

Dr. John Kauffman Don & Sue Kauffman F. Lee Thomas Colleen, Amanda & Matthew Thomas

R. Donald Kauffman Don & Sue Kauffman Michael M. Hunter and Sallie Kate Thompson

Stephen Kauffman Don & Sue Kauffman Grey Tilden Sharon & Louis Olivier

Manson Lancaster Brooks & Nathaniel Lancaster Grey Tilden Lauren, Emme, & Bennett Tilden

Jeff Marlow Dot Marlow Andrew Vineyard Grace & Bill Vineyard

Dan "Gump" Martin Ginny & Kate Martin Mark Vineyard Grace & Bill Vineyard

Dan Martin Duncan & Meredith Martin Scott Vineyard Grace & Bill Vineyard

Dan Martin Parker Martin & Erin Divire William Vineyard Grace Vineyard

Dan Martin Anne Martin Jason Wade Gene & Charlie Wade

Dennis McWilliams Kathaleen McWilliams Johnathan Wade Gene & Charlie Wade

Jeff McWilliams Denny & Kathaleen McWilliams Jack Warner Genny Warner

Col. G.F. Milburn III Don & Sue Kauffman Jim Webb Evelyn Reynolds

Lt. Andrew Milburn Don & Sue Kauffman Jody Webb Trish & Jim Hendershot

Timothy M. Milburn Don & Sue Kauffman Stephen E. Whitmire Anne G. Whitmire

Tommy Mills Gene & Charlie Wade Mike Williamson Linda 143

Chris Mitchell Alice Mitchell Yaweh Dave Bass

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In Memory of Given By In Memory of Given By

Bud Austell Anita & Forrest Austell & Carey Morley

Fred Heard Rev. Ed Heard

Charles Beach Mark & Irene Harwell Gen. Bradley Heard (Rev. War)

Rev. Ed Heard

Pitt Beam, Jr. Anne Beam Clarence Hendershot Trish & Jim Hendershot

Pitt Beam, Sr. Anne Beam James Donald Holt Gene & Charlie Wade

Norman F. Betler Doris B. Young Richard J. Hora Barbara Hora

Henry S. Brookshire John & Betty Kay Brookshire & Family

Uel P. Jennings Karol Reed

William Boyd Burch Colleen, Amanda & Matthew Thomas

Ben Johnson, Sr. Ben, Jr., Thomas C. & Willie Johnson

Ted Campbell John & Madeleine Duncan Charles H. Johnson Ben & Willie Johnson

Alfred James Chaisson Ardi Gough Jack Johnson Jeff & Deena Johnson

Lowell Cooper, Sr. Lowell Cooper, Jr. Pope Johnson Steve & Sharon Johnson

James Curtin Dee & Don Tichenor Bob Jones Colleen Schnitzer

Millard Drake Loris, Wendy & Families Reginald H. Jones Grace & Bill Vineyard

Frank J. Park and Janet Rayfield Walter Raymond Jones Dick Jones

Edgar Duncan John & Madeleine Duncan Ralph LeRoy Kauffman Don & Sue Kauffman

Paul Durham Pete, Jan, Justin & Jordan Richards

Joseph Lancaster Manson Lancaster

Eugene E. Eppler Barbara Hora Wilbur Lawless John & Barbara Lawless

Randall D. Esten Mildred Esten Lloyd Ludwick Dave & Kay Ludwick

Matthew Figura Kathy Wrobel Oscar Mapes Toby & Sigrun Mapes

Samuel DeWalt Fleming Don & Sue Kauffman Glenn Marlow Dot Marlow

Robert W. Fox John & Betty Kay Brookshire & Family

Jesse Bruce McClain Don & Sue Kauffman

Hans Toby & Sigrun Mapes Ralph McWilliams Denny & Kathaleen McWilliams

Bill Gibson Debbie Lancaster & Bradley Gibson

Carl Merchant Mildred Esten

William J. "Hoot" Gibson Anne G. Whitmire Manford Metcalf Bea Fosmire

Woodrow Gilmoro John & Barbara Lawless George Michael Ray Perrin

Alfred George Gough Alfred Burton Gough Stanley Radcliff Miller Joyce Jones

Carl Grauer Richard & Sally Grauer Walter J. Miller, Sr. Barbara Miller

John N. Hackney, Jr. Lou & David Reeves Walter J. Miller, Jr. Barbara Miller

Christian A. Hansen Barbara Miller Samuel Foster Moore Pat Mielo

Howard F. Hansen Barbara Miller Wilbert G. Robert G. More

Oluf M. Hansen Roger Hansen William S. O'Brien Bill O'Brien

Richard Andrew Harris Linda Runion Joseph O'Leary Anne Beam

Thomas M. Harris Ben & Willie Johnson Louis Olivier Sharon & Louis Olivier

Charley Mark Harwell, Sr. Mark & Irene Harwell Charles Palmer Helen Palmer

Bradley Tyler Johnson Heard Rev. Ed Heard Michael Passarella Ryan O'Neill

Rev. W. B. Penny Bill & Betty Penny

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Staff Dedication 2015 G-Force

God’s Love in Action

Minister: G-Force Vacation Bible School begins this week. Many people have made a commitment to provide leadership for this ministry. At this time, we

want to recognize these volunteers.

Acts 17:28a says, “In God we live, move, and exist.” These persons are dedicat-

ing themselves to leading children in our church and community to experience a

living, active God. During each session, these leaders will encourage the chil-dren to use their minds and bodies to share God’s love with those around them.

Children can participate in the active life of God by following the example of Je-sus.

(To the leaders) On behalf of our congregation, we want to thank you for the vi-tal role you are playing in ministry with the children. We give thanks that God

has given you the desire to share your love and gifts with others.

VBS Leaders: We ask you to pray for us as we seek God’s guidance and

strength. We ask you to pray for all those whose lives will be touched

during this amazing week of learning and worship.

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G-Force God’s Love in Action


Sarah Alholm

Dina Allen

Mary Arrowood

Anne Bethea

Kathi Bivens

Betty Kay Brookshire

Carol Carlock

Amy Cleveland

Wendi Connelly

Rachael Corbeil

Wendy Crook

Amy Elkins

Robyn Evans

Eben Franz

Kelly Friesen

Martha Gaillard

Maggie Gilliam

Pat Haire

Kandi Hendricks

Janet Hendricks

Anna Hicks

Barbara Hora

Tiffany Iannucci

Jenni Lambert

Andrea Larsen

Lillian Lilly

Lyn Linkous

Liz Loop

Rebecca McGrade

Sharon Mendelsohn

Tim Mendelsohn

David Miller

Rebecca Mills

Alice Mitchell

Autumn Morton

Kelli Mullinix

Lucy Nordlund

Pat Norwood

Susan Oakman

Reverend Deb Patterson

Lorraine Perkins

Julie Richardson

Jackie Roberts

Meredith Rogers

Carolyn Rosendale

Courtney Schwendemann-Oak

Loretta Stover

Lauren Tilden

Patti Vega

Manny Vega

Christine Viets

Suzanna Waddell

Carol Watson

Linda Williamson

Penni Winch

VBS Design Team

Beth Edwards, Kristi Goodrum, Amie Shillinglaw,

Leslie Merrill

Pathfinders and G-Force Squad Leaders

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Worship Today . . .

Participants Rev. Christy Sharp, Associate Pastor Rev. Annie Fritschner, Minister of Congregational Care Michael S. Brannon, Director of Music Cantor: Dennis Sanders Acolyte: 8:30 Martha Gunsallus 10:55 Kaylee Lively Cross Bearer: 8:30 Corinne Carland 10:55 Noah Lively Readers: 8:30 Sigrun Mapes 10:55 Pat Greenwald

The Altar flowers given by Toby and Sigrun Mapes to the glory of God and appreciation of the Church Staff. Children's Celebration (a time of stories, crafts and play) is available during the 10:55 am service for all children ages three (by August 31, 2014) thru Kindergarten. During the passing of the peace, please accompany your children to the hallway behind the pulpit area where we gather to go to the Children’s Area for Children’s Celebration. At that time we will inform you where to meet your children after wor-ship.

Opportunities . . .

Called Charge Conference Sunday, June 28, 2015, Sanctuary, 12:15pm

FUMC Name Tags If you need an FUMC name tag, please contact Deb Harris [email protected]. If you have lost yours, there is a replacement fee of $9.

Please Sign a ZOE Card The ZOE team has printed up greeting cards from First UMC to be taken to the children of our Working Groups in Kenya and Rwanda. We would like for you, the partners of these children, to sign a card which will then be given to a child family in our working groups. The card has pictures of our congregation so that the children will know who is helping them transform their lives. With your signature and a brief message, they will have a memento that they will cherish as they continue in their three year process of becoming safe and secure, healthy, connected to other children and resources in their community and prepared to sustainably support themselves. The cards will be on a table in the Welcome Area from June 21 to June 28.

Directory Pictures If you have not made a appointment to have your picture taken for the new directory please call 866-557-2253. We will have 2 days in July. If you have received your pictures and have any questions regarding the photos or frames please call 866-724-3907.

To Learn More. www.fumchvlnc.org

204 Sixth Avenue West Hendersonville, NC 28739


Middle School Mission Trip, Danville, VA Thank you for your support of our youth missions! We have taken the greatest of care in this bulletin to make sure we have listed all names submitted and we have spelled the names correctly. We apologize if we have omitted or misspelled any names.

In Memory of Given By

Bertrand H. Perrin Ray Perrin

Grant M. Perrin Ray Perrin

Raymond A. Perrin, Sr. Ray Perrin

Alfred J. Peterson Marian Hansen

A. George Pfeiffer Ray Perrin

William Robert G. More

Robert H. Park and Janet Rayfield

Charles M. Reeves, Jr. Lou & David Reeves

Bill Reisner Elfriede Reisner

Russel Rhoads, Sr. Denny & Kathaleen McWilliams

Herman H. Shaffer Richard & Sally Grauer

Basil Sharp Otto, Christy, Evan, Hunter & Eric Sharp

Walter W. Stike Jim Stike

Warren P. Stokes Bill & Betty Penny

Forest Thomas Colleen, Amanda & Matthew Thomas

John Jack and Phoebe Timberlake

Billy Tobin Carol & Bill Tobin

Welcome W. Tuxford Nelda K. Orr

Burie A. Vineyard Grace & Bill Vineyard

Dan Waddell Steve & Sharon Johnson

Cecil Wade Gene & Charlie Wade

Joe Webb Trish & Jim Hendershot

Fred Wiles Manson & Debbie Lancaster

William B. Wilson, Jr. Mary Ruth Wilson

James Jack and Phoebe Timberlake

Orey Wright Loris, Wendy & Families

Eugene Wrobel Kathy Wrobel

John Frank Karen Yagerhofer

Herbert H. Young Richard A. Young

Thomas H. Young, Jr. Sandy Dublynn

Herschel Zink Dave & Kay Ludwick