a sim legacy chapter 6


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Post on 16-May-2015



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Welcome once again to A Sim Legacy! Last time we saw how Carlos has grown into a very nice looking young adult. Here he is in his new clothes. Carlos decided that he wants to become a super athlete. Also it’s been decided that Carlos will be the spare and his sister Beatriz will be the heir to this legacy.

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Now that cycl0n3 is retired he just hangs around the house and upgrades things to be self-cleaning. No more dirty toilets as long as Cycl0n3 is around.

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Beatriz invited his boyfriend Julius over. Now that he is a young adult too, they can kiss and stuff.

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Beatriz prefers talking nonsense instead. I think Julius is regretting coming over right now.

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Amber got a nice certificate in the mail today for mastering the cooking skill. A little praise is nice.

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I sent Carlos to the pool to see if he could find a potential partner, but the place was full with old men and Bella.

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He then went to the gym to start building his Athletic skill. No pretty girls there either.

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“This is really painful.” You are the one that wants to be an athlete so start working pretty boy.

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Amber is unlucky enough to be stuck in the house while Beatriz practices her crazy songs.  “You liked that one mom?” “It was …interesting.” “Great I’ll play another one.” “I don’t think that’s necessary dear.” Poor Amber.

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Beatriz also likes to paint when she isn’t singing. She really likes to be in her swimsuit. Sometimes she stays wearing all day.

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I checked next door again and I found Connor Frio had finally aged into an elder. About time. Also there is a new toddler in the house. I wonder who the kid’s parents are.

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This was pretty funny. The mail delivery lady came over and left the mail on the floor then she stood near the window. I thought it was just normal sim behavior, but then I saw her running away and Cycl0n3 came running outside. Turns out she was peeping through the window and Cycl0n3 caught her. I didn’t know they could do that.

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For some reason Bella is constantly calling Carlos. Maybe she wants to have an affair? Either way, she calls all the time.

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Amber and Cycl0n3 like to enjoy some alone time now and then. Both are getting pretty old so they want to enjoy the little time they have.

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“I must be the greatest paper boy in the world. I’m so happy I can the paper every day. The paper is so great and I get to bring it.” He’s happy.

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Cycl0n3 spends his time eating people at chess to see if he can achieve the title of Gran Master, but there aren’t really that many ranked opponents in the park.

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I don’t know how this restaurant hasn’t gone bankrupt. It’s always empty, or maybe all the girls in town decided to keep away from Carlos.

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When he came home he found Bella peeping. “What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see you.” “You have two kids Bella, go take of them and leave me alone.” 

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I hadn’t shown how the house looks now. With the money everyone has been making they managed to build a new floor with rooms for the next generation of kids. It’s pretty ugly on the inside since they didn’t have any more money left to decorate it nicely.

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“What am I going to do Be? Bella keeps following me around maybe she wants me for my money.” “FYI Carlos, this family is completely broke.”

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“Maybe she wants you for your minty smelling toothpaste.” “You really think so?” “Sure!” I don’t think you should be taking advice from your sister.

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Julius came over again and they started to flirt autonomously. Beatriz had one thing on her mind and in her wants panels, so I decide to indulge her.

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A few flirts and hugs later and they were listening to sweet music.

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Let me present you with the new Five-Star Chef of Sunset Valley. Amber has finally reached her goal in life and reached the top of the culinary career.

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She was rewarded with this nice refrigerator.

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She quickly used it to cook up some Lobster Thermidor. “This is delicious mom!” “Yes, I can’t believe I finally managed to achieve my goal. Now if only you would get married.” *Cough, cough* Immediately after she came home she rolled the want for Carlos to get married. She never rolled it for Beatriz so I guess she knows Beatriz isn’t in her best mental capabilities to do it.

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Cycl0n3 soon got an award as well for mastering the logic skill.

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A few days after her little rendezvous with Julius Beatriz started seeing a little change.“Dad your daughter is pregnant.” “Amber your daughter is pregnant.” No one seems to want to take responsibility in this affair.

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Carlos in her everlasting quest to find a girl came across this policewoman in the park. I don’t remember her name because as soon as Carlos asked if she was single…

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…She went running away and I never saw her again.

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Beatriz spends her days of work working on her painting skills. Her tummy is starting to get bigger and soon the first baby of generation 3 will grace this house with its presence.

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While Carlos was at the gym, this guy Gage Something started glowing.

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I guess his time was up and he turned into a ghost.

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The Grim Reaper appeared and sent him to the sim otherworld. “A pleasure doing business with you.”

“Likewise Mr. Reaper.” With that he left this world and will probably be forgotten until I see this picture again.  By the way, Grim is a lot serious now. I miss the hula girls and the piña coladas.

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I went to the graveyard and saw that there were a few ghosts roaming around. This one was purple; I wonder what he died from.

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I found it very funny that ghost actually like to scare each other.

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Back at the house our elders were dancing to Beatriz music, and Carlos was again being harassed by Bella’s constant phone calls. “I told you Bella leave me alone.”

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Beatriz wanted a baby girl so she went to the grocery store to buy some watermelons when she got a call from one of her childhood friends, Scotty Wan. It had been a long time she went to visit him. He lives really near to Beatriz and she has been there a few times I just forget to take pictures.  

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So she went to visit Scotty. Scotty is the son of Hank Goddard, the really muscular pre-made sim, and Pauline Wan. They both have commitment issues so I guess they never got married, but managed to conceive this kid.

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Apparently Scotty was calling Beatriz for a little more than a friendly visit. They quickly started flirting on their own and it turns out Scotty is Beatriz’s love interest.

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“Scotty I’m pregnant with Julius’ child.” “I don’t care about that Beatriz, I’ve always liked you and I can’t hide my feelings for you any longer.”

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“I’ll help you take care of the kid if you give me the chance.” “I’ll have to think about Scotty after all I’ve been with Julius for many years now.”

“Please think about it Beatriz. I’ll be waiting for your answer. 

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Amber retired from her job and now spends her time working on her garden.

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Cycl0n3 wanted to hire a maid and we got this dude. He enjoys laughing at Beatriz while he works.

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Carlos doesn’t like that very much. “Could you please not laugh at my sister?” “But she’s cooking in her bathing suit!” “I know, now stop before I fire you.” “Yes sir.”

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“Voice I don’t feel so good.” That night the baby decided to come and this is where I leave you. What will the babies look like? What will happen between Beatriz and Scotty? Will Carlos ever find a girl and get married? All this answers next time. Hope you enjoyed.