a simple force feedback

A Simple Force Feedback Accelerometer Based on a Tuning Fork Displacement Sensor by David Stuart-Watson Thesis Presented for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the Department of Electrical Engineering UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN April 2006

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  • A Simple Force Feedback Accelerometer Based on a Tuning

    Fork Displacement Sensor

    by David Stuart-Watson

    Thesis Presented for the Degree of

    DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in the Department of Electrical Engineering


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    This thesis is being presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of

    Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town. It has not been submitted before for any

    degree or examination at this or any other university. This author confirms that it is his own

    original work. Portions of the work have been published in condensed form in the journal Review

    of Scientific Instruments and in the conference proceedings at the First African Control

    Conference (2003): the author confirms in accordance with University rule GP7 that he was the

    primary researcher in all instances where work described in this thesis was published under joint


    David Stuart-Watson

    3 April 2006.

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    I would like to thank my supervisor, Prof. J. Tapson, for all his help and support throughout the

    project. I would also like to thank B. Prenzlow for all the technical and non-technical discussions

    shared in the office. My family, friends and especially Sarah Makin also deserve my thanks, not

    so much for the technical stuff, but all the important bits in between.

    The author received financial support from the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the

    University of Cape Town.

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    This thesis describes research into the use of a piezoelectric tuning fork as the displacement

    sensor in a simple force feedback accelerometer. The research also includes the use of a second

    piezoelectric transducer as both the suspension system and the force transducer for the


    A simple inertial accelerometer model, based on a damped mass-spring system, was

    developed. This model was used to explore the frequency response of the suspended mass, and its

    relative output displacement to an input displacement, velocity or acceleration.

    An extended control model for the application of force feedback was discussed. A number of

    alternate displacement sensors, and their potential for use in force feedback accelerometer

    systems, were investigated.

    Each tine of the tuning fork was modelled as a separate vibrating cantilever. This mechanical

    model was then combined with an electrical equivalent circuit model. The overall model was then

    tested with actual data obtained from a 32.768 kHz piezoelectric tuning fork. The actual data

    matched the theoretical response very closely, proving the accuracy of both the mechanical and

    electrical model. From a simple noise analysis on the system the fundamental limits of the tuning

    forks ability to measure displacement was obtained.

    Operating the tuning fork as a displacement sensor required the measurement of its output

    magnitude, and the phase measurement between the input and output sinusoidal waveforms.

    Digital measurement systems were excluded as they required very high sampling rates to achieve

    the required accuracy. Magnitude measurement was done using a simple filtered rectifier. The

    importance of isolating the phase measurement from the magnitude measurement led to the

    discussion of many different phase detectors. Logic gate phase detectors were, however, the only

    simple phase detectors capable of measuring phase without letting changes in magnitude

    influence the measurements.

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    A shift in displacement was modelled as a change in the forces in the piezoelectric tuning

    fork model. This change in force shifts the operating characteristics of the fork, which can then be

    modelled as simply a change in operating frequency. For any shift of displacement, modelled as a

    change in operating frequency, the output motion of the tuning fork can be divided into two

    transient motions and one steady state motion. A new method had to be developed for the

    combination of the transient and steady state responses into one total response. This total

    response was then used to develop both the control models and the controllers for keeping the

    tuning fork operating at a specific point in its resonant band. From the control models it was

    found that it is advantageous to use phase rather than magnitude to control the crystal.

    For the application of the force feedback response, electro-mechanical models of the

    piezoelectric transducers were derived, and the sensitivity of the suspension system was obtained.

    Numerous approach tests were also completed to find the most sensitive physical arrangement of

    the tuning fork accelerometer. In the application of force feedback, two different control loops

    were required. Using phase and resonant frequency as the control variables in these loops proved

    to offer a better solution than using magnitude and phase.

    A simple tuning fork accelerometer was designed and tested. It was compared to two

    conventional devices to establish both the sensitivity and bandwidth. The object of the test was

    not to be completely noise free, but rather to test the concept of the tuning fork accelerometer.

    The tests gave a bandwidth of DC-25 Hz, with an estimated sensitivity of 13 g, which is close to

    the theoretically calculated value. Noise signals produced in the operation and measurement

    limited the sensitivity and bandwidth.

    This thesis explored the previously unexamined option of using a piezoelectric tuning fork in

    conjunction with a piezoelectric transducer to form a simple force balanced accelerometer. The

    results obtained go some way in indicating the potential of using this system in future

    accelerometer design.