a stalemate ukraine can win

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  • 7/21/2019 A Stalemate Ukraine Can Win


    A Stalemate Ukraine Can WinUkraines military will never be strong enough to beat Russia outright. But it doesnt

    have to be.


    The crowing began before the battle of Debaltseve had even concluded. During the cease-fire negotiations

    in Minsk, Vladimir Putin reportedly boastedthat 500 Ukrainian soldiers would be killed and 2,000 taken

    prisoner. After the Ukrainians had withdrawn, he tauntedthem by saying that they had been defeated by

    yesterdays tractor drivers. Perhaps inevitably, Western media reports picked up on the irresistible

    alliteration and began referring to theDebaltseve debacle.

    In contrast, Ukrainian government officials claimed that the withdrawal had been planned and orderly.

    Some Ukrainian soldiers and analysts disagreed; others substantiated Kievs claims. One policymaker

    even suggestedthat Debaltseve was a win, calling it a colossal signal of Russias impending failure. The

    truth lay inbetween. Kiev had in fact planned and, to a large degree, effected an orderly withdrawal. The

    Ukrainians had fought hard and well, apparently inflicting high casualties on the Russians and their

    proxies. Reliable Ukrainian sources estimatethat, in the month before the Ukrainian army withdrew,

    Ukraine had up to 260 dead or missing soldiers, while Russia lost 868, for a kill ratio of about 1 to 3. In

    short, for the Ukrainians, Debaltseve was anything but a rout.

    But neither was it a victory. Indeed, the Debaltseve battle exposed serious weaknesses in the Ukrainian

    army, highlighting the need for immediate reform. Much attention has focused on the fact that weapons

    and supplies are insufficient and frequently obsolete. Arguably more serious is poor top-level leadership,

    inadequate inter- and intra-agency coordination, and a lack of strategic and tactical planning. Serhiy

    Pashynsky, head of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, is unsparingin his

  • 7/21/2019 A Stalemate Ukraine Can Win


    cr t c sm. e n stry o e ense, t e genera sta , an t e m tary- n ustr a sector c aracter ze y

    an absolutely primitive bureaucracy, lack of responsibility, and non-professionalism do not

    communicate effectively with each other and are unable to coordinate their actions, he said.

    The consequences of these shortcomings are clear. Debaltseve was the third time in half a year that large

    numbers of Ukrainian soldiers were encircled by Russian forces. The first was the disastrous battle of

    Ilovaisk, in August, where Kiev lost up to 1,000 men and much heavy equipment. The second was the four-

    month battle for Donetsks airport, where Ukraines so-called cyborgs held on to their bit of a terminal

    until their opponents blew up the remnants of the structure and the Ukrainians with it in January. In

    all three instances, the Ukrainian general staff was determined to hang on to territory even after it had

    become obvious that the positions were indefensible. The top-notch Ukrainian military analyst Yuri

    Butusov puts the blamesquarely on the head of the general staff, Gen. Viktor Muzhenko, whom he accuses

    of gross incompetence and an inability to break with an outdated Soviet military doctrine that emphasizes

    heavy artillery, wars of position, and the impermissibility of tactical retreats.

    Since Muzhenko is President Petro Poroshenkos protg, criticism of the former translates into criticism

    of the latter. Equally harsh critics of Poroshenko and the general staff are found among the commanders

    of Ukraines volunteer battalions, which frequently occupy front-line positions and bear the brunt of the

    fighting. Accusingthe high command of ignorance of facts on the ground, these leaders have recently

    agreed to coordinate their activities, implying that they may do so independently of Kiev. The threat these

    battalions pose to the stability of the Ukrainian government has been grossly overstated, and their

    commanders are anything but warlords. But Kievs failure to integrate them fully into the formal armed

    forces means that their potential to act as loose cannons will always remain a danger, especially if the

    government adopts policies they reject.

    Transforming Ukraines army into a modern fighting force will not be easy. Every Ukrainian government

    has neglected the military since 1991, when Ukraine inherited some 780,000 troops from the Soviet Union.

    The decay was especially rapid under Viktor Yanukovychs rule from 2010 through 2013, as he assiduously

    diverted resources to the Internal Ministry, which offered his regime protection.

  • 7/21/2019 A Stalemate Ukraine Can Win


    , . ,

    between the army of today and the ragtag force that called itself an army when Russian President Putin

    seized Crimea without firing a shot a year ago. Ukraine plans to double the size of its army to 250,000

    soldiers; the 2015 budget foreseesa significant rise in military expenditures, to 5 percent of GDP. (Compare

    that with the less than 2 percent spent by most NATO members.) Thanks to a massive volunteer effort and

    some Western assistance, the armys physical infrastructure, basic equipment, food provisions, and

    medical supplies have improved. Ukraines defense industry, which was the worlds fourth-largest arms

    exporter in 2012, has been manufacturing and repairingthe requisite heavy (mostly Soviet-era) equipment

    and is slated to ramp up production in 2015. And Ukraines soldiers have demonstrated that they are

    capable of holding their own against a more modern Russian adversary.

    But much more needs to be done for Ukraine to defend itself against further Russian aggression. As

    Butusov and other analysts argue, the general staff and the lower levels of the command structure must be

    revamped, replacing old Soviet-era cadres with officers who have experienced real battle in the last year.

    The Ministry of Defense and Ukroboronprom, the state agency responsible for military production, must

    be streamlined. An up-to-date grand strategy identifying Ukraines friends and enemies and laying out

    how Ukraines security can best be pursued under current conditions has to be developed. The

    implications of such a plan for tactics, force structure, and weapons procurement must also be spun out.

    Finally, the armed forces themselves, currently consisting of some 130,000 conscripts and 35,000 battle-

    ready troops, have to be restructured. A smaller, leaner, and meaner army consisting of mobile units with

    the ability to deliver targeted firepower is just what Ukraine needs to meet its only real strategic threat,

    that emanating from Russia. All these changes will take time and money.

    Still, even if the general staff is fixed, competent commanders are appointed, coordination is improved,

    the army is reformed, and the requisite armaments are increased, Ukraines armed forces will be no match

    for Russias in a head-on collision which, for what its worth, even Putin sayswould be an apocalyptic

    scenario that is virtually impossible. Although Russias armed forces, as military analyst Pavel

    Felgenhauer notes, could not win a war against a modern opponent such as the United States or NATO,

    they are, and will remain, much stronger than Ukraines, if only because of the size difference. But victory

    means different thin s for Ukraine and Russia.

  • 7/21/2019 A Stalemate Ukraine Can Win


    The unspoken assumption of much Western commentary on the Russo-Ukrainian war is that Ukraine

    needs to have the capacity to beat Russia, but in fact Ukraines military doesnt have to be stronger than

    Russias for Ukraine to win. It just has to be strong enough to keep Russia from winning that is, from

    embarking on a massive land war or compelling Ukraine by means of a costly war of attrition to reintegrate

    the Donbass enclave. Neither of those options is easy for Russia. Attempted conquest of Ukraine would be

    a bloody, risky, and expensive proposition that would unleash partisan resistance, lead to a prolonged

    occupation, and could start World War III. In addition, though the Minsk II agreement envisions Ukraines

    paying for the Donbass enclaves reconstruction, Kiev is highly unlikely ever to accept financial

    responsibility as long as the anti-Ukrainian separatists run the region and continue violating cease-fires.

    The challenge before Ukraine is to acquire as quickly as possible the force structure and armaments it

    needs to sustain a potentially long war of attrition. Changing the force structure is intrinsically difficult

    and time-consuming; acquiring the appropriate weaponry is not, being primarily a function of money and

    political connections. Russia has a huge advantageover Ukraine in terms of aircraft and tanks: 1,571

    combat aircraft and 392 helicopters to Ukraines 231 and 139, as well as 2,750 tanks, plus an additional

    18,000 in storage, to Ukraines 1,150, plus 1,435 in storage. Given this disparity, its unsurprising that Kiev

    is prioritizing the acquisition of surface-to-air and anti-tank missiles, real-time intelligence, and advanced

    radar systems.

    Russias conundrum is arguably greater than Ukraines, because Russia already has ownership of the

    disputed territories. Continuation of the status quo will only reinforce the eastern Ukrainian enclaves

    status as an impoverished, unstable, and desperate Russian protectorate; increasingly free Kiev to pursue

    reform in the rest of the country; and tax the Russian economy, which has already gone into a tailspin as a

    result of Western sanctions and falling oil prices. Putins strategic miscalculations starting a war

    without knowing how to finish it has to be the greatest of them have maneuvered him and Russia into a

    dead end with no easy escape. The recent increase in terrorist bombings of civilian targets in Odessa and

    Kharkiv may be a last-ditch effort by Putins proxies to maintain the heat on Ukraine despite the emerging

    stalemate and frozen conflict.

  • 7/21/2019 A Stalemate Ukraine Can Win


    Ukrainian policymakers have no illusions that Western weapons would change the balance of power in

    eastern Ukraine. But they expect that a stronger Ukrainian military would compel Putin to think twice

    about further escalations, especially a massive one. As Kiev sees it, Putin initiated the war by invading

    Crimea as punishment for the Maidan revolution (a view corroboratedby a recently leaked, and

    apparently authentic, high-level Russian document). And he has escalated since then, despite the fact that

    the West never courted Ukraine (indeed, it had suffered from Ukraine fatigue since 2007) and has done

    nothing to undermine his control of Crimea and the eastern Donbass. His consistently aggressive behavior

    suggests that escalation is a function not of aggressive Western actions, but of equally consistent Western


    Seen in this light, the stalemate in the Donbass is the result of Ukraine being strong enough to stop Putin.

    Accordingly, it was Ukraines strong-enough performance at Debaltseve and not Western pleading

    that brought Putin to the table at Minsk II. Continued stalemate or even a lasting cease-fire is

    therefore dependent on Ukraines remaining strong enough for the foreseeable future. Since Russia will

    escalate in the face of weakness, maintaining the stalemate means enhancing Ukraines military

    capabilities just enough to keep Russia at bay. Then, and only then, as Kiev sees it, would peace be


    Photo credit: VOLODYMYR SHUVAYEV/AFP/Getty Images
