a study on student

“A STUDY ON STUDENT’S ABILITY BY USING SCRABBLE GAME TO INCREASE STUDENTS ENGLISH VOCABULARY MASTERY AT SECOND CLASS OF SMPN NUMBER 11 TANJUNGPINANG”. A. Background of the Problem Language has a central role in the development of intellectual, social, and emotional learners and are supporting the success of the study all fields of study. Language also helps learners are able to use the ideas and feelings, participate in society, finding and using analytical and imaginative abilities that exist within him. Therefore, the school has some kind of field of language studies either Indonesian or foreign language must be taught to develop one's ability to communicate in writing or verbally. English is one of the lessons of foreign languages taught in schools. As an international language, the current English teaching subject content is not local but national content subjects that must be given to students when they still school. Globalisation era requires HR (Human Resources) to compete in accordance with the times. To that end, English lessons should be given / was introduced to students since early.

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A. Background of the Problem

Language has a central role in the development of intellectual, social, and emotional

learners and are supporting the success of the study all fields of study. Language also helps

learners are able to use the ideas and feelings, participate in society, finding and using analytical

and imaginative abilities that exist within him. Therefore, the school has some kind of field of

language studies either Indonesian or foreign language must be taught to develop one's ability to

communicate in writing or verbally. English is one of the lessons of foreign languages taught in

schools. As an international language, the current English teaching subject content is not local

but national content subjects that must be given to students when they still school. Globalisation

era requires HR (Human Resources) to compete in accordance with the times. To that end,

English lessons should be given / was introduced to students since early. Early stage in learning

English is vocabulary. Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language. The

more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read; and the

better you will be able to say what you want to when speaking or writing.

The vocabulary is one important factor in mastering a language, because by mastering the

vocabulary learners will be able to recite and compose a sentence properly. Syamsu

Yusuf(2002:119) expressed in the language of children are required to master the four basic

language development tasks, namely the development of vocabulary, stringing words, say words,

and language skills including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. To achieve the goal of

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learning as described above, cannot be separated from the medium of learning which is an

integral part of the learning process.

In KTSP (a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose,

content and teaching materials and methods used as a guide

organization of learning activities to achieve goals certain education) teachers are given the

freedom to utilize a variety of learning methods and media that can arouse interest, attention, and

creative learners. That's important, because the teacher serves as facilitator KTSP is expected to

select instructional media used in learning. Media as a source of learning is an alternative to

optimize the learning process. "According to Miarso, (1989:6) the meaning of Media is

everything that can be used to deliver messages that can stimulate the thoughts, feelings,

concerns and the willingness of students to learn. At first, learning media only serves as a tool

for teaching teachers used are visual aids. By implementing a media strategy and good learning

are expected to generate interest and motivate learners in the form of methods and approaches

through the auxiliary media with phase based learning activities.

According to Gagne in (Abdul Majid, 2008:69) states that the phases within learning

activities are as follows: the motivation phase, the phase of paying attention, alertness, the

processing phase and the phase of feedback, reinforcement. Based on the explanation above can

be concluded that the study of media need to be developed. The media used must be of media

interest and in accordance with the characteristics that can motivate students to learn. Aspects of

the attractiveness of this can be done by applying the techniques learned while playing. Learning

through play is able to provide several advantages.

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First, what is learned by learners is not only a sense of knowledge, but actually experienced

in reality, the experience so hard to forget. Second, the lessons learned can be accepted in a fun,

because it is associated with the nature of the game is entertaining and exhilarating.

Thus, the possibility of rejection learners to what is taught can be minimized. Third, because

the game is fun, playing at once aroused great interest for students in a particular subject. Well-

designed game will develop the skills of learners in a particular case, because the students love it.

The development tools are also experiencing a lot of progress the game, it is marked by so

many means of a game that pops up every day with various forms of the funny, unique, and

interesting. It is very supportive to realize the implementation of learning programs that use the

curriculum, teachers are given the freedom to use various learning methods and media that can

generate interest and motivate learners, especially in English lessons to improve vocabulary in

junior high school. There are so many great games out there to teach you new words there are

Boggle, Scrabble, or Catch-Phrase. In fact, students often find problems in learning the words.

So it needs more teacher’s attention to make the transfer of the vocabulary process easier to

grasp and more fun to learn. To do this hard job, teachers are hoped to have ingenuity in teaching

by using any kind of teaching aids that already exist in their environment. One of those aids is

using games. The writer choose Scrabble games because by using Scrabble game that is a game

to arrange the words in the English language will be easier for students closer to the original

purpose of this research is to increase students' vocabulary mastery. Beside that the writer has

some reason why he want to using scrabble game as support tool, it’s because writer have seen

some phenomena about condition student in teaching learning english process. There are:

1. Some students are bored to join the class when they study English

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2. Some students do not have dictionary to support them in learning

3. Some students want teaching and learning situation that relax

4. Some students do not have complete English notebook

Based on these phenomena, the writer is interested in carrying out the research entitled




B. The Reason of Choosing the Title

1. The writer feel so easy to do research whit this title

2. This title is relevant to the writer as a student of the department of English education

Tarbiyah Faculty, as an English Teacher.

3. As far as the writer realizes, this problem is never written before.

C. The Definition of Term

To avoid misunderstanding the term in this paper, it is better to describe the meaning of


1. Vocabulary : list of words with their meaning, esp in A book for

learning a foreign language1[1]

1[1] Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary 2008:Page 495

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Barnhart (2008:697) vocabulary is: 1. stock of words used by a person, class of people,

profession, etc. Reading will increase your vocabulary. 2. a collection or list of words,

usually in alphabetical order and defined.

2. Scrabble game : a word game in which two to four players score points

by forming words from individual lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-

15 grid2[2]

D. The Problem

1. Identification of the Problem

Some problems that can be identified in this study :

a. What do the teacher to increase student’s English vocabulary be better?

b. What are the problems faced by the English teacher to make student

understand to use scrabble as medium?

c. How to increase student’s English vocabulary mastery?

2. Limitation of the Problem

The writer believes that appropriate teaching aids can help students in vocabulary

learning. Most of English teacher use whiteboard, realia and textbooks. For other

considerations, here, the writer tries to give other alternative of teaching aids that can make

2[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble (12-feb-12, at 15.30pm)

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students become more interested in studying English. Clearly the writer will only discuss the

role of scrabble game in helping students learn English.

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background, the writer formulates the problem as follow:

a. How is the scrabble can be make student master in vocabulary?

b. What are difficulties of student to make a word with scrabble letter?

E. The Purpose of Research

The purpose of this study was that researchers better understand how a bias can be taught

how to engage students in a relaxed condition and can play while their brain to remember and

improve student mastery of vocabulary.

In this study the authors also hope that the results of this study may be a reference to improve the

motivation for always and always try new things so that the bias found another way to improve

vocabulary skills we have to make it better than it already is in us .

Beside that, the purpose of this study are:

1. To describing the function of scrabble beside as the game

2. To evaluate the impact of using scrabble game in learning vocabulary to increase students’ English

vocabulary mastery.

F. Research Methodology

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For getting the data accurately and completely the writer applies the questioner and

observation. For analyzing the collected data the write uses descriptive qualitative


1. The Research Location and the time of the Research

This research was conducted at SMPN Tanjungpinang which location on Jalan

Flamboyan Kelurahan Kampung Bugis Kecamatan

Tanjungpinang Kota Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. It will be held in the year of 2012

2. The Subject and The Object of Research

The subject of this research is using scrabble game to increase students’ vocabulary

mastery. And The object of this research are students at second class of Junior High

School Number 11 in Tanjungpinang.

3. Population and Sample

The population of this study is the students at second class of SMPN Number 11

Tanjungpinang kota in academic year 2011 / 2012 all of the students at the second class

are 132 students. The sample of this study, the writer will take only 40 students.

Therefore, the writer will use random sampling on this sample.

G. Theoretical Framework

1. Vocabulary

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vocabulary is: 1. stock of words used by a person, class of people, profession, etc.

Reading will increase your vocabulary. 2. a collection or list of words, usually in

alphabetical order and defined3[3].

The vocabulary you know can be divided into two groups - passive vocabulary and

active vocabulary. Passive vocabulary contains all the words that you understand when

you read or listen, but which you do not use (or cannot remember) in your own writing

and speaking. Active vocabulary is all the words you understand, plus all the words that

you can use yourself. Your active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is

probably much smaller than your passive vocabulary. The more you work on learning a

word, as suggested above, the more likely it is that it will become part of your active


2. Type of Vocabulary

Thornbury (2002:3-12), he explained that there are at least six types of vocabulary,

fewer than parts of speech dong, turn to learn a little glad not to play especially when

teachers do not get in, students today, but do not like it, see it she the types of vocabulary

that Thornbury mean5[5]:

1. Word Classes.

2. Word Families

3. Word Formation

4. Multi-word Units

3[3] Bernhart.2008.The facts on file student’s dictionary of American English.(P.697)

4[4] http://esl.fis.edu/learners/advice/vocab.htm

5[5] Thornbury (2002:3-12)

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5. Collocations

6. Homonyms

First, word classes, the term is perhaps better known in the field of morphology

and syntax, but if pal-sobit more familiar with English because of the difficulty of

grammar, the term is of course well-known by the name of the parts of speech (lo nah

it again), can be noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction. A

discussion of the Parts of Speech are explained in more grammar books.

Second, just as the term word classes, word families are also more famous in the field

of morphology and syntax, the type of vocabulary that one is about the augmentation or a

shift in the form of a word. Example:

• play - plays - played: inflected

• play - replay - playful: derivatives

Third, word formation; in English there are several types of formations or combined

form words such as:

• Compounding: second-hand, word processor, typewriter

• Blending: information + entertainment = infotainment

• Conversion: I always google every information I need. The word

google actually converted into a noun but a verb.

• Clipping: electronic mail = email, influenza = flu

Fourth, multi-word units, mostly one type of vocabulary that is in the form phrasal

verbs and idioms, for example:

• Look for, look after, wipe off, throw on: Phrasal Verbs

• Famous last word, eat your words, jack me around: Idioms

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Fifth, collocations; kind of vocabulary that one can be interpreted as the frequency of

two or more words together (couple dong). Example: this week, once more, once again,

as well.

Sixth, homonyms; homonyms are words that have the same shape but different in

meaning. Example: well = well, well, healthy. left = left, left. Different types such as

homophones: sound the same, different, and homograph meaning; writing the same kind

of meaning difference including this one.

3. The Meaning of Scrabble game

Scrabble is a word game in which two to four players score points by forming words

from individual lettered tiles on a game board marked with a 15-by-15 grid6[6]

4. How To Play Scrabble7[7]

The game is played 2 to 4 people with checkered game board that consists of 15

columns and 15 rows. When preparing the word, each box is filled with a single piece letter. In

an official club or tournament, the game is played only two players (or, sometimes between two

teams each of its members work together arrange the letters of the same shelf)

Each letter has a specific value (between 1 to 10) which depend on the frequency of

occurrence in the letter writing standards. In the English edition of Scrabble, the letters that

appear in ordinary English vocabulary, like the letter "E" or "O" is only worth 1 point. The letters

that rarely appear, such as "Q" and "Z" each worth 10 points. In addition, there are two pieces of

6[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble

7[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble

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blank (not writeable letters) are worth zero points, but can be used to represent all the letters

from "A" through "Z".

Board game boxes marked with "bonuses" that doubled the number of points. Red

box reads "triple-word" multiplying 3 total points earned from a word; box pink "double-word"

multiplying 2 total points earned from a word; dark blue box "triple-letter" multiplying 3 letter

value placed upon it, and the light blue box "double-letter" multiplying two letter value placed

upon it. Box in the middle of the game board (H8) worth "double-word" and marked with a star

or logo.

H. Objective and Need of Study

The objective of study

The main purposes of this study are as follows:

1. To find out how is the implantation of student’s ability by using

scrabble game to increase student english vocabulary mastery at junior

high school number 11 tanjungpinang.

2. To identify the problem which faced by student’s ability by using

scrabble game to increase student english vocabulary mastery at junior

high school number 11 tanjungpinang.

The need of the study

In this research, the writer found student’s ability by using scrabble game to increase student

english vocabulary mastery hopefully can be used at junior high school number 11


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1. As a contributor for education, especially for English education.

2. It can contribute the problem solving for both the English teacher and

the student in doing teaching process.

I. Data Collection Technique

The technique of data collection used in this research are:

1. Questionnaires : this questionnaire contains of a number of questions

for the respondents dealing with scrabble that used as media

2. Interview : interview was used to get the information from both

students and their English teachers dealing with this research with title using scrabble

game to increase student’s vocabulary mastery. In this case the writer took only two

teachers and four students to become respondent.

3. Observation: The writer uses this technique to get some data and to

observe the respondents when this research doing.

J. Data Analyzis Technique

This research firstly counted the percentage of student’s ability in using scrabble game to

increase student’s English vocabulary mastery. The total percentage of the respondent’s ability

can be calculated using the formula below8[8]

P = f x 100%

8[8] Arikunto, Suharsimi.1999.Prosedur Penelitian;Suatu pendekatan Praktek.Jakarta: Rieneka Cipta.P:244.

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P = Percentage answer

F = Frequency answer from respondent

N = Total respondent


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