a study on the morphology, anatomy and autecology of erysimum

International Journal of Science & Technology Volume 2, No 1, 13-24, 2007 A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in Central Black Sea Region (Amasya-Turkey) Arzu CANSARAN 1 , Öznur ERGEN AKÇİN 2 and Nezahat KANDEMİR 1 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Amasya University, 05189 Amasya, TURKIYE 2 Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Literature, Ordu University, Ordu, TURKIYE [email protected] (Received: 05.10.2006; Accepted: 24.04.2007) Abstract: Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. is an endemic biennial herbaceous species locally spreaded. In this study the morphological, anatomical, ecological and phenological properties of Erysimum amasianum, which is spreaded in the vicinity of Amasya (Central Black Sea Region-Turkey), are investigated. At first, the morphological features of Erysimum amasianum (Brassicaceae) were observed and biometric measurements of plant parts were evaluated statistically in study. Furthermore anatomical properties of root, stem and leaves were searched. When the ecological and phenological properties of Erysimum amasianum were investigated; the analyses of some elements (N %, P % and K %) were carried out in the vegetative and generative growth in both aerial and under-ground parts of the plant. During the vegetative growth phases; N, P and K concentrations were higher in the aerial parts. In addition to the plant analyses, soil samples (during the generative growth) were taken from these localities and some physical and chemical analyses (texture class, total salinity %, pH, CaCO 3 %, water holding capacity %, organic matter %, N %, P %, K %) were carried out. Keywords: Erysimum amasianum, Brassicaceae, Morphology, Anatomy, Autecology Orta Karadeniz Bölgesinde (Amasya-Türkiye) Yayılış Gösteren Erysimum amasianum Hausskn.& Bornm.’un (Brassicaceae) Morfolojisi, Anatomisi ve Otekolojisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma Özet: Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. dar yayılışlı endemik bir tür olup iki yıllık bir bitkidir. Bu çalışmada Amasya (Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi-Türkiye) çevresinde yayılış gösteren bu türün; morfolojik, anatomik, ekolojik ve fenolojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle iki yıllık endemik bir bitki olan E. amasianum (Brassicaceae) türünün morfolojik gözlemleri yapılmış ve bitki kısımlarının biyometrik ölçümleri istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilerek yorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca, kök, gövde ve yaprağın anatomik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Ekolojik ve fenolojik özellikleri araştırılırken; vejetatif ve generatif gelişme dönemlerinde, E. amasianum’un topraküstü ve toprakaltı kısımlarında bazı element (% N, % P ve % K) analizleri yapılmıştır. N, P ve K konsantrasyonları; genel olarak bitkinin vejetatif gelişme döneminde topraküstü kısımlarında yüksek iken, generatif gelişme döneminde toprakaltı kısımlarında yüksektir. Bitki analizlerine ek olarak bu alanlardan toprak örnekleri (generatif dönemde) de alınarak bu örnekler üzerinde de bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal analizler (tekstür sınıfı, % total tuz, pH, % CaCO 3, % su tutma kapasitesi, % organik madde, % N , % P, % K) yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Erysimum amasianum, Brassicaceae, Morfoloji, Anatomi, Otekoloji. 1. Introduction Turkey is situated in the temperate zone and it has the richest flora among the west palearctic countries. It also atracts attention with its high endemism rate in the Turkish flora (34.5 %). Approximately one third of the flowering plants and ferns grown naturally in Turkey (10754 infrageneric taxa) are endemic (3708). In the temperate zone, except the isolated islands and tropical countries, the high rate of endemism is not seen any other countries [1]. Erysimum L. is large and taxonomically difficult genus. Erysimum L. belonging to the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) has 46 taxa in Turkey, 21 of them are endemic. The endemism ratio is 45.6 % [1,2,3]. The genus has 6 infrageneric taxa (3 of them are endemic) growing in A5 square in Grid system. Erysimum

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Page 1: A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum

International Journal of Science & Technology Volume 2, No 1, 13-24, 2007

A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in

Central Black Sea Region (Amasya-Turkey)

Arzu CANSARAN1, Öznur ERGEN AKÇİN2 and Nezahat KANDEMİR1 1Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Amasya University, 05189 Amasya, TURKIYE 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Literature, Ordu University, Ordu, TURKIYE

[email protected]

(Received: 05.10.2006; Accepted: 24.04.2007)

Abstract: Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. is an endemic biennial herbaceous species locally spreaded. In this study the morphological, anatomical, ecological and phenological properties of Erysimum

amasianum, which is spreaded in the vicinity of Amasya (Central Black Sea Region-Turkey), are investigated. At first, the morphological features of Erysimum amasianum (Brassicaceae) were observed and biometric measurements of plant parts were evaluated statistically in study. Furthermore anatomical properties of root, stem and leaves were searched. When the ecological and phenological properties of Erysimum amasianum were investigated; the analyses of some elements (N %, P % and K %) were carried out in the vegetative and generative growth in both aerial and under-ground parts of the plant. During the vegetative growth phases; N, P and K concentrations were higher in the aerial parts. In addition to the plant analyses, soil samples (during the generative growth) were taken from these localities and some physical and chemical analyses (texture class, total salinity %, pH, CaCO3 %, water holding capacity %, organic matter %, N %, P %, K %) were carried out.

Keywords: Erysimum amasianum, Brassicaceae, Morphology, Anatomy, Autecology

Orta Karadeniz Bölgesinde (Amasya-Türkiye) Yayılış Gösteren Erysimum amasianum Hausskn.& Bornm.’un (Brassicaceae) Morfolojisi, Anatomisi

ve Otekolojisi Üzerine Bir Çalışma

Özet: Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. dar yayılışlı endemik bir tür olup iki yıllık bir bitkidir. Bu çalışmada Amasya (Orta Karadeniz Bölgesi-Türkiye) çevresinde yayılış gösteren bu türün; morfolojik, anatomik, ekolojik ve fenolojik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Öncelikle iki yıllık endemik bir bitki olan E. amasianum (Brassicaceae) türünün morfolojik gözlemleri yapılmış ve bitki kısımlarının biyometrik ölçümleri istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilerek yorumlanmıştır. Ayrıca, kök, gövde ve yaprağın anatomik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Ekolojik ve fenolojik özellikleri araştırılırken; vejetatif ve generatif gelişme dönemlerinde, E. amasianum’un topraküstü ve toprakaltı kısımlarında bazı element (% N, % P ve % K) analizleri yapılmıştır. N, P ve K konsantrasyonları; genel olarak bitkinin vejetatif gelişme döneminde topraküstü kısımlarında yüksek iken, generatif gelişme döneminde toprakaltı kısımlarında yüksektir. Bitki analizlerine ek olarak bu alanlardan toprak örnekleri (generatif dönemde) de alınarak bu örnekler üzerinde de bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal analizler (tekstür sınıfı, % total tuz, pH, % CaCO3, % su tutma kapasitesi, % organik madde, % N , % P, % K) yapılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Erysimum amasianum, Brassicaceae, Morfoloji, Anatomi, Otekoloji.

1. Introduction Turkey is situated in the temperate zone and it has the richest flora among the west palearctic countries. It also atracts attention with its high endemism rate in the Turkish flora (34.5 %). Approximately one third of the flowering plants and ferns grown naturally in Turkey (10754 infrageneric taxa) are endemic (3708). In the temperate zone, except the isolated islands

and tropical countries, the high rate of endemism is not seen any other countries [1].

Erysimum L. is large and taxonomically difficult genus. Erysimum L. belonging to the family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) has 46 taxa in Turkey, 21 of them are endemic. The endemism ratio is 45.6 % [1,2,3]. The genus has 6 infrageneric taxa (3 of them are endemic) growing in A5 square in Grid system. Erysimum

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A. Cansaran, Ö.Ergen Akçin and N. Kandemir


amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. is one of this endemic species living in the A5 square [1,2,3,4]. According to the Turkish flora [2] Erysimum amasianum growns in vineyards of 400-600 m height of Amasya. In this study the samples have been collected at 600, 850, 930 and 1000 m height in the Direkli village, at 500 and 700 m height of the Amasya Castle and 550 m height of the Kırklar Mountain [5]. The flowering period of this species is from April to May. Due to the biotic factors and the great pressure, the growing area of Erysimum

amasianum is limited. According to the IUCN categories Erysimum amasianum is under the high risk of existance in near future. Therefore, it is regarded in the “Endangered” (En) category [6]. Its importance in economic and medical areas has not been investigated yet. However, Erysimum cheiranthoides L. belonging to the same genus, supplying some glucosides is used against to heart diseases [7]; anti febrile and dierra [8] among to the people in China. It is geographically known that endemics are found more in transition zones [9]. Amasya situated between phytogeographic regions of Irano-Turanian and Euro-Siberian is one of the transition zones. The endemic taxa such as

Erysimum amasianum spreading in the vicinity of Amasya are important species regarding to plant taxonomy and ecology. As the most of this type endemic species has a limited area. The purpose of this study is both to interpret the statistical evaluations of biometric measurements of the plant parts with morphological observations and to examine the anatomical properties in detail with the plant samples taken from root, stem and leaves. Furthermore, the second purpose of this study is to determine the element concentrations above and under-ground (N, P, K) in different growing periods and the ecological differences of its habitats as an endemic species regarding to its limited area.

There is not any study in the literature related with Erysimum amasianum which is encountered about the morphology, anatomy and according to the variation of nutrition elements in growing periods of plant and soil. In this study the taxon is discussed through the direction of the literature results and introduced according to

the morphologically, anatomically and ecologically. 2. Material and Methods

Amasya where the specimens of Erysimum amasianum have been gathered from is situated on the border of Black Sea Region and Central Anatolia Region in Turkey [10] and is located in a valley through which River Yeşilırmak flows a southwest-northeast direction. In Amasya, Erysimum amasianum was gathered from the altitudes of 600 m (1), 850 m (2) and 930 m (3) in Direkli village; 500 m (4) and 700 m (5) from Amasya Castle, 550 m (6) from Kırklar Mountain.

The taxonomical description of the species was carried out according to Davis [2]. A part of the materials gathered was brought into herbarium for morphologic studies and these specimens are preserved in Amasya Education Faculty. The others were fixed in a 70 % alcohol for anatomic studies of root, stem, and leaves. Herbarium specimens were used in determining morphologic properties in a detailed way and in making biometric measures. For anatomic studies, sections from fixed samples were taken by hand using a razor and their photograps were taken with a camera marked Nikon FDX-35 by examining them under a microscope. The paraffin method was used for preparing cross–sections of root, stem, and leaf [11]. The length and width of the stomata were measured with an ocular micrometer using surface sections from the upper and lower parts of the leaf epidermis. The stomatal index was calculated according to the method described by Meidner and Mansfield [12]. For ecologic studies, in generative growing periods soil and in vegetative and generative growing periods plant specimens were taken from areas where Erysimum amasianum had spread. Soil samples were taken from 0-20 cm depth after removing the litter, put into polyethylene bag in portions of approximately 1-2 kg, brought into the laboratory and dried at room temperature. The soil samples were sifted with a standard 2 mm sieve. Afterwards, structure, total soluble salts, pH, lime (CaCO3), holding water capacity, organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium analysis were made. In soil; with Bouyoucus hydrometer method structure [13], by applying Conductivity bridge

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A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in …..


apparatus total salt % [14], with Beckman pH meter pH [15], with Scheibler calcimeter lim (CaCO3 % ) [16], with Centrifugation and pressure membran extractor the capacity to hold water determinations [16] were made. In the specimens; organic matter determination with Walkley-Black method [17], N % determination with Kjeltec method [18], P % determination with Ammonium molybdate-tin chloride method [19], K % determination were done with Flame photometer method [14]. The plant samples were collected from the study areas both in the generative and vegetative growth periods, brought into the laboratory in polyethylene bags and cleared. Then, they were powdered in a hammer mill and ground in a Wiley mill to pass through a 20-mesh sieve prior to analysis. The samples for N analysis were digested with sulphuric acid and selenium using a Kjeldahl apparatus. K and P analysis samples were subjected to wet ashed treatment with perochloric acid-nitric acid (1:4) and P was determined by using a Jenway spectrophotometer. P content was determined using the ammonium-molybdate-stannous chloride method. K analysis was carried out by Petracourt PFP one-flame photometer [20, 21] . According to the values measured in the plant and soil samples, means and standard error were found. The results of plant analyses were explained according to Pirdal [22].

3. Results

3.1. Morphological Properties Description of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm.: Biennial herb. Stems erect, somewhat winged, canescent with an indumentum of 2-fid hairs, 25 ± 53 cmx2-3 mm. Leaves qite narrow and ±sessile. Lower leaves linear to oblanceolate pinnatifid with backwardly directed lobes, acute, 50-80 mmx0.5-3 mm. Stem leaves linear, entire; all canescent with 2-fid hairs; 21-43 mmx1.5-2 mm. Inflorescence raceme. Flowers bilateral and hermaphrodite, hypogynous, ebracteate, pedicel 4-7 mm. Sepals somewhat saccate, 4, free, as mutual pairs, light green, 5-7mmx1.5-2 mm. Petals bright yellow, 4, 9-13 mm, petals and sepals are alternate. Stamens 4+2 (tetradynamous), two of them in the outer circle are short ca 5 mm (anthers 3 mm in length and filaments 2 mm), 4 of them in the inner circle are long ca. 7 mm (anthers 3 mm in length and filaments 4 mm); there are nectaries at the base of stamens. Pistil ca. 8-10 mm, ovarium with 2 carpels, syncarpy. Fruit capsule (siliquae). Siliquae erect-spreading, terete, rigid, canescent with an indumentum of 2-fid hairs, borne on thickened pedicels (4-7x0.5-1 mm), ca. 65-75 mmx1-1.2 mm. Seeds in 1 row in each cell. Style ca. 1 mm, stigma bilobed, lobes somewhat divergent. Fl. 4-5. Vineyards, roadsides, rocky areas, 400-1000 m. (Fig. 1.a and 1.b, Table 1) Furthermore; in the localities where the samples were collected, the population density of Erysimum amasianum found in 100 m2

was pointed in the (Table 2). Figure 1.a. E. amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. Figure 1.b. E. amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (photo. Cansaran), habit. (photo. Cansaran), in natural habitat.

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Table 1. Biometric measures of E. amasianum Width (mm) Length (mm)

Plant part Measure number Min. Max. Ave.±SE Min. Max. Ave.±SE

Stem 30 2 3 2.46±0.06 250 530 388.33±16.64

Lower 30 0.5 3 1.89±0.15 50 80 64.23±1.64 Leaf

Stem 30 1.5 2 1.74±0.04 21 43 31.87±1.22

Pedicel 30 0.5 1 0.70±0.03 4 7 5.4±0.19 Petal 30 2 3 2.54±0.05 9 13 10.87±0.26

Flower Sepal 30 1 2 1.51±0.06 5 7 5.88±0.13

Fruit (Siliquae) 30 1 1.2 1.06±0.013 65 75 68.43±0.51 (Ave.±SE: Average±Standart Error)

Table 2. The population density E. amasianum in localities where samples were collected of Locality Plant number (per 100 m2) Direkli village (600 m) 82 Direkli village (850 m) 75 Direkli village (930 m) 71 Amasya Castle (500 m) 63 Amasya Castle (700 m) 146 Kırklar Mountain (550 m) 102

3.2. Anatomical Properties 3.2.1. Root Anatomy Periderm is multilayered (5-6) on the outher surface of root. Cortex is 7-10 layered and parenchymatic under the periderm. Cortex cells are in the shape of a light compressed rectangle. Phloem which is located in a restricted area is distinguished in secondary cortex. Xylem occupies a wide area. Cambium is 1-2, primary

rays 1-3 and secondary rays 1-2 layered. The pith consists of sclerenchymatic and tracheal cells belonging to xylem (Fig. 2). 3.2.2. Stem Anatomy In transverse section, there is a cuticula layer in the outermost of stem. The stem is angular structure. Just under of it lies the single epiderma layer the wall of which has thickened. On the epiderma there are stellate hairs.

Figure 2. E. amasianum. Cross-section of root. pd) peridermis, co) cortex, c) cambium, sx) secondary xylem, px) primary xylem (Bar: µ).



p cl


c x


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Figure 3. E. amasianum. Cross-section of stem. e) epidermis, cl) collenchyma, p) parenchyma, sc)

scleranchyma c) cambium, ph) phloem, x) xylem, pr) pith region (Bar: µ).

There is 1-2-filed collenchyma layer under the epiderma. In the corners of the stem, the collenchyma is 3-4 layered. Parenchyma tissue is 5-6 layered in the middle parts while 10-11 layered in the corners. The first 3-4 lines of the parenchyma tissue between the corners are abundant in chloroplasts.

Endodermis layer is composed of single- layered cells that lie transversally under parenchyma cells. Separately, there are sclerenchyma cells or fascicles in different sizes between central cylinder and endodermis. There are 7-10 layered sclerenchyma cells between

vascular fascicles. Pith region is filled with different-sized parenchymatic cells (Fig. 3). 3.2.3. Leaf Anatomy

There is a single layered epidermis on the upper and lower surface of the leaf. There are stellate hairs on both surface. Stomata are anisocytic. Stomata index is 22.2 for the upper epidermis and 17.6 for the lower epidermis (Table 3). Leaf is isobilateral. Palisade parenchyma cells are 2-3 layered on both surface. Spongy parenchyma cells are 2-4 layered. Vascular bundle is collateral type (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. E. amasianum. Cross-section of leaf. ue) upper epidermis, pp) palisade parenchyma, sp) spongy parenchyma, vb) vascular bundle, le) lower epidermis, h) hair (Bar: 50 µ).

co c




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Table 3. Stomata features on the upper and lower epidermis of E. amasianum

Upper surface of leaf Lower surface of leaf

Number of stomata (1 mm2) 32 ± 2 24 ± 3

Number of epidermis cells (1 mm2) 112 ±4 112 ± 4

Stomata index 22.2 17.6

Stomata length (µ) 20-22.5 20-22.5

Stomata width (µ) 15-17.5 15-17.5

3.3. Ecological Properties 3.3.1. Climatic Observations

Climate in Turkey is generally mild and shows great variation. Amasya, located in the middle south of Black Sea Region, has a harsher climate compared to other cities in the region. As going from north to south rainfall in the city decreases. In short, transition zone climate is dominant in Amasya. Precipitation regime in central Amasya, where the plant specimens were gathered, was found as “East Mediterranean

precipitation regime first variant (W.Sp.A.Sm.)”. From the points of plants, seasonal distribution of rainfall is as much important as annual rainfall. According to Emberger semi-arid Mediterranean climate is dominant (winter is extremely cold) [23].

Climate diagrams [24] belonging to Amasya were given in (Table 5). While drawing the climate diagrams, 29 years’ meteorological data belong to Amasya is used and obtained from the general directorship of state meteorology [25].

Figure. 5. The climatic diagram of Amasya (center)

a: Station h: Dry period

b: Altitude i : Temperature curve c: Temperature period k: Precipitation curve d: Precipitation period m: The lowest temperature average for the coldest month (0C) e : Mean annual temperature (0C) n : Absolute minimum temperature (0C) f : Mean annual precipitation (mm) r : Possible freezing months g : Rainy period

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A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in …..


3.3.2. Phenological stages of E. amasianum

Leaf development and primary shoot End of February Leaf and bud maturation Middle of March-end of March Flowering Beginning of April-middle of April Complete flowering Middle of April Fruit End of April Seed maturation Middle of May Drying of upper part of plant End of May-middle of June

The date of observation can change due

to the climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation, habitat and height. About the vegetative growing, the effects of the environmental factors are direct or indirect and every factor may affect either alone or with other factors.

3.3.3. Observations About Habitat

Plants interact through their roots with a few folds more soilmass than the aerial plant organs interact. Naturally their habitats have restrictive conditions which cause critical factors for every plant. Erysimum amasianum which spreads in a local area, grows especially on limestone rocks, loamy and sandy soils from 400 m to 1000 m heights. Due to the climatic, topographic and material diversity, large soil groups have been formed. In addition to this, some territory types which are devoid of earth cover (bare rock and rubbles) are seen. The common soils in the area are chestnut soils, alluvial soils, colluvial soils and red-brown soils [26]. In Amasya, alluvion masses, volcanic facies belonging to the eosen age, metamorphic series from the paleozoic age and calcareous masses belonging to the permian age have rarely been found. 3.4. The Results Connected With Soil and Plant Analysis In vegetation season, the soil has a great importance as a factor affecting the germination aptitudes of seeds, greatness and shape of the plant, the morphologic and anatomic structure of various aerial organs, the depth of root system and etc. The soil samples were taken in generative period from the areas where Erysimum amasianum grows.

3.4.1. Physical Analysis Results in the Soil

The surviving of a plant regarding to

ecological factors depends on its adaptation to the physical environment and the ability of its biotic relationship [22]. The physical analyses of the soil carried out in the samples collected in generative period from the localities of Erysimum amasianum is shown in (Table 4). Physical analyses resulted in the species generally prefer the loamy, sandy or loamy-sandy soil. The salt proportion of the soil where Erysimum amasianum has spread is between 0.02-0.05 (0.036±0.004). That means, Erysimum

amasianum grows on the unsalted soil [27]. The salinity may have effect on soil erosion and like this some defection events [28]. Although Erysimum amasianum grows on the unsalted soil, being high the average of inclination around Amasya raises also the effect of erosion. pH in the soil, where the species has grown, is between 7.62-8.03 (7.77±0.05). When taken into consideration the level of pH that the plant includes, it is seen that it grows in “light alkaline” soil except Kırklar Mountain locality (in the middle grade basic) [27]. CaCO3 % in the soil is between 1.55 and 3.12 (2.40±0.22) and the species, from the point of CaCO3 % grows in the middle calcareous soil [29]. The capacity of holding water of the soil varies from 28 % to 46 % (38.5±3.15). 3.4.2. Chemical Analysis Results in the Soil N, P and K are among the macro nutrients that are so much essential for the plant life. Chemical analyses results of N, P and K % of the soil taken in generative period from the localities where Erysimum amasianum has spreaded is shown in (Table 4). According to this, organic matter amount % is between 0.35 and 3.28 (1.77±0.44). The soil on which the species grows may be very poor, poor, middle rich and rich. It means from

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the point of organic matter, the plant is not selective. The amount of N % changes between 0.263-0.862 (0.57±0.09) and the amount of P % changes between 0.002-0.025 (0.004±0.0006). It is seen that the amount of K % ranges from 0.038 to 1.78 (1.01±0.21) (Table 4). From the point of N amount %, the soil is “rich” in each

locality. From the point of P %, the soil is “very low grade” in Amasya Castle and Kırklar Mountain, in the other localities it is in “low grade”. When looked at the K % results, except the locality of Amasya Castle (“much”), the soil taken from the other all localities, is accepted in “adequate” category.

Table 4. Physical and chemical analyses of the soil samples of E. amasianum

Physical Chemical

Locality Texture classification

Total soluble salts %

pH CaCO3


Holding water capacity %

Organic matter %

N % P % K %

1(Direkli-600 m)

Loamy 0.04 7.80 2.18 41 1.90 0.624 0.0063 0.84

2(Direkli-850 m)

Loamy 0.04 7.69 2.33 44 1.34 0.862 0.0045 0.67

3(Direkli-930 m.)

Sandy 0.02 7.80 3.01 28 0.35 0.340 0.0026 0.47

4(Direkli-1000 m)

Loamy-sandy 0.04 7.62 1.93 46 3.28 0.654 0.0031 1.50


Loamy 0.04 7.79 1.55 39 1.62 0.840 0.0072 1.78

6(Castle-700 m.)


0.05 7.67 2.70 46 3.28 0.440 0.0025 1.41

7(Kırklar- 550 m.)

Sandy 0.02 8.03 3.12 26 0.62 0.263 0.0022 0.38

Average± standart error

0.036±0.004 7.77± 0.05

2.40± 0.22

38.5± 3.15

1.77± 0.44

0.57± 0.09

0.004± 0.0006

1.01± 0.21

3.4.3. Chemical Analyses Results aerial and under-ground parts of Erysimum amasianum It was determined that the proportion of total N to total dry weight of the plant is between 0.2-6 %, and P is between 0.05-0.43 %. It was pointed that, optimum level of K in the dry weight is between 0.2 % in minimum grade and 11 % in optimum grade [22]. Chemical Analysis Results in aerial parts In vegetative and generative growing periods, N, P and K % concentrations, in aerial parts of Erysimum amasianum is shown in (Table 5). The amount of N is between 0.471-1.451 (0.85±0.13) in vegetative period and

0.356-1.290 (0.73±0.13) in generative period and the whole aerial parts of the plant is above the deficiency limit in both vegetative and generative phases. The amount of P ranges from 0.0250 to 0.105 (0.065±0.01) in vegetative period and from 0.016 to 0.099 (0.05±0.01) in generative period. While in both vegetative and generative phase, P in aerial parts of the species, is sufficient in 57.14 % proportion whereas it is below the deficiency limit in 42.85 % proportion. The amount of K is between 0.95-2.75 (1.87±0.24) in vegetative period and 0.81-1.96 (0.26±0.15) in generative period. Regarding to these results, from the point of K %, the above-ground parts of Erysimum amasianum are sufficient in both vegetative and generative periods.

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A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy and Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in …..


Table 5. N, P, K % contents in above-ground parts (stem, leaf, flower, fruit and seed) of E.

amasianum (*: Vegetative Phases, **: Generative Phases) Locality N % P % K %

1(Direkli-600 m) 0.908* / 0.628** 0.0071* / 0.056** 1.80* / 0.95**

2(Direkli-850 m) 0.805* / 0.572** 0.0828*/ 0.051** 2.67* / 1.55**

3(Direkli-930 m.) 0.471* / 0.940** 0.0297* / 0.020** 1.70* / 1.25**

4(Direkli-1000 m) 0.672*/ 0.410** 0.0820* / 0.065** 1.71* / 1.15**

5(Castle-500m.) 1.451* / 1.290** 0.0605* / 0.045** 2.75* / 1.96**

6(Castle-700 m.) 1.097* / 0.920** 0.105* / 0.099** 1.53* / 1.12**

7(Kırklar-550 m.) 0.561* / 0.356** 0.0250* / 0.016** 0.95* / 0.81**

Average±standart error 0.85±0.13/0.73±0.13 t: 0.675 p>0.05

0.065±0.01/0.05±0.01 t: 0.970 p>0.05

1.87±0.24/0.26±0.15 t: 2.188 p<0.05 Chemical Analysis Results in under-ground parts N, P, and K % concentrations in underground parts of Erysimum amasianum is shown in Table 6. According to this, the level of N % is between 0.391-1.916 (1.03±0.24) in vegetative period and 0.838-2.502 (1.56±0,23) in generative period. As a result, it is in sufficient proportion in both periods. The level of P % is between 0.0288-0.194 (0.11±0.02) in vegetative period and 0.0861-0.761 (0.38±0.11) in

generative period. According to this, in underground parts, P % in 71.42 % proportion is normal in vegetative period and low in 28.57 % proportion. While, in generative phase, P % in 57.14 % proportion is normal, it is high in 42.85 % proportion. While the level of K ranges from 1.00 to 2.10 (1.32±0.14) in generative period, from 1.43 to 2.84 (1.97±0.18) in generative term. According to these results, K % proportion in under-ground parts is in normal limit in both vegetative and generative periods.

Table 6. N, P, K % contents in below-ground parts (root) of E. amasianum

(*: Vegetative Phases, **: Generative Phases) Locality N % P % K % 1(Direkli-600 m) 0.644* / 1.156** 0.095* / 0.325** 1.15* / 1.76**

2(Direkli-850 m) 1.014* / 1.720** 0.194* / 0.630** 1.50*/ 2.84**

3(Direkli-930 m.) 0.391* / 0.838** 0.0323* / 0.092** 1.20* / 1.64**

4(Direkli-1000 m) 1.916* / 2.126** 0.168 */ 0.761** 1.00* / 1.43**

5(Castle-500m.) 0.866* / 1.522** 0.085* / 0.135** 1.18* / 1.91**

6(Castle-700 m.) 1.916* / 2.502** 0.152* / 0.654** 2.10* / 2.35**

7(Kırklar- 550 m.) 0.428* / 1.021** 0.0288* / 0.0861** 1.10* / 1.86**

Average± standart error 1.03±0.24/1.56±0.23 t: -1.58 p>0.05

0.11±0.02/0.38±0.11 t: -2.428 p<0.05

1.32±0.14/1.97±0.18 t: -2.836 p<0.05

4. Discussion

In the present study, Erysimum

amasianum which is a narrow endemic species, of which the future is in danger has been examined in morphological, anatomical and ecological aspects.

Morphologically; in the relevant literature [2] necessary additions is included to the features that have been given about the species, also biometric measures belonging to the species is presented as a table (Table 1). While in “Flora of Turkey” [2] the length of Erysimum amasianum is reported to be 20-30 cm, in our study it is reported to be 25±53 cm. In the research it was found that the stem widht of

the plant is 2-3 mm. It was also determined that lower leaves are 50-80 mmx 0.5-3 mm and upper stem leaves are 21-43 mm x 1.5-2 mm. The pedicel lenght is 4-7 mm, whereas it is ca.7 mm in “Flora of Turkey” [2]. Sepals are found as 5-7 mm x 1.5-2 mm and petals which have been said to be 11-12 mm are found 9-13 mm. Furthermore, it has been found out that pistils are ca. 8-10 mm longs and its fruits (sliquae) are ca. 65-75 mm x 1-1.2 mm longs. Fruiting pedicels was measured to be 4-7 mm x 0.5-1 mm size. It was seen that the plant grows in rocky areas apart from vineyards and roadsides. It is also among the informations provided that the

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Erysimum amasianum was reported to be growing in the altitudes of 400-600 m can grow in areas of at 1000 m.

Anatomical findings which were provided as the results of the researches is presented with the concerned photographs. Metcalfe and Chalk [30] gave information about the general anatomical characteristics of the family Brassicaceae. There was no information about the anatomical structure of this species. There is a thick periderm. The root has primary and secondary pith rays. Primary pith rays are 1-3 layered. Secondary rays are 1-2 layered. The pith area consists of primary xylem elements and sclerenchymatic cells. There is a thick cuticle layer on the stem. There are stellate hairs on the epidermis. The anatomical properties of Erysimum amasianum showed similarities and differences compared to some Alyssum species. Alyssum meniocoides Boiss. and Alyssum

aureum (Fenzl.) Boiss. (Brassicaceae) have collenchyma under the epidermis cells in the stem. Similar properties are present in Erysimum

amasianum. The leaf was isobilateral. In this study, it was determined that this species had anisocytic stomata. It was reported that there was an anisocytic stomata in the family Brassicaceae [31]. Orcan and Binzet [32, 33] pointed out that there was Cruciferae type (anisocytic) in Alyssum obtusifolium Steven ex DC. The numbers of stomata on the upper and lower epidermis were 32 ± 2 and 24 ± 3 respectively. The stomata index was 22.2 on the upper surface. and 17.6 on the lower surface of the leaf (Figure 4, Table 3).

From the ecological view; it can be seen that the first reason why the plant grows in limited areas is its being an endemic species. Moreover, as pointed out above, also some biotic factors such as agriculture, grazing, recently established picnic areas and forest exploitation have caused Erysimum amasianum to grow in limited areas.

According to the results of physical analyses of the soil, the plant generally prefers middle calcareous, unsalted and mostly “light alkaline” soils. The water holding capacity of soil in which Erysimum amasianum grows is 46 % and, it generally grows in loamy, sandy and loamy-sandy soils.

According to the results of chemical analyses of the soil; Erysimum amasianum is not selective with regard to the rate of organic matters, it grows in every types of soil, very poor, poor, middle rich and rich soils. While Erysimum amasianum prefers the soils rich in N % for growing, it generally prefers the types of soil poor and very poor in P % and mostly adequate in K % for growing.

According to the results of chemical analyses of the aerial parts of the plant; the aerial parts of Erysimum amasianum is above defficiency limit from the point of N % in both vegetative and generative phase. While in both vegetative and generative phase P % proportion of the aerial part of the plant is sufficient in 57.14 %, it is under deficiency limit in 42.85 % proportion. And from the point of K % the aerial parts of the Erysimum amasianum Hausskn.&Bornm are sufficient in both vegetative and generative period.

When results of chemical analysis of under-ground parts of the plant are examined, it can be seen that the amount of N % is sufficient in both generative and vegetative phase. While in vegetative phase the amount of P % is normal in 71.42 % proportion and low in 28.57 %, in generative phase it is normal in 57.14 % proportion and high in 42.85 % proportion. K % proportion is normal in both vegetative periods. These results indicate that N, P and K % proportions of the soil where the plant grows are connected with the proportions of the same element’s being under-ground and aerial parts of the plant.

According to the results of analyses of aerial and under-ground parts of the plant, N, P and K concentration in aerial parts of the plant is generally high in vegetative period. In generative period, however there is a decline. This situation can be explained with that in aerial parts of the plant, physiological actions are dense and elements are carried into the aerial parts of the plant. In generative phase the aerial parts comlete their development. The elements are carried into the under-ground parts in order that the plant can live until next vegetative period. The reason why N, P and K concentration increases in generative phase is this. Similar results can be seen in researches that were done to the plants such as Asphodelus aestivus Brot.,

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Iris sari Schott ex Baker and Alkanna

haussknechtii Bornm. [22,34,35].

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