a survey of usa: ----- south reconstruction prof. niangen huang

A Survey of USA: A Survey of USA: ----- ----- SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION Prof. Niangen Huang Prof. Niangen Huang

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Page 1: A Survey of USA: ----- SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION Prof. Niangen Huang


Prof. Niangen HuangProf. Niangen Huang

Page 2: A Survey of USA: ----- SOUTH RECONSTRUCTION Prof. Niangen Huang


With the end of the Civil War the South With the end of the Civil War the South was in shambles. And more than physical was in shambles. And more than physical damage, the whole basis of the South's damage, the whole basis of the South's economic life also lay in ruins. economic life also lay in ruins. Confederate money was now worthless. Confederate money was now worthless. were against them. were against them.

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With the freeing of the slaves, the With the freeing of the slaves, the plantation system had completely broken plantation system had completely broken down. The South's whole social system down. The South's whole social system was in a state of collapse. Schools and was in a state of collapse. Schools and colleges were empty of students. colleges were empty of students. Policemen, courts, and judges were few. Policemen, courts, and judges were few. Criminal groups roamed and raided the Criminal groups roamed and raided the countryside.countryside.

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Beginning in 1867, the South experienced Beginning in 1867, the South experienced the full force of Radical Reconstruction. the full force of Radical Reconstruction. Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts

which divided the former Confederacy into which divided the former Confederacy into five military districts, each under a five military districts, each under a commanding officer and policed by commanding officer and policed by thousands of soldiers. thousands of soldiers.

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These military district commanders had These military district commanders had the power to preserve order and to the power to preserve order and to enforce martial law if necessary. enforce martial law if necessary. They were also ordered to have right to They were also ordered to have right to form new state government if necessary. form new state government if necessary. They gave the Negroes right to vote, and They gave the Negroes right to vote, and at the same time they denied voting right at the same time they denied voting right to those Southerners who were against to those Southerners who were against them. them.

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Military reconstruction of the South was an Military reconstruction of the South was an extreme measure on the part of Congress, extreme measure on the part of Congress, and the Radicals feared that either the and the Radicals feared that either the Supreme Court or the President might try Supreme Court or the President might try to overturn it. So Congress next set about to overturn it. So Congress next set about reducing the President's powers.reducing the President's powers.

Johnson was the first American Johnson was the first American president who faced impeachment president who faced impeachment proceedings.proceedings.

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After that, the Radical Republicans in After that, the Radical Republicans in Congress carried out their "Congressional Congress carried out their "Congressional Reconstruction" without much presidential Reconstruction" without much presidential interference. Many Northerners, at this interference. Many Northerners, at this time, came to the South to become time, came to the South to become political leaders. political leaders.

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Some adventurers and fortune hunters alsSome adventurers and fortune hunters also poured into the South. Whatever their mo poured into the South. Whatever their motives, these Northerners came to be calleotives, these Northerners came to be called "carpetbaggers" because they were said d "carpetbaggers" because they were said to have brought all their belongings to the to have brought all their belongings to the South in a small, cheap suitcase made out South in a small, cheap suitcase made out of a carpetlike material and much used by of a carpetlike material and much used by travelers those days. travelers those days.

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White Southerners bitterly resented black political power, White Southerners bitterly resented black political power, and some of them reacted with a campaign of terror. and some of them reacted with a campaign of terror. Secret societies were organized. The best known was Secret societies were organized. The best known was the Ku Klux Klan.the Ku Klux Klan.

Its terrorist activities included whipping, tar-and -feathering, Its terrorist activities included whipping, tar-and -feathering, castration, lynching, and other violence against the recently castration, lynching, and other violence against the recently enfranchised blacks. enfranchised blacks.

The aim of the Klan was to drive blacks out of politics, The aim of the Klan was to drive blacks out of politics, end Reconstruction, and restore white supremacy. end Reconstruction, and restore white supremacy. Because of the racial attacks against the Negroes by the Because of the racial attacks against the Negroes by the whites, a permanent pattern of mistrust and whites, a permanent pattern of mistrust and misunderstanding developed between the Negroes and misunderstanding developed between the Negroes and the whites in the South.the whites in the South.

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By 1872, the North was beginning to grow By 1872, the North was beginning to grow weary of such Reconstruction in the South. The weary of such Reconstruction in the South. The then President Grant ordered federal troops not then President Grant ordered federal troops not to interfere any further in Southern Politics. to interfere any further in Southern Politics. Encouraged by such actions, the Southern Encouraged by such actions, the Southern Conservatives made great progress and Conservatives made great progress and recaptured control of some state governments.recaptured control of some state governments. By 1876, only three states remained under By 1876, only three states remained under Radical control. The next year, the President Radical control. The next year, the President Hayes recalled all Northern troops, and Radical Hayes recalled all Northern troops, and Radical Reconstruction in the South was ended.Reconstruction in the South was ended.

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After years of turmoil, the South was After years of turmoil, the South was continuing to struggle with the problems of continuing to struggle with the problems of economic reconstruction. economic reconstruction. While the North moved ahead into a new While the North moved ahead into a new industrial age, the South was left behind.industrial age, the South was left behind.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

The period from the Civil War to the The period from the Civil War to the beginning of the 20th century was a period beginning of the 20th century was a period of rapid industrial growth and urban of rapid industrial growth and urban development. development.

The vast industrial development began The vast industrial development began with the opening the West. with the opening the West.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

Speeding this process of western Speeding this process of western settlement were the railroads. settlement were the railroads. In 1869, the first transcontinental railroad had In 1869, the first transcontinental railroad had

been completed, but railroad expansion had been completed, but railroad expansion had just begun. just begun.

By 1890, the United States had more mileage By 1890, the United States had more mileage of railroad track than all of Europe and Russia of railroad track than all of Europe and Russia combined, the unrestricted railroad boom did combined, the unrestricted railroad boom did greatly benefit the national economy.greatly benefit the national economy.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

At the same time, science and technology At the same time, science and technology were also greatly marching forward. were also greatly marching forward. Between 1860 and 1890 Americans Between 1860 and 1890 Americans received nearly a half million patents, and received nearly a half million patents, and some of the inventions created new some of the inventions created new industries. industries.

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ChangesChanges beforebefore the 20th Century the 20th Century

After 1880 Thomas A. Edison and George WestiAfter 1880 Thomas A. Edison and George Westinghouse put electricity to practical use. nghouse put electricity to practical use. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell exhibited his telIn 1876, Alexander Graham Bell exhibited his telephone which led to the development of nationwiephone which led to the development of nationwide communications. de communications. Guglielmo Marconi's experiment with the wirelesGuglielmo Marconi's experiment with the wireless and Thomas A. Edison's inventions of the stocs and Thomas A. Edison's inventions of the stock ticker, phonograph, and incandescent lamp furtk ticker, phonograph, and incandescent lamp further changed the lifestyle of the American people her changed the lifestyle of the American people and brought certain essential benefits to Americand brought certain essential benefits to American industries.an industries.

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Changes Changes beforebefore the 20th the 20th CenturyCentury

The basic industry of the nation, iron and sThe basic industry of the nation, iron and steel, developed rapidly. The iron industry, teel, developed rapidly. The iron industry, previously centered near de- posits in the previously centered near de- posits in the eastern states, moved westward as new oreastern states, moved westward as new ore deposits were discovered. Especially ime deposits were discovered. Especially important was the great Mesabi iron range at portant was the great Mesabi iron range at the head of the Lake Superior which, withithe head of the Lake Superior which, within a short time, proved to be one of the gren a short time, proved to be one of the greatest ore producers in the world. atest ore producers in the world.

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Changes Changes beforebefore the 20th the 20th CenturyCentury

The oil industry developed rapidly. In 1859, The oil industry developed rapidly. In 1859, the first oil well was drilled in western the first oil well was drilled in western Pennsylvania, and its success immediately Pennsylvania, and its success immediately set off an oil boom. Year after year set off an oil boom. Year after year production increased, and in the 1870's production increased, and in the 1870's petroleum and petroleum products took the petroleum and petroleum products took the fourth place among the-nation's exports. fourth place among the-nation's exports. Without petroleum, the new age of machinery Without petroleum, the new age of machinery could never have progressed as it did.could never have progressed as it did.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

In 1860 the United States was ranked fourth in the In 1860 the United States was ranked fourth in the industrial nations of the world; by 1894 it was the first. industrial nations of the world; by 1894 it was the first. Between 1860 and t900 the number of industrial Between 1860 and t900 the number of industrial establishments increased three times, and the amount of establishments increased three times, and the amount of capital invested in industry nine times. capital invested in industry nine times.

By 1890 the value of manufactured goods equaled that By 1890 the value of manufactured goods equaled that of agricultural products, and by 1900 it was worth twice of agricultural products, and by 1900 it was worth twice as much. as much.

In 1860 manufacturing was still largely concentrated on In 1860 manufacturing was still largely concentrated on the eastern seaboard, but by 1900 it had spread to the the eastern seaboard, but by 1900 it had spread to the Great Lakes and also to many portions of the South and Great Lakes and also to many portions of the South and West. West.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

There was a clear indication of the rapid There was a clear indication of the rapid concentration of capital. The small and concentration of capital. The small and medium enterprises were swallowed up by medium enterprises were swallowed up by the bigger ones. Big monopolies first the bigger ones. Big monopolies first appeared in the heavy industries. appeared in the heavy industries.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

The growth of monopoly capital in the The growth of monopoly capital in the United States was accompanied by a United States was accompanied by a rising working-class movement.rising working-class movement. In this new industrial age, the employer became a big In this new industrial age, the employer became a big

impersonal corporation, which could fire or hire impersonal corporation, which could fire or hire workers at will. workers at will.

Jobs were insecure and the Workday was long. Jobs were insecure and the Workday was long. The working conditions in the factories were often The working conditions in the factories were often

disagreeable and dangerous. There were, as yet, no disagreeable and dangerous. There were, as yet, no laws to require safe working conditions or to provide laws to require safe working conditions or to provide compensation in case of injury or death on the job.compensation in case of injury or death on the job.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

The workers began to realize that the only The workers began to realize that the only way to protect themselves and their way to protect themselves and their families was to organize. families was to organize.

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Changes before the 20th CenturyChanges before the 20th Century

The first labor organization came into being in the 1870"s. The first labor organization came into being in the 1870"s.

The Pennsylvania railway workers" strike of 1877 was the The Pennsylvania railway workers" strike of 1877 was the first large-scale workers' struggle in the history of the first large-scale workers' struggle in the history of the United States. United States.

On May 1, 1886 a national strike occurred in support of the On May 1, 1886 a national strike occurred in support of the eight-hour workday. eight-hour workday.

On March 8, 1909, women workers in Chicago launched a On March 8, 1909, women workers in Chicago launched a big struggle for freedom and equal rights with men. Their big struggle for freedom and equal rights with men. Their efforts won the recognition of the Second International efforts won the recognition of the Second International Congress of women socialists which decided in 1910 that Congress of women socialists which decided in 1910 that March 8 each year was to be observed as International March 8 each year was to be observed as International Working Women's Day. Working Women's Day.