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I rJ IJ 1 1 W j SIIRA g A fJrJir9bl rItC 11 J l1 A i o THTIM 39 a > > THE PUI3MSHKD imiDAYa THE TIMESHERALD ICO PubHthfn- 0ylOK la Bnllulnt Trout DftxttoFortOfflc- oPAIATKA FLA APRIL 1918MB- UIWOUTIOX UTE On Tear 100 Bix- Uaaths M Cents Three Month M Cents 8 b noe COMPETITION PROM A NEW QUAB ThE Who can prophecYth results of The prqjjrew that been made In the arts abd sciences the past tow years almost convinces one that nothing is Impossible people arc alow to now that new devices will not prove successful whereas in days gone by they regarded dubiously any attempt to Improve things that were already considered as perfect Civilization Is prepared for surprises now especially in inventions and Improved laborsaving machinery- or we may with greater propriety say that nothing is surprising But who would have thought that a tropical tree could bo made to flourish- in a land pf snow nod ice F N Miller a loyal Tennessee Democrat woo Oils an Important government position in Washington has accom- plished in this direction what Florid- ians would scarcely have dreamed On March C last he planted a num- ber of orange seeds they were planted in rich soil and after a brief period two of came up and are now growing nicely One has four large green leaves and the other Is Just be- ginning to sprout When it is consid- ered that there were several light falls of snow in March besIdes Ice it seems remarkable that this result should nave been attained No ereat attention has been paid to the cultivation of these trees anti notwithstanding the fact that they were subjected to the rigors March winds and bltlng cold weather they havo nourished udralr- ubly Mr Miller has no set plans for the future as regards orange culture yet no doubt he contemplates a thriv- ing grove in the District of Columbia and he may be good enough to ship a fow boxes to Florida should the pili leas elements again lay wasto our possessions OUR TALLAHASSEE LEITEHC- orrwpondence TimesHerald TALLAHASSEE April 10 Tho chief feature of Interest last week was Jthe Jockey Club bill of which so much has been said and of which so little Is really known It was In Its original condition a highly com- prehensive measure designed to give Jacksonville a mammoth race course with all the modern Improvements Tile bill was very loosely drawn or perhaps very carefully so worded as to give rise to sus- picions that prlzefighlmc and glove contests mjght become permissible under its provisions The bill wai so heavily amended that its supporters refused to recognize their own offspring und finally repu- diated it by laying it on the table The vigilant member from Votniln ilnjor G P Healv wa one of the that to attack Ihu bill and one ot thu last to relax his hold upou It For this he has in certain quarters been somewhat severely criticised but none of those who have read bet ween the lines of tills bill see anything to condemn In a course that was eminently straight- forward and manly Briefly Healys reasons for opposing the measure were something like this In its original form the chatter of the Jockey Club was to run thirty years under emitting taw and as the organization had the poster to sell pools it follows that in spite of any changes that might have taken cQ in public opinion during that time tho club could have gone on oneninx pool rooms all over the State and in the very shadow of our churches and Institutions of learning There were also several other gaps in the bill that it was thought well to close when thee grave defects are remedied it willhave a chance of running the gauntlet There is no ddubt that the proposed race course would be a good thing for Jacksonville and It is equally clear that the poolselling should be confined to that city anti that the bill should beap- fradjed as to prevent legislation to affect Us powers You have alrsady heard of the defeat of Senator Darbys bill providing for the remission of taxes three yooru and the u their Stead of Interestbearlpg08rtlllat of indebt- edness and f Kiptance ot Col 9nUafTb October But generally known fiiftbe fate of htt bill or why procure ft reoonsldcrsilon OWl ler Mil titO Uw provMoM 01 te lattw TI S HERALD ttett T due In hu- man endeavor n j f f drawnAnd- was summarlzeil MnJor aid any ctiapgsIn tax true until i M Ilt Derby WitS so deeply i tit III e nit CUM would alike 1 7 J has them 4 I hers I r I i i l l r fqr r the CbtloyshIl1oitponlng tho tbel1t it A Ob4Jj lees U 10 cx i t eolhctio rTi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < I be deterred which would be unjust as certain railroads In this State lire d ready trout throe to eight months in default with their taxes as the records in the Stalo Treasurers offlce shows The small taxpayer must pay at ma tnrity the largo avails himself of this saves 10 thus paying in reality but 00 of his just dues to the State He pays 00 cents on tho dollar the poor man 100 and it was for this reason that Mr Darby moved the reconsideration of Mr Chiplnys bill contendingthat the relief was only for tho rich awl power- ful while his own bill extended tellcf they paid a wa- ebnablo Interest Vader the provisions of the other bill the btato might be totted toborrbw monoy to pay interest for rich corporations already in default It is only just to Col to say that he stated that the Louisville and Nashvlllo Railroad Lad paid its taxes and that Senator BartriJgo declared that the 8 F W would take no The Senate has spent most of tho day in executive session discussing the case of exSheriff JJroward of Duval who wishes to see reversed the action pf Gqv Mitchell In removing him for allogtd malfeasance in office The ad mlnlstiatlonmuit get 17 votes out of 32 to win and it is evident the long delay that Mr Brbward Is mrfklng tho hardest kind of a light The House this afternoon received the report of the committee on pnvl eges and elections In the Osceola county contest of Oliver vs Moseley The majority report recommended the seating1 of Oliver whtchreport after a spirited debate was adopted by what is called a unanimous vote In other words many members refrained from voting at all The Senate committee on privileges- and elections in reporting on the FlolcberEIartridge contest presented a resolution declaring the latter duly elected This resolution on motion of Mr Palmer of the 14th was referred back to the committee for a report Thursday which gives Mr Fletcher an opportunity to RO before the committee which ho has not as yet done The House bill abolishing the office of weights and measures was passed today and in the Senate n bill piohib lUng compulsory vaccination was in- troduced A Household Remedy And it never falls to cure Rheuma- tism Catarrh Pimples Blotches anti nil diseases arislnn from Impure blood Is Botanic Blood Balm Thousands endorse It as tho best ever offered to mankind The thousands performed by this remedy are almost Try lb 81 large bottle For sale by drug- gists bee advertisement elsewhere Dr Prices Cream Baking Powder World Pair rUthest Medal tad Diploma THOUGHT HIS VICTIM DEAD Ha an Exciting AdT n With Ilnrglar JACKSONVILLE April 1ft Mr W D Alexander who with her hug band rooms nt the residence of J C Riverside n suburb of had quite n exulting adven ture with a robber tJunday afternoon Mrs Alexander TTS alone la the house anti while tJttlug at tho door heard stealthy footsteps and as she arose to see who it was ahe heard two bounds on the piazza and a man stood before her demanded all tho mon ey there was in the house and when told there was none went and tried another door Mrs Alexander scream ed and the robber jumped back rtt her and demanded the keys to the door which he found locked She refused him and seizing her collar he pulled and made two thrusts at her The first thrust struck the steel In her corset end the second a whalebone in the waist of her dues He thou threw her aside and she fell on the bed Tho robber evidently thought h he had killed her and go lug Into the next room made a hasty search through a trunk in search of money Mr Alexander and Mr and lIra Purdy returned home two hours and a half later and found Mrs Alex- ander In an unconscious condition It was fully an hour before they could bring her to enough to tell her story Secretary Gre h m Informed of theTreatjr- WASiustOTOjf April 17 Late yester day afternoon Oresliam re ceived a cablegram from Minister Jun at Toklo Japan confirming press dispatches that a peace treaty had been signed Japan and The raes negotiations between Japan and China were toncluded today Oinersl ArrlTr t 00 tnn maS- AMMAOO DK C A April 17 gener- al Martinez Campo arrived at Quanta namo yesterday FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mns WiMtowB SooTiiiNo Srnup baa neon Used for t mothers for tl cum wind colic and remedy for DlarrhoM It Will relieve little sufferer Immediately Bold by drag Mrs Wlnslows SotMng fiytnp and no other khid PINE TAW SBo and boilte Sold only st the pH aaf delay anti ntereet to all a1 1i ot the relief lll cutes Lad tore a Fla Purdy In by the outs the sa terse nld sImply stated that II Campo cm millions- of 1t children with suoces the child softens the gums allays all Is Irrcl1 part orld five een a tJt aura and ask ii UP per comet It ell4l1IfI J d- t i pr ceDt percent Ad- vantage trop Jacksonyill Jack- sonville va peace uI by soothes gills lit for take eoti 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ALL OVER THE OLOSX Dr Pierce g Pleasant Pellet aw known Filli of American the ex tracu are concentrated There are ntwjjr liTer there must te the tost satisfaction Probably be causo na groins of mustard aced therefore swallowed all act in a natural nnd era effec- tive in result Then too after ejt M different from the pills with their and violence indigestion pain in stomach these Pellets bring such a cure that they eon DO guaranteed Your not give satisfaction To every sufferer from Oatarrh no bad the case or of how long standing the proprietors- of this If we cant cure it perfectly and permanently well 500 in all druggists PENALTY FOR FALSE RETURNS CommtMton Stiller Sindt Star Inltrno tb Intern AtiMnxnU- WlsnwoTos April 17 Commission er Miller late yesterday afternoon is sued an additional circular to Internal revenue collectors in which he says In oa Incorrect Income MX returns now flied In jour once you will notify the persons who filed such returns that they laCes apptar within a reasonable time specifying date and place tor appearance and correct Or ex- plain such returns sad that onUelf failure to appear and make such correction you will correct nod Increase the amount of such re- turns stating the particular corrections which shall be made and the amounts b which said returns will be Increased Where persons inS corporations liable to make returns line neglected or nfuied to make return inS where In your opinion false or fraudulent returns hate beta Oiled you will give notlve to the delinquents and to those who made such fraudulent returns to appear bud show cause why penalties shall not be assessed against them JAMES W SCOTT IS DEAD Chicagos are IJfclly N wip pr Pub Usher FMIM Away Suddenly Naw YORK April 16 Mr James W Scott of the Chicago TlmesIIerald died at the Holland house at t oclock yesterday afternoon The cause of his death was apoplexy ills death was as peaceful it Was unexpected Mr Scott arrived in this city from Chicago last Friday evening lie was accompanied by Mrs Scott and their niece Miss Grace Hatch Mr Scott was then apparently In the pInk of health It was his intention to pend a few days in New York and then proceed to Cape May and after ward to Virginia beach From there the ScotU intended to return to Chi- cago The trip was intended purely for recreation HAIL AND ELECTRIC STORM General Over Georgia Reports Prom Many of the Counties ATTAJITA April terrlflij thun der storm passed ovcr Atlanta last night The lightning and accompanied by hall The boll storm was general throughout this section It was unusually severe at Forsyth 70 miles below here At West Polntasa white man named Jones and a negro named Vashlnirton Fannin were killed by lightning They were In different localities The hall at West Point injured the small crops very much HAYWARD EXPECTS HANQ The Attorneys for the UnnUrer of Mat Slaking Krry Effort to K r MrairEAPoriB April 18 The attor n ys in tho case of Hayward accused of of Kate King havo sub mitted the motion for a new trial on briefs with the argument Judge Smith will unquestionably deny the motion An appeal to the supreme court wilt then be perfected hayward says he to be hanged and does not look for a rescue from the legal manoeuvres of his counsel EMIGRANTS AT MONROVIA Tb Negroes Who Suited From Sarannah Hare ArrIved In Liberia PimAf BLFHiA Pa April IS News has been received that the which satlbd from Philadelphia some weeks ago for end there took on board about two hundred em- igrants for Liberia had arrived at Mon- rovia and after landing her passengers had proceeeed to Barbados From the latter place she will return here The next contingent of emigrants will be blpjsed from this pity WHAT HAS NICARAUGA DONE to England Ultimatum Ap parrntlr t tlsr atiiry- LoNDOir April 1ft t the British ultimatum Mloarauira beeu retelred at cities It U understood that the reply Is so satis- factory that the action which the crnment thr UBd o take wtl sons Jfwpwtw lao turo easily lead DetaUl Ye tablo reason Pellets te lnz taken old coati voneSl and as ell as U II lasting tions to 01 the as 17A rain were T kIn mat expe ts Horsa Answer answer the foreign gOY wUl Oil will Int eII IlJ 06 If w- t 1 Pierces Moss of cant be constipation sick and y a The has not be- taken t IL astenieod 1io qni6kl a- a ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > emit Oossip With the L ffJ latorq of the Flower Land LARGE OF BILLS INTRODUCED TSic Moat Important Kuttfrs tfce C mt ss- CsiSM the 7 sun tt Antl Prime fllflhl Dill th Ininrane Jim mmttlmar Others I TALLAJUIUO April IT The num bills thus far this session has been tar in excess of any previous legislature The hulk pf local bUll art now under contideratJon bat- ten or In each branch will fee introduced dally for some time Last ketslon the total number of bills duodtf In the house was in the neigh 1 rhood too whll4 nearly aDo Introduced tenet Thus fat more than 800 hue been Intro- duced in both houses during two weclo or about onehalf the num- ber of bills Introduced during the entire session o sixty day two years ago The election CUll are receiving the attention of the commit tees on privileges andelections There is one contest before the senate com- mittee and two before the house com mlttee In all these cases there is a large masspf testimony to be examined and it will be seven days before these committees will be In position to make reports The senate held another executive session yesterday on the Broward case The senate has designated Tuesdays and Thursdays of each exeeu live sessions Legislative Notes Therehave been a largo number of ifri nds of the Jockey club hill during the past week If the drift of sentiment contained in the dozen or more election Mile already introduced in the legislature is to be- taken for anything tho eightbox bal- lot system In this state has about lived out Its days A strong sentiment exists in favor of having the state elections held In Nov- ember on the same day and at or near the place of holding the federal elec- tion The extra expense caused by holding two separate elections is thought b many prominent party leaders o be entirely uncalled for A bill the object scalpers from the state is soon to be in- troduced That will very likejy develop a large number of lobby ists The prize fight crowd may also materialize when the fight bill is well under consideration and thero are other measures that are cal- culated to bring export wirepullers to the seat of war It was amusing to witness the vigor with which the south Florida represen- tatives repelled the Insinuation that nor of their counties were In need of assistance from the state Volusia was the only county thatadmltted that they were suffering All the rest stated were able to take of themsflvea which is very gratifying considering the severe freeze through which they have passed LINE WINS Judge Lumpklu Grunts the Injunction Against the W A nallroniL ATLANTA April 17 Thn injunction against the Western and Atlantic rail road prayed for by the seaboard Air- Line has been granted Judge Lump kin rendered the decision at oclock yesterday morning The judge took occasion to say he had de- voted as much time and cora as poisi- hie to tho case and had endeavored to reach a jusV and fair conclusion Like all humanity he said he may have erred but the decision was a conscien- tious one THE POPULATION OF NEW YORK 1ollcaOntns Returns Plaee It Bt Nurir Two Million NEW YoRrtf April IS The police cen- sus are nearly nil In The population- of New York according to these fig- ures is 888780 an increase since census of the state board of health taken in 1893 of just 87041 This is considered a very conservative estimate and there is no doubt that when the actual figures are all In it will Co ma- terially increased Cuban Malls and IvrerW- ASHIHQTOK April to the troubles at Cuba the malls have fallen off so that the post office department has permitted the Plant system to make one less per week from to Tampa by rail and by steamboat from Tampa to Cub In consequence of the yellow fever In Cuba the depart ment is fumigate mails from tropical countries Styslba doted at th Mew Orleans Office WAsmiCQTojf April 17 department has issued an order supple to one of a recent date describ- ing the provisions for the dispatch of mails from Mobile Ala for the Cen- tral American countries to the effect that closed malls of foreign origin shall bo sent to those countries from New Orlean Lainstead of Mobile Ala Senator Ilaeon the Charires- MACOirApril W United States Sen atorelect Bacon yesterday filed a com- plete denial of the claim preferred In a recently enters by Major Hanson that he Hanson vtnt compelled to lose tome 815000 on a bond which he guaranteed through personal friend for the dutanduut- 9rtat Lou to v 2 lr SAB PKA cisco CaL rial four Guthrie Gos warehouse Do- Bicla In which WRS a large quantity of wheat belonging estate burned yesterday raera Mitt WreM AdraaeM- suai Co i Ap howe NUMBER iII ber of of Were lit th bUll of driving measure that they SEABOARD AIR that suit t Bat at the 1 atr 1nIf 1 i4 JI l1aiJMJIIIt labl tM r J II tilt J v FLORthSSFAT1Y11 the first three contest week care Deal rocsioooo a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < WAS AISEUJ Of mbutratlM til B9rr BtmarawU- ttw ICDthaclumr taut l it Mien Uoo r Urwu bands Kute- F tTltl Combined DxTVxn April IT The tteatlng held from the of cap itol ftornoosi In honor of the silver General Warner of Nw York and ssman Bib Icy Philadelphia Was one of tb that Denver has ever Men Long before the hour which had bets opening the poople began to ff thr laQ mi 9 many thousand listeners Eacwrslon trains brought In hundreds from the camp On the steps of the cap itol and about the great arcade were gathered many distinguished colored citizens The air WM delightfully mild and tIe sunsEine brilliant For a hour before the time set for the speeches bends Judge A IV Backer Introduced Congressman Sib ley who was greeted with cheers General Warner followed Mr Slbley In practical businesslike discussion of the subject which has been his life study He also read extracts from a letter which he had received from Sen- ator Jone explaining the cause of his absence and tq be with the party at this time The letter stated that Senator lone had fully intended to make the western tour with Messrs Sibley und Warner but on the day that he WM to start from New York his phy- sician positively forbade him to attemp- tit Senator Jones is suffering from heart disease and spells of great physi- cal depression The letter also stated that he had General War- ner before the party left Chicago but the telegram was never delivered Sen- ator Stewarts name was cheered CHANGES THE MANAGEMENT- Mr William IJ Oneo Appointed General Munifer of the ttonthera WASHINGTON April 17 Several im- portant changes In the management the Southern company were announced yesterday Heretofore there have been two general managers of the road one for the eastern system and one for the western order from President Samuel Spencer of New York issued yesterday and to be come effective both the above mentioned offices and ap points Mr William H Green of this city general manager of the entire syttem Mr C M Bolton chief engineer of the road having resigned M CL H Hudson has been appointed to fill the vacancy Mr D W Lum has been appointed superintendent of bridges and build- ings with headquarters in this city THE SEABOARDS LATEST CUT Former Low Katie M terl lly JUduc 2 by tact Wchedol- aNonroLK Va April 10 The Sea- board air line has made another bill cut from their original cut to meet the reductions made by the Southern rail way company to compettlive points Both local and through rates to all points north and south have been re- duced The following schedule goes into effect today From Atlanta to New York JUOO to sara Philadelphia 1I80W sara Ualtlmore lOWio tOt Washington JWto Portsmouth S00to Norfolk 800W 100- Pctersburir Pisto T 5- Rlcbmond 98010 130 Boston via New York and roll 1775 I PIXIE BAPTIST MAY DIVIDE Hodthtrn Baptist oiirtntlon Getting to b too LarK an OrganisationU- AITIUQBB 10 Rev tt H Pitt D D of Richmond Va and J II Oambrlll of Macon Ga have signed a call urging each church In the Sou thru Baptist rssoclatlon which embraces everything south of Mason and Dixon line to send delegates to a meet- ing to be held in Washington on May Vth The object of tho convention consider the advisability of forming h Southern Baptbt Young Peopleu union and It Is thought likely that the meeting will resolve upon some action which will divide Union in to two camps WIlY SENATOR JONES sod open all II1UI BtI r Nt or th a I of n the LOt LOt A r1 I 2leIIVatUeK 0is tbOanta- lV 1 tk We4 The stops the yesterday were i- to lie ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE GREAT SPURT IN UU Adranced From t78 to S New YORK tOThe Standard Oil company has advanced its price for field oil from 9175 to W and as a re- sult 331 is bid for pipeline certificates- A number of capitalists formerly In terested in the trade In Pennsylvania propose developing the Utah and if the price of the product holds at anything like cvrrent figures statement from Oil City gives the shipments at 129571 and runs at 83883 oil Jvaa been put Up 1 centto 10 X cents gallon MR FOSTERS MISSION OVER lie for Confirm the Report of ea In tb East WjkBHmOTon April 17 Mrs John W Foster wife qfthe of state has a dlspdtch from her husband who U to the Chinese peace eqvoy the report that articles of peace had been by China and Japan The cablegram wild that the peace agree- ment Was Monday and hat Mr- 1fc ter would be homo on June 1st Tu S rtl C roUc Stall Htor- mPATBtrsntLS N0 April ti Tb heavy Ml storm J6 Cope Pea and stiltaGoing On J confidential d a t Nt1- O onsI4ss1 1t 1 OIL- field and- Over adviser th MkIh rd1rod 414 4i I- ik7atoPt ¬ ¬ < Only And thoroughly Before the poole today hi which above ill other medldnefiis It has won its hold thft hearts of the own absolute merit It Is not what we biit what Hoods Sarsaparilla does that tells story t Hoods CuresE- ven when all other ations and prescriptions Ihave beeHAfOlcted fox over twenty years with a very sore limb caused by bed blood I begin taking Hood BampBrllli end have beta Kttlas better em sine and can truly that it is the best medicine that seen AEUBNI White Pond South Carolina Hoods THE INSURANCE MEN STIRRED Alarm la florid Over Senator Broom Valued Volley BUI LIkely toPMfcJ- ACKSOJIVILLK Fla Insnr greatly over Senator Uroomes valued polley bill which will como up in the senate- at Tallahassee tomorrow Hartrldge of Duval has written a let- ter to a friend hero saying that the bill Is likely to pass The measure is In intended to abolish the clause in in- surance policies and compel companies to pay the full amount risk If the bill should become a law said Mr J It Morton a prominent Hre Insurance agent yesterday It Is more than likely all the lIre Insurance companies doing business In Flori- da will cancel their policies and quit he SUM leaving our people without Insurance Toe freeze has already shattered the credit of the country merchant and It solid Insurance protection should now be withdrawn It would be lllte knocking out tbo last oar look for disaster Those alto basing mortgages on their real estate will suffer as U- Is more that likely nhould the Insurance col- lateral be withdrawn i Hat tile mortgagers will clamor their monet about the condition of Florida since the freeze and losses unusually auuierout trom eli parts o the state Therefore IfthU bill whloli Offers a premium on arson city should become a law there Is no doubt that the lire Insurance companies Would promptly cancel and quit the statS A CHANGE FOR THE BETTER The Tradesman Reports Decided Imr- provemfnt Hi General lluslueWC- HATIAHOOOA Tenn April lV The Tradesman In its review for week- ending April 15th says The Industrial Conditions of the south w decided Improvement In general business change for the better Inmanu facturing circles Iron while not higher Is strong antI the demand Is heavy The lumber market also shows strength The demand machinery torn all parts of the south Is much heavier than for months and titerS Is creator number of new project than ordinarily AmOng the fiftythree new Industrie re- ported to tha Tradesman as established erjnc- orporatcd during tho are two canning factories at Thonuon da In plant at Pass Christian Miss and riOOOOel o trio pUnts at PulaskI Tenn and Taylor Text flouring mills at BerryvIIle Ark Bocky Fact Ga Jasper lad Klngsport Tenn Pinkerton Va and Brandywlno W Va are to be established at Raleigh N a Olew land Tens sad San Antonio Tex A Uad company with a capital of 178000 hat been at Atlanta Ga and one Neb at con O sad Norfolk Va copltil JWOOO and 850000 Coal mines will at Jas- per Ala and a 78009 cotton oil mill erect reported from Central B 01 and one to 6 t Is proposed at Columbia 80 man Ala a cotton milt will be erected at HogansTlllo Oa one to sad an other t Spamnburg capital of I350WO The eat i liable t nerve tonic VltaltJtr t Blood r ij i HOODS people itt a haTe Get HOODS I are I6ltelI- Un AU dniiIs1i auce orldBBr8 rmedl l tnator 84 of the poopwe eneral for insurance companies are been and dIshes a th and evIdent le trCllitl bo developed ed at Port Worth 140000 oottoe At Cull Shinto S a f 1 Purifier Sari apariI1 I say ever DhIhr tfiO ass April mend The qultiTs have avery i or- ganizeS Tea A mill Is 5ocext cost ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ WOMAN INSPECTORS Mayor Stroog Appoint Ulu Kllek Collluu to School Pimltloa NEW YORK April 10 Strong has appointed Miss Ellen Collins 6t No 4t West Eleventh street as an in of schools tot the fifth district which includes the fifteenth Wards MIss ColUna will cacti J 0 Jonoway resigned whose term of office will expire December laDs of Quaker tock and took an Important part in thov work of the sanitary the late war She ia a wemberoi thq Harvard annex committee ha bees active for many years m school ap visitor to the institutions the islands She bought a tenementhouse In Cb rt street took personal charge of It and showed remaVkable tesq and good sense in managing the property and caring for her tenants THE FIRM ATTACKS THE tAW Enjoined Prom StakIng lUtnmi Vo slbt loooao CHIOAOO April Wiowalvw In the United States uiyaster4 x y- njqlaed Si gel Cooper Co frow making any return to the internal rev- enue collector under the provisions of the income tax law Th r tr iniaff granted on bill mid by Genoa Slcget one of the New stockholders In the detehduit atlon The BlUoIw h law nd under the order jfreBte4 aaornlng the rovinrwiwnt b ou- pol dta take part An k r M t limt- to d feH4 efw U the atnr s r I ctor nd n MIa J tenement Is i I If1Co ordv was btU I JIMMs M II iN o U- t How a eigh- teenth i I din house work and a yesterday the if 1m I4e5VlN 5 > ¬ <

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    SIIRA g A fJrJir9blrItC 11 J l1



    THTIM 39a





    0ylOK la Bnllulnt TroutDftxttoFortOfflc-


    UIWOUTIOX UTE On Tear 100 Bix-Uaaths M Cents Three Month M Cents8 b noe


    Who can prophecYth results ofThe prqjjrew that

    been made In the arts abd sciencesthe past tow years almost convincesone that nothing is Impossible peoplearc alow to now that new deviceswill not prove successful whereas indays gone by they regarded dubiouslyany attempt to Improve things thatwere already considered as perfectCivilization Is prepared for surprisesnow especially in inventionsand Improved laborsaving machinery-or we may with greater propriety saythat nothing is surprising

    But who would have thought that atropical tree could bo made to flourish-in a land pf snow nod ice F NMiller a loyal Tennessee Democratwoo Oils an Important governmentposition in Washington has accom-plished in this direction what Florid-ians would scarcely have dreamedOn March C last he planted a num-ber of orange seeds they were plantedin rich soil and after a brief periodtwo of came up and are nowgrowing nicely One has four largegreen leaves and the other Is Just be-ginning to sprout When it is consid-ered that there were several light fallsof snow in March besIdes Ice it seemsremarkable that this result should navebeen attained No ereat attention hasbeen paid to the cultivation of thesetrees anti notwithstanding the factthat they were subjected to the rigors

    March winds and bltlng coldweather they havo nourished udralr-ubly Mr Miller has no set plans forthe future as regards orange cultureyet no doubt he contemplates a thriv-ing grove in the District of Columbiaand he may be good enough to ship afow boxes to Florida should the pili

    leas elements again lay wasto ourpossessions


    orrwpondence TimesHeraldTALLAHASSEE April 10

    Tho chief feature of Interestlast week was Jthe Jockey Club bill ofwhich so much has been said and ofwhich so little Is really known It wasIn Its original condition a highly com-prehensive measure designed to giveJacksonville a mammoth race coursewith all the modern ImprovementsTile bill was very loosely drawn orperhaps very carefully

    so worded as to give rise to sus-picions that prlzefighlmc and glovecontests mjght become permissibleunder its provisions

    The bill wai so heavily amended thatits supporters refused to recognizetheir own offspring und finally repu-diated it by laying it on the table Thevigilant member from Votniln ilnjorG P Healv wa one of the that toattack Ihu bill and one ot thu last torelax his hold upou It For this he hasin certain quarters been somewhatseverely criticised but none of thosewho have read bet ween the lines oftills bill see anything to condemn In acourse that was eminently straight-forward and manly

    Briefly Healysreasons for opposing the measure weresomething like this In its originalform the chatter of the Jockey Clubwas to run thirty years under emittingtaw and as the organization had theposter to sell pools it follows that inspite of any changes that might havetaken cQ in public opinion duringthat time tho club could have gone ononeninx pool rooms all over the Stateand in the very shadow of our churchesand Institutions of learning Therewere also several other gaps in the billthat it was thought well to closewhen thee grave defects are remediedit willhave a chance of running thegauntlet

    There is no ddubt that the proposedrace course would be a good thing forJacksonville and It is equally clear thatthe poolselling should be confined tothat city anti that the bill should beap-fradjed as to preventlegislation to affect Us powers

    You have alrsady heard of the defeatof Senator Darbys bill providing forthe remission of taxes three yooruand the u their Stead ofInterestbearlpg08rtlllat of indebt-edness and f Kiptance ot Col

    9nUafTb October Butgenerally known

    fiiftbe fate of htt bill or whyprocure ft reoonsldcrsilon

    OWl ler MiltitO Uw provMoM 01 te lattw



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    M Ilt Derby WitS so deeplyitit


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    theCbtloyshIl1oitponlng tho

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    be deterred which would be unjust ascertain railroads In this State lire dready trout throe to eight months indefault with their taxes as the recordsin the Stalo Treasurers offlce showsThe small taxpayer must pay at matnrity the largo avails himself of this

    saves 10thus paying in reality but 00of his just dues to the State He pays00 cents on tho dollar the poor man100 and it was for this reason that MrDarby moved the reconsideration ofMr Chiplnys bill contendingthat therelief was only for tho rich awl power-ful while his own bill extended tellcf

    they paid a wa-ebnablo Interest Vader the provisionsof the other bill the btato might betotted toborrbw monoy to pay interestfor rich corporations already in default

    It is only just to Col to saythat he stated that the Louisville andNashvlllo Railroad Lad paid its taxesand that Senator BartriJgo declaredthat the 8 F W would take no

    The Senate has spent most of thoday in executive session discussing thecase of exSheriff JJroward of Duvalwho wishes to see reversed the actionpf Gqv Mitchell In removing him forallogtd malfeasance in office The admlnlstiatlonmuit get 17 votes out of32 to win and it is evident thelong delay that Mr Brbward Is mrfklngtho hardest kind of a light

    The House this afternoon receivedthe report of the committee on pnvleges and elections In the Osceola

    county contest of Oliver vs MoseleyThe majority report recommended theseating1 of Oliver whtchreport aftera spirited debate was adopted by whatis called a unanimous vote In otherwords many members refrained fromvoting at all

    The Senate committee on privileges-and elections in reporting on theFlolcberEIartridge contest presented aresolution declaring the latter dulyelected This resolution on motion ofMr Palmer of the 14th was referredback to the committee for a reportThursday which gives Mr Fletcher anopportunity to RO before the committeewhich ho has not as yet done

    The House bill abolishing the officeof weights and measures was passedtoday and in the Senate n bill piohiblUng compulsory vaccination was in-troduced

    A Household Remedy

    And it never falls to cure Rheuma-tism Catarrh Pimples Blotches antinil diseases arislnn from Impure bloodIs Botanic Blood Balm Thousandsendorse It as tho best everoffered to mankind The thousands

    performed by this remedy arealmost Try lb 81

    large bottle For sale by drug-gists bee advertisement elsewhere

    Dr Prices Cream Baking PowderWorld Pair rUthest Medal tad Diploma


    Ha an Exciting AdT nWith Ilnrglar

    JACKSONVILLE April 1ft MrW D Alexander who with her hugband rooms nt the residence of J C

    Riverside n suburb ofhad quite n exulting adven

    ture with a robber tJunday afternoonMrs Alexander TTS alone la thehouse anti while tJttlug at tho doorheard stealthy footsteps and as shearose to see who it was ahe heard twobounds on the piazza and a man stoodbefore her demanded all tho money there was in the house and whentold there was none went and triedanother door Mrs Alexander screamed and the robber jumped back rtt herand demanded the keys to the doorwhich he found locked She refusedhim and seizing her collar hepulled and made two thrustsat her The first thrust struck thesteel In her corset end the second awhalebone in the waist of her duesHe thou threw her aside and she fellon the bed Tho robber evidentlythought h he had killed her and golug Into the next room made a hastysearch through a trunk in search ofmoney Mr Alexander and Mr andlIra Purdy returned home two hoursand a half later and found Mrs Alex-ander In an unconscious condition Itwas fully an hour before they couldbring her to enough to tell her story

    Secretary Gre h m Informed of theTreatjr-WASiustOTOjf April 17 Late yester

    day afternoon Oresliam received a cablegram from Minister Junat Toklo Japan confirming pressdispatches that a peace treaty had beensigned Japan and The raes

    negotiations between Japan andChina were toncluded today

    Oinersl ArrlTr t 00 tnn maS-AMMAOO DK C A April 17 gener-

    al Martinez Campo arrived at Quantanamo yesterday

    FOR OVER FIFTY YEARSMns WiMtowB SooTiiiNo Srnup baaneon Used for t

    mothers for tl

    cum wind colic and remedyfor DlarrhoM It Will relievelittle sufferer Immediately Bold by drag

    Mrs Wlnslows SotMng fiytnp andno other khid

    PINE TAW SBo andboilte Sold only st the pH aaf

    delay anti ntereet

    to all a1 1i

    ot the relief lll


    Ladtore a


    Purdy In

    by theouts


    sa terse nld sImply stated thatII


    cm millions-of 1t children

    with suoces thechild softens the gums allays all


    Irrcl1 part orldfive een a tJt aura and ask

    ii UPpercomet It ell4l1IfI

    J d-t i

    pr ceDtpercent







    uI by


    gills litfor










    ALL OVER THE OLOSXDr Pierce g Pleasant Pellet aw

    known Filli of American

    the extracu are concentrated There arentwjjr liTer there must te

    the tost satisfaction Probably becauso nagroins of mustard aced therefore

    swallowed allact in a natural nnd era effec-tive in result Then too after

    ejt Mdifferent from thepills with their and violence

    indigestion pain in stomach

    these Pellets bring such acure that they eon DO guaranteedYournot give satisfaction

    To every sufferer from Oatarrhno bad the case or ofhow long standing the proprietors-ofthis If we cant cure it perfectlyand permanently well 500in all druggists


    CommtMton Stiller Sindt Star Inltrnotb Intern AtiMnxnU-

    WlsnwoTos April 17 Commissioner Miller late yesterday afternoon issued an additional circular to Internalrevenue collectors in which he says

    In oa Incorrect Income MX returns nowflied In jour once you will notify the personswho filed such returns that they laCes apptarwithin a reasonable time specifying dateand place tor appearance and correct Or ex-plain such returns sad that onUelf failure toappear and make such correction you willcorrect nod Increase the amount of such re-turns stating the particular corrections whichshall be made and the amounts b which saidreturns will be Increased

    Where persons inS corporations liable tomake returns line neglected or nfuiedto make return inS where In your opinionfalse or fraudulent returns hate beta Oiledyou will give notlve to the delinquents and tothose who made such fraudulent returnsto appear bud show cause why penalties shallnot be assessed against them


    Chicagos are IJfclly N wip pr PubUsher FMIM Away Suddenly

    Naw YORK April 16 Mr James WScott of the Chicago TlmesIIeralddied at the Holland house at t oclockyesterday afternoon The cause of hisdeath was apoplexy

    ills death was as peaceful it Wasunexpected Mr Scott arrived in thiscity from Chicago last Friday eveninglie was accompanied by Mrs Scottand their niece Miss Grace Hatch

    Mr Scott was then apparently In thepInk of health It was his intention topend a few days in New York andthen proceed to Cape May and afterward to Virginia beach From therethe ScotU intended to return to Chi-cago The trip was intended purelyfor recreation


    General Over Georgia Reports PromMany of the Counties

    ATTAJITA April terrlflij thunder storm passed ovcr Atlanta lastnight The lightning andaccompanied by hall The boll stormwas general throughout this sectionIt was unusually severe at Forsyth70 miles below here

    At West Polntasa white man namedJones and a negro named VashlnirtonFannin were killed by lightning Theywere In different localities The hallat West Point injured the small cropsvery much


    The Attorneys for the UnnUrer of MatSlaking Krry Effort to K r

    MrairEAPoriB April 18 The attorn ys in tho case of Hayward accusedof of Kate King havo submitted the motion for a new trial onbriefs with the argument JudgeSmith will unquestionably deny themotion An appeal to the supremecourt wilt then be perfectedhayward says he to be hangedand does not look for a rescue from thelegal manoeuvres of his counsel


    Tb Negroes Who Suited From SarannahHare ArrIved In Liberia

    PimAf BLFHiA Pa April IS Newshas been received that the

    which satlbd from Philadelphiasome weeks ago for end theretook on board about two hundred em-igrants for Liberia had arrived at Mon-rovia and after landing her passengershad proceeeed to Barbados From thelatter place she will return here Thenext contingent of emigrants will beblpjsed from this pity


    to England Ultimatum Apparrntlr t tlsr atiiry-

    LoNDOir April 1ft t theBritish ultimatum Mloarauirabeeu retelred at cities ItU understood that the reply Is so satis-factory that the action which thecrnment thr UBd o take wtl

    sons Jfwpwtw

    laoturo easily lead DetaUl

    Ye tablo

    reason Pellets te



    coativoneSl andas ell as

    U II lasting

    tions to




    17Arain were


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    expe ts




    the foreign


    wUlOil will

    Int eII IlJ06 If w-




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    constipationsick and





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    tIL astenieod 1io qni6kl















    emit Oossip With the L ffJlatorq of the Flower Land


    TSic Moat Important Kuttfrs tfce C mt ss-CsiSM the 7 sun tt Antl

    Prime fllflhl Dill th IninraneJim mmttlmar Others

    I TALLAJUIUO April IT The numbills thus far this

    session has been tar in excess of anyprevious legislature The hulk pf localbUll art now under contideratJon bat-ten or In each branch will feeintroduced dally for some time Lastketslon the total number of billsduodtf In the house was in the neigh1 rhood too whll4 nearly aDoIntroduced tenet Thus fatmore than 800 hue been Intro-duced in both houses duringtwo weclo or about onehalf the num-ber of bills Introduced during the entiresession o sixty day two years ago

    The election CUll arereceiving the attention of the committees on privileges andelections Thereis one contest before the senate com-mittee and two before the house commlttee In all these cases there is alarge masspf testimony to be examinedand it will be seven days before thesecommittees will be In position to makereports

    The senate held another executivesession yesterday on the Broward caseThe senate has designated Tuesdaysand Thursdays of each exeeulive sessions

    Legislative NotesTherehave been a largo number of

    ifri nds of the Jockey club hill duringthe past week

    If the drift of sentiment contained inthe dozen or more election Mile alreadyintroduced in the legislature is to be-taken for anything tho eightbox bal-lot system In this state has about livedout Its days

    A strong sentiment exists in favor ofhaving the state elections held In Nov-ember on the same day and at or nearthe place of holding the federal elec-tion The extra expense caused byholding two separate elections isthought b many prominent partyleaders o be entirely uncalled for

    A bill the objectscalpers from the state is soon to be in-troduced That will verylikejy develop a large number of lobbyists The prize fight crowd may alsomaterialize when the fightbill is well under consideration andthero are other measures that are cal-culated to bring export wirepullers tothe seat of war

    It was amusing to witness the vigorwith which the south Florida represen-tatives repelled the Insinuation thatnor of their counties were In need ofassistance from the state Volusia wasthe only county thatadmltted that theywere suffering All the rest stated

    were able to take ofthemsflvea which is very gratifyingconsidering the severe freeze throughwhich they have passed


    Judge Lumpklu Grunts the InjunctionAgainst the W A nallroniL

    ATLANTA April 17 Thn injunctionagainst the Western and Atlantic railroad prayed for by the seaboard Air-Line has been granted Judge Lumpkin rendered the decision atoclock yesterday morning The judgetook occasion to say he had de-voted as much time and cora as poisi-hie to tho case and had endeavored toreach a jusV and fair conclusion Likeall humanity he said he may haveerred but the decision was a conscien-tious one


    1ollcaOntns Returns Plaee It Bt NurirTwo Million

    NEW YoRrtfApril IS The police cen-sus are nearly nil In The population-of New York according to these fig-ures is 888780 an increase sincecensus of the state board of healthtaken in 1893 of just 87041 This isconsidered a very conservative estimateand there is no doubt that when theactual figures are all In it will Co ma-terially increased

    Cuban Malls and IvrerW-ASHIHQTOK April to the

    troubles at Cuba the malls have fallenoff so that the post office departmenthas permitted the Plant system to makeone less per week fromto Tampa by rail and by steamboatfrom Tampa to Cub In consequenceof the yellow fever In Cuba the department is fumigate mailsfrom tropical countries

    Styslba doted at th Mew Orleans OfficeWAsmiCQTojf April 17

    department has issued an order suppleto one of a recent date describ-

    ing the provisions for the dispatch ofmails from Mobile Ala for the Cen-tral American countries to the effectthat closed malls of foreign origin shallbo sent to those countries from NewOrlean Lainstead of Mobile Ala

    Senator Ilaeon the Charires-MACOirApril W United States Sen

    atorelect Bacon yesterday filed a com-plete denial of the claim preferred In a

    recently enters by Major Hansonthat he Hanson vtnt compelled tolose tome 815000 on a bond which heguaranteed through personal friend

    for the dutanduut-

    9rtat Lou to v 2 lrSAB PKA cisco CaL rial

    four Guthrie Gos warehouse Do-Bicla In which WRS a largequantity of wheat belonging

    estate burned yesterday raera

    Mitt WreM AdraaeM-suai Co i Ap




    ber of

    of Werelit th


    of driving


    that they




    t Bat


    the1 atr1nIf

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    the first

    three contest



























    Of mbutratlM til B9rr BtmarawU-ttw ICDthaclumr taut l it Mien

    Uoo rUrwu bands Kute-F tTltl Combined

    DxTVxn April IT Thetteatlng held from the of capitol ftornoosi In honor ofthe silver General Warnerof Nw York and ssman BibIcy Philadelphia Was one of tb

    that Denver has ever MenLong before the hour which had bets

    opening the poople began toff thr laQ mi 9many thousand listeners Eacwrslontrains brought In hundreds from the

    camp On the steps of the capitol and about the great arcade weregathered many distinguished coloredcitizens The air WM delightfully mildand tIe sunsEine brilliant For ahour before the time set for thespeeches bends Judge A IVBacker Introduced Congressman Sibley who was greeted with cheersGeneral Warner followed Mr Slbley In

    practical businesslike discussion ofthe subject which has been his lifestudy He also read extracts from aletter which he had received from Sen-ator Jone explaining the cause of hisabsence and tq be with theparty at this time The letter statedthat Senator lone had fully intendedto make the western tour with MessrsSibley und Warner but on the day thathe WM to start from New York his phy-sician positively forbade him to attemp-tit Senator Jones is suffering fromheart disease and spells of great physi-cal depression The letter also statedthat he had General War-ner before the party left Chicago butthe telegram was never delivered Sen-ator Stewarts name wascheered

    CHANGES THE MANAGEMENT-Mr William IJ Oneo Appointed General

    Munifer of the ttontheraWASHINGTON April 17 Several im-

    portant changes In the managementthe Southern company wereannounced yesterday Heretofore therehave been two general managers ofthe road one for the eastern systemand one for the western orderfrom President Samuel Spencer ofNew York issued yesterday and to become effective boththe above mentioned offices and appoints Mr William H Green of thiscity general manager of the entiresyttem

    Mr C M Bolton chief engineer ofthe road having resigned M CL HHudson has been appointed to fill thevacancy

    Mr D W Lum has been appointedsuperintendent of bridges and build-ings with headquarters in this city


    Former Low Katie M terl lly JUduc 2by tact Wchedol-

    aNonroLK Va April 10 The Sea-board air line has made another bill cutfrom their original cut to meet thereductions made by the Southern railway company to compettlive pointsBoth local and through rates to allpoints north and south have been re-duced The following schedule goesinto effect todayFrom Atlanta to New York JUOO to saraPhiladelphia 1I80W saraUaltlmore lOWio tOtWashington JWtoPortsmouth S00toNorfolk 800W 100-Pctersburir Pisto T 5-Rlcbmond 98010 130Boston via New York and roll 1775 I

    PIXIE BAPTIST MAY DIVIDEHodthtrn Baptist oiirtntlon Getting to b

    too LarK an OrganisationU-AITIUQBB 10 Rev tt H

    Pitt D D of Richmond Va and J IIOambrlll of Macon Ga have signed acall urging each church In the Sou thruBaptist rssoclatlon which embraceseverything south of Mason andDixon line to send delegates to a meet-ing to be held in Washington on MayVth The object of tho convention

    consider the advisability of formingh Southern Baptbt Young Peopleuunion and It Is thought likely thatthe meeting will resolve upon someaction which will divide Union into two camps



    open all II1UI

    BtI r

    Nt or th







    A r1


    2leIIVatUeK 0is tbOanta-lV 1 tk We4


    stops theyesterday



















    UU Adranced From t78 to S

    New YORK tOThe StandardOil company has advanced its price forfield oil from 9175 to W and as a re-sult 331 is bid for pipeline certificates-A number of capitalists formerly Interested in the trade In Pennsylvaniapropose developing the Utahand if the price of theproduct holds at anything like cvrrentfigures statement fromOil City gives the shipments at 129571and runs at 83883 oil Jvaabeen put Up 1 centto 10 X centsgallon

    MR FOSTERS MISSION OVERlie for Confirm the Report of ea

    In tb EastWjkBHmOTon April 17 Mrs John

    W Foster wife qfthe ofstate has a dlspdtch from herhusband who U tothe Chinese peace eqvoythe report that articles of peace hadbeen by China and Japan Thecablegram wild that the peace agree-ment Was Monday and hat M r-1fc ter would be homo on June 1st

    Tu S rtl C roUc Stall Htor-mPATBtrsntLS N 0 April ti Tb

    heavy Ml storm J6 Cope Pea

    and stiltaGoing

    On J



    a t Nt1-O onsI4ss1 1t



    field and-Over


    thMkIh rd1rod

    414 4i I-ik7atoPt




    OnlyAnd thoroughly

    Before the poole today hiwhichabove ill other medldnefiis

    It has won its hold thfthearts of theown absolute meritIt Is not what we biitwhat Hoods Sarsaparilladoes that tells story


    Hoods CuresE-ven when all otherations and prescriptions

    Ihave beeHAfOlcted fox over twentyyears with a very sore limb caused bybed blood I begin taking HoodBampBrllli end have beta Kttlasbetter em sine and can trulythat it is the best medicine that

    seen AEUBNIWhite Pond South Carolina


    THE INSURANCE MEN STIRREDAlarm la florid Over Senator Broom

    Valued Volley BUI LIkely toPMfcJ-ACKSOJIVILLK Fla Insnr

    greatlyover Senator Uroomes valued polleybill which will como up in the senate-at Tallahassee tomorrowHartrldge of Duval has written a let-ter to a friend hero saying that the billIs likely to pass The measure is Inintended to abolish the clause in in-surance policies and compel companiesto pay the full amount risk

    If the bill should become a law said Mr JIt Morton a prominent Hre Insurance agentyesterday It Is more than likely all the lIreInsurance companies doing business In Flori-da will cancel their policies and quit he SUMleaving our people without Insurance

    Toe freeze has already shattered the creditof the country merchant and It solid Insuranceprotection should now be withdrawn It wouldbe lllte knocking out tbo last oarlook for disaster Those alto basingmortgages on their real estate will suffer as U-Is more that likely nhould the Insurance col-lateral be withdrawn i Hat tile mortgagerswill clamor their monet

    about the condition of Florida since the freezeand losses unusually auuierout tromeli parts o the state Therefore IfthU billwhloli Offers a premium on arsoncity should become a law there Is no doubtthat the lire Insurance companies Wouldpromptly cancel and quit the statS

    A CHANGE FOR THE BETTERThe Tradesman Reports Decided Imr-

    provemfnt Hi General lluslueWC-HATIAHOOOA Tenn April lV The

    Tradesman In its review for week-ending April 15th says

    The Industrial Conditions of the south wdecided Improvement In general business

    change for the better Inmanufacturing circles Iron while not higher Isstrong antI the demand Is heavy The lumbermarket also shows strength The demandmachinery torn all parts of the south Is muchheavier than for months and titerS Is creatornumber of new project than ordinarily

    AmOng the fiftythree new Industrie re-ported to tha Tradesman as established erjnc-orporatcd during tho are two canningfactories at Thonuon da Inplant at Pass Christian Miss and riOOOOel otrio pUnts at PulaskI Tenn and Taylor Textflouring mills at BerryvIIle Ark Bocky FactGa Jasper lad Klngsport Tenn PinkertonVa and Brandywlno W Vaare to be established at Raleigh N a Olewland Tens sad San Antonio Tex A Uadcompany with a capital of 178000 hat been

    at Atlanta Ga and one Neb atcon O sad Norfolk Va copltil JWOOO and850000 Coal mines will at Jas-per Ala and a 78009 cotton oil mill erect

    reported from Central B 01 and one to 6 tIs proposed at Columbia 80man Ala a cotton milt will be erected

    at HogansTlllo Oa one to sad another t Spamnburg capital ofI350WO

    Theeat i

    liable tnerve tonic VltaltJtr


    Blood rij



    people itt



    Get HOODS Iare I6ltelI-Un AU dniiIs1i

    auce orldBBr8 rmedl

    l tnator


    of the


    forinsurance companies are


    and dIshes




    le trCllitl

    bo developed

    ed at Port Worth 140000 oottoe

    At Cull

    ShintoS a




    Sari apariI1




    DhIhr tfiOass


    The qultiTshave




    Tea A mill Is












    WOMAN INSPECTORSMayor Stroog Appoint Ulu Kllek Collluu

    to School PimltloaNEW YORK April 10 Strong

    has appointed Miss Ellen Collins 6tNo 4t West Eleventh street as an in

    of schools tot the fifth districtwhich includes the fifteenth

    Wards MIss ColUna willcacti J 0 Jonoway resigned whoseterm of office will expire DecemberlaDs of Quaker tockand took an Important part in thovwork of the sanitary

    the late war She ia a wemberoithq Harvard annex committee ha beesactive for many years m school ap

    visitor to the institutions the islandsShe bought a tenementhouse In Cb rt

    street took personal charge of Itand showed remaVkable tesq andgood sense in managing the propertyand caring for her tenants

    THE FIRM ATTACKS THE tAWEnjoined Prom StakIng lUtnmi Vo slbt

    loooaoCHIOAOO April Wiowalvw

    In the United States uiyaster4x y-njqlaed Si gel Cooper Co frow

    making any return to the internal rev-enue collector under the provisions ofthe income tax law Th r tr iniaff

    granted on bill mid byGenoa Slcget one of the Newstockholders In the detehduitatlon The BlUoIw h law ndunder the order jfreBte4aaornlng the rovinrwiwnt b ou-pol dta take part An k r M t limt-to d feH4 efw U the atnr



    I ctornd




    tenement Is i I


    ordv was



    o U-








    house work and a


    the if1m



