a tradition begins

volume one number one january 10, 1971 A TRADITION BEGINS No one ever called it 11 News Calendar ... It was always the 11 Green Sheet, 11 in all ways but the name. The new name and the new look reflect both tradition and change. Two years ago, the old News Calendar was a newsletter for the faculty and administrative staff of the Medical Center. There have been some changes, first for lUI and now for IUPUI. Circulation has grown from about 700 to more than 1,800, to reach all of the IUPUI faculty and administrative staff. And the 11 Green Sheet 11 has grown heftier, from two or three pages a week to as many as eight or. 10 pages an issue. This heft buried the IUPUI Calendar in the back of 11 Green Sheet. 11 This leads to another change, another publication ... IUPUI WEEK will be published each week in the News Bureau to list meetings, seminars, conferences, films, and similar academ, ic, administrative, and social events. IUPUI WEEK is designed for bulletin boards and will be distributed to all the appropriate places which we have been able to find. Listings in IUPUI WEEK will carry such information as the title or description of the event, the sponsor, and the date, time, and place. IUPUI WEEK listings are open to student, faculty, or staff events, and to non-IUPUI groups which will hold meetings on campus. The deadline for listings IUPUI WEEK will be noon Wednesdays. They may be brought to the News Bureau or mailed to the editor, Miss Gretchen Wo 1 fram, 104 Fes 1 er Ha 11. This deadline wi 11 a 11 ow us to get IUPUI WEEK up on the bulletin boards each Monday morning. The deadline for GREEN SHEET will be 9 a.m. Thursdays. We need your cooperation. We need your news for GREEN SHEET and your listings for IUPUI WEEK --on time! Chancellor Maynard K. Hine is at home recuperating from surgery and expects to resume activities at his office within a week. While in the University Hospital, he received .an added honor. On December 30, he had been scheduled to address the annual conference of Alpha Omega dental fraternity in New Orleans and to receive the fraternity•s 1970 Achievement Medal. By means of long-distance telephone, he accepted the award and greeted the conventioneers. PLEASE POST A Service PUbLication of the IUPUI FesLer 104 PLEASE POST

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volume one number one january 10, 1971


No one ever called it 11 News Calendar ... It was always the 11 Green Sheet, 11

in all ways but the name.

The new name and the new look reflect both tradition and change. Two years ago, the old News Calendar was a newsletter for the faculty and administrative staff of the Medical Center. There have been some changes, first for lUI and now for IUPUI. Circulation has grown from about 700 to more than 1,800, to reach all of the IUPUI faculty and administrative staff.

And the 11 Green Sheet 11 has grown heftier, from two or three pages a week to as many as eight or. 10 pages an issue. This heft buried the IUPUI Calendar in the back of 11 Green Sheet. 11 This leads to another change, another publication ...

IUPUI WEEK will be published each week in the News Bureau to list meetings, seminars, conferences, films, and similar academ,ic, administrative, and social events. IUPUI WEEK is designed for bulletin boards and will be distributed to all the appropriate places which we have been able to find.

Listings in IUPUI WEEK will carry such information as the title or description of the event, the sponsor, and the date, time, and place. IUPUI WEEK listings are open to student, faculty, or staff events, and to non-IUPUI groups which will hold meetings on campus.

The deadline for listings ~n IUPUI WEEK will be noon Wednesdays. They may be brought to the News Bureau or mailed to the editor, Miss Gretchen Wo 1 fram, 104 Fes 1 er Ha 11. This deadline wi 11 a 11 ow us to get IUPUI WEEK up on the bulletin boards each Monday morning. The deadline for GREEN SHEET will be 9 a.m. Thursdays. We need your cooperation. We need your news for GREEN SHEET and your listings for IUPUI WEEK --on time!

Chancellor Maynard K. Hine is at home recuperating from surgery and expects to resume activities at his office within a week. While in the University Hospital, he received .an added honor. On December 30, he had been scheduled to address the annual conference of Alpha Omega dental fraternity in New Orleans and to receive the fraternity•s 1970 Achievement Medal. By means of long-distance telephone, he accepted the award and greeted the conventioneers.

PLEASE POST A Service PUbLication of the IUPUI Ne~s Bureau~ FesLer 104 PLEASE POST


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"f A single perfonnance of the Puccini opera 11 Manon Lescaut 11 will be given Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the North Central Hig~ School auditorium.

The opera, one of Puccini's first, is the second in the Showcase of Music series of the I.U. School of Music. Tickets are available from Mrs. Helen Zapp at the Union Building. Prices are $6, $5 and $3 with students admitted for $2. Tickets also will be available at the box office Tuesday night.

The Puccini tragedy features a beautiful girl who is victimized by a treacherous brother. Suzette Wankier, a graduate student in voice, is in the title role of Manon.

Puccini melodies and subtle characterizations are evident in this, his first successful opera. This work undoubtedly encouraged him to write such other and more famous operas as 11 La Boheme, .. 11 Tosca, 11 and 11 Madam Butterfly ...

v Other lead roles in the Indianapolis performance will be played by James Neely, a doctoral student in oral pedagogy, as Lescaut; Elliot Palay, an undergraduate voice major, as Des Grieux, and William Hartwell, a doctoral student in voice, as Geronte.

* * * /'~ Schopl of Dentistry programs in dental hygiene and dental assistance will be offered ~ in Evansville next fall under tenns of an agreement recently completed between IUPUI

and the Indiana State University Evansville Campus.

The programs are similar to those offered by the School of Dentistry for the last several years at Fort Wayne and South Bend. Dental hygiene students will be awarded a·School of Dentistry associate degree after three years of study. They may complete a fourth year of study and be awarded a bachelor of science degree from Indiana State University. Dental assistance students will be awarded a certificate after one year of study.

Dr. Ralph E. Me onald, dean of the School of Dentistry, also reports that plans are well underway to begin completely new programs in dental laboratory technology at Evansville and Fort Wayne.

* * * HOW TO GET AWAY FROM IT ALL AND HAVE A LITTLE MONEY WHEN YOU GET THER~_-- Voyager 1000 is recruiting young ladies to be flight hostesses on flights to the Caribbean Central America, and other exotic spots. Flight hostesses are paid ~Z5 per diem. Most Voyager 1000 flights are two to four days long, leaving Indianapolis Thursdays or Fridays and returning Sundays.

Applicants must be United States citizens between 21 and 28 years old. Applications must be made in writing, with an accompanying photograph, to Charles Miller, Voyager 1000, Weir Cook Municipal Airport, Indianapolis 46241.

* * * All departments and offices wanting 1971 Bloomington Campus Directories, please call Telephone Services on Ext. 7830.

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~ LEGISLATIVE REPORTS IV -- A number of bills and resolutions already have been prepared and filed for action by the Indiana General Assembly, which will convene Tuesday. The GREEN SHEET wi .ll carry weekly summaries of legislative action on bills and resolutions relevant to higher education and IUPUI. The sponsors of record for each bill and resolution will be listed in parantheses after the identifying number. The summaries of the bills and resolutions are very general. Specific information may be obtained from the sponsors.

Senate -- New Bills and Resolutions

SB 2 (Gardner-Rogers) -- Would create a State Commission for Higher Education with powers to plan, review, and co-ordinate growth of higher education.

SB 23 (Bainbridge) -- Would permit each member of the General Assembly to appoint one student each year to state-supported medical schools.

House-- New Bills and Resolutions

HB 1057 (Sanders) -- Would increase from $2,000 to $5,000 the amount of a purchase which a state, county, or : local governmental unit can make without following competitive bidding procedure.

HCR 3 (Hayes-White)--Would create a bi-partisan mental health study commission.

* * *

Season's and other greetings are being offered to Union Building visitors at the west entrance. The display of antique greeting cards is being sponsored by the Student Union Board and comes from the Hallmark Historical Collection, which contains more than 55,000 cards. Included in the collection is the bulk of the rarities once possessed by Jonathan King of London, perhaps the outstanding individual card collector of all time. Starting this week, the display will be open all month.

* * *

~ Indiana University Hospitals announces the establishment of the Department of y- Medical Electronics. The new facility is locate~n the basement of Riley Hospital,

Room 119. K The department, under the management of Perry Havens, has been organized to provide . repair service for electronic equipment, with the exception of X-Ray equipment, located on the Medical Center Campus.

The service will be offered Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

* * *

"Interested?~-The Credit Union has announced a new all-time high dividend rate of 6 per cent per year on savings accounts. Edward Lechner, Credit Union manager, says the new rate was paid for the first time on December 31, retroactive to July l, 1970. The board, which met last November, also voted to begin quarterly dividend- payment this year.

In other "financial" news, January 27 has been designated for the annual meeting of the IUI Federal Credit Union. The me~ting's purpose is to report on the previous year's business and to elect persons to fill expired terms. Board members whose


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fnterested?--cont. ~

terms are expiring are Frank Blaudow, John Ge~hr, Richard~rlin and Dr. J s p~ Ross. Credit committee members whose terms expire are Miss Arlene Wilson and Carl Hilgeman.

Suggestions for nominees ~e solic· ed by members of the nominating committee, accordin to chairman, Tho as E. Duane. If yo~hav7 ny sug~estions, here's who to call b ednesda: JamesvB aver (Law, 4996),~etty Jenkins (Hospital, 4733),

~ Rober\; a erson (Downtown Campus, 4918), Owen Paul (38th Street Campus, 612-307), vRobert Welty (School of Medicine, 8378).

* * * Aloha Department--Or. Eugene E. Levitt, chief of the psychology section in the School of Medicine, wants to rent his house while he is on a sabbatical in Hawaii. His five-bedroom, furnished, air-conditioned house is available from January 15 until July 15, 1971. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Levitt on Ext. 7324.

* * *

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK--A study of "Characteristics of Fatally Injured Drivers" done by John Hopkins University showed that "Among while males age 20-49, 1 out of every 4 drivers at fault was tattooed, compared to only 1 out of 20 who were not at fault." Conclusion~ To lessen your chances of causing a fatal accident, don't get tattooed.

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