a victorian legacy - chapter 8.1 unending university begins

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Victorian Legacy. I suggest you read the previous chapters to find out who is who and what’s what. Again I have not re-written this chapter in the conversion from the exchange, but this is the chapter I start to introduce plot and move away from being a purely observational commentary legacy. First off though I would like to issue an apology to you all. It has taken me forever to play through university, (hence the chapter title), so there haven’t been any updates for two months. However, the main characters are all now home, and I’m back with the first part of a bumper update.

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Post on 19-May-2015



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The start of generation 3s university years, the years which never seemed to end.


Page 1: A Victorian Legacy - Chapter 8.1 Unending University Begins

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Victorian Legacy. I suggest you read the previous chapters to find out who is who and what’s what.

Again I have not re-written this chapter in the conversion from the exchange, but this is the chapter I start

to introduce plot and move away from being a purely observational commentary legacy.

First off though I would like to issue an apology to you all. It has taken me forever to play through

university, (hence the chapter title), so there haven’t been any updates for two months. However, the

main characters are all now home, and I’m back with the first part of a bumper update.

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If you remember all that time ago, Charlotta and Anne left for finishing school at Acadamie Le Tour. As you can see Anne grew up just as pretty as I hoped she would.

"The important part of that sentence is grew up voice. I thought that I had made it clear that I did not want to age anymore than I had already?”

Yes, you did, but as I have said, you have to age, I can’t keep you alive and young forever.

“I do not see why not.”

It’s all about the challenge of the legacy, and playing in a way I don’t normally. Anyway, not that I’m trying to change the subject or anything, that dress is a bit daring is it not?

“I like it, I think that it suits me.”

It does, I’m not denying that Anne, I just don’t think that your parents will approve

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Charlotta has also grown up pretty, although it’s not that obvious when she just stares at the camera. She’s one of those sims who need to be moving, for you to see how pretty she is.

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Their first year passed without incident, following the same pattern I used with George, taking them to a campus lot before their lessons, and then taking back home after, so that they go to class twice in one

day. It was a bit harder with two of them because their classes were at slightly different times, but we

managed it.

Another advantage is that the two of them get to meet lots of new people.

“Kissing? You have only just met me and you are talking about kissing.”

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?”

“Uhh, no.”


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Meeting new people, of course means spending lots of time on the phone as well.

"I was thinking that we could perhaps go out on a date...hello...hello. Well really, how rude."

Try getting to know people a bit more first Anne.

"I have not got the time for that voice."

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However, I’m sure that you are all glad to know that the two of them aren’t neglecting their studies because of all of the socialising.

“Gah, so at a formal dinner, guests enter the room from highest to lowest rank, but ending with the

hostess who is accompanied by the highest ranking male guest, and followed by any un-partnered men. The highest ranking man sits to the right of the hostess and the highest ranking woman sits to the right of

the host. It then must alternate male then female, down the table. This is far too confusing, and who decides who is ranked higher than someone else anyway?”

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Allyn is such a loving mother that I can’t resist having her come and visit the girls. She’s pregnant with Alfred and James here, and as you can tell this is before I decided to brave putting Squinge’s maternity

mod back into my game following the installation of BV

“Charlotta, dear, I must say that one of the reasons I was so pleased to be sending you to finishing school is because I was hoping that they would be able to help you to improve your table manners.”

“Nex’ term muver, sea’ing ‘rangements this.”

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She also has some advice for Anne.

“Now, Annie, you know I love you dearly, but I am not very pleased with that dress you are wearing. It is too low cut for my liking. No respectable young man will look at a lady who dresses in that fashion, and

think of her as marriageable material.”

“I am not overly concerned by that mother. I am far too young to think about marriage yet”

Besides which Allyn, I don’t think that ladies dress in quite that fashion.

“Creator, I am shocked that you would allow such thoughts to cross your mind. My Annie is a good and chaste girl.

Anyways Creator, I want for my girls to grow up, met the men of their dreams, and have happy

marriages, just as I have had with George.”

Poor Allyn, her eldest daughter likes women, and her second daughter would rather woohoo the town

than settle down. Here’s hoping for her sake that Enid is more marriageable material.

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Both Charlotta and Anne pass their first year with flying colours, and William and Henry soon arrive at university to begin their first year. This time around I decided to build a custom dorm for my male Legacy

kids, so William and Henry are the first two to try out living in the Prince Albert Halls of Residence.

Once unpacked, Henry wastes no time in approaching William about something which he has been thinking about long and hard.

“So William, you went to see Di before we left.”

“How do you know that?”

“Not important brother, what I want to know is, did you tell her? Have you renounced the heir ship?”

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“No Henry, I have not. I want to be heir, and I think that I can do a good job.”

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“What? But I thought that we had come to an agreement William. I will make a far better heir than you.”

“No Henry, you came to an agreement. This may not be something which I wanted as a child, but I do

now. I will always do what is best for our family, and I believe that at this moment in time, what is best is that I take over from father as heir.”

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Upset Henry?


Look, I know that you want to be the heir, but I have already explained that William as the eldest son inherits. I promise that I will let you marry whomever you want, and live in a beautiful house where I will fulfil as many of your wants as possible. Speak to your aunts, they will tell you how nice life can be as a spare.

“Perhaps you are right voice. I have been so focused for so long on proving that I am worthy of being heir, that I have neglected to think things through in a clear and concise manner.”

Right, that’s good then, I think. I was expecting more of a fight.

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William and Henry both get stuck in to their studies, and like most of my uni students William spends much of his time on the phone.

“Hello Mother, it is nice to hear from you…Yes Henry and I are doing well thank you, how are you and

the rest of the family?”

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“Things are rather hectic here at that moment Darling. It turns out that I am expecting another child, which has come as a pleasant surprise to your father and I.

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“I have tried not to let my pregnancy slow me down, and I am pleased to say that I am now as proficient at looking after your Grandmother’s garden as she was. As a little present your father has bought me an

orange tree, so that I can increase the amount of produce that I am selling.”

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“Congratulations Mother on both those pieces of news. And how is Father?”

“Oh, he is fine, since he has become platinum, he is much more pleasant to have in the house, not that I would have had him any other way, after all I do love him very much.

He did have a bit of a fright the other day though, when your grandfather decided that George had not been to mourn at his grave enough recently.”

“Grandpa Gabe does like to make sure that we do not forget him, does he not?”

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“Indeed William. Oh, I must tell you, your brother Robert has started stepping out with a young lady who has recently moved into the neighbourhood.

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“Her name is Cecilia, and they have enjoyed several very nice dates. She seems a very nice and respectable girl.

“How about you William? Are you stepping out with anyone?”

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“Actually Mother, I met a very nice girl called Beth a couple of days ago.”

“Really, you must tell me about her.”

“Well we met in the coffee shop at the Campus Lounge, and as soon as I laid eyes on her, I was

compelled to go and talk to her.”

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“I have since been out to dine with her, and I must say our meal was lovely, and we both had a great time.”

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“I must admit Mother that I can not stop thinking about her, and what the future might hold for us.”

“William, I am so happy to hear that, and I know your father will feel the same. Has the Creator voiced her opinion yet?”

“Yes, and she seems very pleased. She shouted something like ‘yes three natural bolts’ and was even happier when she found out that Beth likes custom hair and vampirism, neither of which I have.”

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“What about your brother, has he met anyone special yet?”

“He has been out to dine with someone, but, oh Mother, she is a cow!”

“William Steven Legacy, I am shocked at you. Never in my life did I think that I would ever hear you call

another person names such as that!”

“No, no mother, you misunderstand me. She is a cow mascot.”

“Oh, a mascot.”

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“Yes. One of my early studies involved a visit to the Cow Shed, and observing their often unpredictable behaviour and psychological issues. Henry heard me discussing it one day, and asked to accompany

me. I agreed and it was then that he met Suzie. They have seen each other on several occasions, and

Henry has even confided in me that he has even peeked under her mask.”

“Oh, well, did you say that they can be unpredictable?”


“I only want my children to be happy, but I think that I need to speak to your father and see what he can tell me about these ‘cows’ from his own experiences. I am sure that you have lots of work to do darling,

so I will let you go now.”

“Goodbye mother.”

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Henry seems to have calmed down a bit since our little talk at the start of the year. He now spends quite a bit of his time studying, and ... fishing?

“It is for an assignment voice. I am studying tadpoles…”

Then surely a jam-jar would be better than a fishing rod?

“You did not let me finish voice. Why must you always be so impatient?””

I am actually very patient, I just wanted to make a point.”

“And I suppose that you think that you are funny?”

No, well, not that funny anyway. *smiles*

“Hmmph, as I was saying, I am studying tadpoles, and thought that I would expand that to include fish, and other fresh water creatures.”

Oh, ok then. Be sure to put any left over fish in the fridge will you?

*sigh* “yes voice.”

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William continues to make me love him, by being inducted into the secret society right at the start of the second semester, the quickest I have ever had a sim join.

“I am sorry officer Dorian, but I have no idea what you are doing.”

“You do not know the handshake?”

“The what?”

“Never mind, turn around and put your hands on your head.”

“Whatever for?”

“Just do it.”

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“How do they do that? Change into their coats whilst still being handcuffed.”

“Oh, it is a family trick Constable. Would you like me to teach you?”

“Please, ahem, I mean, no more talking from you Legacy, get into the car.”

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So William is inducted into the Landgrabb society, and I think it is only right that the sim who got him in greets him when he arrives.

“Beth, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, I am the one who proposed your membership. Are you pleased to see me?”

“Yes, of course, and more than a little surprised.”

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Once back at the Halls of residence, William develops a hacking cough which just won’t go away.

“*Hack, hack, cough, splutter*, I am fine really *cough* Creator.”


“*Cough, splutter, hack* no.”

Go and lie down, I’ll go and see how Henry is.

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Henry, how are you feeling?

“In perfect health voice. Why?”

Your brother is not feeling very well.

“Oh, well, he must have come into contact with some miasmas then.”


“Bad air voice. It is the cause of illness.”

I know what miasmas are Henry, I am just surprised that you are still being taught that theory, rather than Pasteur and Koch’s germ theory.

“Oh yes I have come across that. Crackpots, the two of them, along with Fracastoro, Bassi and Henle. Miniscule organisms causing illness, please, how ridiculous I was not born yesterday”

If you say so, bad smells in the air, make so much more sense.

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Back at the main house, Allyn goes into labour for the fifth and final time.

“OWWWWWWWW, I am glad that this is the last tiiiimmmmee.”

Interesting side note, but Allyn has never once rolled the want to have child, and only rolled the want to

have ten children the morning before she gave birth. Normally my family sims want to populate the neighbourhood single handedly, but not this one.

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Here we have Allyn and George’s youngest son, Charles Ernest. He has a tan skin, George’s black hair, and Allyn’s light blue eyes.

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Their tenth and final child, netting me that impossible want point (yay) is Evelyn Louise. She has red hair (another one, yippee), green eyes and the palest skin tone.

“So this is my daughter then voice?”


“Who would have thought that a pleasure sim such as myself would end up having ten children? We do not even like children, and there are those would think it cruel to put us through it.”

Uh huh.

*pause* “This was my punishment for failing at university was it not?”

Yes. I do not go in for violence even against pixels, this was something which I wanted to attempt, so you got chosen.

“Ah, right then.”

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Back at Academie Le Tour, Charlotta’s favourite past-time is spying on the neighbours using the telescope.

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She never shared what she saw, but whatever it was it incurred the wrath of John Burb.

However, it looks as if he picked the wrong sim to poke. Charlotta may have six nice points, but she doesn’t take any nonsense from anyone, and John soon leaves.

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As for Anne, well she is finding this year a bit harder than last year.

“This is so hard voice, surely there is an easier way to pass my exams.”

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See you’ve found one Anne.


Well, honestly, what better way for a romance sim to pass their exams than seduce the lecturer?

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“Anne, I know that you are my student and that if the other lecturers at the school knew this that I would be forced to resign, but I think that I love you.”

“Really? Does this mean that I have passed the semester?”



Anne is now rolling all sorts of unspeakable wants for this bloke, but as soon as the date ends, true

romance sim that she is, she soon forgets about him and starts wanting to ask Don Lothario who has just walked into the lot out on a date. She hasn’t even met him before.

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Charlotta also becomes a member of the secret society, but unfortunately the timing sucks.

“I have a final exam in an hour and a half, I can not possibly accept your invitation at this time. Is it possible for you to come back tomorrow?”

“What? No one refuses entry to our society.”

Look, Ramin, please come back tomorrow, I really don’t want Charlotta to miss her exam.

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“Hmm, I am sorry, I have thought about it, and no, I cannot do that.”

Drat and blast.


Just go along with it Charlotta, I’m sure it will all be alright. *crosses fingers*

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“Welcome to the secret society Charlotta. We are sure that…”

“Thank you. This is very kind, and I am sure that I will be an asset to this society, but I really have to attend an exam now. Goodbye.”

Yes, as soon as she had changed I had her go to her exam because it was already in progress. Of course this meant that when she returned having passed with an A+, all her money went to the secret

society, and not to the Victorian Privileged Ladies Society (the girls’ Greek house).

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The next night, and it’s Anne’s turn to be subjected to Ramen attempting the hand shake.

“Uh, voice, what is he doing?”

Oh, just go along with it Annie. For some reason they seem to forget that you need actually need to be

inducted into the secret society before you get taught the handshake.

“Yet these are our police force?”

I know, Robert Peel must be so proud, not.

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Despite her hesitation, Anne did get in the limo with Ramen, but she got in the back with someone else driving…. Y’know, I’m not sure I want to find out how comes the two of them are now in the front of the


“Well, voice I am a romance sim after all…”

Stop right there girl, it’s bad enough I know what you get up to with me at the helm, I really don’t want

images of what you could be getting up to when my back is turned.

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Anne also becomes the proud owner of a Llama blazer. You may have noticed that there are far more sims at the secret society lots this time around, well, I discovered the maxnumofvisitingsims cheat and so

set that number before playing. It makes things much more interesting at community lots.

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With the academic year nearly at an end, I decided to throw a birthday party back home for Alfred and James. Quite apart from everything else, I had six birthdays in three days to get through, and wanted to

split them up a bit.

Allyn is ecstatic to see her children. “Henry honey, it is so good to see you. You have not been calling me back when I leave messages for you! I want to know all that is going on.”

“Sorry Mother, I obviously was not given them.”

“Not true Henry, I gave you every message, and you told me you had rung.”

Unfortunately, you know what your brother is like William, he will blame everyone but himself when he

has done something wrong.

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George is also happy to see his eldest children, and is especially happy to see Charlotta in her Llama blazer.

“Congratulations my dear on joining. I am so glad that you have decided to wear the blazer. Now if you

can just put in a good word for Henry”

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“Thank you father. I was very pleased to be asked to join, even though I was asked at rather an awkward time. As for putting in a good word about Henry…well, to tell you the truth all three of us have,

but the other members are concerned. For a start they do not feel as if they know him well enough yet,

and in fact he has upset a number of them. In addition, his relationship with a cow is not the sort of image that we wish to project.”

“I see, I will have to speak to him I think.”

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“Son, please can I have a word with you before the festivities begin?”

“Of course Father.”

“Henry, there are a couple of things which are concerning me at the moment.”


“Yes, the first of which is that you have not yet been initiated into the secret society. I would like all of my descendents to achieve this; your brother managed it before the end of the first semester. Secondly, I

am not entirely happy with the fact that you are apparently courting a cow. Surely I do not need to tell you how dangerous that could be? I was tempted by Susie myself, but thankfully, I came to my senses.

Why can you not find a nice suitable girl like William has done?”

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“Urrghh, Father, I am trying to get in, I know quite a few members, but they do not seem to be at all interested in conversing with me. Every subject I broach fails to hold their attention, and they soon

remember an urgent appointment which they need to attend.

“As for Susie, I like her, I am having fun. I can not say whether or not this is serious because I do not know. Out of interest did you ever see under her mask?”

“No. I only met her once, and I would be happier if you did not see her again.”

“You would think her pretty. Anyway, I bet you would never have this conversation with William.”

“No, because William actually takes his duty as heir to this family very seriously, and would not do any

thing that could cause your mother or me distress.”

“Fine. If you will excuse me Father, I need to go and relieve myself.”

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“Grrr, why is that William is always the blue eyed boy… everything he does is always right.”

“He is the heir Henry. First born son and all that. Besides would you really want to be him? All that pressure to keep the family strong, having to marry a legacy legal sim, and live by these rules. It is

easier to be a spare.”

“You only think that Anne, because being a spare means that you never have to marry.”

“True, and I am grateful for it. If I can now just convince the voice to stop me from aging…”

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His little tantrum over, Henry finally consents to join in with the birthday celebrations, although he did nearly miss them.

“Henry hurry up, we are about to blow out the candles.”

“Coming Mother.”

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Here’s Alfred all grown up. He definitely looks to have Allyn’s mouth, nose and cheekbones

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James, on the other hand is the spitting image of George, just with blue, rather than green eyes.

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With all of the family back in the house I decide to take a family portrait for posterity. It may be a pain keeping so many sims happy, but I actually really liked having the whole family together.

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Allyn takes advantage of everyone else cleaning up the place to chat with William.

“Now darling, are you feeling well? I have noticed you coughing today, and you are looking a little peaky.”

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*cough* “To tell you the truth Mother, I do not feel too good at all at the moment. I appear to have contracted rather a nasty cough which I just can not shift.”

“Have you tried lots of bed rest?”

“Yes, but nothing seems to work.”


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“I remember reading something the other day which might help. Now let me see, if I can remember this properly. According to Cassell’s Household Guide vitamin C can be especially effective in combating

illness. I think that I can help you there.”

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“Really? *hack, hack* I was expecting you to recommend Beecham’s pills*, or some other such remedy.”

“No darling, I am sure it said vitamin C.”


I need to add an explanation here. The Beecham’s pills I am referencing are a completely different product to the Beecham’s products we buy today. The pills available in Victorian England were made of

aloes, a purgative, ginger and soap. They claimed to cure anything from stomach disorders to nervous disorders and skin complaints.

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“Here, I have some oranges that I have just picked this morning. If you do not want to eat them, you can always try squeezing them”

“Thank you Mother. It is getting late, We had all better be going.”

“Good night William. I will call and see how you are tomorrow.”

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The next day William decides to take his mum’s advice and juice the oranges she gave him.

“I have never used this before Creator. *cough*”

“William telephone…”

“Oh, right.”

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“That was strange, *cough, cough* there was no one there.”

Really? How odd, you went there straight away.

“I know. Must be one of those things.”

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“I hope this works, *cough*, this cough is driving me demented.”

I’m sure it will, I’ve read all about juices in the Prima guide.

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Umm, actually William I’m having second thoughts about you drinking that. I for one always thought that orange juice was, well, orange, but that looks brown to me.

“It is probably just the pith of the oranges William. Perhaps they were not as fresh as Mother thought.”

*sniff* “It smells alright.”

Well, if you’re sure. Food was seriously adulterated during the Victorian Era, bread, for example could contain plaster of Paris, lime sulphate and chalk to bulk it out, so hopefully some off oranges won’t do

you much harm.

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“Hahahahahahahaha, cannot hahahaha, stop hahahahaha, laughing hahahaha.”

William! Sweetie, what’s wrong?!? Please stop laughing.

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“Right, now going to go and jog.”

What?!? William, please stop freaking out on me, I can’t be having with my heir going loopy.

*deep breath* “sorry Creator, I think I have it under con…hahaha control now. Yes, that is better. I feel

a bit faint though.”

Look, go and lie down, and take it easy.

“Will do.”

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“Oh dear Abbey, it looks as if my brother has just had a strange turn. I do hope that it is not indicative of a more deep seated mental infirmity. Perhaps the pressure of being heir is starting to become too much

for him.”


“What voice? I am merely stating an opinion.”

Well keep your opinions to yourself. I am sure that your brother is fine. Now if you will excuse me I am

going to check on him.

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How are you feeling William?

“Better, thank you Creator. I still do not know what happened.”

Well rest up.

*ring, ring*

“Ah, that is probably Mother, she said she would call. *cough*”

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“William, darling how are you feeling? Have the oranges helped any?...”

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“…WHAT!...uh huh…yes, I see…”

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“William, your father and I will be right over. No, do not try to argue with me we are coming straight round to see you.”

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“Darling, I was so worried. If you are not well you really should not be outside in the cold.”

“At least I put a coat on Mother, which is more than I can say about you.”

“Hush, let us go inside.

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“Darling I was so concerned by what you said on the phone. How are you now? What happened? The thought of my baby boy being so ill…”

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“Mother, although your concern is touching, I must tell you that I appear to be fine now. As to what happened…I just do not know. I had juiced the oranges as you suggested, drank it, and then could not

stop laughing. *cough* After the laughter had subsided I was overcome with the urge to start jogging on

the spot. It was more than a little scary I can tell you.”

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“Oh my poor baby. How are you now?”

“I feel much better now, and in fact, even my cough seems to have subsided a bit.”

“Has the Creator said anything about this?”

“Well, she was very concerned about me, but she has been a bit quiet since.”

Oh, I’m still here, I’m just…thinking a few things over.

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“Well I hope you are feeling up to coming home after the end of the year. We have more than a few birthdays to celebrate, and of course I want to make sure that you have recovered fully before you get

back to studying hard.”

“I would not miss it for the world Mother. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go to bed. It has been a rather tiring day, and I have an exam in the morning.”

“Of course darling. Good night.”

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“Mother, what on earth are you and Father doing here at this time of night?”

“Henry, honey we are here to see how your brother is. I spoke to him earlier and was worried about the funny turn he said he had had.”


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“Anyway, do I not get a hug?”

“A hug?”

“Yes darling a hug. Goodness, the look on your face. You would think that I had never hugged you


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“I am sorry Mother. It is just that this funny turn of William’s has got me slightly worried is all.”

“It has caused us all concern Henry, but he appears to be recovering well.”

“What I mean Mother is I am worried that he is not up to the task of being heir.”

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“What? Now do not you be so silly Henry. This was just an unfortunate event and William is more than capable of continuing as heir.”

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“I am NOT being silly Mother. I should think that it is obvious that if William is not mentally stable then he should not be heir. The heir needs to be strong, able to lead our family and build on everything that

Father and Grandpa Gabe have done. I am questioning whether William is able to do that. This event

may well be the start of a long and lasting mental illness”

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“Henry Norman Legacy, I will not have you speak about your brother in that way.”

“But Mother…”

“No, stop it now. William has been ill for a number of days, and I am sure that this is merely a small set

back. He will make a full recovery and I am sure that he will be an excellent head of the family.”

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*sigh* “I am sorry Mother. You are right, I am certain. William will make a fine heir, plumbbob willing that his health holds.”

“Of course his health will hold Henry. I want no more talk about your brother or questions over his

suitability as heir.

Now what time can I expect you home tomorrow?”

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“Well, final exams should finish about mid day, so about two o’clock say.”

“Fine darling. Give me another hug then, your father is looking impatient to get home. See you tomorrow.”

“Goodbye Mother.”

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William doesn’t monopolise the phone at the dorm, as you can see Henry also uses it.

“Yes, I am going home later for a couple of days…yes you were right …uh huh…no…no I will not…I plan to if I get a chance…yes we will discuss it further when I return…you know I do. Goodbye.”

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Who was that Henry?

“Oh, I did not realise that you were there voice. How long were you listening?”

You haven’t told me who you were talking to.

“And you have not told me how long you were listening for. If you will excuse me I have to get dressed, I

have an exam in a couple of hours.”

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Both Henry and William pass the year with flying colours, and head home for the birthday celebrations.

George corners William in the games room eager to see how he is feeling today, after all he didn’t get to speak to him last night. Not quite sure if it was due to the fact that Allyn monopolised him, or because

George headed straight to the piano, and stayed there until he was desperate for the toilet.

“William, my son, congratulations on passing the year at the top of your class. I hope that today finds

you well?”

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“Thank you Father. It is amazing, but I feel completely better today. My cough has vanished, and as for the funny turn…it is as if it had never happened.”

“That is so good to hear. Your mother and I were most worried about you.”

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Time for the last children of this generation to become toddlers. As you can tell from this picture, I gave in and got celebration stuff, only because I think I would have gone made looking at the same cake four

times in the next two sim days.

“Can you believe our youngest twins are growing up Allyn.”

“I know George, it almost makes me broody. Such a shame that I become an elder tomorrow.”

“I would not go that Allyn, I am more than happy with our family.”

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Evelyn grows up to be a sweetie. She is a Taurus with the personality 4,4,2,10,6. The least active and most playful sim I’ve had this generation.

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Charles, is another Gemini. His stats are 4,6,9,7,1, so yet another mean, active sim, how fun.

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Following the twins, it is now time for the main event of the day, George’s birthday. I was thinking about it, and George is the first in game born sim I’ve had elderfy.

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“So what do I wish for?...hmmm”

Come on George, make up your mind, I’ve not got all day.

“…yes…that is it.”

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I must say that George, like his father has aged very well. That grey hair makes him look quite distinguished.

“Thank you voice.”

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The next night is Allyn’s turn. Once again with all her children surrounding her she makes a wish and blows out the candles.

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“Yes, someone is aging and it is not me!”

“Anne, darling please help me, I think that my back has gone.”

No it’s alright Allyn, you’re just getting old.

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Hello Kendal.

“I am afraid that I do not understand Creator.”

It’s just that you look so much like the nanny Kendal Lawson.

“Oh. Well if you will excuse me, I have to sweep up these leaves.”

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William, Henry, Charlotta and Anne don’t return to school alone, both Robert and Enid join them. Robert is quick to throw himself into his studies, and since his LTW is to become chief of staff, it seems only

proper that he reads biology at uni.

“I had a very interesting discussion today with one of my class mates today William.”


“Yes. GintasticNecat was saying that there are certain bacteria which thrive on degrading leather. They

can cause nervous disorders when consumed.”


Gin writes the wonderful The Science of a Legacy, and yes she is studying biology at university.

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“Really? Now that is most fascinating Robert. It begs the questions where did the leather come from, and how did I come to consume it and the bacteria.”

“I do not know yet brother, but if I can find out I will.”

Well I’m glad to see that one of my sims studying biology is willing to ascribe to germ theory.

“Of course voice, it makes perfect sense.”

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George wants all of his male descendents to join the Legacy Society, so William calls his friend Addison asking to pledge. It turns out to be the fastest pledge in the history of my game. As soon as Addi turns

up, William gets in.

“Wooo, William of course you can join.”

“Thank you Addison, I will make plans to join you at the house as soon as I can.”

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“Excuse me voice, are you going to mention that I too have joined the Legacy Society?”

Of course Henry. I don’t know why you would think that I wouldn’t.


Look, why don’t you go and pack, so that you too can leave for the house.


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With his two brothers out of the dorm, Robert starts to feel a bit lonely, so calls his girlfriend Cecilia who has joined the girls at Acadamie le tour.

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They agree to meet at the newly redecorated Campus Lounge.

“Cecilia, I am so glad that you were able to join me. I am so happy that the voice decided to let you grow up.”

“I am too Robert. I still love you with all my heart.”

One little caress and these two are back in love. What better way to celebrate this than for Robert to immediately go to class?

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Robert is not the only one stepping out on dates. William here invites Beth to the café in Regalton.

“Thank you for joining me here Beth. I must admit that I have been thinking non-stop about you.”


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“Yes. Beth, I love you.”

“Oh, William, I think that I love you too.”

How sweet, my little William is in love.

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With the two of them falling in love and quite a few make out sessions, they have a dream date and William is platinum.

If I want my uni age sims to have a dream date, I always take them out of the university neighbourhood,

because that way the year timer stops ticking, meaning that I can concentrate on them, rather than when their next class is.

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Henry’s also getting some lovin’, well at least he appears to be whispering sweet nothings down the phone. It appears that he is still having fun with the cow.

“One second darling, the voice is wittering on again. What was it that you wanted?”

Just checking up on you Henry, making sure that you are ok.

“I am very well as it happens voice, now if you will excuse me I am on the telephone…”

I’ll leave you and…what is her name again?


Suzie to it then.

“Thank you voice…I think that she is gone, where were we? Oh yes…”

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As the end of their second year approaches, William invites both of his parents to the Greek House.

“Mother, I am so happy to see you. You look well.”

“Thank you darling, so do you.”

“Will Father be able to make it? I cannot wait to show him the house, the Creator demolished the original

house, and is building a new one.”

“I can see that. Your father will be over once he has finished work.”

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William actually has a bit of an ulterior motive, for inviting his parents over, you see he has also invited Beth over. Whether she like it or not, Beth is about to meet her future in-laws.

“Beth dearest, I would like you to meet my mother.”

“Oh my gosh, he wants me to meet his mother already. Is my hair alright, I hope that she likes me. What if she hates me?”

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“Mother, may I introduce you to Beth.”

“Beth, it is such a pleasure to meet you at last. William has told me so much about you.”

“He has? It is very nice to meet you too Mrs Legacy. Um William are you alright? You seem to have

out your shoulder through the door.”

“I am perfectly fine thank you Beth. Well, I think that I will leave the two of you to talk for a little while.”

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“So Mother what do you think of Beth? Is she not perfect?”

“She certainly seems very nice and polite William.”

“I am so glad that you think so Mother. I think that she is the one I am going to marry. I just need to

speak to father about it when he arrives.”

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George has other things he wants to get sorted out first, namely asking Henry why he still hasn’t joining the Landgrabb Society yet.

“As I have said before Father, I am working on it. It is not my fault that they are refusing to let me in.”

“You must try harder Henry.”

“Yes father.”

Seriously, Henry is one of the most difficult sims I have had in regards to making friends. George

couldn’t make friends in person, but was good on the phone, Henry is bad whatever. Other sims just do not seem to like him.

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Henry’s lecture over, William finally gets chance to talk to George.

“Father, thank you for coming over. It is lovely to see you.”

“William, my son , you know that I am always pleased to see you, and I must say that the voice has done

a good job with redesigning the house.”

“She will be pleased to hear you say that. Father there is something else I wished to discuss with you. You have now met Beth, what do you think of her?”

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“She seems very pleasant William. I was happy to see that she enjoyed playing Myshuno with your mother.”

“Good, because I am considering asking her to marry me.”

“William that is fantastic news. I am sure that she will make you an excellent wife”

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“Well, we had better be going William.”

“Yes, I do not mean to be rude Father, but I do have an exam in the morning. *yawn*”

“Allyn, let us be off.”

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With the boys passing their final exams and their second year, let’s catch up very quickly with the girls.

Enid has moved into a dorm with Cecilia Wrenworth and Catherine Harrison. They soon become good friends.

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She then gets stuck in to the traditional university pursuits of making friends, this is Frederick Harrison, Catherine’s brother. (to get to know Frederick and Catherine more, check out Violet’s story)…

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And writing various assignments.

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Her sister Anne spent most of her third year dating and falling in love …

“I am so glad that you have overcome your reluctance to discuss kissing with me Griff, now shall we continue with the practical demonstration?”


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…receiving date gifts which I had to immediately sell…

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…asking Beth to pledge to the girl’s Greek house…

“Really Anne it is such an honour to be asked to join the Victorian Privileged Ladies Society.”

“I see that you are already starting to pick up the speech patterns of my family.”

“Yes, I have spent so much time talking to your brother, that it is beginning to become second nature.”

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…and dating and falling in love with more random dormies.

“Anne, I have never felt this way about anyone before.”

“Uhh, me neither err…Aiden.”

Despite having such

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Charlotta is busy making friends, and working towards fulfilling her LTW

“I have been dreaming of travelling the world since I was a child, Hannah.”

“Really? I too want to travel, but as a female, I cannot travel the globe on my own.”

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Charlotta also passed the year with the highest mark possible.

This chapter was originally in two parts on the exchange, and it turns out that Slideshare goes a bit funny when it tries to render over 210 pictures too, so it is still in two parts. Go now and read the second part,

found in the same post as this part.