a water revolution/dec 2012

Science to Sage International E-Magazine Revolution Water Science Healing Art Music Ancient Wisdom Sea of Life and Source of Life Colours of Water Festival

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A Water Revolution - FEATURED WRITERSIntro and Thank youGeorg SchroeckerThe Water WorldMarlin ChaplinIntro to Water ScienceThe New ScienceGene WebbA New Paradigm...Alick Bartholomew Water is the Stage ManagerFuchs & WoisetschlaegerThe Floating Water BridgeGerald Pollack, Ph.DThe 4th Phase of WaterExcerpt for his new bookWater Light and ElectricElectric Universe/Thunderbolt ProjectKonstantin Korotkov, Ph.DWater is Life and LightAlexander LauterwasserThe Structure of LifeWater StructureRichard MerrickAtomic Resonance as aFrame Work for LifeThe Means & the MessengerDr. Mae-Wan HoQuantum JazzWater & SoundJohn Stuart ReidCymaGlyhs of WaterPoemSusan AlexjanderFluid Resonance Wholly Healing WaterMasaru EmotoUrgent MessageJosef Tyls, Ph.DIn Search of Wholly WaterShui Yin Lo, Ph.DHealing WatersAlick Bartholomew Viktor Schauberger


Page 1: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Science to SageI n t e r n a t i o n a l E - M a g a z i n e


WaterScienceHealingArt MusicAncientWisdom

Sea of Life and Source of Life

Colours of Water Festival

Page 2: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Water is much more than a liquid that we drink, it is the substance

that bathes us, sustains us and records our every word. It is literally

the SOLUTION that arranges and re-arranges our matrix. It is the

medium for miracles and transformation. Without water there would

be no life.

We come into existence from the warm waters of our motherʼs

womb, birthed from a dark void and into the light of the world. And

since energy can be neither created or destroyed we are life without

end; only our energy state changes when we pass our body. Our

blood is  water-based  liquid crystal and the matter that comprises

our  brain and  body contains almost 70% water. But it is what

we make 'matter' that is our story, our frequency and our destiny. 

Science to Sage e-Magazine’s are

Themed, designed and produced

by Karen Elkins


s Is


Special thanks to the contributors. I

am grateful for their articles and inspired work. Their contribution

and fascination with water enriches

and transforms our understanding of

our designer universe.


Page 3: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012


• Intro and Thank youGeorg Schroecker• The Water WorldMarlin Chaplin• Intro to Water Science• The New ScienceGene Webb• A New Paradigm...Alick Bartholomew • Water is the Stage ManagerFuchs & Woisetschlaeger• The Floating Water BridgeGerald Pollack, Ph.D• The 4th Phase of Water• Excerpt for his new bookWater Light and ElectricElectric Universe/Thunderbolt ProjectKonstantin Korotkov, Ph.D• Water is Life and LightAlexander Lauterwasser• The Structure of LifeWater StructureRichard Merrick• Atomic Resonance as aFrame Work for LifeThe Means & the MessengerDr. Mae-Wan Ho• Quantum Jazz

Water & SoundJohn Stuart Reid• CymaGlyhs of Water• PoemSusan Alexjander• Fluid Resonance Wholly Healing WaterMasaru Emoto• Urgent MessageJosef Tyls, Ph.D• In Search of Wholly Water• Shui Yin Lo, Ph.DHealing WatersAlick Bartholomew • Viktor SchaubergerFreddy Silva• Ancient Wisdom & WaterKaren Elkins• Excerpts and ideas from the

book “InsideOUT”ARTISTS

Rebecca Kamen• Manuscript as MuseDr. Mae-Wan Ho • Rainbow SnakeEdward Cowie• Art, Music and ScienceMatt Poon• A Water MythFreddy Silva

Volume 19

A Water RevolutionExperts on the World of Water




Special thanks to Georg Schroecker for the cover image and his MANY other water images.

All material is copyrighted by Science to Sage or is

copyright of the authors. Science to Sage reprints

these articles with the consent of authors.

Colours of Water Festival, March

2013, London

Colours of Water Festival

Info Here

Page 4: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The Water World of Georg SchroeckerThroughout this edition you will see water captured through the microscope of Georg Schroecker along with his captions and thoughts. His fascination and passion has allowed us to see the wonders of water. He has also gifted

us a way to make comparisons from the micro to the macro. Special thanks from Science to Sage E-Magazine for the use for Georgʼs images. And with gratitude to Gerald Pollack for recommending Georg.

Page 5: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Place the samples on an object slide using an Eppendorf micro‐liter pipette (1uL holding capacity) Allow to dry – evaporation of liquid phaseAfter the liquid phase evaporated...Several factor impact the evaporation cycle:1. Surface of the slide is a crucial factor.2. Both environmental temperature and humidity affect the evaporation cycle.3. Electrostatic field and charges most likely affect this process too.4. I cannot exclude the presence of other influences

such as "subtle fields" (radiating fields of living}.


How are these images created?

Page 6: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Your magazines are treasures. They are magnificent. I am blown

away. Wow! James L Oschman, Ph. D

A landmark magazine of vibrant proportion

that will stir the vital essence of each one of us with contributions from Dear Konstantin, Pollack and many more visionaries of our time. - Krishna Madappa

Awesome!!! These are so amazing!!! - Pete

Your design, the contributor art, and the themed articles all track perfectly, energizing each other and the reader. Wow -- it's fabulous! -Leslie France, Monroe Institute

OMG.  This is beautiful, Karen.  This is absolutely

stunning.  Thank you for putting so much time and effort into it. - Lauri Willmot/Executive Director of Wisdom Traditions, Gregg BradenE-Z



New Science Ancient Wisdom

A New Perspective!

Super En-depthBonus BIG!

Page 7: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Rated 5 Star by Readers

Explore with Leading Edge

Scientists, Innovative

Thinkers, Best Selling Authors,

and Artist.

1. A Water Revolution2. Entangled Web3. Mystics & Women of the

Divine4. Cosmic Gateway5. Fractals Consciousness 6. Window into Your World7. Venus Awakening8. The Heart & The Mind9. Communications: Heart,Mind and Soul10. Science of Sound11. Harmonic Evolution12. Healing with Hay House13. Light & Illumination14. Origins?15. Cycles & Spin16. An Electric Universe?17. The One & the Many18. Earth19. Miracles

R a t e d 5 S t a r b y R e a d e r s

Overview of Issues http://sciencetosagemagazine.com/


SCIENCE TO SAGEA New World of Understanding

Page 8: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Liquid water is not a bit player in the theatre of life — it’s the headline act

Water ScienceWater (H2O) is often perceived to be ordinary as it is

transparent, odorless, tasteless and ubiquitous. It is the

simplest compound of the two most common reactive

elements, consisting of just two hydrogen atoms attached to

a single oxygen atom. Indeed, very few molecules are

smaller or lighter. Liquid water, however, is the most

extraordinary substance.


Although we drink it, wash, fish and swim in it, and cook

with it (although probably not all at the same time), we nearly

always overlook the special relationship it has with our lives. Droughts cause

famines and floods cause death and disease. It makes up over about half of us

and, without it, we die within a few days. Liquid water has importance as a solvent,

a solute, a reactant and a biomolecule, structuring proteins, nucleic acids and cells

and controlling our consciousness. H2O is the second most common molecule in

the Universe (behind hydrogen, H2), the most abundant solid material and

fundamental to star formation. There is a hundred times as many water molecules

in our bodies as the sum of all the other molecules put together. Life cannot evolve

or continue without liquid water, which is why there is so much excitement about

finding it on Mars and other planets and moons. It is unsurprising that water plays

a central role in many of the World's religions. This web site discusses many

aspects of water science with the exception of availability, agricultural and

environmental issues. 


  by Martin Chaplinhttp://www.lsbu.ac.uk/water/

Colours of Water Festival

Info Here

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Bodies of Water

Page 10: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

As Consciousness We Emerge

A desire bubbles up, ignites a

charge and crystalizes an idea

into form. This allows us to

‘matter’ and engage and to

transform. Depending on the

part icular perspective, any

sphere, from a grain of sand to

a planet, is its own little orb

b u s i l y o r b i t i n g i n s o m e

atmo”sphere”. And we are all

made of Atoms. (Adam)

All l ight beings experience

‘oneness’ in their individuality.

He is bodiless, yet embodied in

everything. -

The Being of Atum

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Expanding Universes

We a r e n o u r i s h e d a n d

sustained in the womb of our

mothers’ universe. Within

these fields infinite potential

exists from sea to see.

“Water of the heavens still is water, and it

still is light waves. No change whatsoever

has taken place between the waters of earth

and those of the heavens except a change

of its condition from positive to negative

preponderance. This change is due solely to

a change of its direction in respect to its

center of gravity.” -- Walter Russell


thLife comes from the void.

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Yet nearly everything we have learned about water has been left out of the conventional account of cell biology and biochemistry, even though

practically all of it is in the published scientific literature. - Mae-Wan Ho

Water is truly the means,

medium, and message of life.- Mae-Wan Ho

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Sea to Shining See...

...”mechanism for building

condensed masses is now

experimentally verified. In

order for it to work, all that is

needed is water, light, and

molecules/particles. Even if

those entities bear the same

c h a rg e , t h e y w i l l s e l f -

assemble into a condensed

m a s s . T h i s p r o c e s s i s

presumably the first step in

producing the condensed

mass that ultimately became

the cell”. - Gerald Pollack

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Geometry of Life

The very water we are

conceived in and grow in

w i t h i n t h e w o m b i s

hexagonal in structure, both

inside and outside of cells.

R e s e a r c h e r s a r e n o w

pointing to the cause of

d i s e a s e a s c h r o n i c

dehydration. It is not that

people don’t drink water so

m u c h a s i t i s t h e

unavailability of hexagonal

water in our normal water

supplies. We age based on

inability to protect our DNA

and maintain intracellular

hydration. -

Gerald Pollack

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Transfer of Pure Light

Gerald Pollack

“Water at interfaces is hexagonal

and has the ability to support and

protect the DNA from free radical

oxidative damage, and allows the

DNA to function and replicate

without mutation. Thus, it insures

the transfer of pure information in a

h a r m o n i z e d m a n n e r. T h i s

h e x a g o n a l w a t e r i s t h e

transmission medium through

which information is delivered from

DNA to RNA via short bursts of

photons (light). Others have termed

this as bio-photon bursts, or bio-

available photon interaction”.



Page 16: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

D u e t o i t s i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h electromagnetism, plasmas display a complexity in structure far exceeding that of matter in gaseous, liquid, or solid states. It has a tendency to form into cellular and filamentary structures.

Electric Universebacteria sun


The starting point of the new

cell biology is the quantum

electro-dynamical nature of

l i f e , based on quantum

coherent water created by

fluctuations of the ambient

electromagnetic field (zero-

point field or vacuum field)

and stabilized on interfaces as

liquid crystalline water. Liquid

crystalline water not only

provides the excited electrons

and protons to fuel the redox

dynamo that generates life,

but also the activation energy

and specific resonances that

super- facilitate the numerous

chemical reactions that life

entails. Such liquid crystalline

water interfaces could well

have been responsible for the

o r i g i n o f l i f e i t s e l f , b y

synthes iz ing the s imple

building blocks and polymers

t h a t c r e a t e d t h e fi r s t

protoplast by molecular

r e s o n a n c e s a n d s e l f -

assembly. - Mae-Wan Ho

Page 17: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Water is a part of the structure of

each cell. In addition to the fact that

this water is interfacing and is

ordered, it is also charged. And the

water just beyond it is oppositely

charged. This acts like a battery.






"In your cells are multiple batteries with plus

and minus charges, separated... The question is, how are these batteries charged?

The charge comes from incident radiant

energy; light, heat, ultraviolet. All of these

absorbed energies separate the charge.

The energy that's coming in from outside builds this charge separation and order. This

potential energy fills your cells. I think this energy is critical to an understanding of how

your cells work."

In a nutshell, the water in each of your cells

achieves its ordered structure from energy

obtained from the environment, typically in the

form of electromagnetic radiation, including

sunlight and infrared heat. - Dr. Pollack

Micrograph of a cell nucleus

Cortical neuron/ CC 3.0Gerry Shaw






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Significantly, quantum electrodynamic considerations strongly suggest that

under ambient conditions, water forms quantum coherent domains

about 100 nm in diameter, and that the giant

exclusion zones may represent macroscopic

coherent domains stabilized on the surface

of hydrophilic gels. - Mae-Wan Ho, Living Rainbow

I mentioned resonant energy

transfer over long distances in

bulk water under ambient conditions, with time constants of 80 fs, which is much shorter than the time constant of 1 ps for hydrogen bonds in the hydrogen-bonded network. As POM water is highly ordered and stabilized compared with bulk water, resonant energy transfer is expected to be even faster in the liquid crystalline water that permeates the cell and organism; although no direct measurement has yet been made.

Mae-Wan Ho, Living Rainbow

Page 19: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012


The image shows the entire drop with the crack‐like pattern emerging from the surface of the dried droplet.

In relation to the boundary layer of the droplet, the protuberances are fairly close to 90° in orientation and

point towards a virtual center – like in a cytoskelet.

The insert dramatically illustrates this effect even better. Maybe the charges at the droplet boundary are a major

driving entity promoting this orientation. George postulates that this is indeed tortured water as during the

manufacturing process the system presses pure oxygen through the liquid phase!

Source: energy drink which has been enriched with O2.magnification: 40x darkfield

The cytoskeleton, as you know, is very dynamic and has the important tasks of maintaining cell shape, while

enabling the cell to move, to divide, and provides tracks for intracellular transport of vesicles and organelles. -

Mae-Wan Ho

The cytoskeleton is present in

all cells, both eukaryotes

(higher organisms) and

prokaryotes (bacteria), where it

was a more recent discovery.

The cytoskeleton is a dynamic

structure that serves to

maintain cell shape, enables

the cell to move and to divide,

and pro- vides tracks for

intracellular transport of

vesicles and organelles. It also

offers an enormous surface

area for anchoring enzymes in

the cytoplasm, and most of all

for interfacial liquid crystalline

water. - Wae-Man Ho

The Cytoskeleton in all Cells

Page 20: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

When the Bible says,

“Thou shalt not judge” ...

consider that what you

bring “charge” to is your

“current” issue.

This is not good or bad. It’s

your free will--you are free

to charge.

You magnetize what

electrifies you. That is

what is in your field.

Georg Schroecker

It has not escaped the notice of some biologists that the complex structure of the cytomatrix is fractal. - Mae-Wan Ho

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Due to its interaction with e l e c t r o m a g n e t i s m , p l a s m a s d i s p l a y a complexity in structure far exceeding that of matter in gaseous, liquid, or solid states. It has a tendency to form into cellular and filamentary structures.

The field responds to the charge.M



space brain

P l a s m a i s h i g h l y scalable, and super-

computing capabilities have enabled us to m o d e l p l a s m a behaviors on galactic scales ... utilizing only

a few simple formulae.These models are consistent with reality.


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atmosphere of Jupiter

atmosphere (New Latin atmosphaera, created in the 17th century from Greek ἀτμός [atmos] "vapor"[1] and σφαῖρα [sphaira] "sphere"[2])





These structures derive from the fact that a charged particle flow (or current) produces a ring of magnetic

fields around itself, 'pinching' plasma into multi-filamentary strands, as can be seen on both cosmic and more localized scales. - Electric Universe

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Alick Bartholomew

Though not recognised by mainstream science, you can say that, in some sense,

living water performs this intercommunicating function between all

organisms, groups of organisms, populations, natural kingdoms and

the world, creating a network of sensitivity throughout all of life,

even between life on Earth and the Cosmos, so that nothing can

happen without affecting other processes; all are linked together by water. It may even

drive evolution.

Alick Bartholomew


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Judas said, Tell us what existed

before heaven and earth came into

being. “The Lord said, “There

was darkness, and water,

and the Spirit came upon

the water. Yet I tell you truly that

what you are seeking is already within you...- Dialogue with the Savior

When you speak and share it is

carried by the current. Note the fractal

patterns in the current. Fractals have

a feedback loop. So be mindful of

what you speak as what you spread

will come back to you.

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Carried by the Current

Water and aether(ether) it appears one is just

a finer form of the other.

From a fish moving through water, an airplane wing

maneuvering through air, or the Canadian Arm moving in

space their motions reveal fluid vortices.

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Wateris the source of life and light

by Ph.D., Professor Konstantin Korotkov

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Even in its quiet state water emits photons, and they can be detected by supersensitive equipment. And by the activity of the emission one can see the reaction of water on the rising of the Moon, a change in atmospheric pressure or human emotions. One of the methods of such studies is Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) based on Gas Discharge Visualization (EPI/GDV) technique, increasingly used to study health and psychological state.

We have said that without water life on Earth would be impossible in principle. And anyway, it seems that any conceivable life forms can exist only in the presence of water.

Water is Life!

But water is also


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EPC water test

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EPC Water TestThe patient places his fingers on the

screen of the device, and the computer analyzes the glow that is developing around the fingers when short electric pulses are applied to them. This is a modern computer version of the well-known Kirlian effect. EPI/GDV technique has earned recognition of medical professionals as well as analysis of well-being and express diagnostics of the state of individual organs. Clinical trials conducted in the largest Russian and American universities and research centers have shown high efficiency of the developed diagnostic method.

Under the impact of the electric field almost all objects of the environment glow; and, of course, water and other liquids glow, too. EPI/GDV research of water glow was published in many papers, and a number of theses on this subject were defended. It was shown that the nature of glow characterizes the structure of the liquid. Distilled water produces a small even circle of light; the glow o f tap wate r i s b r igh te r and more inhomogeneous, whereas activated liquids produce bright flashes of glow. All parameters of these kinds of glow are measured quantitatively, so that we can assess the “character” of the tested water sample.

EPI/GDV technique quantif ies the response of water to the environmental conditions and to different effects. As an example let’s take the dynamics of change in the glow area of drops of two samples of water immediately after opening the sealed bottles and 4 hours later.

Using this method, you can test the quality of bottled water and its compliance with the manufacturer's parameters, and such verification is much faster and cheaper than chemical analysis.

The sensitivity of EPI/GDV in studies of water enables us to study the reaction of water to various influences. For example, you can record a statistically significant difference in the glow area when comparing the initial water and water exposed to alternating magnetic field or acoustic waves. An interesting issue is to study the influence on the water of the form effects, in particular, pyramids, historical and religious buildings. During expeditions to the Russian North, to Mexico, Peru, India, Venezuela we conducted a series of experiments during which water samples were placed in the area of the object under study for a few hours, after which, in many cases a statistically significant difference was found in the parameters of EPI/GDV images of the samples as compared with the control ones.

EPC/GDV CAMERA by Dr. Korotkov

Learn more about

Electro Photon Imaging ...click


Page 30: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

During such experiments it was observed that the result depends strongly on the time when the water was under the influence of the object. In 2009 a long experiment was conducted. Two liters of filtered tap water were poured into a glass jar and settled for several hours, after which the water was poured into two sterile 1-liter glass vessels, so that with the closed lid of the vessels there was no air inside. Both vessels were sealed. One vessel was placed under an opaque pyramid; the second was put at a distance from the pyramid and covered with light-proof cloth. The pyramid was oriented to the cardinal points. In this position the samples remained for 3 months, after which the vessels were opened and each sample was measured 8 times. Measurements showed that with 99% probability the tested samples had a statistically More »significant difference. This quite objectively proves that the pyramid affects water, and hence the human body. However, it is unclear how much time should be

spent under the pyramid, of course, if you have not yet turned into a mummy.

The informative power of EPI/GDV method for studying liquid-phase objects was demonstrated in the studies of glow of microbial cultures, the blood of healthy individuals and cancer patients, blood reaction to allergens, homeopathic remedies of 30C potency, flower essences, and ultra low concentrations of various salts. A large series of studies have shown statistical differences in the glow of natural and synthetic essential oils having the same chemical composition by the results of spectrographic studies, as well as fruits and vegetables grown organically and with the use of fertilizers. You may find a lot of references in our books and on different web-sites. Of particular interest was the work on the influence of human emotions on water, and this issue is worth considering at greater length.

Pyramid Influence

Konstantin Korotkov, PhD. ProfessorSt. Petersburg University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia


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The Energy of Consciousness

This book describes spiritual adventures with mediums, healers, and ordinary people on various continents. It is written by mountaineer, professor and a world renown scientist, who has devoted his life to the study of spiritual worlds from a scientific perspective.

Science, Information, and Spirit  this is a recurring slogan of his work for many years. This is a book about unusual situations in the world around us, and about unusual lives of apparently ordinary people in different countries. Measurements of health, prayer and love these are only some topics of these studies. Life – is a great adventure in our everyday reality, and you may receive a strong impulse of optimism by reading this book.


by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

The EPI/GDV (Electro Photon Imaging) system provides non-invasive, painless and almost immediate evaluation which can highlight potential health abnormalities prior to even the earliest symptoms of an underlying condition, and suggests courses of action.  These may include identifying an area for further medical exploration, suggesting products that may be beneficial (such as vitamins, minerals, supplements), or evaluating energy, stress and vitality.  In each case, the EPI scan can provide a broad spectrum of information and supportive suggestions. 

EPI utilizes a weak, electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond.  The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of  light energy photons.  The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. 


Learn more about

Electro Photon Imaging ...click


Page 33: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

He has published over 200 papers in leading journals on physics and biology, and he holds 17 patents on biophysics inventions. Prof. Korotkov has led a research career for over 30 years, combining rigorous scientific method with an insatiable curiosity about things of the spirit and the soul with deep respect for all life. He is also a scholar in philosophy and a serious mountaineer of 25 years experience. He has given lectures, seminars and training sessions in 43 countries, presenting papers and workshops at more than 100 national and international conferences.

He is the author of 9 books; Most of them are translated to English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, including Light After Life: Experiments and Ideas on After-Death Changes of Kirlian Pictures, USA 1998. Aura and Consciousness – New Stage of Scientific Understanding, Russian Ministry of Culture, 1998. Human Energy Fields: Study with GDV Bioelectrography, USA 2002. Spiral Traverse, (USA?) 2006. An editor of the book: Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Art.  GDV Bioelectrography series, USA 2004.

At the V Congress of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography (IUMAB) in Curitiba, Brasil, (Brazil, in USA) in 2001, Dr. Korotkov was elected as President of the IUMAB by the world’s most prominent researchers. He was re-elected as a President in 2005 and 2010. He is a Member of the Federal University Scientific Board on new medical technologies, Member of the Scientific Board of the European Society of Predictive Medicine (France) and of the Editorial Board of the «Journal of Alternative and  Complementary Medicine» (USA).

The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 1000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 150 papers are published on GDV in (how many) different countries.

Ph.D., Professor Konstantin Korotkov

holds the following positions:

• Deputy Director of Saint-Petersburg Federal Research Institute of Physical Culture.

• Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

• Professor of Research in Saint Petersburg Academy of Physical Culture.

• President of the International Union for Medical and Applied Bioelectrography.

• Consultant for Aveda Co (USA).

• Member of the Editorial Board: «Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine», “Journal of Science of Healing Outcomes”. Books available : http://www.backbonepublishing.com/books/other-books

Page 34: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

TheStructure for Life

With in the v ib ra t ing sound , the momentum of the all-pervasive, vitalizing creatively welling forces and energies take effect. We find within the light, flashing up and brilliantly streaming through space, more the momentum of the forces ordering space, and creating distance, so that the clearly articulated, chanting and the rhythmicity of the vibration stream of sounds and tones. Words appear as “illuminated sounds.” The rhythm-in-flowing as the light in sound, the “fire in water” as the meaning in the word. The Greeks called it Logos and meant the synchronicity of ʻmindʼ and ʻspeech, ʼ the sounding Word as announcement of the mind.

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A l e x a n d e r L a u t e r w a s s e r

In many myths of the world

ʻwater ʼ appears as the

central theme of the genesis

of creation; ... The liquid

primordial soup is not

something ʻarisen ̓ but the

e x p r e s s i o n o f p u r e

becoming and ʻforming,ʼ a

flowing, streaming medium,

o f t h e a r c h e t y p a l ,

embryonic world-seed as

living, pulsating vibration.

(NICKLAUS 1994: 21ff;cpl SCHNEIDER


Page 36: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Source: mountain spring water (Granitzl, Mariapfarr,

countryside of Salzburg, Austria) magnification: 40x


Source: mineral water is the typical high mountain spring water, below is the mineral water from vienna.(Lower Austria, near Vienna) magnification: 100x darkfield

A classical observation from

water samples taken above

approx.1500m sea level; this

pattern is frequently found in

mountain spring water

samples. Apart from the “black

hole”, another characteristic

feature is the bluish – sky‐like –

hue surrounding the darker

spot in the center. At these

altitudes the contribution from

cosmic rays is already much

larger – could this promote the

formation of the “black hole”?water




black-hole in space



Page 37: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The story needs to be told simply of how water is the stage m a n a g e r o f l i f e , communicating to our bodiesʼ cells how to be part of a vast biological orchestra; how it distributes energy to make the environment balanced and productive. Indeed the very laws which govern the harmonious movement of the planets also determined the form and behaviour of our organic life, through water.#

This extraordinary picture of waterʼs part in the evolution of life derives from the discovery by quantum physics of the field that interconnects all of creation in a vast web of energy. Rudolf Steiner and his interpreter Theodor Schwenk believed that the quantum (or etheric) field contains the encoded data bank of information required for evolution to proceed.

The energetic qualities of water at the quantum level: their role in creating and sustaining life and balancing the environment; how water may stimulate evolution by constantly encouraging greater complexity, interdependence and integrity in all of creation; and especially its role in instant communication — all of these qualities I have chosen to synthesise collectively as "the water medium".


By Alick Bartholomew



Water is the Stage Manager

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milky way galaxies


drop water

Plasmas are highly scalable, and super-computing capabilities have enabled us to model

plasma behaviours on galactic scales ... utilizing only a few simple formulae. These models are consistent with reality. - Electric Universe




This is a picture from a homeopathic eye drop. (medicine)

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The Carrier and Matrix of Life





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A New Paradigm of Water

that Changes All Paradigms.

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This tipping point in our understanding is a transformational place, a portal in new realms, where the mystical fuses with scientific. This new imagining takes us beyond the bounds of our present western intellectualism.

Theodor Kaluza ,a mathematician, challenged Einstein to produce the evidence for the predicted fifth dimension from his formulas because Einstein thought them elegant yet lacking in any physical evidence.

Einstein was open to learning. When he read the proposed concept of Bose, they developed something called a new state of matter. The Bose-Einstein condensation is the cloud that matter transition through, a gas of quantum particles with amazing properties: unlike a gas of classical particles which will remain a gas unless the particles attract one another, a gas of quantum particles can condense into some kind of liquid even without a force of attraction between them.

Plasma is called the forth state of matter. Most of the known universe is matter in its plasma state. Yet there are still finer states of matter  (the pure essence of matter), and we must continue to go to the “event horizon” of our knowledge to examine the finer states of matter.

Space is just a finer form of the water on earth. It's conductive design is micro to macro, it is system within system. Water is still water in any state and responds to forces that we know little about such as gravity which can change the polarity of water.

Scientists and sages are

exposing the mystery of

water. The matrix and

meaning of life are brought

together with visuals that

reveal the complexity in a

beautiful and simple form.

Sometimes an idea can

change the way we think

about everything. Water is

just one of those ideas.

Here is woven a tapestry of

where many scientists ideas

converge revealing a new


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This three-dimensional map offers a first look at the web-like large-scale distribution of dark matter, an invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the Universe's mass.

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The Signature of Water is seen everywhere in the universe. It is the scaffolding of all structures of life.  I suggest that what we call dark (gray) matter is really the pure essence of water.

Water carries the coded i n f o r m a t i o n f o r t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n o f t h e r e s o n a n c e r a t i o s a n d harmonic octaves of the quantum field of energy that surrounds all matter. The same description is being used to explain how dark matter with itsʼ gravitational lensing bends light in space.


InfiniteWaves of PossibilitiesMagnetism shapes DNA in spacehttp://www.magnetism.com/magblogarchives/2006/03/magnetism_shapes_dna_in_space.html

Waves Noted & Coded

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Carlos Frenk in England has designed a super-computer that emulates the universe. By adding five times more dark matter than regular matter and running the program for the equivalent of ten billion years the clumps of matter form the galaxies as we see them in the present universe. 

Richard Massey of Edinburgh Scotland has calculated graphically the shroud of dark matter that is the scaffolding around every galaxy. Ordinary matter whether micro or macro lives inside the dark matter scaffolding. The “particulates” of dark (gray) matter have allowed everything we know to form. It is the scaffolding of all life and matter. 

This  dark matter may be  the pure essence of water and how it sustains all life in the universe. A simple form of the “water scaffolding” is when water reconsti tutes a dehydrated substance showing waters partnership and power with the development and growth of life. It works harmonically with DNA , our stem cells, the electromagnetic pulses of life. It leaves its signature on everything.

by Gene Webb

Gene Webb Suggestion viewing the “ Wormhole” Video http://www.cornel1801.com/bbc/THROUGH-WORMHOLE/108-beyond-darkness.html

Quantum field theory

A Wave is Made of Rotating Spheres

Walter Russellʼs Wave CycleWaves and Spheres

Sound Creates and Shapes, Ether/Water is the Medium for Life, H20 gives our word, the breath of life.

“particulates” of dark (gray) matter

“The Theory of


Page 45: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Star Found Shooting Water "Bullets""If we picture these jets as giant hoses and the water droplets as bullets, the amount shooting out equals a hundred million times the water flowing through the Amazon River every second," said Lars Kristensen, a postdoctoral astronomer at Leiden University in the Netherlands.


Black Hole Hosts Universe's Most Massive Water Cloud...The vapor around this particular quasar represents enough water "to fill all the oceans on the Earth over 140 trillion times—that's a lot of water."


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Doctorate - Astronomer Otto Struve called it "undoubtedly the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy".

Shapley persuaded Payne to write a doctoral dissertation, and so in 1925 she became the first person to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy from Radcliffe College (now part of Harvard). Her thesis was "Stellar Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars".[3] Payne was able to accurately relate the spectral classes of stars to their actual temperatures by applying the ionization theory developed by Indian physicist Meghnad Saha. She showed that the great variation in stellar absorption lines was due to differing amounts of ionization at different temperatures, not to different amounts of elements. She correctly suggested that silicon, carbon, and other common metals seen in the Sun's spectrum were found in about the same relative amounts as on Earth, but that helium and particularly hydrogen were vastly more abundant (for hydrogen, by a factor of about one million). Her thesis thus established that hydrogen was the overwhelming constituent of the stars (see Metallicity).

When Payne's dissertation was reviewed, astronomer Henry Norris Russell dissuaded her from concluding that the composition of the Sun is different from that of the Earth, contradicting the accepted wisdom at the time. However, he changed his mind four years later after deriving the same result by different means. After Payne was proven correct, Russell was often given the credit, although he himself acknowledged her work in his paper.

C e c i l i a P a y n e - G a p o s c h k i n

BornMay 10, 1900Wendover, BuckinghamshireDiedDecember 7, 1979 (aged 79)Cambridge, MassachusettsResidenceLexington, MassachusettsCitizenshipEnglish-AmericanNationalityEnglishFieldsAstronomy, AstrophysicsInstitutionsHarvard College Observatory, Harvard UniversityAlma materCambridge University, Radcliffe College (Harvard College Observatory)Doctoral advisorHarlow Shapley, Arthur EddingtonDoctoral studentsFrank KamenyKnown forExplanation of spectra of Sun, more than 3,000,000 observations of variable starsNotable awardsAnnie J. Cannon Award in Astronomy (1934), Rittenhouse Medal (1961), Award of Merit from Radcliffe College (1952), Henry Norris Russell Prize (1976)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecilia_Payne-Gaposchkin

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Salt Water into FuelSalt water burns!


“New” Energy Idea

John Kanzius Redux: Burning Salt Water?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRCyQkofmGE&feature=relatedv=WRCyQkofmGE&feature=related

Page 48: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The Floating Water Bridge

it travels...

The most important function of biological water is to facilitate rapid inter-

communication between cells and connective tissues, so that the organism can

function as a coordinated whole. - Alick Bartholomew

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it spins...

itʼs charged.

it shines...

it spins...

credits: Fuchs/Woisetschlaeger

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1 Solid 2 Liquid 3 Gases 4 EZ

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Is the EZ (exclusion zone) a simple,

organized stack of water molecules, or

does it have some other crystal-like

organization? And does that structure

really constitute a fourth phase of


The Russian story began, back, when an

obscure scientist named Nikolai Fedyakin

discovered that, under certain conditions,

water could become unexpectedly stable: it

became difficult to freeze and difficult to

vaporize. It also seemed denser and more

viscous than bulk water. Excited by this

unusual stability, Fedyakin took his results to

the Soviet Union’s most prominent physical

chemist, Boris Derjaguin. Derjaguin was

impressed enough to launch a cadre of

lieutenants in hot pursuit.

A Fourth


of Water?



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The central question we faced was the exclusion zone’s molecular structure.

A good way to deduce possible structures is to start by looking for a precedent. If exclusion arises from ordered water, then a logical approach involves investigating known ordered water structures.

Ice was the most obvious candidate. Ice has a well-known ordered structure. And ice excludes: as it grows, it pushes out molecules and particles, creating a crystal largely free of debris. Could ice’s structure offer a clue to EZ structure?

The planes of (standard) ice are arranged in hexagonal units (Fig. 4.5). Repeating units create the familiar honeycomb sheet made of oxygen and hydrogen. Protons link each sheet to any sheets lying above and below. Those protons bond oxygen atoms, creating ice’s rigid structure. Only every other oxygen is bonded; the remaining oxygens, being electronegative, repel one another, creating the slight pucker evident in each planar sheet.

Figure 4.5. Structural model of common ice viewed from two different angles. Oxygen atoms are red. Hydrogen atoms (not shown) lie midway along the lines connecting the oxygen atoms. Interplanar protons (blue, right) link every other oxygen. The linkages create a pucker, which makes the arrangement of atoms seem less planar and more tetrahedral.

Volvic‐table water .... Detail from the EZ

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Georgeʼs Blood Sample magnification: 500x darkfield (additional 5x from camera objective) - Left 1000x darkfield

During the drying phase Red blood cells (RBC, each 8μm in diameter) group been together to form a hexagonal network – a process well‐known to healing practitioners, but very rare to see.

The hexagonal network remains in place even when the entire cluster moves (tilting the object slide). I just can not explain why suddenly produced the 6‐ dimensionally. I was even able to even see that the 6 ‐ shape remains very stable, even though the entire erythrocyte “cluster" was in motion!

The term Plasma was bo r rowed f r om b lood plasma in order to describe its almost life-like and s e l f - o r g a n i s i n g properties. - Electric Universe

Blood Hexagonal

A mature red blood cell is 65% water

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The exclusion zone, on the other hand, is not rigid; it behaves as

a viscous liquid. This means that the structure of ice does not

adequately model the EZ’s structure. A minor tweak of that ice

structure, however, provides a possible EZ candidate. The

correct EZ structure requires some fluidity; liquids gain their

fluidity when constituent layers can slip past one another. For the

exclusion zone, then, a model worth considering is a stack of ice-

like planes devoid of those rigidifying interplanar proton linkages.

Without the linkages, the planes could slide past one another,

conferring the required semi-liquidity. This model seemed


In a different vein, the planar model helps us to reconcile an issue

that chemists have not resolved: why gels retain so much water.

Gels hold their water. Remember that gels don’t leak, even when

their fractional water content exceeds 99.9 percent of their total

mass. Now we can venture an explanation of that phenomenon.

The gel matrix comprises numerous hydrophilic strands. The

strands’ surfaces convert bulk water into EZ water. The EZ

planes stick to those nucleating strands and also to one another;

hence, your gelatin dessert remains hydrated. The EZ water

doesn’t dribble out.

Finally, the proposed structure makes clear why exclusion zones

exclude. They exclude because solutes can enter the EZ lattice

only through the hexagonal openings, and those openings are

small. The actual impediment is even more formidable: because

successive EZ planes are out of register, the effective openings

are narrower than the planar hexagonal openings. The lattice is

extremely tight, and therefore highly exclusive of solutes. Only

protons and smaller entities are small enough to penetrate.

Figure 4.19. Stacked dipole model may lead to wobbling and disorder (left); however, disorder is minimized when elements interconnect to form extensive planar structures (right).

Garlic Leaf

Corn Stalk


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Apart from the meandering capillary, there a particle‐free band surrounding the core of

the drop – probably a by product of the exclusion zone

while the droplet was still in its liquid phase.

Dew drop magnification: 40x darkfield

Same dew drop magnification: 600X darkfield

On the other hand, protons ordinarily don’t

exist as distinct entities; they stick to water

molecules to form hydronium ions, which are

far bulkier than protons and therefore excluded.

Exclusion of even hydronium ions ensures

maintenance of the electrical potential

difference between the EZ and the water


Real EZs differ from generic EZs. Generic EZs

contain full hexagonal lattices. Real EZs are

less regular: they may lack oxygen atoms and

hydrogen atoms at positions that reflect the

nucleating surface’s charge distribution, and

they may suffer erosion.

Exclusion zones seem both extensive enough

and distinct enough to qualify as a separate

phase of water. Recognition of this “fourth

phase” has only just begun. Its elucidation

promises to shine light on what transpires

when water touches practically anything

outside or inside.

Page 56: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

like likes like

EZ Membranes Surround Bubbles

...we considered particle-

particle “sociology”: like-

l ikes-l ike attract ions

d r e w l i k e - c h a r g e d

particles together into

o rd e re d a r r a y s a n d

s o m e t i m e s i n t o


Given enough time, like-l ikes-l ike attract ions between bubbles can bring order.

Gerald Pollack


w D


It stands to reason if we are made

of 70% water, and come from

water, that we would have the

proporties of water and behave

like water.

Karen Elkins

Page 57: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Foam, scanned by myself, GNU FDL

The bubbles tend to cluster,

Just like people who cluster to their family, community, religion or country.

bubble-free regions in between.

Just like people, we live spaces between our homes, towns and cities.

Sometimes smaller clusters will grow into larger ones.


Bubble-bubble attractions can also be seen underwater.

Yes we tend to school together.

Science Gerald Pollack

Social Commentary Karen Elkins

We ClusterOrganisms like to bond to like.

In this framework, agents that

inhibit the like-likes-like

attraction should inhibit


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Image credit: http://history.nasa.gov/SP-345/ch15.htm#250

Figure 4.14. Shifting successive planes by 60° yields a helical structure.

(The magnetic field lines and current paths in a Birkeland current (or magnetic rope).

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Research Work of Dr Gerald Pollack

More Video’s and Articles


With rave pre-reviews, Gerald Pollackʼs book on water will be available in early 2013 from Ebner and Sons www.ebnerandsons.org. The book is designed for the non-expert. Pollack invites us to open our eyes and re-experience our natural world, to take nothing for granted, and to reawaken our childhood dream of having things make sense.

  A preliminary version of the book can be freely down loaded f rom Po l l ack ʼs homepage h t t p : / /faculty.washington.edu/ghp/.

Hydrophilic surfaces generally contain oxygen atoms, and one possibility is that

those surface-oxygen atoms form a template. If enough of those atoms’ positions

correspond to the positions of oxygen atoms on the EZ honeycomb, then the surface

itself could be thought of as the first EZ plane. Additional planes would then stack

from that template plane.

How does the EZ construction process begin?

Presenting at;

Colours of Water: A f e s t i v a l o f a r t , science and music inspired by water.w w w . i - s i s . o r g . u k /coloursofwater/

Click Here for Details

Colours of Water Festival

Info Here

Page 60: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Honors & Awards■ Honorary Professor, Russian Academy of

Sciences 2005■ Fellow, Biomedical Engineering Society, 2005■ National Science Board Task Force for

Transformative Research, Advisor, 2005-2006■ Inaugural Chair, Annual Conference on the

Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 2006, continuing

■ Annual Faculty Lecture Award, 2008 See archived video of the lecture

■ Founding Editor-in-Chief, WATER :A Multidisciplinary Research Journal www.waterjournal.org 2009

■ NIH Transformative R01 Award, 2009.Selected Publications■ Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, Ebner and

Sons, Seattle, 2001 Zheng, J.-M., Chin, W. –C, Khijniak, E., Khijniak, E., Jr., Pollack, G. H.  Surfaces and Interfacial Water: Evidence that hydrophilic surfaces have long-range impact.  Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.  127:  19-27,  2006.

■ Klyuzhin, I, Symonds, A, Magula, J and Pollack, GH: A new method of  water purification based on the particle-exclusion phenomenon.   Environ. Sci and Techn, 42(16) 6160-6166,

■ Ovchinnikova, K and Pollack, GH: Can water store charge?  Langmuir,25: 542-547, 2009.

■ Zhao, Q, Ovchinnikova, K, Chai, B., Yoo, H, Magula, J and Pollack, GH.  Role of proton gradients in the mechanism of osmosis.  J. Phys Chem  B113: 10708-10714, 2009.

■ Nagornyak, E, Yoo, H and Pollack, GH: Mechanism of attraction between like-charged particles in aqueous solution. Soft Matter, 5, 3850 – 3857, 2009.

■ Chai, B, Yoo, H. and Pollack, GH: Effect of Radiant Energy on Near- Surface Water.  J. Phys. Chem B 113: 13953-13958, 2009.

YOU-Tube - Water , Energy, and Life: Fresh

Views From the Waters Edge

Pollackʼs book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life (www.cellsandgels.com) builds on the central role of water for biology. It provides evidence that much of the water in the cell is very near to one or another hydrophilic surface and therefore ordered, and that cell behavior can be properly understood only if this feature is properly taken into account. It goes on to show that seemingly complex behaviors of the cell can be understood in s imp le te rms once a p roper understanding of water and surfaces is achieved.

The book is an award-winning best seller, yet it has aroused debate because it questions some long-held basic features of cell function such as membrane channels and pumps. Many others have praised the insights obtained from building on a foundation of first principles (see book website above). One prominent reviewer from Harvard University opines that the book is “a 305 page preface to the future of cell biology.”

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The starting point of the new cell biology is the quantum electro-dynamical nature of life,

based on quantum coherent water created by fluctuations of the

ambient electromagnetic field (zero-point field or vacuum field) and stabilized on

interfaces as liquid crystalline water. Liquid crysta l l ine water not only provides the excited electrons

and protons to fuel the redox dynamo that generates life, but

also the activation energy and specific resonances that super- facil itate the numerous chemical reactions that life entails. Such liquid crystalline water interfaces could well have been responsible for the origin of life itself, by synthesizing the simple building blocks and polymers that created the first protoplast by molecular resonances and self-assembly. - Mae-Wan Ho

Liquid Crystalline

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Atomic Resonance as

a Framework for Life

All life on Earth is composed mostly of carbon-12 and water. This is the case because carbon-12 bonds or resonates with more simple elements than any other element in the universe. It is for this very reason that carbon-12 is the international standard for atomic weight and al l other elements are measured against it. With 6 protons + 6 neutrons in its nucleus and 6 electrons orbiting in two shells, carbon-12 exhibits the lowest possible energy of all the e lements and is said to be ʻunboundʼ, thereby creating the most stable atomic geometry possible. When mixed with water, carbon-12 creates endless chains of sticky amino acids capable of crystallizing into life.

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This idea of life as a crystallization process is a good one because just as minerals align under pressure into lattices, coils of amino acids fold under pressure into three-dimensional protein structures, aligning into the familiar helical lattice of DNA. It is the geometric pressure of hydrogen atoms in water that helps create the lattice and give DNA its twist.

In recent molecular studies of water, biochemist Martin Chaplin found that water organizes itself naturally into a lattice of icosahedral clusters, just as Greek philosopher Plato proposed more than two millennia ago. Water really does resemble the 12- pointed, 20- faceted geometry of an icosahedron.The water lattice begins as 4-fold tetrahedral units of 14 water molecules, aligning into 20 clusters to create the geometry of a 280-molecule water icosahedron (Fig 4). This structure then assumes a variety of stable, geometric sub-structures (such as its complementary dodecahedron) that form into even larger superclusters. At this mesoscopic scale of water, molecules arrange themselves into a 2-dimensional connectivity map of a regular 5- fold pentagon.

Click here for full article...

Richard M



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The inspiration for my soundtrack has been a fascination with how the body

plays, moves, talks to itself, balances and creates health at every moment. At

the same time it communicates with the fluid forces of Nature, Earth, and the Matrix - intelligent fields that enfold and

inform us. Fluid is also an homage

to the brilliance of water that

enables this process. Above all it is

an art piece designed for pleasure. I hope that we wi l l en joy hear ing (and

envisioning) ourselves in rhythms, frequencies, tones and pulsating tides -

possibly remembering some aboriginal magic that lives within us. Did we once know how to be connected to everything

else, in joy, flow and abundance?

Sample Here

resonance creation

Page 65: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

fluid is a story of resonance

b y S u s a n A l e x j a n d e re x c e r p t s f r o m a n a r t i c l e

S c u l p t u r e s b y R e b e c c a K a m e nThe Measure of All Things ( F l u i d e x h i b i t ) a n d D i v i n i n g N a t u r e ,

a n E l e m e n t a l G a r d e n

It seems we are entering a new phase for our

species some call ‘resonance creation.’

Resonance creation is now replacing causal

creation...as a deep process of integration with

a new kind of consciousness. We are being

rewired to include all of our intelligences, not

just the mind! Perhaps this new consciousness

could be called Sensual Consciousness,

meaning we are going to be operating with full

heart and body unity from our deep core,

feeling no discord between what we feel and

what we think. Harmony will be the new

health...a total vibrational alignment between

all systems of the body and the way it

interfaces with Earth and the Matrix, what

some might call the pure potential of zero point

energy. This new intelligence balances the

body’s wisdom with the mind. It is a unified

field of function, beautifully coherent with a

free flow of information. Emotion is involved,

but it is more like feeling... sensation-based.

No more command and control! This is an

exciting new navigation system. We ARE the

Rainbow Bridge!

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Many indigenous and mystical traditions, ancient and modern healing modalities and philosophies have pondered the mysteries of life-force. But a single theme is shared: everything is in touch with everything else. Planetary rotations and seasons, atomic frequencies, biophotons, emotional and intellectual cycles, circadian rhythms, heartbeats.... everything moves in divine concert with an unseen, animating spark. At the same time there is such fined-tuned coherence that in an ideal system the slightest perturbation can be felt, like a tiny note from a single instrument in the orchestra. Scientist Mae Wan Ho calls this “quantum jazz,” and William Sutherland, osteopath, has said: “Every drop knows the tide.” My assignment then: how does the body do th is v ib ra t iona l dance o f connection, and which frequencies, rhythms and sounds do I work with? One single cell alone is thought to complete 100,000 chemical reactions per second! In trying to discover a design for Fluid I have borrowed from all available wisdoms. While it is impossible to know life’s alchemical secrets, one modality has became my guiding light: cranial-sacral therapy.

Holistic universe

A Fluid, Open System

Every moment, galaxies of frequencies find their way together in this vast oceanic complex we call body/cosmos/earth. It is a fluid world. What a celebration!

"Cloud-like elements from the periodic table, created by Rebecca

Kamen for the exhibit Divining Nature, Elemental Garden.

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“There is no drop of water in the ocean,

n o t e v e n i n t h e deepest parts of the

abyss, that does not know and respond to t h e m y s t e r i o u s

forces that create the tide.” - Rachel

Carson, The Sea Around Us.

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When the Breath of Life first enters the body it

spirals into what will be the brain at the region of the third ventricle (third chakra area), swirls around and then organizes itself around our future midline of the body, what was once our original notochord (it is actually creating the growth of our form). This midline will also become a powerful nadi, or energy pathway called the Sushumna. From the

midline it generates tidal rhythms - movements

away and back to the midline, and up and

down. These are not waves, nor pulses. They are tides, where everything moves together. The long tide takes one hundred seconds to complete; the mid-tide twenty-four seconds and the third tide, the fastest which is called the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse or CRI, fluctuates from about seven to twelve seconds. These tides co-arise and enfold within each other, balancing energies in the body. They can also be felt around the body in the outer fields of the aura. Practitioners can detect these extremely subtle movements through their hands as they palpate the cerebral spinal fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord.

These tides have fascinating ‘personalities.’. The Long Tide is often described as an experience of descending to the bottom of the ocean....a huge, gentle expansion; an organizing wind. It feels like streaming forces and fields of quantum light, with rhythmic spiral motions...a shimmering, electric wind. It is a subtle radiance that is thought to generate the other tides. Biologists are well-acquainted with a rhythmic phenomenon within protoplasm called protoplasmic streaming. This is a fundamental expression of life which has a regular rate of one cycle every 100 seconds, no matter what the conditions.

It feels like streaming forces and

fields of quantum light, with

rhy thmic sp i ra l mot ions . . .a

shimmering, electric wind.

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brea!of life

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The tides arise out of one of the most beautiful processes I’ve ever encountered.... Dynamic Stillpoints.

A stillpoint is just that...a period when the body seems to be perfectly still around a fulcrum, or balance point that the practicioner creates with his/her two hands. Of course it is not still at all, but a place and time of tremendous potency when the body is gathering power and energy to reorganize itself. Primary Respiration waits here, then suddenly creates a groundswell, generating spiralling tides out from the midline. As it does, the body reorganizes its energies and rebalances, often with an abrupt rush and release. Hans Jenny’s Cymatics videos show us this same drama when the intensity (or loudness) of a sound frequency is increased. The plasticine material on his metal plate which is receiving the frequency quivers and holds fast to its chosen form at that moment, but then suddenly undergoes a total transformation to a new shape. Likewise, all of our body’s systems respond to these new forces of change which arise out of stillpoints.

dynamic !illness

Hans Jenny - Cymatics

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Divine Number: I had found a framework, a container for my ideas in this healing modality of a primary life-force and the balancing rhythms it generates. But before continuing with further cranial-sacral details, it makes sense to pause and explain that my art of recent years has been about rendering the vibrations of the natural world into sonic stories. I want to know how things relate, match up, influence each other. I research for many months, sometimes years, using a variety of methods such as scientific data, philosophy and metaphys ics , shamanism, Pythagorean

harmonics, and so forth. But the one method I cannot work without is called Gematria, an ancient science of matching alphabet letters with numbers. Numbers have living energy. They tell stories in the way that they match, or don’t; math is also mythic. Gematria is an ancient system that has been used by almost every language: Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, Sanskrit, and so forth. I use it for English. It’s very simple: A = 1, B = 2, etc. Take a word, add up the numbers and the result tells a story. For instance, take the word “power.” P=16, O=15, W=23, E=5, R= 18. Total of 16+15+23+5+18 equals 77. Seventy-seven can be read as a code, a vibration, and even a tone. As a tone, or 77Hz, it would be a D# on a temperament chart. As a double seven, tradition would see it as heavily involved with process (7) and action. This is a very respected research technique. The Greeks used it to double-check their translations from Hebrew into Greek. If the gematria of the word seemed ‘off,’ the translation was probably wrong. After fifteen years of using it myself I have found it invaluable as a clue to finding out how things relate. Examples will be peppered throughout this article, but just as a start, the gematria of the word fluid is 52...G#. This number and its octaves (explained soon) suggest very strong energies coming from ‘source’ and essential ways the world works vibrationally. The Golden Section or Phi, the ratio of 1.618 which describes sacred processes of growth and almost single-handedly appears in data when a human heart is in resonance with deep appreciation and love, is a lower octave of 51.7 (1.618 doubled five times)...almost identical to fluid.

using $mat%a T h e w o r d s g o d , vortex, nova, heart and earth fall also on t h i s v i b r a t i o n a l number. “Fluid” is in powerful company.

Walter Russellʼs periodic table

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Susan has a Master’s degree in Theory and Composition from San Jose State University in California. Her compositions have been performed th roughou t t he Un i t ed S ta tes , i nc l ud ing collaborations with dance companies, filmmakers and sculptors for gallery installations.In addition to a twenty year university‐level teaching career in music, she is an avid presenter of workshops on the physics and metaphysics of sound. Her main love since 1988 has been to research vibrational frequencies from the natural world of molecules, stars, elements, body rhythms, time cycles, water etc., and to translate those patterns into sound. This is motivated by a desire to hear the dance; the sonic landscape in which “everything is, on some level, communicating with everything else.”

Her album Sequencia is internationally known for pioneering sound based on the molecular frequencies of DNA, and has been featured on major radio stations, galleries and exhibits throughout the world. Her film soundtracks with filmmaker Diana Hobson have been featured in Europe and the US. For more, visit: www.OurSoundUniverse.comM u s i c : w w w . o u r s o u n d u n i v e r s e . c o m /music_samples.html

Full Article see on Susan’s website

My sculptor partner, Rebecca Kamen, and I began our investigations for this installation towards the end of 2009. Rebecca had an insight that the project should be called Fluid. But what did Fluid mean? After months of discussions, the idea of life-force and vitality evolved for both of us....flowing incoming and outgoing energies, choices the body/mind makes in balancing, dimensions of meaning and levels of consciousness...it seemed overwhelming, but we were fascinated. Just what is life force anyway? What is health? What journey were we on?

Presenting at the:Colours of Water Festival

R e b e c c a K a m e n

S u s a n A l e x j a n d e r

 "Cellular Dialogue",  symbolizes the (micro) water in the cells (center forms) and their relationship to the radiolarian forms in the (macro) ocean. This was a part of the FLUID Exhibition a collaboration with sculptor Rebecca Kamen, first opened at the Smith Center For Healing Arts Gallery in Washington, DC, spring of 2012. http://rebeccakamen.com/   

Colours of Water Festival

Info Here

Page 74: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

“Many people look at books as obsolete,

especially in the digital age of accessing

information.   As an artist, I have always

perceived scientific rare books as a creative

opportunity to inspire profound form. The

process of layering graphite and acrylic paint

on sheets of mylar, visually portray the

significance of pages in a book.  Each layer

like a book page, when viewed together

creates a complex visual narrative, giving

meaning to form”.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. “Albert Einstein

M a n u s c r i p t a s M u s e

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R e b e c c a K a m e n

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Sound, Light & Time in Water

by John Stuart Reid

Liquid water has seemingly magical properties; even in our scientific world this life-giving and perfectly transparent substance still holds many mysteries. 

In one area  of research the word 'magical' seems even more appropriate: Cymatics. For anyone witnessing a demonstration of live  cymatics on a CymaScope instrument there is usually a sharp intake of breath as beautiful geometrical patterns  arise on the water's surface under the influence of sound. The revealing medium for fluid cymatics is of course light and in an almost literal sense, sound is converted to light by the cymatic process. Since cymatics is concerned with a dynamic continuum of events, the cymatic energy patterns also reflect the time domain. Thus, cymatics is truly a convergence of Sound, Light and Time, revealed by water.


water-based CymaGlyhs


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The New Oxford American Dictionary defines magic as "the power to influence the course of events by mysterious or supernatural forces."  In the case of cymatics there is more than  a grain of truth in this definition; sonic interactions with water, both surface and subsurface, remain largely mysterious. However, having worked for a decade in  cymatics, a degree of progress has been made in understanding these complex, dynamic processes. Some results of this  decade-long study is being published by Elsevier [Oxford] in a book ca l led The Mereon Matr ix -Uni ty, Perspective and Paradox [Spring 2013].  The Mereon Matrix project concerns a vibrational template  that may lie at the heart of all matter. The team of researchers working on this recognize that the CymaScope  instrument is providing a window  that  could help further their research into matter. Readers of Science to Sage will want to make a mental note to look out for this groundbreaking book  in 2013, and may appreciate browsing www.mereon.org.


Ever since Hans Jenny

experimented with cymatics in the

1960's, the emergent science of

cymatics has lain almost dormant,

until now.

Now, new windows are opening

into this realm of sound, light and

time. It's about time.

Smithsonian Star StationStars sounds made visible on CymaScope

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Silver Shimmer

Shimmer, shimmer, liquid silver,

Water has no mind but will;

The will to merge with other waters,

The will to grow yet greater still.


And if mankind could be like water,

And if mankind could merge their wills,

Would not our souls like silver shimmer?

Would not our souls be greater still?

by John Stuart Reid


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Sound W

aterwater-based CymaGlyhs

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What actually happens inside

when we go about our business of living?When we dance, do our tissues, cells and molecules

dance too? Do they dance when we sit still?

By Mae-wan Ho

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Quantum Jazz

H a v e y o u e v e r

w o n d e r e d w h a t

being alive is like?

We can show you what happens inside

small organisms under a microscope,

a special microscope that enables us

to see right through to their tissues

and cel ls, and especial ly their

molecules as they are busy being

alive. The short video I am about to

show you(Quantum Jazz Part 1, by

Andy Watton at ISIS, setting the clips

to music made by Julian Haffegee,

also at ISIS.


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. . . coherent

activities on

every scale,

f r o m t h e


down to the


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Excerpts from the articlePhysics of the rainbow worm

The quantum coherent organism plays

quantum jazz to create and recreate

herself from moment to moment.

Quantum jazz is the music of the

organism dancing l ife into being.

Quantum jazz is played out by the whole

organism, in every nerve and sinew, every

muscle, every single cell, molecule, atom,

and elementary particle, a light and sound

display that spans 70 octaves in all the

colours of the rainbow.

I found myself peering down the

polarizing microscope that geologists

use to look at rock crystals, and saw a

rainbow dancing in a worm. This worm

was a little fruit fly embryo freshly

emerged from an egg.

It was not unique.

All organisms look like that.

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Living organisms have such a high degree of molecular

coherence that they appear as dynamic liquid crystal

displays. You can see the images on the cover of my book

The Rainbow and the Worm, The Physics of Organisms. My

book presented theoretical arguments and empirical

evidence for two new ideas: a circular thermodynamics

of organisms and, by analogy, sustainable systems; and

the quantum coherence or organisms, thanks to its

liquid crystalline water matrix of quantum molecular

machines. The two aspects are of course completely


Organisms are so coherent

because they are liquid crystalline.

That means all the molecules in their tissues and cells embedded in a

matrix of water, are aligned according to their electrical polarities and

furthermore all moving coherently as a whole. The water associated

with macromolecules and membranes I call liquid crystalline water

because it does have a liquid crystalline order, and it is what makes

quantum jazz possible, as I shall elaborate.

It is the radical wholeness, or quantum coherence of the organism that

profoundly transforms our view of health and disease. The organism in the

ideal is a quantum superposition of its coherent activities over all space-

times, constituting a pure dynamic state towards which the system tends to return. In the

language of quantum theory, it is a macroscopic quantum being, and has a wave function that

never ceases to evolve by entangling other quantum organisms in its environment.

The organism is thick with coherent activities on every scale, from the macroscopic down to the

molecular and below. I call the totality of these activities “quantum jazz” to highlight the immense

diversity and multiplicity of players, the complexity and coherence of the performance, and above

all, the freedom and spontaneity (see Quantum Jazz, SiS.

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The quantum coherence of organisms is The Biology of Free Will (ISIS Scientific publication). In liberating itself from the laws of mechanistic physics, from mechanical determinism and mechanistic control, the organism becomes a sentient, coherent being that is free, from moment to moment, to explore and create her possible futures.

The quantum coherent organism plays

quantum jazz to create and recreate

herself from moment to moment.

Quantum jazz is the music of the organism dancing life into being. Quantum jazz is played out by the whole organism, in every nerve and sinew, every muscle, every single cell, molecule, atom, and elementary particle, a light and sound display that spans 70 octaves in all the colours of the rainbow.

There is no conductor or choreographer. Quantum jazz is written as it is performed; each gesture, each phrase is new, shaped by what has gone before, though not quite. The organism never ceases to experience her environment and taking it in (entangling it) for future reference, modifying her liquid crystalline matrix and neural circuits, recoding and rewriting her genes, as described in the series Life after the Central Dogma of Molecular Biology [and more recently, the Epigenetics & Beyond series).

The quantum jazz player lives strictly in the now, the ever-present overarching the future and the past, composing and rewriting her life history as she goes along, never quite finishing until she dies. But her script is passed on to the next generation; not just to her biological offspring, but the species as a whole. Each generation rewrites, edits, and adds to the score, making it unique.

Intercommunication is the key to quantum jazz

Intercommunication is the key to quantum jazz. It is done to such sublime perfection that each molecule is effectively intercommunicating with every other; so each is as much in control as it is sensitive and responsive. And intercommunication is predominantly electronic and electromagnetic, thanks to liquid crystalline water. That is why we are sensitive to the very weak electromagnetic fields of the mobile phone and wireless networks saturating our environment, and not just us, but all organisms, birds and bees (Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves, Mobile Phones & Vanishing Birds, Mobile Phones and Vanishing Bees. And the evidence has strengthened with regards to mobile phones and brain cancer. Wireless Phones and Brain Cancer.

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Quantum coherence is the ‘I’ in everyone that gives unity to conscious experience, as Schrödinger points out (Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experience, ISIS scientific publication).

This ideal coherent whole, I suggest, is also the ideal of health. The coherent organism is a unity of brain and body, heart and mind, an undivided bundle of intellect and passion, flesh, blood, and sinew that lives life to the full, freely and spontaneously, attuned not just to the immediate environment, but the universe at large.

Mae-Wan Ho obtained her BS in Biology in 1964 and her PhD in Biochemistry in 1967 from Hong Kong University.  She was a postdoctoral fellow in Biochemical Genetics from 1968-1972 at the University of California in San Diego during which time she won a competitive fellowship of the US National Genetics Foundation.  She then became a Senior Research Fellow in Queen Elizabeth College in the UK.  Ho then became a lecturer in Genetics in 1976 and a reader in Biology in 1985 in the London Open University.  In 1999, Ho founded ISIS, The Institute of Science in Society in London, to promote her views and views of other scientists of like-mind.Dr. Ho retired in June 2000 and remains a Visiting Reader in Biology at the Open University and is a visiting Biophysics professor in Catania University, Sicily.  Today, Dr. Ho has close to 300 publications including 47 experimental works. (ISIS,2004)

Water is not only essential for life, it also embodies all t h a t l i f e e n t a i l s : spontaneous and free‐flowing, sensi t ive and r e s p o n s i v e , a c c o m m o d a t i n g a n d flexible, yet effective and powerful. It is emblematic of the organic revolution that has been taking place in physical science and the arts, but still waiting to happen in biology and in society at large.

Mae‐Wan Ho


“The meaning of life, the universe and everything”

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Cartwheel galaxy as seen by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer's Far Ultraviolet detector


This wet and wonderful chemistry is the rich tapestry of life, the dancing rainbow within that mirrors the one in the sky.

Liquid crystalline water offers yet

another channel for rapid intercommunication: jump

conduction of protons, which is much faster than conduction of electrons through metal wires. -

Mae-Wan Ho

Source: spring water (Abtenau, countryside Salzburg, Austria)

magnification: 400x darkfield

A striking feature here regards the “corona“ surrounding the

crystal water – when rotating the polarizer the hue of the colors

shifts like the colors of the rainbow, in monochromatic


...insufficient attention has been paid to the central role of liquid

crystalline water in orchestrating, facilitating, and

energizing living processes.

Eagle nebula

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A passionate group of leading edge scientists, engineers, artists, musicians,

and other professionals have put together possibly the worldʼs first festival

of art, science, and music.

Programme at a Glance

Colours of Water Art Exhibition12-28 March

MenierGallery, London

16 MarchMolecular Models of Water Workshop

19 MarchWater and Energy Medicine Workshop

20 MarchTurbulence & Flow

Quantum Jazz Simulations Interactive Art Fluid:

Creation in Sound Multimedia WorkshopWaterscapes Jazz Concert

21 MarchThe New Science of Water for Life Conference Water Music Unlimited


22 March World Water Day Conference

Improvisations on Water Jazz Concert

23 MarchCarnivals of Water Multimedia Workshop


Artists, Musicians, Scientists

Susan Alexjander (composer/sound designer), Lotte Anker (jazz saxophonist improviser/composer); Dinabandhu Karmaker (agriculturalist from Professional Assistance for Development Action); Martin Chaplin (water chemist); Chee Yokeling (Director of Third World Network); Dennis Tim Crowe (veterinary surgeon, educator, inventor); Edward Cowie (composer, visual artist, art/science fusion); Heather Cowie (artist); Joe Cummins (environmental scientist/geneticist); Emilio delʼGiudice (quantum physicist); Peter Fisher (Editor of Homeopathy and Physician to Her Majesty the Queen); Julian Haffegee (musician/composer/scientist); Kathy Haffegee (ISIS artist); Adrian Ho (senior partner of innovative advertising agency ZeusJones); Mae-Wan Ho (scientist/artist and Director of ISIS);Jenny Howe (jazz singer, actor); Djuro Koruga (nanotechnologist/engineer); Eric Landen (consultant on corporate ecosystem economics); Chris Lee (jazz pianist/composer); Patrick Lichty (New media artist/cultural theorist); Shui Yin Lo (theoretical physicist, Caltech); Jim Oschman (pioneer of energy medicine); Joe Pettitt (bass player) Gerald Pollack (bioengineer and worldʼs foremost water researcher); Li Poon (ISIS artist); Matt Poon (ISIS artist); Stephen Preston (flautist); Eva Sirinathsinghji (ISIS researcher/staff writer); Mifune Tsuji (violinist and professor); Rod Youngs (drummer and composer)

Dedicated to the New Science of Water and Life

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The Rainbow Snake was among the first paintings I did immediately after my manuscript was sent to the publisher. It has a special significance for me as I was born in the year of the snake, and 2013 is the year of the snake in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope. I also discovered that many cultures have creation myths of the rainbow snake. It is really as though the entire human species, or the entire universe, is in quantum entanglement, sharing a ʻcollective unconsciousʼ or a universal quantum field from which we can draw inspiration.

Water is the real artist in my paintings (as in my science); I play a facilitating role, which is also true to the character of water. Water is not only the means, but especially the medium and the message of life. Water enables all to perform their best without control or force, freely and spontaneously, yet perfectly in step and in tune with the whole. That is what waterʼs quantum jazz is all about.

Mae-Wan Ho, scientist/artist and Director of ISIS

And I want the whole

world to quantum jazz

with me in the Colours of

Water festival, March

2013 , London.

I have been painting sporadically for over 40 years while being a full-time scientist; but it was not until I got to know water deeply and intimately as a scientist that my art took off in an unexpected direction; it is as though I have finally found my ʻelementʼ, both literally and metaphorically, water is the essence of my being. Mae-Wan Ho, scientist/artist and Director of ISIS

Colours of Water

Colours of Water Festival

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Page 93: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

“My paintings are literally water paintings, because life is water’s quantum jazz: free, flowing, spontaneous, sensual, and full of surprises; unique for every occasion,

yet irresistibly drawn towards that ideal perfect freedom and spontaneity of being (at ease) with all nature.”

water’s quantum jazz

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“My drawings are maps of my music.”

water notedColours of Water

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I need to draw in order to sift and filter ideas about music. During the 1970’s and through the to the late 1980’s, I pursued a parallel career as musician and visual artist. I painted an exhibited in oils and watercolours, but though connected with my music, they were not an integral part of the composition process itself. All that changed when I moved back to the UK after a period of 12 years of living and working in Australia.

Gradually, I developed a ‘new’ way of sketching - what I call drawing towards music. Everywhere I travel, I take sketchbooks with me. These contain pretty-well ‘straight’ drawings from nature; landscapes; seascapes; natural phenomena; wild creatures; the architecture and dynamics of the earth.

But a new kind of sketching was born. These sketches absorb the figurative and begin to play with forms and formalities that transition between visualisation and hearing. These drawings contain signs, images, patterns, forms, words and music! They are ‘maps’ and ‘primers’ for music-in-action and music in reaction. Only after a major series of such sketches has been completed do I begin to compose alone.

Previously thought (by me!) as pr ivate, some performances of my music have been accompanied by back-projections from the visual notebooks; even exhibitions at the venue (as artist’s prints). Audiences have invariably commented that these sketches offer new routes into the appreciation of what my music is trying to do. It is not that my music cannot stand alone. But IF my music is to be fully appreciated, then all stages in its creation can or might be enhanced by looking as well as listening to what I do and how I do it!

Edward Cowie

Unusual, perhaps unique in the ar tist ’s web-site scene, as Edward Cowie’s contains both acoustic and visual outcomes.http://www.edward-cowie.com/

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Waters of Life

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Water is the focus of rituals and myths in cultures across the world, because of its powers to cleanse, purify, and heal; just as its infinitely varied forms, colours, and moods are the stuff of art

and poetry.

Storm Maker by Matt Poon

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Matt Poon makes Australian aboriginal water myths his very own in a series of new paintings at once romantic and naïve yet vibrant and authentic.

Colours of Water

Storm Maker

Mamaragan roamed the skies and carried with him the two stones of disturbance. When he was happy he would make the stones dance to create the thunderstorms and precious rain. The people of the land were taught the special Rain Dance that would surely bring joy to his face. However, in times of plenty, they saw no need to please Mamaragan, and subsequently they began to forget how to perform the Dance. As the Land started to dry up, some elders attempted to recall the Dance from their ancient teachings, but hard as they tried, they could not r e m e m b e r h o w t o m a k e Mamaragan happy again. This explains why rainstorms are so few and far between, and that p r e c i p i t a t i o n s a r e s o unpredictable.

The Whale Boy


Colours of Water Festival

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Page 100: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

the Solution...is the frequency of loving.

Shifting consciousness

through our thoughts,

through our words, and

prayers, and through our

commitment to respect

each other shapes our

world into one of love

and gratitude.

May our understanding

of water, and help bring

peace to all humankind.

Thank you

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Love & GratitudeFool

Devil Angel

Dr. Emoto has been studying water as a medium to transcribe "Hado,"translated as "wave" and "sound." Dr. Emoto has theorized that since water has the ability to receive a wider range of frequencies (Hado) thanhuman beings, it may reflect the universe.

As Emoto relates, “If you shine a light on those around you with the words you use, you won’t ever have to walk in the dark.” Emoto

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An Urgent Message Masaru Emoto

In 2003 the United Nations

proclaimed the years

2005-2015 as its

International Water for Life

Decade, which urges citizens

of the world to take individual

responsibility to learn all

about water. In a time

wrought with environmental

catastrophes and natural

disasters, The Secret of Water

and his not-for-profit book,

The Message from Water

children’s version, show the

necessity of protecting water,

and offer messages of hope

and empowerment.

The warnings and attention regarding radioactive material that was scattered by the accident near the nuclear plant in Fukushima, has seemed to calm down, but the actual situation is not so. The Japanese Government is putting off the solution to al l problems, hiding the facts, and with irresponsibility and a non-humanitarian post processing policy.

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Properly speaking, itʼs the responsibility of Japanese government to solve this problem. Currently, in the present political situation, it is very difficult to persuade or move them. But, when we consider the future of the children's health, there is not a second to lose. If Japan becomes a country of fallout, this is not only a problem in Japan, as it will sweep over this earth like domino in the twinkling of an eye. Even Japanese citizens are not informed of the facts.

For example, the hospitals in Fukushima performed the thyroidal echo check on children 18 years or younger, living in Fukushima in last August. There were 38,000 children examined and a thyroid gland cyst or a tubercle was found on 36% of the children who were examined.

I became aware of this after reading an article, “The Nuclear Sacrifice of Our Children: 14 Recommendations to Help Radiation Contaminated Japan" written by Dr. Helen Cardicott, an Australian pediatrician. Dr. Helen is a well-known doctor of medicine worldwide and was also a candidate for a Nobel Prize. She warns us that if no one takes measures against the radiation exposure to children and people of Fukushima, the results may be the worst ever.

According to the reports, in the case of  the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant accident, thyroid cancer began to be discovered in 3-4 years after the accident happened.  Since then, over 92,000 people have been diagnosed of thyroid cancer. It is no doubt that the amount of radioactive iodine the children in Fukushima absorbed was tremendously high, because symptom already began to appear at a much early time period.

I have been studying about water and Hado for the past 25 years. In October 1999 when the Tokaimura radiation leak accident happened, I took crystal photograph of the water from a well located only 400 meters away from the scene of the accident .


Please help

the Children

of Fukushima

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Since radioactive material is a material of the ʻHadoʼ world, I was not surprised to see that the damaged crystal image from the radiation contaminated water changed to a beautiful crystal image, when I imprinted the Hado of “Love and Gratitude” into the water that was previously contaminated with radiation.

The fact that this beautiful diamond shaped water crystal formed from the same radiation water after the Hado of love & gratitude was imprinted,

means that the Law of Nature settled into the water, that is, the influence of a radioactive material has been successfully removed.

As a medical doctor of alternative medicine from 1987 to 1997, I examined many of the patients who suffered from cancers and other disease. During that time I successfully assisted the patient in curing their illness using the water that I imprinted with Hado information. Using the same method, I have confidence that if the children and people of Fukushima drink the Hado water that we can provide, that the fearful radiations effects Dr. Helenʼs article warned can can absolutely be avoided.

This crystal picture to the side represents a water sample affected by the radioactive material.


ude &


Page 105: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

However, the government is supervising so that people may not perform business which takes the advantage of a disaster or selling something which is not yet accepted by the government. Telling people that this product is effective to reduce radioactive influence is strongly forbidden. Officially I believe that it is blaspheming to sell water to children. So, I started a nonprofit organization to appeal for cooperation to many people. The Emoto Peace Project.

I ask each of you for your corporation, especially to all of the people living overseas. I have asked similar requests to the world when the last earthquake hit in Japan and we were grateful to have received the support of many donations from around the world. It is unfortunate to have to ask of you such a request again, but, in order to save the the future health of the children in Fukushima, we need provide the water continuously and we need supporters to do so.

I am currently recruiting new overseas members for non-profit organization, The Emoto Peace Project (EPP). With the help of donation from supporters, like you, we have distributed the children version of “Message from Water” for the past six years to the children around the world for free. At the moment, there are supporters in thirty different countries, and books are printed in each language.

If you are interested in supporting our peace project, I sincerely ask you to support by making a donation. It doesnʼt matter how much, and amount helps and WE NEED YOUR HELP. If you resonate with my work and mission, I would like to ask you to make a special donation and apply to join the Emoto Peace Project Membership.

Join Peacemakers Around the world with The Emoto Peace Project Membership

EPP Membership Qualification:A person who resonates with Masaru Emoto, a missionary of water, a person willing to work with him and share the activities to achieve global peace.

1.EPP Corporate MembershipCorporate Members will have a right to use commercially the crystal pictures which were taken in our laboratory and have been published in the past. (An application is needed in advance.) Annual fee : US$3000 or Euro2400

2.EPP Special MembershipSpecial member will receive 100 books of Children version of “Messages from Water”.Annual fee: US$1300 or Euro 1000

3.EPP General MembershipGeneral member will receive an English newsletter by E-mail in three months. You can also contributes messages freely in the newsletter.Annual fee : US$200 or Euro150

To request a membership application please email [email protected]

Donations or Memberships Payment can be made by Paypal to [email protected].

Also it can be paid by Bank transfer. Here's our bank account information:

Payee: Emoto Peace ProjectBank: Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJBranch: AsakusabashiAccount number: 0077471Branch number: 069Swift code: BOTKJPJTBank Address: 1-23-6 Yanagibashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0052 Japan

I very much appreciate each and every one of you and your participation and especially any contribution to our global peace movement by citizens of world.

With my sincere love & gratitude,

Masaru Emoto

Page 107: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The work of Prof.

B e n v e n i s t e , D r .

Ludwig and Pro f .

S c h w e i t z e r h a s

demonstrated how

water acts as a liquid

tape recorder. Water

stores and transmits

e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c

v i b r a t i o n s . T h i s

emphasizes the fact

t h a t w e a r e o u r

thoughts spoken in


Now that we know

that water acts as our

t a p e r e c o r d e r ,

remember it can only

p l a y b a c k w h a t i s


Water is a Liquid Tape Recorder

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Both Images:Geysir (Island) magnification: 200x darkfield

Is this


attempt to mimic an integrated circuit?

water water

An interesting fact regards the liquid phase

around the crystal – even after weeks it did

not evaporate, but remained firmly attached

to the solid phase. Could be related to the

hygroscopic attraction of the super‐saturated saline solution – supply from

ambient humidity?

Maybe the nucleization core was able to

generate the crystal, but stopped at some

time as the lattice‐energy was no longer

sufficient to fuel the growth of the crystal, a

kind of homeostatic equilibrium?

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Whatʼs striking in this image are the distinct and straight lines that create an illusion of going into or coming out of the surface layer; Just look at the pattern – there is a regularity in the drying process,; i.e. the centermost dark line followed by two light lines, surrounded again by a solid line and so forth .... With the process itself not being strictly periodic ....

Sample: marine salt sample (Bora Bora) magnification: 200x darkfield

Marine water sample from Bora‐Bora, French‐Polynesia taken just above the coral reef.

Rock imprinted by seaweedConcept of a black-hole

water rock



Page 110: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Our resonance transmit our character. It also shows how

our vibration of our words create, and shape our reality.

This is why laughter can be healing and how water can be

blessed. Crystal are also used in computers and our

watches to store and transmit information.

Holy Water used in Baptism

takes on an entirely new

meaning when it is infused

with prayer and blessed

thought. Water also has the

abil ity to clean, refresh,

quench, resets and restores.

Healing Solution

Thought Forms

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Holy water (Eugendorf near Salzburg, Austria) magnification: 100x darkfield - courtesy of Georg Schercher

In Search of Wholly Waterby Josef Tyls

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Ancient holy texts... are filled with the accounts of holy men, mystics and healers spending their entire lives looking for, investigating and witnessing an event they called ʻthe healingʼ, which all religious faiths call ʻa creation of Godʼ. These very detailed accounts around the world in all languages, which number by the thousands, describe ʻthe hidden from plain viewʼ consequences of thoughts, sounds and effects witnessed by intent ional ly apply ing any form of energy/consciousness to water, and the resulting changes to the very substance we simply call water.

This has been an ongoing process over many centuries where people, pilgrims, and now science is looking for the reasons why places like Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic, Lourdes in France, Baden Baden in Germany, Halcyon Hot Springs in British Columbia are all known for their healing qualities. Some of these spring waters have been bottled and sold as health tonics for nearly 150 years.

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Spa Water

The unique latent energies and therapeutic

quality of these waters have been witnessed

in Europe for centuries. European mineral

water spas are managed by medical

communities, which monitor patient

progress and see many positive results. The

healing effects that take place are the

results of enhanced biological processes of

the body, through deep tissue osmosis of

trace minerals, salts and latent energies.

The waters from many of these springs have

been tested and found to contain a variety

of unique mineral combinations that

integrate well with human biology. In the

b o o k “ M e s s a g e i n t h e

Water” (www.hado.net/message1.html), Dr.

Emoto has cataloged pictures of frozen

water crystal from healing water springs

around the world.

Carlsbad, Baden Baden, Lourdes, and many

healing springs are able to create profound

physical shifts effectively curing ailments,

yet free of the toxic by-products commonly

associated with all pharmaceuticals and


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The ancients, which were supposedly primitive and did not have access to advanced technology, did in fact produce incredible water advances, as witnessed in Peru. The use of specific crystals in underground catch basins for absorbing minerals and energies that support and promote life, are centuries old and still operating today. Intentionally arranged waterfalls, where water is directed to collide with large crystals, engages a piezoelectric effect upon the water, effectively neutralizing all aerobic life forms while enhancing the absorption of atmospheric oxygen.

The resulting highly ionized field of the waterfall is a very sophisticated complex system based upon the knowledge of ionization, electrons and chemistry. It simply is the most effective process of revitalizing water naturally using the best available method, yet it is very old…

The human body is very dependent upon water

quality consumed, as all internal processes are

controlled and regulated by water.

Revitalizing Water

Page 115: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The recent discoveries in quantum physics has begun to explain how the fundamental structure of matter, such as water, which chemists see only as H2O, is far more elaborate and has properties that cannot be simplified into a single statement as H2O. The multidimensional, holographic fractal, lattice matrix, which is the energy platform that water exists upon, is more closely related to the shape structure similar to that of a DNA string, at the center of a Toroidʼs axis, and this may explain why water is able to store and

share informational energy with the quantum field.

Dr. Emotoʼs research with water crystal formations has shed a vast amount of light upon a normally hidden structure of water. His work has enabled researchers to see the differences that clearly show how many environmental factors and thoughts, intentions, and prayer can transform the delicate structures from chaotic fractured forms into beautifully arranged fractals that inspire us to call them perfectly beautiful.

Fractal, Lattice Matrix

Page 116: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

In this Science to Sage issue Water CymaGlyphs clearly show images of sound creating very defined coherent w a v e f o r m s i n t h e w a t e r . T h e relationship of these wave forms to the frozen water crystals shown in Dr. Emotoʼs work, can be clearly seen as interrelated and symmetry is the key element in nature.

The vast difference from the chaotic filled disturbed structures, that are seen from the damaged and poisoned water sources, are grossly obvious and in direct opposition to symmetry. The proof as they say ʻis in the puddingʼ or physical evidence, and there is plenty of evidence, as polluted water sources either have very little life or grossly deformed organisms. When this water is consumed by animals and humans, the results are the same, disease and death.

CymaGlyphs courtesy of John Stuart Reid

Courtesy of Dr. Emoto

Wave Forms

Page 117: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The restoration of water is one of the most important issues which humanity shall face in the years to come, as the second industrial revolution has exploded in China and India, wi thout any of the modern fa i lsafe mechanisms in place. The population densities in both countries produce bio and industrial waste at a staggering 40 billion tons of raw sewage per year, going into the oceans.

Most of the challenge associated with this p r o b l e m i s c o r p o r a t e g r e e d , p a i d governmental ignorance and apathy, which effectively stifle any real attempts to control and manage the issue. As natural resources are plentiful and labour is cheap, the dirty business goes on at the expense of the earthʼs biosphere.

We are standing at a technological precipice which will either open an exciting new level of knowledge, once severely coveted by the clergy, or we shall experience the undeniable consequences of ignorance and suffer the same fate as the Romans, which drank from lead water basins and lead mugs. Did Nero play a violin as Rome burnt to the ground? One may say, that it was a sign of insanity or heavy metal poisoning…

T h e m o s t v a l u a b l e

commodity upon our planet

is pure water. There is no

o t h e r m o r e p r e c i o u s

s u b s t a n c e ; s i m p l y p u t

“ W A T E R I S L I F E ” . There are many who will attempt to argue this point, yet the absolute reason, for all biological life forms to exist, is water,… There are individuals who will attempt to say, gold is the most valuable substance, yet no living creature, especially man, can consume gold and live…

The arrogant and ignorant shall attempt to stave off any connection with the fact, that their body is absolutely tied and connected to the quality of the water they consume, and the state of health is absolutely controlled by the quality of the water contained in the body. Dr. Beauchamp championed this truth, and Dr. Pasture conceded at the end of his life that the environment (internal water) was of utmost importance and not the fault of the organisms contained in the water, which he believed were the source of all diseases.

The advance of science has brought many amazing discoveries, yet this very fact has created the most critically challenged state. The preponderance of artificial by-products from industrial wastes and genetically modified organisms are proliferating the very water we all require for life.

The quest for immortality has taken humanity on a journey into self-destruction as more and more technology is used to isolate humans from the very substance of earth that gives us life. The use of chemically modified elements, compounds, vaccines and GMOʼs with the belief that we shall conquer death is absurd at best.

Page 118: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

As the truth is obvious and gross showing the ratio of numbers of people who die from cancer, disabled from autism, traumatized from injections, while the numbers keep growing dai ly. The governing bodies and there paid stooges declare there is no problem, even though it is as plane to see as the blackened waters running in the rivers and streams; death is all around us. The question is when will the boiling frog jump out of the pot screaming,

“Enough of the insanity”!Josef Tyls - As an  industrial engineer, I hold a number of patented technologies; and my  fields of expertise are Living S y s t e m s a n a l y s i s – s p e c i fi c a l l y surrounding  the areas of natural biology, health, water, pure air, healing, sound, energy product ion and recovery, mechanical and structural  engineering, and materials and metals processing.

I n m y  s t u d i e s o f t r a n s - p e r s o n a l psychology, I have experienced profound shifts  in my awareness of mental dynamics and emotional predispositions, which have allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of  how limiting belief systems and fear interfere with our natural destiny.In my studies of classical alchemy, I came to understand how emotional  clarity and menta l openness has a profound consequence on  the fundamenta l structure of nature and the elements around us.

Learn more about Josef Tyls

Page 119: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The words you bath in and let sink in are literally the “solution” you swim in and absorb.

So the “solution” to any problem is within our conversations, a n d t h e fi e l d o f vibration we allow in. Words literally tell our cells, self what the program to run. This recorder, records your commands.

And, you are not an others “solution”, but you can play a part in creat ing a bet ter “solution”.

Water is “the Solution”...universal solvent; it can dissolve practically anything. - Gerald Pollack

Page 120: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The field just says...

Your crystalized form—your

body, acts like a transducer and

receiver. Your body’s neuro-

system is like a radio tuner. It

selects channels that play your

tune. Your frequency doesn’t

always match your imagined


yes! Similar vibrating objects are linked by resonance.

Page 121: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Your DNAis Noted

Nature has already discovered

that the principles of sound and

sequence are the perfect tools to

b u i l d b i o l o g i c a l e n t i t i e s

efficiently, expressively and


Wave genetics has successfully

proven that without sound, DNA

could not function and it is at this

p o i n t t h a t m u s i c i a n s a n d

composers step in to provide an

artistic expression to this data

purely to bring these elements

into the range of human hearing

for a greater appreciation of the

workings of creation.

DNA music has been developed

since the early 1970’s when

Geneticists found it easier to

read the ling strands of DNA

code by assigning pitches to the

22 Amino Acids.

By Stuart Mitchell

Page 122: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

"DNA music exists within every living organism universally and now we have the technology

to unlock a symphony from within everyone for a better and more aesthetic

understanding of life, ourselves and each other".  Stuart Mitchell

Click here for more info

DNA music has been developed since the early 1970ʼs when Geneticists found it easier to read the ling strands of DNA code by assigning pitches to the 22 Amino Acids.

Order your personal DNA musical profile

Page 123: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Abstract: Meridians are hypothesized to

be made up of stable water clusters. We

presented Atomic Force Microscope

Pictures for the existence of stable water

clusters. Stable water clusters are a new

solid form of water that is stable at room

temperature and temperature. Qi, or

bioenergy of the human body, is

formulated rigorously in quantum field

theory. Qi mainly circulates around the

meridian system. When Qi is blocked,

people get sick. Qi can be unblocked

either by acupuncture needles, or by

drinking water containing stable water

clusters (SWC). Then the person’s health

gets better. We show thermographs of

subjects before drinking SWC, and 15

minutes after drinking SWC. Remarkable

differences in body surface temperatures

are recorded in these thermographs.

“Qi, Meridians, and

Stable Water Clusters”

We showed in particular the pilot study of 11 autistic children. 8 of t h e m s h o w e d r e m a r k a b l e improvement in 15 minutes as well in a three month period.

1./ We show the result of/ a preliminary study of 100 subjects and their improvement of health,especially on the brain, and energy by drinking SWC with thermographs. Lo Shui-yin, Xu Geng,Gann, David, Evidence for the Existence of stable-water-clusters at room temperature andnormal pressure, Physics Let A, Oct 2009.2./ Lo Shui-yin, Biophysics Basis for Acupuncture and Health, Dragon Press, 2004,285 pages.3./ Gann D., Lo Shui-yin, Double Helix Water, D & Y Publishing, 2009, 315 pages.4./ Lo Shui Yin, Diagnostic, Treatment, and Prevention of Autism via meridians, to be published inAmerican Journal of Chinese Medicine

Shui Yin Lo, Ph. D., Quantum Health Research Institute,

and American University of

Complementary Medicine.




erBio Here http://www.shuiyinlo.net/

Page 124: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Figure 2. Thermal images of hot spots of the left ear (SJ21) and temple (GB14) are shown as before and after. Ear temperature before and after are 37.8°C and 37.0°C with a difference of -0.8 in temperature. The temperature for the temple is 38.4°C (before) and 37.4°C (after), resulting in a -1.0 difference in temperature.

Fig 3 The change of thermographs before (on the left) and 15 minutes after (on the right) drinking SWC by autistic children.

Figure 1: Thermal images before drinking SWC shown above on the left, and 15 minutes after drinking SWC of hot spots of lower neck at ST12 indicating the conditions of thyroid. Before drinking the SWC the left and right spots are 38.3°C and 37.6°C, respectively. After drinking the SWC, shown on the right above the left and right spots (ST12) are 38.4°C and 37.8°C, respectively. Difference in temperatures are -0.7 for the left ST12 and -0.6 for the right ST12.

Page 126: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

In the last 200 years, the application of increasingly complex technologies has g r e a t l y a c c e l e r a t e d , overwhelming the far more subtle energy systems of N a t u r e , w i t h d i r e consequences for us all. For while some will argue that these have brought benefits to many on the material level, the quality of life on the planet has seriously deteriorated, with severe damage to ecosystems and to essential biodiversity. N o o n e e x p l a i n s a s convincingly as Schauberger just how this came about. The e n e r g y o u r t e c h n o l o g y propagates is destructive of the evolutionary impulses in life forms, precipitating instead a downward spiral in the quality of organisms, and in human quality of life.

Viktor warned eighty years ago that if we continued to go against Nature, the Earth’s ecosystems would become sick, the climate destructive and human society would break down, with extreme violence, greed and pandemic illnesses. His insights are vital f o r u s t o d a y w h e n t h e prevailing scientific paradigm sees the Earth as inert matter, and Nature observed as a m e c h a n i c a l s y s t e m , i t s resou rces exp lo i t ed fo r h u m a n i t y ’ s b e n e fi t , contributing to the appalling d e s e c r a t i o n o f t h e environment, and to climate change.

WARNING!“This civilization is the work of man, who high-handedly

and ignorant of the true workings of Nature, has

created a world without meaning or foundation, which

now threatens to destroy him, for through his behaviour

and his activities, he, who should be her master, has

disturbed Nature’s inherent unity.”

“We must recognise that it is Nature, not Man, that is

omniscient on the Earth, but that if we continue to flout

her laws, humanity is undoubtedly doomed.”

This was the startling declaration of Viktor Schauberger

(1885-1958), whose life was dedicated to unlocking the

secrets of Nature’s energies and making non-

destructive energy available to society.

Viktor Schauberger

made an extraordinary contribution to knowledge of the

natural world. He is celebrated for his discoveries in the

water sciences, in agricultural techniques and in the energy

domain – which energies enhance and which harm life.

Schauberger provides us with a comprehensive

and holistic approach to understanding Nature.

by Alick Bartholomew

Page 127: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Inspired by Goethe, da Vinci, Paracelsus and

Heraclitus, Schauberger was a visionary who

saw life’s processed as an indivisible whole,

linked by continually spiralling movement. He

found two forms of motion in Nature:

outward, expanding flow that is used to

break down, and inward-spiralling which

Nature uses to build up and energise.

Minute changes in temperature affect the

outcome of an energetic process. The

balance between the attraction and repulsion

of polarised atoms is the engine of creation.

The revelation that opened his eyes to the

miracle of movement came when, as a young

man, he disturbed a trout that darted quickly

upstream against aswift current. How could it

do this? Even more challenging was to

discover how a salmon could leap up a high

waterfall against the power of water falling by

gravity. This led him to discover the

complement of gravity – levity – as a

powerful compensating force in the centre of

the falling column of water which can pull the

heavy fish up to the top of the falls. Viktor’s

engineer’s mind wanted to understand how

things work in Nature.

Viktor Schauberger, A Hundred 20th Century Visionaries by Alick Bartholomew

V i k t o r Schauberger

Page 128: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Schauberger saw water as an organism – the

blood of the Earth – which carries information as

well as nourishment to all life. He believed that

the degeneration of our society stems from

our mistreatment of water. He described three

forms of life energies: those that determine

quality, those of dynamism and those that

encourage fruitfulness. He observed that

Nature uses the egg-shape to give birth and

to obtain energy. His knowledge of what is

required to help healthy, sustainable growth of

organisms was formidable; as was his

u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f b i o e l e c t r i c i t y a n d

biomagnetism in the soil and in trees. He

describes the intimate interchange between

cosmic and planetary energies – how cosmic

movements are mirrored at the micro level.

Schauberger saw water as an

organism – the blood of the Earth –

Click Here to See More

About Schaubergerʼs Inventions - Article by

Jeane Manning as seen in Dec 2011, S2S


Page 129: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Viktor Schauberger, A Hundred 20th Century Visionaries by Alick BartholomewAbout Alick Here

Schauberger argued that when the

natural ecosystems are in balance and

biodiversity rules, there is great

creativity and evolution of higher and

more complex life forms, but there is

also order and stability. When humans

walked l ightly on the Earth, we

cooperated with Nature. Although still

part of Nature, we behave as though we

are above it, dominating and abusing it.

Water is Alive!


Page 130: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

It is well known that all temples and places of veneration are strategically sited upon the telluric lines of force that criss-cross the face of the Earth, and whose fluctuations are sufficient to influence the bodyʼs electromagnetic field. Since these lines of force are everywhere, it is reasonable to suggest that by consciously standing on one, even in the center of a busy city, is enough to connect you with the Earthʼs energy grid.

These places of power are alive –

living, breathing organisms,

environments where the initiate can

be “transformed into a god, into a

bright star”. But how?

Freddy SilvaExcerpts from The Divine BluePrint, Temples, Power Places and the Global Plan to Shape the Human Soul

Photo by Freddy Silva

Page 131: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

...living, breathing organisms...

“Without exception, all temples are surrounded by invisible yet detectable

pathways of underground streams of force.” – Merle and Diot, archaelogists, 1935

Page 132: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Underwoodʼs drawings reveal a distinct relationship between underground veins of water, the electromagnetic lines above them, and the places of the site used most often by

congregation and priest. Thus, halos

of positive and negative

charges tend to be generated

a n d p o l a r i z e d a r o u n d

original church fonts, wells

and altars, the later having been erected

over the confluence of several underground springs. This makes energized water, as the primary ingredient of sacred space, a major stimulant of the human body, the element that benefits most from using the temple.

This extremely pure water

a l s o e x h i b i t s g r e a t e r

properties of spin, and such

vortices create an electrical

charge which then generate

an electromagnetic field,

certainly enough to transform

it into something different

from ordinary liquid.

Page 133: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Water at sacred s i t e s i s v e r y d i f f e r e n t i n f r e q u e n c y t o ordinary water. Tests conducted using infrared spectroscopy show that holy water absorbs light at different frequencies. Holy well w a t e r i s f r e e f r o m bacteria and contains natural minerals which a r e k n o w n t o b e beneficial to health and longevity.

Page 134: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Since water is a component of blood, and blood requires vorticular motion to move through the veins, it follows that contact with the energetic properties of water at sacred sites will affect the spin ratio of blood, thus altering the information traveling through the body. The bodyʼs metabolic processes are dependent on a specific composition of basic elements, fresh water being one of them, and the taking of energized water – even being in contact with it – induces a vitality in the body, just as one feels a clarity of mind after a stroll by a waterfall or by the sea shore.

% This is very important when it comes to understanding the interaction between water, the temple and its influence on the human body. Because our sensory organs need to be in a certain condition to be receptive to extra-sensory experiences, stimulating the energy of the water and the blood flow through the body makes us more receptive to the processes taking place inside the temple.

Page 135: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

...and the life-force of the temple, and if that blood should be energized by the numinous quality

of the temple’s environment, it stands to reason that the same quality is transferred to the initiate

or the pilgrim, whether they imbibe it or walk upon it.

water is the blood of the earth

Page 136: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

Our bodies consist of two-thirds water, just like the Earth, and 90% of the brain is made up of the stuff. Since water retains information, drinking it from a sacred site means one literally imbibes whatever is stored in the memory of place; that is, its natural energy as well as the energy from affirmations and prayers accumulated over hundreds, possibly thousands of years.

Page 137: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

First Templar Nation

How the Knights Templar created Europe's first


Their greatest accomplishment is the one never told.

The Merovingian bloodline is a Messianic lineage of priest-kings, in the Egyptian tradition.... Their name stems from merovie or meruvie, meaning ʻsea of lifeʼ or ʻsource of lifeʼ, and as such kings were considered vessels of a sacred water...page 45


Excerpts from the ...

The Divine BlueprintTemples, Power Places and theGlobal Plan to Shape the Human Soul.

A fresh and insightful account of the role played by sacred sites in raising human consciousness.


Read 50-page sample


Freddy Silva

Page 138: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012





ONLINE - Programs28 October - The Legacy of Egypt 1.0: The art of ʻraising the dead” - Freddy Silva4 November-16 - Animal Communications, Miranda Alcott with Ilona Selke, Richard Calland, Linda Tellington-Jones 1-22 December - The Reinvention of Humanity, Alberto Villoldo with Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Don Miguel Ruiz, Peter Kingsley, Qʼero Shaman

Page 139: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

In The Footsteps Of The Ancient Godswith Freddy Silva · Egypt

Some people come to Egypt

to see elegant buildings,

ornate columns and towering

pyramids. Others come for a

d e e p e r p u r p o s e : t o

experience their resonance.

You see, when the ancient

temple-builders erected sacred monuments,

they created much more than beautifully

appointed stonework. The buildings are

harmonic structures designed by master

craftsmen to guide subtle forces into a defined

space whose ultimate purpose is to induce a

higher state of consciousness in the pilgrim.

Temples, then, are far and beyond masonry and

mortar: they are alive, they are living, breathing

entities, living mirrors of the pure forces that

bind nature. As the ancient architects stated on

the walls, temples are, first and foremost,

places for self-realization, where a person can

be “transformed into a god, into a bright star.”

Which brings us to this tour. Find out more...

16-27 January, 2013

Extension to Bahariyah Oasis & Alexandria,

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Page 140: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

The phrase has never been more fitting: The Tipping Point. In matters of human thought and perception, the words describe the critical moment when the growing momentum of a new idea overrides the inertia of prior beliefs. A movement exhibiting this power cannot be turned back.

For the Electric Universe community, The Tipping Point means evidence converging from every scientific discipline. Unique predictions of an electrical paradigm fulfil led. Charged bodies in space powered by electric currents across interstellar and intergalactic distances. A model of electric star-formation bolstered by an explosion of new evidence for our electric Sun. Planets sculpted by electric arcs in an age of solar system violence. Comets discharging electrically as they plunge through the Sun’s electric field.

Now new dimensions of the Electric Universe are attract ing vis ionary scientists, artists and students of the

human story. An ancient sky animated by electrical dramas affecting every level of human culture. The electricity of life–layers of subtle energy that theorists simply overlooked in their rush to formulate mechanical models of life. Studies of human consciousness and connection that shattered the scientific paradigms of the 20th-century.

The Tipping Point is indeed at hand. In the scientific quest to understand our natural world, the 21st-century will look nothing like the last.

Join us at EU2013 for a three-day exploration of interdisciplinary science, an event designed to break the bounds of conventionality. Discover the universal role of the electric force, from microcosm to macrocosm, where virtually every new surprise points us in the same direction. And find your own connections within a movement that will shape the future of science.

Page 141: A Water Revolution/Dec 2012

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