a woman is like a tea bag finalre


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Post on 18-Nov-2015




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  • Section 14 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that The

    State recognizes the role of women in nation building, and shall

    ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and


    While it is already accepted knowledge that women nowadays

    are more empowered in terms of suffrage, career positions, and

    opportunities, it should also be pointed out that a lot of women

    do not have power over themselves. Crimes against women

    such as abuse and violence are still prevalent and continues to


    1 out of 5 women aged 15 to 49 has

    experienced physical violence since age 15.

    1 in 10 women age 15 to 49 have

    experienced sexual violence.

    Women who experience abuse not only get hurt physically, but

    emotionally as well.

    1 in 3 women who experienced physical and

    sexual violence reported having physical injuries

    such as cuts, bruises, or aches.

    3 in 5 women who experience physical and

    sexual violence reported having experienced

    psychological consequences like depression,

    anxieties, and anger.

    As women are integral and essential parts in nation building, the

    State shall therefore take care of the needs of the women and

    protect them from all kinds of danger that may damage their

    integrity and sanity. As such, violence against women shall be

    prevented at all costs.

    A woman is like a tea bag; you never know

    how strong it is until it's in hot water.

    Eleanor Roosevelt American politician, diplomat, and activist.

    Longest-serving First Lady of the United States

    I do not think, sir, you have any right to

    command me, merely because you are older

    than I, or because you have seen more of the

    world than I have; your claim to superiority

    depends on the use you have made of your time and experience.

    Charlotte Bront, Jane Eyre English novelist and poet

    I do not wish them [women] to have power

    over men; but over themselves.

    Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the

    Rights of Woman English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights

    A state that does not educate and train women

    is like a man who only trains his right arm.

    Jostein Gaarder, Sophie's World Norwegian intellectual and author of several

    novels, short stories and children's books

    Women have a much better time than men in

    this world; there are far more things forbidden

    to them.

    Oscar Wilde Irish writer and poet

    I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.

    Susan B. Anthony American social reformer and feminist who played a

    pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement

    The Philippines has enacted several laws protecting women

    from violence:

    Anti-Sexual Harassment

    Anti-Rape and Rape Victim Assistance and Protection

    Anti-Trafficking of Persons

    Anti-Violence against Women and Children with

    Womens and Childrens Desks and Services

    RA 9262: The Anti-Violence Against Women Act of 2004

    Many Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and partylists are

    also involved in protecting women against violence:


    Stop the Abuse and Violence against Our Women (SAVE

    Our Women)

    Bathaluman Crisis Center Foundation

    Womens Crisis Center (WCC)

    Though efforts and laws have already been enacted, the cases

    of abuse and violence against women are still on the rise.

    The following are suggested for better service and eventual

    mitigation of the problem:

    1. Awareness campaigns on violence against women

    shall be continued and further strengthened.

    Widespread awareness must be

    observed. It should be

    participated by the government,

    NGOs, public and private

    sectors, and by the citizens as



  • Photo Source: Katie Giattini

    2. A hospital or a special section of a hospital shall be allocated

    specifically to cater to the needs of

    women who are victims of abuse and


    The hospital or hospital section must

    consist of an emergency room, recovery

    rooms, and psychological wards for their

    emotional healing. Doctors, nurses, psychologists and

    psychiatrists who are competent enough to handle these

    cases shall be employed. The victims hospital admission may

    be kept a secret upon the patients request to ensure security

    and preserving her dignity.

    3. The aforementioned hospital or hospital section shall

    mandatorily report the cases to the police or proper

    authority even without the patients consent.

    This is one way of the better

    monitoring the situation and so that

    appropriate actions against the

    crimes perpetrator shall be executed.

    Many victims choose not to report the

    abuse to the police or other competent authority for many

    reasons. For victims of sexual abuse, they fear of being

    labeled as dirty woman once people found out that they

    were raped. As for victims of physical abuse, either their

    partners threatening them with danger or fear for their

    childrens future are some of the causes.

    4. The subject of abuse and violence against women shall be

    included during marriage counseling.

    This is to make the couple aware of their

    rights and their limitations. Discussing the

    RA 9262 during marriage counseling might

    be helpful in mitigating physical and sexual

    abuse, especially marital rape.

    Political Science II B1:

    Mara Alexandria B. Abalos

    Rumar M. Guillena

    YOU HIT,

    WE HURT.