a word from our state director faith of our fathers, willing to...

Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Stand 1 American Laws for American Courts 2 CWA of North Carolina Prayer/Action Chapter 2 CWA of North Carolina Impacted Raleigh on June 5! 3 What Does “The Bill of Rights” Mean to Our Youth or Teachers Today?” 3 Stop Common Core in North Carolina 4 CWA Supports Founding Fathers 5 Inside this issue: Summer 2013 News Report Summertime, July 4 through Labor Day, is a time of celebration and appreciation of our great American heritage. Though much has been written in recent years attempting to dismiss the fact that America was founded upon biblical principles of Judeo- Christianity, anyone who examines the original statements of those individuals instrumental in the founding of America will find overwhelming evidence showing the extent to which our nation’s Founding Fathers’ thoughts and lives were influenced by a biblical perspective. These early patriots looked to God, not the government to guide the affairs of men. George Washington in his farewell address said, “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.” The Preamble to our own state Constitution says that we are grateful to Almighty A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Stand Concerned Women for America of North Carolina Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Sheri Miller, State Director [email protected] (704) 542-6984 P.O. Box 472903 Charlotte, NC 28247 God and acknowledge our dependence upon Him. Our forefathers understood that the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would only survive when America recognized her utter dependence upon God and that any government without God borders on tyranny. Now, we have 2013! We’re told we will violate the constitutional separation of church and state established by our Founding Fathers in the First Amendment. What President Ronald Reagan said in 1987 applies today even more than it did back then, “The First Amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values. It was written to protect those values from government tyranny.” Constitutional attorney, Continued on page 5 “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.” George Washington in his farewell address Happy 4th of July! “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14 Preamble to the North Carolina Constitution We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution.

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Page 1: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Stand


American Laws for American Courts


CWA of North Carolina Prayer/Action Chapter


CWA of North Carolina Impacted Raleigh on June 5!


What Does “The Bill of Rights” Mean to Our Youth or Teachers Today?”


Stop Common Core in North Carolina


CWA Supports Founding Fathers


Inside this issue:

Summer 2013 News Report

Summertime, July 4 through Labor Day, is a time of celebration and appreciation of our great American heritage. Though much has been written in recent years attempting to dismiss the fact that America was founded upon biblical principles of Judeo-Christianity, anyone who examines the original statements of those individuals instrumental in the founding of America will find overwhelming evidence showing the extent to which our nation’s Founding Fathers’ thoughts and lives were influenced by a biblical perspective. These early patriots looked to God, not the government to guide the affairs of men. George Washington in his farewell address said, “It is impossible to govern the world without God and the Bible.” The Preamble to our own state Constitution says that we are grateful to Almighty

A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Stand

Concerned Women for America of North Carolina

Informing , Insp i r ing and On th e Move!Informing , Insp i r ing and On th e Move!

Sheri Miller, State Director

[email protected]

(704) 542-6984

P.O. Box 472903 Charlotte, NC 28247

God and acknowledge our dependence upon Him. Our forefathers understood that the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would only survive when America recognized her utter dependence upon God and that any government without God borders on tyranny. Now, we have 2013! We’re told we will violate the constitutional separation of church and state established by our Founding Fathers in the First Amendment. What President Ronald Reagan said in 1987 applies today even more than it did back then, “The First Amendment was not written to protect people and their laws from religious values. It was written to protect those values from government tyranny.” Constitutional attorney,

Continued on page 5

“It is impossible to govern the world

without God and the Bible.”

George Washington in his farewell address

Happy 4th of July!

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14

Preamble to the North Carolina Constitution

We, the people of the State of North Carolina, grateful to Almighty God, the Sovereign Ruler of Nations, for the preservation of the American Union and the existence of our civil, political and religious liberties, and acknowledging our dependence upon Him for the continuance of those blessings to us and our posterity, do, for the more certain security thereof and for the better government of this State, ordain and establish this Constitution.

Page 2: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

Page 2 Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Summer 2013

George Washington said on September 26, 1796, “Against the insidious wiles of foreign influence, the jealousy of free people is to be constantly aware, since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of a Republican government.” George Washington could not foresee world expansion to the global dimensions of today. But his comment is still timely because America’s difference from the rest of the world is the unique guarantee of individual freedom found in the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution, the supreme law of the land. And, there is no law superseding it according to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution. Article 1 of the North Carolina Constitution and its 37 Declarations of Rights guarantees those same freedoms here in North Carolina. Yet, there is an insidious creep of foreign laws and international mandates that threaten those unique freedoms and the sovereignty of both our state and national Constitutions. Our government of the people, by the people, and for the people is continually threatened by many throughout the world, and within our country, who do not think all of those freedoms should be guaranteed.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on January 30, 2012, said, “I would not look to the United States Constitution if I was drafting a constitution in the year 2012. I might look to the Constitution of South Africa.” She then called the United States Constitution an antiquated document. The Islamic Qur’an says that there is no law greater than the laws of Allah. That includes the U.S. Constitution and any other national legal code. Keith Ellison was the first member of Congress to take his oath of office using the Qur’an. Holding up his right hand and swearing to uphold the Constitution of the United States as the Supreme Law of the Land, he had his left hand on the Quran. One cannot help but question the priority of his allegiance. There is no compatibility of the laws of Allah and the U.S. Constitution. How does this affect us in North Carolina? There is a case in the North Carolina Appeals Court that reversed a lower judge’s decision to dismiss a lawsuit by a Muslim woman who demanded the Qur’an for her oath in the courtroom. Bank of America and Wachovia will soon start offering a Muslim Quiet Room for

prayers which can take place 2 to 3 times during the work day. To aid that, Wachovia will be adding wash basins in order to provide for preparation for prayers. However, there is no special aid for Jews, Christians, Hindus Buddhists, Coptics, Mormons or any other religious persuasion. (Click here for more information.) Foreign Laws of several origins, mostly Islam, are becoming enmeshed in Wall Street and other financial/commercial markets. Sharia Compliant Finance (SCF) is expanding among banks and securities eager to absorb the hundreds of billions of petro dollars. To lure this cash, Sharia loans must be interest free (interest is illegal for Muslims) and made with assurance there is no benefit from entertainment, pork, alcohol, or other forbidden food, customs and behaviors. (Click here for more information.) No insurance can be required of Muslims. That will include ObamaCare, even though they will be recipients of all medical care without benefit of insurance. Yet polygamy is allowed, and all members of the family are eligible to receive government benefits.

Continued on page 6

American Laws for American Courts By Mary Frances Forrester, Associate Director

CWA of North Carolina Prayer/Action Chapters

are an opportunity to serve, to lead others in

prayer and action, to make a difference

Ultimately, the problems in our country are spiritual. Our financial, cultural, social, educational, family problems, our ever-expanding and intrusive government, our steady loss of Judeo-Christian heritage are all symptoms of our spiritual problems.

2 Chronicles 7:14 says, “If My people, called by My name humble themselves and pray … then I will heal their land.” CWA believes that we will only see change in our nation when we as God’s people commit to both prayer and action. Join with the over 450 Prayer/Action Chapters in the nation where men and women meet monthly to pray and act on issues affecting the American family.

Contact us today to join this spiritual battle.

Page 3: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

Page 3 Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Summer 2013

Our Day at the Capital and Legislative Briefing was a great success! Almost 100 concerned women, men, and teens enjoyed a day of prayer, visiting legislators and outstanding speakers at a Legislative Briefing on “American Laws for American Courts,”

protecting North Carolina’s courts, public policy, and legal systems from the infiltration of foreign laws and Sharia law into our state constitution. Visit our website nc.cwfa.org to listen to our outstanding guest speakers, including Penny Nance,

CWA CEO & President; Bill Federer author of What Every American Should Know about the Qur’an; Rep. Chris Whitmire; Dr. Zizette Gabriel; and Dr. Mark Harris.

CWA of North Carolina Impacted Raleigh on June 5!

The North Carolina Federation of Republican Women challenges middle school students every two years with a wonderful opportunity promoting patriotism through an essay contest. This year’s essay theme was “What The Bill Of Rights Means To Me.” Providentially, our forefathers sought to insure that our freedom of religion, speech, press, due process, privacy, and right to keep and bear arms should be protected through the Bill of Rights. 2012-13 was the first year that the Sweet Union Republican Women’s Club offered this opportunity to their Union County students. The county school administration was very supportive and positive responses were anticipated from all the county’s public school students. The Club promised the local winner $250 while the State would award the overall winner a $1,000 U.S. Savings Bond.

Surprisingly, the county’s Christian schools were not interested in participating. Studying our American heroes who came before us often evokes patriotic spirit and great American pride. That was the overall objective. And, the county central office’s enthusiasm and support would have seemed to advance toward that end. With a great show of support, appreciation and communication with the teachers by the Club representatives, it was hoped that this subject material would have been integrated into the civics curriculum and that many essays would be submitted for judging. However, as the February deadline approached, it appeared likely that essays might be few. Indeed, this proved to be so. However, there was one young man who was very deserving to become Union County’s first essay winner who would compete for the state title.

The school administrator was indeed excited for this project to motivate and energize students, particularly during an election year. But, times have certainly changed. Teachers are overwhelmed with state and national testing standards. We all recognize that education is not what it was back in the 1960s and 1970s. And, students’ interests and motivations have also changed. It’s a national disgrace that we must become so much more creative in order to stoke our children’s interests to produce a basic understanding and enthusiasm for those rights and privileges we once held so dear. Yet, this is exactly what we must do; we have two years to persuade our teachers and young people to grasp the Founders’ principles lest they surrender and betray them completely to the world of mediocrity and apathy, for then our nation will no longer be that “shining city on a hill.”

What Do “The Bill of Rights” Mean to Our Youth or Teachers Today? By Jill Coward, Social Media/Web Coordinator

“Freedom is never more than one generation away

from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected,

and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children

and our children's children what it was once like in

the United States - where men were free.”

Ronald Reagan

Page 4: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

“Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1 Common Core (CC) is a set of patented math and English language arts standards created primarily by ACHIEVE, Inc., a progressive non-profit group receiving most of its funds from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to standardize all curriculum nationally. “All” meaning public, private, religious and home schools; ultimately, no one will be exempt! 45 states adopted Common Core under the cloak of secrecy to accept the President’s ‘Race to the Top’ funding. The North Carolina Board of Education unanimously adopted Common Core in 2010, along with former Gov. Beverly Purdue, without legislative authorization. CC ignores the Constitution’s Tenth Amendment which has historically given the state control over education. North Carolina Public schools began implementing Math and English language arts standards in the fall of 2012. This one-size-fits-all controlled program assumes every child learns the same way at the same pace across America. Former North Carolina teacher and author Kris Neilsen of Teaching to the

Core said, “English classics are replaced by ‘informational texts’ like dry government documents or refrigeration repair manuals. Grammar and spelling are not on the test, and teachers will not have time to teach it. Social Studies is rarely taught anymore, PE is becoming extinct, and there is no more time for field trips, concerts, etc. Now the directions are ‘shut up, sit still and soak up everything’… kids can’t be kids.” CC is a social engineering experiment; lead architect, David Coleman, never a classroom teacher, has made it his goal to replace traditional subjects with a “social justice” agenda. He now holds the Chairmanship of the Board that develops the SATs. Do poorly on the SATs and you do not go to college. (Click here for more information.) CC will be expensive for taxpayers as it revolutionizes curriculum delivery via computers, requiring data system platforms in all schools. Corporations love it for a uniform/standardized output of workers and for the money to be made in the data tracking systems. Federal privacy laws have been rewritten to allow intrusive surveys to create a lifetime computer file on each child, family, and

teacher, such as those which have already arrived in Guilford County. Administrators and unions support CC and won’t have to face the pressure of failing grades. A standardized curriculum sounds appealing, especially to those who move frequently, but a firestorm of complaints has erupted from students, parents and teachers across the nation. Parents and teachers are in a national revolt. Testing is not learning! Children are reduced to tears because they cannot make sense of the new math. CC will end parents’ rights to choose what is best for their children. In summary, our Founders knew there could be no true education without a moral culture and no true morality without Christianity. Our freedom from regimentation made us the innovators of the world as our citizens were marvelously inventive and able to think for themselves. If we do not demand an end to this government intrusion into our educational system, a violation of our parental responsibility, then in my humble opinion, our children and grandchildren will no longer be reading Brave New World and 1984. They will be living it!

Continued on page 6

Page 4 Informing, Inspiring and On the Summer 2013

Stop Common Core in North Carolina Common Core Curriculum: A National Nightmare for Our Children By Bonnie Dougherty, Southern Pines/Pinehurst Prayer Chapter Leader

Check out CWA’s newest

brochure athttp://www.




Page 5: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

Page 5 Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Summer 2013

Matt Barber, expressed in a recent column that “we are in a revolutionary war, not with guns, but of ideologies; and we’re battling against a man who thinks he is king.” Barber added, that “a government, tilting on tyranny, is putting our faith, basic liberties, and moral foundations under assault.” Or, as President Reagan said, “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under.” Since last year’s election with division in our land, and with God, prayer and the Bible being removed from our government, courts and schools, I believe we are in a battle for America’s soul; a battle to protect the liberties and

Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded, and we must restore the soul of this country with faith and dependence on God. CWA of North Carolina’s response? We will continue to fight for America’s soul and her families. We will not go silent as our country moves away from the principles and morals upon which it was founded. As the early patriots did, CWA of North Carolina is “Willing 2 Stand” on the truth of God’s Word. Won’t you be “Willing 2 Stand” for God’s principles, to protect our Judeo-Christian heritage, whatever the cost? (View CWA’s cutting edge campaign - WILLING at

willing2stand.com.) When our culture says protecting life in the womb is a battle we cannot win, CWA of North Carolina is willing to stand firm – life is not negotiable! When homosexual activists try to steal the minds of our children and grandchildren and destroy God’s creation of marriage, CWA of NC is willing to stand firm on God’s Word: one man, one woman. When the Founding Fathers’ Biblical principles are stamped out of our culture, CWA of NC is willing to stand firm on Godly

Faith of Our Fathers - Continued principles: one nation, under God. When Sharia Law creeps into our nation’s court systems, CWA of NC is willing to fight for the sovereignty of the Constitution. Make a difference with your prayers, actions and your voice! Join with CWA of North Carolina as we are willing to stand strong together on the Truth of God's Word to protect our founding Judeo - Christian values. Get more involved with CWA of North Carolina.

CWA of North Carolina has the opportunity to participate in the Founding Fathers Faith Awareness program and receive financial benefit from it to be used for state projects. The entity promoting Founding Fathers’ Faith Awareness Month is psalm3312.org. The designated month for the program is July 2013. Founding Fathers Faith Awareness will be created by the display of 3’ X 8’ banners with the choice of quotes from eight presidents along roadways and on business and church properties

throughout our state. A sample of the banners may be seen at psalm3312.org These high-quality, patriotic banners can certainly be used at other times as the purchaser chooses, such as at CWA of North Carolina events or lending a banner to your church to display on patriotic holidays. Your contribution to CWA of NC will be used to make a difference as we impact our state with prayer and action. The well-worth-the-cost of the Founding Fathers’ banner, including zip ties for each

grommet, is $175 plus shipping. A set of seven banners may be purchased for $1000 plus shipping. If you are interested in purchasing banners, do not order through the website: www.psalm3312.org. Scott Saunders, the founder of psalm 3312.org, is arranging special imprinting for CWA in order to draw the public to our website. The banners we purchase or sell will

CWA Supports Founding Fathers By Elsie Smoluck, Development Coordinator

have ConcernedWomen.org imprinted on them. ORDER NOW to receive banners for July. ORDERS will be accepted all year. Contact me to place an order and inquire about CWA of North Carolina fundraising opportunities at 704-363-8815, or e-mail at [email protected]. com.

Page 6: A Word From Our State Director Faith of Our Fathers, Willing to Standconcernedwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/NC-News... · 2016-05-10 · the Bible.” The Preamble to our own

Page 6 Informing, Inspiring and On the Move! Summer 2013

PRAY that the Lord will guide North Carolina state legislators to enact legislation to sever Common Core testing and the use of CC curriculum. Pray that the lies of Satan will be exposed, “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of

the truth.” 2 Timothy 3:7 ACTION: Contact your state legislators and Lt. Governor Dan Forest ([email protected]) who heads the State Education Review Committee. Ask that North Carolinians’ rights under Article I,

Section 15 of the North Carolina Constitution be Protected. It reads, “The people have a right to the privilege of education, and it is the duty of the State to guard and maintain that right.”

Freedom of speech is being denied to anyone who criticizes Islam. The First Amendment is being used to bypass Article VI of the United States Constitution, thus making Islamic political doctrine legitimate under the cover of religion. In Tennessee, The Department of Justice (DOJ) warns that criticizing American Muslims (only 15 percent of Muslims are Arabic) on social media may be a federal offense. (Click here for more information.) Six state General Assemblies have passed into law American Laws for American Courts initiatives or similar bills. (Click here for more information.) At the time of this article’s printing, North Carolina had reached a milestone with the passage of House Bill 695 which goes a long

way in protecting the family from foreign laws. It recognizes both the U.S. Constitution and the North Carolina Constitution as the supreme law of this state, declares that North Carolina public policy insures protection of its citizens, and views the enforcement of foreign laws as a violation of the fundamental rights of a natural person within the context of family law as defined by Chapter 50 and 50-A in the North Carolina General Statutes. CWA of North Carolina appreciates the foresight of Rep. Chris Whitmire (R–District 113)([email protected]) as author and primary sponsor along with Reps. Cleveland, Schaffer, Pittman and other cosponsors in the House. CWA and CWA of North Carolina will continue to advocate for this bill to become North Carolina Law as Sen. Ronald Rabin

(R–District 12) leads that effort in the Senate. (Click here to read and track bill.) Pray that God will grant North Carolina the opportunity to reach out to all people with God’s Truth. Pray that HB 695 Foreign Laws/Protecting Constitutional Rights will pass the North Carolina Senate. Action: Refer to our website: cwa.nc.org. Contact your state senator and ask him/her to support HB 695 Foreign Laws/Protecting Constitutional Rights in the Senate at: ncleg.net/senate/senate.html Your prayers and actions will make a difference for the principles of freedom ensuring that American Laws for American Courts is maintained in the courts of North Carolina, the shining light on the hill.

American Laws for American Courts - Continued

Share CWA’s information with your pastor and church family.

Here is a great

resource created by CWA national

to be distributed in churches.

This one is titled

“Healthcare Should Not Be a Violation

of Conscience.”

Click here to print this double-sided


Common Core Curriculum: A National Nightmare for Our Children - Continued

Did you miss our June 5 event? Listen to the great speakers online right now at nc.cwfa.org!