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ContentsIntroductionAabdominal painsabrasions and cutsabscessacidityacneadder's tongueadenoids, inflammation ofageingagrimomyaguealbumen wateralcoholalderaloesalopeciaanaemia

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angelicaankle, sprainedankles, weakalumammoniaantisepticsantidotesanxietyaperientsappetite, lack ofappleaphrodisiacarnicaarthritisashasthmaasparagusathlete's footavens

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Bbackachebaldnessbalmbarberrybarleybasilbearberrybeef teabelladonnabetonybilberrybiliousnessbirchbites and stingsbittersweetblackberryblackcurrantblisters

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blood clotsbloodlessnessblood pressure, highblood pressure, lowblushingbody odourbogbeanbones, brokenBonesetboilsboragebreast-feedingbreasts, soreness ofbreathlessnessbronchitisbroombruisesbryonybuckthorn

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buglebugloss, vipersbunionsburdockburnetburns and scaldsburr marigoldbutterbur

Ccabbagecastor oilcatarrhcatnipcelerycentaurychamomilechickweedchildbirthcinnamon

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dog rosedropsy

EearacheeczemaeggelderelmelecampaneemeticepilepsyEpsom saltsexpectorantseyebrighteuphrasiaeye problemseyestrain


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fat henfennelfenugreekfertilityfeverfeverfewfigwortflatulenceflaxfood poisoningfoxglovefracturesfrecklesfumitory

Ggall bladder problemsgarlicgingergipsywort

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glycerinegoutground eldergroundselground ivy

Hhaemorrhoidshairhalitosishands, chappedhawthornheadachehead liceheartseaseherb roberthiccupshoneyhoneysucklehops

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horehound, whitehorseradishhorsetailhypertensionhyssophysteria


JJacob's ladderjaundicejuniper

Kkidney problems

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Llady's bedstrawlarchlavenderlaxativeleekslemonlemon balmlettuce, wildliceliquoricelilaclily of the valleylinseedlips, chappedliver problemslockjaw

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lovageMmaddermalariamarigoldmarjorammarshmallowmeadowsweetmemory, poormenopausemenstruationmilkmistletoemotherwortmulleinmustardmyrrh


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nettleneuralgianose, bleeding

Oolive oilonion


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pleurisypoison, antidotes topoppypotatopoulticespsoriasispurple loosestrife

Rrabiesragwortraspberryrespiratory infectionsrheumatismrhubarbringwormroserhubarbringwormrose

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Ssagesaltsavoryscabiesscaldsscarlet feversciaticaseasicknessself-healshepherd's purseshinglessinusitisskin problemsskullcapslippery elm

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smallpoxsnake bitessorrelsouthernwoodsnapdragonspearmintspeedwellspitting of bloodsprainsstiffnessstings and bitesstitchSt John's wortstomach painsstomach problemsstrainsstrawberrystyessulphur

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Ttansytapewormtarragonteathistle, holythymetoothachetuberculosisturniptyphoid fevertyphus

Uulcersurinary disorders


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varicose veinsvertigovervainvioletvomiting

Wwalnutwartswatercresswater retentionweaknesswhite bryonywhooping coughwillow, whitewintergreenwitch hazelwoodruffwormswormwood

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AppendixSome Old Remedies for Stainsblood stainscoffee stainsink stainsiron-mould stainsmedicine stainsmilk stainsperspiration stainswax stainswine stains

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IntroductionNowadays when there is anything wrong with uswe are used to purchasing a whole range of patentmedicinesover the pharmacist's counter or to going to ourdoctor to get a drug especially prescribed for us.This, however, is a recent development in thehistory of mankind. The drugs revolution did notreally get under way until after World War II,although of course doctors had recourse to a rangeof medications before that.In contrast with the drugs revolution, folkmedicine dated back into the mists of time. Thereis archaeological evidence that primitive humanbeings made use of healing plants.It was natural that people would make use of whatwas to hand, whether this was to feed them, keepthem warm or make them well. Finding cures forparticular ailments was obviously carried out overthe centuries on a trial and error basis. These cureswere handed down by word of mouth, originally

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because this was the only way possible, but evenwith the spread of literacy family remediescontinued to be handed on orally from generationto generation.With the introduction of the a National HealthService, people could consulted doctors. This, inaddition to the fact that many people had moved topopulated urban areas where medical treatmentwas more readily available, and to the fact thattransport facilities had generally increased, led toa marked decrease in the reliance of cures basedon the fields, hedgerows and kitchen cupboards.Recently there has been a reaction in societyagainst our technological age, and some peopleare once again turning to simple, natural thingsand rejecting the sophisticated and the synthetic.This reaction has included remedies for illnesses,and herbal medicine has become popular as abranch of alternative medicine. To some extent thewheel has come full circle.It should be pointed out that this book is intended

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only for the interest of the reader. It is in no way ado-it-yourself herbal manual and should not betreated as such. The whole area of folk and herbalmedicine is one that is fraught with potential risk,some herbs being toxic and some beinginappropriate. and even dangerous in certainsituations. Anyone contemplating using herbalcures should consult a herbal specialist trained inmodern herbal medicine techniques.No one involved with the preparation orpublication of the book can be held liable for anyconsequences arising from the use of this book orfor any errors. This also applies to the old stainremedies given in the Appendix.

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A abdominal pains see stomach pains .

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abrasions and cutsAbrasions occur when the skin is grazed or brokenslightly by scraping, rubbing or cutting.Traditionally, cinnamon was used on abrasions asan antiseptic; clove oil was used to disinfect thewound; honey was spread on the wound to act asan antiseptic and to speed up the healing process;and tea was used externally to check bleeding andguard against infection.Other common remedies included marigoldflowers, crushed and applied externally; onionjuice applied externally; crushed fresh parsleyleaves; the crushed fresh leaves of plantain; a teamade from sage applied externally; dock leavesapplied externally, either directly or in the form ofa lotion; geranium leaves bruised and appliedexternally; and a poultice made of the poundedroot or leaves of comfrey.Yarrow, elderflowers and meadowsweet flowerswere also used, as were compresses or poulticesusing witch hazel, and lavender was used while

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bathing. Later, iodine was much used onabrasions and cuts.Other remedies were slightly more peculiar. Oneof these involved putting fresh elderflowers in anequal quantity of lard. This was then heated gentlyuntil the flowers were crisp and the mixture wasstrained through linen to form a kind of ointment.A similar ointment was made using lard andwhite horehound.See also BLEEDING.

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abscessAn abscess is a collection of pus, often occurringin a cavity and often causing an inflamedswelling.There are several traditional cures for abscesses,some of them weirder than others. A common one,and one that was also used for boils, was the useof a hot poultice made from bread and milk tobring the abscess to a head.Alternatively, a fresh egg was beaten with threetablespoonfuls of white flour and cooked slowlyand carefully to form a white paste. This was thenspread on a piece of cloth and applied to theaffected area, the treatment being repeated everythree hours.Various herbs, used either separately or incombination, were also used in a poultice. Theseincluded chickweed, comfrey, marshmallow root,plantain, and slippery elm.Vegetables were also used in the treatment of

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abscesses and boils. Raw carrots were used in hotpoultices, as werecrushed boiled turnips. A paste of mashed cookedleeks was spread on a piece of cloth and placed onthe abscess or boil, and onion juice was appliedexternally. Eucalyptus oil was also used.It seems highly unlikely that many us of willtryout one traditional remedy in particular. Thisinvolved taking a quantity of snails and boilingthem in ground salt before applying the resultantpaste to,the area affected by the abscess or boil.See also BOILS.

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acidityAcidity of the stomach manifests itself in bouts ofheartburn and indigestion.A cure for this consisted of a small amount ofbicarbonate of soda in a glass of fairly hot water.Another cure consisted of putting twoteaspoonfuls of magnesia in a tumbler of milk.Sometimes, however, acidity of the stomach wastreated not with antacids but with acidicsubstances. One cure prescribed two teaspoonfulsof cider vinegar mixed with one teaspoonful oflemon juice and one teaspoonful of potato juice.

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acneAcne is a chronic skin complaint in whichblackheads and pustules appear on the face andother parts of the body,commonly the back. It is a disorder of thesebaceous glands, which produce sebum that, inits normal amounts, keeps the skin supple andelastic.When the channel through which the sebumreaches the surface becomes blocked, the deadcells forming the blockage can turn black, hencecausing the blackheads. If the blocked glandsituated at the base of the blockage becomesinfected, a reddened inflamed spot may develop.Acne is particularly common among adolescentsbecause of hormonal activity on reaching puberty.Severe acne, especially if it goes untreated, canleave scarring and pockmarks on the area that hasbeen affected.Older, more traditional remedies for acne included

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using various herbs as a facial steam. One of thesesteams consisted of chickweed, elderflower andmarigold, used in equal parts. Agrimony appliedexternally was also thought to be curative.Another remedy involved the spreading of sulphurointment over the affected areas.Nowadays there are various abrasive substanceson the market to remove blackheads, but an olderremedy involved applying a watch key over theoffending blackhead and pressing. People stillsqueeze blackheads by pressing them, althoughnot generally with watch keys. It is best not tosqueeze infected blackheads, however, in case thismakes them worse.There is often said to be a dietary factor in acne,although many doctors feel that there is noevidence for this. Thus, some remedies weredesigned to be taken internally.Aperients generally were recommended.Another internal cure involved mixing two ounces

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of clover flowers, two ounces of nettle tops andtwo ounces of comfrey flowers with four pints ofboiling water and simmering this until only twopints were left. A wineglass of the resulting liquidwas to be taken every three hours. adder's tongue,English.Common names for this commonly found plantare serpent's tongue and Christ's spear. Intraditional herbal remedies it was used as anemetic. It was also used to speed up woundhealing and for sore eyes. Another use was tosoothe and soften the skin. It was administeredeither as a poultice or in the form of an infusion.

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adenoids, inflammation ofAdenoids are fleshy growths at the back of thenose. When they became enlarged or inflamed, acommon traditional remedy was to make asolution of salt and water and sniff it up the nose.Alternatively, a solution of one teaspoonful of saltin warm water was used as a gargle. This is in factoften used as a gargle for sore throats today.

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ageingPeople have long looked for the elixir of youth, butit is still absolutely certain that, unless we dieprematurely, we will all undergo the ageingprocess, although it is more obvious earlier insome people than in others.Various traditional methods were used to try toslow down the ageing process. In China, ginsengwas used as an aid to longevity and an aid to agood memory in old age. Nearer home, a tea madefrom comfrey, drunk on a regular basis, wasthought to promote health in old age.Ginger was also thought to slow down the ageingprocess, and in recent times it has indeed beenshown to have antioxidant properties, which arediscussed below. Rosemary was thought toimprove the memory, which often deteriorates inold age. In Ayurvedic medicine, myrrh is believedto rejuvenate the body and the mind and even toreverse the ageing process.Recent research has shown that some of the

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products long used in home remedies are high inantioxidants, which neutralize destructive freeradicals and may be Instrumental in helping toalleviate various degenerative diseases and inretarding the ageing process. Some of theseproducts include lemon, potatoes, wheat-germ,carrots, olive oil, ginger and rosemary

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agrimomyPopular names for agrimony are church steeples,because of the shape of its tall flower spikes, andsticklewort.In medieval times agrimony was said to possessmagical powers that could ward off the powers ofwitchcraft. It was especially valued as a cure forinsomnia. The story was that if you put someagrimony under your head when you went tosleep, you would sleep so soundly that youappeared to be dead and that you would not wakeuntil the agrimony was taken from under yourhead.It was also believed to have the ability to draw outsplinters embedded in the flesh, and when used ina poultice was supposed to alleviate bites andstings. Acne was also thought to be cured by it. ..Indeed, the plant was considered to be so versatilethat It was regarded as a sovereign remedy. It wasthought to have a beneficial effect on the liver,kidneys and bladder and was used as a diuretic.

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Agrimonies was also used as an expectorant incases of persistent coughing and as a herbalgargle. It was also used as a preventative fordiarrhoea and as an astringent and tonic-a plantwith wide-ranging powers indeed.

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agueAgue is a term that we do not use any more. Itwas once used to describe any disease thatbrought on a fever accompanied by shivering ofthe kind that occurs in influenza.Later it was used to describemalarial fever .A traditional cure for ague or malarial fever was totreat it with an infusion of marigold flowers.Alternatively, an ointment made with the crushedleaves of elder was used.Bryony was used when other remedies failed,although this had to be used with extreme cautionsince it is very poisonous.Other cures for ague, probably in its more generalsense, were not so commonplace. One old curewas rather complex.It involved the gathering together of equalquantities of tobacco dust and soot, and ninecloves of garlic. These ingredients were thenbeaten together and mixed with soap to make a

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stiff paste that was then shaped into two cakes.These were laid on the inside of each wrist of theague victim, being bound on with rags, and weresupposed to be applied one hour before the next fitwas expected- how the timing was reckoned is notmade clear.If this treatment was not effective the first timeround, it was to be repeated in three or four daystime.There was an alternative cure, but whether thiswas in any way preferable is hard to say. For this,the person intent on effecting a cure had to acquirea pennyworth(whatever that entailed in the middle of theeighteenth century) of black soap, a pennyworth ofgunpowder, an ounce of tobacco snuff and a glassof brandy. This mixturewas to be mixed thoroughly in a mortar andspread on pieces of leather fastened onto thewrists. Again, these were to be applied an hour

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before the fit was expected.The person working out the timing of the next fitof ague had an even greater problem with yetanother potential cure current in the middle of theeighteenth century. This had to be applied sixhours before the next fit was expected andinvolved mixing Venice turpentine with thepowder of white hellebore roots until it was stiffenough to spread on pieces of leather. These werethen laid on the wrists and over the balls of thethumbs.Ague seems to have attracted more than its fairshare of cures. Another remedy involved thepatient fasting seven mornings in a row but foreating seven sage leaves.Another suggestion was that the person sufferingfrom ague should bury a handful of salt in theground in the hope that his or her ague woulddisappear as the salt dissolved.If you disliked someone very much, such as a

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neighbour, you got revenge by trying to infect himor her with your ague in a strange way. The theorywas that the ague sufferer would bury under thedoorstep of the neighbour's house a bag thatcontained the parings from a dead man's nails andsome hairs from his head-although whether thesewould be readily available seems unlikely.Traditionally, charms were popular to ward offdisease.At least they must have seemed preferable to thecures. In the case of ague, people wishing to avoidthe disease were encouraged to put a tansy leaf intheir shoes.In an early attempt at preventative medicinepeople were also encouraged to take a pill madefrom a spider's web to ward off ague. One of thesepills was to be taken each morning beforebreakfast.

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albumen waterTo make albumen water, the white of anabsolutely new laid egg was separated from theyolk and whisked until it was a stiff froth. It wasthen added to half a pint of cold water and themixture was them left covered with a saucer for anhour so that the egg white dissolved. A dash oflemon juice or a pinch of salt could be added ifdesired. Albumen water was used for diarrhoea ordigestive problems.

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alcoholAlcohol baths were sometimes given to patientswho were in the beginning stages of pleurisy to tryto get him or her to perspire freely.Alcohol was applied to wounds to act as anastringent to stop bleeding and also to preventinfection. Because of its skin-hardeningproperties, it was applied to bed sores and to sorenipples in breast-feeding mothers. As a liniment itwas used as a counterirritant for rheumatism andarthritis.It was taken internally to relieve pain and wasapplied to teeth and gums to bring temporary relieffrom toothache.

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alderThe bark and leaves of alder contain tannic acidand were used traditionally as a tonic and as anastringent. The bark or leaves were boiled and theresultant liquid used to bathe areas of swellingand to reduce inflammation, particularlyof the throat.

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aloesAloes was traditionally used as a purgative and asa cure for parasitic worms. It was also used tostimulate the menstrual discharge.alopecia see baldness .

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anaemiaThis was sometimes informally known asbloodlessness and is a condition in which there isa lack of red blood corpuscles, or haemoglobin,caused either by inadequate production of redblood cells or prolonged loss of blood.Traditional cures for anaemia include nettle tea,which is rich in iron, often sweetened with somehoney, or dandelion tea. Alternatively, an infusionof herbs could be taken, the herbs includingalfalfa, centaury, dandelion root, rose-hip,watercress and yellow dock, both nettle andyellow dock being exceptionally high in ironcontent.Watercress, being rich in iron, was also used as acure for anaemia, as were wheat, carrots, cabbage,onions and apples.Comfrey was also an ancient cure for anaemia,and angelica, barberry, fenugreek, furnitory, StJohn's Wort and vervain were also used intreatment. anenome, meadow

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Another common name is pasque flower. Thewhole plant was used in traditional herbalremedies.It was used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis,whooping cough and respiratory diseasesgenerally. Disorders of the digestive system werealso treated with it, as were some nervousproblems.

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angelicaAngelica was once thought to have magicalpowers, It was thought to have the power toprotect anyone using it from the powers ofdarkness.It is now chiefly used in crystallized form in cakedecoration, but it was used widely in folkmedicine. The roots were thought to be able toward off infection, and in the Great Plague of1665 many Londoners chewed pieces of angelicaroot in the belief that it would prevent them fromcatching the disease.The plant was also used to stimulate the appetite.Flatulence and indigestion were also thought to behelped by it.Angelica was also used as an expectorant inrespiratory disorders, being used to alleviate colds,coughs, sore throats, influenza, and bronchitis. Itwas also used to bring down fevers.It was thought to have extremely wide-ranging

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powers, being also useful in the treatment ofurinary disorders and disorders of the kidneys.Muscular cramps and chilblains were also treatedwith it.This is an impressive range of treatments, butthese were not all. The plant was also thought tobe instrumental in improving bad eyesight anddeafness. ankle, sprained see sprains.

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ankles, weakSome illnesses, such as scarlet fever, were thoughtto leave the patient with weak ankles after theillness was cured. A cure that would now seemrather exotic involved oysters. The patient wasadvised to take a raw oyster in the palm of theright hand and massage the ankles with it until theoyster was more or less rubbed into nonexistence.This practice was to be carried out every eveningbefore the sufferer went to bed and was to becarried on until the ankles grew stronger.

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alumAlum was traditionally used in France as atreatment for chilblains on the hands. A smallpiece was taken and melted in enough hot water tocover the hands. After the alum was melted, thechilblain-sufferer put his or her hands in the liquidand covered the hands with gloves.These were to be kept on all night and as long aspossible during the day. Alum was also used toalleviate the effects of excessive perspiration.

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ammoniaAmmonia was sometimes used in cold cures. Itwas inhaled in the way that menthol was, and stillis.It was also used to treat feet that perspiredexcessively.The feet were washed with ammonia and thenthey were rubbed with ammonia, particularlybetween the toes.Tired feet could be bathed in water containingammonia and bay rum.Ammonia was also used in the treatment of stingsand bites. It was used to alleviate bites made byants, gnats and mosquitoes.

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antisepticsVarious herbs were known for their antisepticpowers in folk and herbal medicine. Theseincluded avens, costmary, garlic, oak, thyme,violet and woundwort.antidotes see poison, antidotes to.

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anxietyThere were various herbs and plants that werenoted for their calming effect on the nerves in folkmedicine. These included balm, catnip,chamomile, cloves, hawthorn, hops, lavender,lime flowers, orange blossom, passiflora, skullcap,thyme, valerian, vervain and wood betony.

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aperientsAn aperient is a mild type of laxative forevacuating the bowels. Herbs used as aperients infolk and herbal medicine included c1ary, clubmoss, costmary, couch-grass, dandelion, elder,feverfew, marigold, marshmallow, parsley andrhubarb.

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appetite, lack ofOne traditional remedy for lack of appetiteinvolved making a drink from a handful of hopsand caraway seeds.This was particularly recommended for loss ofappetite following a debilitating illness.Watercress and angelica were also thought tostimulate the appetite, as was barley. Carrots, too,were thought to encourage people to eat.Herbs that were considered to be appetitestimulants included chamomile, lavender, sage,thyme, tarragon, marjoram, yarrow, hawthorn,myrrh, centaury, gentian, hopsand wormwood.Horseradish was also used to encourage people toeat.

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appleApples were long thought to be exceptionallyhealth-giving. Modern medical research seems toback up the old adage 'An apple a day keeps thedoctor away' by revealing that apples and applejuice can be powerful tools against viruses.The apple had many uses in traditional medicine.Its medicinal advantages have been recognizedsince the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans.In Greek mythology the apple, which was said totaste like honey, was regarded virtually as a cure-all.Apples were thought to be good for complaintsrelating to the digestive system. They werethought to be useful both as a laxative and as atreatment for diarrhoea, as well as helping toregulate acidity in the stomach.The liver, gall bladder and urinary problems wereall said to be helped by the intake of apples. Theywere used as a cure for fluid retention.

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Cooked apples were thought to be helpful in casesof insomnia by promoting a restful sleep. Theywere also thought to act as a sedative and torelieve anxiety.Other disorders that apples were meant to be ableto help were arthritis, gout and headaches. Heartproblems, anaemia, lethargy, influenza, fever anddecongestion were all thought to be alleviated bythe eating of apples. It is obvious why the applewas regarded as a general panacea.Apples were regarded as dampeners of theappetite but were used in some invalid drinks.These included apple water, which was made byslicing two large apples and pouring two pints ofboiling water on them. This was then allowed tostand for two hours and was then strained.Apple tea was made by roasting two large sourapples and covering them with boiling water. Theresulting mixture was allowed to cool and wasthen strained.

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Baked apples were used externally for a number ofcomplaints.They were used in earache and, when mashedwith some sulphur, they were used on the skin tocure scabies and ringworm, Mixed with a littleolive oil, baked apples were used on wounds thatwere proving difficult to heal.Grated raw apple was used in a poultice for soreeyes and, also in a poultice, was used as a cure forvaricose veins.

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aphrodisiacHoney and ginger were both considered by theancients to be aphrodisiacs. Onions were alsoconsidered to have aphrodisiac qualities, and onecustom involved the giving of onion soup tocouples on their wedding night.Celery, dill, fennel, hawthorn, nettle, valerian andwatercress were also once considered to haveaphrodisiac qualities. Nowadays, some peopleconsider oysters to be aphrodisiac.

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arnicaArnica is commonly called mountain tobacco orleopard'sbane.It was, and often still is, applied externally in theform of poultices or lotion to alleviate bruises andsprains. Arnica was also used internally as adiuretic and stimulant, but it frequently irritatedthe stomach and in some cases could lead to quitesevere poisoning

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arthritisArthritis is a painful condition in which the jointsare inflamed. It is a difficult condition to treat, andmany of the modern treatments have side effects.Various ways of alleviating the condition werepopular in folk or herbal medicine. As one wouldexpect, some of them involved poultices.One of these had as its ingredient fresh ragwortleaves.Another poultice was made from a handful ofcoltsfoot boiled in milk with oats and butter.Cabbage was also used in poultices to reduceinflammation, and the leaves and flowers ofborage were also used in the same way.Cloves were added to alcohol to make a linimentto rub on painful joints, as was thyme. The bruisedfresh leaves of peppermint were applied to painfuljoints also, and inChina eucalyptus oil was used in this way.Various infusions and teas were also

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recommended as folk cures. One of these wasmade from a teacupful of honeysuckle flowers anda pint of boiling water. Mustard seeds in aninfusion was another suggested cureAnother herbal tea thought to alleviate arthritiswas more complicated. It required agrimony,·bogbean, burdock and yarrow in equal quantitieswith about one' quarter of the amount of raspberryleaves. This was to be added to boiling water andreduced to half the original amount of liquid. Itwas then allowed to cool and was strained. Again,a wineglass of the liquid was to be taken everythree hours.Cinnamon, watercress, vinegar, apple, carrots,leeks, onions, turnip, parsley, dandelion leaves,nettle leaves, dock, marigold, lemon juice andcucumber taken internally were also recommendedfor the relief of arthritis. Other herbs that werethought to alleviate the symptoms includedbuckthorn, chickweed, rosemary, sage, comfrey,mistletoe, meadowsweet, rue, wintergreen and

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wormwood.An Epsom salts bath taken once or twice a weekwas once recommended for arthritis sufferers

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ashThe bark and leaves of ash were used as laxativesand purgatives, often in association with otherpurgatives, such as senna or rhubarb.Ash could also be used as a tonic for invalids andwas thought to prevent the return of recurringdiseases, such as malaria.

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asthmaAsthma is a respiratory disorder. People sufferingfrom a bout of asthma find it difficult to breatheproperly. Muscular spasm makes it difficult forthem to get rid of mucus by coughing.Much concern is being expressed about asthmatoday but, of course, it is by no means a newdisease. There were several folk remedies thatwere given to try and alleviate the symptoms. Oneold country remedy was for sufferers of asthma todrink a pint of cold water every morning.They were also advised to take a cold bath everymorning.Not all remedies advised the drinking of water.Another one advised the drinking of apple water,which is described under apple. Yet anotherremedy puts its faith in a drink made fromliquorice. An ounce of stick liquorice was cut intoslices.This was soaked in a quart of water and was to be

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drunk when the asthma sufferer was having aworse bout than usual. Another remedy advocateddrinking a pint of new milk every morning andevening.An infusion made with agrimony was alsorecommended.Another drink involved slicing one pound of slicedgarlic, macerating it in a dish containing two pintsof boiling water and leaving it for twelve hours.The liquid was then strained and sugar was added.One teaspoonful of this liquid was to be taken.Another folk cure involved boiling equalquantities of caraway seeds and fennel seeds invinegar. Some garlic was then added, and whenthe liquid had cooled and been strained, honeywas added. A teaspoonful of this was to be takenas required.A teaspoon of chopped thyme was alsorecommended for the relief of symptoms ofasthma. A small amount of lemon juice taken in

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water before a meal was also thought to be ofhelp, as was cider vinegar. Tea also was held tohave curative powers with regard to asthma, and atea made from rosemary was thought to relieve thebronchial spasm common in asthma.Carrots taken internally were thought to haveexpectorant properties. Because of this, peoplesuffering from asthma were advised to eat carrotsin order to expel mucus.Plantain was also noted as an expectorant to getrid of mucus and was used as such in cases ofasthma, as were sage and eucalyptus. Nettle wasthought to reduce the congestion in asthma, andmyrrh was regarded as a decongestant and as anexpectorant for getting rid of phlegm.A decoction of parsley seeds, noted for their powerto relax muscle, was also thought to relieveasthma, as was hyssop. Thyme was considered tohave the ability to relax the bronchial tubes andalso to get rid of phlegm by its expectorantproperties. Elderflowers were held to be effective

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in reducing congestion and also in relievingspasm.Asthma sufferers were also advised to inhale thesteam from a combination of boiling water andchamomile.Food that was easily digestible was recommended.Eating ripe fruits, whether baked, boiled orroasted, was meant to be good for asthma. Analternative form of food advocated for asthma wasthin bread and butter spread with minced garlic.Somewhat less palatable was something elserecommended to be eaten as a cure for asthma.This was a handful of spider webs rolled into aball.Other herbs thought to be useful in the treatmentof asthma included burdock, butterbur,horseradish, lovage, mullein, valerian and whitehorehound.

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asparagusAsparagus is best known to most of us as avegetable, since its fleshy young shoots are used incooking. Its root, however, was also valued for itsmedicinal properties. It was noted as a laxativeand was also used to induce the flow of urine. Itwas recommended in the treatment of fluidretention, kidney disorders, gout, rheumatic painsand as a sedative. Heart disease was also treatedwith it.The asparagus root was sometimes used in aninfusion, and sometimes the expressed juice wasused. Early herbalists claimed that asparagus wasa cure for impotence.

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athlete's footAthlete's foot is a fungal infection of the feet,being usually found between the toes.Vinegar was considered to be effective againstfungal infections and was commonly used in casesof athlete's foot.Clove oil, being a natural disinfectant, was alsoused. Garlic was also used in the treatment ofathlete's foot.Sometimes crushed garlic was used, sometimes itwas sliced and macerated in oil, and sometimes itwas made into an ointment.People suffering from athlete's foot weresometimes advised to bathe their feet in adecoction of burdock. Some drops of eucalyptusoil were mixed with almond oil or olive oil andapplied to the skin directly.

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avensSome common names for avens include colewort,herb ben net, wild rue and clove root. The herbitself and the root were thought to have medicinalproperties.Avens in traditional herbal medicine wasconsidered useful as an antiseptic and as a tonic. Itwas also used to check bleeding, to reduce feverand induce perspiration.Avens was used in the treatment of stomachcomplaints, such as colic, and in the treatment ofdiarrhoea. Headache, sore throats and chills werealso treated with it, and it was used in heartdisease and disorders of the liver.It was used externally to remove blemishes andspots and relieve skin conditions. Another use wasas a gargle and mouthwashBecause it is a strong aromatic it was once allegedto have the power to drive away evil spirits. It wasonce believed that anyone carrying a sprig of

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avens would not be bitten by a rabid dog or by apoisonous snake. It was once held to be anantidote to poison and animal bites.Another piece of folklore advised that if someonedug up the root of an avens plant before sunriseand hung it in a linen bag round the neck it wouldimprove the eyesight.The same strange practice was also once thoughtto be a cure for piles.

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BbackacheAn old remedy for backache involved making apoultice from hot aniseed and nettle leaves andapplying it to the painful area of the back. Anothercure involved massaging with comfrey.See also SCIATICA.

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baldnessThere were various traditional remedies designedeither to prevent or cure baldness. These wererecommended also in the cases of bald patches,known as alopecia.One suggested preventative was washing the hair~nce a week at least in water containing an eggyolk or a piece of quillia bark. This wasparticularly recommended during periods of ill-health, when people were thought to beparticularly susceptible to baldness.To stimulate the hair follicles it was suggestedthat a few drops of cantharides were added tovinegar. This was used to wash the hair and wasalso rubbed on the scalp.An alternative recommendation was a mixture ofonion juice and honey. This was to be rubbed onthe scalp every morning and evening. .The regular application of a mixture of glycenneand

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lime water, or a mixture of olive oil and limewater, was another suggested remedy. This wasthought to be effective in the case of hair that wasalready showing signs of thinning.Those whose heads were already quite bald wereadvised to try to revive the roots of the hair thatwas still there by brushing the scalp until it wasred and felt warm. Then a lotion consisting oflavender oil, rosemary oil, eau de Cologne andtincture of cantharides was applied to the headonce or twice daily. Alternatively, a mixture ofrosemary oil and olive oil was advised as amassage for the scalp.

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balmPopular names for this herb include lemon balm,sweet balm and cure-all.Balm was noted for its supposed powers to breakfevers and encourage perspiration, and was thus arecommended cure for all feverish illnesses. It wasalso used to treat colds, influenza, catarrh and hayfever. Balm was thought to be effective in thetreatment of flatulence and digestive disorders,and was considered to be a remedy for menstrualcramps. Headaches and dizziness were treatedwith it, as was high blood pressure.It was used to raise the spirits of people who weredepressed, particularly menopausal women, toallay anxiety and to improve concentration. Itsupposedly also improved poor memories. Balmtea was sometimes given to listless or lazychildren in an effort to stimulate them.Externally it was used to dress wounds, to bringboils to a head and to relieve insect stings. It wasused to treat eczema, inflammation of the eye and

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as a gargle for sore throats.

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barberryThis woodland plant is often known as sowberry.In ancient Egypt barberry was used incombination with fennel seeds as a cure for theplague.Later it was used as a purgative and was used incures for dysentery. Barberry contains berberine,which has astringent properties, and wascommonly used in gargles and mouth washes as acure for sore throats. Other disorders thought to behelped by it were high blood pressure and kidneystones. Barberry is high in vitamin C.

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barleyIn ancient Greece and ancient Rome barley wasused to increase vitality and build up strength. It iseasily digested and is highly nutritious, and wasmuch used in soup or gruel to try to tempt patients'appetites and thus help bring them back to fullstrength. Digestive and bowel upsets, such ascolic, diarrhoea, and constipation, loss of appetiteand nervous disorders were also treated by it.Barley water was also used in the treatment ofrespiratory disorders, being thought to helpdisorders of the lungs, to relieve sore chests and toease dry coughs. It was also used to treat cystitisand other disorders of the urinary system.This was made by adding a tablespoonful of pearlbarleyto a pint of water that was then boiled, althoughquantities varied. The boiled water was thendrained off and a pint and a half of clean wateradded. The barley and water were then simmeredgently and strained. Sugar and lemon could be

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added if desired.Barley flour could be used in poultices. Suchpoultices were applied to the skin to sootheinflammation.

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basilMost of us think of basil, also sometimes knownas sweet basil, as a herb used in cooking.However, it was also used in herbal medicine.In the Middle Ages basil was used to relieve thepains of women in labour. It was also thought tobe able to draw out the poison from scorpionstings.It was later used as a cure for various ailments.Nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps werethought to be alleviated by it, as were obstructionsof the internal organs and constipation.Headaches were also said to be soothed by basil,and it was used to relieve insomnia. Vertigo anddizziness were thought to be cured by it, as weremild nervous disorders.Usually administered as an infusion, the herb wassaid to have the power to increase the flow ofbreast milk in nursing mothers.Oil of basil was recommended for treating insect

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stings, bites and minor cuts and abrasions.

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bearberrySometimes called bear's grape, bearberry was usedin early Welsh folk medicine as an antiseptic.Later it was commonly used to promote the flowof urine and in kidney and urinary disorders, suchas cystitis. It turns the urine green. Prolonged useof bearberry resulted in constipation. bed soresAlcohol was rubbed on bed sores to harden theskin and to alleviate the condition. Witch hazelwas also used, either in the form of a poultice or inthe form of a compress. bed-wettingOne particularly unpleasant early remedy for bed-wetting was to give the child boiled mouse flesh.Practically anything would be more palatable thanthat.Another early remedy, fortunately a great deal lessgruesome, was a tea made from St John's Wortand plantain and sweetened with honey. Alsomore pleasant was a mixture of thyme and honey.An infusion of various herbs was also

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recommended, the herbs being basil, betony,golden rod and tansy. A later remedy involved theuse of cardamom. This was also used in cases ofincontinence.Other herbs thought to be useful for curing bed-wetting were bearbery, fennel, hollyhock, pansyand St John's Wort.One rather strange suggestion related to the waythe child lay in bed. To prevent children whopersistently wetthe bed from so doing, it was recommended thatthey were discouraged from sleeping on theirbacks by taping an empty cotton reel to the back oftheir nightwear. This was also used in an attemptto stop people from snoring.

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beef teaBeef tea was much used in cases of debility orconvalescence where the strength of patients hadto be built up.There were various methods of making this. Onemethod involved mincing or cutting up beefsteakand then putting it in a jar or dish with a pint anda half of cold water or barley water. The jar wascovered, placed in a saucepan of water andsimmered for several hours. Alternatively, thecontainer was placed in a cool oven overnight. Thecontents were then strained and the fat removed.

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belladonnaBelladonna is better known to most of us asdeadly nightshade.It is extremely poisonous and, although it wasused in the treatment of several disorders, it wasalso known to result in accidental poisoning oreven death.It was used in the relief of pain, as in cases ofsciatica, rheumatism, bunions and toothache. Theplant was also used as a sedative and to relievefever. Belladonna was also used as a diuretic incases of fluid retention.Eye disorders were commonly treated with it.Belladonna makes the pupils of the eyes dilate.

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betonyThis woodland plant was once thought to conferprotection against evil and sorcery. It was alsobelieved that if betony was planted in churchyardsit would prevent the spirits of the dead fromappearing at night.In early times the plant was thought to be anantidote to snakebites and to be a cure for the bitesof rabid dogs. Another early theory was that itwould cure drunkenness if it were gathered bymeans other than by using an iron implement.Later, betony was thought to have a number ofuses. It was used in the treatment of neuralgia andheadaches, and as a cure for heartburn, high bloodpressure, gallstones and kidney infections. Betonywas used as a tonic, a sedative and a treatment forexcessive sweating. It was also thought to cure thespitting up of blood.The plant was commonly administered as aninfusion.

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When used externally it was said to be effective inthe treatment of boils, sores and cuts.

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bilberryBilberry is also commonly known as whortleberry,blueberry, blaeberry and whinberry. The ripe fruitsand leaves had various uses in folk medicine.The fruit was used as a diuretic in cases of fluidretention and was also thought to be effective inother urinary disorders.Diarrhoea, dysentery and other bowel complaintswere also treated with the fruit of the bilberry.Bilberry was also used in the treatment of scurvy.The leaves of the plant were used in the same wayas bearberry.

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biliousnessOne suggested remedy for a bilious attack was totake a glass of hot water containing lemon juicebefore retiring for the night. Another involveddrinking a small cup of coffee containing lemonjuice and a pinch of salt, fasting for a period oftwenty-four hours and then eating only raw applesfor the next period of twenty-four hours.Epsom salts were also thought to be helpful in thetreatment of biliousness. Another remedyadvocated washing out the stomach with largequantities of water or soda water and takingpurgatives. Thereafter fasting was advocated.

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birchThe bark and leaves of the birch tree were used inherbal medicine. Skin diseases were treated withan ointment made from an oil made from birchbark.The leaves were made into a tea and used as aremedy for gout, dropsy, breaking up kidneystones and rheumatism. birthwortThe root of the birthwort was once used to clearobstructions after childbirth. It was also used inthe treatment of gout and rheumatism.bites and stings see stings and bites.

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bittersweetA common name for bittersweet is woodynightshade.The twigs and root bark were used in herbalmedicine.It was used as a diuretic in cases of fluid retentionand disorders of the kidneys. Disorders of the skinand catarrh, bronchitis, asthma and whoopingcough were also thought to respond to bittersweet.

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blackberryBlackberry is commonly known, particularly inScotland, as bramble. The root and leaves wereused in herbal medicine.It was used to treat dysentery, diarrhoea and piles.Whooping cough was also treated withblackberry, as were feverish colds.

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blackcurrantThe fruit, leaves, bark and root of the blackcurrantbush were used traditionally in herbal medicine.Blackcurrantwas used as a diuretic in cases of fluid retention. Itwas used in feverish illnesses to reduce and breakthe fever.Other uses included the reduction of swelling andthe cure of haemorrhoids or piles.It was also used as a general tonic and as a gargle.blackhead see acne. black pepper see pepper.bladder, irritableA decoction of parsley seeds was used in thetreatment of an irritable bladder. Yarrow was alsoused. bleedingIn folk medicine there were various recommendedcures for bleeding. Yarrow was a very early one.The Greek hero Achilles is said to have used it tostop the bleeding from the wounds of hiscompanions.

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The application of a cobweb was a well-knowncure for bleeding. Sometimes this wasaccompanied by a dressing of brown sugar placedon a piece of cloth.Powdered rice placed on a piece of cloth andapplied to the bleeding area was thought to be aneffective cure.Sometimes a handful of flour was sprinkled overthe wound to try and stop it bleeding or a drydressing made of flour and salt.Cinnamon was thought to reduce or stop bleeding,particularly in the case of nose bleeding or heavyperiods.Lemon juice was recommended for bleeding gumsor for -applying to the nostrils in the case of nosebleeds.Vinegar was applied to wounds to reducebleeding, and alcohol was used in the same way.Tea, because of its astringent properties, was alsoused, as were witch hazel and eucalyptus oil.

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Plantain applied externally was thought to be ableto reduce bleeding, as were rosemary leavesapplied externally.Nettle leaves were also used, as were marigoldflowers or leaves and meadowsweet flowers.Comfrey taken internally was also used to stembleeding, being also used externally for bleedinggums. Rose taken internally was another cure.One older cure involved some advance action. Inthe month of May people were advised to take apiece of cloth and wet it in frog spawn for ninedays, drying it off each day in the wind. Pieces ofthe cloth could then be used to stem bleeding, asthe need arose.See also NOSE.

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blistersA poultice of cabbage leaves was one remedy thatwas used for the relief of blisters. Crushed dockleaves applied to the blisters were also thought tosoothe them and to help to heal them.A cure for blistered feet recommended using amixture of salicylic acid, starch and pulverizedsoapstone. This was to be applied to socks orstockings and shoes. The remedy was also advisedfor swollen feet.

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blood clotsGinger was used to prevent excessive bloodclotting, as was cayenne pepper. Garlic was usedto counteract a tendency for blood to clot toomuch, and olive oil was thought to reduce the riskof blood clots. Onions were used to thin the bloodand dissolve blood clots, and broom wassometimes used as an anticoagulant.bloodlessness see anaemia.blood pressure, high see hypertension.blood pressure, low see hypotension.

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blushingA suggested old cure for excessive blushinginvolved taking half a wine-glassful of an infusioncontaining gentian.

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body odourBefore the days of patent deodorants andantiperspirants, it was suggested that body odourscould be kept at bay by washing twice a day withcarbolic soap or coal tar soap and then dustingoneself with boracic acid. It was also suggestedthat socks and stockings should be dipped in aboracic lotion before being hung up to dry.People who perspired a great deal were advised touse a little ammonia in the bath.See also PERSPIRATION.

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bogbeanBogbean is a plant that had various uses in herbalmedicine.It was used as a tonic and to reduce fever.Constipation and obstruction of the bowels werealso thought to be relieved by bogbean.The plant was used to treat rheumatism and skincom-plaints and to reduce glandular swelling. Insome areas bogbean was used in the treatment ofstomach complaints, particularly ulcers.

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bones, brokenComfrey was used to speed the knitting of brokenbones.

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BonesetBoneset is a plant of the daisy family, also knownas feverwort and Indian sage.It was used to treat the common cold, catarrh andinfluenza.In addition, it was regarded as being a tonic, anexpectorant to bring up phlegm, a laxative, astimulant and as a means of bringing down fevers.Disorders of the bowel, stomach, liver, bowel anduterus were treated by it, as were some skindiseases.

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boilsThere were various old methods for bringing aboil to a head. One of these was the application ofa flour and treacle poultice. Another one, and onethat sounds agonizing, involved heating a glass jarwith very hot water, pouring the water out of thejar, and placing the hot jar on the boil.Poultices were made from watercress, lemon balmorhoney and applied to the boil. More usualpoultices made from bread and milk were alsoused to bring boils to a head. To draw the boil apaste of mashed cooked leeks was applied, andgrated raw carrot was used in a poultice to speedup the healing process.Onion juice was also used to cure boils, as was apoultice made from crushed boiled turnips. Aburdock poultice could be used to reduceinflammation and a comfrey hot poultice to drawthe pus. A compress using eucalyptus oil wasthought to be effective in speeding the healing

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process.Horseradish was also used externally as a cure forboils.Another folk cure to bring a boil to a head used anegg.The egg was boiled and the skin peeled from itwhile it was still wet. The skin was then placed onthe boil.Boils were also cured using Epsom salts. Sufferersfrom boils were advised to put some Epsom saltsin a dish and place it in an oven until it becamepowdery. A little glycerine was then added and themixture put on a piece of cloth or lint and placedon the boil.Haricot beans were used in a cure for boils. Theharicot beans were reduced to a powder and mixedwith fenugreek and honey before being applied tothe boil.A simpler and more pleasant method usedchamomile flowers. These were used in hot

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fomentations that were applied to the boil.Some remedies were internal. A drink was madefrom the root of the dock plant and boiling waterand taken topurify the blood. Alternatively, the centres ofblackberry shoots were boiled, left to soak andstrained. The resultant liquid was to be drunkevery morning.Boils were thought to be a sign that the suffererwas not in the best of health. Tonics andpurgatives were recommended.See also ABSCESS.

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borageBorage in medieval times was thought to promotecourage. From early times it was thought also tohave a cheering influence on people.In herbal medicine it was used in many ways. Aswell as lifting the spirits, it was thought to havethe ability to quieten palpitations and to restoreenergy during a period of convalescence. It wasused also to increase the production of sweat andas a diuretic in cases of fluid retention.The symptoms of respiratory infections were alsotreated with it, as it relieved congestion andhelped to bring up phlegm. Borage was used inthe treatment of sore throats, chest infections,bronchitis and tracheitis.A poultice made with the leaves and flowers ofboragewas used to relieve skin conditions, such aseczema and ringworm. A poultice made withborage was wrapped round painful joints in

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arthritis and gout.Borage was used to make gargles andmouthwashes to treat sore throats, laryngitis orbleeding gums.The leaves and seeds of horage were given tonursing mothers to increase their milk supply.

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breast-feedingCarrots were taken by nursing mothers to increasetheir milk supply. Parsley was taken to achieve thesame effect, as were nettles. The leaves and seedsof borage were also thought to increase the flow ofmilk in nursing mothers.

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breasts, soreness ofAn old treatment for the relief of painful, swollenbreasts, in nursing mothers, was the eating ofsprouted barley, which was thought to dry up themilk. Crushed fresh parsley leaves appliedexternally were also thought to relieveengorgement of breasts when breast-feeding. Apoultice or compress using witch hazel wassupposed to relieve breast engorgement.Sore breasts or nipples were thought to be relievedby the application of a mixture of groundsel anddaisies. A poultice made from chamomile flowersand bruised marshmallow roots was also said tobring relief.An ointment could be made from alum, sugar,vinegar and salt. This was simmered and spreadon a piece of cloth that was applied to the area ofthe sore breast.A drink made of vervain, betony and agrimonywas also said to relieve breast pain. The herbswere crushed and mixed with beer and boiling

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breathlessnessHawthorn was used to treat breathlessness,particularly when it was a symptom of heartdisease.A mixture of caraway seeds, aniseed, nutmeg,liquorice and sugar was recommended forshortness of breath. This mixture was crushed anda pinch of it was to be taken every morning andevening.

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bronchitisMany herbs were used in the treatment ofbronchitis.These included angelica, borage, bugle, butterbur,caraway, chervil, chickweed, coltsfolt andcomfrey. Daisy, fennel, fenugreek, garlic, groundivy, knotgrass, liquorice, madder, myrrh,marjoram were other herbs that were commonlyused in the treatment of bronchitis.Other herbs that were thought to bring relief tosufferers from bronchitis were mullein, onion,parsley, plantain, primrose and sage. Savory,speedwell, thyme, watercress and whitehorehound were also used as treatments forbronchitis.Cinnamon, honey, ginger, and tea were used abronchial treatments, as was eucalyptus. Carrotand turnip were also used.

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broomBroom is a shrub that was used in medieval times.Herbalists used to mix the ashes of burnt broomwith white wine to cure fluid retention.In more recent times it continued to be used as adiuretic.It was also used in remedies for kidney, bladderand liver disorders. Gout and sciatica were alsotreated with it.Broom was also used in cases of excessivemenstrual flow and was an anticoagulant. It wasused to treat low blood pressure and sometimesheart disease. However, it had to be used withgreat caution, since it could adversely affect theheart or respiratory system and even cause death.

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bruisesThere were many remedies in folk medicine forthe treatment of bruises.A local application of vinegar was once a popularcure for a bruise. Alternatively, vinegar could beused in a poultice made from bran andbreadcrumbs or oatmeal. This was applied tobruises and sprains.Water was used in some suggested remedies. Oneof these advocated wrapping the bruised area withcloths dipped in very hot water and repeating thetreatment several times. This was to prevent thebruise from swelling.Also to prevent the bruise swelling, a cloth couldbe folded five or six times, dipped in very coldwater and applied to the bruise. When the clothceased to be cold it was to be removed and theprocess repeated. Olive oil was the basis ofanother cure. A piece of cloth or wool was dippedin it and the bruise rubbed with it. The bruise wasthen covered with a compress saturated in oil.

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Alternatively, a tallow candle was used. Thebruise was rubbed with the cold tallow candle toprevent discoloration occurring.A mixture of chopped parsley mixed with buttercould also be applied, as could a piece of brownpaper with treacle spread on it. A mixture offeverfew, ribwort, plantain, sage and buglecrushed and boiled in unsalted butter or vegetableoil was another suggested cure. This was strainedand applied to the bruise.A poultice could be made of hyssop leaves andapplied to the bruise, and poultices could also bemade from cabbage leaves or burdock. Mallowleaves crushed and mixed with unsalted butter orvegetable oil were advocated to be smeared onbruises to stop the pain and reduce the swelling.A lotion could be made from infusing a handful ofrosemary leaves in a pint of boiling water andadding the white of an egg and a teaspoon ofbrandy to the mixture when it was cool. Anotherlotion could be made from boiling some comfrey

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leaves.The crushed fresh leaves of plantain were alsothought to relieve bruising when applied to thebruised area, and yarrow and hops were both usedexternally. Rose water was thought to reduceswelling, as was lavender oil, while a poultice orcompress of witch hazel was thought to beparticularly effective in the treatment of bruises.Wintergreen, tansy and white horehound werethought to be useful in the treatment of bruises, aswere celery, herb robert, fenugreek and hyssop.bryony see white bryony.

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buckthornThe bark of buckthorn alder was used as atreatment for chronic constipation and piles.Buckthorn is less common in Britain thanbuckthorn alder is. It too was used as a purgativeand was also used as a diuretic. Externally it wasused to treat bruises.

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bugleBugle was used to stem the flow of blood fromcuts and to stop the flow of menstrual blood. Itwas also used in heart disorders and in the reliefof bronchitis.

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bugloss, vipersBugloss was used in respiratory disorders to helpbring up phlegm. It was also used as a diuretic.Feverish diseases were treated with it, as wasinflammation. It was used in the relief of nervouscomplaints.

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bunionsBelladonna and glycerine, painted on the affectedarea, was one cure. Later, iodine was used.

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burdockBurdock is a plant that was used in the treatmentof boils, eczema and other skin complaints. It wasalso used to relieve bruising and burns.Arthritis and rheumatism were said to be relievedby it, as was neuralgia. It was also used in thetreatment of asthma and bronchitis and in therelief of indigestion.

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burnetBurnet is a plant that was used as a tonic and inheart disease.It was also used for stopping the menstrual flow.When applied externally it helped to speed up thehealing process of wounds and running sores.

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burns and scaldsNowadays it is advocated that a burned areawhere possible should be put under cold runningwater and kept there for a considerable time.Alternatively, the burned area should be immersedin cold water.In folk medicine there were several cures. Honeywas thought to be an effective cure, and gratedpotato was also recommended. Egg white beatenuntil stiff and spread on the area of the burn wasalso thought to do good. An application of cold teawas another old remedy.Grated raw carrot in a poultice was thought to becurative, as was onion juice and a lotion madefrom leeks cooked in milk. The crushed freshleaves of plantain applied to the area wereconsidered to speed healing, as were fresh nettleleaves and crushed dock leaves. Sage tea and anointment made from comfrey were both thought tobe curative.Marigold, elderflowers and yarrow were all used

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as remedies for burns, and lavender was held to beparticularly useful in minimizing scarring causedby burns. Witch hazel, eucalyptus and glycerinewere all used to soothe burns.One folk cure was based on pulverized charcoaland linseed oil. Another cure involved treating thearea of the burn with a soft soap and linseed oiland then sprinkling wheaten flour over it to form acoating. A cloth saturated with linseed oil andlime water and bound round the burn was asuggested remedy for burns.Chalk and linseed oil mixed to a thick compoundwas thought to be curative. Fern leaves were thebasis of another cure. These were to be boiled withtwo pints of cream or vegetable fat and allowed tosimmer. The mixture was cooled, strained andapplied to the burn.A lotion made from yellow dock, dandelion,plantain and greater celandine was held to becurative for burns.

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Another remedy suggested applying cream atonce, while another advocated carbonate of soda.There was certainly no shortage of suggested helpfor those unfortunate enough to burn themselves.

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burr marigoldThe plant was used to relieve gout and dropsy andto bring down fever. It was used in the treatmentof haemorrhages and internal bleeding.

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butterburButterbur is also known as bog rhubarb. In earlytimes it was used to bring down fever and promoteperspiration.

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cabbageIn ancient Rome cabbage was thought of as beinga sovereign remedy that was useful for mostthings. In folk medicine it was used as a tonic andin the treatment of stomach disorders, as welI asfor purifying the blood and cleansing the system.It was thought to have diuretic properties and wasused in the treatment of arthritis.Ulcers were thought to be healed by it, as washeartburn.It was considered to have antiseptic properties andwas used to protect against respiratory infections.In early times raw cabbage was taken to curenervous complaints. It was also used in some liverconditions and was used to treat alcoholics and asa hangover cure.Externally, cabbage was used to soothe, cleanseand heal the skin. It was used in the treatment ofstings, burns, blisters, ulcers and sores. In theform of poultices, cabbage was used to bring boilsto a head, to soothe chest infections and to bring

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relief to inflamed joints. camomile see chamomile.carrots In folk medicine carrots were used fromvery early times and for various conditions. Theywere traditionalIy consideredto be aids to sharp eyesight and were thought to behelpful in regulating the circulation. They werealso thought to regulate the menstrual cycle andincrease the flow of milk in nursing mothers.Carrots were also taken in the belief that theywould act as an appetite stimulant and be effectivein a number of disorders associated with thedigestive system. They were used to treatflatulence, colic, ulcers, constipation, diarrhoeaand haemorrhoids.They were thought to be diuretic and were used inthe treatment of cystitis, gout and arthritis. Theywere also thought to be expectorant and were usedin various respiratory disorders.ExternalIy carrots were used, sometimes in apoultice, to speed up the healing of wounds,

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ulcers, boils and styes.They were also used to treat eczema andchilblains.

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castor oilCastor oil is one of the oldest remedies known,and it has been used as a laxative for thousands ofyears. It has a particularly unpleasant odour andtaste and so was difficult to take. One old remedysuggests floating it on hot milk and eating a pieceof orange or lemon peel before taking it.Alternatively, something with a strong taste, suchas peppermint, could be taken before, with, orafter it.Externally castor oil was used as a hairconditioner and as a remedy for dandruff and hairfall. It was also thought to be effective in treatingeye irritation caused by the presence of a foreignbody in the eye.

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catarrhHoney taken with tea was an old remedy forcatarrh, as was a mixture of cinnamon and lemonjuice taken in warm water. An infusion ofelderflowers, peppermint and yarrow was alsothought to be effective.A mixture of herbs taken in the form of a tea wasthought to be useful in the treatment of catarrh.The herbs involved were coltsfoot, mullein, thymeand yarrow.Another cure involved heating a pint of milk withmace, nutmeg, cinnamon and sugar until it was onthe point of boiling. Two glasses of white wine orsherry were then added and the mixture heatedand stirred until it curdled.It was then strained and given to the patient.A snuff made from a mixture of roasted coffee,menthol and sugar ground together to make apowder was another suggested old remedy.It was often thought that the bowels were involved

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in a whole range of illnesses, and aperients wererecommended in catarrh.Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, chamomile, rosemary,sage, thyme, rose, lavender, borage and balm wereused in the treatment of catarrh, as were pepper,tea, vinegar, witch hazel and olive oil. Onions,leeks and garlic were thought to be effectivecatarrh remedies, as were watercress, turnip juice,elder, plantain, yarrow, marigold, myrrh andnettle. Eucalyptus was a common remedy.

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catnipCatnip is also known as catmint. Cats areattracted to it because of its distinctive smell. Infolk medicine it was used as a remedy for colicand flatulence and also to treat stomach upsetsand diarrhoea.Catnip was also used to treat bronchitis, colds andinfluenza.Anaemia was also treated with it, and it was usedto induce the menstrual flow. It was thought to beuseful in treating nervous conditions andinsomnia.Externally it was used to treat cuts, bruises andsores.

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celeryCelery is also known as wild celery or commoncelery.It was thought to be a diuretic and was used in thetreatment of gout, arthritis and rheumatism. It wasthought to be an appetite stimulant and to cureflatulence.Celery was taken as a tonic and used to raise themood in cases of depression. It was also used totreat nervous disorders and was considered to be aremedy for hysteria and insomnia. It was thoughtto have aphrodisiac powers.

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centauryCentaury was used as an aid to digestion and as astimulant of the appetite. It was used as a remedyfor indigestion and as a tonic. Nervous disorderswere treated with it.

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chamomileChamomile is frequently spelt camomile.The early herbalists used it to cure cases of fluidretention and jaundice. It was also used to treatmenstrual pain, painful joints and asthma. It wasthought to reduce fevers, cure insomnia andstimulate the appetite.It was used as sedative in nervous disorders.Externally, it was used to soothe rashes andbruises, to heal sores and to reduce inflammation.chervilChervil was used in folk medicine to purify theblood.High blood pressure was treated with it, and itwas used as a remedy for gallstones andbronchitis. It was also used as a diuretic and as anaid to digestion.Externally, it was used to treat skin disorders,abscesses and sores.

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chickweedChickweed is also known as adder's mouth andstarwort.In folk medicine it was used as an expectorant inthe treatment of bronchitis. It was also used as alaxative and as a cure for rheumatism andarthritis. Period pains were treated with it, and itwas used externally to treat skin diseases, wounds,bruises, burns and abrasions. chilblainsOld remedies for chilblains included angelica,garlic, glycerine, hawthorn, horseradish andmugwort. Onion, shepherd's purse and watercresswere also used. Other cures included slices of rawpotato, a lotion made from raw carrot, turnippoultices, crushed fresh marigold flowers appliedto the chilblains or mustard taken internally.An old cure for unbroken chilblains involvedapplying a lotion made from linseed oil, oil ofturpentine and spirits of camphor. Another wasmade from oil of lavender, liquid carbolic acid andoxide of zinc ointment.

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childbirthSeveral courses of action were recommended wellin advanceof the actual labour to ease childbirth. One oldpiece of advice was that raspberry tea should betaken when women were about six monthspregnant. This was thought to prevent miscarriageand increase the milk supply.Another suggestion was that pregnant womenduring pregnancy should take linseed tea withadded honey.During labour clove oil was sometimes used as amassage oil to increase the strength of thecontractions. Marigold was also thought tostrengthen contractions, as was myrrh. Parsleywas thought to be helpful to get the uterus back tonormal after childbirth, although, since it wasthought to stimulate the muscles of the uterus,pregnant women were advised to avoid it duringpregnancy.

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Chamomile was used as a relaxant duringchildbirth.

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cinnamonCinnamon was used to stimulate the circulationand in the treatment of colds, catarrh andrespiratory infections, especially when there wasfever present. It was also used as a remedy fordisorders of the digestive system and was used indiarrhoea, flatulence, colic and nausea.It was also thought to stop heavy bleeding, and itwasused in nosebleeds and in heavy menstrualbleeding. Muscle pains and arthritis were alsotreated by it.Externally, it was used as an antiseptic for therelief of wounds, abrasions and stings and in skinconditions. Cinnamon was also used to treat headlice.

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cinquefoilCinquefoil is also known as wild tansy,silverweed and goose weed.It was used as an antispasmodic to relievemuscular spasm and spasms of the uterus.Stomach pains and painfulmenstruation were also thought to be relieved byit.Early herbalists used it to treat epilepsy.It was used as a gargle for sore throats and as amouthwash for mouth ulcers. Externally it wasused in the treatment of abrasions and wounds.

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clovesCloves were particularly used for the relief oftoothache because of the numbing effect thatcloves can produce. It was used as an aid todigestion and as a cure for indigestion and torelieve nausea.They were used in the treatment of nervousdisorders, such as excessive anxiety, and also inthe treatment of depression.They were thought to have expectorant propertiesand were used in the treatment of colds and otherrespiratory infections.Cloves were also thought to be able to induceperspiration and bring down fevers. They werealso thought to relieve hay fever. Diarrhoea andflatulence were both treated with cloves.Oil of cloves was used as a massage oil tostrengthen uterine contractions in childbirth.Rubbed on the temples it was thought to be aremedy for headaches. Cuts, wounds and

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ringworm were treated with it, and it was used asa liniment for aching joints.

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coldsA syrup made from colts foot was an old cure forcolds, as was an infusion of peppermint leaveswith added honey. A tea made from dried yarrowleaves and dried elderflowers was recommendedbefore retiring at night as a cold cure.Barley water was another cold cure.Another old cure for colds involved mixingyarrow, ginger root, cayenne pepper and water andboiling these together with the addition of honey.Alternatively, fresh elderflowers and angelicaleaves could be soaked in boiling water andstrained. The resulting liquid was used, sweetenedwith honey, for the relief of colds.Elderberries formed the basis of another cure.These were simmered with brown sugar until themixture was the consistency of honey before beingadministered in hot water.Rubbing the chest with oil of rosemary wasthought to bring relief to those suffering from

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colds. Wringing out a piece of flannel in boilingwater, sprinkling it with turpentine and placing iton the chest was also thought to help. A morecurious remedy was the rubbing of the soles ofthefeet with a mixture of crushed garlic bulbs andwhite horehound.Hot mustard foot-baths, inhalations of eucalyptusin boiling water and drinking hot lemonade wereall popular cold remedies.See also COUGHS; RESPIRATORYINFECTIONS.

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colicAn old cure for colic involved administering adrink made from betony boiled in white wine.Parsley, peppermint, chamomile, cinnamon, sage,thymeand meadowsweet were all used in the treatmentof colic. The juice of raw potato, cabbage, carrotwere considered to be remedies, as was glycerine.

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coltsfootColtsfoot was mainly used in the treatment ofcolds, coughs, bronchial disorders and asthma.Externally it was used in the form of poultices totreat sores and burns.

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comfreyComfrey is a plant also known as knitbone.Comfrey was primarily used as an aid to thehealing of fractured bones.It was also known as a cough remedy and wasused in the treatment of asthma and tuberculosis.Dysentery was also treated with it, and it was usedin the treatment of anaemia and as a tonic forinvalids.It was used as a gargle for sore throats, andexternally the leaves were used in a poultice forthe relief of abrasions, wounds, bruises andvaricose veins. It was also used externally to easepainful joints.constipation see laxative.

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cornsMarigold used externally in the form of aninfusion or in the form of crushed flowers was anold remedy for corns.Corns were also treated with castor oil to softenthem and make them easier to remove.Celandine juice applied to the corn and left to drywas thought to be effective. A mixture of applejuice, carrot juice and salt was also considered torelieve corns, as were crushed ivy leaves applieddaily.consumption see tuberculosis.

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coughsHoney and lemon were used in the treatment ofcoughs, as were garlic, onions, leeks and olive oil.Cabbage, carrots and turnips were also used, aswere comfrey, nettle, dock, rosemary, lavender,thyme, balm, linseed, glycerine and peppermint.Eucalyptus was a common cure.There were many old cures for coughs. One ofthese involved making a hole through a lemon andfilling it with honey. The lemon was then roastedand the juice collected and given to the patient.Another involved cutting a hole through aswede/turnip and filling the hole with brownsugar.This was left overnight and the juice given to thepatient.Many herbal drinks were recommended. Aninfusion of coltsfoot leaves sweetened with honeywas recommended, as was a syrup made fromboiling coltsfoot leaves and an equal amount ofplantain leaves with an equal amount of honey. In

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another remedy involving coltsfoot leaves, theywere boiled with garlic in water and had brownsugar added.Dried sage, vinegar and honey formed the basis ofanother remedial drink, as did dried sage, ginger,brown sugar and water. Butter, honey and vinegarwere mixed and heated to form another cure, andhyssop, hartshorn, almond oil, sugar and waterwere mixed to make yet another.An infusion of horehound, marshmallow leaves,hyssop, mullein and ground coriander was alsoused.A less readily available cure involved mixing thejuice of leeks with the breast milk of a nursingmother. A distinctly less acceptable old cureinvolved the boiling of two or three snails inbarley water.See also BRONCHITIS; EXPECTORANTS;RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS.

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cowslipCowslip was used by early herbalists as a remedyfor palsy. It was also used as a sedative in variousnervous disorders and as a cure for insomnia. Theplant was used as a remedy for spasm and as anexpectorant.Cowslip had to be used with caution as it hadirritant properties and could result in allergicreactions. cramps see abdominal pains andmenstruation. cucumberCucumber was used in folk medicine to reduceheat andinflammation in various infections, such as lungand chest conditions and skin conditions. It wasalso used to bring down fevers.It was thought to be a mild diuretic and to be ableto cleanse the system. Gout and arthritis weretreated with it, as was eczema.Externally cucumber was used to soothe inflamedskin and to soothe irritated eyes. It was also used

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on sunburn and was used cosmetically in thebelief that it would keep the skin young andwrinkle-free.cuts see abrasions.

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DdandelionThe leaves and root of the dandelion were used intraditional herbal medicine. Dandelion was knownprincipally as a diuretic, being used in cases offluid retention. It was also used as a mild laxative,as a tonic and as a stimulant of the appetite andaid to the digestion. Gout, rheumatism, arthritis,indigestion, jaundice, hepatitis, gall-bladderinfections and congestion of the chest were alsothought to be relieved by dandelion.Dandelion was also used in cases of insomnia.Anaemia and circulatory disorders were alsotreated by it, as were diabetes, headaches, fatigueand irritability.As a cure for warts the juice of the dandelion wasapplied to the affected areas. An infusion of theleaves and flowers was used as a wash for someskin complaints. dandruffSulphur was used in the treatment of dandruff.

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One ounce of sulphur and two pints of water wereshaken together repeatedly every few hours andthen the head was soaked with the liquid.Alternatively, an ointment of weak sulphur andlanolin was used.Yarrow used as a rinse was regarded as being acure for dandruff as well as being thought toprevent hair falling out. Castor oil rubbed into thescalp was also supposed to have both of theseeffects, while a shampoo made from nettle wasmeant to cure the dandruff.An infusion of sage brushed into the scalp everynight was thought to be effective, and it was alsothought to improve the condition of the hairgenerally. Another later cure was a mixture ofkerosene and water, equal parts being used. Forthe first few days of treatment this was to berubbed into the hair night and morning.See also HAIR.

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debilityIn cases of debility, such as that which occursafter a long illness, several remedies weresuggested. These included the use of oats, wheat,milk, cinnamon and cayenne.Cabbage and turnip were thought to beinstrumental in building up people's strength.Nettle and dock were also used, as were rosemary,yarrow, lavender and witch hazel. diabetesNatural substances that lowered blood sugar andso was used in the treatment of diabetes includedoats. Apples were also thought to help regulateblood sugar.Cabbage was also thought to assist the reductionof blood sugar, as were onions. Dandelion andburdock were also said to be beneficial in therelief of diabetes.

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diarrhoeaHoney, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, apple, egg, tea,barley, cloves, garlic, leeks and carrot werethought to be able to relieve diarrhoea.Chamomile, sage, rose-hips, nettle, dock,marigold, thyme, yarrow, hawthorn,meadowsweet, peppermint, witch hazel andeucalyptus leaves were also used in the treatmentof the condition.Agrimony, avens, herb robert, marjoram, sage,slippery elm and sorrel were also thought to haveproperties that would cure diarrhoea. Tea madefrom raspberry leaves was thought to be aneffective cure. A mixture of flour was alsorecommended for the condition.

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depressionIn folk medicine depression was treated by oats.Other remedies included mustard, cloves,rosemary, cardamom, rose, dock, yarrow, thyme,lavender and balm. digestion, aid toThere were various natural substances that werethought to be aids to digestion. These includedginger, cinnamon, peppermint, pepper, mustard,apple and barley.Other aids to digestion were garlic, onion, parsleyand cardamom, chamomile, dandelion, burdock,nettle, sage, thyme, rosemary, yarrow andlavender.Lemon balm, hawthorn, eucalyptus and myrrhhave also been used to aid and stimulate thedigestion. digestive problemsLemon, although it is generally regarded as anacid, was thought to be helpful in some digestiveproblems. The juice of raw potato was also used,as were ginger and cider vinegar.

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An old folk remedy involved the use of whitemustard.Another was based on oats.Peppermint has been used in connection withdigestive disorders for a long time. Olive oil,chamomile, marigold, balm and meadowsweetwere also thought to be effective.

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dillWe now know dill mainly as a culinary herb, butit was also used in medicine. In early times it wasregarded as an aphrodisiac and was an ingredientin love potions.DiII was used as a cure for flatulence, colic andindigestion. It was also found to be effective as astimulant of the appetite and to promote the milknow in nursing mothers.People used to chew diII seeds to sweeten thebreath and cure halitosis.

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diphtheriaAn old remedy suggested that if you thought thatyou were at risk from diphtheria you should garglethe throat immediately with lemon juice. Lavenderwas given to try to aIIeviate the disease as it hasantiseptic and antibacterial properties. YeIIowdock was also used. diureticsDiuretics are substances that promote the now ofurine and cure fluid retention. Many naturalsubstances were thought to have diureticproperties. These include watercress, lemon,wheat, leeks, carrots, onions, turnip andcucumber.Dandelion, parsley, plantain, burdock, nettle,garlic and yeIIow dock were also considered to benatural diuretics.Practitioners of folk medicine had no shortage ofplants that were held to have diuretic properties.As well as those above, they could choose fromrosemary, rose, marigold and yarrow. Lavender,juniper, thyme, hawthorn, borage, elder and

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meadowsweet were also regarded as naturaldiuretics, some being stronger in their effect thanothers.Other natural diuretics include agrimony, arnica,asparagus, bearberry, belladonna, bilberry,bittersweet, blackcurrant, boneset, buckthorn,burdock, burr marigold, catmint, chervil, goldenrod, groundsel, heartsease, hyssop, kidneywort,lily of the valley, madder, wild lettuce, marjoram,white poppy, sorrel, speedwell, ragwort, holythistle, vervain and yarrow. dizzinessThyme was a traditional remedy for dizziness orvertigo.Hawthorn was another traditional cure, and balmand fenugreek were also thought to relieve thecondition.People suffering from frequent dizzy spells wereadvised to drink sage tea sweetened with honey.Alternatively, a drink could be taken made fromcowslips boiled in water, with honey added to

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dockBroad-leaved dock was used as a tonic and as apurgative.It was also used in jaundice and as a laxative.Broadleaved dock had to be used with care as itcaused skin allergy or nausea.Dock was a well-known cure for nettle stings, andit was used to treat ringworm and scabies. dock,yellowYeIlow dock is also known as curled dock.In traditional medicine it had several roles. It wasused as a mild laxative and as a cure for ulcersand bowel infections.Gout, cystitis and jaundice were also treated by it,and it was used as a diuretic.Yellow dock was used to treat arthritis andrheumatism.Chronic skin disease was also thought to be curedby it. It was used to regulate the menstrual cycleand as a tonic for people suffering from debility or

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recovering from an illness. Dock seeds were atraditional cure for dysentery, diarrhoea andhaemorrhages.

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dog roseThe fruit of the dog rose is a rich source of vitaminC and was used to treat the common cold andinfluenza. It was also used as a laxative, as a tonicand as a treatment for disorders of the gallbladder.

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dropsyParsley was an old cure for dropsy, as was the rootof the dock, both of these to be taken in the formof infusions. A mixture consisting of smallquantities of foxglove and broom wasrecommended to be taken in the form of a tea.Another suggested cure involved bruisingartichoke leaves in a mortar, straining the resultantliquid and adding it to Madeira wine. This was tobe taken every morning and evening.Wine was also involved in another cure, but thistime it was white wine. The tops of green broomwere dried in an oven and burnt to ashes on aclean hearth. The ashes were mixed with the wineand the mixture left to stand all night to allow it tosettle. The clearest part of it was drunk in themorning, late afternoon and at night beforeretiring.Any herbs with diuretic properties were also usedin the treatment of dropsy, which was a disorderinvolving fluid retention. A tea made from the root

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of the elder was meant to be effective.There were several old remedies that were to beapplied externally. One of these involved crushingblack snails with bay salt and applying themixture to the soles of the feet. A more pleasantone involved the bruising of peppermint leavesand wormwood leaves and boiling them in creamuntil they formed an oil. This was then strainedand smeared on any areas swollen with dropsy.dysenteryAn old country cure for dysentery was to make adrink from cinnamon powder stirred into milk.Another old cure was vinegar diluted with water,and yet another was pepper.Dock seeds were another traditional remedy.A drink made from milk, nutmeg, peppercorns,cloves, cinnamon and oak bark was thought tobring relief to sufferers from dysentery.Raw grated apple was thought to help in cases ofdysentery, as was honey. Thyme, meadowsweet,

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witch hazel and the leaves of eucalyptus, too, weremeant to be able to relieve the condition.A cure to be applied externally used garlic. Thegarlic was pressed and heated until it was quitehot. A piece of cloth was folded and dipped in thegarlic and then placed on the navel until it grewcold. The treatment could be repeated two or threetimes. dyspepsia see indigestion.

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EearacheAn old cure for earache involved putting a pinchof black pepper in a very small piece of cottonwadding or cotton wool. The wadding was thendipped in corn oil or some form of sweet oil andinserted into the ear. A flannel bandage was tiedover the head to keep the ear warm.Another cure suggested bathing the ears with adecoction of chamomile. Yet another, supposedlya very quick cure, involved the boiling of an onionuntil it was soft.The soft onion pulp was then rubbed on the insideof the ear.Earache is a common and painful disease, and soit is no wonder that there were several folk cures.A mixture of green elder and leek juice was usedin another cure. Abranch of green elder was placed over a low fire.An eggcup of sap was collected from the elder as

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it exuded from the wood and this was added to anegg-cup of leek juice.This was thoroughly mixed and applied to theaffected ear three times a day.In another folk cure, a mustard leaf was put justbehind the ear, and in another baked apple wasapplied to the ear.Warmed honey or almond oil could be drippedinto the ear to bring relief. Garlic oil or lavenderoil in warmed olive oil was also used in this way,as was peppermint oil.An infusion of plantain taken internally wasthought to be curative in cases of earache. Heattreatment was generally recommended. Originally,hot cloths were placed on the side of the head withthe affected ear. Later hot-water bottles were used.

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eczemaEczema is a condition of the skin in which theskin becomes red and itchy and starts to flake andweep.A tea made from marigold flowers was an oldcure for eczema. Another internal cure was a drinkmade from hot water, lemon juice, honey andcayenne pepper, while yet another was a decoctionof dock.A cure applied externally involved boiling ahandful of watercress in water, straining themixture, allowing it to cool and then bathing theareas affected with eczema two or three times aday. Watercress was also taken internally to tryand effect a cure.A broth made from carrot was applied to affectedareas to relieve itching from eczema. Olive oil wasused to soothe skin affected by the condition, aswas glycerine.Bathing with a little vinegar and water was also

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thought to soothe skin irritation.Cucumber juice was also advocated as a sootherof inflamed skin, and burdock poultices weresometimes applied to help heal the skin. Marigoldused externally was also thought to help thehealing process and reduce inflammation.Lemon balm was also applied externally to reduceinflammation.A poultice was made from the leaves and flowersof borage to relieve eczema, while the root andbark of elder was made into an ointment to cure it.

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eggEggs have long been regarded as beingexceptionally nutritious. Nowadays we tend to eatfewer of them because they are high in cholesterol.In folk remedies, however, they were much valuedas an easily digested food for invalids andconvalescents to build up their strength. Raw eggsor very lightly boiled eggs were used as a tonic.Stomach disorders were also treated with eggs inthis way, eggs being thought to be helpful in casesof indigestion, constipation and diarrhoea.Various light foods based on eggs, such as eggcustard, were given to invalids. Drinks based oneggs were also given to invalids to give them morestrength. These included eggnog, one recipe forwhich involved beating a egg yolk with milk andthen adding some brandy and abeaten egg white. A small amount of lime waterwas thought to make this more digestible.Egg white, beaten up in milk, was taken as anantidote to some corrosive poisons.

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Eggs were also used externally to soothe the skin.The white of eggs was applied in layers, timebeing given for each layer to dry, to crackednipples in nursing mothers, to babies' bottomsaffected by nappy rash and to the skin of peopleaffected by sunburn.One cure for burns involved eggs. The whites ofeggs were beaten until stiff and spread over theburn.Another use for eggs was to prevent hair fromfalling out. In this remedy eggs were beaten,mixed with water and rubbed into the scalp. Thiswas left on overnight and washed out the nextmorning.Eggs were also used to shampoo the hair toimprove its general condition.

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elderCommon names for elder include black elder, boretree and bour tree. The bark, leaves, flowers andberries were all used in herbal medicine, making ita very versatile remedy that has been in use formany hundreds of years.An old superstition had it that if you gatheredelder branches on May Day pieces of the branchescould be used to cure the bite of a rabid dog.Another superstition claimed that if you carried atwig of elder in your pocket it would protect youagainst rheumatism.The bark of the elder was used as a strongpurgative and, if taken in large doses, was anemetic. A tincture from the bark was used torelieve the symptoms of asthma and croup, and thebark has also been used in epilepsy.The leaves were used as a purgative and adiuretic. They were helpful in conditions requiringan expectorant or one in which perspiration wasrequired to be induced.

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Elder leaves were used externally to cure sprains,bruises, chilblains, open wounds and piles. Theywere used to relieve headaches by placing them onthe temples.The root of the elder was curative in somerespects. A tea was made from it as a cure fordropsy. It was also used in an ointment for eczemaand psoriasis and in a decoction used as amouthwash.The flowers of the elder are mildly astringent andwere used in eye lotions and skin lotions. Thedried flowers were used to make a tea that had alaxative effect and was also used to induceperspiration. Taken before going to sleep, a hotelderflower infusion was considered to be a curefor colds, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinus trouble andinfluenza, having decongestant and expectorantproperties.It was supposed to have a relaxant effect and wasthought to be a cure for the spasms caused byasthma.

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Taken before breakfast, it was meant to purify theblood.A hot infusion of elderflowers was also given incases of eruptive diseases, such as measles andchickenpox, supposedly to bring out the rash andaid recovery.Elderflowers were thought to be diuretic and wereused to relieve fluid retention. They were used inthe treatment of gout and arthritis.The flowers of the elder were used in poultices,ointments or lotions to reduce inflammation, toheal wounds and to bring relief to burns andscalds. The same treatment was used to relievechapped hands and chilblains.The berries, as well as being used to make wine,were used to treat coughs and colds. They also hadlaxative properties. Taken internally, elderberrieswere used as a remedy for neuralgia and sciatica.Medieval herbalists used them to bring onmenstruation.

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elmThe dried inner bark of the elm, also called fieldelm or broad-leaved elm, had various uses in folkmedicine.It was used as a diuretic and a tonic. Scurvy andother skin diseases were thought to be improvedby a decoction of it.Used in a poultice, it was thought to reduce thepain caused by gout or rheumatism.

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elecampaneThe flowering plant elecampane has the commonname of elfwort.Its main use in folk medicine was as anexpectorant in the treatment of bronchial coughs.Elecampane was also used in the relief of fluidretention and as an antiseptic.It was thought to have the power to inducemenstruation. Invalids were thought to find ituseful as it was used as a tonic and a stimulant ofthe appetite.

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emeticAn emetic is something that induces vomiting.One common emetic used in cases of poisoning orin cases where too much indigestible food hadbeen eaten consisted of a teaspoonful of Englishmustard in a glass of warm water. Salt and waterwas also used. An older emetic was a mixture ofsalt and vinegar.Some herbs and plants are natural emetics. Theseinclude adder's tongue, elder black mustard,thistle (holy) and vervain.Ipecacuanha wine was administered as an emeticalso, especially to children.

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epilepsyEpilepsy is a condition in which sufferers aresubject to sudden fits.The early herbalists regarded lavender as being aremedy for epilepsy. Arab herbalists used balm inthe treatment of the disease. Later, foxglove wasthought to bring relief.There was a curious treatment for epilepsy. Thisinvolved the patient creeping, head foremost,down three pairs of stairs three times a day forthree days in a row.Epilepsy was once thought to be caused bywitchcraft.. A cure reflecting this fact involvedfilling a quart bottle with pins and placing thebottle in front of the fire until the pins were redhot. The idea behind this practice was that theheart of the supposed witch behind the epilepsywould be pricked by the hot pins. She would thenbe in such agony that she would stop inflictingepilepsy on her victim.

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Because of its supposed connection withwitchcraft, charms were once carried to ward offepilepsy. A very popular charm was a ring madefrom a piece of silver collected from the offeringmade in church by the congregation.

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Epsom saltsEpsom salts, also known as magnesium sulphate,are colourless, odourless crystals that taste verybitter.Taken with a little water by mouth, they are usedas a quick-acting purgative in cases of chronicconstipation.They are also used as a remedy for indigestion,biliousness and fluid retention.Bathing in water with Epsom salts added wasregarded as being beneficial in cases of gout andarthritis. eucalyptusThe eucalyptus tree is also known as the fever tree.Because of its antiseptic, disinfectant properties, itwas planted in areas of swamp to purify thoseareas that were breeding grounds for fevers andother diseases.An inhalation of a few drops of eucalyptus oil wasused for the relief of cold symptoms. It was alsoused as an expectorant in asthma, bronchitis and

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pneumonia and as.a decongestant in catarrh andsinusitis.A decoction of the leaves was used for the relief ofdysentery, typhoid, diarrhoea, and vomiting.Disorders of the urinary tract, such as cystitis,were also treated with a decoction of eucalyptusleaves.Eucalyptus taken internally was also thought tostimulate the circulation, induce sweating, reducefever andspeed up eruptive diseases, such as chickenpox,by bringing out the eruptions on to the skin.Externally eucalyptus oil was used in compressesto be applied to wounds, burns, ulcers, boils andabscesses as an antiseptic and either to stopbleeding or to speed up healing. Some drops ofeucalyptus oil in almond oil was used to rub thechest in chest infections, bronchitis and asthma.Ringworm and athlete's foot were treated withdilute eucalyptus, and this was also used as an

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application to the skin as an insect repellent.

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expectorantsAn expectorant is something that helps to removethe secretionsfrom the bronchi, lungs and trachea. When peoplehave taken an expectorant, they usually cough upphlegm.Herbs that were thought to be natural expectorantsinclude boneset, bugloss, coltsfoot, comfrey, elder,fennel, fenugreek, garlic, honeysuckle, hyssop,Jacob's ladder, larch, white, St John's wart,sundew and violet.

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eyebrightEyebright is a plant also known as meadoweyebright andeuphrasia.It is usually used in the form of an infusion inwater or milk, but it can be used in a lotion orointment or in the form of expressed juice.As its name suggests, eyebright was mostcommonly used for weak eyesight or otherdisorders of the eye. It was also used in thetreatment of catarrh, sinusitis and inflammation.Early herbalists also used it to restore a poormemory and in cases of dizziness.

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eye problemsAn old cure for sore eyes was the application of apoultice made of raw grated apple to the eyes.Cucumber juice applied to the eyes was a commoncure for sore eyes and one that is still frequentlyused in home beauty treatments, as is witch hazel,which was also a common old cure for bathingsore eyes.An infusion of plantain was applied to soreeyelids, and this was also used as an eyewash forsore eyes. A decoction of comfrey root or aninfusion of the comfrey leaves was used as aneyewash for inflamed eyes. Rose water was alsoused to soothe sore eyes, as was an eyewash madefrom dock and one made from yarrow.Itching eyes were thought to be cured by applyinga liquid distilled from meadowsweet, according toan old remedy.An oil made from balm reduced inflammation ofthe eyes.

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Castor oil also soothed irritated eyes, eS{lecial\ywhen the irritation was caused by the presence ofa foreign body.Styes in the eye were thought to be relieved by theapplication of a teaspoon of a poultice made fromtea, according to another old remedy. It was alsosuggested that they be bathed frequently withwarm milk and water or with warm poppy water.Yet another old cure advocated the taking of adose of Epsom salts with a squeeze of lemon in itas a purgative to cure styes. Since styes werethought to be a sign of poor general health,quinine and iron tonics were advised.Swollen eyelids were thought to be alleviated bythe application of grated potato mixed in a littleolive oil.Discoloration around the eye was said to behelped by scraping the fresh root of Solomon'sseal, moistening it with vinegar and applying themixture to the area round the eye.

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Herbs not already mentioned but thought to beeffective in disorders of the eye included angelica,betony, borage, catnip, cowslip, feverfew, lilac,lovage, poppy, sage, viper's bugloss and whitehorehound. eyesightCarrots were said to improve the eyesight, as waseye bright. Rosemary was also used to cure weakeyesight by early herbalists, as was lavender.A suggested treatment for weak eyes involved thesprayingof a jet of weak salt water on the eyelid. Anotherrecommended bathing the eyes with cold tea orcold water to which a little Epsom salts has beenadded.It was suggested that men with poor eyesightshould abstain from sexual intercourse to improvetheir sight. An old suggested cure for blindnesswas to make a poultice from the leaves of celery. Ifthe blindness affected only one eye, say the rightone, the poultice was to be placed on the other

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wrist, in the suggested case the left wrist. In caseswhere both eyes were affected poultices were to beplaced on both wrists.

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eyestrainIn cases of eyestrain in which the eyes were puffythe sufferer was advised to apply a raw potato tothe eye to reduce the swelling.Tired eyes could be helped by an infusion ofelderflowers in water. When cool, this was used tobathe the eyes.Alternatively, an infusion of raspberry leaves,marshmallow leaves and groundsel leaves couldbe used as an eyewash.A rather messy cure consisted of butter orvegetable fatblended with honey and the white of an egg. Theaffected eye was to be smeared with this mixture.A cure for eyestrain whose ingredients might bedifficult to find involved the use of the breast milkof two different nursing mothers. This was to beapplied to the eyes.

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FfaintingRosemary and lavender were used as a cure forfainting, and peppermint was used as an inhalantduring fainting fits.

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fat henFat hen is a plant also known as pigweed or whitegoosefeet, and it is related to spinach. It is rich iniron and was used in folk medicine to cureanaemia. It was also used as a laxative.Fat hen was usually administered in the form of aninfusion of the dried herb.

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fennelFennel is also known as sweet fennel and wildfennel. It is now chiefly known as a vegetable andculinary herb but the seeds, leaves and roots werealso used in herbal medicine.In ancient Greece, fennel was thought to increasethe flow of milk in nursing mothers. In oldfolklore, fennel was thought to increase the libidoand cure impotence and frigidity. For this reason itwas used in love potions.Later, fennel was used as a cure for flatulence,colic and indigestion. It had various other uses,including being a cure for obesity.It was used as a diuretic and was thought to behelpful in the cure of jaundice and disorders of thegall bladder.However, children suffering from bed-wettingwere also thought to be helped by the herb.Toothache and earache were meant to be cured byfennel, and it was used as an expectorant in

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bronchitis.Fennel had to be used with caution as an overdosecould affect the nervous system and fresh fennelleaves could be an irritant.

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fenugreekEarly herbalists thought that the bruised leaves offenugreek placed on the head cured dizziness. Inthe seventeenth century, women who had justgiven birth were advised to sit with their legs openover the fumes coming from a decoction offenugreek to help to expel the placenta.Later it was used as an expectorant in bronchitis.It was also used as a tonic and in a gargle for sorethroats.Externally it was applied to treat wounds, soresand boils.

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fertilityWatercress was thought to be an aid to fertility.Ginger was thought to be a cure for impotence,and oats were meant to be a cure for sterility andimpotence. Wheat was considered to promotefertility, as was rose.The ancient Romans used sage as a cure forinfertility.

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feverSubstances that reduce fever are known asfebrifuges. In herbal medicine these includedaconite, avens, balm, blackcurrant, bogbean andboneset.Also used in feverish illnesses were angelica,betony, borage, catnip and cowslip. Feverfew,lilac, and meadowsweet were also recommendedtreatments, as were poppy, sage, white horehoundand yarrow.Cinnamon, watercress, honey, vinegar, pepper,lemon and apple were used to help cure feverishillnesses.Cloves, parsley, plantain and chamomile alsoplayed a part, as did burdock, nettle, rosemary,rose, marigold, yarrow, lavender, balm, hawthorn,meadowsweet, peppermint and eucalyptus.

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feverfewThe old herbalists used feverfew to help expel theplacenta after childbirth and in cases of stillbirth.Feverfew was used as a laxative and as a sedative.It was also used to encourage the menstrual flow.Coughs and wheezing were treated with it, aswere colic, flatulence and indigestion. Feverfewwas also used in the treatment of headaches and innervous complaints. It was recommended as atonic and as a raiser of the spirits.Earache and insect and vermin bites were thoughtto be eased by the application of feverfew.

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figwortFigwort is also known as heal-all.Early herbalists used it to cure the skin diseasescrofula.Later, it was used as a diuretic and as a mildlaxative. It was also used as a stimulant in heartdisease.Externally figwort was used in the treatment ofskin diseases and to help reduce the swelling ofbruises.It was usually administered in the form of aninfusion of the dried root stock or of the flowers.

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flatulencePeppermint, cinnamon and ginger were thought tobe useful in the treatment of flatulence, as werecloves and barley.Carrots, onions, parsley, nettle, dock, chamomileand cardamon were also thought to be effectivecures.Thyme, lavender, myrrh, olive oil and eucalyptuswere also known as remedies for flatulence.Angelica, caraway, catnip, celery, coriander, dill,fennel, feverfew, horseradish, tansy and woodruffwere used also.

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flaxAnother name for flax is linseed.The seeds and oil expressed from the seeds wereused in herbal medicine.It was used in the treatment of bronchitis anddisorders of the lungs, being also an ingredient ofsome cough mixtures.Constipation was also relieved by it.A poultice of the seeds, sometimes in conjunctionwith mustard, was used externally in the treatmentof boils, abscesses, ulcers and areas ofinflammation. When mixed with lime water,linseed oil was used on burns and scalds. fluidretention see diuretics.

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food poisoningEarly herbalists used garlic in cases of foodpoisoning.Castor oil was also used to cure this.

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foxgloveThe leaves of the foxglove were used in heartdisease, increasing the activity of the heartmuscles.The foxglove was used as a diuretic in dropsy, andit was also used in kidney disease. It was alsoused in the treatment of epilepsy, in inflammatorydiseases and in delirium tremens. Internalhaemorrhaging was also treated by it.Care had to be taken with foxglove because itcould have poisonous effects.fractures see bones, broken.

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frecklesFreckles were thought to be removed by theapplication of the crushed leaves or juice ofwatercress.A paste that was meant to remove freckles wasmade from sour milk and horseradish. This wasapplied with a brush.Another method that was supposed to removefreckles involved making a mixture of freshcream, milk, lemon juice, brandy, sugar and eaude Cologne, boiling the mixture, skimming it andapplying it to the freckled area.Yet another method consisted of combiningmuriate of ammonia with lavender water anddistilled water. A rather complicated methodinvolved dipping a bunch of grapes in a basin ofwater. These were then sprinkled with a mixtureof powdered alum and salt, the grapes wrapped inpaper and baked. The juice was squeezed out andapplied to the face. This preparation was alsothought to be able to remove a tan.

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A mixture of lemon and glycerine was meant tomake freckles less obvious.

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fumitoryThis is a plant that early herbalists thought couldimprove the eyesight, and in the Middle Agesyoung women used it to wash themselves to makeskin blemishes disappear.Later it was used as a laxative and as a diuretic. Itwas also used to treat conjunctivitis and seriousskin diseases.Fumitory was extremely toxic, and it wasrecommended for use only by someone skilled inherbal medicine.

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gall bladder problemsSeveral plants were thought to have a beneficialeffect on the gall bladder. These included betony,marigold, peony, pimpernel and vervain.Dandelion and yarrow were also thought to behelpful, as were apples and olive oil.Barberry, chicory, dandelion root, knotgrass andpeppermint were thought to be effective treatmentsfor gallstones.Potatoes and lemons were also considered to becurative.

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garlicGarlic is a very old remedy, it being known fromearly times for its power to cure infections. It wasthe bulb of the plant that was used. Nowadays weknow it mostly as a culinary ingredient, althoughmany people take garlic pills as a healthsupplement.It was used in very many ways. Disorders of therespiratory system, such as colds, influenza andbronchitis, lung infections and sore throats weretreated with it. A decongestant and an expectorant,it helped relieve asthma, chest infections andcoughs.It was found to be useful in disorders of the gutand in getting rid of worms. Garlic was also usedas an aid to digestion and as a general cleanser ofthe digestive system.Garlic had a beneficial effect on the liver and wasuseful in disorders relating to the blood. Bloodpressure was reduced by it, as were blood sugarlevels. Excessive blood clotting was also relieved

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by it.Used externally when crushed, macerated in oil ormade into an ointment, it was found effective inthe relief of cuts, stings and bites, and ringworm.Inflamed joints and rheumatism also benefitedfrom it, as did sprains. It was rubbed on the chestto ease chest infections and was used in the cureof earache.

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gingerGinger root was used in Chinese medicine forabout two thousand years. It was brought toEngland about 1600.It was thought to have many powers, including theability to cure frigidity in women and to act as anaphrodisiac generally.High blood pressure was thought to be relieved byit and, although it was later taken internally toeffect a cure, ginger was originally reduced to apaste with water and applied to the forehead tobring down blood pressure.Ginger was used to stimulate the heart andcirculation. It was used in respiratory disorders,such as colds or flu, as an expectorant, and tobring down a fever.It was particularly noted for its use in thetreatment of disorders of the digestive system,being used to prevent or cure nausea, relieveflatulence and diarrhoea, and aid digestion.

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Menstrual problems were also treated with it. Itwas used to promote the menstrual flow in casesof delayed periods.Ginger was thought to be an aid to fertility.Impotence was also treated with it.It was found to be useful in disorders of the blood,being used to prevent excessive blood clotting andto reduce blood pressure.The ageing process was thought to be sloweddown by the taking of ginger.Externally ginger was used in liniments to easethe pain of lumbago, and painful joints generally,and neuralgia.Chewing a piece of fresh ginger was thought torelieve toothache.

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gipsywortThe dried flowers of gipsywort were used in aninfusion to prevent blood clotting, to reduce thepulse rate and as a sedative in cases of heartdisease and high blood pressure.

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glycerineGlycerine is a colourless sticky liquid that wasobtained by heating and distilling fats.It was once used in the treatment of tuberculosisor consumption, also being used to relieve drycoughs. Disorders of the digestive system andbowel were also treated by it. Colic was thought tobe relieved by it, as were indigestion andflatulence. It was effective as a laxative and as abowel relaxant.Externally it was used to moisturize and soothethe skin and was used to relieve inflammation ineczema, burns and chilblains. Used with rosewater, it was applied for the relief of chapped lipsor sunburn. Used with lavender oil it was good forhealing cuts and sores. golden rodGolden rod is also known as Aaron's rod orwoundwort.Early herbalists used it to heal wounds, the reasonfor one of the names given to the plant.

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Later it was used as a diuretic and to dissolvekidney stones and gall stones. It was also used tostop vomiting and to aid digestion. Diphtheria wasalso thought to be helped by it.Golden rod was used to help painful menstruationand to encourage the menstrual flow in cases ofamenorrhoea.Catarrh was also treated with it, and it was used toinduce perspiration and as an antiseptic.

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goutA clove of garlic eaten night and morning wasthought to be a cure for gout. Watercress, carrot,apple, leeks, cucumber, onion and turnip were allused in its treatment.Parsley, dandelion, burdock, nettle, dock,marigold, rosemary, sage, thyme, hawthorn andborage were used as a cure for the symptoms ofgout. Elder and meadows weet were also used.A bath with Epsom salts was thought to relievethe symptoms of gout. Raw potato juice and hotpotato water were once applied to painful areas ingout. The bruised fresh leaves of peppermint or alotion made from these were used to apply to soreareas in gout.

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ground elderAn infusion of the fresh leaves of ground elderwas used as a diuretic, as a sedative and as a painreliever. It was thought to relieve gout, sciaticaand rheumatism.

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groundselGroundsel was used by early herbalists to treatpainful menstruation. It was later used as alaxative or purgative and was thought to curestomach ache. The plant was used as an emetic.Biliousness was treated with it. It was also used incases where the body temperature had to belowered.Externally, groundsel was used in hot poultices onboils and in cold poultices for nursing mothers torelieve engorged breasts. It was also usedexternally for cleaning wounds and healingchapped hands as well as for treating bleedinggums.

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ground ivyThe dried flowers of ground ivy were used in aninfusion as an expectorant in catarrh andbronchitis and as a diuretic.Ground ivy was also used to cure cystitis andsciatica and as a gargle for sore throats. gums,bleedingWitch hazel was used as a mouthwash forbleeding gums, as were borage, rosemary andmeadowsweet. A decoction of the root of comfreyor an infusion of the leaves of comfrey was alsoused in this way.Another mouthwash for bleeding gums consistedof cold tea. An infusion of olive leaves was alsoused.

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HhaemorrhoidsA common name for haemorrhoids is piles.An infusion of watercress applied externally as alotion was considered to be helpful in cases ofpiles. An external application of crushed freshleaves of plantain was also used, as was a poulticeor compress of witch hazel. Yarrow and marigoldapplied externally were used as treatments also,and meadowsweet was one of the earliest cures forthe condition.Eating carrots was used as a treatment for piles, aswas eating oats. Another cure recommendedeating a large leek, and another involved taking aglass of a liquid made from nettles several times aday.

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hairThere were several traditional treatments forimproving the condition of the hair. Washing thehair with egg was one of these, and castor oil wasanother well-known hair conditioner.Applying an infusion of fresh nettle leaves wasmeant to have a beneficial effect on the hair. Freshparsley juice was thought to make the hair shiny,and a decoction of burdock was massaged into thescalp as a hair tonic.An infusion of chamomile flowers was meant tobe an effective hair tonic, the scalp being cleansedwith it twice a week. Another infusion made withsage, rosemary, honeysuckle and plantain withadded honey was used as a hair wash to improvethe condition of the hair. A strong infusion of sagealone was recommended as a hair tonic, and thiswas also meant to cure dandruff.Hair fall was frequently treated with folkremedies.

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Again, egg was recommended. Fresh eggs were tobe beaten, rubbed into the hair and left overnight.Damping the hair with an infusion of sage wasalso said to help prevent hair falling out.Dilute rosemary oil rubbed on the scalp was alsomeant to stop hair falling out, and castor oilapplied in the same way was also meant to beeffective. A rinse made from yarrow was also usedto prevent hair fall, and a mixture of boxwood,rosemary and marshmallow added to boilingwater had the same claims made for it.A mixture of kerosene and water used in equalparts was used in the cure of dandruff but it wasalso claimed to be able to stop the hair fromgrowing grey if it was applied before the hairstarted to grow grey.See also BALDNESS; DANDRUFF.

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halitosisAvens, dill and peppermint were used as a curefor halitosis or bad breath.Halitosis may be caused by some disorder of thestomach.To avoid this, one suggested remedy involvedtaking a powder containing powdered vegetablecharcoal and bicarbonate of soda.

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hands, chappedOne remedy considered to be effective for chappedhands involved taking a piece of mutton fat,melting it and straining it and pouring it into abasin to harden it. Before it was quite hardened, itwas worked into a ball. This ball was then heldbefore a fire until the surface of the ball began tosoften. The substance was then worked into thehands.Another folk cure was a bit more complicated.Some unsalted hog's lard was washed in springwater and then rose water. It was then mixed withegg yolks and honey before fine oatmeal wasmixed into it to form a paste. This was rubbed intothe hands. hangoverEating raw cabbage was an old folk cure forhangovers.Rosemary is also an old remedy.Drinking a lot of water was also thought to be aneffective cure, and some people recommended

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eating raw beaten egg.

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hawthornCommon names for hawthorn are may andwhitethorn.In early times hawthorn was supposed to have thepower to ward off witches and evil spirits. Younggirls bathed in the dew that formed on it on themorning of the first day of May in the hope ofimproving their complexions.Some people claimed that the smell of hawthornhad aphrodisiac properties.Hawthorn was used as a heart stimulant and tonic.It was recommended in cases of low bloodpressure and was used as a diuretic in cases ofdropsy and kidney disorders.A decoction of the flowers and berries was used asa cure for sore throats. It was also used forchilblains. hay feverClove tea was thought to relieve the symptoms ofhay fever. An infusion of plantain was also givenfor the relief of these, as was an infusion of nettles.

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A hot infusion of balm was also taken to bringrelief to the hay fever sufferer.Adding chamomile to boiling water and inhalingthe steam from this was also recommended toalleviate the symptoms of hay fever.One folk cure for hay fever involved soaking someelecampane, also called elfwort, in boiling water,straining it and taking a glass of it at regularintervals until the symptoms disappeared.

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headacheAn old English superstition recommended not acure for headaches but a supposed method ofavoiding them. No hair that had either been cutfrom the head or that had fallen out of its ownaccord was to be thrown away in a carelessmanner. If the hair was carelessly discarded, thefear was that a bird would find the hair and carryit off and use it for nest-building. Apparently, ifthis happened the head of the owner of the hairwould ache all the time that the bird was buildingthe nest.Whether the headache was acquired in this way orin a more mundane way, there were several folkremedies for headaches.An infusion made from elderflowers was held tobe a cure for a headache, as was an infusion oflime flowers, an infusion of dried rosemary or aninfusion of chamomile. A tea made from betonywas also regarded as curative.A more complicated cure involved taking some

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centaury, feverfew and chamomile and boilingthem in water until the liquid was reduced by half.Some rhubarb was added to the hot liquid.Another cure had coltsfoot as a base. The coltsfootleaves were boiled in water and sweetened with asyrup made from sugar and water. A cupful of thiswas to be drunk. This was a versatile cure as itwas a remedy for coughs, colds and giddiness aswell as headaches.The Greeks and Romans used peppermint as acure for headaches. Later, cures taken internallyincluded cinnamon, honey, and apple. Rosemary,chamomile, dock, lavender, balm andmeadowsweet were herbs that were takeninternally as a cure.Other herbs that were used in the cure ofheadaches were angelica, basil, betony, feverfew,pennyroyal, St John's wort, valerian, viper'sbugloss and wintergreen.Externally applied, fresh elder leaves were thought

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to be curative, as were slices of raw potato,cabbage poultices and onion poultices. Clove oilcould be rubbed on the temples, as could lavenderoil and vinegar. Clove oil could also be used as aninhalant.A preventative for headaches dating from thefifteenth century involved distilling a mixture ofvervain, betony and wormwood and then washingthe head in it several times a week.A solution for washing the head to cure headachesconsisted of mixing salt, vinegar, water andbrandy. A towel soaked in very hot water, wrungout and wound round the head was meant to bringquite quick relief.

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head liceCinnamon applied externally as a wash wasthought to get rid of head lice. They were alsomeant to be cured by the application of freshparsley juice. Rosemary oil was thought to behelpful in the treatment of head lice.A non-herbal treatment to get rid of nits involvedmixing kerosene and water in equal parts andapplying the lotion to the hair. heartburnOne suggested method of avoiding heartburn wasto take a teaspoonful of wheat charcoalimmediately after it. It was suggested that thistreatment was backed up by taking a spoonful ofglycerine either before or after meals.A suggested cure for heartburn consisted of amixture made from ginger, quassia, sal volatileand sulphite of soda. Another, probably morepopular, remedy was the taking of a spoonful ofwhisky in warm water with meals.Although lemon is usually regarded as acidic, it

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was used in many digestive problems, heartburnincluded.Eggs were used as a cure for heartburn, as thewhite of the egg was thought to be a soothinginfluence. Peppermint was a popular cure.Raw cabbage was considered to be beneficial, androse tea was once thought to alleviate thecondition. Meadowsweet, taken internally, wasalso used to treat heartburn.heart problemsHawthorn was thought to have curative powers asfar as heart disease was concerned. One remedyconsisted of making an infusion of dried hawthornleaves with added honey.Centaury was the basis of another cure. It wasboiled in beer, strained and sweetened with honey.It was to be taken three times a day.Herbs and plants that were considered to behelpful in heart disorders included asparagus,butterbur, broom, bugle, burnet, figwort and

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gipsywort. Others included lily of the valley,motherwort, raspberry, viper's bugloss andwoodruff.Tea, carrots, onions and olive oil taken internallywere also thought to be beneficial in heartproblems.

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heartseaseHeartsease was long regarded as a remedy forepilepsy. It was also used as a treatment forcatarrh and asthma.Disorders of the blood and heart disease weretreated with it, and it was known as a diuretic.A decoction of the flowers was used to cure someskin complaints.

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herb robertHerb robert is also known as red robin and StRobert's herb. It was used widely in medieval folkmedicine and has been used in various ways sincemedieval times.Skin complaints were treated with it, and it wasused in the treatment of bruises and to reduceswelling. A lotion for eye problems was madefrom it, and it was used as a gargle for sore throatsand mouth ulcers.It was used in the treatment of diarrhoea.

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hiccupsA very old cure for hiccups was a hot infusion ofwhite mustard seeds. Taking lemon was alsosupposed to help, and cloves were meant to bebeneficial. Peppermint was a very popular cure, aswas simple hot water.One cure advocated drinking three sips of coldwater from the far side of a cup. Another alsoinvolving water recommended placing the fingersin the ears while drinking a lot of cold water.Alternatively, a pinch of snuff could be taken in aneffort to cure hiccups.Rather a strange cure involved taking three or fourpreserved damsons in the mouth at once andswallowing them gradually.

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honeyHoney was thought to be highly nutritious andwas particularly recommended as part of the dietof people who had been ill to give them energy. Aremedy advocated for delicate children consistedof boiled milk with added honey.It was also used as a sedative and to promoterelaxation and sleep, and as such was sometimesused in cases of insomnia.Again, it was sometimes added to hot milk andtaken just before going to bed.Honey was considered to be a very versatilesubstance in folk medicine. It was, for example,thought to relieve the pain of headaches, neuralgiaor arthritis.It was frequently used as an expectorant and washelpful in the treatment of coughs and catarrh. Itwas sometimes used with hot lemon to soothe sorethroats, and is often used in this way today. Herbs,such as thyme, were sometimes added to it to

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relieve the symptoms of asthma or bronchitis.Honey was thought to have the power to relievecongestion, and it was used in the treatment ofsinusitis, and hay fever.Diarrhoea and vomiting were treated with it, andit was thought to help in the treatment of variousinfections, such as typhoid.Externally, honey was used as a treatment forburns and as a means of bringing boils to a head.It was also thought to speed up the cure of sores orulcers in the mouth.Wounds were once spread with honey in the beliefthat it would aid healing.In early times honey was regarded as anaphrodisiac.

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honeysuckleHoneysuckle is also known as goat's leaf.It was used as an expectorant, being used inrespiratory disorders and asthma. Disorders of theliver and spleen were also treated with it, and itwas used as a gargle.Constipation was treated with it, sincehoneysuckle was thought to have laxativeproperties.

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hopsHops are also known as hop bine or willow wolf.Hops have been used since medieval times in thebrewing of beer, and they are probably best knownfor that today. They had, however, several uses infolk medicine.They were probably best known as a cure forinsomnia, having strong sedative properties, andwere also used in nervous disorders. However,they were also used in indigestion, disorders of thestomach and as a stimulant of the' appetite. Heartdisease, liver disorders and jaundice were alsotreated by them.Externally they were used to treat bruises andreduce inflammation and swelling, often incombination with chamomile.

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horehound, whiteWhite horehound is also known as horehound orhoarhound. It was used as a cure for coughs inancient Egypt and thereafter. It was also used inthe treatment of catarrh, bronchitis, diseases of thelung, and asthma.Constipation was treated with it. Horehound wasalso used to stop the menstrual flow or to decreaseit.It was used externally on cuts, bruises and in thetreatment of minor skin conditions.

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horseradishWe now know horseradish as an accompanimentto roast beef, but it was used in several treatmentsin folk medicine. It was used to stimulate theappetite and to cure flatulence.Urinary infections and colds and influenza werealso treated with it.Externally, it was used to cure chilblains andboils.

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horsetailHorsetail was also known as sharegrass andbottlebrush.It was used to treat kidney and bladder disordersand urinary infections. Disorders of the prostategland were also treated with it, as were somedisorders of the digestive system.Externally, it was used in the curing of open sores,wounds and chilblains.

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hypertensionA more common, less technical, name forhypertension is high blood pressure.Various herbs were thought to be effective in thelowering of blood pressure. These includedbarberry, chervil, comfrey, garlic and hawthorn.Parsley, rue, skullcap, vervain and violet were alsothought to be effective.Cinnamon, ginger, and olive oil were used in thetreatment of high blood pressure, as were apples,potatoes, onions and leeks. The condition was alsotreated with yarrow, balm and lavender.hypotensionA more common, less technical, name forhypotension is low blood pressure.Hawthorn was used in the treatment of low bloodpressure to try to bring it up to normal levels.Broom, lavender, rosemary and shepherd's pursewere also used.

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hyssopHyssop was used as a cure for chronic catarrh andasthma. In the case of asthma it was sometimestaken in conjunction with horehound. It was alsoused in the treatment of stomach disorders.Externally, it was used to ease bruises, cuts andpain caused by muscular rheumatism.

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hysteriaOne cure recommended strong tansy tea, takencold, as a cure for hysteria. Another curesuggested mixing chamomile, valerian, limeflowers and St John's wort to make an infusion tobe taken three times a day.Herbs thought to be useful in cases of hysteriaincluded betony, catnip, centaury, lady's bedstraw,lavender and lily of the valley. Peppermint,motherwort, poppy, skullcap, valerian, vervain,viper's bugloss and watercress were also used.

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impotenceCinnamon was used as a remedy for impotence infolk medicine, as was ginger. Rose petals and oatswere also thought to improve the condition.See also FERTILITY.

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indigestionDill, fennel and feverfew were used as remediesfor indigestion in folk medicine. Peppermint,speedwell and thyme were also used.Ginger and peppermint were both popular curesfor indigestion.The juice of a raw potato was also considered tobe instrumental in curing indigestion, as was eggwhite.Apple and tea were also popular, and anotherremedy was Epsom salts.Cloves were considered to be a remedy forindigestion.Olive oil and cardamom seeds were also used totreat it, and parsley and burdock taken internallywere thought to be beneficial. Indigestion was alsothought to be relieved by lavender andmeadowsweet.See also DIGESTION, AIDS TO,

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inflammationOatmeal used externally was used in the reductionof inflammation, as was raw potato juice. Pepperwas thought to bring inflammation to the surfaceand to relieve pain.Vinegar was also used to reduce inflammation, aswas a combination of hops and chamomileapplied externally.A poultice made from barley flour was anothersuggested cure. Other poultice cures were madefrom plantain, burdock or eucalyptus leaves.Crushed fresh leaves of plantain and cucumberjuice were both used to soothe inflamed skin, aswere dock leaves. Meadowsweet flowers andelderflowers were also used.Lavender oil and chamomile oil were both used ininflammatory skin conditions.

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insomniaHoney in milk with a pinch of nutmeg orcinnamon taken before going to bed was a well-known cure for insomnia.A teaspoon of honey on its own was alsorecommended or honey taken with cider vinegar.Hops have been used as a cure for insomnia sincethe Middle Ages. Chamomile was known as arelaxant and was a common cure forsleeplessness, as were lavender and lemon balm.Hawthorn was also thought conducive to sleep,and rosemary was an old folk cure for insomnia.Poppy and valerian were also used to induce sleep,as were skullcap and woodruff. Dandelion, dilland peppermint were also used.Eating onions at bedtime was also a recommendedcure.Either stewed Spanish onions or ordinary rawonions would do, and two or three of them were tobe taken. Onion soup or onion jelly was a

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suggested alternative. Onion jelly was made byshredding onions and cooking them in a littlestock until the onions were tender. Boiling waterand a squeeze of lemon were added and themixture cooked together.Mattresses were sometimes stuffed with oat husksas a cure for insomnia.

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iodineIodine is an element that has been used in homeremedies for more than a hundred years.It was used in the treatment of skin infections andto stop cuts and sores becoming infected.

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itchingOne old cure for itching involved using a piece ofcacao butter impregnated with cocaine. This wasto be rubbed over the itchy part. The butter wouldmelt on the warm skin, making a smooth,soothing cover.Alternative cures were a weak carbolic acid lotionor a solution of bicarbonate of soda.See also STINGS AND BITES.

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Jacob's ladderOther common names for the Jacob's ladder plantare charity and Greek valerian.It was used in the treatment of coughs, colds,chest complaints, lung complaints and pleurisy,especially as an expectorant.It induced perspiration and cured fevers.

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jaundiceIn early European folk medicine parsley was usedas a cure for jaundice. The root of the dandelionwas also thought to be effective, and hops werealso used.One cure for jaundice consisted of dandelionflowers, blue cornflowers and parsley crushedtogether in some beer. This was to be taken nightand morning.Another cure was an infusion of agrimony takenthree times a day.One particularly unpleasant old cure in folkmedicine involved the patient eating a slice ofbread and butter with nine lice on it.

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juniperThe berries and leaves of juniper were used inherbal medicine, although now the herb is mostcommonly known in the kitchen, since the berriesare used to flavour certain dishes.Juniper was used to treat indigestion andflatulence. It was also used in the curing of kidneyand bladder conditions and, being a diuretic, wasparticularly effective in curing dropsy. It wassometimes used in conjunction with otherdiuretics.

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kidney problemsPepper was used in the treatment of kidneydisorders, as was rose-hip syrup. Meadowsweetwas also used.Other herbs used in the treatment of kidneydisorders included agrimony, angelica, bearberry,betony, broom, daisy, dandelion and fumitory.Golden rod, hawthorn, horsetail, hyssop, juniper,kidneywort, parsley, shepherd's purse andstrawberry were also thought to be beneficial.A drink made from lime water and pearl barleywater was thought to be helpful in kidney disease.Another remedial drink consisted of boiling nettleleaves in water, straining it and fermenting theliquid to make a nettle beer. Cloves, ginger, honeyand brown sugar were added to this.An infusion made from several herbs was thoughtto relieve disorders of the kidney. The herbs wereburdock seeds, dandelion, marshmallow root andtansy.

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kidneywortOther common names for this plant are pennywortand liverwort.Medieval herbalists used it to treat disorders of thekidneys, hence its name. In early folk medicine itwas used to treat gout.Kidneywort is a diuretic and is also used to reduceinflammation.It was particularly used to reduce inflammation inthe liver and spleen and was thought to bebeneficial in cases of gout and sciatica. Bronchitiswas sometimes treated by it.The bruised leaves were applied in a poultice tocure piles and to treat minor burns or scalds andpimples and sores. Kidneywort was also used insome eye treatments.

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knotgrassKnotgrass is also known as pigweed, cowgrass,all-seed, birdweed and bird's tongue.It was used to cure internal bleeding and to reduceexcessive menstrual flow. The fresh juice wassquirted up the nostrils to stop nose bleeding.Diarrhoea and dysentery were also thought to becured by it. It was used as a remedy for bronchitisand lung diseases and in the treatment of jaundice.Piles were treated with it, and it was thought tohave the power to dissolve kidney stones and gallstones.

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lady's bedstrawLady's bedstraw is also known as wild rosemaryand maiden's hair.It was used in folk medicine as a sedative.Hysteria and nervous conditions were treated by it,as was epilepsy.Lady's bedstraw was also used as a tonic and as adiuretic.It was once used as an insect repellent.

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larchThe inner bark of the larch was used medicinallyin traditional herbal medicine. It had various uses.It was used as a diuretic and in the treatment ofcystitis.Bronchitis was treated with it, and it was a notedexpectorant.Larch was used to treat internal bleeding and asan antidote to some poisons.Externally it was used in the treatment of eczemaand psoriasis.

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lavenderLavender is known as English lavender andgarden lavender.Its name is derived from the Latin for 'to wash',and it got its name from the fact that the Romansused it in their baths. They also placed it in linenbags among their clothes to perfume them andtake away any unpleasant odours.In the Middle Ages lavender oil was used to killlice and bed bugs. It was also used to cleanwounds.Lavender was used as an antiseptic in suchdisorders as diphtheria. It was also a mild diureticand was used in disorders in which there was fluidretention. Colds, catarrh and chest infections weretreated by it since it was a decongestant andexpectorant. It was also used to induceperspiration and bring down fevers.It was well known as a sedative in cases ofexcessive nervousness, anxiety and heart

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palpitations, and insomnia and headaches werethought to be relieved by it. On the other hand, itwas also used as a stimulant to the nervoussystem, and it was used to lift the spirits of peoplewho were feeling depressed and to stimulate theappetite. Low blood pressure and dizziness werethought to be helped by lavender.Disorders of the digestive system were treatedwith lavender.It was thought to be helpful in curing flatulencecolic, Indigestion and nausea. Lavender wasthought to relieve pain, and it was used for therelief of toothache as well as for headaches.It had several external uses, especially in the formof an oil. One of these was as an insect repellent.Another one was as a soother of inflammation,and it was also used to relieve bruises and sprainsand to soothe swollen joints.Lavender was also used to cure cuts, sores andwounds.

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laxativeApple, olive oil, rose-hip syrup and oats were usedfor their laxative properties. Elderberries, plantainseeds and flax were also used as laxatives. Whitemustard seeds were also once used.Dock was used as a laxative for the treatment oflong term constipation, and dandelion root wasused where a mild laxative was caIled for. Epsomsalts was used when a fast-working laxative wasrequired.Asparagus, buckthorn, chickweed, fat hen,feverfew, groundsel and liquorice were some ofthe herbs that were thought to act as laxatives.

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leeksEating leeks was one of the folk remedies forhaemorrhoids.Anyone who had swallowed anything sharp wasencouraged to eat boiled leeks to prevent the sharpobject from damaging the stomach or bowelbefore it was expelled from the body.Leeks were also used as a cough remedy, beingexpectorants and decongestants. They were usedin the relief of colds, catarrh, chest infections,hoarseness and sore throats.The leek was also a diuretic and was used in thetreatment of gout, arthritis and cystitis. It was alsoused in treatment of disorders of the digestivesystem, such as colic and diarrhoea. Some formsof heart disease were also treated by it.A poultice made from leeks was used as adressing for wounds and sores. A paste of mashedcooked leaves was used to bring boils to a head.An application of leeks was used to spread on

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burns and inflamed skin to soothe the skin. A cutleek rubbed on an insect sting was meant torelieve the pain of the sting.

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lemonLemon was used in various ways in folk medicine,and it has been credited with curative powers for avery long time. The Romans used it as an antidoteto all poisons.Although it is usually thought of as being acidic, itwas used in hot water as a cure for biliousness.Lemon was also used for disorders of the digestivesystem, including hiccups, heartburn and nausea,and for disorders of the bowel, such asconstipation and worms.Lemon juice taken in the morning acted as astimulant of bile and so as a tonic to the liver. Itwas also used to dissolve gall stones. It wasthought to be a remedy for various infections andas a means of bringing down fever.Asthma was thought to be relieved by it, as weresore throats and tonsillitis.Lemon was also used as a diuretic and as a curefor arthritis and rheumatism. Mixed with coffee it

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was thought to be effective in the treatment ofmalaria. This mixture was also used as a treatmentfor headaches.Externally lemon was used as an astringent tostem bleeding. If some lemon juice was put on apiece of cotton wool and applied to the nostrils itwould stop nose bleeds.It was also used to massage bleeding gums.Lemon juice was also used to prevent sunburn.When mixed with glycerine it was used to soothechapped lips.lemon balm see balm.

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lettuce, wildWild lettuce is also called green endive.It was used in herbal medicine as a sedative and toinduce sleep. Colic was treated with it, as wereirritable coughs. It was a diuretic and was used indropsy.lice, head see head.

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liquoriceThe ancient Greeks used liquorice to quench theirthirst.Being much sweeter than sugar, it was used byearly herbalists to sweeten some of their potionsthat contained bitter herbs. It was also used as acough medicine, being an expectorant, and later asa cure for sore throats, chest complaints andconsumption, or tuberculosis, and asthma.It was also used to treat indigestion and ulcers.

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lilacLilac was used medicinally as a diuretic and toreduce inflammation.It was principally used in the treatment of fevers,especially malaria, and was also used to relieverheumatism.

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lily of the valleyLily of the valley is also known as May blossomand wood lily.Its main use was as a heart stimulant, like thefoxglove, but it was also used to treat sinusitis anddizziness in cases of fluid retention.Externally it was used for rheumatic pain. limetreeEarly herbalists used a tea distilled from theflowers of lime as a cure for epilepsy. It was eventhought that just sitting under a lime tree couldcure people of epileptic fits.It was used in the treatment of low blood pressureand to cure certain nervous disorders. Catarrh,coughs and headaches were all thought to beeased by it, as were fevers.Externally it was used on the skin to sootherashes.linseed see flax.

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lips, chappedA mixture of glycerine and lemon juice wasrecommended for chapped lips. Alternative curesincluded an oil made from rose, an ointment madefrom rose, or a mixture of glycerine and rosewater.

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liver problemsThe juice of raw potato taken internally was usedin disorders of the liver, as was raw onion. Applewas also thought to be helpful. Herbs believed tobe beneficial in disorders of the liver includedagrimony, avens, daisy, sage and rosemary.

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lockjawOne old cure for lockjaw involved pouring a littlewarm turpentine into the wound that had caused,or might cause, lockjaw. Another cure for lockjawinvolved smoking the wound in the smoke fromburning wool.To prevent lockjaw, it was suggested that thewound should be made to bleed copiously until itbecame numb.Suggestions to make it bleed included tapping thewound with a stick or knife handle.

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lovageLovage is also known as sea parsley.Being rich in vitamin C, it was used as a cure forscurvy.It was also used as a diuretic and a stimulant. lungproblemsHerbs that were used to cure or relieve lungdisease included comfrey, knotgrass and primrose,while an old cure for tuberculosis was made up ofhoney and horseradish.

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MmadderIn folk medicine this plant was much used in thetreatment of kidney stones. It was also used tocure gal1 stones and as a remedy for fluidretention and urinary disorders.Madder was also thought to have laxativeproperties.Externally it was applied to wounds to clean them.

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malariaOne old cure for malaria was lemon taken incoffee. The early herbalists treated malaria withthe roots of parsley, and eucalyptus was the basisof another old remedy.Malaria was often in the past known as ague.Other remedies are given in the entry on ague.See also AGUE .

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marigoldTaken internal1y, marigold was used in thetreatment of low blood pressure, as an aperientsand as a mild sedative.It was also thought to have the power to stop pusfrom forming and was used to treat ulcers andvaricose veins.As an external application it was used from earlytimes to relieve the pain and reduce the swellingof insect stings, particularly those of wasps. It wasused in skin rashes and other skin disorders toreduce inflammation and on burns to soothe them.An application of marigold was used to relieveeyes that were sore and inflamed. It was usedparticularly in cases of conjunctivitis.It was used externally as a treatment for warts.

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marjoramThe ancient Greeks are said to have plantedmarjoram over the tombs of the dead to bringpeace to their spirits and prevent them fromcoming back to haunt the living. In early folkbelief marjoram may have been thought to havethe power to increase fertility, as newly marriedcouples had coronets made from marjoram flowersplaced on their heads. Nowadays it is best knownas a culinary herb but it had several uses in herbalmedicine.It was thought to have the power to cleanse thebody of impurities, to purify the blood and toinduce perspiration.Measles were treated with it as it was thought tobring out the spots.Colic was thought to be relieved by it, as wereseasickness and stomach upsets. It was used as asedative, as a remedy for some nervous conditions,and as a stimulant of the appetite. Bronchitis anddeafness were thought to respond to treatment by

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it.Toothache was considered to be relieved by it ifmarjoram was applied to the aching toothexternally. Marjoram was also used externally as aliniment and in poultices to bring down swellingand relieve rheumatism.

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marshmallowMarshmallow has been used in folk medicine for along time, being used by the ancient Greeks. In theMiddleAges it was used as a remedy for venereal disease,but many other cures were also associated with it.When it is put in water, the root of themarshmallow swells to form a gel that was usedto soothe burns and cuts, rashes and skin diseases.It was also used to reduce inflammation.Applied in a poultice it was used to treattroublesome insect bites. A lotion made from theroot or leaves was used in the treatment ofdandruff.The dried root boiled in milk was used as aremedy for whooping cough and bronchitis.Marshmallow taken internally was also used inurinary disorders.

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meadowsweetMeadowsweet was originally used as a flavouringfor mead. In early folklore it was thought to inducesuch a deep sleep that it could lead to death.It was used in the treatment of stomach disordersand as a remedy for ulcers, colic and heartburn.The herb was thought to be effective as a remedyfor diarrhoea and for dropsy, and it was used tocure disorders of the blood.It was used as a painkiller in conditions likearthritis and rheumatism. Fevers and chills werealso treated with it. measlesWatercress taken internally was used in thetreatment of measles, and a hot decoction ofburdock was administered to the patient to induceperspiration and reduce the fever.A hot infusion of marigold was used to induceperspiration and bring out the eruption in measlesto speed recovery.Yarrow taken internally was also thought to bring

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out the spots and speed recovery, as weremarjoram and myrrh. A hot infusion ofelderflowers was also used to achieve the sameeffect.

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memory, poorHawthorn was thought to improve the fading ofthe memory caused by the ageing process or poorblood supply to the brain because of its supposedpower to improve poor circulation.Rosemary was thought to improve the bloodsupply to the head and was thus supposed toimprove the memory as well as stimulating thebrain.Another remedy suggested that people who founddifficulty in remembering things should drink atea made from sage, sweetened to taste.

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menopauseNettle was used to relieve the symptoms of themenopause.Sage and marigold were also thought to be ofbenefit in the relief of menopausal symptoms andwere considered to be particularly effective intreating hot flushes.Balm was considered to be of help in relieving thedepression that can accompany the menopause.Hawthorn was suggested as a remedy for the nightsweats that are a common symptom of themenopause.

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menstruationHeavy bleeding in menstruation was treated withcinnamon, plantain, sage or nettles. An olderremedy suggested that three or four lemons shouldbe taken daily to reduce excessive bleeding inmenstruation.Dock and borage were used as a remedy formenstrual irregularity, and chamomile was usedfor this in Greek and Roman times. Otherremedies were witch hazel, rose and rosemary.Marigold and sage were used to regulatemenstruation, as were carrots. Ginger, myrrh andwatercress were considered to be effective inpromoting menstruation and in bringing ondelayed periods.Painful periods were thought to be relieved by anumber of herbs. These included groundsel,lavender, motherwort, pennyroyal, rue andskullcap.

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milkMilk was commonly used to ease indigestion andto relieve the pain caused by stomach ulcers.It was also thought to have a soothing effect on theskin and was used as a face wash in an effort toimprove the complexion.

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mistletoeMistletoe is now associated with Christmas andkissing, but it was used quite extensively in folkmedicine.It was used as a remedy for epilepsy and for otherconditions that were characterized by convulsions.Low blood pressure was thought to be helped byit, and it was used in the treatment of somemalignant tumours.Nervous disorders and hysteria were treated withmistletoe, and it was used in cases of delirium.Mistletoe was considered a remedy for urinarycomplaints and chronic arthritis.

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motherwortAnother name for motherwort is lion's tail.It was used by the Greeks as a nerve tonic forpregnant women. The herb was also used by earlyherbalists to treat menstrual irregularity andproblems that occurred in childbirth, and as a curefor vaginal infections.In early folklore motherwort was considered to bean aid to a long life if eaten regularly.Motherwort was used to treat heart conditions andas a remedy for epilepsy. Low blood pressure wasthought to benefit from its use. It was used as asedative and thought to be a remedy for hysteriaand excessive nervousness.

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mulleinMullein was used by early herbalists as a cure forgout and piles. Because of its rather unpleasantbitter taste it was often mixed with another herb toimprove the taste.It was commonly used in disorders of therespiratory system, being used to treat asthma andbronchitis.The herb had several external applications. Apoultice made from the leaves or flowers was usedto relieve burns. A mixture of mullein leaves, hotvinegar and water was used to treat haemorrhoids.The leaves were alsoboiled with lard or vegetable fat to make anointment to be applied to wounds to speed thehealing process.

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mustardWhite mustard seeds were used in early times as atreatment for disorders of the digestive system andas a laxative for chronic constipation. An infusionof white mustard seeds and hot water was alsoused as a cure for whooping cough.Mustard was also used to improve poorcirculation, to relieve colds, influenza and chestinfections, to cure chilblains, and to raise thespirits of people who had depression.It was used to induce vomiting in cases ofpoisoning.A hot mustard foot bath was thought to relievecongestion in head or chest colds, and an infusionof mustard was used as a gargle for sore throats.

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myrrhMyrrh was burned as an old remedy for getting ridof fleas.Later it was used as a tonic for people whorequired to have their strength built up. It wasthought to improve circulation and to be aneffective decongestant and expectorant inrespiratory disease, such as bronchitis, catarrh,colds and tuberculosis. In diseases that involved arash, myrrh was thought to push the eruption tothe surface and speed recovery.The appetite was thought to be stimulated by it,and it was meant to improve digestion and cureflatulence. It was thought to be effective againstintestinal parasites.Myrrh was used to regulate late periods and wasused as a relaxant to relieve spasm. It was alsoused to induce contractions when childbirth wasthought to be imminent, and therefore was notused by pregnant women unless the birth was due.

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Externally it was used as a gargle and amouthwash and to bring relief for minor injuries.

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NnauseaGinger and peppermint have long been held to beexcellent cures for nausea. Cinnamon, cloves,chamomile, sage and cardamom were all thoughtto be effective remedies for it also. Lemon, rose-hip syrup and lavender were also used as remediesfor nausea.Rosemary leaves mixed with an equal amount ofhoney was recommended. A cup of hot watertaken before meals was thought to prevent nausea.nervous problemsRaw cabbage was an old cure for nervousdisorders, and lavender was noted for its calmingeffect. Cinnamon was used as a remedy fornervous problems while yarrow was used toreduce anxiety. Honey was thought to have acalming effect.See also HYSTERIA.

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nettleNettles were considered to be an excellent remedyfor purifying the blood. They were also onceregarded as an aphrodisiac. In ancient Greece theywere used as an antidote to poisoning by hemlockand as a remedy for scorpion stings and snakebites.The nettle was used as a diuretic and was thoughtto lower blood pressure. Gout and arthritis weretreated with nettles.It was thought to be an aid to digestion and wasused to treat some digestive disorder such asflatulence, ulcers and diarrhoea as well as toeradicate worms.Nettles were used to reduce heavy menstrualbleeding and as a tonic during the menopause.They were taken by nursing mothers to improvetheir milk supply.Respiratory problems, such as catarrh, asthma,pleurisy and lung disease, were treated with

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nettles. They were also used to bring down fevers.Applied externally they were used to cure arthritis.Cuts and wounds were treated with them, as wereburns and insect stings. Nettles were used as aremedy for bleeding noses and to make a garglefor sore throats. A tonic for the hair was madefrom them.

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neuralgiaHoney, chamomile and elderberries takeninternally were thought to bring relief to sufferersfrom neuralgia.Applied externally to the site of the pain, gingeroil, dilute eucalyptus oil or garlic added to oliveoil were used to combat the pain of neuralgia. Acompress made from sage, a poultice made fromcabbage, or a hot mustard plaster were alternativeremedies.A mixture of rose water and white vinegar wasused to make a lotion that was applied to theaffected part. A liniment for neuralgia could bemade from a mixture of methylated spirits, cedarbark, sassafras, origanum and powdered carbonateof ammonia. Brown paper was dipped in thismixture and applied to the area affected byneuralgia for a short time. If left on too long, itcould cause blistering.

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nose, bleedingThere were several suggested cures for nosebleeds in folk medicine.One of these involved placing a nettle leaf on thetongue or against the roof of the mouth. Witchhazel dried and used as a snuff was another oldcure, and powdered tea was once used in this wayalso.A small piece of cloth soaked in vinegar and putup the nostrils was said to cure a bleeding nose, aswas a cloth soaked in lemon juice. A cold lotionapplied to the head while heat was applied to thefeet constituted another old remedy.A common remedy was the putting of a cold keydown the back of the person suffering from thenose bleed.More drastic was the pouring of cold water downthe back. Grasping the nose with the finger andthumb to exclude air from the nose was also usedas a remedy.

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Cinnamon taken in a hot drink was thought tostop bleeding from the nose. numbnessAn old remedy for numbness was to wash theaffected part in a decoction of mustard seed andwormwood.

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Oolive oilOlive oil had a variety of uses in folk medicine. Itwas used in the treatment of digestive problemssuch as flatulence, heartburn, indigestion, ulcersand constipation.Respiratory problems, such as catarrh and drycoughs, were also treated by it.Externally it was used to soothe the skin and torelieve the effects of eczema, cold sores andchapped skin. Often with the addition of garlic, itwas used as a liniment for sprains or rheumatism.Warm olive oil, sometimes with the addition of aherb such as garlic, was dropped in the ear as aremedy for earache.An infusion of the leaves of the olive tree wasused for cleaning wounds or cuts and was alsoused as a mouthwash to cure bleeding gums.

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onionOnions were used medicinally from earliest times.They were thought to have antiseptic propertiesand were used to ward off infection.They were used to improve the circulation andpurify the blood. They were thought to lower highblood pressureand were used as a remedy for blood clots. Casesof anaemia were treated with it.They were used as an expectorant in colds, catarrhand bronchitis, and also to bring down fever insuch conditions.Sinusitis and sore throats were also treated by it.Onions were taken to aid digestion and as a tonic.They were used as a remedy for constipation andflatulence.Disorders of the liver were treated with onions.They were thought to have diuretic properties andwere used as a remedy for gout and arthritis.Externally they had several uses. Onion juice was

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used to treat burns, stings, animal bites, cuts, boilsand abscesses.It was also used as a remedy for warts, toothacheand earache. Onions were used in a poultice tocure chilblains and were thought to be a remedyfor headaches when inhaled.Onions were once considered to be an aphrodisiac.

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palpitationsLavender taken internally was thought to relievethe symptoms of nervousness and anxiety, one ofwhich was palpitations. Hawthorn was used as aremedy for various heart conditions and in thetreatment of palpitations.An infusion of borage was also recommended forthe condition. Peppermint was generally thoughtof as a heart tonic and was used in the treatment ofpalpitations.pansy see heartsease.

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paralysisNettle was used to stimulate the circulation andwas also thought to have some effect in thetreatment of paralysis.Early herbalists recommended rosemary as aremedy for paralysis.Cowslips were used to try to help the condition, aswere primroses.According to folklore, a silver coin made frommoney contributed by a certain number of peopleacted as a charm against paralysis.

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parsleyWe now know parsley as common culinary herb.However, it was also used in herbal medicine andalso features in folklore. In ancient Greece andRome sprigs of parsley were placed on tombs tobring good luck to the deceased.The Romans wore sprigs of it about their person toprovide general protection, and the gladiators inancientRome ate parsley in an effort to boost theirstrength.The Romans believed that a pregnant womanwould miscarry if she ate parsley. Later it wasused by womenwho were pregnant but who did not want to be.They used it to try to bring about abortions. It wasfound to have a stimulating effect on the musclesof the uterus, and pregnant women were advisedto avoid it.It was used to treat women after childbirth with a

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view to getting the uterus back to normal. Theherb was also used to increase the milk supply innursing mothers.Parsley had several uses in herbal medicine. Thebruised leaves were used against the plague andagainst diseases characterized by intermittentfevers.It was used to treat bronchitis and asthma and tocleanse the kidneys. As a diuretic, it was used asremedy for dropsy and was advocated as atreatment for jaundice.Gout and arthritis were both treated by it.The herb was used as a remedy for headaches andalso for some nervous disorders, such as excessiveanxiety.Listlessness and lack of energy were treated withit.The herb was used to improve circulation and inthe treatment of high blood pressure. Anaemiawas also treated with it. It was thought to have the

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power to stimulate the appetite and was used as anaid to digestion.It was regarded as being an antispasmodic andwas used in the treatment of stomach cramps,colic and flatulence, as well as indigestion.Externally, parsley was used in the treatment ofstings and bites, and of cuts and wounds. Crushedfresh parsley leaves were put on the breasts ofnursing mothers to relieve engorgement of thebreasts.It was used on the hair as a tonic to make the hairshine, and it was also used as a treatment for headlice. Applied locally, it was used as remedy fortoothache.

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pennyroyalPennyroyal was also called pudding grass ortickweed.In early times pennyroyal was burnt to kill fleas.The herb was toxic if taken in large doses,although small doses were used in the treatment ofheadache, indigestion and nervous disorders. Itwas a remedy that had to be used with greatcaution.It acted as a stimulant to the uterus and so wasused to bring on the menstrual flow in cases whereit had been suppressed.

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pepperBlack pepper is made from dried unripepeppercorns.White pepper is made from ripe peppercorns thathave been soaked and had their outer skinsremoved.Pepper was used in early folk medicine as aremedy for the bubonic plague. It was also used inthe treatment of feverish infections, such astyphus, cholera, smallpox, scarlet fever anddysentery.From Greek and Roman times it has been used totreat colds and catarrh. They also used it toimprove the digestive system.One of the properties that pepper was regarded ashaving was the ability to bring down fevers byinducing perspiration.It was also regarded as being a diuretic.Pepper was thought to improve digestion and actas a stimulant of the appetite. It was also used as a

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painkiller.Externally pepper was used as a counterirritant,known as a rubefacient, to relieve the pain ofpainful joints in conditions such as rheumatism bybringing the inflammation to the surface. Pepperwas also used as a treatment for cuts and woundsand acted as a gargle for sore throats.

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peppermintThe ancient Greeks regarded peppermint as anaphrodisiac.It was an early cure for headaches, coughs andinfections of the urinary tract.Peppermint was much used in the treatment ofdisorders associated with the digestive system. Itwas used for the relief of indigestion and as aremedy for colic, heartburn and flatulence. It wasthought to be effective in stimulating the appetiteand was used to cure nausea and preventvomiting. Diarrhoea was also treated with it.An antispasmodic, peppermint was used to relaxmuscles and was thought to be particularly helpfulin the treatment of abdominal cramps. Choleraand dysentery were treated with it.Being thought to have the power to increase theproduction of perspiration, it was used in thetreatment of feverish illnesses. It wasrecommended to be taken at the start of colds and

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influenza.It was thought to have a good effect on thecirculation and was used to stimulate the heart andto cure palpitations. The liver was also thought tobe stimulated by the use of peppermint.Hiccups were thought to be relieved by it. It wasused to sweeten the breath, as it still is.Peppermint oil was used as an inhalant to curedizziness and faintness.Externally, peppermint oil was a recommendedtreatment for cuts and abrasions. Both the oil andthe crushed fresh leaves were used to reduce jointsmade painful by arthritis, rheumatism and gout.Peppermint oil was used as a gargle for sorethroats, and it was applied to aching teeth torelieve the pain. It was also used in drops torelieve earache. peptic ulcers see ulcers, internal.periods, painful see menstrual irregularities.

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perspirationSeveral plants were used to induce perspiration,especially to bring down fevers in variousinfections.The plants included pepper, cinnamon, ginger andlemon.Alcohol was also used to promote perspiration, aswere cloves, garlic, onion, parsley, plantain, nettleand burdock.Hot rosemary tea was also thought to increaseperspiration, as were rose tea, marigold tea andlavender tea.A hot infusion of yarrow was also used, as was ahot infusion of balm. A decoction of hawthornbark was thought to increase perspiration. Aninfusion of the leaves and flowers ofmeadowsweet was thought to do likewise.Peppermint and eucalyptus were also used.See also BODY ODOUR.phlegm see expectorants.

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piles see haemorrhoids.

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pimpernelPimpernel is also known as scarlet pimpernel.In early folklore people thought that they could tellwhat time of day it was by looking at thepimpernel. The flowers of the plant opened earlyin the morning and closed in the afternoon. Thissystem did not really work if it was rainingbecause the flowers closed then also.The plant was sometimes called 'laughter bringer'since it was thought that it had the power to curedepression. It was also regarded as a diuretic.It had to be used with great caution as it could betoxic. pinkThe pink is also known as clove pink orgilliflower. It was used as a tonic and as adiuretic. Fevers were treated with it as it wasthought to have the power to induce perspiration.

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plagueThe term plague usually applies to the bubonicplague.Several plants were used either as a supposedremedy for this or to prevent it.Pepper was used in the treatment of the plague, aswas parsley.Onions were used to keep bubonic plague at bay.Sage was also thought in early times to have thepower to prevent the plague. Thyme was strewnon the ground to try to ward off the plague, as waslavender. plantainPlantain is also known as ripple grass orwaybread.The plant has long been used as an externalapplication in the treatment of wounds and sores.It was also used to bring relief to insect stings andbites, to burns and scalds, and in the treatment ofsprains. The Greeks and Romans used it as aremedy against the bites of mad dogs.

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Taken internally it was regarded as having diureticproperties.It was also regarded as an expectorant and as ahelp for the reduction of the secretion of mucus.Because of these properties, it was considered tobe a remedy for bronchitis, catarrh, colds, asthma,hay fever and sinusitis.Plantain was used for relaxing spasms and as acure for stomach and bowel infections. Diarrhoeawas treated with it, and plantain seeds were usedas a laxative.It was thought to relieve heavy bleeding duringmenstruation and was thought to be a remedy forthe vomiting of blood.

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pleurisyAn old cure for pleurisy involved letting thepatient bleed profusely. He or she was thenadvised to drink a pint of spring water to whichsome drops of sal ammoniac had been added.Alcohol or vapour baths were also recommendedin the treatment of pleurisy. The patient wasencouraged to drink plenty of hot strong tea withcatnip and to keep well covered up in bed. Thiswas all meant to make the patient perspire freelyand bring down fever.A decoction of the roots of nettles was atraditional cure for pleurisy. Thyme takeninternally was also regarded as a remedy, as washawthorn. Pleurisy was also treated with borage,which was known for its expectorant propertiesand for its soothing decongestant effects.pneumoniaEucalyptus was used as an expectorant to bring upthe phlegm in pneumonia. Thyme was oftenadministered to relieve coughs associated with

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pneumonia.Carrots were used in old treatments forpneumonia.See also LUNG PROBLEMS.

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poison, antidotes toAs an antidote to poison an old remedy suggestedstirring a heaped teaspoonful of common salt andone of ground mustard into a glass of warm water.This was swallowed quickly to induce vomiting.After the vomiting stopped, the person affectedwas supposed to swallow the whites of two eggsand then drink plenty of strong coffee.Plantain was commonly used in folk medicine as ageneral antidote to poison, as was larch. Eggwhite beaten in milk was also used as an antidote,as was castor oil.The Romans used lemons as an antidote to allpoisons, and early herbalists regarded avens as anantidote.

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poppyPoppies were used as a sedative from early times,being used in the treatment of excessivenervousness, anxiety, hysteria and insomnia. Itwas also used for the relief of pain. Both opiumand morphine are derived from the poppy. It wasalso used to soothe coughs and to bring downfevers by inducing perspiration. Diarrhoea anddysentery were sometimes treated with it.

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potatoThe juice of the raw potato was much used intraditional medicine. It was used in disordersassociated with the digestive system, such asindigestion, colic, ulcers and constipation.Taken with walnut oil, potato was supposed to bean effective cure for intestinal worms. Liverdisorders were also treated with it.Potato was also used traditionally to improve thecirculation.Heart disease was also thought to respond to itseffects.Raw potato juice used externally had severalapplications.It was used to heal wounds, ulcers and certainskin conditions. It was also used to bring relief toburns and swollen eyelids. Chilblains were treatedwith raw potato, as was sunburn. Slices of rawpotato applied to the forehead were supposed torelieve headaches.

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poulticesPoultices were a popular remedy in severalconditions, especially those involving externalinflammation. They were used to bring boils to ahead. They were also used tobring relief to swollen joints and on the chest torelieve some respiratory or lung conditions.Inevitably they tended to be rather messy.A poultice was a hot semi-liquid mixture spreadon a piece of cloth and applied to the skin.Various substanceswere included in poultices, according to thepurpose of the poultice and according to theproperties of the substance.A poultice that was commonly used was a breadpoultice.This was made by pouring boiling water over aquantity of breadcrumbs and stirring it until themixture formed a soft mass. This was spreadabout half an inch thick on a cloth and applied to

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the area to be covered.Mustard formed the basis of another poultice. Inthis, powdered mustard was mixed to theconsistency of a soft mass by the addition of coldwater or vinegar. This mixture was then placedeither on a piece of cloth or on a piece of brownpaper.There was a problem with mustard poultices inthat they could cause blistering. For this reason itwas suggested that a piece of muslin was placedbetween the poultice and the skin if the personbeing treated with the poultice had a delicate skin.Mustard poultices were also made with one partmustard and four parts linseed meal. The mustardwas mixed with warm water and the linseed mealmixed with boiling water in a separate dish. Themustard mixture was then added to the linseedmeal mixture and the combined mixture applied toa piece of cloth and put on the relevant area of thepatient's body.

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Linseed poultices were also made withoutmustard. A thick paste was made by stirring thelinseed meal with some boiling water. The pastewas spread on a piece of cloth. It was advised thata piece of muslin dipped in olive oil could be laidon the paste to prevent it from sticking to the skin.Yeast poultices were made by mixing a pound ofordinary flour or a pound of linseed meal with halfa pint of yeast. This mixture was then heated andstirred carefully before being applied to the skinon a piece of cloth.Charcoal poultices were made by soakingbreadcrumbs in boiling water and then addingpowdered wood charcoal and linseed meal. Themixture was then stirred thoroughly and applied toa piece of cloth.Treacle poultices were less usual and were madeby mixing a pound of flour with half a pint oftreacle. This was then warmed, being stirred allthe time, and spread on a cloth and applied in theusual way.

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Several herbs and vegetables were used to makepoultices.Poultices could be made from watercress andapplied to wounds or boils. Raw potato sliceswere also made into a poultice, and this wasapplied to wounds and sores. Grated raw applewas used in a poultice also, often being used forulcers.Cabbage was also the basis of a poultice, and thiswas used to relieve wounds, sores and boils.Carrot poultices were also used to speed thehealing process of wounds and to bring boils to ahead.Leek poultices, onion poultices, turnip poultices,burdock poultices and comfrey poultices were alsoused for the relief of various conditions. A poulticeof the leaves and flowers of borage was a remedyfor some skin conditions. primroseAccording to early folklore children who ateprimroses were thought to have the power to see

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fairies.Early herbalists used the primrose in the treatmentof paralysis and as a remedy for gout andmuscular rheumatism.It was used to reduce swelling and relieve bruises,and was also used to heal wounds and cuts.Taken internally, primrose was used to treatnervous disorders and insomnia. Nervousheadaches were treated with it, and it was used asan emetic and to expel intestinal worms.Primrose was used to relieve lung congestion andin the treatment of bronchitis.

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psoriasisThe bark and root of the elder were used in thetreatment of psoriasis when applied externally tothe affected area.A decoction of dock was also thought to help.Taken internally, watercress was thought to assistin the cure of psoriasis by purifying the blood.

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purple loosestrifePurple loosestrife is also called willow herb.In early folklore purple loosestrife was said toconfer psychic powers on people and to have theability to keep away flies and insects.It was widely used in folk medicine as anantiseptic, being used to clean wounds. Garglesfor sore throats were made from it, and it was alsoused as a tonic.

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rabiesThe root of the elecampane was used to treatsomeone who had been bitten by a dog that wasthought to be rabid.The elecampane root was sliced or bruised, addedto a pint of milk, boiled, strained and cooled. Theperson being treated had to drink the liquid andfast for six hours.The treatment was to be repeated the next day andthe day after that.

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ragwortRagwort is also known as fireweed.The leaves were used in poultices to soothe theskin and ease inflammation. Ragwort poulticeswere also used to bring relief to swollen joints andas a remedy for gout, sciatica and rheumatism.The juice was used as a wash to heal burns, sores,ulcers and inflammation of the eye. A decoction ofits root was used as a remedy for internal bruising.Ragwort was also used as a gargle for throatulcers and mouth ulcers.

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raspberryEarly herbalists treated severe cases of insomniawith raspberry tea. They also used it to bringdown fevers.Raspberry was also used to prevent vomiting andwas used as a cure for morning sickness inpregnant women. It was used to ease the pains ofwomen in labour and to increase the milk supplyof nursing mothers. Diarrhoea was treated with italso.It was used as a mouthwash for sore gums andmouth ulcers.Externally it was applied to cuts and sores toaccelerate the healing process.

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respiratory infectionsCloves were thought to be particularly effective inthe treatment of disorders of the respiratorysystem. Olive oil was also considered to bringrelief, as were carrot juice and onion juice.Turnips were thought to have a beneficial effect onthe respiratory system. Nettles were thought tohave a similar effect. Sage taken internally at thefirst symptom of an respiratory infection wasmeant to be a speedy remedy.See also ASTHMA; COLDS; COUGHS.

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rheumatismAn elder twig carried about the person, accordingto old folklore, was said to confer protectionagainst rheumatism.There were several old cures for rheumatism. Twoof these involved celery. In one remedy the celerywas cut into pieces and boiled in water until it wassoft. It was then drunk with water. Another cureinvolved warming a mixture of boiled celery withmilk, nutmeg and a little flour. This was thenserved with potatoes and pieces of toast.A drink made from celery was also used as aremedy for rheumatism. Celery seed was boiled inwater, reduced, strained, bottled and sealed. Thisliquid was then taken twice a day for two weeks.Another cure for rheumatism was based on hotrum. The rum had nutmeg and pepper added to it.This was then drunk by those who were sufferingfrom rheumatic pains.Wool was used in an external remedy for

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rheumatism.The wool was heated by holding it against a cancontaining x1`very hot water as heating it in frontof a fire was considered dangerous. This was thenapplied to the affected joints. Sometimes a layer ofdry, hot wool was wrapped round a painful jointand then the wool was covered with oiled silk.This induced perspiration, and the wool becamesaturated and had to be changed frequently. Thiswas meant to bring great relief both in rheumatismand gout.Linseed oil was also used as the basis of a remedyfor rheumatism. A lotion was made from linseedoil and oil of turpentine and some spirits ofcamphor was added. The mixture was then shakenwell and the lotion applied to the painful joints.Garlic, crushed and added to an oil, was applied topainful joints. Raw potato juice and the hot waterthat potatoes had been boiled in were both alsoused as external applications.

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A poultice made from turnip was also used.Parsley tea, taken internally an hour before meals,was thought to have the power to stimulate kidneyactivity and to bring relief to sufferers fromrheumatism. Cinnamon taken internally was alsothought to relieve the pain of rheumatism, as waswatercress or mustard taken internally.An infusion of burdock was taken to relieverheumatism.An alternative remedy was an infusion of dock.Meadowsweet was considered to have an anti-inflammatory action that brought relief to jointsmade painful by rheumatism.Diuretics are considered effective in the treatmentof rheumatism. In folk medicine, lemon juice andan infusion of dandelion leaves, both beingthought to be efficient diuretics, were used asremedies for rheumatism. An infusion of thyme,also thought to be a diuretic, was used too.

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rhubarbIn large doses rhubarb was used as a laxative,although in smaller doses it was sometimes usedto relieve diarrhoea in infants.A decoction of the seeds was thought to stimulatethe appetite and ease stomach pains.

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ringwormOne old cure for ringworm involved putting anapplication of carbonate of soda and strongvinegar on the affected areas. Another old cureinvolved cutting the hair from the affected areasand rubbing in turpentine and then washing it offwith carbolic soap. The whole head was then to bewashed and the areas of ringworm dabbed withdiluted iodine.

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roseThe Romans used the dog rose to cure anyone whowas bitten by a mad dog. Roman women suckedpastilles An infusion of burdock was taken torelieve rheumatism.An alternative remedy was an infusion of dock.Meadowsweet was considered to have an anti-inflammatory action that brought relief to jointsmade painful by rheumatism.Diuretics are considered effective in the treatmentof rheumatism. In folk medicine, lemon juice andan infusion of dandelion leaves, both beingthought to be efficient diuretics, were used asremedies for rheumatism. An infusion of thyme,also thought to be a diuretic, was used too.

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rhubarbIn large doses rhubarb was used as a laxative,although in smaller doses it was sometimes usedto relieve diarrhoea in infants.A decoction of the seeds was thought to stimulatethe appetite and ease stomach pains.

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ringwormOne old cure for ringworm involved putting anapplication of carbonate of soda and strongvinegar on the affected areas. Another old cureinvolved cutting the hair from the affected areasand rubbing in turpentine and then washing it offwith carbolic soap. The whole head was then to bewashed and the areas of ringworm dabbed withdiluted iodine.

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roseThe Romans used the dog rose to cure anyone whowas bitten by a mad dog. Roman women suckedpastilles dients in a mouth and throat rinse. Theother ingredients were carbolic acid, tincture oforris root, tincture of calamus, and nutmeg.

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rosemaryRosemary was believed in early times to keepwitches and evil powers at bay. A sprig of itplaced under the pillow was thought to have thepower to prevent the sleeper from havingnightmares, and a sprig worn on the clothing wasmeant to bring luck and success. It was thought ofas being an antidote to the bubonic plague.Rosemary tea was used to cure headaches, coldsand asthma. Colic and flatulence were treated withit. It was used as an expectorant to clear phlegm,and it was used to bring down fevers and induceperspiration.It was also used as a remedy for nervous disordersand for treating depression. Listlessness was alsotreated with rosemary.Rosemary was used to stimulate the circulationand in the treatment of blood pressure, especiallylow blood pressure. It was also used to stimulatethe appetite, to improve brain activity and toincrease concentration. The herb was also thought

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to slow down the ageing process.Rosemary was to be considered to be a diuretic,and was used as a remedy for arthritis and goutand to improve liver function.Externally, rosemary oil was used to rub intoinflamed joints to relieve the pain and to rub intothe temples to cure headaches. Skin infectionssuch as scabies were thought to respond totreatment by an external application of rosemaryoil. Bleeding gums were claimed to be cured by amouthwash made from it, and, when used as ascalp rub, it was thought to prevent hair fromfalling out.

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rowanThe rowan is also known as the mountain ash.In early folklore rowan was used to keep witchesand evil powers at bay.In folk medicine the berries of the rowan tree wereused as a diuretic and as a purgative. They alsoformed the basis of a gargle for sore throats.

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rueRue was the subject of several superstitions infolklore.The Romans thought that it conferred the gift ofsecondsight or psychic powers on those who ate it.Musket ballsthat were soaked in rue water weresaid always to hit theirtarget. The herb was alsoused in cursing rituals.In common with rosemary, rue was thought to bean antidoteto the bubonic plague. It wascommonly used intreating disorders of thestomach and in relieving muscular cramps. Ruewas also used to regulate menstrual disorders.It was used as a remedy for excessive nervousnessand to lower blood pressure.Rue had to be used with caution as it could bringabout abortion and cause allergies of the skin.

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sageIn Roman times sage juice was thought to beinstrumental in helping women to conceive.During the Middle Ages it was regarded as a kindof sovereign cure that could cure just aboutanything.It was thought to be a diuretic, and it was alsothought to be instrumental in bringing on themenstrual flow and regulating it as well as easingmenstrual cramps. The herb was also thought toexpel dead foetuses from the womb. It wasregarded as being effective in relieving thesymptoms of the menopause, particularly hotflushes. Sage was also thought to slow down theageing process, or even reverse it.Sage was thought to be effective if it was taken atthe first signs of a respiratory infection, and it wasused as a treatment for catarrh, sinusitis,bronchitis, asthma and tonsillitis. It was used as agargle for throat ulcers and as a mouthwash forbleeding gums.

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It was used in the treatment of nervous excitementand other nervous disorders, and it was alsothought to be effective in treating some disordersof the stomach. It was used as an aid to digestionand was regarded as a remedy for colic,biliousness and stomach haemorrhages. Dysenterywas also treated with it, as was diarrhoea.Liver complaints were treated with sage. It wasregarded as a diuretic and was used as a remedyfor gout and arthritis.Externally, sage tea was applied to heal cuts,wounds, sores, burns, ulcers and insect stings. Itwas used in a compress in the treatment of strainsand to ease sore joints.

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saltSalt is best known as a flavouring for food. Intraditional medicine it was commonly used inwater to induce vomiting in cases such aspoisoning. Such a saline solution was also used asa purgative and was used as an enema to ridchildren of threadworms. A mixture of salt andwater was used in the treatment of catarrh.A weak solution of salt and water was commonlyused as a gargle for sore throats, inflamed gums ormouth ulcers.

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savorySavory is known nowadays as a culinary herb,often used in salads. However, it was a medicinalherb long before it was used as a culinary herb.In early times it was a well-known aphrodisiac.Later it was used to stimulate the appetite and totreat stomach complaints. It was also used as adiuretic and as an expectorant.A gargle was made from it as a cure for sorethroats, and it was also used to soothe mouthulcers.

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scabiesScabies was a very itchy skin condition caused bya parasitic mite.Watercress applied in a poultice was used in thetreatment of scabies. Dilute rosemary oil rubbedon the skin was also thought to help. A moreunusual-sounding cure was the application ofbaked apple to the skin to ease scabies.An old method of soothing the itchy skin inscabies involved applying a weak solution ofvinegar to the skin.Another remedy was a weak solution of carbolicacid, while yet another was a solution ofbicarbonate of soda.Rubbing soft soap all over the body, taking a hotbath, and scrubbing the body all over with a nailbrush were parts of another suggested remedy.After this, the skin was dried and sulphurointment was rubbed in and not washed off fortwelve hours. Any clothes that had been worn by

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the scabies sufferer had to be baked.scalds see burns and scalds.

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scarlet feverPepper was an old folk remedy for scarlet fever. Aweak solution of vinegar and water was alsothought to relieve the condition. Eucalyptus,which was thought to have antiseptic propertiesand which was also thought to bring down fevers,was also used in the treatment of scarlet fever.

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sciaticaAn old cure for sciatica involved burning beanhusks to ashes. These were added to unsalted lardand mixed to make an ointment. It was thenapplied to the areas affected by the sciatica.Stinging the skin of the part affected by sciaticawith nettles was thought to bring some relief byacting as a counterirritant and so increasing theflow of blood to the skin.Dilute chamomile oil massaged into the painfuljoints was supposed to bring relief to sufferersfrom sciatica.Eggs were once thought to relieve the nerve painof sciatica.Elderberries taken internally were also thought tobe a remedy.Herbs used as remedies for sciatica includedbroom, ground elder, ground ivy, kidneywort, StJohn's wort and wintergreen.

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seasicknessIt was advocated that whoever was embarking ona voyage should eat well before setting out on thejourney. At least this avoided the singularunpleasantness of retching on an empty stomach.If sickness occurred despite sailing on a fullstomach and the sickness was prolonged, it wassuggested that the person suffering fromseasickness should swallow the raw white of anegg beaten in cold water. If this stayed down itwas to be followed by a whole raw egg mixedwith a little brandy.See also NAUSEA; VOMITING.

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self-healSelf-heal was also known as sicklewort. As itsname suggests, its medicinal properties have longbeen recognized.It was taken internally as a treatment of diphtheriaand was noted for its use as a remedy for sorethroats. It was also used as a tonic and for the cureof internal bleeding.Externally it was used to treat sore throats, mouthulcers and burns.

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shepherd's purseShepherd's purse was used in the treatment ofkidney disorders and as a remedy for low bloodpressure. It was also used to stimulate themenstrual flow and to stop nosebleeds and healwounds when taken internally. Diarrhoea wastreated with it.Externally, shepherd's purse was used to reduceinflammation in chilblains.

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shinglesA poultice of cabbage leaves was applied to theskin to effect relief in shingles. Balm was alsoused externally in the treatment of the illness.

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sinusitisOnions taken internally were considered to be aneffective cure for sinusitis. Watercress, also takeninternally, was thought to bring relief, as wasplantain. Elderflowers, with their supposeddecongestant properties, and a decoction ofeucalyptus leaves, also with supposeddecongestant properties, were held to be remediesfor sinusitis.Sage taken at the start of any sign of infection wasthought to be curative. Both honey and tea werethought to be beneficial in the treatment ofsinusitis.Thyme oil, used as an inhalant, was considered tobring about the relief of sinusitis. Chamomile oilwas also used in this way to the same effect.

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skin problemsMany herbs were frequently used in the treatmentof skin complaints. These included avens, betony,borage and burdock. Butterbur, chamomile, catnipand chervil were also used.Other herbs that were used included chickweed,coltsfoot, comfrey, dandelion, dock, fenugreek,flax, groundsel and hawthorn. Herb robert,kidneywort, lady's bedstraw, lavender, limeflowers, meadowsweet and madder were alsoused. Nettle, pansy, peppermint, plantain,primrose, raspberry were used in skin complaints,as were rosemary, sage, slippery elm, sorrel,speedwelI, tansy, watercress, white horehoundand witch hazel.Cinnamon was also used externalIy, as werelemon, raw potato juice, vinegar, carrot andturnip.

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skullcapIn the eighteenth century herbalists recommendedthe use of skullcap as a treatment for anyone whohad been bitten by a dog that was thought to berabid. For this reason the plant was sometimesknown as mad dog. Its common name of skullcapis thought to refer to the fact that it was once usedin the treatment of mental patients.Skullcap was used as a remedy for nervousdisorders, including nervous tremors and hysteria.It was also used as a remedy for lockjaw andconvulsions and muscular spasms. High bloodpressure was treated with it.It had to be used with caution as it was liable tocause drowsiness, and indeed it was used as acure for insomnia. sleeplessness see insomnia

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slippery elmSlippery elm is also known as red elm or sweetelm.It was the moist inner bark of the tree that wasused medicinalIy, hence its name. TakeninternalIy, it was used as a laxative or as a meansof easing the process of childbirth.ExternalIy it was used in the treatment of boils.

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smallpoxPepper was an old remedy for smallpox.Meadowsweet was also once used in the treatmentof the disease.It was also treated with a drink consisting of ateaspoonful of cream of tartar and half a pint ofhot water.An unpleasant remedy involved administeringfried mice to the patient, it being thoughtpreferable for the mice to be fried alive.

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snake bitesPeppermint was used by the Greeks and Romansto cure snake bites.A common remedy was to tie a ligature above thewound and suck it. The wound was to beencouraged to bleed and was to be washed inammonia or tincture of iodine. Sal volatile was tobe given to the person who had been bitten as atreatment and to keep the person awake.A far more drastic treatment involved the filling ofthe wound with gunpowder and blood. The pastewas then ignited to cauterize it thoroughly. sorethroats see throats, sore.

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sorrelSorrel is also known as green sorrel and cuckoosorrow. It was used in feverish illnesses as acooling drink. A mixture of sorrel juice andvinegar was given as a remedy for ringworm. Adecoction of sorrel was said to cure jaundice andkidney stones. It was also used for haemorrhages.

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southernwoodSouthernwood is also known as old man and lad'slove. It is caIled lad's love because it was oncethought to be an aphrodisiac.It is a very strong-smelling herb and was onceused as an insect repeIlent. Because the smeIl wasso strong it was carried by some people todisguise nastier smeIls.The herb was used in cases of menstrualirregularities, especiaIly to encourage themenstrual flow. It was used as a generalantiseptic.

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snapdragonAccording to folklore, snapdragon was used tokeep witches and evil powers at bay.The fresh leaves applied as a poultice were used inthe treatment of ulcers and tumours.

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spearmintSpearmint was used in some remedies to takeaway the unpleasant tastes of the other herbs usedin them.It was used as an aid to digestion and as a remedyfor indigestion, flatulence and cramp. Headachesand colds were also treated with it.

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speedwellSpeedweIl is also known as eat's eye, bird's eyeand gipsyweed.In folk medicine it was used in the treatment ofskin diseases.Stomach disorders were also treated by it, and itwas used as a diuretic. Bronchitis and otherrespiratory problems were treated with it.

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spitting of bloodThe spitting up of blood was thought to be curedby drinking sage tea sweetened with honey.Plantain, taken internaIly, was also thought to stopthe bleeding. An unpleasant cure involvingplantain was once thought to be an effectiveremedy. The juice of plantain was mixed withmice droppings that had been ground to a powder.This was to be taken before going to sleep at nightand in the morning before breakfast.

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sprainsThere are several traditional cures for sprains.Bathing with vinegar was said to be effective, aswas rubbing the sprain with a liniment made fromolive oil and grated garlic.Rose water, lavender oil and witch hazel wereused to reduce sweIling, while an older cureinvolved applying the beaten white of an egg tothe sprained area.Comfrey was noted for its healing powers, and apoultice of comfrey was used on sprains. Plantainwas also noted as an effective wound healer, andits crushed fresh leaves were used on sprainedankles and other sprains.Plantain was also used as one of the ingredients ina more complex remedy. The leaves of elder,ground ivy, wormwood and plantain werechopped and mixed with lard. The mixture wasthen put in a slow oven until the leaves were crispand then the mixture was strained through linen.

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Another cure for sprains involved warming threeparts elder leaves to four parts lard and two partsgrated suet.After the lard mixture had turned green, it wasstrained through linen before being applied to thesprain.The leaves of tansy were also thought to relievesprains.These were applied in the form of a poultice.

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stiffnessA remedy for stiffness occurring after exerciseinvolved soaking in the hottest bath that could betolerated for at least ten minutes. Then a littlecamphorated oil was rubbed on the skin andkneaded into the muscles. Then salicylate of sodawas taken in a glass of water before going to bed.

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stings and bitesThe Romans used peppermint to bring relief toinsect bites and stings. Later a whole variety ofnatural substances were used in folk medicine forthis purpose.The crushed fresh leaves of several plants wereused to rub on the affected part. These includedparsley, plantain and balm. The leaves or flowersof marigold could be crushed and applied to thebite or sting. The leaf of the broad-leaved dockwas a traditional remedy for nettle stings, dockhandily often being found where nettles grow.Crushed garlic or garlic macerated in oil wasrubbed on insect bites and stings, and a cut leekcould also be used for this. Onion juice wasrubbed on animal bites.Sage tea applied to bites and stings was alsothought to bring relief, as was a poultice madewith cabbage. Cinnamon, oil of cardamom and oilof lavender were also used.

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Vinegar and witch hazel were another twopossible remedies.In the case of the sting of bees, wasps and hornets,it was advised to extract the sting and to applyammonia or bicarbonate of soda. These were alsorecommended for the bites of ants, gnats andmosquitoes.Another cure for bee stings was to remove thesting and then put a cold compress on it, followedby a hot compress.An alternative remedy was to cover the affectedarea with damp, cold soil.Yet another cure for bee stings involved rubbing alittle olive oil on the affected area. If this did notwork, a poultice was to be applied. Honey appliedto an area stung by a bee was thought to beeffective.St Jacob's oil was recommended in one cure forhornet stings. One cure recommended for anyonebitten by an adder was more complicated. It

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involved taking nine cloves of garlic and peelingthem carefully. A spoonful of treacle and two pintsof new strong ale were then added and mixedwell. The patient was encouraged to drink freely ofthis mixture. He or she was to be well wrapped upwhile taking the cure to encourage perspiration.

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stitchOne old cure for a stitch in the side involvedapplying to the affected side a mixture of treaclemixed with very hot potato.Treacle was also used in a more complicated andless pleasant cure. A gallon of new ale was mixedwith as much of the dung of a stallion as wouldmake a thick mixture.A pound of treacle, some sliced ginger and somesaffron were then added. It was then put in a coldstill before the mixture was administered, three orfour spoonfuls at a time, to the person sufferingfrom the stitch.

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St John's wortSt John's wort is also known as fairy herb.In folklore the herb was used to keep at baywitches, ghosts and demons. It was also thoughtto have the power to protect a house fromlightning.Early herbalists used St John's wort in thetreatment of insanity and melancholy. It was laterused against hysteria.It was used in the treatment of haemorrhages andin the spitting up of blood. Intestinal worms weretreated with it, and it was given to children to stopthem from bed-wetting.Externally it was used to treat skin irritations andbruising.It was also used to soothe engorged breasts innursing mothers.

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stomach painsThe application of heat has long been thought tohave a therapeutic effect on abdominal pain orcramps. Hot fomentations were oncerecommended. This involved pouring boilingwater over a piece of flannel or other cloth,wringing the cloth out to get rid of as much wateras possible and applying it to the area to betreated, in this case the abdomen. The hot clothshad to be replaced as soon as they began to getcool, and it was recommended that a piece offlannel or a pad of cotton wool was placed overthe treated area to prevent a chill. Hot bran wassometimes used as a somewhat messieralternative.Heat is still thought to be therapeutic in cases ofabdominal pain, or at least known to be a sourceof comfort to the sufferer. Nowadays, however, itis usually applied in a more efficient manner, thepatient clutching a hot-water bottle to theabdominal area or soaking in a hot bath.

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Peppermint was thought to be instrumental incuring abdominal pain and spasm. Parsley, thyme,sage, cloves, chamomile and meadowsweet werethought of as cures in that they reduced spasm.Various suggested remedies involving some kindof potion have been suggested over the centuriesfor this painful common disorder. In one of theseremedies a pint of milk was heated and given tothe patient after four tablespoons of brandy hadbeen added to it.Another involved boiling a handful of betony inwhite wine, straining this and giving it to thepatient to drink. A hot drink containing cinnamonis another traditional remedy, and a mixture usingparsley seeds was sometimes administered.A traditional charm to keep abdominal pain andcolic at bay was a hare's foot with the joint still init. One of the people who believed that carryingsuch a charm would keep him pain-free andflatulence-free was the seventeenth- century diaristSamuel Pepys.

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stomach problemsMany herbs were used in the treatment of stomachcomplaints. These included angelica, basil,caraway, centaury, chicory, comfrey, fennel, garlicand groundsel. Kidneywort, knotgrass, marigold,marjoram and meadowsweet were also used asremedies for stomach problems, as were rue,slippery elm, speedwell and tarragon. stonesStrawberries were used as an old cure forgallstones. A mixture of olive oil and lemon juicewas also thought to help. The juice of raw potatowas also used, as were dandelion and peppermint.Herbs that were considered to be effectiveincluded barberry, chicory, knotgrass and madder.

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strainsStrains were treated with vinegar, and witch hazelwas a popular remedy. Sage tea was also usedeither in the form of a compress or in the form of aliniment. A poultice or ointment made withcomfrey was also used to relieve strains.

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strawberryStrawberry has long been used for medicinalpurposes.It was used to treat anaemia and to lower highblood pressure. Strawberry was also used in thetreatment of stomach complaints, as a tonic and asa laxative. Intestinal worms were thought to beexpelled by eating strawberries.The leaves were used to treat dysentery and theroot was thought to be a remedy for diarrhoea.Kidney complaints were also treated with it, aswere gallstones. It was used as a diuretic, andgout was treated by it.Externally, it was used cosmetically to improvethe complexion.A cut strawberry rubbed on sunburn was meant torelieve it.styes see eye problems.

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sulphurSulphur was used in various folk cures.It was used in the relief of croup. A mixtureconsisting of a teaspoonful of sulphur, ateaspoonful of vinegar and the beaten white of anegg was administered to the patient.Itch was also treated with it. Sulphur baths wererecommended in such skin conditions asringworm.Sulphur was also used in a treatment for dandruff.It was mixed with water and the mixture shakenthoroughly several times. The scalp and hair werethen saturated with it.

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sunburnA cut strawberry rubbed on an area of sunburnwas thought to bring relief. Grated potato mixedwith olive oil was also thought to relieve sunburn.Vinegar rubbed on the skin was also used to treatsunburn.Cucumber juice was used to cool sunburn, and itwassometimes mixed with rose water. Crushedmarigolds were also used to ease sunburn, as wasglycerine, sometimes mixed with rose water.Washing the sunburn in sage tea was anothersuggested remedy.Egg white applied to the skin in layers with timebeing allowed for each layer to dry before the otherlayer was applied was considered to soothesunburn. Buttermilk was also supposed to ease thepain of sunburn.An old cure for sunburn involved mixing cream,lemon, brandy, alum and sugar. This was boiled,

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skimmed, cooled and applied to the skin.Another old cure was based on grapes. A bunch ofgreen grapes was sprinkled with a mixture of saltand powdered alum. The grapes were wrapped inpaper and baked. The juice was squeezed out ofthe grapes and was then applied to the area of skinsuffering from sunburn.Lemon juice applied to the skin was meant toprevent sunburn.

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sunstrokeAn old method of preventing sunstroke was towear a cabbage leaf inside the crown of a hat.If someone was suffering from bad sunstroke itwas recommended that the person's clothingshould be loosened and cold water poured overhim or her. Alternatively, clothing was to beremoved and the patient covered with a sheet thathad to be kept drenched with cold water.Another cure involved the application of mustardleaves to the nape of the neck of the personsuffering from sunstroke.

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tansyTansy is also known as wormwort because it wasfrequently used to get rid of worms, especially inchildren. In ancient times it was spread on corpsesor else bunches were put in the shrouds of thedead to keep away maggots.It was also rubbed on meat to keep flies away.Although extensively used to get rid of worms, ithad to be used with caution as in extreme doses itwas violently irritant. It was used as an aid todigestion and as a treatment for nausea. Nervousdisorders and hysteria were also treated with it, aswas epilepsy. Menstrual problems were treatedwith it, as it was used to bring on menstrualbleeding.Externally it was used as a treatment for bruisesand some disorders of the skin. It was used as aremedy for sprains and to reduce swelling.

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tapewormAn old cure for tapeworm involved taking asolution of salt one evening and a draught of bitteraloes the next morning.One suggested method of curing tapeworm seemsless likely to work. It involved the person who wasunlucky enough to have the tapeworm having tofast for three or four days. After that he or she hadto endure the spectacle of having a steak cooked infront of him or her. Supposedly the tapeworm wasso hungry by this stage that it leapt out of thepatient's mouth in order to get to the food.

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tarragonTarragon is also known as French tarragon. Wenow know tarragon as a culinary herb but it wasused in herbal medicine also.It was used mainly as a remedy for disordersconnected with the digestive system. It was usedas an aid to digestion and to stimulate the appetite.Nausea, indigestion and flatulence were all treatedwith it.

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teaTea has been used in Chinese medicine forthousands of years and was used by the ancientGreeks for bronchitis, asthma and colds.It was thought to stimulate the system generally,reduce fatigue and bring about a feeling ofwellbeing. It was thought to improve circulationand was used as a relaxant in asthma. Catarrh andsinusitis were treated with it. It was used as adiuretic and as a treatment for diarrhoea. It wasalso thought to confer some protection againstheart disease and to retard the ageing process.Used externally, cold tea was an old remedy forburns and scalds, and it was also used in thetreatment of external ulcers. It was used to stop ordecrease bleeding, and this property made it usefulas a remedy for bleeding gums.Again externally, it was used as a remedy forswollen eyes. It was also used to make amouthwash for ulcers.

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Herbal teas are now very popular with people whowish to avoid the caffeine in tea or coffee, or withpeople who just like the taste of them and findthem refreshing. A large range of them isavailable commercially.Herbal teas, however, were once used more formedicinal purposes than for refreshment. Theywere used as a remedy for various conditions,according to the herb involved.There were a great many of them and theyincluded:balm tea, also known as lemon balm tea, whichwas thought to be a restorative and stimulant. Itwas given by mothers to their children to givethem energy.chamomile tea, which was used to induce acalming effect. Taken before retiring, it was usedas a remedy for insomnia. It was also used as astimulant of the appetite, as an aid to digestionand as a remedy for flatulence and indigestion.

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comfrey tea, which was used as a remedy foranaemia, asthma and gastric ulcers.elderflower tea, which was recommended to betaken at the onset of the symptoms of a cold. Itwas thought to induce perspiration and so speedthe cure.hawthorn tea, which was thought to be health-giving. It was thought to be particularly beneficialfor people who were of a nervous disposition.linseed tea, which was made from flax andliquorice root. It was used as a remedy for coughs.motherwort tea, which was used as a stimulantfor tired brains and was taken to improveconcentration.parsley tea, which was thought to stimulate theaction of the kidneys if it was drunk in significantquantities before meals. It was thought to be aneffective cure for rheumatism.peppermint tea, which was recommended as abedtime drink to cure a cold, especially if it had

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honey added to it. It was also used as cure forflatulence and nausea.sage tea, which was taken to get rid of infections.It was taken to cure infections of the respiratorysystem and was thought to be particularly effectiveas a cure for sore throats. As well as sage,rosemary, honeysuckle and plantain weresometimes added to make the tea, and it wassweetened with honey. Externally sage tea wasused as a gargle and as a hair wash.strawberry tea, which was said to be an effectiveremedy for cases of gout and was also used as atreatment for kidney problems. It was also used totreat intestinal worms. thyme tea, which was usedas a remedy for chest disorders and for sorethroats. yarrow tea, which was recommended asbedtime drink in cases of bad colds. Yarrowleaves were often used in conjunction withelderflowers to make yarrow tea.Sometimes a kind of tea was made from meat aswell as herbs. Beef tea, for example, described

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under BEEF TEA , and chicken tea were both usedas a pick-me-up for invalids or people who wereconvalescing after an illness. teethingDill water was often given to children when theywere colic or flatulence. Magnesia was sometimesadded to the dill water.

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thistle, holyHoly thistle is also known as blessed thistle.It was used to treat weak stomachs to act as astimulant of the appetite and to prevent nausea,although taken in large doses it was also used toinduce vomiting. Holy thistle was also used toexpel intestinal worms.The herb was used also to purify the blood and toimprove circulation. Feverish conditions weretreated with it.It was used to bring on the menstrual flow and toincrease the milk supply in nursing mothers.throats, soreThere were several old cures for sore throats.Some of these were stranger than others.In one rather weird cure a piece of raw bacon wastied to a length of strong cotton. The personsuffering from the sore throat had to swallow thebacon while holding tightly to the cotton. The fatwas then pulled back up by the cotton and this

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exercise was repeated half a dozen times. A blackcashmere stocking that had been worn for a weekthen had the sole of it sprinkled with eucalyptus.This was placed against the throat and the rest ofthe stocking wrapped around the neck and pinned.The patient then retired for the night.Another old cure involved filling a stocking orlarge sock with cooking salt, which wassometimes heated first. The sock or stocking waswound round the neck of the person with the sorethroat before he or she retired for the night.There were several other more ordinary-soundingcures.Some camphor was added to a wineglass ofbrandy. This mixture was poured over a lump ofloaf sugar. The sugar lump was allowed todissolve in the mouth of the person who wassuffering from the sore throat. This was repeatedevery hour until four doses had been taken. Afterthis the sore throat was confidently predicted tohave disappeared.

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An infusion of elderberries sweetened with honeysipped slowly was a suggested remedy. Aninfusion of yarrow root taken three times a daywas also supposed to bring relief. Eating onionsboiled in molasses was supposed to be particularlyeffective if the sore throat was accompanied byhoarseness.A weak solution of salt was used as a gargle tobring relief to sore throats, as were a mixture oflemon juice and warm water, and a dilute mixtureof iodine and water. A little vinegar added towater was also used as a gargle, as was aninfusion of mustard.An infusion of sage leaves with added vinegar anda little honey was used as a gargle. Other garglesincluded barley water, sage tea, borage tea, dock,peppermint, eucalyptus oil, witch hazel and myrrh.Hot vinegar was used as an inhalation.Garlic juice taken internally was thought to help.Eating leeks was also used as a remedy, as waseating onions. A hot tea made from rosemary was

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also used in the treatment of sore throats, andcomfrey was a popular remedy taken internally. Ahot infusion of yarrow was also taken for the reliefof sore throats.

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thymeIn folklore it was thought that an elixir includingthyme would give those who drank it the power tosee fairies.In herbal medicine, thyme was used as anantiseptic. In the treatment of bronchitis it wasused as an expectorant, and asthma, whoopingcough, pleurisy and pneumonia and colds weretreated with it. It was thought to be a remedy forsore throats. Thyme was sometimes used inconjunction with cinnamon in the treatment ofbronchial conditions. It was also sometimes mixedwith honey.An antispasmodic, it was used in the treatment ofcolic and flatulence. It was used as an aid todigestion and to stimulate the appetite. Dysenteryand diarrhoea were treated with it.It was a diuretic and was used in gout and urinarytract infections. Nervous disorders were treatedwith it, it being used to allay anxiety and to cureinsomnia and depression.

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Externally it was used to treat insect bites and torelieve muscular pains. It was used as an inhalantin the treatment of colds, catarrh, sinusitis andasthma and to make a mouthwash and gargle forsore throats.

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toothacheAccording to old folklore, prevention was betterthan cure as far as toothache is concerned. Severalcharms were suggested to ward off toothache. Onerather macabre charm against toothache was atooth taken from a corpse and worn round theneck. A double nut carried in the pocket was alsosupposed to keep toothache at bay.People who were unlucky enough to get toothachewere even more unlucky when they were subjectedto some of the stranger early cures. None of theold English cures was, however, quite as bad asan ancient Egyptian cure that involved applyingthe body of a freshly killed mouse to the achingtooth.A Welsh cure for toothache came close to theEgyptian one in terms of unpleasantness. Thisinvolved pounding lizards and fern beetles in aniron pot and making a powder from them. The wetforefinger was then dipped in the powder andapplied to the tooth frequently until the tooth

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supposedly painlessly came out.Another remedy was not so gruesome. It involvedthe person suffering from toothache lying on theopposite side of the body from the side where thetoothache was.Three drops of rue juice were then dropped intothe ear on the same side as the aching tooth. Itwas allowed to remain for an hour or two, afterwhich the toothache was supposed to havedisappeared.Whisky was involved in at least two cures. In one,a piece of cotton wadding or cotton woolmoistened with whisky was placed on the tooth. Inanother, a small piece of strong brown paper wasdipped in whisky, sprinkled with pepper andapplied to the face at the point where the achingtooth was. This was covered with a flannelbandage and left until a cure was effected.A piece of cloth dipped in a mixture of creosote,brandy and sweet spirits of nitre was held to be

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curative. Alternatively, a little bryonia linimentwas added to warm water.This mixture was added to a glass of warm waterand held in the mouth over the tooth that wasgiving problems.Fresh ginger was chewed to dull the pain oftoothache.Ginger was also used as an internal cure. Groundginger was mixed with Epsom salts and added tohot water.Cinnamon oil applied directly to the tooth wasthought to bring relief to toothache while a pieceof cotton wool soaked in oil of cloves applied inthe same way was a common popular cure.Peppermint oil was also used to ease toothache.Onion juice was also put on cotton wool andapplied to the aching tooth, as was the juice offresh parsley.An infusion of watercress was used as amouthwash for toothache, and chewing fresh

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yarrow leaves was another suggested cure.Chamomile taken internally was also thought tobe helpful.Herbs thought to be effective in the curing oftoothache, apart from those already mentioned,included broom, lavender, marjoram andwintergreen.

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tuberculosisTuberculosis is more commonly known as TB andwas formerly commonly known as consumption.Raw eggs or lightly cooked eggs were used in thediet of people suffering from tuberculosis as theywere meant to build up the strength of theinvalids.Turnip juice was given as part of the treatment oftuberculosis.Carrots were another remedy for the condition.Myrrh, which was thought to be an expectorantand decongestant, was also used as a remedy forTB.

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turnipTurnip was known in folk medicine as a purifierof the blood. Being rich in vitamin C, it was usedto treat scurvy and was thought to give clear skinsto people who ate it regularly. It was also used toincrease energy and cure depression.Turnips were also used in disorders of the urinarytract, being used as a diuretic and to cure kidneystones. Gout and arthritis were treated with them.They were used as a remedy for bronchitis, and thejuice was used in the treatment of tuberculosis.Turnip juice was also used as a decongestant incolds, catarrh and coughs.Externally turnips were used in poultices as aremedy for boils, abscesses and chilblains.Swollen joints in arthritis, gout and rheumatismwere said to be helped by the application of aturnip poultice.

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typhoid feverHoney was used as a antiseptic in the treatment oftyphoid. Garlic was also used, and eucalyptus wasanother old remedy.

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typhusPepper was an old remedy for infections such astyphus.Vinegar was also used because of its antisepticproperties.Typhus was also treated with garlic.

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U ulcers, externalOne cure for ulcers on the skin involved bruisingprimrose leaves with the same quantity ofprimrose flowers and simmering them in unsaltedlard until the primroses were crisp. The mixturewas then strained, allowed to cool and applied tothe ulcer.Another cure was based on carrots. These weregrated, made into a poultice and applied directly tothe ulcer. A poultice based on watercress was alsoused, and cabbage leaves were also used in theform of a poultice. A burdock poultice, or acomfrey poultice, was also advocated.Honey was used externally as a remedy for ulcers,as was the juice of raw potato. A lotion made fromcold tea was also considered to be effectiveagainst ulcers, as was a lotion made from aninfusion of dandelion leaves and flowers. Dilute

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chamomile oil and dilute lavender oil were otherremedies recommended for ulcers on the skin, andeucalyptus oil was also used externally. Ulcerswere also treated with sage tea.Crushed marigold flowers or an infusion ofmarigold were also used externally to heal ulcers.Yarrow, elderflowers and borage were also usedin this way. ulcers, internalHoney taken in boiled water was a remedy forthroat ulcers. Throat ulceration was also treatedwith a mixture of powdered alum, whites of eggand tincture of camphor. A weak solution of saltwas used as a remedy for mouth ulcers, and sagetea was used for this condition too.Mouthwashes made either from dock ormeadowsweet were recommended for mouthulcers.Peptic ulcers were treated with raw potato juice,apples or carrots. Olive oil and balm were boththought to soothe them, and chamomile,

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meadowsweet and marigold were all used to healthem. An infusion of comfrey leaves was thoughtto be beneficial in the treatment of gastric ulcersand duodenal ulcers.

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urinary disordersDandelions were a popular remedy for urinarydisorders, and cloves were also thought to bebeneficial. Leeks and onions were considered to bean effective cure also, as were plantain andcomfrey.Balm, thyme and eucalyptus were all used asremedies, and a tea made from linseed and lemonwas also recommended.

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valerianValerian is also known as all-heal.In early folklore valerian was thought to haveaphrodisiac properties and to be an aid to psychicpowers. Rats seemed to be attracted to it, and ithas been suggested that the Pied Piper of Hamelinwas carrying sprigs of valerian when he persuadedthe rats to follow him.Its main use was as a sedative and tranquillizer totreat nervous disorders. It was also used to reducehyperactivity and to cure insomnia. It was thoughtto relieve pain.Valerian was used in epilepsy as ananti-convulsant. Oil of valerian was used as atreatment for cholera and to strengthen eyesight.

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varicose veinsA poultice of comfrey was used in the treatment ofvaricose veins. Marigold was also used, either inthe form of an infusion or in the form of crushedfresh flowers, as was yarrow. A poultice orcompress made with witch hazel was also used forvaricose veins to lessen the pain.vertigo see dizziness.

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vervainVervain is also known as herb of grace.In early folklore, superstitions endowed valerianwith various powers. It was supposed to be able toopen locked doors. If a piece was hung around theneck it kept bad dreams at bay. As a supposedaphrodisiac it was used in love potions.Medically it was regarded as an antidote topoisons and the bites of mad dogs and snakes.Early herbalists used it to cleanse the body ofimpurities.Vervain was recommended as a treatment fornervous disorders and for hysteria. It was thoughtto raise the spirits of people who were sufferingfrom depression.Anaemia was treated with it, as were ulcers,pleurisy and intermittent fevers. As anantispasmodic it was used to reduce muscularspasm in some disorders. It was also used to treateye disorders and to improve the supply of milk in

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nursing mothers.Externally it was used in poultices as a remedy forearache, headaches and rheumatism. Alsoexternally, it was used as a remedy forhaemorrhoids. vinegarVinegar had several uses in folk medicine. It wasused from early times as a remedy for disorders ofthe respiratory system, such as catarrh. It was alsoused to bring down fevers and as a gargle for therelief of sore throats and laryngitis.Vinegar was also used in the treatment of urinaryinfections such as cystitis. In addition, taken withwater, it was an old antiseptic remedy for suchdiseases as scarlet fever, dysentery and typhus.It was an old folk cure for wounds as it wasthought to speed up the healing process, stopbleeding and reduce inflammation and swelling.An application of vinegar was thought to relievesprains, bruises, and stings.Eczema and similar skin conditions and rashes

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were treated with it, and it was also thought to bean effective remedy for ringworm and athlete'sfoot. Sunburn was treated with vinegar,sometimes with rose petals soaked in it. Peoplesuffering from headaches often sponged theirforeheads with vinegar.

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violetViolet is also called sweet violet.Violet was used for treating bronchitis, catarrhand asthma. It was also used as diuretic and alaxative.Violet was used in the treatment of ague, epilepsy,pleurisy and jaundice. Insomnia was also treatedby it, and it was also used as a painkiller. In theearly years of this century it was used againstcancer.

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vomitingHoney was a popular cure for vomiting as it wasfor several other diseases. An infusion ofeucalyptus leaves was also used, as was a hotinfusion of cardamom seeds.Water was recommended during bouts ofvomiting as it prevents dehydration.Salt was used to induce vomiting, as was mustard.A mixture of salt and vinegar was sometimes usedto induce vomiting, as in cases of poisoning.See also NAUSEA.

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walnutThe bark and leaves of walnut were used in thetreatment of skin conditions, such as eczema, andin the healing of ulcers. An infusion of the barkwas used as a purgative, and green walnuts wereused to expel worms.The vinegar in which walnuts were pickled wasused as a remedy for sore throats.

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wartsOnion juice was suggested as a cure for warts, aswere dandelion juice, leek juice, mullein juice, ruejuice and the juice of St John's wort. An infusionof marigold, or the crushed fresh flowers ofmarigold, was used also as a remedy, and thewarts were also rubbed night and morning withcinnamon oil in an attempt to get rid of them.Another recommended remedy was the rubbing ofthe warts with a raw potato, and yet anotherinvolved rubbing the warts with castor oil.Thyme juice boiled with pepper in wine and thejuice of teasel roots boiled in wine were bothregarded as remedies.The juice of wheat ears was mixed with salt toform another cure for warts, and willow bark wasburnt and its ashes mixed with vinegar to beapplied as lotion to the warts.A more curious cure involved tying a horse hairround the individual warts and applying spiderwebs, pig's blood or the juice from ants. Rubbing

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the wart with the blood of eels was anothersuggested old remedy.Several supposed remedies involved buryingwhatever the wart was rubbed with, in the beliefthat as the buried object rotted away the wartwould disappear. In one of these the wart was cutopen and rubbed with a sour apple that wasafterwards buried. In another, a piece of meat wasrubbed on the wart and buried, a stipulation beingthat the meat had to be stolen. Alternatively, thestolen meat could be thrown away instead of beingburied when it had been rubbed on the wart.Raw bacon was something else that could berubbed on the wart and buried. The inside of abroad bean could also be used in this way.

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watercressEarly herbalists recommended watercress as aremedy for poor hair growth. Because it was highin iron it was used to treat anaemia. It was alsoused to stimulate the appetite.An expectorant, it was used as a remedy in thetreatment of bronchitis and asthma. As a diuretic,it was used in the treatment of urinary disorders.Disorders of the liver and gall bladder weretreated with it.Watercress was also used in nervous disorders. Itwas used to stimulate menstruation and increasethe milk supply in nursing mothers. It was alsothought to increase fertility.Externally, watercress was used in the form of apoultice to treat wounds, boils, ulcers, cold soresand scabies. It was also used to make a lotion forhaemorrhoids and rashes. A mouthwash madefrom it was used for the relief of toothache.water retention see diuretics.

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weakness see debility.

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white bryonyWhite bryony is sometimes known as bryony orEnglish mandrake. It was popularly regarded ashaving aphrodisiac powers and was considered bythe Romans to afford protection against lightning.It was a plant that had to be used with extremecaution.The dried root was used in some folk remedies,but it is toxic and could induce vomiting andgastric pain. The berries are also poisonous.It was used as purgative and in diseases of therespiratory system, such as bronchitis, pneumonia,influenza and coughs. Heart disorders caused bygout or rheumatism and malaria were also treatedwith it.

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whooping coughThyme was thought to have properties that couldrelieve whooping cough, while an infusion ofgarlic rubbed on the chest was also thought tobring relief to the sufferer.Oil of cloves, sometimes combined with olive oil,was also rubbed on the chest.Eucalyptus was used in the form of a decoction ofthe leaves taken internally. The oil was also put invery hot water and used as an inhalation.Another remedy involved filling a kettle as full aspossible, boiling it, adding a spoonful of carbolicacid and letting the steam fill the room. This wassupposed to relieve the symptoms of whoopingcough.A mixture of ground alum and powdered sugarwas recommended to be taken by the suffererseveral times a day.Another mixture that was used as a remedyconsisted of West Indian rum, aniseed oil and

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lemon juice.There were some extremely odd old cures forwhooping cough. One particularly unpleasant oneinvolved holding a frog or toad for a few momentswith its head in the mouth of the sufferer.Sometimes a fish was put into the patient's mouthand then thrown into a river, the idea being that itwould take the whooping cough infection into thewater with it.A mixture of crushed wood lice and breast milkfrom a nursing mother taken every morning forseveral days was another cure and probably onethat did not appeal very much to the person forcedto take it. He or she would probably have preferredanother cure, which involved passing the patientthree times under the belly of a donkey and thenpassing him or her three times over the back of adonkey.

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willow, whiteThe bark and leaves of the white willow were usedin herbal medicine. The bark was used to reducefevers in some conditions and as a remedy forindigestion, dysentery, diarrhoea and worms. Itwas used as a tonic for people recovering fromillness. wind see flatulence.

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wintergreenOil of wintergreen was used to soothe pain,including that caused by rheumatism and arthritis.It was also used to treat bruises.Taken internally wintergreen was used as a gargle.

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witch hazelWitch hazel was used to stop both internal andexternal bleeding, and in the treating ofhaemorrhoids and heavy menstrual bleeding. Itwas also used to treat diarrhoea and dysentery,venereal disease and tuberculosis.However, its principal use was as an externalremedy for bruises, sprains and inflammation. Itwas used also to treat burns, bites and stings, andvaricose veins.

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woodruffWoodruff was used as a diuretic and was aremedy for some disorders of the kidneys andliver. It was also used as a tonic and as atreatment for some heart disorders.Stomach pains were also treated by it. Because ofits fragrance it was used in the Middle Ages tofreshen rooms. It was hung in bundles in houses.

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wormsOne pleasant cure for intestinal worms involvedeating strawberries. Garlic was a popular cure,and lemon was also thought to be instrumental ingetting rid of worms. A tincture of thyme takenbefore eating in the morning or an infusion ofnettles were also advocated as remedies.Eating potato salad with walnut oil for severaldays in succession was an old suggested remedyfor worms. Cucumber seeds was another remedythat was advocated.Other plants that were used to expel wormsincluded aloes, primrose and walnuts.Enemas were frequently given to children to getrid of thread worms. One enema consisted of saltand water.

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wormwoodAs the name suggests, wormwood was used toexpel worms from the intestines. Early herbalistsused wormwood as a diuretic and as an antidote topoison.It was also used as an antiseptic and as astimulant of the appetite.

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woundsHerbs that were used to heal wounds includeadder's tongue, arnica, burdock, comfrey, dock,knotgrass, myrrh, parsley, plantain, sage andyarrow.Honey, potatoes, pepper and apples mixed witholive oil were used in the dressing and healing ofwounds. Tea was used to check bleeding ofwounds, as were nettles. Cloves and cinnamonwere also recommended to help in the healingprocess of wounds. Lavender was used to cleanwounds, and borage tea was used to speed thehealing process. Witch hazel was a popular cure.Vinegar was a old remedy for wounds. In thenursery rhyme 'Jack and JiIl', Jack has his headdressed with vinegar and brown paper when he'breaks his crown'.Poultices made from cabbage and from carrotswere also used as folk remedies for wounds. Theleaves of balm were also used in poultices. Anointment or lotion made from elderflowers was

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used to soothe inflammation and speed the healingprocess, as were meadowsweet and flax.Eucalyptus was used in a compress to stopbleeding and accelerate healing.Later, iodine was used on wounds, especially inwounds that had stopped bleeding.

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woundwortAs the name suggests, woundwort was used in thehealing of wounds. The bruised leaves wereapplied directly to the wounds to stop bleedingand accelerate the healing process.Taken internally, it was used to treat internalbleeding and dysentery. It was also used to relievegout, painful joints and cramp. Dizziness was alsotreated by it.

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yarrowYarrow is sometimes known as soldier'swoundwort, milfoil and devil's nettle. Its botanicalname is Achillea millefolium , so called becausethe Greek hero Achilles is supposed to have usedit to treat the wounds of his warriors after battle.In folklore, yarrow leaves were hung over thecradles of babies to keep away witches, and youngwomen slept with it under their pillows so thatthey would dream of their future lovers.It was used as an antiseptic in the treatment ofwounds and to reduce inflammation and stopbleeding. Severe colds and fevers were treatedwith it since it induced perspiration.It was used in eruptive diseases such as measlesand chickenpox to bring out the spots.Yarrow was a popular aid to digestion, and kidneyand liver disorders were also treated with it. Highblood pressure was treated with it, and it was usedto relieve varicose veins. It was used as a remedy

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for bleeding piles. As a diuretic it was used as aremedy for cystitis.The herb was used as a tonic. If the head waswashed with it, it was thought to improvebaldness, stop hair from falling out and conditionthe hair. As a wash it was used to treat inflamedeyes.

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AppendixSome Old Remedies for Stainsblood stainsAn old remedy for these suggested that a littlestarch was mixed and spread on the stains. Thiswas washed off after a few hours.coffee stainsOne suggested remedy for these involved rubbinga little glycerine on the stain. The material wasthen washed in tepid water and ironed on thewrong side with a moderate iron until it was dry.An alternative remedy involved making a 'soap' towash the stain by mixing the yolk of an egg with alittle water.ink stainsSoaking something stained with ink in tinnedtomato juice for about ten minutes and thenwashing it was an old suggested remedy.Washing something stained with ink in warmmilk and then sprinkling the area of the stain with

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corn flour that was to be brushed off a day laterwas also recommended.An old remedy for removing ink from lineninvolved melting a piece of tallow, dipping thestained part in it and then washing the linen.Ink was said to be able to be removed fromwoollen materials by rubbing the stain withturpentine, having placed a pad beneath the areabeing rubbed.iron-mould stainsOne traditional remedy involved covering the stainwith salt and then squeezing lemon juice over it.This was left for half an hour and then the materialwas washed in a weak solution of ammonia beforebeing rinsed in clean water.medicine stainsAn old method of getting rid of medicine stainsfrom silver spoons involved rubbing them with apiece of cloth dipped in dilute sulphuric acid andwashing it off with soap suds.

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Medicine stains on clothes were traditionallyremoved with fuller's earth or ammonia.milk stainsAccording to an old remedy, the best way ofgetting rid of milk stains from clothing was tosoak the affected area in a saucer of mentholatedspirits.perspiration stainsA traditional way of removing perspiration stainsfrom garments involved placing the stainedgarment in warm water containing a littleammonia. It was allowed to soak for half an hourand then wrung out. If the stain was still there,lemon juice was squeezed on it and the garmentrinsed in clean water and then washed.wax stainsA traditional method of removing wax frommaterial was to place two thicknesses of blottingpaper over the stains and to press them with amoderately hot iron. As the wax melted it wasabsorbed by the blotting paper.

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wine stainsTo remove these from linen tablecloths it wassuggested that the stained area was placed insome boiling milk before being washed with soapand water. If the stain was not completelyremoved, it was suggested that some salt and afew drops of lemon juice be tried.It was also suggested that salt was sprinkled overa wine stain as soon as it occurred until furtheraction could be taken.