a. zabrodin- intertwining operators for sklyanin algebra and elliptic hypergeometric series

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  • 8/3/2019 A. Zabrodin- Intertwining operators for Sklyanin algebra and elliptic hypergeometric series






    Intertwining operators for Sklyanin algebra and

    elliptic hypergeometric series

    A. Zabrodin

    December 2010


    Intertwining operators for infinite-dimensional representations of the Sklyaninalgebra with spins and 1 are constructed using the technique of intertwin-ing vectors for elliptic L-operator. They are expressed in terms of elliptic hy-pergeometric series with operator argument. The intertwining operators obtained(W-operators) serve as building blocks for the elliptic R-matrix which intertwinestensor product of two L-operators taken in infinite-dimensional representations ofthe Sklyanin algebra with arbitrary spin. The Yang-Baxter equation for this R-matrix follows from simpler equations of the star-triangle type for the W-operators.A natural graphic representation of the objects and equations involved in the con-struction is used.

    Institute of Biochemical Physics, 4 Kosygina st., 119334, Moscow, Russia and ITEP, 25B.Cheremushkinskaya, 117218, Moscow, Russia


  • 8/3/2019 A. Zabrodin- Intertwining operators for Sklyanin algebra and elliptic hypergeometric series


    1 Introduction

    Central to the theory of quantum integrable systems is quantum R-matrix satisfying thecelebrated Yang-Baxter equation. General R-matrices with additive spectral parameterare parametrized via elliptic functions. The simplest elliptic R-matrix is

    R() = 3a=0

    a+1(2 + |)a+1(|)

    a a , (1.1)

    where a(z|) are Jacobi -functions, a are Pauli matrices, and 0 is the unit matrix.This R-matrix is associated with the celebrated 8-vertex model solved by Baxter [1],being the matrix of local Boltzmann weights at the vertex. The transfer matrix of thismodel is the generating function of conserved quantities for the integrable anisotropic(of XY Z type) spin-12 chain. Integrable spin chains of XY Z-type and their higher spingeneralizations can be solved by the generalized algebraic Bethe ansatz [2, 3].

    In lattice integrable models with elliptic R-matrix (1.1), the algebra of local observ-

    ables is the Sklyanin algebra [4, 5] which is a special 2-parametric deformation of theuniversal enveloping algebra U(gl(2)). A concrete model is defined by fixing a particularrepresentation of this algebra. Such representations can be realized by difference opera-tors. Similar to the sl(2)-case (models ofXXX-type), the representations are labeled bya continuous parameter which is called spin, and for positive half-integer values of thisparameter the operators representing the Sklyanin algebra generators are known to havea finite-dimensional invariant space. However, we allow the spin to take any complexvalue, so we are going to work in a general infinite-dimensional representation of thealgebra of observables.

    Integrable spin chains of XXX-type with infinite-dimensional representations of sym-metry algebra at the sites were first studied in the seminal papers [6, 7] in the contextof high energy QCD, see also [8]. Later, lattice models with trigonometric R-matrix(of XXZ-type) with non-compact quantum group symmetry were considered [9]. Arepresentation-theoretical approach to models with elliptic R-matrix and non-compactSklyanin algebra symmetry is presently not available but there is no doubt that it shouldexist.

    In this paper we present a direct construction of the elliptic R-matrix intertwiningthe tensor product of two arbitrary infinite-dimensional representations of the Sklyaninalgebra. It can be realized as a difference operator in two variables, in general of infiniteorder, so we often call this object R-operator rather than R-matrix. Another importantobject is a face type R-matrix related to the R-operator via a functional version of

    the vertex-face correspondence. The latter R-matrix provides an elliptic analog of 6j-symbols.

    Our method closely follows the similar construction in the chiral Potts model [10, 11,12] and the broken ZN-symmetric model [13, 14]. It is based on the observation thatthe elementary L-operator is in fact a composite object built from simpler entities calledintertwining vectors [14, 15]. Then the proof of the Yang-Baxter equation and otherproperties of the L-operator can be reduced to simple manipulations with the intertwiningvectors using basic relations between them. Remarkably, all elements of this procedurehave a nice graphic interpretation which makes them rather clear and greatly simplifies


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    the arguments. It provides simultaneously a very good illustration and an importantheuristic tool. This graphical technique resembles both the one developed for the ChiralPotts and broken ZN-symmetric models and the one known in the representation theoryofq-deformed algebras, in particular in connection with q-deformation of 6j-symbols [16].

    However, practical realization of these ideas in the infinite-dimensional setting is byno means obvious. Technically, it is rather different from what is customary in the 8-vertex model and its relatives. Our construction goes along the lines of our earlier work[17] devoted to the Q-operator for spin chains with infinite-dimensional representationsof the Sklyanin algebra at each site and extensively uses such really special functions aselliptic gamma-function and elliptic generalization of hypergeometric series. The theoryof elliptic hypergeometric functions originated by Frenkel and Turaev in [18] is now anactively developing new branch of mathematics (see, e.g., [19, 20, 21] and referencestherein).

    The elliptic R-operator appears to be a composite object whose building blocks areoperators which intertwine representations of the Sklyanin algebra with spins and 1(the W-operator). They can be expressed through the elliptic hypergeometric series

    43 with an operator argument. The kernels of the W-operators are expressed throughratios of the elliptic gamma-function. These intertwining operators were found in ourearlier paper [17] as a by-product of the general elliptic Q-operator construction. Herewe re-derive this result with the help of the intertwining vectors using much more directarguments. We also give a construction of vacuum vectors for the elliptic L-operator usingthe graphic technique and show how they are related to the kernel of the W-operator.

    It should be remarked that similar results, in one or another form, can be foundin the existing literature. In particular, the elliptic R-operator has been found [22] interms of operators which implement elementary permutations of parameters entering theRLL = LLR relation. A solution to the star-triangle equation built from ratios of the

    elliptic gamma-functions was recently suggested in [23]. Some closely related mattersare discussed in the recent paper [24]. It seems to us that our approach may be ofindependent interest since it emphasizes the connection with the Sklyanin algebra andallows one to obtain more detailed results in a uniform way.

    The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains the necessary things related tothe Sklyanin algebra, its realization by difference operators and representations. In sec-tion 3 we describe a space of discontinuous functions of special form, where the Sklyaninalgebra acts, and which are identified with kernels of difference operators. Here we follow[17]. The technique of intertwining vectors developed in Section 4 is used in Section5 to construct operators which intertwine representations of the Sklyanin algebra with

    spins and 1. They appear to be the most important constituents of the ellipticR-operator. In section 6 we show how the vacuum vectors for the L-operator constructedin [17] emerge within the approach of the present paper. The construction of the ellipticR-operator and related objects for arbitrary spin is presented in Section 7, where theYang-Baxter and star-triangle relations are also discussed. Some concluding remarks aregiven in Section 8. Appendix A contains necessary information on the special functionsinvolved in the main part of the paper. In Appendix B some details of the calculationswith elliptic hypergeometric series are presented.


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    2 Representations of the Sklyanin algebra

    The aim of this section is to give the necessary preliminaries on representations of theSklyanin algebra. We begin with a few formulas related to the quantum L-operator withelliptic dependence on the spectral parameter.

    The elliptic quantum L-operator is the matrix

    L() =1



    s0 + 4(2)s3 2(2)s1 + 3(2)s2

    2(2)s1 3(2)s2 1(2)s0 4(2)s3


    with non-commutative matrix elements. Specifically, sa are difference operators in acomplex variable z:

    sa =a+1(2z 2)


    a+1(2z 2)

    1(2z)ez (2.2)

    introduced by Sklyanin [5]. Here a(z) a(z|) are Jacobi -functions with the elliptic

    module , Im > 0, is a complex number (the spin), and C is a parameter which isassumed to belong to the fundamental parallelogram with vertices 0, 1, , 1+, and to beincommensurate with 1, . Definitions and transformation properties of the -functionsare listed in Appendix A.

    The four operators sa obey the commutation relations of the Sklyanin algebra1:

    (1)+1I0ss0 = Iss Iss ,

    (1)+1I0s0s = Iss Iss


    with the structure constants Iab = a+1(0)b+1(2). Here a, b = 0, . . . , 3 and {,, }stands for any cyclic permutation of {1, 2, 3}. The relations of the Sklyanin algebra areequivalent to the condition that the L-operator satisfies the RLL = LLR relation withthe elliptic R-matrix (1.1).

    The parameter in (2.2) is called the spin of the representation. If necessary, we writesa = s

    ()a or L

    ()() to indicate the dependence on . When 12Z+, these operators have

    a finite-dimensional invariant subspace, namely, the space +4 of even -functions oforder 4 (see Appendix A). This is the representation space of the (2 + 1)-dimensionalirreducible representation (of series a)) of the Sklyanin algebra. For example, at = 1


    the functions 4(z), 3(z) (hereafter we use the notation a(z) a(z|2)) form a basis in

    +2 , and the generators sa, with respect to this basis, are represented by 2 2 matrices(i)a,2(a+1())

    1a. In this case, L() = R( 12), where R is the 8-vertex model

    R-matrix (1.1). In general, the representation space of the Sklyanin algebra where theoperators sa act is called quantum space while the two-dimensional space in which theL-operator is the 22 matrix is called auxiliary space.

    As is proved in [25], the space +4 for 12Z+ is annihilated by the operator

    W = c2+1k=0


    2 + 1k

    1(2z + 2(2 2k + 1))2+1

    j=0 1(2z + 2(j k))e(22k+1)z . (2.4)

    1The standard generators of the Sklyanin algebra [4], Sa, are related to ours as follows: Sa =(i)a,2a+1()sa.


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    where c is a normalization constant to be fixed below. Hereafter, we use the ellipticfactorial and elliptic binomial notation:

    [j] 1(2j) , [n]! =n


    [j] ,



    [m]![n m]!. (2.5)

    The defining property of the operator W established in [25] is that W intertwinesrepresentations of spin and of spin ( + 1):

    W s()a = s

    (1)a W , a = 0, . . . , 3 . (2.6)

    The same intertwining relation can be written for the quantum L-operator (2.1):

    W L() () = L(1)()W. (2.7)

    Note that the operator W serves as an elliptic analog of (d/dz)2+1 in the following

    sense. In the case of the algebra sl(2), the intertwining operator between representationsof spins and 1 (realized by differential operators in z) is just (d/dz)2+1. Itannihilates the linear space of polynomials of degree 2 (which results in the rationaldegeneration of the elliptic space +4).

    For us it is very important to note that W can be extended to arbitrary complexvalues of in which case it is represented by a half-infinite series in the shift operatore2z [17]. The series is an elliptic analog of the very-well-poised basic hypergeometricseries with an operator argument. The explicit form is given below in this paper. Theintertwining relations (2.6) hold true in this more general case, too.

    Very little is known about infinite-dimensional representations of the Sklyanin algebra.The difference operators (2.2) do provide such a representation but any characterization

    of the space of functions where they are going to act is not available at the moment,at least for continuous functions. On the other hand, the difference character of theoperators (2.2) suggests to consider their action on a space of discontinuous functions ofa special form. The latter are naturally identified with kernels of difference operators.This formalism was used in our earlier paper [17]. It is reviewed in the next section.

    3 Kernels of difference operators

    Let (z) be the function equal to zero everywhere but at z = 0, where it equals 1: (z) = 0,z = 0, (0) = 1. (We hope that the same notation as for the conventional delta-function

    will cause no confusion because the latter will not appear in what follows.) Clearly,z(z) = 0 and 2(z) = (z).

    Consider the space C of functions of the form

    f(z) =kZ

    fk(z + 2k) , fk C , (3.1)

    where C. This space is isomorphic to the direct product ofC and the linear spaceof sequences {fk}kZ. We call functions of the form (3.1) combs. Clearly, the Sklyaninalgebra realized as in (2.2) acts in this space (shifting ).


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    A comb is said to be finite from the right (respectively, from the left) if there existsM Z such that fk = 0 as k > M (respectively, k < M). Let C (respectively, C) bethe space of combs finite from the left (respectively, from the right).

    We define the pairing(F(z), (z a)) = F(a) (3.2)

    for any function F(z), not necessarily of the form (3.1). In particular,

    ((z a), (z b)) = (a b) . (3.3)

    Formally, this pairing can be written as an integral:

    (F(z), (z a)) =

    dzF(z)(z a) (3.4)

    (perhaps a q-integral symbol would be more appropriate). We stress that the integralhere means nothing more than another notation for the pairing, especially convenient incase of many variables. By linearity, the pairing can be extended to the whole space of

    combs. We note that the pairing between the spaces C and C is well defined since thesum is always finite.

    Combs are to be thought of as kernels of difference operators. By a difference operatorin one variable we mean any expression of the form

    D =kZ

    ck(z)e(+2k)z , C . (3.5)

    The combD(z, ) =


    ck(z)(z + + 2k) , (3.6)

    regarded as a function of any one of the variables z, , is the kernel of this differenceoperator in the following sense. Using the pairing introduced above, we can write:

    (Df)(z) =

    D(z, )f()d =kZ

    ck(z)f(z + + 2k) . (3.7)

    The kernel D(z, ) can be viewed as an infinite matrix with continuously numbered rows(z) and columns (). Then the convolution with respect to the second argument of thekernel, as in (3.7), defines action of the operator from the left. The convolution withrespect to the first argument defines the action from the right,

    (fD)(z) =

    f()D(, z)d , (3.8)

    equivalent to the action of the transposed difference operator from the left:

    Dt =kZ

    e(+2k)zck(z) =kZ

    ck(z 2k)e(+2k)z . (3.9)

    The transposition t is the anti-automorphism of the algebra of difference operators suchthat (c(z)ez)t = ezc(z). In terms of the above pairing we can write (f, Dg) =(Dtf, g).


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    The following simple remarks will be useful in what follows. Let F(z), G(z) be anyfunctions, then F(z)D(z, )G(), with D(z, ) as above, is the kernel of the differenceoperator

    FDG =kZ

    ck(z)F(z)G(z + + 2k)e(+2k)z

    which is the composition of the multiplication by G, action of the operator D and sub-

    sequent multiplication by F. Let D(1)(z, ), D(2)(z, ) be kernels of difference operatorsD(1), D(2) respectively, then the convolution

    dD(2)(z, )D(1)(, )

    is the kernel of the difference operator D(2)D(1). If the kernels D(1)(z, ), D(2)(z, ) arecombs finite from the left (right) as functions of z, then the convolution is always welldefined and the resulting kernel belongs to the same space of combs.

    The kernels of Sklyanins operators (2.2) are:

    sa(z, z

    ) =

    a+1(2z 2)

    1(2z) (z z

    + )

    a+1(2z 2)

    1(2z) (z z

    ) . (3.10)

    Note that sa(z, z) = sa(z, z). Let us find the kernel of the L-operator (2.1). Usingidentities for theta-functions, it is easy to see that

    Lz() = 1(2 + 2)V1( + ,z)

    (z+) 0

    0 (z)

    V( ,z), (3.11)

    where V(, z) is the matrix

    V(, z) =

    4(z + ) 3(z + )4(z ) 3(z )

    and V1(, z) is its inverse:

    V1(, z) =1


    3(z ) 3(z + )

    4(z ) 4(z + )

    (recall that a(z) a(z|2

    )). A crucial point is that the diagonal matrix with delta-functions factorizes into the product of column and row vectors:

    (z+) 00 (z)



    (z+), (z)

    and thus so does Lz(). The vectors which represent the factorized kernel of the L-operator are intertwining vectors introduced in the next section.

    4 Intertwining vectors

    We introduce the 2-component (co)vector

    | =


    , | = (4(), 3()). (4.1)


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    Figure 1: Intertwining vectors.

    The vector orthogonal to | is | =



    , the covector orthogonal to | is

    | = (3(), 4()), so | = | = 0. More generally, we have:

    | = 21( + )1( ) = | . (4.2)

    Note also that|+ 1

    2(1 + ) = e

    i22i|. (4.3)

    Introduce now the intertwining vectors

    zz() = 121(2z)

    |z + (z z + ) + |z (z z )

    , (4.4)

    zz() = 121(2z)

    |z (z z + ) |z + (z z )


    and the corresponding covectors


    = 121(2z)

    z + |(z z + ) + z | (z z )

    , (4.6)


    = 121(2z)

    z |(z z + ) z + |(z z )

    . (4.7)

    It is easy to check that

    zz() =1(2z)


    zz ( + ) ,zz() =


    zz ( ) .


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    Figure 2: The graphic representation of the relation Wz,( )

    zz( +2) (



    = Wz,( )

    zz( +



    ( 2


    . The horizontal bold line segment common for the covector to the left and the vector to the right means taking scalar product of

    the two-dimensional (co)vectors. The intersection point of the spectral parameter linescorresponds to the vertex Wz,( ).

    The intertwining vectors satisfy the following orthogonality relations:zz()

    zz() = 1(2)(z z)(zz+) + (zz), (4.8)


    z ( + ) zz ( ) = 1(2) 1(2z)1(2z) (z z)

    (zz+) + (zz)

    , (4.9)

    d z()

    z() = 1(2)

    1 0

    0 1 , (4.10)



    z( )z( + ) = 1(2)

    1 00 1

    . (4.11)

    The general scalar product of two intertwining vectors is


    () = 141(2z)1(2)



    + 1(z+)1(z+)(zz)(+)



    It is a matter of direct verification to see that such scalar products satisfy the intertwin-ing relation:

    Wz,( )

    zz( +




    = Wz,( )

    zz( +




    , (4.12)


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    Figure 3: The kernel of the L-operator Lz(, ) = z( 2)

    z( +


    where the quantities Wz,() solve the following difference equations in z, :

    Wz+,+() =1(z + + + )

    1(z + + + )Wz,(),

    Wz+,() =1(z + + )

    1(z + + + )Wz,().


    These equations can be solved in terms of the elliptic gamma-function (z|, 2) := (z)[26, 27] (see Appendix A):

    Wz,() = e2iz/(z + + + )(z + + )

    (z + + )(z + ). (4.14)

    There is a freedom to multiply the solution by an arbitrary 2-periodic function ofz + and z . We put this function equal to 1. (However, this does not mean that this is thebest normalization; other possibilities will be discussed elsewhere.) In our normalization

    Wz,()Wz,() = 1 (4.15)

    but Wz,() is not symmetric under permutation of z and .

    The intertwining vectors can be represented graphically as shown in Fig. 1. Thevertical line carries the spectral parameter and serves as a line of demarcation betweenthe real (transparent) world and the shadow world. Then the relation (4.12) meansthat the horizontal line in Fig. 2 can be moved through the intersection point of thetwo spectral parameter lines. This intersection point is a new graphic element which

    corresponds to Wz,

    ( ).The kernel of the L-operator for the representation of spin can be written in the

    factorized form as the product of intertwining vectors:

    L()z() = z(+ 2 )

    z( +

    2) , = ( + 1

    2) . (4.16)

    It clear that the spectral parameter and the representation parameter enter hereon equal footing, so the notation L()z() = L

    z(+, ) is sometimes also convenient.

    Graphically, the kernel of the L-operator is shown in Fig. 3.


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    = Wz





    ()= W

    Figure 4: The vertices Wz,( ) and Wz( ).

    5 Intertwining operators for arbitrary spin

    There is a relation which is dual to (4.12) (see also Fig. 2) meaning that it can be readfrom the same configuration of lines in the figure by exchanging the real and shadow worldpieces of the plane (see Fig. 5). Two new elements appear: first, the vertex Wz( )is different from the one in Fig. 2 and, second, one should take convolution (

    d) with

    respect to the intermediate variable associated to the finite triangle in the shadowworld. The two vertices, Wz,( ) and Wz( ), are shown separately in Fig. 4.According to Fig. 5, the dual relation has the form

    d Wz( ) z( 2 )

    z( +

    2) =d Wz( )

    z( 2 )

    z( +

    2). (5.1)

    Changing the notation +, , one can write it as

    d Wz(+ )L

    z(+, ) =

    d Wz(+ )Lz(, +)

    which is just the intertwining relation for the L-operator L()() = L(+, ) (2.7), withWz(+ ) being the kernel of the difference operator W. Taking this into account,we are going to find solutions for the Wz in the space of combs finite either from theright or from the left.

    Let us take the scalar product of both sides of equation (5.1) with the covectorz

    z ( +32

    ) from the left and the vector z( + 2)

    from the right. Using the orthog-

    onality relations (4.8), (4.9), we obtain:

    Wzz( )

    1(2z) z

    z ( +


    z( +




    z ( )

    1(2z) z

    z ( +3




    . (5.2)

    This functional relation for Wz can be solved in terms of Wz, with the help of (4.12):

    Wz()W,z( + ) = 1(2). However, this solution is not exactly what we need because

    it is not a comb-like function. Proceeding in a slightly different way, one can rewrite(5.2) as a system of difference equations for Wz():

    Wz++ () =1(2+ 2)


    1(z + )

    1(z + + + 2)Wz(),

    Wz+ () =1(2+ 2)


    1( z )

    1( z + + 2)Wz().



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    Figure 5: The graphical representation of equation (5.1).

    Comparing with (4.13), one immediately finds a solution in the space of combs:

    Wz() =c()1(2)

    W,z( + )


    (z + 2k)

    with Wz, given by (4.14) and arbitrary . (The factor in front of the sum is also a solutionbut in the space of meromorphic functions.) The function c() introduced here for theproper normalization is not determined from the difference equations. It will be fixedbelow. One may truncate the comb from the left choosing = ; then the coefficients infront of(z + 2k) with k < 0 vanish because the function W,z( + ) has polesat = z + 2k, k 1. Another possibility is to truncate the comb from the rightchoosing = ; then the arguments of the delta-functions at k 0 exactly coincidewith the half-infinite lattice of zeros of the function W,z( + ), and so one can makethe truncated comb by taking residues. Below we use the first possibility and considerthe solution

    Wz() =c()1(2)

    W,z( + )


    (z + 2k)

    = c()k0

    1(2z 2 + 4k)

    Wz+2k,z( + )(z + 2k)


    which is the kernel of the difference operator

    W() = c()k0

    1(2z 2 + 4k)

    Wz+2k,z( + )e(+2k)z

    = c()k0

    e2i(+)(z+2k)/1(2z 2 + 4k)

    (2z 2 + 2k)(2 + 2k)

    (2z + 2 + 2k)(2 + 2k)e(+2k)z .


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    Rewriting the coefficients in terms of the elliptic Pochhammer symbols with the help of(A15), (A17) and extracting a common multiplier, we obtain

    W() = c()e2i(z)/(2)(2z 2 + 2)

    (2) (2z + 2)


    [ z

    + 2k]



    [ z

    ]k [


    [ z + 1]ke(+2k)z ,

    where c() = iei6 D()c(). The infinite sum can be written in terms of the elliptic

    hypergeometric series 43 (see Appendix A for the definition) with operator argument:

    W() = c()e2i(z)/(2)(2z 2 + 2)

    (2) (2z + 2)




    ; e2z

    ez . (5.5)

    Here the double dots mean normal ordering such that the shift operator e2kz is movedto the right. By construction, this operator satisfies the intertwining relation

    W( )L(, ) = L(, )W( ). (5.6)

    The intertwining property (5.6) suggests that W()W() = id or, equivalently,d Wz()W

    z() = (z z

    ) (5.7)

    which is a shadow world analog of (4.15). This is indeed true provided that the functionc() is fixed to be

    c() =0 e


    (2), (5.8)

    where the constant 0 is

    0 =


    iei6 D() =



    iD(2) (5.9)

    (clearly, there is still a freedom to multiply c() by a function () such that ()() =1). It should be noted that the very fact that the product W()W() is proportional tothe identity operator is by no means obvious from the infinite series representation (5.5).This fact was explicitly proved in [22] with the help of the Frenkel-Turaev summationformula. For completeness, we present some details of this calculation in Appendix B. Itis this calculation that allows one to find c() explicitly.

    We thus conclude that the properly normalized intertwining operator W() reads

    W() = e


    + 2iz


    (2z + 2)



    ; e

    2z e


    , (5.10)

    or, in terms of the parameter d 2 + 1 C related to the spin of the representation,

    W W(d) = eid2+2idz (2z 2(d 1))

    (2z + 2)



    d; d; e2z

    edz . (5.11)

    It is not difficult to see that the change of sign z z transforms W() to anotherintertwining operator for the Sklyanin algebra, which is an infinite series in shifts in theopposite direction. (It is this latter operator which was constructed in the paper [17].)


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    It can be obtained within the same approach if one uses the other possibility to truncatethe comb which has been discussed above. If 12Z+ (i.e., d Z+), then the elliptichypergeometric series is terminating and both operators are represented by finite sums(containing d+1 terms). Moreover, they coincide with each other and are explicitly givenby the formula

    W =

    iei(+ 6 )D()d




    1(2z 2(d 2k))dj=0 1(2z + 2(k j))

    e(d+2k)z (5.12)

    which coincides with equation (2.4).

    Let us conclude this section by summarizing the graphic elements of the diagrams andrules of their composing. The plane is divided into transparent and shadow piecesby a number of straight dashed lines in such a way that each segment of any line is aborder between pieces of the different kind. Each dashed line carries a spectral parameterdenoted by , , etc. There may be also bold straight lines which become dotted whenthey go through shadow pieces of the plane. Each shadow piece (bounded by dashed or

    dotted lines or by infinity) carries a complex variable denoted by z, , etc. Those whichsit on infinite pieces are fixed while those which sit on finite pieces bounded by linesof any type should be integrated in the sense of the pairing (3.4). The intersectionpoints of the dashed lines are of two types depending on the way how the transparent andshadow parts are adjacent to it. Correspondingly, there are two types of vertex functionsshown in Fig. 4. The intersection of a dashed line with a bold one corresponds to anintertwining (co)vector as shown in Fig. 1. Finite bold segments mean taking scalarproducts of (co)vectors associated with their endpoints.

    6 Vacuum vectors

    In order to make a closer contact with our earlier work [17], it is useful to demonstratehow the vacuum vectors for the L-operator can be constructed within the approachdeveloped in the previous sections. Let us recall the general definition of the vacuumvectors. Consider an arbitrary L-operator L with two-dimensional auxiliary space C2,i.e., an arbitrary 2 2 operator-valued matrix

    L =

    L11 L12L21 L22


    The operators Lij act in a linear space H which is called the quantum space of the L-operator. For the moment, let , , etc denote vectors from C2 and X, X1, etc vectorsfrom H, then acting by the quantum L-operator on the tensor product X , we,generally speaking, obtain a mixed state in the quantum space: LX = X11+X22.The special case of a pure state,

    LX = X , (6.1)

    is of prime importance. The relation (6.1) (in the particular case H = C2) was thekey point for Baxter in his solution of the 8-vertex model [1]. (This is what he called


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    the pair-propagation through a vertex property.) Taking the scalar product with thevector orthogonal to , we get:

    (L)X = 0 , (6.2)

    i.e., the operator K = (L) (acting in the quantum space only) has a zero modeX H. Suppose (6.1) (or (6.2)) holds with some vectors , ; then the vector X is called

    a vacuum vectorof the L-operator. An algebro-geometric approach to the equation (6.1)for finite-dimensional matrices Lik was suggested by Krichever [28] and further developedin [29, 30]. In our paper [17] the Baxters method of vacuum vectors was adopted to theinfinite-dimensional representations of the Sklyanin algebra.

    For L-operators with elliptic spectral parameter it is convenient to pass to the ellipticparametrization of the components of the vectors , as is given by (4.1). WritingL()| (respectively, |L()) we mean that the 22 matrix L acts on the 2-componentvector from the left (respectively, on the 2-component covector from the right). Similarly,we introduce right and left vacuum vectors XR, XL according to the relations


    ()XR = |X

    R , XL|L

    () = X

    L| . (6.3)In the latter formula the matrix elements ofL act on XL from the right. Introducing theoperator

    K = K(, ) = |L()|, (6.4)

    we can rewrite (6.3) as KXR = XLK = 0. The explicit form of the operator K can befound from (2.1),(2.2):

    K = K(, ) = (z)ez + (z)ez , (6.5)


    (z) =1


    1z +




    1z + +


    2 .

    These difference operators appeared in [30, 17] and later were independently introducedin [31, 32]. So, the equations for the right and left vacuum vectors read

    (z)XR(z + ) = (z)XR(z ) , (6.6)

    (z )XL(z + ) = (z )XL(z ) . (6.7)

    Instead of solving these equations explicitly, below we show how the vacuum vectorsemerge within the approach of the present paper. The key relation is (see Fig. 6)



    ( +

    2 )z


    2 )


    ( +

    2 )


    (+ )W

    ( )




    (+ +

    2)( 2 )

    ( +

    2)Wz,z(+ )Wz( ).


    The left-hand side represents the action of the L-operator L()() = L(+, ) to the




    ) in the auxiliary space from the right and to the vector W,(+

    )W( ) in the quantum space from the left. It is convenient to denote


    R (z|+, ) = W,z(+

    2) Wz(

    2), (6.9)


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    Figure 6: The graphic representation of equation (6.8): action of the L-operator to rightvacuum vectors.

    then relation (6.8) can be rewritten (after setting z = and some transformations)as the system of equations

    L(+ + , + )X, R = a X+,+R + b + X+, R ,

    + L(+ + , + )X,R = c X,+R + d + X, R ,


    where X,

    R= X,


    +, ) and

    a = 1( ++++)1(


    1(2 + 2),

    b =1(+++)1( +


    1(2 2),

    c = 1( ++)1( +


    1(2 + 2),

    d =1( +

    ++)1( ++++2)




    We note that setting = 0 one obtains from (6.10)

    L(+, )X, R = a0X+, +R + b0X+, R = c0X, +R + d0X, R ,

    where a0 = a( = 0), etc. This means that X,

    R (z|+ 2

    , 2

    ) is the right vacuumvector for the L-operator (see the first equation in (6.3). Moreover, we conclude that

    a0X+,+R + b0X

    +,R = c0X

    , +R + d0X

    ,R . (6.11)


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    Figure 7: The intertwining relation R L L = L L R.



    Figure 8: The kernel of the R-operator Rzz

    (+, |+, ).

    One can that the vacuum vector is in fact a composite object. It is a product of twoW-functions. Equations (4.14), (5.4) together with the 3-term identity for the Jacobitheta-function imply the relation

    L(+, )X,R (z|+, ) = 1(2 + )X,R (z|++, +) (6.12)which is equation (4.22) from our paper [17] written in the slightly different notation.The left vacuum vectors can be considered in a similar way.

    7 The R-operator and related objects

    The R-operator R = R(+, |+, ) intertwines the product of two L-operators:

    R(+, |+, )L(+, ) L(+, ) = L(+, ) L(+, )R(+, |+, ). (7.1)


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    Passing to the different notation, = ( +12), = (

    + 12), we can rewrite(7.1) in a more conventional form:

    R()(, ) L()() L(

    )() = L()() L()() R(

    )(, ). (7.2)

    Here R()(, ) = R(+, |+, ) is a difference operator in two variables acting in the

    tensor product of the quantum spaces for the two L-operators. In terms of the kernels

    equation (7.1) reads:d

    d Rzz

    (+, |+, )L(+, )L

    (+, )



    d Lz(+, )Lz

    (+, )R

    (+, |+, ).


    Graphically it is shown in Fig. 7. The figure clarifies the structure of the kernel of theR-operator which is shown in more detail in Fig. 8. It is clear that the kernel is theproduct of four W-vertices: two of them are of the Wz,-type (meromorphic functions)and the other two are of the Wz-type (comb-like functions). Specifically, we can write:


    (+, |+, )

    = Wz,z

    (+ )Wz

    ( )Wz(+ +)W

    ,( +)

    = Wz,z

    (+ )

    c( )1(2)

    W,z( + )


    (z + + 2k)

    c(+ +)1(2)

    W,z(+ + + )


    (z + + + + 2k)


    ( +)

    which is the kernel of the difference operator

    R(+, |+, ) = Wz,z (+ )W


    z,z ( +) (7.4)

    (here the notation W(z) means that the operator W acts to the variable z. In full, theR-operator reads

    R(+, |+, ) = ei







    (+)z (z + z + + + )(z z

    + + + )

    (z + z + + + )(z z + + + )

    (2z2()+ 2)

    (2z + 2)


    z +


    ; e2z


    (2z2(++)+ 2)

    (2z + 2)


    z + + +


    + +

    ; e2z



    (+)z (z + z + + + )(z z

    + + + )

    (z + z + + + )(z z + + + ).



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    Figure 9: The Yang-Baxter equation for the R-operator.

    The difference operators in the third and the fourth lines of the r.h.s. commute becausethey act in different variables but both of them do not commute with the operator ofmultiplication by the function Wz,z

    ( +). Note that the R-operator can be alsowritten in terms of the 65 series due to the identity




    ; e2z


    = W,z()65




    z + + +


    z + +

    2; e2z

    ez .

    (7.6)The Yang-Baxter equation for the R-operator is schematically shown in the self-exp-

    lanatory Fig. 9. One can see that as soon as the R-operator is a composite object, theYang-Baxter equation can be reduced to simpler equations for its elementary constituents.The latter are the W-vertices of the two types. For them one can prove a sort of thestar-triangle relations

    Wz,z( )Wz

    ,z( )Wzz( ) =

    dWz( )Wz,( )Wz( ) (7.7)


    ( )Wz,z( )Wzz( ) = dW

    z( )W

    ,z ( )Wz( ) (7.8)

    schematically shown in Fig. 10. The proof is given in Appendix B. As is seen from Fig.9, the proof of the Yang-Baxter equation is reduced to sequential transferring of verticallines from the left to the right through intersection points of the other lines with theuse of the star-triangle relations (7.7) and (7.8) at each step. Let us note that the bothsides of the star-triangle relations (7.7) and (7.8) represent the kernels of the differenceoperators explicitly written in Appendix B ((B5) and (B6) respectively).

    There is an object dual to the R-operator R in the sense that its kernel is graphicallyrepresented by the same pattern, with shadow parts of the plane being complimentary tothose in Fig. 8. This duality provides a transformation which is an infinite-dimensional


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    Figure 10: The star-triangle equation (7.7) for the W-operators. Equation (7.8) corre-sponds to the same configuration of lines with complimentary shadow parts of the plane.

    version of the vertex-face correspondence. It sends the R-operator to a difference operatorin one variable rather than two. We call it the S-operator. It acts in the variable zand depends on z and z as parameters. Its kernel, Sz (z

    , z|+, ; +, ), or simplySz (z

    , z) in short, is shown in Fig. 11. This kernel is to be regarded as an R-matrixfor a face-type model with complex variables associated to shadow parts of the plane. Itgeneralizes the fused Boltzmann weights of the SOS-type 8-vertex model [33]. Accordingto Fig. 11 it reads

    Sz (z, z) =

    dWz(+ )W

    z,(+ +)W,z ( )W

    ( +). (7.9)

    The convolution is taken with respect to the variable sitting in the finite parallelogramat the center of Fig. 11. Since each of the two Wz-vertices is represented by a half-infinite sum of the type (5.4), the whole expression (7.9) is a double sum. Performingthe convolution and re-arranging the double sum, we can write

    Sz (z, z) = c(+)c(+)1(2)


    An(z, z, z) (z +++++2n),


    An(z, z, z)



    1(2z2++2+4k) Wz,z+++2k(++) W



    Wz+++2k,z(++) Wz+++++2n,z+++2k(++).

    Using the explicit form of the W-functions it is straightforward to show that the kernel


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    z z




    Figure 11: The kernel S



    , z

    ) dual to the kernel of the R-operator (cf. Fig. 8).

    Sz (z, z) is expressed in terms of the elliptic hypergeometric series 109 as follows:

    Sz (z, z) = C1(2)e

    2i+ 2i


    1(z z + + + ) 1(z + + + + )

    1(zz+++2++) 1(z ++++)

    (2z + 2 2+ + 2)

    (2z + 2)




    (2(1j +1))

    109(1; 4, . . . , 10)n0

    (z +++++2n).


    Here C is a constant which depends on the spectral parameters, 1(x) 1(x|2) andthe values of the js are

    1 =z + +

    , 4 =


    , 5,6 =z + + + +


    7,8 =z z + + +


    , 9,10 =z z + + +



    One can see that the series 109 is balanced (the balancing condition (A21) is satisfied)and terminating (6 = n because of the -function). Equation (7.10) is a version of theFrenkel-Turaev result [18] adopted to continuous values of parameters and obtained bya different method. The S-operator satisfies a sort of the Yang-Baxter equation whichcan be graphically represented like in Fig. 9 with transparent pieces of the plane beingchanged to the shadow ones and vice versa.

    Another object closely related to the R-operator is the transfer matrix on 1 site

    T(+, |+, ) = trR(+, |+, )P

    , (7.11)


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    where P is the permutation operator of the two quantum spaces and the trace is taken inthe space associated with the spectral parameters . The kernel of this transfer matrixis

    Tz (+, |+, ) =

    dRz(+, |+, ). (7.12)

    It is not difficult to see that this kernel is expressed through the kernel Sz (z, z) given

    by (7.10) as follows:

    Tz (+, |+, ) = Sz (, z)(, +|+, ). (7.13)

    (Note the exchange of the spectral parameters + in the right-hand side.) Theeasiest way to see this is to draw the corresponding pictures.

    8 Concluding remarks

    In this paper we have presented a unified approach to intertwining operators for quantum

    integrable models with elliptic R-matrix associated with the Sklyanin algebra. We workin the most general setting of infinite-dimensional representations (with a complex spinparameter ) realized by difference operators in the space of functions of a complexvariable z. The elementary building blocks are so-called intertwining vectors and W-functions which are defined in terms of their scalar products. These elements have anice graphic representation as diagrams in the transparent/shadow plane which allowsone to easily construct more complicated objects like L-operators, their vacuum vectorsand different kinds of R-matrices and to prove relations between them. An importantconstituent of the construction is the intertwining operator for representations with spins and 1. For general values of , it is given by the elliptic hypergeometric series 43with operator argument.

    In fact the material presented here is only the very beginning of the theory of inte-grable spin chains with elliptic R-matrices and infinite-dimensional space of states ateach site. Indeed, our discussion has been focused on a single L or R operator which isrelevant to a spin chain of just one site. The next step is to construct the transfer matrix,i.e., to consider a chain of the R-operators and to take trace in the auxiliary space. Weplan to address this problem elsewhere. It would be also very desirable to find a directconnection of our approach with elliptic beta integrals [24, 34]. Presumably, the pairing(3.2) or (3.4) should be replaced by a sum of residues.

    Among other things, the results presented in this paper indicate convincingly that

    there should exist a meaningful theory of infinite-dimensional representations of theSklyanin algebra. Such a theory is still to be developed and this paper may providesome background in reaching this ambitious goal.

    At last, one should keep in mind that the Sklyanin algebra is just a very particularrepresentative of a wide family of elliptic algebras [36] and, moreover, integrable sys-tems associated to algebras from this class can be constructed [37]. It would be veryinteresting to investigate to what extent the methods developped in the present papercan be extended to other elliptic algebras and corresponding integrable models. Such anextension will probably require a further generalization of elliptic hypergeometric series.


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    The author is grateful to S.Derkachov for a discussion of the work [22]. This work wassupported in part by RFBR grant 08-02-00287, by joint RFBR grants 09-01-92437-CEa,09-01-93106-CNRS, 10-01-92104-JSPS and by Federal Agency for Science and Innovationsof Russian Federation under contract 14.740.11.0081.

    Appendix A


    We use the following definition of the Jacobi -functions:

    1(z|) = kZ


    i(k +1

    2)2 + 2i(z +


    2)(k +




    2(z|) =kZ


    i(k +1

    2)2 + 2iz(k +




    3(z|) =kZ


    ik2 + 2izk


    4(z|) =kZ


    ik2 + 2i(z +1




    They also can be represented as infinite products. The infinite product representation

    for the 1(z|) reads:

    1(z|) = i expi

    4 iz


    1 e2ik

    1 e2i((k1)+z)

    1 e2i(kz)

    . (A2)

    Throughout the paper we write a(x|) = a(x), (z|2 ) = (z). The transformation

    properties for shifts by the periods are:

    a(x 1) = (1)a,1+a,2a(x) , a(x ) = (1)

    a,1+a,4ei2ixa(x) . (A3)

    Under the modular transformation 1/ the -functions behave as follows:

    1(z|) = i

    i/ eiz2/1(z/| 1/) ,

    2(z|) =

    i/ eiz2/4(z/| 1/) ,

    3(z|) =

    i/ eiz2/3(z/| 1/) ,

    4(z|) =

    i/ eiz2/2(z/| 1/) .



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    The identities often used in the computations are

    4(x)3(y) + 4(y)3(x) = 24(x + y)4(x y),

    4(x)3(y) 4(y)3(x) = 21(x + y)1(x y),


    3(y) +


    4(x) = 23(x + y)3(x y),

    3(x)3(y) 4(y)4(x) = 22(x + y)2(x y),


    1(z a d)1(z b c)1(a d)1(c b)

    + 1(z b d))1(z a c)1(b d)1(a c)

    = 1(z c d)1(z a b)1(a b)1(c d).


    By n we denote the space of-functions of order n, i.e., entire functions F(x), x C,

    such that F(x + 1) = F(x) , F(x + ) = (1)nein2inxF(x) . (A7)

    It is easy to see that dimn = n. Let F(x) n, then F(x) has a multiplicativerepresentation of the form F(x) = c

    ni=1 1(x xi),

    ni=1 xi = 0, where c is a constant.

    Imposing, in addition to (A7), the condition F(x) = F(x), we define the space +n nof even -functions of order n, which plays the important role in representations of theSklyanin algebra. If n is an even number, then dim +n =

    12n + 1.

    Elliptic gamma-function

    Here we collect the main formulas on the elliptic gamma-function [26, 27]. We use the(slightly modified) notation of[27]. The elliptic gamma-function is defined by the double-infinite product

    (z|, ) =


    1 e2i((k+1)+(k+1)z)

    1 e2i(k+k+z). (A8)

    A sufficient condition for the product to be convergent is Im > 0, Im > 0. We needthe following properties of the elliptic gamma-function:

    (z + 1|, ) = (z|, ) , (A9)

    (z + |,

    ) = iei

    6 1D (




    ) , (A10)

    (z + |, ) = iei6 1D ()e

    iz1(z|)(z|, ) , (A11)


    D() = ei12


    1 e2ik

    is the Dedekind function. Another useful property is

    (z|, )( z|, ) =iei


    eiz1(z|). (A12)


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    Note also that (z|, )( + z|, ) = 1.

    Under the modular transformation 1/ the elliptic gamma-function behavesas follows [27]:

    (z|, ) = eiP(z)(z/ | 1/,/)

    ((z )/ | /, 1/), (A13)


    P(z) = 1

    3 z3 +

    + 1

    2 z2

    2 + 2 + 3 3 3 + 1

    6 z

    ( + 1)( + )

    12 .


    Let us list the most frequently used formulas for (z) (z|, 2). Using (A11)several times, we obtain:

    (x + 2k)

    (x) = eik2



    k1j=0 1(x + 2j) , (A15)

    (x 2k)

    (x)= (1)keik



    1(x + 2 + 2j)

    1, (A16)

    where R = iei(+/6)D(). In particular, ratios of such functions are expressed throughthe elliptic Pochhammer symbols as

    (2 + 2k)

    (2 + 2k)= e2i()k





    (2 2k)(2 2k)

    = e2i()k(2)(2)

    [1 ]k[1 ]k



    As is seen from (A8), the function (z|, 2) has zeros at the points z = 2(k + 1) +(m + 1) + n, and simple poles at the points z = 2k m + n, where k, m run overnon-negative integers and n over all integers. The residues of the elliptic gamma-functionat the poles at z = 2k, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . are:


    (z) = (1)keik2




    1, (A18)


    r0 = resz=0

    (z) = ei(+2)/12


    Elliptic hypergeometric series

    Here we follow [18]. We define the elliptic Pochhammer symbol (the shifted ellipticfactorial) by

    [x]k [x][x + 1] . . . [x + k 1] , (A19)


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    where [x] = 1(2x) (cf. (2.5)). By definition, the elliptic hypergeometric series is

    r+1r(1; 4, 5, . . . , r+1; z|2, ) =k=0

    zk[1 + 2k][1]k




    . (A20)

    This is an elliptic analog of the very-well-poised basic hypergeometric series [35]. The

    series is said to be balanced if z = 1 and

    r 5 + (r 3)1 = 2r2m=1

    m+3 . (A21)

    For a series

    k0 ck of the form (A20), the balancing condition (A21) means that the ratiock+1/ck of the coefficients is an elliptic function ofk. For balanced series (A20), we dropthe argument z = 1 and the parameters , writing it simply as r+1r(1; 4, . . . , r+1).For instance,

    87(1; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) =


    [1 + 2k][1]k





    [1m+3+1]k. (A22)

    The series is called terminatingif at least one of the parameters 4, . . . , r+1 is equalto a negative integer number. In this case the sum is finite and there is no problem ofconvergence. If, say r+1 = n, then the series terminates at k = n. The terminatingbalanced series were shown [18] to possess nice modular properties. That is why theywere called modular hypergeometric series.

    The modular hypergeometric series obey a number of impressive identities. One ofthem is the elliptic analog of the Jackson summation formula:

    87(1; 4, . . . , 7, n) =[1+1]n[145+1]n[146+1]n[156+1]n[14+1]n[15+1]n[16+1]n[1456+1]n

    (A23)which is valid provided that the balancing condition 21 + 1 = 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 n issatisfied (the Frenkel-Turaev summation formula [18]).

    A remark on the notation is in order. In the modern notation [19], what we call

    r+1r(1; 4, . . . , r+1|, ) (following [18]), would be r+3Vr+1(a1; a6, . . . , ar+3|q2, p) with

    q = e2i , p = e2i, aj = e4ij2 . In particular, our 43 would be 6V5. We understand

    that the modern notation is better justified by the meaning of the elliptic very-well-poisedness condition than the old one and is really convenient in many cases. However, wedecided to use the old Frenkel-Turaev notation for the reason that the additive parameters

    j are more convenient for us than their exponentiated counterparts. We think that itis simpler than to introduce a version ofr+1Vr with additive parameters.

    Appendix B

    In this appendix we give some details of calculations which involve modular hypergeo-metric series.


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    The normalization of the Wz-kernel

    Let us consider convolution of the kernels Wz() and Wz() given by equation (5.4):




    W,z( + )Wz,( + )


    (z + 2k)( z + + 2k)



    c()c()1(2z 2 + 4k)1(2z)

    Wz+2k,z( + )Wz,z+2k( + )(z z + + 2(k + k))

    = c()c()n0



    1(2z 2 + 4k)1(2z + 4n)

    Wz+2k,z( + )Wz+2n,z+2k( + )

    (z z + 2n) .

    In order to calculate it explicitly, consider the sum

    Sn(z) =n


    1(2z 2 + 4k)

    Wz+2k,z( + )Wz+2n,z+2k( ), (B1)

    where the W-functions are given by (4.14):

    Wz+2k,z( + ) = e2i

    (+)(z+2k) (2z + 2 + 2k)(2 + 2k)

    (2z 2 + 2k)(2 + 2k),

    Wz+2n,z+2k( ) = e2i

    ()(z+2n) (2z2+2+2n+2k)(2 + 2n 2k)

    (2z + 2n + 2k)(2 + 2n 2k).

    Plugging this into (B1) and representing ratios of elliptic gamma-functions through el-liptic Pochhammer symbols with the help of (A15), (A16), we obtain:

    Sn(z) = e4iz 2i


    1(2z 2)(2)(2z 2)(2z + 2n)(2 + 2n)

    (2)(2 + 2n)(2z + 2)(2z 2 + 2n + 2)



    + 2k][ z


    [ z



    ]k [z

    + n]k[n]k

    [ z

    + 1]k [z

    + n + 1]k[

    n + 1]k.

    The sum in the last line is the terminating balanced elliptic hypergeometric series






    + n,

    z +


    z +

    2, n

    which is equal to

    [ z

    + 1]n [1 n]n [z++

    2]n [


    n + 1]n

    [ z + 1]n[ n + 1]n[

    z+2 ]n[

    z+2 n + 1]n


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    (see (A23)). Because of the factor [1 n]n this is zero unless n = 0. Therefore, Sn(z) = 0if n 1 and

    S0(z) = e4iz2i

    (+) (2)(2)(2z)(2z 2)1(2z 2)

    2(2)(2z + 2)(2z 2 + 2).

    We thus have d Wz()W

    z() = c()c()1(2z)S0(z)(z z


    Using identities for the elliptic gamma-function the product 1(2z)S0(z) can be simplifiedto

    1(2z)S0(z) = 10 e



    0 =(2)

    iei6 D()



    iD(2). (B2)

    So, setting

    c() = 0 ei




    we obtain the relation (5.7):

    d Wz()Wz() = (z z


    The star-triangle relations

    Let us verify the star-triangle relation (7.7)

    Wz,z( )Wz

    ,z( )Wzz( ) =

    dWz( )Wz,( )Wz( ) (B4)

    (see Fig. 10). We use formulas (4.14), (5.4). The left hand side is

    c( )1(2z)

    Wz,z( )Wz

    ,z( )

    Wz,z( + )


    (z z + + 2n)

    = c( )n0


    Wz,z( )Wz

    ,z++2n( )

    Wz++2n,z( + )(z z + + 2n)

    = c( )n0

    Cn(z, z)(z z + + 2n),

    where c() is given by (B3) and

    Cn(z, z) = e2i

    [()z(+)z+()(+)] 1(2z 2 + 2+ 4n)

    (2 2)(2z 2 + 2)(z+z++)(zz+2+)

    (2) (2z + 2) (z + z 2 + + + ) (z z + + )

    [ z+

    ]n [

    ]n [z+z++

    2]n [



    [1]n [z

    + 1]n [z+z2+++

    2]n [




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    One can see from this expression that the left hand side of (B4) is the kernel of thedifference operator


    ()(zz)i()2 (2z2+2+2)(z+z


    (2z + 2) (z + z 2 + + + ) (z z + + )

    65z +



    z + z + +

    2 ,

    z z + +

    2 ; e2z



    Let us turn to the right hand side of (B4). It is

    c( )c( )


    ,( )1(2)1(2z)

    W,z( + )Wz,( + )



    = c( )c( )n0

    Bn(z, z) (zz++2n),


    Bn(z, z) =


    1(2z2+2+ 4k)1(2z2+2+ 4n) Wz,z++2k()

    Wz++2k,z( + )Wz++2n,z++2k( + ).

    The next step is to identify this sum with the terminating elliptic hypergeometric se-ries with a pre-factor. The latter is essentially a product of ratios of the -functions.Specifically, we have:

    Bn(z, z) = e




    (2) (2z + 2)(z+z2+++)(zz++)

    (2z2+2+2n) (22+2n)

    (2+2n)(2z2+2+2+2n)1(2z 2 + 2)

    87 (1; 4, . . . , 7, n),

    where the parameters i are:

    1 =z +

    , 4 =

    , 5 =

    z +

    + n,

    6 =z + z + +

    2, 7 =

    z z + +

    2, 8 = n.

    The series with these parameters is balanced, so one can apply the Frenkel-Turaev sum-mation formula (A23). The result is

    87 (1; 4, . . . , 7, n)

    =[ z+

    + 1]n [

    + 1 n]n [zz++

    2]n [


    + 1 n]n

    [ z

    + 1]n [

    + 1 n]n [zz2+++

    2]n [


    + 1 n]n.


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    Now it is straightforward to calculate the ratio Cn(z, z)/Bn(z, z). One can see that allz, z and n dependent factors cancel in the ratio and one is left with

    Cn(z, z)

    Bn(z, z)=


    iei6 D()


    ()()(2 2)

    (2 2)(2 2)=

    c( )c( )

    c( ),

    where c() is given by (B3). This means that the left and right hand sides of (B4) areindeed equal to each other.

    The other star-triangle relation, (7.8), is proved in a similar way. We note that itsboth sides are kernels of the difference operator

    ei()(2) (2z2+2+2)(z+z


    (2z + 2) (z+z+2+) (zz+2+)


    z +



    z + z + +


    z z + +

    2; e2z

    e()z .



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