a2 media studies. evaluation question 4

Canon XA10 handheld camera . During the construction of my documentary I used this handheld camera to film all the footage I needed. This included my A-Role and B- Role footage; for example, Vox Pops, Cutaways and Interviews. Although there was an onboard microphone available I did not use it. Due to the microphone being so sensitive it would pick up breathing from the camera woman during interviews, or more importantly conversations occurring in another room, which, in result crushed the sense of professionalism I wanted to bring to my documentary, which is why the clip microphone was in my favour.

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Canon XA10

handheld camera.

During the construction of my documentary I used this handheld camera to film all the footage I needed.

This included my A-Role and B-Role footage; for example, Vox Pops, Cutaways and Interviews.

Although there was an onboard microphone available I did not use it. Due to the microphone being so sensitive it would pick up breathing from the camera woman during interviews, or more importantly conversations occurring in another room, which, in result crushed the sense of professionalism I wanted to bring to my documentary, which is why the clip microphone was in my favour.

Clip Microphone.

I used the clip microphone throughout my interviews, I did so due to the heightened quality of audio that was achieved as opposed to the onboard microphone.

The interviewee’s voice was pure with no background noise allowing me to concentrate specifically on the audio and the valid points they were making.

Moreover the clip microphone was easily hidden therefore not interfering with the Mise En Scene created within the background but also not taking away from the professional standard I wanted to achieve.


I used the tripod throughout all of my filming; I did so because it provided a steady base for the handheld camera to perch on.

Resulting in still camera quality, meaning, no shaky hand movement; the frame of the visual was focused.

SLR Canon 1100 D

I used this particular type of technology during the

construction of my newspaper advertisement.

I found it difficult to function, the variety of buttons was mind-boggling; however once I was aware what button triggered what and what affect it had on the lens I was able to take full advantage of what this camera had to offer and get creative.

Premier CS5.

I used Premier CS5 during the construction of my A2 Media Documentary.

I imported my previously filmed footage onto a timeline and began to edit the footage using the tools provided.

I found Premier to be quite challenging during the first few sessions due to the rules of importing rather than the usual ‘copy and paste’ however understanding the different roles of the tools enabled me to take advantage of them to ensure my documentary elegantly moved from one piece of action to the next, accompanied by audio and music.

Examples of tools that were extremely beneficial were:

Razor Tool Bar.


This allowed me to cut my footage when and where I needed to, this ensured that only the footage that contained the information that I

needed was used.

The keyframes allowed me to

change the pitch of the music when

used to accompany visual action on

screen to ensure the audio was heard.


I used Photoshop mainly during the construction of my Newspaper


It allowed me to enhance images taken, add text in aid of titles and taglines, also provided a tool that allowed me to change the saturation of colour within the Channel 4 logo; this brightened the colours, which in turn made a connection with the ‘gay pride’ theme I was aiming for.

As I used Photoshop for a wide variety of tasks during AS Media Studies I was quite at ease using the program again; I enjoyed re-using the skills I had learnt and putting them into practice.

Examples of tools that I used are:

Shape Tool.

Sponge Tool.

This allowed me to add a rectangular background to the title & tagline, featured in

the centre of my advertisement.

The Sponge Tool enabled me to correct the light and shade of the poster. By extracting a sample

of what I wanted a particular part to look like I then used this tool to paste it onto another part of

my model’s face; allowing me to correct the spillage of paint over the eyebrow and nose,

leaving the image fault free.

Internet Explorer.

Internet Explorer was of great assistance to me during my

research and planning stages.

It provided me with celebrity connections, information regarding public opinion on sexuality therefore forming the style of which I wanted my documentary to be

filmed, support groups which were at the service of homosexuals in need but also provided me with names of pubs, clubs,

bars and more which were directly associated with the gay community. This

benefitted me tremendously as it provided me with a location to film for my cutaways –


The Web Based Resources that I used are as follows:



This particular web resource provided me with the archive I needed, regarding the

subject of celebrity influence on gay partners. I chose two male celebrities who

have pronounced themselves gay as I thought it would be beneficial to the

documentary to begin with a personal experience.

Blogger allowed me to post updates whilst on the move which was extremely



I used my Iphone frequently as it has Blogger, Youtube, Internet Explorer and Itunes

incorporated within the device.

Moreover I used it during the construction period during a

cutaway within my documentary during the discussion of how social

networking sites influence the way we perceive homosexual


I am using my IPhone during the evaluation also, as I am using a voice

recorder to voice my opinion of my own documentary.