a5 living.indd

Thursday, December 23, 2010 pageA5 Living The Brownsville States-Graphic Perk up with informative news articles on current events, travel, dining and entertainment when you subscribe to Brownsville States-Graphic. Subscribe today to receive home delivery and full website access for the low yearly cost of Haywood County $35; In-state $42; Out-of-state $49 To subscribe, call 772-1172 Brownsville STATES-GRAPHIC P ROFESSIONAL D IRECTORY TIRE SERVICE Cleaners 206-A East Main Street Brownsville, TN 38012 (731) 779-9200 Monday thru Friday 7am - 6pm Saturday 8am - 12 noon Convenient Drive Thru Window t2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic! Advertising Call 772-1172 to place your business in the Brownsville States-Graphic! ADVERTISING FOR ANY BUDGET Brownsville STATES GRAPHIC Heart of the Tennessee Delta 731-772-1172 got recipes? want coupons? %\ -DQHW 7KDUSH 6KDULQJ +RPHWRZQ 5HFLSHV &RRNLQJ 7LSV DQG &RXSRQV ³0\ NLGV /29( WKLV ,W¶V D IODYRUIXO UHFLSH ERWK VZHHW DQG D OLWWOH VSLF\´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¿YH KRXUV ODWHU KDYH SLFWXUH SHUIHFW SRUN WKDW \RXU IDPLO\ ZLOO WKLQN \RX¶YH VODYHG RYHU DOO GD\ , FDOO WKDW D ZLQZLQ 6HUYH DORQJVLGH VRPH FUHDP\ SRWDWRHV DQG D FULVS VDODG IRU D UHDO PHDO WR UHPHPEHU 6HH VWHSE\VWHS SKRWRV RI -HQQLIHU 1XOO¶V &URFN 3RW 'U 3HSSHU 3RUN UHFLSH DQG WKRXVDQGV PRUH UHFLSHV IURP RWKHU KRPHWRZQ $PHULFDQV DW ZZZMXVWDSLQFKFRPFURFNSRWSRUN <RX¶OO DOVR ILQG D PHDO SODQQHU DQG FRXSRQV IRU WKH UHFLSH LQJUHGLHQWV (QMR\ DQG UHPHPEHU XVH ³MXVW D SLQFK 6ORZ &RRNHU 3RUN ,PSUHVVHV ZLWK 6LPSOLFLW\ DQG )ODYRU 'LUHFWLRQV -Janet Thyme to Cook with Mary Dunbar We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. As we look to the future, we wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year. Activities this month include Bible studies each Wednesday beginning at 10:30 a.m. Pastors, as well as individuals from a variety of churches, provide these programs for us. The rst Friday of each month is reserved for Chat/Chew. Updates on Medicare, scams, and insurance are provided at this time while everyone enjoys refreshments. Sharon Sparks from the UT Extension will have our monthly nutritional (healthy snacks) program at 10 a.m. Jan. 10. Crestview will conduct a seminar on heart diseases on Jan. 20 at 10 a.m. Cindy Wilkins from the Haywood County Health Department will conduct our monthly caregiver training and support group meeting at 10 a.m. Jan. 31. Recreational activities include Bingo Buck parties at 10 a.m. on Jan. 14 and 24. The monthly birthday party will be on Jan. 25, and our potluc Brownsville Senior Center January Highlights k luncheon will be on Jan. 21. We do exercise by video at 9:30 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have activities planned for each day; just come out and join us. Special health screenings will be conducted here at 8:30 a.m. on Jan. 27. For more information on this and any other activities, call 772-2438, and ask for Peggy or Reba. Brownsville Senior Center January Highlights Temperatures have dropped, and holiday festivities are in full swing. Sometimes we have so much going on this time of year that we don’t feel like spending a lot of time cooking. We would rather have a hot meal waiting on us when we come home – one that we don’t have to dedicate time and effort to making after a long day of work, school concerts for the kids, and Christmas shopping. That’s why I enjoy Brunswick stew: it’s hearty, it’s full of vegetables, and it’s ready by the time you get home. A few weeks ago, I shared my butternut squash soup recipe. It’s delicious, but it requires attention. I have to dedicate an hour or so to preparing it, so after a long day at work, I don’t always want to watch a pot of soup all evening long. On the other hand, Brunswick stew requires a little effort up front, but once the ingredients are chopped, I put everything in the crock-pot and let it do the work for me. Some readers may be a little intimidated by a recipe that calls for so many steps, but if you cook the meat in the slow cooker the night before and chop your vegetables in advance, all you have to do is combine your ingredients the next morning and set the cooking time. By the time everyone is home in the evening, you will have a delicious home cooked meal waiting. I usually use Boston butt pork roast when I can nd it, but any other meat would work as well. Traditionally, a wide variety of meats have been used in this dish, and in mass quantities, variations of this make up the most common fundraising stews in the South. For the more adventurous and/or avid hunters, try adding squirrel, rabbit, or quail meat. To nd additional recipes, check out the “Just a Pinch” column, or visit www.justapinch. com. “Thyme to Cook” will be a regular feature in the Brownsville States- Graphic. We welcome reader recipes, so send your favorite recipe to accouting@ statesgraphic.com or mail them to Brownsville States-Graphic c/o Mary Dunbar, P.O. Box 59, Brownsville, TN 38012. Brunswick stew Ingredients: 1 1/2-3 lbs. boneless pork shoulder roast (Boston butt) or other meat of your preference 1 onion, chopped 1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes 1 18 oz. bottle of barbecue sauce (KC Masterpiece Original works well) 2 16 oz. cans of chicken broth 1 9 oz. package of frozen baby lima beans (or one can drained) 1 9 oz. package of frozen corn (or one can drained) 1 9 oz. package of frozen diced potatoes (or half a pound of red roasting potatoes peeled) 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper Directions: Add one 16 oz. can of chicken broth, and cook roast in crock-pot on low heat until it shreds. Shred meat, and return to liquid in crock-pot. Add all additional ingredients. Bring to a boil and cook 3-8 hours on low heat. If your crock-pot is too small for all ingredients to t, you may have to simmer stew in a large pot on the stove. Serve piping hot with crackers or fresh bread. Still time for dinner during busy holiday events Brownsville at your Fingertips Brownsville STATES-GRAPHIC To subscribe, call 772-1172 Top Stories • Classieds • Lifestyles Sports • Obituaries

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Still time for dinner during busy holiday events Brownsville Senior Center January Highlights P ROFESSIONAL D IRECTORY tising 2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic! got recipes? want coupons? Cleaners TIRE SERVICE ADVERTISING FOR ANY BUDGET with Mary Dunbar -Janet Advertising Cal l 772-1172 t o pl a ce your busi n ess i n t h e Brownsvi l l e St a t e s-Graphi c ! 731-780-4193 Convenient Drive Thru Window STATES GRAPHIC JIMMY COULSTON Owner Thursday, December 23, 2010 Jimmy’s Tire Service


Page 1: A5 Living.indd

Thursday, December 23, 2010pageA5Living

The Brownsville States-Graphic

Perk up with informative news articles on current events, travel, dining and entertainment when you subscribe to Brownsville States-Graphic.

Subscribe today to receive home delivery and full website access for thelow yearly cost of Haywood County $35; In-state $42; Out-of-state $49

To subscribe, call




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New & Used Tires & Accessories





206-A East Main StreetBrownsville, TN 38012

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Monday thru Friday7am - 6pm

Saturday 8am - 12 noon

ConvenientDrive Thru Window


2-1172 ur business wnsville raphic!


Call 772-1172 to place your business

in the Brownsville States-Graphic!



Heart of the Tennessee Delta


got recipes?want coupons?


Thyme to Cookwith Mary Dunbar

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. As we look to the future, we wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year.

Activities this month include Bible studies each Wednesday beginning at 10:30 a.m. Pastors, as well as individuals from a variety of churches, provide these programs for us.

The fi rst Friday of each month is reserved for Chat/Chew. Updates on Medicare, scams, and insurance are provided at this time while everyone enjoys refreshments.

Sharon Sparks from the UT Extension will have our monthly nutritional (healthy snacks) program at 10 a.m. Jan. 10.

Crestview will conduct a seminar on heart diseases on Jan. 20 at 10 a.m.

Cindy Wilkins from the Haywood County Health Department will conduct our monthly caregiver training and support group meeting at 10 a.m. Jan. 31.

Recreational activities include Bingo Buck parties at 10 a.m. on Jan. 14 and 24. The monthly birthday party will be on

Jan. 25, and our potluc Brownsville Senior Center

January Highlights k luncheon will be on Jan. 21.

We do exercise by video at 9:30 a.m. each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

We have activities planned for each day; just come out and join us.

Special health screenings will be conducted here at 8:30 a.m. on Jan. 27.

For more information on this and any other activities, call 772-2438, and ask for Peggy or Reba.

Brownsville Senior Center January Highlights

Temperatures have dropped, and holiday festivities are in full swing. Sometimes we have so much going on this time of year that we don’t feel like spending a lot of time cooking. We would rather have a hot meal waiting on us when we come home – one that we don’t have to dedicate time and effort to making after a long day of work, school concerts for the kids, and Christmas shopping. That’s why I enjoy Brunswick stew: it’s hearty, it’s full of vegetables, and it’s ready by the time you get home.

A few weeks ago, I shared my butternut squash soup recipe. It’s delicious, but it requires attention. I have to dedicate an hour or so to preparing it, so after a long day at work, I don’t always want to watch a pot of soup all evening long. On the other hand, Brunswick stew requires a little effort up front, but once the ingredients are chopped, I put everything in the crock-pot and let it do the work for me.

Some readers may be a little intimidated by a recipe that calls for so many steps, but if you cook the meat in the slow

cooker the night before and chop your vegetables in advance, all you have to do is combine your ingredients the next morning and set the cooking time. By the time everyone is home in the evening, you will have a delicious home cooked meal waiting.

I usually use Boston butt pork roast when I can fi nd it, but any other meat would work as well. Traditionally, a wide variety of meats have been used in this dish, and in mass quantities, variations of this make up the most common fundraising stews in the South. For the more adventurous and/or avid hunters, try adding squirrel, rabbit, or quail meat.

To fi nd additional recipes, check out the “Just a Pinch” column, or visit www.justapinch.com.

“Thyme to Cook” will be a regular feature in the Brownsville States-Graphic.

We welcome reader recipes, so send your favorite recipe to [email protected] or mail them to Brownsville States-Graphic c/o Mary Dunbar, P.O. Box 59, Brownsville, TN 38012.

Brunswick stewIngredients:1 1/2-3 lbs. boneless pork shoulder roast (Boston butt) or other meat of your preference1 onion, chopped1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes1 18 oz. bottle of barbecue sauce (KC Masterpiece Original works well)2 16 oz. cans of chicken broth1 9 oz. package of frozen baby lima beans (or one can drained)1 9 oz. package of frozen corn (or one can drained)1 9 oz. package of frozen diced potatoes (or half a pound of red roasting potatoes peeled)1 tsp. salt1 tsp. pepper

Directions:Add one 16 oz. can of chicken broth, and cook roast in crock-pot on low heat until it shreds. Shred meat, and return to liquid in crock-pot. Add all additional ingredients.Bring to a boil and cook 3-8 hours on low heat.If your crock-pot is too small for all ingredients to fi t, you may have to simmer stew in a large pot on the stove.Serve piping hot with crackers or fresh bread.

Still time for dinner during busy holiday events

Brownsville at your Fingertips


STATES-GRAPHICTo subscribe, call


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