aa qjbe^ - prince william county,...

EZ^ i,, .|j.. VOL.-XIX. N o . 2, f MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR E;\STERN COLLEGE CLOSES J. E. TRIBBLE GOES TO PEN United States Cbnimis- Had OIVOTCMI Him Has Tioba «ioner of Educatk>n. ' , STo Think U Chrc*v ~ Our last week's r port of the John Edward Tribble was tried - ovante ot th^ fourcci^nth ArtnuftI »" the eireuit cuurt Tuwwfaiy on Coramencement. May 27, to June the charge of bigamy and sen' 2, of Eastern College, closed with tenced to three years ip the pen the Exhibition Concert by the itentiary, pupils of the Pianqforte and Vo- cal Departftwnt* on the evening Several wheka ago Tribbie mar- ried a young lady living near MANASSAS HIGH FINAli lARWAGi OF «HSS FOLEY rflOW^TOK i t t W e iJNiONS vertity of Virginia Will De- iiyer of Thursday. This event was Manassas and it wasBubgequentty followed on Friday afternoon "by learned he had a wife in Rich- an exhibit and reception hy the "^ond from whom he Jhad not School of Art. of which Mrs. H. b«en divorced. Tribble'a excuse U. Roop and Miss Eliae Stevens. ^OJ" hia second marriage was that are directors. This department ^^ ^^^ ^>^^ before Justice John of'Eastern deserves spei;ial men- Crutchfield in Richmond some tion, for itf accoraplishmenia are nwnths before, charged with seldom equalled, -and rwely are cruelty to his first wife, aad that jexcjUfid^ilhe] Deloies Buch, be had been admonished t>y the The commencement exercises ef the Manassas—AgriuuUural High School will be held at Con- ner's hail next Friday night. The usual program will be given oi inusic, orations by th^students «nd the preaentatieso^ diplcnnas and prizes. A selection of unusually beau- tiful songs has been Boade this year and the chords class is pre- pared to ^ive them with fine effect The annual address will be spyen by Dr. Wm, H. Heck, tk the University of Virginia. - Dr. Known Hmre. Becomes Bride - -of Harrisburg ^ w t e r . Valuable Information How ToG«tRid^»f Pert. The Methodist church parson- One of the greatest vegetable age in Harrlgonburg" Ti'ag the I peatg wlth-yftigh the fsriiitiir has scene of a very pretty marriage j to contend is the wild onion or ceremony Monday evening..at|garlic, and the Virginia.Depaft-laaa, and with Hon! Chrfa. J. Clawdine' McCul- justice and "wanted not to go near inng^ti gnH Aria Mi^Hiat/.T. .m/^..r her again, whjch wBHjnti^mretftd tlie direction of MiSs Stevens, by him as an Troficraii legal di- credit upon tbe^-skifl-of these ingly." . _ M. young ladies and their highly ef- i When the caae was c&Ued there ferient instructor;—-- — - '—- were .seated in the eourt-gee» Equal credit is also due th^.two womeit;, whom Tribbls had 8tudent84n the art of china deg-^lemnly pledged to love anVilcmiMng nmla of __ oration, naturalistic 4fld convex^ ehernh throagl l ! f e . J ^ A l b - | | ^ ^ fortunate to tlonal, under the direction of Mra.t>>eN<»--l *nd Mm. Tribblg N<H """^ nam^ of the graduates Rodp. Thebeaotiful productions., ^'^^^ they were:the cynostu-ejcannot be announced this weiek. in the pMntiog Mid decora- o^ all eyes; JWii" '"' " 7:8& o'clodc, wb ?n Miss Margaret! mtht of Agriculture has furnished Lee Foley, youngest daughter of | the following information as to Mr.-aad-Mrs. J. B.- Feiey, of Ihow-^o^rid-fehe fara»^ tbefieat-jwas paid Tuesday afternoon by Harrisonburg,became the charm- j It says: ' 'The wild onion matures ing bride of Mr, William Henry Aughiftbaugh,of Harrisburg.Pa., the nuptial cerwstony being per- formed by the bride's pastor, Rev. H. M. Canter, of the Har- risonburg Methodist Episcopal chuitb. Htick, who is one of the ablest men^bers of the univerBitv fa<v ulty, has made special research in the ^alA ef high ochoel tduca' tion and is therefore peculiarly •well fitted to-deal with ^lernany- problems that ewi|gant- the high ~8cho0ls.ip'thelf "eirortsto ifieet successfully the complex and in- nftftda of moHprri y^iira. ithen: tiv^e tn^efa cT g r Art Jbtepart. U^MMI imtffiatfe wrUBcatea> ments should be seen to b^ appra- the hands of the twowomgajn- ciated. The work of little Miss volvinfir the prisoBeraA the bar it Manrafet Kephatt Roep, showg did t6H tak^Tong for an agree- she isendowed, and gives MomUe thAdrfeMejcdthfepwoert;^ ^ ^^fiK°^°Jffi^^ ^ h i g h artistic attaiiimeS. V:^tht«h|ld plead gfiUtyahd^r^^ Friday evening, there wasV tttPJself upon ^KLSietejr^of the feeeital'by thepdpite/g'tfte Exv igPUEt,;^^«^tKbrte the-ge^ ression Departaneot In'tlf* pres- a«l* a^i stated. ce Of a larjge and appreciative i lence. Thenuinbe^s, Ith' in ekKSttMeg-l a a qjBE^ pot seen by the teacher onlal given. out for the examinackto^ Jareaetby. the General Board ef miinicry apd imp6«>nation wpre - . . , ,.. , «• « »»« Ki HAlhtmoyt^l aiid • elieeied Ui Atncujfairal I ijili ft JMUjr^ ft 'tie echo; eSpedially therecftai of "jylttie Si8ter'^^tory»" by uttie - Miss Roop; the dual impersol^ •tion by Miasi Heteiuliewis ip C6<ka|N*»* WMjidiir fa< -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne of Berenice,' and in ^^ ;^„^;iitH«.i ffwh g;.>»>rtl will •TEe Wssmg SpecticTes;" toel~n4 „p ^ j„^ 13 ^^i, ^^, excellent rendition of After flie ^^^ ^^i^ ^ more fuHy di- Ball," by Miss ^dk! Middleton; scribed-eteewbere. . Che Obliging Lady Boarder^^y^ a very clever piayiet-'^iiis besc ^^^^ enterprises of tke Agri- Giri" with M188 Margaret O'Ned,^!^^^ Hi^j, School wfll con- - as Mrs. Tr>gtworthy anfl RfatriPP ^m^. wilbout -x a te r m 1 a a 1 o n Reichie. and Aylett Ctefk as Mr.! througlioat the summer. The Trustworthy, m which domestic Q-^^ Tomato Club, under the infrficityas tfae-Tmnft-nf^cqp.^y^gto^ o f ^ i s s Johnson; the tion and ;'Tin Green-eyed Mon- g^^y^, c^^n Club under the gai- ster" was moat P»t>»elly-p(H'- ^^^VP nf Wr n„l«w^y-fe^W f ^f^y^i ' _ _ ing tiie best of progress. Prof. The rendition «rf the The Rear ^^^^ ^jij ^^^^ ^n duty uii- -pers" by the Girls' Glee Club was ^j, ^^^^ ^^^ j ^ ^ ^^^^^ j ^ ^ j also ^ feature af^feaai^finjoyt, ^j, ^^ actively tmdei^toke the •ment. Unch f!r«>dit ia d.ie to Miss E l 5 r ^gtpvens, the teacher of the Be ^^^^ ^ ^ g,^^ opportuuity fw \ Tb«' cessation of the school aa4he-Baark8 for the year arenot. jMtcii. made up until thefiwa)eTiamina- tioB papers are all returned from the Uiuveiaity o| Virf^nia. 'in the system now used by the Bcfaool. aiid which has been in only ^ sits; of Vi^ginia'^to be marked^ MtQie<itiirot>bns used; which i— <3«yege-Entrance to fiilfil th^ enthttice require- ine ats <rf all the gregter cdHeges. '"" teriyarsipee ot—tfafr-tHM^i^ .TptneetflUftCfiflflfnllranflhrig- orous conditions the classes have to be prepared with most sedu- I0U8 care and it is <wily those stU' dents moreoyer who entes^^^ths high- school: srefl .jirepared and ^aoers- of-that aiS^ wprk st^aadib^ throughout the '"'^ c(Hirse who are able to c<»nplete it in four ^ears. But the results of the plrfn are well worth the per of years is in large measure respensiye f6r the high stand ards of work now prevailing in the school and fur lite uiiifufuriy good records of its graduates. . Announcement will- be made in npvt wppk^g iaaiie for to be given TueediQr night, Jane 17, for the b e n ^ o f tMsdkfotie MEEHiG TdWK (MRt Provision Made For Addkioaal Tib Mu mjjwurzn^a UM>^ririn|5 ux jr-s f wee in midsummer, each plant having at that time at its' base a large, soft-shdled bulb and several smaller, hard-shelled bulbs. The HONORCONFEPERA'TCDEAD Beautiful and ImpreMive Exer- cises Mark. Memorial Day In 'Contedetate Cemetery. Within the sacred precincts of theBileiircItyof the Confederate dead on the outskirts qf .vlanas- Meetze as master of ceremonies, touching and beautiful tribute the Manassas Chapters of the Ladies* Memorial Association and United Daughters of the Confed- eracy and the children of the Ma- nassas graded schools to the mem- tfacbride, and Mrs. H. L WiUis. of Manaspas, were^ matrons of boner, and Mr. Robeil L. WilllB," fcnroerly of Manassas and a Imjllief-liPHW m lint bMii, ms best mftn. The bride was handsomefy at^ tired in-white-satin apd carried a beautiful bouquet of bride's ro8^_and her matrons of honor innk rwies. Her--^:eing-_ayay tarn asMi nu»y the coople was driven to the bride's hcone on East Eliza- betii street, where they, together WTOC a n umber of ] (d.'tk baffet loncikeoja. ~tL~BasK^ef soft-shelled bulb g e r m i n a t e s ory of the departed heroes of the shortly afterward, so that thelSouthem. caupe, when their following spring this new plant mounds' m u t e teatimbttals of their devotion and sacrifice for their beloved—Snnthiatui y,fxin Mra. Bertie WilHs,-| sister of'has began to form new bntbs; thp harfl^hotlaH hiiiha hnnryv^r do not germinate at once, the moui Of Ihem- waiting until the following spring tirstart growth. J.O eraaicate tne plant it is necessary to take advantage of the knowledge given abqye^ llie land should be _" -fall, as deeply as possible, in or? der to deeply oovor the plants that have come up from the soft* shelled bulbs betme th^ ^^^ IC~ produce yom^ bulbe; -^le gown^w«r-qf-hand«ane_Kay «>,,Produce young bulb8.-^he prepare for the crcq? bs eaiTy HM puBsible harrowinar. oref uiwmy with ytPBc; tholPindrbcinff gone over freqnentiy enough to prevent,any top growth of tha onion.. "AftM" planting the crop, corn or cotton being the, best 'uitip^ful the t)ltfpoBe, tKe ^^'- " at.6 o'tloclc next nuaming. -.1 :: --Tr:r!:':F3~:i:3r "I'l*"' ••• H'" ™" th*>*nin t ^ j g friends wereat tha d^wt to Ind •dl9to:'^he haMor pair and to|. jdki'Mwm.niany years-of unal to^Bd haitiHneiB. They went to the home of the groom's parents Ifeai OF IBS WftHMK gfmg to their future h6m« in Harrtdbarg w h o e Mr. Augi^- baugh has a position as oomposi-. tor OH one df the teiwliuK news- The bride is <«e of Harrisbm- bnrg's meet charming a^d pofxb |lilLvq"Pg Iggea and the bride- OT .ainiaPre. •a7»j...«niu.. n* i»a» M^JJ. <^» .tt^ characteristics' and deservedly- p(q;>u]ar with a boat of friends. Among thoae from a dlaUmee who waviastteDdaneenponthe happy event were Mrs. H. Lee and uaugtHer, HiBB^eteii, of-WanasBas. and Meaw*.^ John Kil^CTand D. L. Fox, of Loray. IITERATIM N D f ^ i W r "^aailathill For Sgr"*"** Oirtiiweii . ll .fikImMnarVarr2niKV19I3.~ CSpeciil). —Thf Tianryhn irantg to make his ^vmises sanitary has a kog U^ of publkaUons for his goidanee if he will ttse the pai^;^ lets annouocad fat datribotwa partment of Expression, for mak-. jj^„ ^ ^^^ ^p ^^^ f^^^ ^ ^^^ *^-^-* ^^^°^ ^ eminaitly en- tension work a^ may be peeded. joyable. ~<, ^. ! Milk toeting, tubGrcuHn tcoting; Uha Town CouHCilTi^day flight. . he real musicalfeast of the vaccination to jsevent blackleg; j the streetcommittee maderecom- ' f ^ ^ t S ! ^ ^ ? ! ^ ! ^ ! ? ! ^"'^^^ and hog cholera, as mendationforconcretesidewalks second Exhibitem i ^ e e r t ^ «je ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^n any prob- j as foUows: On the sooth side of pupils of tba^JPwnefwte *nd Vo- ,g„g that may ewne up. Resi-i Centre between Wert street and, , ^ ^ ^ „ _. . cal Departments on Saturd^^^^, ^^ ^^^ p„^^rp eighth cnn. j Grant avenue; on went oidc of g ^ l ^^ *^ f^*' ^ ^ "^ evening, for it ^^^^tj^^gtemotial districtahouM«wwm>^w>^^r^ir.^n«nr^trn,H^^ ' -"— mtthtDi>killfnlTiymug;5fr^ ber tfart this te rdtacrfct highland Lee avenue, and on the west | Typhoid fey«r m the summer ClonnC.Gorren and MISS Nftll1e^^.^^^^^ ^^ Uie beuefiu uf which I ade of M atir^re^-^^^eaii^*'*"^ *g""'*'^^'*'^ tba^Boapd Monks was made to shine m they are entitled by asking for j Church itreet and point oppoaite ***^'*'®'*"^**"'"'«^»'« *^ greate,spiendgjUI:^gggB.bg^..ti^_^ .,_ ^,.. -^ .-^^L^^it^ommv^mttt^the north sde'^ . bristled with the efficiency of Plana are being made for & , ^ ^ ^ street and estimated the *^'^**'® *^ with, this disease,] Mi8«JKilliama_waa of A quiet shonld be to k»ep down at all ooaweddlnglireakfaat wassarved ttmcA _ th^ '"&$' 'gfowih <^ the bnion. If the plants should again xa&it as given should be the following year. ted fltrpwn withflowore;—^ Beautiful and impressive were . ory that will ever live in the hearts of all true Southerners, wfaoare ev«; mindful of the great wbieb the Swith^n isP"' diery endured through four k>ng years of privation and bkiodshed to uphold the prineiplea and :?q- maintain the rights guanmteed to them" tuider therFodcfpl eefi^ stitution. Memorises ef the saddest and most glmrious chapter in the yrar between the sfaUeC.wlBr'fevived in a mOBt muefamg and yrap^M* recital of the (events of First Bull 1ta»;iif?tald in an original poem 1^ J&*'£.I!K fe B. Clarite and whieh' wao "goad by the arithcar'. 'Pne. eoidd aloooat imagine him- 4^>.iritoe8Bto tB»t gr^^tn^r- i^ and see t±ie gleaining of the din of l)alll0~~ a^ the critical moinent whenthe Sk«^» Mor—"g^ '•'^'rriBMr (?nr Alekaadna HospitaL ^w^<>TOfwh<tlmlfltf vietoiT: MJas.Blapcbe WilBaaas, 47 years old, eldest daughlei ul the iAt« David and AUiie Williams, died at an dult^bowc Sunday momiag foll«*wing' ^ <q)eration Wednesday of last wedt, for ab^ cess of the heartT The body waa ^oqifhf here Sunday evfening and inteared ip the Manassas cemetery where brief aeryieee gerjLAiddL_The paill-bearas were D.r; C. R^ C. Johnson, O. E. Newman, G. R. Bnteliffe, J. IL Duikij, IL D. tWeniidi and W. N. WenncfiT The deceased is survived by one sister, l^rs. Jane Clark, wife ^ W. B. Cbk% Jiatioo- fmr the Southern Railway Gosi- panv at thin plai^a. of rKffi»i, and by one brother. R. Lee il^ Hams, of near Hoedley, 'Bfewein of the death ^-Misa wmiame eamc as a surprtse-te- her many friends in Manassas who were unacquainted witb^w p i n e a l conditaonbiaing. such as to require the sorgewi's knife. She left lH?re for Alexandria at tide was tiUnwlfioiu an Impeiid- iUgiifeXieat uf thegwitlnifirfef^jr A beatttifnl podm,deieply tinged witB tender pathos, entitled "Hie Defeated Raff*' was read by Dr;^ - H. M. Glaiitwn, its anthOT, add rite sontonenr enamitfed from_3 true Soath»ner aiHl ia consistent with humble subnna- BioH to the "dlfepeusations ofTBr <^v»de^-Providen<terit^ failed to inspu-c cnthufliflctie applause. A paper" fyom Miss Mildr^ Ruther- ford/ of Georgia, histonan-gen- eral of the U. D. C , who as a thorough hjatorian hag few cq^Md»- was rea(f in good vwce byuSuper- intendent of Schools Tyler, con- deinhed the miantntcmcnt of facts relation to the brilliant in- tdlect and gkurioas achievements of Southern people in the history of t|)is nsLtian aa I writteq by Ndrtbac taaght in fleuthera aelwels. Beautiful Southxifh mclodiios tfebn en Tuwiday of last wiedEfe rendcared by a chocr olf male yoicee adtfeTaggtional pfttbga to the. UBprBBaoB^eEemaniaa^ Croaaoa of honor were bestowed by Mri. "S. V. ^cTair, president of the Manassas Qiapter of U. 0; C. up(Hi B. k. ^oemakerand~ Andet^C Umiederate veterans; ^faa. AdaPavferdau^ ter of a Confederate veteran, aiMl Hugh H, Weedon. son of a Con- - the purpose of ocmsulting a spee: riahat dnd itlraa httie thought that she wdutarwilhin such brief . fipnnri hf hnHight backjLgfln»fer-^'l5J'f^!r!^g!:^^^ ^'"« »«;-_ nrni; -. ^\f » „„i^*'liestbwed afio tBechcHr was sing- federate vetefan. their studen^, light of th at thiBOonc , mnch to the da- audittes. It was ,that tha technigup largf filmm"'•''• FlTnnyn* Tinffft ^^Hh^^fto'^^^F^S^iiie: In addition to the Bnlletin on iun«Buming disposition, pursuing p^^^ ^uching anthem, the child- sofnetime earry m Augusr ^ly, STSOr Tftstportionofthe re^l typhoid Fever, on Flies and on her business of dressmaker witbi tute to be held in the open air ren fiied into the monument en- •P $ R ml Bit)iHllH!iiUlf' P l t t t r ! ™ T * 7 ' " T ' ^ is a newbuDetin on Good and sincerity of purpose. Dbr- ^ ^^"^'^Q^ '>'*xx* crimsoned Ma- nd-^McCullou^h and of Messrs ^,!e'*^1d'tS'itJ^^ S f ^ ' t i ^ ^ S ^ ohnson Preset and-Wagener,l[«^-g_^^^^^ d^Ufled .ug«e.t««r forgWanasm not an onkind-w^ was heard to best advantage, as , , , , „hi..h s^ema t^ dm.hl^ fh^^f., Z,,^^. iA^t^r. .nH r^fPtt^tmff the yater-snnMif rhe. ,^ suoktn SMaiiul liei aiid lUU •^"f'j'";'- TTZ^l^'.Clu " base of the mominwnt. V.U. -SLV^ . , w « . '''sL^v Potssh. - - --- - - —^-vtig^Tm-aa^iayrv^^ {upon the apex"oTwRTcTi-Mo.>i fne KgHr- ^^^ 'e**«^-^.»fao<^->yjl^^:^terestirigft>t^ft^^tnCT^^CT!^gt^^^ffom'Qeo^Wv-Btyae'.«<aattb6.G>Mef-Iy»b«dy^ ^-T tww«-offr«©ldi«wfl-tW attrttwe- *- Sli»u,"+jy the Girls' Glee ^'ub tTieeTfecToTdTfTerfentAmounts6f ili^TcTTWTerminafidh fiTlBfe*'^ T»«* bnttetini on Matolat''- —— If • It V.-t •• w^r^ rvr r was a fitting finale to the even- Unie on the seeding of alfalfais -^reaent board walk oppoaite the "^"^ « 1 ^ - ^ ?^M''''^ 'f?^ -Mr. Ben. F. Foley's appoint- f^.^-'^^ ^^^ in the ' ing-sentertainment.elicitingpro- ^^^ j^^^r^L\r.td.Xt^'^^-^"^-^ "^ W. ^^^nK^'^^^^jT^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^ ^hfe^^d^U^:.- longed applause. _^ ^L™ . "?^_i?..,"r TT? __!j w.^ r^f^rw^ to tne ^ ^ iL,.w«f « ^ H ^ - a « J ^ rt.^"Claa-kc county, was conf.rr^.Ld hv -^heir e1urr,ner? trnttt tr- Mport. > cal numbers by Miaaes Gamson. with the soil receiving no nitrate ;^^ ^^ ,,; ^^, ^^^ . • A Uunut l>^ home. ^^ this the. ^^g^ r >. r lr r Hnfrhinnn « ^ «»• fanT liav UK uhuAuliunt acid and '^""l" ^^ r* " ^ . r ^ . ' f ^ ^ T n - B o t r d has issued a apecia^^pkca^^ i^i^ a^_»r^ 6&^ M«n- ** the -b+*r* c. Hutehioo«, ano- «r-: ^_ .^ » ** ^ -;waarnn t h r north aide-of Mam contsttrtis^BedsideDir^tionrrOT rfe«>d»^» "'» *^'^ ^™^^ rnm-| .-.f r OnticMed on Second Pajfe used and t>*. r^nlt^ «rp mn.<t was-jcferred to tne street com- gpon request addressedJto the C^ajjfg gQ""^^- "^^ con..rr^.u: nsarked. ^ raittes. " State Board^ot^jeaSHT "^ Tj^ejSenaPe <fh Mondav.^ •rection room.

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Page 1: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne


i , , . | j . . VOL.-XIX. N o . 2,



United States Cbnimis- Had OIVOTCMI Him Has Tioba «ioner of Educatk>n. ' , — S T o Think U Chrc*v ~

Our last week's r port of the John Edward Tribble was tried - ovante ot th^ fourcci^nth ArtnuftI »" the eireuit cuurt Tuwwfaiy on

Coramencement. May 27, to June the charge of bigamy and sen' 2, of Eastern College, closed with tenced to three years ip the pen the Exhibition Concert by the itentiary, pupils of the Pianqforte and Vo­cal Departftwnt* on the evening

Several wheka ago Tribbie mar­ried a young lady living near


vertity of Virginia Will De-iiyer

of Thursday. This event was Manassas and it wasBubgequentty followed on Friday afternoon "by learned he had a wife in Rich-an exhibit and reception hy the "^ond from whom he Jhad not School of Art. of which Mrs. H. b«en divorced. Tribble'a excuse U. Roop and Miss Eliae Stevens. OJ" hia second marriage was that are directors. This department ^^ ^^^ ^>^^ before Justice John of'Eastern deserves spei;ial men- Crutchfield in Richmond some tion, for itf accoraplishmenia are nwnths before, charged with seldom equalled, -and rwely are cruelty to his first wife, aad that

jexcjUfid^ilhe] Deloies Buch,

be had been admonished t>y the

The commencement exercises ef the • Manassas—AgriuuUural High School will be held at Con­ner's hail next Friday night.

The usual program will be given oi inusic, orations by th^students «nd the preaentatieso^ diplcnnas and prizes.

A selection of unusually beau­tiful songs has been Boade this year and the chords class is pre­pared to ^ive them with fine effect

The annual address will be spyen by Dr. Wm, H. Heck, tk the University of Virginia. - Dr.

Known Hmre. Becomes Bride - -of Harrisburg ^ w t e r .

Valuable Information How ToG«tRid^»f Pert.

The Methodist church parson- One of the greatest vegetable age in Harrlgonburg" Ti'ag the I peatg wlth-yftigh the fsriiitiir has scene of a very pretty marriage j to contend is the wild onion or ceremony Monday evening..at|garlic, and the Virginia.Depaft-laaa, and with Hon! Chrfa. J.

Clawdine' McCul- justice and "wanted not to go near inng ti gnH Aria Mi Hiat/.T. .m/ ..r her again, whjch wBHjnti^mretftd tlie direction of MiSs Stevens, by him as an Troficraii legal di-

credit upon tbe^-skifl-of these ingly." . _


young ladies and their highly ef- i When the caae was c&Ued there ferient instructor;—-- — - '—- were .seated in the eourt-gee»

Equal credit is also due th^.two womeit;, whom Tribbls had 8tudent84n the art of china deg-^lemnly pledged to love anVilcmiMng nmla of __ oration, naturalistic 4fld convex^ ehernh throagl l ! f e . J ^ A l b - | | ^ ^ fortunate to tlonal, under the direction of Mra.t>>eN<»--l *nd Mm. Tribblg N<H """^ nam^ of the graduates Rodp. Thebeaotiful productions., ^'^^^ they were:the cynostu-ejcannot be announced this weiek.

in the pMntiog Mid decora- o all eyes; JWii" '"' "

7:8& o'clodc, wb ?n Miss Margaret! mtht of Agriculture has furnished Lee Foley, youngest daughter of | the following information as to Mr.-aad-Mrs. J. B.- Feiey, of Ihow- o rid-fehe fara»^ tbefieat-jwas paid Tuesday afternoon by Harrisonburg,became the charm- j It says: ' 'The wild onion matures ing bride of Mr, William Henry Aughiftbaugh,of Harrisburg.Pa., the nuptial cerwstony being per­formed by the bride's pastor, Rev. H. M. Canter, of the Har­risonburg Methodist Episcopal chuitb.

Htick, who is one of the ablest men^bers of the univerBitv fa<v ulty, has made special research in the ^alA ef high ochoel tduca' tion and is therefore peculiarly •well fitted to-deal with lernany-problems that ewi|gant- the high ~8cho0ls.ip'thelf "eirortsto ifieet successfully the complex and in-

nftftda of moHprri y^iira.

ithen: tiv e tn^efa cT g r Art Jbtepart. U^MMI imtffiatfe wrUBcatea> ments should be seen to b^ appra- the hands of the twowomgajn-ciated. The work of little Miss volvinfir the prisoBeraA the bar it Manrafet Kephatt Roep, showg did t6H tak^Tong for an agree-

she isendowed, and gives MomUe thAdrfeMejcdthfepwoert;^ ^ ^ ^ f i K ° ^ ° J f f i ^ ^ ^ h i g h artistic attaiiimeS. V:^tht«h|ld plead gfiUtyahd^r^^

Friday evening, there wasV tttPJself upon ^KLSietejr^of the feeeital'by thepdpite/g'tfte Exv igPUEt,; « tKbrte the-ge^

ression Departaneot In'tlf* pres- a«l* a i stated. ce Of a larjge and appreciative i

lence. Thenuinbe^s, Ith' in ekKSttMeg-l

a a qjBE pot seen by the • teacher onlal given. out for the examinackto^

Jareaetby. the General Board ef

miinicry apd imp6«>nation wpre - . . , , . . , « • « »»« Ki HAlhtmoyt^l aiid • elieeied Ui Atncujfairal • I ijili ft J M U j r ^


' t i e echo; eSpedially therecftai of "jylttie Si8ter'^^tory»" by uttie

- Miss Roop; the dual impersol^ •tion by Miasi Heteiuliewis ip

C6<ka|N*»* WMjidiir fa< -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit

The achool year for the Manaa •'Wowne of Berenice,' and in ^^ ;^„^;iitH«.i ffwh g;.>»>rtl will •TEe Wssmg SpecticTes;" toel~n4 „p j „ ^ 13 ^^i, ^^,

excellent rendition of After flie ^^^ ^ ^ i ^ ^ more fuHy di-Ball," by Miss ^dk! Middleton; scribed-eteewbere. .

Che Obliging Lady Boarder^^y^

a very clever piayiet-'^iiis besc ^^^^ enterprises of tke Agri-Giri" with M188 Margaret O'Ned,^!^^^ Hi^j, School wfll con-

- as Mrs. Tr>gtworthy anfl RfatriPP ^m^. wilbout -x a te r m 1 a a 1 o n Reichie. and Aylett Ctefk as Mr.! througlioat the summer. The Trustworthy, m which domestic Q-^^ Tomato Club, under the infrficityas tfae-Tmnft-nf^cqp.^y^gto^ o f ^ i s s Johnson; the tion and ;'Tin Green-eyed Mon- g y , c^^n Club under the gai-ster" was moat P»t>»elly-p(H'- ^^^VP nf Wr n„l«w^y-fe^W

f ^f^y^i ' _ _ ing tiie best of progress. Prof.

The rendition «rf the The Rear ^^^^ ^jij ^^^^ n duty uii--pers" by the Girls' Glee Club was ^j, ^^^^ ^^^ j ^ ^ ^^^^^ j ^ ^ j also feature af^feaai^finjoyt, ^ j , ^ ^ actively tmdei toke the •ment.

Unch f!r«>dit ia d.ie to Miss E l 5 r ^gtpvens, the teacher of the Be ^^^^ ^ ^ g, ^ opportuuity fw

\ Tb«' cessation of the school

aa4he-Baark8 f or the year arenot. jMtcii. made up until the fiwa) eTiamina-tioB papers are all returned from the Uiuveiaity o| Virf^nia.

'in the system now used by the Bcfaool. aiid which has been in

only ^ sits; of Vi ginia' to be marked^ MtQie<itiirot>bns used; which i—

<3«yege-Entrance to fiilfil th^ enthttice require-ine ats <rf all the gregter cdHeges. '"" teriyarsipee ot—tfafr-tHM i

.Tptneet flUftCfiflflfnllranflh rig-orous conditions the classes have to be prepared with most sedu-I0U8 care and it is <wily those stU' dents moreoyer who entes ^ ths high- school: srefl .jirepared and ^aoers- of-that aiS^ wprk st aadib throughout the '"'^ c(Hirse who are able to c<»nplete it in four ^ears. But the results of the plrfn are well worth the

per of years is in large measure respensiye f6r the high stand ards of work now prevailing in the school and fur lite uiiifufuriy good records of its graduates. .

Announcement will- be made in npvt wppk g iaaiie for to be given TueediQr night, Jane 17, for the b e n ^ o f tMsdkfotie


Provision Made For Addkioaal

Tib Mu mjjwurzn^a UM> ririn|5 ux

jr-s f w e e

in midsummer, each plant having at that time at its' base a large, soft-shdled bulb and several smaller, hard-shelled bulbs. The

HONORCONFEPERA'TCDEAD Beautiful and ImpreMive Exer­

cises Mark. Memorial Day In 'Contedetate Cemetery.

Within the sacred precincts of theBileiircItyof the Confederate dead on the outskirts qf .vlanas-

Meetze as master of ceremonies, touching and beautiful tribute

the Manassas Chapters of the Ladies* Memorial Association and United Daughters of the Confed­eracy and the children of the Ma­nassas graded schools to the mem-

tfacbride, and Mrs. H. L WiUis. of Manaspas, were^ matrons of boner, and Mr. Robeil L. WilllB," fcnroerly of Manassas and a Imjllief-liPHW m lint bMii, ms best mftn.

The bride was handsomefy at tired in-white-satin apd carried a beautiful bouquet of bride's ro8^_and her matrons of honor innk rwies. Her--^:eing-_ayay

tarn asMi nu»y the coople was driven to the bride's hcone on East Eliza-betii street, where they, together WTOC a n umber of ] (d.'tk baffet loncikeoja. ~tL~BasK^ef

soft-shelled bulb g e r m i n a t e s ory of the departed heroes of the shortly afterward, so that thelSouthem. caupe, when their following spring this new plant mounds' mute teatimbttals of

their devotion and sacrifice for their beloved—Snnthiatui y,fxin

Mra. Bertie WilHs,-| sister of'has began to form new bntbs; t h p harfl^hotlaH hiiiha hnnryv^r

do not germinate at once, the moui Of Ihem- waiting until the following spring tirstart growth.

J.O eraaicate tne plant it is necessary to take advantage of the knowledge given abqye^ ll ie land should be _" -fall, as deeply as possible, in or? der to deeply oovor the plants that have come up from the soft* shelled bulbs betme t h ^ ^^^ IC~ produce yom^ bulbe; - ^ l e gown^w«r-qf-hand«ane_Kay «>,,Produce young bulb8.-^he

prepare for the crcq? bs

eaiTy HM puBsible harrowinar. oref

uiwmy with ytPBc; tholPindrbcinff gone over freqnentiy enough to prevent,any top growth of tha onion.. "AftM" planting the crop, corn or cotton being the, best

'uitip^ful the t)ltfpoBe, tKe ^^'- "

at.6 o'tloclc next nuaming. -.1 :: --Tr:r!:':F3~:i:3r "I'l*"' ••• H'" ™" th*>*nin t ^ j g

friends wereat tha d^wt to Ind •dl9to:'^he haMor pair and to|. jdki'Mwm.niany years-of unal to Bd haitiHneiB. They went to the home of the groom's parents

I f e a i OF IBS WftHMK

gfmg to their future h6m« in Harrtdbarg whoe Mr. Augi^-baugh has a position as oomposi-. tor OH one df the teiwliuK news-

The bride is <«e of Harrisbm-bnrg's meet charming a^d pofxb

|lilLvq"Pg Iggea and the bride-OT .ainiaPre. •a7»j. . .«niu.. n* i»a» M ^ J J . <^» .tt^

characteristics' and deservedly-p(q;>u]ar with a boat of friends.

Among thoae from a dlaUmee who waviastteDdaneenponthe happy event were Mrs. H. Lee

and uaugtHer, HiBB^eteii, of-WanasBas. and Meaw*. John Kil CTand D. L. Fox, of Loray.


"^aailathill For Sgr"*"** Oirtiiweii

. ll .fikImMnarVarr2niKV19I3.~ CSpeciil). —Thf Tianryhn irantg to make his vmises sanitary has a kog U^ of publkaUons for his goidanee if he will ttse the pai^;^ lets annouocad fat datribotwa

partment of Expression, for mak-. jj^„ ^^^ ^p ^^ f^^^ ^ ^^^ *^-^-* ^^^°^ ^ eminaitly en- tension work a^ may be peeded. joyable. ~ < , . ! Milk toeting, tubGrcuHn tcoting; Uha Town CouHCilTi^day flight.

. he real musicalfeast of the vaccination to jsevent blackleg; j the streetcommittee maderecom-' f ^ ^ t S ! ^ ^ ? ! ^ ! ^ ! ? ! ^"'^^^ and hog cholera, as mendationforconcretesidewalks

second Exhibitem i ^ e e r t ^ «je ^ ^ ^ ^^^^ n any prob- j as foUows: On the sooth side of pupils of tba^JPwnefwte *nd Vo- ,g„g that may ewne up. Resi-i Centre between Wert street and, , ^ ^ ^ „ _. . cal Departments on Saturd^^^^, ^ ^^^ p„ rp eighth cnn. j Grant avenue; on went oidc of g ^ l ^^ *^ f^*' ^ ^ " evening, for it ^^^tj^^gtemotial districtahouM«wwm>^w>^^r^ir.^n«nr^trn,H^^ ' -"— mtthtDi>killfnlTiymug;5fr^ ber tfart this te rdtacrfct highland Lee avenue, and on the west | Typhoid fey«r m the summer ClonnC.Gorren and MISS Nftll1e . ^ ^ ^^ Uie beuefiu uf which I ade of M at ir^re^-^^^eai i^*'*"^ *g""'*'^^'*'^ tba^Boapd Monks w a s made to shine m they are entitled by asking for j Church itreet and point oppoaite ***^'*'®'*"^**"'"'«^»'« * ^ greate,spiendgjUI:^gggB.bg^..ti^_^ .,_ ^ , . . -^ .-^^L^^it^ommv^mttt^the north sde'^ . bristled with the efficiency of Plana are being made for & , ^^^ street and estimated the * ' **'® * ^ with, this disease,] Mi8«JKilliama_waa of A quiet

shonld be to k»ep down at all ooaweddlnglireakfaat wassarved ttmcA _ th^ '"&$' 'gfowih <^ the

bnion. If the plants should again

xa&it as given should be the following year.


fltrpwn with flow ore;—^ Beautiful and impressive were .

ory that will ever live in the hearts of all true Southerners, wfaoare ev«; mindful of the great

wbieb the Swith^n isP"' diery endured through four k>ng years of privation and bkiodshed to uphold the prineiplea and


maintain the rights guanmteed to them" tuider therFodcfpl eefi^ stitution.

Memorises ef the saddest and most glmrious chapter in the yrar between the sfaUeC.wlBr'fevived in a mOBt muefamg and yrap^M* recital of the (events of First Bull 1ta»;iif?tald in an original poem 1^ J&*'£.I!K fe B. Clarite and whieh' wao "goad by the arithcar'. 'Pne. eoidd aloooat imagine him-4^>.iritoe8Bto tB»t gr^^tn^r-i ^ and see t±ie gleaining of

the din of l)alll0~~ a the critical moinent whenthe

Sk«^» Mor—"g '•' 'rriBMr (?nr

Alekaadna HospitaL ^w^<>TOfwh<tlmlfltf vietoiT:

MJas.Blapcbe WilBaaas, 47 years old, eldest daughlei ul the iAt« David and AUiie Williams, died at an dult^bowc Sunday momiag f oll«*wing' ^ <q)eration

Wednesday of last wedt, for ab^ cess of the heartT

The body waa o q i f h f here Sunday evfening and inteared ip the Manassas cemetery where brief aeryieee gerjLAiddL_The paill-bearas were D.r; C. R^ C. Johnson, O. E. Newman, G. R. Bnteliffe, J. IL Duikij, IL D.

tWeniidi and W. N. WenncfiT The deceased is survived by

one sister, l^rs. Jane Clark, wife ^ W. B. Cbk% Jiatioo-fmr the Southern Railway Gosi-panv at thin plai a. of rKffi»i, and by one brother. R. Lee V» il^ Hams, of near Hoedley,

'Bfewein of the death ^-Misa wmiame eamc as a surprtse-te-her many friends in Manassas who were unacquainted witb^w p i n e a l conditaonbiaing. such as to require the sorgewi's knife. She left lH?re for Alexandria at

tide was tiUnwlfioiu an Impeiid-iUgiifeXieat uf thegwitlnifirfef^jr

A beatttifnl podm,deieply tinged witB tender pathos, entitled "Hie Defeated Raff*' was read by Dr; -H. M. Glaiitwn, its anthOT, add

rite sontonenr enamitfed from_3 true Soath»ner aiHl ia consistent with humble subnna-BioH to the "dlfepeusations ofTBr <^v»de^-Providen<terit^ failed to inspu-c cnthufliflctie applause. A paper" fyom Miss Mildr^ Ruther­ford/ of Georgia, histonan-gen-eral of the U. D. C , who as a thorough hjatorian hag few cq Md»-was rea(f in good vwce byuSuper-intendent of Schools Tyler, con-deinhed the miantntcmcnt of facts

relation to the brilliant in-tdlect and gkurioas achievements of Southern people in the history of t|)is nsLtian aa I writteq by Ndrtbac taaght in fleuthera aelwels.

Beautiful Southxifh mclodiios

tfebn en Tuwiday of last wiedEfe

rendcared by a chocr olf male yoicee adtfeTaggtional pfttbga to the. UBprBBaoB^eEemaniaa^

Croaaoa of honor were bestowed by Mri. "S. V. ^cTair, president of the Manassas Qiapter of U. 0; C. up(Hi B. k. ^oemakerand~

Andet^C Umiederate veterans; faa. AdaPavferdau^ ter of a Confederate veteran, aiMl Hugh H, Weedon. son of a Con- -

the purpose of ocmsulting a spee: riahat dnd itlraa httie thought that she wdutarwilhin such brief . fipnnri hf hnHight backjLgfln»fer-^'l5J'f^!r!^g!:^^^ ^'"«

»«;-_ nrni; - . ^\f » „„i^*'liestbwed afio tBechcHr was sing-

federate vetefan.

their studen^, light of th at thiBOonc

, mnch to the da-audittes. It was

,that tha technigup

largf filmm"'•''• FlTnnyn* Tinffft ^ ^ H h ^ ^ f t o ' ^ ^ ^ F ^ S ^ i i i e : In addition to the Bnlletin on iun«Buming disposition, pursuing p^^^ ^uching anthem, the child-sofnetime earry m Augusr ^ly, STSOr Tftstportionofthe re^l typhoid Fever, on Flies and on her business of dressmaker witbi tute to be held in the open air ren fiied into the monument en-

•P $


ml Bit)iHllH!iiUlf' P l t t t r ! ™ T * 7 ' " T ' ^ is a newbuDetin on Good and sincerity of purpose. Dbr- ^^"^'^Q^ '>'*xx* crimsoned Ma-

nd- McCullou^h and of Messrs ^ , ! e ' * ^ 1 d ' t S ' i t J ^ ^ S f ^ ' t i ^ ^ S ^ ohnson P r e s e t and-Wagener,l[«^-g_^^^^^ d^Ufled .ug«e.t««r f o r g W a n a s m not an onkind-w^

was heard to best advantage, as , , , , „hi..h s ema t^ dm.hl fh^^f., Z,,^^. iA^t^r. .nH r^fPtt^tmff the yater-snnMif rhe. , ^ suoktn SMaiiul liei aiid lUU • ^ " f ' j ' " ; ' - TTZ^l^'.Clu "

base of the mominwnt. V.U. -SLV^ . , w « . '''sL^v Potssh. - - --- - - —^-vtig^Tm-aa^iayrv^^ {upon the apex"oTwRTcTi-Mo.>i fne KgHr- ^ ^ ^ 'e**«^-^.»fao<^->yjl^^:^terestirig ft>t^ft^^tnCT^^CT!^gt^^^ffom'Qeo^Wv-Btyae'.«<aat tb6.G>Mef-Iy»b«dy^ — ^ - T tww«-of fr «©ldi«wfl-tW attrttwe-

*- Sli»u,"+jy the Girls' Glee ^'ub tTieeTfecToTdTfTerfentAmounts6f ili^TcTTWTerminafidh fiTlBfe*'^ T»«* bnttetini on Matolat''- — —— If • It V.-t •• w^r^ rvr r was a fitting finale to the even- Unie on the seeding of alfalfais -^reaent board walk oppoaite the " " « 1 ^ - ^ ?^M''''^ 'f?^ -Mr. Ben. F. Foley's appoint- f^.^-'^^ ^^^ in the '

ing-sentertainment.elicitingpro- ^^^ j^^^r^L\r.td.Xt^'^^-^"^-^ " W. ^^^nK^'^^^^jT^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^ h f e ^ ^ d ^ U ^ : . -longed applause. _ ^ ^L™ . "?^_i?..,"r T T ? __! j w.^ r^f^rw^ to tne ^ ^ iL,.w«f « ^ H ^ - a « J ^ rt.^"Claa-kc county, was conf.rr .Ld hv - heir e1urr,ner? trnttt tr-

Mport. >

cal numbers by Miaaes Gamson. with the soil receiving no nitrate ; ^ ^ ^ , , ; ^ , ^^^ . • A Uunut l>^ home. ^ ^ this the. ^ ^ g ^ r >. r lr r Hnfrhinnn « ^ «»• fanT liav UK uhuAuliunt acid and ' ""l" ^^ r* " ^ . r ^ . ' f ^ ^ T n - B o t r d has issued a apecia^^pkca^^ i^i^ a^_»r^ 6&^ M«n- ** the

-b+*r* c. Hutehioo«, ano- «r-: ^ _ .^ » ** ^ -— ;waarnn thr north aide-of Mam contsttrtis^BedsideDir^tionrrOT rfe«>d»^» "'» *^'^ ^™^^ rnm-|


r OnticMed on Second Pajfe

used and t>*. r^nlt^ «rp mn.<t was-jcferred to tne street com- gpon request addressedJto the C^ajjfg gQ""^ - "^^ con..rr .u: nsarked. ^ raittes. " State Board^ot^jeaSHT "^ Tj^ejSenaPe <fh Mondav.^ •rection room.

Page 2: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne



M>giitficcn< AJJrwi By

^es. ATBTT'cIiJ upon SydneyJoHnaon 3.7of Thff s«fte ye«r , , c - t

The degree of Qachelw of Arta i Tw<«ty.Si» GraduatiM and Right, monition UnHed Sutw ConuBil-^

Honor <n jaOHglfctWWi ^ "

Continued From f irs t Paff*

The BacG«I»ureate service in the auditorium Monday morning. with sermon by Dr. Roop ana the campus praise service in the early esjening. were ieatur^ of iziuch ecjoymeht Dr. Roop's sermon was full of wisdom and whole-awmnadyicc to thooo whom he

" c , ^ ^ ' '"4" -^^ Z^J^^S.Sm T^mm^^tmM tlit?ir Real Yahe t I was ccmf erred up<ui Rev. Chas. L. DeLopg, Hysttiville, Md. Miss Sherla Lee Fisher.LaCrosse.-Kan.. Mr. Richard A, Kelley, of Remington, Va., and Mr. Grovw C. Ryder, of Fair Play, S. C.

The dfigrpff nf Raehelnr of Iiit'

Honor Stodcnts R«c«iv« Di-

was instrumental in fitting for the duties^md earas^ lilei'-

Following the campus praise service, there was an able ad­dress delivered by Judge W, F. Norris. ofjhe U. S. Department oOustice, before tKeXKristiah Associations, in «rhich were em­phasized the close relation of re­ligion and education. We regret that space forbids <<mr giving a more detailed aiccount of this most excellent address.

The Ckunmencement exercises, proper, was held Monday mom-ing. beginning at lOs'y) nVlnck in

the pit- BHce of a very Iftgeaudi-ence. _

erature was conferred upon Miss Edna £. Hume, of Parsons, Kan., andMr. F^ix Newman, ot Hunts-ville, Ala., und the degree of Bacheiw of Pedagogy upon Mr. Daiuirl J. MBDwltty g a W ^ phia.

Acadei]^ Diplomas were con-ferr^d'lipon Misses Maria Dolores Buch. of Santiago de Cuba; Mae F. House, of Nokesville, and Messrs. Edmund S.< Hooker, of Nokesville. amd Roseoe F. thorn-hill, of Slate Mills, Rappahan­nock county. Diplomas in Short­hand were conferred upon Misses Effle Gulick. of Manasslis, and ClaudineMcCullough, of Friends-ville. Md., and in Book-keying upon Mr. Chas. T. Grant, of War renton; Miss Ethel Lipscomb, of Manasaaa, and Meyiis. Aurellu

; The Commencement and Me­morial exercises of the Manassas Industrial School for Colored

Tbunr^as^tTrdugBr td t Close Friday in, the presence of an im­mense audience and #ith p&dtci order.

From 8:30 to 11:30 o'clock in the mnming th« industrial- de-

j Just before the benediction by , Bev. Brooks, a w,eli,e;!t€Cii!;«J 9QZ-i . trait of Jennie Dean was unveiled I and jMresehfea l o l h e school fcy [ I the rtudehts of the second-year class.

f rompuy at. cae appointed h'6tli' the grraduatii^ cla^ filed in the auditconum, to t h e overture "Merry Wives'of Windsor," un-der t l ^ skillful touch' (>f Miss Nellie Monks, and seated th«n-selves fh front of the flower-be­decked rostirjun. X h ^ were fol­lowed by_the studfiDita and the 4|| _: a8 not nor ever sfaoakHje princij»lL&nd. her asMstants, of


providedifflr them. . —The InToeaiion,.which was de-hvered by Rev. T. D. i>. €larke, breathed the s^rit otjnnoe for the ihstitotion which stands for

trrmrnt gf itn ttfmlpnt hn » « delivered a ehaige, frooghMrii wisdom, to those who ware g^ng forth, intft life^a strUgglea-imd-in contact itHh cmwlK^esette al-lurementSi—•— " ' •

Thp hemnr nratitmaJhy thr»»<t nf

deradmcmition to those whowsre. to d^wrt.fbr thdr r«8peetive va-oation agd to lt^„agftb'.wfaQiht

pf(rasant bttdndss and sociaj relations^ he doclapod tho

the class of 1913 were delivered DeLong <m

"The Preacherin Politics:"'MiiSis Sheila Lee Fisher, on "The White Man's Burden." ajjd Mr Rlchacd^53aiQ(terKt?HyOil 'The

Tiev: M eani h g ^ lifel^ entphasized -the' poimcs^faeing piu&ie^

Deljong hce of

the pulpily that a locyl minister should ?«• main ticians pollute

ipi poli-the community,

simply through fearof offending one or more of hi» wmgrtyntinn

Miss Fish^, wiifi^'that clear enunciatioB and drtmaric oratory for whice she ii .aotodt portrayed in a forceful and k^^cal manner the themcTof ^r aHrfrpBg whicE was enthosiaafieaUy reeovedi

Mr. Kelly, ia hia^ddresagpon: The Meaning nf T.if«./' ^ .

d enced hia thorough appreeii^ion ,of the reapmiiilbiUtlM which rwt-ed upou those who would g ^ out of life their fnUqaack irf^o^anii the least of sdrrow,'"""' '^

ttton by Dr. Claxton, U. S. Commissioner of Education, was a &asto| rea­son anH tOQched, »-a» mistakable way, the eherd 4t public favuj. The theme of his-discourye 1 upon tb^GalitettRole^

Martinez, of Havana, and Alex­ander Serrano7ofBantjago, Cuba.

Miss Delores Buch was winner president of the Bbard of Trus-.. . . .. ... , J • u 1 tees, was then introduced and of the Aoademy Scholarship, and

recwdshe has made in partments of her'studies,' stands out in strong contrast to what her second namie, translated I n t o English, means, foir surely her

"SorrowfuL"^ beautiful tribute to Jennie Dean,

: thr"f{jaftd®ri5f"th« institutabh^

gnrds nf good will and with tan-

1:912-13 sesskm of lege closed.

Eastahn doi-

ftf niir !•<>«><<«>?•« tnlcnnwfhnf $40 10

was realized from the r«»e«)t con­cert by Miss Latimer.'Of Wash-ington. given under the auspkes

partments were in full operation and showed nwch skiH upon the p a n Ox Bi*uueQ>9 i*i vtmic 1,11 ^BI i**

ments. From 9:30 to 12 o'clofck there

was a meeting of the School Aa-aeeiaticm and Board of Directors and of the Alumni Association.

At 1:30 o'clock the Commence­ment aiRT" M€fflOr1ftt exercises proper was begun ia the beauti­ful grov«, near the school build­ings, by the school joining in the hymn. "Oh, Master, Let Me Walk With Thee," followed with p r * v e r b v R^v Itf Vt WUHnnw,

pastor of^he First Baptist church of Hanassas. TJrnSJbhtgomery, ef WoohingtoHi the newly elected

Wood's Seeds.

late Seed Potatoes J«ne an3 wiy in July is

the best tiine for plantjng for the faH c r ^ for vnhter u»e^

Our stocks are speC^aHy •elected Seed Potatoes, put in cold storage early in the' season, to as to keep in firat-class. visorous-conditioB.

ryour-sr^ri ««rly, f6^*iiiv~ of getting the v&rietie* you deiiM.

U'rite for "Wooa'i Crop SpMisf . ~«i«iiiB piHce*. and timc^ tn(oi

lioa about all Seasonable Seeds.

T. W. WOOD Cf SONS, Seedsmen, - RichmMd, Va. -^ e are headquarters for

Cow Peat. Getman Millet, 6eja Be«u». Cfimien Clbver-

and aU Farm Seeds. Write for prices.

tptably "in Uie position to whi(%' • he had been chosen and expressed his great intarest in the cause-t ftN* which the Manassas Indus­trial School stood. He paid a

uie liutJB m a i M J Hayd6cIa-eoch mode of the

hearts of" her people and that a fitting^menorial would Sodn mark-the ground where her first im­portant lifei^«ait began.

AdduwBes; fnfr of /carelat thoaglrt and wheleaocae advice.. w « e ddU s red «a. "Dairyin^^ by Sallie Madden; on "What Mak«8«Good CkizeB, "hy^luwd Bask^ryfll«; -"A; I esaon on -Otur

Dean," by Laura CoghiU, fof-

Carloads -otjl Euggt


very hf»t mai^rial availBhlp,

It-May be of interest to some lowed by twenty-minute tflgsW others^ paying . tribute to

of Manassas Chapter. U. D. C. This Slim has been placed in the pavings bank to the ere lit of the

step; U.. D. C , shall see fit tor uxfMind it on a Citable tt)«ti8»ialr

This movement originated In answ^ to a letter, written by Ml& Arthui,W,J[aflj»U' u> Mi'a. A. A. Campbell, president of the 3QegiHia Diviafcwi, immediatehr aftet- the state convention held in October last, m TCimsonbarg.

filing to ffllist her inli nwt and ion in a memorial to our

MaJOT." Joeeph W. Lati-

rei^ied4hat the-l^te^^atCTeeteA her greatly, and was a strong ap-


peal for a b^ter memorial to Hmvr Lfttimgr. w i ^su^gested t3iat Mra, Sinclair bring ti>e mat ler befuTB the Virginia dfel gt-tion at the U. D. C. ctmvention to be heki in November at Wash-ingtoa^jilrs. SJnclsfr'slllneasat ttie time prevented this. But at the district meeting, held in April

BHir" waithffnindstionof goea.rn^ral was discussed and the govermneht.

Hecondemned.-in seyeteifiunSr the shnide bargain-driver at the cost of those^ho are ignorant of true values and characterized thj gain by audi, SJ, utiiiiwl nwnev^.ever small, from Ha. hyd " ^ r<>apfyl. Tor thp mari, '

movement api^oved, and Sinclair appointed to bring

memory of the dead beiMfactress. These were followed by an able address by Prol. Kelley Miller. Dean of Howard University. Washington, in >w&le!l &« elttphf-sized the importance of duty and of acrviep no matter whether such

service lie at the base or at the pinaale of life's exaltprf attainments. "MlSP^- caBB«>t find what you lik^ Ijke what you find," was the advice he urged Upon thooo whb -weBe-gwng out into the world to ticy life's for-tuniK. He said.he went to -How-aPd Ifnlveislty.irom South Caro­lina, LLiily7K){i~yeu8 ago. while In abort pBTnBrgqr.tiggaroacflg3g;s weire then the style for boys m ibe Southern plantation bnt he-cause lung usage had worn thesr off a t j ^ bottom, and Ite had taken anylGTul he eaulA get t» help him along the rough patji-v ay he trod in tbe National CaiN-tsd uAtil persevercnee u i d s ^ -demU favored bhn with hio nlws entposttton. —~

Attorney George Gordon Bat-tte, of New York, who waB~on the pHUjrWB ft* the chief ora-

not, on account of engagements, be

tion, could pressing legal ptesenr^efr twitftr i«tta»^-«»--

Miikl"*"*' ""' "^rr*^ng his lirgi it interest in tiie institution and his

before the State conve»»Jion to be ®P« '^ '*« continued prosperity lpl£llUlLRi.SiLmaild next October. 1*"'*^""=®^ Diplomas were con-

Contribution»to the fund, how- ^^""^^^P""/^^^y-s^^ ^ the interested' firraduattng class, Virginia Hertha

ffwftiea throughout tBFcounty or J *****y standing first and Samuel

We have jtist received one ear-load of Blue Ribbon Bugs^es. wndoTW cftrlnad of fJw> famQns.

Most 0 f these instruments are almost n e w. They w i l l be shipped; freight prepaid, on ten days ' trial. We bear /the-etrttre expenae dipping if-Htetram^ife is not satisfactory in every respect,

We pay the roiind-trip -rai lroad fares of ehasers who come from anyw^here within 100 of Washington.


A U T O P I A N O (88-noiej, 25 r o l l * of m mic

M E L O C H A R O .88 nul«;, Bew, io rolia oJ

$325 $385



A U T O P I A N O 2tt rtri i 1


BR AD B VKr~ TTayer Piono 8« mite)


PUrer-2i. tAtUX

BARGAINS Cambridge Lprigbt Stsinwaj Upright

Terms arranged We carry


.$200 I VoBe & Soiib TprigH.. . : $250

if you do not wish to pay cash, stock of Pianos apd Player-

Pisinos in the south

O. J. DE MOjLL & CO. Czdasire Kepreaantatirea for the Steinwax, ?»'-'?vd. StiryTffWWt. Whwlock.

^—• Steak aad the FaAoua Weber Pianola PUyer-Pianoa

l ^ U l 12th and G Sts., Washington, D. C.

booght in -tba white woQd and painled as per ottr iiutaructibns.

Also all kinds of ',


I,am prepared tin furnish the spa 1&

ee lebni^ Eiripfre Grain Drills, Fertilizers, GasoHne E n g i n e s , Fana Wagons. Ptows. Ac . At.

Spddid pifces on

^i iaaies^ flmiabouts

I SELL THE Vi3»:l3i:»v#TK«i:

«iih a reputation f < service tint is soryascd by none^

HARNESS and Vehicles always on hand and n^ prices are always right.

J. A. Morgan, «-i7 MANASSAS. VA.

l*AWBBUKaU & BKO., ^42»J8fr^Bveiith St^ Washinglun, D .€r

.SEND TO.- .

If liiOW UtSCS-We anrtbe acknowledged headqiiartera in Washington and Ticinity for the beat

Talue* oUainable in Table Linens. !:aiee(a and Pilloir Ca'see, ' .Qnality n nerer aacri-toed tp qnoM a low $tri«er-b$it prices are «J.fta;a loneat. B«ad tbaae itema:

TABLE UNENS 4eincb BLBACHEU IRISH PAiUSK. obeiee ot many attfcti^B

dssigas. 9(ic qnabty—apecial, yard.. . . . . „ . . . , .

72-in<A BLEACHED IRISH TABLE LINEN, in 40 ,Q1 tnttimatmt^^i^i.i5rjvi-qamsr~Viiu^, a j a r d , . . . . . . . . .

^5r Ih by 30-incli Hook Towela, epeciil a Sbzeb la ty jWiiiifth Cnion Hack Towtli, appeial n doaen. 80 by 88-»acli gltra Fine Bnck Towd». a doaen.. -2.2&.

SHECTS AND PILLOW CASES Extra LOBS SiMla OI atardr weuring cotton, flnished with 3-inch brms, in fol­

lowing a zaa aad pnnea: • _ ' V

It's only lone of-t^e scores of occasions when you can, a wmmont'a rirw^^» n mfTfft trifliiig ffl>yt. arovide titr

yourself and your friends many ftiture hours of pleasunir. ble eaterlMnment And you'll spare yourself inany fBtiire" r^TPBtsif you

CaET A CAMERA because thereHl be many a time when, if you don't have a picture of something you have seen or some friend who may be no longer near you. you'll be sorry.

Kodaking is not an expensive pleasure-and nothing «lae gives more immediate or as much future enjnymant--

i Jindafa very easy loleam for the caii]^niLofEow-a^l»s are so simple and easy and sure in operation that tfaeaavice may become an e x p ^ in « day;-

jtCodalu, $5.00 to $100. Bro%i ttM«. H.QQ ^ $l2JKf Mail ordo^ attouied to same day as receiv$d<


M O T O R C A R E F F I C I E N C Y is larg/"ly a question ftf the skill of the repair man. A complicated and nicel

tions for personal gain, op Hon-" * y - . . . - . [ scaled bida for the erectjon STtd com

—VMr iiiirnM ininwg TtTtrTt xVTixica T pi6tlon

in the distant ages when the >><y'- !f'«f« f ^^T?*^ T?H ^ *rT*y« , , ^ , by the School Board of Colea Dt»trirt,

King reigned sapreme and took intii n.K->n of .June 21

« Kit ioever he. ch68ie of the s i ib^ *f ! ^ " ^

The exereiseswere interspersed with delightful selections includ-

-.JeuHw—& "Charkt WheeT' and' 'TLead l ie

: TTetaiic Caslcets and aTstyles of Coffins and Casketaiumisbed and^ Pmial Rubt-s mij <tv^hing in t h ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " %1ir«y« nn Ka«/t

'^'IfK.SfJ^^^^T^]*^^"*^^"^ notice. Handsome church truck for delivering^sasket in c b u r e h T ^

«« all painU,_Ni£it_arjb,l««ie,.^wffl-bi >J»eamdMm

j quartette, led by Prof. J. A Walker, graduate of the Normal

. . . , . ^ , . . , 1 o'clfx-k on ahove date. The Board will utance of his subject^ for mmseli not consjikr bids from any butralisblc and"a chosen f e w , " said t h e fj^""'"'=''• " ""' bidders,

the njr ^ speaker, Hnforyr, - >ins. Kc, apply to J."M.|. The presentation of diplomas,

ceRree of i*.>ter of Arts E^';;-_. ,'";i,°':i^;^t»s > ^ ^ ^ . c e r t i f i c a t e s and i h e awarding of

. ELUCOTT". Cie\. ^^<cht)larshipsan|K^»riz8s wa? made


. conferred ut-vQ Mr. John R. 66-5

;ect an, or aU b i d T r S I 'r™>°'"« SchocJ of WSShihgton.-

nd the

r McrvlccfTs

_ . - T * * *el«y«-iK) tink«rin(.

. jWeKAideffigLenC o e e a a e eveff pn* of our meehanica ia aa •xaa»t.--Nn A»im^ AIL 1¥S


Henigr K. Field & Co., •

Klulduig Material o r Al I WINDg.


_ S*cc*M«r» lo «*NDAU. * McCor '•(y^. re' N


: i 5 x : • ' - • .-...t



Page 3: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne

^ i i E ifANASSAS KHfRNAi. FRH>AY. Jt^fE © azr

W a U a S S a B ' ^ d U r U a l " " Staiiainio'n~tffil!!Si»rkpkni8oiGettysbur»Aa<ii ED EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON Bi ' , . . jr ^ •. J t O

bringing a message^-a r^umt«d country, Repre-fHE WANA-3SAS JOURNAL I'UDLISllING g.^.^.i, , Thomas Heflin, of Alabama, paid eloQueni

tribute to the iieroism of those who wore the Blue and those who wore the Gray. His was the first

COMPANY, IncorpoHrt«d-

1 / Eliittri,-'; ai thi- Post Office at Manassaa, Virgrinia, as Second ^_"L Ciasa Mail Mfl*"t r

• S U B S C R I P T I O N , S l . O O A V C A a J N A D V A N C E


— F"rtV'"CPftt3 BT1 TTrh fortttgiii'itui>qnJwii>^'T—„ --ontinuiif'Ct- Li j**J'fil Discounts to Yearly Advnrti»«rfl.

All c»ni« • f thanks, formal rMokitiona, obttoary noticM otbar than tlw (Mual d«ath nuiirm. and all matter of an advertUuvK character, ajthai

.duactJy or indirectiijWill be_publl«h«l at the rate of Tw«» inch.

aildress wer made by a Southerner' at dettysburg upon iieniprial Day occasion. > • ^

Mr. Heflin afaid the question of the right of the r«itifftrfw» States to accede and the right of thp Union to i^re:

vent ii. the status of rights and relat^nship be-•ty-Am Casta an

MANASSAS, \ 'A. , FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913


C\veen ?iate; nd Federal govertmieiit, could not be . determined til the counoil of peace; it had to be i Settled by the arbitrament of thes word. ' 'Here,'' eoRtinaed the speaker, "the brave Union soldier

i checked the march of the hitherto irreaistaWe GoB-|*erfaai?s there neverwas a more severe rap given \ federate soldier; here In the red glare of deatruc-

to ' the movtment towards votes for women tjianj^yg battle fire two mighty lessons were taught; one was given by Representative Heflin in hi* speech j^at the Union should be preserved and the other upon the occasion of the anniversary of the b»rlh i jj,j^j the Union shoidd be ever mindful and eonaid-of Jefferson Davis at the Mount Vernon M. E.} erate^f the rigfits of States. So, the soldiers of •Church, in Washmgio'i. Tuesday uiBhU jrhe" two great armies who baptized this soil with

started the everlasting

BanlrExaminers o

The celebiration took place under the ai^pices oil j-jjgij. ^lood did not. die in vain; they t ^ United Daughters of the Confederacy of the ^^^jj ^f cementing the bonds of an District of Columbia

While we" do not agree with Mr. Heflin, from a standpoint of right and justice, in his attitude luwaids tlioae who have the right by b»lto><<farow a attfeguard around their personal rights, we do ^gr^ with-^mjn_ naany^thmgs^hfe said i^ the fol-lowing paragraph which we copy from the report of his speech upon the occasicm referrea to: " M.r.

leflin sjsfcerot tire vfomeQ e^tlw jgpnfe^rac^ as ItEe 'noblest women that evS'gSreed the i»gi«of history.' He said that the woman is the power behind the throne, and that P^ielea^^d he wa» roled by his wife; that he ruled AthensT^d that Atheo»Tuled the world.

Union. Of the re-umon in-July of the survivors of the

two armies at Gettysburg Mr. fieflin said: "What a gluriuus icuuion that muit'iw and' the aagelg

Go carefully over the conditions of this bank liriclifferentinlefvals. ~

*ill smile upon that gathering of fraternizing bat­tle-scarred ve&rims enemies x)f' half a.; century ago—and the God of our fathers will bless and ap­

prove It

Depositors* interests 2ire proi anybody or anything else.

itected fiist, before

~ 1 he continued growth of this bank is the be^ possible evidence that v re treat all patrons with courtesy and extend to them every facility to ;— " be found in a modem hanking inititution*

Your account will be welcome here.

Hie Natimal Bank of Manassas CENT PAID ON TIME

AtneoBTTiica tTO «vi.u. 'Let ua therefore tswyv i _ _ . „ T T „ ; , ^ C.

..^continued-tiie speakw. 'that oui' lioble wotmtn wfll ^^tfyT^r^'t iHfht


The many friends in Manassas, and elshwhere of W . E. Lester Jones, of Culpeper will Be glad to 4eca»of hiageod fwrtimcmwcurmg the position

^^jilways inspire us and yrak to the world throagte their fathers, brothers, honbanda, sonaand d»ugi^


No more fitting person could have been adected for the position than Dr. Jones new one more cal-

t6rt. God grout thi? day may neref come whgn-they repudiate tjieir husbands^ their fathers and

J their sons; and diaooun^ their wisdom tod love by Tuahtog to feeb»ll<rt box^tojtoj^

ciliated to "perfiHTO m o r e aatiataetory s«rvice than hei, ' , , ^

We now may expect, to ba«e «ur streams sa^ plied with thef ulj qaotapf fish to which they have

in their owiThuslMmda, fathers and sona" —


tudltorC: Lee Moore, ha. sent out to the aeveiaU banks a circular iettwr malting certainliir

-^qtrira upon the answer to which b&fireposeato <rf-. 1 i e r A sqgjgesitiontxUhenext legiaUture^to go maend

5e aftg^flsniem laws as to place opon"BaJi^ an ad- —

f tiomd tax and rd^«se biiank depoators from taxa !^ on deposita. • , This saggaati^i app^iFS to u§ a good, one and

iikdy to be f«v«ed W lhe-T»^teJ'<«Jtea^easOtt that it willhave the tendency of drawing surplus oash from tl« ahot^sack'or other receptade-ia

heretofore been entitled but fa l l^ bH g«. Ul^^lffb some cause cn-jQ^er, peihaps as HI the eaaeofldas-ies—lack of favor. 7 '

WiTff V' ' tip, Bht>« , hogs and gram now upon Ute free list the high cost of living ahoold be ffomriderHbly lessened in the near future.

THAT Phili^elirfua millionaire piano manoiae^ turer certainly struck the wrong key when he meddled with the Mann white.slave act and vka held und«r^,000 baff^talring jt'^HihttrtinjCBE: tain raiiway trsujspcHtation.

which it is sow hidden about Jt qn deposit in the bank when it i s known 'that

nd place t)baerver, says she notes that thtefc ia o

8uchdep«ats are within the breast of bank oflSdala jind no longer subject to the aaqumes of the Reve-

..pu^ Asseasor. - ^^ . ' ^ • The l inks can well afford to pay the extra as-BPRRTnent when they willhetrfEprded theuBando of

^iSTBB^ESKftt4S«AX_EQBE*sqiv<rf the Grange

in North Carolina calk wonders whether or not it was named after_her. Why, of course not, aiater. that hotel ia over alalf



century old.

A MO\nrMgyT

dull iij< iif ili'L.i'.'nlii mion whirh thny mrt) llii liiiiii i*" ' " i ° ' ^nhnf? *'»° ^Y, tK^ word-wide famous Con neaa and sihieh thoy do nafr arm gat nhdpr the i^l£[a$e_guerril'a chief tain, 'rne mUltui la ae^ j i

~ '~ the hgn<fetif-a^apeeMfl ivimmittftft ghicLM^JSMgg aub-comouttefiB. I^^efug'^t

present assessment laws. Mudre heartily agreea thtU, some of tb»

laws arc rodioatly wrong and aluwdri he cessment _cha'nged, still he feels that so long as Uiey r^nain^ Iffl^tbestatute books he wooki be f atee to his oath of office did he not eB«o«»wihS£fMMl m4hiaBFi^ unquesUoHably righfe — - —-^ - --- ——

t h o State. Among fhrwa w h n h « v a maflp mihatAntiid mihaeript iona a r e

Congreasmfit^oui and Johii^^ Rjnm, the hiHer for $8)0.--' --_,^-....---..:--- -,:

FEMININE HEADGEAR SHOULD GO. ^ W jS in r t a j r . -^

ON last Sunday, Postmaster H l . DodgifturnI ovW^f! Manassas post(^ce to his siiccessor. Mi*


When questioned as to why he was nf*. of late, ti^nill at Chuidi seiiiefca, an old forroar in South. west Virginia said: "The abominable extreaoa styles in feminine headgear jgwhafakeepa me away. Z ' . . . ~. I r » _ i J _:ij^ t . . u : _ j

the encgmiuin of its pal^ns: "Well done, thou good and ^ a i ^ u l servant, aatar into the j o y * ^ thy rest," for. during his twelve years tenuK of" office, leas t ^ thirty days have btn spi^ in leereatioat "—

I get "awfully tired and bored from sitting behind - -a gfattf of wb<^t orji_bg8ketj)f spinach^r a <»n- JffjEHJLJM*'^^ ' ' ^ i t by ineans^of seventeen —g^fvatory of naua piled ou-a stwk of wheat otpawl r .i ^i*^ ,,^'^ ;» Mrn^Trinn tha tai^^r»n -^-wfth^fcjgw-ot pitehferha otaahi^ •out of iU and tha


Kinii iif fijnnmitt ""^ '" ">"x'^"g tihf temP"""T TWk barrier, and w t ^ rtiuuk tlie

Toica ftf thj p'-o«<'h«r r»»fhiwf me like the awarm- ^h^ watvfw Vfft*** T^"<^ ^""^ yivnw fim ing of bees through the foliage of a cedar bush. 4 Panama canal Sunday week, placing the tw;o great

ipreftrtffget aa f i •way-aff-powihte fee»^e4ia4^B^«jW^aj8Jtbin,fia^ play of the prodncts of the farm <t leart one <iAy meree on a more profitable bsaia'

I •iiii^im iiitefca ct.ureh. soIaUiy >^»y

•w<» •!»

M- reeaai


iveju^ received anothcar c y of Rfljfeigy Flcwg ar f * and will be 1 ^ to furnish my ^Oiiiei.s al Lpwot S


hkU sale for ii ^ 1 nave saie S Cash as Trade.

Eggs itnd'wM pay4lie bame

There is more th%n ^neoaseioas hamor in the an­swer of the bid "hayseed." Being, o»*eif, in the benedktc3«»lM h<»6ir«liP«^i^dtt-tteX¥tot ion that a woman was never more attractive than w^en jaS>rii«rwitE'tH^ Simple Batagefc-Whia Gdfl


had given her, and as the argument of the old man affttrs; James A. Hay the committee on Mihtary tends to show'the hindrance to the attendance up-|*ffairs. and jJeiu^^D^ood the committee on For-

—-^.^^—^TT- , • . , - ^ - F O — C O N N E R B U H : O W O

on church worship on account of millinery extremes eign affairs. Mr. •Glas^ will come iinrtnihclllHi i i i | f | _ it is high t, me the Y. W. C. A. takrt K^pa toabate.lhe limeliKhl wiieu the admimatration'o bill^ey-ft "^


^ Li lU. liXitOOllVt'^ 'change in the currtincy is prosenteu^ ^ •^.: H**.'

§ ft

5 is iiii

Page 4: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne

—-^Wtt"^-!- F:P^" 7. FB'^^;i^a^ ii^^^^^gg^. ; ? ^ .


:i ' " -"Mr;-Jos. F. Le w-ts. u'ho suf- - The Bar Association o f thp -invitations have w n . ieied compiete paralysis of tht- S.xfft'iitfi ludiciai c-m.-crrt' RW I'eivecl in MLUiassaS tTitST. left side and loss of speech a few pj i.m« tiie couutka '^Lj'mu^ ; auiiounciug- the approaching mar

_ . •'months ago. israpTSIy regaining- William, Fairfaxr Alexandria riajfe of Miss "BesSte ^Kmiit-t -Thejegularmeetingof Trm-i^,^^,,^^ ^^^ ^^^ li^l.^^nrl .pp^rh r-ity . nH Al>.v^n|iria roiintv will Hrower. daughler of Dr. and;

ity Church Guild will be held in .^^^ j^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ j ^ about his meet in NicoLJiaii at noon ut^i Mrs.Chailes Furd tJr^.w.j.oi Cat- ' the church next Tuesday after- ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^ . Manass^^,aM--dk^; \\_ednesday, June 11. Aitet^he Jiarpin, to Mr Ras:iell lioiinunlj

fK?Q RnStr oaa fiffaTr^r" '"''^'^^^ * me k i n g ' t ^ members will be th<{ Willis,of Roanotcgr-the marnagery guest**at luncheon )fJu3geChas. j to take place in St. Paul's*Epis- | E. Nicol at his coiuitry home j copal church in Haymarket. a: 8 j near Manassas.. j o'clock, on.the evening nf-Wed- - j -

-Mrs . Catherine Geris, 78'"«sday,. June 1(J. Miss Brower, : j years-old. died in her home, near | who was formerly a teaelier jn^ I

the Manassas graded school, is a • J most estimable young lady, and' r Mr. Willis is moat fortunate in '



LopkBeforeifou Leap j -—Mr. C. H. Seeley, who for- ] —The commencement ,exer-

^ ^^^^ >.-., .> cises of the Bristow scnool was i>unbftr P«"'»PO«y+}ieya Q^ Thursday of last weeK:

A very interesting program was suceesafully carrieii out^and en:

tnetly -t-esided near Sudley, hasj pwre in Haymarket and removed to that town.

joyed by the large erowd in at- Wenington.Sunday evening^ The —Mr. L. H.Carter is suffering . . ^ j ^ - ^j ...^ .—», ... — . w , , * c*. r>j-..u from a severely inflamed eye aa tendance. Much credit is due to' f"" .'-* took_place from _St. Ed.th

-the result of a heavy ''f>l «-alfen [ the work of their ponuUr votmp Academy Tuesday a'fternoon.

wi ise of marriage

while on a picnic excursion-a j teacher, Miss Nellie Mayhugh. [Father UonTTac officiaTing and weekorsoairo interment was made in St. Edith

~ - . - , ' ' - • , —All-day services will be-beld, Academy cemetery. The de-—Dr. Chas. F.Russell,70 years [in the United Brethren church at' ceased is survived by her hus-

old, has been appointed postmas- j Aden Sunday with dinner on the; band, five sons and five daugh­ter at Herrdon. Fairfax cniinty.'ground. ,The pastor, Rev. J.,W. ters.^Mrs.. Geris was a_ kmd ^„^^^^__ X^-K^I.w«cu...xa_uu. ,,•.-, Therewen-t imsew tnere «ppK--^BriH. wrtt be assisted tyi)T^-1f7-7i^31th'erly woman whose cheerfult^Jnte7street'^s\'lFriday with a cations ferine positiom U Roop. of Eastern Coljcgo, who p^^a^ng^ wm be missed in the ^^d attendance and" with much

.w,l preach in the mormng at l l community. enthusiasm. I n t e r e s t i n g ad , ^ x ^ and la^lhe alternocmjat^.-_j^^^^ o.on. . . ,„.u Everyone cordially ^ ^ ^ , l i „ t g j p 3 g j ^ , f „ , B ^ t h e l

^T^e second annual conven­tion of the Prince William Anti-Saloon League was held in the Manassas Baptist church_on. East

—Amon^~ie marriage licenses issued in W'r.sbington Wednes^ dayl was one to Mr.. Thomas P.

Is an old sayir g that holds Aft «tarttn^-a

Bank Account

We Ask You to Constder

2:30 o'clock.

Smith and Miss Lena P. McDon­ald, both of Haymarket.

—Mr. L. H. Carter has pur­chased of Messrs. Ira E. Cannon and a Rnvmond Ratcliffe a one


—Mr. Jas. Bettis, of Nokesville, says that;a bank in"iiis town has

acre lot on ^est Lee avenue, the consideration boing 1350. ,

I Evangelical Lutheran church in this place, wilt preach here" on the second Sunday in June at 3

worked wonders in the way of'o'clock p.. m. His i egular ap-eonveniencer^ but, there is onei pointments for seryices in Bethel fViir.gr yof that" «-hPv need fiveii ^ church Will be On first and fourth worse than a bank and that is j Sunday mornings and on the clia.t Woke*sville 5e^ made the secoFd'Sunday afternoon of eacIT

-Children's Day will -be ob- countj^sCfct and" wants to 1{ now [ month until further notice. He =^rvo/t JT Act nry U V. -fhin^h ' wh6"wiU •puitbequesiioubeforc Js arranging also for aefVices at

Fiory, Rev. H, L. QuaVles,Lewis B. Flohr, Rev. J. W. Brill, Rev. L. R. Markwood, Geo. C. Round, Earl W. Flohr. Rev. S. P. Fogle,* Dr. H. U. Roop,,Rev. T. D. D. Clarise, Rev. Decatur Edwards, associate district superintendent^


1st. Strength—financial strength.

2 n d . The care with which the baoik is m a n a g e d

3ra . The courtesy and spirit of accommodation h the officer* and employees . ¥

arid Ed J. Richardson, district superintendent. R e s o l u t i i M i s which were passed will be found in another column.


4th . The ability of the bank to properly and prompt­ly handle all your business.





OF MANASSAS, YA. next Sunday afternoon. June 8. at So'clods. An interesting pro-grapi. has been arranged

—Rev. Wm. H. DeXter, pastor tte_ Manastas Preabyterian of

church, nearTHinBieviiter next

the house. j Nokesville and-Giripeper.

- T h e festival held by the Ma i . -Amongthose who wer^grad--Tiassaa Camp of Modern Wood- [uated from the Crozer Theologi-

men-in Smith's grove on South: cal Seminary, at Chester, Pa., on Grnnt nvAnin' i?ifard?y •?%»'» «7««1 Tuesday, was Mr. 0. Grey

- imrch. wiiTpreachmt^reenweed^ weit attended a?id>'ov€d a^eryj^^lj^gii^n. ofManasaaa 3Esn

—A marriage liceiise VM-iS: sued in Wattbiiig'lon Qdlmd^y, U>

ton, and Miss Mary S. Lekdy, of near Neverlefc, *'aii3ax xsouiityr '

— A h . M i K - ^ '^SBBtr ern College fOT the bevy of girls and boys havelaid aside studies and departed^for their respeteGve homes fot"-6fae-3uinmer vacation.

enjoyable occasion, ^ t f y one degrees-were-confcrrod Sunday aftenwoa at S^P^Iock. • of the iizstern i^ol^eger-e^ritsli^ "^otiunku^

taking piaie upon the same nSghr DfT Mflton G. EvaiSs, prleSdent the attendance would have boon greaEIyaugmgnted;

-THe new hall of the 0. F. A. order aTIhdependmilli dedicated on Saturday, June J.4,

character and closed theforty-

-While Mr. Jas. F. Guljck was assisting m unloadtnf^ Simrg l rldge irong_ twMn a car attfifr Southern depot Saturday oftoF noon one Gtrt^bisivy iiarrt^ upon his foot aeverely it. ••..:--- •

—MessPB. 4J. J. jaeeUedt C<i.f this week sold -for George C. Round the ti^i^r on Belle Air and hio adjnimijnfl l""l"'''ifni~ti T^ Mihtead and.^PMfiy for RflOft -Ad \-ertiseiftent in THE JotTBiytr die it. •' : ' —--, ' ,.' " -

—The advantages of .the.|duB---.XAL's business Id^l cohimtBwas emphasized. \a8t week when two

Its patrons^ianie to "oiir office 101 hanlrns for tiie qatek j B t o g froiri ihtilt resiWsetive advettise-

Miss EdnaFTaherty.irf Wash rgton,,daughter of Mr. Levi Flaherty, of thisplace, was dper-ated on for ~a^iiQSdtis~m a Washington ho«q>ital Wednesday

On account of his offirial mties as poatmagtAr nf Mnt<««-

rhe second time in over a quarter >1 a centmyr «waed attoidiBg •n the ftrst day of the t em, the "ircuit c o ^ :ounty'.

vnU- be held- and addresses will be made by larominent officers of the ord0r as well as local orators. Refreshments will be served. Officers of the grand council are.' fxpectefl tg be preoont. '. ,—

jftfUcannlTftrsary- celebration^t^ the -BefmBttty, r^^ieh - fits youpg. ^ . men^ferthe^Baptist ministry, ^ t ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

does.-Job work for noChmg, but it is very netwly tarue. _Our pri­ces are «ok>w that it is not to be wonit^vd thkt the abqy^- idcia gained credence. Try vs and

from their-, camp at jLjraiResville.' ---S^fifapplicantefor-thggns^Tfiev li ft. f;ampav^Hp Monday

tow ang NojcesyiUe postqfficea. we understand, are le^dn. Ap­plicants will have to stand a civil ^rv ice examination asd an^ one

list may be selected; therefor the one who stands at the bead uf Ibe «ln<ibfe^lisl m eiuier eaaer _r^y^ ^^^^^^, ^f ^,..^.. ioay not get ti>e apimstment

—Capt John R Rust, lof Hay­market, has been .appointed, aid-d%-Camp for Gen. R. D. Funk-houser^ eAmmaDding tlie LliirJ brigade of the Virginia division,

Conftideivu^ VijUiiraiiu,

of the mftnies

institution, worf nf an

The cere-Jmcressive

— A detachmefttof offlcere f rom the War College who have been scouting the battlefieldaaround. Richmond, Fredericksburg, War-

nassas Sunday for a few hours

m.9maig„,iRr Le^bqrg>-ix.oEa-which placet.Ihey: went to An-tietam, Md. 'The offic^ii were under-eonmaimd of Srig.-GeRr

ui tiu eg ptaeed muu the eligfek>= ^gBtCT~mnxr~tfig ~ Be tHMTfignxiw was under the direction and gui-dance of Pen. T.iggptt.

Commenceipent week, ify Miirgaret O'Neil, was brought to a most sorrowful culmination, Satiirday night, upon the receipt by .her of a tologram annoonffing the tragic death of her dster; KallileBil, iu an autuuiubile aeci-

Thfe capiao has .pruvided him-1 dent JH- Nnu/flttt self with a new uniform and win \ previous day. The distressed jlHaauiWHj "SOT. FuaAbw^ stodent left Manassas o*ii4

_4 the early naoraThg tnun Sunday for her New Jersey home, carry­ing witS~hef-the heartfelt syna-

-Get^abarg.- - - -

—About one and a half hours were cak^ up In' the Fairfax cix*-cmt court: of Baijamm

letrtaf Bailey,- eokffedi

' ening and is doing fuBy as well j ehyged with eriminal assault, 3S could be eApwiUd al, tSi\n

to "bring in a verdict of guilty. •whereupuu Jtidge Thoratoo

o> M- A^i,„- w o- . • .r^^t^nced the accused to pay the 1' „ l " i ^ - : ! ^ . ^ ° ^ ^ : ^ " i p e « t y of the crime in S T elec-

trie chair on-July 11th.

who was arrested in ki^^struiri» a few weeks ago.upon the eom plaint of a n^ro by the-name of Jackson who charged him With

oadiy of her many friends in this place.

—The#e was a Teani<m of the ^gi]y_gl: t.hy f i^Bome-JI

stead in Fairfax county,, between CUttpn and.Qecoqaan. last wedc. at which twent7-five members were present Upon this occa-sion a beautiful family monum^t was pteced in the ohi graveyard

Stape>' Cmtehfield,eolo^ed. i poil Uw Lewis pieiiiises. b> Mt. M. H. -Hottle, of this plikce, upon Which was Inaeiibed On names, tarth and death of the f tli«»r —There will be a meeting of

the Boaad ^ S»q>Br^«Qn - n e x t | ^ | ^ i t e ^ x Tuesday, June lOtb^ at which;seven y « « ago. and who was « e „ e a u p o n u i , ume Pt^v^JSi^nj^ be j n a d e j ^ a i a n m ^ i t t ^ paying the ^^V^^^. oJ fech j ^ i i i i ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ the «ctH>n oi \ " ,-, ^ „ " ,. , "«^y I^Tifaderate Vetows^aajthg grand Jury, « « reT«Sedt ""^''- ^- ^ ^ ' ^ °^ ° ^ ***" may wish to attend the Gettys-1 f^oj^ custody Wedwsday. ' "**s»s; has declared his ill will

—Mr. Weatwood Hutchiso

^HMither^-.three- MOD^.^MIA^-^^BI^,

^ected ap(»Lthe order of Mesan. Lewis.

burg reunion.

A CARD. To the voters'and citii^ns of Prince

William County:

l herebj give notice to the people of Prince Wi ilJam coilntT that I »iiall be a oandidale to Bweeeeid inytielf.in tlie iwit faouae of daltf-•g&i^Ql virgiuia. rtHieve my con'duol ru

«»....iiri« <ho TO/.'nrria A« Irgpt in f.ha .tni^rnji^

v{4he8o«ae-ol 1912 tones where I »toodand have, I voted on all tuatterii. Than king ;o)t for the hoiior which you. have already cnU' ferred upon tueand the^confidetice reposexJ, anH » i t h tht, .••mmiaA tn a«rTR''yoi'i~tn

future with all of the t)ower and energies iMU W)uiiuami, 11 foum,— IS CHRTS J. ji(EET2;E'

rf^cf>oqnan, Incorpratd O C C O Q U A T ^ r V A T

Solicits your patronage—3 per cent ving's Denartment. Saf^ in our nt^pKwf Vault.

intefest paid in our ea foF-rent

Deposits can be made and your busmesB-handled by mail


Get T k JourniJ's Prfces ffl Job Wiw¥ " / ^ ^

towards buzzards and agrees i

1. m^A upon l» U.UU.L I , Uul upuu '-TL. PrWcuu uf a Cau» l ^ ^ ^ t ^ S ^ i S ^ lot a mayor andjiine councilmen. try Banker," at the twentieth ^'IL^.^.^j^;::,;;!:;^ ^ i j l j i r ^ ^ .vi

' ^ r L S ^ ^ . . ^ ^ I ^ ^ P ^ protect his cpm f«>m the far as wf have been aSle to

earn there has been no concerted ginia Bankers'AsBSofciation which u u A V J - „ -„ . :A. . „ .MI,-! —.j^j. T: -J r _ r ^ - •- . crows he hung u p a > ^ d crow in s naining attcket.xwtll be t d d fn titfe LhatrtB^Tklh'v.;, fi.>i^ . . . > r ! l > ^U„^. . -T

at Old Point X omf art on action It is to be hoped that a council hotel and mayor may be named in June 19 to 21. A steamer has

his comlieki as'a'mm^ effectual meth«d- of getting rid of the

jjeata. Tn hit great aurpriae bu^-whom.th^iei^pie \sii1 havp coo, baen ehainiml tu take i fe visit- j . V j u""'""'i" * r^ier.oe-if t^e BncTTng proposi-. ing bankers on moonli^t t n p s . r ' ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ '

•,.ur. tor r.eedei civ.c improve- on the Potomac river and Ches>ji„.cic; to know %4h.a: .,:her

Seventy-Bve Pairs Men's Walk-Over Oxfords, in $4.00 and $&0a grad«, in Tan,Pat«it and a few i <iun Metals, in ail Mzes from 53 8 to 10. — — —

They are two and three pair lots from the last > three seasons—tfiey are NOT this season's goods and ^

tB:m^to^<«^#6a in^^ny-one k>t Tk^Far^^h^irif voti ^«in. "-fildiie sent on approval or tak«i

. _ • • ' • ' • •

crows as now at tt\


Page 5: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne

gglMfc™^!'' " ^

- T;

i * ^

a* -. . f

THE opportunity afforded our bi'ver during the pa^ week of taking advantage oleertam clearance sales in Baltimore by which he obtamed seasonabte arid des1r?:t)te gocwia ^ Aan one-baft th«r;irahie, we are enabled for the next two^weeks to

ilffgt y"" hf rgf JP^ ^^^<' f ai nnfr fy tl tft appeal to you, In making this special sale we. have made calruiations on the same terms as our purchases-^stfictty cash; not because we are'afraidto'tnist you but because the majrgia is too-close to admit of anything -l^ing charged at the prices offered, but of one thing we are sure and that is of saving you money. Consult the prices below :: :: ::

feg^ Reductions in Wagh Fahrio 36-inch Percals 8 i c Calicoes '4c Big Assortment of Fisured Lawns.. . . , . . . .j . . . . . . . 4 ic Btg Asbonment; of Colored Voiles ' . . .! 8c 10c and 12ic Figured Lawns 7§c 50c Colored Linens : 29c 12ie ttneo Finish. , lOe 15c LinenC' ........_ . .12Jc 50c Mercerized Batiste. 39c 35c Mercerized Batiste 25c ^ Persian Lawn 19c "^c Itjdia Linen ;. 12 |c . 1 j)p 1 ndin 1 .iTien- :2K: IflC yard Pieces English Long Cloth 79c

ttg; Bargains for Housekeepers Hill & Androscoggin Bleached Cotton. . . . . She 10c Unbleached Cotton.:.' . . .; . . . : ' . . : . . . . . . . . . . ~Sc Good Umbleached Cotton — 4c 81rx90 Salem Sheets. -. TT-T . . . , .•.. 6Sc-79vft<t Shoeta. •..:. .-..• • • . . . . : : . . • • . . . .V. . , . • . . . . • . . 4 3 c 36x42Pillow Cases - i ^ i - ^ - • • • «

18c Linen Crash. .12ic «;i.00 64x72^>aHia?k'THbte€teth.-. .-rr- TTT . . . •• 75c ^ Good Table Damask , • - - • - • • . . - ^ S c $2.«f All-Linen Napkins : . . . . ; . . . $ 1 ^ fiOc T^apkins^f!-^. fr;TTTT. r; rv -.. 45^ 15c Towe^ • _ • • • _ . . klH^ Lot Wfc&cheAmrklsh Tow«^ -J^^,


j Ready-to-Wear Garments

I 4-M

Greatest values in Ready-to-Wear Garments eyfir_©flered in Maoaaias.-Wie. don't want you to take our word—^he goods will speak for themselves .:: :i :: :: " ::

.00 Ladies' tailored white waist» $ . . 59 ~ color6() madraa w a u u .D» t:or

1.50 2 . 5 0

I I i

i 3 . 0 0

1 0 -1 0 5 0


" lingerie waists . r . . . . .&9 " whi te China silk waiato 1.48 " , white messaline waists . . . ;,. 1.89 « ^ l a d i iaffeTa sittrWltir;:. . 2AS " wash suits, $3 .50 and $ 5 0 0 1.48

w a s h skirts, $ 1 . 0 0 . „ . 5 9 hoUse'dresses ,paly . . . . , . . . / . 79

1 t

1.00 corsets

I ^ 3 . 0 0 messalii ie pet t icoats

1;00 ladies' long ktmono. . - 7 5 fadies' <utford*, w^ti

Greaf Vahiea lOc Pearl Buttons (Seconds) '. ..' 5c 10c and 15c Ladies' Handkerchiefs .- 5c $2 50 Ladies" Hand Bags .$1.50 $1.60 Ladies' Hand Pags. 7Sc $1.00 Ladies' Hand Bags * '. 65«. 50c Ladies'^Haiid Bags 29c 50c Rubber Combs .; 29c 25c Rubber Combs 15c IDc^EuBber Combs. 5c

- $1.00 Silk Scarfs . . ' . . . . 5 0 c DOt Bilk Dearta. . . > . . . • _ ..•...• aOe Two Spools of Mutual-Cotton for . 5c

Big Lot of Reijinant Embroideries wJll be sold at less than mst-ii '. — . • • I . —

Big Bargains for Men and Boys 24Tair Men's Eants^jvere $1.0& v. 86 Pair Boys' Bants, were 50e . . ; .

65c .39c

72 Pair Beya^Pants, weFe25c : .7 24 Pair boys' Kompcro, y c r c 60g..-


- . -Qac L(^ Moft'< ^HrtSi-f^ One Lot'Men*« Shirts. — . . : . .T One Lot Mcn'o Collavgi (Ooiled). . One L^ Men's Ties, were 50c.

=2^= v29c .39c

33c One J^^trMffl^j^Pfflntf^Toe Shoffl. 3 r f i r e - $ 4 M . ^ J U j B 9 .

& CAMPER CO: p £ Q g L E J « E T C N m r

Misa Olivia Cooksey &nd Iflias , Gregory wer? Wasbiogton visi--tot»:lft.st. Sunday.—^—nrz - Cha.s. A miOH. cm. Grant avengfei

MiaBW.Fannis and Myya Payne are visiting thdr sister, .Mrs. Lindsay LiomaK, in Washington.

litias Margaret Wright, of Bris-tow, was a wfeek-end guedt.of Mrs. C. E. Hash, on Church street. 1 • ^ Mrs. A. B. Davis, of Clarendon, Alexandria cotmty,- ig viwtii^

ing a eourse at the tFniversity of yirginia, i& spending, the wetek with h i s ^ r ^ t t s , Mr. and Mrs.

Mw. W. "K. Moss, who has been on a weeks' visit to her mother, Mrs. A. M. Gardner, 00 Weststreet. returned"tohw home

friends m her formw nome, j»a-jT^i^gng . . . " 1:

Dr. H. M. ClarkBon and Divi­sion Superintendent of Schools Tyler, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Larkin Tuesday.

MrsrSessie Newman^of Warii-ington, widow o£ the late Enos Newman, of Manassas, is visiting

ing several weefa^ with f r i eaS m Oiclaboma, and ^ e r sediXms, re­turned to fate home in this place Jiifflriay.

at Markham M^day morning.

Mr. R. B. C^wsom. of Water-fall. the man who knows a thing or two 9f what is going On in GMB«8v*lle..dmi3ct,. gave »»thfe| glad aana m (^n^aanctum yeater-day.

of ha- daughter. Mrs. H. U.Roop, will leave here shortly for a visit to her daughta*,Mrs.L. F. Johns, atFaribaut< Minn; -

Miss Sadie Yeatman Lynn, of

Mr. R^)ert 1* Lynn, wasin tamt. "Memorial Day," in ec^pai^

„ty^;^«i «nH frM>i»t« in thianlace.^ Washington^ daughter of the late

Serator and MJS. R. C t h o r n -twi. «rf Fairfax, .«tttataioed a number of t h e i r Wiahiagton friends at an afiembon tea & n -


visit her father's grave.

Mrs. D. R Lewis, son, Regi nald.and dnughtry.FiliMhoth, Ififi;

nsar Dumfiies, was a Manassas visit­or. Saturday. Mr. Sheppard is one' of the few surviving mem-bers of the Prince William Cavri-ry irod^ag one of the ing scouts in the. Confederate service. - - -

' Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. b>t£&K HJ-tumed last woek from a tr ip le Wpat Virginia and Western Ma^-land. Mr. Steere expresses him­self vi ell pleased witji the sections he viaSfed specially the sections

die' luul ul dlU Uluu JtlllMU

BOSDIBS m f l F 1 If youwnntpaiBtingdentTight-i-Hltf IwwL ftmr-nftaflpnggrlaaz

Agents Bessana-Glagka •St/wlf Ffyi^atnrf pnnltry panm»fta, also People's Remedies for stodc and poultry. J. U.. Burke & Ca


Re< .ofBeale-

rated peach«b Aw 25 cents. dox&Byrd. - 4.1&.tf

been the guest fdf s<ane ^ " ^ ^ l ^ i J ^ ; of Deal's Island, Md-.tratedneacha for 26cents, ffi^t^ graduates from Eastern College, were in attendance at the campus praise aervice-axtd at the address of Judge Norris before thei Christian Aasodations Sim day evening^

- .- ^ .r r V-—- your wool and youwon.'t be sorry. ing see or write Geo. L. Lareen.- —r-—^ 1 T _rL-j^ ff P r.>»i-riB^ MO^O«.«,» ., (mtt ""

Clipping ftiachines and extra » linniMd I tetes at Austin's. 2-28-tf

Sergumt James LawrenceCole. a-fo«ioo"nierab^ of-CompM»y-A

' b^ with hw aunt. Hiss T«tlS«H, to o f thrgaUa^t _ fantry, who was in many Jtiard fought batdes of the great civil war, including Manassas and Gettysburg. a j ^ A a a a j a _ _

Kasiei' JgglcMei'ehaBfrtef^hCTe 00 Friday of last week (^ Lynch-

'burg, for a few week^^viai^to hie ^hnm, U»nter Jobs Hhlton Wood, Jr. s

of Wash-

™ foOTeroay ' ^ f ^ * f z ^ ^ J T ^ i e s d a y and paid our Offle* ft Pleasant, Md., whwe they will • "^ be the guests of Mis. Lewis' brother^ Mr. ffi. H. Footr. —

Misses LucikJtnd Mary Eli»-:. beth Merchant, of Halifax, N, C , arrived here oij- Thursday eve** ing of last week for a few weeks' »lsil to tLfii guandparents, Mr^ and Mjs.'George E. Maddox.

very pleasant <»ll.

Mr. Seward U. Round', a promi-hent attorney sf Mswhnrg, N acRompani^ by hla little daugh­ter. Hiss Frances, arrived here Weidnesday evening for a few ^ y s visit to his cousin, Mr. Geo. C. Round. This is Mr. Round's fiipt riait to Manassas and »hile here he will take a look ova- the

B»« Run battlefield* of

For Rent—A farm of 500 acres Foe further informfction apply to l;'.tf.Boryan.O<»^uan, Va. 2^:2SW

if'or wall-paper and room mold-

Agents for Chase & Sanboum's tea and coffee, l l i e best at any irice. J. H., Burke & Co.2-2aktf

For R ^ t . —Three houses in the town of Manassh^ Va. Apply to G. Raymond Rateliffe. ^

Messrs. Naah.& Cannon hava just received enough of t ^ Fa-mous^^Ht Paint to piunt the town and county and a part of FairfftA, Fautiuicr, Loudoua and Stafford. The chief featnre of the matter is that the Q o a l ^ and Prke I&-RF_GHT^-^----^

nd with tfae rigbi kiml of ma-terial and with dispatch, ask for an estimate of Bryant & Flaharty, ManaHsaa^ Va.5-1^1^*

swmgintown—$5w90.' Only four more this season. W.C.Wagener

' C J. Meetze7& Co. oh"ffffH<tn rent your property almost any where in Manassas or Prince William. Call and see us. . Do JOMl—WaOt t o 8<1^ place?^ It BO, list it now. b-i6

Automobile for Sale—On ac­count of leaving Virginia, I will sell my E. M. F. Studebaker car With all that goes with it very cheau lu at^uick buyer.—The car nan nw m m at St. F **** \^»A~ emy. W. A. Johnston. mr21-tf

cows, fresh. For particulars-ap-y to .Bank Daviea, ManaHnaa.^^

Timber Land fot Sale. - O n e mile of Hoadley, i05 acres, con-s^vately estimated to contain two hnndred thouaai>d- foot of pina,^wenty-ttve tboosasd "feef of oak, five thousand popjar and ^walnut and two tlxmsand cross ties:—Land and timber foi $1,000 cash. Al^Iy to C. J. Meetze & Co. 5-30-2t

For Sale.—20th Century Kemp manure spraader^ This siHreader is in good condiyon, having been used b u r ^ few.times, i C L i 2 ^ , f " " % Judik. Mansssas^Va. ^ ^ 3 0 . ^ f p y C o l f r S . p s . ^

L o s t - In Briaiow, Tuesday

Good oflhie. rwm fm i tut un Centre atrcet—Appfr to E. R.

evening, a small tan pocket book contamii« $15 in bilte add abouj:

Conner. 5-2-tf acm, care of Bristow, Va.

Mra. taJa^

Langyher, 5-30-2t

Buy your harness Md pay part Evwg^^en sweet corn wid down, balance -1^ the week or I kaffir com seed, 5Dc a p<H:k. l o -Tuontb.' at—An«rit>*t- HampM. mato. cabbage, cauflower • and Shop. 5-16 other plants now reaay.. J. ri.

were former restdents place. N

Mrs. H. C. Linft and daughters, — 1 — | . liieees Aftsi* aad Margaret. _oi

' * Alexandria M1--

« ere puests Satur-; -ir'- v^irenti?. Mr.

>y for AteTMi4rah^_A

|!I!niMtftoa:-:-18.----— - = = = i _ L i •^-'- - mg to apeng'^'fgW d*ju[

tives^and fnends in Ma-ind vicinity.

T MiMTLena^Cooksey and M ^ . t C. A. Violett, of Washington, i 8t>ettt Saturday and a»*»"*y ^"^^ | ^ j^^nd Mrs. Edward Lmbrey,

Mrs. S. W. Cooksey.

r. and Mrs, Fraok King, w t e

- r

• LckhalU Fiae location, goodtef^ ^^ed ^T^^^.^^-^^.

Daisy Iini EroWn. daughters of

of Summerduck, this state, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sherman, of Remington. Fauquier county.

Mr. afid Mrs. WilKam Hill Brown, of this place, left h«w Saturday morning for Front Royal, where they were bridesmaids for Miss Alice Sowers, daughter "' ' ^

Caws to my fik". Co.

f^-i *MMf^'*H to phiase you. V" ••*• """gVfi^'aaaawwaifw y w t o w l t t t f t a m .

W A »n«>f hiTrt yog, j o n ' t be-: Find out Auftin's rates on fire: afraid to come iip. We can't

insurance. 2-28-tf. •. make you buy or rent if you don't y ^ . , » „ . , , . ^ , ^ „ > . p H want to. W«jffibr »an^to*how Alice Sower», daughter QIJZIL—Ufl-V^ll Wftlll. m TPpT \nt^ V n • ^ t h « . n l ^ to VOU "tf-^^

and Mrs. CaSalua Dulaaey" and Lyach piupeily uu Fail vie * ave- ^""^"0 ^^'^ aeuTO.yon 11 we who was a scho(^mate of theinue? Good house, fine water, Misses Brown at Eastern College large garden and lot, good stable.

can. If

Two good well drilling ma-, chines for srie. _^Wni sell cheap_ ^QT- easier; W^-E. Eastace^ GJaT-vertoiR Va. 6-6-7t : ^ .

During the summer months Mrs. Hodge will t-oi^ivo n f o ^ studeute i n ^ a n o ; Voice and ex* preaaiien ai Robtoy Cottage, Maia street 6-6-tf. '

Toe Sale. - O n e i«iir good wort mules and one pair horses. Ap-ply to V. \t o^rtr^r. MBniBoan- 6 6

Oui my puljiaa Ka»Ap.f j . ^ , „ [ {

Surveyuag aoA 'ceaehtng^ b r ' . Prof.B.T.H.Hodgo,ManQaotta. 6^6^

Here's the i d ^ It don't cost any more to insu«e against fire in the large companies that Austin represttits than it wouJd -in anall eenn^tny. 5^23

Sav ^ ra<mey on your bi^gy harness at. Anatin'a ^^546 ~

dtniL ncWd AT WUA ^ We are oflTeriiig some unusual'

values in Shoes of idl kinds. The fdlowing are only a few of the many money saving prices.

Sizes :i4, 3, 4i. 5,.5i, 6 10 pair Ladies one strap ^ | ^ Q Gu|0| i^l£Bap^$2Tal

E i g e o 2 i . 4 , 4 ^ - -Bimkwi Lam aiHi gliwt in Ladlca

Oxf<»d8 In various Leathers. prices $2 to $3, at just one-haff pwea.

Ladies White two strap Pumps, $1.00 and $1.50

Mi»aco and C hi Id r on WViito

Sizes 12. 13. I. l i . 2 To make room for fflir Fall Stock

we have reduced^ ail high -cot Men's and Ladtes' Bhoes. Xad


ea ErValuoo.f i.€jOi S3 valuee.$1.98 Hfn's W. L. Douglas $3. .50

values $2.49 •pig cal in-atT MHIinpry Qji. -.

fourth off in Ribbons, V jU *; Flowers, R e a d y - to - Wear and

vou don't want fire insur-' Framed Hats . W e can save you


in thi9»place. to Mr." Leslie Reams ] Price $9.00 per month, and if you- &rtot>. t n a f s your business, bat \U money.i v io i torso i Mr. andl Muort-;^Wavcrosy.-Gfc,--afrhifeh-|-wrTH Tayfw-thesef td pettrtoesand v o t ^ o - want it t h a t s my busi-

E J. Embrey. at Ren Lo-1 nrv^n op W^drwidavr-ifr Calvary i the lftborv4>^i can have them "!so_ v4fi ./^ me tend to it. I >rop Weir & Company

i -nl ""' .'" M:i';S>^af. • P!ri;sr.-i>al

Page 6: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne

rj-> ::miUi:^^^ms v^'^^^. FRip* *f uy =' btfjg



Mr. Loot* Heus^, ^ Wash­ington, w»8 the recent guest of his parents, Mr HeuSer. '

and Mrs. W. L.

Be it rU»ol,v«t b\ iKe Aiiti-Salooii Uwjjue of Piiiit.~e WilTiaim cuunty, Va., in annual convention a«»emblfd May 30.

lyia, that -~ 1. We tlwmk God for His continue.i

uUoBi •rv'^t • h ^ . ^ h i ^ i n , ^ daring the-i««i. orear^ aadJt«^ w e e k - e n d w i t h h i s f a m i l y here . ;P -a i ty forthe pro«re^of thework of

Miss Janet Lowe has returned from a visit to her sister, Mr*.

Marble, Graaite and all Knds of Cenetn? r:


CLYDE MILL This Aeli known milling

institution, recently re-built

tion, IS now being operwU-d bf a millCT a yeara ef e»

The yeafs i

perience. The Flour being made at this mill, Fancy and Straii ht grade, is giving sat­isfaction wherever ustii. and

new cus-is rapidly attractin; tomerSv-It is very best wh;.at and guaran­teed pure a id healthy. Bran, Middlings and other feed for. sale. Watei-MfRJUlRh Meirf, made of No. l<om, constant-!y on sale, and ia second to nener AlJ onlifni ptuiJiyUji

Thomas Piercy, in Fredericks­burg.

Miss Nannie Janney was ft Washington viaitor this week.

Mrs. C. D. S. Clarkson has ivilWK) Mr filarkaoH at DftVlgi: WT-Var.' OTTi staynjf two we«ks.

the league during the year. 2 We note with appieciatioti the

„....>«uf..l work of the leaifue tWough-out the country. The passage of the Webb law by the national l«g»»l*Ure vrer the veto of the FreBiUent was quite gratifying,^nd weTwreBTexpfel*««« appreciation oi the Vil^inia deNc»tioti in Congress for their unanimous vote

Miss^ Louise. Strohmeyer and Mfirtf ?*^'^'^yf^, of Statan Is-


land, are the guests of MissHajry ifeineken. "HlMTTannie WmTamsdh, MS. Carval Hall and her children, Virginia and'Thoin, are spend­ing -•.'June week" at. Annapolis.

The Five Hundred Club was most pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Franz Peters on Wednes-day Bftcrnoon. The tahlps wfirff arranged on the porches and af-te^ several hours spent in enjoy-

gaitner ctamty re-

Mr. Bowmen Price, jr., an<f Mr. and Mrs, Peftibertofi Price, of PhilBdnlphia, gjwnt thp WPPVT

SUed and-delivezedJonearb} merchants if desixed.

receive prompt attention. Best market prices paid for

gram. AbDlOSS

CLYDE M I t t l N G - e D . MANAS&AS, VA.

fend at "Sonoma." Mjaaj j i f i l f t H u t c h i s o n i s v i s i t -

ing her cousin, Mias Moffet, of Washington.

Miss Lucy Buckner has re-tumed frwn a short visit to Fred-

3.- Weeowmaiultbeanri-maloojniaggue to all the people of the county who are 8triyii«-for the general moral and civic aptt*t»»*.nKwt«€ertWe m«««« o feow-bating the drink e il, and as a ready means of educaUng the riiing genera-tTon con«rning-the- hsroc i«rr««ht :by

thii great evil. 4. We thankfully appreciate the ef­

forts of those of our state legislator* who in the last legislature supported the enabling act, and we earnestly urge the vo t«^ oT the county to support no cjindtdate for the next legislature who does not pledge himself to support and

•rBXT—Wfie i i ( i » h « d t^rnI•. h.- wa» taken up and calved l.liii out of tlxlr (ictlt.

Thla period of the C'hrtatlan jMtr

vote for Uie enabling act.-5. We extend our thanks to the Bap­

tist congrtgation of Manasaas for their TioapSaMe enUrtajrimeht of the con-ventioo. both as to auditorium and r^

lOarmi taxt '«v«it *walQr ttre fmtUon of Ita porpoae in hia returs ag<lti the earth; fpr_lt la not till the divine plan oonceroiog Ua Ueated kln<;dom wlU \>e^ to • Mfc

freshments. LEWIS B . FLOHR.


a. L.

ericksburg accoropanied by h&r wHHt, Miw Virginia jfitahugh.

Dr. and Mr» Charles-Ford ^ower announce the engagfti mentof their daughter, Miss Bess Bennett BrowCT, to Mr. Russell

iolman .WI t o a n o k e . T h e

QUARLBS, . Committea.


W H E R E A S , It hath pleased Almighty

la wpwial ly as-^roBrtate J o con-alder that traa-ecendaut event In the earthlr his­tory of pur 8a-Tlour referred to In thaae words vis: His ascen­sion Into baa Ten. The Incarnation, death an4 resur­rection of Jesus Christ are elu^h and all of them Incompiet* wlth-

-ottt tte-^Meen^on^

•"ITUUvi J ^-

€ow Peas, i the great forage a n d soil-

improv ing crop.

Soja Beans, the most nutritioua a n d best of siUTuner feed crops .

Velvet Beans m a k e enormous grovv^; are ^ l e n d i d for summer graz­i n g u i d tks a soil renovator.

Wri te for " W O O D S C R O P SPECIAL", giving full informa-tioB—ahpMl tktM^ J Seoaonable F a r m seeds . '

T. W . W O O D ft S O N S , Seedsaien, - Rkhmond, V«>

On* MBek*«iCaur-Paaa snH % ) ! Rrsni {|.wax8 on hand are choice redeaned stocks of Mipc-

rior quality and germination

POTATOES I Fancy"Maine-growii. Hai.il-pitkerl Sel­ected, Sound Seed Potatoes 1> Kind it pays t» p i a n t - f n a Kirct ThaiJgiil-produce Bumper Crow

, L. JOHNSON. «.V«.

H. M. D A N U L NekMwIll* V a

then that

Cod, in Hio infigi^e wisdom, tn wmnvf

proseh fulfillment. But that w'hlch gives peculiar intsi^

est to Christ's ascension Is t u bear-InJ on our palrif .1 Hf« tnH.T fnr If ws are being establlah«d In thfl faith.-enlightened In the knoi^ledge of Ood. sanctUted. In our souls and anointed

the Holy'Spirit for aarrlce, aU are.-<he'result of our Sa-

;or result

in hearMtaa out !»• the right-

W Tiour's prssenoe tereeding high priest at

from our miitet our deceased brother, Wm. C. WiTTiama, who, tw many ysars, g a s a conaigtantja^abgT "Li?"'-^*"^':'*i*g"t "f. ^^ Otephon hoheld him sf-Hill church and Sunday School, and who twrtt tt t>v«ly iulBr»l,iHVi"t *-"""'"""*'> throus^ hi» lahara as a ttemberof otir riiii- Tmpi>nvi»ment I.««gne. thwcfore


Leading Stoe ,

maniage TvHt be «olj»niaed at -:bsJL.

of Juije 18. Rev. A. G. Grinnan, o fcconir rootog of tii» .ahurch, officiating. Ifc-

Koner's Birfl«tiBF«MMfe


RESOLVED, That in, the death of BretfaerWjltiagiB the ehupch and Son-d ^ lte&>a haye l i»f V f t W ^ 3 ^ devoted member, ever ready, with self

contnoate to the advfince-

^enial an* snhstance,, to XbiHl aitvmuMMBent and ment o^ oor civic eomUtions.

RB3W.VBD, i-'urther. That w e , ' the m^mbfrr of ti*" ^"TPIA Hill church and

did not TBBlah Into •ofhiiVg. for pat



A t t b e = V e r y Loii^ast Pi Lower than ^ou can pogsLbJy by lhem

''eTaewhere./ '"-^T JN ANY Q U A I ^ T I T ^

We cHti aupply you from a busfef 1 to a car-load. We" keep a teep a large siukply al-

HoukoD Koa« triah Cobbler* Crown JewpU Truat Butter Gray'* Mort«MC« Lift«r Henderson's Bov«e Ameneftn Gf«si1« Stat« Maine Carmen No. 3 BoIfftano'B PnMpvntj Early New Queea Clark's No. 1 8t>«t>Wtn?'8 No. 4»

Red Bhsa Early Ohi'Nf Plucky Baltiraore White BJisa ' Arooatock PHM Sir Walter Ralei«h White Elephant Pride of the Saufh Early Thorouj^nrada Early Northern Beauty Hebron Extra Early XX Boae Whit»> Ki)«e Early lx>ni Six Week*

*• 1

Properly cased' and ~ equipped with a good pump.

E n d s n Barley . Early Bound Six Weak* Kural New Yarken Green UouDla!na Ma^gTe Murphy" ' Empire State Burbar.k Seedlins Early Harveat Dakota Roae ^ ""olaris McCormack

SIMPLY IMMENSE Ou iuij lOi 1010. Ml. KluhaiU IftlLuf W u i W

ter County. Md.v wrote: "The T r a « Qu^t^r Po-taCoea that I ordered and received from you in tb« Spring are aimplr immense and l a m T a r r m a e h

^ l « -

Phone or ••vrite for particular*

JlillJl '%k>:i»

tmly did XUB

terwarda, standing ftf Oed t A a f "ifHr

at the right-hand

the angbls on Mount Olivet sa ldto the JBscl plies that he would so come In

mana^r i he was otaer Irll). In

Is fk iocalltr and J glorilled God-man. Is

seen woros

to go

Christ, the there: We can- |

• C qmmiwioner Kniner'a May

-For-« t e -

ll<in)i3si7«!?3niaiMI :to farmm-His i

Our supremacy in the foDowing lines has been reoo^;niied fo^-years.

D epeiHJable qiiahtim^^jgdMiMfa lowest prii

Sterling i Finest Plated W a n High-Grad* Cotlarj Ciuaa T a M e w t w Tapie taia«swaie Rich CotGlaa»—^——-^ Toilet Seta Bra* and Copper Wares Chafing Disbas - •> Chafing Dish/ Student Laasps-

unusual interest to the farmers, all of whom should have a copy. This bulletin deals with many gqfajeets pilose to the heart of bet-

Parlor Laaspe Kitchen UteaaiU ^ ^

= B s d H P « « W t R n B I ^ ^ ^ Eddy RttiigtriisfjitAJti

mmkmsmm Pottery. P»rrs la la ,Chlaa. Glsaa ,a fcar Am,

1215 F g f «Twl 1 W i . i « n .<;»;


tei farming.—At thia artwnn of

pjRaagB^Tlrnftwing hnw tn i bat them and whiit kind olapray material should be used and how ax»l when it should be applied is a timely subject to discuss; 7 ytgea of thift bultfrtin flrtf AfiVMM

S o n ^ F SebMl ^^^ members of tlie Forest HiU Civic Improvement L^gue , togtth'8^ .i>.^iwhiart, tin twr««v eitend to t**" '"i ' i i fmrilii >iur hearael*

berMveinent, commending them to umi I •"• who has pPOBifeed to be a father to the f atheriess and a husband t^ the widow.

RESOLVED, "That these tesolntions be aprend upon the ct«atgh and Civic tot . pmOTmrient LeagB* rcc^Hh, a j ^ ^ a t » eapj o{ sinae fee sent W Ihu beicuvua the year, when insects are so^ _. . ^

troublesome, and when the iH,.tSnffly.«a-t«TheMANAs«iAa JOURNAL

not nndartand how the origliuki bodr of Jesas was transmuted into hlis rest-orreetlon and gtorifled boOj, any more that we ' pan understand how heaxT wated is changed into light vapor, pr dark flint Into trans iNK?j}tj$Uss, by heat; but we know thathff-Ur-ln a »

bedyr altheuah now in another

G S Q . D . BAKEit DWortakH SUM! Uceatd bibabier

Lai AT«. , sMts OoOTTHOPst, Mtiitaaas, Y*

pla*sed with them.'

I ' S q u a r e U e a l " P o u l t r y F o o d s Guaranteed to make hens lay more earr* than

any other food. ''Sguare-Oeal" Chick Starter— tfau food insures healthy etroiur baby chick*. A trial will quickly convince yoa Bolfflsno** "Squar*. 'DeiTBIranailorl 'dtt lt iryrBild* are scmttnKtfQr prepared, will produce the best results s o d be t b * aM*t economical to (aed.

A>k yoar Leeal Merchants for "Sauare-Deal" Poultry Foods. Take no substitutes. If ther caopot supply ^ou send n* a postal and w e will tell you f i ^ n w h o m yoo can obtaio them. ." "

GMflen and. Flowar Sea laJiaya won convene* for 9S years.

tniBstr^ted 1013 Cotaloguo mailed free,—


Prompt atteDtioDfl-JTenaU nrdfirs. Prioar asliSw U"8iS0d~ierTicrsnd unoniak'irilt jos^ diy. MetaHc CaskaU canted ia Stock.


form of existence and standing under other l a w . How the thought dtgnt-

<«R- Idea of the scope ^.|»oadana^.caR,ldM, or m e scope m , u ^ a^. .u^ U^^P.:A t. •the atoBemeut! - TIM preaeitce o r Pni iace . Pho>ie Y^iuTl

giertfled body la heaven tafcoa away any va^veneoa aa to our j w n glorifled bodies being there, « > £ * h a v e j i e ^ united to him by a U v l ^ faMB—beeaase. he. Bves. we shall live also.

Was it not the rewanl <* hfiToBSP illnarw tff thn fii^***' *" his sttfferings

death oa behalf of guUiy iuvui-

' ~ ^ S e e d - . ' • •

Mtr Hnr GMdfuM^

see. Pbo>ie Yt^urTOf J e w . Goudi PsUr»re«L



P m r n p t a n d aatiafai-inry aarvipn

Hearse ipt and aatts lanw«b«<Uw aDjr««ar>D*ble l U a l a a ^ e


CHAS. E. FISyER. 1-19 Manaisaa. Va.

for piihlication...

HELPFE^ORDS tn riiin qnf»gtir>n

Articles on rood^aubstitute pas­tures, "the value of the silo and rage ^ ' a jwstuHi crop v^^eea: The.iifteregtiTifl'gnbj«ctgof Hmhty grasslands; whatthecrop needa^ ^e^'SS^Is'^IILT t h e aMWy^sfn! ^a»-"i«»r i s t h e m a r t —Give your trotmle proi

who thinks; the deadly house fly; homecamiin^llnlliTiirwildnnions;^

-iaDSEBL.BOOXHE. I ) K^B.'SAKLOV. Pr*aH««t. • f t- .:

3£0. E.^JRFIIiLD. Qaaklar




-DIUKCTOas-r, I. BOOTHS. n. B. HAM.e^>7 r, E w».RFiHU>. J. F. utrni ,

• iM.ee»


W A T g K ROBBKTS. » y a « » t a DOUtSLAiiS STUAAT

i>rampt att«Bttai (tvca ta an baatacM, la-; lodlfig cotlacttaMthnaclMirt the Uatttd « B 4

stay on the farm, boys; self dip-TOTTg varfiCffiwgg. and other sub-jects, hdpful to tiie farmer, are diseiissed.

Any farmer not raeetvifty t.hig

Does it aebe especially after exertion; there a sortiiess' m the kidney

syrnptoms suggest vyeak TtH-

and death MI W a s i t not the joy set before him tor

.1 KliilMik'AiJsr

whld» he wa* witling tn endwrw titfc gr6s% deifpiaing ~the" shameT And yet there is more to louow, wbeHTln the regeneration of the heavens and the earth, he shall sit' upon, the throne of his power in the sight of the whole uuiveiae. and'etBry kmw ahull bowrtg

is lord, tn the glory nf rkid tlw^ fa thg

0< ootuse we as

«eys: : J . If so there is dangertn delay. _ _

fast weaker. „ ^ pronunt attention. Doim's Kitkiey F ^ are for weak kid­

neys. - ¥ « » - neigfabota them. Bead this Manassias testimony.

Mct.Mien, 'TStr-

bulletin may obtain one by mak ing applicati<» fo Ckxnmisnonar of Agriculture Koiner at 'Bx^-inond.

EjUOT«l>l«BirtlKUy P « | i y .

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. — - VtfiP'^ ''^''••'^'^ ^^f^^'^rm^--^

Ml porsons irKlehted to «" mt*tt ol the - ftoliert H.~fl(>* «itt pleaiie cslie'isr

.ri! and 'i ttle their indebtediMM, and -«• h«rinB Msnns ^ninnt the I pleafw prment theia. thilr rr>e fr>r pft n 'nt. .


tertained fns little fnehdia at a pucy Monaay atteraeon tncete-tehBtioir of^ Ills 8l)ith • Wrihdfcy. The little foika .enioyeijaitdoot..,

until refreehroenta w«re

Mrs. W, McUien. QuafiT nassas, Va., says: "Doan's Kidney PWi ure' a ^iileialiJ lemedy. €h»e of my fntrrftr*"* '•^*—r '-MHidirfnt <if Www

.itn4r»»» natere, eLthe Ood'aianrewwi* ered as, the saediatbriil piince. Such terms de not pertain to hU deity, in

T ^


Fair, Boacst D

If yon have money to ien d or mve 'coTiTmtjnieate with, ^.

us about . A t i ^ X A N a B I A rOUNTag:^ • = •

WA5H1WG10W Cnjr'A BtJ»J S U B U I » ? "

AU Classes ot ribiue* and tjots for Sale

GEO. H. RUC4<ER 4. GO. 7-18-lyr C U U t E W D O N . V A .

For* Best ResulU

stan^ng.' Doan's Kidney PiUa the. one -remedy tjiat did^the work. They broaghrrelief a f tw other prepa­rations had failed. I feel that I can do great service to kitJney stifferers by

which """^ >»'* glory-c«<iW a o ^ be enhanced and the thonght of reward Is entirely e:ccluded.

But the ascension of Jesus Christ m'f *" r^f* t*'*''g" tor ny w l»> hftllBVa nrt him as weU as great ^things for himself. It means tfab reinstatement

• - o w uatnfe te aU l u lusi Uuumii. In reoonciUathM with God. ~tt -means our reception into Paradise and par- i tlclpatlon In endless felicity. If Christ , Btd rmwi ff"ff ma i<a^4'a»Jl't»ll . ^

IChe^-are die cardina! prin-c i p t ^ of my l»u«inei»-reli«ion. Give rv« a cafl and try them out.

Highest Price Paid for Conn-,

recomritending lleaa's mianey t^uu, •

K(ff sale by kll d u l e n . ' Price M Vn^lttflmP'^its-'^^^

^iew Teck , sale States.

Remember the tSt tio other."

C M - t b e U m t a d

naine—I>>an T— and

maihpd oo earth, we might have been aseUi-ed sf. delfveraaee from the grave.

-^^^JKJ: rs-rf .s:!irsiD. J. ARRINGTCW^ is reunion uf glory and


Swank & Houdiiiis Real Estate Dealers



BeU's Bfead

of his pi sac ^ n m this.

The ascenaim ai^

' **'''**'

Waar Sh»sa I <ir« s i i» sni»ll«T by using AHm s foot -Eas f , the

i powder Xa^jmpHen, t«n<l*r, acBins f w t

served in the dining room which Mi«llil.v decoiated foi the

S e a l e d P r o p o s a l s W a n t e d ' .

_ _ wr-oww

«, meaning. h» whoseeteen. they-«*e \^^S'-^^S'^*-^n!^^^r^r?^ SS fooUshnessea. tlUnk what you are I )„u, suipt* FREE.' Addnaa. AJSn S. ObnataC losing now, and shall forever loee, if ' LC Roy. N. Y. 5-»-»t

t w|HUd have yoa fol- 1. t h « F - ^ * low the

trtJ«l example of John Kcbte who. Pain-

riviT "Engineer Surveyor Gainesvilk, Va. _

Allecl-,^0 ftivea to STCB iiaw aixIalT io»t-

AHWHg Ui6ylM#lht3^1 j!^^nSiS^ii.^o\^c *IJ^ Misses Elizabeth Johnsoiu Muriel Tstrlfia fk th»r im> W ^ r . Alma

t rs per aimog io noofl<lAn««" r^d. drainai^ and

r.«ij mates oa Lunsfoiil, ndiiiii DeatfilBy, B B F

wsm S t r e e t (\iHimitt

wi l l h*" 7^

Anaesthetics'"Administere3^ for less Extraction of Teeth.

Which lay half buried, roamed lawleae- ; D R . L . F . I I O U G H ty around tkts -earthly waste.

Better Than Ever Get it at yotir gro- .0^

QUANTITY ami Q U A U T Y .-. Let ua do your baking.

tion of a four-foot concrete e hundred yards, more ffiv

•-Sp«> •eiftcatiuti for said wuik i aluii'frw • i l l i» fiirnialiwl li> llin uiulm - -

gmMral conKtrurtioo.! l a^ Bak^*, a n d M a r g a r e t Griffith, right to reject any or all of SS

wi xmet , VB,, a g o o o c « i ante g ^ ^ r K . i . ^ . « „* « f~ -» r^,„

1««J >iiP«fclt«gs>ssl »*«»*• if Vltglil*

•s._-JJigg.Woirt and MaatcrsRotnayBe Buttoi , Dennis Baker. Hawea and John vies;—AHtson^^Sff^

L«««r«, Science, Law, Medtciw, Enfjneennf j Bowling Beeff, ESwin Seaehley, j i-OAr>jvi^S'0.vAihJ>.ti,ii I Robert Sprinkel and "Billy"

to oMdT » » d d e a e m u f i g t o d e o B f l O . O O ^ p ^ ^ ^ — n r m r v a l t rr»t» to Vira- ai* s tudenta in tb» i » ^ » ' " k « = ' -CoOeg* . "*«od for catany . i ' '

H i . W A S T ' W T \ " - ~ ^ • - -< ; . .

sigiied. "nre committee reserves the said pro-

AN, Chairman of Street Committee

From Corns. Bunions. Sorr or Callous spot*. Rli»-• t^ra, N*** oj Tight Fi t t lns Sh,ieb. .\i;en"?i Koot-1 T^mm*, th^ antlset)tJc DOW^ar to he ii^A<fr- .r.:. the

will sbrc tnataat relief. Sold «vary fMnt

l i j ffils wTOioel temiig ^ m how "to do i t When. ar-<&r«. can one cbiaio this •"slicagth e< -)«v«:' -ot -wb4«h ,:Uie poft «p»«ksT How ean be trarsue "the

i T'rtght tra<» wBaw ^-yw are bitadga

HowsecMiits^ - W L J JXiiX


Low RoundTKp" WeeV en4 Tift* to At««arfTia,"V«., and Waahin^ton, T». C ^ MaTlHf t o clpvntp oiTT" —_

^\A-~i-i^f '"'* ^ o * * * ' ' - ^ ^ ^ ^ tijr ^i .s«eui . iv; »B<Ljnoi»aiB« -^^ia'^-i>^^>^^^^p'LS.

ar.d .

i t lSf"- .*(

7th.—K.'T : Tr. ><!raaion S' ntho-o RAI^ • ill M!! kfTeailj rfsliif*'! far? lickft!' From t ita glorlesT It Is Ood onty wh Wa«hirn;t.in D C, sD i priwipai pr,int>. in | accomplich the«» things in human ex-"\';rfiiiiia ;c Auburn. .U«., an i r«-ii.rr, VKT | ^rie.acB, and he tx-sfln? the w o r t h y '

«*-*Kfnir.g (*•" • !» of parth. anif re-"-.-a, -e • -c ^'i ' • •'nKnef" of sla ar.d

wpek end- pxnirMon tickets to [ Tcquest t h o s e haviTig p r o p e r t y t »

list th'e same with us promptly.


eat fairly with all usinest oi

- - f-


Page 7: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne



jiffi TERM ( B M OMTiHOI ffiAVEET I Y N ( M

Summary of Proceedii»t» of Firtt Judge Thornton ThreeT)a>V-Kemamder Will

Sett Valualale, Three Coimtie* Have Them;Sute

E»a|nple in Faiiftx Ci».*it

-} 8c Given Next Week. Court Last Week.

B—rJ Health Will TrMt Thoiuan<U W Uk DiMaM.

Tne June term of the Prince \\ ,ilihrr,-Cire-uit Court, Judge J. B. T. Thurrtton presiding, con-

.v nt .! Mor;pay, and will continue until sometime next week. Fol

tHe of receipt dat«

A special to Times-Dispatch says:

' The people of the state of Vir­gin iia oweToTJudge J.B.T.ThorS'

Richihondi AT recenf Buttetlrr-from tirej State Health Department says:

"With hookworm dispensaries j soon to open in three counties of j

• TftF"-Commonwtiallh, the-Statej Board of Health today announced lowiriLr is a sammapv of the first ton. judge of the circuit court of ., , ^ . * • ..^

f ;;;', ; ; ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ 4 i » g , . •fhn.FnirfjY rnnnty. and rPHJdiny iil4defaulB,Qfthemost extensive sum-remainder wU^4)e-given.m-Qur J Manassas. Va., a vote of thanks next week's ibsue: " -for his quick and prompt action - ¥ COMMON LAW

td- . J. S, GaJther,

! in the case of the Commonwealth ^vs. jBenjamin Baiky (cotoredj whvcfi was triedatli'airfax courts house on May 30. Bailey a^ saulted a little girl named Mary Foltin, only 6 years old. He WM

foreman; Urlin. M. C. Holmes,David

Muddiman, I. C. Jacobs, W. T. -Monroe. J. Bou^iam.W.TWm^ -^ ^^ ^ ^ Jrrfge TWnton and L. # Carter^«« ^^^\on the 28th day of May whUehia andretia?netithefDltowingmdttt.|^-^ - ^ ^ ^^ ^ p-v^^,, ments:-;,

Wilegf Keys for a misdemeanor, a true%ll.

mer*8 work yet plarthfifl Bgalfiai the tiny blood-sucker of t h e South.

Follqwmg^ a_plan inaugurated S8ryear7the~B»S*^wffi^filFSF erate hookworm <ii8pensaries in counties Where an appropriation is made by the Board of Super-



"S fir8t"C08t i

B8TiQ9—-bvt « saving- in | up-keep a$ well. Vhen you put Smoot mate-riala iato yoor baildiag

vianrB and official approval of thfe undertaking is given. This, how

seems In ho wise to limit hookworm

Jc*fn Edward for a Tribble felon^, a true bill.

« . M. HaH for a fekmy^ two indictments, a true bill.

WJIliam narvAnW for a.misde-aieoaor) not a tn» hill _

C. 4* Meetze vs. Southern Rail-

ever. court4i6use. He admitted the 1 the activities of the crime. Judge Thornton imme- expeits. as c^nties are inajcmg diately appointed two attorneys

yon are using the best to be had. We guaraiu, t«6 that. We never ife^ viate from our standard.

Whether you know Quality or not, yon can


Jtriy 4 and 5, TUver $200jOri5 Tnles I

of good standing at his bar to represent Bailey wid set his trial for thh 30th day of May. He called together a specif jury and tried Baiky^n the jury t6UM him |?UlU _ Thornton without leaving the


pat it down as a cer­tainty that what comes from our yards and mill k ahaolntely right.

We wkh to announce that t ^ P^^S^^g?^**. R"* ^ f?*"* Is Cut *ear, but under th« dircMctiba of -agcr. and J. F. Utham, SocroUry and Troaaurer


1 tornhfir Mill JWioxk the appropriation as regularly as t h e y are called on. Already eighteen counties have made the neces^tty^awropftSBon, Hati-over having fallen into the line

ai:dLltwo_w€ek8^go^ j . The aispeiisai-Ieato Wiipetw*^?


An Tbe I S i T ^ a w ^ m i M n m ^ W S T i ^ hoB^ Qase^^m foc^Ead Day


I A iftMiiMt . y ^

"*"*4U' '^ •'.' 7. ...J 1 bench sentencea uaiiey lo oe Sou*1|rn Railway Company and | ^ .^ ^^^ p ^ ^ ^ .^il PeVin^lvania Railway Company i ^ J ^ _ , ^ ^ cnnveved to -^n»taoo • sustained .4«id—cause

"/"teflanrted^torules. Jacob A.Payne api)<Hhted guar­dian for Robert ^omon Payne anAhond of $900 required.

Comm0nweaWi-va.WileSLKeyjj„, , fnr n inifldpmflinw-eapiM is-^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.^ sued returnable June 3, 1913.

Commeftwcalth vs. E. M. Hall,

until he could be conv^ed to the penitentiary at Rl^mond and there aSeJy'secured uh the nth day of July. 1913. when he was to be dectrbehted until he was dead. The quick and juat

within the next few weeks are in Appomattox:. Dlnh-easuu aiid Roa-noke counties, where preliminary investigations have shown the presence of hookworm disease. Aahwetofore, stationswM^-be^-tablished at different p o i n t s throaghout the oountie8,.at which -

iffpowanrif s will be held from


Horse and Yehk^ 25c Admissioii, 25c

M«naauui, Virginia

mrtARKirr&c MA?mrACTUIUJ«ijrnN&-gffiAtr

BROWN & HOOFF Flow. Fe i i i Hay aiid Sah

for a felony-rppngnrzifid tO


day. Dr. K. E. Miller will be incbarge at Appomatfftt;

said around the eourt-houBe that - „^..^nir jMight to .IW! BUUUB

I up, and l i ^ ^ eaac not boon BO Lpromptly handled ho one knowg kept open forthree weeks, after poftr on the fifth day of this tern,

. Commopwealth vs. John y-f^^^'^^^co "ucneowopldhavclwhirhthp inBTXHi wafd_Trib_bl&Jor a^felgnjrrilea u'waa.mLleeAdlemeuf In other coimtiftB

liityaW senteticed to three "!^ ' _ , .^, , ^^,,^:-^ a . the With the exp

Dr. W. A. e!9i>.and

Brumtleia in

1 •••ntit^MT

ruxXttL Theae disBenaaries will be

AD Stock .9*4 Poultry Powder* at Half Price

of guilty years in the pepitefitiWTr.

Comnwmwealth va. Hopldns— continued to flftii digr of thia

^^Commonwealthvs. W.H.Bond V . no]

tmA very little prejudice v a s the result Judge Thoroton said t&at had his court nere not been in aosaion he wwrid base calleda

• nolle proGcqiiied. Commonwealthjya. late, Qct»-

qttau Comyauy - tuuUtiued uaiUl Tbrfiextierixrof ceari: '

"COTnmohweaifrVB7 Wiley Keys

special tenn and tried tihia man» ThenMCto was given a fajgr ai^

•* :"~jLrrT: ' j : . i ^ . . . 1 ««*«kA A T A I I i^anJ

yf}ii^yr »>iA in«pA«»toi willpperatej

With the experience of last year to guide them and with an unbroken raeord of aaceeaa, the

tmpardiriBiarand was well rep-r«»«ftn» hy <™marf: - H^ haa

ui^>ectQ^ airticii^te a very busy s^Bon. ^ Last summer, in one county, Dr- Miller and his aama-faitUTeaaHMhed^ about 1,700 pco.

-Botiui^ t& . . •Thornton's attitude in this case

W« tnep o> hand Lomfaar, lim»,OnMM.

(nth; ""•* " • • • •* •* • " " " ^ ffcmdM.

f\a.X^^«i,V, mtumtf Hanm* »ud-ril t a d a


ptewtdin^jiAbg eooiatiii l^fjgl^e 6n tha^Mmetgartes WW

almost as large^'" Slew

—continued to ninth day ot term ~"C<Hnmohwealth vs. Thou. W.

Carter, for a felony-jury and verdict of assault and a-fipe of

• $50 and costs imposed. '- Robt. A. Hutchison, commis-_aioner of accounts, submitted his

' ^port gg ti> "the'sufficicney of-th» - ufliciar bond of J. P» E aJghnHOU

^r^fifMf^^^iSw- r'^'i!j^vT^:JZ and if other judges over thia country w«xld use such methods as employed by JudgeJPhomtoo in this case a great.many lynch-ings would be averted and the laws of the country *0»dd be more respected and better up-

treaaurert with a recript from the State Aiiaitor's oAce of a copy of said report, which report Mid were' ordered to be filed.

held and the solution of this"

that the people ol the State are more. faniiKiuf w W i A e ravages of thia disease. ^ ^he i to i of the_BockeMl«r Sanit»ry Coramis oBf- sai^ an efficw -x>f the B o ^ , ;*does- not contemplate more' than one dis-


j^ i l l i i i i i n fill HUM IW ihnrt - i r * ' "

F«f A*


-for .••••J • •r_


In effect Dec 15. 1M2.

>nd of J. t'' J ^ f ^ ^ ^ a t ^ebtea,woUld3>^atimmt of this county, tngfftner :^^",f!fYn^.^ foii»w Uie good

tb A.Hatehi96atritowc'd U^-^ i ' •'•Ji fee of eomraisaoner lof accounts, :_ - ^ for mffiiig repffitt )n. treasurer's

bond. \^ ^ R. L. HMideriMm v^ W. Q.

Let other judges follow the good example set by Judge Thornton and save our Southland from the stigma of Idwleasnesa that will continue to exist until these mat-

p p a w - m any county In With liiiiirAr *""'<'' "'"I

a small^taf not hope to return to a countjr OTce ouf inspectors have given the peoi^e opportunity of free ex­amination and treatmej»t.

xsfawUe kgnns jiabliabed Mi"vSSat»»icm tn^mrrinm (tiiilililtiril

N e w l u g g i e « 7 ^ i H r t M i l t « L A ^

-sTlie Blue Bell .CreMTi Seimmtnra THE BEST e W EARTH

RAHWATl ^ ^ l ! ! ! ! ^ i ! ^ ! ^ ^ ' ' ^ • i ^ Fannwa' FcTOiila'Graia

l u l l If - ] " ~

Tiaipa to SOUtBBOUKD.

Ko.1»-D«lj local. 8:4A»

TblS Should aivu&e the eitoeno , . the counties in whi^ weare to operate dispensanw this y^r to the heed of taking t f » ^ « i

eoBBMlia* at Orange dail; » 0. 4 O. No. 4 ^ lor -"

vasfnf eimpt SoB^^

piUe aao

_tIa_U ii-as a. m tiXatfwWwremoaaaa iatgiuteitiaUyoiala^

Hi>~.4i^t)i^J ihrough tnds,- lizSn a. « . . will Blop at MaaawaK oo Bac. '

Hojl>_£jtcejitaunav^ 35* . n . Log*-(or WaiTOirtoB ad « i e uiodiata pomts.



G* VWR YN 1M« te GNlt Wi be» E^matel ters are handled in-this prompt manner. Such action will helij Qvs courts and be a great beBefit tAQtir country and avert many

Hl- Griffithi in assamaLt-CQntinued_^^^ to the second day of the October' «^"^;^ termaai?. _ ^

T. Wi Tiynn ' g *

horrible scenes

pie of Virginia praise Judge p r'^*^l^^»«-ntpn for the m»iterly way Vr ffWtfT .„'u,^KU«> conducted this caM.

;t otherwise' ^ongfe. Eveiy facihty ^ " •*I^g^I^^^TS,^^. loeajw.w^ T t fhe nc(K Qfl[ered_them and the arrange- ^„^B, ,„ WMTWUOB.«:K p.«.

—— '•• ^ . , in whichi he conductea tnis caSST and A. H, Green vs. same; Alex- _______---__—=—============ andria iertilJier & Qhe^iflal+ijjpiyjn^^yjt fXQURSlOl^ Company vs. T. A. ThomaS8Qp4r!r_^ , _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ ^ - - ~ - : -, ^

noOce. auU E. L. Hughea

mentis such that a v&eaim who receives treatment can return t^e n m WHA luf fmLiiu uuuMlw

So. 41—Daily through tram, 11:04 p. tteoa «e let 00 pasMngen Inim Waahogto*

m -Off , - . - _ CcMnpanr vs. J. R. B. Davw, asfaimait—diamisBed agreed.

R. R. Reevea vs. J. C. Meredith - demurrer s u s t a i n e d and

-hr ASHEVILLE, N. G, Jind Other PoinU in

tion and instruction. We hope -^at before the summer w oveaTrj „„... , ^ a W J«veexdmaed~5a*d|««^«o'^^'

• treated many thouaands of

THErlJ^O) OF THi:' SKY Satur^y^ Jme l i t ;—

lor peiaH at whidi adiedsled to ato^ NORTHBOUND.

Nd:-18—E««pt .*nidw, Kx«i faoB War - ^- - l « , « * 4

JEWELRY. %ATC;HE5, CEJOOCS, EYE ^uAsaajcaJt GLASS, sa^ymyft^

ciwrliir n CA -i-

H. i)r^?^^«uai

people who are suffering from this preventable and wasting da-ease, we have-«»}oyeda|)i«w^ cooperation and we hope to

V i a

if posaesainn and' C«tfl JB IftYSad - j eatly redticed rowid trip4<tf»ltoin of nlaintiff . ' all atations between Waahiiwton and

• • ° ' w ^ UpscoTnbvs.J.R. Powell, |K:^^"^- . C ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T e ^ - g S t <m .appeal fj<|li justice judg- j Washington. D. C. tilymeX

- ^ aent agaiitotthdpiiuiau-Ameri:

it unbroken this yew.

Ho. lS-^Da.ly .. ami jUeiandria 8; tf a. m.

}Jo 114—Bw^t SiiDday. A Mi ia:4!i a. oi., from WarraatoB aaA- imitm-aediat* points PnllmaB Parior Car..

lfo.l<^-n«itv(ocal.lrIT) p.ia. CBini ear at Onnga »it£ C. X O. Rinwi^ frOfSMr B>on<t «ad OorttoBOTiHe. — -'

So. IH8—K«s»ptJ*™<fiy ^, ^ . Arrire •aa4:10 p m.,froof Warr»«t<» a«d

V i a - = ^ ^ = = ^ ^ ^ = 1 mrtiata point*

iaJftXQtl -*._.-»i ..«..>,^ r«>n<l trin-far*fraoi • _ _ S e a s -

ran Insurance Com]^ny of New York, f-H- S4J.37. interest iotc jBaeta


• * •• '


' We make a specialty of such work and guarmntg ''^



^ 9r. afakR ift. PKlhpaCogdaa.) A. " ^ f #k '^*n<^

1 ium.<xamiaaiow

/ ^ T T B ^ n ^ k ^ T u d O T i e n t "set a s i d e ! Bid* will be receivad at tb« C*«r^'»

cover c o s t s . "* _ _ construction of about fight

Jordan &

_ . » ' « » Ww>iia(itn«|-< So. 36—DiiHy-**"

4 a a p ^ can for Waahiagtoe aad New-York •»-je ^ B . alAi* on 8a«. R««r»e« eonaee tion. daily ezeept Saaday, at Onagt^^vm C. A. O. iron RidnBOod aad OordoSIViHa

From it you can buy as satiafactorily as thou^ you VHsiUsi lid * u* |)ef son

Lich's Sons Ts4bePSt.Ctr.lM

New Stock tion. Appeintmenta made s<)rTT'Brp'"''^T^j

short notice. For prices ' eigr ew

„„,»^„.. _ Jordar. \"S TowtTI, oh ap!>eal froTr !

AmerieaTi kiSQrance ' f


\t 'eonstruction of about fight and ot>e-i half miles ol gravel roaa tronj tjcco-

4 t l cr— " quan "TWsrrter WW- lUmmtli Dtuutt i f istrict to the SufFord County Une, in nace VViHiafn r<]«"fy. V» - - ^ plans a n d i p R i a c s t w ^ w»4H*•* t«*j

g)«.ri,-« it^f**, M«Baa«aa, -V»r,_ w«J at 1 lliia office. ' - — -

So. 4»—r»iiTtT-tec»!, 9;30 a m. Sn 21"—K.xfvpt Sonriay. l<v«l. 5 2.T p. m


- Sfuldesigns bi Wall



• Talti iaph anH ToW* p b o ^ Polaa as»d PiUnc

f«r«Huck w« pay caah.


from at Spring and Summer"

No nS—Eicept Snadar, 1«>a. 8:S^ a. •

"Bfrng or sepd yo«»r Kodak-! ;n«n HamsonboTK to WaabihgtaB, \0-»



1 Manassas Transfer CoX;

• W.S..\THET,Pro^T«tor. ; ~ ^ Fnrnilnr* %ui all kiMa of B IV AT atlJai uuuiiauili''aa fi uai>*lj wi

BIB VlJit,*^.

•* Pi-tifiwl dt«k far-t8Cfte» to-«e-ompany each bio.


company ea»^. «.«. The rig^ht ia reaerverf to reject any or Ibkte. ^ ,. • Sp*cific«tione fumiahed on appUc*:

' tion to the undersigned. r .ST J Wil^f^y.

|fi-<v9.t. S u t e mgfawy -CoHimifcaionef:

l^hJ^-MJOli -OOOP ° ^ - j ' ^ . ^ U I w M ^ *»cbi«^_tiwii^O« a , for * fooPSn^eoVW-BTO^. _,„ ^^ p..-,

,BCt<«i T:58 p m i r B « i >J«?- 21*^17 aad la ia

TTiTStock aiid P"«si»e-" ] . j r ^ fuic plQoing yoiir ordir [ggggtgaSg;KERS

Run at ke^VH r<»tL ^ f • • • • • ^ T . ^ " * * * ; » Pi?xTtyVv flcations may be had by " - k i ^ t ^ p H ^ cation ta th«rCoanty Oark'a Office or to the uiKkaiciMd.

f^ """*"* J. p. MAjnjEi>, t J. F. GrucK.

, unrica to Ooi4—wlU

V P. K. H. CO.\n*.VN'. V P. sod 0««. Mgl a. H. HARDWICK, Pa». Tm«e lf|^. H. r. CART. Gea Pa» A ^ t . 8. BROWN. n«w»r»l A(K»t.


•ddreat: 2660 14th



y iw^

Thursday. Waahiagtoo

8 . ' B R ^ 7 p i - « l A ^ t . ''*'"*'^^'3,rS«Jo.iIBaniB.ildiaJ, L. 6lS80P>««-^_rjV«at. j ^ ^ P^P»^ ^•^<*^ MANASSAi V*.

iW. C Wagener MANASSAS. VA.


Page 8: aa qjBE^ - Prince William County, Virginiaeservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014. 3. 21. · -uatt^Ektaa^iaHit The achool year for the Manaa^ •'Wowne

-—?a-HH IS l(MIfiKAL,JTRif'AY. JUNE 6. 19' 3.


» r. i f IH

k the greatest of modern-tone helps to perfect cake., and biset&t makings Makes home baking pleasant and profitable. Ir"renders Ae~

-4-Fnund Near Hit Home Wedn*« 3iiy Wormng With An Ugly ' Gunsixot Wound ia He«d.

^ AlbMert Beaver*, 39 years of age, son of John Beavers, at­tempted suicide by shooting him-§clf in the head with a shot Kun

food more digestible and guarantees it safe from

at a lonely spot near his home, two miles southwest of Brents-vilte, about 11 o'clock Wednes-' day night, but the tragedy was not discovered until early Thurs-

""day" iniJitiingr followjixg • careftH' search of the premises. The,

HAYHARKETSCHOOL E W D S ^ ' ; " ' " ? » ^ i . e ^ s t a t e d t h . t h e .

Interesting Program Mark* the Cymnciencement Exercise* Si, ,'Utft Saturday.

~TRe~clouiiiK exci'ciocB of tho HHymafKBt giiOtd ochoftl took

momin£ of tbelrageriy and spent, e day in and about Parnassus,

the day following the mur-GJiai'iBS Duiwghe wag m'-|

Tested, charged -with: the murder of his sister, Rebec<» Donaghe, and lodged in jail.—He vigor-

place on last Saturday afternoon in the school building. The stage

and other flowers, and a well presented _pr(^ram of aong^. drHte iMid recitations was much enjoyed and applaude$i by a large audieiice. ~ ' • ~ . ~

E. Jordan, after .which "The Star Spangled Banner" woo Dun» by the school. The reading of two <mginal poems—"D^eated

School"-by Dr H NfTlarkfin^f, was an interesting and much CSDK joyed number oltheitrogram.

The prizes were prieseiUxd by iir^ Jordan m d iwarfed as fol^ lows; ' :

HIM wiwui'a lUHm

UUmy pruiVHtHU ilis iuuuvenue ami

The murdered woman, is a sis­ter of Mrs. A. J. Silling whose husband was' a former resident of M&hassas, who at one time

la mftfhanfff

Pprtner-Moncln N ^ t i a b .

M» FHwnrH f t Port^ner a p 4

Medal for Scholanhip.'.ElIm UtUrtMck Second Prize for Scbohtrship

-mBOatSKBB First Priie for Attendance • ••

, Emma Pet^B Second Priie .f<w Attendaaec

Parsour Raptor

MiM Ann* Fond Moneur<{. damtfa> ter of Rev. Getojie iloncure, for­merly of Stafford county, were married in St. John's Episcopal church in Washington at 8 o'clock Wedneecky mghtin^tli ur,a ftW newr relatives and mil-mate friends. Mrs. Portner is a gradHatr-tiaiaed Timwo and i» was while, a patient .in GoQifge Washington hospitalin'Washing­ton that Mr. Portner met Miss Honcure and won hec_himdlin

MIOO NOttMAW B JtOOIt-Prize for H«*dmariCS (a 1 2 . ^ gold

piece given by Mkn Norioto's

-Prii? i(».A tteodsnce.. • . . J « l » Gamett . itiae T^jfct.eas»^^oo^^ -

Prize for Ai^)Midiinfji HinTT Tipflntinl

maiTJago, but the enyaijsemwtt ysts kept secret until sh<»tly be­fore t^e nuptials.

wounded anJ thought to be dyfng man was removed to the home and't)r. J. C. Meredith, o&iAIa-nassas, summoned by phone. Upon his arrivaJ his conclusions were that his patient was beyond all human aid to save hie life and set about to make him as com­fortable as possible.

Hiv Beavers'* mind has been seriously affected for six or eig^t months and it is thought that in a moment of extreme despond-pnpy h e c o m m i t t e d t h e rash a c t

At thfi--tiine oi our gs8UML.ta press tbe'jmfortuniite man was still living and preparations were hflinir-^^na^ 15 "taite him to a Washington hospital. feigned to believe be was being

taken to the'Western State hos- „ ^ * m« . ^ * u e ^ i • - i - i r...r^i..^-..- IT.L1X .L^ui^ N o t i c e p L M e e b n g o L t h e _ S | o d k -pitah fur ffle Insane. He is ueaily | " " fcoWe„ of theiMaiuunaln-70 years old, but appears some-what toimgpf. •-— — '

diBtrial SCIMOI for Colorad Youth, -

The Board oi Director* of the M&Damati liulu«tri»I Sciiool for Coiored Vouth, a cor-pnrntioB « l thg SitWe^ol VirgtBin. dO &eret>v rwoJTe and declare that it ia advisable that said corperaiiroa be dinooWed aad corporate franciBse and charter be resigned

~iiia4gqKwt»Ut6cfc-*BifleH«d and abaadaaed jMi44t» <sapit»t-«t6cr*BifleH«( aad aino^eem it adviaable that the coavey • • U ttlDU UCV7U1 ib • U T I W U I C UUki iUO UUU v r V

tit aad miaed be made l o a acwr oor p<^ratioi], the charter of whidh has been or wfll be obtained from-the ^(ate Corporation Commiasioa under the same uaoe, lAmel;,

:|-th»3tapa<iaaa Indastrial 8chooi forCidored Y»utb."aDd do li«i^1sr«tt a meeiiim of the Stootttoldera of tb M«na»««g l i id»tr i« l School for Colored Youth to be held at tlw I^incipal office of the said corporation, oaar thetovp of Uanaeaaa, in tlteilouBty of Prince WilliMm, in .ihe S u te of Viroiniai on the 21at 6uj of June, 1913, *t 11 o'clock a m .for the

rpf laLliig actii apan- the lesoiution adopted bji the Boardor a Bofy ot which rsaotntinii hga .A to each StockbcJder of record and to fl^pt a nmilar resolntion and to signif; the eonsent ia writuag of ifce 8tocHip)der« that »aiK» dis-

*uianbu >UAii. iftkt'ijjw ana u uu AU aurh diii^lMtiei) and further tu authorise the coo-«^aticeand tf^usferof aj!, itx property, real, |>BiaunaritDd wixed, to soch netv cor-poratiou ana I •! the tranaaciipo of i>u«b other ttasineM" aa mar jmajmilj toaie beiore.tbe

Mr. Portner. who is the oldest surviving son of the late Robert

meeting. ,. tWtedtheaSnl duT otTiar. 1013 . - EVEl.Yir G JilTCUEl.L,

5 23 4t Secretary of (he Board o( Dirertori.

.afttl Anna. Portner^ is" president ortfte-t^aoitaHJeftsfaraettonCom-" Pri8o for Sehotowhip in First GraJa

Thomas Gamett! pany, of WashingtfH), ah organi-Headmarka in Third Grade zatiofl which Controls andilirect&


He&dmarka in Second Grade

Ctadr^ Bail r org I van.

-_. . . . - . ,___ - A S A - ~ I . AX&tx_ •• ^' •• , • ^*I.J ' • - -^!>WBa - mMi%K ~M*MMM^ :

Hiaktoit lovg to n»> rart ^ rff^fngf t-c f n**^ *>b4 rBfgaod vun.

Kupert—Hay teU ber for me tfiat re-•enge is -so Rweet I > e f oisiTeii the ia-i/asf.—Jtidga. • i ~ - — —

KallHme Peteia

lis late latners Dusinesa mterr aarthqttaicaa.

AlcAaiitliia. Andaman islanders, lowest of '

ages, think tbat earthquakes are cao» ed by the_«3>irit8 of'the dead, who, lai-petient at tlST (delay ^ l ^ najOPBe-

uuiiHijr t?ui different patterns to select from; ehn-broiderM on all pure handkerchief &««. irSTlmngercHtf aiat;Yeg t-Ooae Daity and-Satfflf.


OpenrPafly and S a t a ^ ^ That i M r * faaUoa'a ataoqi «f ^ "

— proral w a J t M i * —

16-batton, all pure thread "Tricot" silk; doable linger tips; mousquetaire wrist; in black and white -only; all

Headmarks in KiBd£Tsarten_

Club a berry set; and from three of the boys a sugar bowL Miss Nuaiian, WIHJ has taught in llMt school for smne y«ai^ anff^Tf moot doacryedly popular and be-ioved,. and. Miss Wilfie Tulkas, i\\^ bright-OTtri -wm^w^mrfH yro iny

i Giit-t—^Shortly after. thcLwedding cec-Miss Browen to w h o ^ untir-.^

ing zeaLand interest the success!^*"' Atlantic City and will con oi the school dupng tbepa.»t ses-j ^""*' ^^^^ wiJddlBjg tour through sioR i s — t e p l y d f e - *te^s«a=^h»-i l«* . " t a r n i n r b y way of several pfel4y gifts—fHWB the' teachers and pgpals a silver berry sDoon: from tire Girl*3-Athletie

(fay a 8 a. m

emony-Mr. and Mr?.J>ortnerleftU«. ^ ^ tfi, « i S ^ L i n J ! . ^

to Washingtcm where tJiey will make their home. ^

DeatliW Mrs. Maggie Keys.

The many friends, in this place. of Mrs. Maggie Fgky^Bys were grieved to learn of her death, in herhome_in Norfolk. aft«r two

I weeksuf critlimljUnaji^la^ jSgo^ day] The immediate eauae of death, we learn.wa^ aeuteindiges-

teacher of the ;>rimary grade, were also reraembelred by their pU^il8Withdain1&^TRTOprSehts.[tion: The body was taken to

''* 1 Alexandrfa where iLwaaintetred flaeiy oat to tiM

U M 7 beBave tbe eartb to reat CAN Bfr S U M ^ i S eORRECP H* ^ ^ ST¥fcE,

_ Tha.U«rs«. A borae will. Uve twentjr-Sve O a ^

wttlMJut gtj>W fwA' merely dtlukUig watac. aetettt«aa-aajc«-.wt>hmit eltbet catlnc or drinking and only I r e days wtwtn r>T»«lrli.«. /vf y >Ud fooj WlAWIt

.lUdud-aiAwn.^ . Mrs. Gayet—Where' are Another bariiain? ,Mr8.

Handkerchief 4tM«—Street Floor. duyi i t&|y.m. 7 9 C a pair -

Glove Store—Str«et £3«oc

'I Jblalt Ihe Charm of an Effective Costume is due to tEc ^ ^___ACCESSORIES OF THE DRESS

yon %cAsk%^ Buver—Xf«.

tndaidT Ja&nTtoId^ m« thto moratokir i tiuu. Juur ^ elCTatora lo SmUbeiPa departaocBt store at« maited dowa^— ^ a d y r — ^ — ^

A woman that ig conaid»rad pwrfcctls gTwpmcd.aDd correctly outfitted pays special atunti<»i to O i t ^ t a i l i of her eoatume—to her Iloaieiy, iiei Qlaves, tB the HtUe OiiiauHints of Jewelry, to bet Belt and Purae^all of

to feer costonae, Wnat ia thc^restilt of soch eareftii Mtd'LOOKJs tgiUWNIWa, , s >

--whkji m a ^ be of the latest style, and-imist amropriate ittenftonV n a t s^c fe*lt th«»odgay SiBTO« fcadft^y

ifcre are s<NBe Siggestins fiir the Best and Latest Ideas i i Dres& Access«ies

W O R A R S YlULii(T U E A I H I MT*. Keys was- a native of ^AA-

i»ytog-iageat f h» grffntw f tion of hei life in "an humble

tR6ittft n*ir where Mr. John W. jPr^scott's residence, on Quarry ;road. iiow stands. _ £g£::sgtgBU.

SkuO Cmahed - Sitter of Form­er Resident Mananai.

, suc^s^v« tamaa -.

poaal aothtng baa 'erer anrpaawed tbat 6f tbe yoD^^jrhia,. oo aatariag the

rinc fTMB hla pockc^ aaM,

in aJonely cabin home near Par- nassas Hi g h Scho<:i building. nassus in Augusta county^ thigiHer.fiftjt^^e«i> were spent tat ^ ^ state, when_Mi^__B^iLe,c^AlIiifeiuU^affection aad d u t y ^ l ] ^ W i ^ ^ **'"" "** "*' " ^ Bwughe w«g found with henJiw^nmiifltble inolher;' husbahff "TETlr iiead crushed by means of some | and children. Beaidea her h jft*- '.^ bluHt i Liuti'uiHeBtj • Twet^ Weii a ^iiantt, "whirto aS(ri iaclve CT WS bad been Struck, one on the fore-j county, she is survived by one head and one on the back of the | son and one daughter, who have head, ejtherof which wo«>ki btze I the deep sympathy of a host of •proven fatal. [ friends in her late adopted home

Bie dead woraac's bTOtb*p, ^awi in this county.

Ptrst Af^or—How' are the acotiatte |>ropetnes of tbe new playbonae? Sec­ond Actw-i-FlMT*. Totir Tolp* canlea


iUchnoor S ^ Hose-~The Only Uii«ihil- _ t e n t e d Silk Hose o o the Maricet

A P a i i v ^ , 8oWexei«ttivelTbyosin Waahhtsrtorr. Pnresilk, and

r.-^UsfitihaL.W&'^S. M A U the wtaring parta awt woven-— "ht a rwmhar nToceas to yive service, thua eliminating

t-tr Tbe Teacher (readlnio—"Tben tba

iJil waiilm fated ibe Meiiklun ti3% «•*• ansheatlied her deadly weapoD.** Wbat dera that mean, rblldreo? Well. KIsieT ^BMl^^*sMeaa4^jBa^a9. i. tim^a & alie atuc'k uut bei tongDe. ~ ~' 1

11 honery troubles .jyPiaS" » fiin"fBBiHored pure thread silk, fine thread-

(Wler t o ^ Very etajstie, with s ix'thre«l heeU, aolea «Dd taaa, ia black, white, tan, and 90 other sbadee-te

» d i the i i m gpi iwg'i-ujtuiina, lOt Hoaiery Store—Street Floor.

Articles You Will W a n t from I I M Jewelry Store _ . ^

Broce/***—20-year jfoW-fllled braceletaliianJWigfaved,' secret lock atyle. An ertrs gtwf Ttlaeag. v:tt. O

Seddact-'^iim Bnlgarian Necklace, with pendant drOT>av iBJiU th«.ne»<»k)red Bt<»ieg, at, • . , , . . . 3 8 e

Iteah BoM—G^raaiB silver mesh bags, guaranteed un­breakable meah. 6 to 7-ineh frames, pegulat $5.00 values f o r . . . ; . . . _ $3.96

VtmiiyBsofe^^tSBnnan atfVCT books, in :>t«^Sed, checked Mack and aitrer, or engrave<f f r a n # « 1 . 0 0 valuee « ^Si»S~r. '-

Jewelry S tore -S tr»^t^»or .



NecSw'ear • Airfanportant Dress ACQ

CbOreaemw^Tlab required'tkat all elBriais wbo drank latoalcaats ahoaid be beheaded.

Tlw W*l«h "Uaiv" Predx "IxiB' eeoiint ta ibeaai

ir.'-re !lian 4:.i» pU.'tf itt W»4e« ir-brt < 'i< » (rrd .luij sijrjiiit-. an in. losure.

White, black, cerise, purple, Nell rose, imv, uiur, ifr>a«»iT>ip ona-'o l e l l y Graen, Biscuit, also m combinatioris fif s i a n L t •* '* '*^* '^* ' B O ^ S . audi as tsmivi l hiy>wn, glfeeu andtoown, lareader $aA hetio, black and whil#.

~"~"TI»e«rve Ip^Beacttt. cMifc 99t:, •Jl.'W, TI.9S np to 96.2S.

Tlif tntaetit stvie uf tHs-'i makw iti^iff Mmwt B ^ « feaOale Ct/lam Iflfl LBgi. tfhiU and eero, at f

Some combined with v ^ A t in all the newest color­ings such as Kelly Greem^en.sp. N>!|

, 25c

lawai fsiiUea aie Qie fulkjwmi}. ery Coat or Dre«B Seta. 50c to $1.50. Separate Collara in Batiste, whita aad ecru Swiss Erabrvidery Collars, 2Sc to $1.00. Neckwear Sto(*-Street floor.

If IfHTonvenknt t ^Come Orde %^

