aaron nguyen - electronic profile

Aaron Nguyen 2011

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Health Academy Semester: August-December 2011


Page 1: Aaron Nguyen - Electronic Profile

Aaron Nguyen2011

Page 2: Aaron Nguyen - Electronic Profile

I remember my first day in Health Academy, I left Kapaun as soon as the bell rang and arrived 45 minutes early. Mrs. Hang to set up my password and computer log-in, I did not eat lunch this day. Then other students started arriving and I was able to meet and greet many old and new friends. After that, Mrs. Hang introduced herself and presented us with further information and forms of orientation, letting us know everything we needed to know and do for the class: parental consent/info, mentor forms, blackboard accounts, thank you letters, schedules, etc.

From there, various speakers came to talk to us further about Hospital rules – HIPPA, hospital orientations (SFC and SJC), volunteering, etc. We also went to Newman University for an orientation for the Medical Terminology course we were going to take

We also had a TB screening After we received our Medical Terminology textbooks, lab coats,

and ID badges, we were ready to begin. We began week 1 of our rotations and wrote a paper on our top 5 careers of interest.

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The first day of my rotation in Repiratory was very short, I just watched breathing treatments ministered to 4 patients, then the nurse I was shadowing was finished with her shift. The second day, however, was very interesting, I learned a lot, saw a lot, experienced a lot. I got to shadow a Respiratory therapist, she had a lot to do, and it was great to get to see it all. She showed me how to draw blood from an artery in the wrist, test the blood, work ventilator machines and other various machines, draw medication/drugs, set up treatments of all kinds, and so much more that I cannot even remember. It was a very full day, a lot of experience.   

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For the second week of rotations I was at the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. This unit takes care of mainly patients who have had heart surgery or severe heart problems. They work hand in hand with repiratory, I saw some of the nurses I was with last week as well. I learned more about the vital signs of patients and what the nurses look for specifically when they check vitals. There was a lot more use of medications and other various treatments and procedures, such as draining fluids from the body, morphine, other pain medicines, breathing treatments, different machines, etc. There was a lot more family interaction in the CICU as well. I also realized that the majority of patients were elderly, and had other diseases and conditions along with their heart problems. They had more mental problems as well. Overall, I liked cardiac care a lot more then my last rotation, I met a lot more people and was able to talk to a lot more people.

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This week, I was at 7SE. 7SE is a medical floor, they receive all kinds of patients from every floor. There's not much activity there, but the nurses still keep busy checking on patients. The 7th floor does not have a specific area that it takes care of, though it is the main floor where stroke patients are cared for. I was able to ask more questions with nurses, learn more about what a registered nurse specifically does. Overall it is a more relaxed/slow unit, but still, interesting things pop up here and there.

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My rotation this week was in the Lab. So far, it has to be my favorite rotation by far. I learned the most there, they taught me a lot, in a way that was really clear and easy for me to get. They explained a lot and I understood it all. It was funny how everyone in the lab was sick though, literally EVERYONE had the sniffles; stuffy/runny nose, and a box of tissues. The first day wasn't as interesting, I just followed a phlebotomist around and watched them draw blood. The second day was when I went around the different units in the lab, it was awesome. I'm interested in looking further into becoming a med tech. We'll see what happens.  

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My fifth rotation was the General Surgery unit at St. Joseph. It was uneventful, there wasn't really any activity going on, the nurses only did their regular med. distributions, vital checks, and discharges. Other than that, they just had me sit behind the desk unless something came up. I think it was just a medical floor.  

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This week I was at Cath. Lab. It was very interesting, everything was new. It was interesting  how the doctors and specialists could look at the screen and see organs, wires, filters, stents, etc. whenever I looked at it, all I could see were light and dark gray shapes. I learned many new techniques they used to perform the operations. It was also the first time I had to wear a hair net, facemask, vest, etc. in the room. The technology was incredible to witness, there were so many machines that had specific functions, it was cool to see how they worked. As well as things like the filters, wires, tubes, sheathes, stents, and other things that they would need to put in, it was all quite impressive.  

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This week I was at Radiology. It was interesting, there wasn't anything too exciting but it was cool to see how xrays are taken and how they work. It's a relaxing unit, everyone was really layed back, nothing's hard. There was also a new machine that the hospital purchased so they had a lot of people in the room learning to use it. I learned how an xray basically works, and how the machines read the images. They had me see various types of procedures, one was on a baby, they had to stand the baby up in a cone type brace, it was very unpleasant for the baby. Overall I had a good time at the unit, everyone was very comical; one guy told me that it was like a family on the unit, I can see why he said that.

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For my 8th rotation this week, I was in the MICU at St. Joseph. It felt much like a medical floor, only in an ICU. There wasn't much going on, the level of care was higher, but the people working there maintained it like any other floor. I learned about some new machines that were used in the MICU; different types of ventilators and IV machines.  Overall I enjoyed being at the unit, everything was nice and quiet and organized.

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My 9th rotation was in the ER at St. Joseph. The ER is by far my favorite unit, if I do go into the medical field, the ER is where I would like to work in. On the the first day, I was put in triage. Triage is where patients would come in to be registered into the ER. It was really interesting to hear their stories, why they are going to the ER, what happened, what's going on, etc. The ER at St. Joseph is the busiest in the state but when I was there, my second day, it was unusually quiet, all of the staff was telling me how weird it was that there was really nothing going on. There were a lot of empty rooms, and nothing critical happened the entire day. I was able to sit and talk to the different people; doctors, nurses, EMTs, Paramedics, techs, security, etc. I learned a lot and had an awesome time.  

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This week I was at Transplant. The charge nurse was actually the one who took me around the unit, she taught me about Fistulas and let me listen to some. One man had a fistula in his stomach, none of the nurses knew that it was even possible to have that done, so it was cool to be a part of that. Most of the patients were for post surgery care. Overall, I enjoyed the unit, I was able to ask a lot of questions and the nurse was really good at answering everything and explaining things by showing them to me.

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This week, I was at TSICU for my rotation. It was a very quiet day when I was there. The only thing that happened was that a woman died. It was the first time I have ever seen anyone die. Watched her vitals go down, her family was gathered all around her, it was a very humbling experience. When a patient is beyond help, and there is nothing more they can do for the person, they are put in comfort care. This is where the patient is disconnect them from all life support and given pain killers, kept comfortable, and then left to die naturally. Aside from that, I just sat at the desk and talked to the nurse(s). 

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My rotation this week was at 5SE, this was a stroke/diabetic medical floor. Nothing really happened at all when I was there, all the nurses even said they were getting bored with how quiet everything was. I was able to talk to the nurses and patients more than usual, that was nice, but apart from that there wasn’t much activity.

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Rehab was interesting, I didn't get to see a lot. The therapists kept getting delayed by patients; this one lady didn't have any control of her abdominal functions, so whenever she sat or stood up, she would 'you know'. The therapists I was shadowing had to clean up after her for an hour. Aside from that, I watched them do small exercises on patients, everyone had something happen to their leg. At the end, we went down to the 6th floor, which was for patients with mental problems on top of their injuries. These patients were more dangerous to be with because you would never know what they will do next. Unfortunately the therapist said I didn't have to stay and walked me out the exit. They have to keep this floor under 'lock and key' so the patients wouldn't wander out, so I couldn't just walk out on my own.

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My Rotation this week was at the OR. Aside from the ER, it was my favorite roatation. I finally got to actually see something instead of sitting at nurses' stations all the time. I was able to see a robotic arm procedure, a microscopic procedure, and an open stomach procedure. The robotic arm procedure was for a patient who had defective ovaries, this woman was 32 years old and still a virgin. I thought it was funny how the nurses and doctors were so surprised. The microscopic procedure was for a patient who needed a part of his right colon removed. The doctors didn't know what was exactly wrong with it so they removed it and sent it to pathology and the lab to diagnose. The open stomach surgery was for a 22 year old male who was a cheerleader at WSU. His stomach was bulging, there was something behind his bowels that was causing him a lot of pain. The doctor cut his abdomen open and found that there was a tumor in his colon, so he had to remove the entire right colon. It was really cool to see all of the new technology and advencements in the OR today, the surgeons kept telling me about how far everything has come in the last decade or so, there were all kinds of really neat tools and machines and techniques. It was awesome, I would definitely like to come back there soon! 

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Pediatric was very interesting. On the first day of my rotation the nurses talked to me a lot about the unit, since I didn't really know what Pediatrics was.  Pediatrics is a unit for patients between the ages of newborn through 18. The rooms for these patients are different from the ones on the adult floors, they are more home-looking. There was a youth and teen play room equipped for the right age groups. The patients' parents may also stay with their child in the same room, each room has 2 beds. The unit takes care of patients with any and all conditions, it's like an ER but for younger patients. 

On the second day of my rotation I was brought into the video monitoring room. There are 4 rooms on the unit that are video monitored 24/7 by a few nurses and doctors. When I was there, there was only one patient being watched. There were also 24 sensors placed around his head and chest to monitor his brain levels and vitals. There was one nurse there named Matt who had a lot to tell, it was nice getting to talk to him about the unit. Overall I had a good experience at Pediatrics, definitely wouldn't mind going back sometime.

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This week I was at Labor and Delivery. As expected, it was awesome there. I didn't get to see any deliveries though, but there were 4 that happened when I was there. The first day, I was in the "ER" for labor and delivery, it was where patients would go if they cleared the ER on the main floor, if the patient was a pregnant female. The patients would go through a triage and be set up in a room until a doctor could come to assess them. The women would have these probe monitors placed on their stomachs that would amplify the sound of the baby's heart beat and movement. These women would primarily have 3 things monitored: Their vitals, the baby's vitals, and contractions.

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On the second day there was only one delivery the entire afternoon, I missed the delivery but got to spend the rest of the afternoon with the patient and her husband in the recovery room. They had a daughter and named her Cecilia, they spent the duration of the afternoon thinking about a middle name. They are very strong Catholics and want to have Cecelia's first and middle name to be the namesake of a saint. I never knew exactly what needed to be done to newborns on their first day of life outside the womb, but I do now. There are a lot of procedures that had to be done; such as: the first breast feeding, the first burp, poo, bath, shots, various medications, etc. I learned a lot today about babies, it was amazing to see Cecilia, couldn't ask for a better rotation to end my Health Academy semester with.

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Denise Clarke-HangHealth Academy Program Director929 N. St. Francis St. Wichita, KS 67214(316)[email protected]

Fr. Daniel DulingSt. Thomas Aquinas Church – Associate Pastor1321 Stratford LaneWichita, KS 67206(316)[email protected]

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People's lives often depend on the quick reaction and competent care of emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics. Incidents as varied as automobile accidents, heart attacks, slips and falls, childbirth, and gunshot wounds require immediate medical attention. EMTs and paramedics provide this vital service as they care for and transport the sick or injured to a medical facility. In an emergency, EMTs and paramedics are typically dispatched to the scene by a 911 operator, where they often work with police and/or fire fighters. Once they arrive, The EMTs and paramedics assess the nature of the patient's condition, while determining any other medical concerns. Following protocols and guidelines, they provide emergency care and transport the patient to a hospital or medical facility.

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Athletic trainers help prevent and treat injuries for people of all ages. Their patients and clients include everyone from professional athletes to industrial workers. Recognized by the American Medical Association as allied health professionals, athletic trainers specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, assessment, treatment, and rehabilitation of muscle and bone injuries and illnesses. Athletic trainers, as one of the first healthcare providers on the scene when injuries occur, must be able to recognize, evaluate, and assess injuries and provide immediate care when needed. Athletic trainers should not be confused with fitness trainers or personal trainers, who are not healthcare workers, but rather train people to become physically fit.

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Dr. Crook is a family doctor who now centers all of her work on Natural Family Planning. She no longer prescribes artificial birth control pills or any other form of prescriptions that would prevent God from doing His natural work.

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is way of following God’s plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy. It consists of ways to achieve or to avoid pregnancy using the physical means that God has built into human nature. NFP consists of two distinct forms: Ecological breastfeeding, and Systematic NFP. Ecological breastfeeding is a form of child care that normally spaces babies about two years apart on the average. Systematic NFP is a system that uses a woman’s signs of fertility to determine the fertile and infertile times of her cycle.

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Dr .Crook has seen how her new practice has changed her life, both spiritually and physically. Her Faith has become very strong; she is closer to God now than she has ever been. Her own life is not so much more fruitful, she has been able to provide for her family better in every way, her business is more rewarding, and her patients truly find happiness and healing in their lives, they have no regrets.

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Dr. Mark Troilo is a Dentist here for the city of Wichita. He started his presentation by telling us everything in life can be applied to a bell shaped curve. The dip of the bell would be categorized as average, one end of the lip of the bell would be categorized as below average, and the other end would be categorized as above average. Dr. Troilo stated that if you want to be successful in life, competition would very fierce, so you cannot be in the dip, like the majority of the population, you have to be above, you have to stand out, and you have to be the best.

Dr. Troilo says to know what you’re getting yourself into before you dive in. The government is becoming more and more involved in the medical field, and the more it does, the more screwed up everything will be. The quality of care patients receive will decline, while the cost for it will greatly increase.

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You will also not be able to spend much time with your family, your profession will already require you to devote most of time to it, but emergencies can happen at any time, and you will have no choice but to drop whatever you were doing and go back in. This is what Dr. Troilo likes the most of his work, he is able to set his own schedule, Come in when he wants to, leave when he wants to. He is grateful for having such a dedicated, close, and trustworthy staff, he is more than confident that they would be able to run the office if he is not there. They are like family to him.

Three quotes to keep in mind: “Have passion for what you do/want to do.” “All of us are born for a reason, but not all of us find out why.” And of course “God first, family second, business last.”

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Jeane Clearly is a nurse in the triage unit of the Emergency Room. Her job is to analyze patients, ask them questions about their history. She does this by following and filling out a document with those various specifications pertaining to the condition of patient. The ER is a real eye-opener, you never realize how bad it really is out there until you see it come through the door. People come into the ER with any problem imaginable, from drugs, drinking, suicidal thoughts, trauma, etc. Another thing is that emergencies can happen at any given time, you have to be prepared for anything at all times.

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A Radiology Technician (Radiographer) take x-ray images of patients’ bodies that are later used in diagnosis and treatment by doctors or radiologists. They explain procedures to patients, position them under x-ray equipment, and take the x-ray shots. An x-ray technician has to be well versed in a number of issues necessary to take accurate films. They measure parts of the body that will be x-rayed and make any necessary changes with settings on the x-ray machine so that accurate images are produced.

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Veterinarians, unlike human doctors, have to learn about both human and animal diseases, as many are transferable and have different effects on humans and animals. Kansas State University is the only Veterinary school in Kansas. The program is also in cooperation with nine other states in the region, so it is very competitive, you have to be the best to get in. There are currently about fifteen to twenty-thousand active practicing vets in the country right now, and the numbers continue to rise. People are actually saying that there are too many vets now. There are more vets than there is a demand for them; schools are passing too many graduates.

Veterinarians operate many of the same procedures as human doctors do. These procedures include: Dentistry, Surgery, Grooming, and special treatments such as prescribed diets. Prescribed diets are special foods and dies that are created or put together for cats and dogs to help them regulate good health and hygiene.

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Respiratory care is a very dynamic, high-tech, high0touch health profession. These therapists work under direction of a physician, and most will work in a hospital. Patients range anywhere from infants to elderly, the role of a respiratory therapist is to assist in evaluation and treatment of the patient.

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I can’t believe the semester is already over, I still remember my first rotation as well as I do my last. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been in Health Academy, it has been the greatest learning experience of my life. Nothing can compare to the hands on, “saw it with my own eyes” experience that was offered through the Academy. I am also very grateful to all the people who have made all of this possible, it has been amazing. All that I have seen, done, and learned from Health Academy, I will take with me for the rest of my life and will be applied to my future. I know I have benefited greatly from this program, it was a once in a life-time experience, and I am privileged to have had partaken in it.