aas imagine '09: richard garriott


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Post on 18-May-2015




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  • 1. American AstronauticalSociety

2. Astronaut Father / Artist Mother
3. Explorer of Virtual and Real (Tourist)
4. Due to NASA Dr. DQPrivatization of Space
5. First Father / Son
Astronaut / Cosmonaut
6. 6thPrivate Astronaut
Dennis Tito: Soyuz TM-32 on April 28, 2001
Mark Shuttleworth: Soyuz TM-34, April 25, 2002
Dr. Gregory Olsen: Soyuz TMA-7, October 1, 2005
Anousheh Ansari: Soyuz TMA-9, September 20, 2006
Charles Simonyi: Soyuz TMA-10, April 7, 2007
Richard Garriott: Soyuz TMA-13, October 12, 2008
7. Medical Prequalification USA
8. Soyuz Training
9. ISS Training
10. Dining on a Russian Military Base
11. 12October2008
It is a good day when
12. Docking with the ISS
13. 14. Living Aboard the ISS
15. Camping Out on the ISS
16. Toilet FacilitiesStill leave much to be desired
GI Slowdown
Infrequent but significant needs
17. Sunset
18. Experiments
Personal Research (GMR/EZ)
PCG Protein Crystal Growth
Earth Observations Gen II (Nature Conservancy, TERC, ASE)
Ham Radio Gen II (ARISS, Schools, Global Ham Community)
Art Creation and Show for Charity
Commercial Work
Seiko Spring Drive Space Walk
DHL Zero-G Educational Race Track
NCsoft Operation Immortality
Educational Outreach
Challenger Centers (global) Live and recorded lessons, Sports in Space
British National Space Center Challenges (Biz, Experiments, Questions)
NASA / ESA / KARI Medical
3 NASA: Sleep Study,Immune Study, PRK Eye Tests
3 ESA:EDOS (Osteoporosis), MOS (Motion Sickness), MOP (Muscle Pain)
KARI Eye Pressure Tests
Russian Psychology Color Test
Just for fun
Apogee of Fear The 1st Science Fiction Movie filmed in space!
Zero-G Magic Show & Juggling Filmed with Astronaut Greg Chamitoff
Helen Garriott in Space Prank
19. Protein Crystal Growth
20. Early PCG looks good!
21. Earth Observations
Owen Garriott Skylab First Extended CEOs
Richard Garriott Changes in 1 Generation
Nature Conservancy Data Mining
TERC Targeting Software
22. Earth ObservationsNew Mexico Forest Fires
23. Earth ObservationsFlorida Urban Sprawl
24. HAM Radio
25th Anniversary of 1st Ham Contact from Space
25. Ham Radio
26. Commercial Work
Seiko Spring Drive Spacewalk
DHL Delivers Education
Operation Immortality
27. Educational Outreach
British National Space Center
Challenger Learning Center
28. NASA / ESA / KARI Research
29. Art / Magic / Movies
30. Hello... Excuse me... Is there anyone there?
We use to use PTT ... Do I still have to push to talk?
Yes! Thank you! Could you please tell me where to find the Oregano?
Oregano! You know... the spice! Im looking for the spices!
Well now theres no need to be snippy! This is Helen Garriott, Im Richard Garriotts mother. Who are you?
Listen! Ive been delivering meals to near earth orbit for nearly 30 years...
I brought my famous home cooking up to Skylab and that was probably before you were born!
Now my boys up here and Im not going to let him go without a good hot meal from his mama!
Excuse me! Do you know where they keep the spices or not?
Im sorry... I just dont seem to understand you; say again?
Oh, never mind. I found the oregano. Thank you anyway. Helen Garriott, signing off.
31. Time to go
32. Reentry
33. Landing Impact
You dont see the nearby road
34. Recovery and readaptation
35. Observing the Earth from Space
36. Finite Scale of the Earth
37. Not Much Atmosphere
38. Downward Views Feel Intimate
39. San Francisco
40. Large Scale Systems
41. Fronts
42. Hurricanes
43. Geological Morphology
44. Tectonic Plate Movement
45. Eons of Water Erosion
46. Eons of Wind Erosion
47. My House
All Fertile Land is In Use by Humans!
48. Only Alpine, Desert and Swamp Remains
49. Now expanding into hard places
50. Crops in Ancient Dry Riverbeds
51. Fires Across Amazon
52. Fires Across Africa
53. Human Appropriation of Net Primary ProductionOf Local Primary Production
The costs of existence will rise!
54. The Future of Human Spaceflight
Costs must and can drop!
Now: ISS $100B/20y +>$2B/y + >$300M/p
Soyuz: $150M = $300k fuel!
Future: Cost to orbit