ab initio classical dynamics simulations of co 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and raman bands...

Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line- mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands ulien LAMOUROUX , Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN .I.S.A., Universités Paris Est Créteil et Paris Diderot, Créteil, F arcel SNELS SAC-CNR, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 00133 Rome, ITALY tefania STEFANI, Giuseppe PICCIONI APS-IASF, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 00133 Rome, ITALY 68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy

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Page 1: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO2 line-mixing effects in infrared and

Raman bandsJulien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN

L.I.S.A., Universités Paris Est Créteil et Paris Diderot, Créteil, FRANCE

Marcel SNELS

ISAC-CNR, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 00133 Rome, ITALY

Stefania STEFANI, Giuseppe PICCIONI

IAPS-IASF, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 00133 Rome, ITALY

68th International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy

Page 2: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

Collisional line-mixing

For a collisionally isolated transition, the main effects of

intermolecular collisions are the Lorentz broadening and

shifting of the line

Collisions induce transfers of

populations between the levels

of the two lines that lead to

transfers of intensity between

the lines

This effect is called line-






line | > f i

line | k > f' i'

Page 3: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

Why this study ?

Requantized Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations (rCMDS) were sucessfully applied for predictions for pure CO2:

- Line broadening coefficients;- Collision-induced absorption;- Far wings of absorption and scattering band;- Individual line shapes;


- Single branch calculation (identical P/R);- Positions and intensities for a strictly rigid rotor;

Line-mixing effects are not accounted for

See Hartmann and Boulet, J. Chem. Phys. 134 (2011), 184312 Hartmann et al., Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013), 013403

Page 4: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,


1( ) Re ( , ) i tF t e dt

)().()().( )0().(),( tqkitqkiP etet


Isotropic Raman

)().()().( )0().(),( tqkitqkiD edtdet

Spectral Shape


⟨... denotes an average over the molecular system, ⟩ ω and are the angular frequency and wave vector of the electromagnetic field, and is the molecule position.

The spectrum F(ω) is given by the Laplace transform of the auto-correlation function Φ(ω,t)

Page 5: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

Classical equations (M and I: molecular mass and moment of inertia)

- Center of mass:

- Molecule orientation:

The state of each molecule m (linear, treated as a rigid rotor) is parameterized by :

- Center of mass (CoM) position and velocity

- Molecule orientation: unit vector along axis

- Molecule rotational speed: (alternatively )


)t(q)t(v mm



)t(u)t(u)t( mmm

M/)t(f)t(q)t(v mmm

I/)]t(u)t([dt/)t(ud)t(u mmmm


Various center of force sites s (rs from CoM) on molecule and site-site potential

Molecular dynamics simulations


Page 6: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

NM molecules ( 10∼ 6) treated simultaneously

- Placed in a cubic box with periodic conditions

- When a molecule gets out of the box, it comes back-in from the opposite box

Initialization (time t=0)- Random CoM positions and axis orientations

- CoM velocity and rotation : random orientations, modules

from Maxwell-Boltzmann



)0(q)0(v mm )0(um

Time evolution for all molecules treated sequentially (with small enough time step dt)

- At each time t compute force and torque on each molecule from sum of potential

gradient of over surrounding neighbors (cut-off sphere of 20 Å)

- Then compute acceleration of CoM and of orientation

- Then compute molecule parameters at t+dt from those at t

- Ab-initio CO2-CO2 potential [Bock et al. Chem. Phys. 257, 147 (2000) ]

Molecular dynamics simulations

Page 7: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

)]([)]()([)]([ tJtJtJ mLowRotmm

UpRotVibtJL mm

Associate to)t(Jm )t(u)t(u)t( mmm

Determine the line involved Lm

Calculate the positions of the line Lm[Jm(t)]


Page 8: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,


)0().((t)]cos[ with (t)]cos[)( m0 m)]([ t




tJLm mm





P vibvib


mmm eeN




)(0 )]([ dttt

tJLm mm

Absorption ACF

Isotropic Raman ACF

Complex autocorrelation functions

Page 9: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

For all the results presentednot a single parameter has been adjusted

Everything taken from litterature

- Intermolecular potential

- Molecule geometry and mass

- Spectroscopic parameters

- Electric multipoles

Page 10: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,


rCMDS calculations for infrared and Raman bands :

00031 00001

30012 00001

isotropic Raman Q branch of 2ν2

The effects of the other bands are taken into account using the Energy Corrected Sudden model and tools of Tran et al. JQSRT 112 (2011), 925

Calculations at room and hot temperatures

Page 11: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

CO2 - CO2, 00031 00001, T=294K






Tran et al., JQSRT 112 (2011), 925


The line-mixing effects are taken into account correctly by the rCMDS in the 3ν3 region

Page 12: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

CO2 - CO2, 22 isotropic Raman Q branch, T=295K



Lavorel et al., J. Chem. Phys. 93 (1990), 2176





As in the infrared region, the line-mixing effects are well modeled by the rCMDS calculations

Page 13: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,


Line-mixing effects can be modeled using classical molecular dynamics simulations

The comparisons between predicted and measured infrared absorption and isotropic Raman scattering spectra demonstrate the quality of the proposed rCMDS model.

rCMDS are a robust and flexible tool for the description of the consequences of inter-molecular collisions on CO2.

JL is pleased to acknowledge support of this research by the French National Research Agency (ANR) through the project ASGGRS (ANR-12-PDOC-0012-01).

Page 14: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,
Page 15: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

CO2 - CO2, 00031 00001, T=473K



Tran et al., JQSRT 112 (2011), 925


CMDS for 00031 00001

ECS calculations for the other bands

Page 16: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

CO2 - CO2, 30012 00001, T=295K



Tran et al., JQSRT 112 (2011), 925


CMDS for 30012 00001

ECS calculations for the other bands




Page 17: Ab initio classical dynamics simulations of CO 2 line-mixing effects in infrared and Raman bands Julien LAMOUROUX, Jean-Michel HARTMANN, Ha TRAN L.I.S.A.,

NM molecules treated simultaneously

-Placed in a cubic box (size determined from NM and molecular density n)

-Periodic boundary (treated box surrounded by 26 identical other boxes)-When a molecule gets out of the box, it comes back-in from the opposite box

Initialization (time t=0)-Random CoM positions and axis orientations-CoM velocity : random orientation and module from Maxwell-Boltzmann

-Rotation : random orientation [┴ to ], module from Maxwell-Boltzmann



)0(q)0(v mm )0(um


Time evolution

For all molecules treated sequentially (with small enough time step dt)-At each time t compute force and torque on each molecule from sum of potential gradient of

over surrounding neighbors (cut-off sphere of 20 Å)

-Then compute acceleration of CoM and of orientation

-Then compute molecule parameters at t+dt from those at t

Several millions of molecules treated

Ab-initio CO2-CO2 potential [Bock et al. Chem. Phys. 257, 147 (2000) ]
