abandoned russian mig assembly factory.pdf

Abandoned Places Unusual, abandoned and deserted places in Moscow and Moscow region November 2, 2011 Assembly shop RAC "MiG" Almost every boy in his childhood admiration for the fighters, and I am no exception. I remember were still at the Tushino air show where I was brought parents, where I first saw live a variety of aircraft. Of course it was all very interesting, wanted to know how they work, to get into the cab, touch them. But then me and this was not possible.Much time has passed, I grew up, but the baby inside me still alive and he is interested in all the same things as before. And what would grow before? In order to make their own decisions, to do silly things and fulfill their dreams. And finally, another childhood dream fulfilled, this time I fully touched the aircraft sat in the cockpit and saw firsthand the process of assembling a fighter and as a child forgot to ask permission to do so; )

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Page 1: Abandoned Russian MiG Assembly Factory.pdf

Abandoned Places Unusual, abandoned and deserted places in Moscow and Moscow region

November 2, 2011

Assembly shop RAC "MiG" Almost every boy in his childhood admiration for the fighters, and I am no exception. I remember were still at the

Tushino air show where I was brought parents, where I first saw live a variety of aircraft. Of course it was all very

interesting, wanted to know how they work, to get into the cab, touch them. But then me and this was not

possible.Much time has passed, I grew up, but the baby inside me still alive and he is interested in all the same

things as before. And what would grow before? In order to make their own decisions, to do silly things and fulfill

their dreams. And finally, another childhood dream fulfilled, this time I fully touched the aircraft sat in the cockpit

and saw firsthand the process of assembling a fighter and as a child forgot to ask permission to do so; )

Page 2: Abandoned Russian MiG Assembly Factory.pdf

1. To attend this workshop was chosen the perfect time. Under ideal time, I mean, Friday and summer short

nights. This picture was taken almost blind at maximum exposure and large ISO. 2. Short night is a must for this

kind of outings. As for the display frame can not use a flashlight or flash. Every moment was getting lighter and

easier to remove. 3. To be honest to say that there is was scary, so we tried to move noiselessly and how you can

spend less time on photography. 4. 5. Nose cone. Why is the right to a radiation badge, I do not know. 6. Stapel with

MiG. 7. Various parts for the assembly. 8. Each aircraft of this design is tied to its master. 9. Still not fully assembled

tail. 10. Pay attention to the dust, it is very much on the aircraft in this part of the shop. 11. MiGs very much. Chances

are held here a modification of the old fighters. 12. In the frame of the tripod of my friend. Although already seen

everything, but to shoot without a tripod is not yet feasible. 13. The closer to the main part of the workshop, all the

well-groomed. I think the factory is simply not enough workers, and therefore to all aircraft arms reach. 14. 15. To

the right is a structure rails and turntables. 16. As I understand it - MiG-29 KUB. 17. Kiely. 18. MiG-29 KUB spent

his first flight in 2007, so this is a relatively new aircraft. 19. 20. Now we are very quietly sneak into the main part of

the shop. Here is a monument to Lenin delayed us for a few minutes, from a distance it seemed worker. 21. As usual

at plants trees. 22. Pay attention to the floor, we thought at first it is wet, but he just polished to a shine.23. There

probably are in the final stages of assembly. 24. 25. A little more, and it can fly. Judging by the flags in India. Thank

You toGass , that corrected me. 26. 27. In the Quality Excellence were two names. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to

me that, as there is little masters in the shop working. 28. This part of the workshop generally exemplary. Everything

is clean, no dust jobs organized as it is necessary. 29. Major works are in this part. 30. Beautiful in our

airplanes. 31. How long is this part, we did not, and it's time to leave.32. Chassis. 33. I wanted to write on the dust,

"Wash me". But our goal was to remain unnoticed, and did not want someone flew over our penetration. This post

should not hurt anyone because it's been a long time. 34 35. Near some of the aircraft were warning signs that the

tanks can be kerosene. Therefore part of the aircraft are B / C. 36. 37. 38. It is worth noting here that all the work,

and that often people do not look at the tags in my journal. 39. 40. That's all. Another adventure, and another

childhood dream fulfilled.

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