abap programming comp361

SAP TechEd 08 1 COMP361 Advanced ABAP Programming Frank Bertelsmeier, NW F ABAP Daniel Housmans, NW Technical Consulting Sigrid Wortmann, NW F ABAP © SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / COMP361 Page 2 Disclaimer This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

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Page 1: ABAP Programming Comp361

SAP TechEd 08


COMP361Advanced ABAP Programming

Frank Bertelsmeier, NW F ABAPDaniel Housmans, NW Technical ConsultingSigrid Wortmann, NW F ABAP

© SAP 2008 / SAP TechEd 08 / COMP361 Page 2


This presentation outlines our general product direction and should not be relied on in making a purchase decision. This presentation is not subject to your license agreement or any other agreement with SAP. SAP has no obligation to pursue any course of business outlined in this presentation or to develop or release any functionality mentioned in this presentation. This presentation and SAP's strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. SAP assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document, except if such damages were caused by SAP intentionally or grossly negligent.

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Learning Objectives

As a result of this workshop, you will be able to:Deploy strings for efficient handling of text-based informationMake use of regular expressions to process strings effectivelyWrite compact code by using extended expression capabilitiesUtilize string templates to create formatted textWork proficiently and efficiently with the new features for internal tables

Implement generic services by using dynamic WHERE conditionsOptimize the performance of your programs using secondary keys

Benefit from new ABAP features of SAP NetWeaver 7.10 and 7.11

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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Sequential Data Types in ABAP

Business information = sequences of characters or bytesCustomer names, addressesProduct numbers, dates, currenciesXML dataNatural language

Overview of data types in ABAP representing character and byte sequences

D, T, N





XSTRINGVariable Size

XFixed Size


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Comparison of Strings and Fixed-Sized Fields

Some benefits that ABAP strings provideEfficient management of string storage spaceAutomatic garbage collectionAutomatic value sharing with copy-on-write

Max length of 262.143 charsMax length of 2,000,000,000 bytes

Straight quote literals 'fieldlit'Backquote literals `stringlit`

Subfield idiom +offset(length) for read and write access

Substring idiom +offset(length)for read access only

Length fixed and preallocatedLength adjusted dynamically at runtime

Trailing blanks are ignoredTrailing blanks are significant


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String values are stored separately from variables in memory

Decoupling of value and reference allowsEfficient resizing of stringsSharing of string values

Strings Values

DATA: BEGIN OF struc1,a(3) TYPE n,b(10) TYPE c,c(3) TYPE n,

END OF struc1.

DATA: BEGIN OF struc2,a(3) TYPE n,b TYPE string,c(3) TYPE n,

END OF struc2.

1 2 3 A B C D E F 4 5 6H I JG 1 2 3 string reference 4 5 6


struc2 is deepstruc1 is flat

string value

a b c a b c

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String Storage Allocation

Memory allocation during a typical program run

string reference (8 bytes)DATA str TYPE string.

str = 'first'.

str = 'second value'.


str = 'another try'.

str = 'a final value!'.


un d v a l eoces

nif la lav !eua

string header (16-32 bytes)

string value (variable)

l u eavd yh e r t rtona

main memory

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String Sharing

Values may be shared by multiple string references

Unsharing copy-on-write / lazy copyDelays costly copying as long as possible

references + headersDATA: str1 TYPE string,str2 TYPE string,str3 TYPE string.

str1 = 'common'.

str2 = str1.

str3 = str2.


o nmmoc




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Restrictions on Substrings

Substring idiom +offset(length) cannot be used to modify strings

Use REPLACE statement (or replace function) instead

Field symbols cannot be used for substring accessValue changes would necessitate updating all assigned field symbols


ASSIGN str+3(4) TO <fs>.SHIFT str RIGHT BY 2 PLACES. " shifts char positions

DATA str TYPE string VALUE `strvalue`.

WRITE / str+3(4). " OKstr+3(4) = `x`. " would modify value


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Advantages of character fieldsEasy to access (+off(len), flat structures)No internal overhead for accessing value

Advantages of stringsStorage allocated dynamically

Common values are shared

Trailing blanks are significant (may increase performance)

Which Data Type to Choose

DATA custname TYPE c LENGTH ??.READ DATASET dset INTO line.

DATA c80 TYPE c LENGTH 80 VALUE 'hello'.CONCATENATE c80 'world' INTO c80.

DATA customers TYPE TABLE OF cust_record." cust_record = ( name, street, city )

Checks 75 trailing blanks for finding

end of text

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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Ubiquitous Text Processing

Checking input for validity:Is credit card number well-formatted?

Extracting information from text:What is the document ID requested by the web client?

Normalizing values:Eliminate non-digits in phone number for data export

1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5678 1234 5AB8


+49 (6227) 7-47474 496227747474


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Improving Text Processing With REs

Regular Expressions (REs, regexes)provide powerful pattern language for text processing

Well understoodDeveloped by mathematician Kleene in the 1950s

PowerfulHighly focused special purpose languageMany common text processing tasks turn intosimple one-liners

Standardized and widely usedMade popular by Unix tools: grep, sed, awk, emacsBuilt into some languages like Perl and Java;add-on libraries available for many othersEarly Unix de-facto standard formalized in PCRE and POSIX

ABAP supports POSIX-style regular expressions as of NetWeaver 7.0

Stephen C. KleeneImage © U. of Wisconsin

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Example: Remove HTML Tags

<h2 id="slogan">Leading the Web to Its Full Potential...</h2>

<p class="small">The World Wide Web Consortium (<acronym>W3C</acronym>) develops interoperable technologies to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find <a href="#news">W3C news</a>, links to <a href="#technologies">W3C technologies</a>and ways to <a href="#contents">get involved</a>. New visitors can find help in <cite><a href="/2002/03/new-to-w3c">Finding Your Way at W3C</a></cite>. We encourage you to read the <cite><a href="/Consortium/Prospectus/">Prospectus </a></cite>and learn <a href="/Consortium/">more about W3C</a>.</p>'

Leading the Web to Its Full Potential... TheWorld Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops interoperable technologies to lead the Web to its full potential. W3C is a forum for information, commerce, communication, and collective understanding. On this page, you'll find W3C news, links to W3C technologies and ways to get involved. New visitors can find help in Finding Your Way at W3C. We encourage you to read the Prospectusand learn more about W3C.

< >



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Building Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are patterns built fromLiterals (characters)Operators (meta characters)

Prepending " \ " turns operators into literals

A regular expression pattern …… represents a set of text strings… matches text if entire text is represented by RE… is used for searching text

. * + ? | ^ $ \ ( ) [ ] { }

represents "helo", "hello", "helllo", ...Regex'hel+o'

matches "hello"

is found in text "hello, world"

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Basic Regex Building Blocks

Basic regex building blocksThe dot " . " matches any single characterThe bar " | " lists alternativesParentheses " ( ) " group subexpressions


…a, bc, dea|bc|de

…a, bc, bda|b(c|d)

acd, abxd, acxxd, …abd, acxd, ac$d, …a(b|c.)d

…a, b, c, d, e, fa|b|c|d|e|f

ab, aabb, …aab, a1b, a%b, …a.b

RE Matches Doesn't Match

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Adding Quantifiers to Regular Expressions

Matching multiple characters at onceAsterisk " * " denotes arbitrary repetition of previous character

Use " ( ) " to repeat more complex subexpressions

aa, aaa, aaaaa{2,4}between m and n repetitionsr{m,n}

ac, abcab?coptional rr?




ab, abb, …

a, ab, abb, …(anything)


zero or more repetitions of rr*

one or more repetitions of rr+


(empty), aa, b, aaaa, aab, bb, aaaaaa, …(aa|b)*

(anything with an odd number of characters).(..)*

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Sets and Classes

Sets define single character alternatives concisely

Operators like " * . ( ) " have no special meaning inside sets

To include " [ ] ^ - \ ", use escape character " \ " Caution! Ranges such as [ä-ö] may be platform-dependent

Predefined classes provide cross-platform character subsets





a, b, c, or any digitRanges

any one character but a, A, or 1Negation

any one character but a digitMixed

a, A, 1, or .Literals

\l \L




\d \D


\w \W


\s \S

Whitespace ControlLetters

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Validating Data With Regular Expressions

Validating data with regular expressionsData input is valid if and only if it matches against regex pat

False positives = data is invalid but matchesFalse negatives = data is valid but does not match

Strike the right trade-off:Complexity of regex vs Cost of false positives/negatives

IF cl_abap_matcher=>matches( pattern = pattext = input )

= abap_true." accept valid input

ELSE." reject invalid input


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Working With Regular Expressions

Design regex that matches given input ifinput resembles a plausible credit card number

Check for valid symbols

Check for correct number of digits

Combining both checks: Naive approach

Combining both checks: Correct version





\d = 1 digit\s = 1 white-


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Exercise: Write simple regular expressions thatmatch all text samples shown in the left column anddo not match any text samples shown in the right column

System accessLog into system M55Start transaction SE38Run report ZTE08_REGEX_EX1

UsageClick on arrows to navigate between individual exercisesClick SHOW to display sample solution

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Using Regular Expressions in ABAP

RE support integrated into FIND and REPLACE statementsFinding first occurrence

Replacing all occurrences

Supports all known additions, e.g., IGNORING CASEAdditional support for FIND ALL OCCURRENCESAdditional support for searching internal tablesREs limited to CHARACTER MODE



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Searching With Regular Expressions

Searching returns leftmost-longest match within text

"Leftmost" takes precedence over "longest"FIND REGEX '.at(\w|\s)*th' IN text ...

The cat with Cathy's hat thus sat on the mat.cat withcat with Cath

hat thhat thus sat on th

sat on th

The cat with the hat sat on Cathy's mat.

FIND REGEX '.at' IN text ...




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Getting Information From FIND and REPLACE

Obtain individual information by using additions

Contains information about the last match/replacement, if anySuccess indicated by sy-subrc and MATCH COUNTGet match text by offset and length access

Replacement information is about replacement text, not text replacedNot suitable for obtaining information on all matches/replacements




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Using ABAP Regex Classes

ABAP Objects provides two classes for using REsRegex class cl_abap_regex

Stores preprocessed RE pattern for increasedperformanceShould be reused to avoid costly re-processing

Matcher class cl_abap_matcherCentral class for interaction with REsLinks text to regex objectStores copy of text to process (efficient forstrings, costly for fixed-length fields)Tracks matching and replacing within text

Using regex classes in ABAPCreate regex and matcher and interact with matcherUse static class methods of matcher as a shorthand





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Using Regex Classes for Matching

The matcher objects keeps track of the current match

1. Initially, there is no match

4. By calling find_next( )again, the matcher advances to the next unprocessed match

5. By calling replace_found( ), the match just found is replaced as specified

3. Information about the current match can be retrieved by calling get_match( ).

2. By calling find_next( ), the next unprocessed match in text is located and stored in the matcher object





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Matcher Interface

get_submatch( index )get_length( [index] )


get_match( )get_offset( [index] )

replace_all( new )

find_all( )

match( )


replace_found( new )

get_line( )

find_next( )

replace_next( new )


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Typical ABAP Code For Using Regex Classes

Set up matcher using factory

Process text with find and replace

DATA matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher.

matcher = cl_abap_matcher=>create( pattern = 'a*b'text = mytext ).

WHILE matcher->find_next( ) = abap_true.

* query match found

len = matcher->get_length( ).

* determine replacement

repl = compute_my_replacement( len ).

matcher->replace_found( repl ).


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Working With Submatches

Capturing parentheses store submatches for later reference

Match is subdivided into submatches and stored internally

One of the most useful features of REs!

Submatches can be …retrieved for further analysis/processingreferred to within patternreferred to within replacement

… required by 10/31 at the latest …(\d+)/(\d+)

10 ehtta3/1ybderi…


2nd submatch1st submatch

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Extracting Parts With Submatches

Submatches extract selected parts from a larger text

Use regex to locate information in larger text

Use subgroups to extract relevant parts only

Submatches easily retrieved with FIND additions

DATA: user TYPE string, pass TYPE string.

FIND REGEX '&login=(\w+)@(\w+)' IN urlSUBMATCHES user pass.

url = 'http://sap.com/&login=frank@secret&lang=EN'.





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Avoiding Common RE Pitfalls (1)

Matches are greedy – " .* " usually matches way too much

Wrong approach for matching delimited parts

This greedily matches the largest possible substring

Solution: Include delimiters in negated character set

Some we <want>, and some we <don't>.

try to match HTML tag<.*>

inside * loop stops at first > character seen<[^>]*>

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Avoiding Common RE Pitfalls (2)

Part delimiters may be escaped or quotedToo-relaxed approach for extracting ABAP string literals

This will stop at doubled quotes within character literals

Possible solution: List exceptions explicitly

Applies similarly to quoted delimiters: <tag attr="abc>xyz">


WRITE / `The ``good' news is ...`.



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Going Overboard

So you’d like to reject all invalid dates

Would you use this regex then?

Some things are best left to ABAP!



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Summary – Efficient Processing of Text

Data types STRING and XSTRING support efficient text processingDynamic memory allocationSharing & Copy-on-Demand

Regular ExpressionsPowerful to describe patterns of textUsed for validation, searching, extracting of text

To learn moreRun ABAP report DEMO_REGEX_TOYCheck the ABAP online documentation

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Exercise: Write a simple ABAP program thatreads all $ amounts from an input text andreplaces them by the doubled value

System accessLog into system M55Start transaction SE38Copy report ZTE08_REGEX_EX2_XX

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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Computational expressions only supported in COMPUTE statementArithmetic expressions (calculating numbers)Binary expressions (calculating bits)

Only pure logical expressions used in control statements

Expressions – Situation before NetWeaver 7.10

tmp1 = n / i.tmp2 = ME->meth( tmp1 ) * i.IF tmp2 = n.


Swamping of code with helper variables

Restricted use of few built-in functions and functional methods in very few operand positions only

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New kind of computational expression: String expressionsComputational expressions supported in

various (input) operand positionslogical expressions

Expressions – Situation as of NetWeaver 7.10

Enlarged set of built-in functions including string and predicate functionsFunctional methods allowing nested and chained method calls

Compact and efficient code with in-place expressions

IF ME->meth( n / i ) * i = n.EXIT.


Computation as actual method parameter

Computation as operand in a logical expression

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Examples for New Expression Positions

idx = lines( itab ).READ TABLE itab INDEX idx …

READ TABLE itabINDEX lines( itab ) …

tab = oref->tab( ).start = i + 1. end = n – 1.APPEND LINES OF tab

FROM start TO end TO t.

APPEND LINES OF oref->tab( )FROM i + 1 TO n – 1 TO t.

v1 = a + b.v2 = c - d.v3 = meth( v2 ).IF v1 > v3.

IF a + b > meth( c – d ).…

In logical expressions

len = strlen( txt ) - 1.DO len TIMES.

…DO strlen( txt ) – 1 TIMES.

Numeric input operand

regex = oref->get_pat( … ). FIND REGEX regex IN txt.

FIND REGEX oref->get_pat( … )IN txt.

Method call in generic input operands

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Expressions in Method Parameters

o->m( abs( i * 2 ) + 1 ). Unnamed actual parameter

cl=>m( p1 = i + 1 p2 = 2 ** j ). Named actual parameters

o->m( pX10 = BIT-NOT x1pXStr = x1 BIT-OR x2 ).

Any binary formal parameter accepts binary computation

cl=>m( pInt = 12 / 10pDec = 12 / 10 ).

Any numeric formal parameter accepts arithmetic computation

Formal parameter type contributes to calculation type (pInt ← 1, pDec← 1.2)

CREATE OBJECT o EXPORTING p = i + 1 .Instance constructor parameter

RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE lcxEXPORTING p = i + 1 . Exception constructor


o->m( cl=>m( p1 = o->i~m( 7 ) ) ). Parameter is method call

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Method Call Chains

cl=>m1( )->m2( ).

Chained method call

IF o->m1( )->intf~m2( )->a > 1.

Terminal chained attribute access

CASE cl=>m1( )->obj->m2( ) .

Intermediate chained attribute access

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Extended Expressions – Pitfalls

No compiler optimizations, likecommon subexpression eliminationloop invariant extraction

⇒ programmer’s responsibility: temporary variables

ABAP is now also obfuscation enabled

But: Debugger support for complex expressionsDisplay of method return valueDisplay of intermediate computation results (by reducing the step size)

lcl=>cm_ii( 1 + abs( lcl=>factory2(f_in1 = lcl=>factory0( )->m_lif( )->im_lif( )->im_ii( i )f_in2 = lcl=>cm_ii( 2 ** i ) - 3 )->m_ii(lcl=>factory1( f_in = j + 4 )->m_lif_i( 5 )->im_ii( 6 ) )

) ).

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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String Expressions

New kind of computational expressions: String ExpressionsConcatenations txt1 && txt2

String Templates |…Text…{ expression format = … }…Text…|

String ExpressionsUsed to create formatted or technical text (e.g. xml) convenientlyUsable in expression positions just like arithmetic or binary expressionsSubstitute masses of

WRITE TO and character-like helper variables (for conversions and formatting)CONCATENATE

New Built-In Functions23 functions returning a string result8 functions returning a non-string result4 new predicates on strings

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DATA txt TYPE string.

CONCATENATE txt1 txt2 INTO txt.


txt = condense( txt1 && txt2 ).

In-place Concatenations

Concatenation operator

txt1 && txt2

Replaces CONCATENATE statement and many auxiliary variables

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String Templates

String Templates mix literal text with evaluated result of expressions

|…Text…{ expression format = … }…Text…|



Format Options


result = |{ txt width = 20align = left pad = pad }<---|.

WRITE / result.result = |{ txt width = 20

align = center pad = pad }<---|.WRITE / result.result = |{ txt width = 20

align = right pad = pad }<---|.WRITE / result.

txt = „OOO“ and pad = „x“ yield

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String Templates

String TemplatesEvaluation includes conversions, formatting and concatenatingDirectly supports the use of control characters (like “\n” for newline)Cannot stretch over multiple lines (use ‘&’ to concatenate across lines)

Replaces WRITE TO statement and many auxiliary variables

s = |Hello, \n| &|today is { sy-datum date = iso } \n| &|now is { sy-uzeit time = iso }|.

if intval < 0.cvar = '-'.write intval to cvar+1 no-sign left-justified no-grouping.s = cvar.

else.s = intval.

endif. s = |{ intval }|.

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Literal Text in String Templates

Literal TextConsists of all characters between ‘|’ and ‘{‘ resp. ‘}’ and ‘|’ (including spaces)May contain escaped characters or control characters

\|Character ‘|’

\\Character ‘\’

\{Character ’{’





Control characters

Tab (0x9)

Return (0xD)

Character ’}’

Newline (0xA)

Escape character ‘\’ needed for

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Embedded Expressions in String Templates

Embedded ExpressionsIntroduced by ‘{‘ and ‘}’ within string templateMandatorily starts with an expression which result is converted to a string

Optional named parameters can be used to format the resulting string

Line breaks within the embedded expression are insignificant

s = |<line index=“{ sy-tabix }” | &|kind=“{ o->get_kind( ) }”>|.

s = |timestamp=“{sy-datum date = iso }T| &|{sy-uzeit time = iso }”|.

Format options

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General Formatting Options

For all value types




[integer number]

Alignment (left is default)align

Padding characterpad

Character casecase

Overall output widthwidth

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Formatting Options for Numeric Values

For numeric values

Currency codeEntries from DB table TCURCcurrency

Output format for floating point numbers

Constants from CL_ABAP_FORMATstyle

Decimal format (raw is default)



[integer number]

[integer number]




Number of decimal placesdecimals

Zero suppressionzero

Sign discipline(left is default)


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Formatting Options for Date and Time Values

For date and time

Values from DB-table TTZZ-TZONE

space date space timeuser user settingiso data ‘T’ timeuser apply user setting

raw “182504”user apply user settingiso “18:25:04”environment apply locale setting

raw (“20080906”)user apply user settingiso (“2008-09-06”)environment apply locale setting

Time format

(raw is default)


Time stamp formattimestamp

Time zonetimezone

Date format

(raw is default)


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String Processing before Release 7.10


Set of logical operators , e.g.,CS, NSCA, NA CP, NP

Set of built-in describing functions , e.g.,strlen( ... )charlen( ... )

Substring access via offset-length specification... text+off(len) ...

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New Built-in String Functions – Examples

result = condense( val = ` Rock'xxx'Roller` del = `re ` from = `x` to = `n` ). gives "Rock'n'Roll"

html = `<title>This is <i>title</i></title>`. repl = `title`.

html = replace( val = html regex = repl && `(?![^<>]*>)` with = `Treasure Island` occ = 0 ).

gives "<title>This is <i>Treasure Island</i></title>"

IF contains( val = emailmatch = `\w+(\.\w+)*@(\w+\.)+(\w{2,4})` ).

true if email contains a valid e-mail address

String processing is now directly available in expressions

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Functions Returning a String (1)

substring_before( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [occ = i1] [len = i2] )

substring_from( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [occ = i1] [len = i2] )

substring_after( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [occ = i1] [len = i2] )

shift_right( [val =] s [places = i1 | circular = i2 | sub = s1] )

Shifting Strings

shift_left( [val =] s [places = i1 | circular = i2 | sub = s1] )

substring_to( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [occ = i1] [len = i2] )

segment( val = s index = i [sep = s1] )

substring( val = s [off = i1] [len = i2] )

match( val = text regex = regex [occ = occ] )

Extracting Substrings

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Functions Returning a String (2)

Transforming Strings

from_mixed( [val =] s [sep = c1] [case = c2] [min = i] )

to_mixed( [val =] s [sep = c1] [case = c2] [min = i] )

condense( [val =] s [del = s1] [from = s2] [to = c] )

repeat( val = s occ = i )

insert( val = s sub = s1 [off = i] )

to_lower([val =] s )

to_upper([val =] s )

reverse( [val =] s )

escape( val = s format = f )

replace( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 with = s2 [occ = i1] [case = c] )

translate( val = s from = s1 to = s2 )

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Functions Returning a String (3)

oref->meth( boolc( …condition… )


if …condition… .temp_flag = 'X'.

else.temp_flag = ' '.

endif.oref->meth( temp_flag ).

Concatenates lines of <t> separated by <s>concat_lines_of( [table =] t [sep = s] )

Returns byte with bit i set to 1 if logical-expression is true else 0 (bit-set)

Returns ‘X’ if logical-expression is true else ‘ ’

Boolean Evaluations

boolc( logical-expression )

boolx( bit = i bool = logical-expression )

Concatenation of table lines

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Functions Describing Strings

count_any_of( val = s sub = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] )

Similarity of Strings (Returns Levenshtein distance)

distance( val1 = s1 val2 = s2 [max = i] )

find_any_not_of( val = s sub = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] )

find_any_of( val = s sub = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] )

find_end( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] [case = c] )

count_any_not_of( val = s sub = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] )

Counting Substrings (Return number of found locations)

count( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] [case = c] )

find( val = s (sub|regex) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] [case = c] )

Searching Substrings (Return the offset of the found location)

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Predicate Functions on Strings

contains_any_not_of( val = s (sub|start|end) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] )

contains_any_of( val = s (sub|start|end) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3])

Matching a Regular Expression

matches( val = text regex = regex [off = off] [len = len] )

contains( val = s (sub|start|end|regex) = s1 [off = i1] [len = i2] [occ = i3] [case = c] )

Containing Substrings or Characters

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Summary – Extended Expressions

Extended use of expressionsSupported in many operand positions, especially for internal table statementsSeamless integrated in OO context (nested method calls, chaining)

String expressionsSimple, however very powerfulIntuitively use like arithmetic expressionsRich set of formatting optionsRich set of built-in string functions

To learn moreRun ABAP report DEMO_EXPRESSIONSCheck the ABAP online documentation

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Exercise: Write a simple ABAP program thatcreates an HTML page using string templates

System accessLog into system M55Start transaction SE38Copy report ZTE08_STRING_EX_XX

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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Need for a dynamic WHERE condition

The ABAP environment gives programmers powerful meta programming facilities for generic programming

Dynamic or generic language supportIntrospection abilities (RTTC)Program generation (at runtime)

Problem:Some constructs of ABAP can only be used statically.Therefore programmers are often forced to use program generation as a work around

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Dynamic WHERE Condition since 7.10

One of these missing features is now available:

LOOP with dynamic WHERE condition



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The dynamic WHERE condition obeys the same rules as the static WHERE condition:

For the left hand side of the operators are only components of the table line permittedThe right hand side is evaluated at the LOOP entry.

Dynamic WHERE conditions can also be specified for:



(The same rules apply in these cases.)

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Elements of a dynamic WHERE condition

Examples for allowed constructs are:

All arithmetic and string operations

Boolean operator:and, or, not, equiv

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Additional Features

Dynamic WHERE conditions can also handle the following constructsMethod calls and attribute accessArithmetic expressionsPredefined functionsAccess via data referencesDynamic WHERE condition has full secondary key support

Performance aspectsThe component and value parts should have the same type to avoid internal conversions.

If a table key is appropriately covered (left initial piece for SORTED, all components for HASHED keys) the WHERE condition can be optimized

As an internal optimization a cache is implemented to reuse static information

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Exception handling

There is the exception CX_SY_ITAB_DYN_LOOP to handle incorrect WHERE conditions

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1. Efficient Processing of Textual Data1.1. Recab: String Data Types1.2. Regular Expressions

2. Extended Expressions2.1. Enhanced Expression Capabilities2.2. String Expressions

3. New Features of Internal Tables3.1. Dynamic WHERE Condition3.2. Secondary Keys


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Why Secondary Keys for Internal Tables ?

Benefits from key tables (available since 4.0) Fast O(1) key access for hashed tables




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Why Secondary Keys for Internal Tables ?

Benefits from key tables (available since 4.0) Fast O(1) key access for hashed tablesFast O(log n) key access for sorted tablesFast partial sequential processing for sorted tables (LOOP … WHERE optimization)



O(log n) O(1)

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Why Secondary Keys for Internal Tables ?

Benefits from key tables (available since 4.0) Fast O(1) key access for hashed tablesFast O(log n) key access for sorted tablesFast partial sequential processing for sorted tables (LOOP … WHERE optimization)

Non-primary key access Slow O(n) runtime behaviorMight cause performance problemsTo be optimized by error prone hand-coded secondary key access



O(n) O(log n) O(1)

Low performancein productive context

Good perfomanceat first glance

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Evolution of Internal Tables

Since the beginning of ABAP in the 80ies

Counterpart to database tablesPaged memory allocation(high scalability)Fast index accessLinear key access (O(n))

Since mid of the 90ies

Fast key access(O(log n)) for sorted tablesO(1) for hash tables

High scalability due toTree data structures for the indices of sorted tablesGeneral purpose hash administration for hash tables

Coming with NetWeaver 7.1

Additional (multiple) secondary keys on arbitrary internal tablesLazy index update

Saves memory costsReduces runtime costs

Delayed index update for unique keys

Standard Tables Sorted/Hashed Tables Secondary Keys

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Secondary Keys – Design Goals

Provide secondary key support analogously to databaseMultiple secondary keys are allowed

Contradictory key definitions are warned

Ease of useCanonical embedding into the ABAP language

Only moderate changes necessary to make use of secondary keys in existing programs

No change of semantics when adding secondary keys to a table type definition (compatibility)

No automatism in selecting an appropriate key at statement level

Explicit specification of the key to be used, instead

Syntax warning if some secondary key seems to fit better (workflow support for code refactoring projects)

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Defining Secondary Keys

Secondary keys are part of a table type definition, i.e. they are statically defined

However, the key and its components to be used in a statement (READ, LOOP, …) can be specified dynamically

The definition of a secondary key has to be complete, i.e. the following properties have to be fully specified

Name of the key: it has to be unique for the tableAccess kind: HASHED or SORTEDUniqueness kind: UNIQUE or NON-UNIQUE, where a hash key has to be uniqueKey components: either a user-defined list of componentnames or the pseudo-component TABLE_LINE

Reserved key names: PRIMARY_KEY and LOOP_KEY

Up to 15 secondary keys

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Non-Unique vs. Unique Secondary Keys

Non-unique (sorted) secondary keysLazy index update, i.e. index is not flushed before it is actually used

No memory costs if not used

Thus, perfectly suitable to tune existing programs

Unique secondary keysUniqueness is a semantic constraint, i.e. immediate response (exception/runtime error) if violated by atomic operations (INSERT, MOVE, SELECT, …)

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Defining Secondary Keys - Examples

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Defining Secondary Keys –Redundancy Warnings

Syntax check warns if redundant key definitions are found

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Defining Secondary Keys – ABAP Dictionary

ABAP Dictionary(SE11)New tabstrip„Secondary Key“Up to 15 secondary table keys allowed

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Database table vs. Internal table:Comparison of secondary keys

Database tables:Optimizer decides which key to be takenIn general, the result set is returned in an arbitrary order, i.e. SELECT has set semantics

Internal tables:Order of entries in a table is well

STANDARD/HASHED tables: insert order

SORTED tables: insert position (duplicates inserted on topof already existing entries with the same key values)

No implicit decision of the key to be taken possibleTherefore, explicit key specification required

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Why is there no Implicit Optimization?





Results using primary key Results using secondary keyMiller Johnson

Smith Miller

Johnson Smith

different order

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Using Secondary Keys: INSERT, MOVE, SELECT, ...

INSERT into a table with secondary keys:There are no syntax extensions for secondary keys for the inserting statements (INSERT, MOVE, SELECT … INTO, …)The primary key is updated immediately

NOOP for a single INSERT on a SORTED or HASHED tables, if the entry already exists (return code instead)Runtime error in case of block operations for DupRecs

Unique secondary keys are also immediately updatedCatchable exception for a single INSERT operationRuntime error in case of block operations for DupRecs

Non-unique secondary keys have a lazy updateThey are updated when the table is accessed using this keyNo memory costs before first use (except basic administrative costs)

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Using Secondary Keys: READ with Respect to a Secondary Key

New addition “… USING KEY KeyName …”

New addition “… KeyName COMPONENTS …” for WITH clauses

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Using Secondary Keys:LOOP with Respect to a Secondary Key

New addition “… USING KEY KeyName …”

Same rules as for READ in combination with a WHERE-clause

Condition to be given in the following form:

comp1 = val1 AND … AND compn = valn

Additional non-key components may follow connected with AND

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Using Secondary Keys:Other Statements Supporting Secondary Keys

Addition “… USING KEY KeyName …” for DELETE and MODIFY

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Using Secondary Keys:Key Components have to be provided

Using a secondary key in combination with “WHERE ...” or “WITH KEY ...” requires the following:

for a HASHED key all components have to be listedfor a SORTED key at least a left initial part of the key component list has to be given

This is a difference between the (implicitly used) primary table key and secondary keys. The reason is that the expected runtime optimizations canonly be achieved under these conditions.

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Tool Support:Performance Hints by the ABAP Compiler (1)

If specified, a secondary keys must be usable:Syntax error if it can be statically decided that a key cannot be usedRuntime error if this occurs in dynamically specified statements

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Tool Support:Performance Hints by the ABAP Compiler (2)

If no specific key is given, the compiler checksWhether some secondary can be used efficiently for the particular statement and gives syntax warnings

These warnings are switchable by pragmas (available with 7.11)

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Tool Support:Debugging Support for Secondary Keys

Special features of the new ABAP debugger for secondary keys:Flush for outdated non-unique secondaryWatch points on secondary key changes

Debugger symbol key_status( ItabName KeyName )

Other helpful debugger features:Memory objects (hit lists)

Identify how much memory is currently occupied by an internal table Memory snap shots

Make snap shots before and after flushing a secondary key to get the memory actually allocated by the flush

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Tool Support:Flushing Non-Unique Keys in Debugger

Data of the non-unique key NUSORT is outdated

Use to flush it

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Tool Support:Watch points on Key changes

Debugger symbol key_status( ItabName KeyName)“Returns 1, if the secondary key “keyName” is outdated

Returns 0, if it is up-to-date

Can be used in a watchpointdefinition

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Incremental Key Changes

Delayed index update for incremental key changesNo index flush if key components are changed via pointer or reference accessUpdate is delayed until

the next table statement or the table is passed as a parameter to a method, function, …

Avoids duplicate record exception during update for unique keysRequires debugging support (watch points on key changes) because there might be a significant time gap between the key changes and the index flush

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Unique key





Delayed Update of Unique Keys

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Unique key





Delayed Update of Unique Keys


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Unique key





Delayed Update of Unique Keys


Immediate update would result in a duplicate record exception !

Therefore, update is delayed until next table statement

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Unique key





Delayed Update of Unique Keys


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Unique key





Delayed Update of Unique Keys


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Active Key Protection

Primary key components are write protectedKey components of sorted or hash tables are write protected, i.e. no changes via pointers or references possible (runtime error)

Generalization for secondary keysWithin a loop with respect to a certain secondary key, the corresponding key components are also write protected

Within nested loops, the union of the primary key components and all secondary key components currently in use (active keys) are write protected

Technically this requires key component surveillance at every write operation

Components of non-active keys can be overwritten (delayed index update)

Otherwise, i.e. if all components of all secondary keys would also be write protected: adding additional keys to an already existing internal table might result in incompatibility

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Active Key Violation - Example

The following coding shows an example for an active key violationresulting in the runtime error ITAB_ACTIVE_KEY_VIOLATION

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Summary: Features

The design of secondary keys allows an easy integration in existing and new coding

Few syntax additions (USING KEY, COMPONENTS) to define and use secondary keysSyntax check support by redundancy warnings and performance hintsPerformance of existing programs can easily be improved by supplementing secondary keys (compatibility)Powerful delta management by lazy and delayed update handling

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Summary: Usage Scenarios

Optimal usage scenario for secondary keysVery large tables

No or only few modifications after initial built-up phase

Administrative overhead mainly concentrated on the build-up phase

Performance gain for a read access using a "good" secondary key will easily outweigh this

Special usage scenario for unique secondary keysIf data integrity (uniqueness) is important

Applies also for small tables

Secondary keys should not be usedFor small tables (less than 50 lines) because of administrative and memory overhead

If modifications dominate the table processing

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Topics covered in this workshop

We introduced techniques for Processing text-based information using strings, regular expressions and string functionsWriting compact code using new expressions capabilitiesCreating well-formatted or technical text using string templatesGeneric programming using dynamic WHERE conditionsEfficiently managing large amounts of data stored in internal tables using secondary keys

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ABAP Debugger – Memory Objects

Check memory consumption with the Memory Analysis Tool:Press button Special Tools Memory AnalysisBound memory: memory that will be available again for the current user session after freeing the tableReferenced memory: includes also memory reachable via references

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ABAP Debugger – Memory Snap Shots

Make/compare memory snap shots using the Memory Analysis Tool:Press button Special Tools Memory AnalysisPress button to invoke the Memory Analysis Services dialogMake snap shots before and after flushing; invoke Memory InspectorCompare them by pressing the compare button

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Memory Costs for Secondary Keys

Memory costs (32/64 bit architectures):Basic admin costs

If the table has secondary keys at all ~ 32/48 bytes

If it has at least one non-unique secondary key (row id per line) 8 bytes / line

Costs per secondary key

Basic admin costs ~ 28/36 bytes

Sorted keys 4 - 6 bytes / line

Hashed keys ~ 18 bytes / line

Costs for lazy update

Additional index needed after DELETE/SORT 4 - 6 bytes / line

Costs for delayed update

Heavily depending on the number of changes …

Performance improvements to be paid by increased memory consumption

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Maintenance Costs for Secondary Keys

Maintenance costs for the indices of secondary keys:Non-unique keys

No costs at all before first flush (lazy update)

No costs if already up-to-date

Costs for inserting entries that have been inserted since last flushUnique keys

Immediate update costs at every insert operationUpdate costs caused by delayed (incremental) key changes

Total key maintenance :Sum of the costs for every table key

Avoid unnecessary key definitions

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Traps and Pitfalls

Avoid DELETE using secondary key on a STANDARD table:Locating the entry to be deleted with respect to some secondary key is fast

However, all other keys have to be updated, too

In particular, the corresponding entry in the primary key has to be search linearly

Thus, overall runtime behavior is linear

Avoid modifying unique secondary keys in the Debugger:Due to the delayed update feature, this may lead to a DupRec error when the next table statement is exceuted

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Type Check and Table Sharing

Secondary keys are type constitutive, generalizing the type concept in the following ways:

If a table is generic in its primary type, it will also be generic with respect to secondary keys

If a table is complete it its primary type, it will also be complete with respect to secondary keys

One can force a table to be generic with respect to secondary keys by adding “WITH FURTHER SECONDARY KEYS”

One can force a table to be complete with respect to secondary keys by adding “WITHOUT FURTHER SECONDARY KEYS”

Two tables are shareable, if the following conditions are satisfied:Their primary types are shareable

They have the same secondary keys

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Further Information

Related Workshops/Lectures at SAP TechEd 2008COMP209, News in ABAP Development, LectureCOMP267, ABAP Troubleshooting, WorkshopCOMP106, ABAP Performance and Trace Analysis, LectureCOMP269, Efficient Database Programming, LectureCOMP272, Memory Efficient ABAP Programming, WorkshopCOMP273, Test-Driven and Bulletproof ABAP Development, WorkshopCOMP274, Developing User Interfaces With Web Dynpro for ABAP, WorkshopCOMP275, State-of-the-Art ABAP -- Programming with ABAP Objects, WorkshopCOMP277, ABAP Development: Update Your Skills to SAP NetWeaver 7.0, Workshop

Related SAP Education and Certification Opportunitieshttp://www.sap.com/education/

SAP Public Web:SAP Developer Network (SDN): www.sdn.sap.comBusiness Process Expert (BPX) Community: www.bpx.sap.com

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Thank you!

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