abc english class international schoolabc english is a private english school that is located in...

(2014年4月改訂) ABC English Class / International School 2496-1 OhyabuCho HikoneCity Shiga Japan 3-5 Ohtatsumi-cho Nagahama-city Shiga Japan Phone:0749-23-2000 URL e-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:


ABC English Class / International School 2496-1 Ohyabu-Cho Hikone-City Shiga Japan

3-5 Ohtatsumi-cho Nagahama-city Shiga Japan Phone:0749-23-2000

URL: e-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

ABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone and NagahamaCity, in Shiga . Shiga Prefecture is located between Kyoto and Nagoya, about 45 minutes by train either way. Hikone is located in the northern area of Shiga, near lake Biwa and has a population of 100,000. It is a cozy town that is surrounded by mountains. It’s a nice place to live. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes: Baby & Mom Class, Toddler class Kids Short Course, Preschool (English Kindergarten), Kids Long Course, adult, and out-lessons. The main philosophy of ABC ENGLISH is to help children reach their own goals for becoming a speaker of English by having self -confidence, being independent, and being more aware of the world around them. Emphasis is put on helping children to become whole individuals through teaching social skills, cultural differences, manners, self respect and respect for others.

Facilities Entrance hall Waiting Room

Class Room There are 3 class You can check out Rooms.

Also we have Seasonal parties.

School Library

books and videos. Yard We have a lot of activities in the yard

Page 3: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

ABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes: Baby, 1 hour, 3 hour, adult, and out-lessons. Baby class: The baby class is for mommies and babies. Ages range from 1 to 2. The class size is 8 students. The class length is 1.5 hours. The class goal is to have a fun time while learning basic English skills (ABC’s, Basic phonics, listening, vocabulary, and conversation skills). Classes meet in the mornings from 10:00am to 11:30pm. Toddler Class: The toddler class is for mommies and 3 years old kids. The class size is 6 students. The class length is 1 hour. The class goal is to have a fun time while learning basic English skills (ABC’s, Basic phonics, listening, vocabulary, and conversation skills). Preschool (English Kindergarten) This class is for students who want to become bi-lingual. Ages are from 4 to 6. The class size is 16 students. The Classes meet Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. There is cookie time and lunchtime. Classes also include craft, cooking, playtime, storybook time, birthday parties, and other activities. The class goal is to have the students become fluent in English. Short course: This class is for students who want a basic understanding of English. Ages are from 4 to 18. The class size is from 2 to 6 students. The class length is 1 hour. Class. The class goal is to build basic English skills (ABC’s. phonics, reading, writing, listening and conversation). Long course: This class is for students who want to become bi-lingual. Ages are from 7 to 11. The class size is from 3 to 16 students. The class length is 3 hours. Classes meet Monday through Friday from 4:00pm to 7:00pm. Classes also include craft, cooking, playtime, storybook time, birthday parties, and other activities. The class atmosphere is more like a elementary school. The class goal is to have the students become fluent in English. Adult class: The student levels are from beginner to intermediate. The class size is from 2 to 6 students. The class length is 70 minutes. Classes meet Monday through Friday after 7:30pm and sometimes in the mornings after 10:00am. The class atmosphere is relaxed. Out-lessons: Our school offers English lesson outside of the school, ex. Companies and private kindergartens.

Page 4: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Baby&Mom Class (Age 0~2) :1.5hours

3~8students/1 Class

Baby & Mom class:

This class is for mommies and babies. Ages range from 1 to 3. The class size is 7 students. The class length is 1.5 hours. The class goal is to have a fun time while learning basic English skills (ABC’s, Basic phonics, listening, vocabulary, writing, and conversation skills). Classes meet in the mornings from 10:00am to 11:30pm.

Baby & Mom Class Schedule

Time Activity


Arrival / Play time

Mother’s warm-up


Circle Time

Hello song / Warm-up


Text / Lessons etc

11:00~11:30 Phonics time/Story time

11:30~ Good bye

12:30~12:45 After Class Explanation for parents

Page 5: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Preschool (Age 4~6) : 8:30am~4:30pm

16 students/1 Class

This class is for students who want to become bi-lingual. Ages are from 4 to 6. The class size is 16 students. The Classes meet Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm. There is cookie time and lunchtime. Classes also include craft, cooking, playtime, storybook time, birthday parties, and other activities. The class goal is to have the students become fluent in English.

Time (時間) Activity (内容)

8:45 ~ 9:10 登 園/プレイタイム (Play time)

9:10 ~ 9:20 朝の会(Greeting/Attendance)

9:20 ~ 9:40 サークルタイム 朝のお歌 体操の時間(Songs & Exercise)

9:40 ~ 10:00 スナックタイム/トイレ(Snack time /Toilet)

10:00 ~ 10:30 ファーストターム(1st term / Lesson)

10:35 ~ 11:05 セカンドターム(2nd term / ABC Time)

11:10 ~ 11:40 サードターム(3rd term / 外遊び(雨天時室内)

11:40 ~ 12:40 食事の準備 ランチタイム あとかたずけ Lunch

12::40 ~ 13:00 自由時間 お昼休み(Break/Play time)お昼寝の準備

13:00 ~ 13:40 午後の学習(年少組はお昼寝/夏季7月末~8月は全生徒お昼寝)

13:40 ~ 14:00 帰りの準備 帰りの会 / クラブ活動準備

14:00 ~ 15:30 アフタースクール クラブ活動(日本語での活動となります)

15:30 ~ 16:00 お迎え(Dismissal/Good-bye)

Page 6: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Tod & Kids Short Course (Age 3~18) :1 hour

2~6 students/1 Class

Short Course: This class is for students who want a basic understanding of English. Ages are from 3 to 18. The class size is from 2 to 6 students. The class length is 1 hour. The class goal is to build basic English skills

(ABC’s. phonics, reading, writing, listening and conversation).

Short Course Class Schedule (Exanple:5years old class)

Time Activity

5 min Prep time ( Kids come in the class room)

15 min Welcome time (Hello song / Text book/

Chair assignment)

15 min

Circle Time & Dance time



10 min Activity time

(English Games Alphabet/Phonics etc)

10 min Table time (Home Work Check)

5 min Point Check

Page 7: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Kids Long Course (Age:7~11) :3 hours

2~16students/1 Class

Kids Long Course: This class is for students who want to become bi-lingual or students who are native English speakers. Ages are from 3 to 11. The class size is from 3 to 16 students. The class length is 3 hours. There is cookie time and lunchtime. Classes also include craft, cooking, playtime, storybook time, birthday parties, and other activities. The class atmosphere is more like a kindergarten. The goal of this class is to help the students become fluent

in English. Students are also taught Social skills and rules,, coordination skills, manners, and culture differences,

Long Course Class Schedule

Time Activity

4:00~4:30 Play time

Home work check

4:30~5:00 Clean up /Hello song/Circle Time

Activity time /Craft time /Birthday

5:00~5:30 Cookie time

5:30~6:15 Text / Lessons

6:15~6:30 Snack Time

6:30~7:00 Phonics time

Page 8: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Other Courses

Adult class: The student levels are from beginner to intermediate. The class size is from 2 to 6 students. The class length is 60 minutes. Classes meet Monday through Friday after 8:30pm The class atmosphere is relaxed.

Out-lessons: Our school offers English lesson outside of the school, ex. Companies and private kindergartens.

Page 9: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

Text books

Page 10: ABC English Class International SchoolABC English is a private English school that is located in Hikone / Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. ABC English offers 7 different types of classes:

ABC English Class / International School

Job Description

Location: 2496-1 Ohyabu-Cho Hikone-City Shiga Japan

3-5 Ohtatsumi-cho Nagahama-city Shiga Japan

Phone: 0749-23-2000 / 090-4274-8769


e-mail: [email protected]

Job title: English teacher / Teaching Trainer

Salary : First year ¥275,000 (¥250,000 for taking over term) Yearly pay raise (¥5000)

Up to 28 teaching hours / week + preparation time . 5days a week


Depending on School Calendar

*All holidays are paid

Sick Days

will be made up during

make up week.

Health insurance

National Health Insurance

Accommodation: Apartment is provided by school and teacher pays rent. On average,

rent is about ¥55,000 / month

Job requirements:

*Teacher: must have at least one or two-year experience with teaching young children. can speak Japanese at a conversational level. must have good memorization skills must be well organized, good lesson planning skills, a native English speaker. must have an easygoing personality. *This job involves singing and some dancing. *The teacher is expected to be very energetic and cheerful in the classroom.

Education Requirements

• Bachelor degree