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This text contains an early development of the theory of theta functions.




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    Henrg W. Sage1891






    ffilaagota: 263, AEGYLE STEEET.






    H. F. ^AKER, M.A.




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  • dDambdDge





    It may perhaps be fairly stated that no better guide can be found to theanalytical developments of Pure Mathematics during the last seventy yearsthan a study of the problems presented by the subject whereof this volumetreats. This book is published in the hope that it may be found worthy toform the basis for such study. It is also hoped that the book may beserviceable to those who use it for a first introduction to the subject.And an endeavour has been made to point out what are conceived to be themost artistic ways of formally developing the theory regarded as complete.

    The matter is arranged primarily with a view to obtaining perfectlygeneral, and not merely illustrative, theorems, in an order in which they canbe immediately utilised for the subsequent theory

    ;particular results, however

    interesting, or important iu special applications, which are not an integralportion of the continuous argument of the book, are introduced only so faras they appeared necessary to explain the general results, mainly in theexamples, or are postponed, or are excluded altogether. The sequence andscope of ideas to which this has led will be clear from an examination of thetable of Contents.

    The methods of Riemanh, as far as they are explained in books on thegeneral theory of functions, are provisionally regarded as fundamental ; butprecise references are given for all results assumed, and great pains havebeen taken, in the theory of algebraic functions and their integrals, and inthe analytic theory of theta functions, to provide for alternative developments

    of the theory. If it is desired to dispense with Riemann's existence theorems,

    the theory of algebraic functions may be founded either on the arithmeticalideas introduced by Kronecker and by Dedekind and Weber ; or on thequasi-geometrical ideas associated with the theory of adjoint polynomials


    while in any case it does not appear to be convenient to avoid reference to

    either class of ideas. It is believed that, save for some points in the

    periodicity of Abelian integrals, all that is necessary to the former ele-

    mentary development will be found in Chapters IV. and VII., in connection

    with which the reader may consult the recent paper of Hensel, Acta

    Mathematica, xviii. (1894), and also the papers of Kronecker and of

    B. b

  • vi PREFACE.

    Dedekind and Weber, GreUe's Journal, xci., xcii. (1882). Aud it is hopedthat what is necessary for the development of the theory from the elemen-

    tary geometrical point of view will be understood from Chapter VI., in

    connection with which the reader may consult the Ahel'sche Functionen of

    Clebsch and Gordan (Leipzig, 1866) and the paper of Noether, Mathematische

    Annalen, vii. (1873). In the theory of Riemann's theta functions, the

    formulae which are given relatively to the f and p functions, and the

    general formulae given near the end of Chapter XIV., will provide sufficient

    indications of how the theta functions can be algebraically defined; the

    reader may consult Noether, Mathematische Annalen, XXXVII. (1890), and

    Klein and Burkhardt, ibid, xxxil.XXXVI. In Chapters XV., XVII., and

    XIX., and in Chapters XVIII. and XX., are given the beginnings of that

    analytical theory of theta functions from which, in conjunction with thegeneral theory of functions of several independent variables, so much is tobe hoped ; the latter theory is however excluded from this volume.

    To the reader who does not desire to follow the development of thisvolume consecutively through, the following course may perhaps be sug-gested ; Chapters I., II., III. (in part), IV., VI. (to 98), VIII., IX., X.,

    XI. (in part), XVIII. (in part), XII., XV. (in part) ; it is also possible tobegin with the analytical theory of theta functions, reading in order Chapters

    XV., XVI., XVII.. XIX., XX.

    The footnotes throughout the volume are intended to contain themention of all authorities used in its preparation ; occasionally the hazardousplan of adding to the lists of references during the passage of the sheetsthrough the press, has been adopted ; for references omitted, and f


    on two occasions, by Professor Felix Klein. In the preparation of the bookI have been largely indebted to his printed publications; the reader isrecommended to consult also his lithographed lectures, especially the onedealing with Biemann surfaces. In the final revision of the sheets intheir passage through the press, I have received help from several friends.Mr A. E. H. Love, Fellow and Lecturer of St John's College, has readthe proofs of the volume ; in the removal of obscurities of expressionand in the correction of press, his untiring assistance has been of greatvalue to me. Mr J. Harkness, Professor of Mathematics at Bryn MawrCollege, Pennsylvania, has read the proofs from Chapter XV. onwards ; manyfaults, undetected by Mr Love or myself, have yielded to his perusal; andI have been greatly helped by his sympathy in the subject-matter of thevolume. To both these friends I am under obligations not easy to discharge.

    My gratitude is also due to Professor Forsyth for the generous interest hehas taken in the book from its commencement. While, it should be added,the task carried through by the Staff of the University Press deserves morethan the usual word of acknowledgment.

    This book has a somewhat ambitious aim ; and it has been written underthe constant pressure of other work. It cannot but be that many defects

    will be found in it. But the author hopes it will be sufficient to shew that

    the subject offers for exploration a country of which the vastness is equalledby the fascination.

    St John's College, Cambkidge.

    April 26, 1897.




    The subject of investigation.I Fundamental algebraic irrationality

    2, 3 The places and infinitesimal on a Riemann surface4, 5 The theory unaltered by rational transformation6 The invariance of the deficiency in rational transformation ; if a

    rational function exists of order 1, the surface is of zerodeficiency

    7, 8 The greatest number of irremoveable parameters is 3p - 3 .9, 10 The geometrical statement of the theoryII Generality of Kiemann's methods ...




    28, 29 Cases when the poles coalesce ; the p critical integers . . 34, 35

    30 Simple anticipatory geometrical illustration 36, 37

    31 33 The {p-\)p{p + \) places which are the poles of rational functionsof order less than p+\ 3840

    34_36 There are at least 2p+ 2 such places which are distinct . . 414437 Statement of the Riemann-Boch theorem, with examples . . 4446


    Specification of a general form of Riemann's integrals.

    38 Explanations in regard to Integral Rational Fimctions . . 47, 48

    39 Definition of dimension ; fundamental set of functions for the

    expression of rational functions 4852

    40 Illustrative example for a surface of four sheets . . . . 53, 54

    41 The sum of the dimensions of the fundamental set of functionsis p+n-\ 54, 55

    42 Fundamental set for the expression of integral functions . . 55, 5643 Principal properties of the fundamental set of integral functions . 5760

    44 Definition of derived set of special functions Q, 0i, ..., n-\ 616445 Algebraical form of elementary integral of the third kind, whose

    infinities are ordinary places ; and of integrals of the firstkind 6568

    46 Algebraical form of elementary integral of the third kind in general 687047 Algebraical form of integral of the second kind, independently

    deduced . 717348 The discriminant of the fundamental set of integral functions . 7449 Deduction of the expression of a certain fundamental rational

    function in the general case ....... 75^7750 The algebraical results of this chapter are sufficient to replace

    Riemann's existence theorem .... . . 78, 79


    Certain forms of the fundamental equation of the Riemann surface.

    51 Contents of the chapter 8052 When p>l, existence of rational function of the second order

    involves a (1, 1) correspondence 815355 Existence of rational function of the second order involves the

    hypereUiptic equation . . 8184

    56, 57 Fundamental integral functions and integrals of the first kind 858658 Examples 8759 Number of irremoveable parameters in the hypereUiptic equation ;

    transformation to the canonical form .... 88896063 Weierstrass's canonical equation for any deficiency . 90



    646667, 68


    Actual formation of the equationIllustrations of the theory of integral functions for Weierstrasa's

    canonical equationThe method can be considerably generalised ....Hensel's determination of the fundamental integral functions





    Geometrical investigations.

    80 Comparison of the theory of rational functions with the theoryof intersections of curves .... . . 113

    8183 Introductory indications of elementary form of theory . 11311684 The method to be followed in this chapter 11785 Treatment of infinity. Homogeneous variables might be used . 118, 11986 Grade of an integral polynomial ; number of terms


    zeros 120, 121

    87 Adjoint polynomials ; definition of the index of a singular place . 12288 Pliicker's equations ; connection with theory of discriminant . 123, 124

    89, 90 Expression of rational functions by adjoint polynomials . . . 125, 12691 Expression of integral of the first kind 12792 Number of terms in an adjoint polynomial ; determination of

    elementary integral of the third kind 12813293 Linear systems of adjoint polynomials ; reciprocal theorem . . 133, 134

    94, 95 Definitions of set, lot, sequent, equivalent sets, coresidual sets . 135

    96, 97 Theorem of coresidual sets ; algebraic basis of tlie theorem . . 13698 A rational function of order less than ^4-1 is expressible by



    126128 The function ylr{x,a; z, c) ; its utility for the expression ofrational functions 174176

    129 The derived prime function ^(^, ); used to express rationalfunctions....... ^^'

    130, 131 Algebraic expression of the functions \jf{x,a; z, c,, ..., Cp),yjf(x,a;z,c) 177, 178

    132 Examples of these functions; they determine algebraic expres-

    sions for the elementary integrals 179182

    133, 134 Derivation of a canonical integral of the third kind; for whichinterchange of argument and parameter holds; its algebraicexpression ; its relation with Riemann's elementary normalintegral ......... . 182185

    135 Algebraic theorem equivalent to interchange of argument andparameter . 185

    136 Elementary canonical integral of the second kind . . . 186, 187

    137 Applications. Canonical integral of the third kind deduced fromthe function i//-(a;, a; z,c^, ...,Cp). Modification for the func-

    tion yfr(x,a; z,c) 188192138 Associated integrals of first and second kind. Further canonical

    integrals. The algebraic theory of the hypereUiptic integi-alsin one formula 193, 194

    139, 140 Deduction of Weierstrass's and Riemann's relations for periodsof integrals of the first and second kind .... 195197

    141 Either form is equivalent to the other . . . . 198142 Alternative proofs of Weierstrass's and Riemann's period relations 199, 200143 Expression of uniform transcendental function by the function

    yjr (x, a ; z, c) . . . . . . . . . 201144, 145 Mittag-Leffler's theorem 202204

    146 Expression of uniform transcendental function in prime factors 205147 General form of interchange of argument and parameter, after

    Abel . . ... .... 206


    Abel's Theorem. Abel's differential equations.

    148150 Approximative description of Abel's theorem151 Enunciation of the theorem .......152 The general theorem reduced to two simpler theorems

    153, 154 Proof and analytical statement of the theorem .155 Remark ; statement in terms of polynomials156 The disappearance of the logarithm on the right side of the

    equation ......157 Applications of the theorem. Abel's own proof .

    158, 159 The number of algebraically independent equations given by thetheorem. Inverse of Abel's theorem ....

    160, 161 Integration of Abel's differential equations ....162 Abel's theorem proved quite similarly for curves in space



    211, 212212214






    Jacobi's inversion problem.

    163 statement of the problem164 Uniqueness of any solution165 The necessity of using congruences and not equations

    166, 167 Avoidance of functions with infinitesimal periods168, 169 Proof of the existence of a solution ....170172 Formation of functions with which to express the solution

    connection with theta functions



    238, 239239241



    Riemann's theta functions. General theory.

    173 Sketch of the history of the introduction of theta functions . 246174 Convergence. Notation. Introduction of matrices . . . 247, 248

    175, 176 Periodicity of the theta functions. Odd and even functions . 249251177 Number of zeros is p . . . . . . . . . 252178 Position of the zeros in the simple case . 253, 254179 The places ij, ..., m^ . . . . . . 255180 Position of the zeros in general 256, 257181 Identical vanishing of the theta functions . ... 258, 259

    182, 183 Fundamental properties. Geometrical interpretation of the placesmi, ..., jp 259267

    184186 Geometrical developments ; special inversion problem ; contactcurves .... 268-273

    187 Solution of Jacobi's inversion problem by quotients of thetafunctions 274, 275

    188 Theory of the identical vanishing of the theta function. Ex-pression of (^-polynomials by theta functions . . . 276282

    189191 General form of theta function. Fundamental formulae. Periodicity 283286192 Introduction of the ffimctions. Generahsation of an elliptic formula 287193 Difference of two f functions expressed by algebraic integrals and

    rational functions 288194196 Development. Expression of single f function by algebraic integrals 289292197, 198 Introduction of the f> functions. Expression by rational functions 292295


    The hyperelliptic case of Riemann's theta functions.

    199 Hyperelliptic case illustrates the general theory . . . 296200 The places Wi,..., nip. The rule for half periods . . . 297, 298

    201, 202 Fundamental set of characteristics defined by branch places 299301



    204, 205206213

    214, 215





    Notation. General theorems to be illustrated .... 302

    Tables in illustration of the general theory 303309Algebraic expression of quotients of hyperelliptic theta functions.

    Solution of hyperelliptic inversion problem .... 309317

    Single f function expressed by algebraical integrals and rationalfunctions 318323

    Rational expression of jl> function. Relation to quotients of theta

    functions. Solution of inversion problem by p function . . 323327Rational expression of f> function 327330Algebraic deduction of addition equation for theta functions

    when p= 2; generaUsation of the equation tr(u+v}a-(u-v)= (Ai.a^v.{((>v-flhi) 330337

    Examples for the case p=2. Qopel's biquadratic relation . . 337342



    222 Chapter introduced as a change of independent variable, and asintroducing a particular prime function

    223225 Definition of a group of substitutions ; fundamental proi)erties226, 227 Convergence of a series; functions associated with the group228232 The fundamental functions. Comparison with foregoing theory

    of this volume ...233235 Definition and periodicity of the Schottky prime function .236, 237 Its connection with the theta functions

    238 A further function connected therewith239 The hyperelliptic case


    353359359364364366367372372, 373



    PAGES255 Factorial integrals of the primary and associated systems . . 397, 398256 Factorial integrals which are everywhere finite, save at the fixed

    infinities. Introduction of the numbers 07, 0, there are

  • xyi CONTENTS.

    rr PAGES

    282, 283 Proof that the 2^p theta functions with half-integer character-

    istics are linearly independent 446 447

    284, 285 Definition of general theta function of order r ; its linear expres-

    sion by rP theta functions. Any p+2 theta functions ofsame order, periods, and characteristic connected by a homo-

    geneous polynomial relation 447 455

    286 Addition theorem for hyperelliptic theta functions, or for the

    general case when jd



    Transformation of periods, especially linear transformation.


    318 Bearings of the theory of transformation 528, 529319323 The general theory of the modification of the period loops on a

    Riemann surface 529534324 Analytical theory of transformation of periods and characteristic

    of a theta function 534538325 Convergence of the transformed fimction ..... 538326 Specialisation of the formulae, for linear transformation . . 539, 540327 Transformation of theta characteristics ; of even characteristics ;

    of syzygetic characteristics 541, 542

    328 Period characteristics and theta characteristics .... 543329 Determination of a linear transformation to transform any even

    characteristic into the zero characteristic .... 544, 545

    330, 331 Linear transformation of two azygetic systems of theta charac-teristics into one another ..... . 546550

    332 Composition of two transformations of difierent orders ; supple-mentary transformations ....... 551, 552

    333, 334 Formation of p+2 elementary linear transformations by thecomposition of which every linear transformation can beformed ; determination of the constant factors for each ofthese 553557

    335 The constant factor for any linear transformation . . . 558, 559336 Any linear transformation may be associated with a change of

    the period loops of a Riemann surface 560, 561337, 338 Linear transformation of the places m,, ..., m, . . . . 562

    339 Linear transformation of the characteristics of a radical function 563, 564

    340 Determination of the places to,, ..., m^ upon a Riemann surfacewhose mode of dissection is assigned 565567

    341 Linear transformation of quotients of hyperelliptic theta functions 568

    342 A convenient form of the period loops in a special hyperellipticcase. Weierstrass's number notation for half-integer charac-teristics 569, 570


    On systems of periods and on general Jacobian functions.

    343 Scope of this chapter . . 571

    344 350 Columns of periods. Exclusion of infinitesimal periods. Expres-sion of aU period columns by a finite number of columns,with integer coefficients 571579

    351 356 Definition of general Jacobian function, and comparison withtheta function ... 579588

    357 362 Expression of Jacobian function by means of theta functions.

    Any + 2 Jacobian functions of same periods and parameterconnected by a homogeneous polynomial relation . . 588598

  • xviii CONTENTS.


    Transformation of theta functions.


    363 Sketch of the results obtained. References to the literature . 599, 600

    364, 365 Elementary theory of transformation of second order . . 600606

    366, 367 Investigation of a general formula preliminary to transformation

    of odd order ... 607610368, 369 The general theorem for transformation of odd order. . . 611616

    370 The general treatment of transformation of the second order . 617619

    371 The two steps in the determination of the constant coefficients 619372 The first step in the determination of the constant coefficients 619622373 Remarks and examples in regard to the second step . . . 622624374 Transformation of periods when the coefficients are not integral 624628375 Reference to the algebraical applications of the theory . . 628


    Complex multiplication of theta functions. Correspondenceof points on a Riemann surface.

    376 Scope of the chapter 629377, 378 Necessary conditions for a complex multiplication, or special

    transformation, of theta functions .... 629632379382 Proof, in one case, that these conditions are sufficient . . 632636

    383 Example of the elliptic case 636639384 Meaning of an (r, s) correspondence on a Riemann surface . 639, 640385 Equations necessary for the existence of such a correspondence 640642386 Algebraic determination of a correspondence existing on a per-

    fectly general Riemann surface 642645387 The coincidences. Examples of the inflections and bitangents of

    a plane curve .......... 645648388 Conditions for a (1,) correspondence on a special Riemann surface 648, 649389 When p>l a (1, 1) correspondence is necessarily periodic . . 649, 650390 And involves a special form of fundamental equation . . 651

    391393 When p>l there cannot be an infinite number of (1, 1) corre-

    spondences . . ... ... 652 654394 Example of the case ^= 1 654 656


    Degenerate Abelian integrals.

    395 Example of the property to be considered 657396 Weierstrass's theorem. The property involves a transformation

    leading to a theta function which breaks into factors. . 657 658


    PAGES397 Weierstrass's aud Picard's theorem. The property involves a

    linear transformation leading to T^'j= l/r 658, 659

    398 Existence of one degenerate integral involves another (jB= 2) . 659399, 400 Connection v?ith theory of special transformation, when p = 2 . 660, 661401403 Determination of necessary form of fundamental equation.

    References. 661663


    On algebraic curves in space.

    404 Formal proof that an algebraic curve in space is an interpreta-tion of the relations connecting three rational functions ona Biemanu surface (cf. 162) 664, 665


    On matrices.

    405410 Introductory explanations 666669411415 Decomposition of an Abelian matrix into simpler ones 669674

    416 A particular result .... 674417, 418 Lemmas 675419, 420 Proof of results assumed in 396, 397 .. . 675, 676

    Index of authors quoted 677, 678Table of some functional symbols . 679Subject index 680684



    6, 2, for db'^da, read db'^-'^da.8, 22, for deficiency 1, read deficiency 0.

    11, 12, for 2n-2+p, read 2n-2 + 2p.16, 16, 4, for called, read applied to.

    dx . dx18, 25, for , read .

    X y37, 31, for in, read is.38, 3, /or BTirfacea, read surface.43, 20, for w, read u.

    56, 22, for {x-a)''-\ read (x-a)''-''+^61, 24, add or 3i(x, y).66, 22, /or r'-l, read t,'-1.70, 14, /or Tr+i, read t, + 1.

    73, 28, for x"'''"'''"^ Sj, j, read x"^''"^ Si, i-81. The argument of 52 supposes p>l.

    104, 72. See also Hensel, Crelle, cxv. (1895).114, 3 from the bottom, add here.137. To the references, add, Macaulay, Proc. Lon. Math. Soc, xxvi. p. 495.

    157. See also Kraus, Math. Annal. xvi. (1879).166. See also Zeuthen, Ann. d. Mat. 2* Ser., t. in. (1869).189, 21, for xii, read xi.

    196, 23, for \h, read Wh.

    24, for \h, read \h.197, 24, for A, read B.198, 5, for 7(w')~ici), read y{ia')~^u.

    18, for fourth minus sign, read sign of equality.206, 4, supply dz, after third integral sign: the summation is from fc=2, fc'= 0.

    5, supply dz, after first integral sign.8, for 4>(X)l


    The Subject of Investigation.

    1. This book is concerned with a particular development of the theoryof the algebraic irrationality arising when a quantity y is defined in termsof a quantity x by means of an equation of the form

    Coy" + Oiy"-' + . . . + a_iy + a = 0,

    wherein ao, a, a are rational integral polynomials in x. The equation issupposed to be irreducible ; that is, the left-hand side cannot be written asthe product of other expressions of the same rational form.

    2. Of the various means by which this dependence may be represented,that invented by Riemann, the so-called Riemann surface, is throughoutregarded as fundamental. Of this it is not necessary to give an accounthere*. But the sense in which we speak of a place of a Riemann surfacemust be explained. To a value of the independent variable x there will ingeneral correspond n distinct values of the dependent variable yrepresentedby as many places, lying in distinct sheets of the surface. For some valuesof X two of these n values of y may happen to be equal : in that case thecorresponding sheets of the surface may behave in one of two ways. Eitherthey may just touch at one point without having any further connexion inthe immediate neighbourhood of the point t : in which case we shall regardthe point where the sheets touch as constituting two places, one in each

    sheet. Or the sheets may wind into one another : in which case we shallregard this winding point (or branch point) as constituting one place : this

    place belongs then indifferently to either sheet ; the sheets here merge into

    one another. In the first case, if a be the value of x for which the sheets

    just touch, supposed for convenience of statement to be finite, and x a value

    * For references see Chap. U. 12, note.

    t Such a point is called by Biemann "ein sich anfhebender Verzweigungspunkt"


    melte Werke (1876), p. 105.



    very near to a, and if 6 be the value of y at each of the two places, also

    supposed finite, and y y, be values of y very near to 6, represented by

    points in the two sheets very near to the point of contact of the two

    sheets, each of y,-h. y,-b can be expressed as a power-series in x-a

    with integral exponents. In the second case with a similar notation each

    of yj-b,y,-b can be expressed as a power-series in {x-a)i with integralexponents.' In the first case a small closed curve can be drawn on either

    of the two sheets considered, to enclose the point at which the sheets touch :

    and the value of the integral ^jd log (x - a) taken round this closed curvewill be 1 ; hence, adopting a definition given by Rieraann*. we shall say that

    a; -a is an infinitesimal of the first order at each of the places. In the

    second case the attempt to enclose the place by a curve leads to a curve

    lying partly in one sheet and partly in the other; in fact, in order that

    the curve may be closed it must pass twice round the branch place. In this

    case the integral g. id log [(x - a)i] taken round the closed curve will be 1


    and we speak of {x - o)* as an infinitesimal of the first order at the place.

    In either case, if t denote the infinitesimal, x and y are uniform functions

    of t in the immediate neighbourhood of the place ; conversely, to each point

    on the surface in the immediate neighbourhood of the place there corre-

    sponds uniformly a certain value of tf. The quantity t effects therefore aconformal representation of this neighbourhood upon a small simple area in

    the plane of t, surrounding t = 0.

    3. This description of a simple case will make the general case clear.In general for any finite value of x, x=ia, there may be several, say k, branchpoints^ ; the number of sheets that wind at these branch points may bedenoted by Wj + 1, Wo-t- 1, ..., wic+ 1 respectively, where

    (w,+l) + (w^+l) + ...+(wt+l) = n,so that the case of no branch point is characterised by a zero value of thecorresponding w. For instance in the first case above, notwithstanding thattwo of the n values of y are the same, each of Wj, Wa, ..., w^ is zero and k isequal to n : and in the second case above, the values are A; = n. 1 , Wi= 1 , Wj = 0,Wj = 0, . .

    ., Wt = 0. In the general case ea


    are infinitesimals of the first order. For the infinite value of x we shallsimilarly have n or a less number of places and as many infinitesimals, say

    t)"'^'-' 0"^^' ^^^^^ K + l)+ ... +(w, + l) = n. And as in the par-

    ticular cases discussed above, the infinitesimal t thus defined for every placeof the surface has the two characteristics that for the immediate neighbour-hood of the place a? and y are uniquely expressible thereby (in series ofintegral powers), and conversely t is a uniform function of position on thesurface in this neighbourhood. Both these are expressed by saying thatt effects a reversible conformal representation of this neighbourhood upon asimple area enclosing t=0. It is obvious of course that quantities otherthan t have the same property.

    A place of the Riemann surface will generally be denoted by a singleletter. And in fact a place {x, y) will generally be called the place x.When we have occasion to speak of the {n or less) places where the inde-pendent variable x has the same value, a different notation will be used.

    4. We have said that the subject of enquiry in this book is a certainalgebraic irrationality. We may expect therefore that the theory is practi-cally unaltered by a rational transformation of the variables x, y which is ofa reversible character. Without entering here into the theory of such trans-formations, which comes more properly later, in connexion with the theoryof correspondence, it is necessary to give sufficient explanations to make itclear that the functions to be considered belong to a whole class of Riemannsurfaces and are not the exclusive outcome of that one which we adopt initially.

    Let f be any one of those uniform functions of position on the funda-mental (undissected) Riemann surface whose infinities are all of finite order.Such functions can be expressed rationally by x and y*- For that reason weshall speak of them shortly as the rational functions of the surface. Theorder of infinity of such a function at any place of the surface where thefunction becomes infinite is the same as that of a certain integral power of

    the inverse - of the infinitesimal at that place. The sum of these orders ofV

    infinity for all the infinities of the function is called the order of the function.

    The number of places at which the function f assumes any other value o isthe same as this order : it being understood that a place at which | - a iszero in a finite ratio to the rth order of t is counted as r places at which f is

    equal to a^f. Let v be the order of ^. Let rj be another rational function of

    * Forsyth, Theory of Functions, p. 370.

    + For the integral =. /dlog(f-o), taken round an infinity of log(|-o), is equal to the

    order of zero of f - o at the place, or to the negative of the order of infinity of |, as the case may

    be. And the sum of the integrals for all such places is equal to the value round the boundary of

    the surfacewhich is zero. Cf. Forsyth, Theory of Functions, p. 372.



    order fi. Take a plane whose real points represent all the possible values of^ in the ordinary way. To any value of ^, say f = a, will correspond vpositions X,, ..., X,on the original Riemann surface, those namely where fis equal to a : it is quite possible that they lie at less than v places of thesurface. The values of t] at X^, ..., X^ may or may not be different. LetH denote any definite rational symmetrical function of these v values of 17.Then to each position of a in the f plane will correspond a perfectly uniquevalue of H, namely, ^ is a one-valued function of f. Moreover, since r] andf are rational functions on the original surface, the character ofH for valuesof f in the immediate neighbourhood of a value a, for which H is infinite, isclearly the same as that of a finite power of f o. Hence H ia a. rationalfunction of ^. Hence, if Hr denote the sum of the products of the values of7] sX Xi, ..., X,r together, 77 satisfies an equation

    r - ^"-^i^i + ^"-^ir. -... + (-)- = 0,whose coefficients are rational functions of f.

    It is conceivable that the left side of this equation can be written as theproduct of several factors each rational in f and 17. If possible let this bedone. Construct over the f plane the Riemann surfaces corresponding tothese irreducible factors, 77 being the dependent variable and the varioussurfaces lying above one another in some order. It is a known fact, alreadyused in defining the order of a rational function on a Riemann surface, thatthe values of t? repi-esented by any one of these superimposed surfaces in-clude all possible valueseach value in fact occurring the same number oftimes on each surface. To any place of the original surface, where f 77 havedefinite values, and to the neighbourhood of this place, will correspond there-fore a definite place (^, 17) (and its neighbourhood) on each of these super-imposed surfaces. Let %, ...,77, be the values of 77 belonging, on one ofthese surfaces, to a value of f : and 77/, ...,77/ the values belonging to thesame value of

    ^ on another of these surfaces. Since for each of these surfacesthere are only a finite number of values of ^ at which the values of 77 arenot all different, we may suppose that all these r values on the onesurface are different from one another, and likewise the s values on the othersurface. Since each of the pairs of values (f, ,7.), ..., (f, 77,) must arise onboth these surfaces, it follows that the values 77, ,7, are included among771',

    ..., V- Similarly the values 77/ ,7; are included among 77,, ..., ,,^Hence these two sets are the same and r = s. Since this is true for aninfinite number of values of f, it follows that these two surfaces are merelyrepetitions of one another. The same is true for every such two surfaces.Hence ris a divisor of v and the equation

    V" - H.r,"--^ + ...-^{-y H, = 0,

    when reducible, is the vjrih power of a rational equation of order r in ,7. Itwill be sufficient to confine our attention to one of the factors and the (f, ,,)


    surface represented thereby. Let now X^ Z be the places on the originalsurface where f has a certain value. Then the values of rj at Xi, . . , X willconsist of vjr repetitions of r vahies, these r values being different from oneanother except for a finite number of values of ^. Thus to any place (f, rj) onone of the v/r derived surfaces will correspond vjr places on the originalsurface, those namely where the pair (f, 17) take the supposed values. Denotethese by Pi,P Let Y be any rational symmetrical function of the vfrpairs of values {x^, y^, (x^, y^), ..., which the fundamental variables x, y of theoriginal surface assume at Pj, P^, Then to any pair of values (f, t)) willcorrespond only one value of Ynamely, Y is a one-valued function on the(^, 17) surface. It has clearly also only finite orders of infinity. Hence Y isa rational function of f, 17. In particular x^, x^, ... are the roots of an

    equation whose coefficients are rational in f, 17as also are j/i, y^,There exists therefore a correspondence between the (^, 17) and {x, y)

    surfacesof the kind which we call a (1, - j correspondence: to every place

    of the (x, y) surface corresponds one place of the (f, 17) surface; to every

    place of this surface correspond - places of the {x, y) surface.

    The case which most commonly arises is that in which the rationalirreducible equation satisfied by 17 is of the I'th degree in 77 : then only oneplace of the original surface is associated with any place of the new surface.

    In that case, as will appear, the new surface is as general as the original

    surface. Many advantages may be expected to accrue from the utilization ofthat fact. We may compare the case of the reduction of the general equationof a conic to an equation referred to the principal axes of the conic.

    5. The following method* is theoretically effective for the expression of x, y in terms

    of I, r,.

    Let the rational expression of ^, 7 in terms of x, y be given by

    ix, y) - t\f {x, y)=0, ^ {x, y) -r)x{x,y)= 0,

    and let the rational result of eliminating x, y between these equations and the initial

    equation connecting ar, y be denoted by F{^, ij) = 0, each of


    Then we obtain the equation

    This is an equation of the form above referred to, by which x is determinate from | andI). And y is similarly determinate.

    It will be noticed that the rational expression of x, y by |, ij, when it is possible

    from the equations

    *(-i>2/)-^'K-^.^')=o. ^(^,3')-w(^'.y)=. /(^.y)=o.

    will not be possible, iu general, from the first two eqiiations : it is only the places x, ysatisfying the equation f{x, y) = which are rationally obtainable from the places |, i;

    satisfying the equation F{^, i) = 0. There do exist transformations, rationally reversible,

    subject to no such restriction. They are those known as Cremona-transformations*.They can be compounded by reapplication of the transformation x : y : l = t] : ^ : ^

    AVe may give an example of both of these transformations

    For the surface

    y'^^ny^x'^+x+l)+ 5y{x^+ x+ lf-2x{x^+x+lf=the function ^=y''/{x''+x+\) is of order 2, being infinite at the places where x^+x+l=0,in each case like (.?; a)~, and the function Ti = xjy is of order 4, being infinite at theplaces x-+x-{-l=0, in each case like (.r-a)"^, a being the value of x at the place.

    From the given equation we immediately find, as the relation connecting ^ and t/,

    2,,-f + 5^-5=0,and infer, since the equation formed as in the general statement above should be oforder 2 in i;, that this general equation will be

    Thence in accordance with that general statement we infer that to each place (^, ij) onthe new surface should correspond two places of the original surface : and in fact these areobviously given by the equations

    ,,^=xy{x''+x+l), y=x/,,.

    If however we take

    i=yV{x^+x+l), ,=y/(^-6,2),where a> is an imaginary cube root of unity, so that ij is a fimction of order 3, theseequations are reversible independently of the original equation, giving in fact

    ^= (| - u,Y)l{i - r,% y= (,o- 0,2) f,/(^ - ,2),

    and we obtain the surface

    having a (1, I) correspondence with the original one.

    It ought however to be remarked that it is generally jHjssible to obtain reversibletransformations which are not Cremona-transformations.

    6. When a surface (x, y) is (1, 1) related to a (f, t)) surface, the defi-ciencies of the surfaces, as defined by Riemann by means of the connectivity,must clearly be the same.

    * See Salmon, Higher Plane Curves (1879), 362, p. 322.


    It is instructive to verify this from another point of view*.Consider at

    how many places on the original surface the function -^ is zero. It is infiniteax

    at the places where f is infinite: suppose for simplicity that these areseparated places on the original surface or in other words are infinities ofthe first order, and are not at the branch points of the original surface. At

    a pole of ?> ^ is infinite twice. It is infinite like t^ at a branch place (a)

    where a; - a = '*+': namely it is infinite Sw = 2m + 2p - 2 timesf at the branchplaces of the original surface. It is zero In times at the infinite places of theoriginal surface. There remain therefore 2i>+ 2n + 2p-2 2n = 2v+2p -2places where j- is zero. If a branch place of the original sufface be a pole

    1 /Vt 1of f, and f be there infinite like -, -^^ is infinite like , namely 2+w

    t ax V . t "^

    times: the total number of infinities of -^ will therefore be the same asax

    before. Now at a finite place of the original surface where t^ = 0, there are

    two consecutive places for which f has the same value. Since - = 1 they can

    only arise fi-om consecutive places of the new surface for which f has thesame value. The only consecutive places of a surface for which this is thecase are the branch places. Hence

    -f- there are 2v+2p 2 branch places ofthe new surface. This shews that the new surface is of deficiency p.

    When v/r is not equal to 1, the case is different. The consecutive placesof the old surface, for which ^ has the same value, may either be those arisingfrom consecutive places of the new surfaceor may be what we may callaccidental coincidences among the v/r places which correspond to one placeof the new surface. Conversely, to a branch place of the new surface,characterised by the same value for f for consecutive placesj, will correspondi>/r places on the old surface where ^ has the same value for consecutiveplaces. In fact to two very near places of the new surface will correspond

    v/r pairs each of very near places on the old surface. If then G denote thenumber of places on the old surface at which two of the v/r places corre-sponding to a place on the new surface happen to coincide, and w' the numberof branch points of the new surface, we have the equation

    w'- + C=2v + 2p-2,r

    * Compare the interesting geometrical account, Salmon, Higher Plane Curves (1879), p. 326,

    364, and the references there given.t Forsyth, Theory of Functions, p. 34a.

    X Namely, near such a branch place f to, { - a is zero of higher order than the first.


    and if p' be the deficiency of the new surface (of r sheets), this leads to the


    (2r+2p'-2)-^+G = 2v + 2p-2,

    from whichV

    C = 2p-2-(2p-2)-.r

    Corollary*- If p =p', then C = {2p- 2) (l -^)


    >> 1, so that

    (7 = 0, and the correspondence is reversible.

    We have, herein, excluded the case when some of the poles of ^ are ofhigher than the first order. In that case the new surface has branch places

    at infinity. The number of finite branch places is correspondingly less. The

    reader can verify that the general result is unaffected.

    Ex. In the example previously given ( 5) shew that the function | takes any givenvalue at two points of the original surface (other than the branch places where it is

    infinite), i; having the same value for these two points, and that there are six places at

    which these two places coincide. (These are the place {x=Q, y= 0) and the five placeswhere x= 2.)

    There is one remark of considerable importance which follows from the

    theory here given. We have shewn that the number of places of the {x, y)

    surface which correspond to one place of the (f, tj) surface is - , where v is the

    order of f and r is not greater than v, being the number of sheets of the (f, r))surface ; hence, if there were a function f of order 1 the correspondence wouldbe reversible and therefore the original surface would be of deficiency 1.

    7. This notion of the transformation of a Riemann surface suggests aninference of a fundamental character.

    The original equation contains only a finite number of terms : the originalsurface depends therefore upon a finite number of constants, namely, thecoefficients in the equation. But conversely it is not necessary, in order thatthe equation be reversibly transformable into another given one, that theequation of the new surface contain as many constants as that of the originalsurface. For we may hope to be able to choose a transformation whosecoefficients so depend on the coefficients of the original equation as to reducethis number. If we speak of all surfaces of which any two are connected bya rational reversible transformation as belonging to the same class

    "f, it becomesa question whether there is any limit to the reduction obtainable, by rationalreversible transformation, in the number of constants in the equation of asurface of the class.

    * See Weber, Crelh, 76, 345.t So that surfaces of the same class will be of the same deficiency.


    It will appear in the course of the book* that there is a limit, and thatthe various classes of surfaces of given deficiency are of essentially differentcharacter according to the least number of constants upon which they depend.Further it will appear, that the most general class of deficiency p ischaracterised by 3p 3 constants when p > 1the number tor p = 1 beingone, and for ^ = none.

    For the explanatory purposes of the present Chapter we shall contentourselves with the proof of the following statementWhen a surface isreversibly transformed as explained in this Chapter, we cannot, even thoughwe choose the new independent variable f to contain a very large number ofdisposeable constants, prescribe the position of all the branch points of thenew surface ; there will be dp 3 of them whose position is settled by theposition of the others. Since the correspondence is reversible we may regardthe new surface as fundamental, equally with the original surface. Weinfer therefore that the original surface depends on 3^ 3 parameters

    or on less, for the 3p 3 undetermined branch points of the new surface mayhave mutually dependent positions.

    In order to prove this statement we recall the fact that a function

    of order Q contains^ Qp+l linearly entering constants when its polesare prescribed: it may contain more for values of Q2p 2and large enough. Also the Q infinities are at our disposal. We can thenpresumably dispose of 2Q p + 1 of the branch points of the new surface.But these are, in number, 2Q + 2p 2 when the correspondence is reversible.Hence we can dispose of all but 2Q+2p 2 {2Q p + l) = 3p 3 of thebranch points of the new surface J.

    Ex. 1. The surface associated with the equation

    f=x(l-x) (1-k^x) (1 -yx) {l-fi'x) (1 -A') (1 -p^x)is of deficiency 3. It depends on 5=2p- 1 parameters, k% X^ /j,', i^, p\

    Ex. 2. The surface associated with the equation

    wherein the coefficients are integral polynomials of the orders specified by the suffixes, isof deficiency 3. Shew that it can be transformed to a form containing only 6= 2/> -


    parametric constants.

    * See the Chapters on the geometrical theoiy and on the inversion of Abelian Integrals. The

    reason for the exception in case p=0 or 1 will appear most clearly in the Chapter on the self-correspondence of a Biemann surface. But it is a familiar fact that the elliptic functions whichcan be constructed for a surface of deficiency 1 depend upon one parameter, commonly called

    the modulus : and the trigonometrical functions involve no such parameter.

    + Forsyth, p. 459. The theorems here quoted are considered in detail in Chapter III. of the

    present book.

    X CI. Biemann, Gei. Werke (1876), p. 113. Klein, Ueber Riemann's Theorie (Leipzig,

    Teubner, 1882), p. 65.


    8. But there is a case in which this argument fails. If it bepossible to

    transform the original surface into itself by a rational reversible transforma-

    tion involving parameters, any r places on the surfaceare efifectively

    equivalent with, as being transformable into, any other r places.Then the

    Q poles of the function | do not effectively supply Q but only Q-r dispose-able constants with which to fix the new surface. So that there are 3/) - 3 +


    branch points of the new surface which remain beyond our control. Inthis

    case we may say that all the surfaces of the class contain 3p -3 disposeableparameters bm.de r parameters which remain indeterminate and serve to

    represent the possibility of the self-transformation of the surface.It will be

    shewn in the chapter on self-transformation that the possibility only arises

    for p = or i) = 1, and that the values of r are, in thesecases, respectively

    3 and 1. We remark as to the case p = that when the fundamentalsurface has only one sheet it can clearly be transformed into itself by

    a transformation involving three constants x = ^tl^g ' ^^^ ^ regardtop = l,

    the case of elliptic functions, that effectively a point represented by the

    elliptic argument h is equivalent to any other point represented by an

    argument u + 7. For instance a function of two poles is

    and clearly i^.,p has the same value at u as has ^a+y.ff+r at i6 -(- 7 : so that the

    poles (a, /3) are not, so far as absolute determinations are concerned, effective

    for the determination of more than one point.

    9. The fundamental equation

    a2/"4-ai2/"-'-|-...-l-a = 0,so far considered as associated with a Riemann surface, may also be regardedas the equation of a plane curve : and it is possible to base our theory on thegeometrical notions thus suggested. Without doing this we shall in thefollowing pages make frequent use of them for purposes of illustration. It istherefore proper to remind the reader of some fundamental properties*.

    The branch points of the surface correspond to those points of the curvewhere a line x = constant meets the curve in two or more consecutive points


    as for instance when it touches the curve, or passes through a cusp. On theother hand a double point of the curve corresponds to a point on the surfacewhere two sheets just touch without further connexion. Thus the branchplace of the surface which corresponds to a cusp is really a different singu-larity to that which corresponds to a place where the curve is touched by a

    ' Cf. Forsyth, Theory of Functions, p. 355 etc. HarkneBs and Morley, Theory of Functiorts,p. 273 etc.


    line X = constant, being obtained by the coincidence of an ordinary branchplace with such a place of the Riemann surface as corresponds to a doublepoint of the curve.

    Properties of either the Riemann surface or a plane curve are, in thesimpler cases, immediately transformed. For instance, by Pliicker's formulaefor a curve, since the number of tangents from any point is

    = (i-l)n-28-3,where n is the aggregate order in x and y, it follows that the number ofbranch places of the corresponding surface is

    w = < 4- K = (n - 1) n _ 2 (8 + k)= 2?i- 2 + 2 {^71 - 1) (ft- 2) - S- /cj.

    Thus since w = 2n 2-^p, the deficiency of the surface is

    \{n-V,{n-2)-h-K,namely the number which is ordinarily called the deficiency of the curve.

    To the theory of the birational transformation of the surface correspondsa theory of the birational transformation of plane curves. For example, thebranch places of the new surface obtained from the surface f{x, y) = bymeans of equations of the form

    {x, y) fi/r {x, y) = 0, S {x, y) i;;^ (*, y) =

    will arise for those values of f for which the curve

  • 12 GENERALITY [9

    at the point, and k be the number of cusps of the curveand if v be the number of

    points other than the point itself in which the curve is intersected by an arbitrary line

    through the pointthen t+K-Zv is independent of the position of the point. If the

    equation of the variable lines through the point be written u-^v=0, interpret the result

    by regarding the curve as giving rise to a Riemann surface whose independent variable


    10. The geometrical considerations here referred to may however be

    stated with advantage in a very general manner.

    In space of any (k) dimensions let there be a curve(a one-dimension-

    ality). Let points on this curve be given by the ratios of the k+1 homo-geneous variables x^, ... , .Vk+i- Let u, v be any two rational integral homo-

    geneous functions of these variables of the same order. The locus u-^ =will intersect the curve in a certain number, say v, points

    we assume the

    curve to be such that this is the same for all values of f, and is finite. Let all

    the possible values of f be represented by the real points of an infinite plane

    in the ordinary way. Let w, t be any two other integral functions of the

    coordinates of the same order. The values of ; = at the points where

    u ^v cuts the curve for any specified value of f will be v in number.

    As before it follows thence that rj satisfies an algebraic equation of order v

    whose coefficients are one-valued functions of f. Since tj can only be infinite

    to a finite order it follows that these coefficients are rational functions of f.Thence we can construct a Riemann surface, associated with this algebraicequation connecting f and >;, such that every point of the curve gives rise toa place of the surface. In all cases in which the converse is true we mayregard the curve as a representation of the surface, or conversely.

    Thus such curves in space are divisible into sets according to theirdeficiency. And in connexion with such curves we can construct all thefunctions with which we deal upon a Riemann surface.

    Of these principles sufficient account will be given below (Chapter VI.)


    familiar examples are the space cubic, of deficiency zero, and the most generalspace quartic of deficiency 1 which is representable by elliptic functions.

    11. In this chapter we have spoken primarily of the algebraic equationand of the curve or the Riemann surface as determined thereby. But thisis by no means the necessary order. If the Riemann surface be given, thealgebraic equation can be determined from itand in many forms, accordingto the function selected as dependent variable {y). It is necessary to keepthis in view in order fully to appreciate the generality of Riemann's methods.For instance, we may start with a surface in space whose shape is that of an

    * The reader who desires to study the geometrical theory referred to may consult:Cayley, Quart. Journal, vii. ; H. J. S. Smith, Proc. Land. Math. Soc. vi.; Noether, Math. Annul.9 ; BriU, Math. Annal. 16 ; Brill u. Noether, Math. Annal. 7.

  • 11] OF THE THEORY. 13

    anchor ring*, and construct upon this surface a set of elliptic functions. Orwe may start with the surface on a plane which is exterior to two circlesdrawn upon the plane, and construct for this surface a set of elliptic functions.Much light is thrown upon the functions occurring in the theory by thusconsidering them in terms of what are in fact diiferent independent variables.And further gain arises by going a step further. The infinite plane uponwhich uniform functions of a single variable are represented may be regardedas an infinite sphere ; and such surfaces as that of which the anchor ringabove is an example may be regarded as generalizations of that simple case.Now we can treat of branches of a multiform function without the use of aRiemann surface, by supposing the branch points of the function marked ona single infinite plane and suitably connected by barriers, or cuts, across whichthe independent variable is supposed not to pass. In the same way, for anygeneral Riemann surface, we may consider branches of functions which arenot uniform upon that surface, the branches being separated by drawingbarriers upon the surface. The properties obtained will obviously generalizethe properties of the functions which are uniform upon the surface.

    Forsyth, p. 318 ; Eiemann, Ges. Werke (1876), pp. 89, 415.

  • [12


    The Fundamental Functions on a Riemann Surface.

    12. In the present chapter the theory of the fundamental functions is

    based upon certain a priori existence theorems*, originally given by

    Riemann. At least two other methods might be followed : in Chapters IV.

    and VI. sufficient indications are given to enable the reader to establish

    the theory independently upon purely algebraical considerations: from

    Chapter VI. it will be seen that still another basis is found in a preliminary

    theory of plane curves. In both these cases the ideas primarily involved are

    of a very elementary character. Nevertheless it appears that Riemann's

    descriptive theory is of more than equal power with any other ; and that

    it offers a generality of conception to which no other theory can lay claim.

    It is therefore regarded as fundamental throughout the book.

    It is assumed that the Theory of Functions of Forsyth will be accessible

    to readers of the present book ; the aim in the present chapter has been toexclude all matter already contained there. References are given also to

    the treatise of Harkness and Morley*.

    13. Let t be the infinitesimali" at any place of a Riemann surface : if it isa finite place, namely, a place at which the independent variable a; is finite,the values of x for all points in the immediate neighbourhood of the placeare expressible in the form a; = a + t'"+^ : if an infinite place, x = (""'"+''.

    There exists a function which save for certain additive moduli is one-valuedon the whole surface and everywhere finite and continuous, save at theplace in question, in the neighbourhood of which it can be expressed in theform

    * See for instaDce : Forsyth, Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, 1893 ; Harkness andMorley, Treatise on the Theory of Functions, 1893 ; Schwarz, Gesam. math. Abhandlungen, 1890.The best of the early systematic expositions of many of the ideas involved is fonnd inC. Neumann, Vorlesungen iiber Eiemann's Theorie, 1884, which the reader is recommended tostudy. See also Picard, Traite d'Analyse, Tom. ii. pp. 273, 42 and 77.

    t For the notation see Chapter I. 2, 3.


    Herein, as throughout, P (t) denotes a series of positive integral powei-s of tvanishing when t = 0, C, A, ..., Ar-i, are constants whose values can bearbitrarily assigned beforehand, and r is a positive integer whose value can beassigned beforehand.

    We shall speak of all such functions as integrals of the second kind


    but the name will be generally restricted to that * particular function whosebehaviour near the place is that of

    -l + G + P(t).

    This function is not entirely unique. We suppose the surface dissectedby 2p cuts+, which we shall call period loops; they subserve the purpose ofrendering the function one-valued over the whole of the dissected surface.We impose the further condition that the periods of the function for transitacross the p loops of the first kind J shall be zero ; then the function is uniquesave for an additive constant. It can therefore be made to vanish at anarbitrary place. The special function so obtained whose infinity is that

    of - is then denoted by Fo^' \ c denoting the place where the function

    vanishes and a; the current place. When the infinity is an ordinary place,

    at which either x = a or a; = oo , the function is infinite either likeX a

    or X. The periods of F/'" for transit of the period loops of the secondkind will be denoted by fl,, ..., ilp.

    14. Let (Xiyi), (x^y^) be any two places of the surface : and let the

    infinitesimals be respectively denoted by ti, t^, so that in the neighbourhood

    of these places we have the equations a; a;i =


    path by which the variable is supposed to pass from c. It will be called* the

    integral of the third kind whose infinity is like that of log (ti/ti).

    15. Beside these functions there exist also certain integrals of the first

    kindin number p. They are everywhere continuous and finite and one-

    valued on the dissected surface. For transit of the period loops of the

    first kind, one of them, say Vi, has no periods except for transit of the i"" loop,

    Qi. This period is here taken to be 1. The periods of Vi for transit of the

    period loops of the second kind are here denoted by t^.^, ..., np. We maytherefore form the scheme of periods


    A more general integral of the third kind having the same property is


    wherein the arbitrary coefficients satisfy the equations Afj = Aji. The pro-perty is usually referred to as the theorem of the interchange of argument(x) and parameter (xi).

    The property allows the consideration of

    as a function of Xi for fixed positions of x, c, x. In this regard a remarkshould be made


    For an ordinary position of x, the function

    KL - ig (< - ^) = n:;'r^ - log (x,' - x)is a finite continuous function of x^ when x^ is in the neighbourhood of x.But if x-i be a bi-anch place where w + 1 sheets wind, and a;,', x be twopositions in its neighbourhood, the functions of x

    KU - ^"& (*'' - *)' n^'x, - ^i^i ig (* - ^)are respectively finite as x approaches x^' and Xi, so that


    is not a finite and continuous function of x/ for positions of ar/ up to andincluding the branch place x^.

    In this case, let the neighbourhood of the branch place be conformallyrepresented upon a simple plane closed area and let |i, ^j', f be the represent-atives thereon of the places Xi, a;/, x. Then the correct statement is that

    is a continuous function of a;/ or f/ up to and including the branch place Xi.

    This is in fact the form in which the fimction n^'|. arises in the proofof its existence upon which our account is based*.

    In a similar way the function

    ^Vregarded as a function of jt,', is such that

    1r'-' +

    is a finite continuous function of f/ in the immediate neighbourhood of x.

    * The reader may consult Neumann, p. 220.

    B. 2


    17. It may be desirable to give some simple examples of these integrals.

    (a) For the surface represented by

    y2=a;(;r_ai)...(a:-a2p + i),

    wherein Oj, ..., a^p+j are all finite and different from zero and each other, consider the


    / y \^-k ^-U'(I. v): (fi> Vi) being places of the surface other than the branch places, which are

    (0, 0),(ai, 0), ..., (ajp + i, 0).

    It is clearly infinite at these places respectively like log {x - 1), - log (x - fj).

    It is not infinite at (|, -,), (|,, -); for (y+7)/(-^-^)> (y+liM^-fi) are finite atthese places respectively.

    At a place a;= oo , where ;;:=r', y= er? " (1 +A (0). f being 1 , and Pj (J) a series of

    positive integral powers of t vanishing for


    the integral becomes

    which is equal toI.

    f^ v+{^-$)'i'+H^-$f')"+-(^-|)=''7+(^-f)V+i(^-f)S"+..."


  • 20 EXAMPLES. [17

    is a constant multiple of an integral of the third kind, provided A, B, C be so chosen thaty-m^x+AaP'+Bxy + Cy'^ vanishes at one of the two places other than (0, 0) at whichLx-^My is zero. Its infinities are at (i) the uncompensated zero of Lx-k-My which is notat (0, 0), (ii) the place (0, 0) at which the expression of y in terms of x is of the form

    y= m-fS+ P.'t'+ a,-3+ . .


    In fact, at a branch place of the surface where x=a->tt^, f'{y) is zero of the first order,[ dx

    and dx=2t dt; thus I^tt. is finite at the branch places. At each of the places (0, 0),

    /'(j/) is zero of the first order, i^+ il/y is zero of the first order andy OTia;+ j4a7^+.ry+ Cy*is zero at these places to the first and second order respectively. These statements areeasy to verify ; they lead immediately to the proof that the integrals have the characterenunciated.

    The condition given for the choice oi A, B, C will not determine them uniquelytheintegral will be determined save for an additive term of the form

    /'""*'/^'where F, Q are undetermined constants. The reader may prove that this is a generalintegral of the first kind. The constants P, Q may be determined so that the integral ofthe third kind has no periods at the period loops of the first kind, whose number in thiscase is two. The reasons that suggest the general form written down will appear in theexplanation of the geometrical theory.

    (y) The reader may verify that for the respective cases



    It is supposed that the number of places where negative powers of t occur in theexpansion of F is finite, but it is not necessary that the number of negative powers befinite. The theorem may be obtained by contour integration of JFdx, and clearly

    generalizes a property of the integral of the third kind.

    18. The value of the integral* IT"'' dv".'" taken round the p closed curves

    formed by the two sides of the pairs of period loops (a,, 6,), . .. ,

    (a^, bp), in such

    a direction that the interior of the surface is always on the left hand, is equal

    to the value taken round the sole infinity, namely the place a, in a counter-clockwise direction. Round the pair a^, br the value obtained is

    fir j dv''" ,

    taken once positively in the direction of the arrow head round what in thefigure is the outer side of br. This value is fl, ( &),>), where toir denotes theperiod of Vi for transit of a^, namely, from what in the figure is the inside of

    the oval a, to the outside.

    The relations indicated by the figure for the signs adopted for cair, t,> and

    the periods of F^' will be preserved throughout the book.

    Since aur is zero except when r = i, the sum of these p contour integrals

    is-ai,ifi. Taken in a counter-clockwise direction, round the pole of V^'',


    t'-'' = -- + A+Bt + Gf + ..., t

    the integral gives

    where D denotes -y, . Hence, as Wj, i = 1,at

    Dv''"' + tD


    This is true whether a be a branch place or a place at infinity (for which,

    if not a branch place, x = tr') or an ordinary finite place. In the latter case

    . d ^ x,c\

    Similai-ly the reader may prove that the periods of J^JJ^^ are

    0, 0,2-,ri/"'\ 27n-/"'^.

    In this case it is necessary to enclose x^ and x^ in a curve winding Wi + 1

    times at iCi, Wj + 1 times at x^, in order that this curve may be closed.

    19. From these results we can shew that the integral of the second kind

    is derivable by differentiation from the integral of the third kind. Apart

    from the simplicity thus obtained, the fact is interesting because, as will

    appear, the analytical expression of an integral of the third kind is of the

    same general form whether its infinities be branch places or not ; this is not

    the case for integrals of the second kind.

    We can in fact prove the equation

    namely, if, to take the most general case, x^ be a winding place and a;/ a place

    in its neighbourhood such that Xi = Xi + t , the equation,

    lim. ,-rn"v -n"'"^^l = r-'fx=0 tx, I ^*' ^"^J '

    For, let the neighbourhood of the branch place x^ be conformally representedupon a simple closed area without branch place, by means of the infinitesimalof X, as explained in the previous chapter. Let f,', fi be the representativesof the places x^', a;,, and f the representative of a place x which is very nearto Xi, but is so situate that we may regard Xi as ultimately infinitely closerto Xi than x is.

    Then a; - a;, = (| - f,)"'+',^-^/ = (?-?.')[c+P{f-f')].

    where C does not vanish for x^' = x,

    ^d n^;,;^= log (x - xo + ^' = log (f - ?/) + 4,'.


    is finite for the specified positions of the places and reviains finitewhen fi' is taken infinitely near to f, ( 16).

    ^'^ K^,x, =^1 log {>-X,) + ^ = log (? - fO + 4>,



    is also finite. Therefore

    X,', X, xx, ^y ^_^^y^T' r

    and thus


    where yjr is finite.

    Now as fi' moves up to fi, for a fixed position of ^, we have

    J-/, X, X Xj_


    , ,.


    are respectively infinite like

    _1 _1 _1fl, I'll "X,

    We shall generally write D^,, D|,, ... instead of A^,, X)?^, When a;,

    is an ordinary place D^, will therefore mean t , etc.

    Corollary iii.

    By means of the example (S) of 17 it can now be shewn that the infinite

    parts of the integral


    in which F is any uniform function of position on the undissected surfacehaving only iirfinities of finite order, are those of a sum of terms consisting of

    proper constant multiples of integrals of the third kind and differential

    coefficients of these in regard to the parametric place.

    20. One particular case of Cor. iii. of the last Article should be stated.

    A function which is everywhere one-valued on the undissected surface mustbe somewhere infinite. As in the case of uniform functions on a single

    infinite plane (which is the particular case of a Riemann surface for whichthe deficiency is zero), such functions can be divided into rational andtranscendental, according as all their infinities are of finite order and of finitenumber or not. Transcendental functions which are uniform on the surfacewill be more particularly considered later. A rational uniform function canbe expressed rationally in terms of w and y*. But since the function can beexpressed in the neighbourhood of any of its poles in the form

    we can, by subtracting from the function a series of terms of the form

    - r^.r^ ' + A,D^r^-''+ ... +-^ 2)^-> r^ "1


    obtain a function nowhere infinite on the surface and having no periods at thefirst p period loops. Such a function is a constantf. Hence F can also beexpressed by means of normal integrals of the second kind only. Since Fhas no periods at the period loops of the second kind there are for all rationalfunctions certain necessary relations among the coefficients Ai,...,Am.These are considered in the next Chapter.

    * Forsyth, p. 369. Harkness and Morley, p. 262.t Forsyth, p. 439.


    21. Of all rational functions there are p whose importance justifies aspecial mention here; namely, the functions

    dvi dVi dvpdx ' dx ' " dx

    In the first place, these cannot be all zero for any ordinary finite place a ofthe surface. For they are, save for a factor 2in, the periods of the normalintegral T^ ^ If the periods of this integral were zero, it would be a rationaluniform function of the first order ; in that case the surface would be repre-sentable conformally upon another surface of one sheet*, f = ra"^-" being thenew independent variable; and the transformation would be reversible(Chap. I. 6). Hence the original surface would be of deficiency zero


    in which case the only integral of the first kind is a constant. The functionsare all infinite at a branch place a. But it can be shewn as here that thequantities to which they are there proportional, namely DaV^, ..., DaVp, cannotbe all zero. The functions are all zero at infinity, but similarly it can beshewn that the quantities, Dvi, ... , Dvp, cannot be all zero there.

    Thus p linearly independent linear aggregates of these quantities cannot all vanish atthe same place. We remark, in connexion with this property, that surfaces exist of alldeficiencies such that p-l linearly independent linear aggregates of these quantitiesvanish in an infinite number of sets of two places. Such surfaces are however special, andtheir equation can be putf into the form

    We have seen that the statement of the property requires modificationat the branch places, and at infinity ; this particularity is however due to thebehaviour of the independent variable x. We shall therefore state the pro-perty by saying: there is no place at which all the differentials dvi, ..., dvpvanish. A similar phraseology will be adopted in similar cases. For instance,we shall say that each of dvi, dv^, ... , dvp has| 2p 2 zeros, some of whichmay occur at infinity.

    In the next place, since any general integral of the first kind

    \^Vi'+... -\-\pVp'

    must necessarily be finite all over any other surface upon which the originalsurface is conformally and reversibly represented and therefore must be auintegral of the first kind thereon, it follows that the rational function

    * I owe this argument to Prof. Klein. + See below, Chap. V.

    X See Forsyth, p. 461. Harkness and Morley, p. 450.


    is necessarily transformed with the surface into

    M {\,^^+...+\^^


    where Fj = Vi is an integral of the first kind, not necessarily normal, on thedP

    new surface, f being the new independent variable, and M = -^ .

    Thus, the ratios of the integrands of the first kind are transformedinto ratios of integrands of the first kind ; they may be said to be invariantfor birational transformation.

    This point may be made clearer by an example. The general integralof the first kind for the surface

    r = (a;, 1)8can be shewn to be

    ^{A+Bx + Ga?),y

    A, B, G being arbitrary constants.

    If then , denote the ratios of any three linearly independentintegrands of the first kind for this surface, we have

    1 : X : x' = ai

  • 24] 27


    The Infinities of Rational Uniform Functions.

    23. In this chapter and in general we shall use the term rational functionto denote a uniform function of position on the surface of which all theinfinities are of finite order, their number being finite. We deal first of allwith the case in which these infinities are all of the first order.

    If k places of the surface, say tt,, aj ... a^, be arbitrarily assigned we canalways specify a function with p periods having these places as poles, of thefirst order, and otherwise continuous and uniform ; namely, the function is ofthe form

    where the coefficients fi,,, fJ'i ft^k are constants, the zeros of the functions Fbeing left undetermined. Conversely, as remarked in the previous chapter

    ( 20), a rational function having a,, ..., aj; as its poles must be of this form.In order that the expression may represent a rational function the periodsmust all be zero. Writing the periods of FJ in the form ni(a), ..., f2p(a),this requires the equations

    ^^ Qi (a,) + fi,ni (fl.) + . . . + /iifii (at) = 0,

    for all the p values, i=l,2,...,p, of i. In what follows we shall for the sake

    of brevity say that a place c depends upon r places Ci, Cj, ..., c^ when for allvalues of i, the equations

    n.- (C) =f,ni (C,) + . . . +frili (Cr)

    hold for finite values of the coefficients /i,...,/r, these coefficients being

    independent ofi. Hence we may also say


    In order that a rational function should exist having k assigned places as

    its poles, each simple, me at least of these places must depend upon the others.

    24. Taking the k places d, a,, . . . , a* in the order of their suffixes, it may

    of course happen that several of them depend upon the others, say a,+i, . . . , a*


    upon tti, ...,athe latter set Oj, ..., a being independent: then we have

    equations of the form

    D,i (a,+i) = n,+,, , Hi (a,) + . . . + n,+i, s ^i (a.)

    ^i (a*) = i, 1 ^t (oi) ++*,. fii (a).

    the coefficients in any of the rows here being the same for all the p values ofi. In particular, if s be as great as p and aj , . . . , a, be independent, equations

    of this form will hold for all positions of a,+i, ...,*. For then we have

    enough disposeable coefficients to satisfy the necessary p equations.

    When it does so happen, that as+i,...,aie depend upon a^-.-ag, thereexist rational functions, of the form

    Rk =


    which has all its poles among Oj,...,ai be reckoned a particular case of a

    function having each of these as poles ; for it is clear that, for instance, iZ^ isonly infinite at Oj, ..., o a^. The proposition with a slightly altered enuncia-tion, given below in 27 and more particularly dealt with in 37, is calledthe Riemann-Roch Theorem, having been first enunciated by Riemann*,and afterwards particularized by Rochf.

    25. Take now other places at+i, at+j, ... upon the surface in a definiteorder, and consider the possibility of forming a rational function, which besidesimple infinities at Oj, ..., at has other simple poles at, say, ajc+i, a^+t, ,*By the first Article of the present chapter it follows that the least valueof h for which this will be possible will be that for which a^ dependson Oj ... tttOi+i ... oa-i, that is, depends on Oi . . . a, at+i . . . a^-i. This willcertainly arise at latest when the number of these places a, ... a, Ot+i ... ai,_iis as great as p, namely h l=k + ps, and if none of the places at+i . . . a/,_idepend upon the preceding places a, ... a,, it will not arise before: in thatcase there will be no rational function having for poles the places

    i a* Ot+i *+j

    for any value oij from 1 to p s.

    But in order to state the general case, suppose there is a value of j less

    than or equal to p s, such that each of the places

    depends upon the places! ttj at+i ajc+j,

    the smallest value of j for which this occurs being taken, so that no one of

    tti+i at-Lj depends on the places which precede it in the series

    ffll fflg t+i O'k+j-

    Then there exists no rational function with its poles at aj-.-at at+i . . . at+j,but there exist functions

    Hk+j+i = O'k+j+i + ^t+j+i Lran-> + 1 ~ "*+J+. > ^ a.~

    nic+j+1,8 ^a, Jlt+j+i.t+i rojt + i~

    ~ "t+j+i.i+j I ai + ,J


    ^k-\-j+i =


    Then the most general rational function with poles at

    ! aag+i ajcttk+i ajt+j^t+j+i *+>+

    is in fact

    j/ + 1/,+, Rs+i + +vtRi + vjc+j+iBk+j+i + + ^t+j+iHk+j+i

    and involves k-s + i+1 arbitrary constants, namely the same number asthat of the places of the set

    Oi asOn+i *ti+i at+iflifc+j+i "t+j+i

    which depend upon the places that precede them.

    For such a function must have the form

    /i+/i,r^_ + +/islt, + Mmlt,+i+ + /it r^i + f^i+i 1^1+1+


    k-s+ 2 /ig+r

    r=lhr + "+r,l "^ a, T T

    which is of the form

    I'o + J'ir^, + +Vs^a,+ Vs+iJis+l+ + VtRk

    + vk+i Iti^, + + "t+jlt^^,. + vk+i+iR^^i^i + + Vk+j+iR^^j^r,

    and the p periods of this, each of the form

    i/,n(a,)+ + v,D, (a^) + vk+iil (ak+i) + +'t+jQ(ai+_,),

    cannot be zero unless each of v^ ... VgVk+i Vk+j be zero, for it is part of

    the hypothesis that none of at+i . . . ak+j depend upon preceding places.

    26. Proceeding in this way we shall clearly be able to state the followingresult

    Let there be taken upon the surface, in a definite order, an unlimitednumber of places a,, a, Suppose that each of !..._ is inde-pendent of those preceding it, but each of a


    ,. ... depends on

    i...a_ . Suppose that each of o-q +\^q +i,--- ^o - ^^ independent ofthose that precede it in the series aj . . . o a


    , . . . o but each of* Vl-9l Vl+ l V9~V2>

    a, a depends upon Oi ... a a ^^ ... a This requires that&-,,+! ", "-r" "f ' "e,-?, e.+i,-,,

    Q.-9. + [Q.-9.-Q.]>p.


    Suppose that each of a^^^j . . . a.Q^.,^ is independent of those that precede itin the series ai...OQ_aQa ao,, ...a , but each of a ^,...adepends upon the places of this series. This requires that

    Let this enumeration be continued. We shall eventually come to places"o,_i+i' ", 1+2' % -q ' ^^^^ independent of the places preceding, for whichthe total number of independent places included, that is, of places whichdo not depend upon those of our series which precede them, is pso thatthe equation

    P = {Qh-qh- Qk-i}+ + (Q, - q,-Q,) + (Q, - q,)= Qh-qi-q2-

    -qhwill hold. Then every additional place of our series, those, namely, chosenin order ffom a^


    ,... will depend on the preceding places of the

    whole series.

    This being the case, it follows, using R/ as a notation for a rationalfunction having its poles among a, . . . a/, that rational functions

    do not exist.

    The number of these non-existent functions is p.

    For all other values off, a rational function Rf eadsts.

    To exhibit the general form of these existing rational functions in the

    present notation, let m be one of the numbers l,2,...,h; i be one of thenumbers 1, 2, ... q^, and let the dependence of a _ . upon the preceding

    places arise by p equations of the form

    then, denoting F* by r^, there is a rational function

    which has its poles at

    and the general rational function having its poles at

    a, ... a^,a5,+i - aQ,%,+i - V-9+'-

  • 32 THERE ARE p GAPS. [26

    is of the form

    and involves 5, + g'j + . . . + gm-i + ^ + 1 arbitrary coefficients.

    The result may be summarised by putting down the line of symbols

    1, 2, ... (Qa -?.), (Q>-?. + l), -!. Qi + 1. (Q.-?2),

    (Q.,-9, + l),...,QQ.+ l,...,Qft-i + l, ..(QA-?^).(Qft-?^+l).

    with a bar drawn above the indices corresponding to the places which depend

    upon those preceding them in the series. The bar beginning over Qa - g/i + 1

    is then continuous to any length. The total number of indices over which

    no bar is drawn is p. There exists a rational function Rf, in the notation

    above, for every index which is beneath a bar.

    The proposition here obtained is of a very fundamental character. Sup-

    pose that for our initial algebraic equation or our initial surface, we were able

    only to shew, algebraically or otherwise, that for an arbitrary place a there

    exists a function Kl, discontinuous at a only and there infinite to the firstorder, this function being one valued save for additive multiples of k periods,and these periods finite and uniquely dependent upon a, then, taking arbitraryplaces Oi, 02, ... upon the surface, in a definite order, and considering func-tions of the form

    that is, functions having simple poles at a^, ..., ajv, we could prove, just asabove, that there are k values of N for which such functions cannot be onevalued ; and obtain the number of arbitrary coefficients in uniform functionsof given poles. Namely, the proposition would furnish a definition of thecharacteristic number kwhich is the deficiency, here denoted by pbasedupon the properties of the uniform rational functions.

    We shall sometimes refer to the proposition as Weierstrass's gaptheorem*.

    27. When a place a is, in the sense here described, dependent upon places61, 62. , 6r, it is clear that of the equations

    * "Luckensatz." The proposition has been used by Weierstrass, I believe primarily underthe form considered below, in which the places a,, a^, ... are consecative at one place of thesurface, as the definition of p. Weierstrass's theory of algebraic functions, preliminary to a theoryof Abelian functions, is not considered in the present volume. His lectures are in coarse ofpublication. The theorem here referred to is published by Schottky : Conforme Abbildungmehrfach zusammenbiingender ebener Flachen, Crelle Bd. 83. A proof, with full reference toSchottky, is given by Noether, Crelle Bd. 97, p. 224.



    A,a, (6,) + . . . + Apilj, (K) =A^iliia) +... + Apnp(a)=0

    the last is a consequence of those precedingand conversely that when thelast equation is a consequence of the preceding equations the place a dependsupon the places by, 62, ..., 6^-

    Hence the conditions that the linear aggregate

    il (x) = A,n,(x) + ...+ Apilp (x)

    should vanish at the places

    wherein i^ qm, are equivalent to only{Q.-qd + (Q2-q^-Qi)+---+{Qm-qm-Qm-,)


    Qm-qi- -qmlinearly independent equations.

    If then T + 1 be the number of linearly independent linear aggregates ofthe form il {x), which vanish in the Qm qm + i specified places, we have

    T + l=p-{Qm-qi- -qm)-Denoting Qm qm+ i by Q, and the number of constants in the generalrational function with poles at the Q specified places, of which constants oneis merely additive, by 5 + 1,

    q + l=qi + qi+ ...+ g^^i + i+l.

    We therefore haveQ-g=;)-(T + l).

    Recalling the values of n,(a;)... fij,(a;) and the fact (Chapter II. 21)that every linear aggregate of them vanishes in just 2p 2 places, we see

    that when Q is greater than 2p - 2, t + I is necessarily zero.

    In the case under consideration in the preceding article the number

    T + 1 for the function i2 , namely the number of linearly independent

    linear aggregates il {x) which vanish in the places

    Oi'*!! ,%+! ",.!'

    is given, by taking 7n = h-l and i = qh-i in the formula of the presentarticle, by the equation

    T + 1 = p - (Qh-i - 9i- - ^A-i)

    = Qh-qh- Qh-i-B.


  • 34, POLES AT ONE PLACE. [27

    Hence one such linear aggregate vanishes in the places

    and thereforeQA-gA-i>>2p-2

    or, the index associated with the last place a^^^_^^ of our series, correspondingto

    which a rational function Rq^^,^ does not exist, is not greater than 2p-l. A

    case in which this limit is reached, which also furnishes an example of the

    theory, is given below 37, Ex. 2.

    28. A limiting case of the problem just discussed is that in which theseries of points a a^, ... are all consecutive at one place of the surface.

    A rational function which becomes infinite only at a place, a, of thesurface, and there like

    t"^ f"^ '*'


    where any of the constants C O^, . . . 0^_ but not Cr, may be zero, t being the

    infinitesimal, is said to be there infinite to the rth order. If X; = Ci/(i 1) !,

    such a function can be expressed in a form

    \ + X, rs + x^DaFs + . . . + vDj-'


    where, in order that the function be one valued on the undissected surface,

    the p equations

    Xifii (a) + \Dani ()+...+ KD'a-'^i (a) =must be satisfied : and conversely these equations give sufficient conditionsfor the coefficients Xi, X,, ... , X^.

    In other words, since Xr cannot be zero because the function is infinite to

    the rth order, the p differential coefficients Z)^~' fi,- (a), each of the r 1thorder, must be expressible linearly in terms of those of lower order,

    a,(a), Z)fli(a), ...,D'-^ni(a),

    with coefficients which are independent of i. We imagine the p quantitiesD^~^D,i(a), for i = l, 2, ...,p, written in a column, which we call the rthcolumn ; and for the moment we say that the nec