abn aramaic broadcasting network,...

ABN Aramaic Broadcasting Network, Inc. Nov 2013 Thanksgiving ABN, Inc. PO Box 724, Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 416-1300 www.abnsat.com [email protected] ABN Quality Developments Content, quality and distribution are three areas we are continually developing: Sample areas of improve- ment in the last month include: Added The Trinity Channel English webcast Upgraded our web streaming quality Purchased new audio/video equipment (ie. SDI switcher) Re-wired equipment for safety and security Happy Thanksgiving I personally thank you for your prayers and support and for allowing God to use you to minister with us in ABN. Your support has helped us save the lives of people around the world. And we are forever grateful. May He pour out His Holy spirit on your life and cover you with His protection and provision. May you find joy and strength in the Lord this Thanksgiving season and continue to shine His light in this generation. Do you recall the story of the ten lepers? Only one returned to thank Jesus for healing him of his lep- rosy. Like the Samaritan leper, Jesus expects us to honor Him in our praise and thanksgiving for all He has done for us. And while it is the season of Thanksgiving, it is the will of God for us to be thank- ful in all seasons because of His grace to each one of us. The apostle Paul said to give thanks in all things and circumstances because we are in the will of God and living by His grace (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Is there someone in your life that you need to honor and be thankful for? When we have a grateful heart, God pours out His mercy and grace. He increases our wisdom and enriches us with His blessings. Maybe today you’re facing some difficulties in your life where you want God to intervene. The Bible says that when you face such challenges, we need to ask God for wisdom and He will honor your request according to the obedience of your heart. I encourage you to continue to be faithful in mind and spirit, and you will experience the love, wisdom, peace and power of God in your life. Your brother in Christ, Bassim Gorial ABN on iphone, ipad, and Android You can now watch ABN through your iphone, ipad or Android device in, both, Arabic and English! iphone/ipad Users: Download our “ABNSat” app. Android Users: Go to www.abnsat.com/tv. New Shows Launching this Month! Online Broadcast Schedules Broadcast Expansion through IPTV One of our distribution goals is to expand via IPTV and reach the ends of the earth! Our short-term goal is to be carried by five IPTV outlets by the end of 2013. As of this month, we are now broadcasting with Zaap, Maax, and Planet IPTV outlets. Prayer Requests To be given a double portion of the Holy Spirit’s Anointing as we seek to do His will. To receive the Wisdom of God in our daily decisions. To experience the Favor of God that ABN ministry may pros- per in whatever it does for His glory. To walk in His Guidance as a unified team to be a light for our viewers in all nations. To have full Protection and Peace from the enemy’s tactics. Testimonies of Impact Spiritual Renewal “I, just, felt that God ask me to contact you specifi- cally to tell, you and all of the team, that Spirit of God is renewing the face of the Earth through your work.” Healing “Your service is food for our soul that is needed to hear the truth (JESUS). What you are do- ing every day is helping the weak and crippled to stand up and walk through this difficult time.” Knowledge “I believe this network was brought to me from God because I asked God to give knowledge of your word even though I grew up a Christian my entire life.Insight “I have seen your YouTube clips and watched it with wonder. I pray for your well being and ask the risen Lord to bless you with more knowledge and insight to defend the holy religion of Christianity.” Global Reach “I am a viewer from Eng- land. I have greatly en- joyed watching ABN’s Jesus or Muhammad programme. I am a viewer from England.” “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14) Want to see what show’s coming up next? You now have access to online program schedules on the homepage of abnsat.com 13 new spiritual shows have been produced in our studio and are scheduled to broadcast weekly. Sample shows include: “Spiritual Advice”, ‘The Great Blessings”, and “How to Con- quer your Enemy”. Broadcast times announced online. Pastor Joseph hosts a new show, highlighting scripture from the Bible and from the Quran to reveal the Truth. Tax Exempt Reminder: Year-end donations should be post-marked by December 31st to be included in your 2013 total giving. Note: If you have an IPTV box and would like to see ABN broadcast through it, let us know the name of the company and we will contact them. Stay tuned to this new show airing as of November!

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Page 1: ABN Aramaic Broadcasting Network, Inc.files.ctctcdn.com/75e6568c001/d95a9b19-2b3a-43db-80a6-90d2c5b5f756.pdfYou’ll see many familiar faces on the channel, like Dr. James White, Pastor

ABN Aramaic Broadcasting Network, Inc.

Nov 2013


ABN, Inc. PO Box 724, Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 416-1300 www.abnsat.com [email protected]

ABN Quality Developments

Content, quality and distribution are three areas we are continually developing: Sample areas of improve-ment in the last month include:

Added The Trinity Channel English webcast

Upgraded our web streaming quality

Purchased new audio/video equipment (ie. SDI switcher)

Re-wired equipment for safety and security

Happy Thanksgiving

I personally thank you for your prayers and support and for allowing God to use you to minister with us in ABN. Your support has helped us save the lives of people around the world. And we are forever grateful. May He pour out His Holy spirit on your life and cover you with His protection and provision. May you find joy and strength in the Lord this Thanksgiving season and continue to shine His light in this generation.

Do you recall the story of the ten lepers? Only one returned to thank Jesus for healing him of his lep-rosy. Like the Samaritan leper, Jesus expects us to honor Him in our praise and thanksgiving for all He has done for us. And while it is the season of Thanksgiving, it is the will of God for us to be thank-ful in all seasons because of His grace to each one of us.

The apostle Paul said to give thanks in all things and circumstances because we are in the will of God and living by His grace (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Is there someone in your life that you need to honor and be thankful for? When we have a grateful heart, God pours out His mercy and grace. He increases our wisdom and enriches us with His blessings.

Maybe today you’re facing some difficulties in your life where you want God to intervene. The Bible says that when you face such challenges, we need to ask God for wisdom and He will honor your request according to the obedience of your heart. I encourage you to continue to be faithful in mind and spirit, and you will experience the love, wisdom, peace and power of God in your life.

Your brother in Christ, Bassim Gorial

ABN on iphone, ipad, and Android

You can now watch ABN through your iphone, ipad or Android device in, both, Arabic and English!

iphone/ipad Users:

Download our “ABNSat” app.

Android Users:

Go to www.abnsat.com/tv.

New Shows Launching this Month!

Online Broadcast Schedules

Broadcast Expansion through IPTV

One of our distribution goals is to expand via IPTV and reach the ends of the earth! Our short-term goal is to be carried by five IPTV outlets by the end of 2013. As of this month, we are now broadcasting with Zaap, Maax, and Planet IPTV outlets.

Prayer Requests

To be given a double portion of the Holy Spirit’s Anointing as

we seek to do His will.

To receive the Wisdom of God in our daily decisions.

To experience the Favor of God that ABN ministry may pros-

per in whatever it does for His glory.

To walk in His Guidance as a unified team to be a light for

our viewers in all nations.

To have full Protection and Peace from the enemy’s tactics.

Testimonies of

Impact Spiritual Renewal

“I, just, felt that God ask

me to contact you specifi-

cally to tell, you and all

of the team, that Spirit of

God is renewing the face

of the Earth through your



“Your service is food for

our soul that is needed to

hear the truth

(JESUS). What you are do-

ing every day is helping the

weak and crippled to stand

up and walk through this

difficult time.”


“I believe this network was

brought to me from God

because I asked God to

give knowledge of your

word even though I grew

up a Christian my entire



“I have seen your YouTube

clips and watched it with

wonder. I pray for your well

being and ask the risen

Lord to bless you with

more knowledge and

insight to defend the holy

religion of Christianity.”

Global Reach

“I am a viewer from Eng-

land. I have greatly en-

joyed watching ABN’s

Jesus or Muhammad

programme. I am a viewer

from England.”

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,

and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)

Want to see what show’s coming up

next? You now have access to online

program schedules on the homepage of


13 new spiritual shows have been produced in our studio and are scheduled to broadcast weekly.

Sample shows include: “Spiritual Advice”, ‘The Great Blessings”, and “How to Con-quer your Enemy”. Broadcast times announced online.

Pastor Joseph hosts a new show, highlighting scripture from the Bible and from the Quran to reveal the Truth.

Tax Exempt Reminder: Year-end donations should be post-marked by December 31st to be included in your 2013 total giving.

Note: If you have an IPTV box and would like to see ABN broadcast through it, let us

know the name of the company and we will contact them.

Stay tuned to this new show airing as of November!

Page 2: ABN Aramaic Broadcasting Network, Inc.files.ctctcdn.com/75e6568c001/d95a9b19-2b3a-43db-80a6-90d2c5b5f756.pdfYou’ll see many familiar faces on the channel, like Dr. James White, Pastor

Nov 2013


ABN, Inc. PO Box 724, Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 416-1300 www.abnsat.com [email protected]

Fall 2013 Fundraiser Begins November 16th!

What is our Vision for the Trinity Channel?

Get Involved!

Annual Jesus or Muhammad Marathon Week

The 2013 Jesus or Muhammad marathon week starts December 2nd at 8pm EST!

All of your favorite hosts, apologists, guests and debaters will all be live from ABN studio! We’ll also be announcing much more about the new English Trinity channel during that week.

Tune in and call the shows to participate!

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,

bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)


We need your prayers. Prayer is the most effective tool. Will you commit to daily pray for ABN and the Trinity channel?


Our ministry is 100% reliant on donations. Prayerfully consider

making a contribution today.


If you believe in ABN’s mission, then you have a

responsibility to spread the word! Tell your

community about who we are so that we can

be connected.


We’d be happy to visit you in your community and churches and intro-duce ABN to those in your area. Let us know and we’d love to ar-range it with you.

Trinity Channel www.trinitychannel.org

Our Belief

We believe there is one God in three persons, Father Son and Holy Spirit, eternal God in essence and equal in power and glory who created everything on earth and in heaven by His eternal word.

We believe we live in a society that has turned its heart away from God. A generation that chooses evil. Among people who have rejected salvation through Jesus Christ.

The Need

We believe this world needs the saving power of Jesus Christ through the cross. We believe the West needs to be spiritually awakened. And to repent. We believe that any high thing that exalts itself against God will be brought

into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

The Vision

The vision of Dr. Bassim Gorial for the Trinity channel is simple: To lift high the Truth of the Trinity. Why? To save people. The channel will be a beacon of light for all people and will represent hope and salvation.

When and Where will it Launch?

The launch date for the channel is Dec 2nd 2013. In the meantime visit www.trinitychannel.org to catch the latest updates! The channel is broadcasting 24-7 on the internet. We will begin by broadcasting online and will expand

via IPTV and other outlets.

You’ll see many familiar faces on the channel, like Dr. James White, Pastor Joseph, Sam Shamoun, David Wood, Usama Dakdok, and others. Our goal is to broadcast via outlets accessible by English-speaking viewers to reach as

many people as possible.

Inspirational speakers, pastors, local and international guests, community leaders, and others, will be in ABN to take part in this year’s Fall fundraiser. Our goal is to raise $250,000 to help cover monthly costs of running the ministry and to support the devel-opment of the new English channel, Trinity Channel. We have faith that we will surpass this goal with your help.

Will you commit to pray for, support, and give to ABN during

this season?

Our goal is to inspire YOU with our vision for 2014! We want to inspire you to PRAY, to SUPPORT, and to GIVE.

Get Updates via Email!

Be added to our email list to stay current on:

Broadcast schedules Praise & prayer reports Newest developments More!

Call us or use the return envelope to give us your preferred email address.