about donostia

ABOUT DONOSTIA By primary 5A students

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Post on 16-Mar-2016




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A description of places of interest in Donostia, our city



By primary 5A students

AbOuT dOnOsTiA

Donostia is in the Basque country. It is the capital city of Gipuzkoa. It is small and beautiful city on the Urumea river. The population of Donostia is 183.000 in habitants.

There are three beaches, they are called Ondarreta, Zurriola and La Concha.There are three mountains, they are called Mount Igeldo, Mount Urgull and Mount Ulia. There is a funfair and a hotel on top of mount Igeldo.Our school, Orixe, is located at the bottom near the port. There is a library and a small café too.

There is an island between Urgull and Igeldo, it is called Santa Clara.There are some museums and cinemas in Donostia.There are some churches and a cathedral called Buen Pastor.

There is a stadium and lots of sport centers.There are a lots of parks and squares.There are shops and good restaurants.There are lots of schools and universities.

VICTORIA EUGENIA THEATRE This is Victoria Eugenia theatre. It is located next to the river . Its near Kursaal Centre and the Maria Cristina hotel.

It was built in 1912. After a restoration process it was re-opened in 2007.

It is a theatre. People go there to see plays and listen to concerts.

The International Film festival was celebrated in the theatre until 1999.

By Agoitz and Ander Ezama


This is a Trinitate square. It is located in 31 de Agosto in the old town.

It was built in 1813.

It is square. Children go there to play and see sports.

There is a Basque pelota court and people go there to play pelota.

There is grandstand to watch sports and concerts.

It is a very good square because Orixe students go there to do sports training.

By: Maddalen and Mili.

GIPUZKOA SQUAREThis is Gipuzkoa square, it is located in the center of the city.

On one side it is the palace of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council.

It is a neo-classic building by the architect Goikoa.

There are gardens with a lot of flowers and trees.

There are ducks and swans in the small lake.

People go there to see the animals and to relax.

By Naomi


. This is Constitución square It is located in the heart of the old town

19It was built at the beginning of the th 1813.century in

. It is a square People go to play and to sit down in the cafe .terraces

The Constitución square was a bullfighting ring that is why , .the houses have a number in the balcony to watch the bull

. On one side there is a big building It was the town-hall and now it is a library

By Gorka and Marrubi


This is Miramar Palace.

It is located between Ondarreta and Miraconcha.

It was built at the end of the 19th century.

It is an English cottage style palace. In the past it was the official royal accomodation during the summer.

Nowadays people go there to attend summer courses of the University of the Basque Country. There is a big park, and the park is open for everybody and every day. It has excellent views of the city.

BY: Ana Saioa and Joana.

IGELDO This is Mount Igeldo. It is located ( in ) in front of Santa Clara island.

It is the highest mountain in Donostia. Lots of excursions along the Cantabrian coast start in Igeldo.

There is a funicular to go up to the top of the mountain. It is the oldest funicular raiway in the Basque Country. It was built in 1912 There is a ligthouse.

You can see Ondarreta and La Concha beaches from Mount Igeldo.

There is an amusement park at the top of mountain There are ponny rides, the house of Horror and tranmpolines for kids to enjoy. The most popular attraction is the Swiss mountain or the Myterious River.

By Asier and Nahia

SAN TELMO MUSEUM This is San Telmo Museum. It is located in Zuloaga square . It is located in the heart of theOld Part , in the center .

It was built in 16th century but it was a Dominican convent, and now it is a museum.

People go there to see exhibitions with archeological, ethonographic, documentary and artistic collections.

It was reopened in April 2011 after and inportant restoration.

By Oihane


The wind comb is a sculpture.

It is located next to Ondarreta beach, under the Igeldo mountain and between Ondarreta beach and Santa Clara island. It was built in 1976 by Eduardo Chillida.

The wind comb is made iron and placed in stone looking at the sea. It is one of the most beautiful spots in the city: The wind comb.

By Iker CocaBy Iker Coca

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