about model portfolios

About model portfolios Wrap’s Model Portfolio Tools make it simpler, faster and more cost-effective to manage and rebalance listed securities and/or managed funds model portfolios. These tools will turbocharge your business, boosting your flexibility and control while saving you time, reducing admin costs and helping you better manage compliance risk. This Quick Reference Guide will show you how to make the most of these tools.

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About model portfolios. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: About model portfolios

About model portfolios

Wrap’s Model Portfolio Tools make it simpler, faster and more cost-effective to manage and rebalance listed securities and/or managed funds model portfolios. These tools will turbocharge your business, boosting your flexibility and control while saving you time, reducing admin costs and helping you better manage compliance risk.

This Quick Reference Guide will show you how to make the most of these tools.

Page 2: About model portfolios

Creating models

Create models using the Create Model page.

Access the Create Model page by clicking

My Business >> Models >> Create Model.

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Creating models

To create a model:

To add multiple investments to a model, click the Add icon.

A new row is added.





Complete the model’s basic fields.

Mandatory – Model name, Platform, Product type

Optional – Short name 1, Short name 2, Description



Optional. Enter model level preferences if different from the defaults.

(Minimum order value, Minimum holding value, Cash post-rebalancing).


Optional. Enter the percentage amount you wish to allocate to cash.



Add investments you wish to include by entering or searching for an ASX/APIR code.



For each investment added to the model, enter an allocation amount between 0 and 100.

Note: The Total allocated field must add up to 100%.



Optional. Add a tolerance (+/-) which will be used to determine the Tolerance range.



Click Save.

To import a model:

To import a model, click the Import model button and follow the instructions on the Import model page.

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Creating models

Tips and considerations


Models are a target portfolio to which clients holdings are then aligned. Your client’s portfolio is only updated when you submit orders.

Creating models

Only Advisers with ‘Full’ access can create models.

Importing models

You can import percentage allocations by downloading from CSV format and completing the Import template. Click the Import model button to download the Import template.

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Managing models

To edit or delete a model:



Click the model’s name on the Manage models page.

The View model page displays.

Use the Manage models page to:

• View a list of models that are available

• View a model’s details

• Edit or delete a model.

Access the Manage models page by clicking:

My Business >> Models >> Manage Models.

2 Click on one of the following buttons:

• Edit – the Edit Model page displays

• Delete – the Delete Model page displays.


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Managing models

To edit or delete a model (cont.):

3 Complete the appropriate details and then save your edits or confirm the delete.


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Managing models

To edit or delete a model (cont.):

3 Complete the appropriate details and then save your edits or confirm the delete.


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Managing models

Tips and considerations

Editing and deleting models

Only Advisers with ‘Full’ access can edit and delete models they have created.

If you have do not have ‘Full’ access, you will not see the Delete and Edit buttons on the View model page and will only see models created by your Dealer Group (if any).

Model allocations

If you edit or a delete a model currently linked to clients, you should review your client accounts to see if updated model allocations are required.

Print and download model information

Click the Print icon to view, save or print model information as a PDF. Alternatively, click the Download icon to view, save or print model information as a CSV file.

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Select a model and link clients

Use the Link / Unlink model page to:

• Link one or more clients to a model or model blend

• Unlink one or more clients from a model or model blend.

Access the Link/Unlink Model page by clicking:

My Clients >> Models >> Link / Unlink.

If not already selected, search for and select a client to link to a model or model blend.

To link or unlink a model to your client:



Once you have selected a client, select a model from the Select model dropdown list.

3 For each model selected, enter an allocation amount between 0 and 100 in the Allocation field.

Note: The Total field must add up to 100%.


To link multiple models (ie blend), click the Add icon. A new row is added. To unlink a model, click the Delete icon.



4 Click Save.


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Select a model and link clients

Tips and considerations

More details

View a model’s details by clicking the View link.

Deleted models

When a model is deleted, all clients linked to the model will be delinked. Blended models with an allocation to the deleted model will need to be reviewed and amended.

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Setting client preferences

Once a client has been linked to a model, use the Set preferences page to set client preferences for rebalancing.

Access the Set preferences page by clicking

My Clients >> Models >> Set Preferences.

To set rebalance preferences:

1 1Specify the minimum cash to be excluded from the rebalance, the remainder is included in a rebalance.

2 Include, exclude or lock client holdings in a rebalance calculation.


3 Specify minimum order and holding balances.



4 Set substitutions for model securities or managed funds.

5 Click Save.


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Setting client preferences

Tips and considerations


Rebalancing is a calculation taking into account the current portfolio (not including any pending transactions), the target model and client preferences.

Platform minimum balances

The minimum cash balance for Wrap is $2,500. We recommend you set a higher cash allocation where required to accommodate price movements during the rebalance process.

Lock: Locked holdings will be considered in the rebalance calculation with the constraints that no rebalance actions will be created that reduce the holding below the locked value.

Exclude: Excluded holdings are not considered in the rebalance calculations. Wrap will not recommend selling the holding. If the same investment is included in the model, Wrap will recommend buying the investment increasing the total portfolio holding.

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Setting client preferences

Tips and considerations

Setting substitutions

Only Advisers with ‘Full’ access can set substitutions. If you do not have ‘Full’ access, you will not see the substitutions fields.

Substitution 1 – Allocate to model: Proportionally distribute the selected security or managed fund’s model allocation to all remaining model investments in a client’s linked model(s).

Substitution 2 – Another investment: Replace the nominated security or managed fund with another security or managed fund. Selecting this option requires an adviser to enter a valid ASX/APIR code in the Substitute code field.

Substitution 3 – Cash: Replace the listed security or managed fund’s model allocation with an equivalent cash allocation.

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Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

Wrap allows you to rebalance multiple client portfolios at the one time. Once the selected portfolios have been rebalanced, the View rebalance page displays. This page displays the actions required to align the selected portfolios with associated models and preferences.

My Clients >> Models >> Rebalance.

To rebalance a single client’s portfolio:

If required, you can filter those clients in or outside the tolerance ranges set at the model level.

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Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

To rebalance a set of client portfolios:

If required, you can filter those clients in or outside the tolerance ranges set at the model level.

Click My Business >> Models >> Rebalance.

The Find clients to rebalance page displays.


If you select over 5 clients, a pop-up message will appear notifying you of the batch ID. Click OK and you will be directed to the Saved Rebalances page while your rebalances are being generated. You can continue to use the DeskTop while the rebalances are generating.


Search for and build a list of clients to rebalance.2


Select all the clients whose portfolios you wish to rebalance and then click Next.



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Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

To rebalance a set of client portfolios (cont.):

If you selected less than 5 clients, you will proceed straight to the View rebalance page.

Once the status of the rebalances changes to ‘Rebal ready’ you can select the batch to proceed to the View rebalance page.



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Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

To save a rebalance:

You may want to save a rebalance if you need to obtain client consent or you might want to generate rebalances and then submit the orders at a later date, or when the market opens.

Select the rebalances you wish to save and click the Save/Hide selected button on the View rebalance page.

To view saved rebalances:

To view saved rebalances for a single client:

Click My Clients >> Models >> Saved Rebalances.

To view saved rebalances for all your clients:

Click My Business >> Models >> Saved Rebalances.

You can search by client, batch ID or rebalance date.

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Tips and considerations

Default preferences

If you do not set rebalance preferences for a client, we apply a set of defaults/minimums.

Preferences impacting a rebalance

Client preferences impacting a rebalance are marked with an asterisk (*).

Investments included since last reblance

Holdings added to a client’s portfolio since the last rebalance will automatically be included in the model. These holdings are marked with an exclamation mark ( ! ). If required, exclude or lock investments on the Set preferences page and rebalance again.

Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

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Tips and considerations

Errors and Warnings

Any errors and warnings relating to the rebalance calculation and the orders that are required will be summarised on the View rebalances page. You can view the details of the errors and warnings across all accounts to be rebalanced on the Create orders page.

Warnings should be considered but will allow you to proceed to submitting orders. Errors needs to be corrected before orders can be submitted.

Tolerance Range

The ‘Within tolerance’ column flags which accounts are outside the tolerance range recorded as part of the model level preferences.

Rebalancing and viewing saved rebalances

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Creating orders

To create orders:

3 Click Next.


Use the Create orders page to create orders based on actions generated in a rebalance. You can also review your clients’ current cash position on the Create orders page.

Access the Create orders page from the View rebalance page by clicking Next.

1 Review orders generated from a rebalance.


2 If necessary, you can click on the Edit link in the detailed orders column to delete any orders or amend order details such as units, price type, amount, etc. Alternatively you can amend the client preferences and generate a new rebalance.


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Tips and considerations

OrdersOrders are created based on the saved rebalance and do not consider changes to the portfolio, or market prices in the intervening period.

Estimated pricesView the latest market price for listed security orders and the last redemption price for managed fund orders in the Est. Price column on the Edit orders pop-up.

Listed security tradesThe default is for listed security trades to be placed ‘at market’. You can amend this to ‘at limit’ before submitting on the Create orders screen by clicking Edit in the Detailed orders column.

Access to market informationAccess Market Depth and Market Company Information while creating orders.

Estimated considerationWrap automatically calculates the estimated consideration for each order using current market prices.

View your client’s current cash positionUse the Cash Summary section to view your client’s current cash position.

Creating orders

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Submitting orders and viewing receipts

To submit orders:

Use the Review and submit page to:

• Review orders created

• Submit orders for your clients.


3 Tick the confirmation checkbox and enter your password.

1 Review all orders. If necessary, go back to the Create orders tab and delete any orders or amend order details.


2 Review all disclaimer information.


4 Click Submit orders.


Once orders have been submitted, the Receipt page displays. Use the Receipt page to view the orders submitted for your clients.

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Submitting orders and viewing receipts

Tips and considerations

QueuingThe potential proceeds from listed security sell orders are considered when validating cash. If sale proceeds are required to fund a listed security buy order, the order can be queued and automatically submitted if funds become available on the same day.

Real time cash updatesAs soon as a listed security sell order has traded in the market, the proceeds from the sale can be used to fund a listed security buy order.

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Using the Model overview report

To create a Model overview report:

Use the Model overview report to view a list of models available to use and view the number of clients linked to a model.

Access the Model overview report by clicking

My Business >> Reports >> Model Overview.

1 Complete the Search criteria section.

The more search criteria completed, the more specific the search results.


2 Click Show report.

A list of models matching the search criteria displays.


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Using the Model overview report

Tips and considerations

Search for models containing a specific investment

Complete the Investment field and click Show report to view a list of models containing a specific investment.

View model details

View model details by clicking a model’s name.

Link to Clients in modelsClick on the Clients linked to model link to view a list of clients linked to the model.

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Using the Clients in models report

To create a Clients in models report:

Use the Clients in models report to view a list of clients linked to a particular model. Click a model’s name to view details of the model. This report is useful in identifying impacted clients if a model is edited or deleted.

Access the Clients in models report by clicking

My Business >> Reports >> Clients in Models.

1 Complete the Search criteria section.

The more search criteria completed, the more specific the search results.


2 Click Show report.

A list of clients matching the search criteria displays.


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Using the Clients in models report

Tips and considerations

Model allocations

View clients marked with an asterisk (*) whose model allocations do not add to 100%, need to be reviewed and amended.

Clients linked to Blended models

View model details by clicking a model’s clients linked to more than one model (Blended models).

Last orders submittedView which clients you have recently rebalanced and traded for.

Clients in modelsFilter the list to see which clients are in or not in models.

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Viewing order status information

To view order status information for a single client:

View order status information on the Order Status page. This is an important page for monitoring the status of all your orders.

Use the Order Status page to:

• View order status information for a single client or for all your clients

• Action an order (amend, cancel, submit).

1 Click My Clients >> Order Status >> Order Status

The Order status page displays


2 Complete the search criteria fields and then click Search.

A list of orders matching the search criteria displays.


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Viewing order status information

To view order status information for all your clients:

3 Click My Business >> Order Status >> Order Status

The Order status page displays


4 Complete the search criteria fields and then click Search.

A list of orders matching the search criteria displays.


To action an order:

Click the Amend, Cancel or Submit links in the Action column.

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Viewing order status information

Tips and considerations

View listed security and managed fund orders

The Order Status page contains both listed security and managed fund orders.

Pending listed securities ordersIt is important to monitor and submit pending listed securities orders.

View a client’s cash positionClick a client’s name to view their current cash position.

Search by statusYou can use the Status search field to easily find orders that require attention (eg Search for any Incomplete or Pending orders).

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Not all model portfolio functionality may be available to advisers operating under a badged arrangement. To change your current access permission, please contact your badge head office or, for further information, contact Wrap Adviser Relations on 1300 360 899.

BT Portfolio Services Ltd ABN 73 095 055 208 (BTPS) operates Wrap and administers SuperWrap. BT Funds Management Limited ABN 63 002 916 458 (Trustee) is the trustee and issuer of SuperWrap ABN 39 827 542 991. This document has been prepared for use by advisers only. It must not be made available to any retail client or attributed to BTPS or the Trustee. This document or any of the information contained within it must not be copied, used, reproduced or otherwise circulated without the prior written consent of BTPS.
