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Presentation about the nonprofit organization Project Scientist.


  • 1.1January 2013

2. Project Scientist Overview Our promise at Project Scientist is to educate, coach, andadvocate for girls with an aptitude, talent, and passion forscience, technology, engineering and math (STEM). With apipeline for girls/women ages four to thirty-five, we provide astrong community of support unique to each stage of a futurescientists path. Through hands on exploration, education, career counseling,mentoring, and internships, our girls discover the endlessopportunities available to them. Furthermore, girls acquire theleadership skills needed to thrive in todays STEM environments.At Project Scientist we foster todays scientists who will lead theworld in solving tomorrows greatest problems. If you believe your daughter would benefit from a community oflike-minded girls that enjoy exploring through the sciences andcelebrating their accomplishments, then Project Scientist is aplace just for her! Surrounded by brilliant and passionate STEMteachers, professors, and professionals, your daughter will be2 inspired and provided the right tools to reach her highestpotential! 3. Girls in STEM Pipeline ProjectProject Scientist Academy Ages4 to12 5 week summer campProject Scientist Test Pilot in Summer 2013Coaching/Advocwith goal to accommodate 30 acypaid and 20 scholarshipclients. 2014 Goal 100 Ages 12 to 35 girls (paid/scholarship)Launch 2015 Project Scientist Scholars Ages 12 to 16 Top 30 female STEM Superstars in Charlottework in small group with professors Launch 20143 4. Typical Day* @ Project Scientist Summer 2013 July 8, 2013 August 9, 2013 8:30 to 9:00 girls arrive. Woman Scientists introduced. 9:00 9:30 Walkabout with Women Scientists local women scientists encouraged to walk and talk with girls around campus 9:30 9:50 Scientist of the Day presentation in person or Skype woman scientist to share work/experiment and show photos of her life and talk about growing up with an interest in science. 10:00 12:00 Girls in Classroom 12:00 1:00 Lunch 1:00 2:00 Girls in Classroom 2:00 3:00 PE, Playground, yoga, etc. 3:00 4:30 Arts4 4:30 5:30 Free-time games and pick up *Each week will include a full day field trip 5. NC STEM Vital Signs 2012* Business leaders in North Carolina have sounded analarm. They cannot find the (STEM) talent they needto stay competitive. Students lagging performance inK12 is a critical reason why. In North Carolina, STEM skills have stayed in demandeven through the economic downturn. STEM: 1.7 jobs for every 1 unemployed person 4.5 unemployed people for every 1 job5 6. NC STEM Vital Signs 2012* Women are toocritical aresource toremain untapped 2009 Female Women are a very% of college-agelarge share of thepopulationpopulation but% of awardsconferredthey earn just a2001 Femalesmall share ofSTEM degreesand certificates. 0% 20% 40% 60% 2001 = 36%6 2009 = 39% The Equation Vital signs document in resources *2012 Change 7. Girls and Women in STEM* 74% of high school girls are interested in the fields and subjects of STEM . Yet women fill 50% of all U.S. jobs, yet hold less than 25% of STEMjobs. hold a disproportionately low share of STEMundergraduate degrees, particularly in engineering. with a STEM degree are less likely than males to work in aSTEM occupation; more likely to work in education orhealthcare U.S. STEM Girls career goals -94% want to help people and92% want to make a difference Women in STEM jobs earned 33% more thancomparable women in non-stem jobs. The gender wage gap is smaller in STEM jobs.7 *Women and STEM: A Gender Gap to Innovation Aug. 3, 2011 inresources section. 8. Landscape of girls in STEM Girls with a high skill, aptitude, and talent are not currently served or identified at a young age and provided STEM opportunities at a pace, depth, and breadth commensurate with their talents and interests. A concentrated, scalable model that can work nationally does not exist. Focused effort on engaging women scientists and corporate partners does not exist. More research on girls/women in STEM is needed!8 9. Project Scientist is different! At Project Scientist our success ismeasured by the increase in number ofgirls and women in STEM majors andcareers. WE EXIST TO CREATESCIENTISTS, SCIENTISTS THAT WILLSOLVE OUR WORLDS MOSTPRESSING ISSUES. Our promise is to educate, coach, andadvocate for girls with anaptitude, talent, and passion forSTEM. Our pipeline for girls ages four to thirty-five provides a community of supportunique to each stage of a futurescientists path.9 We commit to providing valuable neededresearch and data to the STEM 10. Project Scientist Goals Short Term 3 to 5 years We will establish a model for a robust and focused STEM pipeline for girls ages 4 35, with the ability to adjust the model based on quantitative results. Success will be determined by the number of girls identified and placed in the program, girls attitudes toward their future in STEM, girls entry into STEM majors and careers, and achieved science awards and scholarships. We will produce valuable research on girls in STEM, mentoring, curriculum and teacher development. Long Term 5 years and beyond Build on model nationwide and increase the number of women in STEM majors and careers. Our alumni will be positioned to be leaders in the field that solve some of our worlds most pressing issues. (qualitative) Our research will raise the caliber of STEM Communities work with10 girls/women. 11. Appendix Project Scientist has three programs Project Scientist Academy serves girls ages 4 -12 Project Scientist Scholars is highly Selective for girls 12 to 16 Project Scientist Coaches builds a community to serve STEM girls/women ages 12 to 3511 12. Project Scientist Academy Project Scientist Academy serves girls ages 4 - 12 5 week summer camp and year long adventures in partnership with colleges and universities. Focus to identify those with an aptitude, talent, and interest in STEM. Offered to both paying and scholarship students12 13. Project Scientist Scholars Highly Selective and competitive process for girls 12 to 16 Girls work in small groups of 10 to 12 with a professor in partnership with corporatee partners and private funders to solve a social issue locally or internationally These girls will be a part of a marketing and public relations strategy to change the face of STEM, build confidence, and encourage more girls to participate in STEM. STEM Counselor to assist with high school choices (School of Science and Math), course work, prep courses, science awards, etc.13 14. Team Project Scientist Coaches Build a community to serve STEM girls/women ages 12 to 35 keep them on the road to PhD Project Scientist Counselor Science awards and competitions, Scholarships Guidance on career options, colleges, emphasis of study, identification of mentor, internships First year alum must serve as intern to Project Scientist Possibility of serving all girls STEM majors at University Women Scientists Corporate Partners14 Parents