about wapcos

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  • 8/6/2019 About Wapcos





    WAPCOS Limited is a MINI RATNA-I Public Sector Enterprise underthe aegis of the Union Ministry of Water Resources. Incorporated on

    June 26th, 1969 under the Companies Act, 1956. The Company hasbeen providing consultancy services in all facets of Water Resources,Power and Infrastructure Sectors in India and Abroad.

    The Quality Management Systems of WAPCOS conform toISO 9001 : 2008 for Consultancy Services in Water Resources, Powerand Infrastructure Development Projects by Indian Register QualitySystems.


    Main fields of specialisation of the company cover Irrigation andDrainage, Flood Control and Land Reclamation, River Management,Dams, Reservoir Engineering and Barrages, Integrated AgricultureDevelopment, Watershed Management, Hydropower and Thermal PowerGeneration, Power Transmission and Distribution, Rural Electrification,Ground Water Exploration, Minor Irrigation, Water Supply and Sanitation(Rural and Urban), Environmental Engineering including EnvironmentalImpact Assessment and Environmental Audit, Ports and Harbours andInland Waterways, Rain Water Harvesting; Survey & Investigations,

    Human Resource Management, System Studies and InformationTechnology. WAPCOS has also been venturing into newer fields such asSoftware Development, City Development Plans, Financial ManagementSystem, Technical Education, Quality Control and ConstructionSupervision, Roads & Bridges. The Company has amended its Articles ofAssociation to provide concept to commissioning services fordevelopmental projects in India and Abroad.


    WAPCOS' spectrum of services covers a wide range of activities e.g. pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, simulation studies, diagnosticstudies, socio-economic studies, master plans and regional developmentplans, field investigations, detailed engineering including designs,detailed specifications, tendering process, contract and constructionmanagement, commissioning and testing, operation & maintenance,quality assurance & management, software development and humanresource development.

  • 8/6/2019 About Wapcos





    WAPCOS is registered with various international funding agencies forparticipating in the funded projects like World Bank/International Bank forReconstruction and Development, African Development Bank, Asian

    Development Bank, Food and Agriculture Organisation, InternationalFund for Agricultural Development, United Nations DevelopmentProgram, World Health Organisation, African Development Bank, IndianTechnical and Economic Cooperation Programme, Overseas EconomicCooperation Fund, Japan Bank for International Cooperation, UnitedNations Office for Project Services etc.

    Apart from India, WAPCOS has successfully completed/on-goingconsultancy assignments abroad in 50 countries and is currentlyengaged in providing consultancy services in Afghanistan, Bangladesh,

    Bhutan, Burundi, Cambodia, DR Congo, Laos, Mozambique, Myanmar,Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, Yemen andZimbabwe.


    WAPCOS as a techno-commercial organisation under the aegis ofMinistry of Water Resources utilises the talent and expertise developed inthe various organisations of Govt. of India and State Govts. WAPCOS isresponsible for providing quality time bound services to the clients whichis the very essence of WAPCOS operations.

    The company has experience of working in diverse geographicaland climatic conditions and provides consultancy services in criticalareas which are essential to meet Societys needs Globally.

    The consultants are required rights from the concept to coming ofprojects. The model of services offered by WAPCOS includesadvisor to client, advisor to consortium/contractor, projectdeveloper and advisor to funding agencies.

    Water is a state subject and the role of the Central Govt. is policymaking and intervention on key issues. WAPCOS facilitateslinkages with all the State Govt. by way of preparing DetailedProject Reports, Field Investigations, etc. enabling the earlyimplementation of the projects initiated by the Government.

  • 8/6/2019 About Wapcos



    WAPCOS facilitates bi-lateral co-operation with other developingcountries through consultancy services for development of waterresources, power and infrastructure projects.

    WAPCOS enables the State Govt. to develop their water resources

    by giving them technical strength in terms of services of expertsand technology.

    WAPCOS maintains confidentiality of data of inter-state/intercountry rivers while preparing Feasibility Reports, DPRs, FieldInvestigations etc. and has the confidence of MEA/GOI. WAPCOScarries out surveys in border areas for security purpose and alsoworks in remote/inaccessible areas in countrys interest.

    WAPCOS competes with multinational consultancy organisations

    in India and maintains reasonableness of costs of consultancyservices for projects funded by the International funding agencies.


    WAPCOS drives its strength from its human resources, which form thebackbone of the organization. WAPCOS has the in-built capability toprovide multidisciplinary project teams comprising of its own core groupof professionals and specialists from various organizations of Govt. of

    India and other State Departments. WAPCOS comprising of highlyqualified professionals backed by dynamic and vibrant management, ispoised to meet the challenges of the 21 century very effectively.