aboutus by hotspotorlando #10

The Art of Jessilyn Park

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This issue has the art of Jessilyn Park, (cover article) events , tourism, music, recipes, life advice, business, news, Orlando, Brazil, Vicky talking a lot, and much more


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The Art of Jessilyn Park

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EditorialCreating is demanding and very rewarding, when it is time to start the magazine I always under-estimate the fact that we have enough news to show, and I am always wrong, I end up sending some articles to our Blog for lack of space.But that is just a detail, I have a lot of plea-sure, constructing this journal, because it is part of my life that I disclose to you every month.Lots of the pictures are taken by us, articlesand everyone that collaborates is part of our family. I am proud of what we accomplished even knowing we all have our personal life we all find the time to dedicate ourselves to this mo-ment. Because we don’t print, doesn’t mean we are not real, we are very real and in great shape.Our numbers grows every month and we just signing on our 10th issue. Not bad, don’t you think ? So on this note, I would love to say this, thank you to the one’s that believed in the project, the one’s that left us on the way,and the one’s that thought we would not grow.You made us, better, stronger and innovative.We are always growing ! Thank you!

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AboutUSBy Hotspotorlando

COLLABORATORS THIS MONTHCEO: Ademar RodriguesEditor: Laiz RodriguesPhotos HotspotOrlandoEcological Tourism: Edmundo CavalcantiBetween Friends: Elita FreitasChild Psychology: Deo BritosBaking and Recipes: Marta Thompson “Treats Come true”Local Music Scene: Larry Poynter Jr.Life Reflections: Charles PortelaVick Show USA: Vicky Business Profile: Ademar RodriguesNext Stop Rio: Marcio DelgadoBrazilian Tourism: Marcio & Simoni Lucena (on vacation)Video Games-Daniel Cosentino

Guests Photographers:Marco Meyer Snap Team : Roozbeh MeghdTom BarileShelly LakeRafael TongolNorma MolinaMichael CairnsJeff HartogCarlos AmoedoBrotas Team:Carlos ZaithAndrea ReisLuciana Pires Jesus

Thank you to your wonderful work it makes our 10th edition a greater gift!

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Cristiano Piquet, center, showed a Miami Beachcondominium this month to a potential buyer from Brazil.

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Próxima parada: Rio

Londres mostrou o caminho para se fazer uma festa. Mas aguardematé o Brasil mostrar como é que faz o maior evento do planeta.

Durante os últimos dois anos, trabalhando na Inglaterra para a TV Record, a emissora oficial para a transmissão dos Jogos Olímpicos deste ano para o Brasil, o assunto Londres 2012 foitema quase diário. E, como todo mundo, eu também entrei em pânico com a possibilidadede não ser capaz de chegar ao trabalho devido ao caos dos transportes públicos e fiquei frustrado com as tentativas de comprar ingressos para o evento e acabar não conseguindo.

Mas, então, a maratona de jogos começou. E de repente tudo mudou.O humor nacional pareceu mudar da noite para o dia, e para melhor.O sistema de transporte público não falhou, nem se tornou impossível de fazer

na cidade tudo o que faríamos em um dianormal.

Como brasileiro, vivendo em Londres há quase uma década, eu vi a atitude da população local em relação ao Brasil mu-dar dramaticamente ao longo dos últimos anos.O país mais conhecido por ser um exótico destino de férias, pelo samba e futebol,transformou-se em um sério centro de negócios com uma economia que fica mais forte a cada dia. E com os prepara-tivos para oRio 2016 já a caminho, nas últimas semanas eu realmente senti como se a capital inglesa já estivesse, de alguma forma, um pouco “verde e amarela” - a ex-pressão que usamos fazendo referência às cores da bandeira nacional para descrever o famoso estilo esportivo brasileiro. Para nós é a jornada - com toda a diversão ealtos e baixos do caminho – o que real-mente importa no final.As ruas de Londres, de repente, tornaram-se muito mais coloridas.

As pessoas arriscaram sorrir para estran-hos. E todos estavam tão ocupados curtin-do cada etapa dos Jogos Olímpicos de 2012, que não sobrou tempo para se preo-cupar com os riscos, tumultos, ataques terroristas e todas aquelas ameaças que podem comprometer um grande evento como este. (Eu tenho certeza de uma equi-pe especial foi cautelosamente selecionada e estava a postos para cuidar dasegurança, mas eu estou contente que a mídia não recorreu ao sensacionalismo barato e fez deste tema a pauta do dia).

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Marcio DelgadoFoi uma longa espera para os Jogos de Londres começarem. Anos. Meses.E então, quando finalmente foi dada a largada para as Olimpíadas, tudo chegou ao fim rapidamente, como uma refeição muito boa e sofisticada em um restauran-te caro.E, desde o início, com uma cerimônia cin-ematográfica para a abertura que custou milhões de libras, o mundo percebeu que Londres colocaria o nível do evento em um patamar bem alto.

O Brasil certamente terá que trabal-har duro para oferecer um cardápio do mesmo quilate, investindo no sistema de transporte, segurança e estrutura geral para sediar as próximas Olimpíadas.

No entanto, a boa notícia é que, com o passar do tempo, a percepção do público em relação a cada nação anfitriã do even-to melhora. Ou seja: com mais tecnologia, melhor acesso para que as pessoas parti-cipem e uma cobertura mais ampla, cada cidade tem a oportunidade de superar a anterior porque tudo evolui. E a expecta-tiva aumenta com isso. Agora o mundointeiro vai ficar de olho no Rio de Janeiro e esperar que o evento que acontece pela primeira vez em uma cidade da América Latina seja acolhedor, criativo e inesquecível. Uma pressão das grandes!

Como um país democrático, o Brasil não tem uma rainha para “saltar” de um helicóptero no meio de um estádio na cerimônia de abertura:

Inglaterra 1x Brasil 0. E também, infelizmente, não temos um James Bond: Inglaterra 2 x Brasil 0.No entanto, se uma atitude positiva pe-rante a vida e um talento natural para festas incríveis é algo a ser levado em conta, tenho certeza que os próximos Jogos Olímpicos irão ser o que as pessoas realmente irão recordar por muitos anos. Placar esperado para o Brasil: nota 10!

*Marcio Delgado é profissional de marketing e jornalista brasileiro baseado em Londres trabalhando para ‘TV Record’ (Sky 801) e correspondente da Revista Glam Brasil.twitter.com / @marcio_delgado

Crédito da foto: Nilton BibianoTexto originalmente publicado no Jornal inglês The Independent D

e Londres

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Next stop Rio, and the biggest party everLondon's been terrific – but just wait until 2016. Marcio Delgado

The next one is always the best one.... For the past couple of years, work-ing in England for Record TV, the official Brazilian network in charge of broadcasting this year's Olympic Games to Brazil, I've heard about London 2012 almost on a daily ba-sis. And, like everyone else, I also panicked at the thought of not being able to get to work due to public-transport chaos, and I became frus-trated trying to get tickets to the Games and not being able to.But then, the event started. And everything suddenly changed. The national mood seemed to switch overnight, for the better. The pub-lic transport system didn't crash, nor did the city become impossible to manage – actually, I think, it got even calmer, with lots of people choosing not to travel or decid-ing to stay away from busy centres. Contrary to what I expected, and surprisingly, I didn't have to amend

my routine or leave earlier on my one-hour commute to our studios in Finsbury Park, in the north of the capital.As a Brazilian, living in London for almost a decade, I have seen lo-cal people's attitude towards my country change dramatically over the past years. The tropical holiday destination best known for samba and football has turned into a seri-ous business hub with an economy that gets stronger by the day. And with preparations for Rio 2016 un-der way, for the past weeks I have genuinely felt as if the capital was already somehow "green and yellow" – an expression that makes reference to the main colours of our flag and which is used to describe the happy and sportsmanlike Brazilian style. For us, it is the journey - with all the fun on the way - that really matters.


Marcio Delgado

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London streets suddenly became much more colourful. People smiled at strangers for a change. And every-one was so busy enjoying every step of the Olympic Games 2012 that no one spent valuable time worrying about risks, riots, terrorist attacks and all those threats that can com-promise a massive event such as the one just about to finish. (I am sure a special team was carefully looking after the security, and I am glad the media didn't get hooked on scaring the population).

It seemed a long wait. Years. Months. And then, when the Olympics finally arrived here, they quickly came to an end, just like a very good, well-crafted meal in an expensive restau-rant. And, right from the start, with its multi-million-pound cinematic opening ceremony, the world got to know that London would set the bar very high indeed.

Brazil will certainly have to work hard to meet such a feast, looking carefully into the transport system, security and overall structure to host the next Olympics.However, the good thing is, as time goes by, every host nation's

interpretation of the event seems to get bigger and better than the one before, with more technology in place, better access for the masses, a wider coverage.... The whole world will be expecting from Rio a new, warm, and an unforgettable spec-tacle.

As a democratic country, Brazil doesn't have a queen to "jump" out of a helicopter into a stadium in the opening ceremony: England 1 - Bra-zil 0. We don't have even a James Bond: England 2 - Brazil 0. However, if a positive attitude towards life and a natural talent to throw amaz-ing parties is anything to go by, I am sure the next Olympics will be the one to remember. Expected score for Brazil: 10 out of 10!Marcio Delgado is a London-based Brazilian journalisttwitter.com/@marcio_delgado

Photo by Nilton Bibiano

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10th Annual Global Peace Film Festival Announces 2012 Line-Up

Program includes 44 films from six continents, K-12 student art exhibit, panel discussions and a

lot of heart

The 10th Annual Global Peace Film Fes-tival (GPFF) celebrates its annual event from September 17th through September 23rd in various locations in downtown Orlando and Winter Park. This unique film festival draws together filmmakers and filmgoers from all walks of life into a community of people inspired to take ac-tion in their daily lives to leave the world a more peaceful place than they found it.

The festival includes 44 films from six continents as well as seven films from local Florida filmmakers. The film pro-gram begins on September 18th with a screening of The Zen of Bennett on The Green at Rollins College at approximately 8:30pm (arrive early for other festivities). From Wednesday through Sunday, films will be presented in the Sun Trust Audi-torium and 330 Winter Park Plaza (330 Fairbanks Ave.) at Rollins College and at the Winter Park Library in Winter Park.

In downtown Orlando, films will be shown at the Cobb Plaza Cinema Café and the FAMU Law School.


Monday, September 17th, 5 – 6pm: Reception/Awards ceremony for the sev-enth year, the OCPS Service Learning/GPFF Peace Art Exhibit by K-12 students will be on display in the Rotunda of Or-lando’s City Hall. Over 40 public and charter schools par-ticipate. FREE. The exhibit will be on display throughout the festival. Tuesday, September 18th, 6 – 8pm: Party at Bajalia, 520 S. Park Ave., Winter Park. Filmmakers and special guests celebrate the opening of the film festival. Light refreshments. FREE and open to the pub-lic.Friday, September 21st, 6 – 8pm: Party at Ten Thousand Villages, 346 N. Park Ave., Winter Park. Join filmmakers and special guests for a shopping party. A percentage of sales benefit the GPFF. Light refreshments. FREE and open to the public.Panel Discussions: 4pm WednesdaySeptember 19th in the Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College; 4pm Thursday, September 20th and Fri-day, September 21st and 11am Saturday, September 22nd in the SunTrust Audito-rium, Crummer Building of Rollins Col-lege. Free and open to the public.

Global Peace Film Festival

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The film festival opens with a free outdoor screening on The Green at Rollins College of The Zen of Bennett (USA, 2012, 84 mins.). In first person narrative, the film is a reflec-tion of Tony Bennett’s 60-year career as he shares philosophies on life, lessons learned, social conscience and his passion for art and music. There will be live music, spoken word and other festivities before the screening be-gins.Travel around the world in film with Opening Our Eyes (USA, 2011, 51 mins.) that intro-duces ordinary people doing extraordinary things to make the world a better place. Pad Yatra (India/Nepal, 2012, 70 mins.) follows seven hundred people trekking across the Himalayas to spread a call to action about global climate change. Get a first-hand look at the apartheid comparison often used to de-scribe the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on The Road to Apartheid (Israel/South Africa, 2011, 95 mins.) and see the Philippines through the eyes of thirteen teenagers learning tradi-tional instruments to for a once-in-a-lifetime concert in Rise and Dream (USA/Philippines, 2011, 98 mins.).

Bonsai People – The Vision of Muhammad Yunus (USA/Bangladesh, 2011, 79 mins.) profiles Nobel Peace Prize winner Yunus and the business of micro-credit to help people out of poverty with a hand up, not a handout. Director Ian Thomas Ash takes us inside the radiation zone near the Fukushima nuclear disaster with In the Grey Zone (Japan, 2012, 89 mins.) while Haiti: Land of Hope (Spain/Haiti, 2012, 54 mins.) is based on a journal-ist’s personal experiences in that country before and since the 2010 earthquake. Grani-to: How to Nail a Dictator (USA/Guatemala, 2011, 82 mins.) weaves the story of a 30-year-old documentary film that emerges as an ac-tive player in the present.

Florida filmmakers are well represented in the program with Wally’s Mission on Mars (USA, 2012, 82 mins.) about retired rocket scientist Wally Nelson – who will attend and answer questions after the screenings; The Uterati: Fighting Back in the War on Women (USA, 2012, 52 mins.); and a Focus on Florida shorts program that includes four films by Orlando-area filmmakers. Returning filmmakers include Khaled Sayed whose Stories from Tahrir (Egypt/USA, 2012, 60 mins.) is the next chapter in his first per-son account of the Egyptian Revolution and The Trouble with St Mary’s (Australia, 2011, 72 mins.) follows the journey of a rebel priest and his parish as they attempt to find a new way of being spiritual. The strength of the human spirit shines through in many selections including Trial By Fire: Lives Reforged (USA, 2012, 88 mins.) about ordinary people rising above their injuries to discover unexpected insights and a transformed worldview. A different group of survivors – all of whom have been tortured – speak out in Beneath the Blindfold (USA, 2012, 80 mins.) as they advocate for an end to torture. Kinderblock 66: Return to Buch-enwald (USA, 2012, 87 mins.) is the story of four men who, as young boys were impris-oned in the notorious Buchenwald concentra-tion camp and who, 65 years later, return to commemorate the anniversary of their libera-tion. Kirk Johnson worked for an aid group in Iraq. When he returned home, he learned that his Iraqi co-workers were being killed, kidnapped or forced into exile. The List (USA, 2012, 82 mins.) follows John-son’s efforts to help those who helped him when he was in Iraq. And Street Paper (USA, 2012, 70 mins.) takes the viewer inside the lives of Nashville’s homeless population through street newspaper, “The Contributor.”

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Civil rights feature in Booker’s Place: A Mississippi Story (USA, 2012, 90 mins.), the story of an African-American waiter, an or-dinary man who changed the world around him when he decided to speak the truth, and in Slavery and the Law (USA, 2011, 55 mins.) as young people work to create a mural that commemorates the shift from enslavement to the Civil Rights Movement. A year in the life of a south Texas border town’s high school Mariachi band is recount-ed in Mariachi High (USA, 2012, 54 mins.).

Meet Gene Robinson, the first openly gay person to become a bishop in the historical traditions of Christendom in Love Free or Die (USA, 2012, 82 mins.) and in Inspired: the Voices against Prop 8 (USA, 2011, 89 mins.) experience the passion that ignites the fight for marriage equality in Califor-nia. A very different group of activists are featured in Party Crashers (USA, 2012, 75 mins.) that chronicles the rise of the Tea Party. Just Do It (UK, 2011, 90 mins.) intro-duces a cast of mischievous and inspiring environmental activists whose adventures will entertain, illuminate and inspire. With the help of some innovative farmers and chefs, Planeat (UK, 2011, 72 mins.) follows three men searching for a diet that is good for health, for the environment and for the planet – while eating great food. Rebuild-ing the economies of the industrial towns of Detroit, Michigan and Lodz, Poland is examined in After the Factory (Poland/USA, 2012, 45 mins.).Many filmmakers will be on hand to answer questions after the screenings of their films. In addition to the films, there will be discus-sion panels throughout the week. Topics include “What is Peace?” (9/19, 4pm., Cor-nell Fine Arts Museum at Rollins College); “Peace Pitch,” a presentation and discussion of “Food Chain,” a work-in-progress about

food and farmworkers (9/20, 4pm., SunTrust Auditorium at Rollins); “Making Films that Make a Difference,” featuring local and visiting filmmakers (9/21, 4pm., SunTrust Auditorium at Rollins); and an Issues Fo-rum about films on Peace & Environment issues (9/22, 11am, SunTrust Auditorium at Rollins). And on Sunday (9/23, 7pm., 330 Fairbanks Ave. in the Winter Park Plaza), lo-cal faith leaders in Central Florida brought together by the Interfaith Council of Central Florida, will discuss film the issues raised in the film “Rise and Dream.”Tickets to GPFF screenings are $8 each, and are on sale now. Tickets may be purchased online at http://globalpeace.festivalgenius.com/2012/schedule/week or at each venue during festival hours. Patrons may purchase a Silver Pass for $99 or a Gold Pass for $199 that are good for admission to all festival screenings and events at http://peacefilm-fest.org/.The Global Peace Film Festival is funded in part by Orange County Government through the Arts & Cultural Affairs Pro-gram, in part by United Arts of Central Florida and by the Thomas P. Johnson Visit-ing Scholar and Artist Fund. Other spon-sors include the Orlando Weekly, WMFE 90.7FM, IDEAS, Rollins College, Moore Stephens Lovelace PA, Valencia College, the Downtown Development Board, Dandelion Communitea Café, Doverwood Commu-nications, and Visit Orlando. This project is funded in part by United Arts of Central Florida and by the State of Florida, Depart-ment of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.

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2100 whisper lakes blvd, Orlando, FL.(407) 851-6060



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Snap! Orlando is a 4-day photography celebration showcasing the work of renowned international and national photographers, as well as local talent. The event and its programs are designed to inspire and galva-nize a community of art enthusi-asts, from novice to seasoned col-lector, around a shared passion for the photographic medium.

Hosted in Downtown Orlando, Snap! includes large scale exhib-its and projections; receptions and special events; educational seminars; student and community competitions; youth programs; and much more…

During the Year Snap participates is several photo shoots promoting the event and creating awareness to this incredible project that is already one of Orlando’s localresidents favorite. This time Neiman Marcus was the venue welcoming the Orlando Ballet and Snap selected photographers. They were: Carlos Amoedo, Jeff Hartog, Michael Cairns, Norma Molina, Rafael Tongol, Shelley Lake, Tom Barile, Roozbeh Meghd.


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By Tom Barile

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The Orlando Ballet

By Roosbeh Meghd

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Ani by Shelley Lake

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David by Shelley Lake

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By Norma Molina

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By Michael C


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By Carlos A


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By Rafael Tongol

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By Jeff Hartog

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A royal stay in OrlandoOrlando-Downtown304 W. Colonial Dr Orlando , Florida 32801 United StatesHotel Front Desk: 407-8438700 Hotel Fax: 407-3980706

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Jessilyn opened her heart at the end of 2011 and wrote on her profile”The last day of 2011. This is my official goodbye to a year that started off with tremendous heartbreak and broken promises and turned into a year of discovery. Finding my inner-artist again, making new friends and letting go of those that don’t deserve my love, growing both professionally and personally, letting my two angels grow their wings too, moving on and moving out, finally getting into grad school, and most importantly - falling in love with “me” again. Here’s to what only can be an amazing year ahead. To 2012, The Year of Living. ♥ If anyone could predict what was about to happen she did, and she was right, Jessilyn is a success, a fresh moment that you can’t forget, and this is just the beginning. Jessilyn’s Art is a manifestation of many things, feelings of sadness, anger, love, a variety of inspirations that always come from one place, the heart. Do not ever doubt what a positive energy can do with your life, the light gets so big that you start illuminat-ing others.

The most surprising conversation ever. My first question to her was, "How long have you painted?" She smiled and said since December, just like that. I was very surprised, and even more curious to know how did she get here so fast.She explained that for her was a short process, after a big emotional shift in her life, she decided to visit her grand-mother, an artist that never had all the opportunities of showing her work to the world, but according to Jessilyn a great artist, and on that day she told her," if I would give my talent to any of my grandchildren, it would be to you." Jessilyn started trying, after finishing her first painting she placed it on Facebook and sold it! Imagine that! From there, someone that had painted a little before, started the journey of her life. She is moved by it, people show her affection because her paintings inspire them, bring memories of happy moments, and all this positive energy is bringing her to dedicate herself more and more to her art.

She went to Mexico and studied painting with a world renowned Rus-sian artist named Leonid Afremov, she said, " He did not speak English, I didn't speak Russian but I could read his body language and learned his pal-ette knife method that way. Now, today

after a few months and communicat-ing with him through his son he finally said she has potential, "and that meant the world to me." Jessilyn has a full heart, she is ready to take the world with colors, she needs to make people happy, that is important. Art turned out so important to her, that she thinks about the day she will be able to dedi-cate herself 100% to it.

A few months ago her painting won a national contest for a wine label. They liked her work so much they picked an extra painting and now two labels will be designed with her art in it. Her work was also shown in NY at Time Square and she was thrilled, be-cause it was another milestone accomplished in such little time.

Her life changed, she changed, and her work is changing people. During our photo shoot people stopped and asked, did you paint this? and she smiled and replied, "Yes I did", and they just hugged her. She made a comment that this type of reaction was become more and more common, and that makes all the difference.Jessilyn opened her heart at the end of 2011 and wrote on her profile”



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Jessilyn opened her heart at the end of 2011 and wrote on her profile”The last day of 2011. This is my official goodbye to a year that started off with tremendous heartbreak and broken promises and turned into a year of discovery. Finding my inner-artist again, making new friends and letting go of those that don’t deserve my love, growing both professionally and personally, letting my two angels grow their wings too, moving on and moving out, finally getting into grad school, and most importantly - falling in love with “me” again. Here’s to what only can be an amazing year ahead. To 2012, The Year of Living. ♥ If anyone could predict what was about to happen she did, and she was right, Jessilyn is a success, a fresh moment that you can’t forget, and this is just the beginning. Jessilyn’s Art is a manifestation of many things, feelings of sadness, anger, love, a variety of inspirations that always come from one place, the heart. Do not ever doubt what a positive energy can do with your life, the light gets so big that you start illuminat-ing others.

About Jessilyn Park

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Jessilyn Park

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The last day of 2011. This is my official goodbye to a year that started off with tremendous heartbreak and broken promises and turned into a year of discovery.

Finding my inner-artist again, making new friends and letting go of those that don't deserve my love, growing both professionally and personally, letting my two angels grow their wings too, moving on and moving out, finally getting into grad school, and most importantly - falling in love with "me" again. Here's to what only can be an amazing year ahead. To 2012, The Year of Living. If anyone could predict what was about to happen she did, and she was right, Jes-silyn is a success, a fresh moment that you can'tforget, and this is just the begin-ning. Jessilyn's Art is a manifestation of many things, feelings of sadness, anger, love, a variety of inspirations that always come from one place, the heart. Do not ever doubt what a positive energy can do with your life, the light gets so big that you start illuminating others.

Laiz RodriguesAboutUS/Hotspotorlando

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Jessilyn ParkA conversa mais surpreendente !. Minha primeira pergunta foi: "Há quanto tempo você pinta?" Ela sorriu e disse desde dezembro, simples assim. Fiquei muito sur-presa, e ainda o mais curioso foi descobrir como ela chegou ate aqui tão rápido.Ela explicou que para ela foi um processo curto, depois de uma grande mudança emocional em sua vida, ela decidiu visitar sua avó, um artista que nunca teve todas aoportunidade de mostrar o seu trabalho para o mundo, mas de acordo com Jessilyn uma grande artista, e naquele dia sua avó lhe disse: "se eu fosse entregar o meu talento para qualquer um dos meus netos, seria para você". Dali em diante,Jessilyn começou a tentar, logo depois de terminar sua primeira pintura ela colocou no Facebook e vendeu!

Imagine isso! Alguém que havia pintado ha pouco tempo, começa-va ali a jornada de sua vida. Jes-silyn é movida por sua arte, as pessoas mostram seu carinho para com ela, porque sua pintura os inspira, traz recordações de mo-mentos felizes, e toda essa energia positiva a incentiva a se dedicar mais e mais a sua arte.Ela foi para o México e estudou

pintura com um renomado artista russo chamado Leonid Afremov, ela disse, "Ele não falava Inglês, eu não falava russo, mas eu podia ler sua linguagem corporal e aprendi seu método faca de paleta dessa forma.

Hoje, depois de alguns meses, e me comunicando com ele através de seu filho, ele finalmente disse que tenho potencial ", e isso significou o muito para mim." Jessilyn tem um coração cheio, ela está pronta para tomar o mundo com cores, ela precisa fazer pes-soas felizes, isso é importante. A arte se tornou tão significante para ela, que ela pensa no dia em que ela será capaz de se dedicar 100% a ela.

Há alguns meses atrás a sua pin-tura ganhou um concurso nacional para ser colocada em um rótulo de vinho. Eles gostaram tanto de seu trabalho que escolheram uma pintura extra e agora dois rótulos serão projetado com a sua arte na mesma. Seu trabalho também foi mostrado em NY no Time Square e ela estava emocionada, porque foi mais um marco alcançado em pouco tempo.

Sua vida mudou, e seu trabalho é mudar as pessoas. Durante a nossa entrevista foto-grafica as pessoas paravam e perguntavam, você pintou esse

quadro? e ela sorria e respondia: "Sim, eu fiz", e eles a abraçavam, inesperadamente. Jessilyn comentou que este tipo de reação esta se tornando mais e mais comum, e isso faz toda a diferença.

Jessilyn abriu seu coração no final de 2011 e escreveu em seu perfil "O último dia de 2011. Este é o meu adeus oficial para um ano que começou com um tremendo disgosto, promessas quebradas e se transformou em um ano de descobertas. Encontrar a minha artista interior novamente, fazer novos amigos e deixar ir aqueles que não merecem o meu amor, crescendo profissionalmente e pessoalmente, deixando meus dois anjos crescerem suas asas, seguir em frente e, finalmente, entrar na faculdade, e o mais im-portante - Crer no amor por "eu" novamente. Um brinde ao que só pode ser um ano incrível pela frente. Por 2012, O Ano da Vida.

Se alguém pudesse prever o que es-tava para acontecer ela o fez, e ela estava certa, Jessilyn é um sucesso, um momento doce que você não pode esquecer, e isto é apenas o começo.A Arte de Jessilyn é uma mani-festação de muitas coisas, senti-mentos de tristeza, raiva, amor, de uma variedade de inspirações que

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quadro? e ela sorria e respondia: "Sim, eu fiz", e eles a abraçavam, inesperadamente. Jessilyn comentou que este tipo de reação esta se tornando mais e mais comum, e isso faz toda a diferença.

Jessilyn abriu seu coração no final de 2011 e escreveu em seu perfil "O último dia de 2011. Este é o meu adeus oficial para um ano que começou com um tremendo disgosto, promessas quebradas e se transformou em um ano de descobertas. Encontrar a minha artista interior novamente, fazer novos amigos e deixar ir aqueles que não merecem o meu amor, crescendo profissionalmente e pessoalmente, deixando meus dois anjos crescerem suas asas, seguir em frente e, finalmente, entrar na faculdade, e o mais im-portante - Crer no amor por "eu" novamente. Um brinde ao que só pode ser um ano incrível pela frente. Por 2012, O Ano da Vida.

Se alguém pudesse prever o que es-tava para acontecer ela o fez, e ela estava certa, Jessilyn é um sucesso, um momento doce que você não pode esquecer, e isto é apenas o começo.A Arte de Jessilyn é uma mani-festação de muitas coisas, senti-mentos de tristeza, raiva, amor, de uma variedade de inspirações que

vêm sempre de um lugar, o cora-ção. Nunca duvide do que uma energia positiva pode fazer com a sua vida, a luz é tão grande que você começa a iluminar os outros.

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Clinical Literature - Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee, but lacks of drinking the best coffee in the world, and of reading more.

Brazil is close to overtake the United States in domestic coffee consumption, it is already the largest producer and exporter in the world, just missing to drink higher quality coffee. It's been one of the perspectives of the interview with Edgard Bressani, CEO at O'Coffee, one of the boldest projects of specialty coffee in the world, headquartered in Boulder, São Paulo.

Intrigued by the relationship between the number of books read per capita per year in Brazil and kgs of coffee consumed per person (both revolve around the number 4, the book stagnated somewhat lower, for decades, and the amount in pounds of coffee per person, keeps growing), the Literary Clinic www.clinicaliteraria.com.br / news spoke with Edgard Bressani, an ambassador of Brazilian coffee around the world, and that can be considered an eponym of the Brazilian coffee industry of the XXI century .

Edgard Bressani is the author of Guide Barista - The origin of the Perfect Café Espresso (3rd Edition, Publisher Café), a tasty reading that is done in a weekend (208 pages), making many lattes.

Every page that you read will increase the urge to make a better coffee, increas-ing to the point that you'll never drink coffee the way you did before.

As coffee consumption is increasing in Brazil, according to Edgard Bressani, cof-fee quality has been improving gradually. One sign of this trend is the number of coffee shops opening every year (they are equivalent to the number of bookstores in the country, around 3000, these diminishing, and increasing the caf-eterias). In this scenario arises the figure of the Barista, a profession that is gaining prominence in the Brazilian labor market.

About the Clinic Literary: www.clinicaliteraria.com.br is a company of consulting services, translations, publishing and formatting eBooks, news agency and provider of on-demand content for the web.

SOURCE Clínica Literária

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coffee & booksClínica Literária - O Brasil é maior produtor e exportador de café, falta beber o melhor café do mundo, e ler maisO Brasil está perto de ultrapassar os Estados Unidos no consumo interno de café, já é o maior produtor e exportador do mundo, só falta passar a beber café de melhor qualidade. Está foi uma das perspectivas da entrevista com Edgard Bressani, CEO da O´Coffee, um dos mais arrojados projetos no mundo de cafés es-peciais, com sede em Pedregulho, interior de São Paulo.

Intrigada com a relação entre número de livros lidos per capta ao ano no Bra-sil e os kgs de café consumidos por pes-soa (ambos giram em torno do número 4, o de livros estagnado um pouco mais abaixo, há décadas, a quantidade em kilos de café, por pessoa, acima e subindo), a Clínica Literária www.clinicaliteraria.com.br/news con-versou com Edgard Bressani, um em-baixador do café brasileiro ao redor do mundo, e que pode ser considerado um epônimo da indústria cafeeira brasileira do século XXI.

Edgard Bressani é autor de o Guia do Barista - Da origem do Café ao Espresso Perfeito (3a. Ed-ição, Café Editora), uma saborosa leitura que se faz num fim de semana (208 páginas), tomando muitos cafezinhos. A cada página que se lê, a vontade de fazer um café cada vez melhor vai au-mentando até o ponto em que você nunca mais vai tomar café do jeito que tomava antes.Assim como o consumo de café está aumentando no Brasil, segundo Edgard Bressani, a quali-dade do café vem melhorando gradativamente. Um dos sinais dessa tendência é o número de cafeterias abrindo todos os anos (são equivalentes ao número de livrarias no país, em torno de 3000, estas diminuindo, entretanto; as cafeterias aumentando). Neste cenário surge a figura do Barista, uma profissão que vem ganhando destaque no mercado de trabalho. Leia mais na Clínica Literária.

Sobre a Clínica Literária: www.clinicaliteraria.com.br é uma empresa de serviços de consulto-ria, traduções, editora e formatação de eBooks, agência de notícias sob demanda e fornecedora de conteúdo para web.

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5472 International DrOrlando, Florida 32819-8561Phone (407) 447-8946Email [email protected] http://www.paogostoso.net

Pao Gostoso is a bakery specialized in Brazilian baked goods, sweet and savory pastries and much more. We also have a strong influence from the Portuguese and Spanic culinary. Everything is made from scratch preserving the real flavor that food should

always have. The number one priority from the Pao Gostoso family is excellence in quality, food quality and service quality.

Come visit us, we will always try our best to make your experience at Pao Gostoso be the first of many exciting ones.

HoursMon - Fri: 7:00 am - 10:00 pmSat - Sun: 7:30 am - 10:00 pmSpecialties


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Lançado o Calendário de Feiras de Negócios do Brasil- Launched Business calendar fair in Sao Paulo- BrazilMarket companies Trade Fairs, associated with Brazilian Union of Trade pro-moters, project the realiza-tion of 201 events in 2013 - the same number recorded in 2012.According to the Calendar that UBRAFE, officially launched on Monday Sept.3rd at Anhembi, a large trade show will convene next year with 54 000 companies, of which 5000 will be foreign visitors, 5.5 million pro-fessionals, and 50 thousand buyers from abroad.

Also according to the publication, the trade show will occupy 3.5 million square meters of exhibition area in pavilions of 23 Brazilian cities, São Paulo with be getting 75% of the events. 100 000 m² will be more compared to 2012.“Fairs are a living economy, the big annual meetings of business in the country. It shows that the companies will present their products and services to market, and prospect new customers, “said Armando Camposhttp://www.ubrafe.org.br/ Mello, CEO of UBRAFE.

The Calendar was published in Portu-guese, English and Spanish and their numbers will be updated in the digital version, available soon on the website

of UBRAFE.Foi lançado na noite desta segunda-feira, 3 de setembro, o calendário das principais feiras de negócios do Brasil 2013, realizado pela Ubrafe – União Brasileira dos Promotores de Feiras. O evento aconteceu no Auditório Elis Regina do Palácio das Convenções do Anhembi e reuniu diversos represent-antes de empresas do ramo.

A previsão é que cerca mais de 200 grandes feiras de negócios aconteçam no país no próximo ano, mesma quan-tidade de 2012. São eventos que con-templam as mais diversas áreas, como as indústrias automobilística, de con-strução, segmento de esportes, turis-mo, moda e beleza, entre muitos outros setores.

O Anhembi Parque é o local respon-sável por mais de 30% dos grandes eventos que acontecem no Brasil e as principais feiras já estão confirmadas e reservadas no calendário do local até 2015.


Source Ubrafe- PRnews

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Luiz PiquetEm julho passado, o Grupo Piquet chegou em Orlando, em um evento exclusivo do Grupo Tavistock, em sua Comunidade residencial de Golfe em Islesworth Windermere, eles abriram suas portas para várias empresas imobiliárias de importan-cia, escritórios de advocacia e represent-antes de diversas empresas na cidade

A chegada de Piquet Realty em Orlando tem sido um grande foco de atenção não só da mídia, mas também, pelos grandes negócios que eles estão trazendo para Or-lando, aumentando as expectativas, devido a sua posição dominante no mercado imobiliário de alto nível. Luiz Piquet atualmente divide sua atenção entre Miami e Orlando, mantendo todos os compromissos extras que esta nova parce-ria trouxe para ele e para a Piquet Realty.

E’ desnecessario ressaltar que um homem de negócios que possui uma personalidade magnética, e uma vasta experiência e con-hecimento em várias áreas, é também uma pessoa surpreendentemente acolhedora e muito simpática, tornando mais fácil abrir os caminhos para conquis-tar todo o sucesso que esta’ em seu camin-ho.

Homem de família pai dedicado, também tem a sorte de ter a bonitaThainá sempre ao seu lado, para garantir que tudo esteja do jeito que deve ser. Thaina é uma pessoa amorosa e dedicada, e desde nosso pri-meiro encontro com Luiz, ele a mencionou e sempre nos fala de suas qualidades.

Natural de São Paulo, criou-se e estu-dou na Capital paulista, formando-se em Contabilidade e posteriormente em Direito, logo após, fez mestrado em Di-reito Tributário e Financeiro. Possui mais de 38 Cursos de Extensão Universitária e tem na sua família, seus filhos e noras, como advogados também. Atuante como Advogado no Brasil, jun-tou-se a Advogados Americanos, para criar a Piquet Business Consulting.O Piquet Group, com escritórios em Miami, Orlando e Nova York, oferece aos seus clientes a comodidade de um balcão único para todas as suas necessidades de negócio, desde o seu empreendimento imo-biliário até aos serviços de concierge, edu-cação on-line e uma universidade imobil-iária, transporte exótico e corridas, design de interiores assim como campanhas de marketing.

Há também a Advocacia Piquet, fundada pelo irmão de Cristiano, Alex Piquet, Esq. uma empresa totalmente independente de prestação de serviços jurídicos ao Grupo Piquet.Com a abertura de seu escritório em Orlando, os serviços completos da Piquet operações estarão agora disponíveis na Flórida Central para atrair investimentos e investidores brasileiros para a região. Piquet Realty está alugando espaço na Casa Tavistock, em Windermere.


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Business ProfileLuiz Piquet

EXPERIÊNCIA• Diretor Presidente do CMI-Câmara do Mercado Imobiliário, hoje Secovi-Minas.

• Diretor Secretário da ACMI-Associação Comercial de Minas

• Presidente da Comissão de Construção Civil e Mercado Imobiliário da ACM

• Presidente do Sindimoveis-Sindicato dos Corretores de Imóveis de Minas Gerais

• Diretor Conselheiro do Creci-Conselho Regional dos Corretores Imobiliários

• Diretor Emérito da Associação Comercial de Minas

• Diretor Vice-presidente Jurídico da ADVB- Associação dos Dirigentes de Vendas do Brasil

• Presidente Fundador do Rotary Clube Belo Horizonte-Lagoa da Pampulha

• Vice-presidente Jurídico da Apam-Asssociacao dos Amigos da Pampulha• Diretor da AELP-Pampulha

• Presidente da VI-Conai-Convenção Nacional dos Administradores de Imóveis• Membro de inúmeras comissões regionais ,Estaduais e Municipais

• Cidadão Honorário de Belo Horizonte-Camara Municipal de Belo Horizonte• Cidadão Honorário de Minas Gerais-Assembleia Legislativa do Estado de Minas Gerais

• Palestrante em vários Congressos Nacionais • Articulista de jornais mineiros e nacionais.

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The Tavistock G

roup Residence Islew


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Last July, The Piquet Group arrived in Orlando, and in a exclusive event by the Tavistock Group in their Golf

Community Residence in Islesworth Win-dermere, they opened their doors to sev-eral well known Real Estate Companies, Law Offices and business representatives.

The arrival of Piquet Realty in Orlando has been a great focus of attention not only from the media but also, for the great business they are bringing to Orlando, raising the expectations due to their dom-inance in the high end real estate market. Luiz Piquet has divided his attention between Miami and Orlando, keeping up with all the extra commitments this new partnership has brought to him and to Piquet Realty.

Needless to say a business man with a magnetic personality, and a vast experi-ence and knowledge in various areas, he is also a wonderful person, that is wel-coming and very friendly, making it easy to conquer all the success that comes his way. He is a dedicated father, and he also has the beautiful Taina, always by his side, making sure everything is the way it has to be . Thaina is beautiful loving and dedicated. Since our first meeting Luiz always mentioned her and all her qualities.

Born in inner S. Paulo , grew up and studied in the Capital, majoring in Accounting , then in Law, and later, a master’s degree in Tax Law and Finances. He completed more than 38 courses during the length of his University edu-

cation and has his family, his sons and daughters, graduated in Law as well, acting as a Lawyers in Brazil, and also joined the American Bar Association, to create Piquet Business Consulting.

Piquet Group, with offices in Miami, Orlando and New York, offers its clients the convenience of a one-stop shop for all their business needs, from its booming real estate business to concierge services, online education and a real estate university, exotic transportation and racing, to interior design and marketing.

There is also the Piquet Law Firm, founded by Cristiano's brother, Alex Piquet, Esq., a fully independent firm providing legal services to the Piquet Group. With the opening of its Orlando office, Piquet’s full-service operations will now be available in Central Florida to attract Brazilian investment to the region. Piquet Realty is leasing space at the Tavistock House in Windermere.


• CEO of CMI-House Real Estate Market today Secovi-Minas.

• Secretary of ACMI Director-Commer-cial Association of Minas

• Chairman of the Construction and Real Estate Market ACM

• Chairman of Sindimóveis-Union of Re-altors of Minas Gerais

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• Adviser to the Director-Creci Regional Council of Realtors

• Director Emeritus of the Commercial Association of Minas

• Vice President-Legal ADVB Association of Sales in Brazil

• Founding President of the Rotary Club Belo Horizonte-Pampulha Lagoon

• Vice President-Legal Apam Friends Asssociation of Pampulha

• Director of AELP-Pampulha

• President of the VI-Conai-National Convention of Estate Management

• Member of numerous committees re-gional, State and Municipal

• Honorary Citizen of Belo Horizonte-Camara Municipal de Belo Horizonte

• Honorary Citizen of Minas Gerais, the Legislature of the State of Minas Gerais

• Speaker at various congresses • newspaper columnist and national miners.

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MM Lyra International Consulting Inc.

Consultoria Jurídica para brasileiros que vivem no exteriorEspecialista em Mediação de Conflitos Familiares e Escolares

Novo Endereco :5950 Lakehurst Drive suite #170Orlando Florida 32819Phone # 407-401-9657email:[email protected]


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seen On ABC’s 20/20, UsA Today, the Oprah

Winfrey show!

seen In the n.Y. Times and UsA Today!

seen On Cnn, CnBC, Bloomberg, and nPR!

ORIC an event at the Rosen Center Orlando on September 7th, reunited many Real Estate respected professionals that attended not only to luncheons and panels, but had also the chance to network, and participate on the many exhibits available at the trade show.The whole event was organized by the Orlando Regional International Council, that also invited the Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber Commerce to participate in the trade show. During the event the invited speakers were Terry Morrison, John Tuccillo, Eric Papp, Stephen Parnell, and Frank McKinney. During the luncheon speaker Eric Pepp spoke about Leadership by choice,and how to increase influence and effectiveness in managing international Real Estate. It was a great opportunity to increase knowledge about the many opportunities emerging in the mar-ket today, and also the many tools to take opportunity of the constant rising international demand . Brazilian companies present at the event were Florida Connexion Real Estate Advisors and AIP American Insurance Point

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IMFrom left Marcio Silva Realtor, Rosana de Almeida Florida Connexion, Dahlia A. Haylesfffrom DARR Plans and Ana Regina Mirrha from American Insurance Point

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Justine Assal, Cleberto CoppettiBeatrix Masotti , CIPS

Speaker Eric Pepp

Ana Regina Myrrha, Marcio Silva & Rosana Almeida

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Khalid Muneer

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O nosso representante pelo CRBE, Pr. Ronney Oliveira, orga-nizou no dia 23 de agosto, na cidade de Orlando, um encontro entre as principais lideranças da Flórida Central e o recém em-possado Embaixador de Miami, Sr. Helio Vitor Ramos Filho. O evento foi realizado no salão de conferências da Florida Chris-tian University, espaço, gentilmente cedido por Dr. Anthony B.

Portigliatti, presidente da instituição. Acompanhando o Embaixador estava, também, o Sr. Fernando Arruda, Consul-Adjunto e responsável pelo Consulado Itinerante realizado, no dia 25 de Agosto, em nossa cidade.No encontro, além de ser apresentado a comunidade local, durante seu discurso, o Embaixador não só ofereceu seu apoio total a nossos compatriotas residentes da Flor-ida, como também explicou sobre como o Consulado pode auxiliar no processo de repatriação daqueles que planejam retornar ao Brasil.

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A Liderança Brasileira da região estava representada por líderes da Igreja Fonte da Vida, membros da Câmara do Comércio, imprensa e principais meios de comunica-ção, além de empresários da região.

Houve oportunidade, durante o evento, para que fossem apresentadas algumas das necessidades da comunidade em nossa região. Dentre elas o, ainda, não cumprimento da norma de aceitação da Carteira Consular em alguns estabelecimantos bancários, a preocupação quanto a obrigação na apresentação do passaporte original durante o processo de declaração de imposto de renda de 2012, a possibilidade no aumento no número de atendentes durante as visitas do Consulado Itinerante a nossa cidade, entre outras.O público presente demonstrou contentamento com as palavras do Embaixador, que foi aplaudido de pé ao final da reunião.O noite terminou com um jantar oferecido ao Embaixador e seus convidados no Res-taurante Italiano Cariera’s, que fica na região da Dr. Phillips.

Marco MeyerV

isita do Embaixador

de Miam

i a Orlando

Photo by Marco Meyer

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Consul-Adjunto Fernando Arruda, Eraldo Manes - Jornal B&B, Emb. Helio Vitor Ramos Filho e Pr. Ronney Oliveira - Candidato a State Representative da Florida nos EUA

Pr. Ronney de Oliveira, Consul General Helio Vitor R. Filho, Dr. Athony B. Portigliatti.




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Photos by Marco Meyer

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Our representative at CRBE, Pastor Ronney Oliveira, held a meeting on August 23rd in f Orlando, between the main leaders of Central Florida and the newly appointed Consul Generalo in Miami, Ambassador Helio Vitor Ramos Filho.

The event was held in the conference hall at the Florida Christian University, kindly provided by Dr. Anthony B. Portigliatti, president of the institution.Accompanying the Ambassador was also Mr. Fernando Arruda, Deputy Consul and responsible for Itinerant Consulate held on 25th August in our city.

At the meeting, in addition to being presented to the local community during his speech, the Ambassador not only offered his full support to our fellow residents of Florida, but also explained how the Consulate can assist in the repatriation of those who plan to return to Brazil.The Leadership Brazilian region was represented by leaders of Fountain of Life Church, members of the Chamber of Com-merce, press and mainstream media,

and regional entrepreneurs.There was opportunity during the event, which were presented to some of the needs of the community in our region. Among them, still does not comply with the norm of acceptance of Consular Port-folio estabelecimantos in some banks, the concern about the passport require-ment in the original presentation during the declaration of income tax of 2012, the possibility to increase the number of at-tendants during the visits of the Itinerant Consulate our city, among others.The audience showed contentment with the words of the Ambassador, who received a standing ovation at the end of the meeting.The evening ended with a dinner hosted by Ambassador and his guests in Cariera's Italian Restaurant, located in the Dr. Phillips area.

Marco Meyer

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Nos dias 23, 24 e 25 de agosto, a cidade de Orlando teve o privilégio de receber o Embaixador Helio Ramos Filho, Consul Geral do Brasil em Miami e seu Cônsul Adjunto Fernando Mendonça de Magalhães Arruda para diversas atividades com a Comunidade, entre elas, um íntimo Café da Manhã com a Presidente e os diretores da Câmara de Comércio.

O embaixador teve essa idéia de fazer um encontro informal para conversar e estreitar os laços entre o Consulado e a Câmara com o objetivo de criar oportuni-dades para o desenvolvimento de projetos conjuntos no futuro.Nosso café da manhã aconteceu no novo escritório da Florida Connexion Properties, imobiliária brasileira localizada no coração da nossa Comunidade, na International Drive dirigida pela empresária Rosana Almeida.

Após 12 anos atuando como corretora para diferentes companhias, Rosana inau-gurou há um ano sua própria empresa e hoje tem um time com mais de 20 agentes extremamente preparados para atender não apenas os clientes locais como também os investidores de diversos países, principalmente o Brasil que hoje tem uma repre-sentação muito forte como um dos principais investidores no mercado imobiliário da Florida.

A Florida Connexion atua em todos os aspectos do mercado imobiliário, seja resi-dencial, comercial, aluguéis, investimentos e adminsitração. Rosana desenvolveu ao longo do tempo parcerias com outros profissionais como contadores, advogados, bancários, agentes de seguro, construtoras etc para que o seu cliente sinta-se seguro de que está tendo um atendimento completo. Sendo assim a Florida Connexion adotou o seguinte lema: Welcome Home!

E foi com essa intenção de Welcome Home que na manhã do dia 24 de agosto os diretores da Câmara, o embaixador, o cônsul adjunto e seus convidados Paulo Dias e o candidato Ronney Oliveira, puderam tomar um delicioso café da manhã forne-cido pelo recém inaugurado restaurante Amazon Forest, enquanto cuidadosamente o Embaixador Helio Ramos, procurava conhecer cada um dos diretores presentes, suas histórias, trajetórias de imigrante e suas conquistas profissionais. Foram duas horas de bate-papo muito agradável sobre nossa comunidade na Florida, sobre o Brasil de hoje e as aspirações futuras de todos. O Consul Geral foi convidado ao cargo de Presidente Honorario da CFBACC e o convite foi aceito.

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General Consul of Brazil in Miami visits Orlando

On the 23rd, 24th and 25th of August, Orlando had the privilege of receiving Helio Ramos Filho Ambassador, Brazilian Consul General in Miami and his Deputy Consul Fernando Mendonça de Magalhães Arruda for various activities with the Brazilian Community leaders, including a Intimate Breakfast with the President and the directors of the Central Florida Brazilian American Chamber of Commerce.

The Ambassador had this idea for an informal chat to strengthen ties between the Consulate and the Board with the goal of creating opportunities to develop joint projects in the future.

Our breakfast took place at the new office of the Florida Connexion Properties, Brazilian Real Estate located in the heart of our community, on International Drive directed by Rosana Almeida.

After 12 years working as a broker for different companies, Rosana inaugurated her own-company a year ago and now has a team with over 20 agents, extremely prepared to meet not only local clients, but also investors from different countries, mainly Brazil that today has a very strong representation as a major investor in the real estate market in Florida.

The Florida Connexion operates in all aspects of real estate, whether residential, commercial, rentals, investments and Property ADMINISTRATION. Rosana developed partnerships with other professionals such as accountants, lawyers, bankers, insurance agents, builders and many other services to make sure her clients feel secure that they are having a complete assistance and attendance of all their needs. Thus Florida Connexion adopted the following motto: Welcome Home!

It was with this Welcome Home feeling intention that on the morning of August 24 th the Board Directors at CFBACC, the Ambassador, the deputy consul and his guests Paulo Dias, and Candidate Ronney Oliveira, could enjoy a delicious break-fast provided by the newly opened restaurant Amazon Forest Cafe.The Ambassador Helio Ramos Filho, sought to know each of the directors present, their histories, trajectories as immigrants and their professional accomplishments. There were two hours of very pleasant chat about our community in Florida, in Brazil today and the future aspirations of all. The Ambassador was also invited to join the Chamber as thehonorary President which he accepted.

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Florida Connexion7411 International DriveOrlando-FlZip Code 32819Phone #407-468-5600http://www.conexaoflorida.com

The only connection you will ever need

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New Hope Assistance Center

For everything there is a time, a year ago the New Hope Assistance Center was just starting, New Hope

celebrated with a Ladies's tea. But in another circles other people also started their journey, like the Brazilian Consul General in Miami, Helio Vitor Ramos Filho, that was just arriving in Miami, about the same time.

Somehow like New Hope, he also has an eye for Community service, and we see that this is a great match. His work and constant help allowed the Center to grow, like a wave, his seeds of non stop dedica-tion to the Brazilians in Florida, not only in Orlando, flourished. The Miami Consulate is renewed and faster, new departments, more outreach, and faster expedition of documents. It is faster to get a Brazilian Passport here than in Brazil.

In another hand, the center was created to give back dignity and help the many Brazilians that suffer for so many reasons. The Portuguese language that almost fell forgotten in the back seat today is revived, learned, spoken and has been a preoccupation that generated many pro-grams that allow kids to learn their ori-gin, and be proud of it.

The Brazilian Support Day allows many

people to get the bureaucratic help they need, gathering documentation, and providing a service often needed by many.

Whatever your need is, the Consulate can help you as a Brazilian Citizen, or providing Visas to American Citizens, and the New Hope Center can help restore something precious many lost along the way. So here we are one year, many more to come and still a lot of work to be done.To finish the celebration a Cocktail and Dinner was offered to celebrate. Creators, directors, volunteers and all involved in the New Hope Assistance Center were present. Prizes were given, great food catered by Denize Catering, that also provides food for the Cirque du Soleil performers, running a restaurant inside the attraction to satisfy every dietary need the performers have.

From the Orlando Community besides the press, Consul Helio Vitor, his assistant Deputy Consul Fernando M.M. Arruda, Luis Martinez-Alicea, represen-tative of Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, CFBACC Board of Directors, Real State authority Luiz Piquet, from Piquet Realty -Miami, and also part of the Isleworth- Tavistock Group in Windermere, AIP Insurance group, represented by Ana Regina Mirrha and her partners, many Church leadership members in Orlando, and business owners. New York Life was also an sponsor for the event.The children Chorus performed both Anthems, American and Brazilian and the night was great!

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Sandra Freier with the Ambassador

Pastor Wesley Porto receiving the first Portuguese teaching book

The children choir at New Hope

The team of volunteers at New Hope

Pastor Sylair Almeida andPastor Wesley

Deputy Consul Fernando MM Arruda, Sandra Freier, Con-sul General Helio Vitor Ramos Filho, Pastor Wesley Porto

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Almost 35 years of their creation, the Friendly Bean Club has been in many cities in Brazil, and many States, also in Japan and other countries too, but never in Orlando USA. Orlando was a big step, maybe the largest task of all and now after so long trying it finally happened.

Like many events in the Brazilian Commu-nity it was very festive, and for sure a happy moment that we all shared even when the Club President Michel Tuma Ness gave an emotional speech, kiaaing the American

Flag, thanking all present and all the sponsors and supporters. The beans and excellent quality food was a Camila's Restaurant presentation of the traditional Brazilian Feijoada, at its best, along with great service, all provided by Alex, Leo and their great crew .The cocktail party was provided by Cafe Mineiro also with the usual excellence.

Among all the present were, Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs represented by Zoraida Velasco , Jay Santos ( Visit Orlando), Johana (Visit Orlando), Johnny Solano (Ramada), Amy Litter (CFBACC President),Mariana from Per-sonal and Roberto Silva, Manuel Briote (Camilas Restaurant) represented by daughter Camila, Magdala & Claudio Alves (Magic Flight), Imre Baross (Pirates Adventure-Treasure Tavern), Roni Ambar ( CNTur), Marcelo Mattos (Fenac-tur)and Andrew Schiavoni ( Ramada Gateway) that also received an engraved Friendly Bean Club Plate for all the support and great accomplishment in the tourist field.Hopefully this will be an event that we will be able to add to our annual calendar. The event was at the Ramada Gateway-Kissimmee-Fl with the supportof Visit Orlando- Orange County, Camila’s Restaurante CFBACC, Personal,Pirate’s Adventure, Magic Fligh, and Grupo Aguia.

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Friendly Beans Club

The Friendly Bean Club was created in Brazil and represents the Tourism Industry entities, always promoting friendship and business with the most amicable way done. With Feijoada, making it Brazilian all the wayFENACTUR is the National Federation of Tourism, an association of over 24 state unions, 15,000 travel agencies, and its Club of Friendly Beans has over 100,000 Members world-wide.The Club of Friendly Beans is a gathering of “who is who” in tourism in Brazil, including travel agencies, airline companies, and hotels. There is no By Law or fees. It is an Association based in mutual respect, honor and friendship .

Michelao President Club Friendly Bean

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Jay Santos


Ron Ambar, Andres Cibotti,Roberto Silva, Marianna Silva, Michelao

Andres Cibotti

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Marcelo Mattos, Ron Ambar, Michelao, Andres CibottiBelow Jay Santos, Zorayda Velasco, Silas A. Pinto

Andres Cibotti

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From the left Luiz Piquet and his wife Thaina, Paulo Correa and friend

From the left Tninho Perfumeland, Ron Ambar, Pablo Perfumeland, Rosana Almeida and friend


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Second on the Left Daniel Cafe Mineiro, Leo & Alex Camila’s Restaurant

From the left Michelao, Camila, Schiavoni,Jay Santos, Marcelo Mattos.and Andres Cibotti

Eraldo Manes & Michelao Pablo, Toninho & Paulo Souza

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CFBACCIndependence DayCelebration atCrowne Plaza UniversalFor the first time in History, in the many years the CFBACC has been at service to the Orlando Business Com-munity, a Government Official has given us such an honor. Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer through his representative, Luis Martinez-Alicea, Director of Multicultural Affairs hand-ed to CFBACC an Official proclamation that September 7th is the Brazilian Independence Day in Orlan-do! What a great Moment! what a mag-nificent recognition! 190 years of Freedom certified in the USA by our Mayor! Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs representative Zorayda Velasco, also emphasized the great importance of having a Latin background, and how we all as a Nation carry proudly our civil holidays, manifesting with joy a loud VIVA BRAZIL !It has been for the Chamber a long journey with many years promoting business in the Community but never, so socially close to all the people in it. For this evening, besides the pleasure of gather all our close friends together, we also had a great part of the Brazilian Community, and also many highlights

like, Piquet Realty, Florida Connexion, Perfumeland, Sotheby's International Realty, Brazil Vacations, Florida Link, Main Street Realty, Four Points by Sher-aton, City of Orlando, Orange County, P Fudge & Associates, Remax, Extra Parts LLC., Stirling, Harry Pecunia Jr., Imoveis em Orlando, B&B Newspaper, Fields, CNL Bank, MMLyra Advoga-dos, Mary2Go, Edward Jones, Branner Real Estate, Fidelity, Stratigi Partners, Escape&Renew Spa, Realty Group, University of Florida, Gazeta Brazilian News, BJK Cleaning Service, Treasure Tavern, Roger Pellin, BrazilUSA Maga-zine, Alternative Medical Providers P.A., PlanetTour, Bob's Potatoes, Inno-vations, Perfumeland, Dominium Real-ty, Ares Real Estate, Batterby's Art Auc-tion Gallery, Caldwell Bankers, ACM Home Loans, SynComm Real Estate, HotspotOrlando/AboutUS Magazine, Globo International, Br TV, Capri Con-tractors, Rollins College CrummerMBA Program, WiseUP English School,TAM Airlines, Silzer Law Chartered, New Hope Assistance Center, New York Life, Nossa Gente Newspaper, Rotary Club Brazil-Orlando, Valencia Community College with Professor Richard Sam-sone and his Portuguese Students, Cos-ta Brasil Travel, 1001 Transportation, Sports Authority, and many more.

New York LifeEvent Sponsor

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Independencia do BrasilBrazilian Independence D


Mayor Buddy Dyer representative Luis Martinez and Mayor Teresa Jacobs representative Zorayda Velasco

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The event sponsor was New York Life, and prize sponsors were, Perfumeland, Camila's Restaurant,

Vittorio's restaurant, Nelore Stakehouse, Fogo de Chao Steakhouse, HotspotOr-lando/AboutUS Magazine, Jornal Nossa Gente, Innovations, and Escape&Renew Spa, and Banda BRa, they all gave with beautiful prizes drawn during the event. All we can say is great moments , mo-ments worth celebrate, and more net-working opportunities.

Artist Soco Freire performed live painting and had her art exposed and prized to one of the guests. The music was performed by Banda BRa, that gave us a great performance all night with a mix of Bossa Nova, and Rock POP.

The National And Brazilian Anthem were performed by the New Hope Children Choir, another great moment, and a re-minder of how important is the presence of God's children in our lives. It was a true bless provided by New Hope Assis-tance Center

The Catering was by Crowne Plaza Hotel, that graced us with excellent service and food, with our deepest thanks to the Bra-zilian Government that allowed us the use of their hotel and also to Lis Rejane C. de Oliveira for her dedication. The excellent delicious cake was gifted to us by Pao Gostoso.


Banda BRa

Artist Soco Freire& Luis Martinez-City of Orlando

Below from the left Attorney William Voight, Luiz Martinez,Rosana Ameida, Silas A. Pinto

Sponsored by

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Independencia do Brasil

Jo&Yara Cavaignac, Laiz Rodrigues & Sergio Hazan

Artist Soco Freire& Luis Martinez-City of Orlando

Pr. Wesley Galvão Porto and kids from the New Hope children Choir

Rute Fonger, Sandra Freier, Deo BritosBelow from the left Attorney William Voight, Luiz Martinez,Rosana Ameida, Silas A. Pinto

Charles Brenner and Ms. Cindy Brown, Office of Congressman Daniel Webster.

JPfrom BR TV and President CFBACCAmy Litter

Luiz Piquet & Taina ReisThaina Reis

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The Best Brazilian Pizza in


3210 South Kirkman RdOrlando, Fl. 32811

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The Hispanic Business Iniciative Fund of Florida is the leading Hispanic non profit economic development organization in

Florida.HBIF specializes in providing bilingual business development to Hispanic En-trepreneurs trying to establish or expand their businesshttp://www.hbifflorida.org/HBIF Success Stories LuncheonThe Success Stories Luncheons are two of HBIF's signature annual fundraising events. They recognize our most out-standing clients for their excellence as small business owners. With hundreds of attendees, each event gathers govern-ment, civic and business leaders to praise the spirit of entrepreneurship in the His-panic community.Faces of ProgressDuring the year the HBIF helps thou-sands of business owners to succeed with their business through classes, tutoring them in many aspects. From how to open a Business to marketing, taxes, loans and many other aspects.During this year Rosana Almeida owner of Florida Connexion Real Estate

Advisers and also a Director at CFBACC gave a class in Portuguese-How to start a business, at HBIF headquarters at the Fashion Square Mall in Downtown Or-lando.This year, like every year HBIF in its Success Stories Luncheon honored three business that excelled not only through their dedication, but also through the orientation they received at HBIF. They were :DRC Electrical Contractors LLC.Sundax FloridaG&C Ambientpetrol V. IncThese businesses were given an apprecia-tion plaque during the luncheon and pre-sented to all the Companies at the eventThe Central Florida Brazilian Ameri-can Chamber of Commerce was present among the many prestigious guests.

The event was sponsored by:Bank of AmericaOrlando HealthOrlando MagicWalt Disney Parks & ResortsWells FargoAT&TCentury LinkCHASEFlorida Blue Florida HospitalUCF

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HBIF Success Stories Luncheon

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HBIFO Hispanic Business Iniciative Fund da Flórida é uma organização latino-ameri-cana sem fins lucrativos de desenvolvimento econômico, líder na Flórida.HBIF é especializada na prestação de orientação para o desenvolvimento de negócios bilíngues de empreendedores hispânicos tentando estabelecer ou ex-pandir seus negócioshttp://www.hbifflorida.org/O almoço das Histórias de Sucesso são dois dos eventos de assinatura da HBIF para angariação de fundos anuais. Eles reconhecem seus clientes mais notáveis por sua excelência como proprietários de pequenas empresas. Com centenas de participantes, cada evento reúne governo, líderes cívicos e empresariais para louvar o espírito do empreendimento na comu-nidade hispânica.

Faces do ProgressoDurante o ano o HBIF ajuda milhares de

empresários a obter o sucesso com seu negócio por meio de aulas e tutoriais em muitos aspectos. De como abrir um negó-cio a marketing, impostos, empréstimos e muitos outros tópicos.Durante este ano, Rosana Almeida pro-prietária da Florida Connexion Realtors e Aconselhamento imobiliário, assim como Diretora da CFBACC , concedeu uma aula em Português-Como iniciar um negócio, na sede da HBIF no Shopping Fashion Square, em Downtown Orlando.Este ano, como todos os anos a HBIF em seu Almoço Histórias de Sucesso homenageou três negócios que se desta-caram não apenas por sua dedicação, mas também através da orientação que rece-beram no HBIF. Eles foram:RDC Electrical Contractors LLC.Sundax FlóridaG & C Ambientpetrol V. IncEssas empresas receberam uma placa de agradecimento durante o almoço.

Luis Martinez, Zorayda Velasco, Amy Litter, Diana Bolivar

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HBIF Almoço das Histórias de Sucesso

Rosana Almeida, ( Florida Connexion) Daniel Janequini(Bank of America),Ana Regina Myrrha( AIP)

Above Hector Perez NY LifeLuiz Martinez-Alicea-City of Orlando

Luis Bibrogo- Surveillance Plusand friend

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Paulistana, artista plástica formada pela Faculdade de Belas Artes de São Paulo, segue o caminho iniciado por

seu avô Pelletti, escultor que trabalhou junto do afamado Victor Brecheret em muitas de suas obras, desde pequena sem-pre demonstrou suas aptidões para o mun-do da arte, na escola através dos desenhos e das técnicas de artesanato escolar.Definitivamente entrou para o mundo das artes em 1974, quando começou a pintar os quadros com maior frequência, e junto com as técnicas que aprendeu na Facul-dade, e na busca de sua identidade artísti-ca, baseando-se no seu senso de liberdade, expressão e aprendizado. Levando-a a experimentar vários estilos de pintura, até desenvolver o próprio estilo ao qual se adaptava o seu instinto artístico, que anteriormente era autodidata por herança e agora a transformou em artista plástica com um desenvolvimento equilibrado no seu modo de expressão, indo desde as pinturas de Paisagens, Ma-rinas, Arte Nouveau (pintura especiais, como as de vidro oxidado com folhas de ouro), Modelos Sensuais, Trompe L’Oeil e atualmente a Pintura Dimensional. Esta última técnica, é um modo extrema-mente novo de fazer com que o apreciador da arte seja convidado a ser envolvido pela pintura em todos os seus 360° espaciais, ao vivo e ao seu redor, não é computação gráfica.Dora Masini, é associada de várias enti-dades artísticas, tais como:New Circle International Artists Register.Associação Comercial do Estado de São Paulo, Distrital Pinheiros.

Academia Brasileira de Arte, Cultura e História.Academia Latino Americana de Arte.Tem no seu Currículo Premiações no mundo inteiro, nas seguintes exposições:Grand Vegas Art Show – Las Vegas - USA.Canada Art Show – Toronto - Canada.Show di Art Esaltazione – Cagliari – Sar-degna – Italy.England Best Art Show – Grand Parade Eastbourne – East Sussex - England.Fascination Art Show – Miami - USA.Amigos das Artes – São Paulo - Brasil.17º Salão de Arte – Associação Comercial de São Paulo – São Paulo - Brasil.20º Salão de Arte – Associação Comercial de São Paulo - São Paulo - Brasil.Canada Best Art Show – Best Western Ad-miral – Ontario – Canada.Fantastique Exposition de L’Art “Ex-ubérance de la Beauté” – Paris – França.Grande Salão Mundial de Arte “Fascina-ção” – Lisboa – Portugal.Grán Salón Internacional “Magnitud de Las Colores” – Madri – España.Memorial da América Latina – IV Ex-posição Nacional de Artes Plásticas – São Paulo - Brasil.Espaço Cultural Carolina Berti – São Pau-lo – Brasil.Agora está voltando para o Brasil, para participar de duas exposições às quais foi convidada, uma na Associação Comercial de São Paulo – Distrital Pinheiros, e outra na Academia Brasileira de Arte, Cultura e História, além de ser convidada pelo me-nos 04 vezes por ano, a participar de ex-posições, desde 2008.

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Artista Dora Massini

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Dora Massini is a São Paulo Artist Graduated at the School of Fine Arts of São Paulo, following the path started by her grandfather Pelletti, sculptor who worked with the famous Victor Brecheret in many of his works, since little she has always shown an inclination to the world of art throughher drawings and craft techniques.

Entered the Art World in 1974, when she began to paint with more frequency, using techniques she learned in College, in the pursuit of her artistic identity, based on her sense of freedom, expression and knowledge,leading her to experiment with various styles of painting, to finally develop her own style, which adapted to her artistic instinct.

In the beginning she was self-taught by inheritance and now transformed into an art-ist with a balanced development in her mode of expression, ranging from the paintings of Landscapes, Marinas, Art Nouveau (special paint, such as oxidized glass with gold leaf), Sensual Paints, Trompe L'Oeil and currently the Dimensional Painting. This last technique, is extremely new. The art connoisseur is invited to be involved in painting in all its 360° spatial, live and around, not computer graphics.

Dora Massini, is associated with various artistic

entities, such as:1. New Circle International Artists Register.2. Associação Comercial do Estado de São Paulo, Pinheiros District.3. Brazilian Academy of art, culture and history.4. Latin American Academy of art.

Have on her Resume worldwide awards in the following exhibitions:1. Grand Vegas Art Show-Las Vegas-USA.2. Canada Art Show-Toronto-Canada.3. Show Art di Cagliari-Sardegna-Esalt-azione – Italy.4. England Best Art Show-Grand Parade Eastbourne-East Sussex-England.5. Fascination Art Show – Miami-USA.6. Friends of the Arts – São Paulo-Brazil.7. 17th Art Salon-ACSP-São Paulo-Brazil.8. 20th Art Exhibition – São Paulo-Brazil.9. Canada Best Art Show – Best Western Admiral – Ontario – Canada.10. Fantastiqué Exposition de L'Art "Ex-ubérance de la Beauté" – Paris – France.11. Great Art World Salon "Fascination" – Lisbon – Portugal.12. Grán Salón Internacional "Magnitude of Las Colores" – Madrid - España.13. Memorial of Latin America – IV Na-tional Exhibition of Fine Arts – São Pau-lo-Brazil.14. Cultural Space Carolina Berti – São Paulo – Brazil.

Nowshe is going back to Brazil, to participate in two exhibitions which she has been invited, one in São Paulo Commercial Association – District Pinheiros, and another in the Brazilian Academy of Art, Culture and History, as well as being invited at least 04 times per year, to participate in exhibitions, since 2008.

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About News

Barneys New York e a Walt Disney Company Anunciam Campanha para as Festas de 2012: Electric Holiday

Barneys New York, a varejista em especial-idades de luxo, e a Walt Disney Company, a maior companhia de entretenimento do mundo, anunciaram hoje sua colaboração para a campanha das Festas de 2012 nos espaços de comercialização da Barneys Nova York: Electric Holiday. Uma inicia-tiva de plataforma múltipla, embebida em moda e fantasia, Electric Holiday fundirá a criatividade e a magia da Disney com o humor inteligente e a supresa da lendária campanha anual das festas de fim de ano da Barneys New York para criar uma cel-ebração de festivas e modernas luzes elétri-cas, música e moda.A partir de meados de novembro, as vi-trines da Barneys New York da Madison Avenue servirão como a peça central da campanha Electric Holiday em que um curta de arte animada, criado por artistas da Disney, será mostrado em meio a uma celebração de luzes. A Disney também

criou um moderno, tridimensional show de luzes elétricas que englobará a entrada da loja da Madison Avenue e apresentará a arte animada instalada no interior das vi-trines. Para acompanhar a fachada e a arte animada, o compositor vencedor do Os-car®, Michael Giacchino, está criando uma partitura original de música altamente eletrizada para trazer o show à vida.O programa Electric Holiday e as vitrines da âncora da Madison Avenue serão reve-lados em 14 de novembro. A Air France apoiará a campanha das Festas de 2012 com uma promoção integrada e o show de luzes Electric Holiday apresentará tecnolo-gia de display inovadora, usando Christie® MicroTiles®, da Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. ”As lendárias personagens e mundo criados por Disney vivem na mente ativa e na memória de virtualmente todos os cidadãos do mundo”, disse Mark Lee, CEO da Barneys New York. “A Barneys New York foi privilegiada por colaborar com a Disney e seus memoráveis talentos nesta temporada de festas, na campanha Electric Holiday, que coloca estas persona-gens icônicas no centro de nosso mundo da moda”.“Na tradição das lendárias campanhas do comércio para as Festas, em Nova York, Electric Holiday é uma extravagância festiva que encantará pessoas de todas as idades”, disse Bob Chapek, presidente da Disney Consumer Products. “Desde eston-teantes visuais à iconica forma de contar de historias da Disney e sortimento único de mercadorias, esta colaboração com a venerável Barneys de Nova York é uma celebração digna da temporada”.

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Electric Holiday é uma fusão de algumas das mentes mais criativas, uma colaboração composta do time da Barneys New York, sob a condução do diretor criativo Dennis Freed-man, e os veteranos da Disney Luis Fernan-dez, vice-presidente global de criatividade da Disney Consumer Products e John Quinn, diretor de arte de personagens da Disney.A arte animada Electric Holiday apresen-tará modelos inspirados pela Minnie Mouse e o Mickey Mouse, como também outras icônicas personagens Disney – sobre como eles estrelam a fantasia de um desfile em Paris, capturando a essência do mundo da alta moda junto com cores eletrizadas e luzes brilhantes do mundo mágico da Disney. Minnie e Mickey são transportados para um mundo fantástico, onde eles, como num sonho, são transformados de sua forma Dis-ney tradicional em modelos de passarela de vanguarda e são acompanhados, nos desfiles de Paris, por cinco outros modelos evoca-tivos de outras personalidades icônicas da Disney: Pateta, Margarida, Branca de Neve, Princesa Tiana e Cruella de Vil.Cada modelo Disney transformado está vestido por um visual único, exclusivo criado por alguns dos mais influentes designers de moda do mundo, incluindo: Nicholas Ghesquiere, da Balenciaga, Oli-ver Rousteing, da Balmain, Dolce & Gab-bana, Alber Elbaz, da Lanvin, Peter Cop-ping, da Nina Ricci, Proenza Schouler e Rick Owens

PR Newswire (http://s.tt/1m2tr)

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Para inteiramente trazer as icônicas per-sonagens da Disney para o mundo da Bar-neys, verdadeiros conhecedores de moda serão apresentados durante o curta de arte animada, desde designers apresentados no desfile de fantasia, a reverenciados cabeler-eiros e maquiadores, fotógrafos, respeitados jornalistas e editores, celebridades e notáveis convidados que tipicamente comparecem aos grandes desfiles. O resultado retrata um desfile fantasia de Paris único, com todos os elementos de mundo real dos bastidores, primeira fila e passarela, em forma ilustrada.A Barneys New York trabalhou para criar uma variedade de ítens exclusivos (XO), para presentes, de edição limitada, que estarão disponíveis por tempo limitado somente na Chelsea Passage no nono andar da loja âncora da Barney da Madison Avenue em Nova York, em locações selecionadas da Barneys New York em todo o país e pelo Bar-neys.com. O sortimento de produtos inclui as altamente colecionáveis figuras Vinylma-tion da Disney, criadas por Paul Smith e Diane von Furstenberg, as orelhas do Mickey Mouse criadas por Rag & Bone e L'Wren Scott, e itens menores, tais como ornamentos festivos, doces comestíveis, brinquedos para crianças e muito mais.No espírito do período das festas, a Barneys New York doará 25% das vendas de todos os produtos Electric Holiday para uma obra de caridade em homenagem à sua colaboração especial.A original e exclusiva arte de Electric Holi-day será apresentada em sacolas de compras especiais da Barneys, disponibilizadas para todas as compras nas lojas e pela Barneys.com, durante o período das festas.

PR Newswire (http://s.tt/1m2tr)

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Barneys New York And The Walt Disney Company Announce Holiday 2012 Campaign: Electric Holiday.

Barneys New York, the luxury specialty retailer, and The Walt Disney Company, the world’s leading entertainment company, announced today their collaboration on the 2012 Holiday campaign at Barneys New York retail venues: Electric Holiday. A multi-platform initiative infused with fashion and fantasy, Electric Holiday will merge the cre-ativity and magic of Disney with the wit and surprise of the legendary Barneys New York annual holiday campaign to create a celebra-tion of festive modern electric lights, music and fashion.Beginning in mid-November, the Barneys New York Madison Avenue windows will serve as the centerpiece of the Electric Holi-day campaign in which an exclusive mov-ing art short created by Disney artists, will be showcased amid a celebration of lights. Disney has also created a modern, three-di-mensional electric light show that will en-compass the Madison Avenue store entrance and showcase the moving art housed within the windows. To accompany the facade and moving art, Oscar®-winning composer Mi-chael Giacchino is creating an original score of highly-charged music to bring the show to life. The Electric Holiday program and the Madi-son Avenue flagship’s windows will be un-veiled on November 14th Air France will be supporting the Holiday 2012 campaign with

an integrated promotion and the Electric Holiday light show will feature innovative display technology, using Christie® Micro-Tiles®, from Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc.“The legendary characters and world created by Disney live in the active mind and mem-ory of virtually every citizen of the world,” said Mark Lee, Barneys New York CEO. “Barneys New York has been privileged to collaborate with Disney and its remarkable talents this holiday season on the Electric Holiday campaign, which places these iconic characters into the center of our fashion world.”

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"In the tradition of legendary New York Holiday retail campaigns, Electric Holiday is a festive extravaganza that will delight people of all ages," said Bob Chapek, presi-dent of Disney Consumer Products. "From the stunning visuals, to iconic Disney story-telling and unique merchandise assortment, this collaboration with the venerable Bar-ney's New York is a celebration worthy of the season."Electric Holiday is a fusion of some of the most creative minds, a collaboration com-prised of the Barneys New York team under the direction of Creative Director Dennis Freedman and Disney veterans Luis Fer-nandez, senior vice president of global cre-ative, Disney Consumer Products, and John Quinn, Disney character art director.The Electric Holiday moving art will fea-ture models inspired by Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse as well as other iconic Dis-ney characters as they star in a fantasy Paris runway show, capturing the essence of the high-fashion world along with the electri-cally-charged colors and brilliant lights of the magical world of Disney. Minnie and Mickey are transported into a fantasy world where they are transformed from their tradi-tional Disney form into dream-like fashion-forward runway models, and are joined on the Paris runway by five other models evoca-tive of other iconic Disney personalities: Goofy, Daisy Duck, Snow White, Princess Tiana, and Cruella de Vil.Each transformed Disney model is dressed in a one-of a-kind exclusive look created by some of the most influential fashion design-ers in the world, including: Nicholas Ghes-quiere for Balenciaga, Oliver Rousteing for

Balmain, Dolce & Gabbana, Alber Elbaz for Lanvin, Peter Copping for Nina Ricci, Pro-enza Schouler, and Rick Owens.To fully bring the iconic Disney characters into the Barneys world, true fashion insid-ers will be featured within the moving art short, from designers featured in the fantasy runway show, to revered hair and make-up artists, photographers, respected journalists and editors, and the celebrities and notable guests that typically attend the high profile shows. The result depicts a unique, fantasy Paris show with all of the real-world ele-ments of backstage, front-row and runway in illustrated form.Barneys New York has worked to create a range of exclusive (XO), limited-edition holiday gift items, which will be available for a limited time only at Chelsea Passage on the ninth floor in Barneys' Madison Avenue flag-ship location in New York, at select Barneys New York locations nationwide and Barneys.com. The product assortment includes Dis-ney's highly collectible Vinylmation figures designed by Paul Smith and Diane von Fur-stenberg, Mickey Mouse ears designed by Rag & Bone and L'Wren Scott, and smaller items such as holiday ornaments, edible sweets, toys for children, and much more.In the spirit of the holiday season, Barneys New York will donate 25% of sales from all Electric Holiday products to a charity in honor of their special collaboration.Original and exclusive Electric Holiday artwork will be featured on special Barneys shopping bags available with all in-store and Barneys.com purchases during the holiday season.

Disney & Barney’s New York

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Today’s Game of The monTh is…..Minecraft Xbox 360

version!By: Daniel CosentinoQ: What is Minecraft Xbox 360?

A: Minecraft is a sandbox-build-ing independent video game origi-nally created by Swedish program-mer Markus “Notch” Perrson and now developed by his company, Mojang.

Q: Which system(s)?

A: Get it for PC or Xbox 360(in your local gaming store or on the Xbox 360 MarketPlace)

Q: Plot of the game?

A: Minecraft is focused on cre-ativity and building, allowing players to build things out of over 70 different cubes in a 3D world. Gameplay in its

commercial release has two principal modes: Survival, which requires play-ers to get blocks and items while, also, keeping up their health and hunger;

and Creative, where the player has an unlimited supply of blocks, the ability to fly, and no health or hunger. A third mode, named Hardcore, is basically the same as Survival, but the difficulty is locked on the hardest setting and you can’t re-spawn, forcing the player to delete his or her world when their health bar drops to zero.

Q: What makes this game unique?

A: Entertaining; Never ending fun (I emphasized on never ending)

Q: Rating?


Plot: 8/10

Gameplay: 9/10

Individualism: 10/10

Overall score: 9/10

Thank you all for taking your time to read the Game of the Month article

Next month is my next game review. Click this link to watch a video about MineCraft:


Daniel Cosentino

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Daniel Cosentino

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Setembro tem sido um mês de grandes acontecimentos e alegrias em minha vida primeiramente quero agradecer a Deus por todas as minhas conquistas e depois a todos os amigos que tenho con-quistado!Para iniciar o mês estive presente no Brazilian Day New York que como todos já sabem e a maior festa brasileira realizada fora do Brasil, foi maravilhoso! Lá tive a chance de conhecer muitas pes-soas bacanas e também de parti-cipar da coletiva de imprensa da Globo.Minha participação na coletiva foi um sucesso todos os que es-tavam presentes no local ficaram felizes comigo e eu mais ainda!!!!Também tive o prazer de conhecer e entrevistar os artistas

que estavam no evento. Link para o video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqh7nL2ZHjc

Luan Santa para VIcky em exclusividade sobre seu proximo show ! Acesse o link abaixo!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7F2ioTAcIE&feature=plcp

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About Vicky

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Vicky@Brazilian Day New York

Best mom


Vicky & David Brasl

Vicky with Luiza Florence from Planeta Brasil

Vicky & Sergio Groisman


September has been a month of great events and joys in my life I want to first thank God for all my achievements and then all the friends that I have found! To start the month I attended the Brazilian Day New York which you already know as the major Brazilian party held outside Brazil! it was wonderful! We had the chance to meet many fans and also to attend the press conference with GloboMy participation in the conference was a success all who were present at the site were happy with me and I even happier!!We also had the pleasure to meet and interview many celebrities who were at the event.

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Vicky@Brazilian Day New York

Vicky with Luiza Florence from Planeta Brasil

Vicky & Sergio Groisman

Vicky & Latino

Vicky and actress Nivea Stelman

September has been a month of great events and joys in my life I want to first thank God for all my achievements and then all the friends that I have found! To start the month I attended the Brazilian Day New York which you already know as the major Brazilian party held outside Brazil! it was wonderful! We had the chance to meet many fans and also to attend the press conference with GloboMy participation in the conference was a success all who were present at the site were happy with me and I even happier!!We also had the pleasure to meet and interview many celebrities who were at the event.

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Vicky celebrated her 10th Birthday

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Happy Birthday Vicky !No dia 7 de setembro come-morei junto a muitos amigos o meu aniversario de 10 aninhos, foi maravilhoso e diferente porque dessa vez comemorei dentro do evento Brazilian Day Weekend Festival na cidade de Newark, mais um evento de sucesso que recebeu entre ou-tros convidados o DJ Sensação de New York "DJ Kazzanova e a Nadila e Banda Djavu e tudo isso organizado pela B.Shows, quero aproveitar aqui e agra-decer o carinho e atenção que eles sempre tem comigo!

Vicky celebrated her 10th Birthday

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No dia 16 de setembro o Bra-zilian Day Danbury em CT e eu também estarei lá e depois

mostrarei tudinho para voces:)Também quero aproveitar a oportu-nidade para convida-los para 2 gran-des shows que estão chegando e eu estarei lá entrevistando esses grandes artistas.GUILHERME E SANTIAGO DIA 6 DE OUTUBRO - SÁBADO


Já recebi um convite para estar nova-mente no Talento Brasil, se tudo der certo e o papai do céu abençoar va-mos nos ver em janeiro eu estou mui-to feliz com essa possibilidade.

Meu programa esta ganhando uma carinha nova e estamos a procura de patrocinadores, você que tem um business e quer divulga-lo verifique meu site, a quantidade de visitas que recebo em meus videos e venha fazer parte da minha família, vamos crescer juntos!!!Para maiores informações, contato e assistir a meus videos, entrevistas, minha participação na coletiva de imprensa e muito mais visite www.vickyshowusa.com

Beijinhos no seu coração,

In August we had the visit from Os Hawaianos in their USA Tour 2012. They visited many States but were only interviwed by Vicky exclusively. Here is the link for the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6BoenbToKY&feature=plcp

Vicky entrevista Nádila é Show em sua tour pelos USA durante as apresentacoes no Brazilian Day Newark NJ 2012. Nadila fala de sua carreira como cantora solo e seus projetos, vale muito a pena conferir! Link para o video


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On Sept. 16 we have The Brazil-ian Day in Danbury CT we will be there and then show everything for you guys :)

I also want to take this opportunity to invite you for 2 great shows who are coming and I'll be there interviewing these great artists.SANTIAGO & GUILHERME OCTOBER 6th SATURDAY

NEWS:Already received an invitation to be back in TALENTO BRASIL, if all goes well, God’s willing, we will see you in January I am very happy with this possibility.

My show is gaining a new face and we are looking for sponsors, if you own a business that needs to show off, check my site, the amount of hits I get on my videos and come to be part of my family, we will grow together! !For more information, contact, or to watch my videos, interviews, my participation in the press conference and much more visit www.vickyshowusa.com

Kisses in your heart,Vicky Show :)

In August we had the visit from Os Hawaianos in their USA Tour 2012. They visited many States but were only interviwed by Vicky exclusively. Here is the link for the videohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6BoenbToKY&feature=plcp

Vicky’s news

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Caros amigos e leitores, estou em uma nova fase de minha vida e também em uma nova fase,nas matérias sobre “Ecoturismo e Tu

rismo de Aventura”,vou sair um pouco do tema “Praias” e falar sobre outros locais em São Paulo e no Brazil,tão lindos e propícios para a pratica desta modali-

dade .Conheça nesta matéria um pouco sobre a ci-dade de Brotas, em São Paulo,Brazil,local ideal para os amantes da na-tureza ,para quem gosta de aventuras,e também

de bastante sossego,tambem conhecida como Capital paulista do Ecoturismo

O “TURISMO de AVENTURA” e o “ECOTURISMO” caracterizam-se por utilizar os recursos naturais exis-tentes no município para a realização de atividades esportivas e de contem-

plação e interação com a natureza. BROTAS-LOCALIZAÇÃO

Sudeste do Brasil, centro do Estado de São Paulo. Ao noroeste da capital, próxi-

ma às cidades de São Carlos e Jaú. Brotas está localizada bem no centro do estado de São Paulo, no coração de uma das regiões mais desenvolvidas do país, mas que ainda nos presenteia com suas riquezas e belezas naturais preservadas. Dotada de uma posição geográfica es-tratégica e privilegiada, vêm assumindo um novo caminho e desponta no contexto

ecoturístico nacional. Historicamente, sempre ligada à produção rural e à economia agrícola, teve sua época áurea no princípio do sé-culo XX, com a cultura do café. Brotas reúne características bastante significa-tivas no que se refere à preservação de re-cursos naturais, pois retém uma grande parcela de mata nativa, abrigando uma considerável biodiversidade animal e veg-etal. Mas seu maior patrimônio natural consiste no relevo de modo geral suave, na formação das "Cuestas Basálticas", e de seu grande manancial hídrico, de-stacando-se o rio Jacaré Pepira, um dos poucos rios ainda não poluídos do estado

de São Paulo.

Foto Arquivo do Autor

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Edmundo CavalcantiEssas condições naturais fazem de Bro-tas uma das poucas regiões do interior de São Paulo que ainda concilia am-biente natural, com os aspectos de uma área quase toda ocupada pela atividade rural, garantindo-lhe uma forte beleza paisagística além de apresentar aspectos culturais típicos da comunidade local. Brotas abriga em suas "serras" várias nascentes e rios encachoeirados, que cortam vales e encostas, concentra uma enormidade de atrativos turísticos, na sua maioria hídricos (represa, ribeirões, cachoeiras, corredeiras e nascentes). Seu potencial natural aliado ao incremento de produtos e serviços turísticos, confere à região um enorme potencial para o turismo de aventura, ecoturismo e para o turismo rural. E hoje já é com certeza, ponto de referência para a prática de es-portes de aventura, como o rafting, bóia-cross, canyoning, arborismo e outros. ATIVIDADES DE TÉCNICASVERTICAIS ARVORISMO: percurso acrobático aéreo entre árvores utilizando equipamentos de técnicas verticais.CACHOEIRISMO: Prática de rapel em cachoeira. Há a possibilidade de descer a cachoeira em rapel mais de uma vez. CANIONISMO: Exploração de cânions encachoeirados utilizando diversas técni-cas, dentre elas o rapel. Natação, flutua-ção, marcha aquática, tobogã, saltos.

ESCALADA: Esporte praticado para as-censão de paredes rochosas ou artificiais (escalada indoor). RAPEL: Técnica de descida vertical, usada pelos praticantes de canionismo, espeleologia e escalada, que consiste em descer desníveis predominantemente ver-ticais, utilizando equipamentos de técni-cas verticais. TIROLESA: Prática que consiste em fazer a travessia de um lado a outro sobre: vales, encostas, cânions, rios, ca-choeiras e lagos, utilizando técnicas verticais. PÊNDULO: Atividade vertical que con-siste num balanço de corda pendulando sobre a coluna d´água de 30m da Cachoei-ra Cassorova. SLACK LINE: Travessia em fita sobre vales. Utilizando equipamentos de esca-lada.



ra d

o M


lo P




go O


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Canionismo -BrotasPhoto-Carlos Zaith

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ESCALADA: Esporte praticado para as-censão de paredes rochosas ou artificiais (escalada indoor). RAPEL: Técnica de descida vertical, usada pelos praticantes de canionismo, espeleologia e escalada, que consiste em descer desníveis predominantemente ver-ticais, utilizando equipamentos de técni-cas verticais. TIROLESA: Prática que consiste em fazer a travessia de um lado a outro sobre: vales, encostas, cânions, rios, ca-choeiras e lagos, utilizando técnicas verticais. PÊNDULO: Atividade vertical que con-siste num balanço de corda pendulando sobre a coluna d´água de 30m da Cachoei-ra Cassorova. SLACK LINE: Travessia em fita sobre vales. Utilizando equipamentos de esca-lada.ATIVIDADES AQUÁTICASRAFTING: Prática de descida em rios com quedas d’água e corredeiras, usando bote inflável e equipamentos de segu-rança. Em Brotas é feito no Rio Jacaré Pepira variando entre classe II e IV.BÓIA-CROSS: Prática de descida em rios com quedas d’água e corredeiras, usando uma bóia especial em formato redondo com alças de segurança e equi-pamentos de segurança. BANHO DE CACHOEIRA: Caminhada por trilha até a cachoeira para contem-plar e nadar. KR – Kaiaky Rafting: Prática de desci-da em rios com quedas d’água e corredei-

ras, usando “caiaques” infláveis e equipa-mentos de segurança. MINI RAFTING/FLOATING: Prática de descida em rios com quedas d’água e corredeiras, usando bote inflável e eq-uipamentos de segurança. Praticado no trecho básico do Rio Jacaré Pepira com corredeiras classe I e II. Indicado para crianças pequenas e Melhor Idade. PESCA: Prática mais comum no bairro de “São Sebastião da Serra”, onde se lo-caliza a “Represa do Rio Jacaré” permi-tida a pesca em barco. Obs: local aberto ao público. CIRCUITO CABLE: wakeboard, knee-board, skiboat são praticados em um cir-cuito com 150 metros de extensão e 300m no total. As pranchas e a boia são puxa-das por cabo motorizado, comandado por profissionais que aceleram e desaceleram de acordo com o conhecimento do par-ticipante. Brotas é o terceiro destino do Brasil a receber um circuito cable.


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Edmundo CavalcantiATIVIDADES NA TERRA CAMINHADAS: Prática de passeios individuais e coletivos feitos a pé por trilhas e caminhos que cruzam ambien-tes naturais. CAVALGADAS: Prática passeios equestres, individuais ou coletivos, per-correndo trilhas, caminhos e pequenas estradas que cruzam ambientes naturais. MOUNTAIN BIKE: Prática de passeios de bicicletas adaptadas para percorrer terrenos acidentados de terra como tril-has, caminhos e pequenas estradas. QUADRICICLO: Passeio em motos com 4X4 para uma ou duas pessoas, passando por estradas e trilhas, contemplando as paisagens da região podendo ter traves-sia de rios e acessando ou não atrativos naturais. BIRDWATCHING: Atividade de ob-servação de aves no seu meio natural, atividade turística resultante da vertente contemplativa do ecoturismo. FORA DE ESTRA-DA: passeios feitos em veículos 4x4 em estradas de terra. Brotas,também pos-sui diversificado co-mércio de artesanato e diversão noturna, para todas as idades.HOSPEDAGEM EM BROTASBrotas oferece varia-

das opções de hospedagem: pousadas econômicas, pousadas confortáveis, pousadas requintadas, chalés, hotéis fazenda, resorts, campings, casas e chá-caras.Consulte o site : : www.brotas.tur.br

Nossos agradecimentos a Secretar-ia de Turismo de Brotas.

Site: www.brotas.tur.bre-mail: [email protected] por: Edmundo Cavalcantie.mail: [email protected] :www.bandeiraazultombo.comFacebook:Edmundo CavalcantiTweeter: @EdCavalc


To view this article in English click on the link below.


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Central Florida Nature Fest 2012 Offers Something For Everyone On A Central Florida Vacation

Registration is now open for Central Florida NatureFest 2012, a festival highlighting the diverse natural attrac-tions and activities available in Polk County, FL. From October 4 - 7, those on a Central Florida vacation can ex-plore the area on excursions led by expert guides

Visit Central Florida and Polk County's Environmental Lands and Natural Re-sources division have again partnered to host Central Florida NatureFest, a four-day festival showcasing the natural beau-ty of Polk County's great outdoors.

Central Florida NatureFest, October 4 - 7, 2012, offers something for every-one; including birding, hiking, kayak-ing, butterfly and wildflower viewing, nature photography, star gazing, swamp buggy rides, air boat tours and exclusive behind-the-scenes access to some of Polk County's most pristine parks and natural lands. Participants will create an exclu-sive nature experience for themselves by hand selecting the field trip excursions they desire; all led by wildlife experts.

Festival registration is $20 per person, plus the additional fees for selected ex-cursions. Included in the registration fee is a Central Florida NatureFest 2012 T-shirt, water bottle and drawstring bag. See the full schedule of activities at


Festival attendees may augment their outdoor experience by staying at one of the many campgrounds or RV parks in Central Florida.This four day event offers locals and visitors on a Central Florida vacation a unique way to experience the natural beauty found throughout the region. With 554 lakes and 37 nature preserves and parks that encompass more than 25,000 acres, Central Florida's Polk County is home to an extensive range of wildlife and plant life.Circle B-Bar Reserve is one of the area's most beloved parks, with excellent trails for bird watching and wildlife view-ing and is also home to The Polk Nature Discovery Center; an interactive visitor center showcasing Polk County's natural attractions. Kids love climbing the life-sized oak tree replica housed inside. To learn more about all the fun things to do in Central Florida's Polk County, go to http://www.VisitCentralFlorida.org to re-quest a free vacation guide.About Visit Central Florida:Visit Central Florida is the official destination marketing organization for Polk County, Florida, and specializes in helping visitors plan a fun-filled Central Florida vacation.SOURCE Visit Central FloridaWeb Site: http://www.visitcentralflorida.org

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Estão abertas as inscrições para a Flórida Central NatureFest 2012, um festival destacando as diversas atrações naturais e atividades disponíveis no Condado de Polk, Flórida. De 4 a 07 de Outubro, aqueles em férias na Flórida Central poderão explorar a área em excursões lideradas por guias especializadosVisite Central Florida e Terras ambientais de Polk County e da divisão de Recursos Naturais, mais uma vez em parceria para sediar a Central Florida NatureFest, um festival de quatro dias mostrando a beleza natural ao ar livre de Polk County.A Central Florida NatureFest, de 04-07 Outubro de 2012, oferece algo para todos, incluindo observação de pássaros, camin-hadas, passeios de caiaque, borboleta e

visualização de wildflowers, fotografia de natureza, observação de estrelas, passeios de buggy no Pântano, passeios deAirboat e acesso por trás das cenas exclusivo para alguns dos parques mais puros de Polk County e terras naturais. Os participantes irão criar uma experiência de natureza exclusiva para si selecionando as excursões que desejam, todos liderados por especial-istas em vida selvagem. A inscrição para o festival de é de $ 20 por pessoa, mais as taxas adicionais para excursões. Incluído na taxa de inscrição é uma Central Florida NatureFest 2012 t-shirt, garrafa de água e saco de cordão. Veja a programação com-pleta de atividades em


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Bora Bora, located in the Islands of Tahiti, was re-

cently ranked the "#1 Island in the World"

U.S. News & World Report prefaces the rankings by asking, “What is it about an island that immediately invokes a daydream? That feeling of seclusion, for sure, but also those sprawling beaches, those rolling waves, and those untouched pockets of wilderness. For an island to be considered one of the ‘best,’ it must have that je ne sais quoi--that magical spark. The islands listed here boast a little extra something that keeps travelers enchant-ed.”

Bora Bora, known as the “The Romantic Island,” is often called the most beautiful island in the world. The tiny island - just 18 miles in circumference - is encircled by a protective necklace of coral. Lush mountains provide a dramatic backdrop for the indescribable turquoise, lapis and aquamarine of the sheltered lagoon.

Arriving by air is a unique experience, landing on the airstrip that was built by U.S. troops during World War II. The

runway is on a motu (small islet), and visitors must travel by boat to reach the main island. It’s no surprise that most of the island’s activities center in and around Bora Bora’s spectacular lagoon.

The popular shark-feeding excursion puts visitors in the water and within safe view of reef sharks as they’re being fed by guides. Additionally, visitors can enjoy the Lagoonarium, a marine exhibit in the lagoon where the adventurous can swim with sting rays, manta rays, huge sea tur-tles and reef sharks. Bora Bora is home to world-class resorts and quaint French-inspired restaurants, and is known for its jet-setting celebrity visitors who relax anonymously on its secluded beaches.

Easier to travel than often imagined, Tahiti is eight hours by air from Los An-geles with daily nonstop flights. Tahiti is halfway between California and Austra-lia, on the same side of the International Date Line as North America and in the same time zone as Hawaii. There are a to-tal of 118 islands and atolls that comprise this beautiful South Pacific country. Ta-hiti’s varied landscape ranges from just-above sea level coral atolls to volcanic mountain peaks. Tahiti is renowned for warm waters, white-sand beaches and stunning turquoise lagoons. Find the Islands of Tahiti on Facebook, Twitter @TahitiTourism and on Pinterest at Tahiti Tourisme North America.issued by eReleases®SOURCE The Islands of Tahiti

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Bora Bora

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Highly Anticipated Release Of Bob Dylan's Tempest Album To Be Celebrated By Numerous Fan Events Around The World

“World Premiere of “Duquesne Whistle” Single And Video, Sound Graffiti and Pop-Up

Stores Highlight Exciting Array Of Worldwide Events Marking Release Of Forthcoming Album “

Leading up to the highly anticipat-ed worldwide release of Bob Dylan’s

35th studio album, Tempest, Columbia Records is announcing an international lineup of events that will enable fans to experience the album in advance of its September 11 release date and celebrate with their fellow Bob Dylan enthusiasts around the globe.On Monday, August 27, the opening track from Tempest, “Duquesne Whis-tle” had its world premiere on NPR On-line (NPR.org/music). The song was recently described by the Los Angeles Times as, “the folky sound of old-time country blues guitar licks quietly unfurl-ing before the full band explodes into a driving big-beat rhythm as rollicking as the train ride the song explores.”

Two days later, at 9 a.m. GMT (4 a.m. EDT), the brand new video for “Duquesne Whistle,” featuring Bob Dylan, also had its world premiere on the website of The Guardian (guardiannews.com). The video was di-rected by Nash Edgerton, who also di-rected the clip for “Beyond Here Lies Nothing” from Dylan’s 2009 release, To-gether Through Life.On Friday, August 31, fans who visited listentobobdylan.com found a map of locations in the U.S. and nine other countries where selected songs from Tempest were streamed to mobile devices. The tracks were randomly streamed only when users were within the Tempest-tagged geographic areas, utilizing the free web-based Sound Graffiti app (which can be accessed directly through listentobobdylan.com. In addition to the U.S., other countries in which Sound Graffiti locations were found included Australia, Belgium, Bra-zil, Canada, France, Germany, Nether-lands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Fans who streamed the song were also given an opportunity to pre-order Tem-pest from iTunes while they listened.On Monday, September 10, dedicated Bob Dylan Tempest “pop-up” stores will open for a seven day period in New York City, Los Angeles and London.


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At these stores, fans can purchase the new album, as well as other Bob Dylan releases and exclusive merchandise commemorat-ing these week-long events, including a limited quantity of CDs hand-signed by Bob Dylan.Bob Dylan Tempest stores will be open from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, Septem-ber 10 so that fans can buy Tempest a full day in advance of its official release, and will remain open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. through Sunday, September 16. Stores will be located at the following U.S. locations:

819 Washington Street, New York, NY 100147763 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90046

A Bob Dylan Tempest store also opened in London on September 10th and remained open through Monday, September 17 at the following location:47 Beak Street, London, W1F 9SE

While detailed reviews of Tempest were not published by media outlets until last week, early notices have hailed Bob Dylan’s 35th studio album as one of his finest works.

Neil McCormick of The Telegraph wrote, “It is fantastic to be able to report that popu-lar music’s greatest troubadour is still as bril-liant and bewildering as ever…. This is an al-bum I can’t wait to hear again, the sound of a great artist approaching the twilight of his career with fearless creativity.”

Author and pop music critic Robert Hilburn wrote, “Dylan set the bar high for himself with the se-ries of rich, engaging albums that began with Time Out of Mind, and he clears the hurdle again gloriously with Tempest. A stunning work.” Michael Simmons of Mojo Online wrote, “Tempest is astonishing.”Earlier this year, Bob Dylan was the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor. He was awarded a special Pulitzer Prize in 2008 for “his profound impact on popular music and American culture, marked by lyri-cal compositions of extraordinary poetic power.” He was also the recipient of the French Com-mandeur des Arts et des Lettres in 1990, Swe-den’s Polar Music Award in 2000 and numerous other honors.SOURCE Columbia Records

Bob Dylan new CD

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Smash Mouth's New Album "MAGIC" Available @Amazon Exclusive Including Six Bonus Remixes-First Single "Magic" Heading For Top 20 Smash Mouth, the band that gave you crazy memorable hits like "All Star," "Walkin' On The Sun," "Then the Morning Comes" and "I'm A Believer" among many others, has signed with 429 Records and set for the release of their brand new album "MAGIC" today.

The title track “Magic” is looking to be another monster radio smash as it is poised to enter the Top 20 of the mainstream AC Radio Media-base Chart and Billboard Chart. The band is back with original members Steve Harwell (vocals), Paul Del-isle (Bass) and Mike Klooster (key-boards). Rookie players this time around are Randy Cooke (drums) and Mike Krompass (guitar). Krom-pass in fact, also helmed the producer’s mantle (having worked with Nelly Furtado and David Ar-chuleta) capturing the quintessential Smash Mouth party sound as well as helping to take them to the next level. The band will spend the rest of 2012 touring behind the new project as well as promoting the release of their rock and roll cookbook--”RECIPES FROM THE ROAD.” In addition, Amazon is offering an exclusive album package with six addi-tional remixes. “MAGIC” is available everywhere today on 429 Records.The release of the album and single are perfectly in tune with the band’s reputation for being the “sound of summer.” From their debut in 1997 when the smash hit “Walkin’ On The Sun” (played by KROQ before any label deal) powered their album “Fush Yu Mang” to double platinum sales, the band has scored hit after hit worldwide. Smash Mouth has toured extensively with notable stops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay where they entertained U.S. troops.

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@Hotspotorlando we got you on the spot you deserve!

http://thehotspotorlando.com/Phone number 407- 406-4900

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This month I wanted to talk about Orlando's diverse music scene. It seems that you can find just about any type of artist in the world, here in the O. I love the new style of Dubstep that is going around now.

Dubstep has evolved since it 1st came out and the new stuff has Hip Hop over tones which makes it a new style. Music is supposed to be challenged and the kids today are so willing to try new things. Dubstep is taking Orlando by storm.

Even the big artists are coming out with Dubstep tracks. At South Coast Records, we have jumped on the Dubstep train by signing Some KosherYuppy. SKY's 1st re-lease "My Dubstep Experience" isdoing very well here and abroad.

It was produced by Stupid Genius. SG will be releasing his 2nd album "Draped up and Dubbed out later this year. As an Indie label, it is important to stay cur-rent with what the majors are doing and all of the majors are starting to use Dubstep to somedegree.

So if you have not heard of it, make sure you do because its here to stay. If you want to know where you can see SomeKosh-erYuppy or Stupid Genius, be sure to check them out @ www.southcoastrecords.com


watch the video WATCH THE VIDEO -CLICK ON THIS LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElnPTe6J6dA&list=UUOFq5YsfY9vLS52QTX8h4qA

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Dubstep - by Larry Poynter Jr.

OrlandoBands.com is a volunteered based networking website that allows artist and industry professionals to come together and build our music and arts scene.

We join with local industry related business’s to forge a working platform and offer opportunities. Many services provided by OrlandoBands.com are free, including live show sponsorships, newsletter updates, and advice directories. Having one of the largest street teams provides valuable support as we continue our mission to help educate and motivate the local scene.

How We Financially Support The ProjectThe project is supported through advertisement marketing campaigns, sponsorship sales on live events, producing live shows and ROC memberships.


WATCH THE VIDEO -CLICK ON THIS LINK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElnPTe6J6dA&list=UUOFq5YsfY9vLS52QTX8h4qA

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Amazon Forest Cafe 5417 International Dr. rlandoFL 32819(407) 250-6759

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One of the best Brazilian qualities is the music. In our Community in Orlando, we have not only several musicians that visited from Brazil this year, but also many local talents that fill our lives with sound and happiness.

Different styles, sounds, voices but one in special has reached many levels of suc-cess, and we have been missing it for quite some time. Banda BRa after a few months of restructuring had it’s come back at Camila’s Lounge, the Brazilian House of shown on International Drive and we were all invited.

As usual the public, danced, and had fun, but also had the opportunity to see that, Banda BRa is better and Bigger, leaving no space for error. It was a great show andwe will have the opportunity to see it again on Saturday, October 6th, at Camila’s Lounge. It is time to Rock again !

Singer Sol and BR TV crew

Many styles of Brazilian Music performed in one night, leaving no space for questions, everything is good music, no matter what .Banda BRa did a great show, !


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Banda BRa

Marcelo & Leo- Camila’s Lounge

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Go See Harmonia do Samba in Concert Thanks

to a Special Offer from Xoom.com

Send your first Xoom money trans-fer to Brazil and receive a free ticket to see Harmonia do Samba

Xoom Corporation, a global online money transfer provider, today an-nounced a sponsorship of Harmonia do Samba’s upcoming four city U.S. tour. First-time Xoom customers who go to xoom.com/harmonia and send money to Brazil by September 18, will receive a general admission ticket to a Harmonia do Sam-ba concert of their choice. Eligible cus-tomers will receive an opportunity to at-tend one of the below performances:

September 20 - San Francisco, CA, Club RoccapulcoSeptember 21 - New York, NY, Web-ster HallSeptember 22 - Pompano Beach, FL, Cinema CenterSeptember 23 - Somerville, MA, HolidayInnCustomers can pick up tickets at Will Call the day of the event.

“Harmonia do Samba is known for their warmth and positive energy, so it’s a pleasure to partner with them to offer their fans this great incentive. We hope customers will discover how convenient, safe and fast it is to send money home with Xoom--and enjoy an amazing con-cert as well,” said Julian King, Xoom’s Senior Vice President, Marketing and

Corporate Development.

“We’re thrilled to be collaborating with Xoom, a leader in online money trans-fers to Brazil,” said Carlos Salles, 2012 U.S. Tour Manager for Harmonia do Samba. “Harmonia do Samba has a sto-ry that brings together hard work, will-power and musical quality. We’re happy to provide this incentive to fans who send money to their friends and family in Brazil for the first time with Xoom.


For more information on this special offer, please visit https://www.xoom.com/harmonia.

SOURCE Xoom Corporation

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Coty Beauty Launches Closer By Halle BerryA Coty Beauty anuncia o lançamento mundial, para esse mes, da nova fragrância, Closer by Halle Berry."Eu queria criar uma fragrância única para mulheres que também atraísse os homens," disse Halle Berry. "Perfume é algo inti-mamente relacionado com desejo e atração e adoro a ideia que uma fragrância possa juntar um homem e uma mulher. A fragrância Closer cria um novo nível de intimidade através do poder do perfume".

Closer by Halle Berry possui uma mistura rara de notas femininas e masculi-nas, o que cria um perfume intrigante que atrai tanto homens como mulheres. O renomado perfumista Jacques Cavallier soube misturar perfeitamente as facetas opostas da fragrância, envolvendo a essência clássica masculina de acorde amadeirado com uma mistura feminina gostosa de violetas e mimosas, uma das flores favoritas de Halle. Uma essência central rica, quente e amadei-rada envolvida por notas delicadas e com um toque alegre do frescor do ozônio. O resultado, segundo Halle Berry, é uma fragrância "moderna, sexy, versátil, ao mesmo tempo em que é atemporal. Uma mulher deve usá-la sempre que quiser sentir-se sexy".Assim como a fragrância agrada tanto homens como mulheres, o design da embalagem também. Arrojado e moderno, ele é bárbaro. Tanto o frasco quanto a embalagem são enfeitados com linhas intrincadas que imitam o contorno do corpo masculino e do feminino. Esta curvatura provocante é visível no elegante frasco em formato de prisma, o que cria um jogo sedutor de opostos.

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about perfumesCoty Beauty announces the worldwide launch, in September 2012, of the new fragrance, Closer by Halle Berry.”I wanted to create a unique fragrance for women that would also appeal to men,” says Halle Berry. “Scent is very closely linked with desire and attraction and I love the idea that a fragrance can bring a man and a woman together. Closer creates a new level of intima-cy through the power of scent.”

Closer by Halle Berry is a rare blend of feminine and masculine notes, creat-ing an intriguing scent that is as alluring for men as it is for women. Renowned master perfumer Jacques Cavallier perfectly married the oppos-ing fragrance facets, enveloping the traditional masculine fougere accord with a luscious feminine blend of violet flowers and mimosa, one of Halle's favorite flowers. A rich, warm woodsy center is surrounded by delicate notes and a bubbly fresh ozonic top accord. The result said Halle Berry, "is mod-ern, sexy, versatile, yet timeless. A woman should wear this whenever she wants to feel sexy."

Just as the fragrance has an appeal that extends to both men and women, so too does the packaging design. Streamlined and modern, it is an instant classic. Both the bottle and the carton are adorned with intricate lines that mimic the contours of the male and female body. This provocative curvature shows up on the elegant prism-shaped bottle, creating an enticing play of op-posites.













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Chocolate lollipopsDoes it sounds hard to make?Not really!I'll explain step by step of how to make this cute and delicous party favour.You will need*chocolate or chocolate candy melts*candy mold*cookie cutters (shapes you desire)*fondant (colors you desire)*sticks*ribbons*cellophane bags1- Melt the chocolate or melt the chocolate according to the manufacturer instructions.

2- Pour the melted chocolate into the candy molds

3- Add the sticks to the mold. Spin the stick to cover it with the chocolate.

4-Put the filled mold in the refrigerator until candy has set. ( about 15 minutes.) You can tell if the candy is done by look-ing at the underside. It tends to have a frosted appearance, if there are any dark areas it means some of the coating is still soft, just refrigerate them longer

5-When is ready to unmold turn over the mold about an inch above a flat surface covered with parchment or waxed paper. After gently flexing the mold, the candies will fall out.

6-Use the cookie cutters to cut out fondant shapes and assemble them into the pops using melted chocolate as glue

7-Put them in cellophane bags and tie them with ribons

Now let’s have some fun making memories with our kids!By Marta Thompson from “Treats Come True “

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Marta Thompson

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Ola amigas, hoje eu gostaria de mostrar mais um pouco do meu trabalho....Adoro trabalhar com festas, e também amo fazer tra-balhos manuais, e para o aniversario do meu netinho Kyle, que comemoramos no no mes de Setembro.Fiz diversos docinhos, o tema da festa era Curious George, um macaquinho com carinha bem sapeca como o meu netinho....Começando pelo bolo,um bolo de chocolate, re-cheado com doce de leite.... (para agradar a criançada).....e aos adultos tambem, já que todos elogiaram muito, decorando o bolo o macaquinho que estava coberto de bananas ao lado de duas bananeiras.Confeccionei cupcakes, pop-cakes, cookies,marshmallows, pirulitos de choco-late e nao poderia faltar o tradicional brigadeiro. As crianças adoraram todos os docinhos, se lambu-zaram com os pirulitos de chocolate e curtiram bas-tante a festinha!!!! se voces gostaram do meu trabal-ho, podem ver muito mais no meu website http://www.culinariafacil.com/e dividam comigo as suas impressões, obrigada e um grande beijo.....

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Happy Birthday KyleHello friends, today I would like to show a little more of my work ....I love working with parties, and also love doing crafts. The birthday of my grandson Kyle, is celebrated in the month of September, so I used the opportunity to create for him.I made many sweets, the theme of the party wasCurious George, a little monkeywith a very naughty face just as my grandson ....

Starting with the cake, I made a chocolate cake, filled with dulce de leche .... (to please the kids) ..... and adults too, since all liked and praised . To decorate the cake I made a litttlemonkey that was covered with bananas alongside two banana trees.Also some cupcakes, popcakes, cookies, marshmallows, chocolate lollipops and could not miss the traditional briga-deiro. The kids loved all sweets, lollipops, they were smeared with chocolate and enjoyed the party!! if you guys liked my work, you can see more at my websitehttp://www.culinariafacil.com/e share your impressions with me, thank you and a big kiss to all.....

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CD ‘Aba Pai’ disponível no site: www.MarcioMusic.com

Marcio Teixeira


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Entre tantas coisas, que eu pode-ria citar, para medir a qualidade de vida que levamos, eu selecio-

nei apenas duas coisas práticas: o que comemos e o que pensamos!

Quantos conhecem aquele ditado: “você é o que come!” Pois bem, é constatado que aproximadamente 80% das doenças que adquirimos ao longo da vida, são oriun-das de uma má alimentação. Portanto, se você deseja viver uma vida saudável, é importante mudar seu habito-alimentar! A segunda coisa fundamental que escolhi para uma vida saudável, são os pensam-entos!

Quantos conhecem aquele ditado: “Uma mente sã, corpo são! Você já parou para perceber que tudo o que existe em nossa volta, um dia foi apenas um pensamento! A forma como pensamos determina, a forma como sentimos e reagimos, que por sua vez determinam a qualidade e intensi-dade do nosso comportamento. O Ser humano é o ser mais ignorante quando nasce, para se tornar o mais in-teligente quando cresce! O que nos dife-rencia de entre todos os outros animais é o nosso potencial de pensamento, já dizia o filosofo francês, Decartes: “penso logo existo.” Quer saber se sua vida vai bem? Repense de que forma você tem alimen-tado seu corpo e sua mente!

Na vida agitada das grandes capi-tais, somos levados a um habito alimentar bastante perigoso, chamado “fast-food”. São ricos em carboidratos porém sem nenhum valor nutricional, ultrapassam as cotas calóricas sugeridas pelos nutrólo-gos, sendo hoje uma das principais cau-sas da obesidade. São ingeridas em ape-nas uma refeição de “fast-food”, mais de 1100kcal, equivalentes as três principais refeições do dia.

A vida agitada faz com que tenhamos uma dieta deficiente em minerais, fibras, pro-teínas e vitaminas. Existe uma diferença entre comer e se nutrir! A Deficiência nu-tritiva do corpo esta ligada a baixa .do sistema de imunidade, que lhe torna suscetível ao envelhecimento precoce, ti-pos de câncer e as mais variadas doenças, tais como hepáticas, gripes, pneumonias e ate dores crônicas pelo corpo.

O Estresse e até a depressão, também são fatores que podem estar ligados a nu-trição. Por isso busque seu nutricionista, para que ele possa desenvolver uma dieta saudável, baseada em frutas, legumes e etc! Cuidar da saúde do corpo é tão importante quanto cuidar da saúde da alma!

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Charles PortelaDicas de Q

ualidade de Vida

A forma como pensamos de-termina a qualidade de vida que temos. “Como o homem

se imagina em seu coração, assim ele é...”(Provérbios 23:7) Você é o que você pensa! Com que tipo de pensa-mento você ocupa sua mente? O Que você pensa a respeito de si mesmo, a respeito de Deus, das pessoas e do mundo que te cerca?

A forma como você pensa vai de-terminar a realidade em que você vive. Suas percepções formulam seus pensamentos, seus pensamentos, estimulam seus sentimentos, que influenciam seu comportamento, seu comportamento constituirá seu caráter e seu caráter será seu destino! Uma frase interessante de Esteve Jobs: “O mundo sempre é transformado por pessoas loucas que pensam que podem mudar o mundo”. Existem três processos mentais pelos quais correm os pensamentos: a memória, a análise e a imaginação! Na memória, temos o armazenamen-to de informação e conhecimento. A parte frontal do cérebro, é responsáv-el pela análise e tomada de decisão. A imaginação faz parte da projeção criativa do pensamento! O potencial da nossa inteligência, nos distingue dos outros animais, porque temos o poder de manipular, corrigir ou in-

teragir com os dados e informações que adquirimos. Por isso podemos reestruturar processos da memória, tais como culpa, falta de perdão e etc... (Que geralmente estão ligadas as experiências do passado e nos fazem sofrer no presente). Inclusive os pro-cessos de projeção de pensamentos tais como ansiedade e medo podem ser de igual modo transformados ( que geralmente estão ligados ao fu-turo e de igual modo nos fazem sofrer no presente).

Por isso “diz-me o que comes e o que pensas e eu te direi quem és”. Pense nisso, a forma como você se alimenta e a forma como você pensa, vai de-terminar sua qualidade de vida! Vou deixar uma dica pra vocês: “Quanto ao mais, irmãos, tudo o que é verda-deiro, tudo o que é honesto, tudo o que é justo, tudo o que é puro, tudo o que é amável, tudo o que é de boa fama, se há alguma virtude, e se há al-gum louvor, nisso pensai.” (Filipenses 4:8)

Artigo Escrito por Charles Portela

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Quantos de nos teve a oportunidade de sen-tir no coração a presença do Senhor?Andamos muitas vezes sozinhos, tristes,

deprimidos, sem harmonia, falta algo.pois muitas vezes não nos damos conta de que pre-cisamos abrir nossos corações a Deus.Eu poderia dar o meu testemunho, assim como muitas pessoas o fazem, mas seria errado, pois para cada um de nos a grandiosidade de Deus se apresenta de maneira completamente diferente, e a experiencia e' única para cada um de nos.Deixo então em aberto e espero que vocês tenham curiosidade suficiente de procurar esse conforto para vocês.

Eu não procurava, mas mesmo assim me mostraram o caminho, e eu segui pois não tinha nada a perder e precisava ver com meus próprios olhos.Aceitar Jesus, e oferecer seu coração como moradia e’ só o começo. A Igreja e’ um presente, a família eterna, que você ama a cada um como ir-mão, filho, neto, e jamais os esquece mesmo não estando por perto.

Ver em cada sorriso das crianças a esperança de que o mundo será um dia bem melhor do que hoje, pois eles têm uma base religiosa que muitos de nos não teve a oportunidade de adquirir, e isso vai fazer uma enorme diferença no futuro. O Ministério Brasileiro da First Baptist Orlando esse mês tem a alegria de receber um novo Pastor, Pastor Nacif e estamos contentes.Todos os meses nos celebramos os aniversários e reafirmamos o nosso compromisso um com o outro. A fé e' isso, um eterno recomeçar, todos os dias, sempre acreditando na palavra, no próximo e no perdão. Celebrando tudo que podemos.


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How many of us had the opportunity to feel the Lord's presence in our hearts?I often walked alone, sad,

depressed, without harmony, something was always missing, because we do not realize that we need to open our hearts to God.I could give you my complete testimony, as many people do, but it would be wrong, because for each of us God’s grandiosity presents itself quite differently, and the experience is unique to each one of us.I leave it open to you, and then I hope you will have enough curiosity to search for that comforting feeling for yourself.I was not looking, but someone still showed me the way, I followed because I had nothing to lose and needed to see with my own eyes.Accept Jesus and housing him in your heart is just the beginning of a wonderful journey.Church life is this, the eternal family, you love each other as brothers, sons, grandsons, and never forget them, even when they are not around, you are bonded by faith.See in every kid’s smile the hope that the world will one day, be better than today, because they have a religious basis that many of us did not have the opportunity to acquire, and this will make a huge difference in the future.The Brazilian Ministry of First Baptist Orlando this month has the joy of welcoming a new pastor, Pastor Nacif and are glad, happily blessed.Every month we celebrate birthdays as a tra-dition, and reaffirm our commitment to each other, that our Faith is that everyday restart, always believing in the word, and the need of forgiveness. Celebrating everything we can.

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After many months in a long journey where we wondered many times, we prayed, and waited if this day would ever come. God has mysterious ways, his own time and the wisdom to show it to us everyday like a patient father.

The Brazilian Ministry at First Baptist was under reconstruction for months, leaders and faithful followers stayed put like soldiers, guarding the temple, waiting for the day the Pastor would come to take his sheep. But God, that knew exactly what they needed during this time sent Josh, that held everyone's hand dear to his heart and he stayed, they followed him, because they knew it was the right thing to do, and when you believe in God you wait and you go on.

If you believe singing is good for the soul, you are right because they sing, and sing for Sundays to come until the singing got stronger, andmore people came, more children, babies arrived and they kept moving on. Old friends came back, new friends

arrived, and they sheltered many on rainy days. They grew stronger with the Lord, because no matter what they learned to trust each other . Healing as you see is not a day process but whatever time is needed to see things clear, to be comfortable with the changes and move on without looking back, because from now on past is past and the future the Lord is laying in our path.

They have a Pastor, Pastor Nassif, his wife Lucia and the gates to a new beginning, with a beautiful future is now opening.Like he said it is good to start well, but also good to end well, and when it is time to go, finish the same way I started.

The ceremony was beautiful, Pastor David Uth opened the service, and it followed with music, the kids chorus, the Brazilian Ministry Quire and a few words from Josh. Many Pastors from the community were present and prayed with all. Everyone is happy, the presence of God was noticed and gave all a feeling of accomplishment with the heart filled with faith.

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FBCO Brazilian Ministry

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FBCO Ministerio Brasileiro

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FBCO Ministerio Brasileiro

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Mayor Buddy Dyer Announces Public Art Project and Call for Artists SEE ART ORLANDO

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer is proud to join with community leaders

for the launch of SEE ART ORLANDO, a public sculpture community project designed to enhance the aesthetic expe-rience and cultural image of Downtown Orlando through the installation of iconic works of art throughout the city core. This new initiative builds on Or-lando’s already vibrant arts community that was recently reported to generate approximately $94 million worth of spending by tourists, residents and non-profit organizations helping to support nearly 3,487 local jobs according to a study done by Americans for the Arts.

“This is the decade for the arts in Orlando - from the construction

of the new Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts to this new collab-orative project, SEE ART ORLANDO - the arts are thriving in our com-munity,” said Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer. “I believe this project will fur-ther propel Downtown Orlando as

a destination for not only residents from across the region, but also our visitors.”

SEE ART ORLANDO is a non-profit organization comprised of com-

munity leaders who represent a cross section of arts organizations, including United Arts, Downtown Arts District, Orange County Cultural Arts Advisory Board, City Arts Factory and Florida Theatrical Association. Phase I of the project will include up to nine perma-nent sculpture installations with high-visibility in Downtown Orlando. Each installation will be underwritten by cor-porate sponsors and maintained by the City of Orlando without utilizing tax-payer dollars. The first phase of sculp-tures is expected to be installed by the summer of 2013. SEE ART ORLANDO board members include Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, Jennifer Quigley (chair), Frank Billingsley, Linda Landman Gon-zalez, Ron Legler, Jocelynn White, Don-na Dowless and Wendy Connor.

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SEE ART ORLANDO’S spokesperson Jennifer Quigley said "Public Art enrich-

es our quality of life and will engage both visitors and residents alike. Our vision is to have artists from across the globe and here at home create contemporary sculpted art that reflects our young, dynamic community’s spirit."

A local, national and international call for artists is underway, as SEE ART ORLANDO seeks experienced, professional sculptors to create the works of art to be displayed throughout Downtown. Artists interested in being considered for the 2012-13 SEE ART ORLANDO Sculpture project must apply by October 15, 2012. More information is available at seeartorlando.com.

The response by our corporate and indi-vidual sponsors has been outstanding.

Below are quotes from some of the SEE ART ORLANDO sculpture sponsors:

“The DeVos family is pleased to be a part of this exciting public sculpture community project. Orlando is a world class City and as such deserves world class art. This program will foster economic development, educa-tion and improve the quality of the Orlando experience.”“Massey Services proudly supports the arts community in Orlando and we are pleased to be a part of this public sculpture community project,” says Harvey Massey. “The develop-

ment of SEE ART ORLANDO, along with our new performing arts center, establishes Orlando as a vital and vibrant arts commu-nity, provides a source of pride for our resi-dents, and promotes growth and prosperity within the Central Florida Community.”

“Any great city needs to have art – not just art, but a diversity of it and the base of the

arts is the community,” says City Beverages CEO Ford Kiene. “One of my favorite places is the Olympic Sculpture Park in Seattle, where you can walk, run or bicycle along the edge of Elliot Bay with a view of the Olympic Mountains, the Puget Sound and fabulous sculptures alongside of you. The park was created by a group of Seattleites - not just for the residents but for the surrounding communities and visitors from around the world.”

Khaled Akkawi, owner of Shoot Straight, said "I moved to Orlando in 1980 from

Beirut, Lebanon. I attended Boone High School, Valencia College, and the University of Central Florida and I am very proud to be able to make a lasting contribution to the city I am proud to call my home."

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Percebendo a Depressão na Adolescência

Existem algumas ideias erradas acer-ca da depressão na adolescência, assim como acerca dos adolescentes em geral. Sabemos que a adolescência é difícil, mas a maioria dos jovens contrabalança a ansiedade e angustia com boas amiza-des, sucesso na escola ou em outras ativi-dades, e o desenvolvimento de um forte sentido de si próprio.

Maus humores e rebeldia são normais na idade, mas a depressão na adolescên-cia é muito diferente. A depressão pode destruir a essência da personalidade do adolescente, causando tristeza, desespe-ro, ou raiva.

O fato é que a depressão atinge mais os adolescentes do que a maioria das pes-soas pensa. E apesar da depressão poder ser tratada, os especialista afirmam que são poucos os adolescentes deprimidos que buscam ajuda. Ao contrário dos adultos, que têm a capacidade de procu-rar ajuda sozinhos, os adolescentes de-pendem dos pais, professores ou outros adultos para aperceberem seu sofrimen-to e encaminha-los para um tratamento.

Portanto, se tiver um adolescente pre-sente na sua vida, é importante que saiba o que é uma depressão na adolescência e como detectar os sinais de alarme.


Os sintomas da depressão caracte-rizam-se por uma perda de interesse, pela incapacidade de sentir prazer, di-minuição da atividade devido à falta de energia, cansaço profundo. Frequen-temente, o deprimido apresenta distúrbios graves de memória e concentra-ção, baixa auto estima e pouca auto-confiança, sen-timentos de culpa e inutilidade.

Quero citar dois efeitos que conside-ro um sinal de alerta para os pais, pois geralmente o adolescente deprimido tem dificuldade em se abrir e achar que o adulto não o entendera e que não vale a pena se abrir…Baixa auto –estima: A depressão pode levar um adolescente a sentir-se feio, envergonhado, falho ou sem valor.

Distúrbios Alimentares : Anorexia, bulimia, comer de mais e fazer dietas “yo-yo” são frequentes sinais de depres-sao.Lembre-se o adolescente precisa de alguém que o ajude. E necessário persis-tência, aceitação e seguir as medicações e os tratamentos propostos para a recu-peração…

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Deo BritosRealizing the Depression during Adolescence There are some misconceptions about depression in adolescence, as well as about teenagers in general. We know that adolescence is difficult, but most young balance anxiety and angst with good friendships, success in school or other activities, and developing a strong sense of self.Bad moods and rebelliousness are at normal age, but depression in adoles-cence is very different.

Depression can destroy the essence of a teen’s personality, causing sadness, despair, or anger. The fact is that depression affects more adolescents than most people know. And although depression can be treated, the experts say there are a few depressed teens seeking help.Unlike adults, who have the ability to search help themselves, adolescents depend on their parents, teachers or other adults to realize their suffering and forward them to treatment. So if you have a teenager in your present life, it is important that you know what is a depression in adolescence and how to spot the warning signs.


The symptoms of depression are char-acterized by a loss of interest, inability to experience pleasure, reduced activity due to lack of energy, deep tiredness.

Often, the depressed presents serious disorders of memory and concentration, low self-esteem and low self-confidence, feelings of guilt and worthlessness.I cite two effects that I consider a warning sign for parents, because usually the depressed teenager has difficulty opening up and find that the adult did not understood and it is not worth open up... Low self-esteem: Depression can take a teen to feel ugly, embarrassed, faulty or worthless.Eating Disorders: Anorexia, bulimic, eating more and dieting "yo-yo" are frequent signs of depressao.Remember the teen needs someone to help them. It is necessary persistence, acceptance and follow medications and treatments for recovery ...

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A MUSICA E AS ENDORFINAS Esse mês gostaria de tecer alguns comen-tarios sobre a liberação de Endofirnas no nosso corpo....As endorfinas, e o prazer de ouvir uma boa musica.....As endorfinas são substâncias químicas neurotransmissoras que têm a função de transmitir para o cerebro os sinais elétricos utilizados, existindo mais de 20 diferentes tipos. A beta-endorfina, é a mais eficiente, pois ela causa o maior sentido de euforia As Endorfinas * Melhoram a memória;* Melhoram o estado de espírito (bom humor);* Aumentam a resistência;* Aumentam a disposição física e mental;* Melhoram o nosso sistema imunológico;* Bloqueiam as lesões dos vasos sanguíneos;* Têm efeito antienvelhecimento, pois re-movem superóxidos (radicais livres);* Aliviam as dores.Hoje, sabemos que ao ouvirmos música lib-eramos endorfinas o que resulta no desencadeamento dos diversos efeitos citados acima.A música tem uma força excepcional no equilíbrio da pessoa. Ela tem o poder de energia, de reduzir o stress, e mesmo de estabelecer o equilíbrio fisiológico.

A Bíblia cita que foi a harpa de Davi

que tirou o rei Saul de uma depressão. No Talmud, encontramos referências a um aparelho que fazia com que gotas d'água caíssem continuamente em um vaso de metal, criando com isso um som murmurante contínuo queajudava a pessoa a adormecer e a recuperar-se.

O oncologista americano Mitchell L. Gaynor, diretor de oncologia médica do Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, filiado ao New York Hospitaldemonstra em seu livro, Sons que Curam ( Sounds of Healing) , estudos que comprovam os efeitos proporcionados pela música, em especialnas pessoas que passaram por problemas graves de saúde.Realizados entre as décadas de 80 e 90, e os estudos apontaram que a música é capaz de modificar a fisiologia.

As técnicas utilizadas napesquisa foram as mais diversas, de ex-posição dos pacientes à música clássica, marchas militares e trilhas sonoras de filmes.Os principais efeitos apontados são:* Redução da ansiedade e das freqüências cardíaca e respiratória* Redução das complicações cardíacas* Redução da pressão arterial* Aumento dos mensageiros de células do

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Elita Freitassistema imunológico* Queda nos níveis dos hormônios do es-tresse* Aumento da produção de substâncias que causam bem-estar, como as endorfinas.

A força da música é reconhecida desde tempo imemorial. Historicamente vamos encontrar evidência disto nos escritos dos filósofos gregos, como Homero, Platão, Plu-tarco, Aristóteles, e especialmente Pitágo-ras e seus discípulos, onde mencionavam que a música podia ser usada como agente de cura psíquica. Homero recomendava a música para evitar paixões negativas tais como a ira, o pesar, a preocupação, o medo e a fadiga, além de promover uma recrea-ção saudável para a elevação da alma e do corpo. Para Platão,ouvir música era da mais alta importância para o bem-estar do estado e a saúde do povo.

Na opinião de Aristóteles as duas princi-pais funções da música eram servir como catarse das emoções e construir um caráter ético forte.Estudos atuais demonstram que pacientes expostos à musicoterapia utilizam menos medicamentos para o controle da dor e dos efeitos colaterais provocados pe-los tratamentos.“A música é muito bem recebida pelos paci-entes acostumados com tratamentos que, de certa forma, causam sofrimento"fonte de pesquisa - Dr.William Eduardo Nogueira Soares - Diretor do Instituto San

Giovanni -Aracaju-Sergipe - Brasil A vibração produzida pelo ultra-som em cada célula faz com que o corpo produza endorfina. E quanto mais música, mais endorfina. Não é ótimo? É só ouvir muita música!!!!

A vibração da música tem muitos efeitos. Além da produção da endorfina, dinamiza a energia do corpo e traz vontade de movi-mento. Ouvindo sempre, a pessoa se torna mais positiva e pode até mesmo afetar sua forma de pensar e agir, transformando seu estado de consciência. O Brazilian Voices ja a algum tempo leva aos Hospitais e Casas de Repouso a musica, e para mim que faco parte desse maravilho-so grupo a musica faz bem, nao so a quem ouve, mas tambem a quem canta!!!! Texto por Elita Freitas

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The MUSIC and endorphins This month, I would like to make a few comments about the release of endor-phins in our body ....Endorphins, and the pleasure of listening to a good song .....Endorphins are chemicals that serve as neurotransmitters used to send electrical signals to the brain. There are over 20 different types, the beta-endorphin,is the most efficient because it causes the greatest sense of euphoria in the brain,

The Endorphins * Improve memory;* Improve mood (mood);* Increase the resistance;* Increase physical and mental disposition;* Improve our immune system;* Block lesions to the blood vessel;* Have anti-aging effects, because remove superoxides (free radicals);* Relieves the pain.

Today, we know that when we hear music we release endorphins which results in triggering the various effects mentioned above.

Music has exceptional strength in balanc-ing the person. It has the power of energy, reduce stress, and even to establish the physiological balance. The Bible men-tions that the harp of David saved King Saul from a depression. In the Talmud,

we find references to a device that made water drops fall continuously in a metal vessel, thus providing a continuous murmuring sound helping people to sleep and recover.

The American oncologist Mitchell L. Gaynor, director of medical oncology at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center, affiliated with the New York Hospital demonstrated in his book, Sounds of Healing, studies showing the effects provided by music, especially in people who have had serious health problems.Held between the 80’s and 90’s, studies showed that music can change the physiology. The techniques used inresearch were the most diverse patient exposure to classical music, military marches and movie soundtracks.The main effects found were:* Reduction in anxiety and heart and respiratory* Reduction of cardiac complications* Reduction of blood pressure* Increase in the messengers of immune cells* Drop in levels of stress hormones* Increased production of substances that cause welfare, such as endorphins.

The power of music has been recognized since time immemorial.

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Historically we find evidence of this in the writings of Greek philosophers, such as Homer, Plato, Plutarch, Aristotle, and especially Pythagoras and his disciples, that mentioned that music could be used as an agent of psychic healing. Homer recommended music to avoid negative passions such as anger, grief, worry, fear and fatigue, and also to promote a healthy recreation for the elevation of soul and body.

For Plato, music was of a high importance for the mind’s welfare and for people’s health. In Aristotle's view, the two main functions of music were to serve as catharsis of emotions and to build a strong ethical character .Studies demonstrate that patients exposed to music therapy use less medication for pain con-trol and are less susceptible to side effects caused by treatments.

"The music is very well received by patients accustomed to treatments that, in a way, cause suffering".source - Dr. William Eduardo Soares Nogueira - Director of the Institute-San Giovanni Aracaju-Sergipe - Brazil

The vibration produced by ultrasound in each cell causes the body to produce endor-

phins. And the more music, more endor-phins. Isn’t that great? Just listen to lots of music!!The vibration of music has many effects. Besides the production of endorphins, boosts the body's energy and brings ease of movement. Listening always, the person becomes more positive and can even affect your way of thinking and acting, transforming his state of consciousness. The Brazilian Voices ja takes some time to Hospitals and Homes of Rest music, and to me that part of this wonderful group phaco the music is good, who not only listens, but also the singing!! by Elita Freitas

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Have a great Month ! See you in October !

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