above ground pool installers handbook


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Post on 27-Nov-2015




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Everything you need to know about having an above ground swimming pool installed.


To our new customers: Thank you for giving us this opportunity

to offer you a quality installation service. Dig M was started in 1979. To become an installer with Dig M a person must fi rst complete a three-year apprenticeship. This means you will never have a person building your pool who has not been thoroughly trained. We believe in

“in house trained only ”.

©1994-2005 Dig-M Installers, Inc.


Are you in Good Hands ....................................... 3Arrival Time ....................................................... 19Calling the fi rst time ........................................... 14Cancelling .......................................................... 16Delivery.............................................................. 17E-mail address................................................... 29Free tee shirt ..................................................... 28In a hurry ........................................................... 19Installation History ............................................... 3Licensing ........................................................... 13Other Services ................................................... 12Permits .............................................................. 20Pricing................................................................ 13Quality ................................................................. 3References .......................................................... 3Sand .................................................................. 18Things we don’t charge for ................................ 13What You Get ...................................................... 4What do I need for installation ........................... 22Electric for the Pump ......................................... 22Payment ............................................................ 23After the installation ........................................... 23Insurance ........................................................... 24Excavators ......................................................... 23Is it cheaper if I have an old pool? ..................... 26Do you have trees in your yard?........................ 27Bugs, insects, ants, etc...................................... 28Telephone Numbers .......................................... 29


4. Installation History Last year in 2004 we built over 2311 above ground pools. We have built over 35,000 pools in our 26 years of service. In 1979, when we started DIG M, we built 128 pools! Yes, we have been very busy.



MODEL NAME ____________________________________

e. Do you have any accessories?

1. Deck-End deck or side deck?2. Deck- How many pieces to your deck? Any extra decking?3. Deck- Wood deck or metal deck?4. Safety Fencing around the top of your pool? Plastic or metal fencing?5. In Out pool ladder? (If you are not getting a deck)6. Lights? Light through the return line? Lights under the top of your pool?7. Steps going into the pool?8. Porthole?9. Bottom drain? (If your salesperson sold you one)10. Wall foam (If your salesperson sold you this).11. Styrofoam coving?12. Hard vermiculite bottom?

f. Could there be additional charges?1. Working in a hole if pool is sunk into ground. Approx. $200 & up.2. Working around existing decking. $200 & up. 3. Working in hazardous situations or unusual conditions. $200 & up.

11. Canceling If for some reason you have to cancel, please have the courtesy to call us and tell us. We would greatly appreciate your phone call if this should happen. The place you bought your pool from does not tell us when you cancel with them.So please make one phone call and tell us so we can keepa good schedule. We will not ask you any questions;


inches. Because we do them every day we usually can fi gure out the true circle by the manufacturer. Every year it seems each manufacturer is a little different from the year before. We are guessing but its got something to do with the machine set up when it starts the run for the walls. Anyway...no two pools are alike. For the most part it’s usually the same price. In fact for some installation it may cost more. It all depends on whether or not you have an existing deck that may need to be altered, or if you had landscaping rocks around the old pool that are now inside the building area. It actually complicates the building site instead of making it easier. Sometimes we have to hand dig the old pools out. Please make sure you tell the offi ce staff if you have an old pool. Is it sunk in the ground? Is there landscaping all around it? Is there a deck built up to it? Is the ground level different around the pool area? Please discuss this with the offi ce staff. Even if you told your salesperson, please don’t assume they will get the message to us. Please make sure we know everything about your backyard.Old pool - Clean up fee for old pool area. Zero inches free with old pool area. Aproximate cost $125 & up.

24. DO YOU HAVE TREES IN YOUR YARD? If where you are planning to put your new pool has ever had any trees, stumps, roots, boulders etc. please make sure the following was done. You must call a professional tree person. Make sure they grind the stump down at least 6” BELOW THE DIRT LEVEL. When removing the roots they must pull them out of the pool area. Finger like roots will harm your pool liner. Large roots will affect your pool liner. Tell the tree professional you are hiring the yard must be just




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© 1994-2005 Dig-M Installers, Inc.