absolute boundedness and absolute convergence in sequence spaces · 2018-11-16 · e = c0 • e ....

proceedings of the american mathematical society Volume 111, Number 4, April 1991 ABSOLUTE BOUNDEDNESS AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE IN SEQUENCE SPACES MARTIN BUNTINAS AND NAZA TANOVIC-MILLER (Communicated by J. Marshall Ash) Abstract. Let ft* be the set of all sequences h = (hk)k*Ax of Os and Is. A sequence x in a topological sequence space E has the property of absolute boundedness \AB\ if ft* • x = {y\yk = hkxk , h € ft*} is a bounded subset of E . The subspace E,AB, of all sequences with absolute boundedness in E has a natural topology stronger than that induced by E. A sequence x has the property of absolute sectional convergence \AK\ if, under this stronger topology, the net {h • x} converges to x , where h ranges over all sequences in ft* with a finite number of Is ordered coordinatewise (h1 < h" iff V/c, hk < hk ). Absolute boundedness and absolute convergence are investigated. It is shown that, for an F.K-space E, we have E = E,AB, if and only if E = l°° • E, and every element of E has the property \AK\ if and only if E = c0 • E . Solid hulls and largest solid subspaces of sequence spaces are also considered. The results are applied to standard sequence spaces, convergence fields of matrix methods, classical Banach spaces of Fourier series and to more recently introduced spaces of absolutely and strongly convergent Fourier series. 1. Introduction We mainly use standard notation as given in §2. For an FF-space F, various forms of sectional boundedness and sectional convergence have been shown to be equivalent to invariances of the form F = D- E with respect to coordinate- wise multiplication by some space D. Such statements show the equivalence of topological properties of F with algebraic properties of F. In 1968 Garling [9] showed that an FF-space F has the property of sectional boundedness AB if and only if F is invariant with respect to the space bv of sequences of bounded variation, and that F has the property of sectional convergence AK if and only if F = bvQ •F. In 1970 Buntinas [4] showed that, for an FF-space F, Cesàro sectional boundedness oB is equivalent to invariance with respect to the space q of bounded quasiconvex sequences and that Cesàro sectional convergence oK is equivalent to invariance with respect to the space q0 = q n c0 of quasiconvex null sequences. In 1973 results were obtained for more general Toeplitz sections Received by the editors July 17, 1989 and, in revised form, January 18, 1990. 1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 46A45; Secondary 42A16, 42A28. Research partially supported by U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Fund (NSF JF 803). ©1991 American Mathematical Society 0002-9939/91 $1.00+ $.25 per page 967 License or copyright restrictions may apply to redistribution; see https://www.ams.org/journal-terms-of-use

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Page 1: ABSOLUTE BOUNDEDNESS AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE IN SEQUENCE SPACES · 2018-11-16 · E = c0 • E . Solid hulls and largest solid subspaces of sequence spaces are also considered. The

proceedings of theamerican mathematical societyVolume 111, Number 4, April 1991



(Communicated by J. Marshall Ash)

Abstract. Let ft* be the set of all sequences h = (hk)k*Ax of Os and Is. A

sequence x in a topological sequence space E has the property of absolute

boundedness \AB\ if ft* • x = {y\yk = hkxk , h € ft*} is a bounded subsetof E . The subspace E,AB, of all sequences with absolute boundedness in E

has a natural topology stronger than that induced by E. A sequence x has

the property of absolute sectional convergence \AK\ if, under this stronger

topology, the net {h • x} converges to x , where h ranges over all sequences

in ft* with a finite number of Is ordered coordinatewise (h1 < h" iff V/c,

hk < hk ). Absolute boundedness and absolute convergence are investigated.

It is shown that, for an F.K-space E, we have E = E,AB, if and only if

E = l°° • E, and every element of E has the property \AK\ if and only if

E = c0 • E . Solid hulls and largest solid subspaces of sequence spaces are also

considered. The results are applied to standard sequence spaces, convergence

fields of matrix methods, classical Banach spaces of Fourier series and to more

recently introduced spaces of absolutely and strongly convergent Fourier series.

1. Introduction

We mainly use standard notation as given in §2. For an FF-space F, various

forms of sectional boundedness and sectional convergence have been shown to

be equivalent to invariances of the form F = D- E with respect to coordinate-

wise multiplication by some space D. Such statements show the equivalence of

topological properties of F with algebraic properties of F. In 1968 Garling [9]

showed that an FF-space F has the property of sectional boundedness AB if

and only if F is invariant with respect to the space bv of sequences of bounded

variation, and that F has the property of sectional convergence AK if and only

if F = bvQ • F. In 1970 Buntinas [4] showed that, for an FF-space F, Cesàro

sectional boundedness oB is equivalent to invariance with respect to the space

q of bounded quasiconvex sequences and that Cesàro sectional convergence oK

is equivalent to invariance with respect to the space q0 = q n c0 of quasiconvex

null sequences. In 1973 results were obtained for more general Toeplitz sections

Received by the editors July 17, 1989 and, in revised form, January 18, 1990.

1980 Mathematics Subject Classification (1985 Revision). Primary 46A45; Secondary 42A16,

42A28.Research partially supported by U.S.-Yugoslav Joint Fund (NSF JF 803).

©1991 American Mathematical Society

0002-9939/91 $1.00+ $.25 per page


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Page 2: ABSOLUTE BOUNDEDNESS AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE IN SEQUENCE SPACES · 2018-11-16 · E = c0 • E . Solid hulls and largest solid subspaces of sequence spaces are also considered. The


[5]. In 1977, Sember [12] and Sember and Raphael [13] showed that for FK-

spaces, unrestricted sectional boundedness UAB is equivalent to invariance

with respect to the space c of convergent sequences and that unrestricted sec-

tional convergence UAK is equivalent to invariance with respect to the space

c0 of null sequences.

In this paper we study absolute boundedness \AB\ and absolute convergence

\AK\. These conditions are stronger than UAB and UAK, respectively. How-

ever, for FF-spaces, we show that the property \AK\ is equivalent to UAK .

Among other results, we show in §3 that an FF-space F has absolute bounded-

ness if and only if it is solid (A-invariant) and that it has absolute convergence

if and only if it is c0-invariant.

The intersection of all solid FK containing an FF-space F is called the

solid hull of F. In §4 we show that it is an FF-space and characterize it as an

FF-product space. We show that the solid hull of an FF-space F is related

by duality to the \AB\ subspace of F.

In the last section, we give examples and applications to summability theory

and Fourier analysis.


Let co be the space of all real or complex sequences x = (xk). An FF-

space is a subspace of co with a complete metrizable locally convex topology

with continuous coordinate functional fk : x —► xk for all k . An FF-space

whose topology is defined by a norm is a Banach space and is called a FF-

space. Let e be the sequence with 1 in the kth coordinate and 0 elsewhere,12 3

and let cp be the linear span of {e , e , e ,...}. In this paper we consider

only FK- and FF-spaces containing tp, although all the definitions apply to

more general F-spaces containing <p .

We use the notation x • y := (xkyk) for the coordinatewise product of se-

quences x and y and, for subsets A and B of co, we use A • B := {x -y\x e

A, y e B}. If D c co and F is an FF-space, we define the F-dual of D

as the multiplier space D = (D —> F) := {y e co\x ■ y e F for all x e D}.

Let s" := ELie* = (1 A, ... , 1,0,...) and let e:= (1, 1, 1, ...) be thesequence of all "ones." The «th section of a sequence x is snx := s" • x =

(Xj , x2, ... , Xn , U , . . . ) .

A sequence x in co has the property AB of sectional boundedness in an

FF-space F if the sections s" x of x form a bounded subset of F, and it has

the property AK of sectional convergence if, in addition, the sections converge

to x in the topology of F.

Let / := {A s co\hk = 1 or hk = 0 for all k} and ^ := ¿F n <p. The

unconditional (or unrestricted) sections of a sequence x are the sequences in the

set AAA ■ x . The absolute set of x is A%A ■ x . Since e s /, we have x e %A • x.

Let F be an FF-space and let x eco. We say that x has the property U AB

of unconditional sectional boundedness in F if A? • x is a bounded subset of

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Page 3: ABSOLUTE BOUNDEDNESS AND ABSOLUTE CONVERGENCE IN SEQUENCE SPACES · 2018-11-16 · E = c0 • E . Solid hulls and largest solid subspaces of sequence spaces are also considered. The


F and we say that x has the property \AB\ of absolute boundedness if MA • x

is a bounded subset of F .

For each FF-space F, we define the space EAB consisting of all elements

x of co with the property AB in F. Similarly, for the properties UAB and

\AB\, we obtain spaces EUAB and E,AB, . That is,

EAB = {x e co\{s"x}™=x is a bounded subset of F} ,

EUAB = {x e co\Mf • x is a bounded subset of F},

F|^B| = {x e co\M" • x is a bounded subset of F} .

Each of these spaces is an FF-space under an appropriate topology discussed

in §3. These spaces are not necessarily subspaces of F, as is shown by the

example (c0)UAB = (c0)AB = l°° . However, E.AB, is always a subspace of F,

since e e MA. We say that an FF-space F has the property AB, UAB,

or \AB\ if F is a subset of EAB, EUAB, or E,AB,, respectively. Clearly we

have E:AB, c EUAB c EAB . The converse inclusions do not generally hold. For

example, the FF-space c of all convergent sequences has the property UAB

but it does not have the property \AB\.

The set Mf is a directed set under the relation h" > h' defined by h'k > h'k

for all F. A sequence x in an FF-space F containing cp has the property

UAK in F if the net h • x, where h ranges over MA , converges to x under

the topology of F. We say that x has the property \AK\ of absolute sectional

convergence if MA' • x c F and the net h • tí • x , where h ranges over MA ,

converges to tí • x uniformly in tí e MA under the topology of F.

We define EAK to be the space of all elements x of F with the property

AK in F. The same can be done for the properties UAK and \AK\. That is,

EAK = {x e E\ lim^ snx = x} ,

EUAK = {x e E\ limA h • x = x, h e M^} ,

EiAKi = {x e E\ lim^ h ■ tí • x = tí ■ x, uniformly in h' e MA, for


The space EAD is the closure of cp in F. Since cp c F, we have the inclusions

9 c E\AK\ C Euak c &AK c EAD C F. If EAD = F, we say that F has the

property of sectional density AD. If y e E whenever \yk\ < \xk\ for some

x e E, we say that F is solid; this is equivalent to /°°-invariance: F = l°° -E.

We finish this section with a list of some FF-spaces and their norms. The

FF-spaces l°° , c, and c0 are the space of all bounded, convergent, and null

sequences x, respectively, under the sup norm H-xll^ := sup¿. \xk\ ; bv is the

FF-space of all sequences x of bounded variation under the norm \\x\\bv :=

Z)fcli \xk ~ xk+\\ + Hxlloo ' bv0 = bv n c0 under the same norm; cs is the

FF-space of sequences x with convergent series under the norm \\x\\bs :=

SUP„ I Yll=i xk\' IP ' f°r 1 < P < oo , are the FF-spaces of sequences x with

absolutely p-summable series under the norm ||x|| := (J2T=i \xk\P) > tne

mixed lp'q spaces (1 < p < oo, 1 < q < oo) [11] consist of all x with

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11*11,,, := (E%i(\\dJx\\P)P)1/9 < °° where dJxk = xk for 1' < k < lj+l and

dJxk = 0 elsewhere; for q = oo , ||x||p q := supy ||iFx|| . Clearly lp'p = lp .

3. Absolute boundedness and absolute convergence

The properties UAB and UAK were investigated by Sember [12] and Sem-

ber and Raphael [13]. The properties \AB\ and \AK\ considered here are re-

lated. Let F be a FF-space under the norm ||x||£ . We define the (extended)

absolute norm on F by

IWIi£l := sup||Ax||£,

with the convention that \\h ■ x\\E = oo whenever h ■ x £ E. Clearly, ||x||£ <

||x|||£| and E]ABl = {x € F|||x|||£| < oo}.

Similary, if F be an FF-space with an increasing family of seminorms1 2 " ^

P < P < P < • • • defining the topology of F, we define the (extended)

absolute seminorms by

plEAx) := sup p (h ■ x), k=l,l,3,...,

with the convention that p (h ■ x) = oo whenever h • x $ E . Clearly, E,AB, =

{x e E\pkE¡(x) < oo for k = 1,2,...}. By Garling's Theorem [9, p. 998],

E,AB, is an FF-space under the seminorms pl, /A , p , p,E,, ... . Since p <

p,E, for all k , px, p2, p , ... may be omitted. Hence the following theorem

and corollary hold:

Theorem 1. Let E be an FK-space with defining seminorms pl, p2, p3, ... .

Then E,AB, is an FK-space whose topology is defined by the seminorms p!E,,2 3

P\E\ ' P\E\.

Corollary. If E is a BK-space under the norm || • ||£, then E,AB, is a BK-space

under the norm || • ||,£,.

Remark. It follows that a sequence x in an FF-space F has the property

\AK\ if and only if the net A? • x converges to x in the topology of E,AB, .

Theorem 2. Let E bean FK-space containing cp . Then the following statements

are equivalent:

[a] x e F|^B| ;

[b] M*-xcE;and[c] r-xcE.

Proof. We have [a] => [b] by definition of \AB\. Suppose [b]. Then MA c

({x} —> F). The multiplier space ({x} —» F) is an FF-space [10, p. 229]. By

Bennett and Kalton [3], MA is a subset of an FF-space if and only if l°° is a

subset. Thus l°° c ({x} —► F), or /°° -x c F. Thus [b] => [c]. Finally suppose

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[c]. Let Tx be the multiplier map from /°° to F defined by Tx(y) = x • y .

By the Closed Graph Theorem, all multiplier maps between FAT-spaces are

continuous [20]. Since MA is a bounded subset of /°°, TX(MA) = x -MA is a

bounded subset of F . Thus x has the property \AB\ in F. □

Since e e l°° , we have (/°° —► F) c F. Anderson and Shields [1] have

observed that (/°° —► F) is the largest solid subspace of F. By [c] above, we

obtain the following.

Corollary 1. Let E be an FK-space containing cp. Then E,AB, = (l°° —► F).

This is the largest solid subspace of E.

Corollary 2. An FK-space has the property \AB\ if and only if it is solid.

Corollary 3. For any FK-space E, EUAB is solid.

Proof. If F is an FF-space under the seminorms p , k = 1,2,3, ... , then

EUAB is an FF-space under the seminorms supAe^ p (h • x). Since MA =

MAm • Mfn = Mf • MA, it follows that MA -x is a bounded subset of F if and only

if MA • x is a bounded subset of EUAB . This is true if and only if MA ■ x is a

bounded subset of EUAB . That is, EUAB = (EUAB)UAB = (EUAB)lAB¡, which is


The space EUAB can be characterized as follows.

Theorem 3. Let E be an FK-space containing cp . Then EUAB = (c0 —► F).

Proof. By [12, Theorem 4] cQ-EUAB c F. Thus EUAB c (c0 -» F). Conversely,

suppose c0 • x c F. Define the map Fx : c0 —► F by I^GO = x -y. Since T is

continuous, 7^ takes bounded subsets of c0 into bounded subsets of F . Let

U be the unit sphere of c0 . Then U • x is bounded in F . By [12, Theorem

3], we have x € EUAB .

Corollary. Let E be an FK-space containing cp . Then E n EUAB = (c —► E).

In the same way, we can use the results in [9] to show that

EAB = (bv0 -» F) and F n EAB = (bv -» F).

Although F^^^ is solid, EUAB n F need not be solid. This is the case when

E = c. Thus, E,AB, is generally a proper subspace of EUAB n F. Also, if

F c EUAB , the space F^^^ need not be the smallest solid space containing F .

The space (c0)UAB = A provides an example.

Theorem 4. Let E be an FK-space. If EUAB c F, then E,AB, = EUAB .

Proof. Clearly, E,AB, C EUAB. By Theorem 2, Corollary 3, EUAB is solid.

Since E,AB, is the largest solid subspace of F, the statement follows. D

Theorem 5. Let E bean FK-space containing cp . Then the following statements

are equivalent:

[a] F ¿s solid and has the property AD ;

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[b] F is solid and has the property AK ;

[c] E = c0-E;

[d] E has the property UAK ; and

[e] E has the property \AK\.

Proof. The equivalence of [a], [b], and [c] was proved by Garling [9, p. 1007].

[b] => [e] : Fremlin and Garling [9, p. 1006] showed that a solid FF-space F

is locally solid; that is, the topology of F is defined by seminorms p with the

property p(d-x) < p(x) for all sequences d in the unit sphere of l°° . Let p be

such a continuous seminorm, let x e E, and let e > 0. Then p,E, = p . Suppose

p(snx - x) < § , and let h e M' such that h > s" . Then s" = h • s" . Hence

P|£|(/z-x-x) < P\E\(h-x-snx)+P\E\(snx-x) = P\E\(h-x-h-snx)+p\E\(s"x-x) =

p(hAx~ s"x)) +p(s"x - x) < lp(s"x - x) < e . This shows that the net MA • x

converges to x under the topology of E,AB,. [e] =>■ [d] is immediate from the

definitions, [d] =4> [b] : The property UAK clearly implies AK, since s" e MA

for all n . Sember and Raphael [13, Corollary 3.2] have shown that EUAK is

solid. Since F = EUAK , it follows that F is solid. D

Remark. A FF-space has the property \AK\ if and only if, for all x e E,

\\s"x - x|||£, —> 0 as «-»oo. Moreover, in this case ||x||,£| = sup ||i"x|||£,. A

similar statement can be made about FF-spaces.

Theorem 6. If E is an FK-space containing cp and EAD is solid, then EAD =

^ak - ^uak = E\ak\ ~ co ' E ■

Proof. Clearly E,AK, c EUAK c EAK c EAD . Since EAD is a closed subspace of

F, it is an FF-space under the subspace topology. Hence E,AK, = (EAD),AK,.

By Theorem 5 ([a] => [e]), we have (EAD)]AK] = EAD . D

Corollary 1. If E is an FK-space containing cp with the property UAB, then

EAd = EAK = EUAK = F^i = c0- E.

Proof. If F has the property UAB, then by Sember and Raphael [ 13, Theorem

4], EAD = EUAK = c0 • F. Thus EAD is solid and satisfies the conditions of

Theorem 6. D

If F is solid, then F has the property UAB since F = E,AB, c EUAB .

Corollary 2. If E is a solid FK-space containing cp, then EAD = EAK = EUAK =F — r • F

Corollary 3. For any FK-space E containing cp, E,AK, = c0 • E,AB,.

Proof. By definition, E,AK, = (E,ABAUAK . Since E,AB, is solid, we have

(E\ab\wak = co ' E\ab\

by Corollary 2. D

Theorem 7. Let E be an FK-space. Then EUAK = E,AK,.

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Proof. Let x e E. The statement x e EUAK means that the net MA • x con-

verges to x in the topology of F. The statement x e E,AK, means that the net

MA ■ x converges to x in the topology of E,AB, ; that is, E,AK, = (E,ABAUAK .

Also EUAK = c0 ■ EUAB = c0 ■ (EUAB)UAB = (EUAB)UAK . It remains to be shown

that (E,ABAUAK = (EUAB)UAK, which by Theorem 6, Corollary 2 is equiva-

lent to (E¡ABl)AK = (EUAB)AK. Since E]AB] C EUAB, we have the inclusion

(e\ab\)ak c (euab)ak- Conversely, suppose x e (EUAB)AK. Then, for each

continuous seminorm p on F, supAe;r p(h ■ (snx - smx)) —» 0 as n, m -* oc .

Since s"x - smx e cp , we have suph€jr p(h ■ (snx - smx)) —> 0 as n, m —► oo ;

that is, x€ (FMß|)^. D

4. The solid hull of an FF-space

For an FF-space F, the solid hull (F) is the intersection of all solid FF-

spaces containing F. It is clearly solid. The solid hull was investigated by

Anderson and Shields in [1]. We show that the solid hull is an FF-product

space, and we find a dual relationship between E,AB, and (E).

The FF-product E®F of two FF-spaces F and F was defined in [6] and

[7] and was characterized as the smallest FF-space containing the coordinate

product E • F. If F and F are FF-spaces, then E<g>F turns out to be a


Theorem 8. Let E be an FK-space. The solid hull of E is the FK-space


Proof. If F is a solid FF-space containing F, then F = /°° • F D /°° • F D

F. Thus F D /°°®F d E. But 1°°®E is itself solid, since r®(l°°®E) =

(/00(gi/00)(8)F = /°°®F. Thus it is the smallest solid FF-space containing F. D

[7, Theorem 4.3] states that (E®F)AD = (E®F)AK = EAK<g>F whenever

F c F^B . We obtain the following:

Corollary. Let E bean FK-space containing cp. Then (1°°®E)AD = (/°°®F)ad - v ^^'AK


From this corollary we see that if F is solid and has the property AD, then

E = c0- E. This is Theorem 5 ([a] => [c]). Other parts of Theorems 5 and 6

can also be obtained.

The next theorem exhibits a dual relationship between the space E,AB, and

the solid hull (E).

Theorem 9. Let E and F be FK-spaces. Then ((E) -* F) = (E —> E),AB,.

That is, the F-dual of the solid hull of E is the largest solid subspace of the

F-dual of E.

Proof. By Theorem 2, Corollary 1, (E -+ F)lAB{ = (l°° -* (E -» F)). By [7,

(5.6)], (A - (E - F)) = t(l°°êE) - F). D

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For example, let the a- and /Fduals of F be defined by Ea = (E -* ll)

and Eß = (E -> cs), respectively. We have Ea = (Ea)]ABl = (E)a. Also

Íe")\ab\ = (/0° - E") = (£ßß - *') = £ßßa = E° t7' Theorem (5.1)]; [8,

Theorem 1]. Similarly ((E)/ = Ea .

Corollary. For any FK-space E, we have Eaa = (E)AB = (E)UAB .

Proof. By Theorem 9, we have (E)a = (Ea),AB,. Also, (Ea),AB, = Ea, since

Ea is solid. Thus (E)aa = Eaa . But (E)aa = (E)AB by [5, Theorem 4] and [8,

Remark (6)]. As noted after Theorem 3, (E)AB = (bv0 —> (F)). This is a subset

of (c0 -> (E)), which is EUAB by Theorem 3. That is, (E)AB C (E)UAB , and

thus (E)AB = (E)UAB . D

5. Examples and applications

The properties \AB\ and \AK\ are strong properties of FF-spaces. We have

the following list:

l\AK\ - C0' l\AB\ - " I — l >

c\ak\ = c\ab\ = co ' (q = ' ;

CS\AK\ ~ CS\AB\ - ' ' (C5) = C0 '

%a:[ = bv\AB\ = /!. {bv) = l°°;

l\AK\=l\AB\=:{lP) = lP(l<P<oo); and

l\AK\ - l\AB\ = V ) = l A<P<^,l<q<oo).

Given an infinite matrix F = (tnk) of real or complex numbers, let cT

denote the convergence field of F; i.e., cT = {x e co: Tx e c}. By the

above list we have cs,AB, = I . We will now show that this can be extended to

convergence fields cT of all series-sequence regular matrices F (i.e., cT D cs

and limn £* tnkxk = £k xk for all x e cs).

Theorem 10. If T is a matrix with limn_(oo tnk = 1 for each k, then (cT),AB, C


Proof. The space cT is an FF-space under the seminorms p (x) = \xk \ (k =

1,1,3,...), q"(x) = sur)m\J2k=itnkxk\(n = 1,2,3,...) and r(x) =

SUP„ \AZklnkxk\ ' t2^]' HO]- By Theorem 1, (cT)\AB, is an FF-space under

the seminorms p,c ,, Q\c \, and r^ ,. Let ||x|| = supn J2k l^/t^l • ^ can

be easily verified that (cT)>AB, is a FF-space under the norm || • || since

lrlCjl > || • II > rkr| = sup^^, > supfc/7*Cr|. Furthermore ||x|| > EJaI

for all x £ (Ct-)^^! • □

Every series-sequence regular matrix F satisfies the conditions of Theorem

10. This can be shown by considering the sequences e , k = 1, 2, 3, ... .

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Corollary. If T is a series-sequence regular matrix, then (cT),AB, —I .

We now apply the concepts considered in this paper to the spaces of Fourier

coefficients of some classes of functions. Let Lp (p > 1 ) be the Banach space

of all real- or complex-valued In -periodic integrable functions with the norm

11/11 i' = (¿F / I/O ' wnere the integral is taken over any interval of length

In. Let C be the Banach space of all continuous real- or complex-valued

27T-periodic functions with the norm ||/||c = supx |/(x)|.

If / e L , let f'k), k e Z, denote the kth complex Fourier coefficient of

/. / = (f(k))k€Z and let snf, « = 0,1,... denote the «th partial sum of

the Fourier series of /. If F is a subspace of F1 , let F denote the class of

all sequences of Fourier coefficients of functions in F, i.e., F = {/: f e E} .

Although the results in the preceding sections are for spaces of one-way se-

quences, they can be easily extended to the classes F of two-way sequences.

If F is a Banach space, then F is a Banach space under the induced norm

ll/llf := ll/llf > and conversely. Given a Banach space F contained in F

we can determine the corresponding subspaces of absolutely bounded and ab-

solutely convergent Fourier series, in the topology of F, by determining the

spaces E\ABi and E,AK,. We shall also consider the corresponding solid hull

(F).Two classical spaces of functions in Fourier analysis, determined by the point-

wise convergence, ordinary / and absolute |/|, are the spaces of uniformly and

absolutely convergent Fourier series:

V = {feC:sJ-*fI uniformly} and A = {/ e C: sj - /|/| a.e.}.

They are Banach spaces, under the norms:

11/11*:= sup \\snf\\c and ||/|L, := £|/(fc)| = U/H,,.kez

It is well known that A C % C C c F°° properly, where L°° is the cor-

responding space of essentially bounded measurable functions. We shall also

consider the Banach space M of In -periodic Radon measures, under the norm

II/IU = supj¿t£Lo^/IIf-For the spaces F = Lp(p > 1) and F°° , the questions of determining the

largest solid space contained in F and the smallest solid space containing F

have already been considered in [1]. Slightly expanding those results in view of

the concepts of this paper, we can write the following theorem, where the stan-

dard sequence spaces are to be interpreted as the spaces of two-way sequences:

Theorem 11

[a] If E is a Banach space and L c F c F , then E,AK, = E\AB\ = / and

I2 = (L2) c (F) c (V) = c0. Moreover, ifl<p<l, then (Lp) clq'2,

where l/p + l/q = 1.

[b] If p>l and l/p +l/q=l, then A2 c Lp and (Lp) = I2.

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[c] If E is a Banach space and A c F c F°°, then E,AK, = E,AB, = /'

and /' = (A) c (Ê) C (L°°) C I2.

[d] MlAB]=LllABl=l2 and (M) = T.

[a] It was pointed out in [1] that L,AB, = I = L,AB]. Thus, E,AB, = / and,2

since / has AD, by Theorem 5 we have that E,AK, = E,AB,. The corresponding

statements about solid hulls were discussed in [1], and the last statement is a

corollary of a result in [11].

[b] The inclusion follows from [11], and the equality (Lp) = I2 forp>l

was also discussed in [1].

r*\AB\ -' ■ **»«M™"«J ^\AB[c] Since A = /' is solid, s/,AB, = ll . The equality LA, = /' was explained

in [1]. Thus E\AB\ = / and, by Theorem 5, E\AK, = E,AB, ■ The inclusion about

solid hulls is obvious.

[d] Clearly L1^ c M]AB] and, by [a] L^ = I2. Hence I2 C A/|/1Ä|.

Conversely, let / 6 M{AB¡ . Then ||/|||i?| < oo ; i.e., sup„ ||^A E*-0**/H|£»| <

oo . Since L,¿B, = / , we have sup„ ||^A X)i=oJ/t/ll/2 < °° and therefore

isupf £ |/(*)|2| <sup(£ (l-*)/(*)


< oo.

Thus f el . This proves the first inequality. To show that (A/) = /°° , we first

note th£U e e M, so that e-l°° = l°° c (M). But A? c /°° implies (A?) c l°° .

Thus (M) =r. O

Corollary. s&\AB\ = &\Ab\ = ^\ab\ ~ e<\ab\ = ' = A, a«ú? //lé- same sín'«g o/

equalities is true for \AK\.

We consider now some newer classes of functions introduced in Fourier anal-

ysis. They are determined by other types of pointwise convergence, namely

strong convergence of index p > 1 , [/] , and absolute convergence of in-

dex p > 1, |/| . The latter extends the concept of absolute convergence

IF in the sense that a sequence sn -> j|/| if and only if sn —> si and

J2kp~ \sk - sk_x\p < oc. The strong convergence [/] lies between the ab-

solute |/| and the ordinary convergence /: that is, |/| =$■ [I]p => I; see [14]

or [16] and the references cited there. These notions were applied to trigono-

metric and Fourier series in a series of recent papers, [16] through [18], which

led to the study of the related spaces of functions, [14], [15], [19]:

Sp = {feLx: sj -» f[I]p a.e.}, Sp = {/ e C: sj - f[I]p uniformly},

Ap = {feLl: sj - /l/l, a.e.}, Ap = {/ e C: sj - f\I\p uniformly}.

For p = 1, we write simply S, S, A, and A , respectively. They have

many interesting properties: Sp c Sp c f)\<r<0oEr properly, but Sp <f L°° ;

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the classes Sp and S" decrease with p increasing while the classes s/p are

incomparable and the same is true for Ap ; A = A ; sfp c §p C %A and

Ap c Sp c Lp properly. From the results in [14], [15], and [17] they can be

described as follows.

For p > 1, let sp := {x: ^ Ew<n\k\"\xk\p = o(l) (n -> oo)}. Then

S = V ni1 and S c s1 properly, S" = sp = {x: aA1 A,|>n |x/ = o(l)'l*IS

_ cP — fy, „P-l V'|/t|>n l^fc

(« -* oo)} for p > 1, and SP = C n S" for p > 1. For p > 1, lp = </ :=

{x: S¿6Z l^lP_1|;cfel/' < °°} an<^ A p = Cn.4p . They are Banach spaces under

the corresponding norms:


IIî = II/IIl. + II/II[,]; Il/Ils* = ll/llw for p > * ;\\f\y = 11/11* + ll/llw for p > 1 ;

|^, = ||/I|W and 11/11^ = 11/11* + ||/|||p| for p > 1,


w = su^2«irT^(|/:| + 1)/'l/w|/'l and\k\<n

ipa | i/(o)r + x i^r'i/wik&Z.k^tO

Theorem 12

[a] S\ak\ = S\ab\ =s"=Sp = (Sp) for p>\.

[h] S\ak\ = S\ab\ = I n s (* and S <we incomparable).

M Sffjci = sf^Bi = /' n/ (/' £ / except for p = 1 a/t<jV t¿ /').

[d] (§") = / = S' /or p > 1 a/i«/ (§) c/2nA 5|ylfi|.


[a] By the above remarks, Sp = sp for p > 1 . Since sp is solid and has the

property AD, the statement follows from Theorem 5.

[b] S = L m1 and, consequently, S,AB, C £A, n$', since sl is solid.A1 2 *"* 2 1

By Theorem 11 [a], L,AB> = I , and therefore S,AB, c / flj , Conversely,

/ n s c L|^B| n s c $iAb\ ■ Moreover, by Theorem 5, S,AK, = S,AB,.

[c] By the above remarks, Sp = C n Sp and, by the corollary of Theorem

11, ¿A, = / . Hence, by statement [a], S,AB, c /'n/ and conversely

/ Dsp c C,AB, nSjA c cA5,. The equality S,^, = S,^, is clear from Theorem

5.[d] Since Sp = Cf)Sp , clearly (SP) C (Sp) = s" for all p > 1 . To show the

converse inclusion for p > 1 , we refer to a result due to Salem [2, vol. 1, p.

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335], noting first that x 6 / implies that

y^ —?— y^ w21hk^^\kk

Since sr° c s¿ for p > 2, it clearly suffices to assume that 1 < p < 2. Taking

1 < p < 2 for x e sp we have,

1/2 / N 1/P

E w2 ) ^ E i*/ - ° (¿tí) - where i/P+1/« -1,

from which it follows that (*) is satisfied. We now show that sp c l°° • Sp .

For x e sp, let x = xr + x , where xk = xk for k > 0, x[ = 0 for k < 0,Il r

and xk = 0 for k > 0, xk = xk for k < 0. By the above argument, both x

and x satisfy (*). Consequently, by Salem's theorem, there exists a sequence

(a¿)^=o such that the series


X x¿cos(/cí - û£)fe=0

converges uniformly and is therefore the Fourier series of its sum function

g e C. Hence gc(k) = xk cosak and gs(k) = xk sinak . Expressed in complex

form, g is the uniform sum of the series

J2 S(k)e' ', where g(k) = \x[e~lak, g(-k) = \x[e'ak.


Consequently, defining a two-way sequence y by yk = le'ak for k > 0 and

yk = 0 for k < 0, we have xr = y • g where y e l°° . But clearly g e sp = Sp ,

and therefore xr = y-g e l°°-Sp . In the same way we can show that x1 e l00-^ .

Consequently x 6 1°°®$" c (Sp).

The corresponding properties for the spaces Ap and A p are proved simi-

larly, noting that ap c sp so that x e ap implies (*). D

Theorem 13

[a] ¿\ak\ = ¿\ab\ =ap = Ap = (Ap) for p > 1.

[b] ^1=^1 = /'no"/or p>l.

[c] (A p) = ap = Ap for p > 1 anrf (A) = /'.


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Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, Illi-

nois 60626

Department of Mathematics, University of Sarajevo, 71000 Sarajevo, Yugoslavia

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