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ABSolutely Shredded 1

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

ABSolutely Shredded 2

ABSolutely Shredded

Copyright Notice

Published By:Alain Gonzalez

10137 Eastmar Commons BlvdOrlando Fl, 32825

Copyright © 2011 All material in this guide is, unlessotherwise stated, the property of Alain Gonzalez. Copyright and

other intellectual property laws protect these materials.Reproduction or retransmission of the materials, in whole or in

part, in any manner, without the prior written consent of thecopyright holder, is a violation of copyright law.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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All the information presented in “ABSolutely Shredded” is for educational and resource purposes only. It is not a substitute for or an addition to any advice given to you by your physician or health care provider.

Consult your physician before making any changes to your lifestyle, diet, or exercise habits. You are solely responsible for the way information in “ABSolutely Shredded” is perceived and utilized and so, you do so at your own risk.

In no way will Alain Gonzalez or any persons associated with MuscleMonsters.com or “ABSolutely Shredded” be held responsible for any injuries or problems that may occur due to the use of this eBook or the advice contained within.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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Table Of Contents

Intro Page 5

Step 1The Six Pack Diet Plan Page 7

Step 2Super Foods for a Super Physique Page 13

Step 3Slick Exercises for Razor Sharp Abs Page 16

Step 4HIIT Routines that Incinerate Fat Page 21

Step 5 Circuit Training for Shredded Abs Page 25

Step 6The ABSolutely Shredded Routine Page 30

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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Let’s be honest, we are all aware that developing visible six pack abs comes with decreased body fat. Practically any ab program you come across makes a huge emphasis on how one should follow a strict diet in order to get those abs to show. Now, I won’t bullshit you and tell you that this program is going to allow you to get the beach body of your dreams without implementing a calorie deficit because that is just not possible, period. What I will tell you is this, following this manual will allow you to lose ½ an inch off of your waist on a weekly basis and give you fast noticeable results. Not only will your abs become sharper and easily visible without any fancy lighting, but your entire body will become more ripped and toned as well.

Who is this program for?

This program is for anyone who is trying to lose weight fast (the healthy way), burn off those last 5-10 pounds without losing muscle, or anyone who is trying to make a “visual impact” for an upcoming event.

Who is this program NOT for?

This program is NOT for those who are looking for an easy way to

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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burn fat, have a problem with commitment and dedication, or are not in a hurry to get the body that will “wow” their friends and family.

What will I learn from this program?

In this manual you will learn…

·How to put together a healthy diet that will not require fasting or starving.·What foods you should keep in stock in order to speed up the process. ·How to burn fat while maintaining the muscle you worked so hard to get.·The best forms of exercise to burn fat without spending hours in the gym.·Top workouts known to give you sharper and more visible abs.·A step by step program for optimum results·And much more…

Let’s Get Started!

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

ABSolutely Shredded 7

Step #1 The Six Pack Diet Plan

Burning fat is possible through a very simple equation. Simply burning more calories than you consume will allow you to lose unwanted weight practically on demand.

(Calories Burned > Calories Consumed)

This is known as a calorie deficit. If you consume 2,500 calories and burn 2,750, your calorie deficit is 250. This is mainly important to know just so that you are aware of how simple this really is. In this program I am not going to ask you to keep up with the amount of calories you are burning vs. the amount of calories you are consuming, it would become extremely difficult and tedious to say the least.

What I am going to provide you with is an equation that you can use in order to determine how many calories YOU should consume daily. I will also give you a breakdown of where these calories should come from as well as when these calories should be consumed.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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(Grab a pencil/pen, something to write on, and a calculator)

How Many Calories Should I Consume?

This equation for daily caloric intake is quite simple, yet very effective. Simply take your TARGET body weight and multiply it by 10.

For example:Your weight – Pounds to lose = Target weightTarget weight (x) 10 = Total Daily CaloriesIf you are 180 lbs and your fitness goal is to lose 20 pounds (of unwanted weight) then the equation would look like this.180 – 20 = 160160 x 10 = 1600 Calories per day

Once you have determined the amount of calories you will be consuming daily, it is time to break these calories up into types. Here is how they should be distributed…45% Protein30% Carbohydrates25% Fats

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Daily Caloric Intake (x) .45 = Calories from proteinDaily Caloric Intake (x) .30 = Calories from carbsDaily Caloric Intake (x) .25 Calories from fat

For example: 1600 x .45 = 720 calories from protein1600 x .30 = 480 calories from carbohydrates1600 x .25 = 400 calories from fats

If you look at the nutritional facts on a food item, you’ll notice that it only shows total calories. The calorie types are broken down into grams. With that being the case, turning your “calories from” into grams would make this much easier on you.Calories from protein / 4 = Daily grams of proteinCalories from carbohydrates / 4 = Daily grams of carbsCalories from fats / 8 = Daily grams of fat

For example:720 / 4 = 180 grams of protein per day480 / 4 = 120 grams of carbs per day400 / 8 = 50 grams of fat per day

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Because you are going to be at a calories deficit, it is very important that you are providing your body a steady stream of energy and nutrients throughout the day. Also, due to the fact that you are decreasing your calorie intake, it is very important that you keep your metabolism working in order to keep it from slowing down.

Your daily diet should look something like this:1)Breakfast2)Snack3)Lunch4)Snack5)Dinner6)Snack

Breaking your diet up into 6 meals/snacks will not only allow you to keep a steady stream of energy and nutrients in the body, but it will also keep your metabolism working in order to speed it up. Speeding up your metabolism will allow you to burn fat much faster as well as store fat less easily.

IMPORTANT!If you are following this program with the goal of simply losing

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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weight, then maybe the sources of your calories don’t matter as much. However, like I’ve said before, if you eat like crap you will look like crap. On the other hand, if you are serious about the way you look and feel and it is important to you to keep all the muscle you have built, then a clean diet is the way to go.

What should I keep in my diet?Complex Carbohydrates: Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, vegetables, wheat pasta, or wheat breadHigh quality Protein: Chicken breast, salmon, whey, turkey, or eggsNatural Fats: Nuts, olive oil, or peanut butter

Things to stay away from:·Dairy·Whites ·Sweets·Juice·Anything with high sugar content

Cheat days or cheat meals….or neither?I’m sure you are all familiar with cheat meals and/or cheat days.

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These are simply days or meals where you step away from your current diet and indulge in some of your favorite foods. I have personally gone both routes and surprisingly enough, I was able to achieve pretty impressive results both ways.

What I recommend is that you base your decision according to your personality.

What I mean by this is… would you be ok without cheating? Or will it take its toll on you and cause you to break down and completely take you out of your game?

Would you be content with rewarding yourself one cheat meal per week for your hard efforts? Or do you think your hard efforts deserve more?

Would you prefer to work hard all week while waiting on that entire cheat day like it was Christmas?

Tip for those who chose a “cheat day”:Please don’t go crazy and overdo it, use common sense.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

ABSolutely Shredded 13

Step #2 Super Foods

for a Super Physique

It is pretty common information nowadays that spot reduction is in fact not possible through exercise. Meaning that no matter how much time you spend on crunches, you will not develop visible abdominals without proper diet.

On the other hand, spot reduction via dieting is possible. Not only with nutrients that kill hunger in order to prevent overeating, but some contain phytonutrients and monounsaturated fats that help fight hormones that add belly fat.

The idea is to create a diet (using step 1) that is rich in these “belly fat killers”

I recommend trying to add one of the foods off of this list in each meal in order to maximize your belly fat burning potential.

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Following a “decent” diet and exercise routine, one can easily achieve a visible 2 pack or maybe even 4 pack. But sticking to a solid diet that is rich in these phytonutrients and monounsaturated fats while using proper calculation in order to create a calorie deficit that won’t starve you, will allow you to develop a completely flat stomach and visible 6 pack abs fast.

Top Belly Fat Burning Foods

1.Salmon: The high quality protein and omeg-3 fatty acid content makes this my personal favorite “belly fat killer”.2.Avocados: This food is high in fiber (which helps kill hunger) and is also rich in monounsaturated fats that burn belly fat.3.Vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, and cabbage all contain phytonutrients that help fight hormones that add belly fat. 4.Assorted nuts: Almonds, peanuts, and cashews are all high in natural fats that kill hunger. The fats and minerals that these foods are loaded with are also belly fat killers. 5.Oats: These are packed with healthy complex carbs and high in fiber.

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Other Belly Fat Killers·Cinnamon ·Greek Yogurts·Green Tea·Chili Peppers·Berries·Beans and·Dark Chocolate

Putting these items on your grocery list and keeping them stocked in your kitchen will make for faster results and less headaches when deciding on what to eat.

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Step #3 Slick Exercises

for Razor Sharp Abs

Before I get started, I must give credit where credit is due.

A lot of these exercises were shown to me by Rusty Moore, the fitness expert who specializes in “the lean Hollywood look”. He is also the author of one of the top fitness programs available on the net, “Visual Impact Muscle Building”, a course created for those guys who want to build muscle and stay lean without bulking.

Before I get into the main topic of this section, let me talk about abdominal exercise intensity for the look you are going for. You see, the deeper your abdominals are, the faster your abs will become visible (without good lighting). Anyone can achieve a visible six pack at 5 percent body fat after torturing themselves for weeks or months, but let’s be honest, no one can maintain such a low body fat for longer than a couple of weeks. The technique I am sharing with you will allow you to show abdominal definition at the lower double digit/higher single digit body fat level without a tan, fancy lighting, or flexing your ass off.

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(If you look on the cover of this manual, that was me at 11 percent body fat with no tan, no fancy lighting, no crazy dieting, no photo editing, and no flexing or posing. )

Abdominal Workout IntensityThe idea here is to increase the muscle size of the abs. This can be achieved by fatiguing the muscle with high intensity and high repetition. Training till failure with 30 seconds of rest in between each set is ideal for triggering the increase of muscle cell size.

Although it is very important that we trigger the growth of the muscle size in order to get visible abs faster, increasing density is also important when achieving the perfect look. This will help tighten up the midsection while also giving you what I call the “brick wall effect”. This can be done by training low reps (10-12) at a slow and concentrated pace without sacrificing form.

Slick Exercises for Razor Sharp Abs

1.Lying Leg Raises – Although many may consider this to be a beginner’s exercise, this is easily one of the most effective ab workouts, period. Most people also think that these only target the lower abs, which is another misconception. These are great for strengthening the core without putting pressure on your lower back.

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When performing these, I recommend not lifting your legs higher than 90 degrees and keeping your heels 6 inches from the floor when lowering. 4-5 sets till failure would be ideal for this exercise.

2.Planks - This is by far one of the greatest abdominal exercises. Planks will allow your abs to stay in a contracted state while your spine is in a neutral position. This is specifically great for toning the abs while promoting proper posture.

Start off by holding the plank position for about 1 minute. As you advance with the exercise, try pushing to keep it up longer. Once you are able to hold for 2 minutes, I can assure you will have some solid abs.

3.Incline Crunches – These help put less pressure on the spine while fatiguing the muscle much faster. This is a great way to tone as well as develop deeper abs without having to perform 60 reps before

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it burns.

I recommend performing these till failure for about 4-5 sets depending on your fitness level. These work best when performed at a high intensity break down the muscle and trigger muscle cell growth.

4.Renegade Rows - This exercise not only transforms your obliques and tightens up your waist, but it also strengthens your chest, shoulders, biceps, and triceps all at the same time. Another big thing that I love about renegade rows is that they make your spine more resistant to injury.

Do these with light enough weight to maintain proper form while performing them slowly and controlled. 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets are ideal for this exercise.

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5.Hanging Leg Raises - Rusty calls these the “holy grail” of

exercises for abs and I most definitely agree. If you are not physically capable of performing full on hanging leg raises (this is a more advanced technique) then I would recommend starting with either a slight bend at the knee, knee ups, or if those are not an option, lying leg raises.

This exercise should be performed for 4 sets with 10-15 reps. Make sure you are using proper form and keeping those abs contracted without swinging your legs.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com

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Step #4 HIIT Routines


Incinerate Fat

What is HIIT?HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is a form of cardio. The name of the technique (HIIT) says it all, high intensity intervals with periods of lower intensity that allow for active recovery.

What are the benefits of HIIT?·Burns more calories than steady state cardio in less time·Increased metabolism for up to 24 hours following a session·Balanced blood sugar levels·Improved muscle function·Normalize cholesterol·Increased bone density and ·Time efficiency

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HIIT Routines

HIIT Routine #1 – Jog, Run, JogThe first routine is very simple yet extremely effective. This routine is best done on a treadmill in order to time yourself as well as increase and decrease speed precisely. Simply step on the treadmill and start off with a jog (4.0 mph), continue to jog for 1 minute. Once you have reached 1 minute, quickly increase your jog to a run by increasing the speed 2-4 mph. Run at the increase mph for 1 minute and then decrease the speed to the starting amount. Continue this for 15 minutes.

Jog (4.0) for 1 minuteRun (6.0) for 1 minuteRepeat for 15 minutes

This exercise can also be performed on a bike. If you are a beginner, you can start from walking to jogging and increase the intensity as you advance.

(The speeds you choose to use should be determined by you and your fitness level)

HIIT Routine #2 – High Intensity Interval Sprinting

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The second routine is more than likely best performed outdoors. This is a simple sprinting workout that looks simple on paper, but not so simple when applied. Choose a starting point and an ending point; the ending point should be close enough for you to sprint to at full velocity. Sprint to the end point as fast as possible and then slowly walk back to the starting point. Once you reach the starting point, prepare yourself and sprint to the end point again and repeat.

Sprint to the ending pointWalk to the starting pointRepeat for 5-10 minutes

As a beginner, you may occasionally need to break a little longer than it will take you to walk to the starting point, which is fine.

HIIT Routine #3 – Burpees IntervalsThis is one of my favorites because it can be done practically anywhere and it is going to burn tons of calories in very little time. Start off by performing 10 half burpees at a low intensity. Once you have reached 10 repetitions, going into full burpees for 10 reps at a higher intensity.

Half Burpees x 10Full Burpees x 10Repeat

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This is a more advanced routine that will not be implemented till later in the program to assure proper form and completion.

If you want to really challenge yourself, you can add a jump when finishing the full burpee or simply add a pushup before jumping to standing position.

(There will be a video demonstration that includes how to perform burpees and half burpees)

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Step #5 Circuit Training


Shredded Abs

What is Circuit Training?

Circuit training is a form of conditioning using either bodyweight movements of resistance training. It is typically designed to be easy to follow as well as increased muscle endurance, strength, and fat burn.

Each of the circuits I will share with you in this manual will consist of 6 different exercises. Each exercise should be performed back to back with 10-15 seconds of rest in between.

What are the benefits of circuit training?·Backed up by science·No need for fancy equipment

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·Time efficiency·Increased metabolism·Increase muscle endurance·Increased strength·Rapid Fat Loss

Circuit Training RoutinesHere is a list of a few of my personal circuit training routines. These routines are all performed the same way. Start off with the first exercise and perform it for 15 seconds at a high intensity. Once you have completed it, take a break for 10-15 seconds. Following your rest, move on to the next exercise and perform that one for another 15 seconds at high intensity. Continue this until you have finished all 6 exercises, and then take a 1-2 minute break. The idea is to perform the circuit and/or circuits as many times as possible.

CTR #1Mountain ClimbersBurpeesHigh KneesSquatsPush Ups

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Jump Squats

CTR #2Run in PlaceVertical JumpsHalf BurpeesLunges (In Place)High KneesHorizontal Jumps

CTR #3 SquatsJump SquatsPush UpsVertical JumpsMountain ClimbersBurpees

CTR #4 Mountain Climbers

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Push UpsBurpeesHigh KneesSquatsT – Pushups

(Here is a video demonstration of CTR #4)

Advanced Circuit Training RoutineThis is an advanced circuit training routine that requires an easy curl or straight bar. This routine consists of 6 different exercises that will be performed for 10 reps each. Feel free to take 15-30 seconds of

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rest in between exercises and 1-2 minutes of rest in between circuits.

ACTRDeadliftsBent over RowsHang CleansFront SquatsSquat and PressLunges

(Here is a video demonstration of the ACTR)

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Step #6The

ABSolutely Shredded Routine

Note: It is highly recommended to perform steady state cardio on your days off. Start off with walking, jogging, or running 1-2 miles per day. Be sure to increase your distance and intensity on a weekly basis for optimum results.

F = Failure

Week 1Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

SundayMonday Lying Leg Raises 3 x F

Incline Crunches 3 x 20Planks 2 x 1 Minute

CTR#1 (3-4 Circuits)

TuesdayWednesday CTR#1

(3-4 Circuits)

ThursdayFriday Incline Crunches 3 x F Jog, Run, Jog

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Planks 2 x 1 MinuteSide Planks 2 x 1Minute

(17 Minutes)


Week 2Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

SundayMonday Jog, Run, Jog

(17 Minutes)CTR#1 and or #2(5 Circuits)

TuesdayWednesday Lying Leg Raises 3 x F

Incline Crunches 4 x 20Side Planks 3 x 1Minute

Jog, Run, Jog(17 Minutes)

ThursdayFriday Incline Crunches 4 x F

Planks 3 x 1 MinuteSide Planks 2 x 1Minute

CTR#1 and/or #2(6 Circuits)


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Week 3Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

SundayMonday Jog, Run, Jog

(20Minutes)CTR#2 and or #3(6 Circuits)

TuesdayWednesday Jog, Run, Jog

(20 Minutes)CTR#2 and or #3(6 Circuits)

ThursdayFriday Incline Crunches 5 x F

Planks 3 x 1 MinuteSide Planks 3 x 1Minute

Jog, Run, Jog(20 Minutes)


Week 4Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

SundayMonday Lying Leg Raises 5 x F

Incline Crunches 4 x 20Renegade Rows 4 x 10

CTR#2 and or #3(6-7 Circuits)

TuesdayWednesday High Intensity Sprinting

(10 Sprints)CTR#2 and or #3(6-7Circuits)

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ThursdayFriday High Intensity Sprinting

(10 Sprints)CTR#2 and/or #3(7 Circuits)


Week 5Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

SundayMondayTuesday Hanging Leg Raises

(4 x 15)Incline Crunches 4 x 20Renegade Rows 4 x 10

CTR#2 and or #3(7 Circuits)

WednesdayThursday High Intensity Sprinting

(12 Sprints)CTR#3 and or #4(7 Circuits)

FridaySaturday High Intensity Sprinting

(12 Sprints)

Burpees Intervals (5 Sets)

CTR#3 and/or #4(7 -8 Circuits)

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Week 6Slick Exercises HIIT Circuit Training

Sunday High Intensity Sprinting(12 Sprints)

Burpees Intervals (5 Sets)

MondayTuesday Hanging Leg Raises

(5 x F)Incline Crunches 4 x 20Renegade Rows 4 x 10

High Intensity Sprinting(12 Sprints)

Burpees Intervals (5 Sets)

WednesdayThursday Hanging Leg Raises

(5 x F)Incline Crunches 4 x 20Renegade Rows 3 x 10Planks2 x F (over 1min)

Burpees Intervals (5 sets)

ACTR(6-8 Circuits)

FridaySaturday Incline Crunches 5 x F

Planks 3 x (over 1 min)Hanging Leg Raises(5 x F)Lying Leg Raises 4 x F

Burpees Intervals (6 Sets)

ACTR(6-8 Circuits)

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Other Fitness Programs You Might Enjoy

1. Turbulence Training by Craig BallantyneTurbulence training is considered as one of the most effective fat loss training system in the world today. The program helps you to lose fat, gain muscles and still maintain a lean body with a minimum workout of less than an hour 3 to 4 times a week.

The core element of turbulence training is workouts that disrupt your body’s stasis and don’t allow it to settle. As a result your body burns up a lot of fat trying to catch up.

Turbulence training can be easily done at home either before or after work which ever time best suits you. You’ll get the workouts done fast, avoiding useless exercises or any waiting around twiddling your thumbs.

2.Visual Impact Muscle Building by Rusty MooreBasically, readers of the Visual Impact Muscle Building book is directed to have a beautiful body look more like Brad Pitt, not bulky bodybuilders.The Visual Impact Muscle Building is simple to follow because of the explanation given for every phase. In addition, users will find solid information on supplements, and a diet plan focused on building muscle mass and dieting. Moreover, a 227 page exercise

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demonstrations book is provided to help people with ideas on which exercises to use.

Visual Impact Muscle Building for Women

Rusty has also released a women’s version that concentrates on keeping that slim fit feminine physique. Visual Impact Muscle Building for Women will allow females to build muscle and burn fat without getting the “bulky” muscular look.

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3.Cheat Your Way Thin by Joel Marion

With tremendously busy lifestyles and a food choice spreading different cuisines; it is indeed hard to keep a healthy diet or fitness routine that will cater to a fat free body. The obvious demand for weight loss has resulted in many products and guides to assist in weight loss and one of the best selling Weight Loss Diet Programs over the past year has been Joel Marion’s Cheat Your Way Thin Diet.

This fat burning program has been a large hit, largely in part to its innovative diet system that actually insists that you enjoy your favorite foods instead of restricting them.

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About the Author

Alain Gonzalez is a personal trainer, former mixed martial artscompetitor, free lance writer and fitness consultant who hasdedicated his life to helping others meet their fitness goals.

His transformation has been featured in articles on websitesall over the internet and has given hope to countlesshardgainers all over the world.

He is the founder of www.MuscleMonsters.com, a fitnesssite dedicated to helping skinny guys and gals build muscleand stay lean, and is the author of "Bony to Brawny" – Theskinny guy's secret to explosive muscle gains revealed.

Copyright 2011 – Alain Gonzalez – All rights reserved http://musclemonsters.com